HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-06-24, Page 7� -
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11 ..... �.." . I . . . I jwi6 I ''I I �, I' I,aAk�A&I.t��ia.i�X.ItAd&INMAilk,.,AN ".Ak�
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I The Clinton Now . Bra ...
. J Unt .4th, 1909 . I I . . __ I_ I . - . . I - I , - _______W"._M_ :_ ..'"—p"W
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. � _____ � — ___ - WIN - - ;ill. - �... . -1'".;1 ..;�., .�;�.�,- "I.; ,,,��, ,,.��---_ _ L
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. I . age ____
I i ,*I still aowt see u., great iilivaut. ,, bulation wbica brougat Tnis womall � . ______ -_
I N 10W .. - �
I J� -MMON.- Ams..!IuWA�-mw.ggmmbki.doub..-W-amb- -A K." '
.. " .. . ___. ."R11.-,:.-1F1W-1.,.. ........ . .
. , "..? to 1.60.11 - pown-fimp . � I -.-1-1-..1__-1-- .
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" . j.,:.�,X . .. ". , ..:. -
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.. , ,-%:-.1'-*.*.::(k--- Into b1s; life. He bad traversed the
*V��..t.��'�51"-".i."...'..�t'.14.,li7,�*...�-41'.11"..�i. ... ... i.2�� J , 5. . . _. L I . I
I ..... . ..%. - � . -is of rare . �
, .1"... " �::-: -%,�411'.'s,��'.,U., . .;.3w " �� : ... .. - .
. "
.. ..;i x mg.k.- .. , . "I .
.. it -.M; - P41. .( . i al.'-"��-- .*. "The advantages -lire m0mv. believe t .wilderness to find nix oas
''. ..."..:5. . � I .W.... . � I FRIGHTfUL STOMACH r4 ................ i
'.. " " '1-';--V*'-� I nic. ,file more poluts of att,1VIX We- 'I I , ,,;,'-I,;, -;,�illitt'lli��ill"�illitilil� .............. 1."-
. �N '. .. ." .
N.... .4 .;1.,.FF.%-.*%.-.�A- .
�?-.-R.%-.*-,!� .. . beauty, .
.t..,..-;�,,..V .; :` -.:�;u --.*-,:., 7-.-0%,.-'-',0�'-*,:;.. . . .$:;�;,4..* " - - ___ I
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� -I*.. I .-�.. . ..-. .. . , , , t .-:1*.'iA1'1 , I '11111,4141"',
A. ":. , .......
, ** � SOuted by the enemy tile more effective It was a beautiful night, After a
.. . W i`._.;:.
1. -;;-,.-,..t,- __ I- I,.; 1; - _. :,
- :4. ...: at. .
. ',:-.- - stallve .
. ..... W � 0 ;. ,. *. will be our resi, - - I doubt If they ba4ing hot day tbe roeLs were'radl
% I ..". . w —
* � *, �A * * 1"1011 able tO, rush at, lint the pleas- .
".. F �'....;'..'.. .
'. * -�i -, Alf'-` I I I , . the cave
,,. ..... Iol ever be , � Ing their Stored ill) lie,
I .
14 .,. . fir . I t CASTORIA ,
* ..
. I
�`.-`,4-;, . e Wings. 9f the ,;,--%*..'�--.'.t-. wel-O we to hold it, whereas. I ,can go ant ;joutliwesterly breeze that general. �
,,, ,
. . %00rdr 4. 1. . t -!.'i; .0 up and down our batik staircase when. � .� . ly set In at sunset tempered the at. ri I$ �
I ., I k.', -.*4:.-,."-: For Infanto and Children.
I �!T-.; . I
I.W:T - .
.%.."... .. .:... I se, If you don't'nillid being mosphere, and made sleep *refreglilng. nm�mr wMa _4 mol-
:*: I _r__ET__-_11 ,.,..--- - � .1 l r .
, ` I �.*, * , ever I cbeo - I
-,:-.%",-.**-_-. 'IL Ar Or By 1,ouls t..,.*.J-'.-..;1.,, For Foor 0 Long Yoxr� He OuffereO- for I.r - I _ � . . -, . � I
:..V..�� Iq ng Tp ' Jef t Ia the dark I will re-Stilue wOrk Then 'Fruit- a-tives" Oray.qht 3euics could not settle down to rest __ . �� i
� .... -
.ACy J.,.. -,.-.-" A& NA7 - Au
'....., .:. -1 Relief. it, littie while after Iris left hint. fte I �
. I . . .* if now by tile light of your lamp.11 ' I " - " -
� a�rQ
-%%,-!N � , The Kind YouAv
. .... .1 0 Cc 9 y .1 But Iris protested against tills lxr- ,Stratford Centre, Wolfe Co., Que, did not bring forth ber lainp, and, un- I
* 'K-..'.,1 03 11 r L . � - I . .
I .r-:!:--%,-.-. , r _ .1 - _S "m ,_ R I I . I
.... rni r r
-.-.,�-.- r,P,1y,1';.'1,T'J! ,:.. rall,,elr1plit. �Sllo felt lonely, The long May 11-th, 1008. willing to disturb her, lie lll(�ked up a _. I -:i IA ,
I . ...1. .. CIL. . �.*..: . � d ot a, . .. r' - . .- k, - .,
.. . ,:- . - � ,
.'.:**1 . . . ..:. ., I ..
. %.1 -A14.`. -.,.1-V-11 .1. I.` I , I 1:11 . '. 2 �: I *-1 , " ho ml I have� been completely 'cure resincits, braiw-b, lit it Ili tile dying fire ____ - _ - r - 4
-.'.'-:-.*oA` - -%A7,?- , . . . . ... ing or slip.lice had. been distitstel ___ . __ , 4 I
.- -.,.,-.::41.* I.; .. "'.*CIN, 111 frightful ,condition of my stomach -mr"� I
%,,:: f - ...e.i., " *�.�' 'C' *." , -:16 . , :� ... ... L , ' , "
, .�, ..,:, ;,;,.�:*.. -.-..*.'...-.'., ,,-.'.',....i`.:-- .1. , .
4. :.., . ..N ... - I .. - - ,R.� - ,�-.-'....-, ....,.:. .... - .. , ... . . :..'.....� : .. Site wanted to talk. and "Vent Into tilt, vavfi�
.. i *N7icet,-iblepxepar.,itiol.iferAs� I
:, ,4'., ., ,,A.t, .:......".,..;.T..;�.;,.I.�.I.;i.;.".', to, ber. through ti.is wonderful nie,"Iclno,
. -:1 .1
..7i:; . ..... ., . ... *1 -, ,
._-..1_1--' 1. 1; , " -�;. -�t ,z -v,,* ...;�. - ... - .. . a . - *011 fervil fo. . four allied !#) f 'k it _.
; *.. - tt% .. tx:*,,� ."I., - -',-'.-,V -'..., . Ile ,%v, ,urvey tile wot I
1. . ..2 - _ - --.,%--,,'.* .-,,,I.:.. , . .%. . . I agre( " 81,11d J011118,- "PrOvI'll"d V -7rult,,�tivc.-,. I suff A
ix*iow _1 1 d"Iftoi-iM, - , ,r ,,, do. III)t phi WO. diiNvil. to sollnething I , long years with this t"Oul).Q. My head . reatly (little ;Ind to deto,q'Illinla wl, I -
� , .0t ter. simllalingbe'fOodaadllegala
f ont InSt Weel : I I . at I I tLag fte 517=43 =4130110050 ef ' r '
(Contnued r , ) 1� told you 4 Month 1119O." ached Incessantly. I could not C- it -,vould,hc lietter, to, rc,quile o' wrations Bears the
I I w,,.I1.t-tt slowly aoro�:i 11rospect; 1.ntrx side , . �
. . "I proulise. You call tell we as malch anything .but what I stifforecA awful In tile 11101:11ing from, hl,, the exen. MM, - L . I . I IV
r �, t h 0 me.
� ,I,nen a ne%v it"lit dawned u t e halt obiliteratc,l. road llead� DaIns, from indigestl I used every �
Pon I towa vatioll. or fr in -tile led" 0wing to MON
. or as little as you think tit. The sub- Itilown rome(15 , nil wa" treated 117 � Pum
10 0 0 Ing v-) the valley of (leall), on s your court mar. physicians, but the dyspoipiz1aarill head- tile dit'LlIculty of construetin.- a Vertical I — igMatWe r I
itulis. The girl -wail,bed 1.14a disappear � aches-persistea Ili L�plt:e of the trcat- upward shaft and'tb�ldalig( . 'r of a sud- � *I �. S"
" ..Wily did you not think of it be� I - TI, -r tial", ment. (i VroMo1eS'DJgeStJoI1,C,fieerfW_ I
P --o" he demanded. "Don't You see. I among tile trces,. irmi.-Ii her tea s I 1 41 f1i +� A." 1'. lit in dell fall of heavy platerlal lie de Ided t1h .
Aliss Veatic; the possibility Suggested
I shone it sorrowful little `111110. .
.L-10 Cou %,L no -V � - L,
her. eyes, but tile quiet sYmPatbY Of
. by your words? I am sorry to be com-
I -Ile tbinics only of itio. uov(ir of him.
her Toice restrained the protest prompt ,
pelled to speak plainly, but I feel sure
self," she coulmliucti. , ,*If it -pleases
on ills lips. Yet lie blurted out after a
that if those scoundrels (19 attack as 1-
.Pruvidoixec to spare lis front IllMie 8L
slight pause_ I
. force it will be more to secure you
I lige.." what diies -1i Ill'itliti. to ine. how
1,That is a very unsavory subject,"
than to avenge the loss of their fellow
I long we r(.,Ililllll llerc'.� I have nover
"Is it? .1 do not tlibil; so, I am a
I tribesmen. First and foremost, 'A the Sea-
Fbeell-so-liappy befo-m hi, illy life. Ifear
friend, �Afr. Jenks; not ail old 0110, I ad-
going Dyalis are pirates and -maraud-
I I never wIll, ,be agaiii. If it were not
init, but during the past six weeks we '
ers. They prowl about the c t IOOX
for looi
f I ills, father's terrible an.xlv*4 I
r �
I ,'wpouia not have.a care Ill the"world. X
have bridged an ordinary avililaintance- ,
Ing not so niuch for a fight as
aud wouien. Now, If they return and
I orl;%., -'WIAl to get -away §O that one
ghlp of as many years. (',Ili you not
trtwt lue?"
opparently find two Well armed'men
I .tkrl`�Ve $0,11 at least Wily be rid of, need-
, Trust her? He lauglied softly. Then,
awaiting tilexill with no prospect of less tortures. All his worry Is on my
� 4
C.hOOsIl),, his words,vi,ith, - eat dellbera-
� gr
plunder, there is a chance that they 1 Itecollut, none on his Own." - .
tion, lie answered: lly0iq, I call Arust
� mterprlse." That was �vliftt tearful 11ISS Ill&
way abandon the. f
I 'thought
yoll. I Intended to tell yon tbe.story.-
Iris aid not flinch from tile topic. or tt,'Pd to porstlade herself to
Solllc�day. Wily not tolilklit?" I
�. Bile ,%,,.ell kliew its grave Importance. * tilill1c, pOrbaps her vogitations Would
I , I
rilseell, in the (Tarliness, Iris' hand
-In other words." she said, "I must , not biar strict aiialysN, Verhaps. She
. _.
sought and clasped ibe gold loelwt sus -
1, them dressed only in male haVlJored'a S,%N,eet hope that the future
A. I 11 .
I , I pendeu lrom per nevu, S e it re" .y I
i might "yet v.011taln. bright hours Ifor her. . I was told*to " I'Frujt�a.tives," and tant sh-ot rztll;�, slfiorply' through,the.a.1r, . . � I � L" ; :
. �� . �
4 'clotiling'.", "nall wll�o ,kvor, so d6voted knew some portion of tit - story 116 1 ent for six boxes, and this wag the tenfo!d by the In. . - ,�, . I 11 I I V0 cl b f
o '� 'NEW, YORIC.
--yo,.%; ,Is a last resourve, that is. I i,elf and tile would tell. The remainder -,,va of ors It NVII0, JI'.:',11JIlV1&d I -_ -09
( -,(I to lieteve'JIlat I ly medicine that (lid me any .good. 11 . , I - I � � I
� "bayt, sollie hope that theY mAy not oll$' t% I'LL" Sl!c V'rilse minor Importance, 1. . I arri now entirely. vvell, I can eat or- . tvaSO ldlellt'O� For it f"' sovorlds, that * " I . . - piti, 11 I .
I cover our whereabouts owing to the . ItobertAllstrutliev, ,qtrong of arm and - - . . . - scellicol 0 bp 1111nille';, 110 listened ellot. I AH" �1! 11, 'i
I , "It Is - odd,'? lie con.tinued., "that you dinaxy food ,Ind I nevc-r have a; head 6,11i., ,C
.. - -antioll, we havL- adopted. Perched i u41111' of In'.1111, a 1001;Ilt of 11JO ItOlInd ,ache, and� for tills relief I thank this ' 1,411ing the (11110'.-thollght blat pot W___ �
. I - �'ru .
