HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-06-24, Page 3A
L ____ I -
I Seetted by NUss CarrIt ' I,— ,'. -0 - 0_ __! - - - - 11 I _. -1. � I. .. I � I � � I 11 I ... pq __T_ -1-'i ' L ""I"llow
. � SYNODOF HVRON . . COULD NOT Q 10 WORK SH13 HASOUTLIVED ShIpley, OfflInto 4 """" � ' ' * ' '
, .0,8t,
� I - I - ' , National Portland Cement,00'. ,
,,p,o�J,1,n,.,,,r*1, � 01, V 11140831 "I . u v- R, s - ULNESS. Itecent Neeting of the , I . rba*— -�, q . .
Th 'aclou 'a ow dv;aorl hiNaT. " BACK WAS SO WEAK. H JE R u .5 EF
204U.M. 88a,214rol"X111111c" _Odo aFarlollu a ;l1voir —00
- 013 Lorldo, - - women's 1"StItate,
Ino: ,W1 . pi �Ruml Dean Chad . I 0 1
""' eiV�'z-%nuheld their wick, u4sot , urat Plea I'll - I As Alrip. T. R. Walker has lett Clinton, the ,
TtVaWur,Q,0,)`Q`lI"0g 'a , , Booko'che 13, the -primary cause of kidney ===;------------�--,�,--.�..�-�-��---....�-,..,, 11 -___;;;4__;wi��m;;;--Wmm�� �_ .
*o1ji,1i% listild end 11 lsi�y,=Dean Rldloy,Galb -ley'.' trouble, Whoutlioback7a4loa rbecomew het',ad'dg I agency for the above Company has ,been transfer d .
s"'nus" Zq%at �' folio vs� ri out. I . - Rural - 0 In the cour8e,of a most Interesting vow lies in death before us.' red ..
- , J, I)oh re 1�, A "aylol , �� .
elected of car a r, gi., x8t.Thowas I weak it is a warning that the kidnap. are 'discussion which tookplace during the most tenderly,L 'was a straug �r , ne
R a V. 8V 3 ilealsitil ; 'Vice- Main 11 al"Y's , Rev. 4. Car liable to become giiected. to me.
,a r lalt
Presidents,, Rev 11. . 11oward, Brant- lisle, bucan ; Rural Dean. Wright, 0 W& e annual meeting of the National as aroall ot these bar desceudan L
, I ITeed t1L ruing; check the Backache Council. of Women, held at Ottawa, in All I know of tier is what her so �h Those Ad
Ord, 404 Rev. A, T. Beverly, Forest ; Brantford -, Precentor Dann, London, ; se lit ou'_ ,desiring the Best "einent at reasonable
f 4. a. WrIF - R n 0 any chances. of further October last, upon the various 10hases told me to-day-tbat she was bi 11 I prices may secure a supply from me,
Secretary, Rev, - 'Ut" X14- Rural Dean Wallace, Woodstock, . ev. a d "18P I of the philanthropic side of its work, to this town from afar.sixty-uluc V � .
-c%rdina. ; Teeagurer, Rev. A. Shove, James Ward, Waterford lL Rev. W11 trouble. Va a
R14getown, lism Lowe. London, Rev, H..A.Thowas If YOU dolet, 0erlQU4L Complication$ Are as carried on throu,,b Its local branch- I e4go, a happy bride, that here she paef. -Q .9 Cli
. 4. .T. 4N.--
-gy ,T; - Wardsville; R,Sv. J. AV. Hudglas: very apt to arise and the first thing you as, the distressing statement was.made most of bet, life, tolling only as . nton. ..
TheJunlorClex . niorimet Mon ; �
gay afternoon And elected thafollow� Stratford. " know you will have Pr Diabetes or and contirmed by the experience of roothers have strength to toil, until 11 L., I ... �''". 1-1. .1. ''..1.1 1. .. 1. - . I __
. Bright'$ Ihse4 2" moat deadly , I L
Ing officers .. Presidenti- Rev. W. Suet- Lay Members, ' we, tile thley, .1 workers amongst tho'Institutions'and she had reaaed a large family of sow, - - - _ .I I P.M.100
ve, NVindsw; Secretary, Rev- T. B- forms of4ldney Trouble. Homes for the Aged and Friendless of auddaughters; that she left her home __ -----;----,-..- - _-1-_____,
. J�xeoutive, it Lay members . W. V. Cocksbutt, Mr. 1amos Bryant, Arichat,.N.S., was ' L Legal Questiolit.. .' 4ZI d&. 0 rV C3k IM X .A'L, . *
ard, Eliantford, I ov. cur land, thata, cry large proportion bore clad in the weeds of widowhood I
= Brantford - JudIP( Holt" Goderich '_ troubled with.his back and used, Doan's of their iumatee; 'were made tip of poor to dwell' amongst her children -tilt __ .
T. G. Wallace, Woodstock , A- R- AP' Charles Jeukins, trolea, ; E ,.G. Read, p1he Kind You Have, Aloays ftr�
ployard, Clarksburg ; W. U. Hartley, Kidney Pills, he writes:-" I cana9t say old folks., whose sons and daughters health and strength left her. God Bears the
erson, Wlvdsor-,Judge Brinatingor; were in ition to, take care of their forbid that conscience should accuse '%'V. Al., BlytIl.:-Qq- 'What action &-matwe, 0, I
too much about the beriefit I received after 4 I
A, report present Kildney Pills. -mur. , iihould be taken to force a hbor of 1 zwv�_- 1
Blyth. qd by the secretary St Thowas,Xatthow Wilion, Chat- threa boxes of Doan's parent=who either deliberately any of you of ingratitude or mut Z�, &�
Macklin. London; Dr. -neig
s ham; Hen ry "'in refused to do so, or who evaded their Ing on account of thecare has, been 10 XT from
showed that the ,OluutvLrY Offering I w191 gwatly troubled with An aching Vain . she 'move an exhaust pipe the ---
the 13vadley,Bervie ; T. It. Lasoom,be, Lon- Acrosl the duty byeorne transparent excuse, to you of late. When you go back to Fr9nt of his building rOjects
for objects, outsid i the work of , small of my back, I cou% not L, .1, it p V%-ftW-W
a , do"a ; Judge Robb, Simcoe;A. H. Baek� over the sidewalk ,in � wake3 a great
I dioces� amounted to IV5,738-' ,?I,. an In- I go it) 'Vork'and my back as so weak I As a result of this discussion, and in your homes, be careful of your exam. WATERWORKS,
L .w
-crease of $2,585.0i) over last year, when 118 ;Fralak Metcalf,-Blytlt; wouldhavotosit4owil, Itwo4lag0away response to a special request for its ple before your own children ; for the noi3e.late, at night and early in the
the colleotlQns totalled $L13,20a.2c.t, The n4tn'lah�eo, London , Filwin Paul), fl)r a.few days but would jilwaye return. publication, it member of Elie National Milt of your own doiiig you will sure. Morning. Is it the duty of tile Coun. . .
I,ohdon ; X. P. Bucke, Sarilia; .T. Rans. top. I lW
increase is the largest ever noted in . I was advised' to try Doan's Kidney Pills .Uounell has, in memory of her 410the,V. lyreapfrout them whea -�Ou. yourself Vil to 8 ' *t' .
ford',01inton; Chancellor Cronyo,Lon aud I must say they. complatQ1 amongst whoeememorandathe follow, totter on the brink of the grave, 1 Ab,4,-If the exhaust pipeawounts to
any single Year. ' I � Y cured rue." - Town of (Vintons.
