HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-06-10, Page 2. J
I - —------7— - — I — �. 11 ___ ,---,—.F- ,�1,N-7',—Z'4r,p,---T--0r—,f W"qp W.- W WK 'p, 7 —--Pywr—��,— 7-,; . r----"--7--P9r, -7-74
� I � _ . W-71 _011,10-1mims—W I.Ir— — —,-. .7 _�,Mvl 1, " 0%, I �_ � I I., "alms" Fr..VR;rC-,T — � T -
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� � . '.
,- Juno loth 1909 .
- � - � . , .. __ 1. I I . I I — ..�� 1� � . . � . I � � � � : . I r . r.7 . � , � , . ____ - � - —_ - -
� - C . r , , , —,—. - ,�4 4 — -__;��, — .�.��4��" �" ,�� — ;�- . �_ , - - — - _ . . .1. � I � - I . . . I .1 - I � I 1. . . 1.7 - I - ; . . . r . . . I r , � , � . I r I .. I � . - - _- , — — � __ �
malce them A suceem. Bncouragf� A, CITUEN, Olt APAItAlitTZ ____ _ . � . - �
The Ncw Era , �r .... All 4.
them a oing WRTAX10flERVIS ORANO 6 , . I r
attent- I I RRONAL
is published' ,every Thursday At those things: thalo' will call the The dictionary says, that a parasite ' � '' .. .- 1PROFE'ZI I
. —
the Nzw ERA Printing Piousel Ion, of the public to the excellency of is "A living organism that lives on or A !DISTRESS SIGNAL I I . — -
in some ,,other ors.rapism, and from it — I I
IF1440 S=ET - , - ,- ,CLINTON, their output and the advantage of be- derives nourishment." Another defin. . CIELEBRATION . I Wo JRJtTJ)0XR. �
� Terms of subigeriptiolp—$1 per Year coming patrons-, by aldin in these, ition is 6Au Obsequious sycopilatitwho The Trouble Can. Only be cured by . $_ ,;�___ � RARAISTOR OOT4101TOU WOTARV ,
argeol, 9 lives At another a , . 10"...p"Wa-W." . � .
* advance ; $1.50 may be ch if expense. I Do you Enriching the Jillood SuppIp. �
. curing of desirable employeeo., through realize that there are =site$ on the Pu-owa, ETO, ",., r
notso paid. No naper discontinued . A Grand Oran Celebration will be - 014INTON +
until all arrears are paill, unleo'at the corr ' Ireid, Ill - I r ___.
1 $ oispoudence* reconimpadation or body politip? Most bava fleas Whelk Your nervous System IS OX� - -
Zhe In , Clinton and vi�e presume that most t , � -, . .-
Option of the publisher, date to . .owas have hausted the trouble malces Itself evi- I � :=:- 77 I .
r'Wch ever rid is de, Personal introduction, ) =_ -7:--- . . .
a subscriptio4.1s pa parb.91tes. David Harom. Said that dent, in many ways, ,you fee, Always � —
e there are peop7e wlio are possibly liv C L I N T 0 N i - �� 08FIRIoUS U. FIRLE
I > llzz�� � I.
voted on label. Some fleas are good for a dog, as they fatigued and unfit for work. Severe . . I ^ r IT � 0O.NVEY"09R, .
Advertising rateR.-Trausient adver- Ing up, to all we have Said but we trow keep. him from broodifig on beinga ll,ad,ches distract you ; your appetite 0 X - NOTARY
tiee.,ments, 10 cents per xionparel.line dog but probably the -dog is not a phil� is uncettiau -, you are nervouo and ir- I � COMMISSIONER' .
for fixet Insertion and 3 cents Pei line tberearebundredewh> do not lifta reoRer enough to appreciate the great i I
ritable and After any exercise yod 1 - Vessels Lokr$v Mav I MONEY TO LOAN, .
for each subsequent insertion. Small pound along the lines men tioned. How adva"tageollerderives from. thefleaq, tremble and perspire excessively, If ! . ---
advertisements not to exceed one inch - Monday, July 12 ; Venture More, but I
wculdit do toinstitute a10000lub? WellAust confess that, out, sympathies the trouble is, not chocked your case I :
rich as "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolion," are with Tiger In his view of their case . I Little Ships Must Stay .