L. I.re( , should ba-ve alluded to six years 2 wo worldi�rful rernedy "I- lt-a�tive-S.11 My I � .
I up there Oil the ledge, Nye will be pro- I Table, Ill .111 th-lit was nowe and.cuivai- . . turtle,. wi(ndering far beyond 111ccus. �
I � - R L 0
1 - . inent tigo.- It is- OxItCtlY six years al- case I.% *ell lKnoWn Ill thIS Vlelni'ty and - . I .
jollildly uncomfortable, but that will I rle, -%vould permit his lialne to bear an most to a day since the trouble began." �ubh,�h this t� toilled limits, bad disturbed one or tht ' ' ,
. , you may .j3 . . statemen . . rXACT COPY OF, WRAPPER. .. I
be 11t)jIllng if it secures bur safety." * I utiNvarrant6ble, .%if-, q wbell-alid sit(! .. lif I - AS IA'
. . ,ill � "With Lord Ventuor ill The ilame ALCIDD, JIV- BBRT� sprin. ' gull cdilln' litfl oz, t"i oil', Oil - t . '
ti ',little rose -lie cattle to 1. . - trial size A-hiell Ill,, .. , ,
�.,IiL� (lid not reply at once 'I bills 506 a box, G*f6r $240 ot ,,,-,-, �.i 02/,/8
� � Then lied.like lid written. . fslipped out, involuntarily,. ' 1. saud,,i,,. A .sputtering volley" I . THr CENTAU.11 COMPANY. N:"W VORA OFTY-
- * aSc. if, foi oartv reason, NNour dealer � .1 -'OJ . I !!!!!!
she said niusingiy: "Forty-fo�r dayst � td.11 her tbat *life.b.heb, . ,, trained car recognized , s.tll.Q bring _ �MIJ,m i .!
' q'i lln� Yes. I was then it Staff corps sub' does -not handle, li-Fruit-a,lilves," they =No I I
L � time to Tb,e sailor,rptlirix tily, IN'lill tile � - . I - : . .
'Purely there has been ample I net� of oile hurrying . -to perform a dIfern, and ili� �11'roftelelleY tn native. tivilt be. sent- poOdpatil on recelpt of niuzv.lo loaders,.sountled tbeAeath knelf . .1. . . I . L 1.4 .1
ecour the Odna sea from end t I . - L -prJce.by'r3ruJt;,1a- , tives Limited. (It+-. I . of It i's 1, . Ist liolle. . I .. .. . 1. . . I . � . I . I - .. .. . I .
I 0 end . Inali. . . .. �xpl, . I . , . L I . ..�
- . 110gle lina_., languages itttracted the atteution. Of . 1. . . . . .. . I *i;dO Coming SI. � 0 . r '! r - I . . �
',Nly father would Iiev- I cted tllQ. Williont ally. ''. . . . The Dyiiks..Uad a . d! _____ — -_ , — . ---.!!!
lit search of us! . it friend In Shiala, whO advised me to* . __ . . . .
hope. until be bad the 1 11'Jil to la,l.s he.climbed. several, time$ . — 1=0ry Ofr . . -
. . . lieu steriell",ly in'the (lead ol., I .
cr,abondon . r . for an appolnial he - po- passions by t1le. 11 PaSt lently and llly� ' I . � r � r.. . A . . ,
'ji)ost positive knowledge that he Sir, I !',).a tba ledg"O, �carvyillg- JIVIlI10111191. of Apply . -L I am, . � - . . � . . . I
� �' , . f 11 , litleal side of the goverlitilent. of In- wrong's. 'Whiit'bad bappetied Ili the lu-�. n1glat, they were theinAelves the Vic- r . .L. I I . r � . I . .
dllr was lost,with all on lidard ss, roots, NvIllell Ili, 111.10�,,a Ili 11 e . appli- terliu to blunt these bygone suCeringg? tinis of it'stratagem they desig . 11
. Ed so. He supported th . nod t� A SPI . I KER -
I" Tilen lie ollte!'P(I tile' 0111YO, ard, dia, I d . - I . " 11 exnploy.� Instead of t0khm- t 0 I,, . LENDID 'BA. � . . . r .. . .
Tito sallor. tbrougb long segooling, , view., was assured of the next Iris clasped r -her r loCket. ,�Jie thoug t I ITO. eel, L L I . . . I ",',""Ill., 11 011011 . I I �
Ith r*Catlon, and 1, -, L . .. of 1�111111)01,7 1"41:tild ullaW, I . . I .
� was prepared with an answer: "Each n1tholigh 116 WZ19 fIll-illshod Only w L I I . '11, . .1 . . .
11 throll,,ii 1,vacaney In allative State PrOVIdcd that -she itndW. L .! : ' ; . '. , ' r PlIntS . Olt 1. OU must h4vt a -good oven to L . . . I
.. o' . '* 1111 111(16r. ily r . . � filej:0 3 .. . I . . . .
4111y Ilialies the prospeet'L of escape tile d1in light that pe"Otraic : . � I I got intirried. I was nbt it. Inarryin., :. "The re ,I in be told In a sell- they ,iviire sta�tled at being - a b . -and you just. tak6 . . � - ;I - . ..
�) . t;l-Ighter. ,rhough I was naturally dis- . . I . . . . , I � ,I shot the inowellf,tIlOY landc(l. L The I V bake'vith . � , I I �� .. I ..
. * , � . - � �
_ . P �� I e;" man IllsIi Drealle, and � the .requisite tence,90 he said. ,ii0j what avall were . . '. Oil r , I I ' . , � . _. -, . .
I . . u -t state L. , � ' . I I . atehients a" -t. tit(.-, alit t, at-,,onee retilliated b3 . ., .. I .
, :__ :, gains rined savages' , r word for it, the. . -
appointed tills niorning, I in _ -0, * a qualfflciii arly Staggered lite, But' iny frenzied Sit , . � . . , r . ' r
�, J Lon. ne,. I �,1'1 . I . .
2-4�mj. - . I , . r ' . tell weaiiiii;s point , � , . k< 411 I . I .
. ,
(plite (,IIIpll,iti(1,;Illy that our rescue may . I , , .1 ,Ind cande - definite.proor,% ntiolneed by J.ord-Vexit- fring their antliIiia .r
. . - ___ I J'ool�ed around the st tion � - - - L � (i .
.. r . .- _ I I -OXFORD" ,r � -1 L . .
wine Lilly hour." . . - LIS giving ,,�ilrlllnj IMPERIAL. .,!I
' Ewen blank at tile tree -114, tb . . . . . .,.
. sto* that tll�. (lomlillssiou- , I '.r .and' his Inifortill"'ItO I -Illy? .., *
I *
. . r . . .
. . - I I to the tonclu .a . 10 , - , . . . -
. . . I
. . '. . , - . . . I t 7 . .
. - . .
. "I ... Ileved her alid� became :en6ug to *IlUe.tho seven sleNJicl%. , . . � . I , : ..
Tr�s'looked at him steadily. ' ., � eris niece 11.0111(1� ln,li,e a' sultable wife. her husband Ile . . .. . 11 L .. . . 1Z, 1, . ii the r ge tI . tat .has a. p " L Ili 1. L L
. I . L . . � . t . , I an erfect bcok-. I � �, .
I . I L regarde ' I. ]ail . r I I . � .
�o you remember, 111'. Jenks, that 'I. L — d li�r 1poLints,l go to ,%peak, and Illy bitter. foe. floar. -%rolnllll! 'Ve 'r Irls, fit r out In a, mo-. .. r .* - '_� - - ,
. .L I . . lly drdsSed';.N01s r. . . i- � `1, - - .
-e(-I� you told Me we � . ' ink oVen the fire- and. oven coi _1 .. I
.. r they filled, -the bill.' She was smart, lu'lily heart to pity her. IS'ell, that is alent. ' L. . � . . . I i� � I
tilion after the Ivi I I . . . � * ' * ' . . .\ . .
. . , * . , -60 . 1. it j, r in ah-- - , . L
. . I r stoo4- f1 Ili,., I ant here !" , . L retf. . . 'e., � - I
o,!..; it ll�lve to remain Jiere many . L L good lookin�, ilvel�, luider. .e . . . � I I T.. 4 6,� h:fve (ionic!" shb whim . struction md o—call i . �
I � 0 . ' . IU,,*,r vi.lig f 71�0..� , ils r , lice ' . � - ' " , , I ... .� . . . __: . .. . ..
." _%J_ lip '1.� .w6r, "for
V jjll�.
.e , g'S - rate In. -,(,,all ,k'wan be ruinerd SO- a(IslI.V717 1, , � , . . . . . . L .
, : , it .4 � .t. #11� YPU'W ly; . L .
i k r.T,t441tIJs,.", .. . . 25r�, arI: of r ntertfilit r I I ! . .."A'e'll , I � � I -1 I . �
. � ,\ Sports d � 11. - teeth, Indeed, 'AtIrIntirell'the -Irl'. Ile _41.111'JIto J 'er w4t* % -, . : r - - . I . . . .
: ... I'liat wap a pardonable exti,era- 0 � ail aa,,' exoellent ,rL.�.�
I - 0 � ; , . ,, filet . eliks face toi f4leq.:%V�tll dang . . . � L .. . , . .. � 1, L L I .!,
rr 1. . I I . ii, .L.1.11$111 sel.ect-eil it wife -as he does it ' ,pren,-' -Vl-.V . dtly-ere . lit 11111 . I � . . I . . .� .,.,. , . I . :
I 4.1611." . I le,loling ber to avold any direct,ex . ��froill j(�111cswres-. . , , ..-
. r . % * I
� . I . , I .. 'IV . � . . . , ') - It �,'J�k�,Ill, . M . . � I * . ' r . ",IS, &` . tn- If I W , r r . . . . L * . I . . I
,, - be- horr-ld. . I as she redlly . . , had Iny' -e- I ' l'y 'LAND,
, , -3.11;,; � . -, . I , , ,
� * k�l r I . '� . _. C�1,11_ r
..1 11 .. - , r . .. I ty %: �. , 41alollsat,
I "No, no! It was'tbe truth. You are .."; hoise, qh.o I . . I . 'sloll Of "'. 111pathl I I t tel�s of .
. I alse � I i ;;;, 1, 0111" with tile ill, I . . I
k J -eckhig ll()N%- to I)iioy me, "Don't . sLso.' 'Ilt'.J.Ilav� I . 1) 1 d. -11p tjIp, izidder! lie lively! .,Tlicy . DA V %11 . . I .11
r ,
i � -tip with f. \\. .1 � i ,i# .... . . I . . . . .. ard. -Ir .ever . .1 I meet Mrs, - . Co-stoluoll - ill: iloi Ile liere for half an hour lfttiey , . . . - ClintQ:n.. Olit. . .. . . .. .
t ..... '. . , Aty'.0 : w . I I . . . I .,
, pr( ; 1%,
tiorle. It is 1,000 wiles; from ljong� I &Z a . . - . . .. Sole .avents. .. ' . — .
. * , ,
.. ns inuch .. rr rr t L I � . "I believe $6 - Vitiople said she was.", aplin I'Vill thmik her for ii gkielat SeVV- - - -1, illf."'Ilch a row 11,t tile first'dittelilm , I . 11 , I �_ . . . . . �
kong to Sillgaliore. [lild balt . . L "p., � . I , LL . . . . � I . .,� , 1�1* r .-.. . I - I L . . 1. - �
, I . L , " if' " . . I ..
. � III , J\I� L ' , : I I L.. -
r. Qi;,lit to Borneo The Slvdar _1__, I A - '.'But Nvl�tqt ditt,yoti tbillIt'I" r Co. :* - . . .1 . . IN- , I'M), we'will take no rishs.' Ca,4 I I . r . r
- 1 0 . . � .JZ1!:J4:..J-r I . S ,Only ,if, � 'f, I r' di I � . I . ;
SIT(,( le ('011 _1cr j,,),va ,1,(),,, Sl)�
11 al,(, li'lle'. ,Y]I(Il
ell driven Anywhere Ili ��'.-".-. 1!125:,� - .��`,�.7 1.1 " - Opinion, wa% biased. , . IRO " .relveh
. �,, (0. 11
1111glit bilve Ile ,r'.'-"t:'��'%'- '-'!' :';j�- ;'N'.: ......._.""', �\� . "rit the 'time till . Iris I � i yAm
, �.� ::
,X.-..`�._1',1.11..':.'-.� , �:. ,.'. al.��.'.': I , I . . .
I -!i,e typhoon. � U� . _J ";,". ", . ".1 . I I ::,l . . set,i) � bOV ,sin -h all(I lieck ting with. a quiv% * �: A I awtiv .-tvIlell .1 * say "
.. -;�,�' , - have , iOa
ay So .11r. :� ,,-i':." 60, MAI Bile Wcal bro,%N' tit(, I I .
