HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-07-08, Page 30� VA I ", r wwww""- � ___ - ­­ I ­",­ , __'TJJr""' ---�-,-?--,Mm-'71,T,-,!,-7--v,�,tl---r-Vw-,-qw"vmp9p.puwwm9w-.7--wmw-wv,- 7-11w- 7�,X �r-4,-_-"Wv7w-­T­�---T ­ ..., ,- - - - -- z-.----r,---X-- , .. I . OW� . - I � - .1 11 I " -?"W 7 *1 .1 . __ ­ � � 0- - . '. � I 0 ___ - _11., M .11 I— I � . - . - - __ " mi.7 - ; - ,- .. "T6Pr.W.X=W,,_,,,1,,,1,,,o I i SRI! :iiiiiilll,l I ----= I " � ­ ­9�1 !4- - - 0 - , , * .1 ''I".. -_ :=! .1 ­­ ft-.�,1.!:':, It � 12 11 iltl: 11 11 0 mill . =11 0 1 ,-""***$""Ogto""O#"**"**"O000topo.0000-04"000"* I I ,. 1-11 1-1 - -1 ­ 1-1 -1. 11 � ., 911111:111:1:11 i =11211111111:." =_11p '*�oplpi I . . .� . The Model Schools - - - _ , """.' =. _ ­­­_ e 1. 1. * *.Al 0 .. . .14 r I wrwm.% I _r ,0"W%. " I . I 4n , , - - .. ,w, s,o �� - , %�,,J U.M� I �,� , of .04tarlo 1909 THE SUNDAY SCHOOL,, � . ., I . ,, . , � D 1 45 tri Ct Ne' T1 V The, sesidork of theModel EWboojo will, I , , , .1 I - I tm _� . 1M_"--"-0V�" I begin on the first day of Septe her 'I* r 'IT sir *04, - . , I low, and will end on the f1fte .. ,it ll� : Lesson IlL.Third I '; ..Ctrj ,;�.: ' ;%.....p . Quarter, For . - I � .. . I , . ­ � Gathell-od; by, a liustling Staff of correspowlents 00ecember. . I I �. . I . � .. � � I . .. � Application for admission shall be . .. July I % 1909. _. I � I I I , I l000"oo"**"**"**"$#****"***Ooo"#*"O;o ------ �%_ - Made 10 the Deputy Minister not later 111MION I I 11 .1 11 � . . I I . . -, than August 15tb, UN, on a form to .11 � . I 1. 1. I" I . . . ­ .. - I -­..--­­.-- - 411 iphango ^ 4icldy baby to 4t THE INTERNATIONAL SEMESs . r . . be supplied by him. Vn . Who Heavall In addition to the car(I of admiaelon PIUMP, romping child in Aummor as , ... � , . . �� . from the Deputy MIAISIeF vach ap- well " ist winter. Only one cent I 11 .. .1 I 11 �jk � . - . I � - ..... .4, barn raising on the Blyth Estate M160,Reasle Urquhart - Instructor in . hn� . ... was one of , the events of nesday 1�'Xpresqivq I � .. Omni, on presenting self at a A'dby-think of it -*44 i as wo .1 I 414 �, wed and. Pnysical U'u,ture at a Model tlebool, ishallaniamit to the . as CrOAM. TeXt of the Lesson, Acts xvii, 1-10. . prin- . I afterinooltand attracted quite a Crowd. 14 Nowton, Worth Carolina, I cipal thereof. OetasouIllbottienow. All lhuggws. . MemOrY Versev 11-001don Texto'Ps, . I collo , k) rz .,, . The many friends 0 Dr. Udward, C, homer On her way here she spent IV (1) A cortificitte froni competent all- , 11 CXiX, 11-C I . . I lWilford, son of ,T. Wilford. of this few days at Washington.. WMANX011sbiffimma ! * 0 1 ornmentary Prepared by - . � , . 1,40"AY .that he was at least eighteen 1001MRS1. I I � - tglace, will be pleased to hear that be I . . ,;, , 1. I Rev. D.. M. Stearns. 8 lin o e taking ov ' as passed the final examiva d A grul) is playiog. havoo with the years of age before Sept. let, low.), I_ T - _-­ - I .. I ­ . er the New � . tion of utch sets Wthis section and according, (2) A certificate from a clerg I ' -_ -' (COPYright, 100, by Aineripan Press Awelstion I $Ontario Medical (loupell. to some of the growers zrnk . *00% -1 - , , ny ot the ue other competent authority, t - lassing throup the two placea we' ' I ' -ailgettlen of L. 0. L, No. W% patches would not pay -ox eases. is of good mot -at character., et's Corner , 11- A tit w& have �enue 113 Xhe OL K'"'b'O' Thb Po E lyth, b.4ve invited Rev. W. R. coo- , ftev.S.Tollandwif"lefN ker6. (3) A certificate on the offteial form =:--�� toned, they sojourn �or a time at . . avored, by , OrWal . .f7r � . ­ 1-11 ­­­ ­­ ,ye,r,etheir Chap., to preach to. them on Ville. On.4anday Xr.. Toll was pro from it physician, that he !a physicall '�'-_� Tbessilloulca, where Sabbath jifter ' tb . y I � vening of J q islit i4ble for the work of 4 teacher, and es- le "OYM10 10 overy available means,,Jo improve, i . TV, 11th, to this Noth. sented with a tin TI I odist church at the, usual hour, Iq china salid d . . , I&Wt V.