HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-06-24, Page 61*1 14 40 A , , . po��Vt. wnif � , ;�� -Put there' by the � M Alk e ra-f o 1; a 4 theire to the overvice 'tkese 51-L Pare Paint$ 40oue can give, It is no hard thhig to . I snake a paint t h a t 9 looks good in the can or sound,-, good in the advertising -and YOUcouldn't tell the differeftee beforehand, But it is not so easy to put together the purest materials in the niost expert way -and then to add* onQ special ingredient g r e a t I y lengthen the paint's life 3 -an( -hat you .��� a, t's NN get when you buy PURE MwLPAINT! Forty colors, for every f.ainting Purpose, made by C..Pe,p Varni , & Color , Limited, of Toronto. Always in full stock at R. ADANIAS9 LONDES11101to TO I Joe's lnter*tion . By MARTHA M"CULLOCH-WILLIAMS, ', . Copyrighted, NO, by Associated Literary Press. I 51arinals, fill quivered. *,If only I were a Man,- ,,;lie begAll. joe, he m .r brother, just growing Into long trou- sers, grinned And luterrupted: ,,If only you 'were a wan, Sl%, the.re*d Ile war .a-plontY. It beats tile clean why ,it gfrl like you, not no bigger'll it 11111lut6, Call . - be so fall 01 Spite anti aght. Jim Dab. Vey SAYS ,17OU 1001; like you were Made o'st of IribbbWand face Ana A. Ulss in . the face.' Ile'a- ta;l; alfferent, though, I I bet, If lie knilw you ill;e I jaw, "He Ila(] no 1juslaoss ti) say .-,Illy- thing," Marina stinpped, ber eyes flash- hIg. "I'm lwbody's business, except tuy oivn.11 . "$everal fellows seem to tlliulc (lit - t. . Aehothe3 . eager froj natelythe who otice ableinso ling to dr, I f "The Silent Bell," as her brother Ila I named her in childhood, wal th anomaly, a WOM81) Of feW`VvordS. 11 uame was Belle, And the uIckilars bad clung to her ever After her broti or gave it to, her, so that she w, . known by young and old as "Bell" rt, � , warofg, ,She (lid not lacic spirit no I temper, but seldoni (lid she deout necessary to set forth either Joys .o I woes at any longth ill words. . The more, surprised was Allerton -0 the oecaslon of bTs great quarrel wit I the Sile"t Bell when She Stated tull . Iand fluently her reasous for breakin their eligagenient,, .Tile suln total a her conversation Ili All their .years o iv ni., jOLI hazarded, with -bis tongue . association ult, llot,beglu to equal I ' �111 Ills cheek. "Aunt..Ula T11A)LOY sure., , I � .0 � Ehl length bet, speech at this tilite. doe% too. Unle,ss I go ll�alf a Mile � As 1 I , lat L Site touched each and every poln round sit(? calls me ILI to uslc we about I 0. To the b4 4;,,y, ,v4sh, ier. ... Is where , where they dtfflerea, ana sfie even d your sweetheal-ts every time I go to ve w4lic onilgrovit boast. 04rpillacure others do not. 6 Ogrii It while, . fated on details w6lell he had not cox I will." - . . I Carter's Little Liver Pills are -very small an(I sidered of tile least Importance. Vo "It's perfectly disgraceful the way ve easy to , 'a. onoortwo 1118maueadon. ThP,aro t tl Vegetal1loall X do not g2 0 or . . .. , .. I . 11 �� I. . -, gossip all oi�er this town," Ala' 11 a , ill, t L Olt guatle action &aie �ylzo I . ,people pilla. said, f1lug'Ing up flee held. "If. I - 4ZTEZ Himlolkys 04-t VZW 190111L I I � I L I only. I were a nian-or w i in. the family-woll, It would have to , j IM&I M smia I% IM111 111,1011 , . I I I I be different, 'somobolly would. get - .'I . L . . I - . . . . __�__ . . called to Account,# L I . � "Oil, doli't get, land, 31'rina,011 Joe did roll that out, .with a long Sigh, , I . I I � � I . ellacultit ' col. "You go 'and get ashy- 1. 'most a - meow." . . I real down ashy -all. for, nothing , "' I know Alarina flushed Again. " "Jimmy! I I . . whaVs madded YOu 80 -Ifs the -W-bat (lid he say?" she dernamled. Joe . �; ..... . . - . .,�'t Ak��L - 'k, . . bilei Miss Pete Wtitson told Jim Dab, . jooj�e d oracular, "Oh, not touch oranyl, ' 'enough . I . - �_ . .. . I '. ,-, :.,, . . . ,,, .� VOY-thitt: yoll was eng=­ed to Dick filing, Olify to keep Aliss Pete .... ..", _ .� " ... , � I - .. . ['0.4ter-ever slove last clivistlu'ls, I'd . . ,� in- 1111til lie wet her $,tip if go � t, irough 4 . . . . . . . . , �, , - . � . I —1 , . __ . .1 I Nr — I _,OmganwAFM!Uk�MMVL%clxn�-VA"3wa=QvLt� like t6 hiin im, for it good ana hard.,, , her own door.), lie said. "She . - � I I canK Definition of Assault In Englaft. Ali assault may -lie eoinmittva with - (jut the exertion of nuy actual force; as a recent case belfore Justice I)nrlIn'­ ' shows. A person may be guilty -of th. crime by Slalj)lY frIghtellb3g. 1118 vic- tIm. If any fo - rm of lihysWal vontact lakes place the offense rises froul,an "assault" to a "battery." "Aqsnult and battery," therefore, is not a iner reduplicated phrase. To constitutethe Minor crime some degree of Alarm Milst be present in the mind of the party threatened, but that In itself (not lvery logically) isnot enough. The person guilty of tile menace must have the power of carrying out his Implied threat, whether the victim knows it or not. Thus It has . been held that vhlle presenting !L loaded pistol at a person Is certainly an assault. To. point an unloaded pistol. is, not.