.- ,
. Indn't you 8, ), . , , " . I w'and atter ., . I - . . "Jt(�, oil awl 41�1111
: :::! i: - .... *`� i - , .A(1'��!, .yoll JVjlIr find,.: ovc�vth 1111, to
. "
Tolik-".", I rr .. ; .:: r. " ....., - - badly. She is liliarried no . ti(:cv�,,f of volor. ', m , ,. . " I.
.. !... ... � r
. �' i"W".."'t%. I " . ..
lie Ivilvered under tills merciless 1 .i�i r �'. ..., I thirty .greirve ;"ii)t4ly tit) ,A-IAI -,�Iy tilat'i" �slie askekj.. ,ilzind tIp,q16rc. , , , : I - - . . ,
I , �e i -Y fai,f, � - '. - . , , - r
... 1. � I t . �
. . I ,., , -1 - ' risill, ' 11O beld tile boltolil of -the 1:Idder to 1*
,Z, � , .krtf,li ,T(,Il%,,,,! it it settled .herself ,, who was -1, vithCr (Ill]
Cross c. aul1wrtioll. .. V .1 . !! , , And, J on k,, . .
I . I I . *
. � . I
-I had no idt-a your incillorY Was SO I . . . �_. . . t - comfortably to listen . I � 11 . . not boar In pr(q(%dvt1 not t") hear 111c - sivady it -for ill . ,r
. - . � . . . . -it fence N ; . . . tro, 4 1 . I (% girl'% climb. Soon lie
r � , vith OL lot I t % -
.. ... 11 I . � . ljle..I�
. . - . , . .01 " I . I . .v.o1vt4ell,' like i lilos , ge: f roill a stsir.,
good,*' lie ,;:lid Nvelikly. I I It M. I have jullip"('i ill, ,nor n 11(� tono. . ,;it
r .KZ, �. I � . 6� ' . r . . � . � I .
. � . � , � . � \
I., ,oil. ', ��i I n'Ix,1lId,"'rlJ1_� tlI()tI",Jltr. r ' . i r
. c , oil, Ine' 4
- _xc011ent, I ll,,sllre N Moreover, �_ , - I � � I . ... . . .. 1�11e6inse yon onve told me -, oil would ., 11 rl,� I! . OQII!,.!
. .1 �, .1 . A, ,11 .. . . I
. I ��Z - 11.'. . , *Ctvr Oliedr 111) . r0pQ8
. , , I , . - and 'I . ifropl)ea -along
. during onr forty-fmir days' together. - I I Zlv - I I . "We ll�vallle ong"I""kid", lie said itloud. never inarvy Lord Veutllor' , . . 'I'll". (,. . - I
. . - I .1 , . I - .()(.IC'
"' I V, "She tilvew4ler"elf at lilli),;; collinnin- W.11tit I httvo- told'you 4low 1 am quite - r
you have tanght tile to thillIZ. Why do . ' :. ' ,, r �Ik I � ... .1. , z . . 1. , * � . I .. ,tile ol(-rc 'Qf t le 1 "otho".4, picki
' '-with lite'., 'We . C.. I N, .% � .-; - , r . . . . I Sure ,yoll 'Will not.". - I . .. . . atellet, I I `� 0�NV1,;:0.,s and'o-LbOr
yoIl .Idollt siaiterfuge � . I,' �' - - . ed Iris.- . I . . . . 11, It,. it lll(.,tl or . 1. .
.�, "', ::- I I . .
Wily cannot ., - -N Z\ " ,- � , . 1111fr I na-111c. ..1;v - liv --Bliza- ' .,Ah, [I ivii you do'trul,' ine?".she al- I - S and ends were � -s:wIItl,raway
I - l... - 11 I . � ,�. , 1 zi�3 �. r, mbetliz f . I � .
,lie ptirtners ill 'III else. _Z rr I . � . I . � � . I . lwecll oddi . � .
4 . . I I �- . : r . .. .. � '. � . . . -kn `�,, - I _
I sli1ire your despair as well .I,, your ' . , ;. .. I . . . beth 'More4'." ,."I'llo' volli1g, llentellillit. nlost ivIll"pered, . --"- '' , - . Into. tile dai (-., for .It iv mooll 118 YOt. -
. . .. ,
. , �p : L .. �, , ... � - . . . . f. tbose (lily,,,, c,1116 tAi I (Kc � 11(-Ssle, hlit 110 -.1. Ile �furceft..bii(qc; this � *j�,6r(T.1Jfrbuiblftig - diij �� not ,ill Inille.r ii '
. . I K I Id erng, ' The :sallor.
� � O I 11 .
- , , ,
to , 1 , I?" I ath . '.. �- ... r .. . � .. 1'� I - . i . , . nuitte . . I .1 . -I.- cc v r , wea.kdy : darted, into Befle Vile ca"(10 ,Ind, kielcvIl
. . I . . r ..
,,lle 11lIIzpd Out in ,sudden.wit' ' aud � . r 't 1� . . 1`1 . I It'' , I for utt( ali . Ho e el ' I st OVc d I . t.flie rfld�)".. T
I J� not! be I "I 11 ... . .. her, ,,1ny-. .i. , tlir ( I 4 !I , 11-011
-stood that ,;he woll ... , , " - � "Woll" Toll' di(Ill inni-ry ,,) , il.s.4tillip - :I ' it ' air of good,.: Ill) move ir-'letify: 1)(418 " b0II . .
fle Illidel 0 .. � - . . i�. I . � . I .
I 11 - .. . . . ... I. - .11 t1IL - Ive lit nu
' . . . . I I . �, .1 � ritles', . n o w "' , , ill- �
I . � , "
� . .
. . if t baloliiiflgpp� . � . �., . it!? s1ting ,
denied tile fIIII extc-Ilt of ills secret - 1, I r JIONN-,�- collilliville(I Iris, . ritle,sbarply: .. . I r. . III .
. I _ 4�. r ' . . 1. I . . r , I r I . , . . . 11 . ; r
. . . r , . , , �klld I illrp� s117 " I f will " and_
. I . . . . . sholi)(Ter", . mounted
fear. Ile ijolti-ttol I-el-erently bt-fore,1101, 11 " . low . , flor -was Oil leve , ,-(.�v 1101r,roll have t�.ulpt.vd Ini, . . ber -o'�Qv Ills
"I I W ... ... I I.. �.� . __�� . . . . I . :. 4
� . " . . grdl'il again, , . 1, . . - - wo -- a re
- nlyhlg� lionlage to Ali all- _1d . . rk, Miss i)(.alle," lievrI&L "We Dave - the'rope, ladder, whiell; \1*1111 the sp.
-1 111ortill I I , . . - - , , r. .
. . . . .
. , . � , .
11 as . % . . .. . - - "Oh, 1 sce! " h", grOldcol; � . .. . � "' . holiv 11, no!" he Sit e -uc.4t-' gos.,ji led. here ti;qil the. . fire, . gfeiiv! tIrdd ." , e I -Ony ill). . abd01led. . -tivith- .
It I . gry goddess. . .. . . . � , c id' ,,,it . . . I ., I I � � ord"i'l JL_ . . ..,
I � . . P-7 � I ,1(1 .,I ar(�Jy I)ccome bilgilig, ,,�if our compa .- , ful niethod I . . I I
, � *'I can only ridnilt that yo - qt.l it ex'It,'ShO 110ard -blat, 11, ill- - a,ill I ) . � . � (-:� re . I I -, I )-r. .
u are -tile; Ili 11 . iy. �.ili-'-,,� I r col ' ily' . To lind, please, at . *
. ;I . -Ig '11iiii-od. I "We imist pray 111,111filily at tile rock fbv: 'it cd-Uple, of -!tell 'A. with ller uncle to 141m- once.*'., *r . . . . p . minued nekt week .. .i
. . ' -
.1 t I lit,*' lie twit '�Iftij il .sl�e ive, -0, . � - - j ' I r I I (To be co .. ._� I � . .
I I til.it (,od ,will dire( -t our friends to this 110 emen,ed, g ., ,%vith . . . . .
I t urs. - At last be . ,,, , " ha rar'th(illot,NN a0ler. There, '411e.inot rlls.vaii,ght, Illin: by tbii il I'm. . � . � '. . . . . , �
.. , 1. - , ,,r . ... I .
; � 1 - I tul. -(I Inay not be dhS,t and PP1!SPIV;lt loll, just -111 thile �0� :110rd 'vViltilor, -%vllo -wlv� 1611 the vlcc� 'I'l-'�vill:i)l;li,.%,'t,)�i;,Ii't and,�vei-� Illilit . . .
,�. -s]. otherwJse N% I . 1,1111, . I . 1. , " .. 'yotir , '"'000 T,41 st:i'tna deserving Rheumatic Sttf� r
� round for a year, .1113 11111111PPIly the . pily. it, 1.1'i't visit to SI lilt ro0v.before roy.'s staff, aild-if y&ii ad&t mind, we * . 'she 's.iia, i;oIc`lIJlIl'Y' "tIl'Itr 0 - f6i,er.-flidt thereis YA onelAMPle WILY'
I- tishernion ,%vlio ollc(l caDle here now j116 sun sank,to rest. Ile.-tisked the I
INVIII skip -1 pol-tion of tile narfativc�. 0 3' es 0 f all' , relief!; r Get Dr. Shoop's
. 4 ,. hirme. in.,ty be ,cloarcl,d- Ill tile . tb . certain .
. 1),It tile prepaira- verod 1.1161 , - . is ill Mine. A)Id I 11111 - sure ' b6ok on Rheumatism and a free trial. -
1.14-c. ,I'lley have been gb�l to dclity,� si),new .. �,Viyy inen, Ili India � lll(�,n, ,Is it I � .
� :tvoi(l tile 1) . I . , I dls,(�o . . . . . . . .
, he eye .� Ili �;Il , it A', Ile .. r I ' : * t MY*
I , 'I] �, alid. for their w yes.. _ In -, .,be ail." . .. test. en I .
fl.iglltf�n(id by tile (,olltOfits of the hol- t1olis for t ir , ning : L , ,. .go tb B 0, I y. piqyor will Tered.11 This book *i)I'make it
, I
.4 A usliolly S111111i ,,),.,. t,llr,,,,, ,'16, I . ��h - ,e quickly '
s, . aV6 1 : : 's will e�, bu 11 r. thetimatie pains ar
I . Ad you wished to tlll�e'ft blIth; `,") i t 'Nvits quite 'whil ' iassed Jnta'116r 6 b t. e
low behill-I the 0111f. I ,till gh clear bbw P
; . . � . .. . . , . . . , e Ili I ,. . 0 I , -tiduntatic Rem.
. hav,L sulved the dillielilty 1111,11ded, Miss dark 'NvIlell they s,vt dONVII-0 `43lit- : bolol a T.00lisli row -wi-th Lo�rd Vl�litllor. , an;wilc, illilliellee, * r(nilailivil. Ill. ills, .�kiMd by Dr. S-ho6p's it
I . . . ; e, . . I . . . edy-li(I-clid � or tablers: Send no monvv� -
, ,
I)vallv. I have sti-Ii-ell, at tinios,to be 'Iris* had ,iong� reeckyored her usual 1 'tit Itiv-ballanot& Ve . .tile --dis-
I I I . .. r . n e el,nit6d 6ervice'(... , . I . . . rysoIIl,JJJL nl�,Ill thanke(Joll0d for Suprise. some
. --oil, but state of high s SON. . r � . - ill defellso- of' a -worthless I . . I . I ... . . The test is fMe- ' g foly
vo�lrso%, Q%,elt lnnit:il, toward ,, 'et D I . , * 111111" In fact, I I � - heartened solfarer bV first gettirl
'It I I . cd f r a ---"6— _7=r_�.�
illy lifqirt tlinvite,1 froin the task Of tell- "Wim .were .yml burvowing lit t1w 'W01,11,111 -111d: v" n q only -,AV roul ' ��!�� .
. . . , : him the book from Dr.- Shog.0, Italpine.
' . " -4)il flIP I)0 'Ible period of your'llu- C, voll , _Irjulell -lie in(litired. "Are you lln(I � !)Ovan, .. lmd,-been - . . . .. .. %. . NVis. Si3ld by � all Dettlers.. , ': ..
J. I 14, ,N AS av� a� , . 'lir 1 "' ge I . . . . r
. .1 I .I,- I .. I � � I . . .. r ..� I
, . . � .
. . "'Or�ti . C. c
: In hurry to*get rw I., , I 8' .
1prist.uniont." a b,tilly -�tlted N ,ev I'll) less, -Illy hopes . . I . I
. Thiln IrK for the first timein many. i 11 wTts f6lJoWitt", '111 air. shaft,,. not a of .11 lj�ilitiv;jl appoilitillent ,vanished. . . . . Adviset Hiridu Labor.. � - ..
' .
. Illy, . Ik _r rl.*( . `1 ani OM -a'51011311.3' ,1,1(1 1'ret rned,to ill,,, ITgItnent to learn . . .. . I ' -
. , vi-ppi, b;tterly. �Illd jerilo,i blind to Iodo Is. � .
