HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-06-17, Page 6- 4 , Tho Ottawa Now Am I June 27th, 1909 ___ _ _ --,�"-"----,.--,.--,---.--"-----,.,----,-----,-"------� - --- --- ------ � _ .... .... ___ .___ __ ... � , I - .. -11-1- 11-11 —111-------,�---�---"",,-----.—,--..�--- I so N Llow. =460m voictk ­ [DR, OREWFUS WORK DOC I . _.­_­ ­ Ott' WX KEEPme #0 Which Receive Every Possible Cam - ,, j! . �_T. , ,OR I � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... I'll, 11 0^P,_ and Attention. . .11 - '� ' TO be a success on the grand opera 4, INtREP10- MISSIONARY WRITES UTMOST tECRECY IS OSSF,RVF.0 18 st4$eica. !oTari must of course have , OF LABOR$ IN LABRADOR. AD IS D ; : E , BY CHANCELLOR. . . ftvO e _a V % owerful. golden voice . � - . . ! � � ,i reach to the very hearts, whose tone. , -, � , . I'Mugo . 1 I '. " . I of men, and women -but beaRty and grace of action ,and a �plendid stage ,Medical Man Who Is NO ' I I I Im", I Pr Sums of Money Might B* Made . � I I ce. while charming in them- ;' In Ontario Tolls, In English Pa , I'Z� 7 I I ON - .if Features of Financial Statement .1 ­ �, , � = are not necessary to her suc- ; the Mission Oarries on - _ : � ; I . ! Al tptR of Britain Might Be Found, Out In 1. �� : , ­ cess. In, fact the grand opera starki are beautiful of the, present day who . � ,How . .11� i Work and, What the People Need- I . . .0 .. I I � Advanc3, But Facts Are Jealomty � � L . . . are very few and iai between. Most , i C)aptain W.a�ehed overboard 'and � I Guarded by a Few -News Once . of them are quite, quite plain, several aro homely and few of them can be ' ; Drowned-SuOiilillis GWF-ht In Ice- Cured - by Lydia 1B. Pillk* ,. Le4keO Out In Gladstone's Time. I 11 I I said to really act. It was the same ' Dr. Wilfred Grenfell, the heroi() bam"sVegetableCoMpollod - It is worth hundreds of thousands I liotj$la CLF.ANING � being a m0noo witli tile favorites of other days. Patti never liad histrionic power, and her medical missionary �oi the Labrador in whom Canadians I of dollars to some people to know in ' Instead Qf . ­drudgery becomes a ton" �only idea of expressing all kinds. of coast, is wman � more intoresteol, as Ilia a Vanifton, Ont. -I, I had been re t 1� %octor advance the exact details Of the Wit- 1, . OUS, . . Pleasure who" sn"Ilghtbelps emotion was by raitsir�j or lolveringr oritag was really her eyebrows. S I grow more .,and - unique worl, � proceeds, For a 9 his � r five years. One �told rue it was lilcers: of the uterus iiih budgets. There are slipaulators on the StQek Is'xchange who could you. Remember - �$urillgbt does all the worl;,. 4 hail the ipgly. Yet with the voice. alone these , years now lie has performed many . lonely sea�and-shore labor as super- . and another told me it W' as a fibroia tui4or. No one ` make a fortune out of the knowledge. . . it I cost and in ,half ,a , I . , I - armed thoir audiences and artists ch. compelled the f-avor of public, Intendant in Newfoundland an(' La- I . knows what I suf- ' To holders (it brewery stocL-s,'a Illat time of other Soaps. .the. —illj or "nWjllinm brador of the Roy"I National M'I's'on . fered. I -would or a wliir;per from the Chancellor of .. .4�. . & I i � I . . � , . .0 .1 I ; Follow alroct(ous . -.-fi I t llishermen, but so le- r - ____ __ - - : . � It is but natural, therefore, that Cho to Deep Set, ''I �... I always -be worse the Emchequer b0ore lie begins to - � � . .1 __1___-__-__ -1_1- ­­­-, - . ,,!V!M,0i-"­­. � "? . . - s his.enthusiasill for 'it I'll. I I.., 4, .- . " care of the voice should be the prin markable i� � , at certain perlods, rob the houroouts" would be a.boon . . .. . � . . I- . I clp,il anxiety of every stage vocalist, that his labor is a pleasure. Indeed, 1W .. and never -was and a blessing. But happy is lie who , .60 V1604%jo 1 1 .,&- that all the solicitude which a vale- lie told tile Canadian Club in Toronto lar, and tile EXPERIEN,015. I I I , * a sO ago that lie would never 1. �­:.:�;,,�, rffattring-do wn PXpecteth nothing, for he. shall not . tudinarian. bestows upon his *health - : . , be disappointed. With Mr. Lloyd- . . year or � . , . Writing in the . aluswere terrible. I - I I . � C;Lnadlau Haft, Rostolpriijv , I , , � ___ __ .- - r cart, to give It up, I I., Ovorge, ,as with oth6r Chancellors of 11, �:R�_ - I I � should be given by the opera singe I The Standard of , �. � t f, as very Ill Ill. I , 2) r - to her voice, for the voice ne, all current ,issue 10 I W' the E,xchcqncr,- "mum's the word." 11�, A . . � 91, I cod arid bed, - I . � � capital and stock -la -trade, all hopes Empiro about Ille land o find the doctor How ho provides for ,in estimated de� I . _z . - - . . .. 11 I 1 7 , Of a brilliant future vanish, and there I caribou, 1)1'. Grenfell says that'the . told nie I I would . .� , . have all 5 � � � . remain only the prospect of a life of I -fishermen there have had a very poor have to ficit of $75.090.000, and raises tile . � - I 11 . . .. ,ard woik at teaching, season. Here I,, all extract from his ' operation, and wind, as the sayhig'goNs, for .the mf_,q , s % TRADr6 I MARKS : �A o. - . - . . . ' � that I might (lie natioii,,illi:oii,.ic!lteL�I)ill',, next " . PE$IGNS I store gTay hair to its natural color. year, is a '. . -wor , Steps falling hair causes to grow on. bald Jenny Lind ohee said: "If I fail to ",,_e, which shows the diflicultieg during t 0 Rtion. I wrote to my secret which lie. loclus up lit his bos- . �Wvc Q�___ .