HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-06-17, Page 7.
I ib� I
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June . 17th, ., 1009 - -- - - Wlrr- "91W... - - 'W,_� . 1-,.WT5P1W".__ - - - Q X 1 T -7-_-o- , - -, �,-_ - , I , - - "" - - '"'"' _--rX--W1 _� - __ - _ � .- 1.
P M! W% � - l -1.11--N I - - Tas idnMsi 4ow 'Ara . I 7 I
__ � ,
5 I - - - __ IF , . I - - I 1. _P_ M 1.111, .1 P . , I , - - 1, I I !F, IN , , , - M, 11111011111111 - I.-
. 1, MI., . 40�. .. ..., -�_ . -o ., 1 'A . -
,.-%"r11"'.;*, 9.- YwP-ft1-_1.W1.W.- =10 MIAS JuiEd eOQITV tell MA that T am �
. ;
. 1
. . . J I
but by reasou of tits love for her. ers are liiu,�liii or cottou unti, Iluve I)CO4 expression Of salwy hunior. . - � Y..9. ... . gurillolits Ili their possession. of course . � I
. .. W �. 3 �
I . I .
- pro -er-tidaptcd,il . �, . I �.�.Pvf, , 11 Ili the inatter of coats EfUE1. ,walst-edats OT��- - -1 - w-____ , _.___ � I � . . I- I :
Once years ago. wlien big artlilou-,, - I "Oil, pleaso Inay I filleal'?" silo III. .. . I . - .
,. . , . . .. PR, ,
- I
,..,. .�t .... X-IRS"Mi .%I i..... . '!! - 110t Induce tiuravejea coroage to suLivjy
. '! �.i-,,,.,.;,.-.".i":;�,*.-.';-.*....-.- 7;..4 . .... - ..... ,!!!!!. .N.
.. . .41i, a
'i �%::, . .T, !' "'-'!"4 .
, !:F,0-: . % .. -,..-%21:*
'i , *. -'I- -'-' - X3- 0" , . 11 .4, I -*, .;;.:-. i R:: ..;. -.,-', k'� -0 . the need of t4rogd. Xt was either too
. ...
- . . '1P-�,V--';*.;-�Q,% , * . - a halt owner ,of it because you dragged
- - ..F!. . . ..,_--*!.:�� A.. ,
i. ?t . o.- .. ....t .:% . 4 _1 �Ki.�. %�� 4 . ..� ., I., f)
, , . . "'", , " . ". 'A it, fed me, housed file, - I
"..""WV. ... ,.%Z--�,:-, ..;. .;-...;F.,.*,.�4"-*,."o'e*�..$:.�,�,U,.,.iir..,o %*V1rR,-..'Q'.1-M , we out of the set to tN RAM
jz.. . . ..-�-:-.'.-.;'- , saved my Wei from, pirates and general. I w6al; or too.hootty, .find tuealI the
41 . -,. . . girl's clothes were,falling to pleces.
0 - ".. �*
r". _ - ...l. 1, IY acted like a devoted taursemaid. Jift I
-,.4 �90 Af; '" * ' charge of a -baby. Really, 31r.'Jenits"� ,
* .,f -:--.,.*.J, ,leialm tried the fibers (if Trees. the
. ". S,.-*.*-' , "'! "Really, Aliss Deane, you ,will annoy . sinews of birds -every paq.qblo expeill. �
...'........" ..�.%.... ,I H INVALID.,
.1. 0049 W 1. n 9s ef,the � iII be Could hit Upoll.-a'.13 porbitp.1!
- %. � '- *- ,'-:; *- *:'-' we seriously If you say another word.
, . ".. .? . ;�Y-�_,.-.; t
..... *.." -. 4,;,:,:::".--, 1-fibsolutely refuse, to Ij,,tcI1 to such flu I of ter experiments Covering sollip weet$ �
. - ,
:.. .* .. - ,-
OL - I .
.: W., .
.... , %`� . .9 Then �ho Took "Fruit-a-tives" And Int modern ,
......"..Zi if. Box LOUIS k,-*.--.., ., ." argu; ent.11 be might have succeeded. 11
, ....,
-,-,.,%.,.J* ......., For some time flivy P,toocl III silence Is Now Well, dress stutfs, weakened bx aniline (IVQ5 I
'. ... - TRACY ,*.'.-".'.%..,.-
, *-" `
....... -.,! . -........ and stiffened- with Chinese clay, � !
Mor , . . until the 0.11101 eollimeneed to reproach pr.
:.-.%".-*.,-.-:-:. . n i: ng Copyright. low. Ili- -V,-%-*-.--t:J*-' I Aruprlor, Ont., 'xov. '.)7, Igo% I ,
. ..-i::.-:-. I . ..", , I prote.st Perhaps mit of 110'such exhaustive research. It I
... . - lEdwarol J. Clooll , himself for Ills rotiLo I was an Invalid fit,, seven. years
. .... . � - ,..� ,
.-�*"...-, %*!%.: , he had b, must be remembered that the lady i
'... .."i: .*%X!*.;. ,*-',',.-,,*,-".-'..'%,.'.��,.'-.*.*.-'*.*..:,&�* . "". ..;:: I:t.. ::.,. .. .... urt her scusItive feelings. Xrom. fearful Womb Trouble. I had
'. 1.""-."1!o;--,.-:.`;` ..."t'... .*!:,%%r,.:�1 .'-i'l':'.,: -,:-..,..-*;', �'*' I
,.,.-.'. . �. .. . ; ... ...'ek, .j::'W"..., . � I . ' '
*. -:`,-*-,.;,..Z�.;4-, ;.-1j;%-1.% ,1:;rf;n
(..*-.*- I . ....
: .-*,*.' I ...'...-:..'1-1.Z -:ii A 1. 1.,: -.:-*..*, �. , N"), , A::--..,.--1-.-: A . ... I What a brute lie was to lie sure., ��,jl, falling %vomb, with contstunt pain in passengers on board the Sirdar -Wore
- . .. .
, . 2 A,: .; �.::!!....�--". .. .:%. ., ,.-.,...:...�,)-...........,..::-..-. . --*-_."_; . . I
- . 6 . " . . ... 2%.%; .)...... ... .,..- .
