HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-06-17, Page 110 I
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I I - . .. '. I - - ., �
. woustallice .
I 901orlica
16oadesbaro I
Little - Local$, �
Mrs. H. McGee is Visiting with rela-
tives in Beigrave. .
Xl4si O.. Sclater spent last SundaY at
Hand sewers and waabine operators cau And
. ,
pteady oyment at jpo4t,wagos ab
.1 IT, mr!. "a, U0. Clinton.
There wore no cases for trial at the
I County Court a inicl General Sessions
last week, the only ca Ing
entered b
SATURIPATeally go lbo f;r&AulAt
f � I 04. Bug"
to !L?1.00 Cash., LaOICS'strap slipuers. reg. six%
wh 0 theY last, $1.26 -, T,aiiiesl strap BIlpW XO,
It -
CLINTON,(, mada, is the spot for you,
IV 0
. r, D" is! n I � .
her howe in $eafortb-
R. Uotham spentSunday in the v0-
.sea .0
out of court,
reg $1.85, for $1,00, 2i pre 9frls' school ghoe$j
JuNR is the mouth of brides, boquets
. J, Carterbas take4a, position in the
I Olinton Organ Factory,
Ia . .
M- -
Robt. Clarke attended the London
. I
Conference 6th.
. Miss Editb Held, of t6wn, has grad.
u&t, I
ad in elocution at. the Toronto Con-
reg:wc to 01 35. now halij)rice.st I *
'The big store with little. prices.
And btigs. .
TIM White Dyke; 13aud plays out to.
night, (Thursday,)
.. I
Paid up capit.11 $4,0510,000
' Nri Bailey, of the Stirling Bank,
Goderich, 16 taking tbe work of
inst. . . pt.
Miss Mid& Willison recently acce
servatary of Music. and now carries
the degiee of A. T. 0. M, .
George Snell, Jr., was assisting
11 a t
tile station this w0ek. . .
: ZIERE is where the mosquito, casts
Restftud - - $5,350,090
manager ot the ite.zabb here, while Mr
D Wignsonisebeentonbis holiday.
ad a position in London.
Mr,T. Pollardbas sold his cowan-4
A black var buoy has been
'moored on a pile of boulders at the
Robt. Gibbi; is working forth
R., this week Vilth the L eG. T *
his vote for the open work shirt W.Ai$t.�
SINCX�:, our last. issue,Xessifj C4ntelon
% �
t bbas. Robertson, of Walton, sPellL
Sunday at his home here, .
calf to 24r, F owler for. a good, price.
Wall Stanley was visiting this week
south end of tfie outside brea'k er
WAt Lat
Goderich, and mariners are iaptruco*d
A number of our young people held
#* Ptl�lllc .
at Goderich,,on Wednesday
Bros, have shipped over 12,00U lbs of
buttet. I
. S.8 , arlea is paying s
brotherSL in 1�1'cbigfkil, Who is seriously
.at life daughter's, Mrs. Duncan Tudor,
Miss Sturdy gave the subject at the
� t enterin
I o keep it on tlie port side in 9
Court Qoderioh� No. 32 C. 0. F:
I 0
anj Gibbs is bome. at prspent.
He fall and sprained an anl,.Ie so is laid
Toip week Mrs, Haley, of town,agea
qW4. , - . . .
Bpworth I L6ague, Tuesday evening
last I
held its anna d olliv, ch parade lost
up. -
50 years, was placed lathe 11ouse 4?f
. . .
. J. Jones, of North Bruce, Is Visiting,
with his brother, Rev. A. 14% , Jones
ffiiss,Tean Love visited with relativP0
Cranbrook, last
Sunday morning to Nor
.th Street
Methodist Church, where the pastoi:,
Mrs. McKenzie, of Cleveland, to here
on a visit to her parents; Mr. and Mrs.
. A-1
THP�l first Intimation of an early nut.
this week,
at Saturday and Sun**
day. ' .
Rev. Dr. Dougalf, preached an ap.
I . .
Johnston, Sr. .
Umn is the appearance of the.117all Fair
A. F. Johns. corresponding member
of the'V. M. 0. A., will be pleased to
. . .
, 24. and Urs, Pollard and daughters
proorlate serinon, .
Tile cadet corps of the Collegiate In.
A. Jamieson has this week gone to
the Gold fields. Inear Nadel, He has art
Prize lists -� I
THIS week Jas, Hamilton moved in.
. I
give avv information regarding, 04mp
ant Thursday. visiting friends near
ElYth I .
stitute was inspected by Col. Law on
interest in A mine there.
, ,
: to -the house owned by S. S. Cooper On:
. .
Aurou for boys of ON CoUnty. ,
The appointments for. elders in Knox
Thos. and Mrs. Pollard spent a fev;
Monday, and passed a . very successful
I �
examination. The . cadets and their
Miss Viva Mair has returned home.
frora Fordwlzb,where she was engaged
Orange St. - . .
.. .
POLICH Magistrate Andrews
. de public -last
cougmgation were in&
Sunday, Messrs. J. Wilson, jr., Jno,
at E thel the gueit of friends
there. � '
offIcers not only looked like soldiers,
but. drilled like soldiers ,v:ud are a
in the millinery business.
Theta will'be some from here take
two cases on tomorrow (Friday) morn -
I .F;'�1'0'
Young- and J. Arthur. Next Sunday
is , 11. t
commu 'on'
. The base -ball match between teams
from the County and vtllage last Vit ad-
kiesday night I resulted in a victory for
the former, The return game with
Mr. M. Adams gave the subject at
the Epworth League service Tuesday
evenin ..
Mrs g last. ' .
