HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-07-01, Page 3T. I I ft'.
iroor .
. V Vest Huron Faxmers Cough Caution
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I Institute.'
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011al tkibes, 1, on't b1 vwss It ,.wl "
to Ir guR tM "
� � 0
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. .
5111 . w.. ;. _-*A.thlaX$.
Pei Ing 1�11=11i. 11KOr ow ra r. Shoo
11:1115�11m, cai
�__ 1.17 --
- I ---1_1 ------ �
� I - I
11 .
741s, is one of the fiost sips of 5to.m,
The cool weather Pride 4y, June 18th, �
merp. In. order to attain success,
f4r '
19 I -warned �ICWIPI'111111`ulytto ,,,,, 9
. '151 � 1. t U11 11 11,11 4 1 1W y p r e 4 (,)eV,j,x,.
ach weakness. Distressaftereatin 91
tea the large atteridanee at the
(me of:tbe first things a man Must
CIL loroform, or SI'Milr."r'tp'olt�"..'.,'O'A"U4,'l"."'61-0, littlo
1501AX I ctAtiQ4§,%S1ck beodaQhe, bil:
= mee;ing and picnic of the West
Huron V&rmejs� Institutp which other 'of
b4ve ia a high idea of the Importance
the byAsiaess in which he is engaged
late thquoli-Congreu says J t o
� 11 4 V41,00h
Ve py"'I'p; � 1.11 r,(,',',.A",. Ito Irl '
. . * 11
ious. conditions are all, indicative,
wise would have bee expected, Ho sy-
, n
and the farmer should keep in mind
d fr. I - r'k"r e 4 'Or"nothep, ,
anit I bavin';Dr. Shoe
o1ber,,.Bb0.Ui'1,,1)n,.1B1 0,
that it is the stomach that needs
ever, iliere was nialderable gather"
a Cc '
the great importance of his work as a
Cougli Car X I IB a marks on Dr.
labels Must t,r3
-aridnonointhe niediclue,elseft:1110"
� th
a ,assistance. Help, it to. regain heal
= MorriNdaleFarm, the hospitable
farmer. The farmeroccupled A very
law be on tho, label. ,&ad it's not only safe, but it
. .
! *114 '9treligm by taking
, orris, Oresident of
of- Harry J. X
favorable posit . _end.
I Apia; he was indep
U �aldto be by thom thAtknow-it best, a truly re-.
� q
� .
� I
the Institute, which was thrown. %ide
open for the occasion, And those who
ent and need or Inge to no man.
unes were. seldom made from farming
inarkablecowgh remedy. noclianclo then,
rthularly withyour children. Insiston having .
, t;b,o,., Wuab, vuro. Vompare carefully thi
Now we are to bave five consecutive
_Z_ t' ��,-
,_ -4 1-1 4
... �� " I 11 I I .
�� , I I -'w
, .. '_ �
on Paul's second missionary
were there bad, a pleasant and profit-
but many farmers bad, all the money
"r 'boo
" padago -with otber$ And note the
Province of Outarlo.
- . , .
Able time. The gathering Included a
good number of ladies.
tney needed, and. that was realxwealth
Prof. Day then spoke of the necessity
difie`reiwo� No poison marks there! You, mu
always be on the Wo Bide by demaridint
'F��' I
I . �
20th, 1909, At $ P.M., for the follow. . . .
iChe business meeting. resulted in the
election Of the following directors:
of thorough knowledge of the farming
business. The difference between poor
.,Dr. Shoop S
. .
Asbrleld-J;w. Haydea, JrLo. Long,
stock and good stock was a matter of
. �
..- �
for they
, area stomachromedy that �
Thos; Stother$. , I
West wawanosh-Wro. Baille, S.
koowledge., One man would sell
h,)rses at $100 to $150 while another
kind of a pole to hold tip the brazen
'never disappoints. They act quick-
, .
Mead, Jos. A. Mallough. I
- .
Easc Wawanosh-A. H. Jacobs, X.
would sell them at $200 to $M.
man knew what he,was doing a ad the
I ,
ly and gently upon the digestive
Lockhart, J. H. 0. c0linton. .
otherdidnot. Notonlyfortfie rolit
I . organs, sweeten the contents of the I
Wingham-W. P. Gderson, A. Cur-
hut for'the p'easure to be taken oilit of
it farmer have
� , _ _ - __ — �____
*Omach, carry off the disturbing
rie, J. A, Morton. .
0, should good stock,
In Longboat's Footsteps'.
� elements, and establish healthy con-
, �
Blyth -F. Metcalf,, Jos. Stothirs.
Hullett-J, Fingland, Jno Barr, J.
Get the boys deeply intereatedin some
MILLI of live stock and It will, help to,
. - -
I �''. �
ditions of the liver .and bile.
Snell. . ,
keep them on the farm. How can.
once again a Canadian has on
The wonderful.tonic: and strength;
Olintoa--W. Tipla0y. -
you expect them, asked the speaker,
8 e it
elie l3o toTx Marathon. This tI,w
. ,ening effects from Beecham's Pil I
Ooderich township -J. W. Salkeld,
j. W.- Yeo, Geo Tenbutt. .
to be interested in the scarecrows to
ho, seen on some farrus? No wonder
is a Freoh-Canadlan, Henri Renaud,
a weaver Nashua,;N.H. Plugging
. make them a safe reinedy�they .
Goderich tawn-Win. NV&rnockt G�
'her Wanted to gat- Away.' Ib would
along steadily,' lie' gradually wore -
e .
F. Blair, W. H. Robertson. I
oplborne Harry Morris, R. M.
Young,R. H -ill,
not be a good thing for the, other in-
duatries if all the boys should stay on .
the farm, for the farm: fuenisbed the
down his competitors, until two miles
from the' finish he took Arst place.
Not content with this he st6adily
I . .
The nancial statement for the past
year was as follows; I
best, men in niany walks of life-, but
some men left the farm who should
opened up a gap betweWa himself and
Ills next rival and at the finish, he
� Sold Everywhere. In Boxe&q, Cents.
.. RrcEirTs ...
