HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-06-24, Page 4= - I 11 a V - ­_ � - - - __T_ --- - . I . _____ --- � "_F___11WV11TT 7-1- . ,4 ,� " 'Plu-'r tl�� I . � . I . � I ' . 41 . . I The 'Clinton i Now 13ro " I . 10ne 2Ath 1CWN0 � ______ - __ ____ - - - I t . 11- I I ­­ ., .1 1. I - 11 I . . . I I I I � I =1=1111 pi pi 11 I I 11111 101: 1�11 I " f, I - __ __ __ -------- __ - ' � - ___._ -_ -_ -_ _1 .. I I I � . . , . ;,; 4 ",,� 11 - I I I � I I- I . 01 -,11--l- I :� I -, ".. I - 1�­ �; � Z. ... � � I .1 � I � I - I ­ y � 1 -12 - Z� - I I . � - . . - , '.."; �� , � , 7 - - - � , - , , - , � , - ; - - , 1. ., 7, 1 � W. ____ -_ --- I --- - - _. - .— - - , , ftf # Little Loral� . I ­ 11 - 11 mi . , �' ­­' , lail al I 1111,411i, I I It I I ... 1. 11 —_ - 11 - I ­­ --- , ! I I 11 . . STAP140 ANb FANCY, OUT GOODS I . peroonal N� 0 t a 0 + R,V41).the NEW B.P.A forall newa. � . . - . I I I I . . I -11 t&pw having rettLOwoo or firjov4ij . Tjii� bAycrop is now well as,sured. . )HIMNERY FURS MANTLES ' OMINION T1,111129 way . nluf V,Af %10"h-tol "Wilwalez we Attu YOU helping 0114on grow great. . I O."..- I 1-1- . . I ­ . I'll ­­ .., � I . 1. I ,, ,W.iim anuouuqo it iu tbe 9xw taA. � er. , - I I A Xow Tair Tree, if JTq,yser Glcver are, � � .*_*..*_.&.*_f+++f +++ G�T 12our flags and bunting ready . I I ffl� I + � 11 � , ,ffN Q�ight, I ''..",­., . for the .11, I Wed,dt*ng �. . . . Miss Wallace upent Saturday inGod. Tal?;eclipse oftbe sun waglaotThurs- , � . . . . erich, . ,. day evening. I � � rA . , " )a SIKOLE PIRST Q -A -5S . - Barrister R. Vanstone,of WinRhAm, W#uX 10, doubt -get to work with I P I V t � I war tn. towA on Tuesday� I 00 14wu mower. . ". . * ' I ' . , . Kayser u, oves Mr. Webb McConnell left on Tues. The Public School closes for Summer W, . � . 11 I FARE . day Morning for Vbica$o. . vacation on Priday, - . Good going Wednesday and Dr- of Calgary, isspend. � ' , READ the Nuw BR& If you w nt the . I . , a � � Every pair of Kayser Gloves contains their guar- , ng a John 111'an I resen s antee, and every dealer fulfills it, I Thursda Juoe -a and July 1. I few d(ays I town, news while it is news. . . I I . . y a Mite Crawford, Dungannon, 14 the, XONDA-Z was the longest and hottest . � . guest of Mrs, J. B, Cautelon, ' clay of this year up to, date. .. . � . I � . I � 01 Good return from destin" Mr. R. A. Downs took in th '- Tug school sports are to be held this �, . I I I V � I . . .e excur , Cost not a Penny More, . ation on or before Frida)rjuly Bien to Fort Huron. and Detj�:ift over P, rId&y afternoon at the park, . " I 1, - I I . I Sunday, � J;k, , � 2nd 19og. I 0 V R . .1 . ��NT A'ICE exameare nowon. De, �� ,C You don�t save a penn� � by getting a poor � Mrs. Maiy A. Deverell IS v1sl . I . 11 _\ I I Gl6ve, so ask to se,t� this make. Black and. white, Buy your tickets the day' before, and friends Ili -1�ondon, St U09 'partmental exams. next ,week, . . V I 44. I " , Thomas and Hoo,s are $7.00 this week, the high-. , -, 2 -dome, extra q' ality silk � . 1. avoid the ru6b. Simcoe, .�, 11 s. IMEN: � .... '�11 I . I I , est price p44 for many a day. , . I 9 u $ . t . Mr Geo. Spotton, Principal of the Tim local volunteers returned from I Ill&,/ . � I J. Ransf,ord, Town Agent. SpQttonBusiness Colloges,vyasiri town r _; - - ��� - - , -, ;!.a. ­ ONE 0 DOLLAR. . Office next door to Mclson's'Bank. On Wednesday. qamp at London, on Ssturday. . I I . Pt � . . . I . . - I I Ik, you lose any, thing try aN Ew BnA � ' I 11 I Mr. B, C� McMurtry, of L6ndo W48 lost ad. They bring gooq results. . . I st this week at thd home o)� Mr, I Come and see them, 'whether A Mrs. John Rice. I . Tliu Np,w EnA for the balance of . � Can be , easily. . 0 1 "" . I . CLINTON NEW ER an ' d r 1909 for 40 cents to new subscribers, , , , . I I � . I - H. Baker left Tuesday morning . I - . TaURSDAY. JU�N I, 94, 1909, , gn an Bextende.ddtrip through the count,, SluND in any news iteips for the Nuss, '.. ' . you bu not. --� * . � ter. of ru6e a I Gre I, In. iseleoted from o . . y or ;�� I Yo RA, We are always looking for them. I . � I '. - � . - I __ � . 1 _====;!�= ­=� Miss Thorudyke, Milliner at Couch PUBUCITY IS the alarm clock that I I I- ur 11 : - " - . EDITORIAL 1XIVSUNIGIS & Go's. store, left Tharsday, :for trequentlyawali.ens a ma&s conscience . her home at Peterboro. . " . J . PuovLp. are never satisfied -, on Mon. . wu' . I i Special Valuesin siery, stockof "wancy China .- I ' Fio Hon. W, L. MacKe;z1e King, Minis- 10 Dodds Hollaway, son of Urm H. day everybody was complaining,of the A . . .. I . i Cloth Skirts -. * and . ter of Labor, was declared elected by J. Hollaway is taking the position of beat. . . I . I . I i . 