-k$S. Sabbath they Proved from the Scrip. � �, J$xeth. with fork and spoon to v,ilatch by his Pecially, that he is tree from set -ions - , � ren from the neighboring lodges. have 'Bible Class. - I . -faced little fellow $1ts alone Tures that Jesus of Nazareth is the i . Them invited to attend. I . defective eyesight or hearing, . & 844 Christ, the promised messiall of lsra� the Same, All will admjt� - that - .m,&TRiBroz;i&L,-A quiet but prett ' A disasta one fire broke out at 7.30 1 One of the following ; in dtep disgrace, I 9 in L Y Thursday evening in the second story t!)) A certificate of having passed the There's 4 lamp arising. in his, throat el, 'Intl that, aecorkling to tile Scriptures, ' . . . . wedding Look- plaev at thebome of Mr. of the machine .shop of the Uensall District Certificate E x inat and. tears at it was necessary for Him to suffer and � - . - , , am !on of . reaming down his face � and Mrs. Geo.'Rendersou, on Wednes- foundry. Before the brigade arrived 1001, or any subsequent year, .He _ general appearance., the paper, has I day, June 13th, when their niece, Miss the or wandered from his playmates$, to rise again from tile dead. The, Lord - � 1,111i Henderson, was united in e was past control, Itud it was (0), A certtlicato of having passed . for he doesn?t want to hear Jesus Himself after Ile rose from tile . . � �Ip . - Mary- with great difficulty th'at they -proven t the J�,xaroinatiowforH atrauce into the . Their shouts Of merry laughter dead Pursued thiwvery plan and from. been imp'roved - in. man .1 i kt *04 1 I "twoect "" 0110r," i" OiK gms I 'Jg I I "%,,e to Mr. 3asLeltob.ofWhit�pbureb, ed the moutdial; shop and saw tnilt ad Model Schools. since the world has lost its Mosds ,Ind all th . way ev'MI.Cooper. 'Prow-uplyat live e Prophets expounded I y 8. 0''. b -) A certificate of having passed - V I tly . whing fire. The loss, (i 7'. bria Party, entered the parlor to W cheer, lit all the Scriptues the Elilngs ebucerr. M .. I ., joining from ca . hich is estirnaled at 08,000, is partly the July Examination for Entrance in He has sipped the cup of sorrow, . . - - the strains of Lobengrin's bridal chorus ( by, insurance of $5,(W, 'Cho to t e N ormal Schools or V aculde of lug Himself, tihoAvlug I he news - coverec It S he has drained the bitter glass,. � that till the � � papers throxy,,ghout the played by Miss X, Nethery, B.olgrave! Hensail Foundry Company its controll, 144'd And his heart is fairly breaki g. t I '- - , Ali �wllito ed by London capital, the F, 0, Hunt lication-, or of having obtained 4U U 11 U.", which are written therein con. I I ., The bride looked very pretty per cent of the aggregate marks in he's thQ boy who didn't pass, . ' cerning Hini niust, needs be fulfilled - 'ouspany being the principal, share. either of these examinations with 25- (Luke Xxiv, 271 44-48). The, good lawn trimmed with Valenciennes lace 6 1 ti county are comnli- insertion and carried a boq,Aet of car. holders. Mr. Hunt stated to the Free per cent in each paper; provided that In the apple tree the robin sings' ,, menting us upon I nations. After the ceremony the :& cheery little song, news concerning Jesus Christ took . i . I Press tbatbe could not tell whAt the in all cases the c4ndidate satisfies the se to bear it . hold of the' pirit, .O_ guests sat down- to,a sumptous wed- firm would do in, regard to ripbuildlug, Principal of the Model School that -he But he dopsult em in Ili tile power of (be S the results thus I , din jZepast,served on the lkwn; The. __ - ____ is competent ilk the subjects 'of the showing aomethlngl�' for they received. the message it,$ it is . I iar attained, and . ' - [lid and not of . � . brNye's travelling dress was of blue Pain can. be easily and quickly'stop- Model School Examination whi.ch are wro � ced, the word of (jod �' - � I a poplin with blue silk waist to match, Pink Pain To,blets-Dir. Shoop's not required at the .said July 1.-,Ixamin� *Comes els faithful little spaniel for nian, and from them It sounded out we purpose Colitinuing , the gc)od . �1: I Mi. and Mrs. Leitch,, will reside in flsLp H I eadache wornan1V pains, ally ittions, . a romp and bit of play � . I � Whitechureb. (hiests were present I through all Afacetionta, ,,Ind Achata. and - . . . . . I 11 Pain 'anywhere, in 2,J winut.e !ebk noti- But the troubled little f eIInw cl.,,ewhere �I Thez,s. 1. 5. s; it, vtj. 110 : f�om l3luevalle,'Belgrave'and Auburn, . a sure.. Note. -Candidates are- hez sternly bids him go away, Fotilitlla,on the 25c. box. Askyonr fled that they must present tbamselws W Wo i We wish them many joys, I I ut th All alone he sits in sorrow� ,�vlth slinple and yet how full tho statement I . rk, until the appearance of - I . , I druggist or doctor abo is fovinula at the date prescribed in paragraph 1, . the N quiet but pretty wedding took -it% his 11. concerning . � - Ane. Sold by all Dealers., ' And comply fully with. the condi doto ' n,l air a tangled mass, ., thift, "Ye turned to God, . . . I � place at the home of the bride's par- . A 1 his eyes are red with v,reep, froal Idols to serve tile 110mg wid true . . . . . . ". . .. I -Moser, Young prescribed in pariEkgraphs 3 and .t;, ng.. 