HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-07-01, Page 7MINE 14 1. I I , 1. I . � I . a . 14 ---�-­--qMW"­,V1_ -----r,-�,--".W,"-,--"".,�,- j . , � , , ` -'--T- -PR"P"W'"W,WW­ - -'W' -AMW W. ".1--4- -QrT_, -, - _- __ - - -v7w�N -"­ --wK 7W1W 77 1 . .� . I ­- - - - , . , .. - -1 . I .� 4 , , '. 1, 4 I - . . July Ist, 190 The Clinton New Eral, . . 7 . , I I I . I . � . � �= - ---k.-- ," 1= -1---- � .1 I.. .I 1. .1-11.11 . � . I . - I I -1 , I.. ­ I �. I I 11, I . 111 I r I I I I . I � I . I -, . I , , 1. '. , ". , , , " - I � I I � I . - I � I I I II - - - . I I .- 1. - . . .1 1. � I _. I ­ ....., I -n - . .... .:- *:�'. , ..:;%;,. th .. .z, -,; . !. thcanwl" :-.-: . .� - .-'--'.1:*.,.. . . .. . . * , ,� 'Z ,:�'.*;% R.;*� , - ., - ".., .? 0 0 ,.d ��� ,#R�Mfww"!�Wv� tile trees to the right heraiam a com: as . . ,.. . . , ... si be satl9flea �imseir mac. Slue W_ , �p . *-*.:., .- - .., �"t,,.,.���-'-*.**.'.-*."".::,.",*.,r*;*.:,-�.i,-!..,...,�.,.�,.V!.Ri!:-�,'..*,,.'..'.-,I. bined rush on the fielle vueenstle. 11 asleep. Her lips were slightly %X=V.-,e-=.­; '=A1,144Z wo ..* I GR,,:1_1'-"`.1.--;? . 1%1 I I . . ,�-tv...'A' ..j ,-.;;*.' , - ....n.. '?. . , - -q-.v: . �,i!. ..1 - , , " � ..!-;....il.,�,.�t*,,',...k,.*,.,.,...:;�'A - 4"Y' ....'v _ , . ,� - .: ..! .. , .., 12"'11. , , � - - - A - .. .. The noise made by the savages wax parted In a 'suille. She might be . __ .".VV' -A..----_4, ...;".,.".*...,.�,.�";?.,.,;,�.'.�ll.�l;..,;..;�-%,-f..,...,...,%...,.*.*.--11-1--�.....,-;.,-.-.%,.,-,.,�t"..�.I.LO.*141�**..0'.*.,.,.'..'.-�l*-..,...,.I.. 11 r. -'c '. . :',..-.,.-.. ,.t I I...." ': [RIGH"fUL STOMACH ot, ,;�,.".?.-O'-.#.....;V"U:.::�*a,L,"*4.4'.- 4% - % i4i'. - '**i *1' -, ". so great, the Screams of bewildered . . dreaming of summer and N .ngland. Ile ; A THE BISSELL RMIJOW I I , - *, 4: %'. ;1 � . .At...'. ­ I., � .1 .11 "',­", noiselessly wormed Ills way to the 'An. - . that : .!0*:.. --1 ...- birds circling overhead so, Inegssaut, . It 6ts clener and WM 0 .. 01 that, Jenks was voinfiel A No For t3nn 404 orcla W I.. 6 led 1. Speak v6rge of the rock and looked down "'.1'9'.'d'!�'b',,11,1�.t(,�.,,i.dO. -:� , . . . . . . I to , c 11 1%: I" . � " . �.,.rl klot I. . . '4 'Z I quite loudly when lie saltl I through tile grass roots. � � " tooy. n2dadisnels DePt. , . . � 4 .-w'i, - .1. 0 0 .. � � . .., TROUBLE I = .. ... _ - 14 .... ..4.:4.-.'-- ' � T. F0 PlUELL 00. ktd., Rom, Opt. _;4 � 11 .rI)ey iAust tblul; we sleep soundly I The Dyaks were already stin - - - to I .., � r W i n g.s q it h e %"'n"' ring. � ) , .. A�. . . ,� ..", Z I I .­:",:,? . I . ; not to be d I Some were reploulsbIng the fire, others I -1 ­ ­ - I.. I . . ­ �.. I'll I - I .. 1. I - . I -_ -, . V....".."R I " .1sturbed by the volleys they . .1�.y LOUIS 'j.. -'.-'-,r1':*.', have fired already." I UF � ." V. .._, . , drawing Water, cooking , ting, Robt., Wilson, Goder "!'-`* '%' 1 . ..... o q Years, He Uffcrod-" were ino. Guest, Clint . ,'.' "*," , L AF.. 01 . .. �m .... .. --.---.- " . *%. wered. but he W. J. Allan, Seiforth, 013 11 .. r-:�v .. .. * * "' She would have ans r la,lives" Brought .smoking long 11,111 stemmed Pipes with, . L. Beatty, Varna. , . 'I . -, TRACY -.`�-`-`, �j Then 'IF uit McNeil Bros,, Walton. . This. � ,!.*,--* I ,-n .. - ."; 10 11.1u , I placed a restraltilim bapjj on her sboul. Relief. absurdly small bowls or. oiling their G. All%,n. 1bungannou . . . � -- 'i Al.k. Aw 1. , der� for the Dyaks. quiekly diseovering Stratford Centre, NVolfe Co., Que. limbs -and weapons wltlx Impartial en- , I , g..;.... morning Copyright, 1"3. by , . , . I . - I I . . � . I . - I I . I � I I ;,:%,4F , dwasil . , ... . I . I . .. -;in. I 9 W., ". - . I 1. ­­ 1. . ­­ . ,1..X.'. -I.% .-.1m......, ....... . that the And wos. empty. ran toward Xay 11th, 1908. .ergy. The chief yet Jay stretched on I -t..r...42%.R::.%"",.�.,�,-%%,�.,�..!,!".*!�'- - . I .,..: � . i - N1. ­­, -!-':.-'.*.;�..,.*:"-;,j::'-'*.".-, , . I have �een completely cureil. of '; ­) - live ,jud thu-s value In fill) vlow. 91 : the sand, but when the first beams of x.k. - , " - �:O Ac" _: - 11% - '.* `.­) *.�*; , . .' I'll. . .. .... .'6 . ..�-.-,;:i-il�.....�i..;;%..�-...Z..;:;%,--.;;-�.-',, ...., the c. , f7t: ��--.*,;3%1 -j-�,!:1,t% % . � -`-'. - --*-,-_-..'% : .% .,..-. ..O.�,... I-- '. . . . - As ,well as Xcliks �ould judge the frightful condition of my stomach , un gilded the waters a man AL TTODEP11 TAME� . j.- -..'�t .. ..... r'­.�.7,'.r­;;...., 11 1r-,.*.-1-;-.-.,-:t",%qg ,.4A .,:..�.".;....;,;?.;,.-.,,,..-. NT! ...*,Z,!.',,'.'.-.'.'�,.-.i��'.'.-.,,'-..�,;:.:.,tl.-.'* -, . .1.., __ . , ,., ,, ��,*f. . _. 'r"' ­';,i, . .-;,e6-. ..'