. McCully has retitriied to her
home in the village to reside: after. a
long absence, , -
credit to tth� Institute. and their in-
structom , ,-I. , �,
it. - ", - - � � --I*.-. -
The annual elec4ori of dMeeril of Chi
Menesetung Cande Club resulted as
follows. -President, W. S. Turnbull,
At. D.; Ist vice-nresident,G. L."?arsons.
!'a the Moonlight
� Excursion on the
Lake at Goderich, Friday.
Mrs. Thos, Tamblyn, of Manitoba,
� '
and -her three obildren. are here on a
visit to her father, James Coldwel .
Knox Ohurch will have the annual
RW9 your dog bit anAne yet? If
not, 7ou Ila ter keepla, muzzle cn
_____ i
him ioral. wl -
1,; packing your picnic basket it i
-always'better to give the' custard
ij�y-tj&- -- - -
Rev. Mr. Hartley and F. Metcalf ar' a
Westfield will beplayedeftWedue8diy,
B,evj. Riley, pathmaster of our Vill.
age has a number of men at work
tnd vice-president, T. UeD,.t�mott;
Garden party on July'lat on the manse
tile upper berth. . .
at London this week attending the
§ynod. Mrs. Hartley is also. visiting
night of this week, . . I I
building cement sidewalks.
see] I I
*tary, L, M� Mabee; traD-urer, F.
W Brophey;commodor%P, L. Walton;
roll W Tea from 6 to & The White
V Mk
yke, nd bas been engage to ass st,
Ruv,T. W. Charlesworth moved in -
in the city. ,
Win Hefferon has ourebas,il the
-.a'- business of Smith & Co. also the
RxPLL, CLu,n Wqrgs-Orr Friday last
ten, of the Blyth Club had 9, friendly
shooting match with ten ofthe Anburn
Mrs. A. Elcoat and Ales. Jas. Broad-
foot, sr., of Bruceffel?,,pent Thursday
- ,
the guest of the former's ni,ece Mrs. D.
Vice -commodore, 0. K. Saunders; rep-
resentatives, on executive committee,
H. 0. Sturdy and F. B I H-1 . as
Services. in Burn's Church, nd
Londesboro on this cominif Sunda
-ill be tsike7a b I?-- '"T ry , ." Y
into Mrs. Carling's cottage, Oran�.e
street, this week. , . . -
BERD life is i f- U .
I . . P .1 . . . AP4. 0.4$ I .- p .. as uman I '.
.,hop fixtures formaily used by 1. W. club, the score: standing in favor of Tudor. chaplain, Rev. U. Turnbull, ,of Guelph, a recent graduate,of Mont. life, and in some. cases just as lusetul. . . 1.
Collin'e, of Lucknow. . Auburn. The return match takes Mrs. Phillips, Toronto, has rettirned A very -welcome visitor . in town is real College,. - Teach Your boys that truth. . . . I .
� .
Mr. Quinn and Miss Howard of place on Friday over the Blyth range. tQ,berhomeafter a pleasant visitat Sydney Alalco,lmson,of New Westmin. - The Women's Institute hold a public - - TuL ' ' .
I r the home of Walter Willison and other ered by -Land- k . %/%,1l6,*%*% �
East Wawanosh. were united in 161. Theannual rifle shoot of the Hurbn star, 13. O.. who arrived last week on A meeting i;2,. Peffer's Hall on Wed . ,,, New Bibles ord . ,_ 1%4p Wl% � . S'%ft%rz
I nee lord Cooper of the Wormanaie -have `3 . . . � . I
riage early Monday morning inTrinity League takes .place on Friday the 25tb, friends in this vicinity'. ' � holiday visit to his friends in the day evening. The principal speakers .
Church lov Rev. Mr. Hartiey. Thev at Point Farm, Each, club -of the ten Rev. Mr. 'Millyard, of Qodericb, East. Mr. Malcornson is r arrived and are now placed in every BERGER'S BEST:
,4 member o,` were Mrs. Ashley, The attendance room, . I . . -1
it I � I 1 $ . .
took the L. H. & B. train' for a wed. .1 the League are sending teli'men; preacbed an excellent'sermon here last a comp,.ny malouf4et-afirl maebinezy was fairly frood. - I , $
sawmi . �. �
,ding trip to Detroit. amateurs may shoot for ail the prize$'. Sabbath there was not a large atten- for canneries and ,,s -at. New Dr. McCallum will give an address PERHAPS ,this May be.the last Stim. . . , � .
Biyth lind -Goderich crossed bats Of which there will be several. Any daned,owing to the rain. , , .Westminster, but while his business in the Methodist church, next Wednes- mefFin which man can enjoy a. vikw, $ � I .
Monday evening at the Co. town rifle' -members is ccrdially welcome;and We underatalla that the 0. 0- F, keeps his,intersist engaged iii the West. day- eveningAn. connection 'with 'the of the deep blue sky unobstLuoted by ,$ A A JL .
where 6ur diamond artists were turn- non-metabers actually so. Sports and have got settled with.S. S. Oooper for -he still has a. IArge and warm spot in R'pworth League: on "Tuberculosis." airahips, I . � ... P A RIS, �. : .1
Pd down by 6 to 0. At the previous a base ball mat6n are being planned, -the Ralf at last so expect they will his heart for old Oodericb. x1eintends Liveryone welcome, -* ,, . .., � .1 . . A . I . . . $ � ...
_ � . L Tnit Hensall Observer is good enough � , ' , -. . �. : '
g we here Thursday of last weak the and a Ball at night. - - - . meet in the new Hall' the next Court to remain in town unLil after July Isf On Sunday, the 27th inst the Sacra, to, say. ..