's . , I . I � . ents. Mr. and Mrs, J. G. I.,. I,.- .- .- .* , he the boy twho dido,t dod aiql. to 'Walt for ills Son frow . st., Waterloo, foritieWrly of.Blyth.at six Divorce In runglaud today Is a lux" . i Or "OacillatiqnVy - pass. I heaven, whom lit) ralsed from the . I � . e I I . . ; I o'clock p. m.j on, edneaday, June tiry reserved fdr the rich and the mod, 11 11 f .0 . ::'3rd, when their se6oud daughter, INfinnie, formerly of Mitchell,was unit, erately. well to. do. The poor mp n or I ed in the holy bonds of matrimony to woman who finds that the bonas of I , . NV. J. Eagart, wba recently dis osed, . matrimony are too heavy to bear can. of his laundry business in Mitchefl,but not, be relieved. of them. Alltborellet p .) w o ne of W aterloo'p. progressive hue. that Is open to persons (if this class I.% Iness men. - Rev. K. L..Wingliam, pas- it i)ollce court separatlofi, whlOi doej� - tor of the Evangelical church officlat- � not carry with it: the. r! . ght.bf. either,. ed. They were unattended, The bride looked charming in. a gowli of white I party to marry again'. , It isestlitiate(I x . 'for mull, trimmed with wilencienries lace tha.t .the bare costs ,of a sii,it (It- : 1. and insertion and carriled a large , vorco In. Englitild are $450 -unless. the. . boquet.of cream roses, The parlot suitorxecelvqs. permissiou to silo "its it. . .. -and dining room were tastefully. dec- pau'per," I . 4 Which c4se the fees 'will' orated with pink and white carn4ligns . , amount to about $150, .It is very, diffl- - ... and smilax. The young; couple were . . cult, however, to secure yermls�sloli,'tq - - the recipients of many uselulandhand- seme presents, which shows the high sue "lir-forina ' v), . . � pauperls, and tile Pro - esteem -in which they ivere hold by ceeding i§.'almost. tin known In the di. their manv friends. ' The groom'sgift voroe i=rt. The estlinate'd .$450. is to'the bride- was a bandoome. pearl for residents of London, If the stiltor. - - crescent brooch. Mr. and Mrs, Eggart . resides In the country the expense will will take up their residence at the COV- . . be much greater, for.dIVorcii stilts are - tier of . U nion and Mary streets, Water- loo, where Mr. Eggart has recently 'tried .Only In n . .Londo , and the suitor purchased a grocery store.' . . . must. travel -to London and -brIng all . I I . . his -A ... +1,' ml� I fel E It fft , V4 , Irr, ; i. 'I Uow he hates himself for fAiling � becan hear. lite playmates jeer, For they've left him with the dill. . ea , e.,en esus, WHO ot,44ver tt us , fron) tho wrath to come" (I Thess, 1, (9, 10), Here we have the threefold sat, . Ix .. C W � 1� - n I , - d . lards- gone Akead it half 4 . .� � rtition Illost, cloarly, stated, saved List . . 1. I " year-, . A nd - he tried so hard to c-onquer, . His SlIellfice.when we conie to God by Win, then hi.all tile -dalty lite living, . t � . I . I . . - . . . . .­.. I . I �. I I . Q11, he tried to do his best, . But, now -he knows bets weake r' ves, and duller than . � unto 1111%. serving Illin, and all the Lillie walt;n-. for �7 ,. 0 and oxflectlug the re-, .. . . . I � . . . . - ' " . is..00mPletel -.X ' y changed; any, . . . I new . . rho rest, I . . - . . V . . ,,,, i ashamed to fell M6 I mother .. . *- for he'. thinks she'll bla k* turn of Christ froa-Ileaven (I Thess, . . IV, 10-18). � . I - � . � I 11. . . � features7 ar . , . . � e being added, ' "sUil . � I I . � -' . - ' . . too-, . . . . . Tbel'�,vV,,�re many Nvll,) believed and . I . I .. and . 0. I . 'Thelittle boy who didn't pass,,who I I 'failed of g6ttjug. through. . , ' � I . . . . I continued to ,, Ive twed- to tile teaching of Ilaul oil 7' - . I d' Silas, but there were � I . .1 . . . . ­ , . .. I .. . I . . . ' * . .. . .. . . more are, 3-cphtempla,ted.' . � I � . � .1 . � . .­ Oh, you who boast , a .1aughing .TQA,%,.g who belic,ved not, ii-nd, being 'filled � . . . . , , . . . .. . � I . . I : 1P . I � , . 1. � I . . . . . � son, and. 9peak of him as with,envy and instigated by tile I I I I I . . . . . I I . I . . I . 1. 