HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-06-24, Page 5P., ., ', " . .
. June "4* '190 ,
I Th4 elision Now Bra I
. . . . I - - -
Births MarrJues A Deaths .. -ll .. 11 $c1ineider Centenniod In TORONTO MAItIMIS .1.1.1- ...... --_1.-.,___ - . "..-., 11.11 ,. .. . .,..,.', 1iza_ 11.1.1-11-
...... W W I., I - - I . , .
. I I
. I I ) GO R N Progress HO(49 -Live hogo, f 0 b. 7.05. fed and "k
I WATeR, watered at Toromo, $7.W, and on care . ,
CARTER -In Goderich TV., on June We give below two accounts taken atToronto $815.
0.1 2%b, to,Xr. and Mrs. Reuben Varter, from the Berlin Daily papers of the - tx -1; owes are quoted this Eo Wo, JACOB7S
twins. I . Swu -Expox .
I Schneider- Centennial which is being week at $4.25 to 4.00, bucks at $3 25'to
8electing SMILLIE-la Brucefleld,on JTune 14, F11 ULTS held at Doon this week. Jlno. Snyder 075, grain fed lambeat 08,00 to 5954 -1 . . I . W. -1 .11. I .- ... ...I.......",
. to Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Smillie, a son. and family, of town, are taking in the each, common lambs at $3 to $0 eaph. . "
, 0 CAMVIIELL-In Usborne, on June Does your watch rUu correctly ? eelebration, : I MILLFEED -Ontario bran is quoted .
.If it doeb not, leave it with us, TbeTelegraph: The Schneider Cea , CLOTHING
15tb, to,Xr. and Mrs, Arthur Camp. . , t
. goen the opportunity, we will ennial celebr4tion and reunion,whieb at §25, a ton, and Ontario shorts at VIO
I Wedding bell, a son. return it to ycu with our person. will undoubtedly be the largest of its a ton, on track, in bags. by carlot ; ' ' . I
. . I I -XN D.- ,
F 41 guarantee of its correctness. . .. ever held in this Province. is in ,
1BUID.-lu Wingham, June lOtb, to I kind homest Manitoba bran Ili quoted in a similar
Mr. and Mrs, Ww,. Field, a son, progress at the old ead near way at $23 to $24,and Manitoba shorts . '
. BP,XrT1J,,'-In Wingliam,june 16th, Doonand is beingattendedby between at t2l to $25 per ton. I .
Gifts$ to Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Beattle,it daugh- Our charges are'reasonable 1500 and 2000 pe,)ple. 4.11 day Monday WOOL-Wasbed. 19c, and, 20e run- FURNISHINGS
. ter. and Tuesday morning members of the washed, Ile, and 12c, ; rejects. 13c 06 lb. . I . . . I I I . .
I I ,Schneider family from all parts or
, BUTTER -Creamery prints. 23 to 24Q, .
. MARRIED I We make no - (harge O%nada avd the United Waies have faruters' separator butter IN-, to 20o.2. Make This Store .1
. -1OUCf1-_DOWSON-At the. resi. . . been arriving in Berlin and 4 I -
Is a poser for G for examining your.watch vicinity , dairy, prints 18c to 19c.. creamery solids .
lAeace of the bride's paraints, Stanley,. and proceeded to the scen6 of tu .
ma oil June the,28rd, bjRev,,,N, ,',Brown and reporting of its bration by train or carringle. the cele' 22je to 23c, dairy butter in .ba and
'. Varna, Mr. Percy. . 0ouch , 'to Mist'$ needs, /, . Tile day has turned out to be ideal palls 10a per lb. , . Vour Headquarters .
people. . Mary, daughtot of Mr, and Mrs.. Henry for the reunion although it looked ClIBICSF,-There is reported to be an . . . .
I threaten!ng, and the in . easier feeling to the market,, and pric- . F OR .
. Dowsom. . I dications are I . . . I .
,. __ -== thattbe event -will bean unqualified es at local cbeege boards show a slight .
,Pardon the sug- , McLAUCHLIN-MASON .-At the I ,success. recession from those of & week ago, '
. , Shirts, Collarso Neckwear, Hosiery. Underviear; 44
, home of the bride, Clint,)u, on June Aft Tle. programMooday morning start- 11!lc to 11 11-16c. being top figures for I I
gesti n that our 23rd, by Rev. Mr. J olliffe. Miss Lenr . ed at 10.30 o'clock and the proceedings the close of last week. . . (Itet,q in tact everythigg that a
Mason, of Clioton, to Mr.. D. G, M. r10 Js Grigg I were conducted in German witti, Presi. GRAIN -Fall wheat $1.38 to $1.40, .. - nian or boy wears, . . I . I
judgement and ex.. McLaughlin, of Aberdeen, South Da- , dent 14". W. B, Snider presiding as goose wheat $1.20 to 01 23, oats 00c. to I I . I . I
perience may be of kot . JEWEVElt AND OPTICIAN chairman. Monday afternoon the pro Ole, barley 6.3c. to Ole., peas 95c. to $1, 4 1 . I
. N.63-WOUNT..N.-A, the rest- gram will be in-Sniglisb,and in addition 0 - a4 Boy's
dence of The bride's parents, Hullett. 4suer of . .. to the Cilalimen's address on the His- rye 73c to 74c, buckwheat 770c t 75o. 'We have a splendid range of Men's a .
some aid. - , on June 23rd', by. Rev, H. F. Curry, tory of the S61ineider'.9" there wil Hxy,-No. I timothy ranged from 15 Ready-to-wear Clothing. I
James H. Pipe, to. Alice M,, daughter Marriageliicense,,-- , numerons otb , er 4ddrespes by I be to $16 a ton, Baled bay is quoted at I . t) . . . .