,, c ,pliel. . I , . 11 . . I . A Hindu, by name� Saint Nibal
Ilie true etwuse of lier ciaotion, W,clied trollblod -%vith af(Oti wit, aw! this is all, , d . ' k. Ia. E , . :� ites, in t , Ills -strain to Can-
aftei, ue'rotlection wliat.ft;Yciry ill(, y . - , I
till a rifle to whik-h. in tqiare inoments, I illAtlilic(�. Do you'relm,mbbr IIQ%y the 1)(11, . 11 . (Ili I was." � . . . .
. 1. . I'll, I - - . .
� , I . . .. I Ntagazine. - I
lit, 11:10 :111,Ixeil ar 4-tIrl(Ills (levl(.,e, and .1,11le 1.) Illelcor6d wfillo )Ve ,,( A' on�'evillrig �Ntifq§ Alorris, yon m0wIT, a (I a5bW1:wt �
I .1 [ III O f tfLe 1:1111 . . . . I -cmn 4 not 'OnIv needs servants,
I ,,,,,,x,,,tJ,,...Lnd JION . - in'd Usti'leSr -
,V p_
. ( Nv(,r(, ol)(,11ing up our mine"," I . .,It I"'flynbeth. � , WVT I ANH but its gro,vving and mArli
. � , .
VFNWIOMBM . . I . . . . . . . . . I . I .
- . .- ..... .. . �. I for III-Itriftion 1.11 ea- I told railroad aolti�itios,ilemand.rnen , - --.----- .
. 4 . ,; 1. *ot being clit ont . . � � , -
. "yo,"." � _� N2 I . Nil : _��— �._�_� ,
I . er JO , , I s. . awri, : The nianher', - �M—n-!T__ _.______� , .
. I . . .
"I wJI% so 'lln,orbli(I'la ootitolliplilthl" (','I triod to becollie it good of- : � . of' brains and br, . . . , I I I 1. -_ -_ . I .
Do you ea't enough of this . . - . .. . rpris .. I .. . .. 1 I
. .. I � . . ;bj. A, �e aggo, . . � I .
, ar ,
I I � 61ir J)M�qlvvtive, M"eilltl0lint'I fall.ed to'. ,f( . . I , . wholl tile' govorn- � . . in whipli. tile Dominion, 1s, expand- . 0 grusi the iiBistelp, is built lot business it lasts tor Yeats and gives satisfactory service all the
4 � . . . inilu. -:. It is ruade stm .Steel drawls with solid'Iptessed steel
I f r% .to form . i iig sti;ially and thO Way Tail ngand durable to stand anY strAllk-
- and pay hood,-AoL a . I � 11 I .1 2.1a. solla steeh, frath6 of hardwood reinforced with double truss iods �
The gr.cat benefit in health . .t1iii-tr1l :sI9I1JflJCaIlc0-D .- motiqlt pi;;kmi-,for i,pin tr!P . ro; . tirb being carried. on H , fated with
� , . . 11 It tivoctlZ axle I
yed by reg- I I � . I I (,hillog ad operation% . . and steel angles make It rigid sail slout. BearbigsAre .
, e *lt,�O_ Illelltq, I sp � �
strengib that always is ellici mean ' , , -lit-in my ifaine ST-RONO -in the colintry," liave never .before. . I "�Ioa to the r I. ers wlikh rb.
tbqt incident'. It t, flip, exlAtoilce ., , 51ticesfroc �
. . and was nevepted. Iliad the.good for- , STEEL LAND large and frl"t""k to' itin. , I su.ni mak-,
ular eaters of good oatmeall is known . � brien equalled. OquiLdit has producoid . I ,. ing tit . .
rd current of- all.t. 'INOW, tlllle to stirv6 miller till old friond, Colo- , — . I , " it - - . . 1.
of till upwil , .1 . � .1 I I - 't,`, Wo Wit - - . - - . I
. Every yea -r there ariz I i * 111c, Ilialign star ,ptains. of industry 6apable Of 11 .!. HOLLER , ,,ht. - -1 . ��
. the world over. -wllnve the current goes there �nilist UO . liel (lostoliell, but 'so I . dnit rollet ever built, N6titincillmsyorsh6ddyLtkt�outit. Frea - - , � ,
More an a uaker Oats,. whIle i'was bli'n.,61%, , ; By Lydia. E. Pinkham"S 'I'leanching ,,Ind ,, suporvising .t, iese 91- I $ oklat n tells why you sliould buy the "Bissell. 0 Wrltetod&Y- - __ . . I .
11 piks4itge'i and � Sont Lord li*vnloor .to ilic. for 0i'St. - , . The Dominion, I
I , . I . . I . . ant ,(,Iyll enpacl- :,' ic ofiterprIttes. rank and Ale E. BISSEtt CO..Ltd,, 090-h N,'v U09AANT. ., - -_ - - __1 11 �
which is recognized in this'country and lIfterilooll- an, on" tile trees over there" tills thile, In 1.111 Import. vegetable Compound . l`1'o`�'Vtdv'eri Mcks 'tile . . . I
. ' ts, 'I 1116t lilt . I I . . � . .. I
in l,itrope as the one perfect oatnical. -he poiatea . toNviard tile vAllOy Of n decaslonally, 'Ind WO', rerer ' labojer.g. who, under the impotil-I -Ot .. fi�iobt. Wilsol, Goder-Ich ino, Guest, Clinton, . . I .
- acatli-lit canic to me like nil, Inspirit- ulid. wil did, not like each - Other any . I)avedale, Sask.:-�" I was A, SUID 'J Canadian promoters,
All the,'experiments of the govern F�' � I �. ,. . , , initi, o 8V � Varna. ' �
I . . I . fro,m .f e n*i a te'. wellicness - monthly tile Itiv 0 . , J� Allan, Seitforth. I L, Beatty, I .
I sibly it flnv holl"A., liewhig I I � � __ � would develop the rich resources.of . . . . I
- Ment food experts and tile athletic LIOn th' t Pii,� L it Ills,for tife Ta- periods irregular . . McNeil Jung., Wa'Iton. .. Tit^ G. ARM. Dul gannon �
nd delving Illight open -1 shaft to illo bqder. Stv 1,k1V1.'bV-I ..."., � $ I . I . I . . � I � .
.. trainers of one of our gr�at uni- a StIl'. I ; 11 . .. �.; ;:' and painful and, a the land. . . � . . .. � .� � .. - .
Ip rded. f or g6da IT'llrdle handicap. Poor old' - ..... I . Rindus n1ake * ' 11 I .- __ - _. I
. . versities prove that cereal eaters are .olge. I Ittive been woll,rewa )wv�y ........ I I -- I bad djLS.0llaTge,. Oertain, fvP(As of _' _' _ 1-__--..._;.______ ___ -, __ __� � ' . I
tile off ort. The i;tllff ill!tlle'v' , 1,woudcr -%Nyhove lie is Ili - , 11 I I
41111US Soot - tall . i.:�i:: - � backWelie and qTyiendia factory and .raftroft(l ... 1. .
- I fell Ill, and the ��,i::: hands. . �� ,
the strongest and healthiest, and Quak - 11(lolonel costoboll . .;::: e deqirable 11 . � '... �
eaten Ityllty 'by water, that. it Is 11.6 � .:1..:: %�:. * WrIetched head- These mAn a tl� ,,, __1
hard 11111ol for tue Most colli It ' in, (1,anada. Thousal . . -...1-1.11112 ,
up �. . - 1:17--;1I - . r C cod -
. . nient devolved up- 1.� I -of '.4--.1; M&A L
- , I ould noit but b
n I nijind, of thp regi I � ,,,I,, e and had felt . ., ,�QL�tfj). 1,
I of the list I ids of Infles . ily-R-11 F O''
. er Oatg sthnds�.at the beat 101'es'611411.tl 1111. . :�, V ' I -'.1 - . ".__, ", . I
. .. -i* -in I;,!*, , , . � ,,,, � -n6dious, Gralit. _
'to, ()"r only ni"Jor being IlbSent In '. ��:_,...�,,�,_ keversine6the, railroad track-,;, have. been laid T. . _iO,R , %`N ,oki� 11aving
. - e I , J .
,of cereal foods. It is not only the part. MreftdY I liftiv ' $Cooped Out' a on 11 �,,:�.:;.:, �:". . �r
I Inte lor..The eolollel's IvIfe, Illiblip-', birth, of iiay twins. India during the last tAventy, year,t. , �1� J -.`V-'. . . 0. _ secured it entut
tile It I I , " i., 'b" i all
-0t, I k.,,... -�:::��';-'::,- � ying .
best food) but it's the cheapest food ellhillkey twelve feet high." . I 11 ,.�,_,�:��,:,:,i: ,` * . Storehoxisle,' we are now
. I V, �:i * . ...i'..."
rilly, �'-; ,4.,, I tried doctors . 1. ,
elloge that IllolhORt to 11111, as I)eo-,. I but Past Iholian laborers, experienced in S �: *,I "; I I kinds of grain, fp.r, w1lich the highest -
akf ast. It's �u that beV . .. � .. i .. . V I . I .
. . "Whilt. ,good ell is �g� t o'relief. I be. be of -
. earth. Eat it'daily for bre . I 0 'Lo *Ot ., ., I , 11 I �
0 we bay` 6illy.:n, front ple P -%A,Itll . . ' . -
"At present d , i I i .1;" .. I ,
cne of the best foods in the worldt . When ill" leartl6d. the IldvIlifiblilty Of,1111nd �, a. to takeLydia, -benefit to tile Dominion. , BimilsflY, '- . .:! I
I - 13ran., Shorts, Oorn and all k1nold Pf -
I 0 I . M , tn
. . :,..:: VIL P , �
. I I 10 8 filed -M " I ,:-,��:,-'.:... ;..:i: ..�3�'. ."'? kllaM'Slyeg� ranny parts Of 111111504an 113VU U"" tPtOTRIC � AND A .
; I y, rd 1*ellt4tor. N lit" � railroad tnaklng, are, bound to be of prices W,ill,4e p)iid. .. ' .
pTQducgd'in 'Canada by.Canadimis, XIOOV-111)' fit' f"'O� Of the tocl�' �!Iit�� ��,." ������.,.,.,-,.,::::::.,.�;.,��*,.:�,��.',,.,,,.,� tfi *TftI2AVM6NT, ',,,graiho Seeds and other feeas kept on ,
. ��
letea-Lbefore tomor- - my own b"91110"K. I "Oil) 11 tr ,., !�x*,-i. etable Compotind, QC I I
. . .,
� 'IS Coll"' li�, elle� . !, , I 1::.. � 1�..: . I """ an settled recently by.the opening up , , — . I hqud'At'thd storefiouge, ; 1. , . I
'For city trade Quaker Oats is packed mv work er lily deadlY, � `1'x 1". :1, I �
; mW ill lit," 1.'Iio��Woi Shall have a P, thus Inaldt14' 11 � I 111111.1:1 . . . . . L1111111 ... a after three
' , ut,*for 9 - ,,or contrived an''dfll- .. of irrigittion Averks, devised and exl§- can'61clian. ',�'rettorine ' .
I in the regular size packages & back door also. 4yi,ebuisse.1 may On . my. Lord Vente' AsTwasfeeling olited by the, Government; also ,vast' 111,01%.tii, eeimfn ctite far i.,CZeW0,.Aehc
. I . iii ftn' I
� I I .those who are not conveniently near. . ,counter unforeseen obstacles "Is 1 ad- , 4�lsil 11111i.,41on to a llelgllbm�lllg town and Intich be: tter; and now I amwell again." - ciecupied by Ater"111M Ileg, Jlla'�Iilield.l, Rillot0ornt, Foed & McLeod .
Oil ,nc,for t1le lIlJlJtIlI,y -Charge. I �Njtra, BUSSM 11MY, DOvedale, Sask., (rhots of land, formerly Rosen, 1% .
� the stori for daily shoppiitg the large I vahet', ,A tWlst In tile fatilt'wottild be detall' tftrber, have been rendered habitable, 'ittirben, Iteli, set -IN Jr��Id, Itching Piles,'VICOrIi, .
1, . . �Zi�s� �ncj (tIl cutarleoug and facial blemishe.q. 'd
size fathily package is jtigt the thing-'.) nearly fatal, but I am praying that'It . sent it Jantor olfiver, Tile" MrS, C(Isler' 'k,lit'lltuit' Tile r,,ast. Tudidn irage-earner ac-., �-Illy gild spCee";sfully teaw 61. T, R. STATION4 CLINTON. � —
11.0 bu�;-i 01011000, .