. . . irom 1
have stayed on it, and some of them
in after life were"Wilry they ever -left
wus nearly a mile allead. The time .
for Vle race was poor -the poorest
__ � ______7_
4e last year.,.,...., 4$
Balan .3080
Membeis� fees ................... 51.00
it. Prof. 1).ayspol,e.o.&.tl-.e,I&V,i�,j�pbn.,
McMillan, of this cofihty, as an ex..
hi -ten Years.- Butm there was good
reason.f�r this in"the unprecedented
The Poet Corner
municipal grant ......... ........ �25_00
Legislative grant ........... .... 25.00
ample of -A far, er , io, wit-' very .heat.which
small adv . ta es, achieved great suc-
beat down oil the rhno
ners and took the snap out of them.
Reoelpts from excursions, etc.,.. 40 43
cess, eco Ing one of the most effec
Renaud, however, does n I ot see!n to
A =__�________.__.__ ______,
I � -
. I I , $181.23
tive ebatersin t e Ouse of Com-
nions. KnowILdgemust W thekey�
have strained himself -it all, as he
was so Iresh at the finish that he ran
- ,
note of the young man; be must get
down to the bottom of thing%. A bus.
-the last hundred yards or so like A .
I heard the Spri' ng; ,
I This morning at tile door
1,'urenses for meetings ......... i$ 51,45
0 e,s, salaries and expenses,. 02 00
ines, is judged by the men in it, and
sprinter, and then walked jauntily off
to the clubhouse- to.. get the . silver
Quickly I set it wide .
Postage and stationery....,..- 0.00
the young men should recognize-theiv.
responsibility in upholding the dignity
bbwl,2which"i% the emblem of victory.
And, welcoming,
"Come in, sweet Spring," I cridd,
Printing and Advertising ........ 11.81 ,
Miscellaneous ...... � ............... 80.(X)
of their calling ,They should nevtr .
apologize for L�e I calling, but rather
I This shows Ills excellent judgment of
pace, whichis altogether remarkable
! ',Che winter ash, long dried, .
Balance on hand, ........ .......... 20.47
should take care., that their calling
ill a boy Of twenty whose first long -
Waits but ur breath to rise � � I
. I , I
never had occasion to be ashamed of
distance race -was iiIji Marathon run I
Oil pliallum wing!"
I . . .� . f18112a
them. Th.eirfathers, the pioueers of
.at Manchester, N.H., a year ago. - ge-
. A brown leaf shivered by,
Chas. Girv.iTi and John Dustow were
re elected auditors, . . . .
this country, had done nobiv, the
y?ung men of the pres6nt . generation
naud displays wonderful stamina, iIn
if lie daVelops .properly lie shoull
. A soulless thing- .
It was decided to hold the -regular
wero not'worthy of. their fathers if
make the b�st of them look to, their
. -My heart in qui,ek dismay -
4. Forgot to sing- .
rneetin�s puring the coming. yeAr at
they did not do something for, prog.
. . �
. .1
laurels, It, is to be hoped, bowe0r,
that lie.mon't, be led into the
, . .
. and Auburn and supplement-
ress. . � I
Twisted and grim it lay, I
ar y meetings at Londesbbro', Holmes-
'President Morils.expres'sed the plea,
sional ranks like almosVall the other
. Kin to the gliost-ash grey,
ville, St, Adgustirie, St. Helens,, Dun-.
sure of the gathering -in bearing',Prot -
annitelir L distdrice. riinners - who havo
I Dead, doad-strange herald this
. I
gannon and Benmiller . . .1 .
Dayandthericalfed on-Jdhn Buch.
distinguished thomselves.�Saturday.
. Of ]ocund Spring!
. . Afterwards. the . dir�dtors . met .'and
anan as a veteran farmer, :Mr, Bich.
Night., . . . I . . . .
I spurnod'it from Itlie door , I
re-elected the officers of last year, as
follows:'President, H, J. Morris,Loyal
nuan respQn,ded in an interesting Ad--
(Ir'se, recallibg- the early dAys, -in Ool#.
0 .
. . . . __ .
. * . -
, .1 � . . . . .. .
I longed that Spring
Should come with song and glow
vice-president, Jos. A. Mallough, Dua-
gannon, ,.seoretary-treasurer, -,Wm.
borne township, where he had.spent
sixty-five years- Half -a -century ago,
. . .11. . .
Anxionsiloments . - , -
And rush of -wing; �
Bailie.,I)tIngannon.' * ... !... .
he said, there. where perhaps - half -a-
. . . I For Youno, Mothers
I -Not this. not, this! -But 0 .
. The - business ,meeting, ovei,., the.
dozen biiggles in Colborne.,.how there
. I . .
� - .. . .. . � .
I .
Dead leaf, a year ago
gath�ei-ing had the plea�ure . of listen-
were hundreds; but although the eariy
.— ,
The hot weather -months are . an au.x-'
. You were tbo dear first-born I
Ing to an- inf6rmAl but interesting and
settlers did not have.the advantaves of
- d
- ti me for, Ali moihers, but particu-
"Ous' �
Of Hopt, and Spring 1 .
ma irin� .addr�ss from Prof. Day of
the present day thdy had, Olenty An
larly'for young in( Ahers. Thev arb the ,
-IsabQl Ecclestone Macka,v.
thep *Ontario Agricultural College,
were just.as happy a�, people are now.
, 6 tgtal ti"'ie of -the year f;Dr babies
. I
Guelph. Prof. Day, dwelt upon the
.importance of the farmer'd calling:
adays. -�- . . . . I I I 'Mos
'Although he. is iri -his eigbty;sevL-ntb
- Mid young children, because of the-
gre, previlance of stomach and *bowel
- -- T* Electric Rc.�
The condition of agriculture- was, A
. .
Idulty. .
year, Mr. Buohanan'had no dift
alihost w
bles.- These'com'e . ithout'
t" It
R st orer for U . Mankind
great factor in the c-)uhtry's com.
in reading without, spectacles from.a
warningandoften befd-re the mother
. ' I — - . � ,
Restores every nerve in the body. to
ruercial sitlirtti6n,and the crop reports.
were carefully. watched by the bankers I
rep6rt,of th6.Experiiiiental -Uniioln as
. '
a text for corilpirsions of Old Country
realizes that their is dan'ger. the little.*.
one may be beyo.nd, Aid. No 6ther
.. As proper tension ; restores vim And
and other financial men, No farmer .
and.Canadian agriculture. He BaW
medicine'ean equal Baby'sOwn Vab-
vitality. Premature decay and all sex-
ual -weakness averted at once. Ph3s-.
noedapologizefor his -calliiig. King
Edward was a rAirst,enthusias-tic farm
,Canadians had st1l1'E to learn
I sometb�ng
from the Old Couniry�. 48�.,a;,P2
,... .
lets in prompLy curing- bowel'and
� Ldndepboro-joiiitly�with!Mrlvlcl�,own's
ri ma Ing and
-Harness Shop, we ca do k
I .