; ..... , - ,..:,*:-*.,.i:-',*-:.:..".,*:.'I , - ...:.... - . .... : the back and front of my body,. and
K. I.- ;., - ": !:: .O., .,.,. .Al. ..... , ". -, , ep: ..'.1 ,., %--lR-.1.1.*..,. .. it clillil In ordinary a I!
.. "' % % ..,-`--,-,,.-,:-...--`1,.. ..'-'... ..,'...'.......... .... all down my 1-gs. Thore wa.i a li(mvy 7
. ... . .4;....... --..;* I .% .. . was, only , fro rs, (IrP8801 fo stilt the Iroples, and tile hard
11 �� ;00;��
� , lqmomwAffmy-.Iqw -.1 .. OjIII . L . i and lie Ong usage given by Iris to ber seaniy stovic
a I'll, ...... I . I . ... I Ut to Ave explained things dispharge .,,lid. this ioatlf� me wt:,ak, I
(Contralied II last week.) . � , I more lucidly and with gl-pater coni. sleo:,Pless, restIv.ss aml miserable. (X10n, wats never contoinplat�d by tile 114111- 1
3111S: .NOL oake hinve bim, was nuried, viedu ure iroui. . I
11 I mand. over big temper. And, all this I Was Obliged v) be In ).it,l fi;r a montit. cliester or Bradfora loonis responsible ,
ashore in hLi arins had Jenks so )pug "Is 'that really your bv�,t dress'.," he ; time Iris' face ,vvtfs diniplitig with, at a time. I uas treaiva I. -y H,ver"I for the'durability of tile material.
, ,said, � . . ., I doctors, but flivir treaLnit.11t did MA no' I
forgotten her v�.IsoI .14hould be tell - I I nuiusement, for she Understood him so permanent g1jud. I . � As the days p;oI the position be- ;
'well that had be threatenea to kill lier ,, Came irksome. It event threatened
ber? They WON- JMNUAIFS In everything 1 4,yes. Tlil-i � I s my blue serge. The I , - - -_ ,,
aippertaimug 1�) Elio ls!;mil. Why ),cot) brown vlotit I'd 'lot, s"I'vive tile soak- 1, $be would have laughed at blin. . - " _: COUIPICto oI duriiiI somo critical
LL .
tills Iflarveloul; iii-telli;�(%o.-v frow her" , � L .'' 11 I . L . I
ing It rVet'i'v0d Ill stilt waier, After a 1 "Would You mind getting the lanl0l, . "I., I , moment. find file two oftell .-ilently stir.
.... . . � .., voYed the large IIIIIIib(;r or Iruvrely Inale
Yet was ho tolillAtell. Ir,it Ignobly, few days it sluiply,crumbleil. 'Clio oth- i lie, said softly, snrprised to Catch her .1 I .0. I I
I L .. 11 L. ��
fessional studles were distrat-ted by
.Lilero .is IlIcIlLy of lll(,Ixs elotbilig", . quired. "I don't want to fililloy youl . . ... 11 i
there was no ulloo(,itilty wbatever. Iris
41 momentary Infilt7a, for ,
ation a falif
� . . ,
I began, . .
Ile I
, but I am simply flying to talk.,,
i �
a(I -long been wearing those portiun$
face, a '%voluan had proved fickle when
I . � 11 .
. I 1. I. . . .1 1, 1� . ..�
I I .. .
"Unfortunately there 1sn*t another is- I iie bail forgotten lit's own Injunction � , 11 . I
, ; I � " ,�. , "., �, , � ��
Of tile doctor's Uniform. But when it
tempted Toy greater wealth than be
. , � , � � , �. ....,
land," she said severely. "Let it,,, fIr4t examine Or mine," be 1 �_ .. -, , , .. .., .
1 � :.: ,, �,v .. , , I . ; . .11� ": I . � .1; .
I : , � ; - ': : ;.�, .1 ...
"No. -
� that A "If I
-fine to the rest- *
At last one memorable
possessed. For long lie was a con-
� 1. �
. mean . , .
lulght be possl � . � I
- ! said. .
..$ . you bring the lamp we caii, : . .. �', . I ...: 1, I
morning she
lit -Died misogynist, to Ills great alill.
-:11 .. . . I
. ble to -or -contrive some sort of 'rig ; have a good look at It.1i .. �: .. . .. �
; I . .i �. �
- -1 .
,rossed the Rubicon, Jenks bad climb -
lasting gain its a leader of men. But
:, . �.. . I .�
. .. � I ".. 1. I .
that will serve all purposes.11 i ('logo scrutiny of the w0r% already , , .
ell , as Usual, to the Summit rocic. Ile
with more e(Inable Judgment came a
I ',I , 11 �
1 1 �
119itt all. my thread Is gone. I have : done merely oo4firme(I tile avellrocy of . ;
came back with. the exciting news that
fixed resolution. fiot to inarry unle,
I ,�A I.,
. "big first Impression. Wbile trig hot(! 11 I 11 I � �.
barel.y Li n(le(IlOfUl left." , . :� I ".. ,
4e thought --�be could not be certain,,,
big prospective bride cared only� for
I "Ili that case We must fall back on. 1 the light lie opened np the -soltill with a I .. I , I
"", ,
. I , �, I..
but there were fadleatious inspiring
� him find not for Ills position. To a
. ...
_11 I ��. �,�.� :
Our supply Of bellIP." i few strolies of -the pick. Bach feiv 0 % _.:. 1
hopef Ill liess-that lowaril the west Of I
staff corps officol -, even one with a
�� �,��
. I �,,,., � ,.,i:
. �:. �
. "I I - -it .; int.- I I � I ". � 11 .
suppose th, nright be made to ties It broadeped Into a. iluteworth I I ,'. ,
Y ... � .
e farolf islailtl lie could discern the
small private incOnie, tills was, lio
I �
... -
q - . ,�.
. . � - i , : I .,�� .
serve." she said. "You are uover at a � volvaole (like, now Yellow In its tills",)- .. I :...... ..��:
t .. q 11 -
I . . I 1: 1,11 .._'..
Sulu lit. of a steau'vi.. -
un. I
attainable itleA Then lie met -%vIth
. 1. , I ., , � �, % ` I I -,.''.11 .
� q : . �. :::,
Ifiss for :in expoillent," . I rl!T, ,at tilues it bliI bla .. q : : ,: � . 11 _.o I �
! lute Pt'. (:it : .,: . ..
Though 1w 11 ad t,,Y(,s fur a faint cloud
. the shame and agony of tho court infir-
.. - I . I .
',,It Will bo it poor one, r foar, But ! wheil fused with btlicr metals. The ad-
I Df vapor at Ivast fifty. Itilles (11stuilt, ,
I I.) 1. NI'llile Ills .soul still quivered
voll .(,all Inako ill) for it by biiyhig'soi�o ! dit:-nal labor uorwi-ea caused ]lint to - I .
lie .Saw ilo-thin.-v or at remarkable cliange -
under the hish of tbat terrible down.
