HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-06-17, Page 8A Tho ell"toft Xlew Bre Lea W,, n�d Must Cut 0 S t-- ck -I'D Tw, 010 We are positively. giving:up business in . Clintonj aiad our, en - offer the public, the best possible reason tor'selling tire stock at such REMAXRB�ABLT LOW PRICES. Brand New, Carefully -bought Dry Goods we had at the beginning of the -sale, YOU People arecoming for miles and miles around to attend this sale, and they are not going amay disappointed.* When 1you consider what a great,. big stock of' will not. wonde our store has been thronged daily with. people from nearly every i part 3f Huron Wemant to,come­-oand come 4,raln-L-for each week- w"e. y". you are constantly adding more goods which we have kept in reserve. Don't forget that EVERYTHING IS MARKED AWAY DOWN. tl�lis'w6ek in addition to the goods Here's another lot for already advertised.. 1000 yards Lace Insertion at 2r. 760 yards Ribbon at 19c. 1000 yards Lace Insertion that sold up to, ilundr.eds of yards of All-SilkTal-reta Rib-, 8c and 10c per yard. You'll wonder i�ben you bon, ih all the wanted colors,. including black, see it, at per yard .......... .................. .2ol and white. Nearly all 5 inches wide. You. know the value everywhere,- On sale here 190 900 yards Embroidery at Se, 25c Sioeking�s, 2..Oairs for 25e. 900 yards Embroidery I anil Insertion,, in .160 pair Boys"and Girls' plain bl�t;k and lots Of good designs, worth several times the tan Stoekings, in sizes. 5 to 7jL Regular prices price, for per yard ........................ .... 25a per pair, selling to -day .... ... 2 pair for M An Extraordinary, ess, Goods., --Offer'..' We It .1 ol �;spWid uo j3lrdss Goods, but will soon sell ave nearly. a tl qdlar o rn tj�%. n it, at prices like -these. CF.4a�nilot guarantee. these prices over�i few days,. as they should all go by Saturday night Several hundred yards Dress Goods. including Poplinsi Orlipines, Ser, ies,,,Volles,.Lustres,, 3VC Fancy hloh;drs, etc., suitable for Dreases-or Separate Skirts.::�Regular pF a Pqp, 05o * to '750 j per yard. To clear the-entirelot at per. gard ........... ........... ............ Ready-to-wear— G�;rxnents.,,!tre Being Sold..� at.. Less Than Manufacturer's -PricesR. j EDglish Cravenette Raincoats $5.00. Short Cloth Coats $14'00' Fif teen. only Women's:and -Misses' Short �Do you want a good servicable'. Rain- Cloth Coats, in plain'fawn 06vert. stripeco-v-, coat, som . ething . which will. look well and ert and black Broadcloth', regular price evety- where $8.50, $10.00 and $12.00.' Yourchoico wear wel-1, and good forlany time of year.. of.,the lo.t, while theylast ............. $5000 28 only Genuine English Cravemette Rain- . Black Cloth Skirts $11,59::: coats, in colors of dark and hilit grey, kavin, Do yciuwant it,gpod I -wearinghlack Skirt':' mized brown worsted effects udiancyt.weed, Here'i a chance for twenty4w . o . . women mixed, Coats that are selling theoughout Oanada at the standard price of $10.00 each. 2�'only Women'i 181twk Vicuna OloW Skirts, If You need a Coat for rainy days. Dou?t miss � dein1firee good style.s.. Nearly all ordin. the ehancO. For the remaining meeks *a &r.e 00.1. .,Ary sizes'W stock. . ReOnlar price $4 00 a'nd in Clinton, you can buy them at ead . ...... !$4,50 each, :While. they last,..... h $259 Hie S.. Children's Trinimed Hats,:. $1.00, Fancy Ll n aff-at, Sale: Prices-: We're going to give*thegiirls of Clinr :,,-..Ve ha,�ie. a ­big stock Of Fancy Lin"ens-11 try the Nkge�t bfit.they are rapidly, -being,�. ton and surrounding count -sold, ai the" Hat Baroain ever, beforn we-I'dve", town. great reductions''wa.are offerin , Herp`!r e 9.1 Girls, reaj this.. an EXTRA' SPECIAL. 