. .1 . L,
- .
or. n. Gii u.*N*Jeh0i40A;, , * � 1. I � �
dersJeeve, .' V. ...., .
� ..
. r�filc . Mgr., Sarnia;, � ., - -
Mg`r,,CollingWooC1. -.
* ,
stomach . troubler. arid, an occasior��l
phonol will make you a new man. *3
ek,as wis.his royal, mother boforp him,
Votes 6ftliank§ were 0h9sed to Prof.'
dose given tliew.ellbbild will'keep the
� a box, or two for $5. Mailed to any
address on receipt ot price. TheScob-
and the King took great pride in being
abletowinprizes: in-thesbow ring
Day for his -address and' to Mr. arid
Mrs Morris fortbeit generoui hospit-
sto-ich and bowels free, from offeiid-
'' matter -and en-ure good health to
,ell Drug Co;, 8 Catharines, Ont.
with his live stock. - His Majesty got
ality as'shown . on. th.is,,,and other -
child. Tberef, i� � theTablets should
. � .. — I
Dates Fairs and Exhibitions -
no favors in the ring, elth�r-, his an!- I
mals:had to win, oil their merits, L6rd.1
oocaslofis. 1. ' - I . ; � 1, 0 , 1. -
, The meeting was held on the lawn,,
I always be kept I ii .the home. - as they ,
may be the means of saving A little lifei,
Rosebuvv and Other e bdrient men of I
where Afterwards tea was servedi-a,nd
gold by Ali meilidirr6 dealers or by mail
Atwood ............... i... -Sept. 28-29
Great Britain also Were .enthusiastic )was
much enjoyed. ,qo I .. I
at 25. dents a- bbk'from The'Dr Wil -
I.... . Brussels .......... � ...... Sept. 30 -Oct 1
1 I .
,�- 1 I 1, I
. . . . .
. , . :
llami� Medicine Co.,'Broe1v;4le,*. Qht.
Blyth................ a. 4 ....... Oct. 5 6
-- .--.- -- . - � �. � . - —_ -1 . -
.- - � - - - � __
. .� . . . I .. ... .
I . . . ..,
�Gorris ........................... Oct. 2
0**04*�*0#"#*94&&&&*00 *"0099i6#~0*"+4k**6#"44**
� .
. I . . . . .1 .
,Goderich ................. Sept 28, 29, 30
I 'Luckhpw ................... Sept. 23-24
I . Listowel .................... Sept. 21-22
. � I
# .. � .. � I �. I
. . .
4 - , , , " . 6, ' ' , ,
-, .. .
I., i ril Ne'' ws..
D 1 s t. ,Ct ,
, ' I
. ted Reformition. . .
, . A Bela" I .
, One of the easiest going, most shift- �
. -, -
less' Indivi�uais -that ever drifted .
Sept. 10
London ......... ... -18
* * *. ,.'* "
too lazy to travel ally
1. Milverton ........... : Sept.'23-2s
. . , .
I through. life,
. . .X .... Sept. 99
'St. Mlit-y's .......... -2.3
I .
. __1
. . .
, -
- way except with the- current, was Sarn
. . I
Toronto .............. ug. 30 -Sept 1.3
. I . .. .
* , - . " I , , * .
iatbered -by ajiustling
. .
' ' *
Staff -'of. Correspondents 'I
Doolittle. Saw,,was born tired and
never outgrew It. I l3eihg*'6,ehIndhah,1
, ,
... ,
Nothing in t.he 'way of a Cough - is'
I .. .
. '. .
I .. . I I .
. .. I I � .
. upin -with. lin-
n. chronic c.ot . Int 11,
-quite so annoying as a tickling, teas-
. . . #0"##"*+"b0*.* . VV4044" *#"640408 . , I
. � . � I I .
.tln�i i. h, got so that nobody re ally . .
.t nally
. .
Ing, wheezing bronchial Uough. The
I ,. . . .1
, . . . . . � I .
I . . . I . . . �
. . . .
. .
ekpeOted finy.th'Ing. else o f him. ' - .,
,quickest relief comes perbaps from a I
prescription known toDruggists every-
* I ., , I . - . .. .. .
.. � .
- . Sealorth. ' - !. ,
I % . � . I . . ,. .f I .
- . � I --��
� I . Winalftlam �. .. I
oi ti T
. lu the course me. Sam died. .be.
' '
. - . . . � - ' . I
where as Dr. -Shoop's Cough Remedy.
And besides. it, is so thoroughly harm-,
, .- .
. . . I . �
I jau��s H�V'Iv.., ha's", purchased thq .
We and .m'onume.nc inisiue�§ of
I The firm of . I . ... .
T. &.A*. E. Lbuttit:butehw'
ers has been dissolved arid A.A. Louttit
funeral arrangemeut% had, bee.h made
. P. ' -
Lind.the arinouncement r.olit *out when,
. . � ,....
less that mothers give it with -perfect
. I
J ari ,
ames Nevill"6 of th6 to%Vn�* and will
wiU _,oiftinue the. busineas in the old
. - .
is. of* th6
Owing to 'other eugagemen . . . .
safety even to the youngest babes.
here,Lf ter con�uct tile. busin-8B. - "
. .. .. I . . . .
stai-id.. -' - -
. `6fflelating yumn, It I W, fou'A
-cler, 'it
. The tender leaves of a mountain sbrilb,
. .
James.Scot.4 Seaforth's' Issap 'Wal-
1. ,
Thereare'no -
fewer iiLari 1-14' candi-
I Lille. - to, 'lit
. ns to ebange 06 -ti .
give to Dr. Shoop's Cnagh Remedy its
I remarkable curative ,affect. It is. truly
ton, holds the.big ft-ih' reqord for this
season so far. At-13,tyfleld on Satur-
.dates writing on the -Entraneq exam-
instioni here last wbpk_, Of this large
. hour �Ibead, an(l .I.,; a conqcquence the
body reaclied the cvinel�ry eons1qera--
a most certain and trustworthy pre-
scription.' Sold by all Deal6rs. .
day be'eaught a -(.')ikt,- that, w6i&,ed
nearly 8 pbunds; - : 11
,lumber 51 are from Wiagbam school
Mr. J A. Taylor, principal. of theRl �
. � . ed'u1c,
bly eftrlter ' thim the orl.g111,11. sell
� I I .
