HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-06-24, Page 81111111"7, ...."1­1111I.Fl- - -I,,-,- - 4 -- '4w 7 -� �1­f�,­ -1. 11 - ­ - ­.I.V1.1119....17-W. _101113111111,10V . I I � 1, I I I - � 4. 8 � I TU I _ , � . ,� A. - .0 1 1 - 1. I I � - ­ _. - - _ - � . . � 0 -' Jum *41h I" � __ ___ __ _. _ - _. ­ ­ __ ...­ .­_ - __ � . __ ___ I I - --''�ll.�-�.-�..'�..�1.11�.."."��.��"..���;,-..''�"...��,.,.--.-,--",'',. - ,- , ­; - -w 11 opow LOIC41 Notices. I - ... ­ 1-11 1-7 1_-.. -1.1 ­­ ___'.. ".�,.---�"",....".""�":', ­ � . . . . . ___ _ - . � I . . I I . � 1',�gs gucl BOW wan Vic: Pall 0 a I . I 1 1-7 L . 11 . I 1,. 11 I - CANTSIL804khkalloolli!tz;,At"wouI , ' � - . I W ,W111 bla. Used Daily and Nightly - ., q,,1,,lu1ql v%tl,ai" g. t, Co. T 'Ili 121011tall-04VIblou'd' , . 0 ­ * lktorl I . vr*day#June25,th I I I I l)t19QW0,U0ktQ l0a'a 04 i1rst class Win socurity . 40-",& x, ri lj,f� , V;O,t to, rest. . I 90 avfinto I Look Sightly, I I DR. OV.,!q$, Loudon, Surgeon, Cent . I SCHOOL 49HILDREN'S IDAY. # Leu N./ -, list. spMajist, will be at W. S. R, 11 , � �, I , F4 . . 9 I 110IM-8 Dk?Ug` $to - . I Z p Fro 0 ' "I fnes5. r 0th. Qlassee ro �erlyr ' Vd"y Made Rightly, This store closes. from, 2:60 until 4:00 o'clock, p.m. � � , Otte e,'a 'u'y I - catarrh and failing iyesight treateds . . � � 11 (- --,4,,-t 0 n --ft Hours 0 to 3:")G p. in. � . . 0 !! �.......10__I_ 0,___T I ____ � . - � 111.- - , '. I � , -.d -1 I . � .1 , , . .11 ­.. . I C I 11 I Prbed Slightly � I I , -' I I � k4� I I � to][ I Local News - . . . I . . All of Aich refers to our HANENIOCKS. "M � ENGINR4 BROKE DOW�i -The � ' 11 I 3 -Hour bale - , . I . I ! . .. . . . � � - eng�)4e on. the eveiaingtr�iu of the L. ,,, We know -of no beuer outdoor comfort I . � I . � . If_& 13, broke down at 11derton'and a . 11 I , uQw engine ha!1 to be sent from Uon. . I . I . %�on to Vribg tile train through, Itar. durin,- the heated' term. Supplyino, ;I 1. � 1. I W bt to lived in Clinton at 8.30. 1.1� 41D . ) . ,._1` I e expec . . . ! Saturdkv . I . . I . cool vot ,,Where to, reclive in pure and I ! . I I I I i ARLIE - Will out' cor- . .. - . . ! . ' . I A DAYR �R. . I I respondents pl.ease bear in mind that I -from - unti16 o'clock.- . W the Niv.Nv Eux will be published on . hea'thful air. Our prices are as low as is i 0. I . I : - our- Busi " We4nesday,, of next week, as the Ist I I � , close ; . � . of July comes on Thursday. All !ferns in keeping -with the qual'ity, arid our . i Wc have - decided to again repeat a * , '. i, I 10 should be in on Tuesday night or . . ; " . , N I ness In, Clinton , Wednesday morning at the latezit.. . � stock. well assorted in color., leno th and I THREE - HOUR- SALE this SATUR-" � ' . 45 r. I I . - � " . I BASEBALL- The seconA form bp4. . . . � DAY, From THREE .ntil SIX o'cibcko 0 the first form uf the,C. 0. I. in a -atnA Style. I � I r I I . . I . � M . I of I)asehqll on Tuesday b7 a scoreof I . - - . , any took advantage of last weeks thriett , . � Q: - Ist . . ' , - w weeks 15-0. The line up -is follows .e � in a f E) _�*' - It 91 � . hour -sale and S v d Mo '. Every article I I �. . . F ortu- G. HeIrenzie P; W, Wallis c, -W Ad"%k I a U � .: I �/.,,y - �, . . T ' advertised is marked ci?w' t - Wholesale - ";` ' , 4. Torran ce If; V_ 1W ­ I . � " bal 3 b, . Mitchell a s;U V _ a o - . I :1 W.GrAl b: H. Mustard 2 b, F. Rurn. H E -1k I f� e Fair ,eVA. . �� 1, � 0. Diehl c f; W, Millor,r f. 2od Form - -_ . ... ices which means .big savings' and �, I and must-- great . . - �- ­­­ pri I . . . I . � . 0. 11,11ty t," R. Farquhar c; H. Alac,. . , I . I I . . Art) -air 1 � ; L, Reid, 2 b; H. Herr 3 h; ' economical buying, Don't. ml�s this'' chance I L WAsuirturf. s st A. McKenzie I f; M. OFTEN THE CHEAPEST - z Jackson c f, Q. Millar r f. I � - . I . � to save money If you need any of the follow- . -I . il," ly ,redu'ce t.hp WONTHE' I PRIZES -When the -pre. . . I -ALWAYS TI iE BEST Ing ; rticles, Sale prices strIctly cash. I I I I .. I 11 I . sj-ut term -opened at the Public School, I III ___ ,-. " MIUM . . . . � , I � . I I I Trustee Cottle offered two prjzpjs� to - I � 11 I I III 11 to . I 15 Prints for .... ...................................... j2�,c I I � stock' - in - � th 'at lie g'tven to the ones who improved - . I I --- . . I . I � � I I . . the most in their writing in Princi- IS�-A quiet DrEDAT HOUSE Op Rp,pV,GE__ ioc Prints for ......................... ...... .......... se- � � 0 pal Hartley'o room. The specimens but pretty.wedding took place last This week Thos. Cai3ey, Wged 80 years, . 