- _�91 I I practice one day, I notice the differ. of navigation on tile Labrador coast' . . U0PVFt1GKTS 4C. -1 � heads. f,luresdandraff,itchiiig.scp.lpdisear,es. $1 ter a Ili` and site ,advised me to om until the moment lie- stands up Anyone sending a alteteb and descrigtion . may. �� / -7 __ , '. __ . I , once; if two day,6, the critics find it I , , f the late . I wtaktT, aseertato mir opinion free,t ettiar an - .- .. . -, ..� -1 __1? . By its use thin hair grows luxuriantly. ,Tito boisterous; gales 0 ta IL, yy 33. 111ilkham's Vegetable in the House of Commons and draws invent on its prchalowpatentnble. Cora lea, I � -_ �-.. ... � . - ­ � - - . mun - . liter V �. . � : - out; if three, everybody observes the fall and the early onset of w! Compound, Through personal expe,� tionostricte t al. HA 0800K on ate to 11 -w - ­ " -, . - " . ­ - Contains no oily or greasy Ingredient& . , confide � ard the veil aside. mantirise. 1clestaflenorlow,seclurin Pa n . . - -.--- _� , ., __ I : , Is entirely unlike any other hair prepars- change," Care of the voice means have made 'things go unnsually, It rience I have found it the best medl.. -, No doubt flip inou Ili tile qtrest Patentstaken t rou un n, 0* tee a - ,� - , care. of the health. Day in, da� out, spectialLottoo'VIL11011 Q urge, I 0 I I . � ­v� - "-.:;, It i tior ever ofrered for sale. . 'even with some of our own workers. cillie Ili the world for female troubles, often wonders holy it I',-, that, --with so * I . 11V I . .9 at precious voice nlu,st be watched I i _:�� " Agood, rellableCanadian,preparatfon. ' ' th ' avlllg for It has cured me, and I did not have ,nany melliliers of - the Government scit"fift: I I ; I � ' The schooner Lorna Doone� le every �jafeguard must be thrown with suelilies for two of our Labra-. to have -the operation atter all. The ' tinsolkIted Testimonjalaq I . . I and so many officials- necessarily in &himoj4omo!y illustrateol qelil - Largest W. ,. it. � nd also helped me. while pass- aulattanofanyoclon'Iflojo a]. Torm4lor I : , With Ai Burke, Missionary H. M. Chureb, - around dor stations, (it Battle HO*t4l lh(� confidenve Of a Clianeellor of the We Want to - : Akbintim Egypt. and friends,greatlypleased The hour of public appearan Cariala,83.75ayourop eta eprepatil, SoJ4.hy ,, Land . r I e in the new nursing station lit Forteau, ing through Chan of jAfe.11i=-b1rS. T�,,,elivquvr, Ill,; �;ocret is always so, M newsdealera. . � . Tx � . : with ;Z06 after twi) years'uAng. , the evening is, to the prima dfo'nna, ,ran into a.licavy easterly gale off LTMITT4 BLA111, elietiiftori, Ontario. Your -at order,, because we know that - I . . ! L A. Hopes, Wilnet, Monta-6 MY hair' the focal point of -th rything . . well kept. 'Tito fact 'is that the ac- t I ' ' ' . MUNN & ft.36tBroadmay,-NeW yof ' 0 satisfaction you will derive from �- . r and whiskers restored to natural colot, darIc The sells off* t110 mouth k th � ; , Inns for the Lydia E. Pinkilain's Iregetable'Com- tual details of the budget a a xZZ5 F St.. war, *no. . eyes to the f4ct I � -1,��"Vl,; "' Cape Sqble. re lcxio)N,n 4Br rich otbo, D. 41 leads up to it. .ml it � . I brown, by using Canadian Hair Restorer. . ,� "k tile Gulf of Fundy are proverbi4ly . 1. I day-indecoli of tile and year- of . pound, made from roots and.lierbs, to) very fow lwojj]F� ill advance, - I uhatyieti cannot do better atlyWhere 1. T XOMM,Bu essville,Ont. Canadlaullair ny- . I � � . I : Restorer is thot shall ba (1, al. tide of a has proved to be the most successful nitty be quo.1intiod ,whethor at any — � else t � est I havepver used, ' lia�e in view the. hour when she lbe plientilliell . � you Can with us. You will 20 stand upon. the stage, as queen of the thing up to sixty feet causing nasty remedy for euring tile worst forms of tLuo there are more than two or .three find . : John 0. Hall, New Aberdeen, C VBreton. � -, -rous to female I 1,ast week. J'qseph Thanipso.al that we are not -,all at se&11 in- our . 41anadian Hair Restorer has work wonders. alls tlint 1�.rp ,,vry citing, I -;idp - -. to . - . ' 11s, includill- displacements,. s (if tilt, Vnbinvt W116 0,111 tell weighmasteri' it rnsp6oted rep ,lit of business, but 'thoroughlv -4up - the � _ . I My head is nearly all covered with thicic ,boards. Her whole life is subordiliat overt, It little craft _Iljfjamm,,jti , rrvinber. nAzinte" and watchful oi the I t resta � originalcolor. I% ed 'to the stage tippearaucc, in *the small ve%Sels. While t e oll, fibroid tumors, irregu� V, public aildlellee, if they should be Shelimmo tind v 'good citizon, got n e I growth black hair, evening. As it rult�, grzaid Opera sing- was running mcely under a three- arl ties, periodic pains, bilcka-elle, be,jr� irivitod to do so. precisph, . uP01INVII0.10 � Ingryij�jI, Which he had -p, porlect-right )f our customers, knowing that, by 8a I . *Sold by all wholesale and retail dru_gglsts� I I ,� I * i 31ailed to any address in the civilized world -oper ihountitill'.44 ng -down feeling, flatulency, indiges'. hiliql.ellrnpil ,,o,joy fit(, ON livellor of f o do. �: Tt, wn., Iii.4 0rn basiiiess, 'and loing, we -are really. acting1jor our � I �. ors are not re(Inired to appear nicze reefed foresail a Iste . I a . . . !. right o-�er her, lob, and iieryow prostration ;)wn ultimate �enefjjt. I i . on receipt of price, 60c. Manufactured by than two or thren times* it week. A water than usual fell .. It costs the Exchequer is going to e.XOrcise it -wtts,�iiot iievessafy.for him to con- - . ��.,f . . Tim XMWIN co., Windsor, Out., Canad& gT-and opera star is or,, tv strain. from and wa,slie(l the captain, my c0l, Mta, �3`111(k to try it, andthe. result has, Ij-,; art, . , � rmlt imy, orie, hi the 'mitter, Oil Mon- - - . . . . I . .. 