60 only girls' Fancy. English FlopHa, . tFin 28 only All4lin a - n.Lunc h Clotbs, Sidebo"ard' pink, blue, white, brown, tfcn, etc., trimmed Scaffs Tray Cloths; 'Pillow Shams, ptc., that with wide Silk Ribbon,'flowers and foliage, sold up' to $1 50'eaeft, selling now a;t paeb. 59C. Ha.ts that would sell in L&ndon or Toronto kq! :Vo $3.00 each. See them in our windo w.at eachlD IN 'table Linens aiid Nitplujis are Being Said at LOW Prices. V.50 and.$3 New Straw $Iiapes, 59c.: Lac s than two dozen- in thi8i lot, - of this season's newest straw shapes, iii colors, of navy, eax brown, grey and tan. Ready td,day .59t $1.25 ]Black Kid.CIMS 75C 'extra P"ir 0' two of'Black. Lace Curtains Selling Fa9t, id Ca"'y eo U 0�earne a yol cbanca. 55 pair. K 1, lov is 10 n 'll.i) Ir arl ej es Regu B kgKid a rdin rtains sin�e Jar price $1. a P r P. We've sold lots of Lace Cii %ir 0118,6 ........ 75c this big sale started, but we §.till have. a couple hundred dollars' worth- yet 'to sell. $t.'00 Black Paraso"s U.30 Especially in the betier Curtains, we- are 20 only ladies Black Parasols made fro in offering some remarkable' bargains. just guaranteed gloriatop, steel rods and fradi(is" --Andprettyliaholles. for.. $1.39. a sample—one -pair, of-a-kind-.-- 25pairs Fine Nottingham, Swiss and $1-50 White Lawn Waists 15C Fishnet Curtains, in -some of -the prettiest de- signs oversold here. Regular price$3.75, only White lawn waists made in three $4,00,.$4.50 and $5.00 per pair, on sale to -day $2!5.0 pretty styles with allover, embroidery a;nd in- sortion trimming. Regular pricej.% and 140 On sale ati ... i ka ... : ............. f Thousands and Thou'gands.ot Yards New Wash Materials All Being Black Sateen Underskirts $1*.25. Sacrificed. 21 ciiify indiois Black Sateen �Underskirts We posit . ively will not taki� a, ya,rd. of' made in two good styles. A splendid wearing skirt reduced now to ........ ............. $14191 Dress Muslin to Furt'Williant, and everyw. thin in'that line must be �lea'red out. 9 $1,75 White Undeiskir& $1,10' Two pretty styles in Woipen's WhiteCot. ton 1, Werskirts. bne trimmedmith deeV lace, Extra Spoc'ial Values in Rib- -and Insertion, other with wide embroiaeryp Ith dust' tucks and insertion. Both% made wi bons, Laces, 'Embroideries, ruffie. Splendiolvalueat',$IM On sale at.,$1.19 'DressTri'mmings, Dress Nets,, 1000 yfirdq W4910096.1t 10C I 1000 yardisbfuslins, li,nglilsh Prints, 8cotch i Silka, Velvets(, Liining�,,.Hos' '' , I Zephyr Gingliams, Mills, Lawns, etc., in liery, Gloves, Underwear, browns,pale blue, pink, helio. haVy, grev, fawn, brown, tang etc.,that sold,up to 35c. etc par yard, all on. utie, in the basement, at per., Corsets yard. ............ 44 i.. Used Daily and Nightly Look Sightly, Made Rightly, Priced Slightly .All of which refers to our HAMMOCKS. We know of no better outdoor comfor,t, during., the heated term- Supplying a cool. spot Nvher6 to recline in pure and healthful air. Our prices are as low as is in keeping with -the quality, - and our stock well assorted -in col6r, length and'. Tut iFair eo. OFTEN, THE CHEAPE8T ALWAYS, THE BEST 'etalty. go to a eowe ta Huron Cout kwount-of scholarship cash and, the balatice �kutioll of th� firsi; yeal ,of the conditioris und4 adholarpilips are to be j forwarded.to $41. schools SCHOM SCHOI. What looks. like. the. bridesmaid or students. was an exquisite pin fiiajd'@-nt-`y­d6­v'e )jhe of these design carrying an olive leaf set with a county or pearls. The gift to