HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-06-17, Page 2rr� I - - - . ­ - " _� �_ - ­_­�_'W'P. - W, . - - ­ .. . _11_; � � . 4, ___ __ . � �;,...v 11�11'_ jE'1W-1-�'TqWw-fw-,-T-Tqr � � I'll -1W_ 74,WqFrr�w—.�%w 7r1Fqj@F,rF"- -w-W-07-F."T . 21 � I . I Th*'_1FWR1WVW,--W_W,W,7, .. , . � I � -------.------ - ___ - __1 . ... - _­�__ .­­__ ".. ­ . __ - -, , - __ - - __". ---,-- - _-, - .- -,- ______ ----I- __ ___;­_ -I . I �_ -1 1. I I __ , , . � � I I ;� �� I — � � I . - - __ _ I �- ­ W"VV- Era � - ­_­_ X -++++++*+++++++**+t Do this with your children.' - '... .. * . . I I XvIel? . "ESSIONAL � I �� , , _ ,0-----, 0 R.A N 0 E " . Tbo Now, I 9 40 0111111,0110 - I PROF IV p1blisheweYeryThurway laxt . + ' I .* School children -diould be fed plend. . . A" . -% -*I � "-____--1.__ _T­j..1A I- �1,1_ .# -t 8 P 0 R TS fully and frequently on. Qualecr Oats � . � .f I .______,__-______ ----.-- the Xj�w .tiollsel . � ER,X XvAntilig, Houses I � W#A0 OTRIMT , - - - MINTON' ' �I � 1 tton-$l per yeq I ,T ., 2 . . ,rsof sube i I ill Vance 1. $I.ir ay be chargdd it I it . I Rot jSO pf � 0 pap, di _414,' X ' ev , iscontinued � untIlIX1.1 arrears are� gaid, unless 'it the 1. . ( , .� votion of the publis er. The lo.te to _ ; Which , every sq1tacriptioulapaldis de - 1 ,r voted on the label. I � �� i .- i- _rrmi-nalent adver. � "_ , j t .1, L'- ­ W, 0 Attv A, a4g,ta P � I %I n4nents, 10 epts. per nouparel. line f -.ir first insertiolvalid, 3 cents per line stor pa,oh subsequent insertion, Small . 4clv�rtisement.q not bo exceed one inch , . uch as $'Lost" 11$traved," ,"Stolen'", � �c, jiuserte4 onoo for 45 cents, or one . lop immil . 100 .thfor$I.Qo nicatious intended . . or I 1. ?ublication M. u,s,t,, As a guarantee of V4 faith, be ace ed R4. pomp4ni � by . the 686me of the writer, I To insure publication in current I issue copy of advertisplaients should be sent in early. . . I Oontract rates - The tollowiligtable ohows our rates for specified periods � itil onace. . � � 1 r Omo. 81no. IWO .11 I . .. I .. '30liforth � Strat.ford . Men's Christian Associations of Huron Railway. Time Table I I . I I Volumn $�& $4000 $25 00 , $10 W _.,.;�....­.: '' . �;­'"�'. r .:'­ - �. .1 . J. Scott I I R, Killer are going to conduct A. 10 days Summer I NW­q-w-N"L._v"_ - i column 400 , 0 2500 1600 600 The Bible Of Modern Selence, W.MoDougall A, Oasb . cautp for the boys of the Countyonthe . London, Huron and Bruce. . .. � . llnse In S,'111.r?,_ " , I Wumn 2500 1500 800 $00 - W. 1) Bright F. A. Copus Lake sbore, at Iron 8prings, seven 1800 1000 550 � 2 00 North Passenger ' ,. -7 -_ j column The preparation of the now Bible, R. S,, Hays Dr. Gray miles South of Godericb, beginning '.. 06. Maple St. one half &ore of ground I Inch 1600 350 200 .00 ' dp! .. .... 20 �. .) July 18,-,h. Provision Is being ,made London, 4e�ilrt,_.. 8.80 a, m, 4.50 p m good fruit trees and otb .which is to ,be inspire " d by �,swept $1, , Skip ........ I' . (I ntralia,, ........... 9.40 43 . or ernall fruit in oil . fpr the accommodation of 50 boys,avd. ,6 5. - houso ill good conditl2u, Appiv to flontraot display advertising 10c per reasonableness, has inot made u Clinton 'Afitchell lveter .............. 9.53, . � . I I . the committee desires to get &small 14, 5.511 W.W. NIMENS, . inch, per issne. advarlee yet; We,lay before our read, N. Ball Jr. Dougherty . flensall ............. 10.08 .0.0.5 � . W. H. lcnnn era, says the London Freeman, the im- W, 11arl9rid W. B.'Barley contingent from each towtiand village I . � __ proved version of -the first chapter of W. Stephenson J. I.,. Downey r !a the. County to go. Tents, food, Kippen ............. 10-16 6.11 House for Sale --.---. Genesis. butits and everything. will be Supplied Brucefield ........... 10.30 0.10 11 —_ I There never wag a beginning. Dr. Agnew W. R. Cole by the committee and the boys will Clinton ...... _� ..... 11.05 6. 3 5 . CLINTON NEW ERA . skip_�._ .14 Skip ........ 18 justhaNLe to bilng theirclothesand 0 The large cottage on Queen, rr 2 And cosmos was homogeneous and � . Londesbora,......... 11.18 . 52 .treeb. be UNU 17, 190 undifferentiated and Somehow or Mitchell Seaforth whatever personal belongings th alyth ...... I I ....... lI.V 7.00 longing to the estate of the late H, Holme NT, 3 I I 0. . . . " is offered for sale. The. lot to one-bal CLINTON. 0 --"--- another evolution begai� and molecules W. 1�1,111 E. Bri lit I witl'xieed, and each boy will pay the Belgrave...., ....... 11,40 1.13 1 __ , . , - .. Qtt I , ittee so touch for the 10 days, to Wingham, arrive,... 11.50 7,35 scre, with bearing fruit trees, hard an F. A can soft water. A bargain, Apply at NEM Appeared. .., Campbell X, MCE Comm . -1 J. C. Greig . defray the expenses. Any boy from . . LEFT ALONE 3 And molecules evolved protoplasm lit. 0. F Ord . I South . Passenger . ERA office, I - and rhythmic thrills arose .and then Dr, Burritt J. X Best 12 to. 18 who secures the written con. 0.43 a rh 333 p in � — . I "there was light. 1 ,�4�411_ L Skip.. __21 Skip ...... .go. Witigharn �7 r� , 654. 3.44 IVs the lonespinest house yoii ever . ..12 sent of parents or guardians may Bel ave..' .. .a _'.. saw, . . Andaspiritof envy wasdeveloped- Clinton , - Stratford ' The place is an ideal one for camping. BIT gr .. � ......... 7.08 3.50 , Farm f6r Sale or to Rent andformed the plas . There is it good spring of water, ood, Lou th al; ......... I -_ I This biy gray house where I stay tic celli *hence. de 7.16 4.04 . . �f, J. H, Courtice . � C., Welsh bathing and boating, and exce lent Lot ifl, Huron Road, Goderleh Tp., tram 1 6 , arose the primordial germ. I . - Ulinton., I can't ca I it) iv ing at all,'at all, . me C. H. Dowding J.. Trow . grounds for games and athIletics. ' The . ......: ... : 750 423 house, bank barn, Stano.stablo, good wato j� ther went away, L 5 Alid �he primordial gerin beca . . Brucefield.,.,� ...... 8,12 4.39 RIMPly, larM mostly In grass, Possessio Since aaj,mo - n J Tavlor Dr. Robertson camp will be under the management vow or in fall. tf W. 13RYDO.NF" . Four w ago and it seems a year! protojene, and protoge e somehow X B.'Ifooyer ' R. S. Prame . Kippen .............. 8.2,j . 4.47 Gone home' -so the preacher said, shaped I eocene, then was the dawn of of L. 0. Fleming,theCountySecr6tary Hensall 8.1149. 4 521 And I ache%in my heaLt with wanting life, . gkio.;........12 . Skip.'.,... I ... 22 *vvbo Will be assisted by A� Cullens, Do xeter.i..... .8.48 . 5 - () 5 To Rent Lin Combe Elock her, 0 And the herb yielding seed and ' Semi -Finals Provincial Sewetary, F. B. Cliant, Centralia ............. f) Ou 15.15 � _ . . � . "Mitchell L Physical Director of Midland London, arrive ..... tO 00 ' 0.10 . Office or room for s' And my eyes are always red. the fruit tree yielding fruit after its Seaforth 'yor 0.1 "I to, � Jj. Robertson and . � . nall store or work room I I . owrt ki I not, whose seed is in itself, de. '3. S. Ha�s IV. R. Cole - A., J. r A. . ,,h Next door to John Rainsford's office, A oly t I hate them tP call me in to my meals, velbped according to its own fancy. - ' . 8kip.-.­.. . .11 F. Johnsof Auburn and others. Itis , - Buffalo a . nolooderl . JAB. BUITH, Ontarloc For it seems I cannot bear . . .. 7 The cattle. alfter his kind, the beast .:Skip ...... L. 1,9 expected that a physician will be,.on West.. Passenger ' I I __ - To swallow a rnotithful of anything of the field after his. kind' and dver., - . Stratford L Mitchell the grounds; a cook will he employed, ,am' p in P . . Farm to Rent With her not sitting tip there- - . * H. S; Frame Dr Burritt and every arrangement', made for the in. p m � creeping thing became evolved by .,...IOLOQ I:) L . � . A pouring the tea, and passing the betero gation L and con- Skip ........ 16 'L Skip ........ 15 safety, comfort and pleasure of the Stratford.. i ,.tN) 525 10.20 . . - . things. . � L , boys. ]Parents need have no fear or Mitchell ......... I � 22, �12.45 , , 10A7 The Ostraut farm, Lot 28,0th Con. of Goderic geneous. segre , r). 65 And laughing to see me take comitant dissipation. of motion, . Finals , � . Tn., SO acres Is offered to rout. AI)t)ly to L 8 So that by the survival of the ilt- I . . I . anxiety concerning the welfare 6f I h 3 Seaforth ........ 10.45). 1-10 (5-18 11.12 40SH Cool( URS. Z, HALSTEAD. ,,,,,,,,Qr to Two big ,Ininps of 511 -gar insteltil of test tber� evolved the simlads troult Seaforth Stratford ' 'boys -while away, and. should embrace Clinton .......... 11.07 .1:2.5, 6,40 11.2i- 0 ... tf . . Goderldb,:. L - . � . one, . .1 . , �r_ R. S. mays R. S. Frame' . portunity to give ..their, boys,% Holmeaville.....1116 1,33 6 - ...,,. , th Skip ........ 17 . t � . -, - ,.- ,P jellv fish,and the simiads diff( . . . . tile o . And a sqcond piece of calre. .. ' entia,ted themselves ilito the anthro, ' Skip',. �. ; ... 18 healt ful, wholesome outing, under G oderich .. � - ..,.11-35 1.50 7.05 .11,:55 For �ale Or Rent. . . I . . . . . . . I ItOrphitio primordial types.. The following. were the ganied play-, Christian influefides, and aupervision� East . . Poseliger. I � — . . There's no one to go to when things POr a I L one . lo$t L his tail 'ee for the Faill Cup in 1908; Goderleb, Tho committee hai,d no other purpose . . Lot ,21,.34 Concession, Goderich Townsill go wrong, . 