1 25C Art Satteen for .... � ......................... -.119c . � .� . were handed to Mr. Guftnulidson' of We4n - Pasle'd -%way , at tbF1 House of Refuge. I 2oc Art Satteen I I ...... I ... ,­, 1 5c 1 . tim-eff We can.. the Clinton Business College, and- lie at 8 . esd&y morning at Christ church for, . .......... i_.. 4 � I . . k 0, when MlssMary Edna Dennis His friends at Seaforth took charge of I . . ' . I I . - � . I I has made his awards. The. first prize, daughter of Mr. aud Mrs, Henry De�. the body for burial. � . i5c Art Satteen for ........ I. ... ................ 12;c an ink pencil, goes to Carl 11,'ast and I I . 11 . I . It . I ventures 14 nis, ERZAbeth street, Chatham, was � RE . Ah 128 . ,CE ,Vj,,�K . 2nd prize, a book, 'Ad Igew � .�kP*POINTME' NT. -The - .... 11,Y)c . . - united in marriage to Mr. Charles . 121-C Wrapperette for ...... ... ........... 1 4 1 1 1 . . .save you money - .. Guinea . ,'to Maggie Rti.$om. .11 . � iii%ny friends of Ch,trles M. McKinnon, . i 5 C" Wrap perette� for ......................... .. i,�, ; c - - 'i ' - . Morck Wrenshal), malinger, of the of Athens, q former teacher in tlip I . " I I - - I � � I I A. F,- &A. AL- Following are the �Nler,hants Ban�, of Tilbury, The Collegiate, here, has been aPpointed . 6�1�c.F4ctory C�ottonfor ......... I .... � .... ...1.110c ''. I I I offleers elected for the- en",culng year bride waq qiven away by her father. PrincipaloftbeHiLyh8choc-I at Kin- . I ' � : for No. and Rev T. S. Boyle rector of Christ . I ioc Factory Cottoq for .... �.­;� ............... Sc � . Clinton Lodge, A. F. & A. Al. - cardine. Mr. �)Icxlanon will fill the .. . . . � o n all your .Pur- - .. _Master,. Iiarvey H­,.l1cBrjen; - P. Cb u rch,'oftl elated, assisted by Itevt D. . bill alright. w. I � , i5c'White Flannelette for.�.'...­.. ... 1-II21: - I I I 11 . I master, G. I%IcLennau. Sr. WArOpti, J. W. Collks, of Exeter. The --couple I I . I I . � . . . I * .. * . I I I T Jr, Warder, W. 1 Tozer; were unattended. The bride ,wore a CLOSE CALL, -Wednesday morn- . . 12�-C White Flannelette for ........ � ........ I ... I Ic I I . I . � Ili ,it the bonis of James �Steep, bad a I It ' I 1. .1 . � C=n, 0, C, -Rance: Secretavv, H. w1i4e sti,tin princess gown.; tbe.panels g .. I . ioc White'Fl�nneiette f`6r."­....,..,:..,..... -9� . . I I . I I . . I I � chases. - . B� Chant,, Treasurer, W.. . D. I D. enibroidered with app!1que. She Close -call for a fire I. ik box of in atebes . . � . �. . I � . YA I r . 6irried - a, shower bouquet -of roses . . . - � � 1� � of - O., Dr. 'S ,liam-, Organist, W J. , which was on the window became 25C.Wa�h Duck for .... I ....... I ......... I .......... 2Qq I . I I I and fillies of the 'ialley, Mr. George beated and the curtains caught fire. . . . . I . . I '., . Pe�i;ley; 1. 6'rilard, 13. .13. Rorke, Tylpr, � .p � r5c -Wa'sh Duck far .� ........................ I.bo"12 c . . c '. .. s, W. J. Pais, . %vurster presided at the organ, whilst No other damage was .don6 as Air,. 1. a I . I I . . .. J., Howe; Trustee ley, 0. Mr. H. A. McH vren, of Lucan, and Mr. IF, , I . . ­ . .. . '.Johnson; Auditors, H. T.. Rance. A P ,, ,,teep.was,in the root 5cc Table Lin'en for ....... *....� ............... ;..-gc . - . I .. I � n and pullbil tbe . I . - - � ­-­­ ---�-�------�-,7--..-------.--��,- .-- I . . I � . . 1) . . I � Dennis acted as ushers. - Mrs. cur , * . � I . . .. � . . wtindr wards, A. Castle, A. Frank . .14ris down. I . � . .0 y; Ste , . I _ . . I . .I ............... . � . . I . . T . . Dennis, mother'ot th4 bride, Nvoll�e . 60c Table Linen for ... .. ... 1,--45c - -, . . . I I � . uTner.. I . . .. � I .. black' eollenne silk. Mr. and Mrs. ' NE�V'POTATOES,- H. R.. Baines, . I .. I . Table Linen for ' . . . . I . I � . MUST""TEUGH CO . AL CARS,- IX.1je ,Wrensball feft at 1045 for Tokputo,' of Ontario 8t, East, h%d'ne%v potatoes . 