HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-06-24, Page 2�
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'11P - -.-- , - � __ ------------- ;� -- '___ --- --- I . .. �- � 11 �.. . - - -_ -_ ----. -_ - Junc 24th igog '
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41, U601114,011414e A%ADC&&rXAJWaA i
cxrint Wilms � L
Isi publisibed,*every Thursday. at
aplace is that the former maymove at
objections '"It won't pay hie," "Yes,
the close of a year where things are
it pays him. but big line is�, different
from - mine." If I were'on the main
the NEW E� Printing HOUIR,
not running smoothly but the congre- .
.. , . ,
".,_ . - -1 .. , I
M4AC STIgU= . . . . CLINTONo
gation has to remain anA face the
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._.i \, T....7'.., -
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Tetras of Eubscription-$1 p er year
.. ay be charged it
a adviance; $1.50m
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mot so paid. No paper discontinued
for years. We think the Stationing
. 1.1, .. " . , - �-t� ",I
,':.. A��."
antil All arrears are gaid, unless at the
tb6 The date to
Commi'ttee of London Conference for
L , I
V.1"I", , (1-4
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A, ,
t4on of publis er.
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every anbom-lption is paid is de.
1009 did their work fairly satisfactory
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w tbe lt,bel,
and much in Adilivnee of some other
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A.dvertising rate,;.-Translezit a4ver-
years Some ot the invitations, and
I'll I
*19ements, lu cents per nonparel. line
lar fhat imiertion and 8 cents per line
, .
the "hooks and crooks" to get them
... � �'. ;_
I ..;... I .%...." I .
- ....4 'L �_ - " �
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for each subsequiint, insertion. Small
tbrough, are fearfully 4nd wonderful.
. --.,* =711"ZI: I
F*dvertisements not to exceed one inch
mob as "LoW "Strayed," "Stolen,"L
ly made and the leading actors are not I
__ _".1-1:1.1.111.
A. B. C. Homespun I
t1c, inserted once for 35 cents,, or one
always the laity notwithstand.i.nif the
- . .
wbuthfor$1.0ommunications intended
L opihion of President Birk$.. I
g a
DR.',�U E DITOR.-In, contributin,
for publication Inapt, as a guarantee of
-Co, Brockville, Out. . .
column a week to the OlintonNew
goo'a faith, be accompanied by the
A wige choice was made by the On.
Era, for a short time, I look forward
is%me of the writer.
To insure publication in ci.irrent
tario Government when they selected
to a pleasant time as my talks will not
partake of the hifalutia variety but
tesue copy of advertisements should be
,A. IV. -Campbell, Deputy 1�jinlster of
plain, matt6r,of.ract chats with your
t.� ,
fien in eavy.
Ooutract i-ates - The t0l]IDWIngtable
.Public Works,and Andrew Broder,M.
, readers, which I hope will result in an
of practical life'among the
ithows our rates for specified periods
P. for Dundits, to represent the Prov.
I I .
pebple is they look at things frow my
said space.
inces at the Good Roisds convention to
view point, .
I yr. 6mo. Smo. Imo
I Volumn $75 (9) $4000 $25 00 $10 00
be held at the Seattle -Yukon and Pa�'
In my introductory I may be pardon -
ed if myepistle partakess trifle of thei
& column 40 u!) :15 W 1500 0()O
elfic Expositlon this month, It i�
personal, My Initials. lookveryfanjiliar
j Column 23,A] 15 (k) 8 (K) 300
firm belief that if Alt, Campbell's set-
viz A. B 0. and may require L,% ll�tle
j Column Is iii) 100) 5 r)O 2, 00
Tices were sought for more by local
explanation, The A. stands for AUra-
I inch tj Vi 350 2 u0
. .
municipalities in having his opinion as
bam. supposed to attach somewhat of
M A I .1 44 . In .
a rell, In- o Ser; —al flavor to me
. I
0 R A N 0 E . �. . I ,� `10NAL
. I PROFEzz - 1�
CELEBRATIO ,, ' I I R - � ---- W# JORY001M. � 11
I -"-"— I . . 1 4 � �z 8"RISTFAB SOLICITOR rGTARY
. 92A - .
A Grand' Orange Celebration will be . -0 � PUBLIO, E,X(). 101 I
be \% � CLINTQ14
Id in A " j
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C L I IN T 0 N V", I 411ARLES a. ORLE
op� A I CONYBYANCR DR, - � X0'rAR y
0 IN, I , K 41
. mestir, t1elp could be saved
Monday,. July 12 '" waste 1" 1001""" up do-
I � 6y simply leis-.rting a 11 Help
I "" , , . WAnted" act. in . our Classified ' H. T. RANCE, 1. 1i . I
NQtarY Public, Conveyancer,
EVERVIRRODY IV L" Coll mos. Ou * Fluancial and Real Estate.
. LCOME . u r paper Is read
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COIumn 0 r Paper Is read
I es 4 c rl 1N8U1tX\CV1 AGENT-Represonting u �,irz) In-
� � L .1 by the desirable clns�.o, and I
ces in 4 are s of ome, SUrAnC Cojjjj)jjUjV,_,. L �
SUNG1,;X VARES ON UA RAIL. goes Into hundreds of hornes, c
I 'WAY UNES. that get no other. DIVISIOn Court. Office. - I 11
. that get no r4ter. .
� �,�" '. " . � ."_, I
!_-__.._*.e...0... N,.11_"..W.w_,
I I I ___"
W��Xn Xedi,,i.�!-
, -
Grand, Trunk Iltailway Systelix I . . I
I . ' cw?�� I I OR "are W. THOMPsON
Railway Time Table ' I itcIan, suroeon,:ep,to
. Mmse lind LQt for Sale L 6115ev.151'attention given to ai.,,eA9Q$ of."the L -
London, Huron and Bruce. ETewEar, Throat and X0,41 I
L —_ �
I , , Officb'and: Residen�e. �, .
North Passenger On Maple SV, one halt more Of ground, Two doors west of ilike, Commercial not i,l
London, depart_.. 8.80 a in 4.50 p ni good fruit trees arid other small fruit. U"ron; st: .
ontrftV. isp ay a vez q 4.5 , p - 0 1 F . . ventralia ....... . 9jo 5.43 LID490 in gOOA 0ODUALIQU, appiv 0 1 . .
inch, per issue, to roadways and streets better results 'and is.old fashioned of,course, In the . -, , - '' - -_ - I I - I - - . : - . .
I . would accrue. Win I gha � in Council has olden days ptwple liked r to call'their . Exeter .............. 0 53 5.54 . . W.W..NIMENS.- . � I � I � � � �
I .
W. 11. KERR , . News Notes .,Hensall .... ,11 ...... " 10.08
. 11 invited him to vicit that town with e ]I 1 1 4 r e a by, Bible names, but .1 I Kippen .............. 10,16 (I 11 , I House. for Sale I Dre We Gunn �
I ------- __ I Samuel, Hezeklah: and Joshua are Brucefield ......... 10.30 0.10 ]Dr. W. - Gunn, u xt. c, P. 9 L, jit. v. s.. F,djjg
this obj ect in view and we believe they nearly obsolete in comparison with The S',ynod of Huron has adopted Clinton ............ : 11.6,5 ()..%-, - . OffiCO-Ontarlo Street, Clinton. w calu ,
CLINTON NEW ERA Wilfrid, G a r ft e I d, Alphonso, &c., .1 I
. 1re , 11 the now hymn book. - The large cottage on Queen street. be. front 4,or6f Aloie or residence, `2iattenbi2r)p I .