The total amojint contributed for all don ; Judge Barron, Stratford ; Dr. � 'a 50 cents per box or I Ing touchine incident has been found, entreat you, as a friend, ixs one who a nuisance yotx can. commence an I
purposes during the year was $31VJ96 . Eltls� Noy.-Ich ; W,� E. Rispin, Chat- aIPrL a � 3 box�l for presented a nted copy of tile same bae; himself entered the evening of life action against your'-fielghbor to com. lViovince of Ontario.
- . !�5 at all dealers or mailed direct on. ., I - I .
Petrolea ; H. X. pri
lia ., J` to every Loca Couneii,from the At- thar, may never say in the pres. pel him to abate it, But if it was in
101. Sarni;x; George Graham, lantic to the Pacific., The title of the ence our familleaL.Or. before heaven tuie before you went Into occupation of Sealed tenders will be received by,
Pow 1 oronto, Ogt� I ' ,vo,;
,�, Noble, recei t of price by The Doan Kidney Pill
Delegates to Genotal Synod. Co., T , bf
Weidman ; R, M. Mollfterao,London ; little booklet is. -$Ile Has .Outlived 'Out- mother has outUved. her useful, your hcuse, you may have no right of the Town Clerk until Tuesday,-JilLue L
I - -
Delegates to the general synod in Col. blcQneen, Woodstock ;, 0. V, Hod -L . ........ . .... . ..... . .... I ........ . ... . ....... 1.__....._.4.;.;.;;W Her UsefhIness." . I ness; she was a burden' to ns.1 Never, action, A 400d deal depends upon tile 'it 8 pan., for the follow- .
L .
order of election: V4n Archdeacon gins, Lucall .- Ron. 11. B. Lucas ; -Mltrl�, - I "Not long since,". says the narrator, nover! a mother call never liveas long locality , %-hat way be a nuisance in a """ T"' 1 the proposed: Water.
- .eot,o a n
' I iol- 11'
Mackenzie, Brantford; Canon Craig, dale; G.M, Vance, Shelburne -, H. Q. TAOLEM PASSIJON PLAY.— . a man in middle -lite came to our door, ! as thaut No; when she can no long I er residentisl part of a town or city Anay works system -
2 Dr. Sage, Lon not be.3, nuisance in a manufacturing . .A" Labor pipe laying..
Petrolia; Rev. . don ; Pope, Strathroy,, (jet, Lang, Windsor, asking for the minister, When Inform'-; labor for her children, nor yet for her, .
. . ' 1�
Canon Ra tie, London; Dean DAvis, - I 1. B " Pump House. .
a L 1. St. Oa Huron College Council, Christ's Life Will' Be Elaborately ad tbAt he was out of town, he seemed i self, she c&n fall like a precious weight neighborhood. I would require to .
London; Ven, Arclideaco . Hit .4-Wppointed and anxious. On being upor� their bosoms, aud call forth, by know all the facts connected with the 11 0 " Water Tower. -
Thomas; Oanon BrovVin, P�ris; J. Rid- Repi, sentatives to Huron College, . Produced In London.. questioned as to his business, he re- her belpfuluess,all t1w. noble, generous case before advising you to bring an , S. D " Cast Iron .Pipes., . .
. . I
. ley, Dean councin '� . -and as feelings of their hearts,' L action. . :: R, 1, Hydrants, Valves, etc, . I
Galt. Substitutes, Rural . Rev, R, S. W, Howard and If all goes Nvoll � I have lost niy mother,
there will be shown plied, ' .
Chadwick,Wiudsou; ttev, C.R, Gunnel Mr, A. F. Nash were re -appointed. , . ill the autu ' . this place used to be her home, a -ad as i Or " Pumping Maebirery,
. mu, probably .at the Al "Adieu, theip, pooX toil worn mother 1 4! R t,
My Jitther, lies here, we- baVlo'Come to . L days of I
Clinton ; Archdeacon Richardson,Lon- Committee on Anglicaii Young)Peo-, bert Hall; London, a, series of lab- . I there are no more L pain Jor W. At., Wlnthrop,-Qu,-TheMuui- Producer Gas P!aut,
don ; Canon Davis, fljarnia. . pie's ,'Associations: Raverollds Canon leaux modelled in wax and with light� lay tier beside him." My heart rose in 1 thee. T'ndyin 6 cipal Council, at its. January meeting, "I" Receiving Basin. . . �
I I g vigor arid everlasting I
L-ty Delegates: Charles Jenkins, 'Pe, trowh, S. R, Gunne, U, T. S, Boyle, ing and seenic effi.�ct-k, illut;trating the paby, and I said, IIY6u have met i usefulness are thine inheritance," closed withoutappoloting.n, collector,. PlaLs and specifications may fe . .
trolea; E'. G. E . Jeaklus,E'. A p p I e, lifp of. 011ris . , ID 11yi, . . . I - Tho 0ouncil,has now advertised fox, seen at theTown Clerles offlep, Clio.
Henderson, Windsor ; T. 1,13, Howard, G, _t. w tT a great loss." .
Mattliew Wilson, Chatl,aw -, John d Messrs. 1-1. W. Sturdlay, A. "Weill, yes,`he r6plied, with besi- I But for ioafiy brave, confirmatory One. Is it legal ? (2) Should not the toh, or at the office of the Chief Engin�
vard, an _ j,Xt first sight it mouhl appear that . .
Judge Ermadhger,, F.Wash, T. A. Luscorn - waxworks ,ire scarcely -a proper medi, ,-r is a great loss It, gen- i facts laid before us at our National . eer, 103 BAy St., Toronto, on or Liftev
Hansford, Clinton; be, W. T. Flet� tancy ; a moth i - !Iaunoll briveadjourned its first meet -
St. Thomas ; Jndge BArron, Stratford, che . r, E. Garland and F. X'Alldrews uin for reproducing fbose tremendous eral. but our mother had outlived her ; Council meeting,, in Ottawa, and also Ing and asked for applicants It (3� Can j ulle�,)Lh, 1. �
Edwirl Paull, London; W. F. Cook- ,Sunday school egimmicision -. Rever- . incident,;; We Slightest error in taste. . ,ef ulness. She was in her second, fcon, my owl, personal L-nowledg Ills the name. and address of D. L, UpWrl-Hrusow, H, WILTSIF, . .
. u . I
. Substitutes -. A. & er Dann, Dr. 13 I ollildhobd - an almost parallel case in one. I of yoll glve ToNyn Clerk, Clinton, Uayor, Clinton.
abatt, Brantford. 1. a ds Precent ge,an( =rgolvo offvneo to a countless , ,,and her mind bad grown of the it Provincial , Municipal Auditor. in
I 4
B,tckus, Aylmer; V Cronyn, London; Messrs. AV E. flepRin and A. Vi.*Nash, people. It way be said at weak a. r body, so that 6he was I'D 1 charitable institutions of the city in Ontario? � .. *Emts cfinwAN, c.E,.
C. C. Hcdgins, Lucan ; 1. B, Lucas, Sunday School committee,, �Rbver once., however, that the4l will be a comfort to herself tand a burden to 1which I live, I should have i hesitated , Ans -1 thin). the ,action. of the. a 8.10 I M161 U'Llgineer, Toronto. .