. .
.� Arvevent of raor I e t.jIsiq usu bl'i it. �v .. School, ' was in char . ge. " . . . .. . .9 -
' 'The I
est.to a wide' circle of .friends was the riterior of the. Drunswicl�hotel
had contemlilated.. .". . .. . I . *
I tile-- Mate
As the procesislon enferN I . .
. . Tate of Two Youyyg Mari.
wedding, last, Wedijps,dov� �nf Aliss I
has been 'repainted and t .horoughly
and lialted the old graveLligger, Nvho -
� .
� I
,.Two young men were employed by
Ratheryn Anderson - to �T. O'Rourke, I
over -hauled arid. one w6 uld
-bad not be en notified of tile change at
. a great flim at the stime' time.
One fired ..
both &McXillop. Tiiecerianony which I
in St."3kineb, church, SE a.
took '
think it the same -house.' The outside
of the building will be repainted' arid
tline, dropi)ed ,,Ills siladt, 'in SurPtiliLl �
� ,
was with ambition. -
The *other was fired with alacrity.-
. place
forth,.was perfornl6d by ,Rev. George i
when all the improvements are com-
, and.asked: , ... - . ..' .� . �-
1,1* that r�atjl Do6little you've got
. .
Kansas City Times.
. .
ader- I
Pearl, A , pleted this hotel wi I be one. of the best,
R. Xorthgraves. Miss . .
'sister of the,bridej acted, in Western Ontario.. '. .
son, bridesw i
1. .. . . I
� .
I. . . . .
there?- . I : 1.
. . . .
maid, while the grooin Waq B11 pported I
. Wl�DDIXG.-A quiet wedding took
, Epon.-being assured . that It was he
. I . .
i I Proof Positive.
by Mr. Williaill Mol-'er, of1libbert. I
place at -the home of Mr. and I-Ats. . 0.
. shook 16, head dubiously and croaked:
"Don't you tbMk Madge has an
A QU.08TIONT Or AjusFroi)y � The I
t4raham, Centre street,, Wednesday
"Well, it that I� Sam 'Doolittle he.
-awful temper?"
Court of Appealbe%rd 4wgument but
. mornin4 At 5.45 o'clooki when their
must have turned. over it- ne,Ny leaf Vil
. ,� "I know she hasn't, for she lost It
reserved j6dgerneiit, on' A 1110tion by
W� Curry, K 1.1, for Eb stated case
daughter, Miss Agnes 141orence, was
.United in marriage -to Bryson C
of 'a sbddell. I'Te ILTIONVII him, boy an'
, ,
-man.; 'Over
yesterd, ay when I called on her."-3kil.'
� I
,J. .
to be directed, to be granted by Judge.
rane. m.Vble dealerof this town, , The
jifty. years,, aril.this Is
, for. .. I
,timore American. .
.. I
D.L., X)6yleiCount�r Judge of the Conn
. s. preformed b
ceremony wa y Rev. 0.
he ever took that I knew .
, the, flr.�t Arlp . , . .
1. . . .1
of the -Kirig
ty Of Hdi on, In the ease ' .
E. -Seakins, ' B. A. B. D.; th
.e happy
hiin. to get. marted ;xtieLid of t1me0-
.. I I . :
I A faillag tiny nerve -no larger thin
againiBt-Williani A.'Holines, wbo was
'couple being unattended. A,dibinty
Keii,,Ynrh: tIltynact ' I , � ..
.. . � � .
I the finest silken thread-takes"from.
. OW.
the Hertre its impulse, itci hidden
, sentenced oWMarch 416 two years and
six m�orithsin Kingston Pentlentiary
"Lreakfast being , After. -
w=ng a rd Mrs-, 00ch`T
w served, and.kej *
. . — ... . . . .. . ..
. - L�is of Roorn: Yk, . -
. P A
er, its regularity. The Stomach all,
on the charge of taking Maud Holley, �
ran train
e left on the. early morninF
foil a r
honeymoon trip to roronto
. Statistics issued by the Depattmen ,V
' *
has its hidden,or inside nerve. It was
Dr. Shoop *vho first told us. it was
sixtedn'years of age,out of the custody
6f her father, Job flulley,. without his
,short .
-and. Chicago, before taking up reB,-*
I of Irnirnigrati6it in show
' are 00,000; homesteads
wrong to drug st weak or failing Storn -
c . obsent, on -December 92 last. The
denceln'town. . - I . � .. .
available in survey6d distri ets of
41 .acb, Heart or Kidneys. His 6rescrip-
, tion -Dr. Shobp's Restorative -is dir-
mother had moved from the farm in
Huron county to Guelph with ,her
: 1. .
Tea is nioce susce�tible to f.5reign in-..
. .the
the. three: P�raitie . provinces.'. Mani-
toba' contitins 18,11B, Saskatchewan,-
. -ected straight for the cause of these
other ' childreno to be housekeeper for
fluences than even butter.', This is
106,560, and -Alberta 71,286. Much of
ailments -these weak and faltering in.
Holmes. The girl, Maud, was main-
should never be exposed to the
the land �9, as good As anything
, side nerves. ' rhis, no doubt clearly
tained in school in Seaforth bv her
.air or sold in bulk form. The sealed
the*_eouli - . � . .. .
m6plaing why the Restorative has of �
. mother, and J Holmes was &skid by
lead packets of Tea preserve
� I
. - -try- . I I .
. . .
late grown so radidly in pobularity,
her mother to bring the girl - to her.
the tea in all its native g oodness. ln�
.1 .. I . !,. 1. .1 .
. Druggists -say that those who test the
The ground -on - which the application
Ms.- upon "Salada." , *
� . ..
.- . .......... 7-
.. . . :
ARestorative eyen for a few days soop
L ,
I become f ally convinced of its wondei - --
- wasthat Holmes was simpl
was.made . L Y
acting on behalf Of the- mothee., who
. - I .
. ,�; Hensall . . I
' I
. .. I
. of tL
I Palpitation he Heaft...