1� . ­ , . bright. . . I Aiid. yoll who " love , a � little girt great adversary,* set all tile. city In all . upro'cr, I accusim, those men of turning r, . . I . . . . .1 . I I . , . It requires :a- I I - � . . arge amou of . ut � who.cornes to yoLi at night . . . , . I .. .With §luilink eyes and dancing, feet . with honors from her school ,Turn. -tile world upsidedown -by. proclaiming , ,.,,., . . king -one J61Rus.' The� ivovW Is in- - . . deed'upside down ., I I . . . '- � . . . . . . , . . � . . I hioney -to execute thi- 'ch - e alages, . . � I . . I . . I p ud - - to .. . tftat� lonely littlet ..boy and all -wrong and M, . . . . . . I . . . I . . I I . . .. . .* who thinks lie is a to* 01 , � . I . -And take him kindly y the handt I not,vvilibstandin,-ilie boasted progress I of the day ,the whole world, still Ileth I I .. . I i ­�� . ' I . . I ' ' I - -with this fact before'us, we, , 01,� . .1 '.. are � . the'dullest in 1�1 s . - - I lie is 'the one who' 'needs lo-ra in the wIcke.d one (I John *,. 19, A. V,)f .4 so I �, 4A ,ty lit . .1'.. I I . . � 1. . t . . . . 0 . . � I . I I . . . .,-. .1 ., � . I . ­ 4 I. ­ .. V. US L110. aver- * F. rq � d�lle­�-Are yo . 'a fond of -inotorhigl * .-th bb�r�wbo didn . . I an �"- .. .. , " . � V ­ ­'. .- . I ' . . . f . . . * . � . I c .1 't Pais. . . . overturn oyprturn, until Ne come fering M-0, - toom . I . �f 0 st�o,f divorce. suits, In 14!.nalilnd Is -__ - - , � .1 �. . Ni� W: Bit " to - .: end'. o I.— . .... I ' ' � � . � 1, , ,f . . - � .Mamle Olt, ybs! Arid.the constani . . L . . . . . . ,Q; change. . I . . I . Whose rght it is, and I *111 give.it' I . - I . Keep Childrem WeIV* . . . , : . . � , ;,P . I . . - I - . "Osculhtion" doesn't*bother e QL bitl � Mille?&lVorm Powders are the -bes . . . I . . , . .1 . t 4B." . . . t - 11 .. .. -1 . ., . . . . . . . . , To Him" (Ezek. �ixl, 27). ,There "is only . 11. _ R . �, During flot Weatlie , , lit 1909, jS., .,ir . I , . xative medicine for children;,as nice , . TO NEW SUBS' . , � . I . I I C:1.4. a 117 c2f X?L�x -,&A6.. - * . .. � . I . . . s sugar. � Sold by�`W,-% R Holmese one who -is capable of middrig all wrong � $ .. . . w1r, ORI ' * - r , ` . . .. I a I I Mi .� I . . . _.. . I � . Beats the - The KMd Yu Hive AlWhys 8000t - , I I 1. ' I I .... . . .1 I I .. . ... thlugs right on . 'this . long. sin cursed' ' ­ . . . � . � . I . . . . . . .. I. . I , . .. . ..1. � 134 very mother knows.how fatal the ' $�mittaro ­tmw� , "A'steak that bai.-tlie4fa:t.n)arVIed Ili . � . � . . I t'. .: . � - i � . . . 8V1JJ1Jk]F,1t -,�OU, � - '. earth, . .f 4 � . . .. � . :, . V . Is the best to eat," sillo I)r, )? M b 0 hteou - ' . . . . . � . . 9 - I . , , sumnler munths are to small children. 01 . 11 . �. F Trow� THE � . BEST . - 7" , land He -is thii. Xiug'who'shall.. 0 * any.address in Caha'da or I � - ' rei-n in rig snes6 And shall briiig - , . . � . ­ I- � . , .� . , ' . I . 1. - . . . � . . Cholera infantum, diarrhoea, -dysen- . of, . 4Z.4,zr111. V-W."I"." � lbridgei,brofessor of agricultural client- . . I '. . . . . . . . I I . . , .. . .� .. . I . . I . � . . . . _ . " . � . � � try and stomach troubles are - alarm� I . . �_�Jn days like this, . ..� . . I Dea,ce and qulotio�osa on the whole'. � I I - . - �. .. 1. . . .. � I.. .. . I . . . .,, � I .� . � . _. � istiry in. theAgricultural i!olfego, 9.f. the 'shall Ile Kin of It . . . .. I . . . � , . . 1, When pprspiiiitioif', . . .... . . . . . . ingly frequent at this tinin and - too . .1 . . . . I University .of Mlssolirl, -Ili it keeent lec-7. - �., % I I eartb; for He . g . Inks , . � ... � . I I , often a litcle lite 4s - lost after a. fe-0 In great contrast to tb� extraordl- tfire. Val�,: pinkisir -steak, js tt' . I-Aines my bro*' - . and Lord of lords; aild.all kings and I I ' :.� �� . , . hours illness. .rho mother who keeps nary progress made. In transpbrtatlo om - I 11 . . . And desperatibil ' , ' . - all ndtion� iiiii!]. serve Him (Isa. xxxil, ,. . I ts � . I . 11 " 'baby beef' and is not nvrly as Palar F ills my soul . . . I I . , a I . . . .. , I . . , . , . . L I er- . , 1� sard.i)r. * . . . 1, IT.; Rev.' xlx,10; lls.� Ixx I * L . � , . ' � B Lby's Own Tablets in did house feels In Africa Is the backwardness of P* . table as. more inaturd- mekt, , . Becaus6 itts*hot, - . %. 11). 'Ac- . safe. The occasional useLof .these Tab- 8ia, one of the oldest countries -of the. . , a . cording . to' , oiir hor'd's ', command, , . I . I . 'and bowel d4 . 1. . ' -,9 - L . , I . . , 11 . lets prevents stomach Trowbrldg&. "The Juiciness of'n. iteak I yearn for lobs . . . 4-0 , ' ' ' n 9� .., troubles or if the trouble .comes su& ,Worl. . Its ,tianSpOrtatldn faCilItI6$ ,Ire,* . . . . . "When they, p�r3ecv te� *01� in thi.,k city, - . I . much the . * . . ­ varies inversely with the � *afer in,it.10 That I - ha 4e not . . . a , ­ fatt.,:X, .,',�), 1?