. 4AI . Another Wommi Cured. ' 4 . 1. * " I 4 " A*-,,--6,�letliitcur,,tt)lcca."48. � I .
i -lIDOI`fttOQV CORCO, t I I w I'll 1,1119 p C 0 " . ., ii, aim r, I I
. . The large ackage cotitaill-5 a Piece Of ma.y. colitinifte stralo* it to the. le Ige.11 . .11 and he UL ' `1 1 . it Is e . ,e tit other atation,
p I Christialla, Tenh.-III-SUfferedfioM A' alnt( nt'.rolv inllik
. . . . . . 11 . to villn III(,, It(, forthe slake of his , an iniliati% ,laluture cr oininitilt that iu ticen
I .. . plot I . 0 14 undoubtedly prove I lit �1�2 or pre- �
. . h%ndsome chilia for the tab... , . I . . . I be the worst1prih of lemale trouble sc W "I �
.. % . .. A � t�Wt!�_�__!!-Tt!!�. old aIIltnoJ4lty__-,�oii , reinowber Ibilt I that at times 1 thought I could not 11bld adquisition, t6 Canada, . 3tribed. m1kationq Wilt con-Ance that ig has
.....;_, - - I— � I - __. . --- A few ri*
. I . ]Ind al,40. Crossed Ills PlIth I" 1�"9-1'11V.--� live, and lily nerves were in a dreadf ill .. '. .,vaii(lertiil;nt!dit,tivl'-,-tjc.AticI illtrinf�crnerlt.
she Weallsc,, ,101C I Val'Od -1 WOUld stlell '
to her lill"band', Oil proicilse or seo,k-
Ing ,lily adywi,,'she Invelgled tile at
night Into a de.wlrl (%(I vorllpr of tile 014).
gTounds at xfollgk�ollg, Lord ventilor
appeared, alld, fis tile-, lipshot of their
vile stiltenlent,4, Nylliell created an , fill. ,
incellate uproar, 1�-Nvell, N.M."s Dealle., I ,
nearly 16110(t hilli", � .
Irls vividly rccall&l tile anglilsh lie
betriyed When, tllk topic Was Pladver-
tellil'y broached one day early In -th(lit,
acqualutailve, No�v lie Was tociting Ills
vallifull It ' Istory 'With tile air of a man
far inore colifti4led to N scrupulously
condition. Lydia, E. 11hikhaWs ege-
table (lompound cured me wid. madet
Ine feel like a different 'Poinan. Llrdla
, El, 11hikliam's Vegetable Compound is
wortli its weight Ill gOld to sliffering
NV0M0n,,,_Mr%MAityWooD, R.F.D 8.
if yott belonir to that countleSS AMY
Of wbillell who sllfre�t from some form
of female ills 'don't,liesititto to try
Lydia, Eq. Pinkilaim's gotable Com-
pannd, made from roo't, and herbs.
For thirty years this famous remedy
has been the standard for till forms of
female Ills, and bas cured thousands of
women Wilo h.,Ive been troubled with
g,tiellifflinent% as displacements fibroid
tumors, jileftation, irregularitieg,
. .1 wi�ie- Appropriate. I I
. #,To ibat'A horsoslitie Mr, GrowelleY
. bag iialled over thil door bf, his denV
I al4kg the neiii1aintance 8vbo bag gollie
will, tile frIevid to call on Aft, Grow�
eboy. . . ." �
.. ,,11or-fOg1Ioe,t. N,o, Indoed,10 alftswots
Abe frivrid. "Growchey wanttd the
.roora to txDrOS9 big usual sent! I MOIlt.
Thavo a rillilo 9boo.'o-chteago rost.
, I _____*WWft�.**1i.—
.4 0 .A. 05 IV c* XL 3C J& k.
IlleaTs ttor Ibb Kbd You No Always SOU01
0004%* 19-7e
zj64&,?`Y�6�,'-.� "
4 . I
I jocurate� tilan Illrolasell ia IIJA 400p,#4 .J)SP,kao,he, and uerviouNprootratI0111- . d � I.,
. I I _. I . ". � . ., , . � . � I
. ��. - ,� --- . .
it Ig nutdo ill califLoIck. A pt.d *11011CIST, U111-
linit praparatici,.. , .
rrice 0210 bO:'- Virty Cents. or five boxes T%Vb.
bolla A. " ..
NNW to 1%11:� rdilro, .1 �dtpjpt of prke.
-40. ,
,�ola illi(l itco=nJoLlided by Ali: I(AAW9 ltrug:,
gi. t4 iit eanadkx�
liamphlet froe to ally (Iddres.q. . 11.
Militufactum,ol aiad iold by the We PtOPMO'
Wits. I ) ThoTettorinM Ohttr[100 060
wintlit4r, antatio. � .
-Sold, in Clinton by W. S, R -
11ohnes, 1. E. Rove -yo A A,
KcCotiiii�11, druggists., I
. �
� TrivAll, Aff. to Tito Nelf Era
. . I � . � . . '. I f I I
= — � - - ..--.,. -t—'-"�I.L.--l�-..-.--,—i"-�--'-'L"-- I,-- iNiWiQ ...-,-.,,-..-..-.-& . . . . . . . . . . . . A"'.'.. - i---.1.1..1 ..... . --0- - - -N..,.--1.-1.- t ------ - �L--'--'-�--'-'Iilflllililliliililiilililljfilf
mmmwmd� JJ1111111111"
lit favor of the latter ,course, althougfi I
'I'ess allulfe5likopialliz, -
01, I
It eutalled lifilug. all*tlle refil.-O out of
()l=01,morphiae nor Haerdl.
the liole. To stkvo time, therefore, be
carried Ili.% nilulng tools Into tile OP011,
I . I
placed In position the,cheval de frlse
. � I
A, � 0 a r, go &X#,,*= Al =R .
I . . � .
long since co , nstriwivol for the (Waxise
X.J- 14
. .
of the clitrauce, atilt poured Nvater ovez
I .
the remaln.9 0 the Dre. . ,
hodIXI& Sato - 1
11 I�
Tb*s was I.W. 11nal care vach. iligbi
Ini4o'kid 0
B ImprMint � I
i I .
before strotclilillm Ills weary llitilis On
1 I
'd01a14Ct1,q&. JWM,- .
i I
ills eotii.-bori,raw,bes. itt-anseadeiny
I [14aFn XCCd - .
� .. J .
I 0 11 - .)
ill the mortilng, b -,it Ue, neglucted � no
. _
. .. go , . . .
a i
use "
preeaution, aild ti,ere ,%,v.i% I a possible
' . �
. . �
AperfectRemedy for-Constip8-
. .
�' '
ebanve of the J)yalu.; fall:ligo
tile, eaglo") ilest if thoy -were permlild-
U40 11,1alld
d6n, sour Stomach,Djarrhoea '
1: i AL
I �
For Over
. ea by other Itullcailolis tIlItt
*%,va,, de;,;erted, . I . I
iaessandloossO .
i � .
I . :
- ,
Ire ellterKl tl,e hilt and was In th(
aet of pullils", ort., Ili:; ho -4.4 -wItell'a Ms.
_.,� �
'far,Sintile Signature of
. � I .
� I
.. . ...
. � 4 * a . .
.1 I . I I .
I , I pendeu lrom per nevu, S e it re" .y I
i might "yet v.011taln. bright hours Ifor her. . I was told*to " I'Frujt�a.tives," and tant sh-ot rztll;�, slfiorply' through,the.a.1r, . . � I � L" ; :
. �� . �
4 'clotiling'.", "nall wll�o ,kvor, so d6voted knew some portion of tit - story 116 1 ent for six boxes, and this wag the tenfo!d by the In. . - ,�, . I 11 I I V0 cl b f
o '� 'NEW, YORIC.
--yo,.%; ,Is a last resourve, that is. I i,elf and tile would tell. The remainder -,,va of ors It NVII0, JI'.:',11JIlV1&d I -_ -09
( -,(I to lieteve'JIlat I ly medicine that (lid me any .good. 11 . , I - I � � I
� "bayt, sollie hope that theY mAy not oll$' t% I'LL" Sl!c V'rilse minor Importance, 1. . I arri now entirely. vvell, I can eat or- . tvaSO ldlellt'O� For it f"' sovorlds, that * " I . . - piti, 11 I .
I cover our whereabouts owing to the . ItobertAllstrutliev, ,qtrong of arm and - - . . . - scellicol 0 bp 1111nille';, 110 listened ellot. I AH" �1! 11, 'i
I , "It Is - odd,'? lie con.tinued., "that you dinaxy food ,Ind I nevc-r have a; head 6,11i., ,C
.. - -antioll, we havL- adopted. Perched i u41111' of In'.1111, a 1001;Ilt of 11JO ItOlInd ,ache, and� for tills relief I thank this ' 1,411ing the (11110'.-thollght blat pot W___ �
. I - �'ru .
L. I.re( , should ba-ve alluded to six years 2 wo worldi�rful rernedy "I- lt-a�tive-S.11 My I � .
I up there Oil the ledge, Nye will be pro- I Table, Ill .111 th-lit was nowe and.cuivai- . . turtle,. wi(ndering far beyond 111ccus. �
I � - R L 0
1 - . inent tigo.- It is- OxItCtlY six years al- case I.% *ell lKnoWn Ill thIS Vlelni'ty and - . I .
jollildly uncomfortable, but that will I rle, -%vould permit his lialne to bear an most to a day since the trouble began." �ubh,�h this t� toilled limits, bad disturbed one or tht ' ' ,
. , you may .j3 . . statemen . . rXACT COPY OF, WRAPPER. .. I
be 11t)jIllng if it secures bur safety." * I utiNvarrant6ble, .%if-, q wbell-alid sit(! .. lif I - AS IA'
. . ,ill � "With Lord Ventuor ill The ilame ALCIDD, JIV- BBRT� sprin. ' gull cdilln' litfl oz, t"i oil', Oil - t . '
ti ',little rose -lie cattle to 1. . - trial size A-hiell Ill,, .. , ,
�.,IiL� (lid not reply at once 'I bills 506 a box, G*f6r $240 ot ,,,-,-, �.i 02/,/8
� � Then lied.like lid written. . fslipped out, involuntarily,. ' 1. saud,,i,,. A .sputtering volley" I . THr CENTAU.11 COMPANY. N:"W VORA OFTY-
- * aSc. if, foi oartv reason, NNour dealer � .1 -'OJ . I !!!!!!
she said niusingiy: "Forty-fo�r dayst � td.11 her tbat *life.b.heb, . ,, trained car recognized , s.tll.Q bring _ �MIJ,m i .!
' q'i lln� Yes. I was then it Staff corps sub' does -not handle, li-Fruit-a,lilves," they =No I I
L � time to Tb,e sailor,rptlirix tily, IN'lill tile � - . I - : . .
'Purely there has been ample I net� of oile hurrying . -to perform a dIfern, and ili� �11'roftelelleY tn native. tivilt be. sent- poOdpatil on recelpt of niuzv.lo loaders,.sountled tbeAeath knelf . .1. . . I . L 1.4 .1
ecour the Odna sea from end t I . - L -prJce.by'r3ruJt;,1a- , tives Limited. (It+-. I . of It i's 1, . Ist liolle. . I .. .. . 1. . . I . � . I . I - .. .. . I .
I 0 end . Inali. . . .. �xpl, . I . , . L I . ..�
- . 110gle lina_., languages itttracted the atteution. Of . 1. . . . . .. . I *i;dO Coming SI. � 0 . r '! r - I . . �
',Nly father would Iiev- I cted tllQ. Williont ally. ''. . . . The Dyiiks..Uad a . d! _____ — -_ , — . ---.!!!
lit search of us! . it friend In Shiala, whO advised me to* . __ . . . .
hope. until be bad the 1 11'Jil to la,l.s he.climbed. several, time$ . — 1=0ry Ofr . . -
. . . lieu steriell",ly in'the (lead ol., I .
cr,abondon . r . for an appolnial he - po- passions by t1le. 11 PaSt lently and llly� ' I . � r � r.. . A . . ,
'ji)ost positive knowledge that he Sir, I !',).a tba ledg"O, �carvyillg- JIVIlI10111191. of Apply . -L I am, . � - . . � . . . I
� �' , . f 11 , litleal side of the goverlitilent. of In- wrong's. 'Whiit'bad bappetied Ili the lu-�. n1glat, they were theinAelves the Vic- r . .L. I I . r � . I . .
dllr was lost,with all on lidard ss, roots, NvIllell Ili, 111.10�,,a Ili 11 e . appli- terliu to blunt these bygone suCeringg? tinis of it'stratagem they desig . 11
. Ed so. He supported th . nod t� A SPI . I KER -
I" Tilen lie ollte!'P(I tile' 0111YO, ard, dia, I d . - I . " 11 exnploy.� Instead of t0khm- t 0 I,, . LENDID 'BA. � . . . r .. . .
Tito sallor. tbrougb long segooling, , view., was assured of the next Iris clasped r -her r loCket. ,�Jie thoug t I ITO. eel, L L I . . . I ",',""Ill., 11 011011 . I I �
Ith r*Catlon, and 1, -, L . .. of 1�111111)01,7 1"41:tild ullaW, I . . I .
� was prepared with an answer: "Each n1tholigh 116 WZ19 fIll-illshod Only w L I I . '11, . .1 . . .
11 throll,,ii 1,vacaney In allative State PrOVIdcd that -she itndW. L .! : ' ; . '. , ' r PlIntS . Olt 1. OU must h4vt a -good oven to L . . . I
.. o' . '* 1111 111(16r. ily r . . � filej:0 3 .. . I . . . .