......P...va. i;ilg;;;:�� ......... . through this wonderful tned3cine ' `"': 0 1 - - I , , I __Ilp_�_ ---- iW0,4`*,'­­ --N,-P, . - 0, 7 foremost trio of the velping lim-de were "Frait-a-tiVes." I Suffered fm :fouj'. i s�oopeil, over the prostrate form and 'p- - . ... I I , (Gontiiued from last week.) ' . I' 41rapale4 on the bayonets of the t-heval long years.with this. trouble, My head said something that caused the sleeper , I . . I.. A RANGE should not only look good -it . I - le frise, learning too late its forin.da. ached incessantly, , I could not eat I to rise stiftly, supporting lilinself on. I sbQuld be all good -We have whit could ' . I ckArTEa xi. . gave itte ou excellent ruea, au% jL was ble nature. The wounded inen shriek, anything Out what. I sufferett awful Ills uninjured arm, They tit once Went . be safely 'terde � 4 the perfect range, up -to - HE sailor' l.uelv so accurately obliged to carry it out." ed In agony, but their cries were pains fr9m.,In4Ij;estI I used every Qff -together toward Europa point. ,A� - _ ' Icnown remedy' -nd wa.* treated by I L, . . I.- date in the truest senn-known farand , I � the position of bit; reliable sen- 4,What have you done?" . . diowncd In a torrent of amazed sbouts physicians, but the dyspepsia and head,- "They have found the boat," thought , . wide , . . .11 . . . - -_ as thel- - , . # tinels that be could follow each Arranged a fearsome bogy to the i ac rsisted In spite of the treatm ,Tenlm "Well, they qre welcome to,all . I t . . from their companions. Forthwith I I . . In phase of the Imaginary conflict .a�e,ll I I - . M , ­ � ..... .. �� ,-Z � ��­ the Inforalatiou it affords." -_ - . 1XP:E1R11AL-0X1F0RD on the other side of the Island. The "But bow?" I I there was a stampede tbward the wqll, ­,z�.z..':-i.�:­1 �:� , � - , . j 1, the Cliff, the beaches, anywhere to get I.... �"::.:: ! I I 1. Who, chief gavii some order., tit which . first outbreak of ,desultory firing died "It was not *exactly a pleasant oper7 . �11!'.,.,,: I . 1:1 I ; I . . away amidst a chorus of protest from ation, be . \the only laws of necessity away from that awesome Pavern-where �, .�,� 11 .. I 11 . .,' .,. . they all hung back sheepishly. Cursing . : FEATURES,- I . 11 I �11 ''. I ­ . 1� �_ I them Ili -choice Malayj the chief. seized Top lid of ash park lifts up as one piec . ghosts dwelt and men. fell maimed at - ... . 11 I , . ��, .. �. ,. I 1 .. ,a (see every feathered fallabitaut of the isle-, are those Vch must be broken." .1 ".. ,I. .`�."�, : �., - - 't- I 11: '. - � - picture) locks automatically, allowing great freedom A . � 1. `�,. . , I a thick faggot and strode in, the dIrec- .. .� � 1. 11 � I the very threshold. The sailor, )can, .. .. : ��:, , -:1 : 1� 0, - * I ­ - ' � . , that the Dyiiks bad She undiwstood that be did not wish �., I ..", � I � tion of the cave. Q6aded into activity , I in cleaning out ash pan - which is big and roomy. I I . : - - Ing as far .over the edge of the rock 1 " � . . . . . "I :: �:x""..z.. .. . . . ... I 1.11, . gathered again on the beach after rid- her to question lilm further. Perhaps .. � ... : - . I ., �� 1 �_ 1. - . 1, . by his truculent demeanor, some foil I . tiling the scareorow� *wIth bullets or curiosity, now that be was safe, might as the girl's expostulations 'would per- �t .... ... ...." I .1� I . �1_ '.., alit, board -a couple of nien,groaning 1:: 1: �'_ � . I..; . jowed him, and Jenks, unable to see, 1. - I , ��1111 � . I i lilashing'them with their heavy razor have vanquished her terror and led to beneath, while a third limped away ' . I �� 1-1- but listening. auxiously, knew that they DAVIS &: ROWLAND, . I � . '' -.w . . edged swords. . . . I another demand for enlightenment, but. with frantic and paltiftil haste. "I'll, ;;;;;;I s. . .. �. . , , were tearing theviteval de frJse from . SnIe avents.. ' . � .. 11 11 Clinton. Ont, .� "t that instant the sound of an angry �. / _', . V a I , . 'evet . . . � . : A has& ounell wits probably held.' "What is It'.," ,whispered Iris, eager' 1* ,. . , � �: I � I, . Its supports. .N -theless none of tile I -1 I . I --I : and, notwithstanding their fear of the voice and the crunching of coral away . I . �� ��: . . I � - ,/.'. � I . I 'working party entered tile exe-avation. . I I I herself to witness the tumult. "What . -11 I ,&.; I I -- . . ullent company In the b6llow, ati ad- to the left drove all else from her � 'N. ,� 1. 1�, . , ..... I I � 1.1.:. I . . has happened'," - 11 � . . .... They feared tile parched -bones that.. ., . . � *1 . I , * I 11 11 �.��: ,, . . . I . vance wain, ulthilately made aIODg tile mind. I .­:, :.� I . . ­ . - "They have been routed by.a box o . C. I shone by night. . I I . ..� � I.- I " : 11 I . Within a few yards they ell- "They are coming by. way of the ; ..:.1.jF-.*..-'.�..-. 1 40 1, , .::.. -'e; ";;;... beach. , ;.-�'�� . I : . S; .. I -0<0 . . matches and a . few dried * boneg," Ile '.. 2 I ..� I.. :. ." he had not beell able to Complete . . .. . ... .. .�. - beach, after all," Whispered Jenks. . .. . .1 11 ... .. -,. _% I I - 2. , '.. countered the Invisible cora of the * �.. �, .'. .1 .4;.4%, ..!, . - answered, ' I � ,: the coninivaleating shaft'll; was not. � _4, . :. .. third spring gu in q sense, Anoth- �� :� �', "I, . . 7.-,-�i% ..'� .:..c..:- ; There Was no thne for further speech, . I I ,I �K, . � P"Answer - . . . , �,�'�, ...".. . I . � " and another fierce outbreak of illus, er outbuvst .of Intermittent firing ,o, , ­ Me' . I A.g..-..�o . I ..1.1. .� .., �� . . . .... . 1. . 04 Ile was 'absorbed Ili estimating file ,�� ": : I . eir - .I%- 41� , : -I% "P., "r .