7 I - - s before the -F, Xell, w o rth in! Ilion a to sufreringwome . .rtainly thp nientbers, of the Gov c1gy Pv�j)jng of this week a -numbpr � - - I I � the filoment phe appear, league 'of many 1 ,ae..4, over the'lee . . I I . . n Ct - . Q.. , 0 I ; I S,31d in' Clintoa by W. S. R. ' . I.. . .. - . . A DOWNS, I . I nt when kill no child',.; play I heaving - . , . footlighta to the- mome e . rail. It 'is ' - . -1 _. Prinnout outside tile CalAnet have uot of young'ilien in town "in(! a eontiu-* - 11 . , . Holm -5, J. E. Hovey, W. A. dies.o.n th�, stage or vanishes behind ith a freeboard of Only -- - - ": -_ -_ - - Merchant Tailor, ., - . Clinton I � I I I � - a vossel't(i w much inore than -a general notion as gei�t froin'thp country decided oil giv. .. . . . I . . '. "McCoa,lell, druggists. � the scene,,,. She has rarely an in- tllTe(,� feet, but the �mate, from whose I ANCIENT ARMAGH. I . to what i.i likely to happen, and -it itig .Mr. arid 'Mrs. Thompson an'old- . � . . 11 . � I � . ' . � - . . . stant's rest. Work- -so 4rduous can - e ,,, washed, did so .. . .. - .. ay tl,llrll out tllflt I .., Inatel-jal part. fashinned cliarivari. - , . I . I - side .the skipp r Nya . The crowd '. I : . I . . ----.-----.- ___ � --- _� not" be done every night, no -valcos - ivin,, .the*. full forco Prinnatial., See of St. ,Patrick Nearly m � One mAlTlied Voldly to Mr. Thoropson'S 0 'th . � . . . . I.. int itively; rece � - . . . of their general. notion I.; i�rtillg. I , : u I 11, ins, . I , I's. Life W01r .. , ­ . . . THE GATES OF St. JOHN. ain,'benim' ]ter lim- of the foilowing sea for - is pa . 1,600 Years Ago. I . might go farther'and -av that even residence, wbort, thol, fired Olf gulls, . I I . � , — . i.ted appearai . ices, and bvncp� too, Ilet �Nrlil . ch . %wept tile scboone�r. fore' an4l , - al . city of I A , rmagtV is. the Cabinet as; a � wltolo� are 'rarely . 0,nd tbr­w pieces of,�rleks':anol STIOW_ , . ' I . I I . , The eMboily ission of the deta wibdows, and � " " . I . �. Gates of St. J'ohn, wh6re the mist is exgggeratp(l care for. the voice, which att. But beyond hearing .one . wild _ the mosit sacred place. in lr(,Iatld,--tli(, in �po.ssr- ils in advance , balls' flirougli the. Le . . � � i I . . . , sinai;hod eleven lkr,ro panes of -Iiiss. I grey is her principal,asset.., iothing, ,more WC115 , . . . . . . cry for a life belt'l , ecelviiastical hviidqitart��ns of - both' of any year's btidget,. Far �yithin the . I . . . , I . . � I . . — . . I � . Arid the wandering'ships pass to and � 1 4, 1 . .. knONN'll of ,our good frienol's life, and .tile Roman Crithalie. antl tho- Protes- Cabinet is always an inner Cabinet It is s,dtl Mr. Thoiiiiison aave* tli.,3 . . . . *� - I I I h . I . f ro; � The- Long, *Polar Night. - ,- fit(, _q toncloTiq.of the. ganu'$5. .They. then .kn� mar), womap,or child wi o is in- . I , staff. of tile ,Mj_ joll to Deep Ben talit- *,Church(,,; (it Ireland .. tho sonit-. �,the- Fillance Minister's personal I � r 11 I dispeyspd and foilght ,.%niong* thplit- d ilferent to. the beauties of ni ature atial ..� . I I I - tile mbst ancit I . . I Where the aijr is damp with the smell ThVpolar Eskimos, the, most north- Yliliernien .paid' it� twenty-Mtll tri of !lit tilld,Wloi.brated of frienfl,4, aud .supporters, the men from the ,joys of living, needs. o et I . . ! . i I , . . s a . 61).' Aq - 6 m h =* � I ; o' the sea; eily dwelling people in tile world, are bute of lif.e"to the llllsatia�le.,waters.. frigh schools 4!i learnifig, 06 iturial -,vh,'on­t he b1ten ,seck's counsel and aQ- . splve. ts a will(] , the transgres . .. ... .1, �, Gates of St. John, I love you so! . .had Sors em-rief] . tarelips arid lit � tar'bar- Thlera's something wrong that sboutit I .; : . .. .:1 said to exist oiify..I)y the -exercise of . Vie n-te. a '_,o1.ln(r%tpr. ,wIlo . . place'of Brian ll,orit,'th�(� greate.�t,:,of sistanev, or who, -':by right�qf' their - , . if the hoil.iti Mr. Thomp. - be made right -quickly. .. . . . , ­ I ­ ­ tol Ili front o . � � . . . . I ce of 11 the. Irlsh�# in -.4; .tht ,Lot. It() t oubh I , I t to - . �� great ingenuity and,,th�, pract -home of St. ititfinzwy, proffer him counsel and V - in .securing I . -�.er before been Lalle(t on to, c0m- ,'it . " . . � Gates of St. John, where the white go,.' . lit, � 11oll It, . . ial virtues. The-cliecriness, kind- mnr, , -lit ilito 6i3sistanee Tfle-�,6 are tile Ministers . .. . .1 1. . . . gulls Ait . 'id , silfely worked tile ei, Patriqk for �.,ho,Atnportant years of' . nanies of - over twenty-ft've of the'law-, - , .. � % I � �, liness kind practical, s*ocialism of tba 'I Clipe Breton . Brick's . � High o'er tile tiles of flit, rock-bound l'i,skimos from eastern Greenland to Sydney barbor il �- - Ali- , lt�% - lit(, ' and ' tho era(ile of (he Chris to be coui;ted oil Vap hand, who CO'dol. break.,r,. It is now up,fp thent. to. get . .�. I. I . . . . . . . . . I . town; I � Other of our caPtaills ,,Va.,, sent over tian Chur'ch in the -rjlitj'�d King(JOIn. tell iyiore.talp,-,� orit of school, than ally busy and pay foy the clanin,ges done ' ' . I . . .. " t , - . � , klaska,may be -regarded as much due as It was fi-om� Arrinigh, says William pthvrs.' By-carpfully:choocling their mi ,--vtioti I,, t nt�rod^ ,lizainst : ,s , ., . I 'In ' rge, Rnd the.voYage W I ' ' - 0 . -aws come I to their environtivint 'as is the, ne- '. 