Markdale. I ends Canon Dowle, Pereentor Dann, everyto1y. There were seven us, 1 to pass on the sad little indident I re- Council was quite withifi its powers : I . .
very -special ldrid of witkiyorks, and we agreed to'lated abov' to. tlib readers of our there is nothing illegal 0out. it, See.
atinent of the subjects I
Provincial Synod Doleg%teer. - L S. P, It -win, F, P. Chadwick, Dr. Sage tile reverent tre, sions and daughters, arid a
Delegates to the provincial synod, and Messrs. W.'E. Rispirl, A. F, Nash,, is t1loroughl keep her among Lis a year about. But; "Home Magazine," believing and bop. 295 Of the MunicipalAct says thec-oun. L
,e'ected in order : Archdeac6n Mae- F. Metcalf, A. Oryslev and R. Paull. The genes' Y- well assur-0. I have had more than myshare of her, ! jog that itmust be. ofa. very exception, cilshall as soon as way be, .convenient, HT �t S MEARE I
Committee on canons . Reverends qdja is int is and devulopalont of the for s he was too feeble to be moved 'at nature, I do so, however, tr;)sting .�Lfter the annual election, appolut Lis ..
i:�nzie, Brantford; Canon Oraig� Pe- erosting.. It livas suggested � ' r a for tbe, . I .
&A sixteen years ago by the late Si , r Au- montliii efore heir death. But then handsof some now pr -a . .
oadon ; U ,on Dean Davis, Archdeacon Youngi and when my time was out, and that Was -3 that, should it R d It , into the niant asses�orsapd collector
trolla , Dean Davis. L b n ,1),,rZ),r,, son or municipality as they may think nee. yourfigure, for' 4 suit and the
Hag�ue, London; Dr. Sage, London, Messrs J. 0. Judd and T. 11. Luscombe. . glistus Harris to Nfr. Louis Tussaud, she was a good mother Ili her day, and ' daughter, who has either carelessly or a5csiiry, and shhIl fill . .
Archdeacon Richardson, London'- Committee on moral and social.re-' . lip- any vac&llcy - figure we will ask will please you
I 11 . and th-e . lt4tter intencled . tb - carry it tolled very hard to bring I wilfully fdikotten the loying Illinstry that occurs in ,said ovices its sooll, as as well as -the perfect fit we will. .
L .
non Beown,.Rev. T. G. Wallace and Canon representa- " without looking at t 11sf oftbe' . other ot thei may be 'convenient, .af ter the vacancy ." .
Archdeacon Hill, St. Thomas; 04 form: Archileaco" Maekenzio, Canon out. rWer' since, be told a lie �ar;" . I
Brown, Paris, ' J", Uld!ey, Galt; -Rev. tive ci� Tile Standard, lie I . . i of the in Occurs. * ("�') IN'rite to the Provincial guarantee you. We are ,Scrupu.. .1
in; Rev. J. And Davis, and. 1. B. Lucas, Chas, Jen- 'Lis ]�(Tt it heartless man, I directed hill, 'to the and has thought or said, ,,Our mother . . . I
C. R. Gunne, 0 i6tc raw' kins'. R.'M. MoBlerahand Jadge Holt. in vielv, and during the last toil years bodse of a neighboring pastoi�, and rell � hasou'tlivedher usefulness,"conscienc6 Secretary, he will give you the nam,e . loudly careful to fit all our patrons. . . �� . I
Berlin ; Cancin .Hicks, S1mcO% sub.i. , . , � . . . � 11", hais %pent a cousitlerable- amount turnedtolmynurder'y- I I . in beaw'aliened,and-thelessgnlearnt arid address of the Provimial Muni. I L � . I .
L .
wer.; . .. I .I .. of time illyisitingIlle Principal . . 'Y w , . . to perfection, as every garment �
. I Itellgiou'll-Sebools. I t ' "As Nve so ,-so, also, shall -we 010L � I ,
stitutes : Rev. 41 Miles, AYI . 941- ,tI gazed On the worry little faces hat, al Auditor. . . .. . . . . .
. Canon Davis. Sarnia; Rev. J. R, Dill, f I . . I .
T. G, A. Wright COrlimittee On religious instruction lodes abroad a -ad mkxkirig himself am -t which smiled �or grew slid in imitati011 reap,", H.A.13, .. . . . .1 . thiLtleavesour establishment be -
Owen Sound; Rev. , I in schools, Riverends Canon' Craig, iliar with every detail of the pictures 6 __ .. � X, Y. Z ... Exeter. -Qu -*Was .there � comes an advertisement for to. . L.. . .
. . . f mine -those little ones to whose ear - . I
hutt, Canon Hapte-and.S', F. rid I no word in lahr language is half so - , . - that parents inherited from . . 'ce of - . I .
Sarnia. SL * _ Robinson, a whiell. it is iwoposed to represent, LITT . LF CHVNKS OFL W][,(j1)0X
Lity Delegates:'W. F. Cook . Last year Mr, ,rus- .. , . ,ever a law , We vvill .give you your, choi . . I
- saud laid his plans- sweet as 112NIother," and I wondered if' .. . . theirchildr3n F If so, !a wbat year . . I
� I I bofore'Rev. Father Bernard'Viiu;;han, that day would corne, whe n they would nest and newestfabries. -We
Brantford'; E, G. Henderson. Windsor; Messrs. C. E. Hodgins, J. H. Gunther . . a - was it changed P (2) Ifa will is - the ft
Charles Jenkins,'Petrolia; Jud eErm- and Edwin Patill., '' Never clos a the 'open season for I lirov - . . . .
rn%tinger, St. ThoTrias, Judge Warren, . Board C,fL managemAnt of M. S'. a. C': , Who burrediatLIV Slid wholo-lim-Irt-ed-, say Of me, 6 She has outlived her use. . k, iss in g, L, I I . ad, do the bequests ever become out- do the rest. .L . ,.. 1. L .
Revereads Dean Davis, Canon fia oe' L 1�' ondOrSod tlle�ll" "of -cou'rSe", said. fulness. She is no comfort to herself, A barking do,g never bites�wbiia he - lawed ? , ,. 11, L .. . � . .1 I . I .ILI
S Lra 0. ' VaVglian, '.'the success froni� a and a, burden to everyone else." -And I ., I L . I � 'L at - � I ..
,tford; Matthew Wilson. Chatham; Z is barkin , - EO, W '' BARCIES
J. Ransford, Clinton ; J. D. Nobil and Messrs. ,Charles Jenkins and-.. att,l Vatli,or . . Ans -The St * ute of Distribixtions,
� .
. 1, .1 . r0lgious as well as' from'an artistic fiQped that before such a day should 9. . G 0, .
lletx-olia;l-i.Maelin,L6.adon;E.LP? li; hew Wilson. ' . The real martyr never has time to was pass6d. in the relga of Charles 11. . I. I . - - - . .
' .
London ; Chancellor Cronyn, Lo, Lc on; . Oom mittee-on. unused.6b.nrches: Rev., point of view' 'of tbe. dfanla will de- dawn I might be taken, to'my - rest. enjoythe honor� , I . '). It kovided that the personal pr orty, 11 . rIntr I I
. . Fixie Ifferchant Tailo �*
C. 0. Hodgens, Lucan, Substli d�tes - orends Canon Brown and Charlkis PeTid.upon the reV66n,t way in. wIllcli God forbid that I should outlive the L Lots of self-made men tier, of. any perscin dying intebtate oeould .. L - Fred Jackion'sOld,Standi- I . . . .