the groomsman Wds iate',of the a handsome gold watch fob, Amongst ly o�e, will the bride's numerous preseiits. was'A Of' the han"olsome silver -tea service thegift of will be in her father. Mr. anil Mrs. Read will I cover the i take up their. residence in Pittsbarg. .Statement which tho ,ied will be the district d1oftif2.0 ItivrAll"g-oad ArMIA the PArk to be held, Friday, June 25th. The pro' ram laoutand isagoodone. The P07% are all donated by the par, ents of ille chilften and by many who are, not parents, . Great interest is t--),k- on by every one to make this. another big (lay's aporto and there 18 not much doubt but what a bi crowd win be down to the Park oh�hp. above date a'Ad a good"time spent. Everything is, free Aud the pownXittee hi ollarge 4e - serves, credit for gei"!!Ir, up -quell st big free entertaininew4 See program foil all. ptartfoulam 0 C', ­? V, Toronto,, Ont. Wi . th tWenty-tW( P V608 , v - xp0rleaet) to Its credit thia college Is recognized as the greatosb Dractleal trailiffig geh6ol In WEsteria Ontario. Three 416partfitents .1 Coniftierelai 'Our elasqos arc tho largen. okir cdorses MoO praotleitl atid ofir indructors ex. "erlonced, Our gradna,tos anslMod to 1,04itions alut wepeed as nono othorA. ruter now, Get 61ir fide catalogue; Address W, 11. STIAW. Pres'. Tongo atiol'ourraV4 ft" Toronto. Saturday. June 18th and.19th I We have decided' to Again repeat -a THREE -HOUR -SALE this Friday and Saturdayt From TWO until FIVE O'Clorck.' ..Mainy took advantage of last 'weeks three- hour -sale and Saved -Money. . Every article advertised Is marked'. down to Wholesale prices which. nieans big 'savings and econonilical buying. Don't miss this chance to save mofiey if pou* tijeed any of. t. he Ulow- ing z rficles. O.Sale-pricies strictly, cashe 15 Prints for .... .. .................. 1121C WoPrints for ........ ... ........ 8C 45c Art, Satteen for.......... ­0 .............. C.!. I 9C 2oc Art Satteen for .......... i ........... 15c Art Satteen for ......... .. .. I - I ... I ........... 121C Wrapperette fot,,,, .......... I ............. ... loc. '15c Wrapperette fortq ..................... 1:2 1 c.w 12JC Factory Cotton for ......... . ....... i0c F actory,. Cotton for. ....... 8.c, 1 Se WhiteTlannelette for.,.., ........ * .... 1,2c i�Ic White Flannelette for .......... I . oc White Flanneiette' for *.....*..4,.' ........... 9c -,2,-)c.'Wash Duck for . ...... 15C Wash Duck.far'.'­ ..... ....... 12ac ............... .5oe- Table Linen for ........................... ...... S9C C �oc Table -Linen fior,­..... ....... 75c Table Linen f6r..,...-. ... 62C $1 Table -Unie,'.i for ...... �.Sqc $1. 25 Table Linen for ........... ................. $1 $I. -Table.Lj ea f6r ...................... j, 5 50 n G a5c Gingh-ams.for ................... 12y 'kCombs for . ........ ........... 19 c .25c Bac I � Back -Combs foat­� .......... ................ I 22C 5c 2 -papers, Pins -for ......... 11: .............. I ......... 5c 5c Pearl Buttons for ............. ..... :2-for*5c 8c- loc P6A Buttons for -. ......... ........... �5c and'40c -Hose" for' ......... .......... 2 prs Cotion - Hose for .... ..................... 2 C 2 . Ladies' Ve'sis for .... ............ ..Pager Collars. for-- ... ....... .................... aloc $1-25'Parasol§ for .................... 98c '$.r.25 Umbrella's,for 221c,kibbons ......... jCL Ribbons for.....; .... !-m .......... 415C 50c, 6oc...'and 75C.'' Dre s Goods Jor �/2c. 371 500 yards iill-wool , gfey' Pme spun And Womied D.r6ss-- Goods) -in..- stripes,. atid checks.,, J. ust the thiog,for a s,e.pa ' rate 5kirt 'or .mission school 'dresses; � 'good; �wide Wid(.h.