.. fal merit. Anyway don't drug the
,organ. Tredting the cause of sickri"s
desired the costody'of iher daught6r;,
Mr. J, R., Cartwright. .K. C..'fou tb'e
Wes: Moore left for. Detroit, . where
he has t4ken'r, with a motor
I .
, ? . I . , I . .
is the on1v sensibleand successful wa,y.
A ,.Sold by W. R. R. Holniss .
ne,y On.erAl and Mr. 0. � Seager
tov e I ' '.
�ftaod 2. County C'r6wn Attorney
firm., , . I
L :,I
Thursday July the -.8th., Himsall
rer simrials'tb�t an -
One of .the first dang � .
nevin-.o soi it n( g wrong Nvi Lh the beart is
notl '
. . - -.1
of Htlrnn,,o�posed the motion.
* 0
ay also the. date of the.
tlie Irregular beat or violent throb. Often
eri are seft, -an
tliere is only a flutto gatiow, or
-1 " 0,11 R, A N U E. .
� � M
. 1, ..
. L
, Beaudini itair matces viel.
geeat exclilon to. Goderich, .
on Monday ev ening a number of out
ill;7g;, or again,therd
, 4, all gone" sinking fe(, ,, ith
may be a most violent beating, 'wI
- .
. . -�4mw '. W�-�.. -_ -
. �"'ww'
, Plailiest.Face IrreAstably,
leading citizens were up before Squire
Pett� cha;rged'with placing obstacles
flush,ngs of the skim apd 'visable pulsa-
Attracil ve I , I - L I .
on the. street Chief Whiteside pro§eo.
, tionsoitho.arteries. Tho-persoamayex-
1) e . rience a,imothering sensation, gaup.f6r
I .
, .
� - .
uted. Dorrald Urquhart was the first,
. (1,fe6l, a.
s t
I)reath n Rolloh "'out to, (lie.
I .
........... ,_ .. .
. . .
Any 6eautiful And
. woman can have
luxuriant. hair. by using, Parisian dage,
lie was charged with 9soo
Is 0
str� Mr. Urquhart aving I Y.
.6t, state(, the
in, 8111all (_1aq03 thol aoti. n of ?V111burn's
'i'�. 0
fleart an4 Nerk-e- I., quiotin�. the
L I .A Grand Orange Celebration will ve
. 4 �
, held in
the great tonic and dandruff care,
wereput there by the farmers Who
bro htthernintobe-sawed. Hedid
licart, restoring its normal bcat_P�Lpt-
to -the norvo centres, ig,
V F, N T 0 N
Parisian Sage is tile favorite
Tonic of refined people, Und sinee its
introduction it his met wlth.'wonder-
notutold himself responsible. r.
Welsh objected on .Similar grounds as,
bevoild all (itl6ition, marvellous. They
gi�o such. prompt relief that do ofie need
1-4]1 I
the above, Both Were given a week
� I . I
I . I I .
0 N
LfUl Success" . I
It you want beautiful-, lustrous hair
to remove the logs. - - W. Welsh Was
charged with. -leaving wood the
Buffer. . . I I ..
Mr.i. Arthur Uason, Uarlbqnk, ('a'4
. I .
Monday, July 12
'that twill boltheenvy of your friendo
go to the drug v
Holmes L AtOr.8 Of W- R6 It-
ind a bottle of Parisian
street and paid his flne. A Richart
also paid his dollar for having wood
writes ---P Just a few lines 0 let you kno
what Milburn's Heart and 'Nerve Pills
have done for me. - 1 htwo been troubled
- .
it fox, a week,
San today And ii9e I
On the street, Geo.- Joynt had a box
on the street f r whion he- contributed
with -weakness; and palpitation of tile
, .
...... ft.."..w
4 I
, If at the end ct a, week,you are not
satisfied that, VarislAn Sage is tile
4L, dollar, A - Brandt with chierful
I alacrity signed his "$Line to a cheque
heart, would havo severe choking spells
,.in( t could seafoely lie down at .,ill. I
most delightful and refreshing Hair
CoVering a similar Amount, .
tried many remedies but got none to
. I
Tonic you over used, take it back and
. I .
, ,
. answer my case Jlke' ur pills did. I
. I . ..
si 11.
got -your money. . .
is gUAVAn' .eed to cure
. Parisian Sage I
Thatiuil;;S; Zt,;r- meals p(Om3tly
rolleved , I
taking one of Miller,s , on,
eqn, recommend them ighly to all with
. ,
I t or nerve ttouble "
, Lear
dandruff, and stop falling hair. It
costs omly 50�eents a bottle at W, S. R
und on Pills after each meal. Sold
"' I
I bY W. S. It. Holmes,
Price, 50 corits per E�X, or 3 boxe!g-for
I $1.25, at all dealera, or inalled direct otk
. I . . "...- I . � ..
ii�- '_81_'1ft_A_ft-,,�hf _�,__ -_ —
ar� pros Colds 0o
. -
: .
HO . t,y expres.0, ch%rge8 prep,011 . .
Imes or ,
irvin 0H.'roux 11"', Co.' F,)rt 1...'�,o, 0�11. Uinard's Uninkent Cures Wale per
a i .
� I . � I
. . � I . . .1 . . ..
receipt of�priee, by Tile T. Hilburn, Co.,
3 Lituited, owato, Out. �' & .
( I
__ I
I .
� . . � � 11 I I ....
" )
. 11
. .
� I
I . .
e .
. . I
: . ;, I
� I
. � I
, I
_ __ — —
, e
\ ..
� __ __.__._____
� ,
'"" , I
National Portland Cem-en too. ,
Less% I.—Third Quarter,, For
- - Durham I
.;.. ... . . ,�S& . . . .
- �
July 4p 1:909.
As Mrs. T. R. W.
,, ilker has left Clinton, the
. us just*.tbe .� . He -
n6t " be .1-11s: way for n
. . ,,
agency for the above Company bas been tran.sferved
to me. .
Those desiring the Best Oement at reasonable
I -1. I
' ' '
e -iller Woollen., -Mills
B. nm I . . .�� I .
. � .
prices may secure a supply
from me,
:, .
Text of -the Lesson, Act$ xv, �6, to Xvi,
- * .
the.i4ea at Troas;,Ilii ' ut saw an a vision
and give the BIGHESTCASH ' PRI OR �
. a man . of1hicedonia, In Europe, who'
15--Mernory Verses, 9, 10-Golderi-
. ,
inton. I
. ed., or will exchange foi my milnuttac-
Text, Acts. xvi, 9 -Commentary �Pre-
I �
tfired. articles'. .