Presents of - Sil- Prom'- $12 r50 to $13 for No. 1, and for infer! 3r
of Mr. and M.rs. D. Mountain . rnbers of the family Rud dis. $8 to $9 a ton. BAIed straw is quoted Our two-piece Summer Suits are the Inewest that can I
. . . I all of . nent met
- Hallett. .. , 0. tinguishPil visitors. i
I ver', Cut Glass, Art . . efinton -w O.nta.ri A at -$7 to $8, according to quality, be boucyht, ranging in prices from
I . kVINTH . R0PB-SXHITa-Ia Winni- .. . . . I . section of the.20th regimgnt or- . ep $4-00 to $1 -00,
. . 'chestra is providing the music frr the CATTLE -Butcher 6ows were in good do not fail to see these suits, if you are needing any -
goods, and Ctima . peg, on June 16th, at St Augustine 11 . I OCPASjOn. - denianO especially of good finish and
Church, [Port Rouge, Winnipeg by - ' . . thing irl this line. - . .. .
are always in order. Rev. G. 13. Wilsola, Dr. P. W' Win- . ' The progra i Tuesday morning was scale, sales of butcher o%i .4 as higla as I
, I .
. __ _______.. ____ . - _. ___ A thanksg $4,85 were reported, Alediurn. to good I . . .
t liz ope, of Battleford, Sask, to MISS . . . . iving.pervice and Rev. Noah I . .
Lettal dangliter of Mr, W. G. Sin! . tb,. . I . Stauffer read the bund;,ed and third butcher cows sold at from $3.50 to . . TAILORING A 'SPECIALTY.
Styie-s and Prices of Clinton. * AT THE WHITE. HOUSE. I psalin from theold family Bible. It $4 2:3; common cows at $3 to $3.50.and I I .
. was printed InSwitzerland, in 15
riolit. . V1GkRS-TRETHEWEY._At the - . . 560. It nrld, canuers at si,-)o npwara. void I --- -_ .
% . residence of the bride's parents, - Brit. A Steward at $1,800 a Year Will Do came into theSchneiderbimily in 1504, calves were (Iliotable tit $4,50 to $0,50. . .. .
.. I I 131slinp Jonall Snider offered prayer, .
.t. housokeeper. But. rho (IffOrts of the, Snider -Centennial, por .
I Pearl Oatbarine,dalighl.cr of T. 11. and . I , 0orrecledevery Thurollay afternoon I I ". "
, I anuia Road. oil June IU,0y Rev.,Tam-es . Mrs. Taft's rvia ' rketing. . after w1licb1he chairman illade a few I . -W -W 7
A. Andersnz,, B. A,, Kilipund Richard Aji s. Taft has We reputation of be- reniarks, arid was pleased to note that Clinton Market Ile t. * '
I - i Renry Vigars, of t"ort; Aithup, to in an excellen E-0 * JAC0134S
. lit,tie of this -kind of work wlII fall to Committee have been realiz,ed and are ...... 1 35 to I 35
I fully up to eNpectations, and be . Ileved
I . I Mrs. Xrethe%v.ey, '- irer lot as inistre." (if' the White O%% (lwm) ............ 0 50 to 0 ,53 - 4dtMAW I 1 1 IT Jill 121M - I
: . . SCOTT -HILI, -At CrOditon, 011' House. A stewara Is provided at $I,- thatevevything would workout. har - F I 0 55) t o 5 5
. . . June f0th, S. Noble Scott, to . Miss IP, monio ly. '. . I ar ey ...... ........... -_ I .
' . us I - .
; . PC -as .... ........ .. 0 85 to 0 85 , ___ ___.______,___,______._ '--- - - _ - -111 - -
Pearl, daughter of Air. ,and MrsiWil- 800 a year to look after such matt6rs. The Newd Record -, Quite the higgest . .. .
, F,ggs ....... ..... ... 0 17 to 0 18 1
we He Bell , .. liarn Hill, of Crediton, It is his duty to hireall the servants, thing in family reunions ip the history , . . . . . .
I . . .
. to give orders to the housekeeper and of Waterloo County is that being. - I . . I I
. fflap 13u tter I ....... ......... 0 15 to 0 10
ij, - HOY-STAFFORD-At tha'Metho. " no .... I ....... . 5 0 r, 0 7 5 0 .
n 11 the allirkethig. Ile is pro, held by the Sebrieldee fanilly on, tiie " , 1) I , S . * ;
eweler. -- Opticia dist Parsonage, Wal - ton. 6n June Oth ' , to do a Obilins, dry picked; lb'L, 12 1013 .UOE AND MUSIC' EMPORIUM- -
by Rev, 14. W. Tyler,Mi% ,la-thtw Roy, vided with a government Dayton wag, Geo. Tilt family here. Those taking aelts, . . 1. . . 411 . p
, . . . part.are t.he descendants , of 0hristiari, D (4 r Ili .......... 0 14 too 15 1 . I I . . . 1. .. . 1. . .
, .CLINTON,v ONT. of Port Albert, Ont., to Miss Ida, on. In which to do h - is shojiping. .. Jacob arid J6 eph Schneider, three- I Geese. ps . .......... 10 14 too 35 I I . . . . . . _. . .
, , Ile is - . -% I ,
I . , . dlialgliter of Mr. Jolla Stafford, of Me a sivorn government official, Turkeys .. ........... 0 18 to 0 20
glipil" IML %.I I . - bratbeis.whocame from Pennsyl -ania
Amm 11,1101). . I . I . who under the 'tbrins. of a %bond of in 18o(,) Christian set led on tlie'farm' Potatoes per bag ...... 0 60* to (t 60 . 'athwell.