� , on the right track. 'h4t's r4r, Londesboro ......... 11.18 6 52 t � I
while the good old Mary Ann, Bliza Miller's, Grip. Powders' Care. Sold Blyth ....... - longing o the estate of the late B, Holmes Street,
� .
======= �.��_ - - 7- � - . . is offered for sale. The lot ji; .onewhxlf spit;l:-1 to 3 V.W,: 7 to 0 P: . M1, . . .
CLINTON. ONT, 3 VNU 2I, 19W. Campbell's business and, ' hat 'he Jane and Martha Marta have been by XV. S. It. t1ohnes, fleig ave ............ 11.40 1.13 sore, with bearing fruit trees, hard and I . ,
, w. ... I—— ll.v - 1,00
knows he will be glad to impart to wiped 'out by* Jewel, Ruby, Pearl and * � r I O14ce bours at
Ron, Senator J. R. Thibeaudeau, Wingham, arrive ... 11.50 -7.35 soft water. A bargain. �ipply at NEW d . �_ ____
al, I .. I
EDITORIAL HVSINGS those interested if they give him a Amethyst to say iiothing about. Pet, Sheriff, of Montre, isolead. .
___ . 'Evangyleine and Blossom. With me A � . South . Passenger BRA office, I . . . . . DRD J6 We SHAW.
' chauc6. ' . . is not ior A.1phonso but Abraham,per- Scrof�la cured by Miller's Compound Wingham, depart.. 6.43 E6 m 3,'33 p na �, I
.'LoING live the King!" shoul& be the — . .., hapi nbt aspoetio bu . t it has a line �roa Pills. Sold by W. S. R. Holmes. Belgrave ......... t) 54 3.4 . YHYSICIAN, SURGEON, .
. I I Farm for Sale or to Red Accoucheur, etc,, office and. reeldiance on
patriotic outburst from Noi th Water- TjiE,NLnw Bit.t does not go rk,uch on record. Then B. represents BritannIsC The northern coast provinces of Hon Blyth ............. � . 7-08 :3 60 . I . . .;---- � tenburyst.,o.6DositoW.Fai,ran'sr.(4siden6e, � . I
� - .
loo, electors. junkting tours by parliamentary o" and patson the patriotic impressand durasarerisportedto be in opezirt. Londesbc;?o.. . _'. I.. -4.16 , 4,04 Lob It;, Hur . onrjj�oatd,u Goderich T,p,. frain . -_ . .
x ' I e I ___�
I rather like that idea for -old 'volt. . � I I Clinton .............. 750 423 bouse,, banli ba 0 o stable'. -good. .w%ter .
municipal representatives butbelleves Britain Well deserves the loyalty of : I . B�ueefleld ........... 14,112 41139 -supply, taria mostl In grass. Possession . . . . I .
IT is said that 7here is nine millions . The tN% o painting�5 stolen from Laval I now Or in foLlI. tit W. RRYDO.Nn, DR* k'. Re AXON
Ili liublic men being well acquainted every son and daughter, whose blood Kippen ............... s. 9�1 4.47 '.... A
of United States money in Canada. conrses; with more rapid motion as University, Quebec., were returnit.). by Rensall .............. 82 . - . � . DENTIWV � . I
with the resources, needs and beet -in- ls'priest.. , , 8.1 , -1. 52) I (Successor to T)r,.HQ'In1es) .
Their coin looks good to us. � I . the noble deeds and triumphant vic. Exeter .............. SAS, 5.05 . . . Form to Itent I Specialist in'crown andurlil - . .
terests; of this land. A trip . is.planned buries .,.ire recounted. The third letter Killer's Worm Powders foi- restless- Centralia .; ........ 9 00 ! . 5. 1 5 . . - ge "oric,: 4
__ ' . l . . Graduate Of the Royal College of Dental, Sn r . . I I
Ex(311TEFN million dollars in death by the members of the Ontario Legis- -is 0. and when spelled in full its Col. ness and peevishness, Sold by W, S. L, The Oitraw invin, Lot -28,9tli Con. nt GoderlLh
, ondon, arrive...,-: 1000 - 6,10 . I geons of Ontario. . � � I
I . . uMbus, inspiring me with the thought. It. Holmes. I . I . I 11 Tw, tio avres is offercol to rent. Apply to . Honor graduate Of University Of Toronto 'r)am,
. . Buffalo and Goderi �h , � JOSH COOK, or to .�ms. .T. HALSTEAD. I D xneut. I . . I
z1aims were paid last year in Canada lature t I visit tile North land. The that I am to Ile a discoverer if I am to The keels of four --battleships of the � . ' . Clinton, tf . Godeklell, taGraeaputLarl
by life insurance c,)mpanies. * party will leave,Toropto August:30t1hIrl. be true to the traditions of my naille- greater Dreadnought type were laid . We . st . Passenger. . . .1 . . �' ObieFLgo. O.Of CIA6,490 College of Dentaj aura,, I Ery I ..
— . . and will be gone five days. Hou., sake Mi- Christopher Columbus, who at St.. Petersburg. I . . . � am pin P m p W 'or Sale or Iftent, - Will visit Dayfield every Moi2day' . I
APPI.ICATION for old age annuities estaUsh;dso' good .a i.eputation in . . . 11 . . . . . . . I I � .1 . .
I I Frank Cochrane, Minister. of Lands, T'%I . AVinston Churchill prop Stratford, . _ _10.00 12.20 5 25 10�20 - . .' . __ I 1. � . . . . � . I
, fitchell � 1 �).. 4 53 ,,�),,55 10,47
totalling a quarter of a million have . 1.102 by putting this Western Conti- r "" )v ... ...'...10.22, T.kp� ,,It, 14 Coneession, Goclerich-Toi6s'llip .
. .. Forests and Tdjnes, will be -in supreme - nenr, upon the map. You may notgo the e.stablighment of. on Imperial sys. 10 (;..18 ] I.,, P 1,
Aready been received by theDoniinion . . Seaforth ....... 10.45 _ onsistim; of f4o aereR. for graziug, gooil orebar(l. . DR.11. FOVVJ,En�
colmmand. - The itinerary will'inclade' into.6cstacies over' my commorlphice tein (it labor exohanges. � . , . . and well Nmtvred, good bank barn.'ApPIv to - . 1. . �' .
. . .. I . 6,1111toll ......... 11.07 1.25 6.40 1 1. 21; , tr MRS. CHRIS !l.:EI3BUTT. _ . DENTIST. .
-Abritbam BritanniaColumbus' Ten tho sand :,steel workers -HOIjjles,?iIl6._.jl:jfj. 1,,j;j * (; 46 !,,,,. ', . . . I I
Gwovernment. - trinity U . sWITed' ,�S -_ - I . ,
a visit to, ,the .Cobalt niiiie.s and. -it .day� -but you will at least agree with Ine, threaten to go on strike in . Pittsl)ueg Qooerich.., 3 - - � Offices over O'NEIL'S-F,tore.
Tu F., Voice That Breathed O'ev Eden' at Cochrane . . , hits , at tl . . . ��, �. 1,1145 I.50 7.05 IL55 ,! . Speoinfcare taken t6 .. . A
., .470 miles, North 'of .To. .that Ty surname. Homespun .ie end of this manth� � �, To Rent.
. - I . . I Passenger � I — .