-Alan- cbester Guardian. _ - . Rapid Photograph Prititing. 7f amateur pbotograpbers could af- ford such a machine for prlut ' 1 . ug their pictures as Is used by a large stereo- R,opic view company thev -wouia got rr:ore pleasure than now out of the use of their cameras. The con3lially ruils it machine'wbich will prhit -,it tbo. *ratk- of 1,500 photographs an hour. It 1.4 ,go arranged that NvIlou tile length of .the cxposure needed for a Alven iiegative . has been ascertained It.olan Ile .wt to run at that rate wid will conthine'tol, run indefinitely. Tile sensitized paper I.; carried to the negative fly it suetion distc, Is exposed to an'electrie lig,litand passed on to a receiving- hox. It is T!.(,n delivered to a developing 'ma- . f-hine, froin which it enior,ges ready to 1-o trimined and motillt-vol.' 'Thus the I Ill-lidge"Y Of photography -Is done fly jilaebinery. --,-- . . , . . l?, you would bavef a safe yet.- certairi. Cough Remedy in th-e.home, try 'Dr. Shotip's-at)eaRtilace. Itisthoroughly unlike any other Cough preparation. Its t9ste will be'entizely new to yau�un- less it is alve'ady your f%yolifte 'tough , R:!medy. No opium,c . hlor6forin, or any- otlier suipifying ingredients are used. The tender leaves of a harmless, lung�. healing mountainous' shrub, giv'e to Dr. Shoop's -0otigh Remetiv its wond- erful curiitive PL'Operti3s. It is truly -a most certain and trustworthy pr'escrip- tion. Sold by all Dealers. 1. � "Our Hero Was.,Deeply Toucheti. . . - Love Was Dead. � . Arrs. Naggs-I'M sure my..husband . 1, bas ceased to love me. ' . If ' rs. Waggg-Row do you -knhw?' 1 Mrs. Naggs-1 no longer, possess the power to make him misernble.-Hous. ton Post. ­­.. . . I . . � . . Good invesCryi6rit. .' . . . . T)eFl&tt-I.,4 it true ,that- you one&' brilied an officer of the law? . I Suburb -Ton can call It a bVibo ff You want to.' I.,gave 4 policeman $ . 2 to Induce our cook to j4tay._�Chlcago News. I . . !tT!�,� . .0. I ! ''. 07 . '! � . r 1 , 'M ; . . VITAL BRINGS VIGOR. . Are you feeling all run dnwli, dispirited and discoumgisd', "t"our bodily health is affected. Your system is run. down, -,wants winding up, VIPAL vvill tjiake you feel like new Again. t' )0(5 a box, at . 110LUEN4 . . . "I llope SQ1110body wjlI some dav,11 I near ynuliing him in by force,* but' It* � - , , , . ,!�i-,"I'l Id, 1��* . I . �, ' Narbia sald vindictively. o.11alo`6 ha$tP � I managed soni6how to pull a -loose from - , . .. . . .. I I � . . il:%: .1 � . . ,, , , . ,, , lipr� Tilen-well, you ought to a-livicrol - . , , ��,� , , , . � � . , . ��_ I him. I can't repeat it; coulan,t go tj) I I .1.. � - . !,:,`,�.� 1. A .. � . . . I ay ... seficiol If I (11(l." suild, ' . I I . I .-,,:,�1".;..i- I I . Ilr­; I . . I . . .. , .. I . 11 �� I. . -, � ­ "I'lalt lie 11stoned to'her! Aua flow Is .. ��. � . � , I . Ili, evel. goln" to hear tile truth',," .Ala- M " . I , �, . I . t. .. . � -4 I UL ViWd, half gobbIng, "*Off." [low I ..,�, I I .. .. I ­/ .. ,. � . hate a inisc ,hief Maker, of eours6 I I , 11 . .. . -1 I., _� .. .. �� . . � " . . � ( -an't zo to .11intity And tell hini-I can't , . . .. , q ;,, .-.�', - , 1��,,,"` � 1. -, . 11 * ., . pyell. lei you"�_ . ' . . . �-:_"l , """, . i , e. . r � . (i` . 1. I ; VL1, 1 giloS�3"thffe aln*1 t much need . I ". / I L I ". , . � (if jbatf" Joe gurglool." 1.10 had 0 u i] g � I . ., �_ -� � . . 11, I himself flat on the grass to blugh anti . . �� I I : 1Ak wits kfeklug his.hools lit-li in air. �01 . � , . . .... . . Collie on home with .Ili 1111y, . .it Idiftst . . . . �. I I , 1 . as-far:,is my.rond was Ills.' �� . . -IN - '. . , " . � . -11.4 L . : __r_ I �. . I 141le lirv.er asked me A word,' but 1:10 ' . 1_1 � ." , . . .. I - 1" � . . I . . know. I'd boon bound. to lie-, N r Is! g -tr I s!g * , . - * . . I : _ .. �_ . . . . . .. �� " I "I I . 0 V__ ' I Pete. And lie ,%i,as Its gilim as A ghost I I . . .. . I . .. �. � !'N I .. ., . land ins sour as a plelfle until I,sl)rutl*,- $ . � :. - . � . I �� .. . � V . - , my scheme on* him. Th ft I � . . .. .� .. , '.., � 1. � . -cell film dance and caper! It to ft.�,, -.4 . ' . '. � . - . . , . 11 . . � .1. . . . it'. I . . was .01 1, vould do to loopp lijin from . . . I 'laoob mokNINm, UISS -=WATtlD%" iAlb �� I LLL I . .. . I , I . . i - . I I hugging Ill(! right I in the Middle of the I ALLSAITON IMANDLY. , 11. . FrF__ I . . .. , ..,.. . ,.Voad." 4 : . .�. . . . I.. � . . I . _. . . . . .' lm4tn . *years . F_ 11 ..: . 1, .. .1, � , 1.y � -elli'llie? , What WAS it? , I �- our "i D ce, th.9t of htt(" he hhd � , . . . L�_.,_ " ,.tl I . .1. 1.:,�. , . .�.. . ­ . don't 1111flevst'I'lld", "Marilia. be�an, her" - . not seewed to cnr� enou " ,gh f6r. her to �reseiit her . ,��_�__ . Z5),-, , , ?I ; ,::., , , I f : , . eyes w a derlim, . . . . ; , . .. 9 .� . .. I * - . vyUh ,I qQo+N.pIcturo of . �� himself, V : : . L le� I I . . .. gave. a.