111 WM" QUINN -- 14O.NVAtiLD - In Trinity $20,000- glven'before tie .enters upon where the reunion i.4 being held , Jo'.9- Apples, -dried ............ 0 41i to 0 5 SeCeR OARE
.____ . - . . . . Wool, washed_ ..... 0 19 to 0 .18 _.- I - -
I .church, Blyth, on uno 14th by Rev, his duties is personally responsible for eph wa's one of the founders of Berlin, ' - , I
. .1 9 . Wool, ,unwashed ...... 0 10'to 4 11 I . . . . . ...
W.'H.. Bartley, Mr. E, (luinn to Alis all goy6rilmeut pr, perty used In'the' nrld Jacob settled on the Oxbow farm . . . . I .
Am Adrefflotrusts.. I Martha Howard, both of East Wawa- . I . at Bloomingdale, There are over 2500 . . ..... " ,- . S R 0 ES- . ; M U S I e I I
. . I I . .. . . White House. This Jncludes table Hn- . I .. I I
:.:.-.-.- . ...... . .......... . . . . I ....................... ... ....... I ri.oih. . . . . . descendarlt§,nnd of the',400,invitations . I . . .
'"' . " . I I I en plate, glass, furniture, carpets and . xiow the.chillese are wilstiil - r1r1risn . . I _
. 'NAN In Tudk-er- ..' ' . , .. . . . .
ROUXIT-COLE sout out, 1700 w6,e accepted. There . I .. . . . .
Servant Wanted ornaments,. - . : . ar . . capitalln building the,, hanglial-Haii- , . . I . I
. . qmifhi -at the residence of Mrs. Robert . . I - ., o ful1v 2,0(lo persons 6ri the lawn; 'MA --N . I . ' After houseclea illg, - I .
_ -_ . . y of the land - 2 k - I In,wq)o rallway is told by the - I
A gnod genertil serx nut. wantoa a . * Colenum, mother of the bride, on June . .Whenever the fir,,t lad. Over )ZO rigs and hursm are tied ill in q
. , .1'eklu * correspondent - o tile' Londoa . Hot: Weat '(!r ,,.-yoll will '. want a ' good
G-24tf b1HS.R.RAXSF0RD,=sf`.1. NO.: Mr. James Rbuatt, of Moose Jaw, - wishes any- ropairs, or Oinuges made -. thie laue and road, Ten coaches And . .... h - - ..
. . I I . . ''
. - - Sask., to Miss.Marg,41p.1; A. Coleman.- she has siniply to. call upal: the jen- two-sliecial train,,% frota -Ehi.ira, St Tlmv. , who says: "The railway pro- I . . . i. P. F ' . * . .
: ,. I .. . . . . . . iano .in .your - parlor .
Jacobs,- Wateilbo; ,v ero packed "with .,3plit. every possibla .(1ofQet..,-P,rId9cs1 . . I . I . I . ..
MA Wanted , W 111-048HALL - DENNIS'-AtObvist ginder officer a the army Who Is de-. I . I I . . .. I buy -a HIG.H-QRADE .
. . I .. . . ,
0 - .. . ' Cliureh; (I'llatliam,. on Wadnesday,.. tailed Ili th6dual cap . acity of superin . "Ti'leday's progrAm-w . es opened with 'are nlisafo. 111alts lire of iiaTtIve watill- . Suggests mnet.11log :pool for i . I . . I
Atoneet do gerieral bollr,,E,_wo1*lc. Apply to June 10th, by the rector, the Rev, T. teridelit of p ihllc building.',, ' and The faeturo. of obsolvto -;.octloll, si)lke(l hit() illie, feet, onr. stock (if OXf.ords
tf . .devotional exercises by Ray. Norah. . . for snnither wea r*A ' .1.
M11S. .1. 11HICKEND1,11\'. Rattenbury St. S. Boyle, assisted. - by the. Aev. D. W.: grounds and*rlaas(er of corellaotlies at ,c4t u . 'oft Wood,'gTpepers front ' iillchurin . ! nd slippers. . . . i. i .), Vi- ty %;; I . .
. . ., nor and Bistiop . Jonas Snider.' - . . . ts complete. 1. 1. N ev,,.,. o d-1 m b
- Collins,'vector of 14,'xaer, cousin 'Of the 'tile 18"Illte House. Ile Is 'allow,ed $33, Then followed In nah tinder. the'tre ' and J. .. . I ,. ...
. . e % apan. Sloopors ,ire wrongly laia, . . I .
For Sale bride, Mr. Olin' . . . . . . . i 0 ,
rles Morck Wrell'shall, . I . ' Xhli ,Rcgt.nrcbeStra'i,$ flIrn.isiling `NN*rbllg1l.V ballasted'. 061V life ill.till;s'. . 1"a(lics, Irall *03:ford's - i1X' I)II t, . ., W"%
. Manager AlerchantsBank of Oanada, 00o.a. -year fov.the c-tive ana reftirnish- The * _ .1 . . . I : JH Flchlnn . , , ,
der. 'Tilbtfry , , an olit. , . toitand lace at-._....-*ft.50 , , ,
One saw one year old kir R Ie, R goclalbree ., I Ont. ,* to Mary H'dna, ,ohly in .of the inallsion and all equal .011, allisical progrilln. . soll iq little mora th, , yptli?. Eight . . I , V CA A X, ,, - ; *
]ill 'l. RECI Flt, Clintoti, . q I . The Reunion'-Coinmi'ttee is supnl - di(Tvrent- ptatt0iis of r6lMig stock"dre' .. ... .. . , 11 . . I . . '_ , .