or one By starting out intelligertly,bopefully , goes from bad to worse until you feet , I , ,
r � � Near Shore." 11
to, inserted once for 8$ cents, r . for we cannot figure out just what that your condition is hopeless and . I i I H. T, R'A N C E).
laouthforsi.Communications intended arid systernatioallyto make everything good our local Parasites do to Clinton. that Insanity is threatened., The large olaplay p4s. are good , Notary Public, Conveyancer,
for publication must, as a Varantee of bett -o-at for. We clxn continue the analogy with %'C0)I1@ t, Financial and Real Estate,
I er,and keeping ou the look Your nerves � are Calling for help. EVERYBODY IVE . for the large bapineso and the .
good faith, be accompanied by the other domestic animalt, The COW eats They are starved because they demand � . INSURANCE AGENT -Representing Id T�jra in..
, - SIN(I " "LL '' ' ' Classillod Want A4n. jkry vroPar- surance Companies.
same of the writer. the other Oft Got Ili contact with hay, but she gives milk ; the sheep from the blod.d. wore nourishment 'LP klonat.l., good to, th, 0M.11 firm.
on in current the .11orticuitpr&I Society; have i� seems to live on nothing much of any. t mu, it can supply. Now rich blood is �, ., 'TARES ON XLL, RAM' L . .1
-thing and gives wool; IftaquitousBiddy � , , ,- on (act moav large -arm* became . Division Court Office. . A
issue copy of advertisements should be friendly word with the proprietors of tbehea, -goes the sheep ove better; she th a secret of nerve strength and 1jr, WAY LINES, 'by the cultienit use or the I
sent in early. .. ,ouch .
Contract rates - The tollowingtable the factorie-s, mills, shop Williams'-Pmk Pills for Pate People - . Cl4soAfted Col L umns..T,hera ex, I . i
. s arid stores eats up bogs aind injurious insects and core nervous .disorders because they _____ ____ . omplo Isgood-vitar% pow. -
shows our rates for specified periods and ascertain the needs and the -beet c0averts thern into eggs. But the par.,, feed themeak, exhau4ted nerves. with GranO Triialt Railway Systent . . Medi%,al. ..
, . �4 .W., A .. .",
and space. 1 yr. omo, 3mo. - 1mQ Wayorhelping, BackuptheCouncil, asite-tbe Ilea on the dog, the tick on ed blood. The ease of Mrs.Enitum . . � . - - 1k . DR 9. W. THOMIPSOX
. I I
the -sheep, the 'fly on the cow, (Biddy, rl'-.11iff , Hamilton, Ont., furni8hes . Railway Time Table I I '', .1 . . I , no&# . .1
I Column $75 00 $40 00 $9-r) ocl $10 00 Board of Trade, School Boards &c., the hen,h.ts her troubles too) -all these . ____ . , � _ - ___ ---.-- JloI%n,, lkirgeov"eg,to
i Column 4000 2b 00 1500 "O in all they do tbat is reasonably for pa.-asites just suck 1 . ovaiscla)"AttQntion 4111ven to diseases of'.the i
tbat Dr. Williamb' Pink Pbla . .
. blood and give will cure even the mm,t stubborn cases London, Huron and Bruce, If,vise , oil "sVe
J Column 2500 1500 800 goo . I nothing except annoyance. Parasites I —_ I I EA,.�Ear. Tlaroat, and Rose; �
J Column 1800 1000 550 200 the public goofl, 00er workable of nerve exhaustion. XrS. fiall was North Passenger Office and: Residence. -
sug* are.not useful themselves, ,and they left a widow and was forced to work On Maple St, one half aore'Q1 ground, . "
g as usetul as in a, mill to maintain herself and bar Two doors west of the oolumerelal no**
I Inch 000 350 200 00 gestions as to better methods,of ob� prevent others from help . London', departi... ' 8.80, a, m 4.50 p In good frnit trees slid other email fruit, 111uron St. � I I
QojatTact display advertising 10c ,per taining the best results in promulgat- -they might be. two little children. She bravely faced Crantralia .......... 1 9,40 5.43 house In good opadition, Apply to . . � . .
inch, per issue. The parasites on our business com the battle of' life, .though she had Rxetor ...... �..__ 053 ,5.r>s � W . W. NIMENS. - �
in, live issues and enterprises, Act munity are in about the s4me class- never to cot.form to ,such conditions HeasalI,.-.,,._ _.... U),08 6.05 . . I 'Or. . W. Gan . a .