9 An n due time , in conducting sucha camp than to do 'L . a in - p in. -P in consisting of So acres, for graziog, good orchar and became man, and behold Ile was 2; Clinton, 4, Seaforth, 5, Mitchell,.12; L . and well watered. good Imul, harn. - AIM V to She was always so safe and sure; the most cunning of..ajl,'a�nimals. 8tratford,' 12, Mitchel,l won 8 games ci�ery individual boy who goes. all the. Godetileb ............ 7.10 2.40 4 , 30 " tf `.. - , 21IRS. CHRIS TFAIPTT, i boy I L - W hy,not a, trouble would tackle-, W And in process of timeby natural. and Strs,tford S. The -last glitne was good theY. bRu,. Physically, 'mentally, HolmesvUle .......... 7,26 2. 5) 7 0106 ------' __ _. _. - . . . ' I - ' 07 . 5.15 . That she would not try to 3ure sel0c0ion .and survival of the fittest,. played by I�Xitchell on, Octolier'12th. , ard inorally, fror p&rticubtrs wit-ite to Clinton ........... L .... 7, 1&51* 3 � To Rent. , ,,I,m too hig to be kissed," I ii;'ed to. kientists, sk6ptics, infidels and'scof- . . . L, 0, Fleming, Clintom. - . ... . I ­ Se0orth .......... I 5 K.32. . . .. . . , � , . 11 . ., I ... 7.52 3.2 — .. . I I say, it don't feel rig - lit ,fers appeared, And behold it was very .. SEATTLE EXj"OSITION . I . I . q.-:- —.— . ' . Mitchell..;_ .....,... .. 8.16. 3L 48 53'55 The Drap6t- riiim, lots 53,*54,65 and 60, Nlai But, sotnehow, � . . . .. Ora ... SAO' 415 To creep into bed as still as it mouse, good. r . . 1. I . . FIFTY CENT cows. . 'I Stratf .......... I 6-20 'jana con, Gaflerich Tp., consisting of 250 �acre A, I . .... . ,­ I � . I " I . .. . .� - . . .. . . , .. . . . ... . � .. . . For particulars. apply �o- W. BRTD',)Nl And no one to say good -night.. .. . . ,�, I ..- � .; Itrequireellten carlohols-of lumber I I . ' .1 ­­ ­_­..­_.­ . , .- ­. ___1. . if, . . I Clintc hty of TDIedo,j . t . Cow. testing� association inembers . . - State of Ohio, O , o build, the Japanese exhibit stru-.ture . . . I Or tuck in the bedclothes nnder my ` � S_ A . are astonished* to put it mildl at the - -k J Cheney makespath that he 'tion revelations of 'the *scales and teste In , .1 . . . , . Lucas.Cotinty .- J .1 - - at the AlasKa-Yukon-Pacific EXPOS1. y . . . Park ,ot for Safe chin I � Fran - The building occupies an area of � . I � ; ' , I . -7 . ­ - And push all my hair back so; is senior partner of the firril of F, J. 16,060 re foot. - , , - . I one herd of 47 cows the *average . ield I The undere,igned oilers for sale a, park. lot o aughs at before his , It si 7 Was 4,380 19. milk,'. 4.2 test, -and 183 lb ...... riL Things a boy- I Cheney &r Co., doing - " il ess im the The M -11g, Obtuity' building.at the . . 11 - 711, aeres, on. Raglan T3t., nearly all in bea n . 8' hit Th6highest yield orfrnilk and fat fruit.of choice varieties, two goodwolig, L Koo chums, City of Toleit[6,0oun�y-andState afor . Alaska-Ynkon-Pacifle U�xpositiou,was . ... ekes and iretf� - But things he lik-es you know,. . sale, And that; said firm -will'pay ,the from a 7 -year-old cow, whose test was . baby nervOU3 . stable frainwhou8s, with two cellaxs, just tb complete (10 days before. the date Sbt . d etops tain in weight. -1 iflace f%tI,g I * Appl I t for the llfp� of me, surn of ONE HUNDR : only itti,average of U for the fall per- . .a.rolener, will be sold cheap. I can't make it ou , .14' ,D DOLLARS for the opeturig-of the fairand exhibits . I I to Fl. R0VTLFDGR, or Po �L C, - ,,,Uton... W6y mothet-shotild have to6go, ' : for each add evdry eiiaeofOataerh that are . rapidl'�. being�. histalled, Seattle ig,d of 'I ' I t,lprr, `If�j, t6tat yield was . � _ Awta . . I I I if - MR. -JACOB TAYLOR, . And her boy left here in this otd. gray � dannot'be cured by. the use of , ' 11200 lbl� -milk' and 274 lb. "fit t, No'tiiie 0 . . . . - HRII'S the Eitliosition city, is in King comity. a Lis . . - L . . ,� I . . . I how hfgI mk�l 1, . , , , house I .. . LxatwrliCtire. FRANKS. CHEN residen ts of Chicago in`6eat� , i thi above the average. .. . . . . . . �',Fo.*K.841.1'. .. �: : ,, R y Former . 282014. thilk'more. .The yi-eld of the ' ' i, the beat�foo'd-medicine f or teeth. ' �. I Needing and wanting her so. , ' Sworn to' before me and subscribed tle. have organized a club, the purpose . . . . .___ � I , 11 .1 0 .. . I .. in preseqce,this,ath day of Pecem- Dooreat cow;a-10-year Old, was only . Comfortable Cottage on Hattenbury St. rol There are lots of women, ft'Seems to in 7 .. . of which is to en-tertlt,in visitors froat 13,05O fb� milk, 3.7 test, and 1111b. , faL ing babies. It strengthens 'tbe . An the linest lo�atlon in. town. Ila-Imt Dining . her, A. D. , 1886. ''. I . . the Illinois metr000lis %to the Ex,pbs;i- , , ne . rveo;suipplies lime for the teeth room. 3 BLd-rooms, lUtchon,. (.onservatory me, . 1. . A. W.L GLEASON. tion. . . . . Notice 1.io4 inuch this is below thds.av- keeps the baby growin I v wooclsbed,'coalshed. otone folin(lation, *eemen . . ' . Id- 7- . vellar, b.rd and soft water, electric light, on That would not beneeded somuch- (Seal.) - - Notary Public. Aduck-billed dj�Oq&Uj',L6Stj'niatec1,by. PIZA Q. WIdi 7 lb. .6f fixt less. But this. . . .9- . . Mothers whose boys are about, grown ' HAII-s Cattarril-6re'istaken'intern. 10'-` a � old cow gave much less than ' . of the most voulplete and cosy homes in A,Ilinto . . geologists to be moM than. .5,000,OU0 Cot a smi-ill bottle now. . All Druggists % 'Witlijence and evergreen hed.kc. large. -garde up I . � . ally,and acts . directly on the blood and years o14, ill b . alf, what the�.7-year old,did.;'there.is I - . _. ., and lago anti. small fruit trevq.. . , wi e exhibited by tbd ' ... . . Or our old atinties or such. � . - ac ally a dii relies between thie,two , ,, ______ . . . . . . - - rfilicous surfaces of the System. ,. . Volted States government,at the Alas I . . . . . . . . . . . � , . . ,)Ius jo cold at once as. owpor b4 Wavirig fo I tell you the very Ionesomest thing , yie a of 4,150 Ib milk, and 103 lb fat - the West, Apply A, Dwoun. . . ' ition atSeattle I , � . t0owner In this great wiae world to -d � P. J. 6HENEY& CO., I:oledo 0 ka-Yukon-'Pacific Rxp6s ' _______.__ __ - I 7 - .. tf . RattenburynSt. llast,Cliuton, ays - ­ . s .. this -Summer. . : . Is the one cow''w0i'th twice as. mucK I . I I . . - W_ I . Is a boy of ten. whose 'heart seems . Sold by druggists, toe. � . . .�- .1. I a tbe�other? Carry the figuring one. WNAMftAv1wA0~AAA0V0A,.0~ — - - . I . .- More tbdn 16,000 school children of a . . . . . � " L S .. L Take,lffall'S'F amity Pills for constipb,- step further in order to-asceRain profit - . . V -d . . it 0 or' Sale .� . broke . . . .. I . . I L ,horth rns I : I . When his mother is gone away. . tion. . . I. I Seattle and vicinity were guests of tbdl Valuing milk At $1 per IOU lb;, *,vnd i�.v- L . . _IL, - . I — , . �. . I . . . . Y kon I . Five ymg liulls, from 8 to 30 montbr,old � L . I . Of the Alaska- , u -PA- ell putting the- cost of feed at only $30, TOWN DIIIECTORY . _%� CE ciflc�Expoaition Satu�olay, March 27. . 1: .., . 1. I 9pod ones; all sired*by Duke of Richmond.' t1i i Dr de Van's Frencb Fentale Pills- A LONELY. ])W E'LiIN6'PLA, 3. More than $400,000 of Seattle capital 6ne cowjiist made 50c. -0rofit; on the ;I L " , , L ' Swo,.epstakeq bull fib Clinton'and likiceflold I .. . L I . . ­ . ___ I ' '� year's buiiness!� Did thiit pay labohr, . . . 1 1104, Prive4trisuitith6tinjes, Comoundso I . . mid ' � I . . .. has alreadv beeninyostied in %ttrwetion � . . A0~"WVVWVVVWV 0%" - them. write P. T1. ,wISE, Clinton,. Ont. ' The Wife's Firle . - .North of Scotland there is a little forthePay Streak'atthoi Alaska -Yu-' Or interest, orany return�for sUj)er'L a . - , T ' . 11 . called Kilda, whore there are kon-Paciflc Exposition. 4 - vision or supply LDY incenti,iii to k6ep a �BAJITIST ('HI!R(�H.-Siki)biitlisv,rvice%,ab _ I . A reliable regulat011 ;never - falls.- island . _ . I . m. and 7. 1) M; L � School '):So 1) 111. ' " L ' . While these pills are exceeding power. only six familleSL composed of seven tiy- cows? But even as . surtung, that the Sunday - 1. Wanted at -Once . . I - The Ala,,k!,Yukcn-PAcifIc -E ,xposi- I General Pra�ter 'Mooting WedneFzda3; evening. I 1 . . . first 0ow consu d feed to the valitei Rev. T. W. Charlesworth,,pastor.`- 13.'Y.P.U. ., . I fill inregulating thegenerative portion three. persons. They have commun - tion at Seattle 'no w bids'for fame .%a me . "' . ti ttio ,With mainland only one,, a ' -Fy but of 65), flib profit meets ajontlay evenings,at 8 o.',olock. D. Prior. '.A * man of ability .Nvith:s me' knowledge .0 I -are stric y . to. A .the I the "11vorg City.". TheSof"in'Wchos- n6t of $30 mert, jugh AS Witt, S,S. Sullbrintdholent. - - 11 -LaCto - us in Clint . of -the female system. they . I . fruit au,d*bortivk*lturo to .foi 8 e to use. Refuse all cheap imita- ,year, when the.L&derlt or the owner on will help to make. the fair the.most. is 822, or just II timesa$. Ito I I. ' ?1 district. A per nane t, . t PRESBYTERIAN CjjVRCjj.*�"Sabj),tlj ,er. , an I I n 8�d-paving�po'tjtlo � L' . ' * � - -es 11 a in anti 7 p in. Schnol ti.:30 I *1' af $5.00 a, .visits the� island Lto c6lloot L rents, and _ , �' . . . . the secort.4 cow. Supposin� qne'cbuld v1L Sunday iorthe right -wan. STON .,,� WELLIXGTON , I I ' _ wr3nneij, Toronto, Ont. tions., Dr.,de Van's are sold at 9, - beautiful ever held. . . . tide on eaeb in'iA,' Uorieial, prayer m'eabing Wednesday even- 6-119 - I - Nurs I box, or thre� for $10.' Mailed to any carries -tvith-�hiirx package of letters. At Seattle Exposition this Summer jjj�t L deposit the' Pl!OfltL in, . . I a ' I . . 