. daighter of Mr. ,and Mts. -lienry-iYen amount for repalrs; $0,000 for fuel, - ,ice ar6ani-,Ienionad-e and*cxilrep. 'Ili -u,4e. Where' flioro was (11111culty. in L.Adies' Ox Blood Oxfords, '. and - get fh*e best that' ek- - - ' ..
. 1. . lup
_ Ttwnier y of ,()fill- $9,000 for groeiil r'4, , I lemons are. being used, - . . atf. ...'....... ....'.'.', -.....$,2'50 1 1. -
' Ills'.0hatliti,m, OrA. .1 . i6uscs au(I 1, 000 for Fi ,q . . . . _. . . .
Servant, Wanted .. ton., .. I , I . I vo ca. es - cl . bridging a Strewn tho 4.1111116se built . . . . . . . . .1 ert workmen can pra,- . I . .
. .. . I care of4he 'White lIouse -rounds. 170()'cup9 saucers and .4poons were, .. I I . . .
. .
- - . - I - .. 'A.RY-IC . IL -LORAN -On .We& . 11 ose f ' - - I I .P P I . .. , . I
Gn generalser%stntwanted. RI)PI ... .0 L 11, . A:11 food bills, includirlg tb . : " loarled, and there are.eighty gallolis of the bridge on dry land x1nd then (lug a Ladies at6it Oxfords - at, duce, - p . - .. . .
'%Illay. .. e . ' -and I . . .
. ' 11 ,Q;day,Juuel( 61i,cit,St Jaiiies'Olitir(,!Iij - the four state dlli,1erF.,gIv ri e,q(..Il yea , 'ce creani., . . . 51111111 -alia" diver,ted tile waierway un- ........... $2,15 .$3.00
NE,W LR.k I I ,
.1 ' . . . .1 . . I . . i -
Seafort-li, by Rev. P. 0orc'or;-&n,..V_d- or for -the eiit-(,i-tiiiiini("iit,of,'tlistin- Tuesday' afternoon Mr li,'.W. D. dev'ttle bri(ige,-both-the eutrance,to . 11 . . I . - 1* ,
. . . I . . Ladles' Kid Oxt'ords,hwnt . .. . ", I . ...'' .i .
. inand Anderson Oleary, B. A.,of Wind. . , - ' * Snfder of: -St. Ja obs is deliver! ng, - all ,tile diversion mill llie-c V. , ,
. - ,ed. forel lnows -'in NVa%blngton. - Xit f oull it be'- * .. '.... ii to $3.00, '* -
flotise to, Itent ulsL , . : ... ... I s. 1$ t.4 10 I
. history of the. Selinei(Ifir . jn ', )Iti i ally' at. ng,lil, angles to tb'e nat- , . . . .I .. . . .11. , ..
Sor, *Ont.,. son W Frances Cleary, to c 11, oe1j. & 31anning.
addres, Sp ri ,
I , s on the I . ,I . . .,.
- =- . * Ann, Killoran. youngest d, - . family. There are songs and chorliqe's. 'tile st" -, I . igL I . . . . .1 % .. I , . .
Apvly Ln, .1. TWITCHELL, Clintoll'.' . tf aughter . of . must be paid -out *of .the president's J wal direction of rollu ": I AVOcam-yaftillrai -ofchilds. . . , . 11
I . . the late John Killoran,of Soafortb. , I own private fund,,,. .The .four state 'led by Air, Pet.er S i -of . . . .? : - . ' . . .
. I . I . btipe Berlin . I . . I 11lid Misses BIF hocolate I D - -
. I . . ' . . -.-. . . . "OAS, 0 , .
, . .. . . .
__ - . . . . . .. . . I banquets 'usually cost aliout $1,000 I.Vhe:eoqt of the reunion is4lbout $1,000, ' . . . .4cks and Q Pia rgans. .
W . . , I . . DIED . I . . -li, Oral deedrations I . I Conada. . . . I .. I)Xf(PCIS and Strilp Slippers, , , . . . . . . .. I . . I .1
. which iw.- bein covered *b: ,. suh I .. . and a National Anthem. 1. . . I . . .11
To Rent . . . . I one Tbo. fl for tile. - Scull)- 'Every now alld-then sonl6 ond . . I . . I I . . I .
. I GASE.Y-At.tfie House of Refuge, White House, how.c (, F, - ksn a. taken on. the Outing §hoes t6v the'Boys- and , Always on .hAlnd they -
- . . , v, ecale from tile .tions and co lecti I trips . *
. Clinton, Thos. -0asey, forrherly'of Sea- . . . .. . ..
15i inmer Cottage in Jewett's Grove, Bmlleld' . . I government- gfectillbuszo.s. The music, .grounds,to-day. . - -. . I to write. a national antlival for Canada; . Grils in all sizes., I I . . . . I :
I forth, aged 80, years.' .. . I ... I I . . I . I 1. . ,
1111 lnisbad- Foi*ftirtlierpitrtictilar.4,ai)i)l -at, . 1. . . I * - .. s - .__ . j btt ln'tlie oll.hilon,f ,tile a. .. .. . _. will 'please"you. . . . . .1 .
6-24 NEW EMA Office' ' I .1 I . . too0s tree, bekig- fui-nislied bS? the fa- _' , , . )f . N I'letoul, . . 4. . . . I. . . I . . .
. . , I . I . . . . . . . . I . : :
' In,13rucefield,on , " * , ;-:,
. ,_ . - Col oil ist" every effort Is a: fililure. The . - I I . . .. " . I .