. OIZ .. -Milesi and Messrs. A. H. Backus and your idea is carried out, If tbeatri- love of my children' ]Xather let mL- die L uiiana�ge, a -: . . . I . I
I. .8, Lucas, Markdale -; Judge H L I a that cle-4afully to conceal it. . be distributed as follows� - The father'
�Idge T. R. Luscombe. L' cally (10-�6,.it.ivill.bb.instviiotive'hild- �-�vhilo noV'heart is &Lpart of their , - Tba pessimla doesh't bore us with -took the* whole to the ex�luslon of the Agent for Beltisli-American Cleaning �.
. Goderich; A.R. Backus,AyImer;Ji I Committee on interdiocesan reei- helpful,".. I L I . I . my grave maybe watered with tbelp his .'alleged funny Stories. L . '' . mother and brothers and sisters of the - � . , & Dying go. Montreal, , L L . . ..
� S C . , .
Robb, SiuAcoe. -,. Reverend 'anon Craig and . Father 'Vaughari has drawrt up. a tears, - a r , deconsed. But that' statdt� has been: . _. . 11 .
ty. , and my love linked withL th, i
* . . ' - .. . .Tile coming 8ummer is koudly her. . I I . � . .
Executive Committee. . . . =n tiavis, and Messrs F. P. Betts, series of thirty-six tablowaf,', which ,. hopes of heaven. aided as a se"onof-coW , . mpdifled by our Devolutir n of Est4tds � . .
Executive committee : Canon Craig, .J. F.-Bucke and Matthew Wilson.- - - Mr. Trissaud'hitends to. carry out, In ' -When the -bell tdlledfor.tbe moth' When respect de�arts iove packs. its A!cr, wbic'31 says: -Where any person . ..
. Mackenzie', Committee on* the Bishop Baldwin order to indicate the iubjects chosen er�s funeral,'! iverit to the sanctuary -to ' I
. I I I
Petrolea; Archdeacon. . � grip and taices's vacation. � .: , sha�l diewithout leavlug istuo,.and. in 0. !
Brantford ; Rdral Dearl Gunnel Clid- memorial : Dean Davis and Arelidea' t irst - PftYiny only 'token -of 'respect -to the Hols anything bat a good barber testate as to the'whole ovany part of, -
.lip f -hall-doyen and.the last hall - . I
oout§-Richttrd�on,TI-1[11�,Young and Mae, - 'CloZell ILI), d stranger , for Ifelt that I c6uld . a�s,real 6r personal.pro petty, his father. .
ton; Rev. 0. it. Miles, Aylmer; Canon '17L be'..inentio�hed: Annuncia- age . though .wllo cuts au acquaintance. '. I . - .
bon- kenzie,.Canon Haguo,., Reverends J., � iioo,.,.Vj6ltation, Nd rooln..in Inn,� ,give her mewor� altear, -even ' E,vi�r�pdy`s business is nobody's bus- all"Viving shall- not be entitled to ally __=� I ,
.Hicks, Simucie ; Rev. Dr. Sage, I . � , . I . .. `_," 1111001111M
desi; Cation Brown,Parls; Dean Davis; W.4. Andrew, H. A. Tboull-its', and' Shepherds ,�nd : Gldria� in. Exceliisj her own. childrenhad none to sh'ed. � . . greater share under the% J I I
. �pess-except the busyb6dy's. ' � . -, . I
I -
Loadon; Archdeacon Hill,St. Thomas; Messr&'V. Crynon,M,. Wilson, J. Rans-, . The N-ativity. With Shephor&, - 1 -The "Shewas a goodL� motbep in bar. day, The a'vera . go man considers,a picked. than his mother or any I)roti;w;;7r SY9. . . . Gr.�nd Truiik Aoute. I
Rev. T. A. Wright. Sarnia, Rural ford and LT. H. Losdomble.. . , . .. . I . and to ig�hty slim picking. . ter surviving, etc. See section (J"R. S,. , � . I .
. Crucifixion, - The Burial, The - Resi,lr- . ited hard to bring us 'up-sbe p supper rm _ J_ , 'L . - *
Compli .tion of'Tril)ity* r�ction,, Ma , -comfort toberself, anda bur- u O., chap. 127. -The Devointien of .4 . ve 1, e Div.#
ttipe on corpora , W-1 s no ., 14 ,.I I ,'ini# rjor
Dean Dillp Owen Sound ; Rural - Dean I gdalon and the - Grardoil L� i� .1 It is.the unertainty of wom6a'thab, I . . I . , L
. - rid Judge The lilnunio . � tates Act w -about fif It- $I Lee SLrytee Juxle 16111. .
Dabion, Tilbury ; Rev J. W. J. An- I Coll6go". R�V. D.�Pehcon a Vol n, *.Ascension from mt' den to everybody else!" These ardel makes:;men & a affy'about them; as passed t4iir or I'LL -Amu
.L . .1 . . 1. L . . I 01,N,pt, � , . 1. . .. heartless words rung in my. ears as I - - who Including magnificerit I
draw, Berlin; Canon Hague, Loridoni, i Holt, . . � . 1. I 1. .. . . . . . . . .. � . I . Sooner or'later a man' who travels -on twenty years agib. .(2) A petson , .
� . . . . . . the'coffin'borne up the Ws' * H.A.ZloNqb. the laigost dud finest on, �
. . . I . .1 . .. .. � . .1 . Saw , le. The is entitled to a devise ar becluest iinder
I . . I . . . . I I . I his cheek will have a worn look. . it
__ � =, . I ..., �., I L .. bell tolled long and loud, until its iron A. candidiie stands on his party. plat. - a will -must'claitil within the time Great Lakes. Sitilings from . Sarnia I
. �
. I
I ,L ' , ' ' * - ' '. L - .. L . . -ute of Limitations, �Toudays. Wednesdays' and SMAirdays I
I , , ' '� ,*** """" *L , , , tongue had 61ircinicled the years of the ft1IOWedL by thii'Stat
� . I . , IVI.r. H.' W. Lu�y ("Toby, M.P."), in 1`11,69phonol - T, Electrie, Re- Uff.worn m6ther, Une:-two�three- fo. P74 and his I oppunentJUMPS on it, . I . an action for a 3;0() p.,ro.. for ,SaAtlt; Pori Arthur, Fort - . I
1ACK Of 5100D I storer for .Lt' Alaulkind four7__fiv,e. .Now, cle trly - arid most blielitk is an alaim clock that fLre. It'has been held that William and Duluth. Special Grand
' reminiscences, says . � . � tent)y: awakens a man's conscience." legacy mllst'be brouc,ht within ten trailJL_
hiSL entertainilig . '-,- - ' L I merrily each stroke'tolld of ,her once 'I' ,a:n action Fo'i� R share of an . . I
- . . � L. . . . ' TrunIc service to -new Sarnia .
— 1 .Viay's cu�tol to plastk�r � 'Restores every Derve in the .b I The ideal'inso, only"exista In the mind years, and. I . I . I . . . . . . .