9 acclamation ,at the nomination for Junior W the Roy,44 Bank. Tarnu should be money in hogs a,nd ware, You will find -on ,i I . Neckwear, - North Waterloo, on Monday . . � Mr. W. Elllotk editor of the loger. wheat just now, that is, if you have , 13 . . . I . � 1,4 1 . . I . . . — sqll Daily Uhronlcle,waa a, callerat the any on hand, I . I . � � I * , As Canadians we itre proud to know NEW En4 office on Wednesday; I INVITE Your friAnds to come and I .. lookiiag around that - , I I M oil 0 � . . � . thai the West is arowitig. The .e. Mrs, Da�k mother'of Mrs Joseph sp nd tlie.']2tb of July with you in r - I . I I . j dam . . census just finished sho Polle Rattenbury, Ileft on Thursday.0f this toemn oti that day. I � i inery, - population to be 1_>9,_)f)5. w Calgary's week to visib with her son at the Soo. IrHis,�ieek Mrs. Rich. Irwin shipped - sortinent is. the . I � Two years . Mrs. J. Rice has returneril, 6om Galt,' her furniture to Toronto, where she our as . I � . . . ago the population was 21,(jot). ' where she was called to attend the will reside in the future. . I I . . I . . . . I . death bed other father,Mr. C, Wilson.. . . . I . I � '.. 'ake a leaf 'Mrs, J. Leslie Kerr accompanied by Tur. offices of 0. B, Hale and VV. ., largest and. * "cludO . / . . in s Pig reductiGns ... 4 . -New York State hopes to tc Brvdone will close each Wednesday I . . . I � � .�� 11 . - . her sister, Miss Brown, are visiting and -Saturday afternoons .until Sept. f, . � . I I . I . . � . - .. .1 -Out of Oariada's b6o4-, and deport 901.en with relatives and friends,in Brnssels. 15th. _. I � ' . I i I � � -1 , . Convicts. Invescigation show Urs.13, 0bur2hill. of Hullett, is ser, Ti , ut., Strawberry crop -promises to -be, � .. � . . I . . � I a that the- most. popular -I.ine's. � .' . ­ . . ..i. iaow in� all that , - , , — 1 _7____�___Z tlXere are now W) alien convicts inNew iOuSlY ill at' her home. Her many a, large dne this Season, There ligs also � . . .. . . . ..,t. York State prji�as'. Of these, 319 friendswillwish her a�spepdy recovery been an abundance of bloom on all I . . I . I . .i NVMV 14 . --- . I I � liss Della M. Cluff,purse in training, . . . I I � .GS9 . - 0 , A '. . convicted within 3 years after entering �) I fruit 4ees. . . , , , . . � . ' I 'rea Se" is left in Millin- I L. . theS i aCthe Ra,wilton Citk Hospital, daugh- WiTit the approach of the . hot " . J6 1 � . . I � , tate, and are held to be liable'to ter of Mr. D. S'L 'ClUff, is home on her months ill would be well to consider 0 I . %I . I . . % - . � -1 ­ � .1 deportation. Eight of these �o&vjcts v�ckt!Ory. . I � . . . thehorse, man's most faitliftil.friend ,�' I L . . � � .1 . I f . - - ,. a .. I � . are said to be from -Ca . Mr.itnd Mrs, John Hartley, of town, and moszt patient servant. . -;�, - I � eryDepartment . . . . . L I nada, - . *pent 6unday visiting. ol(l friei,ds !it 1810- . I . I _r Inner ets, .. — . s A . �. . . . * . . . air, 70 passengers from Clinton , I . � . L � .. . 1. Acc 1 blyth.- Mr. Hartley preached in 'Trili- , took advantage of the excursion toDe. 4 11, . � . 11 . . . ordivg to. an e'stimate prepared I . I . I . . 4 . , ' e .9ensus Bureau,. tile pop . illation .. ast week. Abotit r�) took in the ; . � ,, by th I . ity churebin the evening - I . trolt h , . I . . . I .. . i .Mrs., Ttillougli. daughter of I . "MqortltgbV'at Goderich, -: . . . I -*- of'the' Prairie pi!ovinces, v�hlch was () Ur � W.. . I . I . TZ-oilet Sets, . . " __ ,/), I � I I Johnston, who has. been spending - Alit. Ad yertiser dbn't forget tbat tile I . N (g.) W - - � "' ..'�/,, ­ only 800 , 0001ri I01,16, has increased.to tl*e t Winter here, � return6d 0 her Nitw'Buz.kL,;piiper that kii . . I I . . � ; - 2 . - . I , , . I L I ,*,P.s till the 9 I . 0 . . - -1 - 1,11xkow. with the past, th home Irl the Soo, on M nday. news' and goes to the home. I t.io the , I . I . -- Vee years. Of . . . 9 � IV , I � ; I ; . .r_ . . . , . - . . � .�L . � � . . the . increase .at least 150,JJ0() LIS eStimat� Mr. and Mrs � W.. it. Kerr, of -8rus-. . .. 1. ! � . "4 1 , I. . is the thue to . . . bestinedium. fdrLyou to Use" i . - . I%f *04 U t It, * aSS5, , �, ,. ' .. . . 1.0 I . . - 1 sels,were iisit�rs in town ov&Sunday.- 0,.sz Tuesday (if this wepk,'W. T,eatb. ,�i I I . . . . . , 1. L ' I b, . . . e comp -from the -United - Mr. Kerr took the services at Tur Lie, Ot Briissels. beought, a lciatj o,f .9 I . . I I . . - I � I . ed to liav . ne�'s (it , , I I I I . A choos'e y o ii r , . . . , . . L L I I � -to 11 . . I States, as only. l48,-((srj of the overseas ellirich in tile aftern fuxi�ittlre for W. B', Duncan.