75c I ....................... I ......... 62C .,4 � . � . I.. . . . . I . , � � . � 11 - I � . . . I . I $1 Table Li' eq f6r;..�..._­ ......, ......... I ... 1 9c . � . Railwayloommission ,have 1.4sued tin Montreal and Quebec, and.on'their re- for dinner on Sunday,Jone M.th exact, , . . S . '.., . I . I . Residence for. sale - order on -the'application of the Retail turn th'ej will take up their' residence lythesame.date"k � '� . $i 25 Table Linen for ........... .......... 0..-,-,,.-$1 .. I � I I u ear � eing-'June' *20. He a so gathered .. I . I - � . . I .1 Coal *,Dealers" Association requir.Irg' for the miner at Willri w. Beacb,Lake y b I f� . . . �_. ". I � � ' I � I .. , railway companies to weigli. free of St. ,Clair. Mr, Dennis was a former ripe strawberries the same day. Mr, . I $1 -50 -Table Linen -for ............ I ... I .... 1.11$1!1.5'. I . .11� . I . I , 11 is . . chiirge, coal; cars at Ontarto, ports of ,resident of Clinton and..will beret Baines hat; peas in pod in the same- - � . . . ,� . . -, �. , . . I I I , entry to verify consigners' I tiered by the older rbafidents. garden. This is ear y g . 15C Gingbaims for'.....V, , ............ 6121 - . ­ . I , = ,. . - qR: - .. - ;, on Ontario St., Poses . .. . weights. mem I. . : . .1 - . ardening all. � .......... I . . * . I , 1 , . I ... I I . -5c Back Combs for ..., ... $.I.1.1-1 ......... I, 19:. - - � j -1 Rl � � . . The consignee may ieguire the re- � . . . .right. - , . I 7 . 1, . . I . . . I . I It 1. � . I . . � . . ' I I . * 44 . . " ,\ �, I 11 . .;�.' . . .Nyeigbingof carWat pointof destination AtMENEAL., A very qn!61; but I Back Combs for .............................. 121).. ­. " . . ,� .. 4.9 �. 1 4.1 . ­ . I f on the payment of 'a - charge of five prett wedding was solem6iied at high L CAN".10TAKE THE DEAF FIEAR�- -, I 15C 1 � - - I . . �- . . . .. I . . �, . ­�� - - . � - centA per- ton '��bd. this eharge,to, ,be. o?f June-lfth.at .the Maple Street� I." .......... O� ...... ".40. ��,* " ., '1091. . . t . " . � �,6 ,% � ,� '91 . .. � s8'uad*,,;,Word 40V,'.. '-Tiiat mea at : I I � . -'I I � I - ' - , . , ' � . , � - _1 , .. , . .1 .1b 1. s * 1 17-st . �_ '' - poxinds Mdthoditt Church, Collingwood,"'When. no matter Now dekf you are nor. -what - : - -* ,:' 5.'c Peari Butto'nsi-fdr;�..'.......,.%% ..... v-._ tor 5c � , � � .1 0 . 0 . �f 16 I noon y "The Accus'tico " magntfle� vvery a pa�tr§ Rins' for.7 .......... ", 1. ion gi-ve-n I to . ': . .0 . ) refanded.if a discO,pancy ef 500 . I . � , � . . I . I . I . . � . . . or. over in weight is found. .1he order. Aflss�Maple G. Livingstone,'.'dalighter I .11 I � ' . . . . � � . V . . I - your deafness was, I . . - . . � . I I ,� I . arlo'and.to � bitum- . of Mrs -James Petla'nd, was lbartled to . t e original'cause of ., I - --.t � ............. I . . I . . . .. . I �pplles onlyto On't, � . . I . oc Peart Buttons. -for I I I. Sc I � I . . � I . .. . as long as the Auditary nerve is Mive, . :.. � I .. , . , . - . . � '. . . . . I ,z, . -11on, Sen- ou. will be - 0 . '' . . . inous,coal . I - .. ..,. Mr. J'a.coh B,. Rai son � of and 4oc Hose for ..'­V..t .... ;.....I .......... 25C 1 1 1 August. � . I 1 4 . , . - . atc;rR&tzi.ofParkhl]l. Thecerenidbir this at at once. all and �see . 33c., . .. 1. I I ­� I . . To SO"NIE OF O(JR j3OYS.�There� wonderful -.invention - demon- , . _. . .. . I . � � � is one ibing that seems to be, gr6NOing :was conducted -by Rev. 14. 'Irwin, - fori. strateO bv S. .L. Tan beat Ndriliandie. I I . . 2 prs Cotton-'Hose-f6r ....... I ............ I.. --.:.--25C � . . � . . , I 11 ­ . . WeIlly Wardery d Huron Co.- The bri-d6 Hot,I:on Thursday, July Sth. ' . 2 L�dies' Vestt for ..... I. ............ ; ........... I..2 I kk � . � � . I alm 'Rpg s6me boyi of this town. Ret., was led -to the nitev bv her grand. I . I . . ' I . I . . I . . ' . 5c � . I . I . R* R "I . . I I I . . I 6rence is. made ofthe perniclons fiabit mother, Mrs.. Phoebe kerir, and­wAa. �: EIO F 6 R. L -.4L FE E' IB.Z- N"Vi`=gbam .1 P-Cllars f6r ........ I....." ................ R. ; ... 10,c . I . . I . . . of swearing.- Has it nevisr occured to, . ... . : I . given away hvbF-r mother, Mrs. Jt1s. Lodge A. F. & A. M. , I . �_ I . . those in the habit of using such vile No. 280,, will .rdn , . $1.25 Parasol�g-for .'.'.... ...... ; .......... I -;..:..98C. . ­ . I i Pentland., The bri ie was attired in a a AVi,4onfe, excui-sloil, td P6rt'Stanjey . . � I I � % . � . . . . . IRnguage as is heard that it d'oes not beautiful gown of .bom6made bah n M - vi'a. - Grand . $�.25 V-m.brellas for . I , I , ..rk-, I I . I 11.1 � . * * i . Y o . , eduesdAy J�))y 7tb, ... I . ....... ;..I ... e.­.;.f1.....98c , . . � . - .. . . , ' , � I . . I I , . make -them. .any- 'more int-mly. .Thq Irish crocheted point lade over wbiti� .Txiink and Pere Marqu6te Railways. , . . . 22ic kibbons for ................... !­t;I1.II..*...'�1.0c' . . I I I . I . . I .. .effect is the rpi)osite. It seems' that I Duchesse satin. ' The bodice was Port Stanlev i-4. the -Coney Island of .. � . I . .1 � . . . I I I . I I . ': I � . I I . . I .... I S wherever there are boyagathe'red there trimmed with peAAs - afid the bridal Western 0ii-yirio," and A,9 a. popular . s . - . - . . . It . ' 25c Ribbon for ............. At .... I ...... ............ 1'i: . . I . 11 : . � I � . I is,always one or two who seem 0. veil -v� As cabklit up witli- lilies - ot the Place to spen�l a holiday. . The com- ,m * : - . ,. .. . I. � .: . . . .. .. . ­ �. � . . . . 1. . 3 . . . . � . .. :1 " . . thinkthat a strohg.�oath emnellishes valley, - The only, ornaynent worn by mitt 'hfLs arranged -foi.a good days , .. I . I %­ . . . . . . ­ . . � ee . . . . I . . -� I � � - : , I any statement 7�they' thav make. It. the bi-ide wAsa poarl and ernerald Amusement, including exbursions. on � I I I . � . . 1. . I .. I . I . ,4. 1 IS Box-Imn- - � doi?t and. In.the dpinibi6 oT the average sunbi�rst, the gift of .,on : I - '50C .1 6oc and , ' . . . . . � I . . .1 , . . . � . the groom,-abd L%ke-B rie -tbe-p�latial S�eel'Steam- . .9, 1 . 75C ' I . � � . � . I I ,MMWAM . . ­ manweakens the argiinient. PI-Ofan- she carried an Ivory xqd gold prayer er "Lakeside" of OleVelatid. Special -� . . 1. . . .. . .. . I . . . .. . I . . � ­ �;�. . . I . I . - iti quiong men' seeni� tb be on the de. +raln leaves Clinton at 8 I -21a. in., . : ' I . � , . . . . I book.' After the ceremony a;'wedding good ; . . I . 11 . . _ . I creaF,e or if ib Is not they may use it MeLof . . I . 11 . . . . I � I I V14=01% . . . Dress Goo'ds f' r 3 " . . . . de inner .was ..served at the ho for two days and the return fair I,% .. 0 7yX '' - , . . � I . I Ii. discretion. Think'tb� matter rlid . . I . � I 'wit I I . . . . I . . . �_ -------- Q � .... andcompare yourse b e's mother. The bridal party left� $1�.35, Everybody cbme and enjpy a I . I.. . . P . , . . , ... -__ -" ­ -­�-, 7-�----�-�. ----7 ' If with soome for a trip "down the- St. Lawi�enco splendid days outing. -See l4rge 151116: . . r& all�wool o,rey 'Home s Uri . . . , . I - � 8 . . I 1, .500-Yal . . _ - I . .. � . . I . � . I boy who do'es not swea�? landta, I k , I . . I I ­ . ; �:, - . .. . '�' ' - s r - �, � I . . . .. � MOVE D. -Last week Ford and Me- ' ENTRANCE EXAXS­-r Thbl- E n- I ,of the Creator in vain" - � the River'and oth'e� Eastern point I The forfull particulars.: .. . ' as - G s,. in stripe aid .1 I I . I � . name- . 1� costum . ­ :.. , . . I � - .and Worsted � Dr s Qod . . . Leod moved to their new ,5ho� on Issac trance examinations ar6* 6elug held in � I .. . .. . . bride's travelling . e was . a ., . .. 1. I . I I � , I . � . . . I I . 13 . IN tiAT AT 0 '0))]"P.10 a;,.- V ..6ecki.just tbe-thi f' - arate'skirt of. - . , . atveet arld are now settled down doing the Colfe�fla'te.and 57 pupils are writ- .. . I . I . drake's eck �cbiflon% satin - cloth tAilov- I D 014 Z I 0 N� I Ing, or a sep . . . . . . %_ . business. They hav6 a fine stand. - THE CHILDRE NS bAY� mt Thevl).ominlrn Daycelebration atGol- ­ � � - . ­ I � . � . . . I * . . � . �.. ' . . . .I I . I Ing. 26�,Acholars arefrom-town and -The third made. On tbpir return from the e' . ' fflse,4 a hig day'd sport. The N' _Yni'§Sidn-k'hoo1 dresise�, good, 10. e -wi t ­ � i I . . . Prineipal;Gqnar� of the Collegi4te is .armtial§cbool§cholilrs'.sl)o;rfs� in�,.tbe. Air: and Mrs. Ratz will reside:fix B&_' erio'l pro' I I . I I ,. d . . *.id. h.,. . ... I 11 . . . . .r , - � 11 I L .. I I . � . I ". pvesiding,,�ihil� principal Haetley; of Pa -looked lin." � . -1 .1 - -includes -%, trades possession Re(;. 