�,41. . I . �. I I .... . . . . L . . I I I - . �sftmc as they wore In tbo . ­ 4 ­ .L. . denly will. bring the I * ittle one thioilgh f He explaln.�d that the 11,111ley", ap�earat * Ws much too virariYi . ' � '�. � . . ee Ye to an6ther".Q1 . I . I ... . ' ' ' , ' ' ' . . . ,For v ': and Silas passed on to Berea 63d. there ' 1* ' safety, Mrs. Goo. Howell, Sandy days of ATexander the Great.and V1,ir- . or�ses solemn - - ' , . . .1 ,,Beach, Que., says: -"My baby�vvas co:. Polo; ' There - are onjy, sIX, mll'�14 of dime" of a steak tbal: dellgh6 -tile. epir .* . 1 'Ahd'y'et I'm%forced' : - . . . pursued -the same course, ,opening to L : modate- conveh-_ . - curo'comes -from, tile *f'* . . - , 1. . . � . 1L.... L .,.. 1. . suffering from colic. vamit,n and railroad in the: who at MOW Into .- To till a cOhlWil- , - ' .: -. " them ,the' same, Scriptures concerning 1. � : I . . L I I 1. .le country, iind*of� � the Lfibers and that. the illwor comes. I' .. . I . g. . diarrhoea, but after giving him Baby's ten these arc� ,not . . WOuIdLnL ' I � Own Tablets the trouble disappeared.'? _ under operdtion. :from the amido acid nitrogen and the ot oare .. . I I I . .the same Jesus. .Here also,many men. ubsbriotion th "at . I L There are on-IFIllree 6r four good, dirt . .. I I . . a baker. I . and women bellel , .- . . � 11 .. I Soldbv all medicine, tlaealer� or byi,roa(Is,anclalm6st�ilitran,ipoi � 'L filt.111 the fibq'rs. . . I L .To be * � . . . , red and rec"elved.the . I . I . � . . L . L i ninil at 25 cents. rtati,61113. i . . ; . I . � . ,In July's hot days, I word readily aud-'thus bmught joy to . I I . . . . � a box'fron' The Dr- done by Pack trains, ' . . . . , . , � � ' .. . . . I . � Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, . I . Camels, blorses, I I _____._W_ . . , . .. I I . . . . . . . . .. . . Nor candlemaker, , � , L ,themselves, the joy and'pgace'W.bLich . . . . -Ont. , . mules, donkeys and men, are -used- iii - � C:1 -4. M W CX WL X .dL . �- - .. ,' In,flactorieii . ... , L : .-owe by, believing (Rdin.- XV' L13)'p 10% - . I -1 I . I I . . I I "L � . L � . . - I . , . ., I : . . . . I . , I . I ... I bea$ts�'Lot burdbw. ..The � traveler ,' - Beira �. . , Tl*'Kind You Hove Nwaya Boughi - ' L Would not toil. . - . . I .. . . . . L I . .1 . . I ; OrLdo, I they. also were a. comfort to the Lord . . . . . . . .. .. I . . .usii1.al&,rlde the poiL.,borscs, but.tbeso, .$Igltature �.. � .. . . long '. L, . . I � . : 1. 'ivhen OnL�ealtll in Ills J I . I ..L. .. . � . 1. � . . . I . Seatorth . . I are . _ _ q L ..... I . To till'the $oil. .L. .1 , Himself., tor- . . . _ . . .. I . . . � . rather poor animals, audit Is Cli.q L, . :_of . . e4,.p 6 . . . , . , . . I . ­ humiliation He sdIdL. to His Father In - . I i . . , . . . ­ � ' .. I . . . .1. I I . a . I'li,ould no e . . 11 ' L . . I . . ---,�..�----t�--_,. , ': �1 1. . aid - tip totad ' to- btry_. or i�IiQ. borses and 1), . � I . I , ... . , . . Dan McLeod, of Calgary, fs� ji . I c,40 � tile L ..... ...... U; N t b , . the ., . I - d, �, , . . I eer, L . . . .. 1. . I L. . I . 1. .. . . ry. .. t ack . .�� ., �_ I � - . Ad engin . I Heaven, . "!:have kiven unto them . . . with typhoid fever. Mr.. . ... . . - I . MaLeod's,. :n'nIrnaIs.,. This costs a native about 20. I .. .. � . . � . I .. I. : . . . .. . I . I., . -gavest, 'me - , and I I ; 1. �.. . . .... . . I I.." I . � many Senforth friends will. hope.. for. ' opcL . . . .. .41th,ough the. pay � . . I 1. . . .. words which .Thou I � . I . � �% . 1. .: � . 1 �. . I I I -- . 'the'.Arcrihnger. % ... : -1 Js 9004, -1 bea : - they have received them!' (Joba.xvil, . . I . . .1 . I .his speedy recovery. . . . reiits..a day, but no forel ,;,or (.$In. h . I . � Yhe. taiin't and.L . . r I 1 . . . . * * - , . . L - - ' -- � . . . . � . . . I . . . V " Itts much tqd ( . ,, . . I . . .1. . . The public school board has ell .to. tra 61 so 61leaply. IV, wotild'be prod- It ,'i.; oil atlimunt of hi _� 00" earn,(ilit 11 )�" '_ 8). Let us.i.6member that. whenever ' . I I gaged, lit) - - , . . , I I I- . . . . . . . I . I . . I .' all _ � ufferIng s loft manv.. - . I � Wg -receive His: word, ineekly and - as: . AWN& . L , ' - of , , "�L ever, -or anylone to I to *. e jl� .To-b� a Preacher,: ' . , I � . J. T. Ourti,q, of Gue'ph,- as principal L1.19 f , " )Illy 1110 fac","on which's I ..''. . ' ' L ' �. . theschool, his duties commeheo. after than...