-Is What Causes Readilefiesq DIM- it was ph' I OdX to peaceful slumbers in hei mother's boso L . a of an' I iitestao� must wharf. . I
hig - coal -black hair close ,to Ills head,: itF1 proper tension ;restores vim Jand of the w,pman. who has never. married. . estate in the cas, � '111JI10JI41, I'Letief , . , L I
lless and Heart Palpitation. ; ow, and of tier. feat at nightfall, on liar brbught-withlil twenty -Years. See ,., AM— iilariy 14011nd Div.
L ' seven--�-el . . ,DLOS,i)14,tbitik.lawiiiiioivdib�cuming be . .
fiai� over the, forehead. �. Mr Lucy'4 L, -vitality. Premature decay and all sex- wear . as fab. R. S. 0,, chap, 13% section 23. See Service discontinued untif . J - 20th. .
lia,ir, '11* tile contrary, has a ','life-' ual *e-akb6ss averted'at once.' . y father's knee.. Six- ass Widows thaa.othOrdre . � line. I
() . I I .Ph,3s- � nine -teirl-rang. but the tale of er "I gr 4. . . . , . - also re Jobnsoh. - Sly r.' J,Phnson. �!O . ' .
On the blood depends cbe welfare oi -rics? . . I,'
- long 6cinstitutionaf haii,it." of standingL .PhOUOI Will. ruaj�_e you a. new man. $43 .sports on the �mensviard,in the mead. I . ,or - Sault Ste. Alarle and Georgian .
the whole body. Where good blood .up,. ono nigh-t,.after..leavi any ow arid - beside the brook.: . E leven . Our idea of a fool man is.joniii Who Ctiaric. Div.).061.,:.. , L.L . . 1 � � rts from C61liogwOOd 1130 P A)- . .
- . straight no a; box or two for $5; ,Mailed to .. - , I = Po I
exists disease is unknown, but where the Funch dinner-t6ble, mr� Lucy addr;18s on receipt dt price. The S will kiss -a woman atter seel �g her kiss L - . . ;Ve ery WeUel� . I
. . I L � n',Q'ound ll.p. m., ev L
the blood I is poor and watery disease , P06- -twelve- thirteen _46drteeh -spoke. . L o . I . I I . . . .
, .qUiCkly seizes hoU of the boay-It is laid ll�is liand on the bead oi hi� ell Dr g Co., 8 Uatharint e'�Orlit. . . a pet dog. - I . . - tipd ��tlirday = I . . . I . .1 .
. 9 L . I .. mo�e gravely of sehooldays, and little. From . P,otman. to M.P.. - . - , day .- . . . ' .
. . I - . . . I . .
L ,
. " � friend and said, ."Mv.. clear Phil, wily ' . ', . LL. ,_ - , . _ . .. .household Joys arid * cares, .. Sfx Thehoy who rung away f rom. horr e . Mr. T. F, Richard:s, � the, populaT . ' T formatlun 1kb -A all ., ..
kaches, dizzi NJ. , , L ' ' . . . . . lcket8 ,aticl - Ili I .
P _ . a time as he L P . . . . .
then headaches, bac ass, . ay ... . ' seventeerf. abver h%sas good. . thought , arliallilpl�t rail,wayagents. . ,.I. , I I
heart palpitation ana other serious do yon.do, your hair like that?, lit'L .. 11 .. .., . Sir .Evelyn Wood. - . -'�Ighteen`-sounded dn the he would.' ". - ..I.. - I . . . niemJ)er - Of L I f or West ... L I.. I � .. I
�. .
i on of bi,,, quai: . L Sir E_��,lyll. NVood, - N,l-ho )1,,lg ,just an is of maidenhood and. � The tithe for . any . i . nail'to . marry is. . I ., . .' . Gilflc�iiilevve.?, : C, it, . NIC11618611'., .
ailments malve themselves felt- Good, loolcod'r6und witl . 0 'L . � ' . I ral�tu-_rod visior,ly ,,,,,., Nineteen- - Wolverb�niptoli, at .one tinii6 soiv�-d I,' li , II.L
blood can always he obtli.ined. tbrougli. Brailes" - mid i -I oth ino. Next week �- eelobra,tod bils, ,qev0iA,Y-fVst` the'deen'bi ear , i0ieu he finds it �vom& ,pilly en6lj�h to L �e . L L I
I : but - birtl'iday, kind the' bar of a public house as 1,1,�,, (�6111ngjjoo(l. Tvatile kgr., Sarllla� I
appe T �i ay ftC,tj-,?P Offi-beTs -.. 13, . - ..
use of Dr. Williltros' Pink Pills . ad sft�tehes js� one of the iin� - still 4)r6ugbf Before us' the happy bride cep� him.' - � L potnian... : A--, a boy Mt. "llichardts , — �
the . I . there -an Phil M, . I
'o,, i -&It-P6i0t -of the YoUng'Llriother, tic I I . L I . . I
balig -spoke . --- -_
. -ill thi; Crhbea. : !J.- oil -h - it ' , , ____. - - I
for V&Ie People, 11bey actually make with his -b6itli ,.a.-. il ` who saw. service . Twenty D t havi� such a lofty- opirfibri':ot knew N% . at it, was to `!rough � Is L L . -
, . .. -,,Vhose heart was full'to bursting� with .the : two, follo,lvftl,� i�lstances '-will . . . L - ..
good, rich blool and thus restore a n d of Mr I _ . Is not. -ally, knowil yourself th-0 others may not care to I I -_`L .,f
Jost [,,ri.cy with ,his robellious I'llat, siv'. the new, stro6g Jove which Uod had -
. . ' '
do,�Nrll L ill " . , genel I .1 .
.�fLly" pf"all I
. ea%e. L IVTP' Her- - locks pliist-cred " _.., . Elvelyry 'eiitercd. - I l, - look -up toyou", . . .. ,. . show.' OnO, 61,11-ls�;-elllployefsl will) That Spring . .
str�ngth and banish dis , , die iiavy, belng:four- awakened' ill her bosom, And ihan, . . . I
61i.at 1116._Ltiloje. 1_10 .JVa.4 1)1,0� .
sent, ,
1. bert 1fanson, Brewers Mlills� N. 13, . �gond r-�11,. (.I at � IVi§e is tb e chap who catches 'on at was. supposed,- - to � be wealt'liv, 'under- . Tirie- dness . I I
liar style� � The Ic .. ,Irnt t4, . ' L I .
says- —1.11 cano6t 'ptaase Dr. Williams' . , _ . . . gtroke.af ter: stroke toldof her�'ekrly the pi,oper tirne and lets .gO`at the psy-. took to gi�o hirn'f6od., - cloffling iand . . . I
0 gecoxA GeTlius: 'Why on ��,e of sto I ! , . I ... :,. I
Genius.' t . . . tile gk, schl .poll wlien his.dar womanhood -of tliie'lo�es 'and cares,. I I. , I . I 1. . . I
. I I
Pink iLlills too highly. I. wits trollhled , a that � - I under the notice of and hopes "d fear� -and toile through - I Can't 14st after:.You've . . .
lizinqss and to,,,,4 of I earth do you & i-0,113'. hair' i� ,. . irif, bro�gbt him "'01;6glcal moment, . I . ' pocket-monev ill retur;l� for Ills work., .
with headaches, d . � . I . I . lie passed du talks' and there is often 'a. Tit that.familv.it vra's-usual to'boil I . . . ' . . .
abs&a. fashion, S wiftlT? �" . ' t1l'o. 0ovionlawilt. - Re- left- the. nnvy 1,y4iph ,Q ring those long likeness bptween the genuine . .. tl�at ilie rl�iglibors nilght I . . taken a bo,k'or two of - - - - ,
I L �
�trongth ,tnd had a hacking 'cough . � ..... . I . Wall and years,till fifty.kang 6 harsh �fid load -T'I')�ey .