%- . . .. t ' was enough. Not a mail among the trees oil tile iiQrtli side of :� :. .." �::� ,N; it. There 'wits it report Ile was ml%taken I � � Th '' ketry. This .. .v­,� 5"I". .., .;, .. *2�- .. �-- ,e: -,r TO - .e , I 9 � �.. .. I . I .. , ', , 'Ir - They make do6d becap ' I . would move a Step nearer tpat abode the ridge showed that some at least of probal4e number of the Dyaks. Thus - . .� - - - -_ -.-- - - - .. '.. 1. . s e the I I far he had seen about fifty, More- - "W , -, � - \ ,� r, . ..... . Y. re . . � . !�_�', ,. , , � " , made dood­- ith seventeen years' - � _.il "� � , , " ks of the -dead. Tile next commotion the Dyaks Were advancing by their I was toia to try "Frult-a-tives," and - " , � I i �,_ , * over, lie did not \W� - . ,; ,�� - . w arose oil the ridge'near file North cape. former route. The appearauc6 of the w4di to acqualtit 103 I sent for six boxes, and this �va; the t � P"k . �, , 4 " . P . .. - - I . . I . ,� . only medicine that did me -any. good. . , 1. , -� *** 4 inixed into ,��,�� practical paint-makin, 11 : With the actual detall.q of the artifice . _.- _�, .�, ", - I "A t this rate of progress," said Dyak eli!Q.f on tile flat I)clt.of Shingle, . i . . ,�,.�. 11 u6stion . arm .slung across .his . .,that had been so'llotent. Ijer allusion. I am now entirely well I call eat or- I. . -, 1,`, -Ne . I �. . � jellk-s to the girl, ,,they will not reach 'with big right .* � . ' W1. I them. They cdVer more,.wearbet. . . to the box of water sodden' Ill' -dinary food'and I nevor have a head- I ,�,;� �, -- - � . I . . . 11." I - . . . I . atelics _-4- I _� , ... 6*. . . I pur house until daylight." br�ast, -accompanied by not,naore than had given him the notion of utilizing ache, and for thl.4 rellef I than% this ) . I.7. ,�%�!t, . . .... Ier indoors or out, and I ' . I t . _.. Gil . I .. � � -I almost wish. they were hero," -was half a dozou followers, ql)o,%,ved that a wonderful remedy "Frutt-a-tives.11 My � .. I I QSt Ouder. I - ._,�:,., 1� I . . I . ... . � . . .� . .. ��, _ . I I i - t1re, (111lot reply. "I find this W�alttiig tow hardy spirits had dared to pass '14,1111 active any tile Weachea reinalus case is well known in this vicinity and I _. -I.. I , � ­,' 11 - _c%__ I " . I . I of the poor follow ,who had long ago you may publish this statorrient, I _­ ... __11 . Measure the cost 91- paint ridht-by the time it will last and . . and ll,,;tenIng to be trying �b tile I lie valley of. death, With all Its name� . - 7-, . . I . . . 11 -t- . . i 11 . . . I . . ' . . . . fallen a yle-tlm� to� this Identleal.,mob . ALCIDN, HEBERT. I . . � . . . ;. . really Le paint -and you will find. our money's full worth b . : - . I � .- . - less.terrors, - 50a it box,'G for $2.50, or trial size 11 ...... - � .. . . nerves." . I . . . 6f cutthroats or their agsoclateg. He - reason, your dealer � .--,..--.. .. I Al I I . y , , , . ! They 'were lylaig on a. number Of . They , %need cautiously enough, as - . al 250, If_ for an, I �:_�L_�z. f'.. . .0 w . .. t . r" ggged garments hastily spread .oil tits though dreading tt surprise. The chief " they - - . '. , 1711 I I m4tpald on _ , pliure. . �dv, had gathered the pripelp. b4ocs. from dof,s not Nandi FruIt,a-tIVos*, _ - , their resting plave near the Well,. ru4- I will be 's,nt , , " 4�,N ell I � . ,receipt of I ,,,� ­ lt�dge and peering Int6ittly into the : carried a bright paran.g' In his- left ' price 15y Prult-a-tives lilmite.CT. 0--va, 11, I .. i .. I . woonlit area of Prospect. park. The * . . . � L, I bed.theill, with the ends of the matelies . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . I " m �, y1i) � - - . ... . � d,l I .. . . � .. . ,, . . after damping the sulphur a4ain-Atill ,;- �. I , . great rovk Itself was ,Shrouded in som- *. . . , . � . I . - I ,;,, ,.. -_ 0 , tkil I - 0 1 1, .. arranged then wltb� ghastly t,ff&,t on, -,---, . . . * "' , -,--,-- I . I I . � I � " , ber shadows. Even If they stood 111) I .1 ;;;�a.* . . . . . , I n . . . . I I 11 .1, . *0 P0 M � � . � I : __ � the pile of rubbish at the farther- end I It , ­ _,�; '! -, _ , � , , I . .11 . I . . . . . - ill . ��,_ . I— . ., � , -jaeur q . . .. . ,none could see them fromthe gro i(l, � was thatle said . eN , I y. c tfrM � , ,- .. . I so dense ,was the darkness enveto g . .. of the cave,. creeping under the clieval ' o I I I � . f 1. . pIng . . Conviction. ' . . s; ' u . . � do frlse for tile purpose. I . . . . � -;%!/,., . Made in fortX,color for.. every. t1se palnj is p t to them. � . I.. . , I . - Irls, nestling close'to the sailor, whis- ",Ile' , I � . . ., . _ I I . . . , i � Though not so v1,61 as he wislidd, . , I . . . . . . .. . . I '. . -and made to satisfy. - . . I . lie turned slightly and took her band. . , ,� I I pered: . . . � I 1. . ' . . . . I . . . - ... . . *I . It wits ('001 find moist. It no 'more �, �.� , .., .., , , . I the. i1ale glinimering, headless. skeleto 1 "Do -you kfiow what, It .is found * �, ", I . I., I . . -Maple Uaf Faints. are sold, unile'r'a'-plain Endlish GUAL. . � . . e 11, . . , I . . . I . . . , Ill the Intense d0liness of the Interior . , , , . . . �� � � . I. I 1. ' , .. treinblea than It!". own. . I . . . � . 