- Mr. Dun- . � I I ArVhq' . .. . � LL . oon an(X,evening. ;, ,'�, . , I �", . ,.A . , . . . .. , '. . can expects 'to be -settled shortly ,iu. �A . we . . .r '. . . I I immig I . � .. . . . . .. grants havo gone webt, *_)33 iky) of. The many friends of Carnitin Hall . I �i . mid-summe , 6- 1 . I . .. '. . � , town. *, -. , . '. ., . � .. I . X an cy. %0 111aa I . . - L &, *' L . . willbe r)1eased to -learn that -he has . I � . I I " 1. � . the,�i having, settled irl.the older Pro. I ill 6ongrattilateS L . 111 ­ � . I I . . . I I 11" 1. . I . I . . . . . . . . I . . . .. been transferred to the head offl6e; of. , The �;"qJ!"NVL-l", ,. Miss . ' . I . ­', . I -1 . !� . . I . ' I I .. ... . . , , Er a t, . . .� ... L L . . � ,�. I .. VincM 11 . . . . . tile Ro�al Bank at ;Nlont�eal, froin Jessie ( olwell of town, on her Success � 141. I I . e . .. I I . I . . . . . . L . . . I .1 � . I I I . . . , �. . . . . . ' , - 1 . I at Eie-recent University ENaniliwitions . - . . . . . � , . I . . . � .. . i - - A 1.1 -.-,.- � . - ... _. . . , .. - � ­_-� .1 . . � I .. . : I. . .. I NiAgara, lall , s. , , - - . . I ,if � - _.� . . . . . � ... . . I . . ... . I ... � . I . . . . I Daring..the moLli.th of �Vay 03 fatali- Mri.� J.*Iii, 1�* at Tbrbnfo, and wishes. b6t, a share of. . . L . ... . L . .. . __­ I _____Z��--�. - � . I ' I . - win and daughterMisso - th L . . . . . . 1. 1. . .. . , , .. ... . ties o�ctirred to�.workingnien: iri:Can- � Agnes;'�nd.'%Irs. Jobn Junninglialu,'of theL.honors and.medals .in e time to � . I �­ .1 , . . I . L L I . .. , . * L . . ... . I . . - 'come. I . . � W17 . .11 �. S , - . . : . 1.* I I . ""I I ' adian indid ', ' ' suitg:and 185 '' town, e)�Oeet r(i leave nextTuesday on , - . . 104�L L I . I . .. . , h, �, - I . striatpur were .,o T il E17 C, 1 t. iz,,en s, Ba ii (1, g,-. ve a f 1 a e ape n 11 � Al P- A , . I , . - . 'n 0 1 Ark ' %I ,0*41, - - Lirlvg the month- 14�twiceq.� - : :- ; I air.concert At the Po,:toffice' laWn on In 1h . . there were fifteem. 4trs.de di,;putds in . Tt;esday' evanf�g of this week. - Th2y.' � . . �� * . ,It 1 I . I I . � .-James MoNvbray and Miss L6t.tie *ill give 'theic open-air concert on V . IV %; I . . I , I . . existence;an increase of two conipar. Marquis, .of. Stratford .were visitirig p,q,lay , ["'i . . -"",-�mn , , - -I I L . . . . I old friends i ii town. . They. %ior.e for- evening , . . I I . . L ,;.. . ' . I ,' ' . � 'I; Ar� , , . serfouely ,,n,e,,t,.ten(lP,d visit %ith friends. irt tfie injured� -D V ern M.- , A i�,,. . I 111ii lo u k: & I �1. . . . of next' week instim.d. to 00pers or � , I . I , . ed :N.t4 --N&Y of -last yq$�r, - About:32 I . qfTuesdak everiln' .. I � . . . . I I 11 . L . I L I I . . ' me ..while .. ill � t - g.., � ."L�l '. N , , . , I , � I . , . . I I . . . . . ' adquart . . -iven 'ound, when - ' - _N _N70 . . � I What lye AdVertise is so. - . � �10 L6e. , ' ir residents of Ciin'ton and I ­ - - , I , . . Yirms and 4,750 em 7 w re a' . ie nin- ' � . . . . . .. � fTect6 li&e ha4t week mad,� their lie 0 .- S . * Iliq ., � . Ol. Xi I - INT U[7 P.Z. — , I I I I . - - . r,,�� -I- ed and the loss -of .titne in Wbrking ersatthellornii of Mn tind Mrs. D. - o'clock b0l ' rings children Must .lie oly . : .. � . . . .. 1. .., I . I I . . . ., . . - I 1�ff" - .� I . Tiplady., . 1. A . . . L . I ILI . . . I I ­ i swam ,� . 1, .. , days was ap roxirrwtely W,35 * * . I � . . . .. I the strbets, oi.the policeman run them, m . . I . . I .1 . � . . . . .. . � � . . � . . I I p 57, as com- . .. . . into thA, 1o'dk up,. .-Hbw would, this = . .-- . ' . Mr. ROOS Beattie, of Trout Creek, , . I _F1. � M"1!5�- - . , , _ —,. ______________ __�_. -1. pared with Vi-t�.-Jn M�y, lqo,�:. � and Mr. LR Ply to Clinton'? 'The lock,up wotild � ' '_ I � . . � . . . . � .. . I .. . obt. 'Beattie, -of Welland, ap * . . -__­--- - __...____-_.r-_-. - ,: --­­_­--­­-- —.----. , . . ,. . � --N--- .* haveto be enlarged. . . . , . I . - East Huron Farmers Iiistititte . were renewing old-friqndships in Olin- . . . .. �. � I L . I . I , I - SC1JO0F.SPiDftS.' , I '. . ' . Both boys are looking as if their ' . V. 0 4%A1W*,*~*' * ++9- � . I . I — I . . I L . . Two Calgary churches have. entered - Von, Rpity-;AtBL,athedat6of8.l Taubes ' e annual meeting of East Huro . ' I . . I ... 'On"a Pr ject,for u 'work agreed with them, Oil Wednes- re. is any- * � '(L I � Th n I I 'The, 3rd. annuat School 9cholars, pi. . I . visit to Clint (in and if the �' %'%'w%"'%�'%� I �! *** *'"" *++*+ * Farmers' Institute was held In th nion . which must en- day morning Ross was married to Aliss thing -whatever wrong with your 6ye� $.Church Chimes 10, , - . I 1. L E Sports Will be held in the Towd Payk -gag Among . . I neg i11%01%-___1W%V%V 160"11k0*1&r*1%0W%V , I . . Z 1, . e wide attentl4on. the 4 . .. - . 