. .SMILL114 -June 18, nlous 'Marine -band at W.,611111gton. . . H.OW HE GOT,POSTED. . . , . . I . . ;- I
. .
I . the infant.soxi of -11. and Mrs. Smil.lie ' , . . . I .. . - .1 . . I .. . , 11 . C . ol . 0DI . sto affils: "(1111111 (I'll I% not :vld , , . . . . I . . .1 - . . . .. .. I . .: . . 11
agedJ days. , ' I ' . .. ! - , In tiler balselneut of illei NN'bite.,11ouse, S I . . I I . I . ... ,
Pure Bred Shorthorns. . . . I I.. I . . . How a Nem ipaperman Primed Him e f I at' S- C.-AtithWell'S. - -'.Cs'
.. , the new mist - r'ess will find two. -modern . I . I enough to have, ovotvod .1 national till- t . . . I I . . . .
SMITH - In . Pattrolia, - oil , June , ' . Up for an. Interview With Boot.h. therm The sentimefit. of Abe .I)eople - .1 . .
For Sale I . 21st Jean Matheson, belo'ved wife. of kitchen's, k1arge laundry'room 'and,a I . I.. . '. .. . I part I icu:- . I I .. . I . . ., ,
I . wonder of the birthday celebration ; has 116t 0119tered around Iny Tbis store wi ri I
. Frailk ful pail-tillv, containing an elec-, I Hearing . ill cioseovery eVeniog-lit6:39du nk'the,surnmer- .. : ,
Two voung buIN, 13 Smitb, aged 30 yea,rsi , . - . , . .. * ... ... . . , I I . . .
-to 17 .illonths (Ila, from . I . a - I ar ,person, r Jdea.,-,NVbel1 the . Moh . ., .. . . . 1. I
grod Ptock. will be said reasonable . 1. tkic diih beatet;, .will! a cap,aelty: of - of .Gel)eral tBooth , niember of, Tlx, : I., event o I ths ekc PtSaturday'.. . I : .. .. . I I * 1: I
* Apply to hL WOOD -At Calgary, Alberin, on. '3 000 ilisbe s and rill, becan routio .1 elit. , . livertigie.*01TIliestor sIts ,dwv n'to write I " ' _. ... I I I I . .. I... , 1
6-24 J. B. LINI)SAY. (31inton, 04t ' : plates. Xt tlle.stitto- ,&tar ,4, Ise, . I I I ".... ... I :
, - "About tiventv yelivs a9d," he- said, 1 a 0ana(Ilansofig he trie,4 to Inclu(le ev- - . . . - . - - . 0 ; 1.
. - June i5th;ln his 37th year, John Bert" . , I i . . I ..: I
. . 1. . - . _. I . . . . .. I : ., I . 1.
. . I ram, second son of the late -min Alaners, , byeg win sbe pre§1(16 :.the' I . - .. . I I I I
. . . .
I .. I # - 0'1 wzfs a'repurier'on The '(110be, Lind I .ClUth'ifig 'in it. ftom' ng, heet .. - --- " __' -_ i -
. Yeats H'Iwood, barrister, of Godericb,,.' viands, lirepared qw her two kit6hen's .. . . jlle berrl . .,
Orl Wanted . . . Glellorlil Booth .wkts visiting '0anadq-,--. " a' I I , I ; . . : . . . . : ,. . . % ". I . . I I . . . .
I J! . I Ont,.aadgrandson of tlle.' late:Ven.: byo'neof.theb6st. atererslnih * ' .of Nov Scotia to the ininers"of the. ,t .. . ... . I I ... .. . . . . . .
. I I _ . . . I . . . e cQun- . !Or the firstAilue, I tjiinf '---:aad,The . . .. . . a . , , I _ - _. I ... I . I . . 11 I 1. .. .
I I .1 . I " . "Kionoll, Species .
Vnrlionse-work. Apply to . , . Archdeacon Elwood.., , -1 ' . .. r T. find the rosult*is . . . . . I . . . . I .. I
. I , try, will be'sprved on a $80,000,99 vice Globe %varited him intervidwe l. As: - . *0 lg. . , , .1 . . .. - . 1i . R _ .: . , I . ". . I .. I
. .
1 13-17 A . AM. T.JACKSON, -Jr., . WHIlt -In Tdckersmitb, 6n -June- of;'%Yedgw'6'od ebluty'. besides the.new . .. . I oronto rather' of ,dlre.etor. . .By'and by .som thl .6 V . S .1 , , ,
. . . . .. .
. . he ..NvaA to. a.rrive in T . t* I :. .
I 17th.- f6hii White, aged. 74 years, 4, . ay happen, or. we may do solne ll p,g
. . M .1 . ; . . .. . . .
. . re, bou&ht larider.the Roosevelt.,: I ' . ; - -e . . t ire . ,
I glasiwa . .. . . I . ate" ht night I was 'InArticted to go I . e i I , .
- ".
. montbs,anid.15d&y§, .." . I. I . . . . . lini'on.-bfs I I ,, . . . ., .. . 1-i I . p .,,.. i. I . I .0 * I - ,;.. .
. . . - and, the. historic' silver plate as a people. or some one mny.think of , N W :1.M . ... , S, ,
Engine tor Sale - '' .. regime I . to Hamilton and i'litetvieiv. I : . , ' " . I . - i 1 a ' . . . I . . .. . I . I . , . . - .. . .. -
- collected. by 'White .11oupe. matron$ , 'Toi.o t - . I . ,p . r. . I . . .
.-McKAY-In' Efteter, on Saturday: . way to A . sometiltag'that ,%vffl. a.Wi the po . .