� niaht.' . . I . . .-ITnder Bro.' lCerr's manage� I . . 11
visitors were victors by 9 to 6, Wake SCHOOL ftPokm- The, fali6wi . - so it the old boys need any addltion0 ment of the Lord's Supper will be dig. 0, GREEN $ . ,�
1119 .& number. from MIN �ppolntmen,t ment the Glin ton N n, W Bmt has gre t. . , I .
up boys. shows the relative standing of T)upils attended tile -service- st Londesboro inducement to come back t6 town foiv paused in Burn's Churnh-and. Londes. lir improved in every Way,' I . ' ' I
Wednesday of this week at 11 a. m., of U. 8, S. No, 5, Hullett and Wawa- Dominion Day - �ihey. will have it it) borol by Rev. H. 1-1. Sawers, of Bruce . . $ Kills . 131 - lid $ * ' , ,
at the home (if the bride, Waterloo, nosh for May; baRed upon test papers Sunday,eveniug, Rev, Mr. Small, of "Sid's" presence. . I . I . . field. The preparatory services on th' ' Tim F ife and Drnm. Band wore oilt � .; z : Bugs. a , . .
� . . . .
abdg6neral proficiency: -Sr. 4 -Ruth Blyth,pre!iched to�the Foresterson . Rev. Mr. Tur ona.p,ractice parade on Wednesday $ ' 4 � .
Franm Carr and Miss Emma Moser, . nbull. rector of St. Friday proceeding- will be conducted .
both well�known former residents of Jacksov,Mary Raithby.Allister Mann, that occasion. � , . 'George's Church. evening Of this wl-ek- they are gett'- Little Bugs.- - . , � ..
, . I . . took.leave of his by Rev, ,T; 8, Small., Interim Moder. - - . . . ... .
this locality, were united in inaft-thge Grace Plunkett, P. Pfeffev,Zella Doyle . - � . pongregation last Sunday before leav gtor assisted by Re . - Ing in good trim for the 12th, % . ... . ... ..
v. W. T. Cranston. � .. . . I I .
I winshato . . ingfortheCitjr of Mexico, wh' I I - . �
and will take Up r6sidence in Toronto May Deustedt,Laura Jackson, Winnie . . 1. . . � ere;he * - . . TaL Knitting. Fae.tory Base Ball i ' ' $ "
A, 13. Carr Miss Lily, Mrs Bender, and Howson, E. Jackson, Bella: Stalker, WOOI�- WANTED. - ro.000 lbs.. also large will spend the next three months, ex. I . I � '. team has'purobased new red capi froin $ WE SELL IT AT 30c - PER '; . - . -
. . . I
- . � .
R and Mrs Wightman and son attend- Lila Howatt, B. Ferptison, A, Lenip, rantities batter and eggs, Ulghost cusli or changing work with Ven, Archdeacon . .. Bracefleld M orrish ,V Crooks, so now the Doherty I rorlixoll , - .,� :1 .
I .P
- ,ade prices; GEO'.'E. KING, Winghaul. Jones-Batemall, who will arrive 1n ' W in. Foote id enlarging his� stone and Jackson teams had better; watch .. I I
Pttended the wedding. . . W. Lemp, Elma, Yungblut, 0. Tuber- . . . . I . I . . . D .
. Wingham's tax rate this yeat Will GQderIcb, in time' to take chhrge of cottage. . I . . .1 I � . . .. $! 1 . .
. __ I vale. Jr. 4-.Robt. I Y?hillips. Verda b . ')! . . � . out.: 1. 1. 11 $
AeQuIbb. Jennie Stitlker,Earl Ralthby, a �- mills on the dollar. I .. . . . . . I "Ill T- I � . . .
. the w6rk bete the first Sunday in Air Fraser and wife, Bayfield,vi'it9-11 ApvRRTli�ll'm is a Business uagn6t, __
. . - , . - irty" . , " t. .. . . . '. . I � . z
To Advertisers h. isloclinchey, T. Symington, Lloyd Wingliam. High School, has th July. On Saturdtiy�. afternoon .Mr, at the home of their cousin, B. R. Big- n iyour,wav if YOU . . . ,
. - . . '
i erguson - eight pupils enrolled in the 4th form. Turnbull was presented by the church gin . � '. . . r' ' " . ,
Copy for chan as of act vertisement . H gobinson, R Sr. %'this week,' you oa i " 'w bUsine, -
�. L. , King. advert ee in b.m paper. like the .1 W "
uqust be ban ed in by Tuesday 3-0. :McOlinchev, A. Lemp. Ww. This is among the highest of - the w,al,,d6ns--tvith-apuraloof$125-in' old, The much -longed -for rain came On . ..
night. Small transient ads. will be . Carter, Edna Roijinson. Jr. $�Effle' Schools of bbe Province. on behalf of the congregation, anffkr. Sunday last. It Was a heavy, shower, .1 ate$. Telephone" I ,..SAP,. Holmes 11
WRIV '? a I "
a - LrtA. Get our, .
. '
re.,eived up to Thursday- morni g. Istoltz, Bile" I�hfllipi, Lena Plunkett, . J. R. Swarts took ,possegsion. * of the Turnbull verv'feslingfy- expresged ,his but Will do a great -deal of good. � - � No. W. ...� . . '.. I . ... 1. I � . . 1. .1 I . . ... - I . � -1 1.
. U t��. ton, Ada.*Stewart, Reggie Brunswick'Hotel fast- week, and Ivan thinks to-; his congregation Sunday., 'Dr. C. Sawers has charge of Dr. But-. Dim, in. and let us know -what Yon . . Phm B. . . .. . .