0 --'* -8 P'O - Q T 8- .4 - ... Council Chmmber�- Brussels. In. the, . I .� . �ruem- +1rwiP, of Baylleld I 3i lit, do not lect this oppoetunity . . _�* . I . . . . L . 'qormandio Hotial ,,*.. �SALVATIONARIAY- ..� . .. L 1- 1 on Vriday itf teenoon of this week, Fol- hers of twa of the large denomination- Of9donsultink, him at I . . � � . . . Sir. - MaXn(gbt,. of th.6 McKnight I .. . . . I absence of the President,. A. Gardiner lowing is the program for the- after- . .. . . �' ' was voted to the chair. . . . .. . . + . al bodies, .throughout ille DOminibri,'+ ConAtruotion Oo..Tornnto was in to on Tbur6day, Jdly.,86h.,- ': - .�- � . .On iMcinday evenink, i�ext Ftn Ice- , X+40+4X . , s spoktp : - .1 I . a I � - I I .wn I I . . . The reports of past year showed 10, 1,'ii0on' ... . �. , Urac'e Piesbytekan and:, Wesley on Tuebdayi - The 0oinpany ,,take , .. Tus 1N1itcbell.Adv6ctkte of last week croam6ocia'-willbegivenin the Sal- . . . � . . had.the folloxing local L which will be. I .Mitchell play? 139i'seball in Goderich'. , good meetings *ere held .and :44 in� � ., : MISS KRRR�S, SCHOLARS . Methodist are churcli6o with nioderate buslness� x)f Ilaying, the . waterworks � vation A.rmy hall. A peoial.program. 1 On V rid ay of this week. , - - . ' - - * - . L teresting addiimes were given- with - ' . � 'of intpr'�st to the citizen _. . . ly large c6ngreg.ationiaLnd..;tte,situated .40tem Find + the gerilleman I S Of Clinton, ' is being arranged 's ' . , E. Girls'Raoe, 40 yxtds.. �..';,.3 prizes . , L was,her6 e rang -em . ell . � - . Che proceeds . in rhiipeople in townlare wonduing . I I .t: an attendance of 2,084 in all. Farmers 2.'Boys 11;�m AO.yard§ .... .... 3 priv riea� each otheri Each congre-, , looking. over' the* town, etc:, before aid of the local CpFe.s. . . . .es, quite Th' O' & South Perth �vill . L' . . � . - , . . . . I . ' . . . . . . .L . I , pro. , I 1. ". Clubs organized at, Jamestown and gation ficei the. question of a, new tenderihg for the � ,,Celebrate Qie-l2ofJuiy with the Hur.' -' .. � when the Godericli and. Olinton'' . Molesworth. Receiptgjncluding-$150� -:R0110111ing Races Opext, t0+a11L . . I , -,york; ' ', L' � . L ' I. . . "Y . . .:.+ .. . � Believing the . ge. at Clinton - this yimi-. . . , . ... AVESLE ' .. 'testwill be settled. ', . - I '' 4 ,. . and larger "building. .. ..'The followin.g' personal was taken oil Lod L I � 11 ­ . L . .. hqL pas - I . . �1 I , . . 09 on hand, SM0.42. 'Expenses, wercT � . - I .� .­.Schaols - . �!- .union of' their ftnominations, to T - r will, eaeh.4.� Sr[�day, In the Perth-Hqron Lea j%ffitchdil. . . . . �; I ban . be 'from Wednesday Globe. and efers, to A Nv.Niryrt of inaproverrien'ts ar4tin. 9- ,pr , ' '.'. I �:' $177.23 leaving a balance on hand. of ' i" F19ST �P.EADRR_IJART II I ntar�a�t. d the ocipgreqations h . ,th ,. , S%&�Jectsjmhr'�.tnjg�, 'thq Nbble goes to 13lytb; Plinton, to kderich (in I.. � r L I `eehtlem&p . w *ni. the pi o4raw ti.t Ontario Stree-t-Metho'; L . . . I . &ve a ell known to any in . . ­ Bereans,"evenlug"'Th 'Ma,n,ofpd1idy July Ist, L. . I ­ .. I . $IW.29. Previous year's recelpWwere *g . L . I ' di....... 'L - - * decided to join forces and concentrate 'inionng which I � . 'L are e, 50 'yards.. ;. �.. I . r. Maddonald, disti parsqn-ag . . Is* a new, rather -tnan.bf.. 4. -'Soys'Rac ..3 prizes bul,e - terestSLin �&' unifed , C. E;.. of Goderich is .at the. Queeies furnaee, shingle' roof, pap6ring" Mild .kriricipl6." -'A-lI_'j1rei , - tiietr efforts and e, . S147A anct expenses, $226*.78, 373 mein� I ' ' Girls- Race,,, 5b. yar '11, i 01 . inton!-M Redmond D. . I . L . .Arrangements beinv. made. to, + . � . , bers were placed upon the roll during. - - 0 i managedp under :: b6 1h tWO . Welc6me. ,�, " have'tbe Clinton Y. M. C.* A. -ba ball , - 1 -5 Gifla Skippi 9 Race, .50 yds.2 prlze� . 'Hotel -retunift L piiinth)g.' ,The excavating has,.bueft"' L . �1%1 I 1 I . . . � . .. 11�-th on the 19t 7 . . . . 1. special ig,fro yea:k�i! rail- team play irib of-, 3'uly-'.* , the past year. Moved by Jits. Simpson ' charterto.wIlich thei authorieies­'-cf *�way'constructlon in,Ohina. ` . . done for -the f arnace and. coal '�toi;6, , -The annual Sabbaih* School picnic of 01. 6, Bc 9,pe, 50 yards..'.. 2 -prizes bod' . � � . I.. . ... I Barley, f6rinerly pitcher1or Cljnton,� . 4' 1 . � L I seconded by Jas, Watt that repo I rt be . . y are �s'k,ed-to-g-tvL&.a.