4111y Ilialies the prospeet'L of escape tile d1in light that pe"Otraic : . � I I got intirried. I was nbt it. Inarryin., :. "The re ,I in be told In a sell- they ,iviire sta�tled at being - a b . -and you just. tak6 . . � - ;I - . ..
�) . t;l-Ighter. ,rhough I was naturally dis- . . I . . . . , I � ,I shot the inowellf,tIlOY landc(l. L The I V bake'vith . � , I I �� .. I ..
. * , � . - � �
_ . P �� I e;" man IllsIi Drealle, and � the .requisite tence,90 he said. ,ii0j what avall were . . '. Oil r , I I ' . , � . _. -, . .
I . . u -t state L. , � ' . I I . atehients a" -t. tit(.-, alit t, at-,,onee retilliated b3 . ., .. I .
, :__ :, gains rined savages' , r word for it, the. . -
appointed tills niorning, I in _ -0, * a qualfflciii arly Staggered lite, But' iny frenzied Sit , . � . . , r . ' r
�, J Lon. ne,. I �,1'1 . I . .
2-4�mj. - . I , . r ' . tell weaiiiii;s point , � , . k< 411 I . I .
. ,
(plite (,IIIpll,iti(1,;Illy that our rescue may . I , , .1 ,Ind cande - definite.proor,% ntiolneed by J.ord-Vexit- fring their antliIiia .r
. . - ___ I J'ool�ed around the st tion � - - - L � (i .
.. r . .- _ I I -OXFORD" ,r � -1 L . .
wine Lilly hour." . . - LIS giving ,,�ilrlllnj IMPERIAL. .,!I
' Ewen blank at tile tree -114, tb . . . . . .,.
. sto* that tll�. (lomlillssiou- , I '.r .and' his Inifortill"'ItO I -Illy? .., *
I *
. . r . . .
. . - I I to the tonclu .a . 10 , - , . . . -
. . . I
. . '. . , - . . . I t 7 . .
. - . .
. "I ... Ileved her alid� became :en6ug to *IlUe.tho seven sleNJicl%. , . . � . I , : ..
Tr�s'looked at him steadily. ' ., � eris niece 11.0111(1� ln,li,e a' sultable wife. her husband Ile . . .. . 11 L .. . . 1Z, 1, . ii the r ge tI . tat .has a. p " L Ili 1. L L
. I . L . . � . t . , I an erfect bcok-. I � �, .
I . I L regarde ' I. ]ail . r I I . � .
�o you remember, 111'. Jenks, that 'I. L — d li�r 1poLints,l go to ,%peak, and Illy bitter. foe. floar. -%rolnllll! 'Ve 'r Irls, fit r out In a, mo-. .. r .* - '_� - - ,
. .L I . . lly drdsSed';.N01s r. . . i- � `1, - - .
-e(-I� you told Me we � . ' ink oVen the fire- and. oven coi _1 .. I
.. r they filled, -the bill.' She was smart, lu'lily heart to pity her. IS'ell, that is alent. ' L. . � . . . I i� � I
tilion after the Ivi I I . . . � * ' * ' . . .\ . .
. . , * . , -60 . 1. it j, r in ah-- - , . L
. . I r stoo4- f1 Ili,., I ant here !" , . L retf. . . 'e., � - I
o,!..; it ll�lve to remain Jiere many . L L good lookin�, ilvel�, luider. .e . . . � I I T.. 4 6,� h:fve (ionic!" shb whim . struction md o—call i . �
I � 0 . ' . IU,,*,r vi.lig f 71�0..� , ils r , lice ' . � - ' " , , I ... .� . . . __: . .. . ..
." _%J_ lip '1.� .w6r, "for
V jjll�.
.e , g'S - rate In. -,(,,all ,k'wan be ruinerd SO- a(IslI.V717 1, , � , . . . . . . L .
, : , it .4 � .t. #11� YPU'W ly; . L .
i k r.T,t441tIJs,.", .. . . 25r�, arI: of r ntertfilit r I I ! . .."A'e'll , I � � I -1 I . �
. � ,\ Sports d � 11. - teeth, Indeed, 'AtIrIntirell'the -Irl'. Ile _41.111'JIto J 'er w4t* % -, . : r - - . I . . . .
: ... I'liat wap a pardonable exti,era- 0 � ail aa,,' exoellent ,rL.�.�
I - 0 � ; , . ,, filet . eliks face toi f4leq.:%V�tll dang . . . � L .. . , . .. � 1, L L I .!,
rr 1. . I I . ii, .L.1.11$111 sel.ect-eil it wife -as he does it ' ,pren,-' -Vl-.V . dtly-ere . lit 11111 . I � . . I . . .� .,.,. , . I . :
I 4.1611." . I le,loling ber to avold any direct,ex . ��froill j(�111cswres-. . , , ..-
. r . % * I
� . I . , I .. 'IV . � . . . , ') - It �,'J�k�,Ill, . M . . � I * . ' r . ",IS, &` . tn- If I W , r r . . . . L * . I . . I
,, - be- horr-ld. . I as she redlly . . , had Iny' -e- I ' l'y 'LAND,
, , -3.11;,; � . -, . I , , ,
� * k�l r I . '� . _. C�1,11_ r
..1 11 .. - , r . .. I ty %: �. , 41alollsat,
I "No, no! It was'tbe truth. You are .."; hoise, qh.o I . . I . 'sloll Of "'. 111pathl I I t tel�s of .
. I alse � I i ;;;, 1, 0111" with tile ill, I . . I
k J -eckhig ll()N%- to I)iioy me, "Don't . sLso.' 'Ilt'.J.Ilav� I . 1) 1 d. -11p tjIp, izidder! lie lively! .,Tlicy . DA V %11 . . I .11
r ,
i � -tip with f. \\. .1 � i ,i# .... . . I . . . . .. ard. -Ir .ever . .1 I meet Mrs, - . Co-stoluoll - ill: iloi Ile liere for half an hour lfttiey , . . . - ClintQ:n.. Olit. . .. . . .. .
t ..... '. . , Aty'.0 : w . I I . . . I .,
, pr( ; 1%,
tiorle. It is 1,000 wiles; from ljong� I &Z a . . - . . .. Sole .avents. .. ' . — .
. * , ,
.. ns inuch .. rr rr t L I � . "I believe $6 - Vitiople said she was.", aplin I'Vill thmik her for ii gkielat SeVV- - - -1, illf."'Ilch a row 11,t tile first'dittelilm , I . 11 , I �_ . . . . . �
kong to Sillgaliore. [lild balt . . L "p., � . I , LL . . . . � I . .,� , 1�1* r .-.. . I - I L . . 1. - �
, I . L , " if' " . . I ..
. � III , J\I� L ' , : I I L.. -
r. Qi;,lit to Borneo The Slvdar _1__, I A - '.'But Nvl�tqt ditt,yoti tbillIt'I" r Co. :* - . . .1 . . IN- , I'M), we'will take no rishs.' Ca,4 I I . r . r
- 1 0 . . � .JZ1!:J4:..J-r I . S ,Only ,if, � 'f, I r' di I � . I . ;
SIT(,( le ('011 _1cr j,,),va ,1,(),,, Sl)�
11 al,(, li'lle'. ,Y]I(Il
ell driven Anywhere Ili ��'.-".-. 1!125:,� - .��`,�.7 1.1 " - Opinion, wa% biased. , . IRO " .relveh
. �,, (0. 11
1111glit bilve Ile ,r'.'-"t:'��'%'- '-'!' :';j�- ;'N'.: ......._.""', �\� . "rit the 'time till . Iris I � i yAm
, �.� ::
,X.-..`�._1',1.11..':.'-.� , �:. ,.'. al.��.'.': I , I . . .
I -!i,e typhoon. � U� . _J ";,". ", . ".1 . I I ::,l . . set,i) � bOV ,sin -h all(I lieck ting with. a quiv% * �: A I awtiv .-tvIlell .1 * say "
.. -;�,�' , - have , iOa
ay So .11r. :� ,,-i':." 60, MAI Bile Wcal bro,%N' tit(, I I .
.- ,
. Indn't you 8, ), . , , " . I w'and atter ., . I - . . "Jt(�, oil awl 41�1111
: :::! i: - .... *`� i - , .A(1'��!, .yoll JVjlIr find,.: ovc�vth 1111, to
. "
Tolik-".", I rr .. ; .:: r. " ....., - - badly. She is liliarried no . ti(:cv�,,f of volor. ', m , ,. . " I.
.. !... ... � r
. �' i"W".."'t%. I " . ..
lie Ivilvered under tills merciless 1 .i�i r �'. ..., I thirty .greirve ;"ii)t4ly tit) ,A-IAI -,�Iy tilat'i" �slie askekj.. ,ilzind tIp,q16rc. , , , : I - - . . ,
I , �e i -Y fai,f, � - '. - . , , - r
... 1. � I t . �
. . I ,., , -1 - ' risill, ' 11O beld tile boltolil of -the 1:Idder to 1*
,Z, � , .krtf,li ,T(,Il%,,,,! it it settled .herself ,, who was -1, vithCr (Ill]
Cross c. aul1wrtioll. .. V .1 . !! , , And, J on k,, . .
I . I I . *
. � . I
-I had no idt-a your incillorY Was SO I . . . �_. . . t - comfortably to listen . I � 11 . . not boar In pr(q(%dvt1 not t") hear 111c - sivady it -for ill . ,r
. - . � . . . . -it fence N ; . . . tro, 4 1 . I (% girl'% climb. Soon lie
r � , vith OL lot I t % -
.. ... 11 I . � . ljle..I�
. . - . , . .01 " I . I . .v.o1vt4ell,' like i lilos , ge: f roill a stsir.,
good,*' lie ,;:lid Nvelikly. I I It M. I have jullip"('i ill, ,nor n 11(� tono. . ,;it
r .KZ, �. I � . 6� ' . r . . � . � I .
. � . � , � . � \
I., ,oil. ', ��i I n'Ix,1lId,"'rlJ1_� tlI()tI",Jltr. r ' . i r
. c , oil, Ine' 4
- _xc011ent, I ll,,sllre N Moreover, �_ , - I � � I . ... . . .. 1�11e6inse yon onve told me -, oil would ., 11 rl,� I! . OQII!,.!
. .1 �, .1 . A, ,11 .. . . I
. I ��Z - 11.'. . , *Ctvr Oliedr 111) . r0pQ8
. , , I , . - and 'I . ifropl)ea -along
. during onr forty-fmir days' together. - I I Zlv - I I . "We ll�vallle ong"I""kid", lie said itloud. never inarvy Lord Veutllor' , . . 'I'll". (,. . - I
. . - I .1 , . I - .()(.IC'
"' I V, "She tilvew4ler"elf at lilli),;; collinnin- W.11tit I httvo- told'you 4low 1 am quite - r
you have tanght tile to thillIZ. Why do . ' :. ' ,, r �Ik I � ... .1. , z . . 1. , * � . I .. ,tile ol(-rc 'Qf t le 1 "otho".4, picki
' '-with lite'., 'We . C.. I N, .% � .-; - , r . . . . I Sure ,yoll 'Will not.". - I . .. . . atellet, I I `� 0�NV1,;:0.,s and'o-LbOr
yoIl .Idollt siaiterfuge � . I,' �' - - . ed Iris.- . I . . . . 11, It,. it lll(.,tl or . 1. .
.�, "', ::- I I . .
Wily cannot ., - -N Z\ " ,- � , . 1111fr I na-111c. ..1;v - liv --Bliza- ' .,Ah, [I ivii you do'trul,' ine?".she al- I - S and ends were � -s:wIItl,raway
I - l... - 11 I . � ,�. , 1 zi�3 �. r, mbetliz f . I � .
,lie ptirtners ill 'III else. _Z rr I . � . I . � � . I . lwecll oddi . � .
4 . . I I �- . : r . .. .. � '. � . . . -kn `�,, - I _
I sli1ire your despair as well .I,, your ' . , ;. .. I . . . beth 'More4'." ,."I'llo' volli1g, llentellillit. nlost ivIll"pered, . --"- '' , - . Into. tile dai (-., for .It iv mooll 118 YOt. -
. . .. ,
. , �p : L .. �, , ... � - . . . . f. tbose (lily,,,, c,1116 tAi I (Kc � 11(-Ssle, hlit 110 -.1. Ile �furceft..bii(qc; this � *j�,6r(T.1Jfrbuiblftig - diij �� not ,ill Inille.r ii '
. . I K I Id erng, ' The :sallor.
� � O I 11 .
- , , ,
to , 1 , I?" I ath . '.. �- ... r .. . � .. 1'� I - . i . , . nuitte . . I .1 . -I.- cc v r , wea.kdy : darted, into Befle Vile ca"(10 ,Ind, kielcvIl
. . I . . r ..