01110", . . . . I . I I.. . 1 . . . ANTEE and - only hy. ..people who i%anuot .. 1. I . 1 I . . .. . . . I was appalling onalig,liIii till, co.ns(:le.iivc. I . . 5 flipt'lle call -- I � Pi . I.- . . . , , -1 .1 . . . . . . "The Dynks are -far more scAred than i ' , " " I . Fortunately .tile flintes of the sulphAir I "I call only gues x tell Ilk - - I . . . - cor , pailits. . 1. I . . . I I . I., . I . afford to sell p . .. you," lie inurinured, with ,a. laugh. I � .1, . I � red on. -the J1011y substance, They en- � , Ilid ^appearalieb 'of -the burned ,wood. I ,v - ,� I 11 i I . . I . � .. . . . I - "ci-liol -Ind, courageous as - theY ar . e, . . . . ' u bow long It is since It.' . was extingtilsh-, . - - - I I I . S. .. . I DIPERIAL'TARNISP 6-C.OLOR 'CO. � , "a " . , . , . . . "' , . � . thuey dure not Nee a -spook." � . � . 1. I .. Ou. clot . . 4ol 1 . . Limited, of'Taroato . � . "Then what a pity it is 'we cannot I -Pyak.- --w4o eaiWit a g1linpic of.,the I "Is ::. .. , , .. " ... .. I . I �. . . . . .. I � r I s I "Tbeii,flivy. kumv We are .still- hqkte. . . 1 ­ . . .. . . ... . . , . . * .... . . . - . . . v " . �11 I monstrous bbjevt crouchingliVJimilliou I I '*to 1�444,t - I � . , d red a sath(Aent time 10 svare vA Cry . . ., . . �, - �,�. �. - -, � . I irly they agree with hiiii.11 : .-­,�.� ..' , . .40 , , , emijure ill) it gbost for �Iielr boncift'. . . hill a --tow v . . . . . . . kmilor ljoro, Or golle ,wIt � . I 11.1 . I . A& . I ave ever road dbout, horr" withinthe disinal va),01111. � I . . " I . .. . .. . . . . I , . � ep . . . . . . 4 �� All the spirits, I b. I . . - . . . . 4- "�,;,� ,� � , .. : . . . 'it I I . . , ... , . . Nvere ritliculous. W -by .cannot one be .. � . .Npt ev(m Q.e stlyring oxholtations Of, a6urs, In any case they will majv� it X11; ". ',�. I . . . . . I . . . . . I I . . . ' . W a a " g h ' - e g a ' * I t ' ' 0 c " d 0 P � f r and wl I " d - I 7 M '" I 1 II; 1 1 _�doe �ORD . on' p icc, (see great freedom it room, I and �_ , I . � . % - ,,e volve was.rak6d Ili aiia at day �", .-, - . � . . . -casionall. , . I t1le chief, who. . / , I 71"�ZP-� �,_' -,_':..- - '" ' useful o(. y?" * I . I . I I thorough Search or. III.(. is.i . . . : _. .. , ,., , / _ . I I . .1.. . . I .. .. %. .. .. I . ­ � � . I I I The 4411' lt4dlig. Un- , - :.:. furI6.Us,sl)6e(..1l, i-Puld. Induce big adher-. break.". .. 7 . I .1 , � . , ��'.�/ 11 I I " , -,.,�/ 11 7 1:: . ' ' . . � estion set blin'th --.-j. .. . I . ... � I ­', *:,:'_.%.'X."., ­ . . . . I . . � �:�.......,.-�..:-.�.-,�..'�,..- I I - - tifid`FOR SALE by : �iji: � I .i7 . . . I �_ .%..�.'�.? ..' - aill, 'kill)"( I 'h that attrightill "Will It be dawli soonT? . . I .. RECOMMENDED . . I . . . known to tile gUI the.matel'1111.9 for U .....'... ....; ellts'tO ag. At( i; , L . I I . � . . . , - . . . � .....1 `,t.--*.--.,-..- . . : . �.. .. � .1 . . . . 1. u.,il.; t,-:�...I, ... , , . . . I . - I I I I .. . . I . �.,-. ...-gt 't th' tl . �011 tired"17 , , . I . . T14 C V1 b.? 1, . I . . . . . ... . � . spot. At'laS e arlm, sebfimlrel blin- c�yes. . I roug Oh.1cot C7,6110thl(j, hi, 17611-, - - " 0 (Iradlatic apparition: Were hidden amid '.','..'.�".,.::.*.";�,'.'-.'�,',�'ii�;�i:�-.:tii��il: I � � . . Ate.1 . . �t. . I 'NJ . � . . I - - . ,o . i�:;.*��ili�..*�i-.'.f....'�.',����."",.:�:..,.,i,.,.�, ) ";(,If, still -wleldhig Ills naked -sw6rd, I'A little cramiped-41lat Is 01,01 . . I . . `-,noyshorrpr. . 1. .. . 1. Re- ADAMS;.LOA� 1-DESUOR040. , I fl�e bushes near the Well_ He,clidg -le(I ". , .. ...'� ' . . . . . � . � . I . 7_ � - ,-...,.,:::*..'..'i"..*.i�:ii:.�f.":;:..,..;Ii strode right uj) 7 to 444e yory doorway. � I .. . . . - - " ­.- � , . ' . LIs brallis to remember .the stage of . �*;:-: - i7:;.4t;�;�.t..,.,...*.:.�:::�r'. I .� , . - .,Don't think. I -iiii .fo,ollsh.. '..(Idn vou , � . iinpo , � . . . I . I I . . . . I . ..- , .1 I ....,-,.. . . . ...... I :1 '... I. _.. - ::.t�.­'.,.':,-.,�-..._... � Stricken rtance should tile � . . . .1 � I fects of juveltile day-;, 'but these need- -.,.",.. ­:­­ , .1vith. -slithlon *stupor, lie gazed millillgL, to gleep,,e, � �­ - I I Z now or.� vital I . . . ,!::: � . I . - I � . I I . , �, . . - . . . . - '. 1. � . .. . . � I � 11 �7 . . . . .. . . I I . . � . . I IlYaks noiletl%to to tile 111-torioL7." y t � . . . . . . . . . i:::: � 1 4 �V . ; .; � at tile 11ma gicninis ivanin. ne iwou_ I . I ed Iluielight, blue flares, mIrrors,.* ­'�-.,-.-v:�Ii' . "Sleep, Witif those nivii so 71�jir!,., . . pho$- -"'-;1 .*,:.,.:,-1;::; . - . . . be , th�.Illjced I lio, Aood 'Invic that - had . . ,.: ... :,..-:;;;-;.::,.-,.-;�­ , ­� .. � : .. I ' * i'lde . . i, .� � . I �.. . ..,... . I de'd tile elieVa -frise Ivith the iha' :�Cs. We do nut,kuow hoW lou- phorlm . I -�,�,...:'.;%:j;j�j;�;:;��;--' . - .. . .. I � -.7. I . � . , s Alling.tIctinit0aild ,'they alli. � inu§ I . - - . . iI .. . . '. . I , ;hmverod t4liell a liont) Of rubbj�il ov,er I.- . ........, . .. ,."..�M; ,� .. . . . .. . . . �;. �. ,... . ....,-,i,i , The ahslirdity of bopjng to devise .:i,j. �:i ;;:R�-`.1'---�-.. .. rang. Here wws sorilL ". -, .."