. .. . . � - ' , s o. , .
. . which I feared would leitd to consUrnp- .1 I I . - .. I . at tbe end of the Crimean . .�, oti 2i), -da li'llf4eft o uh t 6' I .soapsuds , . . . . . . . I L . L .
, �
r of medicines I . .. � ... Cin�,W.y 06i. , �: . . ned'ilid l3th.DeAgoon"'. Alo.arrn� From. thAt daytosiktyll each stroke . lee is abou rfelt. ' '' ' . . ds �. think thev were cookiii- the Sunday I L .. . L . L . I I
tion I tried a numbe . j-cii . ance, . . , ttheonly, thing-tbat nee dinner;-w1ifle ilwV had �o be satisfied I T,-14G;� 1p:t 1 -41 -As -
without -benefit, b,lit %*,is finailk per- ' '-Uri'l' .Mose; . llood"11-1 ulonvy, sold enreer has' been of.peculiar brlilli� told of the warm-hearted. mother and a blawket aroundit to keep it'cowfort .. . I
. .
� . .01 0 . I , , L' . . grandmother, living. over again liar I I :-,vith a very meagre -Juneb. . Instead .. .1 .. : I '. L I
suaded to try Dr. Williams' 11ink Pills. ll�s 1) ). ja NtVealtliv. npi-tileril lawYer. -lind lill, giallantry has. been exception. ownjoysand sorrows in.thoseaf her able,in bot.w.eather. . ifiploye'r offored.:hilli I Tb`�y'v� pi,ovodli boon. to .. .,
I did so and -used these Pills foil sev- NO` � Us . -it .ilit, no�ghbor- - is tol(I how one (lay the '. 'Of 't lack6t, t1l's e
wllo; 11,11 .. boii'l al� * Th storN . 'I .. It is to be hoped that the -meek * in� . . )_
I*- 'After , - *wa, children and. children s children' ' c' al; with the 'slee.v6s out tbousands-Why- not. you?
miarkable result , ut ficl�i ni'anhal; whon lie s herit the earthbefore the other' � . .
erftl months with rL OWL' iljg ,plantation. . a tillip" need., galift . . 'Every tamily oflall the group want- .fellow, 4 man 8 O' , 1 .. . . . L .
- '
They belperl mg so much th.,,it I Ill .ii)g inore rn.oney, jiv�l stole 01-1 Pi�11. Miribiandiva . at jlilde�sllbt, as in -ad grandmoth . er, then-, and -4116 binly gets ihilough with M . I . .. . . 1 short..11is woTkmates '16sted ab. his, . . - I .L _. . I �
wstrongly recommend them to all other. 1 f.4 'to J` T ' raffivay , �4tatloiNlv '11)(11 1 IX -116 9,0rage :m�n will uncouth attire, -and lie threw. it awny *For sale � . . .
Mid I I the . strife WAS Wh D sh6uld secure thb prize. . . .. WHOILMES
sufferers." . Z resoldAt, tlil thoe ud�e n ufti at , , eL f,no mi, - stand up for .,, .
and had to �10 without .a, co4t for. L . I
s who lived "d!�wn :t1w road.a wmit-unrecognizerl'by a privat,e� Sir - -But hlirl� 'himsel Ltter bow r;ian'� pe6ple be... . , . .
' L
The experience of Mr. Hanson,is' P" I spoll aftern'a . Evelyll went lip to the milli . and told . . S. th bell tolls oil .1 se�entym- has to sit o . n in order to do it. eight months. Pooi 'feedilig, swality � 02111110 1.
. . . . seventy -one --m.- * four and con, --
. that of thousands of others who -have' �pi,?,k,vi,!, rd the'two gen- . I two -L-- tbree - - Slie .. "In twenty years we wil I all be fly - - olothing, , I stint .grinding lit I ._ 0 I.
tlemen mot And - ti� ' 9 '' him wbo lie was. rdinmy, after a grow. feeble, 'requires some , . .
found health and strength through . pon Voulparill . . . beginp to. � Ing," s4s a scientist, ,Shrieks! Base-' soured..rnan-y uatures,.biit they rt.peri- lw___ --- .
Dr. -Willianis' Pink Pills after other n6te.9 slaspected yybat bad I)appeniA.. ..�brief 'paus�, put his band Oil the. care, is not always perf4e.tly patient or . .. �rda, CIL .
'0 L L, . . L "Lo'k hero," lie I ed and mell. lar -7 -`% I
Ir, is through They ObIronted liticle Most,.' The a s si . I si , she'goes .from one obila!s ball pitchers have wings now. owed "Mr.. RiOx. I 11� , A L
medicines had failed. . iliS generiT I oulder 0 L � Aislied', L . I , The s vrieet g-irl graduat& is-ItickY all actor. � . . . . ... ..."L. I 0 :EJ
t k a'dJ ' "g , -i, ' - , , . . . L . k...) xn_ .
power in making blood. hat - old dar y clicerfully admitted.. s � .1 ,o basy. Just let Sir E,vdlyx house toan6tber,so that no plaes seelms I . . . . - �
their . - I .1 .- . . I right, When sb6 gets tbroogh school . . i . . ... . ' :, I . . ' .. .
I . hear you say that, . Ind, I . . the housecle� I . . . -for
these Pills cure Euch troubles as anad guilt, , I he'll' I j9l1v like home. . She muimurs in a. plain- � � i � . . ra
eart "Well,". (lernanded. 'Jurlgo Piek0ns, NvQll punell. your hedil," . I . ".. � .- tive tone, that after 411 her toil. and allig is all clone. , Before placing your orde �
mia, indigestic-n, rheumatism, -h . I .. . . . 1. . I . 'WOa I Many a city'tnan- boasts oflils'boy. Dr de Vmi7s Vreixch Female Pills- ,
. iodb- L .to 6 about itP" I I — . ,.L . . rioess, it. is hard she cannot he at- hood on tbe,iarm. -bob be doeslitmake -.� � - our sda§on!s supply of Cnal"get I
palpitation, neuralgia, neryous t "w"at areL YOU'going. ' � -lowed a, hm:66,to die in , th(Lt she must ,The:'WifZ�'S FrIend � -,. L 'your pr)ces. The very beat ode
, . .. �
ies and the. distressing -ills of gir, "Blessed el -1 know, , . .. %L . * . . . , go
Ihood jodgo," �Pplied ! , vr� -w,�a"m,�-i- a the
. it at'renuous.effort to g"at b`aCIZ to ..it, L, � . 41 — . c�rried in stock and sold
' , ,,I) ' * " 0 . . - . -Invited, ':from.. . I , . . I . � . .
.and womanboorl. Dr. Williams! Pink tincle, Afogd, -with a broad grin. L S L �'. .,,When Knight#� Vtore [d . .be sentii rather than Occasionally a woulan cultivates. the ' ' * le* regulator'� h0v& MD.' I .lowdst ' o sible p ' . I . . . .