-Joyalict-whooping y.ell', "I , .. : , , . . � .1 . . , A � .. - '....z.7 ; " I �. I . . .. I I . �k . . .Joe _. . - - '. - I MIgIlt maybe sbow .volii bettoll,'n I va n. . . I She eal, . arged'upon tIlls-bit, of negli- gence until "she. had impressed' Aller- . ... , . I . . - ,.,, It , , I I . ald� ­,kays I: to" lilon-.- tell Ton." lie ,St 'Jimmy-Jolln, ton.. ,vvif, �. - . Tfiat i, its due monstrosity. . . . I I. . " yali-ro-prOtty. ii-lilte And . .� 'beei)�, . . . - -1. U�__ . . �cflbs tile he8t of t he lot th . at's running - . ' ' ' � She .had'not pr�sentod periodic,- I . . . . . j.Q"ver I . . . I .. . � .. � a APina. I drin"t believe ,,he's dpii- ,111y; with a photograp-li -of - � her 11silin SA-xD DTOKY UK= ,T,ovv.ero*you . ble crossed you,-lliat w6'fl try to find was nothlu�- short of a gross inslift. ' . :* .1 . As ber'extra . . . MORNIN% NOON AND NXGHV$ , . . � . . . I I . . , out before Jim' gr . - ay headoil. In the d -or inary bqrst of Ang6k .-And.grow up, Joe,",slie added. .". � 4. Alay 'morning I'm goin- to, take -Ulrin . a to reached a. clini.ax' on this one of his ; . . . Many, flaws. Allerton! began to . be you c . An help mei it. little bit then." help. m4 pleli apill"cis, and I'll be dead. . grasp the ' . Idea t1fat. she baa really I I "Hifniph! 1. You'll, be ma�rriod--L- vvith` suro to pfck along by ,the. road. - Folks . Ills: - wantoid lie had graiidetit](Ifon--.�,iiiilost-b.v. that tinle$" . , call talk fine While they're pl6kin- . . I .1 � , pictui:le .and .that been gililty.:Of a mo t kra ve 'misdeftieanor 4 Joe giggled, olodg the A pple, hli Sig- in, Suppose -you -should- sorter meander 'peruse . r. .116t 'It, 113 uol,sendlu� .1. I . t tq 6ti ter fluu- at his head. ;rbey were out I . and. .along down the roiid to, 'I . . W'� 9 �1 late bo,ir, M 'I A rid the honest ' InAbe Zrehara, -pteking-lbasketftils of . ward 10 tl�elock? : 11uybe ou;d� bear y .too . bat ciam� , .. , . . . ­ -r6d.beantles. . - ­ . . I I , I Something . interest Ing. 11 . � . .. Sy - fellow, of -,.course, made matters worse by . . �At leasi they had been picklOg them . . 1- , . "Joe! 1'ou never, nevbr. dared . plan I .saying' .,so.' .' Tbev_ parted :each belloiTlil." tile 'otherAwbe a :111O't until Joe's Incautious V ociini of.cettain, - - . I I . I . q oil a thin&!" Marina cried. divided � �, I � . - . . . � . . * . I .. I .. Unreasona.ble creature. I �� . ­ choice bits' of gossll�..Iiaa sent., Marina I 1. .. , . between her Impulses to'laugh and cry, . .1 . - - ' 'tb' � . , . Soon -After A)ID.116n, vpr.�'dospondont -into a t'llitrfill _ 1. ., I : - . - . . . . to rdi! clean away. and Stand'. ,in . . . I "wa-It and. bItterly, disnilpohited, w, arit'jilto � , .1,10ha, was .there ever any- - "Say, A , , . . I . �_ .. , - , ­ -for happlitess.. . . � . . . buslitess ill, 11 (111stallt State. 110 had Ale' jo& - thing to �ifiss, Petd's t. ?,,, asIzed . A as llo,,came, upright 1�1. wean . She shm tlib heft,e, glia.kinw,violently.' I .. I � . , In a'.wink Jimmy, Pabu6y.had toreed � *11 'oiio� 1�1)­ whou tile 'Rilent not bee 9 . I . - , � - ' . In ingalli. . . . wpre ybu.over ,real. sweet ci* the Dlckv� . ­`. . ' ' �, . .himself through It. ' - .� . 11, rR1ll*s�,`fatbcr died fil"."Olvent, andLsbc . � . . �lveht to her brothel: 11k9boift .. who 11yed bird? fla�"irllth cro, �s vour f But � � . . , hear' -lie came up to' heri tits -eyes. radiant;,� .. I I � I r i. v. Bellel'ivlsh-' in au6tbo: fowl " " Tlg�i If yoft were I I in .,u4mi c4 of you,:' -­ in bl&3 Saying.'as be!bold outhis hand.,;, ,,-)Id:. Ili- to be Indebei! ' ' a ­ 1)0-�, . (1011t, proebred bird is the ijiuk"- 7 ­* . . I . , .,."No,' tie's gollo'beyond It-,Aie' S Sim- �lna--:-&qrllng-i am. -an-"eavesdropp . � � dbtl. ilut. it er, - with niall�e gforptholi Was.. .. .. , .- .1 * . �qltlon In:,a-s6bool. - Ifor brotheil.by vir- I . . � ' tue-of belug town clorl, was also clb:ric ply Insufferable -always wai,,,. Alari-mi. . only because. I lidd such trust in. you. .' 1. . OP thti board of educafion. � � flung In...,Joe N�histjed soft]. ., . . v, then sttick-1 olit, A jii'llnd,- sa-Ylmg: "Slialtel ind I have disprored the adage that a .� � listener never hear� any. good of him. � , . I � . I - At tile holItl1l.y,,v!acatjan the prImal- - You'l I I do after all. gut,lhe w,a ' . . . y ��Jjss. If.* I beard'some tood .of ys�,jf. . so . . . . pa I 0 - resigned: So gr t . . . f the school � !a * it confidence hatl Belle's.work'ivon for Pate t&ld*it .she had nla-rml sdii'ved. It '" , Let me hear something better- bati's a� . I . . � her. . thdt .0'6'board of education asked . wqS �Awfultbc way sho-rooled'it-ort 16 Jirwny going lioniii filoin pr . aver meoit,l dear." . . ` . . I .. . I 1. . . "WhatV '11arina asked f 011ping her. I I . � , . . her to tm,"gest Soine one for the . placp� , ., She, naln,�dra blan - . . . 11 : ..Ill 14110— . . . ... . I ,9 laA n , . . . . . . I I . , - head . away. . . .� . � . of wb:OsL, y0ars . '. ,Ind. expprience She ciould assure th-eni, and . "You. a idn"t Iisten?-,AValk11u; alon�- . ' � - ,11MIny C.jught'her Ili -his arms, re- At their request she.wroto hlin�hskfiig I behind V -I�Xarina d c nu,.