...., -.-'--.Izii��.�t , --. -, '! �_ . - I . . I will reni, We _- t. ke.6p., it p -pot cournill r - viii(�r si,ory , '' ,��,`;�'-'-'.' -�';'.` -`�*,.'�.-�-.- " 4,-,*.,-,-'.,'-'�:'-'�:*.- O.. . .".1'. . solid'. Thou lie dragg(;d. One of tbc 6ur'sf a tile " I I, " his. , -, s laid 4,iiy mit.-Ii aceessorles while poKelied. on ��". �.,..;.",*.,.,.,..,..*'.-.*..'.-',�. -'-�' '11, �...,.*i,!.',�.,.,.,,*.".."�.*..,...::,.::.. - I . . rengill. . Sloop, nvxt.to food aw :;:::%:: - . . i%-:-:-�.:-;.-:i�'�*:!H, ;". . .., I . I . . covering. 0Q -voill �. Of. gol(�. Wild ns ­::;::�::;::.,-�-:­ . .. Z . 17 -,lit. - - -e" �%.�*' .. i . Q . . . a led- . . . . . . !,��., Nvotfuded inen out into the in onlig arink, is.a prlinii tiet. s Ity.".' I -'. , ge lit a. reniote island, a' larger �'--', -.,-`.,i-..,�'..�!',*,!� . I . . . . . :.�."...;:�:..��iii'�."..�,,'�� . Again Jenks e.xpOrl'onced alf Itellit tilese fellows wei-6, they i�vll know tile , feef or ill(,. thousands ill the China sea, .,::i�:','.::*,,:::-':.. . I . ... . . . . g "if it 'Will 1110.1se you I will try," she . . . . .1 !..,--,. .-.�i � _W,_ 1� .. .,..-. ., I. bullet throu" . . . . ... � . . q v .t,l(, -velous lylotal. and If by ,tit kled blul. I . . . . I . ... ... desire, to ,solid � ,111 the said, Avith such sweet roadine,s. to- 011ie ' I)r . . I)i . ; , �,�:;:,.:; - _ . � . .;:,;.,-..:; ,:,: ,. - t'.. -J, . ;;;;. ,:,:.',..` . I I - - :,..:... _:,. D ,al 'a lie I . , chancV, thoy.lig"IrteAl. i1poll slull a well , ,. . .......;'.... ...... %..", � .: liid.� Aga -In lie - ifesisted' tbO Dbe * � i'�,'Ii tilOt 'tile, WOtIn . . . - I � . ��,fj,.;��:� -:..:!._ .. , .. . , ­\VIlat Is it?" asked'IrW. �t 1. iv`.'.,��,.,; . �� , � . I y hi�,, 01-11U�st' 1v . I , tllv�� 'plig,lit not . (lilit tl . le , I. I-— ..-I..". _: -;� . �. .. ........ ....... �, . ,Wpaiised that which is der is lie did not kiss hor,then (Ind . . : _... hil And s . . Ile ropeated. his list of missing stage vuls� . dolluctl lode � . . properties. They had nothing to do but voliclisafed by fitte to few men ... :-It sec- . I . � . . . . !�;Innd- fol-wovks., - .. .. . . . . . . . ':;t . . . ,. .. there. By previloils.. histruction she � . I . .. . . .. " .. ;. ; ... : �. and from the vhl(tf - . : ;:`.1L., , '. ... : ,:�tt,,.­ , -­-.-.-.­. -..; -tly -what, to do. - She 'erept At lit"'t oil a,comin. ... -... % . - ....., -..-,;� .: ,;:.�;.. � . . I to walt, and people in the very crux 1� ... �%'�::_ ..-:....."...�111 �: ... .... V.- . . � - . . - , . orid opporti , iii,Lt�y. I I � knew exit( I I ..: I . 0,_.. .. . _ .... IM . � , veltement liarail,( Aly. Wvk, 1111til �well 61seolleed In - tl.*e Dyaks:seaftei,01 lit varjolis tilrec-, . I . ' I , Another . gue by the q . - - ,.,Dd maelstilom of. existence :,usually . . i 1. a c(iu . 4 I . , . � . I - I . lik , - , , flil, -,v;1rd7 Europa I . . . . �ad ;ance . I ,owe 1, -%videtled and, hollowed" for ti011s. t4olne -lit'd � to � chief - aded sonic ventiirc� "14115 the' Ille.110 I ... I g. . ' 911011, oltsly,i: , I.. . . � . . . . . discuss trivial'thin a . - 1, -1 , . . .. .. . � , . .0. . ' .. I � . I . ., . . . �into C- uraae her ;.1ceoinniodat loii. . There %u seelild-7 Poll' - ,tit(, lirli�)i'ily. �y-vlit to :tile, . . ariying tlivir ivoiniaed-coi t., blit . "I don't,know anything about, 1)hOS- nand; thia otbers..-,were_aruibd with , . . . I . 0;1.�t,-A 11�11­. 'ritrut, �Nleh oi.. br IN -111" of , * , - . . .. . out -of sight, -prestinlably. to Me, IfuL "ed iviig,sh6'frotii the ouler. -woIrld of � . � � ... phorns," said -tile, girl, ­bil�.�Tou CiAli .*nns, their kwords being thrust through . . . . . . I it ., . I I ; * !I* . . . : I . ­, .. . . I I * " t , I � , . I . ,� Dispired W, Ibeir loaleP's fl�ar]Nss'. ex';w � horror and'ilevilAbsit.the coarse v'otces,; -tile. la,gooli. .Prt),;I,)C(:t�1);Ilrlcl.w"i.��;� (O."Or - . . . . . . . . . � I � 1, . I . . I I . . . . obtain queer results from,sulphur, and; 'bolts..� Crepping alnp e, ' . reached, hot, Iii. , mul... ' � � fori rd ou *, tiptoe, I Itb���.v�eii'll(lillo%iedthe'ttilrd:in' bone,.ith oply 11,1111111 ' tbere is an 'old box of NL I ; . ­ . . � t � . 11 . 11 � .� .1 ed. Tbev wei'e4 S,couiing'botfi� sections � � Or*egiall though their distaut eompairilons. Were jUred,:Dyuk fro,,, :�tlje vicinIty *or the, f1uljhjg one '6ntll of tlic� tarpau, .^1 . . . , I , I matches resting at this mol.nent oil the 'niaking: q, tremendous row, the .look- . . . .Vji ov,er . or the lql:ind in full,! force. .' , 1 - , I ,. . I . . y ea�%' but,�he eeJerIty'.of,'t.bCjr- r&folft her, she stretelled'lwr iveary Itnibs oll. - . . dused the wretell to bawl in agony. .;, a litter of.twigs . . Shelf in my room. Don't you reinem-_ ed a murderous ga4g. as they -peered ,c. . I I . .� , , , * , , The (Itliet,witticher oil the.ledge took . . . . . . '' aai! leaves, coillmelld­ - I . , lber? They were Ili your pock,et; and. -cross the. open space, now brIllianily' .� ' _..... . � . . .no needless risks. T�Oug'fi it,was Iml . . . . .. . . . aking Was no sooner . . I" I . The ne-A mideri. "ed'herself and. the'nian She loved to . . you were going to thl!dw tli6m away.' illuminated by the�mo6n. .