,Weav in it. Nothing shoddy about I �East. - . . I I . make dental treat. .
. _ dted N! - ., � . . . - -ant as Painless is Posdible. . � ,
may sound nic� ata,wedding, but it's pont.o. A feiv homes on the seenp of. that -name but real, genuine,- enduring .Rbn, Rodolphe Lemieux vis N - . . � . I_: � . � a In .,p m P m I The Draper Farnli, lots 543, 5.1'.6.) and 6(i, 1141t.. . . I . I
ag � . 'otlerich Tp',. consisting.of 250 acres, , . -
pot -the sort that fits In so nicely a operations will often give a better the characteristics that 6houTol be ara canip to i;ee the. working of the . . . anil (;on, �(. -1 _ , .
. new military post � al system. . . . ,�,!-)o P.'()r paTLiculars, In. 7- - _7 . _ I . _. - . I
� � Goderich.._. ,_., j. -1,10 - 2.40 ulijaiy_to NY. liltlll�
. � - -YI)OC I I . I P a N . . . . . I .. . 1.
year or to after. � idea Of the exact situation than. an con nected with the name. of ever ly . ' .. I Holmeriville... :_;-_ 720 2.57. A06 tf. � � I I I linto; a.
k . . . . . . What an 6da-mixture- there is of Better res,ul ti� follow from the use of 4% .. . . THOMAS GUNDRY - � -�- !
— . 115 'i 07 ', M I I . �.
, . armful of bopks and it will alsO re- names in bunectibn with the human Aliller's Compound ' fron ,Pills than 'Clinton., ............. 1. i -.5 ) , (A ' . I
� .. . . c Seat6fth ..'_'__;�7.52 , 3. 25i 5.3 . *ot t * f Sa;, , . Live stook and general A e"'.. ; , . . I
TuE Ret%il Merchants Association . ,i . -2 Pavk L 0 . � .uctjoa�
. move the oft pleacl excuse for the pez- fanilly anyhow'and how many misfits from any -others. Sold by -IN". S. R. I . . . . %__ .. . I .
of Ontario are getting up an agitation I . . . � - I . I - . mitebell.. _ i ....... � 8. 111), A-48 5. i,) - I . I � � . . .
I P, 11 there appear to. be. Mr. .Deoth urid HOIlues, I (i. * .� The untlevAgned GOOEMCH ONT � . �� . . I
p6tration of is; blunder: "Didn't know. . I . Stratfura ........ %.... SAU. 4i 15. 20 alrers for soe a Park lot of .. .. I
inst the Whieney Governin(ant, for .� 9�. ! h1r. Deadman. 'are the inost alive Ch%s' W Morse, the former head -of ` . . . . I'. iwrt-, ob 1�691aji St., nearly- ail in bearing laax,stols: sale'a'a spe(;,Alt� Wriaza 11t At I �.
?941 . , . . I _ . , , ' . ' - . . I . . Truitof c,boite varletles, two..kood wf,,Ils, goo(l . NENY � BRA 0115ce, Clinton, pro niptly actinava
. . people you ev6r knew;Mr. Quick is -as I the G*vr'ust who, bas' Won in'the "i'- _ I.-.----- _TP.- . I stable trikinehouse,with' two cellar.4, just the tas Ternis re at . I
giving the school reader contract to We wish the Province and the Doin- 'slow' as a-funbral; 'Mr. Short is (3 feet, Tombs�Priscn for- several itiont hsovvfts . . . , - for a garilener..will- be sola elision. Ai)i)ly asonablia, F njers, gale � U-014 . �
. .
. . I'll . vlacia ' discounted - . � I . I
'aton Cfjmpany. ' 4 . itolon were I . I a,dinitted to b, il. - - . . . . I , . . � .
ihe T. E � . , nnteverlastingly�orrowin-g -� mQ16 tall'- Mrs, Morry lu6k4 assad . a , - . to. , MRS. P. ROV�TLrDOB - Or to . � I . . �� .
. . , . I . . � I �. — .
— . . � . . I I I � , tf:_ MR. JACOB,TA,YLOR, Clinton. I .
i ,
. because the mopey must be paid back as the grave and Miiis Ange,',. weighs ' A cus �oins offlaial is .s6Rrcliing,loco- � I ... , . � � I - .
Now that Clinton is going to get- 11 . nearlr 200 poujuds and has n � a � ves.. . : . . G.',D. MeTAg-ghru - k, I5. AjcTagj;,r,. . � " I I
-some 'time. Th6",Ontario. Provingism ' . Shofthorns for Sme . I I
I . . tige 6f wings. -Mr, Rich is' ns, - poor as motives at 41it., Thodias, aR there tire I I � 0 .
V . . . * .1 . m 10 ggled- " - . .
down from the high chair and n�itall 0overnment, haa Aecided', to. .'Issue JjWs tarkey and 'Air. A.,' '"ht " ' tlu plaints of ar-ti les:'being s,rau . I _r.-� : ... . - . .
. . � j-" "'5 in'the engine- cabs, . - . .. I . 1. I — .
"t tay�.Lpll'l (if lip -t' . 1. I . rive young 11101,L;, froul 8 to 3f). 13�0�tl:$,:Oljl,�,, MCTa ga f: Im
. 1114 . I 9. r brosq, e, . . I
o -date *waterworks another public-, loan, - the, -'Amount * of bright as the Aoontiole, so . th-0--the , . � . .1 - - I �ood one,; lillsired J)y Duke - of Idoliniond-, the - ' . . . . . . . .. 1. . �',i
. .. 11 . name is Often 20 nill' Aiistialia, tfiroti-rh "her delegate to . - I -1-1- � . . . 33RNNERS, - ., ..
�w6uld it not be an opportune time to - - - es oft' a'T repr.�sent- - I I . . . Sweep.-tela-41ull at'Vlinton ancl Brucefield.111 . . � I
tile issue be -Ing B3,5U0,1000, fi3 -four per ativeof the individual'scharit�ler- - - the Defence Congress, will expret�s lier. It 11104. 11ric es to .,ilft tba thlics. C-01110 till(I .,ec . . .
. . .
, 'tht-n),., 'write j�',JLIVISH, Chnton "LINTON " -
�s severage also � . 'i loss ALBERT ST. t'- 'C,
6ecure first-elaL — . c . ent, . ,, thirty-y6ar bonde,datod Jude Ist '. Patents are often 4113� in. uttachiag rk'llcli n"s tonndi�rtake the' ieeponsl_ Stop of flesh in babies ' ,�. . , Ont,. ' .: . . I �
. . i , . I I .. — I . . I � I � �
.. narnes to. th hat. � is. tif4 bility, Of1policing tht I . and -children and ift.aclults . � . . '�,,eneraj r Banking : 1puzineag . .
I .