0, 4" � .: __ . — ,told . and- newspapers, `�he famili ..-Pro' the management bits ta u eow;vvith tb6-kind:that mak6s $V. )ngs- 'Rdv. Dr� Stewart, pa,stor. Jas. Scott, 0. S -­ � , -reps., The Scobell Drug. Co.,. St. - es . I Catharines, Ont. . I . I visions -63nsist ;'of ba,rloy bread, - profit -one could at,tain a.bank balan.ce. ,�ilp't.; Ajiss..J. Wilson, Ass't. Supl.b. , . . �. Timber.411d,Aju mber . . - . I . I eggs, for the weary and footsor6 and provid - . I . . ONTARTO ST. -METHODIST CAUROR.-'sab- . . . �.. . , . and seabirds. - Fish abound - in. the. ed numerou of WOO by keeping 4G co.ws, but with .. � . - .., ' . . . . s,=,and purii drihking . bath setvleLs 11 a in and 7 0 m, Snnday Sahool . For.iftle'. - �. i - - - . .. watersi but the idlanders do not like ,cry hand. , the othpr. kind.,it wbuid necessitate at.g.:30-n w.. Epworth lAcigiia.bl(inday.e%-i,iiirig�,- ,-. .- .. 1. . . . —_ . Editor-Mv dear Sir, we can'tpublish them as f clod', -arid catch thel�n Only to , water willbe on e,v - =9 2 . 000! NVIlo'cutild afford that? . Jnniqr League Friday evening..'. General Pinyer I hqvo. it (InabUty of Aquare kimber'suitabl . , Among tile -notable visitof.9f toSeilittle ' the %point. is evident ;test WiLie6i'ng,-N�'odne4do.s,,evening. Rev. NV. 1-,�Xorr*, for barns or driving shed purposed, a] , stuff like this. Why, it's not vers6 at sell when the itgent comes over. , .. this surorner dtiringthe progress of the . rs, . I pa$ . Rathwell I . .: I �tor� 'A llobpov, B. -S. Sui)t.'S,0 . umber. A�l)ly�(jD.-CA*iTF,Lo.,Z,Clintoii, t all ; it's an escape of gas. . .. To pay.their rent they weave rough Alaska-�Yukoll-pacific 14"xposition'ivill . your -cows and ascertain., d'eflnitely 1111C.1 W. Walker, Ass't. *Sul),ts . I I . . .1 ,Spring Pbet- 0, I see, something clothing And blankets to- sell.'' In the hetheiihe'fifty-cent cow hoards in. .. � . * � ' * --- .. _. ... .. ' bo the Oountess of A berdeen. She will 'w I . SWPAUL'S CHURCH -','abl)atb services-dt' wrong with the meter. . summer .they cultivate gardens,"collect attend the International Council.of x stables. .. .1. . .0. F. W.. 11 a in and.1 p in.. Sunday School T�b ,21:34 1) m. 507 -acre FA�Jfi- I or. &l.e. �. � I . . . 'birds and eggg for, winter. stores, and W6men, I - . YOU Tune AV). ` .'.' A Y-11 A.; Ttiesday evening. rrayer service' - . ............ I- ., . . *. I � I . . . .0ttawa:", .. . ­... . , �.. . �. . Wednesday evening Rev.* G.R. GnIme, T)(.A_ . . L. . . .. fish- for trade. -But tbese 'poor people, . . � . . ...- � . . South half'of Lot 17, Concession 4, L.R.S Do YOU EVER SMILE 2'. ,. .*hile,fighting it hardbattle for lif e are . .. v . The best cure for Eczema. is.'Xiller's� ructar.. Rev. 'mr. aunupt.'.8 S suc,t.* �Clftrence Tucliersinith � first - class land forvastuie o - - , . � . w I . . I Johnson, AWL But)% .1 ... . grain", Wree aerb-i of busli. a'novdrfailing wel _ contented with their lot, Crime and Tell some dpserving, Rheumatic suf- Obn3pound Trom Pills., 50 ,doses 25' .. WESLEY METHODIST CHURCH. -Sabbath a good fra:ino house, with. stoile dollar an A citizen of Seattle who - ba;(I looked, intemplerance are unk'nown . ,amon , ferer, thaftherei is yet One simple way .cents..'. Sold -by W. 8; It, Holmes. services' I I it m and 7 p m. Rutifty'Schooi at cenlont floor, surroimoled .1?v. a wind -break upon the wine when he was no longer them and courts are never held. All to -certain reliel!�. Get b"r. Shoop's . . ., . .1 _. '"' � 2.30n.m. Elmorth League Alouday , trees,.also a small orebard.of apple � �R . �� . . .. evening. spylice, � il,.';,. a larg& ban sure what -Wor it was,in the course of the ahults are members of the Church book on Rheumatism and a free *trial I '% . ' ' Intermediate Loague, Tuesday evening; 'Jnnior vern's, Wmils, and tnnall hal - - '. "6a`uc� Friday evening. Rev. ml. ,1.. ,joilige paru, stobe'stabling underneath ib� This chole his journey home encountered a free of Scotland, and know a lar-ge pi�rt of test, This b6ok will midta ir, eri�lrely SWING HAS, BEGUM. . : I � , Rorke, AssIt. Bunt,' �. � . thrce iniles from Mimen.corivellient. to selloo Protected by an iron:treo-guard. Grasp- the Bible by heart. .A minister resides elf.'ar how Rheumatic pains a:re oini kl� I. .. .. . �, . .. ' : B.C.L., pastor. .A. T. Coover, 8 S si*lt.; a. P, nroperty is situated five mile., fioin Seafovth an . c — � " I . . � . I . . , . 11 I � . . . ing the bars he feltibis way around it among them aud I holds .'regular ser. . killed by"Dr. eurnatic Rem- Ontario's Ctop Proniises to Be L' 8115T ant . essio . alrga� ul"T CHUROH. - IF:very jiTtotnato Shoop's .Rb Y?�E]�Hls .1 churches, good gravel roads. 110L,q twice. dG.-­f,:-',:AtZk;qT04� _Alt,04N) vicesdtirin� the ,v,ek-- This.1ittle' 03d:y�liquid or tablets. Send no monev.. - - . I 1. . . . . . . .. . I morning service atlo.ao o'clock. Vespers given in fall. For further particulars. api)W I a , I � . . tbepreiu�,�,ds,orto'sIRS,W,%I.GORDOI-4 * "Curse it!"dhe molined, sinking to Worlol-is in strange contrast to tile The tea $uprise some dis- � . Than E'vVer This Y ear. , . at 7.15, 'C M B A 2nd Thuisday s�,enibg in 011uh, 61111 I . . x1ppen 3�.M,pn t is free. I . . . . .. month. League of the Sacred Hearb, Ist Priday �. I I I the ground in despair. 1,L,ocked inj busy life of the twentieth century . . I heartened sufferer � by first getting for ' The spring' seedin ' s, !it each month, at 8.80'nvia.. . Re'. ­ ......10-1. . �. . . g� in Ontario A * . I . . . I . -,, I House . I . . . him the book from Dr. Shoup, Racine. over a lai-ge arm It looks� PasLor. . . . . .. . .1 1. .1 � -general . I .. . I . . - HortngO Sale o .all Torn-14ow did you come ' out at the . . ( � I . I I -AVIS. - -Sold . by all Dealers. . as if all the e6yeals will re.c6ive due. 14AL'VATION.AltivlY.�,�3ervIeofLt7se(ilI aul, I M. i , church affair last night'? . 1. Pslillonoi- v Electrie, Re- ..,. I . � I . . . .. . atten ibn , . M spite of the fac and:3 arid 7 1) in on Sunday. dbd Thursday and .. . Lots hi Clinton. , . Ph . t t,that Saturday evenings, at 6 o'clock. . . —_ . Jack -1 came out with a niekle�-Jtist ,storer fo.r Lc I Maniciiid � . �1. : . � .. .. ' dun'o bugs: . . ''I . I.. . � , . ' - , I I Tell youir mother, Johnny," said peas are troubled with - 1109T OFF IOU. -Office hours from - 8 a (I b� Arttio of the powerq vontai ne . enough to pay my car fare home. tn_W�Wll - _.— - - , . . ts I � In � to t'n,lor till estorsit every nekve Jla�:the'body to' buks,, - ill be 'as .. ders from 7.30 it in to in)t i-c-rlittin mortgage, which will be wo(luveri . I . ,his kind maiden aunt, as she placed a 'I the 9 1) DL 'Money'Oraer anti Rogistr6tion'ti a )n to the, time of oale-_ there will be We . R )"' , the. acreage wl .7 o in Open to box he! - its. proper.'tensio'n , r6stoies'vim and "' an� ' lidt..-larger than usual. - 'sale, bv., Public AucIlon, I . 11L(iok� here!" roared the angry farm- . piece of- cake ill b is hand, 11that 1. was � I.. jiuq. Scott, P.M.; Aliases IX. PleRcIt and. o,d for "Why do you pesky hoboes al- ture decay arid All IT" if large er. titality. .Prema sex- % ery sorry your sister cotildn't come," distribution, 61 faile-y seed by thb ,III? E114ste*, A.Asistotnts. I . , . '-��hos. Ouraln'. AuLilcneer.:at thbbereluafte . ' . .. -og Y, the 11t. come to us farmers for handouts'.) ual weakness- Averted. lit once.� Phos- "And what will T say," replied little houses Ire'e of ellargo untl tile I TUBtIO TABRARY.-Libra,11y 41,nd free readt mentioned vroinib On FRIDA � no, pboillol will make you. it new man. $3 . t6r it day ofJUNIA, 3SM, tb� foiioi,�Ing' lands, that . VhyyS . JohnnyWithan ,%Iv_Of_..strAtQgy. .- -if- c.rop-comes, in,fii�a-big­fac . ..... inli ---.Ing-,�ooil�i.ntliof3tiLvelYE'1(1'g,oij.eiie�.,oi,�,itftel, , olks'sor, - . . , - �to­-ptj�­ irs. 1, 1, 000, 88 and -part don t you taekleoity.f I . .. . 6-X___' or two 'for $Z. - mailea to� . ... I n3on froin-9to 3,-.10. and tivery 6-�hlrklroiu-7­06, . . 1,ots'NtnnbL ,M times?" � 61 b any . malminaasks where is sister's piece of - creashig tlie'aorpiige, ­ I ­9300'010Ck. .IliqSMi!2ni3ORudfl,lil)rMrilli)..� I lot bi: on-Nortli, NVollhigton anti Osborn . . . . "Ali, kind Sir," responded Sandy iddrees on rcceipt o't price.* The Scob. . ca,ke 11 ­ . � .. 1. . Stice.ts, in Lbo Towu of Clinton. in the CoutiW ' I 1� I . . . . i Wbeitt ,will be -sbwn as far - as is � .',,,O,g,N COUNICIL."H, Wiltse. Naror; 11. ,L Huron, On the prinnises i-3 erected a comfor Pikes politely, "it is on account o t e ell Drug CO.,'S Cathairines, Ont.' . I � . . . possiblo to'pri)cure soo�d. Wild G6OSe : Gibbings. Reeve; J. A. Ford, A. T. Cooper, Thos. I .. . . _,� I able, conveniontiv-arrmnged and well-appointe won&r' ead in ari -agri- I � .11 1 . . � . �- . . . I - I e . — , . . � Graham and ful article we r . I . s and Red lOyle are tho� leading vat - J(LckA0n,Jr.. A.J. HolIoway, Win. cottage, witb 6 rooms and hall, 'in an excelle I . Jacob Taylor, Councillors. D. Ia. alacpherson. stato of repair. Insvection of t1w holimo I, invi .. �, . I � . . Any. ties,'but as tile (',I -()I Clork -and Treasurer, Thos. Cottle.Assessor, ,Toe. ed. Foi,.ter:ahari(I.I)artit-itifLrti of Hale. ai)nls, cultural paper." BIE SQUAB. 