.... . , - -10.'., , I . -- I . . . . . I . . .. . i_'OP E OLSONS BA'N.K. '. - I
A re-moddelled "White!' enginei '60-11 . .Tw,Xune_I2tb, -Duncan _McKay._,__&ged_-7_2 , since"Adaiiisl.'ti-alei. . - . I . "Here amp. 'vividly- imh res,-ied. Idea." ... ., . . . . I.. . .. . . -POSIT 'M .. I I . . . I.. ... . . I
-. , y . ears and 3 inbriths. . I . I . .. . - . . . . . ,.. . I bee' . . . . I . . . ... . .. ., , . I . . . I .1 . .. I .
rower (drawn by borRe Latelvfrom foundm . . . . with'the truth that to'. inte iew ,a . I . . . : . . . -
Allargain. Enquirea.tNEWER.A.. 6-17 Im 'MCNA-y-in, .Ttickersmith, pn June* . . . . . I . - ". .. . , - , . . ry . _ _ . I . .*. . I . ..., ; . .: I . .. .. I
.. . . . I.. . . . -lllall , successfully,;. .you -must- knoW. , -. . I I . . _L .. I I I - . .. I
. I .12th, J ino Ramsay,' rbli6t of -.the late . in ' . The Geodetic Sui9ey, . I I Mmethin . 9 I a -bout his fav . brite. topic. * I . . . .1 . . . . '. . . . .. . . . I I .1. . ..
William McNay, aged :71 years and 4 : Inany parts of Ontario will be ,e M t- imm e'd H-lats at B ice '. , ...
Offices Closed,. , '. in I . I . . . I . I . , .. I . I .On. the siibi'ett of Safvaii0'n,,Arm*y. 'St. ady E ploym'en' .': Tri alfftors ' .
. onths. .1 I seen slight -frame toly.ers not unike . . . 4 1 I I .
.. I
. . .
' . . - . . I ! .. .1 work'I was in a state of -'ivoefnl* ignor- * . . , . 1 , I . .. . .- . ' .
, .
, I
At one o'clock P.W.. op We,inesdas, and Satur4 . . . in form the 9teel iowers of the HYd;ro_ .. . ,ince. Luckily.there was a little time can, be given 16'i number of smart' . . .- . 1$ I. 56 and .. .. -no*.$..1.00 . - . I ..
day .,, I . . - Commis,sion. . These -operating machines or on.band' . : ' . i $1-75 Vntrimmed Shapes,' . I
afternoons, from ,me 16th to September : . Electric llo- ,er .. . . . gir.18,,. . I . . I . I I I .. .. 1, I
latli. the offlees of the undersigned will close.* ' na,rld sew'ets and machine operators can fln(l 1. * for, -pl parafioa.. It - was Saturday . I . I I . . . . . I
W.BRYDONE.' . stoady employmen are geodetic towers, but very.:1ew peo-, '. '. sewing. Apply'to , . . . . . . . . . I I .
.. - I . . I I . . .
. a Wages a,t .; . The interview .vas to.. be oil' Monday .. j . . . . . 'Lawn . Baby Bonnets frQ * 5 - for. I . . .
. 1'1V1W1r'Q Ca Clinton. . . . . - .' c . 25c. - -
6 C. D. 34ALE. .. . . . THL JACK 0 100 . .1 . . . ple ever stop to enquire what they ni .NValki ng' pensively - Up Yonge Jas.' UcLcod, Foreman . . I m c to $i.cpl, . . . .
. I ght. . . : . I
I . . .. I . . It was ex Wned by Prof. . . .. . . . . . I . . .. I . .. . .. I .. I I . 1,.. .
. . - M .'. are for. I ., object p of 'tile 'geod6t i6 street, I stopped at Britnell's lboo; I . . . . . . - I I ... 1. .. P .. ..
. . . . . .1 . .., . Biggar., The storei nald was idIv turning, vl -r , Jackson- llr . Vo. Clinton.. , . . . . I . 1. I . .. . . .. I - .
I I . 11 . I
- I I . survey -is to get. the'.exact location" lof of.,volurne a,onle . .1 I . . " I .. , . I I - . . I .. . . ... I . .. . I 1. I I . .. .
, . . . . . . and the altitude of everv*, foot of - I . . .1 . I I 1. . . I
-'at e.*, - I . I omenally cheap price, when my eye . . . I .
. .
-Parlor Furs- ur '' . s Mr . ked it . . . phen- . . . .
. .
. . . ground in Ontario aTid some day in- b ad . . I
. . - .. . . I . . .
. ".light the title - oil a paperT on . I 11 4 1. 00 I.
At the present:time, we have an excep -A point is Miss : :(;aRte101Q_' I`& .: .G. .
. . . . .
tionally fine assortmen' of ']Parlor the - whole 61* Canada- . . . 0 1 . - I . .
Suites on.hand 3 i S ites,'poilshedmgboganyf4L-ames,cov ' bg(?k, 'Life -and':Work. -of- General . . . . NT - .. . .
" .
.,,,, g1tee , u i ered in Silk, established. . In ,.& lrecent.' deb,ate in , Booth,', Not to 'buy ft -Was I . to -fly Jn . . AL :. . . . I I
. '. I . . .
at $21, $28 a. 5 -piece Spultm covered in rugs, with O -inch ou e of Commons * it, .was said . took it . I ... I . . . . . I I I . I . ..
flinge, at $30, $38 and $45. A-Vie6e. $ulites, spring: - seals, covored .in That ... McGill Vniversity,- Montreal,. is the facl of Providence. I . . I . . , - I . . . .