W I Kippen, .._,..,.__ 10.16 61111 " . . . I . .
W. H. KERR isolyin the Clio! -,e 'of. men to fill You know the ones we mean. They before, -Notwithstanding; � ,
I . . the splendid .House for Sale . . . .
__ - - -__ I take everything and give nothing. spirit she diRplayed the *ork played Bru . 10.30 . 0.19 I . .1 I Or.W.4;uun,)L.u,c,r.,L.R,C,B.."U.
-----' positions of honor, trust and reAponsi. They ei , ijoy police protection and fire hg,V,o with 01inton .......... - 11.05 635 � I I -
I .
CLINTON NEW ERA bility .and set a st4ridafol t4at . will be protection and -every other advantage a delicate constitution, and , The large Cottage on Queen street. bq- 0111ce-Ontarid Street, Clinton. NiiLht calls iiii
but if they have a dollaiz to in herself of a nervous 'collapse he I . . I
worthy ot 4% strong fight to win ' we have; some years ago Mm Hall noticed I Londesboro.. . - - � .., 11,18 6 51> . longing to the estate of the late E.'Holm ' frout, door of office or residence, Rattimb=7 ".
a de- a gne blyth ............... IL27 'I'(7a ea strast.
TRURSDAY. JUNE 10, 1909. spend they send it to some mail or4er Belgrave ............ 11,40 1,13 is offered for sale. The lot is one-half " I
cided victory. Put down the wrong � cobsult6d, a, doctor and he ga�e her me , with hearing fruit trees, hard end office hours at � spit4l:-,T to 3 P -in". 7 to. 9 P,131
� house that pays no taxes here 4nd does some raedlelne and told her she'llwould Wingham, Arrive ... 11.50 735 - I re I . . �
�=�.I=���- — - — wherever,you see it'or kupw of its exn nothing for. Clinton, The parasite he all right in a fevir day,,,',' But re - . South Passenger BRA offlos, , . . I . . .
. soft water. 'A bargain. Apply at' NEW —
X wears out our sidewalks with shoes lief did not come and it W s finally a Wingbam, depart., 6.43 % m 3.33 p in I . I DR, do W. SHAW. I
EDITORIAL MUSINGS istence. Cultivate a wider acquaInt. bought in Toronto, He uses our roads daily oc6urrence for her to faint at Belgrave ............ 6 54 :3,44 . PHYS101AN, SURGEON, . .
% ___ . .
WE will be greatly disappointed if auce with the farming community and The buggy was bought by mail, and sc; herwork. These fainting spellp quick, , Blyth ............... 7.OS 3 bo I Farm for, Sale or to Rent - A.coucheur, etc., office and residence on.- . . J
prove your -practical interest in them was the harness. It the'liorse got sick . ____ . tenburlv St., opposite W. FarrAn'si residence. . .
Hon. MacKenzie King, the new Minis. . ly developed into pronounced hysteria Loadesboro ......... . 7.16. .4.04 H d, (Joleilch Tp., frame . � . � � � . - I
he would like to get Eome veterinary and cbroniu irxitablity4 and Mrs. Hall Ulinton .............. :-i 50 4 23 bousei back barn, Stone.stable. good water .. . _ -_ .
ter of Labor does not prove himself by ititerestUig,yourself in theiraffairs mental scientist to give it absent treat. Says that death would have been a Brucefleld., ......... 8.12 4,89 131zlyply, larul mostly W, grass. Possession I . I
. -
to be a most efficient and level head and institutions. Other methods of ment. He probably regrets'thab he relief, She consulted several doctors � Kippen . .... I ........ 8. Z3 4.47 now or in fall. tf W. DRYDONE, - . DR. re A. axiom . I
. § I
obtaining the same results may pre- cannot have his hair but by -mail also. 0 but got tic help, and she felt she was Hen&AI1 ............. 8.1,T2 ' . DENTIS�T A -
administrator of the multifarious and . .. He buys books, clothing and furniture . . 4,52 -Dr. Holptes .