I I I - qra!F5�, . � .� . Jol%_.f__;. *-.4-11 .4 .6 .� rru. In U 11. ;_ . I : 0 'know that'others - ,1, -W f, . . . I . 1.
nty Taman. . Junr Red 34
Average 33. A. F; JOhnsi teacher. -
. ".- elr:,...
buildirig'will be Wroughly renovated
X. . ULU U 18aves f r ,Lyj.eXLCO Oil
Wedn esday morning', , Next. Stindav
Lows. piact ce in ealorl'u, owing to
- � .
De4' -BarrowEr being at Toronto.'
I I : .
everbody* wants to know, but I r ' '
I you . -
�i . . I .. .1 .
mantifiketuring tLhemist I . . I
. . 4' . 1. .
. .
�. . -1 .� I .
. :J, - ' .."
find put in first-class order. . . ..
the work at St. George!s will be -taken. -
A number 'of our farmers �re- now
!94y no, i�d can't know and everybody
� .
'. . . ..
, , . I � I � '. 11
71 . . I . ., � . � t."7 "
%11W4kAKqh4W116#16 , "",to% , . - ...;% I.V.- .-
IV 0
. r, D" is! n I � .
. ,
: Oslev,'Wade, assignee in -the Hanna
by'the rector of Blyth.'and thefollow.
dispp.ging of their.oats, the price being.
that it .is.ri o go. I _
� . I - I
. .
� ,.
. ' n-
. Sr, 2 -John Stewart, A robie Robi
Stalker, Elwin Raithbv, 0,
Bros. estate has' sent out a statement
.of the receipts and expenditure in this
ing Sunday the re,ptor .of Wingham
. .
will officiate. - . I
, .
55c,&'busbal., This 19 said to be the
highest price ever paid for ohts on ou r
I ..
A Tn&cic.for driving edits 60oij has
been arrauqed' by MIE'.Toal 0opp on
. . 11 . .
... ,�. .. I . .. .. . . � . . . I .'_�:t' '., .-
� . � . I . . I ,��11
i ,� . .
. . . - �
1volnen-and Girls
Taman,'13. Ferguson. Jr, 2-1l YUnf'-
estate., The assets .amounted to $21.-
770,48. The creditors will receive a
WAT'Im 6TOM " a
22'nd antitial meeting of"the Walkl!rton
I . .
ruark-et. ' , . I
Ur,�H. McGee, of Toronto, visited at
his -farm adjoining the-', does
V".. Ile
not Waste much time,in talk butbaud.'
� -. . . � I . .. .,
. 7- . . I . . . .
- "
blut, G;8y.mi1igtou, Earle, L.
Ruddy. equal,) Victor. Yungblut, Pt.
dividend of 84 dents on the -dollar and
$3,371,:35 was paid in �preferred claims,
Association ot- the Baptist Ch urches
the home of his%'brothar, Jas. MoGee,
last - .
wee!" Eta came from the -city in
les.soine likely equi as. * �
' .. 1. ., :,
I .
� I
NAT 'A'.N. T
V- . 1. . . . 1
- . . -E,D. ... .. .
2 - Ions b1cOUnchey, L. McKnight, U.
. Beadle, G. Beadle. St. Pt. I-Gertie
cost of running.busixiese An
. d winding
I . ..
opened Tuesday morning of last weak,
here,. with a g(od r�J)resentation of
an automobile; 1 Ile went throligh to
TrivVoronto Ponservatory of Music
is holding the:r* Theory examination
.as naachl�e - operatoTs and foi Dther� - . .,
Ladd, Maggie Taman, Leslie' Shultz,
1-1. Armstrong,,bzera.8hultz- Nd- -2,-
up the estate.
_ I . . .
The management at the W astern.
Foundry bu4inegs-Asbeing*
delegates. -The churcKletters. thoWed.
increased givings to migsions and for
Lucknow. . . . . ..
. Hector'Reld' of Hient6r, Man who
in:Clh2ton,W the Oouucill%amber� 4,64
day a,nd Friday. ' A nurnber are in at�
factory work. Good wagds 4nd Oteady-.', .
. ...: . . .
employment. Write us. .. . . , .
.. � . . I � _
Rthdl Murdock. Victor Lemli, Rubana.
report ox-
tra good this's I
eason, Th... works, are
the � gen6ril v�ork of the Phurch, and
were ebtoiuragingi though removals to
has been a delegate of thePresb;terian'
Assembly in Harnilton,is visiting rela.
tendance w1l, '
o appreciate the conven'.
ience having
. .. I . . . I .. . I .
T116' i ' '
Clinton Knitting(joltd,
Naegle, Lubila, Robinson; Harold
Naegle, E ddie flarl, Aubrev. Dawson,
rmining with a� full-stalf of -workmen
and stoves, ranges and furnaces are
Wee -
the' b im some .,Cases b&ve caused-
-tives in out neighbophood. He has still
" y friends in our section who
of Clinton as a -centre .
- � .
Miss- '
. . �. . .
. . . I . L
ont.aiio., I
' Piftt4in, _* ' `, -
H. Dawson. No, 1 -Frank Scriixijgeour
En olled 9.2
O.: Ralthby, C.' Ladd. 'r 1
shipped out as -fast as they are made.
The largest single order ever received
de'efeages, in church memberallio. A.
i's'. 0"
Core Wingha`m, was appointe2l.
Za good
atn s glaa to the him I
7 Taiwa
be, y rament of the�Lokdla Supper,
..rHURSDA.'i. .morning . I
O'NeilandMr. Geb.,Pearson went .to
God&1ch W try their examinations in
- . I
:_-'_�_,_ . . .. , . .. . . .
� .
-, . . - , I I , ! I
C.'A. Sclater, teacher.. 1. .
. .
by tht� company came to hand last
Q 0.