5 ' c. an d three ''hotirs 'Friday , - . . . : . - � WEDDED IN WINNIPEG , A to day, jFritlay) is being , .. '' � . ' I I I ;1D -75c, , . ,. . . . .; - Pa. - . . � -'A n�to -forward to by th6 parent . Plop-rarill i,,Idp,�i�h!atie�gtit)ies,til�-of- . . . . . � . . andflora dc, 60 . mt e surIn. . - I . �� I I , , . . . m - the Public Schp-61 has 81 fro h' i 5 and ditlyens I I . 1% � - . I I � I from Winnipeg states that the . mar. well as the �hlldren., It wifl. warcontestp.'Leaa2l baseb 11 intiteb, N' - - arid. S tur4ayj:Frice will be I-— ...... ........... .01 39 . I - roundin w:his,dir­ as h .' . a '. ... .... III. . .. . I . ,M I YOHLIN- MA.8,0 1% I .. I � %t ia _g eountry school nride e . Ke'LAL N- At.the . .. ..� . V - . - - it ,�eof Miss Lett968mith of tumn to -idfi6-E,- examinatickh.-papers at I e . b day's.ftin if-the:w.e.at,hflr-nlAli,,-;eli,do, (Clinton v, Goaerirb),: faricy . drivibg I I - . .. . . . " ... � . .. . I .. . . The � . I . I .. � . . I . I . I . � I ; . 19 ­ -family -reside.ne-e d-slieeiding contests, band oo . 1. - : . . . 11 .. . .. .. . � D AVinthrope, of Battleford Sask., ' , - (in Higb,$,frept; Clint . I ... tair tip to Thursd&:� noon. .. .1 out decent weather,. The.factorb�,s are t6n� on. NVednesday. evp,ning of this ali . I _n cert.s, - I.. I . � � . . ' . � , . '� was solemnized in Winnipeg on June . .. . , . . osing 'down. -The' m6r,chants - are :week Miss Lena INiason becan6e 'the etc. - Liberdl prizes al�e being. offered . , * - t,5c and 2oc Embri)ldery�,79c-__... . . � �: . � ­ I . ­­.., . �. - - I - . : 16ch. The ceremony was performed by . . . . . A , forthe'best decorated . turnouts in tbe. ­ . . I � : . Rev. G. B. Wilson, ofthe 84r,. Augus. MOST CREDITABLE -For a cou'j,U closing up their stores-froin two -to five -beideof-DGAIMeLixiiehlin, of Aber-! alitailloNleicarriaae and byeycle olass- ' . - ... . I . ... I ,� 0 I - . I . � .1 I .. . � . . � ". of days la%t week- Miss. Lucele Grant The three bands ha�ve bffered their deen, SD; At six o'clock kO the wed- I ';., * tine Presbyterian Church,.Fort. Rouge. had on.-exhibitiou in the Jacob Ta:�Ioit services. The.merchants -and friends eg, and for other events, and some ex-: . .. 1000 yatds Swiss Ejnbr0'iJery,..- . to. . I . . . ' d ivig march was b�ing played by Nlvs , . � . � 1) . . . � P , After a, few days visit to rdlatives in block, lsaa6. Street, ,I splendid display of the scholarS have 'given enough . citing And piciuresque contests way be .. I . . . 'Ey . I , � J�e . ,. . Bonthson. of Heniall, the. bride'lean. - . wide, wit . .,. I I ds to pay all expenses he . . � . I . ;-- , ing'on tifle arm of her .brot .r, Mr , . � . , . pupils, 60 pictures !and 50 pieces of and the program is made tosuit evory. r1h6s Ma$, Is al�ity Lawn,' ReUUIM-L - � - " Southern Manitoba, the happy couple .of art, bhiefly. the. bandfwork of her *nioney-and goo . ., e,p ,t, -a, eo 0 8 'or partie�_la' � 8 ill6es V li,�nsertion to match,,* ve . x ec ' �� will leave for Battleford, where they ,og � th 0 'A .neat I 'u . h Ii. e desio,ns, fine q - 11 n on tered (be room. and the . � e� . 4 1 . I in the ln�' ,, 17) - - � � I . �1. . � . . - . $ sale p e Wi!l be * ...... I . . I .. 1. were not no one will allowed td be thirsty -for y , I . _�C­ 9 . will be at home to all their friends. China were inclu&d nd found favor body. Frepcoffee andjemonade&nd bappy c000le' tood under the, wpdding _ . and,.2oc value,. for this : ' , riC L. a at,d ' and th . 11 11 r"n � POP ecai tt tj s . t p I Iw : , . own '. a 'Y' a r � . with the. many vlsitbr� who ball. Rev. Ali? Jolliffe pastor of Wesley watl,'frou t will oif�r manva r,, on . ­... . . � .. I ..." I I 0. I to visit, 0 t I . I - � 11 SURPRISE PAKTY--On Tuesday s owl 0 cominen . elvery ere I a e thirty; secouds.1'Parents b6nglotsof �ihbrch tied the' ,v�ed'drug kno . t. The rs n he "I . rst .of gly. . . .