� a cd, �JoLsclosrd ,gaidloiss of Joe�s Scandalized Whistle, and' said in be'r' "Say, 431!"myt I ,;iim to o;nrrei'3poad with tile school I I . his eyes a6d"elevAte"d'his eSvb�o*s. ,.,I,. . car, I * board and1osend.his botogriiph, 1) , Ain't no. prof essional eivesdro per 11 h ' , : � ii , a , . . .. love you."' , 1 . . � . , . ______­_____­ I . . .. Iler .brother Rqbo . q tootc pe -.ma . if . Sala, "but the -road's as fteo to.me,l 'Is � - - ' � Tungsten, In. Nova 6ctli.N. . , , from their box A' fmv dziys afterward . aiiyboilY, and it nin't inj fault if-.Viss . , , . Pete talks so -you can hea� It twent. - - .. er, y . r . . . Tungsten, ono. -of the rarest -miner- -and bul-ried .'to' tile, board meeting. r . a8:110 letter froli) Belle" .There W' S 4�111n% - yards ofr. I'.bea'rd---nw.ftho1# lifteulng. , I .� s., used for tho purpose of. i rden- ,_al. . �.. . ing -.Meel And. making filame ts, for k, ;al .. I date,- .bilt there*. -,va ' a Photo .Ad - . � Site' . Sala Picky made.1cive to you . morn- . I . incandescent electric lights, has been � .8 0ossed' to her, .. .Rbb6rt:h4stlj I ,K"gave Ing, noon and night And gave you ,.a . � foulld in 'Appreviable.' quantitic Is On tho fifiot6graph to tb� efiairman, � ' of the ring-thc. Most be-d-u-if-lul s011WY- . .th� 106se river Ralif ax, Nova Scotia. .. . board without 001) oflenin;- die W* fa 0, I , �worth;a niffit'of- in onejv@-Sh,e._S1i.w .,TQ31. " . . _.. .. . ."'. - _­ .. . �. 'r - pa - And hurried a*av ag,,11it, to j,'e-p 1 have It on." , . . ' . I I I . . Writing 10me. 1, � � ... � . an Appointment with --the inyor. I -. . came -ont of A"prize' package, I Daiing tile month Of ,Deppniboir, '" . � . Belle's recoluMPlIdAtion tnd:1ht,.j;&i �"It guess. -1 thpow . it Away as I went' . 1908, nearly balf a.million letters were , , looking face . shown by�. tile. picture saf� Ir6mo,"..111trina Sniffed. ' . . . . , exchanjed betweefi the peo011 Id, . a %Vestern Canada and Great Britain. . I IsIled, the members. B Ing ajj�glous'tci I 0 I � . � �-00`1199!ed AgIalli mjid went oil-, 11"111"'s , . . I I I � . - I 1. .Act, on the principalghtp that eventlig, - . I rete qur6ly enn. Make up A story. She - I . . . I . ' '. . . . . . . . . they looked at tlie nalile and address said You 'told hot, y1ou WIT,4 allgag-col to . . � . . I . I I . . . .1 I , on tile back. of tile pir�ure had 61s. Dick when Yotyw 6i v 11 . e IsItIn. tho'Went- !�___ ! I M I � .11 . . parelled a letter' tit once. . - . .: . �. . w6rths.11 .1. , I . ! . . ­ I I . I . . . .. ' . . . ' . I ' - I It was a very Mitch pu ' ziled and phr . . 11larl �� 'ria, btentile erlinson with -Ili . I I , -e�, Even. Joe, I 1. LIVER ' COMPLAINT. � , -P vlex,d AS well as ,c4lightl' y'amused go'n. and, he.w,as a critical I . flOttlan who Sat at his desk in hN elo. broillor, thought that . . she' looke,q rret- � The chie' j4%, . f off1ca,o,f'tthe,,bv6r e. 3 Is seer ga)lt Offlee a f(,� - iv day.,; latbr and read I Y miev. She felt that site niligt �oljcyq t . _ tion of bile, will, , a h regulator A 1'etter appointing film to h"prillcipal- ­ . . I � herself., , . I . I . .untural . - of tile b6*41s. . 81110 Of 11 (YOUlitrY school %tith an o'll. I . "Of conite I gaw 1)lcky, Atld,thrp.e Whenever the liver becomes deranged, , liAl%ll salary almost bi3t not quite colpal timois A day,,? said gho. "A" and the bile duct.4 clogged, 11 vot complijilt ; is produced, &lid is'nitanifested by the to) tile ' Mofftbly. inc=6­ that was w0ah. 1.4 his dtint" and'he llr�%s�ellltt 1. pro- _el.pirled. iseuce of conati*po,tion;-'pai;r-L'-U'tMiii':tlio right for him b,if.his business. : , ­ r tll('ul. Itol eatl'i 6011, beffig t�ouccited;� - , 0 shoulder, sallow ecimplexicip, yellow eyes, 110 ('filled' to' his st0nographor Anil . � . lxo'�% !,lie only slnglo t):iall Undoll thirty . s1huy-doliated tongue and beadacke-, heart- (110tated a lo ttilr 'to tile school - bear(] I ill their town. Stich a dead t6wa, It 4q, bdrn, jautiolloe, dour stora*li, *ajtgp larash, oxj�hdning to theill that thest must 'tillAnke.' OV611 Dicky 1.4an ovent. . . . . o4tarrh of the stomach, lato, . - bare in'Ado a , Sjjddenl,,� he , It to he it standing joke wItIt. Liver 00i"Plaint'may be cured,by looked Again at.tfie namo of tho tolvit.. .got .ql;, . j)I, Iry L W, 61! it,,; that c '). 'j.q My last 0, myoiditt tho above racritioned causes, k0eP - 'Ing tile t6wels free* the Then lie lit .R CI,Nt and I holught. Then* VOrhinitY. but I neverldireampol hold and 8,170148ing alug. gr4 glah liver with that nd liver regulator, 11 I . e, lau0cd. . .. . 94W . I bo nind (mough 4a tralpso-ovoir hejr,4E�.. . Once a Week aci he has 'done _ --..- . � I 11. 1. I 11Y notli" wild lie. 1,1,catt Spare 11 . mollilf It -to SM -1-1--------- -_--t- I . . - ever thloo..", . I ­­ . ' 111th this, Delphid, utteran ev, he fora . ... 4110 told .71turn You were In , dead A A . ' ill) -the Answer that hik 'sionrigraphor . _1.V enmest until 701, Wag -tempted by & b � Ill V - g, had bi,plight film, Phut do,irn 'hl,4 dos* ticher-MM,'l- said Joei !�4*�J­ jant.41** . Arid told Ills mftntPr that lie lift'ol'boen I I I 01"___��'_, -- j-, - W, _N � �, � � .