$5 a :day for tvvn siervants. four ,I inark, and bp6attse 'of )R9 wile's. -� � . -IL'd rather lie .1 . .h I I , the ,very word. of Goa we,pI.eas6.Wm.' . . I ML � . 1. . . the summer Vael'Ition.' - Mr.-j)urtis ',br.'fiv�,.aninialsaiid--t,',(,I.r..t(�ecl.- ,tvol �.IvbndeTful' hair. and. coroplexion. and . - -4, �wllllmln� teacher, � . . I I . . . V41&K I . .. . _r�r, , . . There 'was at .least 'one point -in , . , . . . -:fi(,-f '' "fi' L -moll , : ' - , "" which- . - - comes highly recommended. -, e. .1. : -:'. I ­ , . ney'--'--ld,6'4�-fi,dttirp..C;L,,' that L Of MI - -the Snininer . �L' ' - 'thoL. at L. , JUO is MagazIn L . I . . . . , . . . croons � excelled, and th I . , . . . . . . I . . I a teacher of considerable experience, - , _.,:_..., ___.:_..* ­ I . . someone has bestrlived these nick- . . 'Jobs there is, - . . . , 13 a 1%.:Y. - . L , . . I cossf a I -, I names on Mrs. Philip Snow- His is'the tnosb* . . . . � 'I', ... , a their searcblo,� L I I and will no doubt. niake'a sue . Mr. -and a . wu'al . g',the'Scriptures � . . principal. . L. . The-weak,'fluttiirdrg heii�t. b2cQ,neo deh.. Th'o L'abor li'arty is not d6ficient , - � . . ilaily, .that they might,see ,for them I -- I I I . . . I . . L , . I Forbes Bro;., of town, who ,were strong Ttnd regularwhem �Jjllle ' . Delightful biv, _ . . . I . . . . , 1. 'r'S Uom'. in, -g I ootl s cah0l"S, but Ihoiil aTj%L lJot � . .L 1. selies the tilings.which Pauf:taukht . . I � . awarded the r , round1ron Pills art-,$ used, 8old4y:W, A], L 01, I , , His wol-kiiig clothes � � I . use Pant- .. I * . . T;1 conft�ub . I . ArOfew-ariA c6ol., ., � ,. .. .. Tuckersmith 'T61ophons' S. H, Hqlmes.� - . . I - ?I. ators in the House ,arid believe tliemi' nbt' beca' .. ­ L� .ontLACt for the , I - . . . . . I I . .. ­ .. . time,. - .'' , tion of the . , . I . �. -thah. Mr. - Unfort -, . � I , I L owl.ng , to .. System, are busv I .� - I . . . I . I L . . I I Snowdeii.. lifiately . lie, has, the river . IL . taught. them,,. bnt beeduse God Him- . .. ., - .� . L. . I . . I . . . . . . . . . I - . . putting up the lines I I L . _­ _�-�_,_ ­ .. . ­ his early (InVil, Ile Nyaq the Vietint. p0r 114 school, - .- . � . L . . . i I I .. . I . . in, , wl,iCIL L . I . . I self ,hkd*tol(I them, In His word, .The. .. . . ti Is � L . . and have ahout*25 men on the job� . '. I , , ' lit ha' left him I And, sitU ' I . . � . h ' resent . . I Win. Holm -'s, of Seaforth, must . . One of 'Vzzyls". Yc:un2: -Men... of an acci& I 1 114 1 Ing by -L' . I i only way to be established Is -to be;. . , e P. .necessary, ou a .we. _�- I L . . i serve his senten ae of two L vears in the It %was'-I)is ' tiioli- iN-110 iniiv - h(z ,baitl to �. iqore or, 16ss of a c cripple.. At.tbe ' � The water's brim . llove God, believe what'Ho says to ui I ... I . . � . I . I I . . - .. .. Y� , . I I . , . _. I Central for abduction. He wits con. have discovered. the abilili" of J'or& ftalnp, timn thiS :.q cidpnt: 1�as the, ; The gQntle'breezes'-' - In, His word, accepting It as lt Iffe had I . I . . �T . cause of Iiis taking scrioutly. to poli. , Comfort him , . . .... .. .parti ul ar'7 ' d I � . � victed and sentenced by the county -George Haniilton, I -lie clinirman ot . spoken it. to its directly by a voice, , - , 1*1 � c . JY . e8ire. that ' I t'C$. L. Mrs. Snowdon is a1s6 a very- :And when -he ��ori,s . . I I . 41'1'L money . =to,f Huron Ootintk on a charge of the' Poor- Lhw "Corrunission, whoso.' , . . sa3r, . . . I . . . . . ng Maud Rally, daughter ot' startling report -hs.s Su,�t I)II.11 �,,;,ll(ql., . Ole or., Shp has spoken in al- His arm is placed , . 'frpin-fteavon. Then wheif we can . . I I . � ., ver orat . � .. . . . I I . � . . 'L � I hou � most'. every in4ustrial cen'tre in the . Around some lovely d's did tile people of Samaria IIVV'e � outstanding' ou . set whotn, he took from Bea; The late.. Lofd Beaconsfield wil'.. at- . � I " e/ - s -b - his - L� . f � I v . e L all _ : ' L ­ . uLbscriPtions. e . , , , - - . -bag 'often acted - . Maiden'g waist. - - I have heard.1tim dukselv�s­ W , . � . I .. . I . . : I . I I . forth to Guelph. The Appeal was made traeted'by handsom(� youna men, and Vnited Xingdorn, and is . . . . - I . . , I I - . . :1 . . .. . . on the grounds that.Hola.es L WAS . tak. Lord George I'lapponod to b -t not on-ly as.her.husband's qubsti-tute when fif I I . - . � not be tossed about by every wintl of L ' ' .. . . . . I . I I I . I ------ ---� 4� ., .. . . - . � . . I .. � I i all of tll(, iea . . Ing me, 'but ho was the, � ' ', I ItIv has prevetield him iulfilli . . ,alp in.