- - . . . . . . ate - . . -r- . top . .. I . possible.to bell6ve any stratagent had. ' . :.. ! I I . apprecli (I by ille stillov thaii'lie hu I GoWls 1, ,ping all(], w.oud�rful tbough . ' Why, what are yon doing?" ' . . . I , Jenks ,had a� audden Intuition that I . . al .. niub been plamiled'for his speelal benefit,7aij . riedly.caused. Ws to.§Iid,ter lit!rgelf be- .it way:.. seQui, ­Nvo.s sobn . ell . I . For Jenks bad cast the- rope ladder ' the right thin loot neittkAhe tarpatilln. wljlle�he'�ci uy. ' . , , - I . ) a(:ejaent Inig t:6etray hl,in. With the. ' . . . , . . g to do noW wits to sl . � .4 . 1. I loose and was evidently, about to d6o� the; whole " . . - e I litnwst- eirellAiftlectlon .he yose oil all -, , . party.: . lie dismissed the 'i:l,se to the floor of the bedge,'looking, .The Statement .niny. sound. passing . I , seend. . �. I I * . . I . ,hensiv gla � I . thotight at once. .&II his pireplikdtions ' fours and, With compre 0 , 11cley. . I . � . I . only �hroQ94 the screen of, tall g - , �e . Strange to civilized cars, accustomed r ' . . "Have no fear," he said. "I will not. were governed. by -the hope that tile They. kindled a fire -hear the . . only to the routine of � da , Ily life All . d . - examined trees, plateau and both st 1ps_ - . , � be away five minlites." I . . . . ; pirates might abandon. their quest after - I of beach -for signs of it lurking foe. ile ' . its, ruddy glare, lit tip, the , not inured to 'dang9r*. and Wild sur- . . - "If you are going down I must 60111C, hours of. fruitless sefirch.' It Would be. with faiitastle filckerifig's I I $ But . the soldier who has 1. need have no fear. Of' -all pla6Ls Ili the - . . with you� * I Will- not be 'left. here' most unwise, be . told lilm�elf, tp Vre- . . . ,roundift. . island the Dvaks letist lmdgin6a iliat - . their quarry had-' laill tiill �� . � 1 I . . I . � � . scintillations from the weapo r- snatched, a Ii.q.4ty'doze in the trenche's, � . i rifiviit-1vithin' . I . . - .. ,elpitate, hostilities. Far better avold a namenti of'the hideously picture, quer -tho sallor'-who iias hearid a fierce gale , . - : . alone.11 . � I . � I . . I 111plonse do not stop Me," .he Willa- conflict altogether, if that were pos�l-; , I � . � . . carshot of thelf elicailipmeriL I * , . horde gather�d in its Vicinity. I , .ba..'. buffeting. the, walls -of Ills frail ark, I -.leftq� and - I pered. earnestly. "You mus't not come.� ble, than. risk the iu,puediate discov-_pry . .They spoke -a laliguage 4. ard call , I ippreelate' the. reaqon, `%vhy Irls, Jenks 911d.back d6w.i tile � I I will take Ito risk whatever. lk'you of.'his inaccessible retreat. . . � vowels and.nasal resonance it . ud, ate weary. slid stirfelted - w1ill exe . gently; Wakened 104. She. sat lip in- - . . itement, . ' remain here you.enn warn. me instant- , Ili other'Words, -lie ulade a grave m.lS- what. . � . . stantly and gazed.at.lilin With wondeir- . . . , - I, t . I . .- . lie judged to be.dry.fisb, millets' 'would baveslept were she certain tl .1 ; . I ly. With both of us qu the groiind.. we' take,. which Shows how a man may err - � . . . I Ing eyes, , . . I � . . . . . -t sunrise ,%vonld� ark'lier I as t 11 I . . . ' � � I and stirlp§ of tough preserved .ineat, the nex .m Fearful lest ,she should forget her ' , . will incur real danger. I wanf you to. when .overagonjzed by .the ,danger.aof* which they - Cooked oil small iron skewl, hour oil earth., ,.' -' .. . . I . . keep a sharp lookout toward rl'�.irtle the woman be loves., The boI4 course " � � * � . surroundings, he placed. it waruing tin- �, . . . Ora Stuck among the glowing embers. Jenks, too,-" 'd, ., . . . �, sea himself for, a - . .. .. I- . beach Ili case the Dyaks .come that ' .wds the right one, By.ldIling,the Dy,Ik I . ger on'lils lips, . I . . � . . . I I . I . . Ills boart.safik as lie counted sixty-one,. brief'rest. �He felt p:ssured thattliere . . - .* IT I .. leader he -,vollid Ila I "Oh 1). she 'said, in .it, I ' way. Those who ,are Crossing the is- ,ve itepriv0d the on- ,,ill -told, asg6mbl6d. within forty avas.. w," , - *0 of.their r . , , �Ay I isper, .. are . . � I . . , land will not reach us for * I long time." e � iiiy.,of .tlje dominating influelice in this.. t . .. I I y . as ,not tire remotest eliant they ,�tlllAiere?*� . ,... I.. . . I ... I . . .1 . � , . . of the ledge.. Probably several others -lofty porch being'. found'.6fit before . I I .. She vielfled 'though unwillingly She - calilpalk'n (if re�vviige- NVII,0p- 'the main I .. . .� 1i I .� . I � . . , Ile told her What had ha ., . . � . .1 . I � , . -were. wi,'; tremulous With ail'-.Vlety on hisAe- body, ah�eady-finich- peftuft)ed- by. ,the I . I �� , en. and.luttingible agencies ,whIch -01111t. . . . � . uh,w . C . . . . .. .. . . 01)(Filed fire -,,it tli(,.;n lit. the ivood, ar- I . )r prowlin gl1a.Mijig Lile DOAL9 ( I . W . I . n4ofit the island.. Indeed event$ prov- ' - ed tliftt'more i1xiin -eighty ilten had , I daybreak, anV ELle NrSL 1.11111L SLMAKS OL dawn wotild awakon Iffin. , . . I . I . . . When the niornlug breeze swept over., ' - . . 