�sen.t,-Vv-hat.. . - . .. . ... . Wesley Church ivill be.held on'Thurs- was kubeked �otit%of the box the 6th' - � ,� " adopted, . . . . .S �C`P',N'D'Rn.6Exv - .. : ever coines of- the- �r6jdct i .. M R:Holmes,late of Clintbtr ba'' �Oom this weelc .1 day-, jni� Sth, th4 point selected bein On . . * . I- 'Nlon'day,­the *21sp., '-the.. 6aver. -hda,awful 14-yfield�­ � � . 1 . . .. Auditors' report was 'read and : Re' , 1 . Girls Race, 50 yards. . � ...'...8 I' - the drift of Sentiment - prevailing- �etlte,� � fuinish4d house at 512 P& 8 SINUM 4 . - 1� inninp, at Chathaila+on'Monday,while prizes . I 1, � cepted on motion of Messrs Watt and 8 �Bays Raee� �50 yards ...... *...3 pt . in thefile of these two 'poWerful d * merston Boulvevard. Toronto, for willneginto:Rioiten 1511ttha6d0estit .. pitching for it London te*,%m against ' MeTaggart. - . . , i. , izes . .. 8- .three months and expect�.tllat the Ireallyinemn that'we'begio the tadk to. : 1. . :13APTIST -.I .� � the home tea mL. The score was 7.3,. . . 9. Girls Shoe +,Race,, 50 yards.. �2 prizes nominhtions. -and if - Successful itmust balance of the family and, se�eral of wqxd winter,.for the' warm suirimer . The. progea e third annual I . - . Directors were elected as follows: - lo. 136y* s Sack Race, 50, yards.. 2 pri greatly accelerate the -movena . . Servides as nsual next Sunday. -The.. mine for t1i, . Howick . . I. � 711es . eht for whom ara� writing on exams will leave days nsuallk set in after that date and pastovwill.preachsubjeets, morning, tournament -of the' Strar,f6rd *Lawn . . ' -Jars. Armstrolig, I . their organic union.. . . . . . , . . . A. Graham, Alex Gibson., T. A. U.b.m. I . I � ,Tni,nD ReADEn � , . L . ..� . Clinton about the first week in July.- we will have the delightful long everi7 "Christia;4 Oitizent;hip," ev�enftig, iThe bowling Club beginninf - July, (3tb,. hag . - - . .. . , . . � . - - . I . . , I . . . . ­ . _1� * . I . ings f6rqome time yet. . . 1. . . ar,ment. 1, . � The, , unces, & and W. Knox. I � 11. Girls Race, 50',*&rds...:.....3 Orize� 'TheRi Dr. and I hem of 11is Q . . . been issued. clu i' anno I . i1gston Ne*S1 -,�.Co'z)servative , � Mrs, Cunniiighain',.of. To. . . . . I . - . I � 1 4 . . , rid . ­'.� , Turnberry- John MoNaughton and. 12; )3oys Race, 50,yards .......... 3 prizes . I 1 ron'to who were guests'at the, wedding' WE ridfice, quite'& few of our, citizens I :4NTARTOSTREET `I. . .rink events, trophy,' associatiou'a. . ' Jas. Elliott . . .. t .�. -Bbv - Wheelbarrow'Race, - - . newspaper, favors the election by _. ae- Of Mrs. Cunninghams Sister, Mrs. A� a e b eti k big 8 i rig in tile . ' . . . I consolation, for each'of which 8 prizes � . , I .a b v. e dilator t p i I Morris—W. H. Fraser, Jno. Lawson i - 2,5 yards return. �.,. b..;. A prizes Next -13abbath Rey. W. B. Kerr will are ofteied � - No-compLititions in doilb-t ' . . . .1 Robt. Smillie, Geo. McCall and, fn6; I � clarnatitin of.Mr..Mackeiizie King,.the G., Read (nee) Miss Noinia, Resiian, on .use of. the lawn m6wer. ' The sight of . conclude his four. year successful pas- les oi� sing6,, ate on'the card.j. . , . I . - I - , " .., Clegg. . I If.. Girls Thread'- the -Needle . . .. June 11th and have sinco'beeti visiting ,untidy, unshorn lawns makes a' poor . F - M _'. � . . . , - . �11 . ... : new Minister 'of Labon *,':Th . . . � . I - . . . . e+ pro- tcrate in Ontario St Ohtirch,'removi q . " . � Race, 25 yard4'return.... 2 Prizes ) at the home 'of M�. Ounniiigbam's. par.. Impression -of the 'town on the, casual . Ing. . . . - . 4.1. Grey- A. Smith, S. kressivb young men of Canada, 1 sa'" ents. Mr.and 'Vva. Thos. Hossiat re; .visitor and we hope -those ,neglectful in itiout the Viiddle of the week toTilsoll- . STANDING OF .LEAGVE. ' . . . , J' ainfibell' 1 - F0VRTH.RPADRR . .� ,.- The News, "Ought. to been ' barg .his in ew charge, Ili the Hamilton % ­__ *, ., - . .. . . d9 I I . couraged,, turn . ' . � Jno, 149Taggart, J McPa ,ean and dnd.we should not forever playthe - . ­ . this res i . _, � .. ' . Won Logt� I W ' , .. ... Jno. Pearson. . � 15. G 3 prizes ed home on Tuesday.' 4 ' . - fr,epect will tiike, this little hint ill Cot'ference,-. Rev, T; W. Cosens, the . . +�. iris Rice, 50 vsrdg..:'._-.- the ndly spirit in -whichit is given, . skla" . I . McCracken, Geo. � 16. Boys Race, 100 yards ....... :3 �prizes political garne,"- 'This 'Is a view. tb4.t 'The many friends of Mr. Chas. Telim . . . . . I ..() � . . Brussels -W. H. . . - -1 new pastor,will be here for;the follo�v�, Goderich -.13 1 1( - � 1. ,17. Girls Egg Race, 50 yards...2 prizes _ _ . - batt� of Galt,a formerly and old Olin, I 0:4 Wednesday of this week,Xdgar d . , . .