. 1. J.'I I fi, let ' L 'T�V'116n, IC L . . 'P. , .
pilisfor Pale Peopleare sod byall ,b la � . ave to I gl house to house. - Eighty -eighty -on -e- - of biar next doo 'crii. :A- reltab I - . via . r,i. ,a. . � .
14jer. T reckoz niobts vVera . clad in. com, acquaintlinbe r' uei., while thbse'lpills-are'exceedine power
dealers in medicine or - direct by mail toe' t,wo- three- folai, Ali I she is a second ., 1'',
fromThoDr. Williams' Medloitae0o., YLO., -'iwo, geri'm6n'-settle' it botwoen pleLfe'arhior from top- to 4t;,wag , Id__nOw'L �Sbe has outlived her use- boeLo()-tb&tSlle'-Ca'tLbol?ro'W--thi�n�s,-� -, f,ij n ',Ill -d . I Orders ma�ibe*lefb �t Davis . I
_�_ __�L LL I ,n. of ,�f.gi a Ing tbog6fi erative portion . . .
I elve-4s'—�_ ,. , - (., -'-h! X 'I� s Hardwitre stor'e, or I
.Sb*llti�l_�__tlla_t__tlley--Lsfi6ii1d beat some Somer man never think of earning a are s6lctl5r WRowlaild' I
BrockN ille, Ont , at 53 ;ceuts a box Or -iv _6 . .1 . ` . . . . . . jL fulness, she has now ceased to; be a dh system, they I . . I ... .
I six boxes for $2.50. . . I I . . . 1. . , , , � , �ign by which * the r followers doOil eomfort, to, herself 'or anybody I.; that honest living .until the� accidentally safe to use, Itefuse all 6heap imita- . with .. .. . t
, - .., L AhL are 8 - . I .
I I ___�__-: .4 - -tinguigh them in battle abd, s- . . I . . .
. � . — ,ji,, .., . . I 18,sbe has ceased to be profitable to her get a good.bardjolt in. the right spot. tioiii. �Dr,deVari's old A$5.00 a W'� J. SteVenSon, L
- I . I . - function of� their armori a . f t's hard for any man to'keep in the box, or threti ,for,810., Mailed
I . . I - . . 4 was the ctf , to, eaith-cra,iing aud.� m. o ne y grasping to any I � . 6 . . . I
,jenner as an -Later. r4 bearings, Kiii.11 its who Oulift children , 1. . .� straight and narrow path unless he has address.. The Scobell Drug .06.l'St; . . . . I . .
. V0011"S 221,01lPhOLUM, I . . . I , I r .
Dr. Jonne�, the famous tfiglish 10. onsiderable L* . . nan togUlde his' footste I �. I � .I . . ht 14anto . . �
. p1te Great En#tisil, .qe-,,d1/.- wear their own arms 'ran 0 ' L. $NOW �Otincls out'reveibe .afood wor , P8- Oatnarl'iis, Out. ', ' St laltetrile- L19 .
rating thiro; A I A, . .. -
sician, was a -great t6a drinker and . ... Tondlandinvigotatesthewholsi. ,k and' it is related that at the bat- -6ack . Ally man can Inherit money if given. .. .I- �. I . . . . L ..� :... L . I .. . .. .. I '.
phy. tein, makes new . ris . :6ur'lovely forest, and .eohoinj 0 . . : . I
,ver taking any . ( tl� �1 Bannockburn tb6 last of.tbe'Do h an opportunity, ,but -when it comes t Oore A's . . ..1. . . .
TeU abstemious; nL .. 1. I Blood In o d Volng. oitres.fferv- - froin out ' ills of ,the dead,'-elghty7 J�eep[ng:lt wall tbitt's another stovy.* *-.tne cleaih or -oir ,totin 41A I . .� - --------- � .
,-,timulant, except. a measured 91"189 OU8 ,*)Cba�g. Mrittat aftd Braht Worry, Lies- . - ()laros owilld his death to his Oulisqloxi nine!- There she lies now in the coffin, C,orunna is probably ,the *best Terriern- . . . . . . . I � . ,L
(-,f brandy whl6n he had indigbstion. pon .. l' s, Elitigsion.s. -Q'PO to wear his bearings, lie was 15lain cold and etill , she makes.- no trouble, I-lany a man's boasted bra�ery has bcred 1--14-111 Ill 010 checkered. Ills-! . I . I--"- . . I
. h a., e 0 b eorErceseles. . I .
onatorehma, an, . . ' -, when his wife s6ggested - I I . . I
Onee for that rail,;e he lived oil Stow, : God $I ox lxf no willpleasesix, unrecogidzed,. whereas had lie beenL now, demands no', love, no soft words, - gone7 lawL Itchen and fire the . tory of tho peninsulir war, for a good I I . . . .
. ed chop:4 rind rice for lunebeon and vA -our . 11 .... gi tg or walle in 'known lie would have been held.pris- no tender little offices,.'A look of. pit., that he visit.'the ki reasom, There are poets, like Sheir. .110ANk . . . .. �
, L , antrifi, eg ' � . ': ' - I la by. .'a - . I ... _____
_- q n k on re r CO. . I oner for the' ransom or its a hostage., range. .
dinner. with toa, for a couple of years, Plal!2t .p. I ,. . w i ab . . .. ( L Vq FW; . . . . . I
. I .1 . -Puuft- -1 I . . . . .
. e. ..... .... ,-.--. 'of grief for. untetldited- I I ,qu-aft-.dv--TfrF ca rep a-
mail . a Win L 06 1 . I I . . . tient endurance-' e fancied, also . . I . . stob6, whose 'fame is iccUr . -YOU
but ordinarily lie was a great -leeder.- I sar) .. 9 nt On- .. . . expression, ove, , 0 L
' . I . . .. ey -sat on her In sickngaa,aa-eett --hladdn-v*W _--s"Inj rz6v. Charles Wolfe, . lo e, i Jht .. . . I
I - friend, rinerl I � .. , I . _ -Viq_01_o_tWure.d._He"hil- - - . ain ' * tie . L . . . .
'IT ro'collect," said ils Dr. I . . . . _. I I il r 4-14-11 ','fld . . - -ir_ — a r n ,then the organ that the tbe, -ent wrote ." '11A 1521 Isfied ,. ..
Cooper Bentham, "on one occasion 11 __�, -___ . . �_ I , & i were there clad in weeds of woe, . after. ov , I . I I .
'. L . _-`*__ ' -, L . and lniiony we remembered the strong neuv co, t, Is will also:surely fail. -It Y ", 14 rs r1o�'a-XOOM" testS Oil I I . ;
i 11 - llt� - . . : . . Burial of .Sii with the way.yoi ..
L_ , -I-iMi-.--Sdhn-Tf6`? �11q**,Z, _t. I . I . way be a� onlach nerve, or it may ar repairing I
. r.%- .. 1 Killed By Negligence - I man's words, ,She was a good mother t . ' . and special work is being . I .
Soupi f , diletlod albne� A,Scribed, .
s at dinliler. He had ISIIL,: . . . have given strength atid'support 6 the that one Pro . . , .
IV , t;oba�r s .
the greater part of,a.chickep, and he atairig For th& Lectur.OP., . : Halt, must have nourishnietit or die. In hea day.' Heart or Kidneys. It was Dr. Shoop b6fore its, author,, naino becarnO donele . . . .