. A few mondis arc), I %,,,n,.% persuaded
lilce gowns at Dolicet's; or WoroI I fol!(,Nv fill the line of the fault: ,,Sud- to try 1'FrnI.t-a-tIvf,q.11 I took several
arfected, 110aWl' 11101110. 011tWardly Iris
fall Iris cattle hito Ills life. Ile It - new
.14110 latigife(l. delightedly. "Perhaps -1 den!y tho 11,111le of the lamp began to boxvs,, anti rroni 'the ouLset of thIs,
%I""' litti"(41 In her lvoiltl�d manner, lint
not 'what ifilght happen If they wexe
In hls�JOY at illy reappearance lily dear I flicittrAii a draft. 'There was all air treatmont I Nras better, the (�oiistlpa-
X )ter voillimnlon's inind were not whol'
rescued. TLe tinie Nvould quickly p.-I%s ,
. . I p,',,ai;(- hatweon vave antl led -o . tion wa.Lvurvd, and , t1w dl�s(lbarge
IY` Monopolized by tliv Ifluish bave,de.
.until the (P:d order was r(Notimed, slie
. I I lessened. I tooil-., for the palone,,ss, sev-
. . i �I&y ennic Wt -k fnio the�e'x*terual eral battles of the Iron .NI:Ivttire as
teeted oil tile horizini lie tillist have no- I
. ; -
to go 11;,,(% to Lor pusition Lit society,
. , . I . I Plaro. ll,isiv,l,.,Ilolv.,44y�(-L,it)ti,�tli,itstie recomm6ndcol in the "Protit-a-Ilves'i
I!(-(!(; life turned up ends of a pair of
lie to hv("W110 again a dil,;graced. ox-
- - .. I I � -7 . 1 fbrgut to ext.1ligulsbo the little larnp. book, but I foc,l tlia.t it was "Frult-a-
trousers belioath tile lient of her tat-
.offie(T. aliparvilfly -wol-Mug out a mere
� I I , . I
. .. - i tille S*oi)a w1th outst-retchea hand, tivois" alone that cured in(,. ,
lered skirt. I
tXistell-C bel'orek the Mast or handing
1 " I I �� I . (Mrs.) Eliza Levesque.-
1, .. I 1, "There 1:3 it lot of wouc-y lit there," - ke I -v(,, -'s advice.: Take
TA Nfrp. Lk wou
It did oc6tir to-Iiiiii that Iris ro!-
. .
plat(s In a Saloon.
. . .
. I she said.. I � I "Frlilt�a-tfves" and cure yourself. 500
- ,elvool his nioliaeutolls announcement
Would It not be a sweet deflance of
. "Tons of'it.11 - co;, box, 6. for .$2.50; trial box 25c. At
with all'odd air of hautear, and it ww',
:Avvrsity w9re lie able, even- under
- ::":,.-.... .-.--.*:::,-�1-;_ - I ,,.No need. to quarrel about 'dlylslo�. deale,rs o1r. from, 14'rult-a-tIveis lilomited,
passing r,trange sl o� (lid not offer to
vneh conditions, to will . her love and
i" �
- .,.!.`i--,i--*"-.*!�..-_ .. - ......, . is Clio , , 1) U-I.EaWa. , . . I
.11:.�ii!iii;::.'*'.�;::.,:,...,..- ,:4,. There ugh for both of us. �
'N�'. : ,;Z
I I .
iccompany -him when, after bolting his
then oll9close to her the potentialities
.:�:�-.'�i-i!i,..,:":.;!"�-':;':- . , I �
, , ,,,-.-...! .... !.:--.!...:.:::-;..::1:.j - --- 3 � " - �, I.... i
I .----;,.....-,--.,.-,---.--.: I "Quite enough. can even 'spare I _. I .
breakfast lie returoted to the observa-' '
(if the island? ' Perchance ' light
he might
. .1ve
. -
,..j::;;:� 'Mir fricad.4.11 , ore it not for I lucky - bullet'
... , �*,;:% . sonio for, hall ',%v tIlL.
I .
LOIT. . . . � .
fall. Though ri�h as Croesus, he Would
,o.'.-.%*.!,-.:�, . .
-'..7-1.1-1%,:-: I.
�:,4:::j*..�". hour drow near when. Jenks L,
,..Ni..`.'�i-`��'. i The which removed two fingers niod pari*of
- lie enine back in fill hour, and tlw
&Ell] Ile tinder the social bin meted out
, �-,�...�;-,.-.-..- "-.-z .�..;�'.'� (sllmbed,to. the Summit roe%. - lie shorI a third from the right build of the
lines'on his race were deeper -than be-
to a (-ashiered officer. She Was a girl,
::;: Y1 :.�...- ... dered ax and rifle-and"set -forth. Iris
.%�:-�7.'.;'.*.`� :�j 1. . Dvak, elfier,_Xot even it healthy sav,
'. :':*,,�;i:�E�i�di -!.." .: ...."... I
fore. . i
. . .. . � .
,, of coro
who eould command the gift. -
j, -
. .1. L % ... 1, � heard him rustling upwara thfouglitbe wre call afford to treat such a
1;_-11. h 11il . i .� -wound.
, ,�":;,
, . .�---:,
11A false; alarni,11 ,e . T
It .said oitirtly, In i -
iiets. With restoration to her father
:i!:�:i.;�.I!,-..:,;�! I .
I 91 1 ..: . . . . . . . . *** ...::: tt'Ces. 6he. set goine Witter to boll for lightly, and tell days elaps,eol bef ore the �
1i "
Aponse to'hor questlonIng look. , .
. and lloiue, gratitude to her preserver
. �:..�-.,�.!`..:.'.'�` !:�`-;.,*-..-!: I
... �� -tvauna, while briii-ing ply malmed, robber was able to mo;e the
ff:.*.:�: I ,, it fresh sup
And'illat W-19 all, dough she nerved
-would .-Issilredly rellillill; but, Lillis, love
, i1i . . . , ..
P ..:.!j!j
- I.. . I.:
,!,,P� N i.:t of"fucl, pa.sNed.the sput where the, .� Injured IIIIII) without a. curso.'
"I. .. ., . I �.
telf to-.,wallc, steadily past hIM on
might vanish like a nilrage! Then lie ,
...... (0i
. .. .i.,..... ....... . . . seraps of paper littered tile slind. " 1, bleanwhile c,wh flight Jenks slept
11 11
. .
lier way to the well. - This was (1114con'-
wont * (I act honorably. IIEiIf of the
stored wealth would be hers to do as.
.1 . I
. - ... ! .. . . silo Was file soul of lionor for a wo. less soundly,.- 11,ach (lay Ills face be.
. . I . . . �
. . . .
. . 111 vot. eftnie more careworn. Ile -began to
I . mail, but,there was never a wo-lin,
.-Orthig,,even annoying, to a positive .
. .