�'.. Re.o,.. 506,.6oc and 7'�c, three i hours... F riday and S�Lturday, price will ............ 390" i5c and �zoc Embroideryq.'q�o.. Iss Embroidery, to .1.00.0.yards Sw ,8 inchesWidelo. with - 11n8erdon to match, -very hVI heat de'si glins, fine' quality. Lawn RegUlariSic and - 2oc val ue, for this.sale, price. will 3,.-. $11..215�Sateen. Skirts 98C o I quality Black SAtteen 1petti� Women s g oc co ts, s 'frill all .,a ffiree.row§ of frill.ing'. and du t - -sizes, regular price $x,,25, sata­pr'ice,�..; ............... t.198C S tt----, .00 a een. ZK 79C Women's Bldck Satteen petticoats two rowg of frills ,!ood ' eavy Satteen, all. sizes rea 'Or - lde'$ 00 le pr, sa ce..I., .............. A, ....... ........ o*,,2,.5 a Wn' Waists 9'�c waists daintly trimmed Women's white. Lawn.. with lace and.Lawn. Insertions several pretty, styles. all sizesi regular,$,1625, gale pri , ce ...... 9,80 e Mus-11a"c-, 24�/2&19-71-ft -Dr ss, he pop - 20 pieces Fancy Dress Muslins'inall t. ula'r,�pbloriiigs,,Lnd-d�,sign�. 0 ' ut these'go*�regard.less- of loss, Don't miss - seeing . this lot, ..regular I C .90- 4 1-50 and I ft,'sale price,v.." ........... F. 0, 1 0.. 2,5 per cent. off Ladies %,0111ats For 3 hours on -Friday and'Saturday, ybu can have our choice of any Spring Coats or Water- Proofycoat in our �st6ck, Don't miss the chance, TO er Brown Z HORSES B1% I�T W.* Elliott. ;6 --------------------- , 7,otice$ Local 1% . ai, has a new p Mched gi W eys Me 5 nggs and Butter wants d: 11M 1jeos P ta. 1 and a bay driver in hid livery ;and 0 CANTELON , ZRAton.A James Hamil as ood ba 9 1) W bee 1,Ti),0 I led vain- drlirer. -The ge tierneii pur h ad tj W.,t,� Co. Ltd. %j . 'i.t. 16tor 0 bas molley 10 loan on. first, class farm 5eCarlty horses at Leam n ton at lowest rl. of interest. SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES. -At DR. 0 VENS,London; Surgeon, Ocu. the recent, Examinations of the Uhi­ 1�8,tLpeclallst, will be at W. S. R- versity ofToroni-.6 the following. former S, Drag slore, on Thursday, J tine students of tbeOlintori Collegiate were 17th. Glasses properly fitted, deafness. among the-succogffPI.-Faculty ofArts - Miss catarrh and failing eyesight treateds, -46 year, iG."Gunn, awarded Hours It to 4 p.m. the B, A . degree. 3rd year-Tiliss Zdbl Coates, (honors in -English History.) 2nd'year-W� D, Taylor(honortinClas:- Local "Ni0lis - slois) , I � Rumball (honbi s in Qlassi es) W. 6 H 0. Henry (honors in Biology. and APPOINTXV4WT. - The following Pbysici) ; First year, W. 0'. McQueen. Divisl6n Court appointment isgazat. 1"acult.7 1.1111 edicine-Fli-st year -Miss ted:-Thornm Bro�iin, Wroxeter, to.be A. Menlwlu! Faculty of Educstion- J elerk of the Ninth Coact of H-uron suc� F. Mustard (honors in General course).. ceeding.Tos, Cowan. resigned.- 11�4 �'. ., I .. mousE or, RE FUGU.�On Satur. MARRIED IN, WINNIPEG. - L%st Sa"urday mornin Miss. Lettie Smitb,� day of last week, Constable Long, of Brussels. brought. Nicliphis, Nichol, -ofl the accow anied byg iss Rena Pickett,: ,p left C onipeg, wheretbe gon for W� =township, aged W5. years, t6 I former was morried Wednesday morn - e of Refuge.' The visitor dedliniad the boarding house anif Pg to Dr.'P. '%Al� Wintb?�o%, of 33,attlom to at at oil blit wag caught near the Ord. Sask, The'young ]a as expect - ed to take the boat to Fort Willihm bridge and biought back. from Owen Sound but - owing to the THE NEW ERA'THANI K,9.