'C .. - PIT— opera- 1 ; / . I Where tho crp,tod iN . ti) talie cha 'Ili Tilt,, gweago Reco�d- linforp t . Taste"Ibs . . : I front tile .10,1.: .. . - cantinuW. into ,the face of tile last E -artis brokprs-lAnd- covering. th ­ then). Mr,; Thort)psoll would,like t6 * . . . I � I .� � � cessity- for vatilig largp quantities of .. . I Alas. the delay of-, Her,11-cl, that tlip'tn�Z'dgO'of the ,90S- � tiolli -they 'could" if they liked, make know where tli(,Ooi�,.,t.i.ble,;.4�n�aged.bv . � Cate., of St. J.ohn, I hear, you mean. (at. The ji,'s'kimos hail the first darl( . ,.Closing nort I. fill 'too `Iong� Pet wn's Sent 16 W�l pebph' Of ScOtlalld' 'large 'additions' to .their fortunes: ,tilt, tr%%A-Tl lvr�­ � �.011 thitt ocen,ion . . . . ' . . . . vening ,with tho salne glee a,., the . , . V * - . * only a foitniglit NIva-11 CO3 d �- Li` er Oil ' . . . epOTted and VIngl4nd, - and. her . - . . I was last' r � e - Nv Lis tile' 9`il' tljrough -theii, knowledge of tbp faotx;� ,( 16, nropi�rty -to be - . � . � . . . Gates of St. John, w4ere tile sky ( .,arid ilia schooner - . 't is -now ptotessed' � -thev allow" I I . I . ..... I A I . ier. - Yot � 8 moroseness int,q cheerfulness., - � � I is first daylight after the polar .night.. .. 0 pe : esis of the faitl ih: -� -;N,ould. be the wl, I "I .'It,, .1. . . I . .1 a � ., Turn . . warm, I I frozen Into. .%� harbor close to . I hn.d. ndilie '� - liciloyi�ol,- AS .,Ibit�rnt, .Fyk, Pres. . . . . e summer -O all 'the . ' . . I I . Rve6'th I k When a i�hol till ugh the . I)y , -natiorj� ' � __ , , . � . . ew; . Bauld- at the ,cxtre 'north- end of ever-yone can be 'perfectly.' certain . . .1 . . ... ,Makes, the thin far, G e wea, , - .. ' . .. I Heavy the air -with the autumn d be6n' bathed* in -light day . mi e . 'quit,i - I . , . .� . . I . . , I . . '� . r� wee bright sails go out to eyes . Newfoundland, unable -to- reach her. , Armagh' il-', ,I '.1 .-well-kept t6 n will not use'fheir offl�ial -kn6wi- � . I.. I . . ., . . . strength; Restores your aOpetite. .. , � I : and Il'A_ .. . , 'It 6 wa they, .. ' " Where th ..;1611�et 'they long 1.6 see the land' . .6 antS, but it , - . , � _Iti.sicknClas, if a certain 1hidden ner�e 1�rings bac I . - � .- a n: . � lationAlliS winter Owing -to lce:" � i�bbut 8,000 inliabit. edge: ter ttiv. private, purpose, 61 thl""' . k health'and Hope. Ha,sy to 1, � , I the d . vanish intodarloness ii.-ain;' And with desth . hill aroti , , ian iiiight goes' haL, th' take because thb nauseas gFease ­ I Gates of Sw John_ I long for you. is�, Occuirence tile . nd ' ihe �cathodral founddd by sort. An Amprican politic wro�g, then tb6 organ t . . 0 of the . . � the idea .of a change they associatie 'What. TurLdd th , that St. Patrick .ih tho. --veat, 43 32, abd - the, ' ' ' Cod Liyer Oil hits been removed and: - -�. . � I s tile, fact I perve controls will also sureIV hii). It � 111''the ,good things tile --%villt�i will ,'more -unfortunate Wa, �tr 3 -are steep tuid, rather crooked. sav this .is foolisli. - The aw,wek is because the other ingr0dientsare pleas- - . � . . I 'John, where the tb'unders ' household sup- t .eet, illl't.A I.; lionpzit.,�afid tbai; it is B6t-' may be a Stomach nei,ve, or it may Gates of St. . I . Mng-thp'lr6z6h'��sua and the hunting the vessels carried I li&0 in It resembles an English university .L a .. . . li.%ve given strerigt4,apd support to the ingto taste and helpful to� the body., . . . I �1. crash . � wilt . le "hew 1xiarse" . � . I I sh, o all([ . no ,case has ever been -41eart orXidneys. .Ij� was Dr. Sho64,W - t physicians.recommend It. Sold- by, � . 4 on t& ice,.��Iio � A � gledge drives.. plies, Jor tl ibri(10 'I : � I . .towa, and look,i more .liko Can 0 - I . I . And tile hurrying, towering, green Ai�rirlg 11013ses afte't that se6tion . - Some - time. ftgo� .two n' wit of w CabiuR Minister laillug ,, � . . . . . .1 . far frova th,6 .�,,�� , or. Winchester than the rest of Ire- k 0 thAffitistiiointed.to'.this 'vital truth.' .. . . I. � It's nbrse, �o obs6rve thls'�inwritten 1ANv. - . . . se flow, bears, �'Ha, now.tbe diiA nights are .3 * 11-011, yoling Hopkins Hospital . .land'. More than. 1,200 years ago it D.r. Shoop's Restorative was'liot made J.. E. - ftove�yj �,'Iinton, -_ .-. - .- . � Where the night is black and the coming; soon tild ice will close, ill the � offerecj:'to. do d sujiimer`,.�. work thefe, Was the groatest.oducatioual bentre in , Bilt.there:-Are two -or, .say, three- -ho dose the Stomach. nor .to - tpm porai - � . .. . I I . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . tale is full: t.he' the eiviiiied " . , n �vho. ,knoW more -of the: Ch6117 . ate the Heaut or Kidneys, I ., . � � . . sea!" the wen cry it,; they meet to,-,, arid the M,cDle Petitioned to have V�oijl(l, and. it still has me, . fly stimul. . . . . I . . I Gates of St. John, T love'yn1i so!- ward. 'evenin- or "Be glad, for* -so9n work.. continued petmant.nitly. This several impoitalit'sellools, inbluding cellor of the Exche�lik,'r's secret thall The'old-faqhioned method N all wr . I. I . , . n , -C, L. Arrnsh!omr. ill The Cana- the. blubber'famp,4, -,hall light there j�a, 'Clone, and the rIgors, of this pllil� wRoman Cittliblic theological semin- ,Anybody. else, tlie Permatier,it Finan- Dr. Shoop's Restorative goes 'dire , . I 11 , than Magazine for April. . I caf-� jjjy�,.ij large e . �ctf; .G. o O' A B ' o t ,51. � . % anthrople undertaking flrc - manent' to these failing inside nerves. The re- � w.ho go 'but to fetclA,'meat from the ,graphi onven t fbr Voling womoin�; cial Secretary, ,and the . Per - I I � 0. . . � . . . . . . .Adniihi,�.trative' - Socretaty at ' Alle mirkable suizuss. of this piescription ,To .F. rs and- Other'8*. , . ,. *.: I flesh pots!"' Otliers,,6all but, ."Aii& 1-,r pictured in this further paragrap,Ti� a toblinologfeal school, tind astrondm­ . . .iruj,6 . � . . . , A NEPHEW OF FITZGERALD. windows .and fire�4 shall:ligbt far Jn- f'on, Di....'GrenfelPs, itrtjcl6.