,erator : Rev. J. J. Cook. of Mount.
Forest Secietar- Th& ladies' eet-'.
was held in. the Presbyterian Church
theory in comiection: With the Toronto.
..._., ,,
1. 111.i.Www"'W ......... Me ...... 0q'll.,.1.fl.l..0-11 ... A,t . .
I -. - - - . . . � . .
I . . - �
. ... I . , . on Sabbath1ast. Rev D. Urquliart,of, Conservatory of Musid. The 11 . I I
- � . L E ,
. - - ____ -_ - --- � Friday. It was. 0 stoves to be ship; ing elected the following b1ficers: Pre6 Ni.:w RR.%. , - - TERM, : I
I . . I . .. . �. . 1. I . p0d'st once. . 1..� . c FAL
. . ... . . . � .: Short ident*'Mrs. .T. J. Cook, Mount. F orest :' Kippen, reached the.preparatory ser- wishes both. good lu, k ln� their exams, i I . __ . �
, _.
. �. . .. .1 . '. I I ". I ly befor� 4 'o'clock. Tuesday . 7 . V . , . . s Oil Sept. ist. Our, old-est�bftshed and. '. . 1.� I ,
I . - -_ -_ -_ - -_ � � a-president� Mrs.'T. W. Pride,.Ll6-; mon on �riday' afternoon. Rev. Mi. TfiE following people left this week 1 Begin
W - ____ - I I - - . . NMMNMEFAENW� afternoon;'of last,t,�reek. a frame. stable " �Larkin, (if Seafbrth, preached. an Sob- frellable sch�i6l offers tne best facilibles for -- .
. I . . � I.. . .. I.. 11 � .. .1. .. i=2% director, Mts.�R.S,tolve4 Moutit - I � for the NAvest, beirigUoketed through ioeeuripg .4 sound business and shorthand ? . .
� � , . � I
. . . I � I . � . .. .. bal6rAging'toW. D. Prin,gleAt the rear 'Forest; kssistant,direotor, Mrs.'J.11 bs,thev6ning; . . . . I .. by the C.:P R. agent: -Mr. and ]VIrs. .- thaming. Wiite for, catitogue; it pa-ys . . * ,
. . . . , q � . ' Aeath6r mills, was dis'., Warner, Waikerfon. Wind circlesand - �of. ilia farm _rs In.the J ' . Mair. ' I to % . . . I - I
of the glove -A , number a as arild Mr.'P Plamsteel'for ' investigato� . , � , .. . .% � I
, ! I . . ,.
Ordered C 66kS Ready-nikile .'be'Ov fire. . .. ,.
. I . red, t � An 4larinwas . four � . . . 9 I
Mordsh & . r ' cove bands were represented;. The t.eighborho6d.'were .patrons of theCen- Ar. �Haro`lo, Pickett for " - -
Clothino, I . I given, and the firemen promptly - re. a , I Ed,monton ;.i .11 . J 011cov- I-" . . �
)-) I . . .. � Cloth .B'g following: statistibal.information ig , a butter factory that was ricent)Y Griswold.; Mr., Jas. Iteane, for Saska. '-.6mushAffierleaplousloess.c Z � .. .
. I I . I .
I . : . . � .. � I � � .1 . sponded, soon getting -the flames uiider ' - .. 1. � . I . .. Z I .. .� I
. . . : - _i. .
__ - - I - conttoL,but not' before considerable "thered from the church letters from burned down, As the booL-s Nvere savr toon. ; 1. . 1� . . . Yo�gs- and McGill -Sts..,Toronbo, . I .
___ . . .-.- . ad and the building luisuibd, they will � - J . . . I . I I .. . ..
I . . .. � � . . the,variou,4 Baptist dhilr6hes in the * , ; . . . I . : �,-, , "'.. .. ... .. I
, , 111, . . . . damage was'dotie. The roof of Chas' Walkerton As'socliltion, 'and was -laid *not� lose anything -.1 T�e .factory, will , F oR -the 6onvenience of. Detroit visit., I .?'! ............. %-0-v ........ 46 . ............. ..'~%."; , 11
� I , . . I Barber's 6tabld adl . b ' � I I ! Greyho.und * .1 ... . . . � , . . - . . . I . ... ,
. I oining -was also before tfie.'rneeting Wednesday morn- IJO .b t shortl Ore in Clinton per-Steanial .
speelal . . .; . I . .. � . 'Va U11. Y! � - � . . - - I . . . . . 1. ... .
. . . � damaged. I . I . . . I I. a conveyance will Jeave the, Town hal 1, � * . , . . . . . . , . 1. I . . . I .
I � . . .. ing. -urches - in. t '17 d .
� � " I I . � . . � . . _* . : Seventeen ch .he as- FoOTi3.%.LL �" The final Foot Ball at 6 a. ni.�oa Tuesday. .' - irien .s will. - . . 'rucktramith . , - . I
. � I . � I nipsitil, � . sociation, fourteen of these reportl g� Matchin the IV. F.,A. series between ,kindly leave, names audL numbers of , � I
. . . . . In .
I : 1�1 I . I , . gixty-five , delegate's , in atten(lance. the Bruc@&14.,� Aove�s. and Seaforth passengers at this office .,as -5061, il�. - A:,zNivP,nsvny - 'SuRvIds.- Flower.'' ... - I .. .
. I . � . The Bice tridl has been postponed r6tal. membership last" -yeax, . 1,111: Imperial was played Monda.v evening. possible. - ' �.. 1. . .. .. 1. '. ! Sunday -will be held next Sabbadiat . . I .
S P a P S . I 1, ; I Until'July, the bjail bilng extended. with increase .this year of .9.1. Thirtv June 1-1th; on thd grounds of the latter - . . .. � 1 230 aud7p, im.Xr'W 11, Ketrvof 1. .