. You.willfind a fine assortment 'of
right, but some Itre, learriffig.that ed.u-
. .
,pared by Boy. D. M. Stearns. . .
� - - - I . . . 1.11, I � 11 -1
_ -_____'_'___------7-
I . . . . 11 I. . � .1-11. � �
(Copyright, 190D, by Americali Press Association.]
. I . .
--;,----, -----_-_-.-
cp ^ 09 r" C30 M: � 4. X -,%.
When we left this wonderful story
. - I I -1
Beare the The KIM You Have Always Baq*
of the continued doing$ and teaching
of the ascendedr Lord by Ills Spirit
. . ", - �
I .
. '
..;*-;_ .
Bignaturo ,��
of .
through, Ills nervants a few weeks
_4=;�!:. 11 -
ago, we saw Paul and B,arnabas and
Others, teacbIng aud preaching the
.. . -_ - � �. ,
I _tz-N,
I �
- - ��_
- -_�w '...",
I 11 '
word of tile Lord .it Antioch (xv, 35).
I � - 7r�A -
11 r I
. . . . . . ? I
. J#
Now we are to bave five consecutive
_Z_ t' ��,-
,_ -4 1-1 4
... �� " I 11 I I .
�� , I I -'w
, .. '_ �
1 1 — , .
� Town of elinton,
on Paul's second missionary
. . . . . ..:,� - , _. , ,
, 1,
Jouratly as recorded III chapters xvi-
. ,-1-7-' . ,
I *1 - . - - .,�,� ,
- .
Province of Outarlo.
Zvifl, but we have some preliminaries
"I � ��� � ____ i I I -
- .. 1, � .
' , �
1�;�1_111 ,
-- .
%Sealed tenders will be. received by
in tile closing verses of chapter xv.
., _,-.7, _�-�-.
1�_ -
- .
theTown Clerk nntil Tnesday, June
S owe Cbristlaus. are tempted to think ,
'F��' I
I . �
20th, 1909, At $ P.M., for the follow. . . .
that God can only use perfect -people,
. _j��-
. .
Ing -sections of the ,proposed Water, I I P
and while they are looking for such or
,Works system.- ,' ,-�
waiting to become such theruselv0
We Want to Land
. . I
I is A " Labor pipe laying. - .,
souls are perishing, for lack of sonic
' . .
,flrst ' *
y -our order, because we know that
" )3'? Vump House. . I
, JL 0 " Water Tower. ..
kind of a pole to hold tip the brazen
the satisfaction you will derive from
I ���
. . . .
11 D " Cast 11-011 Pipes. I
iigrpent that the periAllng. may see the
that will Open your eyes to the facit
E4 " Hvdrants, Valves, etc,. - . I . I
sirpent. not the poll, and live.. I.sup- .
that you cannot do better anywhere
6. G " Pumping MachineiT, I
pose that in considering this reeord of
else that you can -with us, You will -
find that we arenot "all sea"in
96 H " Producer Gas Plant. .
- 11. ,
the. quarrel between Paul and Barna"
at our
business, but thoroughly "up -to -the
. I" Roe- eiving Basiu5_ .
' I I .
has, corileeriling,7obu Mark sonic would
minute" and watchful of the interests
PlaLs and specifications may be
- some the otlieF, but
take one side and t
. .
)f our cqstomers,.knowing thaC by s, 0
.. .. I
seen at the Town Clerk's office, Olin-. .. I
the Lord overruled it t9 send out four
loing, iie 'are really acting,.for our
� ton. or at the office of the Chief Brigin- . _.
missionaries Instead of two, and He
awn ultimate beriefit. . .
eer, 103 Bay St., Toronto, on or after ..
June 8th. I . .
loved :thern all In spite of their sins
doubtless. blvssed them they
. 11 f
Q. A.- DOWN 6
and as
. 9
Town Cierk, buntion, Mayor. Clinton.
went forth ILL Ills unme, Paul and Silas
through Syria and . Cillcia and Barha-
., .
Merchant Tailor', - Clintou,
6.3' -10 , IVIUMS . CHIPMAN 0 E
ChlefRn'qiie" Toronto, .
a er,
bas and Mark to Cyprus. �
. , . I -..- I - .
, � I
If' Paul passed, through' Tarsus oit
� . �
hl% way to Derbe and Lystra, the ree -
I .
.. , ,
ord does not, speal, I of tits preachin 9
. I
. . . �
there. Ile'seems to. have presqpd !on
. ,
, .
to Derbo, his f.
,irthest pointLon his first
I 1 9 1
your figure ,foe a suit and the 1. I I
' I
touri,and, 00) to Ly'stra, Where lie had
. . I
. I
. . .. I . ".
figure we will ask w 'ase you, .
* . ill ple .
been stoned to. death. From thence he
.1 -
. .
as well as the perfect. fit we will .
took who h,1(1' knosvil the
. . .
Trule old adage that!health is,wpalth'
'gaarantee. yo% We are Scrupti..' � I I
Scriptures frow his childhood, -having
been well taught both by his inother
To be healthy; wealtlij, and wise '
1 Is &
combinAtxon hard to'beat. You'll be
I I . .
lously careful to fit all our-p.atroxis . .
. � . . � . :
and Us gr4ndmother (11 Tim, 1, 5;, Ill,
' .
. healthy. You'll be ivise. Consequent-
- to perfection, as -every 'garment . -. t .. .
* '
15); he. had possibly witnessed the
ly wealthy it you take .... � 1
I that -leaves our establishment be- . �. ��.
stoning of Paul and lii�.retura- to life,
. .
. . '
. . .
. I
comes anadverfisemerif for us. , . , ., I '.I ..
andAt niay have led to his cotIversion
. . I .
. . .
' "
We will give you your choice of . .
or. to a more'a�cfded stand for Christ.
Paul call� Win "'my own ,son -in 'the
'L . '. �
� .
I . .
' .
. .�
. I the finest and newest fabrics. We - .". . .. 11
. , '' . .
I .
faith" (I Tim. I, 2), as It be had been
I . .
do the rest.' . . I .. I . I . � � .