- Last, train being so late, they missed -the C, P. R.,,=4 had to go lall the way..by-: Thursdav the motive power of the NEw BRI%,, balked, but thro6gh'Ahe rail. Miss Smith is one Of Clinton's m.6A popblar.young ladies'and- her kindness and courtesy of Editor Mitch- efl, of the.NeWs Record,: we worked man friendswill wish her and her , our paper on his pres'si We Ap , busJand many, happy -years.. Miss Pickett will visit with, relatives - and .off preel(tted the ftjorand hope to be able to return the coml: -)liment on gome, f ut friends in the. Wes� before.rettiroing. ure occ�sion, WATT--.:-�PENNABAKE R. -A quiet he MAD �HURON REG!mnm,.�T but'ptetty.wedding took place at the home of Mr. 11.. Pennabaker,, on 'Wed- following.militli.ebangep are promul. nesday. . June 16th, when bis daughter gated'in.this week's issue of the Cana- Florence lvla United in in".7a g.e da, Gazette:"To.be,honorary major:. Captain and honorawly captain, Revd.. to Mi,.,* Thos. VIt"t's at 12, 0, clock .. The ha;ppy couple, stood bya bank of J. W. Hodgins. To be Provisional! 116utenants (supernumar#)' Xna. Mc- 'William flowers While the, ceremony was per- formed byRev!Mr. Oharleswortb. The, I Kerra.4 Johnston, gentleman. i bride was t9stefully attired in q dress. Alexar!der Cairipbell, gentleman., 1,!of -cream volle With silk trimming, and PAINFUL. ACCIDENT.-. From the WinghoLm. Advance . we cup the folloWingldcal which refers to, a for- carried a bo;quet of pink -arid. n�hitecar- itions; Miss Mafion Bogie,.bousinof the bride, acted. as flower'girl. Af ter the ceremony -and congratula:tions the mer townsman :-Mr. L.�Kermedyl sustained a painful aebident at big ompany .. sat dbwh to -a dainty.afid c B'esides th -guesis SUmptuOUS lurch," e ttivabbon Monday evening. - He.-wasl running tbe:icq erwher when his left I residing in., . toi�vti there were present, Miss Jean XeBafti,,of �Tivprton -, Afts". hadd c e in ont�ct with one of. the teeth, =ing"a ri-asty gash, -which re-. W. -'-H� 8arrowd and Miss Nina, Gqd . er- ieb- Mrs..J. 0; Bogi6 nrid cbildr6n, of, 6 quiroid six stitch s to.cipse. Ooderioib,, -ind Miss Ada, May, of Nile', GRADTYATED.� The many friends 'h=ents T w . cite rt.qiaierous %p&-cost- .1v owed.thehigh esteem. in. which (if Miss Maud Diincani formerly.6f the,yoUng couple -are h0d,'a�ad jndlud- Clfnt6n, Will be pleased tb* learn that eda, hanclsoine marble� clo.ek dud tea- Pitid fr6im Grac�- 41osp Training Sctiool for nurses, at Detroit., spoon's 1ioni the em'ployeeg of thelack. son . Mfg. Co..' The bride's travelling In the.Detroit Sim'day Free Press, of costume was of green cloth',with. blouse May 30'tb the photograpbs ofthe fif teen l'of embroidere.d, voilo,and hat of tascan young ladies is given and..i 'goo.d Jike- braid, trimmed with cream roses and ness of -Miss Duncan Rppeats. The tuscan tule, Yhe hapnybdaplei left on manT, friends here -will joftiin wishing . the 42 3. train for Lr)ncion. -followed by her 6tiedess in her fleld of labor. the hearty wislie8 of a- host of friends,, AMENDMENTS TO'POST OEF JOE' READ-41ESSIAN�Wlthin f� beaut- ACT.' From -now-' om-mm-l!Every one ifnIalcove foiop6d of'whito andpurple I vAo. encloses, -a kti�rbr1etters, or any lil,169 iti.tbe'deaviing room bf. the. wtiting� inte:oded to servo the purpose bride's pai6nts (Air, d mrs�.' Thomas . an of a letter or- post. - c4rd, in a parcel Hessian) their. Xqangest daugliter Miss. posted for parcel post, o� in a packet of Nor'ma, was united in- marHage to Mr. samples shall incur a perialty not ex- Arthnr Read, of-Pittsbaea, PA.,on P ri. reeding forty dollars,:and�rot less than day, June Ilth. -At exactly 12.30 noon ten dollars in' each ' daise. �,' A. . single to the strains ofthe *irdding inmeb, copy of . a, newppaper or -perioale'al played by"the bAde's cousin Miss May weighidgless than. one ohneecannot be f�eatley, the bride a�tired, in a charm-. posted for less thfui oTj6 cent. `�. our Ing own of etearn mousoelifie de sole readqs are asked to govern themselves witgercam directoire sash- and wear. accordlngly� i6g A bridalwreatb, entered ilie'dram. ing-roo . in leaninig, upon,the arm of her WATERWORK,03 PI;ANS­�- The father. 