. � I � . " � � The firill Of Cook,& Cii.. hav6 -purch. four baptisms during the -Year. R .- � T1.iE -White: 0�ke Itanil recielved. the Clint6n Nvw ER" ' ��
. . I - " I - bushels '. ake"d and.resulted in a -victory for Brucefield , ,i will preach at . . . '.
. I I ii �4 I . ased 15000 - of' wh4at at God- from all sources for mlssions;$1,748,43; the score 'being 1-0. This makes nothing but praise for their plaYink at both Services. Tile offerings will, be ...
for . . . . . . . . - I erich to be, delivered at the Mill here. 'raise& for all .purp3ses,. $14,281,05. Brucefleld champions of this district the Lawn Social held at (Cole's� Metlio- for Sabbath School purposes., - - - .. : I..
... W. McEwaa has beim building a 2:1 Drth', .dist Church) Mr.. Geo. (jooper's. The I .
. � . . . % � I foot addition to his barm. N.Vingbam, was Oecided on as the Place The game was a surprise to Seah �. Mrs. Levi.'S' tong, and, little daugh, . I
Ile 06ntem' ror the association meeting next year. the Imperials havi . ''. .
. � Ill i!,33 candle power lamp carried by the .
. ' I n.- played � t a ter G�acie,,Ieft Wednesday afternootr I �
I - I P plates,. putting a stone foundati band pi,oved. a great ' , Aiusband; at Sault -Ste .
" , V) . oil Ali invitation was received7 from.'Tiver- Rovers the previous %V'ednesday a tic. � Muminatiori f'(yk to join her .
� �� . .
SeVA� 0 01 . - � �, I �,� � I under it next year. - � 1. . tola also, and one from 'Aubvirn, - bub, game in Brucefield. . Thus .S6aforth tlie.gi,oiiiids,F�ls6piLov.iding ample light hl�rlv, Ont,after.spanding three weeks' . . I
. I returned home from tot tile' . . � I ..", . I.
� v I G. Sterlin � � Wise, , - � . I .�.
. I . n' . Manitoba lasr *'eeki afteli spending a .as the Association had met in Tive'r. pvtitotil pk4ted 0,n enisy vlotor�'. on, their' , musicians ' i . . . � - visiting her sister,. Mrs. J. K. .
� I \S I ton since it was. at Wingham, afid as home grotina, b,ub were sadly disap I 1v any* one has, of tbe.11aron Road, Mr. Stong. who - , �
� ",� I couple of Inonths there on his farms. , . nerve enough to say
.: , ,,� . I . . ,On Friday night Wilbert Bengongh the Auburn 6urch was organized only, pointed by the excellent; team play Oi that Clinton -is not Baseball crazy they un I til recently, beld A high position , .. . � - �-
I decided to go .to Wing. the farmer , boys. : The score was no I'vant to take.a stroll over to the pa�k wt -1 ' Itriparial Oil Company au '
. . ]BOys -0 , I . recently,it wa . MacUin and Reeve Gal- indidation of the easy victory as the . t lif We - I
. , . . I . . I I was takpn r�erlously Ill and I"s Buffer- ham Mayor s any evening,'And see how'many -young ,Sa.,nia, has_severed, hI5 ,connection , I
. ingbe-came so intense that Dr..oMac- low ,
Schooldoses Friday nooti, juiie, I Diarmid phoned for Dr. Gunn, who extended a'civI9 welcome at the 13vueefieldleam had the best of the men are er)jojing thernselves, No less ,with the same to take a better position * ' '
I -to operate to save meeting.of the association,. which was gameallthrough. The Rovers go.to, than 3-dianionds are being. ocetipled at .. I
I found it'necessary as head Bilgineer -of the Algoma Stedl I .
25th. and winds up with a, blg�da'y`s . . * Plant., . .. 1. . . . . . I a . :
. I It, . � the yGungwan'i3 life. He did so assis _ replied to by thi-, . clerk, J. J. Cook, -of Brussels,.Thursda,:�, June 17th, to play odoe. And there is nearly always a I . . . . I .
. I I
sport in the Park, wh ' It M6unt Forest. Wednesday afterno6a, the'firs't game in'thd semi-fin4tel The inatch in the Athleffe. Assipolati6n �Fer. f--l . . . I
I I -d by Dre. AfteDiarmid and Aiken. ' ies. . . I L ' - �. . t... . 1. - .., . . I . . .
, entor' of Toronto, give au ex- return match- with "Brussels ,will be . I I - . . . I ..... . .
all the children in tr)w'ti add country .. - h64d. Thestomach,was Aund. to be celleut addregs on the laymen's mov!a. played on the Pa,fle grounds,Brucefield . . . ',';J'PtNC.1',111.-Tn Centralia, 'on 3ulie - . . . .
. .. ruptured owing_to an ulier having � .. Excounivnt Your localp�pe 'I . .
en, it , .expo,cted . :e
is , � - -vv. 0. s -
. .
will be there to have some fun'. -We'close :0 * % .L' formed merit. "Moral and Social Reform'! .Tubscl4y, June 22ad. The supporters , r�,� y( �&V. I t3rd, to' 1W r. and Mrs. W. m 8 peiiaer of . . I
I . . ur store . - and the. app6ndix was also was ta-ken tip by , Pastor Warner, ;r ot our team wera* *ell romarded for . ingyour subscription promptly and. in London, a daughter' . � .. I
rI . . . . .. �. I . .. I
. I . . .
from 4 to 6 p.m., and open from .6 to S. We will b certon, Mr. Parsons, of Toronto, their trip t6 Seaforth and the' WAYOks dollai is I t iff -to __ W __-_b 1. - W wwww""Nowmalic I . .1 I I I _- -- .. - . �:',
affected. Since the operatio ,, the pa, . Wall, advance if Vou can'possibly do so. Thel I I
e tient though very weak has been mak� on y a ri , a o eac one, pt aq . . - - .