. n like IrI4. Resolving*- to I
%'OIIIlg wO11111
.. � .
she chose with it. . � . 11 � . � . ' ' not tjie o - rolleal, . she stood. rjgidjy�before . I ________ - . . . I � . �r!T= . �___ I -
jv -it -tile isiaull.iia' -_ -_ -
Ye.'4, tilts -%Va.-; .1 pos . sible n1ternatIve. . .. I,- I -11 . who could take h.er eyes,off ,I % r1t(on realize �N y d not been � . . . - I I . .1 . . I � , --
. 11 I I document wbich-coufrouted her. ,,,,t,G visited already by ifiij vessel.:-%rhich lifill. - . I I . 1. . I . . ... . . . . I .. I : . I
1, f I , . . . � I
In ease of neciliflit to filins,eWailil her � 'I could not hell), seelug'that one small . would certainly �p doputed to search -1,vell", she i4id,,"I've d6me ItIl" - 11 1. . . . 1.
. I .
I , 11. .1 : I . - - . THE CLEAN WAY OF I I . .
1,11tililate P,tcalw he nifist 1111,11vollatoly . " 11 .. . -morsel ,containe(V her , own ijaInC. -for them. . 'Kbe was examiolug the "Have -,y6u?'1.be -dxclaimed blan4ly. I . I 1'. � I
,,, ,. . I . . . . . . . , ,
� . " 1 T-IlI Inlitil. . 'REMOVING ASHES - ' �_ I I , %�
write full deltills of his discovery and � . _ ��, .� , .1 - =_
. , Z' ated, It 1111a ciclfiil�, rvad�! grflat cO%I of CIIIIIII and Slum. Yes.- They're it little too Iong, and. I , . . I . . 1! , . . -1 .
. . -
. 't hill,, .to Ile- I I. . A I 1. ". Dear Miss 1) , pallo." . . . . It,w, I Is his habit to, mark tb6 progress ' fool Yery fi,oN'k-wartl, bilt:,thoy're -better . J - ZHI� clear space - allo*ing for . E Z. , , . . . .. � I
Intriv, the ductiment. to . X - -_ - ..FG') �
I � - :i, ,
. .. - , , . . - I . . . I � . J - I M___ .- - I . .
,�-`.--- . I 1,Q 8 IiI!t.Il1!Qd.*fOr ille", ,me tiftie' ti' the rudely-lunde sundial, tlfati�tban my voor- old dI unsup. .
1;1l(11ietl' only iii'lur Ills doath or six .. . ,.- . of � 0 � 11 _ I �
.. . . ... . "I - , .50 It ,wa . . . large size ashpan ' �
� �
. . I
111olillis after lll(,;I. release. , , ". .-,-,;-.,: � Q I...144... - . f � . . cried, throwing . , tlovo�- hof bundle alid I wb tch . sufficlort1h,.Nerved tlloiilv require- . � . . . . . . . . . �-This is .. I .. I � I
'I .. �-'....'...., 0 . . . I . . I . I . .
The idea pu,4.-Av.,sv(1 lilin so tborour� I . I I . , . -Silo: Ill . I to the sailor's ' '
. .11 - - I IIOI'tP(V' I another of the brijlit Yelitures .. t_ 11 .
.'��"...,:.,�'.-.�'�!.�,-�.-'-.i,'�:,."-t.",-.:.,.J . I . � . .. .. �*, , 1, dr6pPilig to* 110 kill'os: She "'o('aired nionts its alcloc,k. �Ir,14, happe,67KI to 114lie(I furicou.�ly .
" . .,��. � . . . . . . I . I
ly that lie could brook no dolliv. Ile � K. .-S Jound grilyin tile" - , .
il.:�: �t . - .. wolt 4 that particitlar i,l'y and. examined it - watch him chippifig-the f6r�y-fourtli ,,,ouiplcto bcwIldertlient, but she brave- I . ".. I - I . I I
�' . - . . .
searched for,ono of the noto'bool�s- t'lic- t.'. I . -of , file horizontal lyl')er. i . . .: IMPERfAL-0,500RD I "I . .. . 1
I .. 1: . . . ourilestly., Xot fill, worldo, would sbe IlOtQh onr the. .odge . .- rieVered find stretch'Qa out an, un- I I
ell froin tile (ivaa oiii(-ors, of the Sir- " P '_ I . : . . . ., I . . . `.� I . . _% � I.,
. � I .. .
' (]-.fr aild scribbled III(., fol I lowing, letter:' '� ! ...- I � I pick 111) all the srraps.alffl Q�lffloavqr to. - block of -,VOQ(I. � - . . . . . .Willing foot, . . .. � .. I - . RANGE �.: � . I ...... . . . . . . -. � i 1: . . � ..
I .. I . "Have' we -rviilly' been .- forty4our gv 0 . . . I I �
I . .. sort tho�n. -Yet they had it fascination � . - 1*011, I see!" lie me wl6d, and -he, --too, . I�-You'll:butjakc tiie trou�lc - -
I'lear Miss Donno-IN'lipther I . . -1 . . . y (� . . I . 1. � . . I . . .
i", 111*11.1 . . , ,site da.L s here?" she Inquired after conilt- ,-oddoll, (1, - . I",
i . I for hei and at. tills closer range , I I I I . to call Ili- Nve'll gladly ))rOve to'. -
� or dead Who'll �','Ll I'llittl 01119P I 110.14. N*011 'J8..t1tk1Lt ft(tIltl J1our'bo;s�t`drCs8'r11 , . . - . � : . �� ... . . . I . "....;,
, . I saw ano a tlyti I O;. 9 - - , � �111 _. -1 - .
will follow. that .1ove �'oti. ('wild I re- 1. ther ,%v.lilch bor ,,end_ I, -in the marks 'w'Ith grQ3VIa' astonish And during the remainder of the day , - : V1 y I .
. .
o� old dad- intiI letLme r . U . a- riot in Parts IOT . iEt YOU i , , . . I.. - . . YOLL h thi's:iange is so populan . . . . . .1 . . .. I a
-I notillon 11-mv.% Jil ,,t-- I o" ' ;- -� , . . lhent. I . . . . I , dift .e. look at lice f Oct. , - Ili-; . SEEA BE ORP YOU.�BUY , . . .
Peat that n\,owa � � . , . . . ,. , I . . III ,pot� On( . I I 11 �
, � . I I . I ' . � I . .
- - %-;iriva fm -w.., I sliui�ld find e . IlIn .1, . .
� man,, Ila bett'r oil.our way, IIOIIILI.� But that wilLuot � Somehow the t-j�o seemed te . 131 t to. t '11 bclii YO'tl 0 ckOnIlig is acenrate,,, acca, he had far ,more serious matters . I..v , . .. 11 . . .
phra to ,i1r(-.- thp. fln,,ni I linve (,It("- - * - � . . I . .. . 'Irdar,w, � � � I . _ . _ - . .�� - , . -- . . I � I .