� .
the. Instrumebt in. leading Mai" to'
'Christ.. On- the. principle of -
. . . I Cor. ix,
I . . I . .
Cod LiVe'r 1
. I I 11 .. .. ...
. ' . . .
X_ a z. ..
- .
20...'l1aul had lihn: cir melseil for thp
. . CU.
sake of winning the c1rcuruclied to
. I .1
' Briek's Tasteless -has all the Virtues
.I... .
Fine 'Iterebant' Ta . i . loring. I ' ' . . I
I � �. .
Christ, but not I tbfft b . o for one mioibiant
of the. pure Cod Liver Oil with'the dis-
.. ..
. Fred ,fifeksoli's'Old Stand. I
. I I .
I r
thought - circumcision ;essenflal to sal. :
. .
th,steful greasiness' removed. - It also
contains' Compound Syrup of- Hypo-
Agent for. Buitiab-Aiberican Cleahin ' � . � . .
.9 I .
I . . .
- , &.Dying Co. Moutreal . . . . . �
vatiou (Gal. v, 6. vi, 15). .I -lidve never
. .
4eiin - able to' understand why. twenty-'
� .
Phosphites, .Liquid Ektract ofMalt And
Vluid'Extract of Wikd Cherry Bark,
1. I . .
—.- . — , . . .
— -.1 . . . . . . .
I . � I
�wo years ago*the i,ord led �me Into -a
. . I
That's,a composition ihat will tone up.
.. ..
,--,, , - I .
-1 I I
""" � s -
. . .
efitirch usi ng- a if turgy and.asked. me ,
, .,
YOur system, bring y(% a big appetite,
t...- � �
&I 'I. I
. . .
to submit W wearing a gown unfe$4
strengthen. your nerves, build fat upon
i - �, . I
- . 0 .
. �� -1, .
Ile did so t'hat* to �mlght thus ee4ch,
� � ,
Tr bones and Put ebeerl ness and
YO I ul '
auck ition into � your life, Costs vei* '.
.. I . I �
.� 1, .
,.*. * � 0 . ,
�� .
I .
. ft
the simplicity of t 6
sonig I be .gos-
little-totryit, Will.backup what we
. . .
- .
pel and the, glorious truths of the kin-
' . . �
, .. .
say. - -,
. Grand Trunk- Route .
dow iind'tbe second:'coming of Christ
. .
- I I - ' - . .. ..
4. ey, Clinton,
- ',Ibake'�e . �
who might not o
,.therwise hit.ve .been
, -E.'.
. - , �
... . .
,� . Full sunimer service 4urio imia. . I I
,reached.. His servia;�Is Perfect free-
. . . �
- — . . I - —
II,C11IA,ng magnificent steanishii) - .
dom, ,.and I -ought to 4e w , ng* to'.
.5ve 1111
, I *
. A310NIC the largest .and fine4t .on
Ureat Lakes. 'Sailings --from Sarnia .
subinit to anything,. anywhere, .any-
how, If. onl�', fIe call thus -be gloi-illed.
04, 1B oat's'
� . . .� . 11 . .
. I
Moridays. Weda�sdays and Saturdays
'_ ace
As tbey:passed from place to 51
. To'Fariners and. Others: � .
. . - . � .
8.00 p� in. for $kultj Por,t Arthur, Fort � - I
Williain arid Diilutb, J-pecial Grand
tbe believers - were more firmly estab.
' .
Wehaveseveral pairs of our own
TruDk train service. to. new Sarnia. . .
ll�hed, (by ''no
make of Boots, - Good Largain's while
wbarf.. - .. , . I .1 �. . . I . .�
doubt); and -the nu mbor of. them A i..
.they, la;sti. � Just the you need
I .1
while the spring is opening up, to keep
, . . � ... . .. .
I Milland, Pene(gug,'Parry Sound Div. .
. .
creased, the Lord mnnifestl k.
. � I . . y wor
, , - . I
'your feet'diy. ,
. . ice. discontinued untif June 26th. , . .
with them. With it map of'Aila All-
. .
. . 'We are headquafters for shoe- re-
, arle
For'Saulb Ste. M and Georgian
nor, * which -Is necessary iq. this study,;
.pairing, Your. repairs done while You
RhSr Ports from Coilingwood 160p in.'. I . . . �. ,
one can.see that. having passed well
. . wait. Qur prices are right. . . I
Owen ,",'und 11, p�. m., -every Wedue$- '� . .
through the .Provinces. to ,the west,
� . � L .
. �
,' .
! Opposite ttle Post oft��C- .1
day. and Saturday. "_. , . I . � .
I I . I . I
. . . .
.they, w�i6., forbidden.' at that time, * to -
� , . � I.. . I I
. Tickets -,and inforinati6yi. fr6ni. all - . . - .11 ..
go 'South .into *1:1101 o'f -Asia
Aitviiig-oii6ned ,A bran�h bus1lneds at .
railway agonts. , � ,,- , . 4.1 .. I. ... . .
, I north Into
and not. suffered- to go
Bltbyn1a,. the Sjilrit 11LIVIng -Ills 0,
� Ldndepboro-joiiitly�with!Mrlvlcl�,own's
ri ma Ing and
-Harness Shop, we ca do k
I .
. .1 . L,
- .
or. n. Gii u.*N*Jeh0i40A;, , * � 1. I � �
dersJeeve, .' V. ...., .
� ..
. r�filc . Mgr., Sarnia;, � ., - -
Mg`r,,CollingWooC1. -.
. .
1, f�� 4-1-11 !.#- .1,A I'l-1-i * , "'
U - ,or aim
re .,at -shortest possibi ce. , ,
pairing' e not!
- '' .
�T �
I .� . . - . ...
� I . I � I . . I
- % � . .
J4 �.- . . . I I I . .
to live id Abe Nvlll-44d�_purposd ot.
� .
I .1 I I I . . . I - I . .
I . .
. 1-.d , . .
W.H.W.'at Son,
God qInd rely upon Vs. x1xii, 8;�.Isa'.
heretofore. would seem to Indicate that
. ..
'xXx, -I.;,;. iovill, * 17, III -the.,mattqr of
.;.. ... . . ,�S& . . . .
gulda�ce,' for.;,ml:lat seems to us good
and w1go and for the-gloty of God may
. I I. I ..
, ,
W *. 0 ' L
. us just*.tbe .� . He -
n6t " be .1-11s: way for n
. �
.. I .