11 sl=estcd iliat they.shotild have somel - . thing' to eat w11116 the.const was clear ' ' beneath. She needed .iio seVond. bid,. . . . .. . . . . - ., . . . I I I � il� . . .. _. . MEW : I . : . . . . . . .. -I . .. - � * . .. I .. I . 1 7 . ."..... . .1 ' ' I --, C anadian 14air 1R . . . . ­... � ., I Ile vanislied wifliout nliother word. . She DA1.t saw him in the uloonlight rl�edlll PrOSPeCt ParkItO find Only the . come. ashore in three large. BAMPa'115, . roomy and fleet eraft_ -Well fitted for� the ocean and the star$ Ive re beginning to before the flung d1u.-, for the loug- vigil of the previous � � . . . - - ___._ 4. . . � ' . . Ag Tiredne-es - ; - Spri � i . near tit I dead bodies of their cillePaiia fils small e well. lie was rustling among I . . . their vonstv�rnatlon cotild be turn- r piratical excur.4ions tip river estuaries - . . pale - pink glory, broadeaqt through tit(, sky by- the yet .. � I . . , � night hail ,made .bpr very litiogry, and � ,Ibe. two breakfasted-y1glIt royally pn ­ ... . . .1 : . � . - , .. � , I . . � 0 .. . . nr. spri -is only natural. 1. ,� I g fever-. . the shrubs: and be returned to the rock, ,,for.ee, ea into ' . with - something white Ili LIS arms, wild pitille by -a vigorous boln� . I '* � or along a. Coast. .. . , , � r.rhey Were mostly barclegg,ed'rall;cals, , s�1,16r was tiroused Invisible still, the . by the quiet fluttering of. il bird about - biscult, cold fowl,liain and good water.' I ... ., . . . . . . . . . . . . . � 4t Sim, i you want , . . I . . . i I y metins that . . . . , I .; I � - - n Ili goratGr-,someihin to 9 bardment.ftont the rock. . ,�� which be seemingly depositod ,at the . Probably in less timil wi-linur after wearing 'Alalay. hats; loose jackets � . 10 settle Oil the rock, but startled'by.", . � . I Itithis, tile Inlier Section Of illci� ief- ' itke;. they could be seen. only'by d..bIrd ... - � . . .1 - estore gray hair Itd natural *color... r 08 u tip litter the rigors of -1 . . , . I Stops, r hair causes W on bald ' ' I I . falllin& inter mouth of the cave. Ile went back to . . tile well slid Carrled anotlier. similar their landing the whole tr1W would . . reaching to tile kueo and sandals . One . f . inan differed essendhily.from 11w oth- the sight of him. . . . . . . . . . Ills faculties were at onee on the . . ' i - distant or.by a man .standing, oil. (lie . grow I . . . I . � I . . . . . .� heads. Cureadandi�uff,itching.lohlpdii3easei6 . . . ` ' . * . I 1. � I the . have ril.Wied. pellinell to the -boats, CIlrq_ bnrdeu. Then lie ran. t6wdrd. . Ing tile -folly wlitvh led thern'to this ers. ile ,was -babited in the �Voilven,. . lized the dan- alort, though lie little rea � . rocky shelf that forine(I the southern - I . e xtrernity of the OpposIO, ellir and tile. I . . . By its use thin- hair grows hl�ruri4ntly.. . . . ; . � VITAL .1; Contains, nb oily or greasy Ingredient& I . I . ., . . house. Tile door way was. not visible . � from the ledge, and she ass�d a few : devil �ialillted Island. Put It sol"res no P tional attire of an Iniffian Moballime- daii, Ills Skill vi�'a,q ))to I wn. . while the gor betokened 1)y the bird's .rapid dart to -, sailor kept it. close lodkolit Ili that di- . � . . Is ci�tlroly unlike al�y other'llair propar*6 . I . I will do %tile trick every. time , for . . good p6pose to qn.V, What*nit'ght have horrible movients until a low blss,bc-' - ,and * " swarthy'Dyaks were. yellow beneath into thdvokl. Turnlit.- first peer at ,, � � . � , .1 I . , ;,� . I 1. m rection. * . - Iris ,was abdut. to throw thb reinalus Car ever offered sale. . . Vital Will mn kP a, new man o; 1. I I A good, reliable Canadian preparation. . . : a, new woman (f you; 9, box 1. 1. neatb caught her ear. She could tel . ))0eil.. ,10 lt.lyils� tile D1.010,:81101t now I I by . the creak of ,the rolid laddd, that be and moving with the utmost ca:utlon, - tile dirt.. jcnlcs thought frolil the maill � I nor Ili vvhlch his turban Wits dod that ' of tile foas.t:into. tin etillity oil till pro- I . . .50e . , i Ilinliollettied Testimonials. � . . . . ill.' . . - Halt ;h A. Burke, Missionary H. M. Chow%, IL31EY9 00 ]BY W. i4. it. no '. _'__�_"____w___ 9 ____ � __ . 1. � � .. . pasqed.-the Well and Werk, abewt t was ascending. �At lost he reached her I I . , 0 up' . .1 . I "lie must, bea I)tiujabl'.�lilsstlliii-,Ixl-vel,,v I . . I o I . , . . �!acd 6r, refuse when J( -nks .restrained . her. . . . -s , 11 . , Alkitintim, Egypto and friends, gtoatly pleased: I . . 11 . with r;Z@ts after two years'using. 1.1 . � I . I at Of them saw . I side, and she murmured, with a gasp. Pr aell the cave when one I. . the aped Convict, front 06 Ali- likely till ese, . . H* . � . I I . 100,11 ' lie said smillugly. 1118craps I ­ I . . I � . L A. Hopes, Wilnerii Montam MY hair' I I .1 . � �. .. . . -house.. . Ing sob: �, . I . "Don't. away again. I cannot, Instantly they elitioged tliel� tactics. I dainans. ' . . I . . � . . . . . . . .- " . . . sh6uld be the first' �ottr4c next time. I . and whiskois restored. to natural c6l0i. dark . I . _­__..,�.. , I I I ­_ - brown, by using Canadian Hair gestwer.