I lastt. We are falt'll' 'we-11'.0fr; but I call- - gother very nIceh,.- , . he sitiol. "The K -is lost oil the to (11,01'a(!t Ili's thoughts, -for .1ris fe- . , .
4nve it h;il)1)y fale pornd.t . . * * I I
,,'b(,"e _ - . � . I .If* . . � , � . . I *
d is ted me to . �, ... . �.. . � . . . . , I . . I I .
.,-natrh ,,%*(ill from (1,�nth. S,o L -Imply s��13% 1. not - afford tell - thousand - a �`enr fok I yet a third cifi-ried the sakno. words- 18th of UArell, tinol I' make this U16 -1st i verlsh y .anxious to be' bul,,y, suild'only � . . I . .
� .
., � . . � A . ' I
, . . ' ' I . I . . . . � , �
whii(- ]if,, hi�,ts. v -rd it I., iny (Tearr� - I . ' 'DAVIS' .& OW �
"I kwo� yoll." I 1% til '('011thil,w to ").,'o,�o-nu I �,,,qs alone;." ' � . � ., I 'love yoll'", 1;hey were still -Eit ite of May." - , - �* - �_ 7�,ofiggested. thirt it w(ould'-be a, good . I
",'. , . , ... . ,.
, , such .a coberblit.' '-814 dil' not ant to look "It 'i"16ollis to &C' a, -ftoinendulls time; *thlfig- wore she ableAo use It.'riffe'IC 'It" . 9 - . . I .
'. - any i�oman 'can aftord . � . W , ' ' .ND * '
thalt ill th,! Ili,, b,-yorid thr, gra I . . . - . . . � .. . I � �� . . . . LA . .
"e, - 3 I khe * tild ]lilt evoll fit 'I Indeed, ill solne'I,P�spovts -it figures Ili : Ight at close quarters became ueces- . I - t, .
still be ttblo to vo:.'o my lo%,p fol ,_�, I- .,�uin far the purpose you are. at. least any �urthoh " -Scile :agents. . . , Cliritcon, On
' , ,. : . . . . . I . ri I . . ., I '. . . . ..
Blit.pet-116I)s I 11111 11.0t do-stAned to be her equal.11 ' I I . � i o"Yor suc,h*,of "tile lorn - pleevs. its had � - My Mind like many years. Th t Is qar�.. . . .1. . I . . 1. � I I 7 � . . . I I , ,
3oved by ),oil. I I � , A . I . . . .. . . � '" . ," . . . I � .. . . -
I - . .. I . ----7--. nn"
' ll'S.IQOICcd P117710(1- "Is that 'YOUr I.flu .r It aitl - WIICNII I ,1111 thililchig. 0th6rwll,.-e,. when -Tho' recoil or the Lee-'.Nretford is so " -*---- - . ------7-" -- --
. Tli�rprdre, In the evorit of - . - .. 1.0 cc 0.0 , I �llvc.doNVn�vard. ' . . ,� . . . I I
. I .1 . t , , .0 . ! ce, %he . �,Ilgllt that ,in - -wan . I, - cau- L . . 'A BIG MONEY SAVING , - � rm=3212" .
,,IN, death lwfore �"oti, leaN,o Elie istaud, f 1'�.Iy of tolling wo tha line fptl�ilers * IWIllng tII6 I'l-611 L of' ]ter. bi)(If bimy,:fhe days 'fly like hours.11 : - I - I . "
- . - - . .,i .in . I . uanipulato . , . � I . . . .
. .
Wish t') i;iv,, .Nwl ill"'Irm-flolls flu W to 11tid � .would %inake ' tile' it title -bird?" ,sbe'l bromilit to. 1101.1; i'l-sinall'"g-old Iticket "It' allf"A' be convelit - .Nveapon* With BARGAIN I . .1
:1 gold lidn'. of gl�:It valite which is IiNden' . . I '. I � . . . I .� out to have ...guPh tho. efft-et,-, prm-.1deol sfii) , . .
':I the I asked. ' I . . I - I .coutti inh'-- I. i bfl:Iturer, of her. father Ile.!, . , . I I .. MICHIINC f0ft RUBBIR TINIS
. -,wk. contidi,lug tile etwe. Yoll re- , , . I - . . ' - I I I an elastic se. . I . . . Is not called, uliou to lire f r6in a staud-. ' . . . . L . . . . �
" - � . -
mem1wr the sign on (lie pivee of till which . ":�O. I Int0ld lll.V N�Ordq,tfi, be Under.. all(I mothol... hisfile this 1�vvvptacje she I "Most iiseiui. I strlte 'to appV t.be . log, positioni in wjliell'caso, tftC.;we1gbt . 11110 Seele , .
,Ae vould not mAvrstand. The figure 3� P . . .1 � I
Q(�t)jl In Ill . . . . . . . . -_'rJlftfpy." * aftilllf,, . . , y ailild West . .. .
. I eir 01;(1111111- selwo. You are C., d "o f I I I "V pi�1L.O(I'l.11(i ffillec V': : 111('k,irnfo ivilvi, you are I L , 1P
- I . . . f"ally Inate- I , - L k- linble t6 -cau,� bad g. .,Though - -
(1, rJules fit,, litillosr. del)III of ill(- E.XP4I\.l,- . I * 9 � . I 111siK . - have just hoiJoght a machine -for . � �
' ' - L I , L
oil f verl... � I 11. (,Y- 4 a I -t, . r I L I - attaching Rubber Tires to 61 : . .
ti(;Il. 811d lilt! I 8191011IL'S 1I 0 oot be_ , very rkh* .�li-.4" De. Ile'. fill I, poll'.1011.1 .1i.4 I t1w s�flor's letter. , JrI9 placed lie ar�iis ak.iinbo_.PIaDtP it vaing 6ther latolu the day,.Je�iks � �.
g Aly-wealdly , , 11 L. .. , . . .. .. Be"ouset"a -HARROW . . Ig- , �
,ow the stil o - 'III .Youll persoll.11 ,4611 Jelik,; . vNi v - reet -W1( el -V -'11)qPt Mill S111TAT(I " (�aught at the Adea' 'lie' a i1188 I quis ctearter *
-face, all reachilig.tl f t1karil", 11 I - A down the I u, -
I 10 f'.LQ 0 . . . V. . .. L18 I 0, ,ill od, 1101. I gies.. ,thd are �repared - to AOL all .
-e 1. -vin uf gold. .. . . �. I I .. . L . ,. . I I - . . L. 'L . � " . ectistoill6it, , rns the soil over better Lt has hecorne, the . * . . L . .
� , . I . . .. 11 . Wor)K of this kind promptl , ' .
therock, thoi s u rich % . ,Xbc . m -In ho'lji�:tril h . _1101. ik1L tile. fIr,,.Zt. ill talleo of the, Urnier-lanious, thfonghout Ont ri .. .