1. . Pains of women, head pains, or � . ) 11as. been .,,o pre, . 14 - . . "Indeed! And what was the arti,616 .' . — � I . I pain stopped. in 20 irlinute, Sure, with carlou-.4 in 'ma nv stTflon", that it i% i whentley" Collector. 130ard 111.6otH ill:801011clay I W, 11HYDONN, � entitleol?" , .. :. . . Dr,Sboop 'a Pink Plain Tablets. See - not 111cefy i1ia at�rvago 'ifi �pringwhoat levonlilgeachnionth, , .. I . . � Solicitor for Vendo .We may name a hundred drAwbaeks full fornlula on _95c. , Box. ,15old by. all 1. � . eifjlton.,�illyi-2,100% , I . I " 'Da Farmer Feeds Us All." , . I That 0, man must face. in life, I will be..'hifluenced apprevjati�ely,by , CbMEGIATV, INSTITUTH I BOARD. - Rev. I Dealers. , I I . V. R� Gunne, M.A. (Chaft-111ftn), D� A. Foire4ter, .— I I ­ - ­ - - � � 1. . - We inav say it's alla, "battle" 1. . � .. . .. tbe'prices now prevaili)ig.. , "' . 'w-lackson'At.D. Ale'llaggart, Dr. ThoullAon' And'aliever-ending 11strife," . . . 41KIR. --mitiam _vm.0AWmww. 1 13 1 - . . Oat. ill ana �Ias. Scott, A. P. Mmdr,N, . A,*� SecretarN I E DnUTE� . � . _. . S ar6 a bi� el,()p AN-ith .1 e (),jl� Board meets first Friday of eWeli wonth. ­ -HORS K%�Xy . * ' . . Then resolve to meet it bravelv- tario firmor, and it ig a good sign . I I . . �... . aHBR8,-A, P. Gundry" . I I � "'. Stand the test ta'do and d a*r'e-'- to not(, that many fitrinem are taking COLLEGIATE' TEA . I , . . . , 13,A-� principal, W. Treleaven, 13.A;, classwal ' - . I But the, secret of trueVictory - SKIN* DISEASES' grcatei4 pain4 with their soil andseod r; Miss Dolluage. wathemfttical teao,Mer; I . to I . . . I I PAO , I Lies . �square. . . ' . I logligh and Uodeihs; Ulm T ine Ca ' influst one`vVord be - 11"'at'Nall. B,A., H I %P r I I 11 . - 11 ibis qpriiig.iii 6rd.ell to, itmurol a per I . � . . � . I . : . - . I hloir, tottobol.... I . . . " -1." . ,acre yield nlj�ad - of tho low one that , . I I � Thj,ie is, something in the twinkle '- These tr6ublesonle affiiQtions ate callied L 11ijULIC BC1100f, 33OARD. �-.)-'. It Half. . . I thy 11a.,4 been -raling. ' * (ellairman).'J. NV, Atoorc. T.- Cottle"Hi I% , * atilionest fellow's eye ' - wholly by bad blood and an- unheal Barley jS JI.Affl ]ai-el' as a' feed, Rorke, J, Ilvaus,'('. Hiio_r� 110voy clul 4" 11 . That can never be mistaken . , xtato of. the systento and can be easily cured � y l�eiiip,J.Ctlilihgbo,iiie,So(,retat,Y, 13oardblects � I .. ­ ' -And neler can be passed by;, . and the occasional elianeto to got A , , . I I I ,�,� Fine Hair . . by the wonderfal.blood cleansing proper tiestTlitir5dityeveniiigeaciiiiio,utli. � . �1 I .. I Be hl� . ... .. I bump,er price on.a booni inarkpit in- I 1, . � --ffn--e----sa—ra-kU--fin .. i station high or lowly, - . ties of . I . __L. - . i PUJILIC SCHOOL 11V,AOHV1hS.-JT. Hartley, I I . ,,��i� . Te a . rels4hat�,-dati:nt4eia-uprigi.it I _____�,_ - — — (IA -444414W _t,).,P,, _thi,;,,,t,hranI," btit_ ... It's ne care i atum 1111r- ­ � ­_ei-Pa1,4Msg­)I6"1 ioraon;���n_ — — I I . . . i . hairt Use Ayer's Hair Vigor, That Convinces -all beholders . � . '", . -there is no apparent .run, on. this Miss S. litbvensi Ulas H. vourtice, Was INI. . N ....;. I . . I _. - the man the' e. i 44 " " . . El"r C, � . i wiltfio,�Mjss c, (,,111aley anti Viiaq,n. I,. uer. . I I . . . That� v se is Square . varietv aild it is ext�e,olte(j that the - � ... I 11 ,. . I W5 j3R-VX)0.N 8, lit) lit . . . % V OTAUJ,7 113APtUISTS R 1130LICITOP .1 I I - . FUOUO. ETC, - ; CLINTON Inde six Months In edell of three 'I, viarg. cultivate, . I 11ftY acynq and orect a jj()jjsj4 -,vorth $300.00, � � I .� . . . W. NNI. CORY. I * L f DOMAY of the 1111:11ster of the IntIrlor. - . - ' X-11,"I'"aUtborizW 'Publication of, this ltd. I I ve'Alkilien b will not be paid for, . . . . I . I - ­ L I 03,11IRRLES' 8. RRLa I 11 * * I . It CELEBRATION I , - I I . , !t4+++444*+44+*++++U . makes the ,licst pogsible breakfast . - -0.----- - , , ' K T. RANCE, � I � Notary Public, Conveyancer, for anyone who is to work with either '#_ � V brain or muwle. les easy to prove this . Alw". - �. , . I ,r I - FAIL16 �POWIJNG V -11P I in your own family. Increase the daily A Grand Orang e . Ile C lebration will be Id lit . . � At the annual tournament for the I � li'aill .Cup. on Mitchell bowling greet) eonsumption of Quaker Oats and you'll see all almost immediate improvement . , , , C L. I N T 0 N . I . I � ( I � I : q WediiesUy. Oth fast., Ski T Hays sue� in the Ona, from It S. in tile health and energy of those who 1. 0 N 11 . ceeded, winning Frame, of Stratford by one shot. The score at the ftaish of 21 ends was 17 all Hays lay I cat it. a Regular size packages fQr city trade, large size family for those Monday ittly 12 . . ....... . and in the extra end Skip , packages 9 UNE IT shot, � , who are, not convenient to the store. , R Street. , . I . I � The weather was all that could be desired and the greens were in first The large package contains a pie cc of ­ I : � - - . . If 'you - coilldrplacez' ,anjadjn,1thq, ' class condition, and as a result tile handsome china for the table. . EVERVOODY WELCONIE.. Moon millions orpeop 6W r9ad it! ' '" - U �A games wereexceptionally close and in- Breakfast on Quaker Oats every day, . . Even eon iMould onIjjA Valuable , .� teresting. � The peizes for the winning rinks Quaker Oats is niade at Peterborou,gb, C I allada, ­ ...... SINGILE FARES ON ALL RAM " I nth,f.W666M * - 0, Want'Ad in'.�his�papie.;*hl&� were fou r gold plated clocks and for thpruun era up cut glass spoon trays. . . . I WAY LINES. . . ` I limited I jtiTs6peM.IIr1e0Ver � I� W_w x - , A Summary of restilts of the -day is . ,j _ .1,!ql pitrti�mlarllocalitg­w IQ 611:641 ,L101M , ­ - , _______._-�_1_.__TT__!!�T_ I bowling is as follows -, I � Y. Till C'. A., eAln r year,r First Round . — ' The County Committee of the Young Orand Trunk Itailivay, Systeit I . . . . 6 -1"!:11 . I . . � � 1 r Omo. 81no. IWO .11 I . .. I .. '30liforth � Strat.ford . Men's Christian Associations of Huron Railway. Time Table I I . I I Volumn $�& $4000 $25 00 , $10 W _.,.;�....­.: '' . �;­'"�'. r .:'­ - �. .1 . J. Scott I I R, Killer are going to conduct A. 10 days Summer I NW­q-w-N"L._v"_ - i column 400 , 0 2500 1600 600 The Bible Of Modern Selence, W.MoDougall A, Oasb . cautp for the boys of the Countyonthe . London, Huron and Bruce. . .. � . llnse In S,'111.r?,_ " , I Wumn 2500 1500 800 $00 - W. 1) Bright F. A. Copus Lake sbore, at Iron 8prings, seven 1800 1000 550 � 2 00 North Passenger ' ,. -7 -_ j column The preparation of the now Bible, R. S,, Hays Dr. Gray miles South of Godericb, beginning '.. 06. Maple St. one half &ore of ground I Inch 1600 350 200 .00 ' dp! .. .... 20 �. .) July 18,-,h. Provision Is being ,made London, 4e�ilrt,_.. 8.80 a, m, 4.50 p m good fruit trees and otb .which is to ,be inspire " d by �,swept $1, , Skip ........ I' . (I ntralia,, ........... 9.40 43 . or ernall fruit in oil . fpr the accommodation of 50 boys,avd. ,6 5. - houso ill good conditl2u, Appiv to flontraot display advertising 10c per reasonableness, has inot made u Clinton 'Afitchell lveter .............. 9.53, . � . I I . the committee desires to get &small 14, 5.511 W.W. NIMENS, . inch, per issne. advarlee yet; We,lay before our read, N. Ball Jr. Dougherty . flensall ............. 10.08 .0.0.5 � . W. H. lcnnn era, says the London Freeman, the im- W, 11arl9rid W. B.'Barley contingent from each towtiand village I . � __ proved version of -the first chapter of W. Stephenson J. I.,. Downey r !a the. County to go. Tents, food, Kippen ............. 10-16 6.11 House for Sale --.---. Genesis. butits and everything. will be Supplied Brucefield ........... 10.30 0.10 11 —_ I There never wag a beginning. Dr. Agnew W. R. Cole by the committee and the boys will Clinton ...... _� ..... 11.05 6. 3 5 . CLINTON NEW ERA . skip_�._ .14 Skip ........ 18 justhaNLe to bilng theirclothesand 0 The large cottage on Queen, rr 2 And cosmos was homogeneous and � . Londesbora,......... 11.18 . 52 .treeb. be UNU 17, 190 undifferentiated and Somehow or Mitchell Seaforth whatever personal belongings th alyth ...... I I ....... lI.V 7.00 longing to the estate of the late H, Holme NT, 3 I I 0. . . . " is offered for sale. The. lot to one-bal CLINTON. 0 --"--- another evolution begai� and molecules W. 1�1,111 E. Bri lit I witl'xieed, and each boy will pay the Belgrave...., ....... 11,40 1.13 1 __ , . , - .. Qtt I , ittee so touch for the 10 days, to Wingham, arrive,... 11.50 7,35 scre, with bearing fruit trees, hard an F. A can soft water. A bargain, Apply at NEM Appeared. .., Campbell X, MCE Comm . -1 J. C. Greig . defray the expenses. Any boy from . . LEFT ALONE 3 And molecules evolved protoplasm lit. 0. F Ord . I South . Passenger . ERA office, I - and rhythmic thrills arose .and then Dr, Burritt J. X Best 12 to. 18 who secures the written con. 0.43 a rh 333 p in � — . I "there was light. 1 ,�4�411_ L Skip.. __21 Skip ...... .go. Witigharn �7 r� , 654. 3.44 IVs the lonespinest house yoii ever . ..12 sent of parents or guardians may Bel ave..' .. .a _'.. saw, . . Andaspiritof envy wasdeveloped- Clinton , - Stratford ' The place is an ideal one for camping. BIT gr .. � ......... 