- , :7 X . - LivF.R COMPLAINT. I . .. . , I 1! . . . .. I I . !"�_ ,� � . . � ��r­ � "! .� � . � I ­ ­ . � . ­ 'Atn(loo.riawcott, Hanliltoln,Oeit.�wrjtcs� took's Cotton Root Cotnpoiuol RW -, CASTORIA 11 11%vitla Auffere(I with liver coroplaint for years an�(! tried all sort -8 of remedies, I Was I . . ,, ,.I � _1 The great Uterine Torile, and FOr Infantil f%nd thildreft. advised to try MilbarnIx Laxa-Livei Pills. I rditit that ,_ ­­ Only 6000 efletilal ,Monthly ,.. . �. Ric0latOr On which wovion can �_. depond. Sold liv � TI 1118 Kind YOU HaV8_ AlWay' RQUght S rmy, after taking two vials of thein, I fool ifitite a new man, and OAD , three ftreca .. of Strength No. 1, $1,; No, 2, defrilepAL 1 1 - noa= ttrongly rwominend them to anyone,$y I ,23 . , 10 Stroinger V, No 3, for slylabal epo-li f. 6 pler Qx. the � S"mature of 4ill 01�_�, Price tonts per viA 5 for $1.00, it t tit dexlor,3 or in-mled, dir(ite'rt by tbo�Tho T, eloild by till drumstso or sent rieriala on rem, , 11A of privo, 'A L . I I . Uilbilin Co,, �Iaiitold. Toronto, Out. �­­­__ I ­ . � Neopalleffilet. A(. dresq. To no COX D1614 COOTO Kto,&T. ifortarlylvat-11 . & I . I �,_­ ­_ ! SUNUOHT THE SUNDAT SCHOOL[ WeakWomen 1, i SOAP . - - should heed such Warnings as hea(.1, � he, nervousneAs, ba4ache, d(!-. . 1 4 1>0 'You=;Wthe 4ifferonce : Lesson, X11t.—Second Quarter,,, pacession and wpariness and fortify j betwe on � � and hAVIOX the system Nvith the aid of f For June 27, 1,909. , . f tho work dopo jor yo" ? � ,5U"1j&bt Soap actnally makes ' 9 the di dron otit-qnves nit THO INTERNATinNAi. ^,zrpice - Q,0,04evt M M ; ` . I 4r . 4 thoo #ad laone3i-Out lojijr,oti. � . . �- at %'either bands nor . or � . clothos. That Text -of the Lesson, Rom, x1il, .8-14. 0 I 10, � .. I . e Is Just the Memory Vqrsop 8, 1(�-Goldon Text, ' ,.,� I- 14 1 difference Rom. Xiii, 14-1�ommentary Prepar,ed I I 11 . 1. � . . I s I between by J3Q,v.'IP- M. Stoprns. Sold everywhere. In Roxc's 25 rent& ' 4. . I SonlijbtSoap fCopyright, 1501.)� by American fW59 A,mclatfori'l . 11 I --- r � and ordlairy I . Wo have tollay nil QxojTjlP ,011, It . . V .nt less . - - I I . .front the writings of tile Ilobir Spirit "I'll I * . . r ! i I -- 000 through Slaul Ili l5erfect kk,ej�jng with , � I our reet-ut lo�ssnwx frow James ,.flow. , , 13 m =_��_, ,� I 11 Follow Ing the iieressity Of a godly life to, " .�r�_ - I I _. I I . - 41 . IDIre0lons prove to tha worli.1 tile reality of our -, � - ,,�4, � , . . . . . . . . I'll... ., , - 17 - Y . . . . . _1 ­ :r __ � _- , ..(- , , _; . falth, The first two versn call out, At. ­7_� ;1 11 __�._' , j-1 � 0 � I � .7- , I � 11 � li . a � - I I 21 toution to the laNy whitph is holy And _,��_=:,.�,, � I.. !<-;, � � .. . ".,- �. ­ I �,Z,' . I . I I .. I , 119 - ­,� ". .. -_ � , � 11 just and good, but which, accordlnw� I . . I . 4 �i V f , ­ � I , to �_ il-N.l.-, � -, � .. I I U , ­ "­­ ­ A0111. Ill, 10, Was given that every *i__C_. �'.�.7 - nnl� ;�44­-, � 7, I.. � ".. - , , , . __. I I ­�, I � . ralled'out of town aild would be ava, s4zz-i. - _. , )! 111011th Might be stopped .Ind all tile . . I . 1,7, -1 . ­ . . -uIlly before God, for . - _. I / .- z �_' ,:� t 1,131, t"Olne. Ifine. , 11 . world be proved � ­ - Ill. . 1. .� . ,�� . I I - . , I - 11,11011 flIQ 'I'lle no out., has ever ��� . I _�� ... - . -.-- I I- I , lit Bell entered her lived since Adam fell lt;--��-_ - ^ �. I _ � - I 1, 111(lboolrooni, .on the first worning- ait6r -lbut has broli-on tile law except the _;�-- - -, 1 I � - �,� . I ' s, v Ir r 010 holidays sho found oil hot. desk a Lord Jestis'Clirl.t. I Ito Is.the end of _:�� I typewilitten rvilue.,;t to report at tile the law for righteousness to every one I . . . . prinelpal's oglee tit once. She 'ran that belleveth (1tow. X, 4). Ile perfect- We Want to Land. � I!;-I*tly up tile stairs,'opened tile door ly loved. God And mail and by III$ sac. ' . � I of -tile otlice,and found herself face to rifice for sin o yourTrat order, because we know that - � n our behalf, bag pro. . the satisfaction you will derive from' I face with Allortov, . Vided absolutely perfect r1gliteousne8s, tfi�t will open yo , ur, eyes to the faxt. A "Glood inorning, �ws.q ii,,awards,ll Sala Justifying freely by Ilis grace all who cb' ID callnot-do )letter anywhere 11 Allerton blandly. "! 1vould 111;e to con. COme unto Goa,by RIM. This Is fully 811S41lihout you can with us. You Will . 