­ ­­­ 'ClibiolT. %, . � )00 , Thomson and W. H. Kerr. i does credit to The News The cryinj �4 ingSu I .Ay I . - � 1 Soo , - 1 - ,� . MpKillop--Jas. Simpson, A. Gardin. � �8- 13oys Three-legged Race, 50 ' - demand in this .country to -day is for- �t!0111* Collegiate Institute �b Armstr6ng was married at;l3rucefield . -' . ,. I .1 � . � . oy, will. be t�>Mis§ Gert � � I � WILUS ,. . . � . ­ . yards ......... :.,... young men like Mr.. , Alack�nziB King, .gald­ to learn' that he It ie'MoGee of the same.pl"e - . 1. . ­ q . . Blyth , ' t. .* 1. .1 , ;'3 -. 90 er, Robt. ScarIett and Joseph Dorren . .... 2, prizes, .in . as been 11 0 . Nitchell , I . . . .. 0 , 2 000 , , , � , * i ' ' ,* ce. . I � en whose taste foi? - Oublie life is elected President,of Galt. Teachel?s The youngbouple will -live 6n.thefarnl Mr.. Orhsswell.' L' Winthrop, . . — . .. Hullett-Jas. Watt,Thoa. McMillan CbtLtajATr­ LoW'F,R 86HOOL-ITORINi� directed by.the higheat'motiv6s. Can. ASSOLiation. . Mr. will no �OfAlle Otoom's father. .,Their ma 0" il � last. Prifty 'in" obilne.c.tion ­ � , . . . . � & 1. AND 11. AIM 5T11 CLAS9 0 . Tebbutr 'IV '�P-� cl;ee : St . t � . . . friends in. town arid township willf all with th preliaratory services to the .. afifflilg (of Baseball Leagues ' " - . - I ' Jno'Brigham and Chag. Rogerson. -.� + I - --' ad& I,- inthe need of, yoting men. of doubt. give a good aecourit'of hitris(,If Wish them a: presetit journey through 1,10nim.union in W,illis Church. He . :- , . � . . . �, ,.. , , I . I I 19. 0irls Race, 50 yAMs..,_...3 prizes biitins-and --energy 8 a 6 h c �piqs..�Ire chat . . _ , ,?, A4ditors-Ti R. Bennett., arid A. D, ,,,'of- --vi Ion __ rid of Whit ' e o ct � . r.�, , 41a .A.j ,. . - . . .., v . . Tup Jrxioiis I I . , __ Grant. 20. Boys Sack Ittice 100 yaids..3 prizes, iaeals�'who are ,willing -to give' th�ir, "Mrs. ,atov.*) Thos. Brock,�'of'Ottaw. - it, _1ife1J­7__ - ." ".- ,. , __ . I .gavea,very..apprb rf�ateserkl�on. . "­-, . ;: 4 - I ... ___ "" .. .p I . , . .� I . . I . ' __'8T.+'P`ATYt�-- - :. � ­­­­­ a , -;-- _­ _Wan .- Lost , . P. P. Farmer, assistant to Mr. Pat. � .),I. Girls Thread - the -'.Need ' IS . . servicesto tbeir country not. merely 4f ter spending the winter -in Califorpi 100 YARD CUAIX'vio-,sifiv -The , - . ­�� . I - - --- . _ I 9 ............ 2 prizes ,for*what there is in` , A �ter YqX. O.- A. ,,ire holditig an even. ` Andrew's lVard - *0 I . � it, .but front pure and the spring in British Columbia, is ' The Young Lkdies .Gailgi of S4 t pau.1g: S k, , 1.) � , � 1. . - .>4 Boys Hurdle Race ......... :,2.prizes love of the ,Wopk. Mr. Mack0aZle 1bg of §pofts oil July 0 th, Tile main hutch, Clinton, . St. Jnmes' 1, 6 , 2 .0 � . nam, Superintendent of Farmers' In RacA, 50.yard . - t" . now mewing old naintaifees in be a 100 c purpose h0ding an I . ganiza-, N,IAY King has set, a fine, 6xample* to the Clii)tcn and Wl I �Iit John's . " 2 . ,I, � 9 He urged, the or ' ac, 'a. W. . _ n . �titutes.was present and gave a pract . feattire of the evening will + i al address. -OPE-4 toT owx. and Col, - sqlrooLs. . [I -receive, with Mi 100 Ovea, ' social !it the -Sqbool Roorni -,� o ^ I . t n of live Farmers'Clubs aig the best',)3 1 n . young men of the country; d foot race fortheAmateur Champ- . 6qonda St. George's%'. ',!f ". () 10 - � iiie racel un -b' . I It is an So Ilarland on Saturday af terifoon . I O)Itariji, r y evenidg�'-June ?Stb.'at 7,P7�)� ..14 means.of building up agricultural edu-, r example that is worth'a� m6ch to one ionship, o I . and y" f We�t6rn A: silver ni, Adinissi6a free.' cation, co .. I prizes if 8 entries party as it is to another, arid evening,.June 25th, The older citizens I medal, will be awarded the Witirip a Ice Orearn .5c. A 1 ..�TnESi-mions- - . we� Of town.will remember 'r. musical prograin during the ey�ning. � . I I � Lq, t -operation, better seed, - tn-;! 24, 75 yard dash on - � . glad to notice that at lea Mr'q' Brock as Besides this there tire other' I . . . + . + �' , Won', , . + , creased production and enhanced stilts, under 36, - � 11 ' st one on- her husb9nd open . . . , . . . ). � � . . . . . . �'oldlt iv, I . . . -I,--- .1. . ­� I . . 1. I I - . , � . ' servative newspap& has had the tenb W was,pastorof the -it. events for which good prizes areg n. . . St. Andrew's Ward , . , , I . I . -Iricee. To establish along permanent 23, -Pillow light on . ra urk Methodi§b Church over.10 .. , . . I . .8 6. . . 14 - ' nes +the-results-narst-b ' ovsegian,rho_d�L.. .. .,6 , 1, Coil gdtogiveMr. Ma6kenzl4 King years ago. , �, ,, . ,. . . . . . U14111011AXT -TAKE XQTWH.� St. James! I . . � I � , 0 b - -1 �S�n hg_@rcdit_that_is_duj_ . _ . ... . ' Owing to the fli-si of July'r-OrAing. on St. George's' 11 . ,, 2 . - , I uIridertakings; must be c=rr efollaet=llaIt �.)Ru Jn3 u n Contest, __�. 