- I � . . . . ,4. , ' go . . . . lRetrenting hastily to.the shade of the stand It." � . , . ' Id'not - Tho most careful scrutiny di re - . veal any arms of, prcel4ioli. They till 1 . - . - In.rtil cases of liqatlacbe1he first th.ing' We ,must got -waste an atoill of food,.,, I ' I Xormn,Bult esaville, Ont6 Canadian 8* I 1ki, , WstDrer is the cab I have ever use& - I I F; We UT .0 LE . Op thought it best to sootbe ber I �jj . , , opposite. cliff, they seoine(� to tiwalt the . I I 4, , COU1111g, o� re-enforeemoul-q. �"Tberjqallor I . . . varried muy7J6 loadefs, either ahtiquat- I .1 _ 'bowels 'and t us to do is to unload .the raa or the'over- the 'afflicted Org "Itow. tll6uglltloss,.Of mol" she e.v.- . elftlilled" "I'leam tell Ine, ybu think ' . . , Alin'& Hall. New Aberdeen, Ca , I r, Br""- -,'Palnter and Piapeir Hanoet. . � OmnadfaiiHati-RetitorethaFiworke, wand4bm . . ; . I , btlon by arolising latere'st. Still haul- , fqueled. that a messenger, was dispatch-, I ed flintloel'a or guns stiffielently mod. , een to be fitted With nipples for per- relieve � I full blood. vessels of the -braift; and at. tlipy will go awfiy today." � I � . .. .: My head IS nearly all covered with thick 'All work guaranteed; . . . growth black bAlri original colon 0 1 1 . ,.. I � I . I Ing in the ladder with one hand, he t ed by way�of the ii6rth 0ands to hurl 1,r ,. . , the same time to. restore-ton6 to tbd . 'te, t 'IllorAling 111niself .flat ol� ,ll� it' the S. I I , . . 486ld bgelft wholesale and retail druoglat& I Prices reasonable. . -led ' beld out'the otber,'on. Which luminou-3 y I lie' dig- . . , up, tile laggill-ils,' beeal�se I like . . �610(1, camsiou Calls." - . . . � L�Iaeh byak, ,of course, sported,it. pal � - ayslem re-eStablish the apped _rO di t ion �nd invigo mtc4he entire the leilgo itud grasped a ritio. I . . 11 "Re still, oil your life!" Ile. said. Md any address in the olvilized world No. .. ManufoAured ky S an receipt of Woo, Remidence nearly oppp ite the . wi.qps were writhing , I,' gloN"orms, ,ut firl."g WOO, .411(i -five Ininutea . . I . . I 4 " later it.fiereb outbreak of vells nitiolig ghosts. , I'ling .And -dagger-like trees(,,; a few bore . m,te . bod.., gea I . 11,14quocvle into, Your vorner, There Is a., . via x=vnj vo., Wittildw. Ont. Clatiads, . . - itute' Collegiate Insti . ' I . . I . .. "You are rosvollslble.'Io he Wd, "YOU ' I I . s pears, and .about a dozoi .shouldered . .. I., � . . � 1).Vak oil the Oppo"41je Cliff." . 1. � S31d in'Clinton by W., I . -8. R. � . .1 . . . I . . . r stjalg)it piece pf bamboo. . The a 14n& , ., . I , . ottinued next week'). . '(To Ile C . - . . Elol mes 1. E. 116vey W, - X -11 . . . . I Ilatur6 of this Implement the -sailor I . I I . . v 7 . . - . 1. .1 I .­ I - I . . , . ­ I I . I I 'McCormell, druggists. . I . . . . - ----- -_ - -_ . - . . %, . - "could not determine at tile moment.� ., . I . . . I . I . T".411A 1jelivililhAlAoil of the fire an Xi4itfcau be easijv nd quickly sto . . I � I I 5, � I . I I ituftliated discussion took place, Though pod. * Pink Pain TWIets-]Dre Shoop s . . . . .1 It Was easy to s& that the e Iief was � :lwatop Headache womanl* pain , . . . I . so any 11 . all paramount, his fellow tri6esillell ell, V .1 pain, anywhere, M "M ininuteft sure. . erelsod a democratic Xight of free .111 remove the cause of the., trouble and Formula on the 25c. box. Ask your Ford & McLeod restore the SyStell)l to healthy action and dt,uFglat or doctor about. this formille, � � ch ad Outspoken opinion. I buoyant vigor. . . -itsflne. Sbldbya,IlDealers� " . Haying se�=rod a commodlouis Grain Flashing eyes and exprest,lve hands Hra, J..Vrieat, Asridin. Ont.. writes'--, I .. 1- � 1. ­ � ­ . . .1.1 I . Storehouse, we, are now buying a,11 1, I -...'.- '...".., -__-I 41._ .� .I 1. 4f .-,I, % 1,�; I r . ...Av-.1 ­­­ - -­­­-­-­ - _____­ -'I- � It- L. I 2avu M UL4 I was LrollUteu w INU C 1. 0 � -8 '016 e g lost. c� . tI , 'th .1,,raan, 10r.waleu .V, warm the years and tried alrno.qt every iing, wt - #dL prices w! I bepAid. . ruing branch , �Iit r(Isults, until a friend advi.�ed me to -C66kts Cettou Root Compou Kill I . I kened emberS try Burdock l3lood 14ittern. I got two I Tho'greab Uterine Topic, and Bean, Shorts, Corn and all kinds of I y jonks. Ile b&tles, but before, I had finisbOd :0" 1 only sate 01roctuill Monthly grain, Seeds and other feeds .keot on I R it ron - blehwomincan �finj was Completely cured. I tan never say -do n Act lit ,a do hand At the Storehouse.' 11.1) 11 . grow � I I te conclu- it6o inuch for 'KIL Of Stroll - * I I ; No'. 2, , I I lot the char- 10 ce . I Por sale at, all. dwJpm, Nfanufftetillr6d for 8 del ?I moso per box, I I aereforth pro- only by The T. Milbuin Co., Limited, I t I F0 11" O- n't- Ford. &AbLe' di Whatever I . I r, "at,pilde. I' S. , Toronto, Ont. . I . . . . . . . . . . I I I , d""' ,'I'Ar, . G, 11, It, NTATION,,� CILIXTON. ' ' . . I . I wftlkk Nto. . ( ly Windor) - � . I � . . ,� . , I'll I , . � I I I . . . b . � . e" , , . . . I , � . �. ,,00�-Ak v. �.,� - ,. � ... I 1.� ! I * . . I I I V I ... . I .*10ki . .. I . . � � I - ­ - I I . 1, . ... ________ 1_--_.._._________ .__ ___