Vat themselves to �eaders"of the NIw by mail. - . almost bordering on Insanity. In this i 40 ' I . To Rent in CoMbe'RIOCk. (Successor to I
onerous duties of his new department, I . . I - xeter ........... 6... 8.48 4.05
. Condition* she was advised to try Dr. Centralia ...... *..... 0.00 1 5. 15 _ Specialist In Crown akad Bridge Vlgtk.:, �
Thatit is an important office none will I , ERA. and we will be glad to hive them . Nothing local it quite as good as all Will,laros" Vlhk Pills. Grasping at London, ar . rive..,.. 1000 6.10 Office or .r6orii for sinfoll, stor , e or work , . � Graduateof ibe Royal, olleg . a of Dental(Sur .
express their opinions lirlefly,sbooti imported article, ccording to thein- I . room. q C I
. . I - � even the possibilit of help she decided tqexo door to Jolm Itansford's offide.- Apvly�to geons of Ontario, .
� 09 iNs the local tailor , � Bu !,,h . JAB, SARTH, Ontario St, .. Honor graduate of U versity of Torontio Den; .
gainsay and the necessityofib becomes dividual. He thi to do so. After tating three boxes she .. . tfalo and Goder . . I . tal Department. ni I
moreapparent everyyear. Hon.Mr. straight, . atthe .bullseye. There's cannot make clothes good enough for, actually1oand some.im West . ' . Passenger I . . I
I . I ba pro.vement,and I � . I � . I . . . Gis,duate.of Chicago Colioge of Dental Sum tv I
I . plenty of'room. in'011aton for amplifl. him, although we know many resld� from t t time on this improvement , � I . Chicago.
King is destined to fill a large p ace in ' ents of large cities who continue to 111� in Pro P in -pp I Farin to Rent . �
creasing daily until . . I. . -- ' ... Will visit l3ay4eld. every Monday, . : 9
s all good. What do you sivy9 - a felt the c 90 . Ostram farm. Ldb -28' .0th C . '18oderi '
the public affitirs of Canada and he has .thes made by their old homes after , few mon tbl a sh Stratiord......-I.0.00 12.20 5 2N 10. The op. of . . . . .
Cation of scores of things 'that will do, their, clo get was steady afid it
already won his spurs. Sie Wilfrid 11 .. in smaller pl�cec, They.find - ore 01, " �ch
. the de" wascqmlileie. Shesays ;-"Dr. Wil- , . I
. 1. — . � . . Mitchell ......... 1 0.*22 12.45 5.55'10.47 80 avres Is offered to rent, Apply to - I WJUJEH�. I . . *
. 0AN`ADA . - exactly the some, andthe cut liania' Pink Pills havle done what d-oc. 8eaforth.. .. .:..'10.45 1,10 6A 8 1 1 1:?, Tog INIRS. J. HALSTEAD. 'DR. It. FO Jufflc� . I
made no mistake in creating the port- � I signs . , JO
�. �[ VOOK, or to T . I .
I I)A;s now 1,974" branches of 'and materials just as good, 'while the Clinton .......... 11.07 I. 925 .630 -11:28 Clinton- I if Goderich. �
solio nor in filling it with so capable a , tors failed to do and .w.bat I myself Holwes,,41le ..... 11.16.- 1,3i 0 40 11.38 � I 1. . . . . . I DEmTIST, , . I
I � . . . .
chartered- bat;ks. prices is much lower because theex- :thought was impossible. Thev hav'o - . for Sale. o' .
,. They are d . istVib- pense Of doing busiuesff in the small G d I h.,....'..11-35 I.,N) 7.05 11.55 : r Rent - � -
gentleman as the new minister. utedks-followsf- . . 1. . � . . 1. treed me from the. terrible ty6uble I 0 er.e ... 1! Offices over OINEIVE store.' . .