7.- hini. I 9_al�_t I . I o . - , , "­ .-A')?P-RI4(�I-A'X"'�U�T'ie-covimit.t,a-in- -Tftm,sda,v_TJ:ie N_ilw I1,,aAo*ih -he is., St. Johr�'s. . 11 Q . * - at will represent definite values. 'The .. - - , � . ,m—rs,:-w,.-Ti-*Tli--Iiii-dll-ei'st4t6r M108- charge of the School Scholars" Sports . . I I - , anybody ........ ' " I sued Wednesda,i. am "we-ask1ill- - ­..­­ ­.. . department is willing to ald in - ploi. 21% Joe , key 'Race, 40 yards an I . . . I ..- . ", . .1 Ripply will shortly take up tbeir resi. tboroughlV appreciatti7the dopation of blev lix I ning, ,for underdeaining and other i rehirn ..................... 2 prizes .. StanloaY. '. . . . . .,dencein ,Toronto, where they have 12 bokes of beautiful Skin' Toilet Son p chants who want �hoir -advertisements Sclietfiile 6f Bast� Hal ;.�mei ih- - � - , - . pr" , armers tium her "IN, OldAlaidsRape, 50yards..2 prizes . . rentedahouseon 'Dufferin St. Both . SunlightSoap Co. of Toronto .in by.Monday - . . Boys' Amateur Leaglie., . . . tidal farm work. r .. changed io have them withir) M,000,of.tha combined popula- 29. Running, ho'p, step and Mr. Malcolm Itle8wen 6s beerl visit- - have been residents of Olintori for- a by the .noon. Kindly rentember this when , '. + 11 25th-Pirates,�s Maple Leafs . I relati�as and: friends Ili Kerit Co. wbich w`111 be contested for, on Friday . . tion ot vhlages,towins and cities, the . jump; I 0 years. - 4 ........ 2 prizes I � . , number of years, and have been active park. � . . . - making the change, .. I I I I I . I '; 20tho-Giant6 vs Pirates . L . . i�g 6 last wpek. . I in church -work, the former articular. at the WSTRICr. - INIKETING 1 6 O 1�. "I . I averageearning poweri is $45 littter , smo . . I ED SUICIDE -On Sun. Ju'y 2nd -Maple Leafs vs Tigers ' .- for the farmer. The farmers have a I Special prize of a pair Of kid gloves Milo. J. Gilmour and son Rd Gil- 1,rso in connection with Wirlis nhurch ATTEMPT' Ne District moeting of Huron Die. . � & + oth-Pirates vs Tigers, 1. on the country . Associa. da 1. . .. leavening influence I vatresident Of the Pari Line, Stan. trictibeetingNo. 151-00101s being ' J)th - Giants Vs Maple Leafs I I . by Dorothy kattisubar�Xor the girl mour,were visiting relatives in B�ctl!Oit &;tid the Huron Peestivtorial e t a i ' . and urged a wider iinfluonee imNatlon-, that can run the fastest for 50. yards, the first of the week. .. tion. and the good wishes of & JAge. cir: illy .e 'pted to blow dkOght thrO' heI& In Seaforth today. District Dep� I 11� 13th-Tigees vs Maplo , allif% To -day s farmer can do O'pen to'Collegiate girls only. . m I Mis� Aggie Butchart is teaching for le of friends will go with th t�,aowjll to becoming despondent. . Leafs . , 't I..'L in due � 6YA to their hullotg uty,Grand A] hster J Taylor and a g 16 day what it took 20 days to'do 1W " soap Hici, -0 Mr. G, B&Ird thiA week, Mr, Baird is new hom e, .. I � � . . The was extracted and the pa- .00d i +. . ".10th-Piratea vs Giants , . ". I �V. , pen to. married women L ... .1. . ' many Others from Olinton- Lodge No. 83 2oth-Tigers,vs Pirates; 7 - ,areago. Kno* the economic � con, 0 . �prestding at thelLatrance Examination . . tient is now,hi Clinton .Hospital, on a ye bly, 3 prizes.iff 8 entries. (Not allow, : ) fair Wa'y to recovery, ' 'L . I will atte"id. -Hurow. L(;dge No,'62, I. " 23th.-1v1`aple Leafs vs Giantg; I , ".. I I P ditioris &nd be gdvarne4i by them, ed to run barefodted.) at Varna,. .. � . � -me. I. G.. M. McLaughlin, of Aber. I . I . Goderichi will sen . ation to I � I I � . . . . . I � . deeb, South Dakota.. -is. bore reriewW d th6ii deleg, . ::: gh-Tigers vs Giants . I Value farm opevatimis knd'discuss the . 9 Ql!lll,'T- WEDDING- On, Wednes- give thelst-degree in th6 e�ening,Af ter ; I I I ill be play. I . Id fr,on " It is 28 years �i"Oe 0 day afternoon of.;tbis wook a, ver� which a grand bili-quet.will be h d-' 1. 30 -Ttgers'vs Gitints I I Two gamesf of ba�eball W1 . ., li- rateg vs Maple Leafs - problems of the day. . . . . I 0 dEthips. 1) ..p � . . , . el . . . Ang, .3rd � ed at 0) p, w. ,,The Pirates" and IThe I Alckillop . . first left. CliVtou but, has , been - b�ck quiet wedding toble. p1hafe at the' how e . , I . . A resolution was passed thanking Cubt," both- Seniors hildJuniors. Two VETEftAxs -Two old residents occasionaly shice. Mr. McLaughlin of Mrs� . Henry Dowson, In: Stanley . ------------6* ---- �_ . 