-. ," ical obsorvatory., i . blic library of Tfeasury-, olid the ("hancellor's, own, demonstrates the wisdom 6E treating. . . . . .1.1. . . �. . � I . � . . . - I to the night and hasten the higging . "The offer- of ,a wook's work a, year 9,0;000 volumes, Ab4 alittle ,ld-fashi,,- priyate goe'r6tarv. The two Permall- the 'actual oiause of these fail! tig organs. Wehaveseveral paie's of our owti � . 1.� . . Former St. John, N.B., Man Was a pace of late returoing sledges." . nily. il�-,­,% contr.ibtit'Aon,,.O(I.(:',reciaxI templo.of a building -With. ont Secrotdries 'know � the dy, And it is indeed easy t6i -prot,6 ' A sim-* make of Boots. Good Largains while , . . . got. as I .1 . I . I 66m. each fat I - a sign to advertise it as th bu ple five or ton d . ays ,test ';will surely t . . Nephew of the Famous Poet. . . . ._� .� .1. to-wiird.'upkeep in.liell of inoney (for, c rooms a. mother. know., her bill>y; knowjt ; : n . -see . hey last. . Just the'thing you need .- .. �. . . I . , � o , The , tell, Tiyito ceand - Sold -by. all ,while'the spring is opelling up,16kee1v , . I .. , k , d Reciprocation. I like Veter and johil'ot oid,,t,lipy liad' I the Ph1IQ8()T)hic,tl` ,Society. , all -it,4 pbasv8 alid All its , '. . . - I . . Roferenco to thil 0entet . . *He Fears . � . ses'are pa,eked tb'gctbcr*very'close­ &I'loug kndw it, in it,; early -prom,ise Dealers.. I I., ­_ .: . ,... � ... our feet dr . . ­.. . I . . . I . . I % inry of Ed- ' , - becatil - ,,, r, lrl.��'l , I - .. ;. � � v. :. . .. 1. . . .. . . . i - ji-as -accepted , se , it caltle. 0. u, . . s . . . �We 'are �headqtlitrtcis - for sh6e re- - . . I � . . . . . I I ward Fitzgeritid. withor (if tile Eng- Mr. Sam. l3arker. tile 'mombei of 'lone), . I J.11 cij,�t it in'all Ireland . I .11 vf -sioll of tho Persian poet, Omar I q'�o�d in, the. above :soct.1011. .,We.. Orovided 7, 4`11S, is e 01 . I 111114 its 'Idtol-: (IN,appolintmviii,; Amowl . .1 �� . - I m., *� . liai,i;i.iii.. ,Toui repairs done whiley.pu* . % .., . I ' - I is -i -parliament lot Hanjiltoll, tok , ' - . 4though- thb.re, j�, .plebly. of room .for � 'it through all it., t -ain, of wor.rie's, , , ' I arn. rv,,A114 ill( 'story recently . t �tnall group nlp.terila., and: thki PeriP10 tile 'vork. �pjl­ were I t , � T(Y. KEEP YOUNG. � . wit Out -prices are right., " , . . ­ � . , ; * Kh ayh. - Cact ttiat it tal- to � t , of - , ' lle� town= V� , .a(I _Oat�, if At: )U'liorplexide.k, �All-tbe . , .11 of ,renny.;6ws old. t. is n Mco, liftle . 11 Ouse, but .. . . linxiotio's, ill . I I I I : . . . � . � . . . , . . a. . The� yesul - j so'- , . � . . I - � . . ­ . . � . I .- I I . . I'', . . . . .. .1 .1 � ­ . orifi -41 nepht4 -1v i-x,-ni . � friends at jjj� Riole%all ClijV, ottawz '17116 1p., ' 1. corrimunica. . I 110 fashion to ,db lills year, "I f1lct,_- thev:11"' fix-ilIg Ili) tile Learn Self Control -Anger A, Rapid : '. opj;osif�, tJhe.PQst Office , .1 I . ..� . . friend li-Vt"I -1001 ., yoars in Some yeari'o',yo Mr.`13�trke.r was con-.' 111AS 61npiyl ,t . .Tlinrc are rafigos-of g n I . all . . . � . �_ I - .r(,(, � - � ' I . I ie ,was tbat-she - t.il-,Iiicellur',,i�illi,l'j;ci;tI ,�caffoldin- for � * I �. I e I 11 . Cimadn' and I--; bitri.-I :kf At. John. . nected witi tile Grpat We,ktvrn.RaiI-. tion, front tbe I'll" . .. ; . ; . I Wrinkle Brin ' :.. � - lot cl of flip ,iupplicZ around,- - �ind thoh" Mintly- Slopes.. Are . hilm,,. st;'tbai, f4 iijn6 *nin - fl) .h�' I 11 11'' . . , skeri : . ­ - . . .. 1. � . . 1� �� . .. This was the R ­v. John l)v80yr-es,- ivak and: oil(,: dw,­be r06ived a - - had. abundoned. hol), ; , �Iose �c6lantbd to Uraill %j,iotathes and - � I n s V. hill . '.It Is'every woman's dtify to keep .flaving-opbn6d -il, li,rahcb, liftsindss at, . . . 1 96,316 , gtl�e , . . - aetically'niithiiig .-to do .*in fitiancial � I - , ..'':, , grodualn, follox nrid occasional lee- ter ironi a Can ad i'm the'n'llviiig'An though Ole ' had it() I ews ofAbe* VM I ,i� _rop&.:T,ht;rc arte'.several, linen pr, . ' Londesboro jointly.*ith I MrAlbKown a. . I that she also -.a -d . . Matter& except diwiln. iind hopw and. Youn,g looking -is �long as­j)ossible, but. Hartless ShOp,­We can.old making mad. . .1 . . . � . John'.� College, Cain- the Unit6d -Statos. The,Ciumolian wao: �and . . . abimdoTied, - b( factor]("; ,in tilt, neighborhood which ' � . . I turpr oi St. 0 -for a wbodon trunk,builf . � . . I . .. scheilip., Not i litil lie k.rlow.q what his Unfortunately she does bQt '� always repai.ring,ut shortes6poisible notice, , . � brid!v�. Jii.�l retttrn,-d. froin a- short. employed in one of tile ' lnrg(� cask t 011.the flo6r � . furnish oniployment for - file . wiveg . .. u . . * . .. . . . . . . .11 . . j; -,,in (I'_t lie...] otter up.111 her bedrooin� . Cooking. utensils - . oleficif or surpl-0,;is lbroll f aito'll, 0 up -to, th,ai t I � residelloo ill St. Peler'billiz:-as-chap- factories of Pittsbur I and di�ufihiers of the town, - and a .g i the-, labors know the, best w � .V , I . , I I . , , I I . . - I . lain of till, f-T,1b;j,­y thel.o. lie, hap- . I . . . her nio§t in � . . "LArnall I lien coll he se'riollO." 'start - duty. '. . , � . : . B '_ W -14 -watts & 8:0n, I . . I paper oil .which lie proffered his rb- ,were ' � I iportant itftd� f(,)r , aoioriobile lactory.