. , "Of coursesoll kllo* yqu fire falking. I , I I , - I)efol-6. .. * , , 8 io the Ilse of I otter i1roilaces as a great maney-onalid . , " , .
hollow oil the ot1wr side of the clift. be- .1 I 111, - , . ell sfilgilig Iong . . . . . . . I 'L I I . . . , Ait reasonable" y and , . . �
-aine filled As-ith atilwdrate gas, , "housense �.Ivlly, only th.6 o -1y lily. ; Iye catjglit� ,.4,-,�,Ilt of lior seditiously tolid- � . C7_ .. : III cofr1ri(i-es. Tfi6n�' L Pcrfeali adiusted., Sihiple. 'Coll, Co. '. I . piI I - - . ,. .� .
( anki tlii.q . flier ol, L ' . ". .. . _� . I . when fairly h , . I
stor)pc,d the-operationts of the .Cl . I I . . .. I . ing.the fi * . . I . . .� 1. _ . . . . ,tand-longbisting. J-hrlit'draft.nopc.c. , .., . Also all kinds of h%the Work, , - � .. -
I . I . . . . ____ . . . , I ,e underasoUite on- . . L .
at 'lid" - ,. IT. . __ -it ., at grinding"and machine repa'iring..
. hinese, f. 110, 6. - I . . . . . -, , . L- . -_ proll(Jdut In*.liulding aua sigliting . ty 1, .
who (widently laivw of The exisit-lice ot ' � ! ., I _ �. .. I in .. . =.s lea for - . .
. the mine. This is Lill tile Infol-111111.1on ilia - "Bizeuse me. 11,40 is Abe av(raoe s hCe'lill,o IlOhr lie perco�iivpd* tile -re-. , .- .., I child'ean' - to rbfill tile, 011), mi and .' a , argain , . . i I I. . . ' L '
, I .�� , ... L, . learn 1107K . . I . .
- . . . I . " M;E_1JIS'L Of. I fs -11-soloss dopninvilt. . Its. find eject, e1ich eithilt o'llre(l. .1 owill P,y (a now . . . .
-dress from a to..-- . ,� . * , . . re .b. it , We�have Installed a machipe '
'perts price of a Walking "I . I .
o,x employed by -Sir Arthur Denne ,, . I I .. '. . y' sbclln-slie '11re(l. , In 6,*, escrils. . .
. . ; I tive, rn hes the - . .
. stuoried . - Ion rounds of se6 I ainnitinitiou. Tho faetS., Write for it today. L 8111I 431111ppers - ' .
will nved. The faots,*are it nq ties tiontiLble: ifi� Pails house?" ' . I Mid' �:,Tthtivcd t1win up, fortha I . eb , I' booklet . . . 1 - for G.'rinding.
_ M . A . . . . � . . I . .. Ad. i and are Prepared to do such worl, ,1
' , I
. - ' .1 ' . . with I I fowilig, theni 'Among tile g I I . ' . . .. I
--Oksstiniing tbut I am alive, we will, of.. I I I I I low- . It #I target ,wasia wb.Ite circle oli a rock at I I -I! st class thanner.. - ' ' 1 -
"Thirty po.ands." ' ' " ": . I I . 'i, ; � I dressDept. % - .
. .. . ., � . I ' L E.*B 00. in
course. be co))artnL1rs in the inilie. if I �.. 1. . 11 � ir, is IM Ltd.. . I I X . � I I
-"And an eveni lig dress ?" . . I . in�g.logs.. � - I . � I . I I
-'in dead. I wish one-sixth share to be - � . L . , . * . . . . . . . . eighty yards, ,full, t osd of, tile tell 05. ont. . 4 1 . . . . . . . .L .
gi%*cii to my uncle, William Anstruther, "Oh, anything frolu,"ty Upirarol." ! , , '11'r the w.13'. whatwere you writinfl; . . L . L shots-, that lills"Cd* the absolute � iiiarlc _M111F 0 1 1 . I I . . :
. . . . . . . . . . � . .... - _. __ . ., ..
. .
<.'rossthwixite Manor, Northallerton, 'Ir.ori-.- Ile picked up a few i)leces of- quartz wit Ile I bad my batli-TI. Inquired Iris L 1, - - would *have. ludde an 6heiny. at the i ' I I . . I - i . . . . . L
- I . .
, .
:-Ilire, its it reeoini)viwe for his.kindrie.9a fl,om tile cloI Silo t , , I ,,, I .. I � . so -_111 . I I I Robt. Wilsonj GodeMch . � 11 . BLACKS'MITHS..' L . . I
to tile during my early life. The remain- I . I e.. . . I uiurely.� - . L . I.. I . I - ===__� , 'Same olls fance extreme Y Uncoul'orta- I NV. J-0an, Sea,foith. I ! _ - ,.,
I "I ' .1 � . L .1 . - . 11 , . . .. .. .1 I L I .. . .
d( -r is to be yours ,qbscilti1,-1y.- 1 7 . -1cre 1s: your Walking' dress, . he , "Some informfitiqn, About th.0,-mifte: I . . . . I biLl, I I . . . . .. � . ATcNeit Br9&... Walton. .. ; I . .. : .
. I . . . . - I 1. . I - � � ,
-R013P.11T A.N.STRL:TJIER. ' - said, handing h At rills' WAS �much. jI with �hct pro- Jjjo. Guest! G,fint , . .
, ev .it luoup -%,elghlng. coil second thonghts b6wever, I smit' -1 1, I L. )3L - I
. . . , . . L . . . on, I .
I . . I . I . . . I
. a , . . . I . �ow," 'Itty, Varna. -� I . . '
He read this remarkable documefit * about a pound. "Wlth;the bnjan6e Ili 1was , unncc(,.q$, ry.-I ' . - . I , , , � 11clooley., "N she cl-led, "In8t6, d ok .
. .. - ... L, . . '
, ,l I" �;:� ' ' ' .
. .
twice throll.-Ii to inake �sure that -it ex- the beft "Ob, was tbatall?" , : * . � . . . % . � i being -a hindr.ince to .You, I .may be . Th�is. G. Allan., Dungannon . . : . .
. . I
1) :tllor6 you call 'stagger' the . . . . __ �;..-- .... I . I Ford .& M, L d. _. .1
� L... .. ..... .
. . I . . I .1 ... I.. . L \ I . . C (.> 0
avily recorded his sentiments. lie even best-dresseil woman -you moot at.your "Practically -all 11 . . � I . . ? . , IN .LLL 1 41 . some help. Ili awy case, the Dynks will . I . -_
I . .. . . O'. , I . I I
8 . I 11 .. I * , ji , I L .. ... � . I Having se3ured a commodious Grain , ,
suilled s ll� fir tolhilleriqlEngland." : "Tile some part. ;s . Imig . actlea- - . �, I * think, there'are two men to face, and I . .. . . , I
- ,trvastluall,t at the cudowine . , 0 . . L I wa m 'O t,161,L go ' I I . ... I . I . . . . 'L . L I . . .