- . I . . .- I I - the girt bo%.e to her 'mother. A. handso . . . :� � . . .---;- .doctrine (�ohfi IV, 42; II'Chr�n;�-,4 200; P �.,. I . .. I I . . . . . . . . I . . 1. I . ' . engagements. .. I � I . Pale cheeks .rapldl 'become ro4y. . 1. .. . I . ­ I I � . . . . I I stated case was suhmicted as to whe. statesm. (m's� great Men(],. the -third . . . . . . I y Isa.. vil : 9)i� Tbo� majority .of church-" . L I � . . . . L I .i .. . I . . when Mil,er's Compound -Iron -pills are � ... I . L I . . L I., . . . � .1 . . . .. . ther it 'was a case pf abduct.lon. : The Duke of Abercorn. It was, At, "Diviy's '; ' --. - . . . . ... . I goers . 9130 e I iVO Whitt . � L 1- 7.. . . I . . I . . . . . . . ken. , ZO doses -25 (.ents. Sold by W.- , g im, too .pr to b I e I., 1. .t . . . .. . .1 .1 . I ta . ' L I . . I � . , t1liestion is aftswerbd in the' affirina. , iiiiggestion -that Lotd Georgt�, thcri. a.- . . - . . . . I . SL R. Holmes. ' I g as � L . . L L � �the'preacher says inst�ad of,doln L : I . . : L . . . I I . � � I . ' ' . - tive, and the conviction sustained. , .. Young 'hiiir�. Of twority.threet �Was put. . . Likewise, Many * Bottstdrg.' . . . 10 . .. .. . I 1, I.. . the Bereans did, and therefore so few ­ . .. I -1 .- I I .". . L ­_. _. - L . . I -.,-.;,. . . . . . . . - . . . . . 1. �_ . I A � -_ . . I .1 I L . . up.to lead a f'orlbrn fi6pe in,Middle- ,'. .'.'Any man can. b.6ilat'thatIle Is' d8 . . . .. 71. L 7 I , . . . . . I I I . I . L . . . . A . 11 . . . 1� I . . . 6u56 L . .1 I . � -seem to be'established. .They sClso as4 . ., . I .. . .. . . L I I .. . a sex, and to Me surpri'se .'of everyone regular as cloekNvork abqut ,. ess.r) . - I ... . . ; � . I.. . . ... I I 1. � L L .. I . IMUTTEIMILKIS THE STUFFS - "How do 'we know what to believe , L L . I. I . . I . . . . . � . . . . . . I . . . .1niportant Annoufteentent" hd--wa.% ieturned itt the head of - flie. . ,�Sur6l' 'Nino,! clock*orks, 01it �of* fen , - .11 __ � � - , . - .. , . when d � ifferent . toachers' teitch � so dif- - ' - ... . . . . � .. . I . - �_ 1''. ... � . I . . . L . .1 I . . . I . . I .. . . I . 'L'. ­ - . 4 . . ., . . � . . . I . .L I .1 . 'L . .. .. .1. ... .. . . . . � I . 1 6-- . . , I poll - The sunny'wd` �,quable 0rnpei . are more or less fastoi '10w and gIV- , Tfie maple�di . 'ferently?" The angwee . is:ln Isa. . vi . 11, . . I . . . .. . . I '. , I . '4 yrup . I , L . -i - of' �-oid O'PoTge bas .gained for him en -to freakish'. spellVl"Ktatisasl City And the bu kwheat uke, . . V.,,, To the In.W , , . ... . . . '. . . . IL , .� ' " to the readers of the' Xn, w IMRA -that colleagues hai I beeii fieat& to i'ay. I . . . . 'The bread like Mother I . . 4 audL to the te , . . . I �. . . . . . L . .. I � ... I . -�. I - . - ., ,-- , ­ f thqyd speak not according to .� . . . I � I . they have sectivid the. agency for ParL. "George Hamilton ii a us0fnl'­fe,IJ6,%v . � . � . - . I . Used.to, make� . I mony, I . . . . I . Sian Sage,the marvelous dandruff curb et'L illet'i 0 L I I 117he chiclA.ea like . .. :1.. � I . this work, it -is bociluse there Is ng. ". .. L . .. .1 L . li . . I . . I 1 L� .1 . to have in the Cabin be6ausii he- Tu 116� Pills; only ' - My mother tried, ' . . lhorning for them." . .. I I I . . I ompouni * . . I . . and delightful hair dr6eding. . . , . . I . I _B . . . W.S.R.ElolmesdeF;Iie.,itoLan�()U)dee . much PoPufarity. I'Aile -one of hl� - ol;i , Times. I I . . � . . 0 0 20,11 stt, I . � 1, . , - I . L . . L . L . t . knows.Avf,ion to be �flbnf!l* L 25 cents for 60 eonts.� Sold L by W. 9. That usell'to line Th ScriPtuees ftre'tbe'only fnfallIble i' . 1. . . . . � I . L . � . W. S. R Holmes is glad to state ,. - .L L . \, . . R.'Holmes. . a . . MY small inifide,' . a . . .. . . I . .. L . , I. L � . I that P&risijin Sageis a rigidly guaran. . _.." I I,., 'L .. I . I .. I . ­. . � . . . L guide, nna our Lord.said tliatWhenA . , ­... I . I ­ I .. - . . ..,­ � teed hair restorer. .1 I I . -17- . I . .