Civilize'd people when tbey listen to ishnient- ' 11 Whin the bell ceased toiling,' ibe ,juell -vvl6ll-known, poet," . . I
ras in the middle of a huge riee.pud-. le if Wdaeg not have proper noui that first pidintedio this VLltftl truth. known to* . I . ' . . ' ' .
it. lecture. oil some abstruse scientif ft will lose its Vitality;. grow w6ak, .strange minister rose In the phlpit. li� campbell and Byron, tlf0 poe4n. , �
kpileyto thRraVftge�. . .
nubject -applau. His forM was very ereot, and Ills -voice ' I , " i olood 1) ' I : '
. I (I evou if they do not' 4nd'become an eap Dr. Shoop's Restorative was*tiot made' hold &-� 41, nation's Is.the Vork. .
ding when Reynolds entered and ask� I .
ed Iiint ]low hTwas. Tenliet.drew'-a understand, But,thefe jS Q_V.idently of theyicious -&td todose'theStomach norto, teriiiporar- took 111 . .. I I in . . ." . : .
I I destructive germs. strong, butbis hair was slivery- white. , stimulate the fleart, or Xidneys. . beart, Vyx�ing of consumption, at' the. , I * , . It I. -
.. pitiful,.sigh..and replied, "I am not mor4 franknesi.'aniong savages, Rio, .. . . tile! Price. 1, .1 - I
. . of. dandruff , ' . . Re r�,ud several passages of. Scripture I ily a arly L age 'O I tbiTty-tNVO, W0140's nioln- is idit 11 , I 1.
. ian Sage iA a ll',�Ir notirl4her; it of God's compassion to feeble mauland The old4ashloned method Is all wrong. � will ever bul kept grOarl by Just I I - .11 I . . .
at all well -no appetite."' � oordirig to a ,,dory told. by Captain. Paris Dr. Shoop's R�sstor&tive goes directly OrY . " , pronlpfly,?L . .
. . I man one is., ,4 . Y
____"___. —, ' especially of His tonderno�a when gray . !, ,,, .. b "
_ _.,_.. .___� - . . duy Burrows. X -Mlite. , the tesuft of sincere study and ex , i6these failing inside rierVeg. The ro,- lWt otle Ple . which "'Ingold Isit re.intined .
I I I .1 �veuing tried to explain to sorne mem- perlmaiit byone of the w6rid's4eading hairs are on hG and, f is �ptrength markable success of thli 'prescription )arodied, 'which ',V Milli0,11 S'6061boys .. L . I � . � . �
. . ,
0 � , bets of an African, tribe, the Mobung, scientists, .1 . . faileth. He then mad'6-some touching te(l, iviliell Lord Byron pro- .,We are in business to fill 411
hi - the wonders, of .tile stpaw - It should, be used regtilarly its a b4i'r, results reinarks on hiliman fraility and 'demonstrates the Wisdom of treating mv(l reel � . ' I � .
.. I engine the actual 6%tae of These failingorgans, lounced to- bel "the most porloct. ode these P6"Xltlala, and. LWOUI& '
, all stoaniship, Re- drew, diagTanis on dressing b3r everyont with healthy of 4ependence, on God, urgin,jall pres- And'it is indeed easy to prove.' A sim- , a th(J langudge�,,�74,on(jon C11ronielo. %like to bave a chance, th I I
I � . - sand, and . the audience listened haii,, because it never. fails to prevent- ent to,mak,o their peace w th their
. . - ZVI I pie five or toil days. test will surely � � I prove it to you.
� and looked with apparently intense dandruff, falling hair, or any scalp Mirster While in healtil, that they I I . . . . . . . L . .
"I 1. Jiff tell, Try.lt once. and see - SdIdby.all Tl1e ' wf Llqftor4 0rug; , I I 4
* inteiest. At last lie asked 1AS heat&vj. disease - I L nAght olaiM I promises when heart . L N OV. Taitele �
)� I Deklev�. ' 1. . . I L
I .: Sage is not . only a pre. ,and flesh faileth a said I . I I I I L We. do .1te.pWrIng,, . L
)But iiarisian them, 'Then, b . mid Tobaboo C 11'ea I
. whether, thoy understood. "Yes . . .. ..... .1 L � . . 11
' I
Zveryhod� now 4411witA I �% -replied; 'they thought, they, ffi�. VentiVeL it Is & cortdin,ourefor dAndiriff thootemal0odshall bL� thy� refuge. . . I . . . __ I 611dill awrftlrlw�l , ',� . .
" , . . gs IN " M ,
Zant-.6tik ba9t f6r these. I here was a deop, silene-e� I (11ap. it stotig itching of thb scalp instatitly-, - and beneath tbee shall be the EV veV � . N�e'hxveyetto hear Ofonefailu.ro 1. .
�"J�W # '
? * SiVe ,YOU igase I , *r grow luxuriant It is lasting Arms.' - Leaning over the (leak , Tho %,Joakcr Oat-, Company ts ad..
Let.. *t, i taill. Tturrow'% said, for. sonut timei it ma as bal , to cure where a fail, trial ha*�; been giv. L
, , and then a voieo.iir�the centre,oftho bteause, - ,ing, Ouaker Oats griddlo cakes. Co . Of
and , ecially ihn deniand bytladles� and gazing on the confluedform before ve, tis - � on, gi lie given without the person setthl& etc, . I
I I I '1� , I V311112123MUM=
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elemfor'.. - Vof , 0 L est id, reverently, 'From. a -) all .
nPJJ,rgj,V?& "Ild.sy6wir s �"Vjj ft. I Crowd expro.ssed flit) unt4poken senti- q1tomak allair beau iful, soft and him, he then sal I icy say that tlles,� calkes 'iro the kno d. Absolutely . *." I
-1 Ynents of thv whole tl�svnibly in one flully. W. 8, R, Holmes the druggist little obild'L I have honored the aged, without taste. Mother, sister Or wife I .
I - ! -1 1111 I , Of sellsitundara positive guarantee'to but lJoVertIll gray hairr, covered my riloat polittlar dish serv4d ia their New yottwould tie doing it, great work,by I -
P . I emphatic word, utt;erM in a tone I � rAar .
1i . - - d6 1111 that is ClWlnied for' it, or money Mvn head did I know truly ho,iiv much York cereal rostatrant. Children as- iving this remedy to soine members IM 9 .
. � . ___ ANLALbarrassing for tile lecturor 1) ttlo. L love and sImp tthy they have a -right ' pecially aliould dolight in Quaker Oats 'We wilt mail a full .
. 1. . . I . to dernanc of their fellow crea grid I r i ne tier of Marriage 14ceus
"I . I 1110 deepost oonviction-'MarV " 9,7'" " W. R,o - Coun
. I , wilstulinster 0am'Mo. I- . back% 5( cents foe a large be die cakes; tile kind that you can" t Of yo ft Ay I$$ es
� . . . .1 Ok Irdla T'j1almem C1010 .k � " No - � . 'tures. , I . 'IL wotlnitl% tloatu� nt for f1vedollars. The - 1 I I .1. aftin"Nonvalow
�__ � I . � I it . ." (.0941t in 416W91. w I feel. it, The mother who i eat.too tauchot. Scohell Drug Co,, St Catharines, Ont. il L, I , 1'� - ,"M.
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