� I .. L . . . r e � .
(if the unt-le )i lip disinherited lilm. ' . 'Do you Inethu by pelting her P she ble?i, - - I . I have oa* reaso l I , i -Storehouse, we are now. I)uying all. .�
. I L t'. I . . . - . 11 .1 . . . I
L . . . . I wooes nosphaine.,
'I'llvol, satistled with the perusal, lie tor.dL In Dived mistbleT OUXIYL " .. , Ile glan�e(j sharply at her, but she I .. . Its, I L . . ! L I.. ! .2 4 kinds -cif grain, foi, which the,.bighest - �
. .1 .
. ,
I . . I Q . . . . I . - . was; merely talking at random.' . . L . . I , . I L . o be continued, L Ae t it . .. , . , � Tlod Great MgZi.q7b .Revirdro . ! prices will b,e.paid. - . . . I .
alit the two leaves voyered by the letter 1JP,'aPWdN40.� By we'll -in' . . . . a , k , , - Tones and invigorates the who a , -
. .1 . .9 a inore.ex L L' . � .0 . I . . . � I - LWee .)L.' � � I I
la"d ))O,r:lll to devi�,e a iheaus of pro- ' Pe . ., . � . I . .. . , nervous srstfirrif makes now I Brin, Shorts, Oorh and all' kinds of' . L
ilsive tuokililic.", - - - - .L .1 "IV, el I, you see," he explafilell,, "one . I I . . ,, . � .. - L I . 1, f
. . . I . I .... .. I I � .i, . I . Blood In o d Veins. CtirekXerv- ain, Seeds and, other feeds - it
tecting it scullrely while Ili Iris' pos- .'Ilts nianlier WEI., est that lie eiln (16 so littla . IvIthout., the ro II'S.'JoI L . ii . � I .1 I I L . __ ons Debili Arental an(I Braia Worry, Do:8- r L . :
. .. s so on-vil . n. I I L . I I . . L . . . I pondmeft,. cmuni Treaknom F, in-4�,qions, Sper- � g . . ept oil � � . . .
I . I
,loll. . . � I c. the plant L This sort.! -of ore requires .a . I . I , . . %, I i - and at the storebolise. * . . I
s c "s I . Compelled 'Serlousne,ss. . Iris tool . . . . 'l, i . 1?1 I.. L . . cl ;,P-. M rM C31 X:L I _m. . I owtolephtra, and r3j,reds pf2bitaaor A'alclstoas. I I I . I
� . . � �
At 11"It- Ill-lielit% he looked .lip and P pe�djlwll and lookeol [it it,' I Crushing Enill, a: smelting ftErnace,.per- I . . V , ': .. . .. Be,, fl� The Od You flayff.Alway BOUI 1 Prices1per-box,sixfor 5. One willpl6a8e, Aix. . . .
"P . . . . , .". - � I I will onto.' Sold by all gruggists or. mailed in I . - .
. L' I
saw five coming toward hIm*aeross the 1.0111L the eave, I supppi,o? I th.0,light haps big tanks filled .With .cyanide of'- , . ) I . . Oi naturo 1w, ... I plain likir. on recei. of price. It I ir . I .. I
. . . I . � -�' ;M�7j_ . wailet:Q L : Fo d &-MWLe*lW ' .
. . . . . . I . .. P . : L ree. one ood Mad I ' . .. . . ' L �
beadl, brIghtly,fluNlied affer her bath* you qaid .qutln)oiiy 'was not very valij. potassium." I . L "I I of II�,Vt,;;�'- ... 0 A t'l L L . �
I . . - If �enl` '"C"TPA, ' I .
" .1 1. . L . %, . � . *_ ,.., I (formiliolir 117*idsar) ' � Tor. -to, On _ G. T. Ri STATIO.N, CLINTO.N.
Walking likv it ilyinpli clothed Ili t,1 -� able"" I . 1. L .. �. . I : ,'.'.Aad._of..cour.s.'e although -you can do ,,, �, ." L.� ,� . . . . I .
. - -t --- I - I . .� I . 11 ---- L- .- - I . I. I . . . .I--- � .. - - -'L I . I L . I I I . - - - _ - -_ - -- - - - I . . .� . . . .
t L � .1'.. _1 .... I I .-.,. . I
terotl. garinents.. Perceiving tha he � "That Ic9 not fintimohy. it Js gold. wonders, You cannot provide all those I . .1 '. . . . . . . -L L . I - - � . � __ . - . . . _.. . . I L . - , . . .
-is wah-1111 hot,, she waved ]ter b, -, can ,P) . I . I . I . . I . . . . . , I
'Y 011111ce I have lilt Upon an ex�rcaie- things , . . � . . . . ..�,-,'P . * . I I I I
w. I., and B you f - - .
. � I . I I .
and ill.,,tilli-lively quickened her pace. .1y 1,,�citi I.ode of -gold. At. the 1116st li'lod.- � Jenks docined this quety to be uuan- . . . 1: I ;,�i",4 .�:�, *. - . I L I ... . I ' . . lw
I . I . . I . .0 . ... � . ' L
.. ; . P �.O I � � . . ,
' . . � . . . III 9 , .
- . . I . .. L .1 ,v,�* . i, - I . I i -DAMS
Evoll 1�oxl -C th ,oniputation it I.., worth, buildredg swerable., . . I I . . .
, wIl , ell they Wei rown.to-, c!,st (. . � ., I � R. A
I .
. -
gether by lite Pitigencies of each hour, of thollsandli of pounds., You and 1, life.. They I'vore busy agifin Until . night, . #.r.ol� . P v .. .. L . . 1. .. . . . I I I I . . .
, . . . I . r . L I . . I . ;
I410 disliked to be long separated from L iolufte �Voilltlly fwalile, A114% ,I)vallo", w _ fell, Sittill.'r down forLa little while Del . I . .1 ... I . ; I ,
him. . 1. . I I 1rI,%*'oPcnQdLIIPr blile C I Yes VVI'y Wide fore re - tiring to � rest, they discussed for . ; . . I , . I .. . 4 .. I I ..Londeb
In','f1llItIY tile scalPs fell ftfun his. lit tills 4 lite] Ilg(�Il c o. It.took lier breath tbo hundredth time the prdryabilltles 45f . - 'l.f tw.�; floli,14 ,% - . . .. ., I . � I . I . . . �
I .1 L . I I . L . 11
' . I . I . I .
Mental vislon. Wbat! -Distrnst IrIsI. all 1117. 1111t her first lVords betokened- 'sp&ldy succor. L ThIS' le(l them 1110 . the . . . I . . . ,,, . . .1 I ,. I . �. . ..I . �. - . . . . . .