7.08 3.50 , Farm f6r Sale or to Rent andformed the plas . There is it good spring of water, ood, Lou th al; ......... I -_ I This biy gray house where I stay tic celli *hence. de 7.16 4.04 . . �f, J. H, Courtice . � C., Welsh bathing and boating, and exce lent Lot ifl, Huron Road, Goderleh Tp., tram 1 6 , arose the primordial germ. I . - Ulinton., I can't ca I it) iv ing at all,'at all, . me C. H. Dowding J.. Trow . grounds for games and athIletics. ' The . ......: ... : 750 423 house, bank barn, Stano.stablo, good wato j� ther went away, L 5 Alid �he primordial gerin beca . . Brucefield.,.,� ...... 8,12 4.39 RIMPly, larM mostly In grass, Possessio Since aaj,mo - n J Tavlor Dr. Robertson camp will be under the management vow or in fall. tf W. 13RYDO.NF" . Four w ago and it seems a year! protojene, and protoge e somehow X B.'Ifooyer ' R. S. Prame . Kippen .............. 8.2,j . 4.47 Gone home' -so the preacher said, shaped I eocene, then was the dawn of of L. 0. Fleming,theCountySecr6tary Hensall 8.1149. 4 521 And I ache%in my heaLt with wanting life, . gkio.;........12 . Skip.'.,... I ... 22 *vvbo Will be assisted by A� Cullens, Do xeter.i..... .8.48 . 5 - () 5 To Rent Lin Combe Elock her, 0 And the herb yielding seed and ' Semi -Finals Provincial Sewetary, F. B. Cliant, Centralia ............. f) Ou 15.15 � _ . . � . "Mitchell L Physical Director of Midland London, arrive ..... tO 00 ' 0.10 . Office or room for s' And my eyes are always red. the fruit tree yielding fruit after its Seaforth 'yor 0.1 "I to, � Jj. Robertson and . � . nall store or work room I I . owrt ki I not, whose seed is in itself, de. '3. S. Ha�s IV. R. Cole - A., J. r A. . ,,h Next door to John Rainsford's office, A oly t I hate them tP call me in to my meals, velbped according to its own fancy. - ' . 8kip.-.­.. . .11 F. Johnsof Auburn and others. Itis , - Buffalo a . nolooderl . JAB. BUITH, Ontarloc For it seems I cannot bear . . .. 7 The cattle. alfter his kind, the beast .:Skip ...... L. 1,9 expected that a physician will be,.on West.. Passenger ' I I __ - To swallow a rnotithful of anything of the field after his. kind' and dver., - . Stratford L Mitchell the grounds; a cook will he employed, ,am' p in P . . Farm to Rent With her not sitting tip there- - . * H. S; Frame Dr Burritt and every arrangement', made for the in. p m � creeping thing became evolved by .,...IOLOQ I:) L . � . A pouring the tea, and passing the betero gation L and con- Skip ........ 16 'L Skip ........ 15 safety, comfort and pleasure of the Stratford.. i ,.tN) 525 10.20 . . - . things. . � L , boys. ]Parents need have no fear or Mitchell ......... I � 22, �12.45 , , 10A7 The Ostraut farm, Lot 28,0th Con. of Goderic geneous. segre , r). 65 And laughing to see me take comitant dissipation. of motion, . Finals , � . Tn., SO acres Is offered to rout. AI)t)ly to L 8 So that by the survival of the ilt- I . . I . anxiety concerning the welfare 6f I h 3 Seaforth ........ 10.45). 1-10 (5-18 11.12 40SH Cool( URS. Z, HALSTEAD. ,,,,,,,,Qr to Two big ,Ininps of 511 -gar insteltil of test tber� evolved the simlads troult Seaforth Stratford ' 'boys -while away, and. should embrace Clinton .......... 11.07 .1:2.5, 6,40 11.2i- 0 ... tf . . Goderldb,:. L - . � . one, . .1 . , �r_ R. S. mays R. S. Frame' . portunity to give ..their, boys,% Holmeaville.....1116 1,33 6 - ...,,. , th Skip ........ 17 . t � . -, - ,.- ,P jellv fish,and the simiads diff( . . . . tile o . And a sqcond piece of calre. .. ' entia,ted themselves ilito the anthro, ' Skip',. �. ; ... 18 healt ful, wholesome outing, under G oderich .. � - ..,.11-35 1.50 7.05 .11,:55 For �ale Or Rent. . . I . . . . . . . I ItOrphitio primordial types.. The following. were the ganied play-, Christian influefides, and aupervision� East . . Poseliger. I � — . . There's no one to go to when things POr a I L one . lo$t L his tail 'ee for the Faill Cup in 1908; Goderleb, Tho committee hai,d no other purpose . . Lot ,21,.34 Concession, Goderich Townsill go wrong, . 9 An n due time , in conducting sucha camp than to do 'L . a in - p in. -P in consisting of So acres, for graziog, good orchar and became man, and behold Ile was 2; Clinton, 4, Seaforth, 5, Mitchell,.12; L . and well watered. good Imul, harn. - AIM V to She was always so safe and sure; the most cunning of..ajl,'a�nimals. 8tratford,' 12, Mitchel,l won 8 games ci�ery individual boy who goes. all the. Godetileb ............ 7.10 2.40 4 , 30 " tf `.. - , 21IRS. CHRIS TFAIPTT, i boy I L - W hy,not a, trouble would tackle-, W And in process of timeby natural. and Strs,tford S. The -last glitne was good theY. bRu,. Physically, 'mentally, HolmesvUle .......... 7,26 2. 5) 7 0106 ------' __ _. _. - . . . ' I - ' 07 . 5.15 . That she would not try to 3ure sel0c0ion .and survival of the fittest,. played by I�Xitchell on, Octolier'12th. , ard inorally, fror p&rticubtrs wit-ite to Clinton ........... L .... 7, 1&51* 3 � To Rent. , ,,I,m too hig to be kissed," I ii;'ed to. kientists, sk6ptics, infidels and'scof- . . . L, 0, Fleming, Clintom. - . ... . I ­ Se0orth .......... I 5 K.32. . . .. . . , � , . 11 . ., I ... 7.52 3.2 — .. . I I say, it don't feel rig - lit ,fers appeared, And behold it was very .. SEATTLE EXj"OSITION . I . I . q.-:- —.— . ' . Mitchell..;_ .....,... .. 8.16. 3L 48 53'55 The Drap6t- riiim, lots 53,*54,65 and 60, Nlai But, sotnehow, � . . . .. Ora ... SAO' 415 To creep into bed as still as it mouse, good. r . . 1. I . . FIFTY CENT cows. . 'I Stratf .......... I 6-20 'jana con, Gaflerich Tp., consisting of 250 �acre A, I . .... . ,­ I � . I " I . .. . .� - . . .. . . , .. . . . ... . � .. . . For particulars. apply �o- W. BRTD',)Nl And no one to say good -night.. .. . . ,�, I ..- � .; Itrequireellten carlohols-of lumber I I . ' .1 ­­ ­_­..­_.­ . , .- ­. ___1. . if, . . I Clintc hty of TDIedo,j . t . Cow. testing� association inembers . . - State of Ohio, O , o build, the Japanese exhibit stru-.ture . . . I Or tuck in the bedclothes nnder my ` � S_ A . are astonished* to put it mildl at the - -k J Cheney makespath that he 'tion revelations of 'the *scales and teste In , .1 . . . , . Lucas.Cotinty .- J .1 - - at the AlasKa-Yukon-Pacific EXPOS1. y . . . Park ,ot for Safe chin I � Fran - The building occupies an area of � . I � ; ' , I . -7 . ­ - And push all my hair back so; is senior partner of the firril of F, J. 16,060 re foot. - , , - . I one herd of 47 cows the *average . ield I The undere,igned oilers for sale a, park. lot o aughs at before his , It si 7 Was 4,380 19. milk,'. 4.2 test, -and 183 lb ...... riL Things a boy- I Cheney &r Co., doing - " il ess im the The M -11g, Obtuity' building.at the . . 11 - 711, aeres, on. Raglan T3t., nearly all in bea n . 8' hit Th6highest yield orfrnilk and fat fruit.of choice varieties, two goodwolig, L Koo chums, City of Toleit[6,0oun�y-andState afor . Alaska-Ynkon-Pacifle U�xpositiou,was . ... ekes and iretf� - But things he lik-es you know,. . sale, And that; said firm -will'pay ,the from a 7 -year-old cow, whose test was . baby nervOU3 . stable frainwhou8s, with two cellaxs, just tb complete (10 days before. the date Sbt . d etops tain in weight. -1 iflace f%tI,g I * Appl I t for the llfp� of me, surn of ONE HUNDR : only itti,average of U for the fall per- . .a.rolener, will be sold cheap. I can't make it ou , .14' ,D DOLLARS for the opeturig-of the fairand exhibits . I I to Fl. R0VTLFDGR, or Po �L C, - ,,,Uton... W6y mothet-shotild have to6go, ' : for each add evdry eiiaeofOataerh that are . rapidl'�. being�. histalled, Seattle ig,d of 'I ' I t,lprr, `If�j, t6tat yield was . � _ Awta . . I I I if - MR. -JACOB TAYLOR, . And her boy left here in this otd. gray � dannot'be cured by. the use of , ' 11200 lbl� -milk' and 274 lb. "fit t, No'tiiie 0 . . . . - HRII'S the Eitliosition city, is in King comity. a Lis . . - L . . ,� I . . . I how hfgI mk�l 1, . , , , house I .. . LxatwrliCtire. FRANKS. CHEN residen ts of Chicago in`6eat� , i thi above the average. .. . . . . . . �',Fo.*K.841.1'. .. �: : ,, R y Former . 282014. thilk'more. .The yi-eld of the ' ' i, the beat�foo'd-medicine f or teeth. ' �. I Needing and wanting her so. , ' Sworn to' before me and subscribed tle. have organized a club, the purpose . . . . .___ � I , 11 .1 0 .. . I .. in preseqce,this,ath day of Pecem- Dooreat cow;a-10-year Old, was only . Comfortable Cottage on Hattenbury St. rol There are lots of women, ft'Seems to in 7 .. . of which is to en-tertlt,in visitors froat 13,05O fb� milk, 3.7 test, and 1111b. , faL ing babies. It strengthens 'tbe . An the linest lo�atlon in. town. Ila-Imt Dining . her, A. D. , 1886. ''. I . . the Illinois metr000lis %to the Ex,pbs;i- , , ne . rveo;suipplies lime for the teeth room. 3 BLd-rooms, lUtchon,. (.onservatory me, . 1. . A. W.L GLEASON. tion. . . . . Notice 1.io4 inuch this is below thds.av- keeps the baby growin I v wooclsbed,'coalshed. otone folin(lation, *eemen . . ' . Id- 7- . vellar, b.rd and soft water, electric light, on That would not beneeded somuch- (Seal.) - - Notary Public. Aduck-billed dj�Oq&Uj',L6Stj'niatec1,by. PIZA Q. WIdi 7 lb. .6f fixt less. But this. . . .9- . . Mothers whose boys are about, grown ' HAII-s Cattarril-6re'istaken'intern. 