1,ult with you about saine of the do- .set forth in the first eight cliaptors jot dud that we art. not "All At sew, in our . , . talls of this school, systelli. I trust I I tills. epistle. .Then follows In three business, but thoroughly -,up-to.,ths . . - �p may count upon ,Your co-operation dur. chapters the story OVIsrhel, then the mlnute','and, watchful of tile interestj Ill," my prillelpalsillp [lore," )f our customers, knowing that', by so . � . � ' life not conformed to this world'which lolng,. we are really acting,jor our , . ',John Henry Allfarton," ,.said Bello, the Lord OXVects to be foitild, by His .)Vv)a,ul%.Imate benefit. . . ... � . . "Av fiat ,are ou doJn- here?" grace, in all believers -A life of love, . . F , 4, . . "MY I'mid looksvit Inswored lie -gravl?o According to I John ir, 11, "Beloved, If mist . I Iv, I'llp'lipar to have procured me tills God so l'o'ved us, we ought Also. to fjove Q. A. DOW11 ,� I posItion. I "lln bere"-dil.4 with great one aftother." The life of love that'lle Merchant Tailor, - Clinton, � dignity-11to fill- iny lio,"Itiom." , I will live in us If Nye will lot Him is . "Oood loolzs'.," queried llclle� . fully told In I Cor. xill, 477. Ile re, I "As repro,sented by tile ph.6tograph I deems us from the curse Of the law . I � Avilt you (1110111, the holidays," explalli. And HEALTHr. . assures us of no condemnation to I � I Col. Allortoll. . . . �. any who are in Christ, In order that ' - ' . I The lj�Zfit of �ompirphonslory began to. tho vigliteousneqs of.tho law way be WEALTHV, I . (Iftwil npon 11,010, Being it woman, -her , - fulfillea Ili us who walIx not after, the . I � liltuldol" Il0lVd ti0v to A Solution of flesh, but after the $pIrjt,(Rom. vill, - -, WISE , . . tit(,- problem, And s,lio rM, Uzed that this 1-4). ; � I I . . . .was, ileally'pot n jokeof John Aller- It the Man or w * True old adage that *be.Altb is weal-th.t. � . . I � I O i I ',-,. I . . . . . omair given to Wine To. be healthy. Nvealthy, anLI -wise is a, . . . � . . � or strong drink kite'", of -the love that combination hard to beat, Vou'll be 11 . "I really. t.hanlc vou," u.ent on Aller- is better than whib,,the lovO that can. 'llealtIly. You'll be wise.. (�otlseq.tleut- . .0 . tnii,. "for your extreme Idt)(Iness Ill . neither be quenche(l ,nor bought �Sollg -ly Wealthy if you take - . . I � � . . . recommeoding me;, j hope you do not .1, 2,�4; vill, ,j), the Appetite for earth's . . . - . . alr6ady regrot it-,' . . . : . . stfultilaut would be,'ovcre'oM&. . . I* Brick's' . "' 11 . � . � . . Belle remalmod slient. Ste. was strug- TILI-0119 become ch . j1dron of light 'and . . . I glIP; betwmi a belief that silo ollght of the day,' not LnaWs dayf but the . . � . I to tell Allerton-thrit sho'had nottakeu- Lord's ,dsY; -vve Are expected. to livalk " . I I I , . . . . I this method to lot film know she'for- %as children of'ilght', 'to walk in love, I . � . I , . . I .gave l)jnj fInd A Wish to let Will know and t9 a,wake fr(jili .ill 81601) or Indif- . I I . . she still,carvol.' . - . - .1 ' I . ­ . f6rence to tile thin'gs of':God (I'Thess. CO" d- Liver Off . � .. : I � 1. . .. .4 "Bel - le,".satd Allorton. becorning oar-.. . v, 5-8; Uph,', V, 0,"S. 15Y. .h0member Brick's Tasteless has .ill the vlrtuOa ' , . . nest. "I fou'jid mit from d, ollsobedloince, - Samson of, t h- pure God Liver 011 with the disl I I . .your.brother, , jonall. All Ills - . . � what had hapi-icneil. As soon as Lair-. And 1118 weakness, atla .nlso, tile. sleep. tastef ul, greasiness rpnitived.* , it also . . I rived .here :1 hurried to blat And dls�. of Abe favored three'ou the I Molint of ccint,,ins Compourld.,.8yrup of HypO. . . covered ibe ml.,;take. be bad inade- I. Trahs-figurdilou ajjd in the gardph,ana, Phosphit6s, LiquidE xtract ofAlalt and . I . . I . � . I , secret,. We s.'p . , . I , . - 'bet - , , got 111111 to keep tily r4l4id Extract of Wild C -ty'Baak. �. . ­ . . I .1 t, a ' llcal'lll�w tile voieo�-of Him 'who is ever' - TlfatVa. composi(i6h that will tone up . - pressed My c"ll ) 'fitoes .pljotokr�ph­ln ealllu�', Lis-, to a ctoser'walk with film- , your systern; bring . I . I a . sort Of �erinNvll conspiracy, ,but - 1 . M � . ,.You A big al�ipetite., '. , ! � I I - * I "Self" "�),ivake,'tlloli that sleepest,'and strengthen youi nk-rves,.build fat up n . . . . . . I.Shall not ke0l)'kllW O"t Of1lis Position' arise front !the dead, and Christ shall your, bones and-. pilt. obeetfulness a(n)d .1 . . . , lolig-that.1%, fr.mr.q�%.'ofie'will go bAck givo-Ah'ee light" (I' 'S aintlition into vour.11fe. 0 ­ts very . .. . :* . . . � . . N . Ath we to.*, -lie rig. I . .ph. v, .14), )ct u little to try it, .Will backuposhat,we,. ... ., . - . 1( , I , N-, re I - belo - -I can (Ind gim -e from all . dead say. - - - . � . . . . . I . . . to be' separat . . . . out About thp�L if sioine, one Will tell Me tbln.&�:- and d,ea& people and Alive oul� - . � I � � � . . . . ' I . . � � . ll'otv'she .likes 1110 original of the pho- unto Goa. , ' I . . . . I J. - E.. Hove - . tog . raph 6at she man't get,,, .1 . . .. I I . , .. I . .y., Clinton, .- . , . The salvdtfon of the inalvidual-be- ��* e - __ � . . . . ... .- . . . � . � . . 'Belle blti,c�bed, but said nothing. , �. ftever Is thr qrd savea " . . . I � .. t ' " , . 1. , . . � - . . . , ,e�efold�we . . , -" ' , 0. * I . � PPerbaps.," sald Allerton, smiling, are '"'6141clife outthat salvation i I in our Good'' B.o. 5.- . ` � , � 11 , . . . .. .. . . . I 1. 4), v �1 .4 a Principal." ' 'daily diairbig .,nearer to the redemp- To. Farli'ners itud Others': . . 