� I
INDIcATIONS Rre that more pen le DWI. The subscribed-pri..ce Will b ') ... ei� offspring*t I . 1- . ,� Pacific.. - - I -r a . is well as *io . ter. I . . Thaher ,., i I nd 141111b6l' . - . , ' . . . . A o- . . I
P . . , elO next.thingto a burden to theni'all The repovtof the Conciliation l3olud. iK1 Surrla�L I . ! I r nadeted I I I
. I . . �. . . . . !,:� - � .
will be drowned this summer* in CArfk -up to the end of this month,..after tbeir days. Thorb!s'NaLbaniel".Theo. is not satis�actory to the freight handw Some peop16 have gained a' . I : 'For Sale. I. .. . . � . — . 11�, : �� . I
I . . � n. � .
ada than ever before. There is surely. wfile , h date it will be 102 with a , . plillus and Dern6sthenes as examr)tes lers at Owen Sound, and only abonu p und a day while taking it. - - . . . I � I I . . NOTES DISCO.1jNTEj) - - . �
. cerued, or Santantba. Rectorina .or Abigail I 0 . . . . � . . —_ -� . . - ' . 1
1 iinety -of them. rettiined -to .work. , . 'Takelt In 4 lfttla'cal(l water or milk. I linw, P miantity af s(lilare thilliel-411ital"o . Draftolasued. Interest ckllowed on � -
interest. . Why should a Presbyterian be bent ' . � for' 11;11-11.� or driving sliml vorimses, a ],a rough I . I
room Ili this country for the forma- . . The bohols are payable Pains of-wolxipri,,hoad� I pain . any � . � � . (".. . � deposits. . � � .. . .
. S, or , Cet a small -bottic now. . All Itimber.. ,&1q)ly to.D. CANTELON, Clinton, tf , � � . I . 1. . I f
t or ontreal, both pain sftopped in 2q'niinutes sure, with . __ ,� � .
tion and Retire development of Royal Ili T onto and .ALI on naming one son Calvin,-a'.Methoollit Druggists , . .
affix John kVesley or all Angli . , . __- - -
.. . . . . : I 1.
j.-ociety swininiing , and life-saving as regards - principal and interest, select.Uith6i:�, I have known ) v:l)let,q*. I . .
. . , lac_. , I)v,-Sbonli's Pink Plain T See . . - 01
c!asses. I I. I . and by arrangement. ...with the 'Doinalds so. frkluebtly- called I . NJI f6rinula on.25c. Box. 8.old by ,ill 50-aerle r�-arm 10 .Sale.. - � The mekwop. mutual .� ,�.,.
. . by *the Dealers. , . . I � . � . . . . . . _____,.. - ____ � .-------, . . _ - � .... ''. , _... . . _. I . . I
. — . Bank of Montreal, altbough tilis. does 'same cht4stoined name tbat� they weVe . I - � � .11 . 1. . Fire insurance eo, - -
. . - . I . I " , . -If it is a question of p0ce-thenj all Sonth ljdff ct Lot 17, Vnimewilon 4, L,n,S_ . I
TnE old -saying that "Two, can live Dot appe4r On thpi . r face at par in Ne . w sin e .011tti,si,e(I'Saidy;t)lacl;.S,,til(lyi . non,,,idered.. "Salada" is the - . - Irreseular Soellers. I .Ttieker.,juitli; hvs� - class land'for pastitre, or p .
bi. andy, s uealing iandy and .m on thlings - grain, thi ve rwrvs of bush, tt nm-erfailing well. arm and Isolated Town --Propg '. � I .
P.s cheap15 as one" receives a bla' ork, no sllidwsjif'�arel. a , I *� , ,
exchange being. charged. All .1 d _t; ecause lexand mustbewritten greatest tea, value for th,e money paid, - lid hi, voutempovir- Z �goc�d frawc liouse, witli stone celur anol I . erty .Only ,Insured,, . .
in e register in I -mh, ., : nuent iloor, burrouncluil by it witiol-break of 1 , .
when the happy hubby bumps up �h; neiv issue will be m t1le Bit) e Ili each � for experience bas.proven that 'Salada' i. 0 'A, 110t to 0`lilk of tlivir pi �(,p:,.,;(),j� I N, . .� , � .
ade in -Canada ., . '11, : , . , orpicr"Itso .
. pruce tives�' - nNo a sinall orelmrd -of mppleq, , . .
�3gainst the bills froin the dressmaker I 1. . I I I . .� I . la , onal - houle. , . . . �, � . . (packed ill air -tight. 1�adpacket�) is. te'v app(�a,r- to, ave dollo, tfleir litcral,� pear.4, p111111"i and -1111111 frillts; a.large,baak J. B. Mciean,.Presidenf,,Seafbrtb; Th � Oil � . .
andis now open for :pablic vubscrip�': Whatever ouv name,� our nationality ..excellence.- - .,� � . . .t%%ork williout Illo. 'ititt. of :i dietfollar . � 0 I
, , y, harn,.Rtone st4b)iz)g-un&"6:1t)" 10- Tl 4 t1i"I" Eia:ser, vicd-,
- . . . . ..
and milliner. And even with that the . I . ' . I . I � . � WIlf(Ir fil. \oto.� PropertyiRsitunted tii-ail'tilcqtl,nllls(,Zlj,ol,tbtt1)(I 1. lires. Bracefield; �.Thbs, 9, " j
. .. tion. Thi�;�vill 11' a f rtawteridency., . Capt, Viwa Of tbe51ontreal fire', bri- for iti t1w Took L . I . I , �.. . i
. . � � 4ve u or our creed I think our"nathe shuald ..' I . . I., (M hreeipffi h traiii T(iiiiien con�'vnivnt to io:11061,i Hays Secy,L; Treas,, Se fo I I
. ecibriety, candor� I I - I Z
d;vorces in Canada are retnark,tbly stand for honest , '. . Divtiowtrie.4�" Nve �,otd thaC.'t-ho I!.,, .1 a . rth . . . o
I .. . gaole told the cornmiszdon tfi,�the had.. . '4 and Oilirches. gond ig'ravul -rog(ls. 110i'session . . . . � I ... . . I
, . .. ., "
. I to inake mone�,scaroierand- harder fdr t uehfu ne,s alff It J."Ii�,li,�ll-,.(rl(,tiflfi�it-y A�.o'ftld- seprii to: bo given in'fall, `-Vor furthQr Ifurtioulars. b-I)jily'o ' ' * ' DIRECTOR� ' .
. . . I .. . . . . . . . r integri y in all received bi,ibe money for the promo: � - . ft . I � . .
Iew. God bless our wives., municipalitiei to'dlsp6ge of..their de- . things so that whe . I 111,1t . ; . �f (,,.�(, kor"(W."-pliblishvAl itf.''Toll- � the, liroijise3, o� t6 URI% AVAl. GORDON . � I . . . I._... ! . I . .
I . I . . .ther' people who. tjojj6fmen,on th t' aid' 1 � . I , 1. ,6 Out -- Jas,. Connelly� Holzuesville; . � John, ' '
. . I . , .. b6re a*itnilar namp to wirs e- =-ig e. .. n one. . ('1011 in :1612.3 . In . . . I . �. , Hippe)) il . , 'wa tt) . . I . � .
; s , Were Saint CASe-he got- $LOO,'and as he'liad *it lot of ". Nvilt-li .,qlliLit(�.Ilit��41',i'ilill'l:' �' ---. �::= : . ,
' ' Presbyterian bentures. . ... . . : . . - I Harlock- G. Dale,' Clinton; :M, - ' � .
. Tm.. Assembly . has I .. . I . �.� I . - * W.." � or sinner. we will establish a record for IjF; work I I . b'evn dowl sevon yoa'r.�, It wji4, ,t *4 I... . . . . . . Pl I , I .