. with the crowd. Before and after'this big event,, we' ing good progress and unless some! gave an excellent. plea for- Western in returd feel gmteful for the& en. number of them together'aid the, p*aper . . . I . . . .
. . . I
I thing unu0nal takes place,will recover. . MISSIons. Tuesday night Pastor Warm couragIng cbeersto victory. Tbapeople man very much in meeting his -paper � - . . � I . I . .
-with the snaps we hav*e for Ile had been complainin . hills ana paying wages. -It's a i400d � � .
want the crowd to see us, ner preached the sermon, 'and 0. E., of Brucetleld now havean opportunity �_ ��
. . .
. I
9 for *Some 13 rke,B. A.,of NVoodstook Colleje, of seeing the Best semi-final game & ' ' I . . . .
the boys. GET READY fOr the HiOLIPAYS.. ,We time, although able to go around, and - ' . thing to pray for Your editor,at least . . . I I.
. � � . 0 a splerldid address -on the educa�' the W... P. A. series ever played in I . . . . I �
. had taken an active part gav' . once a year, but, close the* pray* with . ,
have prepared a lot of BARGAINS, just What You in the baselYa'll g�me between inarried tional institution's of the Baptist ,giucefiela. ';rbe players ag &ebrVin an tintexi dollar bill. . I Ensign Films. , .1
.. . 11 andsinglemen. The serious nature. of Church..' , I . .. of every sup Ort an a tar a crow� As . .. .. . . . . . . I
. I . . � I I
. _ . 1- . . . 1)0UO 0 . � . . � . I
will want, � . . I I . . . � . looked for. t miss th, THE Comfort Soap Co,, . of Toronto, . . .
.*. � . his illness causes great anxiety to his I . . is oppor-
I I I I.. "I . I . . I � . � . are again offering a 05,00 case,of Com., 'NoA-CurlWe - Perfect ' to- . I
225 paIrs Boys' Denim KnIclKerS Sp,11111,4* :It 19e. . relatives and friends. I . . . .. . . . . . . . tunity, .. I I .. . . 'I � . . . . I � . . . . .
. 9 . . . . 1. - to .1 . . F, . . 9011niesville, � . I I . _. . -4 . . fort Soitp for prize in the School ... I �
I I . . . . . . . � stilts: The dayliglit'loading roll. . .
We have cleaved out this number of odd Knic!kerls I . . . . Stanley .. . -Me, atil Mrs S�carlett, bf Vancotiver. Parter'sIX111 , . . I Scholars pport� for next Priday being. 1 . . � . "
this week --more than we thought 'we ,wAnted� I but. � - � . . . . .. one of the biggest: events last year,and I fill;as goidunder this natne .fiave - - � I -'
, I ily -were visiting friends at.'Adlsa Craig age left On Mondiiy for Hamilton, Tharsday last. - . . eenly contested was the Comfort � .. ,. . . .
when we heard the price, we know we could 9611 thit Mr, William Potter, wife and f,lm,. who had been visiting at the parson, Thos ' .
, . , .13-Atles had a barn raising on so k -
- fi _ Clinto 8 .. e women, it . an .-. . I
many, if we passed thewo . . Miss Mae Holland, of R a by 12, marri d .the largest sate.of'a y roll film
� �alobo tit a -small advance. . . durin r.9t of week. . . � n, -I . Ray ReDtitigall and Will Sterling ','voilRe re6peated this ear.: Look .out
Not one t i�ir worth liess than 25c.-aud 1, 1, �
VIM ,he Oamobell of, Edmonton,. visi tire away with the volunteers. for some fun. . 2he committee ill made in Great Britiati, ' � .
p . a lot -worth 60c. � aeo. __ tingat Mrs, Trewlwtha's, Sr, - �
, I
. Just the thing with which to start the holidays, at .... 1 Woe came home on, V riday of last we Mrs. Lbeeb, ot tkoderich anti Miss D. - Dir, Vandarburg, ill. is spendino the app . I .. . . . �
. . . IC I dt�. . re6iate the donation. w "' I , � . I
,I 111, 1,111, . He pllrpooeO0�remain at hoin I , s � I - . . . I
_-611- .. I a du%.. di summer months with.her sot, Ben, of, -1 SEAF ORTH HOLDS '
, I I -----t'ire----MWNimn--nm--erf-.'-- `---Her6T_t0__t 1- _11ftgood.. � . TROPRY. ,
. 179 T . _ . Cyko - The Printing Paper
'4, . Do . .
t I.: tT7 'I - - -0
These are expensive, but thev ar6 so o0a Igna I , -----= --In-4.*,----,*�,.-�---.-.-Iqa.q.fnvi.h olinrldcl.f.11i A.ftln'T.A A -L. I . � �
. a
pays to buy good goods) that we V41311t to clear thein , . .
crops nt a est I .Well
STauck .13Y LiGiiT-xx.No.L, , I'se
ng� 0 0
, �
out at 83.50. We have no thought ofo-prdfit-we want., I . I
to clear ouli'the whole lot of those go6d Suftsi at !prides - - I
dall-trom'tho electric current wa&.on
the program at the bom6 of *il M(
of bbeap ones. 15 Boy's Three-piece Suits, wqrPh $5 00 ' .
andS6.00. If we haVe your size left when you calfp YOU 3096 . "
may have One afo $
Ore r, 2nd con., last' Sunday evening.