'ii I . . .buC. very, ��ory zinNjofis, "you would drdly llfe,,and I we are- waiting'forand . . . . refor to .li:i e n (' 11 . . . ' . . . . �Xo,, indeca!" said 1:1 , le* SilOntm Bell-, - flon of the body. 4- It Is that. third phase . -We liuve Several pb,i4s of .our ()wn . I .1 . rind;-theiii. realizing .8vilat lwr f�ply �C, Which we are .all the time. nearer, make.6f floots. .Gbod Largdins while' � I I I . meaut, she covere(l her. face mad tried. and until we revelvettios - . they last, Ju�t Ahe thing y - 'to escape front . the.roorn. � * . .. . .. e glorified bod ou need. . . . - " I I . . � iQs; Just 111,07-111s; OW,li (Phil.. Ifi,.� 20, 21), .%0106 the Spring -i� opening up, to keep - , I I., . But- tile principal wa -wifter than to . your feet dry. .. . . . . 8 ".' I we cannot be said. -have obtained the . . . .. .. . she was. The� school . board ,would fultues% -of the life thht IS A We � are.. b6adquartelils,'for shoe re- ' I I �. .. . . . , S A . ours In p, irin r, Yout4 repairs donewbite you ' � . . . . have been shocic'(�d If the Subsequent ChrlsL Then 11, ft the life reialy,-be- w�*tit. ,Our � . . . . . l prices ,Are right. , - I I ... � � brazon actions (if tile new .ruler" of l which w.e are'now being fitted I 1�1 - � . I . . . . . ' ' . I l . . , , , , .their school %oula halve. been seen by b��. , our - here.- ­ � Opposite the Post Office , * .�* � . . . . . tralhin" His: precious � .1 . - .,. . . -thei, . . .1 . . - ", . . . 13. . . . �. . . ., . I I blood fits us.,perfectly for' ]Ais p*rog- , I.. HaVing opened a branch business at� I I . � I 1101 h6WdvPr, did not caile" Tile SI- oil , .,fitiloss for.. � HIS, � on'l 'offitlywith Xr�MoKowjjls. - ,..'. I . . I ., ­ ... ., .. cc,,--but:thcre is a L c esboro.1 ,t . lent Bell �-did. not cibjl�c,t, .And .Zohn � sE,kvlcd'jb the awes to c6lbe When" lie' , ARM � . . , C, . Harness sho5p, vve can do making I 1. . . . ... I 116nry Allelltgijr Wmild',baro'kissed, her ' Will. shol-,�r iho� ex(!Peding, ridlies,of His.' � reP�Iring Vt shortest.pOssible noile'e. ... . .. I .. . I . � I I ,It that molliClIt d41SpjtO ft!j t be schdol. 1. I chidnes - I - us . , - .. . ... . . ... I I'll I . I I . - . . -boulAs 'in the -world. - . . . . .1 . 91 a.c6 ' " in vIlls L, .s to.ward I .1, W, � - . -1 � tbr 11 I . 1. ,011911 Christ Jesus M� pit. ill -1)." and. we I i A atts &. Sbn �. - . , . W. ... .. . ... �O you surrendered, aftel, fill, ' iffi. for thls� everx bit of diselplibe in the. - I I �­ 7� , ... . out gotting th.,it-plldtograph!" saId -lie I . I . I . __ 7 ------- __ . . . . . . I . * . . . dally life is 'needed. Jf _11�e' believed.- ' --4& .. - ..'el-& I inhumanely. And Delle only nodded . this! we would.u(It B -h , . . . ,,# I . I . 14�. and blushed, with ht14)py'tears 'in ix@r . rinki from any- - a a 1. V '. . . . . .. .� . . l. . thing He solids or. permit$ -to C()Me " 11 -.0 . . I . . eyes. W .%.' , N -11F L ' ' . . . � . . . . . .. . , to us this little while,' but, would -by . . . . . . . ll� , .. . o I . ., . . I . State --f Ohio, . City of Tbledci) . . 11.1s grace say, This is 1118'best for me �. .11. .. . .. . .. . . . � . , I I - . - . , . ... . , : . . . t .. . 11 148 * : today. This Ago, called, Ili I , . . Lilt,; . Cor. IV, � day,,, with, , , ra�k�s pa"� . I .11, its Benmiller Wooll.en, mills� - - - � as County ., . . 1. ' Prarik j Cheney . t tfiat lie �,- margin, "tab's . I . . . � � I is senior "partner of the -firm of F,.J�.. , boti,sted progr�iss, IS in tile Sight -of Pod; . , .0 '. .1 '. ', .�. . Ir , , . � . . , , , , I .. , Cheney it Co'.,: doing. hus�hes-s in ihb 4 filld as compared .vvitli.the'next age,' .As usual, I Shall be -prepared f.o buv � . . . . . . I 1) i,te Y Y it Ight whon the lIg WI-CA13H J.-IR10k 1'.. .. .1 ' . a � of Toledo,Oount andState afbre. OnI %. 's n ht comes and � . . and, thatsa,id drin will pay tl,6 , . I , L 0votbeIRIGHE e . ' ' r1l,rouglijiloon And star forAVOOL,hoth, wash cl Arid ,univash� ' .-' � sum of ONE RUNDR9, D � I 0 . . . .s, but.the �o.in� I � I � DOTZA43' I ed, or will exchange forluty mann, .' * � for each and (-very. cas� of0atarrh"that W9 day .will begin when the, 1�nn of . . . tik! 1. . .. .. I . tured -articles. . I . 11 cannot be eured by the use of Hall's righteousness shall arise with lidaling - .you will find it fine a8sortAidut of . . � � . Catarrh Oiire, FRANK X.'CHENE Y In His wings. T -hen shall all tl�i " I . . � � I - �. ngs Tweeda, of vArigus up-to-date patterns, .� � � � . . Sworn to befdee me and subscribed that'6ffend be gathered out and the also a, good supply of Bqd.Vankets. - ' I . - in my, preserxO,this Oth day of -D e-cem- rIgliteous shall shine fdrth as the sun Horse Blankets and arn of various . , , ber, A_D., 103, . .. _ I to the kingdom of their 17 at -her (Mal. Iv; 6010k8- � . . y � sil . I I I .. . . . . .. .. .A, IvV. GLR�.kSON. - . Unit x1l), 41-43). . . I . I . . . . .. . .. . � � . . . . I .. - ,- Notary Public. � 1. . I I : . . (Seal.) � - I Wl.t4.tb'e kingdom tin . d gl6r 'JESSE .GLE.D,H1.LL1 I 1 � . Hall s Caftarrh Cure is taken Intern- I . . I � Y.to which , . y - .1 . � ally,and Acts directly on the blood a�d -Elo has called I .S : , .. . ,; " . � .