I. I . . . . .. I , . . , .1 I i . . . . . . I
fancy, velours, $20, $25 mild $300.. . . - .1 7 .. . . . . . I. ' - home ind spept, several, hours ' in . . .. ' . I --- !---. I ---
9 . I I . ,t,he .rnost exft<.-t.lv 16caQ'point. on the * . I .. . . . . . I I . ... I
.. 1. I . , . . . . . . . . , - . tiftrn ing the 'whble. , book into ifiterro, . STRATFOR.P. ONT. I . . I 4 - , .... I I . I I
I . . . . . . . . .1 O h of .Ai eiica. The Dominion . . I . . I I . w I . . 1. .. I I , ., .. . ,
. . 1, I . ontine. t I . Wherever We author -I - . I . . 11 . .
I . .
F1:1V 1T1JRE AND I . I ... ! , ... " . 61l,4ervator' .survey I ors, I to in ke a ftiap ' _' ,!Orrr . THE 1LEADEV411 .8(1.11001J. .^ t . - - I— . . I I - 1111111: I I -
. g 'lvP
NAF . . , 1i Chell of Ontario, first 'fix ,a' 'point,' say at . , a, I Courpos atb praeticaL I Our teacbers ex- : . I .. I .. . .. . . 1. .
Pr 0 e y lt wa.0. the GeSeral himself- - I I . . . . . .
-. - "', I - -- - -- y .--.-,-(,.Ot(, ... '- - t ' ' __ - __ ...- .
- I
.-__.___,J. W -l'. 01 It his ma nl' I - ,I)el:loa(- d,.g,D-d.oiir.-gr.v6due.f.,".,.,q; pable .tq .
I,', .. .RTAKI N( ,. _ d- a. frame-tow,er do & stat,embnt'T turned"it into a - _ :. Ir 19 ; . .
- '
I . . ! . I . . au, an eree question Tn: this way I prepar6a'an. fill rospongible 1)ositionq% -vve ars revaiv. - .
-___ . . . . I . , .they examineis 0 irig many applications f or oflice heii), Dtir . E- Y E: ."S. I .';G'. ". . I
- . . . .. .11 . ., . . . ---A. , Witb -thcjrdnstrurrlents . s brief I.about fifty..ques- o - , I T ,
.. .. .. sweep tbo - 6o.untry -for twenty' miles tions. - - . . . ing (V sint"le (lay this .week, W.e received . .
1. . . . . . . .. . . . in. I each UAkeetion, . mark the ,altitude' . . - even aimlicatlous for oince,heiv and four . . . - .
The, Store where Y611 got the most for yopr !noj c7. .. . "The Orenei*al Was 1nost.pblike and ior conitabrelal teacbers. Our. graduates . . I . . I I . - , .
of every hill and krioll, and- the do t . succeed'as -none othevs. Threo deoart A person should be v6.ry carefill in choosing an optician. .They
. . . - of every depression, Whon the see-. willing to, gi ,6 inf,ornation. When- , laents':- C01111nervial, t4hortijand ond should demand ab rellability, arid,above all, #emand dxperience,
' e . a question he gave me - Telcgrxllb . Catalogue free, l- al work. . I . I I
' , , , ie country bas been - thus - . , . a illit flief thing in op , .
. ver I &6ked., e book. He- appear,, . fox, expelle.lice i e l I . tic, I .
.s* N, eded ' 0 t'on ('f tl' v proo ed -to- a d-istant t" answer in th . E . . . I .
JUA WhAt f e a .explored the ' Iflott & McLachlin, . . I 1. . . I
. . I . .. , ed* to be astonished at yny knowledgd . I . L .
. . .. point range of the Arst tower of the working of the Salvation Army, PRINOIPALS. . .. . .
_hole Spoons, Dran withift . . . 1 , , AUPbli ''. . .
Hoes, Garden Raices, Slvovelp, Spades, I J?oJt f and' erect another towerft'll-owing 'knowledi 'A . . .. . . I ,. So - Le., TA I 91 . .
Scoops, Mantire Forks and Drags, 11 ),v Forks, Rtikes Soyth6s, Stoneso. - the, farm6r upo n. wbose land-IhO. first not being aware, that tho e __ I I - 0. .. __ , . I . . .1 . .. . . . I . . . ..
. . . .
Snaths and various kinds of handles, ferrules, -em Then there ig Ocitl was,-V.tly one da old). % At the m'eet- . . . . I (Senidr.niember Taubi & $ow-) . . .. I .1
, lie ( . . .. . - . I
Spring, Black apd Barb'Wire, Stapleg. Hooks. Poultry Netting. Theh . tower is erected to pul it down and ing- -that oveniap ,, cular.1y ,remark-. -. . .. .1 - -.-. . . I . I . I
some will want Turuip Seed, Millot Seed, Mangold Seed, Rape and .use the tiniber; .and from the '.second ed that he had little to say because . . - __ . I - EVES.IGHT SPECIALIST 'Of. TORONT09 . I ,
. observation, point they cover another - . 1P . I I . . I .
Tares. Then remembef,, we ho vat), full line o's goneral mercharidise ; . a roporter had-'tnet him at Hamilton - . 11 . . . I .. I I I I
not evervthing, bitt an. immense y.arlety. TERMS OASH. , range of cduritr , mitrking. the fea-. - I . . s ' -)& rd - will be at -
. who, ba' had 3S yi rs' expprience.in the optic, .business,
OR and mirny)(s.4 him dry."--ToiontoStar., I .I . . . . -
c hat we can. .. - ' I I . . . . . . . . . . . .
PRODUO,E. Highest' pril a fov. all, kinds of produce t iures of the laDdAoape., Arid so oil.. .. . . The.Whitney I . . . I I . I . I I
I . . . I . . , r- . . I .. . , . . . . . . . I ':
handle. I 1-1. I 11 ., 1 . . . till the whole country. has qbeen'su Lord Rinnoull, NY110 litts inst reeav- . . . I
. .