. . .;. . . � - . . . . . ' rd _ . Ili it he' kept the . rhoney. - . . . . . .�. I ... I . Chesnq,� Seafbith; j,'Eya's' Beech. �
, I . . - that .;will make the. head- . .. . .1 p I I � . . . r) ) .
ch un- - ' - , 'LIPT-r %66t I)r
given another turn to the chur . . To stand a ' heiid� .0tirselves. . - President 'raft .sent''a, -message to sin, - k�4 v ) mi�� iii'd dit.! ..o.; � , APP~140%OV49�. ONYV,it," %"*v 10 [ -,�Oon; J. G. Grieive, Winthripp - J'.1 Beg.- -
'ion wheel by dec . . 1. L..the I by faii.? me,�D� piece Of this talk, a genuine real'ity. viz . ., fp�z.k to miltaill, "11 -th(; words jn the V ., - - Ir"19. I I' ,. : -
.. . . . . . "
. . . . � I I
I I .. I . � I
-iding to -submit the and hoid the lci�d'agains ' Thata good name is tietter than great Congress la,96 vveek,' reedfhaiending. - langlia'.e. . But 6hakcwpollro lia I I I newe's, Br6abiigen.. .. . - , ., : � -
. .. in ome q " '� '
. ' ' . I .
q,.iestion to their congregations next . t all comerer. is .1 t t tax on the* c f, 1�46 11 ' )IRECTORV.� .� . . of losslis"In , 1,
. I I I biggest Yoe -d tit- ,% : I I. '.,.-.Each Directoi ii inspector -
I a any 6phep of - .. I oovporations, and the adoption of an I , , . . I . . . , � , , , I I
year, tile resolut ,P .. Associate your . . �_ . . .
a laudable aintition 1 i�iehes,'! .. . . . I ! tli ..those it wo per c -en , � abulary on recol 1,1 11 �,�, * I . . I
ion being carried -by . . name, w n6t 4oij!ry (wor Ikv sp!�lling 0 1. . I I his own. loca ty. � :
1430 to 42. We anticipate a similar life and, to do 6iiis -people' 'Often 11%ye' -things that will ennoble, uplift and ln� amendment to the -constitution "Pro- hit, own natno. , I I . . ,. . . � . � 1. * . .. . , . . H AGnmTs. � .1 � . I I . .
to % compare no . tes and then ddcidea I s . spire. Let it he a sigiia I., that it w*ll viding for thellaposition.of an inconle 4 . . . . . I I . I �. � ZNV,.AA0.-VV%0WVVVk^A0i0V%Ar13 � . ... I � . : I . .. .
course will be adopted by the next : - I . tax,. . . .. ,. .. I .. . I.. . . . . . . I I . I . Robi. 8mith,-- '11arlock; * Ed,j . I ' ' '
. . nQt be besmirched -by drink, profanity , . I . ' - I . . . . .1 Football I n Olden Tirrp.s.. . . .� IIAI�TIST ,(�EWRCIL-Sabbatb servives tit 11 I . . . . . Hinchley � ..
Exeneral Conference of the Methodist to whatis best. IV., .W. .Ballantyn�, nor obsciinitV. but allied with high. - � Tile 11ailway Commission has ,)rder- .. �Wljtjl would )�, tholight ,tt . Seaforth; James .Cumrnjn&': EgmOnd. .,
�: I (,,Lv ,,f 11 ,1 In. - an(J.--7, 1) lit. � Snui'lay Sohool ,21:20 11 m. . . . b
'Ovnentl PrII)VOr NhWting W0(111egfja�' (Wening, ViI10" J. W. Y � . .
0, .% "deals prociVe to -the world that you are. .ed the ra*,ilwav com' weight 0 I., " I eo� Holmesvil ' - �
. � 'i all .1lit. IQ or 4100 Rew. T. 117. Charlesworth, pins,tor. - BX�11.1:_ . I I , le� .
Church. Tlipreare, opponents to the of -Dpwnie tow np,bip,.- Perth .'C i I I I �((,ii ('11 I I . . I .
� . . . _ panies fo footlx YX NN .h� 5L . . . . . I
. . I
the genuine article with -the tight ring: coal cars at the port -of enLry and at ) .I r�. - -_ �_ � . . . 1. �
mover noted. breeder of Ayrshire cattle, has , -- cxiaagW.'(Pn f.�ijch s, 1 (I o, iiiet�tEillontlAyev.enl�t,,.q,at8o'clovic. D . . .
nent in both churches but agtea;t I - .! � . worc . . .. '.Prior,.' . I I . .
- "
"Il -lbeen ap ' i . .1 - by the w9111.11 -Ivo- ljkj� t6 - be ill the � §.S. Superintendent. . . I I I . I
abotit you, ready to set.the pace for ' destinationa, so if insisted """ 11;d C�N". . . . ' * I
mitjority will see greater go"Od than I ,Vointedto*the Swine cOnItIlls- f lead. consignee; A fee not exceeding two illick . of it. whell to'afii,; of t1li;.'T11;l11_: PRBqXiYTLRlAN ('Ift7R0FL " Sabbatli �er JAC OB -TA YLOR � I . ..
, . . those more likely to cillow than .
L ives 11 a In nn(I 7 )) )11, 81111411", .801001-030 , , __ . -,
I . . ... . . I
in the massing of forces. . sioii by'.the Dominion Oovernme'rit. The naine of this paper. should be a dolla�rs may be chargr6d. for this -second bet, wvke I'lishing after the buIll, w1wil � ' I .
— � . The co I rilmission' leaves on ju I ne.. If)th wate . hword. t6 its everk 'subscriber as weighing, unless the� , i e is a. serious* dis- . ' V.111. G(moral prayer'niceting WediiesdoLy even- ' ' _ - ..* 42LINION . . . . I 11
. I.. We rtln,wrnber ulso that few rilloi; gov- ings. Rev.� Dr, Stowarb, Pastor. jas.-scott, S s - ; . I . . . .. . . I .� . .1 � .
1. . today thdre are m �uy op'6ri doorsand crepancyin weiErht.- - - ;- , . I., a .Sui)1t,,,1Vj.,s.). Wilson.'Ass.t- an It.. I I I . __ -1 i * . . . . .".,
., Rizw, A. K. Bijuis,President of Lon- for -Denmark, England, Scotlan'd and sple I . . . Viriliql 111f, plav, and that,' xlloreovf . . . 11 . . I I .
' . �, '. .. wh ndid opportunities for piomotion IN, New * Brunswick, a lad convicted proporti' lCt1w players Aven. hol'Sk" . �, 'TAII -I'T.1 -,THODIS' Firt Life and . 11, I
I . . Qll,C ON ZIOS .11 11 Cl1UR(,1HSal)_ .
- , bAth ,vi, viuei4 11 a iwAnd 7 1) in. Sun(lay �cjjooj I . .11 t ent
. . � . sentenced by' nten, Alle oyont,s th'at inarkod Hie fmi- iit2.30 pl,x, -1,,pvli)l,tll*f.;OqgLle.iNloritlkt,.%,ON,Uni6g; . '. . I .
don Conference,thinks the lavmen are, Irelana* to investigate .the 'conditions ere ..the qualitie's and clirtraol-ter- ,t burg)Ary, lvis been . - . Accid ' '
. .
"sinners" in blockading the. wuvl� Of . isties of the progressive are in keeo� Judge Forbes, not'to the penitentiary, .. .4 1 Ifisurd-nice - '.. " I . -
of the swine. indn.str.y. inthoge countries ing with the New, Bra, openingbef6p u .. . . greSS� Of th(I ,"ZIT1110 1111114, havo bix�'n (-f Junior League Friclas, ek-ening, , Geneial liraver � .
the Stationing Committee through . e b t to si v'ears' regular attendance ,-,UfIj(ivnPy stirring a character .1 . ,w� I. I I . . �. ..