UrVoGregg Vvas.sIttin4 by the stove
........ ....q-14.6 ...... � ...... � ........
I . i .
rockinA the baby in a hammock when
the ligilitnitig struck. -It came down
are laying out, f6r the Boys to start their hollditys, - averything ' '
they need.: Bolts, Shirts, Sweaters, I.Pathing'Sults, � (*,laps, etc.
� I
� I .
the chimney, struck,& bed,tipstairs And
coming through'the floo.
- -**caught his
. 400 CAPS 01VIEN.-AWATO . .
� '
right leg below the knee. His vant.
aroons wore'torn. .1 largeted mark leff
. I
I To thefirst 4po boysCalling, ai our. store FRI DAY0
on his limb 0y6rely burning him, A
tod on the left foot aled received a
- junp�Sth-, betweeft 12 and 1 O'clock (only), I -
pinch. The 61ecriolt� maclo its way to
ille cellar splin faring the floor and'oth.
give, each boy a cap fiee, 11 .
. I I
er woodworkin its track. Itwaseer.
_T ',
talmly atlose eftllandMrMoGregor and
family may congratulat .
on their narrow escape,
_. .111--
--.. -.11.1 I � . � . � I
__ I ! * ! , 10i"M
Ltioktiaw " ' . I . I
. ;
I or I - .
Morrish & erooks
Ang horno on Saturday
night, MN. Jas �.yons.and her bitty
11 ,wb"o d"
were seriodslyinjuredbybeing thrown
. . . . -
from their buggy When, it collided
. I
11 A Square beat for Every llayO
with a team d mile east of here. Mrs.
Lyons sustained ft Severe gash on bar
11 � ...... . . . I, .
fAce And twisted her arms. The baby
hail & stlAlp woutid Which necessitatki
� . . . 11.11 11 I'll I 1.11 "I". 11'..--., _ . . , I I I—. "..- I—— ... �"i I 1.
several stitches,
- I No-
� . ,
I . �.
erien on ,xuesd
. - Mrs� Dtav)ei
, I ti
i's the, otdor' of the it,
. " I. .. . 1.
S&, returned to God. t,
'd 8, . 8
, on -visited In. God. A
P., . .1 I . '.. � - - � 0
successful meeting at mrs, muthonatcra
on Saturda af ternoon. There was a;
large atten ance and all -enjoyed very I
intich1h6addressbyMrso Ashloy on
"Homemaking vs. Ifotisekqenlrlg.5�
Mr. Farmer, of Toronto, A�sststiint
SuVeHiltandebt of Institutes was there .1
alsoandgaVea very interesting talk
on the Importance of keeping our boys
and girls on the farm and claiming
that conditloog in the country were
,note doilduelve to happiness,- than in
the city. '
I Aboub twetity-five from here attend.
�d the Farmer's Institute E'xcursion to
,i__1_._1 _1_-___ -1 --- _ � - -
. ,
engs game of the -season, as gaslight, try it. � I - , , .
I Wedbesday:-Setiforth-Jas. ' . . . �
. McDougall *-'W D. Brifrbt,... ,. . I ? I . I
Fst' Skipl 16--s ' P. H. Bright., . -*� 11 . 11 . I . -
1111i. .1. - Ovegg, Y. Xiebig, J; Al. . - _y
i, 10.' Clinton -L L. Courtioei, I �. .T�, 1E 4 31100,v 1 16;
will be SerVi?d from 0 to 8 o'clock# Mile.
le w , ill he futnislfed by the Illaekstine
Orobestra,of Goderfeli. Refteshments
will, be. served on the grounds.. . .
� I /
� -*a., . 1 . i
I . , ,
Leeburn, e
.0everal of our friendi *ant
V* JOUNVUlng, J# Tayi0r. lo, 13, vloover, Dis ensing, Chemist. ,
Nkip,12,W.Grallaw,0W, 3,- Nodiger, . 11 . p 1. .1 .
I ,
W, Stephengan, Pr. Agnew skip 17. 0. I . . I 11111111111111111111111111111 ,
I I . I .
I., �
- � I
... - ,
I � � *' . " '
-E ` .1 . M .- B.4AN K
On the neursion- to Guelph on Friday
. *5 � .
of last week -and enjoyod the day.
. � . . Ift6orpor
. � I . ated 1853 ., - I
The annual picnic of tile Parmer's,
Inotittita will Va Irela on Friday of thi.4
. . .
Capital* PA,n up $3*5000000 1
week at tile honle ot Itarry Morris,, of
N,YAL &meotlbst will be held on the
, I I .1 I .
. ROst fundo & $3400tOOO -
fore p.,trt of the afternoon. when Prof.
Day, of Guelph,will deliver. $in address
. I �
Has 93 Arano,hes in att it , 'awl' Agents wid orresPondents lit all
Guelph, on Friday. � . Our tAll Laird expeots to be present on - �' the prifielbal Cities in the M Oil. .
13 I I . J as. Chisholm and jno, 'Farrish are . . .
busy drawing gra,vel for the new I
. 9111111lett ' . bridge oyer Ledlitirn creek on the now SAVING'S' E§_AN DRTMENT
Wir '-- * T. X. Tantiblyti, and childreti Of railroad, I . �
190titborn Manitoba is visiting her fat. .5tAtute Lubor began on Wednesday I at all 11r4hehm lifteribst allowed at highest ouirreut rate.,
ii4v, Ut, Jas, 00dwell, oil the noi,thern beat. 0 Arahie Horton -,- C. E,, DOWDING, Manager,
. � being tile pmllmmtel: . � CInton Branch, � . - ,� �
. /)
: , I
d . .
. : -