� . . us ever before u BENHILLER." .1. - mucous Surfaces of the a stem�l . �� (I Thess., il� 12i we Are able - to reJ61ce , � . . _. ... . _ �., ,., . . , 1 . � ­ . � I I .Y .. . . . � . ... . . I 1. : :-' V- J� OREN-BY & C0,1,Toledo, 0 .""on wh0n partakets of His sufferings, E.? �. . , , I � . I Sold wh�; druggists, 75c. . . . knowing.,that witch His glory shall b6 LO 0 K.� -H E R a .. 1. .. . . Take all's r, amily PUIS-fo -_ -- revealed we shall- be glad with o " . / � . . .qon. .. .. . .. r constip�;. I xcee& _ ', - --- `l� I . . � .6 .. . .. .1 � 169 JOY (I Pet,'I'Vi -13 , W6 have no. long- .. * SALE '- - .. � .. . �, � . - 00, . . .1 I . . 3) I LINE. VQR I . - . . . . . , . I . er any delsire to ­11�rt- the, rest of enir .,X . �. . A -T THE I :: � I . .1 . I .. _�_Iloki5�....' , , , -_.. I -.N. time in the' flesh to the Just& of men, . I . .1 I . . � .� � . . ., . . I .. -sallast. . -but to tbe'will of G' , for' th '� time* , 100arave - 110le ftrks, - I I od 0 . � I" . negglo---Wbat Is * that. .awful plotee . paut of .our lives has more than iitif. ' . r, I 1. ' . . 111anufacturers of First:class Vitae. . . down there. 7 . Ued to have. Nivrought .tjie Will of the . - 1. I ' . I - , 11`6rdle-Thatls th �, t7.%-., . � 1� dolah 9santIles (t Pe.t. 11"L2.3). We halve been 1. OUR MOTTO:-MrstelassLhn ."Ola.8,111 ' I- . . 11 s eerage, n - jwleos within reach of aeL I . . . 1. I ,. . . boy. . . . .. .. � I � .,� . I crucified with chrI34 Vve are risen 20c er bushel A,t kilns, icit 25c for 56. ' * . �, ._P..egglo­()h, -does it Uk6 .all: those .1 witli Christ, we.seek things above, not. . J'ug I loads, delivered at ­Grabara's . . � , . . . o pdople*t�.mak6 the boat. go at.ralght?_�_ . 4a tile earthi for we have died, Mid our- Hotel, Clinton. - . . * . . . . . I . . ­ . . . . Cornell Wld6w, . . .. ... I . .. -life Is hid witi, Christ In God, and *a Orders filled promiltly.' . . ., . � . . . � . . .. . - . ­ �� � 410118111301Y Anticipate the'ooming again. A. N*j4V]g(.0-LS0N' JIL, SON,, . Propil's., I : ��� _ - - I Ith Him In glory (Col. lit, 14)', ,Xuow. �. . - � 1� Itig that We ate nbw the. children .of .� k Pelgrave. but. - . I I � I . . 41k 47 . . - - Gbd find having our hoo�ilo set on 9'1m, �. I I .. . . . . I . . . . . . . we are by 1119 grace eriabled to put Oli to I . . . . . . 1.110- tord lesus Chrjst� lot Him a) 0 � , . 21"Und I .PAIIN , a Ike �C,118100 ru . ; I . , ..;� . . . 11 k * I . piltvin I the . heid-valt . I # . live In us, -on the throne of our hearts, - Is -Aow in full swibg, bring 'your, re- . 1, , t anywbere, has Itj caTIS& kn4a -thus Mike , 110 * prolvisf n for the pairs, workinapship guaianteed. Oy - Kin,i4congostinii Palftl5bloOd. cistire-ambins t4inful Self I 'l . P . . I I 0190 0$1411611Y. At femb so says Vr Shoop, and to Ift" but rather reckon it old r6liabte, latlie,hand and paacohinists. " . I . . . . I prove it N has Wat�,R a littl,% jAni tablet. Thal ilbad and walit In newness 64 life . to' 8011ows, Tanks� Smoke S . .. I . -Ublct�eafled Dr. ShOODIS Headache Tablet- the glory .tack%* I ceirixos blood t)M.Aftire away from Imill 011ters Of -God.- Having,become the- � Irolij 'bridge jVork etc. - . 11 Its offileti,whattilinw, Pleasin'llydeliglAftil. Gointly. TjordIg own 'ProDerty,., One mofto is - . I . ­ . � . I L . ?Lthouith..%1QlyJ. - ely ood circu, . . � I -1 _ lat, I. - _ggl*iz�ktho bl.. .- 1. . ­ lk,ucef6rth. ."UatQ, the 0 A , Atteintion Cement Menl I . ion. . - tord" ba �tito . _, I . It yott IiXvo.'a h(ItUlache, It's blood Pressure. I - Jildgment seat of, Christ is e � ver befo , re - ­­ ------ N, --- - - I Sp60j&jtYLof S111411L. I ,_. It lt',.i vataful pertodi with womm sailia Oaiis& We also make a . . 11yottam sl��+�l�lei..;,rt,,.itiest,iior%,ouA,it'g blood IM, remembering that every One of us Iron bridges. Write proprietor. cong"'011-1)"' D"'s"" "'t 'umly 13'" ,0alf give nmollift 6f himself to God . . . . certallitY, for Dr, Shooti'.q ITeadaebo'T,ablots stop' it lu'20 mintitos, and tho tablets sliaDly distributi 4XIV, 741a: - tbt) illinatura-lblood promure. 'T��r!�_4!n --- in.,!L__!!�!�_tm�.!_; -!.--.----- H., BI, . . , . tuilsi�vl)urflxlg,r,atl(ldoozltitgc,tna,o,na I . I . . .l . swell"o -4,;xirp. Yod,lifinditwheraDvao I I . X estion. bloojLpro. - � . r� "� 4L N-11-y'A' le.lilillply,(Iolll)nollt-5!llio, . C ' c"i"tot, - ­ Ontario. 61111 vain ymt? Of oollrsa ib does� It's Cod, , � . . va W411 UTLERI" , . . 1. L sell at ,_13). cents, and. cheoriully- roeoinimoW Painter and 'Paper ]Ran* .1 er, _. . — -_ L I . . . ... a ' . I , . I . ! All work guaranteed, I L I L 4 Q 4 % Z, f Elp* I I 9 . . . L - L Dr. 8hoop I .. Ptices reasonable. .MONUAIJENTS. I . I 4 . 01 Headache Rbs�dence nearly opposita'the. (1110i'10 Desig-11s, - - Alest.11aterial. .. I . . -' - -C011egiate Institute, . I JAMES D01011 . : . 'L � . Tah"Iets __..." * . . 1� . . . .j I -s tinunew cuiles vows etc ' - � Wd bY "ALL DAUGOISTV minara oppoAtO PO.St OHICC� 0111011" L I . . I L . S9 . � I . I I � I I . . . . �. I . . . I . I I � � I I . . . L . . . . � . . ... . �, I , � 11 . I I _ , . , I ��—�,,-,�...'�,..,�.�-,-.,�,�,,�,-"'""'"".L .... ­­