'The beautiful Church of BIng. —cerein-o- -Viiiiis-of-the bdiv watorwo&iby. Willis— land fwiirlage n`y-.'. wa's'the,n per - Chapman arrived last wpek anit ard to. formed by Rev.,.O. R. Gunnei of St. be',seen at the Olerk's Office. They are' Paul's Cliarcib, The bridesmaid w" very elaborate and splendldl�'execut- Miss Vera Schadel, of Xoronto, who ed.- The tenders for the constuction was most grii,6efully d ed in cream will be'opened 6xi Tuesday, 3 u ne, 29tb, Wbn y and wall enriched with e rolacir The resident Enginepr, W, Ii. Green- wood has written itqldng that a house pretty cream sash; while Mr. R.. A. Hessianj brother of the btide ' acted as be secured for him so, that: he. can groomstoan. During' the . 81'gning of move here so AS.to be able to attend 'the register Miss Schaddl,sang. '.'Re to hisdatids, when the. work com- knows the way" by Briggs. 'After the i menceis. We hope. -to , see a lively guests hadpartaken of lun6heouwhich hustle made by whoever the contractor was served on the lawn, the brldo slip- may,be as the season I-, slipping away. ped away -to champ her'gown lot a I . . . I I... smart travelling suit of green due -tone A 8011`1011i&RSHII� Eibt LIVRON worsted with green bat to m06h. The COUNTY. -The board of povernor s. of bridle couple left for the South on the the -Western Uniyersity, -London, has 3.07 trglu amid showers of confetti. 'etalty. go to a eowe ta Huron Cout kwount-of scholarship cash and, the balatice �kutioll of th� firsi; yeal ,of the conditioris und4 adholarpilips are to be j forwarded.to $41. schools SCHOM SCHOI. What looks. like. the. bridesmaid or students. was an exquisite pin fiiajd'@-nt-`y­d6­v'e )jhe of these design carrying an olive leaf set with a county or pearls. The gift to the groomsman Wds iate',of the a handsome gold watch fob, Amongst ly o�e, will the bride's numerous preseiits. was'A Of' the han"olsome silver -tea service thegift of will be in her father. Mr. anil Mrs. Read will I cover the i take up their. residence in Pittsbarg. .Statement which tho ,ied will be the district d1oftif2.0 ItivrAll"g-oad ArMIA the PArk to be held, Friday, June 25th. The pro' ram laoutand isagoodone. The P07% are all donated by the par, ents of ille chilften and by many who are, not parents, . Great interest is t--),k- on by every one to make this. another big (lay's aporto and there 18 not much doubt but what a bi crowd win be down to the Park oh�hp. above date a'Ad a good"time spent. Everything is, free Aud the pownXittee hi ollarge 4e - serves, credit for gei"!!Ir, up -quell st big free entertaininew4 See program foil all. ptartfoulam 0 C', ­? V, Toronto,, Ont. Wi . th tWenty-tW( P V608 , v - xp0rleaet) to Its credit thia college Is recognized as the greatosb Dractleal trailiffig geh6ol In WEsteria Ontario. Three 416partfitents .1 Coniftierelai 'Our elasqos arc tho largen. okir cdorses MoO praotleitl atid ofir indructors ex. "erlonced, Our gradna,tos anslMod to 1,04itions alut wepeed as nono othorA. ruter now, Get 61ir fide catalogue; Address W, 11. STIAW. Pres'. Tongo atiol'ourraV4 ft" Toronto. Saturday. June 18th and.19th I We have decided' to Again repeat -a THREE -HOUR -SALE this Friday and Saturdayt From TWO until FIVE O'Clorck.' ..Mainy took advantage of last 'weeks three- hour -sale and Saved -Money. . Every article advertised Is marked'. down to Wholesale prices which. nieans big 'savings and econonilical buying. Don't miss this chance to save mofiey if pou* tijeed any of. t. he Ulow- ing z rficles. O.Sale-pricies strictly, cashe 15 Prints for .... .. .................. 