�, Thii popu- of 'these I . pi,ned to ,.,-(, iii it nowsparyer'at his qlloz;t was adorr work 6n his -I)Iidg�b and oli-q)lay Ao � ,&vild worry, hurry and gettin i . . .11. . . I , led Avith roalistic cuts' the lard cans .whicit,she NN�a,i substi- -.1atioll is nbijut* equally -divided be-� - , .g ,nis I I . . . . . . � an I.AVOT'fl.11 I fit coff I , . . the world his talents as it fffiancial tered, . . . ... I . � . . '.. ! � -, I .. . ....... — 1. club , '1111-11t for a rector in-, and hears','es. Thf, letter .get ,juting. - lor - saucepan-., showed , .no * tween' profgigtajit� and homan' Qatho­ . I I . � . . . . . �, . I .. I . I I . .- . . .. , I I I John'.� Clitircli, St; ­John, forth that flip inan wished to return pokmanencV. .. Luxuries lie, Ifliflis, . Theip -,-ire three Presbytei- gentus-or. otherWise.. - . � ' ap, � I - r I . ,. . I. I - I � front St. . � promise - of . � ethoilist, Of course,. there .ire I dozens of Learn self control. Ang . or is. .a r. : . ld - 14R 'E.: '--- -_ 11.1 .to Canada - and would Mr. Barker Bile could not bxp(,�t, -ii'ut she. WEIS Ian churchets arid one , ,M , a, . wrinkle. bringer.'. I.''. L 0 OX U I 1Z Ef 1. .N.B. � . , � . - I . I 11 I . I , . . "I've ;�Iwo.y.i %Vitnt-,d -to 9(,(- the coIr kindly. send hirn the' i)eccssar.y trans- . glad -to report. suffi6ent essentials to � which assert t,henisdlv6,, boldly, even. offici s, and clerks at the Treasury' Be,-topiperate. ',%federation (16es tot ., : . _­­­ � , . .. .. - . . LTI Cc . . - I . . ' . * , . I i,Void; din*g,-r bf 19 'I'a , . . I only refer to thoi stomach.� Ov6rdoing � - onies," ho (.�--zchinied, ";.-nol here's my 'POTtfltion? . ta:rv.'ation. '-These I - the yresenco of ii clesinstioial ,Who got .-a glhlip,se, -of flip. biVIget, Ili chance." , . � '"That �%-,­ 6ell i ri,�Tyt " � add( -d I . I her �neigh-, Bile that , is nearl� 1,400,'years o1& .1 qudrt6r lights� iinol'halt lialits befoib I . . . . LDIFI FOII, : SALE - - I I . . . I , he ( were contrlbatioTi� from � I . . � . � � ,� . ,'!n any� �vay makes for)prcmatum age., - . . . . ... . .. . . I I This i�4 1110 01,phinilti6n. that fri,nial nipinbor for Hal; ilt , oil' ih , t6ll- .. . _._­ . it N;,. actually unfolded. to the House. I � . � . . . 0111V I I I bors, 6n,whom T fear they will be no ., . ,.. =- -- , I I I � . . I I - Love the open ain Fresh air,ls- not. I i r I . -kT TER ..-. . .1 . . . . , � ;. people who kno%% him in Canada vvpr . irg flip ston-, "but the Iftalcer of -Cof- n if they afford them the , � beli' Hundreds of memoranda pass, front . . , � . � . . I 'little tax,..eve . A Lei6ester mail, who is eved � , a 'fAd; � It N a necessity , , . , I I . had of tho cutting short of -n bril-� fins wourvi'lip by tiftyft that'he department to department hundreds - I .If one wbuld I . I . I . . . . Be gr Ve. 040 I krit, . , ry pleased at an�, ly of service, for living with the to li� 103 yew,6' of age, relnemb�ers , 'keep young. ;. I . I a Wor I , . , . , . . , lialit career in tile church at home. would be ve . , iinle to le p taking ,service with .1 S , palding farrner. of "letters ,are drtifted, eorr(lcte,d, ex. I . I I nurs, for training purposes tire two . 'ned,- alid .copied. - , Withal, the . �G6t: plentk of sleep. Nothing. lines Man fa t a Lime. 1.� . . Mr. DeSoyro., was not .so shy as his reciprocate." . .. . 'girls and a. boy -all morg .or 1688 for;4d, a day and a little milk in the anil . u cturers of -Firs 4ol 'as . . .�. I . diqtinguiAli­d law -lo, .but qtiite as Pc- 'And so far," added Mr. Darkpy, . "I . Chancellor kee'lis his golden :..46cret. . the face like lights of wakefulness. OUR M0TT0:-FirsW1a&hime sold, ana - . , .crippled. The boy, �tn Eskimo, has m,)rnings. sometirnes p4ying,,out of ' . . . prices within reach of all. . I ... centric, an(I that i.., pi�obably the rea- aiii 1ploased to say he.had- no. opp.or-. all - his . iibs .on one sidle his wages 8d, & week-1or- his lodgings I Everybody w4o has tlie ,smallest rd- Xeep mentally alert.. An intellectual . � . . - . ** I . fl PP ': . . l6st nearly, . . . sponsibility -with respect to it at the backnumber adds y . ears to her seem- 20a. per litishel at kilns, or 25c. for 50- 1 . . son that when it successor to Canon tun ty Of reciproca.ing. - , ,, . � - 'Iected emPYema- - elso�-%vherc, . I A. , . I I . . I I consequent on ned and.'finding his food- a4tt '. � . . . A I ' DuMoulin at St. Jame -'s Was wanted, I L� . . .,girl, a io f -breed, has lost elothes. He says ,tilt,- poor of those Treasury. i -s on -honor to,.bt-�.falthful- lngagd� Nothing makes for yot.hJike a bushal loads, delivered at 6raliam's . . a . __ - � . � .. �. I . . d he was unsuccessful The.Grand ffanim I an&one . -., I al hilees, tile result, days di I d not out s6 much as th6j,da *to Ilia trust. , . i -lotel,. Clinton. . . . -, for his sermons . � . %� both legs' below the . . . I . 1. . young mind save perha.iis a!you'lighpart... B . ..... . . I . . I . . * . � . I -were brilliant. . 'Yet b, yourself get sluggish dud. I . . .. . , , %. fW, ' from . - udget secrets have 16ake' ;: . I an accom For, four hundred year. hing has.. .of gangrene 'Irost,�bite when a .'now. He hadbought tea itt 'London, ; d out Don,t let I Orders RIW. p* romptly. ... � _ . ' : ' I He was a great historian, , - froni time to ti V . � I . been puts -these waters off New- ahila, gad then an- amputation with at 14s. �'a pound. ' % I I me De ertheile8s, Indiderent. Here Is wherle,the bemefit. A. NICKOLSON? it, $0.N,-.ProtVs.,' . . . f, . . - , a connoisseur in art, . . . .. . .1 -,ininil - I . ,� . . . � I I.