- .. � . - L�. I -L 11 The pumpkittl3le � ' ' It is Decaiise they kfiow n . . . I I . I . I The doughni!its'brON . I It cures dandruff in two we I . . . L ... Ong., . . ity . people etr ot ,- - ' eke by - . . Ti6rie Sav . I., ,riptures nor tfip : . . I . The c%ndy dad L I ,.the Sc , pow6r.of Ood, . �.klllingLthe dandruff lyiicrohas�, it stops - , q , " Po, �du'dpprdve of'chemf�als ,laid � I i0W]iJ L , . , . � ' . L failing hair, it,cures all st I L 19 S A9. ANVUE � ot llbstallce � 9 in food ��'. - Brought our, from: I I . L . .L Tile Professedwessen9pts Of Goa wfil,' I., � .. or modey backi I -alp diseases, �,' % .. �' . her forelgii si : . .. DotiltVidjy . . It,they. ttfe.true nics9engers, carry only L . . . I .. "CeftaInly," answered 1he I . . ifludili ".. I I L . � � . It is a most ple%sant hair dr' I . . . waglAa.' Appeal to ine , . .. . the . Lord's MO.Jsage; otherwise they . I . . . I . .1 � . � ,B(1t buttermill " . ` . I . .. I 11 I essing. - - - -- THE TAAD.9, KARK; tl�e scientist. "I am now, efigaged'iv' I' P I I . N I � I. N G I especially for ladles, as it makes the . : ... . I . . � I . . C I . . . . . , . I . 11 . � I a I . . dfa 00ojifiefg of the deacit of their o,wn . . I . I I s I I . 4 . ­ - ellt,Lifie , . . ­_ . L . I . I � I e - . . . I i hall! soft and lustrous. The. price� Is l . , %'"'The, - ' experiments by which *a cur# f6r, (Tys.' . I Ot thadd daya!l qr el: . I . . L hea 8, .the Lord-tiever 8 to - _ .1 * . . I .� Only 50 cents a large bottleat W, $. 10 , * 4i, PoPsItt, can be Intr6duced. Into eVery Pfeel, Pwouldzft 8 I . . �, .�p � . L ' iilir; f_20). Ille dev'li doe" . . ,.. . � I Axti7s S cer h ­standard L *.of. w , � . I . . I . The hig Holmes or by, b�tpresso all charges p .M P1 ple."-Wa,ghington Star. ItGlve a durif - . . . . . I 0 *-Ir 0 kre , I , . I . T could stand ' I . . . tainly hafe file *ofd of God. and so he . .1� I . L . . I �. ^ Alk, . I ,loaid,from Giroux Mfg. Co., V rr, p,r , 10 . . it e' Leaf". . . I . . I . . � . . . L - I vn stlrrpdllil� iollower� At Thesstilonica to' ' i I I : L , , ' . I �! 1 ,L,L. Ic 'acte. zed - - . . . . . . . . L . - 'bnt . . . Beside the ohu * . , am I � T L . SmashlAo Aetordr,'L . And drink'aga, . . .. go & Be6d, iibd; 61)1�ose flit, servant. . .h ' 1.h has he'retofore.,oha r' . __ . 00,*L�SWNWNMWW�M=�� +T1.4 4T, 47 f +0 To T Mr�- A.. Schriare it great gale, in ., .. �. A , . . . . . . L ri . . _ _ . � ­ . . . I ___,� . I LL .. . Black Nint, X,13, Mrs. A, -Yes, It was . ; ,The way I did I . of the� 'Ldrd tliert, ,.Tljl� resulted Ill , I I I I I . . I I . P . I � A . -, .. I . W*tA�X']§AC1XK writes: is rWY&rs Wby, tfie * auctioncer knocked down When I was just ', - ' . , Paul I ' ' tb .Afi�ii�, while 'Silas ,the ' ' 0% 11 _' � : troubled Bra , J b-,Pri ' . I . eo ,VeJ4,..e - . . 00111 yg"S, over a hunared pleres of taro china Ill A littl� kid, .1 . 90 II&I on I � 0 in e XPERIENOF. . . . I .... I w" . . + . and Timothi hbod6 io� 9 f1mo at Be: , New . . . � . - ting D : . - . I . . ­ I . . . I I with weak back flit h0ur. , I . �. It buttermilk tratil.ra, I solit ioi thehi, fo come . . A , , . . .. I I , . IntoXiented , I I . reft 11 . I I . � . , I ,�":W�, . I - 0 .1 - I 11 i 0 . I .L I ' ' -4 " *4%, % , I , Z AMY SVE , '11* R I T +1 t + Xt I i $1 1 - , . . . �, I . .1. . : J0 ' I . � . L I a 0 . r�anffes I . . . � ' � � -P , .. . . L . find I havd also*bWft a great werer . � , t from Gen. Il,'2, 4, onward, - J . . ' ` k 1 OT 47-40TTYT. ­ntirllesl'hav� o Idn. Z.-Oraelous! Ile almost equiLl- I . . I to hifn With all speed. . The' devil's, pArtment , will I -n-A I , . . , . ? ,� .. - � . I . ; I - 1�id in 'bed for ed'the- record of our, mald.-Detrolt 1'd always be lYatrea of God ond.-ills word* is -jery I . " a future 'be M t Ll , . days, bding'starcely able to turn m I . Inebriated, , Wself, nottoo. I " ,�� t L , � � I WL &A. I I .. . . .� i 4 , while Ifying* W perMait my household � . . =!n7n__ and I havo ho'.hesItation In saying that ta"Xiiied by us, and 'all Worv-- will,'bla. . I . di . 1. . - . duties, Itbaddoet6i,stittefidingme*itil-l' 'rod 'rough. , - . ' . . . � . I I I . The t4dy-Mgging agaln? Why, J - -all OP�osltlou 0 And destructive orltI.- '. I I . . I . I - . I ." I K6 olltavait ttrid,tried liniments and plasters, P � HeAWD6maUS Oslo' of ffi6 word Of, -God today, gre e I L 1 - J17F?FVW",4 , DIMIGNS but h6thing sem6d - to, do me an;y you didn't eat that piece of steak I xectited,prombtly, .. .. I I . � I , good, . . I I ,I wholly of the devIi. Contrast bit, livL- , , I - - - . . . C0PVFkIQfJTJ9 &C. I Was about to give up in despaii when gave YOU* I I . :­­� . , � I . I . Anyona sending a 6katdh,aj1d dooer Won " ' that the bowel,§ be kept mgu. 1, z , - . . . . . . ggi.n.1 . I I ,� m husband'indueed ran to, try Poan' 1, . � 4h - I � h.V t - **if. " . L I . . I V ­ . I .. .%U-l��I.Tlioel2tkkiLl�,�l.*Lt�l-ilonll!p ��9910r, I ­yt, . _... I 1. . ,s The Ilobo-Lady I didn't asli 100' Inr. WAt4*t,%f,4, ,%-& -_l-___ - � . '. I i I I 10 . . . I 1. I I : . , � . 4 1 ; . ! � � , P11