,,lle 11lIIzpd Out in ,sudden.wit' ' aud � . r 't 1� . . 1`1 . I It'' , I for utt( ali . Ho e el ' I st OVc d I . t.flie rfld�)".. T
I J� not! be I "I 11 ... . .. her, ,,1ny-. .i. , tlir ( I 4 !I , 11-011
-stood that ,;he woll ... , , " - � "Woll" Toll' di(Ill inni-ry ,,) , il.s.4tillip - :I ' it ' air of good,.: Ill) move ir-'letify: 1)(418 " b0II . .
fle Illidel 0 .. � - . . i�. I . � . I .
I 11 - .. . . . ... I. - .11 t1IL - Ive lit nu
' . . . . I I . �, .1 � ritles', . n o w "' , , ill- �
I . � , "
� . .
. . if t baloliiiflgpp� . � . �., . it!? s1ting ,
denied tile fIIII extc-Ilt of ills secret - 1, I r JIONN-,�- collilliville(I Iris, . ritle,sbarply: .. . I r. . III .
. I _ 4�. r ' . . 1. I . . r , I r I . , . . . 11 . ; r
. . . r , . , , �klld I illrp� s117 " I f will " and_
. I . . . . . sholi)(Ter", . mounted
fear. Ile ijolti-ttol I-el-erently bt-fore,1101, 11 " . low . , flor -was Oil leve , ,-(.�v 1101r,roll have t�.ulpt.vd Ini, . . ber -o'�Qv Ills
"I I W ... ... I I.. �.� . __�� . . . . I . :. 4
� . " . . grdl'il again, , . 1, . . - - wo -- a re
- nlyhlg� lionlage to Ali all- _1d . . rk, Miss i)(.alle," lievrI&L "We Dave - the'rope, ladder, whiell; \1*1111 the sp.
-1 111ortill I I , . . - - , , r. .
. . . . .
. , . � , .
11 as . % . . .. . - - "Oh, 1 sce! " h", grOldcol; � . .. . � "' . holiv 11, no!" he Sit e -uc.4t-' gos.,ji led. here ti;qil the. . fire, . gfeiiv! tIrdd ." , e I -Ony ill). . abd01led. . -tivith- .
It I . gry goddess. . .. . . . � , c id' ,,,it . . . I ., I I � � ord"i'l JL_ . . ..,
I � . . P-7 � I ,1(1 .,I ar(�Jy I)ccome bilgilig, ,,�if our compa .- , ful niethod I . . I I
, � *'I can only ridnilt that yo - qt.l it ex'It,'ShO 110ard -blat, 11, ill- - a,ill I ) . � . � (-:� re . I I -, I )-r. .
u are -tile; Ili 11 . iy. �.ili-'-,,� I r col ' ily' . To lind, please, at . *
. ;I . -Ig '11iiii-od. I "We imist pray 111,111filily at tile rock fbv: 'it cd-Uple, of -!tell 'A. with ller uncle to 141m- once.*'., *r . . . . p . minued nekt week .. .i
. . ' -
.1 t I lit,*' lie twit '�Iftij il .sl�e ive, -0, . � - - j ' I r I I (To be co .. ._� I � . .
I I til.it (,od ,will dire( -t our friends to this 110 emen,ed, g ., ,%vith . . . . .
I t urs. - At last be . ,,, , " ha rar'th(illot,NN a0ler. There, '411e.inot rlls.vaii,ght, Illin: by tbii il I'm. . � . � '. . . . . , �
.. , 1. - , ,,r . ... I .
; � 1 - I tul. -(I Inay not be dhS,t and PP1!SPIV;lt loll, just -111 thile �0� :110rd 'vViltilor, -%vllo -wlv� 1611 the vlcc� 'I'l-'�vill:i)l;li,.%,'t,)�i;,Ii't and,�vei-� Illilit . . .
,�. -s]. otherwJse N% I . 1,1111, . I . 1. , " .. 'yotir , '"'000 T,41 st:i'tna deserving Rheumatic Sttf� r
� round for a year, .1113 11111111PPIly the . pily. it, 1.1'i't visit to SI lilt ro0v.before roy.'s staff, aild-if y&ii ad&t mind, we * . 'she 's.iia, i;oIc`lIJlIl'Y' "tIl'Itr 0 - f6i,er.-flidt thereis YA onelAMPle WILY'
I- tishernion ,%vlio ollc(l caDle here now j116 sun sank,to rest. Ile.-tisked the I
INVIII skip -1 pol-tion of tile narfativc�. 0 3' es 0 f all' , relief!; r Get Dr. Shoop's
. 4 ,. hirme. in.,ty be ,cloarcl,d- Ill tile . tb . certain .
. 1),It tile prepaira- verod 1.1161 , - . is ill Mine. A)Id I 11111 - sure ' b6ok on Rheumatism and a free trial. -
1.14-c. ,I'lley have been gb�l to dclity,� si),new .. �,Viyy inen, Ili India � lll(�,n, ,Is it I � .
� :tvoi(l tile 1) . I . , I dls,(�o . . . . . . . .
, he eye .� Ili �;Il , it A', Ile .. r I ' : * t MY*
I , 'I] �, alid. for their w yes.. _ In -, .,be ail." . .. test. en I .
fl.iglltf�n(id by tile (,olltOfits of the hol- t1olis for t ir , ning : L , ,. .go tb B 0, I y. piqyor will Tered.11 This book *i)I'make it
, I
.4 A usliolly S111111i ,,),.,. t,llr,,,,, ,'16, I . ��h - ,e quickly '
s, . aV6 1 : : 's will e�, bu 11 r. thetimatie pains ar
I . Ad you wished to tlll�e'ft blIth; `,") i t 'Nvits quite 'whil ' iassed Jnta'116r 6 b t. e
low behill-I the 0111f. I ,till gh clear bbw P
; . . � . .. . . , . . . , e Ili I ,. . 0 I , -tiduntatic Rem.
. hav,L sulved the dillielilty 1111,11ded, Miss dark 'NvIlell they s,vt dONVII-0 `43lit- : bolol a T.00lisli row -wi-th Lo�rd Vl�litllor. , an;wilc, illilliellee, * r(nilailivil. Ill. ills, .�kiMd by Dr. S-ho6p's it
I . . . ; e, . . I . . . edy-li(I-clid � or tablers: Send no monvv� -
, ,
I)vallv. I have sti-Ii-ell, at tinios,to be 'Iris* had ,iong� reeckyored her usual 1 'tit Itiv-ballanot& Ve . .tile --dis-
I I I . .. r . n e el,nit6d 6ervice'(... , . I . . . rysoIIl,JJJL nl�,Ill thanke(Joll0d for Suprise. some
. --oil, but state of high s SON. . r � . - ill defellso- of' a -worthless I . . I . I ... . . The test is fMe- ' g foly
vo�lrso%, Q%,elt lnnit:il, toward ,, 'et D I . , * 111111" In fact, I I � - heartened solfarer bV first gettirl
'It I I . cd f r a ---"6— _7=r_�.�
illy lifqirt tlinvite,1 froin the task Of tell- "Wim .were .yml burvowing lit t1w 'W01,11,111 -111d: v" n q only -,AV roul ' ��!�� .
. . . , : him the book from Dr.- Shog.0, Italpine.
' . " -4)il flIP I)0 'Ible period of your'llu- C, voll , _Irjulell -lie in(litired. "Are you lln(I � !)Ovan, .. lmd,-been - . . . .. .. %. . NVis. Si3ld by � all Dettlers.. , ': ..
J. I 14, ,N AS av� a� , . 'lir 1 "' ge I . . . . r
. .1 I .I,- I .. I � � I . . .. r ..� I
, . . � .
. . "'Or�ti . C. c
: In hurry to*get rw I., , I 8' .
1prist.uniont." a b,tilly -�tlted N ,ev I'll) less, -Illy hopes . . I . I
. Thiln IrK for the first timein many. i 11 wTts f6lJoWitt", '111 air. shaft,,. not a of .11 lj�ilitiv;jl appoilitillent ,vanished. . . . . Adviset Hiridu Labor.. � - ..
' .
. Illy, . Ik _r rl.*( . `1 ani OM -a'51011311.3' ,1,1(1 1'ret rned,to ill,,, ITgItnent to learn . . .. . I ' -
. , vi-ppi, b;tterly. �Illd jerilo,i blind to Iodo Is. � .
,, c ,pliel. . I , . 11 . . I . A Hindu, by name� Saint Nibal
Ilie true etwuse of lier ciaotion, W,clied trollblod -%vith af(Oti wit, aw! this is all, , d . ' k. Ia. E , . :� ites, in t , Ills -strain to Can-
aftei, ue'rotlection wliat.ft;Yciry ill(, y . - , I
till a rifle to whik-h. in tqiare inoments, I illAtlilic(�. Do you'relm,mbbr IIQ%y the 1)(11, . 11 . (Ili I was." � . . . .
. 1. . I'll, I - - . .
� , I . . .. I Ntagazine. - I
lit, 11:10 :111,Ixeil ar 4-tIrl(Ills (levl(.,e, and .1,11le 1.) Illelcor6d wfillo )Ve ,,( A' on�'evillrig �Ntifq§ Alorris, yon m0wIT, a (I a5bW1:wt �
I .1 [ III O f tfLe 1:1111 . . . . I -cmn 4 not 'OnIv needs servants,
I ,,,,,,x,,,tJ,,...Lnd JION . - in'd Usti'leSr -
,V p_
. ( Nv(,r(, ol)(,11ing up our mine"," I . .,It I"'flynbeth. � , WVT I ANH but its gro,vving and mArli
. � , .
VFNWIOMBM . . I . . . . . . . . . I . I .
- . .- ..... .. . �. I for III-Itriftion 1.11 ea- I told railroad aolti�itios,ilemand.rnen , - --.----- .
. 4 . ,; 1. *ot being clit ont . . � � , -
. "yo,"." � _� N2 I . Nil : _��— �._�_� ,
I . er JO , , I s. . awri, : The nianher', - �M—n-!T__ _.______� , .
. I . . .
"I wJI% so 'lln,orbli(I'la ootitolliplilthl" (','I triod to becollie it good of- : � . of' brains and br, . . . , I I I 1. -_ -_ . I .
Do you ea't enough of this . . - . .. . rpris .. I .. . .. 1 I
. .. I � . . ;bj. A, �e aggo, . . � I .
, ar ,
I I � 61ir J)M�qlvvtive, M"eilltl0lint'I fall.ed to'. ,f( . . I , . wholl tile' govorn- � . . in whipli. tile Dominion, 1s, expand- . 0 grusi the iiBistelp, is built lot business it lasts tor Yeats and gives satisfactory service all the
4 � . . . inilu. -:. It is ruade stm .Steel drawls with solid'Iptessed steel
I f r% .to form . i iig sti;ially and thO Way Tail ngand durable to stand anY strAllk-
- and pay hood,-AoL a . I � 11 I .1 2.1a. solla steeh, frath6 of hardwood reinforced with double truss iods �
The gr.cat benefit in health . .t1iii-tr1l :sI9I1JflJCaIlc0-D .- motiqlt pi;;kmi-,for i,pin tr!P . ro; . tirb being carried. on H , fated with
� , . . 11 It tivoctlZ axle I
yed by reg- I I � . I I (,hillog ad operation% . . and steel angles make It rigid sail slout. BearbigsAre .
, e *lt,�O_ Illelltq, I sp � �
strengib that always is ellici mean ' , , -lit-in my ifaine ST-RONO -in the colintry," liave never .before. . I "�Ioa to the r I. ers wlikh rb.
tbqt incident'. It t, flip, exlAtoilce ., , 51ticesfroc �
. . and was nevepted. Iliad the.good for- , STEEL LAND large and frl"t""k to' itin. , I su.ni mak-,
ular eaters of good oatmeall is known . � brien equalled. OquiLdit has producoid . I ,. ing tit . .
rd current of- all.t. 'INOW, tlllle to stirv6 miller till old friond, Colo- , — . I , " it - - . . 1.
of till upwil , .1 . � .1 I I - 't,`, Wo Wit - - . - - . I
. Every yea -r there ariz I i * 111c, Ilialign star ,ptains. of industry 6apable Of 11 .!. HOLLER , ,,ht. - -1 . ��
. the world over. -wllnve the current goes there �nilist UO . liel (lostoliell, but 'so I . dnit rollet ever built, N6titincillmsyorsh6ddyLtkt�outit. Frea - - , � ,
More an a uaker Oats,. whIle i'was bli'n.,61%, , ; By Lydia. E. Pinkham"S 'I'leanching ,,Ind ,, suporvising .t, iese 91- I $ oklat n tells why you sliould buy the "Bissell. 0 Wrltetod&Y- - __ . . I .