� . . - . . I . ..I ­ . .. . I , ., I �. I I : I . . . . � ­ 1. � I . .1 . . . . ;1 j;. rra, � e' 1; ere' 4sa reatvar.. lunch. Good accomocUtion ' . I . . 1. . avening of this week about 30 young a � hil I will be bride wore a -dress oftream. silk crepe- I ADDRES AND PRESENTATION - . 1. �, Indies of town beld'a surprise arty &� iet a. � sometUing to lbase the fane . ,provided to store, it until you are, de-6hene trimmed 1with lace and satinf. ,$i.2.5 Sateen Skirts, -98c'. 1. .1 . , " _ ' I I �Monday evening of this week.0out I . . . . . . . , .I, Lr of . 1, b too advantage. ot t e ex. ready. to store it'away and -the com- - afid 'carried a;' boquet of carnationsi 1, 25 -members of Willis Church W. F. I . . � . . . . � 11 . . I 1. . 1. the home of Mrs. J. Harland, For the* nittee will � be glad if no one g I .1 . . . 1. . I . I I friend, Miss Ida Holmes, whr) leaves bibit a nut bowl in oa And a hop plate r. ets In" ad. little E ttaSmith ,acted a.- flower girl. I M. S.� m. et'at the, honie. of Mrs. W., T. . � Wom cn's &.6od quality" Black Satteen petti- i, . shortIV to make her home in Toronto. wdre.specially admired. : 'he pu I s.' The processi6n from the school tit L30. A.ft:sr the '�erem6ny the guestssat V.07Neil and presented Mrs. Richard I I C . . "I . . . I .1 - + I . Everyone march with the children and down to 4 dainty tea. Th� presents : I oats, three. rows , I The evenL,u,g was spent Ili games and are to be'corkgratulated o their . I k rivin, who has been a faithful mem­ . . of frilling.' and- dust frill. o 11 - ' k . music. Ing the evening Mrs. A, T. I 1 s' stay u I, I � � . � � * ge and ability to adven an . otil the lasbwVent . . Ze - . . I � ; ., .1. . . � were costly and beautifix]; the grooms. bet for.the past"Ebirty-two. years, and . si s " egul'ar price $ i.25i sale price,.... I 1. . . . . . . . .1 . . ., r , . r 86� is also deeeriing of high compli. . . preseiii girl,wag a peal . I . I I .1.1 � . I . ..+980 - - G poper read an address and a bea:utifal n I � . t to tbB flower I I who is leaving town, with a chair,.' A � I . . . . . . ........ It. 1. . . piece of hand -painted china was.pre-I .merit for.her skillboth as an artist and ' CLOSED MAIL -Sometime ago Xr,, ring. The happy couple will,leave for, short program of q6ngs and piano -sbl- i . I , 1. I .. . . .. 1. .... .. .. . 1. 1 . I L eented to Miss'Holmes. Aft as an instructor, This is a splendid,way John Rinsfoid.- President Pf Baard of their home in Aberdeen :on -Friday ections was'given affi?r -,which ic' .-, 46, , . . morrim I. Mrs. 6- - . . . �­ I I I . men ts were served the party ht3ke up of cultivating a, taste for the beautiful Trstfle,. Clinton, wroto, to the post- . , the bride's travelling. suit cream, was arorved, � I I. 0o SAtteen S.- kirt$ 79C 4 1 . -1 I by singing "Auld Lang Syne." - - I and the Nr -w Bn& 4iopei it 'may 'be office Inspector in connection"with a being lsliesgie�, .cloth -with fiat to Stewart read, the followink (Zlev ) Dr. ip .. . . � � .. . . ,. � � . I.. I .1 � ...., . . . . I W . . ,. .� . repeated trorri. time to time. , - � . closed mail for Montreal and received match. - The guests frora -a distance I I . . . dross: , �­ � - , . I , -eri . . . . . . I - I I . . . . . .the following repl I . � . DEAR MUS. -InWIN-. I � ,,�: ` : , Woinen.'s� Black Satte petticoats two r§:iwp ., I I � ! � 4 I I 1110111n!n�__._,O�___�­ I . .. I . 11 . - . . � . I - ; . . � � � London, - 11, Gedds, Belgrave; Mr - and Mrs It has been with -the deepest . regret I . . I . . . , , . . . . .. .- - I . .. ­ I -_ BrWith,'Seaforth, Mr and Mrs . Bonth- of frills good heavy Sattee'n, all - s zes, 1, r I .1 . I � ­-- ___ -1 ... 91*2, J u . 11,2.,fit, � 669. 1 i I regu a - . 1. W.46hi-n-&-na-fo rd, , - I . ' ,�: - % - . :S1 erf,ji, thotwe,-thengemberaof tbeMX_M._ - I _ * ' .' - I . rmi Herisa.11; Mrs Videati, God h - -sale ' ' rioe.... ­ - . ..... I � , I MMNNNN� , � I .. . I . . . I I . . I Pies. Board of Trade, - . . Mi and M � ra Ward, Varnat iss S., have 'learned of your decision to price $1.007, ............ I", ....... *. ....I..I...J9c I .. .. . . . , M . I p . . I . I . . . : . � Clinton. Ontario . .9guaiindville and the immedi- leave our town, thus losirg Your as- . I . I I . " � . , I - . . Mason, .1, . . . .. . . . . (O �:. . .1. DhAR Sin -In c6unection with the ate relatives of bride "And groom were sistance Ili our society, As a member . . ,� � - . I . . . fliv you have I . I . . .matter about which you wrote me on present.. The.Nn.w. ERA johis with of .the Clinton Auxi .. I I . 0 0, T, S. and.' ,� , the 2nd- inst., asking, for A closed mail been most fa,ithful and ai lgent in the . $ t. 25 La.Wn Waists 9$c. . . _ / : � . .. . ­ . � I 1, . . . .. the man� friends of thi happy couple work. During thd thirty-two years of � � . . . . I I - I ' " I . I I I . . I � for Montreal' an.1 ,Toronto R. P. 0. in Wishlag them. long- life and pros. . I wn w s s i d 'mmed I - . I - I . 1 . leaving Clinton at 5,15 p. m., I have . existence of the society *you have held . . Women's white La ' - ai t .dan y tri? . , �. . . perity. . . . . . . I the position of either president or -see- . . . . � . ; 1. , had this inatter tinder consideration - � . . � � . ... . I . with I -ace and Lawn Insertions several. pretty . , I . . � retary, the duties of which'you always I - - �, .. I . S H . 0, � B. S - ., with the -Railway 'mail .Services. ` I , CHAPP'9L - R%YNOLV13 -- Th.e performed to the grea,est satisfaction le price.� ......... . - I , is a, - . I . . . I -findthat there i -Vag for, Toronto . styles all sizes, regular­$1.2�,�sa ' ... 980 � ; . home of Henry and Mrqi Reynold . . I I sent on that train. The postmaster. IT nf everyone. We felt we* could not . . I . � I . . � Brookside faim,Hay Tp, was the scene let you depart -from us',withoub telling . . � I : I reiceiv6 instructions frotn'the , I . ��. '" V E."RL Y B 0 D Y I "' .3 ', to make of it pre�ty wedding, J une 16th, when �ou that we have greatly appteclo,ted . I ' 0C . 11 FOR. J14 . � . Supt. -A �VI.-S. -up a bag also their eldest daughter Miss Florence 13. your work in the past'and we askyou. . I z1v, to i8c Dre�s Muslins' . . . �.. . . I � I . � , . I I � .for Montreal and �the east. Trusting . I . . . . 1� I . I .. . ii,chair asa, slight ackni)VV,, I � I .. ; . . . I . I I . . this will bq satisfactory I am . was united in inarriage to 'Mr. W.'J, t6'accept thi . . . I I . . � ' � " , Our stock is a complete one, because it in- � . Very trulk �ours') Chappel, a prosperous 'young, farmer ledgement 6-f the esteem in which you .1 . 2o pieces. -Fancy . brei�� M1.1slins in All the pop-. ' � ' , . - . � , .... - . � . 1. . . . . I I .W. CAMPBELL, , neartlamilton, The-cereiipony was are hold by y6ur tellow wor.kers, That' 'Out thesb do regardless , � �� � . cludes eveey kind -watited. I (or Man, Wbman arid .. � Postuffice Inspector perfornied at high noon by Rev, .k H. God's richest blessing may rest on yod ular colori�gs and &sikns, .* . I ! . . .. � . . I . I Going, a A. pastor of Samea � church, and and yours, in your' now home is. � of loss, - -Don't miss .seein�' this l6t,' regular I I . 44 1 : . . I . I I . . I . . I . I I . . , t' 11 � . . amidst ferns and .flovvera in the pros- the wish of all. , " �, 'i .. SUDDEN DEATH- The citizens of en,ge -of About forty- guests; The bride Signed on behalf' of, the Society. 12ic 15c and' x8c. sale rice..' ..,...:.I.. ... .­k.t­1­1.fI 9C '. . P .. 11 Child,_ -It is a satisfactory stock', because.. we make . Clintonj warla surprised to libar on wh'o was given away by her father, Mrs. (Rev.) Ste*AVt, Mrs. W.Gra. . ., . . . , . I ' . I . ... I . . . I . , . . I I . I " . I Tile morning that death had visitI, *n of *bite silk embroidered" ham 'Miss Janet s s IT, I W - I . I I . I .� I I I .� 'Our assortme'6ts are - ed ,,day I wore a go% I . I � . . I . I quality a first consideration. the liome of Frank Smltb, of mu I 11, trimmed with lace and satin rib. Irwilb, . ., Wil on, Mr I I . ' ' ' I , .. .. . . . .. . I .. I . . I . . .� 2 . - Coats , . . . * � . . . Pe6rolea* and his beloved v�jfe, Jean. bon 'also a vell and, orange blogacims, Plinton, Julie 2let, 1909. . 