- � - . . .. 0, . t'. Will I I I I t I plisbed linguist, . xnved.in . . , .. . - ... . .. I .,�*%n .V&," One. instance NAiieli �onjeii to a I . I . . I � and Rn atl . flete and sportsman, %%rid . foun by the fishing flotillas of fier father's axe. . Yet the ritirse writ6s ., .- . . --- I I .1. . I � con of mass 'j6, ,physical, culture and a I vi- I . . I Belgrave. 'Ont; '. - I .. � � - . I � Rngland_'Fi,aneo, Spain, Port-agaij. ch i well; coirns - oiae* of the - famous * budgets tal interestAn life comes in, . � - - __ eerily of her little farnily, as . . . . .. ,had few peers as an after-dinner ., . . . 7 . I . s- of Ungland's - - _' � __ � I " ' I . I � . I I . . � .41 , .. ' k Ho -u.wd io sav, that "Old America -and, Canada. - . Rs of her larger One, and l6oks-jor- " of ... the most famou, ' Don't let Your face reflect every per- . . . 11 I 1. I . � ,. I '"" er . - - ' reeps youn . I . . . . � '� . The Gran,d -Bank,4 cover an area, of wa-rd with much pleasure to the -ex W .V= . I Viiiance. Ministers-Giddstone. H I,-, ple1ity. The woman w . ho Ir 9 I I . , jitz" llad.,o proat honor in his own ' I . private. seeretary, eohn"ted with a ­ . . . � . . need not wear a mask-, blit she. should AIR1011 fOU1101 I . family. ,Iffe was much about our farty thousaTid square n1llPA�ftlmQSt erilence 61 the hext seven.jnonths. I , , . . Tht . . . house when I Nvrts a child, and our - '.N'(,Nv found land itself -and Wntil we - oan Tevigit- her, we can - - *noble I gpard, ,ggi . kinst the so � dolled 91speaking I. . . . I . . I . . . I as �julbh as I Only. family, consciously or uneou. as . - secret of ilia . I I . s 'snuffy Uncle Ed- ,tile' f-lo.till* -criiiso over fit(-, different wiih her 'A Happy New Year."' AlSimuLUTh . . s0iously betrayed the Is now in f till swing, bring your, re-, I I I . [name for him wa . P.Ilief. It lintbriancell -if she doeg net Warit a I . . . I ward."' parts *of these at different'i sea-' Dr. Grenfell says that the.,eiperi, was,- hideed, said that lie. co . 1, pairs, workmanship guaranteed- by I .. ryll Ift I z I . I � I Aph j ­A 1A.,i., le_Af 4f '? t11 .1i .., I '. Rue Cron of wkinkles, " . I I . . 213 1! lkmi_ I . I 11� A . . . o I �, , oi. year. le S A 11j" S , , I 1, . I I I ID rb a , idbu and an LnadhinlOLS, I � I i .011,, tile ffietit of Importin noleer to Labra- I ' .7 I . . � . I . � . � � nos kno*n as.t.rawls, 9 rol . career was. ended. 01ad,Aonp . Wa,'4 , _-,7,,-r_ - _� ­_ . . . . . . I ays. ,by hooks P,nd 1i dor 'hn.i worked well.. To sum UP, . . - . I I . - I Paper Railw � .and not nvt,t; and ,,he books have 10 . � not tho man to ,�orgive h secreta .. � � Boilers, - Tanks, Smoke Stackss . ' I'v . /. . I I I . � I their usefulness. Ili his a . . wbo failed if) re�pog -it . till . Iron Bridge 'Work, etc. . . .1 : .. . I . . igureg beaLTing up! ' bi, Wfiteld, NNith- sinall' fishes-herrifig, "The"milk is rich ,rtnd the wn wor'ds:- - . ' . � . I Some interesting f SEGURRY1 nize th n s I on railway incorporation and railway ' ineat both' * ' , � I . aplill, .1114 s - I I und .1 . . . ... I . . I a,wiso helld" and lie : r:-,4 . I I I constructfon in Canada are contained- ' c, quiJ -N tat and tender in file fall." � ' . . . - fongue m6kes . Cox P A'P ON Attention Cement Meni. , noh,nef . ,�l ich wag, -d in tile Commons in groat abu Ili - the ins"hore . . __ " I I . 4 , . . . . I �. "fired hijul. out" without:m.oro ad.O.. , I I . STI Axi I I . , . I . . . I . .. . . ; in a re rt tabl( , I . , po . . wdor.i ..of Newfoundland. . . I � . /' � . Cenulne " I . . . � . . . . I . . . � . We also make a specialty of -small . . . 1 the other day. . � I . . . . . I . . .Lady.Aberdeen and .the $1ave. Boyo., I . I . 01.1hravenj Journalist and Marirter. __1 I MGULARTTY.. . .1 Tion bridgips, Write prop,�Ietoir. . I., . . . , . . ! , . . "I . I . I The return shows that between 1888 . . . ... . Lady Aberdeim, who has added an- - � �1.___� �-r;orrl--DtriirrLv'eTi;-ivl�v7"-dWt)iat6i , it . I. . � � . . . , I . . � . I ' - - - I - 1. � llt­ ty-eiglith birthday' recently, is ono . - . OF THE . BO . WELS . . . . . ... and 1909 inclusive, Parliim;,nt ebar- I I .�, .other t6 heir,many . ­ 3 .. 0 , S. W . � I , 1. I . -_ __,,pQoA__w_o;1ts.._&qd­ six tered 203 railway coniliallies, exclu- . indifig 'a now MIlly -H. BID ' ELL9 ,i�%.h,re,T5-__________. - - I., I 8 Ot � Mej ar V^r, . V, 6cell war . I . .. . . h . - ziv#-bf �mrbsMhrrv-,rIrdM . gra d jo rhal t bel in the �ampaign � I of thn.1mv pmrs who hit L I , . I 0 . correspondents, aw! the only p'vor , Any, O' 'he bowels in alw4y's 00. I . .. .. . .. 1. e . cortifl- Iri'y d bo'at 6nc6 Attended I rtogu" .th' three big railway noncerm. the a ainst collsu p,tion in Ireland, figur- I aftgoro Clinton .,, -- Ontarl'' . � .. * ' � "110 hol"' 'ill oxtra-in aster's � d u! I � . . 1. I I . . The charAers of these 203 companies years ago.' She' and her husband . . His yachting ex� t %%" and a to . �. 0 wl- . . . 4 . I . 14tti - __ - plo, its� (5f course, tire well known, - and, , lid 0 . . I C.P.R., the G.T.R., and 'the C.N.P e in.a. r atle incident thirty-tw6 If catp � for navigation, .a orrooltad.1 I . - Weak 'Women ,woifi� 6 liv la, r. Pft � . � � � I ­ I � ­ 17 . , . I . 1. . ' empowered them to build in all 63,- � ' I . "g7pt for thei ' . I I . I .1. . 'co -tl)is bobby with bi I . ..", . 1. 809 miles 'PO weak and filling women, therols at least one to 1, r wedding tour, at a . . - . . .1le vari g ganW, - . . I . , A � A' ' - . I I . . . of road. but only 25 c6tn- � time wh6n'G6rdon wasArying to'sup . . . , MILRURNS . 