6th -Pirates vs Mapl& LeAfs � Mr. Parmei for his aildress . I . ". - � I I , ,It Is a. strange fact thaj On6 of, t.b ,_ - "-10tb-Giarfts vs Pirates . ' . . I . . *d not wilrit to Stay in LOndOn Over township, when their daughter Mary . " 18th -Maple Leafs-va Uge"' At a. m4ting of Directors Tboi. Ate, +passed awak this week. George Dick- di . e. ' � son died Tuesday morning at the ad- Sondmy, When so hear Clinton, but wag matTied to Mr. Percy L. ()Oucli greatest. convenleneeS P(iqslble� In the , 44 17th-Piratek . ' t, , wor,ting meeh�ul , . i va Tigers + I Millan was ve-eleeted Presid�nt; and , , . Legal Querles . I vaneAd age of 01 yeats and is Survived the tra'in for the north waA away. Ao.he eveliant. of Olin. 14M Of a 9001 is b011' I I P. A. MoArthur Secretarv-Treasurer'. . __ . 0oacb,a well knownril. I 9 " 10th,� Giants vs Maple Leafs . There sire six Women's Institates in , by Sobildren. Mrs. Dickson passed soottred an auto and carne through in , ton, by�'Rev, Mr. Brown, of Varnti� Successfully Initroduced 3n lot-eigii bo. � . I . . I � ­ - � - __ � .. . .. I . . . � -_ . E. J, M., Blyth �� -A note was mAde away last spring: .The funeral took 3hburs, Hereports everyth! ,as quiet only the-im- tels '�'n . ­ . �, . ng IIVPIY The wedding V9 .yd, although 4nanufactlrred In I q thb riding. . I p�yable to "A or order," After, it be ,),act, Tae8day afternoon to Maitland In Aherdeeti and localitly and " mediate relatives being -present. ,The %&0%*4"A%AV"A"� A motion of James McFadzean, came due A endorsed it to B, Is Ill tilo Seconded by Jae, Simpson thAttbIS llubl� upon the note? 1 batkeernet4y. Tuesdhy evefilng fits. building *and coostiucting , ne in . . � New Otk, Is ottly beginning to be , , 1_11C� .Wf: * , parties Were unattended. , -to-Z74 . Valton, of Leadbury, said good-bye to which lie is Interested. ' . Contracting 'heard of In 06 Vniteil States. It is " In - I The happy couple left on the 4,30 train aste.These D , stitute Affiliate with the Witt" Ails. -Where a person takes a pro earthly eonce�ns after & short� illnos.q. i 0111i *­*M"� k�lowjl as an escalator tind Is a mov. P . Ates., Fair at Gnelph was ado�ted. ., � missory note after its maturity from o was in his 70th year. He was - I . for Toronto, Buffal(i Wad Niagara 104118 Ing runway or stairs, tor carrying the � � in Your Hat - I 1.� an endorser, he takes it subject to any tied Thursday, afternoon, interment where they will. spend ashort honev Waltors from the level of the k1tebon � . � . I . I V109h4k2d . defect in the title to it Of the ehdotger eing made at Brusspla,cemetery. Mr. The Quaker Oats Company rt acl. moon. When they returri they will . I who transfers it to hitti. and also Flub. ulton lived in MeXillop for about 40 verdaing Quaker Oats griddle caket. take up housekeeping in the house to lipper dining rooms, Le,qa than it '11as Ill WOOL WAXT90. - 60,000 11A., 00 16,Yge , . . . which the geotim has purehitsed ow ytat, ago one of them was , . - . ob.,111,46tameFf At C1111toll (Inantatea byitter &pd 694p, Highest enAli t., jeet to any defence which the rdakets years. They $aykthat these - cakes ate the �Ablpped to I � � ' -"on" No - I I I 101�11 fu OW43, 0 t 1-41. I .1 D � . I I tywle pricesi. GEO, u. XINO� Wingban). , . Gibbings Stteer. The employees of �lyth " A,, Clinton June 24 1 — -1#--_-'._- . ofthenote could raise, But Inthe - _.. i most popular dish served ih their Now Tozer &.Browns gave the bride. who, a leading hotel In Stockholm, Swoden, $ - , u � , ) $ , . , i York eer6l remaurant. Children WAS &former OWPIOYee, A Morocco Car e e later another to a ho. . . , ; ! �. ,_ Sent earfe eyon if tbo Makers iof the dnd some iiin Ali 0 t, "" , " b , 'I a, C "ton. The congregation of Xho:k Church, eg- to , 'nton CIV, note have a defence to a:n actidn 'THE Citizens' Byrid arid pife and Mitchell at (I'll 0 hol 1.1� Liatowol. on Monday uf this 1W I brought ll�r B, A has fin defence. In Drum expect to hold a Gardtn Pat pecially Aould'delight in Quaker Oats of pearl handled knives ana fbrkp, ar d, tel In lluonos Aire,i. Others ON being Goderich at Clinton X, � tv the OMplogoos of Couch & Wo stos e PrePaMd for shipment to hotels J . . . - � I to pay the note to B. � , I . . presonte! 'h 0, miSS10b fttiee--Votiular Meebables. tended a unanlinouq -call to thi fact he is the person primarily liable tn the near future, the date has nct Criddle, cakes; � the kind tliikt you can't dtbo groom wit, A. 8, Urquhart, of Kippeb. , I i! . � I � : I een settled yet. tafloo xbuh of. 010A And'aterling silver Spoons,.- - ­ ­ ---W-,-. , ­ � .- - '0 *4,*4 " *,%40*"*", . , I . I " I I I I . � . . � . . I . . I I : 1. I J 11 . . I I , � . . � ­­ 11I.I......­.... I.."..- 11.1-111-11 .... ... � ­ I.-.1.1. ­­-, ­ ... .. .. I ---- ��.-.-..�.---,�-..,..''.-.....-.--,�--., � .1 ­­­­-, . 1.___-',11.";1....._ ___-_._1__-1-.-- -11, 1. ­­ ­.. ­ ­ - . ...,,w