10'-` a � old cow gave much less than ' . of the most voulplete and cosy homes in A,Ilinto . . geologists to be moM than. .5,000,OU0 Cot a smi-ill bottle now. . All Druggists % 'Witlijence and evergreen hed.kc. large. -garde up I . � . ally,and acts . directly on the blood and years o14, ill b . alf, what the�.7-year old,did.;'there.is I - . _. ., and lago anti. small fruit trevq.. . , wi e exhibited by tbd ' ... . . Or our old atinties or such. � . - ac ally a dii relies between thie,two , ,, ______ . . . . . . - - rfilicous surfaces of the System. ,. . Volted States government,at the Alas I . . . . . . . . . . . � , . . ,)Ius jo cold at once as. owpor b4 Wavirig fo I tell you the very Ionesomest thing , yie a of 4,150 Ib milk, and 103 lb fat - the West, Apply A, Dwoun. . . ' ition atSeattle I , � . t0owner In this great wiae world to -d � P. J. 6HENEY& CO., I:oledo 0 ka-Yukon-'Pacific Rxp6s ' _______.__ __ - I 7 - .. tf . RattenburynSt. llast,Cliuton, ays - ­ . s .. this -Summer. . : . Is the one cow''w0i'th twice as. mucK I . I I . . - W_ I . Is a boy of ten. whose 'heart seems . Sold by druggists, toe. � . . .�- .1. I a tbe�other? Carry the figuring one. WNAMftAv1wA0~AAA0V0A,.0~ — - - . I . .- More tbdn 16,000 school children of a . . . . . � " L S .. L Take,lffall'S'F amity Pills for constipb,- step further in order to-asceRain profit - . . V -d . . it 0 or' Sale .� . broke . . . .. I . . I L ,horth rns I : I . When his mother is gone away. . tion. . . I. I Seattle and vicinity were guests of tbdl Valuing milk At $1 per IOU lb;, *,vnd i�.v- L . . _IL, - . I — , . �. . I . . . . Y kon I . Five ymg liulls, from 8 to 30 montbr,old � L . I . Of the Alaska- , u -PA- ell putting the- cost of feed at only $30, TOWN DIIIECTORY . _%� CE ciflc�Expoaition Satu�olay, March 27. . 1: .., . 1. I 9pod ones; all sired*by Duke of Richmond.' t1i i Dr de Van's Frencb Fentale Pills- A LONELY. ])W E'LiIN6'PLA, 3. More than $400,000 of Seattle capital 6ne cowjiist made 50c. -0rofit; on the ;I L " , , L ' Swo,.epstakeq bull fib Clinton'and likiceflold I .. . L I . . ­ . ___ I ' '� year's buiiness!� Did thiit pay labohr, . . . 1 1104, Prive4trisuitith6tinjes, Comoundso I . . mid ' � I . . .. has alreadv beeninyostied in %ttrwetion � . . A0~"WVVWVVVWV 0%" - them. write P. T1. ,wISE, Clinton,. Ont. ' The Wife's Firle . - .North of Scotland there is a little forthePay Streak'atthoi Alaska -Yu-' Or interest, orany return�for sUj)er'L a . - , T ' . 11 . called Kilda, whore there are kon-Paciflc Exposition. 4 - vision or supply LDY incenti,iii to k6ep a �BAJITIST ('HI!R(�H.-Siki)biitlisv,rvice%,ab _ I . A reliable regulat011 ;never - falls.- island . _ . I . m. and 7. 1) M; L � School '):So 1) 111. ' " L ' . While these pills are exceeding power. only six familleSL composed of seven tiy- cows? But even as . surtung, that the Sunday - 1. Wanted at -Once . . I - The Ala,,k!,Yukcn-PAcifIc -E ,xposi- I General Pra�ter 'Mooting WedneFzda3; evening. I 1 . . . first 0ow consu d feed to the valitei Rev. T. W. Charlesworth,,pastor.`- 13.'Y.P.U. ., . I fill inregulating thegenerative portion three. persons. They have commun - tion at Seattle 'no w bids'for fame .%a me . "' . ti ttio ,With mainland only one,, a ' -Fy but of 65), flib profit meets ajontlay evenings,at 8 o.',olock. D. Prior. '.A * man of ability .Nvith:s me' knowledge .0 I -are stric y . to. A .the I the "11vorg City.". TheSof"in'Wchos- n6t of $30 mert, jugh AS Witt, S,S. Sullbrintdholent. - - 11 -LaCto - us in Clint . of -the female system. they . I . fruit au,d*bortivk*lturo to .foi 8 e to use. Refuse all cheap imita- ,year, when the.L&derlt or the owner on will help to make. the fair the.most. is 822, or just II timesa$. Ito I I. ' ?1 district. A per nane t, . t PRESBYTERIAN CjjVRCjj.*�"Sabj),tlj ,er. , an I I n 8�d-paving�po'tjtlo � L' . ' * � - -es 11 a in anti 7 p in. Schnol ti.:30 I *1' af $5.00 a, .visits the� island Lto c6lloot L rents, and _ , �' . . . . the secort.4 cow. Supposin� qne'cbuld v1L Sunday iorthe right -wan. STON .,,� WELLIXGTON , I I ' _ wr3nneij, Toronto, Ont. tions., Dr.,de Van's are sold at 9, - beautiful ever held. . . . tide on eaeb in'iA,' Uorieial, prayer m'eabing Wednesday even- 6-119 - I - Nurs I box, or thre� for $10.' Mailed to any carries -tvith-�hiirx package of letters. At Seattle Exposition this Summer jjj�t L deposit the' Pl!OfltL in, . . I a ' I . . 0, 4" � .: __ . — ,told . and- newspapers, `�he famili ..-Pro' the management bits ta u eow;vvith tb6-kind:that mak6s $V. )ngs- 'Rdv. Dr� Stewart, pa,stor. Jas. Scott, 0. S -­ � , -reps., The Scobell Drug. Co.,. St. - es . I Catharines, Ont. . I . I visions -63nsist ;'of ba,rloy bread, - profit -one could at,tain a.bank balan.ce. ,�ilp't.; Ajiss..J. Wilson, Ass't. Supl.b. , . . �. Timber.411d,Aju mber . . - . I . I eggs, for the weary and footsor6 and provid - . I . . ONTARTO ST. -METHODIST CAUROR.-'sab- . . . �.. . , . and seabirds. - Fish abound - in. the. ed numerou of WOO by keeping 4G co.ws, but with .. � . - .., ' . . . . s,=,and purii drihking . bath setvleLs 11 a in and 7 0 m, Snnday Sahool . For.iftle'. - �. i - - - . .. watersi but the idlanders do not like ,cry hand. , the othpr. kind.,it wbuid necessitate at.g.:30-n w.. Epworth lAcigiia.bl(inday.e%-i,iiirig�,- ,-. .- .. 1. . . . —_ . Editor-Mv dear Sir, we can'tpublish them as f clod', -arid catch thel�n Only to , water willbe on e,v - =9 2 . 000! NVIlo'cutild afford that? . Jnniqr League Friday evening..'. General Pinyer I hqvo. it (InabUty of Aquare kimber'suitabl . , Among tile -notable visitof.9f toSeilittle ' the %point. is evident ;test WiLie6i'ng,-N�'odne4do.s,,evening. Rev. NV. 1-,�Xorr*, for barns or driving shed purposed, a] , stuff like this. Why, it's not vers6 at sell when the itgent comes over. , .. this surorner dtiringthe progress of the . rs, . I pa$ . Rathwell I . .: I �tor� 'A llobpov, B. -S. Sui)t.'S,0 . umber. A�l)ly�(jD.-CA*iTF,Lo.,Z,Clintoii, t all ; it's an escape of gas. . .. To pay.their rent they weave rough Alaska-�Yukoll-pacific 14"xposition'ivill . your -cows and ascertain., d'eflnitely 1111C.1 W. Walker, Ass't. *Sul),ts . I I . . .1 ,Spring Pbet- 0, I see, something clothing And blankets to- sell.'' In the hetheiihe'fifty-cent cow hoards in. .. � . * � ' * --- .. _. ... .. ' bo the Oountess of A berdeen. She will 'w I . SWPAUL'S CHURCH -','abl)atb services-dt' wrong with the meter. . summer .they cultivate gardens,"collect attend the International Council.of x stables. .. .1. . .0. F. W.. 11 a in and.1 p in.. Sunday School T�b ,21:34 1) m. 507 -acre FA�Jfi- I or. &l.e. �. � I . . . 'birds and eggg for, winter. stores, and W6men, I - . YOU Tune AV). ` .'.' A Y-11 A.; Ttiesday evening. rrayer service' - . ............ I- ., . . *. I � I . . . .0ttawa:", .. . ­... . , �.. . �. . Wednesday evening Rev.* G.R. GnIme, T)(.A_ . . L. . . .. fish- for trade. -But tbese 'poor people, . . � . . ...- � . . South half'of Lot 17, Concession 4, L.R.S Do YOU EVER SMILE 2'. ,. .*hile,fighting it hardbattle for lif e are . .. v . The best cure for Eczema. is.'Xiller's� ructar.. Rev. 'mr. aunupt.'.8 S suc,t.* �Clftrence Tucliersinith � first - class land forvastuie o - - , . � . w I . . I Johnson, AWL But)% .1 ... . grain", Wree aerb-i of busli. a'novdrfailing wel _ contented with their lot, Crime and Tell some dpserving, Rheumatic suf- Obn3pound Trom Pills., 50 ,doses 25' .. WESLEY METHODIST CHURCH. -Sabbath a good fra:ino house, with. stoile dollar an A citizen of Seattle who - ba;(I looked, intemplerance are unk'nown . ,amon , ferer, thaftherei is yet One simple way .cents..'. Sold -by W. 8; It, Holmes. services' I I it m and 7 p m. Rutifty'Schooi at cenlont floor, surroimoled .1?v. a wind -break upon the wine when he was no longer them and courts are never held. All to -certain reliel!�. Get b"r. Shoop's . . ., . .1 _. '"' � 2.30n.m. Elmorth League Alouday , trees,.also a small orebard.of apple � �R . �� . . .. evening. spylice, � il,.';,. a larg& ban sure what -Wor it was,in the course of the ahults are members of the Church book on Rheumatism and a free *trial I '% . ' ' Intermediate Loague, Tuesday evening; 'Jnnior vern's, Wmils, and tnnall hal - - '. "6a`uc� Friday evening. Rev. ml. ,1.. ,joilige paru, stobe'stabling underneath ib� This chole his journey home encountered a free of Scotland, and know a lar-ge pi�rt of test, This b6ok will midta ir, eri�lrely SWING HAS, BEGUM. . : I � , Rorke, AssIt. Bunt,' �. � . thrce iniles from Mimen.corivellient. to selloo Protected by an iron:treo-guard. Grasp- the Bible by heart. .A minister resides elf.'ar how Rheumatic pains a:re oini kl� I. .. .. . �, . .. ' : B.C.L., pastor. .A. T. Coover, 8 S si*lt.; a. P, nroperty is situated five mile., fioin Seafovth an . c — � " I . . � . I . . , . 11 I � . . . ing the bars he feltibis way around it among them aud I holds .'regular ser. . killed by"Dr. eurnatic Rem- Ontario's Ctop Proniises to Be L' 8115T ant . essio . alrga� ul"T CHUROH. - IF:very jiTtotnato Shoop's .Rb Y?�E]�Hls .1 churches, good gravel roads. 110L,q twice. dG.-­f,:-',:AtZk;qT04� _Alt,04N) vicesdtirin� the ,v,ek-- This.1ittle' 03d:y�liquid or tablets. Send no monev.. - - . I 1. . . . . . . .. . I morning service atlo.ao o'clock. Vespers given in fall. For further particulars. api)W I a , I � . . tbepreiu�,�,ds,orto'sIRS,W,%I.GORDOI-4 * "Curse it!"dhe molined, sinking to Worlol-is in strange contrast to tile The tea $uprise some dis- � . Than E'vVer This Y ear. , . at 7.15, 'C M B A 2nd Thuisday s�,enibg in 011uh, 61111 I . . x1ppen 3�.M,pn t is free. I . . . . .. month. League of the Sacred Hearb, Ist Priday �. I I I the ground in despair. 