.1 I
opens or shuts as snms beft to Him,
. ..
�-O �
, .. - I . .
and we shriply '6vell. with Wit -for
- .. ... . .. . . . . ,
I . —
I .
. .
. Ills .Work and ��161d to Him that He-
r1lay work In and thioug1k,us"lais good
' ' '
e -iller Woollen., -Mills
B. nm I . . .�� I .
. � .
. . . .
pleasure (I Cbron.� lip, 23; Phll.� 11, 13;
. .
. __,� I � . . . . . �. I
. . - ___� .
1. . . . . I
Hiab. xill, -21). ,Having corile down to
I . .
' AS Uauai,1 ih%ll be prepared to buy.
- * .
the.i4ea at Troas;,Ilii ' ut saw an a vision
and give the BIGHESTCASH ' PRI OR �
. a man . of1hicedonia, In Europe, who'
for'%VOOL, b6th washed and unwgih��
. said, "Come over into Macedonia arid
. ed., or will exchange foi my milnuttac-
help us." The writer say,*, ,sliumedi.
.. s i 4. lk f
I �
tfired. articles'. .
. You.willfind a fine assortment 'of
i . I . � " I ,
. 1. .
� . . I
. . - . . I
I .
" *
I . . . .
. .
I . I I
. I .
� . .
. ,
. . 4 . .
. . . . �
I . . . I .. � . . I . . . . . - �
I - I . .
. . . -
. I
I .
. ..
. I . . .
I .
. , � . �
. � I : �
I . . .
� 11 .. .
- � -
I I ..
. . L .
. I ..
, I 11 �! . I
. .
. I I
� 11
. . I
aLtRY we enuenvoreU to gO 1A V -V - Tweed rari6us upoto-date patterns, I .11 . I I I
. . . , . I .
.donla, assuredly gathering that .the also -a 9 ' Vd supply of Bed Blankets, . I I . I . . .� .. �&, . . .
. ' " 0 --- ___._
Lord had cai'led us- for to: preach the .:Horse BEIets and yarns of various I - ; . - . . I 1;
. , . . I . I . ., � I . . - ly Am'd 11 - . I r I I � . .
-gospel -unto them" .(verse '10). .The-, colors. . __ - . I I qv*erl� . � .
pronoiin ."well Instend of,lltlicy�ll as.'
heretofore. would seem to Indicate that
. ..
. I.
. Lukne had riw. J91ned. them, Luke. the. *
. I . .
- - .. .
-DENIMILLER. .. � ..
peloyed physician, tile writer of this -
� . I . 1. .. . ., . . .. � -
bodk- and-9f.the gospel bearing Ills'
. -
name. Tbere.came a . time when Paul
�L 0�0-.K
wr . ote, �'Only Ldke Is wit'll me,, 41 Tim,
. I , . I I I I . .�
Iv,. I 1), Note. that they were called . to
' El N E -FOR. �
preach. the gospel,.not to establish
.. .SALE
.' ' . . . I AT T110 . . I .. -
schools, as one has said. To teach the
, . � '
uneducated- to rwd� thatt . hey !bay be
. Relgirave Lilac Works#
able to.rend the Blblp.and--to instruct .
I , I .
"them that they may. instruct others III
- I '
� Manufacturers of First,class Lime.
I . . I .
that which is essential, seems -to be all
OUR MOTTO:-FirstelassLini6sold. and .
I prices Within rekell of all. * ,
right, but some Itre, learriffig.that ed.u-
� .
20b, Oer bushel at kilns,. or 25c -for 50 -
cation without Christ only'Wilkias more
Inishel loads, delivered at Gtaham's.
clever or" unbelievers. Our
.. .. . .
Hotel, Clinton. ' - 1 . � .
commission ls.to proclaim tbe'good
' Orders filled promptly. - I I
. d ffig.1114 Sop.that
through . nim ;6uls maybe saved. �.
I I .
A. N1C1l0Lg0N'J1L, SON4 !Prop's. 0 �
. I
.Haviug cross�d by' ship to Nbapolls,
. I
. I I Belgrave, ,Ont.. ,
. they - proceeded, Philippi, the' chief ,
. .. .
city pf that part of Macodotila, and
1 -
there they abode certain dlays� The
- . N ;
. rnan, of the vision . was not tbere I to
Is,riow in fuQ'swin�, bftng*, youv re.
welcome theta, hor was the�e it,
. '
orkmanstrip' gdaranteed by �
ibitte'e.tofecelvothern, XO.po06r8An-
old rtlilable$latbe hand and machinists.
nounce4 the arrival^of thc'distlnglulsh�
. �
, ,
nbilerg, , T"Ics, S1110ic Stacks,
edmeasongers, nor did any beraid pro,
, ..
pic Work, etc. -
. Iron ft1d, .
claim that obe or them Livid been, . . . .1 � . . . . . . -
stoned to death and, bad c.011he to life . Attention Cement Menl � I . - I . . . � I �I I
agalrk.,, ftey were evidently 'not ex- We also make a specialty of small . I . . I ''. I .
., .. � 1.
pected, and,nobO(17 ettred. I Was It $ill Iron bridges. -Write proprietor. . . . .1
. .
, � . .
a mikfake arid th6 vision ,,I delusion? � : , . I . I . I . . .
tat tw wait and watch.415 they'did. . . I I . , I FigPillig fbr ' '� . I
. . " I - . '
I I . '. * .� . �. �.." I H. PIDWELL9 . � ' ' - - :
. . �. I , ,. * - . Clititon .� 'Onta gge People' ",
I . . ,
I is . . �
. I I Are the reat upbuilding wed. .
TORIA . - . * i0ine Of 4 age. Now Intereft .
For Infauti; and Ohil&on. . M 0 NUMENTS in life -After you've taki6n a box I
. . 4r two. 25 cents a box, or flvo
The Kind Y0.0 Have Alwayagoaght ('111-oice Designs. - - UeSt Matterl.1d. boxes for a dollar. . . �
I I I .
. , . I . 11or stile � , by 11001105 , 4111. .
nentri the . . JAMES' DOICIf . I . 1. �
Signature �f I , . .
- 44 W1, rxz _Q I " ' I . .
., - . . I . Opposite Post officeo - 011404o I � . 1. I .
. . �
. � . .
. 1. . I . .. . t . . I
. : .
* I . . . � 1 7 �
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