. — I . .. . towns is so much less. - : . . � - Passenger �. I . .. __ � � . . .
WHAT ab3ut a move anioug Cliaton - � . . siiffered,andinyold joy in life -had , Fast , . . . I I Special care taken.to�malie dental Irem.
. - beimrapeiwed." When.Mrs, Hall -be, : . . . . Lot.,21, 14 Concession,'Goilerich Township .. � I
Ontario...., ............. 0-3.3 . The parasite, however, p6des him .
- .- - " - 1. .. . . . rnan -Painless as possible.. . .
Quebec ....... s... . it m . p ra p ni, consisting of 80 acres, for grazlog. goo(l orchard. t 913 . .
...! ........... 315 self on his superiority in the choio�e of taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills m . ; . ,rea, good bank bkrn. ApDlv to . I .. . . ____ _. . . . . . .,
. -1. - 1. , -6.� -tf � - . _ ---
business men to close the stores and Nova Scotla_�... ,... ..... 10,1, � evqrything, and rathbr'ins4juates that . . .40 aV Nven wato,
11, 9%11weighed only one -hundred, pounds 'Hxod�r'ch - - * ...... ... '1,1() ":)' .- . MRS. CHRIS TE13BIUTT. . :-- - -
1-J, . I . . . I __ ___ ___ I _... . .
New Brunswick .... . ' noapable of ap� . olmesvihe..'..,�., 7. X) 1457 5. Q 6 .. _. ..... . . . . . . . . ,
shops at 10 o'cloek, if not earlier, on .............. 0:3 our local citizens are I while under bel renewed health. ber, � . .. .
Saturday nightse. The cases are very Prince F,dwarA Isl I and,.... . _.!,.. :i 10. precikittlig-good materials salacreased to one* hundred Clinton .............. 7.35 :3 07 .5J55. .. I .. . '� '.THOMAS, 'GUNDRY * I I I
� - .
- . ...." ..... Some residents of Clint;n have done = r1it Seatorth, � ........... 7, 52 3,25- 5 , IS 29 - I To Renti � . -, . Live stock and geb�ral Auction �w; . I '.
' Manitoba ....... 62 ..
y pounds.. - - . - . . . . . � . . . �
rare that would prove the neces�RV of , AlbertA ........................ ,.."Ill s6me travOlft, on their owivaccount, Mitchell ........ _., 8.11i 348 5.55 The Draper Farm, lots 53, 54. 0,5 ana 66, miat. * I 1 1 I
s , Saskatchewan .... �.. . I . . Dr. Williams' Pink'Pills can be had. ' ' i
- Will . � .
keeping open natil near midnight. . "' *' "' ior however. and 9nd that we live a little from any dealer in Medicines or , Stiratfora ..... ...... 8.40 .4.15 6.20 land Con, Goderich Tp,i consisting of250 aciLw. GODERIGH ONT I I.
Litebours on Saturday mean jaded ' � . � . I . F'or parti'aulars'.-al)ply to W.-BRYI)PNE. Islinst-it sales 'a spet.mll� uwetii # 1% .1 .
I ' - . . I
British Columbia.,'..,..... .. - 10) better here than they doin thoi large be sent liv niftil, at 50.'ceats -FL box ta, tf. . . Clinton.
_� KukOn'....-i...,..�.....,.,...,.�.� .... 3 cities. They find that. the wearing ap. . I I � .. __.._ _ __ . . . . NEW, ERA.office,- Clinton,,PMrnPt1!' attended '
p oprietors ane employees; gc,ttiDg to . . 11 . . . ' six boxes toz $2,50 by The Dr, Wilialils, . . . . . � - - — to, 'Terms reasonable. armew sale not* , , -
. . - parel bought here compares fay6rab)y Medicine Co. BroCkviLIe,'Oot.' . . I . . � . discounted , '. I ..� �.
rest hours behind a seasonable tinie of B,WY!S OWN TABLETS .. ,',-.. with what they see in � Toronto. or * . . . la . . Psirk ILot lor'Sale' . , .. . . * � I .