� . ,., to Sat- 'Meeting, -alle4lay-evening. Rev. W.'j", K6r I . I . � I � . I , I � . I
%V. Joties,,of Zefida, Midd!Psck'counItY Canadians in tbis*20bh ciint 'y- - at ohx1iid.8utAayS'chOOl. Surely, j,fv zv nlos,t greedy seeker after ex- � Pa4tor A Hooper, S.,S, St '. C. we')'l . , . .. .1.
. � ur . I ariol . Walket. Ass% Stip'ts. . Real estate . bauq�t and go. 0 - -
6 , . rom -A bad hame is An heirlooin no one in this is a olation of Magna. cit�ment.,, . . � i . . . . : I .
the invitation system. We diont go is Mr. Ballautyne�s, .Colleague f chur direct vi � �v Ifit, S . Ratli I
I .- . � - . I �
I much on the invitation business only Ontario, 'thrqe others being appointed theitsober.moments. desires R�ad yet C'harta, which saya th , at. cruel and iin-; -- ..." .... � . _.. .. � . -_ -_ ST. PAUL'S CHURCH -8abbath semices at I Money tO loan . . . . . ., �
to save and guaro the coing there'ave higtoric illustrations.' - I I -1. . , -= il 'I 6d 7 1) mi - bunday Schbol at I-,.:!() 1) 11). . . . 1. . � .. .. � , - . , I �
from Quebec, the Maritime Provinces 'I, Cho .bad . I � A '3711111aA., Tpostlay cvatfinl� Prayor "01-vii,e . , . I — . .
, regation .where , usual punishnient shall not be inflict-' - . - - _. - - , . , � - . . � � ,
the good has ttiumphed.ove . I . � � . low . I . . �.
you belong to,owing to the widespread and Weste�n Provinces, 'They will be by the courage arid anibitioi-i of. the . ed. '.;, ; � . I � : -1 I . Wedneii(lay (Avoiling Rev. O� R. 01�nne, 1I.A., 1. .1
� � I . . - I
. I 'i. . W"r% e% V% 98.. reefor -Rev.,',NIr. unnue; 8 S Sup't. Clarence � Ce Issac StrVet, i1ex door to:jNew
i , one'thus. BoYs and k`irls should learn to swim . I
Pharacter of the "calling" and believe away three 111olthAi. Their finding& ___ undesirably ent-.�ileol,plus the* DR �.Y %.0 LP jolics6...Asi, L. Sup't. - ' , '. I . � . .� � .. Era . . . . . ... . ..: � . . . i
. .
* I goo ,at- -- -- A � as �it,-.iw4i.w.,.vce(in�plish,rnp-nt-.tli,.tt iniivy�_ - __ ._..______ . . .. . � . . I . .. . I . .. 11 . .: . . . I 1A
* ' a ieer an sympathy of the inan - - '. .1� NAII-,",1,1,1*-�111-l-'I'LtOt)IST.CJ-tCUCM-Iial�l)iLtli I .., W., . .1 ., -
. - I— --��._ `
1;oth treachers and congreg4tions should be placed -before the people'of With.a friendly word. and. a helping save their own liv'es and th3se of oth-: , �,crviu6s 11 a lit mul 7 v In, Sunday Sellool lit . . . .. - '_
I . ors. Having learned to swityi they . . I ,. . . . . I 1. . . ..
would fare as well it not better, if in-" Canad, & at as early it � a ;ate as possible lialild for' the person earnestly and. N 104") R W A Y I . '2.30P -11i. Eliwortli Lezigne Monday evelling, ! . I - 'K. . .-
. - should next learn� howo.�-iiir, hot to ta,Le InCL-1-iijc,(ii.tto.Lcftgti(-,I'ti(!,,flay.e%,eiiifig; Jiiiiinr ,- .... I I 1.
vit. ' ' manfully parposing �In his' heart to , . I . League FridftSl OVOIling. Rer. W. J. jolliffe, . I , , " . .
ttions were entirely cut out. Our s cry dollar gained is Of importance 2, . . % .
. a ev . - - - 0* V17 7 TIM rm. 1,;, pa.,tor. A. 9% Coorer, 8 148up't,; 11. I,% �� " .
e its and Affill � itions - t after eating a lie�ety ineal. No '"'IMEw'], R V .Lt- Rokiie, A�st . ,
. make for himself a good name.. I risks by swimming wheri overheated,
private opinion, ptiblicly expressed, is to th industrio' .� . Let me 'caution the �yoiitli to guard OrAas I A"� 01, X. Wt. Siuik� * . . 1. � .1 1 .4 ft�.01 , ..., . ..
that preachers are mole to blame for, Canucks. .1 � . � � .. ; , tter how well one ,41nig, tliere. is ,. 1. . . . 911. JOSEPit's (11111RICIII. - Every afLernato . .. = , M �, . , .. "; , ; , ;I . '�
. atno- nia, I . . I
. I I L * L. .Ibalt)uslyiiiidvealouslytliefanillyiic , need for good sense and 6ai-ition. I L I . ! i lutiola yonor. ing sen- iee atio.wo'clock. Ve-;pora SX910PSIS df .eatradfan' Worth*. -* -
nithan laymen and � . . - keep ,it clean ; .s`ee tnat it is not, 7 . . I I . . - . S- 11 atl,15, C.If 11 A -_IfiLl Injurstlav evening in elteh .�,
: theinvitation'syste ' r j�d _".- honoved'i *1 oli�i I 0 1 . I . I 1'.A.Re.tnedy Without A. '% est, Land Reguliatio-na_ , I
Pain anywhere iltopped in 20minutes )y -any act or word of yours � L I � . . . . . . I . . niontli. Leugue of the sacrod Reart. I '4 VrIfty � . . � . . 1. 1, I
if the latter are being well se'llooled,it and thej�eby you add to the best In. ., I in eavii iijoitiai,-ab 8.;lo ow. livy., Vr,L TIL1111011, I .Xy i)ersori wild is, thc 1.1010 11PA(L of it Ittluliv � . ( .
. .
f -.,-
. .
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" "jb lubb ul ' ' '
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urn re ,� ' ,, _
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�f a IV - a'
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�Ome ha e gained -a
' Ou p Oplo 7 taking it.
� w Ile
P n a day h
T.k it In a jr,tj. ..'a w.ter or _11'.
ct 4 small .t,l. .w .