I I . veyed. as _ered'frorn a s orioul, illncs,.q, is a firstr . ; I . r Hotel, Cliiiton, -
. . . . I . I I I . . I These flimsy structures, it w. I . aLrliron, . , No'maift'dle n
I I explained are more -stable. for the rate -musiciaii, has' written se'veral . W: -Cg CS - .. ''.. .. I - . . , I I . . .
. . . . . . _ .
I -MON -W, a . I
11 . "... I. ,I I
I I' I
I 11111111301c l
1 .1 i
-1 I .1
I I.
. R. Adams,: Lomdlesboro, . purpo," of acourate Vservation. than' obarmir)g songs., and plays. the piano I . . . .. . . . . ".
I . . . . . . I I . . I the tops of the most soliZ_construot- . I I .. I . - . ' . . 1- . . 0 N. * , . .. I . . . I . I
I .
. i . . _ with .tlie'skill of A profes4ional. Hii . . . I I I I .
. . .1 I . 1. . 11 I ... . . . I ed buildings, ,WIK' r6as a'ten-,wrey . I8,011.the road again'and .. I . . .. .1. . . I . .
I .. I . i '. Wifo too, -Is a great lover of music,, - * - ' I
. I .
. . .. 11 . 1! . - . coneret , .arid iron sl;y-scraper wilt.' and'sinde alle ,i as'quite a girl hag .1 I will be. pleased to call * I I I .
. -1 .1 MEMEMMW , I J ! - Jul , 8th ' . I
I I "bond" with the wind .an'(] OqlbillOte devoted mbeh of ber'leisure to' 1108- i I "h I r' -
I . . . I ., .. . . .1. I . , with its own,weiglit. the observa . tion - 1: * at your place,with, . U . d4lyt. I y I . 6 1.
. .
I - . I - - . . . tdwers.of light wood, so chea pital vi itfng, which recalls a rather ' . . I . .. . I .1 . . I. [is work has been very . hiRlily recommended by all 'those who have .
* , , . . t N e 1) that lriter sting story in connection with . . I
I J. B. Hoover, . . . Zlipon Bail,' i When.tho ; ork of her inarriage, -A.t St. George',,4 Hos. 100 lbs Iteduatli granulated had occasion to consult him prof&ssional!,y. , - I - .
. - I
pleted, ,are built pital Lady Kinnoull niade the ae- . . sugaii for $4 w . I I . .
q theywill ,';tA'nd quaintance #4 a youth, who - wa4 suf- . . I . Can Make You Hear With the I I Acoustidilin "I ' .
I I I I .6
d the wind; the fering from _ hip - dWdSe- Between . . I . , . I . . I
ment remaining the y , Pideapples (larde Sift) The Acousticon magnifies ever sound oil word 400(,,, ,- Thatmeltna .
iftt marked on. oung man and his ld)id visit6r a . tier. dozeli $ 1.45 no4natter how deaf yoii aia,hor Zat the original, cause of your deaf. I I . .
. corespondence sprang up, lie always, . . ness was, as long as the auditary nerve IF alive, you will bear M once. I ,
. . . i
. .
. I . . . addross d her ng.,"Dear Mollio," ,and . I Beat in mind that the Acousticon not only makes you bearAntined, . .. . I
eonoluded, his' letters "With all my ' .%'av6l oranges '400 upwards ,, . lately. even,though on cannot bear it word without it, but it;64se is a .
rellandedness. heart's ,love, yours respectful." At I . continuous source o7athiinlation. to the '(Wicate eirt functions4 and ' I
I your hearing will be percep
nodlately follow., length tile lady became engaged to be Presh Vi tibly improved as time goes on. The above ;
feft in the t4pring marriod, and duly infornied her hum- Wedallays and F-ridayf. statements will ho',verifted by thousands of enthusiastic users &11 over ..,
It bas threp on. blo admirer (it the fact. Receiving . the worI4. The Aeoustiet)n was awarded the Gold Medal by the Inter, ,
datos for whloh 11(t ansiver, slip 4ont, him a ticket for . . I I 'xpositi - , is,11W. ,
. 1-1-1.1 I . national jury of Award, Louisiana Piirchaae R S
r IndplinItts. Ite the wedding. Still no Toply. Agairt . .1 . 1. I ori; "ou
. . Will be pleased to demonstrate this wonderful in ention ,to all
*q (it loeturoft--At she wrote, and at last received frorn, I who oall.during this visit, I ... . I a I
nd . hini the answer, with neither begffi , . 1, D' APPOIN,'TMENTS N
ine In Plirift a ning nor end of the orthodox kind; , . W, T_ ONEIL . MAXI . I .. , NOW WITH,
terlin. As ft bint "I can never write to you again. as . Phone 48 .9 . . ... Clinton,
Aiandmftiessi nn(I I don't know how to begin." Lady W.$ . R6 COUNTER,
.it 1-.4 worth mv- Xinnoull set his mind a0est by re- I I
1117001 tre Alyt-114 minding him that her nanie was still I I . irAVELIEW I . ISSITER 01P MARRIAGE LICENS95.
I . "Molli(3.11 I I' .. * , ... 11 I 0 1 . ". ''I . 11.1-111. . --11-1 .1. I .. I.. .1 1. L - 1. - I . . --1 I-- -.1 -11 11 ....- -1 . I
- I -.-- __ 1, .*A..WMAWA.WftWW=.WW . . I I -
. . I ; . . . I 1
- I I
A !