� I I . . . . 1. L I � � - . ..
Driagine for oue second that.riches or
;lev innat.osellse.of fair Elvillilig, . .
topic. of ayttilable supplies, and the
d"IMs wttli an rxprossion intic ptigire.
bo, terinod. JpIplident. bley
Poverl.v, good repute -or Ill, would affect
,"You Elliot, 1! )Vval(hy!" silo gasped'.
sailor told. Iris tile' dispositions he hail
8111I . I . � -
Iliatloyal heart -tvIlen its virginal font ,
"I ain .so. ghid for ,I'oliv make, but tell
madeq . I . . I . .
were great friends, these two, now..
'%'i's fille(l with the love that once in
me,,pray, Mr. Jenks, What Ilaye, I got to
I .
. . . I I . .
I .
'WIlon.the Urgent necOssity.for coil-
ber ilfe-comes to ove�y true-wor,lotant
do with it?". � . . . I I �. .. I 1.
. CiUrTE, It ,T. - I
tintious, labor no Ioiigor -spurred thiew -
Perish the thoughti . . .
.Laughing at his fantastic rolly Jenks
- . .
"You!" lie ' not.
partners In tills Island? By squatter's,
; I
. . I
TG11IT after night the Pleladet:j
to exertion driving *every moment of
daylight, they tackle4 the box of books .
tore the lettler 'Into little ploces, It
right It by no better.'title wo, oNvIl land,
swung higher In the firinh-
IDOIIII Day after day the sailor.
fill(] . read, volumes vf�hlch appealed
InIg"Ilt if ,
ave been wiser to throw t Ile
Aulnerals, w66d,,gahio fill(! eV�)Il sticl)
, - .
perrected ills'defenses andaux-
to tll(,
.m I ii-contmon, Wit quaint tomes
,ill tlio .of wlll(�b Jenks W. tutol,
sheets Into the embers of the fire'dolie
hall(], �ut for the
NvOrd bQW19111,48 419 ancient Ilglits�,ani.l
� ., I
.oil, .. .
.41 Y scanned ,the ocean .for sign. of ,.
Use as
anol Iris the scholar. . " - ' � � I
fit nonce lie Was over.'
powered by the great awakenin ib t
", "'
114111lig, PrIvlIP.A,o- .. . - . ,
, . "I . I �
" .1 don't see 11111f.'It "111'. You, find a
1. IrIMIdly smoke of, hostile still. This, re .
sbito wolild not ,))nVA liecti given 16
, it beeniho a II pritielple wi �
'ill the
- L ,
I had come to him.
I . . I
. � � . I .
11 P . . �.
-bat she was very Ignor
girl t . =44ind
"Good graclousl Dofl't gaze at....
1. �
I I . . I I . . .
. . .. �
� I
she trististed'that the Sailor should
I bat fash Ion. I don't look Ilke. a ghost,'
4 - -.1 1. - 1. - . .... . . . I . . .
_*_..__. _ -___.1_--
. .
� 11 .. . .. I � . �
1. - 11 �- - _111101111111MMM"11111111011111
toach- tn6e, Among the
For instr
, . 11� 11'," .1 A I .1 'l, 1.
. . . I . .... .
. .
boolm lie found a' treoltise oil astrono-
U, V . ,,, - N4. -111 .0101,11i � I*
note Ills I'llpt expression. I -
"You'would not object If I callea - �Iou -1
a viqioll,.", lie Inquired quietly, avo.rtfng
llrq o.v(-,4 lest they should speak.wore I
plainly thnn his tongue. . I
"Not It you Inotint it nicely. But t I ,
real' fillit 'spectel" Would be .it more up-
propflaie word. Just look at my best I
gown!" .
She spread out the front widths of
lie" 91I mid vertallily the prospect
was latuentol)k ' ,. The dress Was so .
Patched and mendo.d, yet so 'full of
fresh rents, that it. respectable'llouse- ,
10181(d would hesitate b0fore-using It t,o'
� �
. . .
my. It ylelded a koon delight to both
. to Identify .a constellation. and learn
all sorts of wonderful things'eOtI
. Ing It, . I .
I . As a Variant, Jenks Introduced a I
study of I-Ibidusbini. 1114 method.was I
to write ,it short sentence ajid. explain ;
in dotall its component, parts. she i
knitted her brows Ili the effortlo was- ,
ter the rid icu loll 8 colliplexities of a. ! i
I'lliguage whiell. Instead of siniply say' I
Ing "Take" or 1111ijD0,11 conipOls one to
say "Take -go" and "Take-com6.11 It
0110 problolif defied .mollition-tbilt of
providing wintent for trig. The trulted
11 skill of the sailor Emil herself Would-
I . . I , "� I I
. I 1. I - Wk . . I � . .
. -
� 4 . .
0 � . . . .
. . � , I I .
. I
. . I .
I . . I
. 11 . Seventeen, yeari it took to � I . .11 . . � I I . . . . I
. � � . . .
. fi.xid]imyto add one special. iniredient in tile.. - 1. � . . . � .. �
i-.-- 11 _ . __--ridlif , . .
,,._ .1y , � .tolhe Lere lead and oil i nd , . " ' ' ." - , '
I -w , _q 4 , * aliIIioynt I I P , I a . . . .1 � I � . :
. Zinc -of. MI. P.nve Paifits. Tinic w0.1 -pent, forit makes . 1� . .1 � .
� I .
. .
. . .
tlte§e p"Aii'lits, las"I tivi.ce as lond as c,fl.,r.q,. and proteci far . . .. .
I I .
� .
. better. - Saves -you w4sfind rndmy - on. fault -full paints. . . I
.. . . � . . .
. ,
. I .
� I . �
I . , I Makes 'it � safe., as.,well as -wise, , foi yqu � to buy I , . . I .11 . . . . . I . .
. .
P. . . . . � . i. I 1. . � I .
. . � . . . . I
. .
. , . ". ; . . 11 I
� . tl� . . 1. . on , . . . �� . .., .
. �
I . ... -a I .
I 1, .
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I I ..... . . . .
I I . . ,� .
I , I
I 11
� I . ;
. I
I . . ". . 1, P "--d, i n ts . . ;
I . . .. I . . . I . 1�
I A IQ Kade in ever,y waoxted color 11 N . 4 - -� - I I , . I
for every paintin.,,_ purpose 1. �
. "" . . . I 11, . i
. . :
I I . Imaperial'VariI o& Color Co. . .. !
. . � Linaifted, of Toronto . . . .
I I .
I 1. . tollfaly . 1118hed 1888 11
. 11
I .
I . I 501 . � I . , I � I .1 11 I 1. . . � � .
. .
.-, . = � . ..