1,L,ocked inj busy life of the twentieth century . . I heartened sufferer � by first getting for ' The spring' seedin ' s, !it each month, at 8.80'nvia.. . Re'. ­ ......10-1. . �. . . g� in Ontario A * . I . . . I . -,, I House . I . . . him the book from Dr. Shoup, Racine. over a lai-ge arm It looks� PasLor. . . . . .. . .1 1. .1 � -general . I .. . I . . - HortngO Sale o .all Torn-14ow did you come ' out at the . . ( � I . I I -AVIS. - -Sold . by all Dealers. . as if all the e6yeals will re.c6ive due. 14AL'VATION.AltivlY.�,�3ervIeofLt7se(ilI aul, I M. i , church affair last night'? . 1. Pslillonoi- v Electrie, Re- ..,. I . � I . . . .. . atten ibn , . M spite of the fac and:3 arid 7 1) in on Sunday. dbd Thursday and .. . Lots hi Clinton. , . Ph . t t,that Saturday evenings, at 6 o'clock. . . —_ . Jack -1 came out with a niekle�-Jtist ,storer fo.r Lc I Maniciiid � . �1. : . � .. .. ' dun'o bugs: . . ''I . I.. . � , . ' - , I I Tell youir mother, Johnny," said peas are troubled with - 1109T OFF IOU. -Office hours from - 8 a (I b� Arttio of the powerq vontai ne . enough to pay my car fare home. tn_W�Wll - _.— - - , . . ts I � In � to t'n,lor till estorsit every nekve Jla�:the'body to' buks,, - ill be 'as .. ders from 7.30 it in to in)t i-c-rlittin mortgage, which will be wo(luveri . I . ,his kind maiden aunt, as she placed a 'I the 9 1) DL 'Money'Oraer anti Rogistr6tion'ti a )n to the, time of oale-_ there will be We . R )"' , the. acreage wl .7 o in Open to box he! - its. proper.'tensio'n , r6stoies'vim and "' an� ' lidt..-larger than usual. - 'sale, bv., Public AucIlon, I . 11L(iok� here!" roared the angry farm- . piece of- cake ill b is hand, 11that 1. was � I.. jiuq. Scott, P.M.; Aliases IX. PleRcIt and. o,d for "Why do you pesky hoboes al- ture decay arid All IT" if large er. titality. .Prema sex- % ery sorry your sister cotildn't come," distribution, 61 faile-y seed by thb ,III? E114ste*, A.Asistotnts. I . , . '-��hos. Ouraln'. AuLilcneer.:at thbbereluafte . ' . .. -og Y, the 11t. come to us farmers for handouts'.) ual weakness- Averted. lit once.� Phos- "And what will T say," replied little houses Ire'e of ellargo untl tile I TUBtIO TABRARY.-Libra,11y 41,nd free readt mentioned vroinib On FRIDA � no, pboillol will make you. it new man. $3 . t6r it day ofJUNIA, 3SM, tb� foiioi,�Ing' lands, that . VhyyS . JohnnyWithan ,%Iv_Of_..strAtQgy. .- -if- c.rop-comes, in,fii�a-big­fac . ..... inli ---.Ing-,�ooil�i.ntliof3tiLvelYE'1(1'g,oij.eiie�.,oi,�,itftel, , olks'sor, - . . , - �to­-ptj�­ irs. 1, 1, 000, 88 and -part don t you taekleoity.f I . .. . 6-X___' or two 'for $Z. - mailea to� . ... I n3on froin-9to 3,-.10. and tivery 6-�hlrklroiu-7­06, . . 1,ots'NtnnbL ,M times?" � 61 b any . malminaasks where is sister's piece of - creashig tlie'aorpiige, ­ I ­9300'010Ck. .IliqSMi!2ni3ORudfl,lil)rMrilli)..� I lot bi: on-Nortli, NVollhigton anti Osborn . . . . "Ali, kind Sir," responded Sandy iddrees on rcceipt o't price.* The Scob. . ca,ke 11 ­ . � .. 1. . Stice.ts, in Lbo Towu of Clinton. in the CoutiW ' I 1� I . . . . i Wbeitt ,will be -sbwn as far - as is � .',,,O,g,N COUNICIL."H, Wiltse. Naror; 11. ,L Huron, On the prinnises i-3 erected a comfor Pikes politely, "it is on account o t e ell Drug CO.,'S Cathairines, Ont.' . I � . . . possiblo to'pri)cure soo�d. Wild G6OSe : Gibbings. Reeve; J. A. Ford, A. T. Cooper, Thos. I .. . . _,� I able, conveniontiv-arrmnged and well-appointe won&r' ead in ari -agri- I � .11 1 . . � . �- . . . I - I e . — , . . � Graham and ful article we r . I . s and Red lOyle are tho� leading vat - J(LckA0n,Jr.. A.J. HolIoway, Win. cottage, witb 6 rooms and hall, 'in an excelle I . Jacob Taylor, Councillors. D. Ia. alacpherson. stato of repair. Insvection of t1w holimo I, invi .. �, . I � . . Any. ties,'but as tile (',I -()I Clork -and Treasurer, Thos. Cottle.Assessor, ,Toe. ed. Foi,.ter:ahari(I.I)artit-itifLrti of Hale. ai)nls, cultural paper." BIE SQUAB. 1. . Pains of women, head pains, or � . ) 11as. been .,,o pre, . 14 - . . "Indeed! And what was the arti,616 .' . — � I . I pain stopped. in 20 irlinute, Sure, with carlou-.4 in 'ma nv stTflon", that it i% i whentley" Collector. 130ard 111.6otH ill:801011clay I W, 11HYDONN, � entitleol?" , .. :. . . Dr,Sboop 'a Pink Plain Tablets. See - not 111cefy i1ia at�rvago 'ifi �pringwhoat levonlilgeachnionth, , .. I . . � Solicitor for Vendo .We may name a hundred drAwbaeks full fornlula on _95c. , Box. ,15old by. all 1. � . eifjlton.,�illyi-2,100% , I . I " 'Da Farmer Feeds Us All." , . I That 0, man must face. in life, I will be..'hifluenced apprevjati�ely,by , CbMEGIATV, INSTITUTH I BOARD. - Rev. I Dealers. , I I . V. R� Gunne, M.A. (Chaft-111ftn), D� A. Foire4ter, .— I I ­ - ­ - - � � 1. . - We inav say it's alla, "battle" 1. . � .. . .. tbe'prices now prevaili)ig.. , "' . 'w-lackson'At.D. Ale'llaggart, Dr. ThoullAon' And'aliever-ending 11strife," . . . 41KIR. --mitiam _vm.0AWmww. 1 13 1 - . . Oat. ill ana �Ias. Scott, A. P. Mmdr,N, . A,*� SecretarN I E DnUTE� . � . _. . S ar6 a bi� el,()p AN-ith .1 e (),jl� Board meets first Friday of eWeli wonth. ­ -HORS K%�Xy . * ' . . Then resolve to meet it bravelv- tario firmor, and it ig a good sign . I I . . �... . aHBR8,-A, P. Gundry" . I I � "'. Stand the test ta'do and d a*r'e-'- to not(, that many fitrinem are taking COLLEGIATE' TEA . I , . . . , 13,A-� principal, W. Treleaven, 13.A;, classwal ' - . I But the, secret of trueVictory - SKIN* DISEASES' grcatei4 pain4 with their soil andseod r; Miss Dolluage. wathemfttical teao,Mer; I . to I . . . I I PAO , I Lies . �square. . . ' . I logligh and Uodeihs; Ulm T ine Ca ' influst one`vVord be - 11"'at'Nall. B,A., H I %P r I I 11 . - 11 ibis qpriiig.iii 6rd.ell to, itmurol a per I . � . . � . I . : . - . I hloir, tottobol.... I . . . " -1." . ,acre yield nlj�ad - of tho low one that , . I I � Thj,ie is, something in the twinkle '- These tr6ublesonle affiiQtions ate callied L 11ijULIC BC1100f, 33OARD. �-.)-'. It Half. . . I thy 11a.,4 been -raling. ' * (ellairman).'J. NV, Atoorc. T.- Cottle"Hi I% , * atilionest fellow's eye ' - wholly by bad blood and an- unheal Barley jS JI.Affl ]ai-el' as a' feed, Rorke, J, Ilvaus,'('. Hiio_r� 110voy clul 4" 11 . That can never be mistaken . , xtato of. the systento and can be easily cured � y l�eiiip,J.Ctlilihgbo,iiie,So(,retat,Y, 13oardblects � I .. ­ ' -And neler can be passed by;, . and the occasional elianeto to got A , , . I I I ,�,� Fine Hair . . by the wonderfal.blood cleansing proper tiestTlitir5dityeveniiigeaciiiiio,utli. � . �1 I .. I Be hl� . ... .. I bump,er price on.a booni inarkpit in- I 1, . � --ffn--e----sa—ra-kU--fin .. i station high or lowly, - . ties of . I . __L. - . i PUJILIC SCHOOL 11V,AOHV1hS.-JT. Hartley, I I . ,,��i� . Te a . rels4hat�,-dati:nt4eia-uprigi.it I _____�,_ - — — (IA -444414W _t,).,P,, _thi,;,,,t,hranI," btit_ ... It's ne care i atum 1111r- ­ � ­_ei-Pa1,4Msg­)I6"1 ioraon;���n_ — — I I . . . i . hairt Use Ayer's Hair Vigor, That Convinces -all beholders . � . '", . -there is no apparent .run, on. this Miss S. litbvensi Ulas H. vourtice, Was INI. . N ....;. I . . I _. - the man the' e. i 44 " " . . El"r C, � . i wiltfio,�Mjss c, (,,111aley anti Viiaq,n. I,. uer. . I I . . . That� v se is Square . varietv aild it is ext�e,olte(j that the - � ... I 11 ,. . I W5 j3R-VX)0.N 8, lit) lit . . . % V OTAUJ,7 113APtUISTS R 1130LICITOP .1 I I - . FUOUO. ETC, - ; CLINTON Inde six Months In edell of three 'I, viarg. cultivate, . I 11ftY acynq and orect a jj()jjsj4 -,vorth $300.00, � � I .� . . . W. NNI. CORY. I * L f DOMAY of the 1111:11ster of the IntIrlor. - . - ' X-11,"I'"aUtborizW 'Publication of, this ltd. I I ve'Alkilien b will not be paid for, . . . . I . I - ­ L I 03,11IRRLES' 8. RRLa I 11 CONVEYANCER, time. MWIlk'nollge. real estate, liVe stock, etc, W. 331 ,TT, Aut a'.)j,jjjL(j, 430(r Itioneer.L ()XiR�OIARI � COM1,1ISSi I , MONEY TO LOAN. . - . . . - -0.----- - , , ' K T. RANCE, � Notary Public, Conveyancer, . . Financial and Real Estate, INSURANCE AG)�NT-Reprc-tielitingi4i�irela� fittrance Comp4nies. . Division Court Offige, . . . . Mediw,al I IDR 0". W. AOMP50M , " ': Acton. Ourgeoia�eEtc . � , j, opecialUttention given to dlL,eaws Pf."Jbe Lye..,E%r. Threat, and NoFe. . . Office and: Residence. . I Two doors wen of me cominerejax, notal I . Murgii. st. . I � � I . . I . Drq W. Gunn I Dr. W. GUnUl L- IL V. P., IL, It. 0. R.. E4hX- Office-Ontario Street, Clinton. Night Calls a I . . front door of office or residence. RattapbUry . R Street. , . I . I f Office hours, at, spital;_1 W 3.v.tn�; I to 9 ll�=� - d � . .. ..11 . , . , I DRS J. Wo SHAW. L. I � 0 PHYSICIAN, SURGEON. . Accouebeur, etc., office and residence on , - timburV St., OIDPORite W. Farran's residence, a � . . r . n 1) R. F, Re AXON � � DENTIST . . � . (Successor to Dr. Holmes ) . . 0 $peclalist In Vro,w,vik aud Bridge Vt. ork., . . Oraduate of the Royal College of Dental t8ur I . geons of Ontario. . � . � 0 Honor graduate of University of Toronto Dan, tal Devartment. . I " � I 'Graduate.of Chicago college of Dental Sur Ch 01cry . . - I � ,kalo. Ill YlAit Bayllold every Monday. . 'I _. � I .1 . . � _-1 � � h � . . . .DR. U. FO WLE19,: . . . .. . I I I . . .DENTIST. ..: . - . ; . . . I . . . . ,Offloea. over OINEILT btore. , - . . - I Ophoial care taken to Make dental treat. : , I � 11 ment as painless as Posdible. . . . (I I I - . . . . I . . . I _____.