1121C WoPrints for ........ ... ........ 8C 45c Art, Satteen for.......... ­0 .............. C.!. I 9C 2oc Art Satteen for .......... i ........... 15c Art Satteen for ......... .. .. I - I ... I ........... 121C Wrapperette fot,,,, .......... I ............. ... loc. '15c Wrapperette fortq ..................... 1:2 1 c.w 12JC Factory Cotton for ......... . ....... i0c F actory,. Cotton for. ....... 8.c, 1 Se WhiteTlannelette for.,.., ........ * .... 1,2c i�Ic White Flannelette for .......... I . oc White Flanneiette' for *.....*..4,.' ........... 9c -,2,-)c.'Wash Duck for . ...... 15C Wash Duck.far'.'­ ..... ....... 12ac ............... .5oe- Table Linen for ........................... ...... S9C C �oc Table -Linen fior,­..... ....... 75c Table Linen f6r..,...-. ... 62C $1 Table -Unie,'.i for ...... �.Sqc $1. 25 Table Linen for ........... ................. $1 $I. -Table.Lj ea f6r ...................... j, 5 50 n G a5c Gingh-ams.for ................... 12y 'kCombs for . ........ ........... 19 c .25c Bac I � Back -Combs foat­� .......... ................ I 22C 5c 2 -papers, Pins -for ......... 11: .............. I ......... 5c 5c Pearl Buttons for ............. ..... :2-for*5c 8c- loc P6A Buttons for -. ......... ........... �5c and'40c -Hose" for' ......... .......... 2 prs Cotion - Hose for .... ..................... 2 C 2 . Ladies' Ve'sis for .... ............ ..Pager Collars. for-- ... ....... .................... aloc $1-25'Parasol§ for .................... 98c '$.r.25 Umbrella's,for 221c,kibbons ......... jCL Ribbons for.....; .... !-m .......... 415C 50c, 6oc...'and 75C.'' Dre s Goods Jor �/2c. 371 500 yards iill-wool , gfey' Pme spun And Womied D.r6ss-- Goods) -in..- stripes,. atid checks.,, J. ust the thiog,for a s,e.pa ' rate 5kirt 'or .mission school 'dresses; � 'good; �wide Wid(.h.�'.. Re.o,.. 506,.6oc and 7'�c, three i hours... F riday and S�Lturday, price will ............ 390" i5c and �zoc Embroideryq.'q�o.. Iss Embroidery, to .1.00.0.yards Sw ,8 inchesWidelo. with - 11n8erdon to match, -very hVI heat de'si glins, fine' quality. Lawn RegUlariSic and - 2oc val ue, for this.sale, price. will 3,.-. $11..215�Sateen. Skirts 98C o I quality Black SAtteen 1petti� Women s g oc co ts, s 'frill all .,a ffiree.row§ of frill.ing'. and du t - -sizes, regular price $x,,25, sata­pr'ice,�..; ............... t.198C S tt----, .00 a een. ZK 79C Women's Bldck Satteen petticoats two rowg of frills ,!ood ' eavy Satteen, all. sizes rea 'Or - lde'$ 00 le pr, sa ce..I., .............. A, ....... ........ o*,,2,.5 a Wn' Waists 9'�c waists daintly trimmed Women's white. Lawn.. with lace and.Lawn. Insertions several pretty, styles. all sizesi regular,$,1625, gale pri , ce ...... 9,80 e Mus-11a"c-, 24�/2&19-71-ft -Dr ss, he pop - 20 pieces Fancy Dress Muslins'inall t. ula'r,�pbloriiigs,,Lnd-d�,sign�. 0 ' ut these'go*�regard.less- of loss, Don't miss - seeing . this lot, ..regular I C .90- 4 1-50 and I ft,'sale price,v.." ........... F. 0, 1 0.. 2,5 per cent. off Ladies %,0111ats For 3 hours on -Friday and'Saturday, ybu can have our choice of any Spring Coats or Water- Proofycoat in our �st6ck, Don't miss the chance, TO er Brown Z