1j", . ; itualh, conqtruc I waytolielp. Bilt with that Way, two treatments, ross tlic, slave trafflb'.: To Slusi Dear,ftnaturb of - : .111inting and picture-collocting. Lord . .. , . .1 - . � . pa:nles. a( must be tombined. onejA local, 4Vo is oonstitu-� ur slave . I I � C 0 .& ., tion of the hnes ill ( ekcit- . . I . . I .,. . . builraven .served in tho South African . . A ithorized bj t1leir tional, but both'ara important. oth essentiat. t . . 1. � -XA'* LIVER 'PILLS � " I . . , � It .that only Dr. Shoop's Night'Cure is the Local, go . �. 1i . _­P­o,,� . war a,; it captain of it 6oij)4 of Atari)- LA I " I . . . . . . I . � chaTtem. 'with the tesu Pir. Shoop's Rehorative, the Constitntl6nal. ,o. Lady Aberdebri's el for j1,11i1e I and - I . ­ � . shooters. Hn had smelt guii�owdor ol-' . 1, . I I I Before placling your'ojrders for � I . I N 'who were offer 'brin I I . I . . I . I . ; . 1. I ,1,072 miles of the 63,809 haV6 been Theforfffet�Dr. Shoop's Night Caro -19a top 0Al I '1110 slavo-dealor was 1(n)1VAp0bd tooh bring I . I . wOrk on. tho'bowolio gently An4 U'attirally . 'built. . mucous moinbr,ano SUDPository rented t i � I . .�. . tell before, but not Ili the'capacity of - .� " .yotxv season's supoly.of CoAl,,get . . I withou# Weakening the body,.. but, on th6 . It appears from the return 1,b,0 86 Shoop's Ro'gomtIve is wholly aft. Jet,"; wbils t, them on boaW Lord - Aberdeen's (ralia. r . nal treat-' b 4 . -1. soldier. He sp vea Ili tile Abyminian our prices. The verW beat goods . went. The Ittstorativol reaches througbout the peyah, wheird he hoped to find a par- Bolow. itrar - . I have ebtirp 0.,te se.( -kink the repair of till norve, chas . ' kes 1pac P campaign,of"1867 as correspondent of 60 carried in stock ap sold i6t t1aa, . -slibild Virawr ,3� toning'it, 4nd they will if per t ranted "" or. - When ill(, man st,apped. on I �. ­ � 1. I ­ severed in relievii'and curd 06. worst cases : lowest possible price. . . . . . lapsed, that in P-9 eases , extemion of till tiquo, am all blo6d allmentg. . � d - eck Nvith his human chattels, Lord . I . rhe Daily Telegraph, and, later, acted of o6onstipation, . . I . 0 . . . . Ity for tile sallio, pa- I �.. The "Night Care", as its nante implies,, does Ito . DVAXU &"�&N oaw. I in a similar ca�aci � ' I . timp. for construo�tjon has been author- vork wishe'yon sleet). - it soothes gore and inflam., Aberdeen pointed to I . , MrA, Jantelf Xing, dornwall, 6nt., writes, . Ordeta ­mAy be left ut Vaiiis . "J410 alb. "0134 I I ppr,,,during .the Vranco.Ger=4 war. � ized, while Ili ill(, 'cases of 42 com- bd muo6us, stiffitees. houla local, weaknegses and and said: "Thegoi boys are jrqe I I _­ - t, , . . il w4w troubled,with oick -hoadachm, coh-_ wl�xiwlan'd's Hardwaxe store. or 14 panies two oxtensions 'have been - I o and a r us claim - them in the nard,-, 'of the . FOR 11FAIACH9, ' tt " . I .� I 1. I - . .1 . 6tipatibn arid catarrh of the stornach. I with I I 11 I . I I olelt-ement, srives refiewed vi or Iti ; - .� � . I I granted and 18 ebnrt,pr.q havo been e' -t hutilds up wasted tissues, bringing abliqut t 0,0111 Queen!" ,. 'Afterwards, however, he 11 FOR DIZZINESS' : I -17------ -- "' --!!� " 0 - could g6b h6thing to do ine any, good until I I I to,rlolecl for the third, tilme. strensoth, vigov, sind energy. Take 3Dr,, 0 Vempensated 'the . slave -dealer. and 6, . I gdt & vial of Milburn's Lam-Liiar Pxlla� I a , xostoriqjve�Tablets OrLiQuid-ai; a to is I I . 9,04 , a C , ompolut1d. W.: j - S t e ve rksoa,, � - Another rf,turn shows that 117 (1110- joythasystont, Forr,ositivolocjil I u , ton OILIOUSN ooftoa Root C . op. $ 0 budy Aberdeen returned to England N They di& �j I , I � ,.q,wore good than anithing else . t,ers have bpon rrantod since 1900, of . I vktli these four boys and anothior FOR TURVID 1111ILda I � - . Tho groat'Uterino Torkle, and I ever tri 6 , I have no headaches or conw . I I . . ... only safe offootual Monthly At glettirle Light Plants -which 26 hrivf� lap,Aod, 0I thP 2500 whom she had rescuid. Three ot her P Y,,,�L r Fog baNST(PA-rION I � . - Rotulatoron,Whichwomon can stipation, W14 thO Cftt&)Th of the stonlAch i miles authorized by thost, ebarf(%rs, I Dr. Shoobp 9 8 adopted, children dipd, lint f-,vo wore , . r It $ALLOW UIM, � I depend. Sold In three dwreb6f laiintirolygoine. I feel like ii,nQwwoulao, i" I 113,11ililillill,lillillillilillillilillill" I -i _. � I t 11 � I work. .. of ntrojjgth_��No. 1, *.I *, 0.2. Ills. I - iles hnv(, beon tonstmatod. �� .. , thanks to Milburit's Lajta-LivefiPi C:) _J� 0 W 4::), xt X .de& . 893 1-2 m .. - � . Fall "fCOMPLEXIOINV 10 degrees stronger Vil No. 8# IN Wd You Havo'Always Bount . *i% edneat"d and "t to 4sefu "XIM11WAVIV .081tMA-VOW1100119 , , box, �ujlod In all about half at do2on viab." H I I 11V Rlilu�� . 1, ­ I . ter Brial cases por t 4 �100, at all I lloarz the, �% I - 11 I t� , , . � I Pride 25 tents a vial, 6 to . % L �., �..Ij L " I I , ,V""�, , L I � stsoor Aenb I " Ni tht C - a . L I Vardly � �� 11 ­ 11 - . ,T,t pt,prleb. dei4lord or Inailed diredt byI slahn't,06 . Miller's Worra Powd atiow ure , r'j. , I I (�� bra for a, g .. , �At ) - olcl or youtik. SAd by W, S. it, . . ...�­ , I I Frob-pamphlot. A dreAq: T Co., Limited, Toronto, OaL . . ef k skin, ' Try an Ad. in The New Fira , r, . "I � , , . 4, L . Holmes. Sold by 4LL DRUNIST910 . URV flOK HIZIADACIV.14 0000901di OjORONT0,011T. 001*1111060yinjo,r). . I . I . I I . I I . I I I . I � I . I . I I . . I � I I . . . I � I . . � I . I . I (N I . . . I . . . I � . �, . . . 4 1. I . .A . . . . . . . I 1. . . . . . . L . . I .