__ - _. - tn,!��V� �=i - ' — . . "-;- I ' I MAS - . . .. Live stook and general Auction ie,� , �. I . I . . � . . - t- . GODER10H ONT . � - . i S. 1s5L.1Z8fD'jt 1111108'a Spet;lljj) oje�ej.e Ai m '. i, NEW ERA office. Clinton, PmmPtly 'a6tenaad . . � M to..'Terms reasonable. Farmerp, sale notg. . . discounted ... . . . . � . I . .1 . . . I. ____� I — .. . I . I . � I - f G.[D. MeTaggit'ru M. D. MaTaggar' . . � g , d I 0 ,ml, caagig'art ""B"ros, � , - _. 4 . Y . . . , BANKERI� - . 11 1. ' . . I . . L' I . I � .A.LBERT ST, -CLINTON - . ': I I .� (general'. Bankina* Branini2mg. . ,., . ,,, . � I . � - trangaeted . L b�: , , . ... . . q , ... . . ' I I I . I . . L I . I - - . � NOTES� DI'SCOUNTED . I I . . * . , . t, Drafts issued. Interapt allowed -on . t, - . . 0 . . .� , , . n . .. . de�osits, .. � . . . � 11 I . I . A_ . I . L . — ' ' I , , L . . . . I . . . . .1 y T .e . ' L I .4 XeKillo - Mtlt,u " I P al . , ' . I . Pire'. Inslurande .-eo.' . . . . I . Varlin and Is'91ated ToWn . Pra�g . . . I erty Only Inisured, . . ; , . I , . . . � . I I 0 . oFFICERS. , . � L ' J. -B. McLean, President,Seafortil; * Thf,q e . - 11 � .. . . . Eraser, Vicerpies., Brucefleld; . . I . Thos, R, L " . Hays, SeCy'.. Trelis-,. Seafqth-. ,! _� L : . . ': � L DIRECTORS'L . . f * 'Connelly*, HO'lnfasvillb; jclln . L � . .W!as' n I at ' D416,L Cl d . t' Harlock; G.' �' M, . '. . . , .inton; C� ' ; 'Sney, Sedfbith-' 11 , J. Evans, Beech. L . 'I . . . woon.-J. G. Grieve$ W.inthr��P,.­ji. bil"j.iL .. .. . � ' : . neweisi; Brodhapu . . ,I .. - .. . . . ' ' , 1. . I " I .1 - A . I L �. Each Director , ls� mspectbr of losses n -L ' - ' his own localify*,' , '. L I . . .. . , .. . I : . i A .. L. .. . AGENTS L � . I L. . . a .. . . � * ' : ' . . . J, Robt. Smith; Harlock";: Ed.g Hinchley. LLLLL � . .. � . .1 4 , . "I i f Seafortli; . jLairies . Cumming,' Egyriondi. . .� . . I ... .ville;. J. W. -yeo, Holtnesvilte . L . I . . . .� L . L ____ . . . . .. 11 I I 1. I %. . ,. . .. . r JAGO&TAYLOR . -1 � I. . .. . I d . L CLINTON , . . .. . of.. I . . .. . . .. S'. ___ , . I . . I . k � _. I 01. F' e, L Life ' l+r . and Accident' . - I ' - ' ' . d: - , . . . L .. I . . . Iq . .. . . IhsUrance I- . : I . . ­ . n 'L : � L . . I � . n I — �, - ... ' . . - .1 Real isstlitte bought QuitlLsold /* . I , ti - - ' . . - . . Money to loan . L .. . . ­ . . d, - ­ I — . . . , ' . . . I Office Issac Street, ne*x door to L New . ' : - . . L . I Era - '. L . . : I . . I - . . . . L d. L . . , . . . . — . ,�_ , I- .. q , I . . r. I . L L i . W, I . * . I , . . . . � . ... j� . . 0 , L 1. . � I h . ! � . I I . I.: . WN . . I I , is. ." I I I . ,j -3. � - of. - I � . - � I - _ -_ I_ _____ - - - I e SY91OPSIS Of, P-anadian Northir' of t- . W95t La4d Regul.ations, . , .. . . ,. ' d A 'NY rersoq who is the siolo lioact oi otL jttQnjjy Pi oranvipale over 18years ow, 11%tv )it!nric. t. stead a quarter-soction of available ... ninion to liand in Manitobit, Sasketebewan or Alberta, . The aPPIIcflutn1t1st8VPear in mrson atlbe IMm. . r, 'Inion LaAdq'Agoncy or Sub-Agerwy for tile (lis. trict.. Hatry b,v prox�, may be mado at any agency. on certain condition-. by father mother. son.-daugbter, brother or sister or intending . homesteader. monthq1 rosltjeno�e upon ana vul- - t,D11ties.-Six Vation of the'la I ud in eaeh of three years. A homen6der iiiay live within nine wiles nf his I hohloAtead on it farm of at least ,io acreS solely owned and ocounfeti by bim, or by his father, " ' mother, son, daughtor, brother or Sister. L. in certain (listricts a 110111PqtP.RdAt' In dMil 11 1, 1. I s Ix �on 'to . . ne Improved romtt , Sys- 'L Uily; tematically, conscienti I I a . and you will get iesults ; We know it stops failing hair; ciires I I I I . I 0 -Ml-,L* ,, Het I ive,n gives: such men influence . � . . Oyer Chose they'daily meet. ' . If they, see io fallen brother They Wilt helphini to his feeb- I 10 . � . , , � , . C) - _ I I Bi cti , d ., . . L . ­ I I . 0 I , 1, . Sittlere . ..", I . acreajo, will -be. normal, Mixed �ralji . I it favoriv, in Otis and 1 niany Seed . barley aiid o ts it e ijjg mi-,-. . . .. , L 'the lead I L a r . � � ,Ore. . I . . Seedswen in Toronto r�ri'brt fliat . 146ARD OP JiMLTIL. , - Harlaudv (chair. ), I)r. Evans, ,�. �Icjt(�nzto, wayor wilt4c. ,T,)' 'TE . Wriparson. in. .1. W, .8haw, 1.1- iozoph %VIfl3atWY, i�,'i­ Health Of[1001% San, a N' � � . I . . �, I Aspector. . ..,I IL _" 0 , . )" ll�t� 1\1� L'� I -v . ,�I. i111 '. . �,,',-,,:,��',,,,t. �, t , .... L � M, 1:* , ", I . ,� � , . � I ? A " - . � . . "I , ,,�\� il.. k � Ill .. �. . � , i � . :0�1*,,Z ,,tph., ,'�,,,,, I 1. - It !6 , ­1� � " . Sk",�,,L�, , � , � N1 ; , 1, , L � , j of.X.',�jk L � � - S, 'i .1, I I.; 4\ A , I � .X.,At 11 , 11'-�, , 0 A I '.. . �, - �ql I . . L .� . . 11)1q"11lVqg1eer Inde six Months In edell of three 'I, viarg. cultivate, . I 11ftY acynq and orect a jj()jjsj4 -,vorth $300.00, � � I .� . . . W. NNI. CORY. I * L f DOMAY of the 1111:11ster of the IntIrlor. - . - ' X-11,"I'"aUtborizW 'Publication of, this ltd. I I ve'Alkilien b will not be paid for, . . . . I . I - ­ L I . . . dandruff, and is a most elegaot dressing. Entirely'new. New � bottle.- New contents. . . . . Don na :�= dw cdor 61 14 hait. ,I Zvftft" IrM "alt btsftl& q OW* It t6 ye" I I- I ijo AAk la;�_about ik LA then dd as ko 6"X . ..�e I too doc*" , Ayief'814xirVi or,.as now iniuld from our I. I ikew Impr6v6d tcoltrittilk, b thd littest Wdst . __ ---Bet stud in im,ty *jty the vt q' best I .1 .. . piftdoo ever , Weed u . F6r Iralluilig hic IMA = . th6 086 gfttt MWICIne. . . V 41"AWIIft*64AMPO.AM��� akethe sneaks abittinea6y­ Make the "false" act kind of fair, For fhe greatest rogue on record , Will respect thenturt who's 'square.' 7 � � . I I I . * "I hA,06 three witnesSes who will swear that at the h6tir when this njon was robbed I was in mv own -chamber taking care of the baby." !,Yeg, your honor," glibly answered the prigoner's coulloffli ,"that is strictly true. NVecan prove a lullaby, your honor." I sk" , � 6�­:L,== ­`­­ n1avor "Salada!'06d-reniallis i -year after year with enormously inereasing sales simply because it is always true , to its high standard of quality. 07 ulaard*4 X11alawlat Colres C4141h ete I I�. . � . . Many rantairkable oiirog have been made by this remedy, and nob only have the un- - sightly skin diseases boon removed, slid 06 .. bright elear complexion boon produced, but the entire systani has beentronovated '*ud invigorated at the oarno,oame time." ' , " SALT RHUU111 CURIDO'' Mrs. John, O'06lidor, Burlingtori, X.S., writes:-" Vor y6ars't gufferecl with StIt Rhatim. I - trioil a doten difTorent ittedi- . cities, but'llaost of them only irtide it worst. I was advised to try_gurdock Blood Nt- t6re. I got a bottle aud, before I had takeh half a down doses I could ate A, change so I continued its use and illow I stnt completely cured. I tonnot sayi too much for .your wonderful tuedloina." � . I there 18 a biggor ,olomand for Alfalfa seed this .Spring than there has been for the past tlir6e yolim, altogether. This illiguri well for Ontario land fertility. It carrios $1180 the necosAity- for 'car6 In Vie lireparation of the sood bed and the subsequptit pmtkc- tion of the , !,catell" front pasturing. this fall. Manvsoib,i will not respoo(V" crop, and the farmer must not bo. discouraged, for oil high and rolling well -drained land thore iA . no;)roason why alfalfa cannot increase the farm ridies, I I . . _ ., , . - , , .— * Miller's Grip povdera . out (" 8014 i . by1w, S. R. Holmes, . - . — . I I The 111w6rt0d Clydesdale StR1116M. No- PI -30 � . . . � 1. _ "t, I . Variadian Stud Pdbk, YOL XVII No, 12557- I � � I .. Olyder,d0o Stud Ilook of Great 13ritalb. Vol. 127. . . % . Will stand g)IR goisson, as follows:- N(ONDAY- . . noon wilt leave 1118 own stable, Lot 10, Con. 11. I I I � _��,, ,�_ I .­ � � . . I 6 Drigham's My bile holly. 1.,� � , .- , andprovecd to Job . I ,then to, Alaaoh:a Hotel, 13lythe for night, rtnnalb-� � �� - � � i Ing until Tuesday nooli: TUMDAY�-I'Wceed . A � 1 1 1 %. -1 , + Aubarn forthenlobb . . � w0su. 611 . 10 on 'Fri, 0 . WHWVi1,8DAY-VYocC16d RoUth, th0n wcst, f,40 I . Bert Jaeljqon1s, fot, nnon, thenno to his own ' I ,stable for night: THURSDAY -Proceed Routh slid weAb, t6 111r. Vekt-'s, for n(jon, thAhe0 to . ... _____ __ luction Sale Grahavil'A 116tpl, Clitadn, for night- FRIDAY- Ur6d 09, 0rho,; Living. *AUCTIOIN oftelleftstnIon, for rilson. % eneo to David V Is 9 ston'.q � r *night;' T,,'Very SATURDAY fit the ROL'Sn' . GODBRIC11, Sales conducted anywhore, any 8 111t A -Iliv co to 18 ble' Ile Al remain vot I nd i " time. MWIlk'nollge. real estate, liVe stock, etc, W. 331 ,TT, Aut a'.)j,jjjL(j, 430(r Itioneer.L :90ry olner I N10011A)r011s- J, ei r nige. I J?hono 108. Box 183, Goderich. Out Tile Above routes Will bo i tied � -1 , I throughout the season, hea and minitt,411 Ithiltneas eilroli ID1611killerla w,,atherpermitting, . 1. � � . . . . . - --------- , . ... - j. .11 . I - � I ­­_ -� I . � . . . I . I I .. . . .1 I .1, I , . . I I . . . . I � . . . . . 1W � L . I 0 I . I I . �. � I . I . . ., � I � I � � � � . I I . I . I " P I I I 11 I . , I . . . " . � � _. ­ � � I . ­ � I .- � # . I . . . . , � -_ __ _., __ '__­ - , ­ I - � . ___ ____ .. .. ____ ______ ,-�"-..-�.I.�l-.,.,..---...,...�.I.I..'��..--"--.�.11��..'lI .­­­­_­__ I I AL $ —