11 piks4itge'i and � Sont Lord li*vnloor .to ilic. for 0i'St. - , . The Dominion, I
I , . I . . I . . ant ,(,Iyll enpacl- :,' ic ofiterprIttes. rank and Ale E. BISSEtt CO..Ltd,, 090-h N,'v U09AANT. ., - -_ - - __1 11 �
which is recognized in this'country and lIfterilooll- an, on" tile trees over there" tills thile, In 1.111 Import. vegetable Compound . l`1'o`�'Vtdv'eri Mcks 'tile . . . I
. ' ts, 'I 1116t lilt . I I . . � . .. I
in l,itrope as the one perfect oatnical. -he poiatea . toNviard tile vAllOy Of n decaslonally, 'Ind WO', rerer ' labojer.g. who, under the impotil-I -Ot .. fi�iobt. Wilsol, Goder-Ich ino, Guest, Clinton, . . I .
- acatli-lit canic to me like nil, Inspirit- ulid. wil did, not like each - Other any . I)avedale, Sask.:-�" I was A, SUID 'J Canadian promoters,
All the,'experiments of the govern F�' � I �. ,. . , , initi, o 8V � Varna. ' �
I . . I . fro,m .f e n*i a te'. wellicness - monthly tile Itiv 0 . , J� Allan, Seitforth. I L, Beatty, I .
I sibly it flnv holl"A., liewhig I I � � __ � would develop the rich resources.of . . . . I
- Ment food experts and tile athletic LIOn th' t Pii,� L it Ills,for tife Ta- periods irregular . . McNeil Jung., Wa'Iton. .. Tit^ G. ARM. Dul gannon �
nd delving Illight open -1 shaft to illo bqder. Stv 1,k1V1.'bV-I ..."., � $ I . I . I . . � I � .
.. trainers of one of our gr�at uni- a StIl'. I ; 11 . .. �.; ;:' and painful and, a the land. . . � . . .. � .� � .. - .
Ip rded. f or g6da IT'llrdle handicap. Poor old' - ..... I . Rindus n1ake * ' 11 I .- __ - _. I
. . versities prove that cereal eaters are .olge. I Ittive been woll,rewa )wv�y ........ I I -- I bad djLS.0llaTge,. Oertain, fvP(As of _' _' _ 1-__--..._;.______ ___ -, __ __� � ' . I
tile off ort. The i;tllff ill!tlle'v' , 1,woudcr -%Nyhove lie is Ili - , 11 I I
41111US Soot - tall . i.:�i:: - � backWelie and qTyiendia factory and .raftroft(l ... 1. .
- I fell Ill, and the ��,i::: hands. . �� ,
the strongest and healthiest, and Quak - 11(lolonel costoboll . .;::: e deqirable 11 . � '... �
eaten Ityllty 'by water, that. it Is 11.6 � .:1..:: %�:. * WrIetched head- These mAn a tl� ,,, __1
hard 11111ol for tue Most colli It ' in, (1,anada. Thousal . . -...1-1.11112 ,
up �. . - 1:17--;1I - . r C cod -
. . nient devolved up- 1.� I -of '.4--.1; M&A L
- , I ould noit but b
n I nijind, of thp regi I � ,,,I,, e and had felt . ., ,�QL�tfj). 1,
I of the list I ids of Infles . ily-R-11 F O''
. er Oatg sthnds�.at the beat 101'es'611411.tl 1111. . :�, V ' I -'.1 - . ".__, ", . I
. .. -i* -in I;,!*, , , . � ,,,, � -n6dious, Gralit. _
'to, ()"r only ni"Jor being IlbSent In '. ��:_,...�,,�,_ keversine6the, railroad track-,;, have. been laid T. . _iO,R , %`N ,oki� 11aving
. - e I , J .
,of cereal foods. It is not only the part. MreftdY I liftiv ' $Cooped Out' a on 11 �,,:�.:;.:, �:". . �r
I Inte lor..The eolollel's IvIfe, Illiblip-', birth, of iiay twins. India during the last tAventy, year,t. , �1� J -.`V-'. . . 0. _ secured it entut
tile It I I , " i., 'b" i all
-0t, I k.,,... -�:::��';-'::,- � ying .
best food) but it's the cheapest food ellhillkey twelve feet high." . I 11 ,.�,_,�:��,:,:,i: ,` * . Storehoxisle,' we are now
. I V, �:i * . ...i'..."
rilly, �'-; ,4.,, I tried doctors . 1. ,
elloge that IllolhORt to 11111, as I)eo-,. I but Past Iholian laborers, experienced in S �: *,I "; I I kinds of grain, fp.r, w1lich the highest -
akf ast. It's �u that beV . .. � .. i .. . V I . I .
. . "Whilt. ,good ell is �g� t o'relief. I be. be of -
. earth. Eat it'daily for bre . I 0 'Lo *Ot ., ., I , 11 I �
0 we bay` 6illy.:n, front ple P -%A,Itll . . ' . -
"At present d , i I i .1;" .. I ,
cne of the best foods in the worldt . When ill" leartl6d. the IldvIlifiblilty Of,1111nd �, a. to takeLydia, -benefit to tile Dominion. , BimilsflY, '- . .:! I
I - 13ran., Shorts, Oorn and all k1nold Pf -
I 0 I . M , tn
. . :,..:: VIL P , �
. I I 10 8 filed -M " I ,:-,��:,-'.:... ;..:i: ..�3�'. ."'? kllaM'Slyeg� ranny parts Of 111111504an 113VU U"" tPtOTRIC � AND A .
; I y, rd 1*ellt4tor. N lit" � railroad tnaklng, are, bound to be of prices W,ill,4e p)iid. .. ' .
pTQducgd'in 'Canada by.Canadimis, XIOOV-111)' fit' f"'O� Of the tocl�' �!Iit�� ��,." ������.,.,.,-,.,::::::.,.�;.,��*,.:�,��.',,.,,,.,� tfi *TftI2AVM6NT, ',,,graiho Seeds and other feeas kept on ,
. ��
letea-Lbefore tomor- - my own b"91110"K. I "Oil) 11 tr ,., !�x*,-i. etable Compotind, QC I I
. . .,
� 'IS Coll"' li�, elle� . !, , I 1::.. � 1�..: . I """ an settled recently by.the opening up , , — . I hqud'At'thd storefiouge, ; 1. , . I
'For city trade Quaker Oats is packed mv work er lily deadlY, � `1'x 1". :1, I �
; mW ill lit," 1.'Iio��Woi Shall have a P, thus Inaldt14' 11 � I 111111.1:1 . . . . . L1111111 ... a after three
' , ut,*for 9 - ,,or contrived an''dfll- .. of irrigittion Averks, devised and exl§- can'61clian. ',�'rettorine ' .
I in the regular size packages & back door also. 4yi,ebuisse.1 may On . my. Lord Vente' AsTwasfeeling olited by the, Government; also ,vast' 111,01%.tii, eeimfn ctite far i.,CZeW0,.Aehc
. I . iii ftn' I
� I I .those who are not conveniently near. . ,counter unforeseen obstacles "Is 1 ad- , 4�lsil 11111i.,41on to a llelgllbm�lllg town and Intich be: tter; and now I amwell again." - ciecupied by Ater"111M Ileg, Jlla'�Iilield.l, Rillot0ornt, Foed & McLeod .
Oil ,nc,for t1le lIlJlJtIlI,y -Charge. I �Njtra, BUSSM 11MY, DOvedale, Sask., (rhots of land, formerly Rosen, 1% .
� the stori for daily shoppiitg the large I vahet', ,A tWlst In tile fatilt'wottild be detall' tftrber, have been rendered habitable, 'ittirben, Iteli, set -IN Jr��Id, Itching Piles,'VICOrIi, .
1, . . �Zi�s� �ncj (tIl cutarleoug and facial blemishe.q. 'd
size fathily package is jtigt the thing-'.) nearly fatal, but I am praying that'It . sent it Jantor olfiver, Tile" MrS, C(Isler' 'k,lit'lltuit' Tile r,,ast. Tudidn irage-earner ac-., �-Illy gild spCee";sfully teaw 61. T, R. STATION4 CLINTON. � —
11.0 bu�;-i 01011000, .
. 4AI . Another Wommi Cured. ' 4 . 1. * " I 4 " A*-,,--6,�letliitcur,,tt)lcca."48. � I .
i -lIDOI`fttOQV CORCO, t I I w I'll 1,1119 p C 0 " . ., ii, aim r, I I
. . The large ackage cotitaill-5 a Piece Of ma.y. colitinifte stralo* it to the. le Ige.11 . .11 and he UL ' `1 1 . it Is e . ,e tit other atation,
p I Christialla, Tenh.-III-SUfferedfioM A' alnt( nt'.rolv inllik
. . . . . . 11 . to villn III(,, It(, forthe slake of his , an iniliati% ,laluture cr oininitilt that iu ticen
I .. . plot I . 0 14 undoubtedly prove I lit �1�2 or pre- �
. . h%ndsome chilia for the tab... , . I . . . I be the worst1prih of lemale trouble sc W "I �
.. % . .. A � t�Wt!�_�__!!-Tt!!�. old aIIltnoJ4lty__-,�oii , reinowber Ibilt I that at times 1 thought I could not 11bld adquisition, t6 Canada, . 3tribed. m1kationq Wilt con-Ance that ig has
.....;_, - - I— � I - __. . --- A few ri*
. I . ]Ind al,40. Crossed Ills PlIth I" 1�"9-1'11V.--� live, and lily nerves were in a dreadf ill .. '. .,vaii(lertiil;nt!dit,tivl'-,-tjc.AticI illtrinf�crnerlt.
she Weallsc,, ,101C I Val'Od -1 WOUld stlell '
to her lill"band', Oil proicilse or seo,k-
Ing ,lily adywi,,'she Invelgled tile at
night Into a de.wlrl (%(I vorllpr of tile 014).
gTounds at xfollgk�ollg, Lord ventilor
appeared, alld, fis tile-, lipshot of their
vile stiltenlent,4, Nylliell created an , fill. ,
incellate uproar, 1�-Nvell, N.M."s Dealle., I ,
nearly 16110(t hilli", � .
Irls vividly rccall&l tile anglilsh lie
betriyed When, tllk topic Was Pladver-
tellil'y broached one day early In -th(lit,
acqualutailve, No�v lie Was tociting Ills
vallifull It ' Istory 'With tile air of a man
far inore colifti4led to N scrupulously
condition. Lydia, E. 11hikhaWs ege-
table (lompound cured me wid. madet
Ine feel like a different 'Poinan. Llrdla
, El, 11hikliam's Vegetable Compound is
wortli its weight Ill gOld to sliffering
NV0M0n,,,_Mr%MAityWooD, R.F.D 8.
if yott belonir to that countleSS AMY
Of wbillell who sllfre�t from some form
of female ills 'don't,liesititto to try
Lydia, Eq. Pinkilaim's gotable Com-
pannd, made from roo't, and herbs.
For thirty years this famous remedy
has been the standard for till forms of
female Ills, and bas cured thousands of
women Wilo h.,Ive been troubled with
g,tiellifflinent% as displacements fibroid
tumors, jileftation, irregularitieg,
. .1 wi�ie- Appropriate. I I
. #,To ibat'A horsoslitie Mr, GrowelleY
. bag iialled over thil door bf, his denV
I al4kg the neiii1aintance 8vbo bag gollie
will, tile frIevid to call on Aft, Grow�
eboy. . . ." �
.. ,,11or-fOg1Ioe,t. N,o, Indoed,10 alftswots
Abe frivrid. "Growchey wanttd the
.roora to txDrOS9 big usual sent! I MOIlt.
Thavo a rillilo 9boo.'o-chteago rost.
, I _____*WWft�.**1i.—
.4 0 .A. 05 IV c* XL 3C J& k.
IlleaTs ttor Ibb Kbd You No Always SOU01
0004%* 19-7e
zj64&,?`Y�6�,'-.� "
4 . I
I jocurate� tilan Illrolasell ia IIJA 400p,#4 .J)SP,kao,he, and uerviouNprootratI0111- . d � I.,
. I I _. I . ". � . ., , . � . � I
. ��. - ,� --- . .
it Ig nutdo ill califLoIck. A pt.d *11011CIST, U111-
linit praparatici,.. , .
rrice 0210 bO:'- Virty Cents. or five boxes T%Vb.
bolla A. " ..
NNW to 1%11:� rdilro, .1 �dtpjpt of prke.
-40. ,
,�ola illi(l itco=nJoLlided by Ali: I(AAW9 ltrug:,
gi. t4 iit eanadkx�
liamphlet froe to ally (Iddres.q. . 11.
Militufactum,ol aiad iold by the We PtOPMO'
Wits. I ) ThoTettorinM Ohttr[100 060
wintlit4r, antatio. � .
-Sold, in Clinton by W. S, R -
11ohnes, 1. E. Rove -yo A A,
KcCotiiii�11, druggists., I
. �
� TrivAll, Aff. to Tito Nelf Era
. . I � . � . . '. I f I I
= — � - - ..--.,. -t—'-"�I.L.--l�-..-.--,—i"-�--'-'L"-- I,-- iNiWiQ ...-,-.,,-..-..-.-& . . . . . . . . . . . . A"'.'.. - i---.1.1..1 ..... . --0- - - -N..,.--1.-1.- t ------ - �L--'--'-�--'-'Iilflllililliliililiilililljfilf
mmmwmd� JJ1111111111"