. 11 r)r.ggir
G b n A ,
I , � . _
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. �� �� ,��
s b
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sure with -one Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain I . . HOW IS THIS? ' ' I .. Equaffor COUGHS, llasLori, * I I I - I Aoran�, nialu Over J,'j'.kj,ftj'S o](I, Intly ljoina_ _ L
would not be verydifficult to ascertain terests of the.citizenship of the Corn- - . . . . . . SALVATION AR`51Y.-Ser . � . . htelid it (11jarter-sectip1l ol, iltnilabla 15;mInjoll , - I
. Tablets, The formula ison the 25 cient Sassafras andBurdock for the blood . %;1ce at " 411(1,11 a Ill 4116nd in lklanitol3a, SILBIW01)v%van or Albprt�.' ,
. 'box. Ask your Doctot, or Druggist inunityand pove it. butwark 'Ili tile i),tndeli mach" XUDS, Attal All Aff�ctions 'finrl:lttiid7iiiiionStint.ltt3,,itticI Thurs,lay and
who their instructoks have .been in .a about -this *forniula! 8topi; womanly moral forces that win victories that NJ.' L on and Rhubarb fer sto . U . I . . . S"tnr1ay,evj'njngQ I The applicau t lijust (L,),)(',Rr i 11 1)(,r,;n11 at tile, 1)(sin. . .
great niany instances. One difference dache'. pains anywbere, crown -those taking part with a � lustre . �%ndrake and Juniper far liver and .. . _fttS0'VIoeIC' L . :. inion Lointl.4 AgIpa(*, or SUb-Ag[,nt.v for ill" (Ils- . - ,
. . ildneys, Cascatra and. 8eiina for, the . .Of -The * - I - POST , OFVICR.�Otllee . bours from 8 aw L61 trivt, EZILIT by Iwo".' Was, be umoo *at any :,
--'--------L -.-- '� Shoop, Racine, Wis -for that shines fore'ver. . . � bib;wels, � Capsicum and Aloin to pre. L . . . Ili h to box holdem A10M 7�30 it ill to . 11gerivy, oft'i,ortain von(jiflouqi )w failim,wrinivi, - .
"' he .
t - Dr' I
I f tkail to prove value. ,Sold �y all' ' Next iVeek I �vlll tell you son 1:�:- 1011o),upy Ordv� and Rt'�glstration ti a In to I Noll, (141.1 A( r, biother (;r 86Lo-r of intendina - .., I
- ____ . L I .1 . . I , I let"'fig vent gripinge U -Seed -a Korb Tabl �i THIROAT azlidl"NIGIS* ') 1) ho 1.911, : I .
I DeMers... . . . . About the.people-who li�iihyoand bright. ' ets . . . L, . (" 0 6 P ill, JIM SC11tt, P.M.'. IN11880.4 It. Plelit.At 111111 I 111PSW er .1 I ,. , . *,L
. . - I Du U0,4. -b 1 x In olklill" residell ea it lion -anc ea-.- .
, '
. . � . � � , L,.L , en tip the corn nila n ity'. , � . atintain these valuable ingredients, 50 '. - . jvf, Nw%te, As.sIstatits. .1 . .. . -
. . . - . L #-W.1,. P- -)X.. W%n 11-11,1- 0- d-11 All' --A Mft.,�I,�- - _0,A 6--1040, '11. � -11 *A. ,--11" -1-;-, �m.... -"L""—"-'-Lt�Mkl-r�'Ll�l�-lj'-P-"i-"�.-�".�.��'�S&'-A--.'- '
... I -
,-..- J jur J've-.V�.k - -
I ir ir . 1W V.
14"Ir vig, .
%.&N or
Ayer's Hair Vigor was good, L
� the best that vas made.' Eat. "
I Aye'r's Hair - Vig(jr, new im-
I proved formula, Is better. It,
� is the one grat specific Mr fsll� �
inghair. Anew preparadoii In ,
everyway. Newbottle. .Now
I � content�. Ask your druggist to
. show it to you I , , the new kind.".
I Does M1 chalk, the cclor of the Aatf.
- e,
. rormulA with eit"h bottio,
, . ) 13�0�ib td yout,
I dootb*
� Aekl�G_Iikboiatlt,
yers�. than do ki he 0*ii;
� � - I
As we now hillke Our new Hair V Igor it
does not h*va tbd glightesteftet upon
� the color of the hair. You may use It
� � freely and, for any'length of thue *Ith- .
� out feir of thanging- the c6lor. stop$
tAllirilthair. Cartt,dsioidruff.�
p 1 M"6 *3r aw &. 0. A*0 "s U*6% X' ""�w
I �
I . I I � f.,
. .- - . I - . . I -.1. .. ... .... 1.
- I
. . .
. . �.. � A. ,13. C.. ROMN'SPUN.
, . - .
, � �
.Every-'. advertising 'solicitor fo� a
. . - N ,.----- .
[lot Weather 31outh's ,
local.dzily or weekly has, heard these
I 1, .
' Kill LittleaChildre.vt
objections '"It won't pay hie," "Yes,
- . .
it pays him. but big line is�, different
from - mine." If I were'on the main
�_ . .. �
- % .. , . � .
If YOU want to. keep . your :'children
street, I would advertise.". "There's
rosy,bealthly, and full of life o1aring
nothing in advertising- it's nothing
the hot weather months give them an
but a fakl?," etc. Now, lit '11ine times
Occasion%[ dose of Baby0s Own Tablets.
out, of ten, these men ,do' not know
Thidmedioine prevents deadly sum.
whether it would pay them or not.
, mercomplaints by cleansing the sjom.
Theybave, perhaps. advertised, and
ar,h and bowels; or it cures. the ti -cub
without a'resultant; increase in busit
le. promptly 1f it comes on linexpect,
noss,70tthatis no Proof thAtAdVer-
edly, .
tisitig olops not pay. �10 it simply
The mother who, keepoftlils medicine
proves that it did not pay that man
on hand. inay feel as, safe as if she h4d.
tb,t time, and very likly the reason
n doctor in the home. Mrs. 0. 0. Roei.
for the failure lay It,rely with blin!,
040rl,rilitown jjt.� saim-:111 "n hemit.
self, Ile didnot. know how to adver-
ily re�-ominv;i(d) Baby's Own Tablets as
tise. Tbe writer recently looked up
a-greak help to babv- -olutgng the hot
the advertisements ,of varjoils men
sninmer months. I,bitve used fhem
who claimed that advertising had not
for saininier tronbles and. am much
paid thelin. The reason immediately
pleased with the rosult", Sold by meol,
becoline plain, One Changed his ad.
icine dealers or by trall at Z cents a,
every three Inonths or $0, Another
box from the Dr. Williams' Medicine
devoted'himeelf to 11015 #,IV And general
-Co, Brockville, Out. . .
statements, A thirol used space that
. I .
was absurdly small for his store, -with
. , .. -
. ,
the result tbat,returns were in pro.,
portion. A fourth used & plan that
stol ,10d In 20 rAlnutes
sure with Dr. Shoop:s
made hio cowtitota laugh -and made.
Remedy, oh -
tNe( sit will surely move.
) vothitih no (]is-
tuccessfu , .
- --.1. � I- I— � I I __ . I 11 � �
fress, A�safo and gF;$r"P"WC, triggglA04
I I �
. � I ..
-__..1-1._.-...-.- .... .... ... _..-1.1-___.._-1 ... ..". _-.1-1.-
?. ror naiii-a,oent; a UaV. L'TeG
es tit all dj?jig storest,in. Chrit6n, ,
I-- - .
i 0 0 j
. . .
Many tire tho'niethoolq to.whieh
busy inen resort in order to remind '
them to wri�e tfint leltioir, to buy
those . ribbons, to keep that appoint-
inen� wjtlj'jacl�son. One tkes a piece
of tape "ittround his Nvalking Stick,
I a second knots his handl�erchi(4, a
third,puts his laose cash in an un-
aebustomed , pockot, . . . �
A very sue . ces�Aful *plan is tbat 'ot
a FlireWd Than of busino,ss. A liberil
�itlose of popper or snuff 9pread over
lifivi handker,chief greets, his olfaP,torY
nerves whenever lie extrtlets it from
his po6ket. Arid then lie. exclaims,
"Thut reminds nie" . I
%I1otI1er'effv(,t�vo_% 1110hod is,to Place
y(jar finger rings oil your kvv ring�
, . ,ly )'�.