11 5 Or�'Cefltb-dff Lddies � � .. . I . . varied. enough to please all classes, And prices ard . Matheson, had passed aw`aY4t the age and carried a bunch of c&rnations Mid, -1. I "I 1. . . I . , � . . I I � . ., . I I I I . . .. 4f 1 of 36 Years. Deceased was the dAugIfe6r roses, � Lottie Nichol -sou. ofE arl Grey, . . I I .. - I' .. . . For 3 houis-on Friday -and Saturday, you -can ' I --- ­ ____­-__� I I .1 . of the late Nell and Mes'. M%theson, 6f I . . . � reasonable enough to mike buying here a source. of L inartied k3ask, cousin of the bride# made a pr6t- . I ; . . . � Clinton, and #er bereft hus. ty, flower gift dressed in White organ- -willimiN01110110W * wftowmb.�*= hav,6, c I h6ice"of Any Spring, Coats pr W,ater- . I ., � I . I . . . . . � . . . . . band about'f6ur �eari , ago and moved die. The wedding march was plagil . . I ourt r stock, Don't miss "the chance, . , , I � . . . profitable pleasure.. . . I � 11 � out West. About two, years asto theY by,. the livide's, sNter,giss 143dith. he C&ktral *ught6ss Vollogov I . proof'00a.. in ou, . I I I . ,,, . '� . I ­ .. . 1 4 � moved to Petrolea, Whero they havo bride's ttaveling auit wax'of navy blue - ' Iforouto', Ont, � . I., I .. .. . -1.1 1� � - . !. ,� a S S - f 41 C . resided -ever shrc&. During the past broadel6th with white piotifi� hat, Af. . ' . . Data, experlotlee to � , Eferyone is slated forA gQ04 th.ne� Friday, at I Trunks and V .11 e at JoSe. - whiter Mrs, Stnitb hashot been well ter the 6eremony a dainty Wedding, I ' f With twefttv-two V - " oy yourself.' - , I . 1, . . .. 'and undop *ent an opt -ration on Satut. breakfast W(ts served- afterwhieutbe b� credlb this colte9d is readgalzed its the hay �roafld& CoMe and e1kj I . I.- . I . . I PrjCeS.j - , ' -day glieh. did not ptOVe .successful, happy, eboole loft for their'lipme fol. tho ftkefttest=16111 firmiallig 8011001 In I . . I .. . . I I . wtstorn On � I . '' . I , .. ,. . , . I . . I � , � . � I � . . . .Beside her 'husband, abb leaves to )owed by the best'wishes,of their many 1 , * , � � � ­ . 11, , �, ­ �. , � '� % . I mourn iWO 6i4tors, Miss Alary Math. Thkee ­ ­­_. .___1-..---- -_ .. - � . I I ---. .. it_*!_�. . I friends. The eatimattion of tho bride 8 h o iftel toal itrilk tat i Z at IT: 041"togort A411M) 1#yebf s I I I � I I I . 'as Ten& Matheson, :was ihown by the many useful and . I eson, nurse, � and Mi , REPAIRS 'WHILENOU WAIT. . milliner, at Bxantford,&,nd one brother costly presents presented to her. The . our ousses qto the largon, our dotirson I , .. , �.. 1_ . . ­ � 1, -1 11.1 I I . Peter in the West, The body was groom'g gift to the bride was a brooch 1116st Ivatticala-dd que inatructors 6x. - . I "-*- � brought to O)Inton on Tnesday i6ven- set wit'li, peixrls and ovala and to - the I lieriopeea. Out ukadlin'tas assistda to I . � ToVUST01t THE UEST POSSIBLE SMICC ing and the fanival, was held from the flower girl a ring with an amethyst I)OSItibm and stiooee(l Its n000 others. . I I residence of'Mrs, Wm, Beacom, Rev. stone, ) huternew. Got, out free oatalogue. TIVNT . , I . Guests weee present from . . . &C.r Brown I . . #W1 - I. . . I . . , . I �0� ."t.oft ,4 , 001)(Incting the barvide both at the Winghaw,Sarni& liiud-otber.Rlaces.. I YonO and 0orri.rd ft,, Toronto. . .1 11 ,. - .1 it? U". 6 house 4lid grave, To the bovAii,ved The bride is A litclee Of Alt An Mrs I . . CZ1.1--trrol'T � I . I Dr. Stuart, oastor of the deteA4ed/ NeWbeftys Mich., Earl Gray, Sask., " Address IV. X'811�wll V'res" I I � . . I .. � Fred - cks, I the sympathy of the communIty 18 : sparle of town. , ." . . . I I 11 ... I., �. ­­ I "I � I I. I � .1 ­ I I . I . I .. 1. - ­ -...,. . .- . a RN VA , I - � : A I I � I . . I , I I , I I L - I I oxt6nded. / . I ­ 111110", , , , , '"' - " 4, , " I I I I . . . I I I I - --- - 11 . . ­ I -1 - __ 't I � I � I . I ... � . � . � . � , I . I . I I . I . 11 . I I " I � I I � � � 4, � , . � I � � I I . � I . . I I . I I i . . I 1� I I � I I . 11 . . I I I 0 � I . I I . I I � .! I , � I 1 4 . . I I . . " I , I . . . . . I t I . . 4 1 . ,,, I I 11 . t � . I Nia,=_ . ����� ­­�___­ ­­__ ­­­­ ­­_ � ­1.9�­ - - , � . . . I I - - - � __ ___._ - � . ... .