&V tbis Inealls vou are, not on
Winded (if that "tionietbing" by the
abqent�,e of your rings froin' your. lin- ,
ger, but every tinw. you use �oui keys
tbe fact is Weed upon your attention.
"IJ11141041111 11111111*0411 chrilis bute . P&
- ____ - ,---- - _",
a minute rewtal of s.virjitoziis its,they arc Ing 100111 in tile ricavely.ti'm g. open oivq, arzeq,. Ijcjjje,t,,,t,j on. a tarm of a_t__1o&,_b__s()'jj0cs - t;_njV,jV, .
I . noon from !2 to!').M, and v%vry twen Ing frolit T -Lo '110vol W'. bilit oAl by lilt; fittliej, .
. �owbvd 111)(1 ove ,
ktiown to evervol'c' blit flit it, eLingers are 1,1*300"01.00-- Ikliss-Minnicltlltld,lil)xAvillb. 3110ther, son, daugliter, 1)�otjlel- Or sistel.. - �
.not undcrptoul- so i%%11, ,-All tile' most TOWX.(1OjjN0ILH. Wlitgo, Mey6r; U. .1. In certain districts 0, 1101111014t0ftoler ill ,900d ' . I
I Gibbingq, Roieve,_J, A. Ford, A, T. Coopar, lrbo.q, standing nlay pre-criii)t a (inatteiL-section -along, '
Serious a&btionu of flie tIlroat, tile Ittligs jackson, Jr., A.'r. Holloway, Alf,111. Graham and r0e, 11M bouiestoati. 11,rlLa 89.01 per acre. -
lacob Taylor, gotincillom D. b.'51aeDhersoij, Diffles-Must -4 .
and the b%clRo1ii-al 'tubol;,.aev, in, the.bow ' resido Aix-montlis ill VILCII Of RiX . .
. . . 0111' , (110rlt and Treasurer. Thos, CottIo,Aqsoqsot.'.Tos. .%,cars fr6ui tlatt, of b6inestead ohtr.N� lint-Inding . :� 4
, .. , 'Whe'Etley, collector. � Board meet% ftr.,�!;:Uondfty tl)(, thno re(Iiiii-ed to mrn homestcail bidept) '.
11ing, 1�11 t, caliglis ag�iir (�oltlq; " . . �- , L .
. . . � , evening each 11101101., , I I and 011thlate fifty acreq-oxtKa, - �
'T0 inuch struss va.111tot be� lai'd upon tho . , �. A holnebteader w)mliias exhausted his )JOIjij. I I .
� .. .
admonition to all Iscrs.ous &Sebfed I)y tile
, . . .
. C01jil"UHATH ENSTITI TH 11,50A1111. - ROV.
V. It. Gtlnnb, WI.A. (Chairmim), 1) A. FQV'restcl', I
g - �ft . '61111 " " 1) - I 1) 6
stea" , "I I" "a , , """ " a �e , , " ", "
MaY talte mlMl-'ehasnol boineAteivI in certain (Jim. ,
Insidious carl1dr stageili Of1broat iind Nug
. I
W jacks6n. AY. D. AfiiiTaggai,V, Dr. Thowvsonl
0114 is,;. Scott. A. P. Gun(lrv, 11, A., ficeretarv.
tricts. llrfev,�3.ca per acyo. Duties.-Xiist re� '
side SN Itiontlis in eowh 6f throo N-6,firs. rultivato
disease, Rs failure to tabe hold at oncer Will
ROArd lue(It" first Priday of each montli. .
fift aems and erwf; it bouso,.V6i,tlx $3W,0D.
. . � �
ca�w rn.any N,earig of suffio-ving, andin the
. .,
COLLV,GIATH T8 ACITI-IRS.-A. 11, Outulv%-,
31,A,, prindwil'. NV, TrOlQilven, 11,A. Oftaineld
I " �
. W. %11 CORY ..
11,1111ty of the Minister of tb(,i Interior,
end J11;j,t t(.,rrjt;,I0 $Cogit0 of 11 Coll4taup.
� - .
I InfiAter; Migs-1)(111114901 .111atheillatical
I 1-1.1-1, llall,,13.A., lInglisli and Motlerml; )1,64
publleation of this .ed.
verti,cluentIVAI 110641) pald for. .
� � .0
tion.4, . . - .
.)loir,,teticher, I . I .
I -1 I . - �. �
Dr. Wood's X0rVTI41V Me Syrup lig
. . I .
P1311LIC SUIT . 00t, 110ATIA - r. 13. . Hall;
((,,Ijajvijjftn). J, %V. .Moon,. T. Cottle, R. 1'.
1. . I . I .-
� - _�
! 9M .
-not 8" Id as a Cure for Colima
0 iptlon *;
llorlioi� J. Evans, C. Hale, I". jim-ey 01141 S.
Kc�ixiP.-T.Otivint4liaiiio,80(�rntarv- 130ar(111100ts
. -
. .
but foi a�&ctions 1rj',ut;tr,V to, and Oat
� fIr.qb.Tbur9o3&,V evening caell 111011th. .
, '
reAnIt in, that olipea5o, Ito.ontInnot all the
PUBLIC, SCHOOL 1111ACH111119. -IT.' �
Mellllore6ll, 'Nis,4 J, Mil,o!i, I
I ;�,
., - .
. I .
hing healing viN wc A ot tho Norway -pine
i;, Stevens. Miss It. VolIrtlec, Miss M.
s ,
Wllt,,,e. Mies C. (111ildloy ¬ . ,.
Mi"s ST, 1'. her. ,
- I
trot vi�itlt ather abiotbent, expectorant and
BOARD OF HI,,1Al,TlT-W Hzi-land. (blittir-
11 .
iloothing tnediviiais� of ret.6gnizM M,ottil
an(I is absoltitety harmless, prompt ana
man), Dr. Bytom, A. NIeNonzic, Mavor WiltsO.
1). T'. maerbersom Dr. .1, W. allai�', Meflival
Joseph 4anitao,
. . .
, �
� MICdon Sale, .
safe. F'o yeat has been the success of this
Health oflicer. ."Vileath%
jhspo"ctor, .
ivonderful reniedy,.it is on batural that
. ... . 111 -1 �jw, .0 �!
Evert- HATVIWAY at the 'AUCTIOV 11OV.SX,
60I)EIttelt. Salois concluctod finywhere. aby .
iftumerous persons have t ittlitato it.
Don't be humbugg6d into taking anything
, �
,0 _& jat ,r d=l, j!;L * .A. .
Mod You Havo Owl Bog
11,110. Mei ehandiso,� real, (-sbft0.IIv6i,;tdek. etc.
W. 1114CHH'T11% Auctioneer, .
))ut 11 Dr oods," Ilut up in 6, yelloW
Bears to _,401he � ghl
rhon, 108�, . 136X U), Goderich, OAt
, throt yinilii tribog th6 tra
�t .
oigriia tee �! * �10_ -
I t, 4X,6 Oft
a w5vowl-i ,
--,--.------._-.,% .
price, ,Wl e6uto.
" . . I I .
tf ,
111111tiftihill' tiftinich$ #-,ujtiil, 010kitherIA .
. I I � .
, . .
�.-�.",."..�.",��-.,��--..-,.�-.11-1.-.,�,�....-..".."."�.���..�...-.Ili.��l,'�,,�� 1. I, I., -1-11. I...�..-..�.1-�..-.-,.(..��.��,,��,�------i--,�...�,.�,,.