. - ' - .. - . . I . . . , . _ . --------------------;I_ .
going tobed; an abbreVi&Lion of the - CfJR1,', ALL 1111NOR TROUBLES Montre&I ai'N6w York. I Odr houses' ' 5000 . I . 9-1 . . __ . . . .. , � . � .. . I
. . - . . . . are just as comfortable and just as 11 FACTk. ABOUT CANADA. Tbe widersignea olrers foi sale a park lot of , , , * , .
necessary time required for repose if . . .. . � . I . . , . . . . . I . 1-� aer'6q..,on Raglan St., nearly all in -bearing G.JD. VoTaggarr, . -M. Di MoTaggar .
. or' I nt I . ;
The Stomach, the bowels, cutting .t�stefully furnished. One poi . IF YOU ONLY -KNEW . HOW fruit -of- choice varieties, two good'W0118, good .
people are astirSabbath morning early -teeth is responsible for most of bheills , tibulatl ' * s Par' : Estimated value of Canadian milk, - . '
yimpressedon the observcr,and . . . stable. frAnio house,Nvith tovb cellars, just the MCT -a' ft Bros,,,
enough to breakfast, get ready for at- arid suffering that afflicts babyhood, that is,tht�t with an equal income and milk products', 190s, $91,000 000 pla�o for it gardener, -will be sold clicap. Aimb, . I —9,(Ia
i a , viv, t Qre,vniery butter afid.cheese. to . N.IRS.,E L ROUTLEDGE or to .
I ' $22,000,000 -,'.con- , . .)fit; JACOB TAYLOR, Clintori. �
man can live mu&h better b0e than in ,�36,! . BRNk! ,
tendance at church without havinga Baby's Own Tablets will. keeii-your 000 ; dair butter, - tf . . — . .. ' S ERS '' .. I
I .
child well. b6c�use it is the best -medi theJarge cities. Taxes,vants, eatable-, 1111sedmilk, L'00.),000; milk for direct. � . IT
footrace to reit ch thesanctuory. for the - and wearaNes are'allcha,per I. So de, �$ . - � - I , ALBERT, , CLINTON
a o - -onsurription, M,,000,00UO, , '. . . - , . .1 . 11 . .
cine in the. world for the", troubles, a would build yo`6 up, increaie your . . For Sale
opening of the service. The purchas- and at the saalo time it is the Safest, 1he "a gla, t' be citizens eof,'Gl�nton x , . wcight� st"rengthert �our 'weak I' . I I . � . . � General Banking Buslileas . I
irg p0lic have a large part in curing mother ha . an a,�eetrue to the intbrests ofou . Cheese and butter e ports,1908,.$03,.. . .. . - . 1. . �
The a tile guaratitee of a � r 9j)9.8l.t. I .. . i hings and put .you. in . 101 East, . : .. � . .
. - ' .town. They buv at bonle. ' ... I .. . . 1. . . throat and . C nfortable 0ottage on 1i,ttt6nbuiy St. I . transactecl . I .
. . Government' analyst that this modf. I . InTy . pro( - condition '&i next, winteri you � in tbe finest location 'in town, Parlor; Dining- . . . I . . I
the laie hour nni'sance, vj'z- bo yoiv , -he . Are you a citizen o - Decline of d i ' luct export Val- � ` . room, :I Bed-roonis, Ritoben� Conservatbr�,, . U -
� POlItillfigno opiate 6r polsonql3s. I . . . .. he would begin� taking it now. . . - - . -NOTES DISCO NTBD : � - � 1.
...�... s in flee years', of $7.010,240, owing to% I � I . e wooclsbed, coalshod, 'atone foundation', eviiient I
trading early and thereby give the -de- "soothiag" Stud, XV5, J6!i�oli Bern- . *-_,,�t .. . increased home consumption. � Takil ItIc. alittlecold millo.orwaier ' - ' cellar.b.,rdantl soft ivater, electric ligbb, one . DraftB issued. Interest allowed on . .
' ' I b tomnlete and coity homes in Clinton .
SS , alue of Canadian cheese 50c. and.$I.OQ. All"Druggists vMli feuo anW evergreen liedge. farge g4rden - . �
$rate of Ohio', City o , .. of Ole mosi
livery or parcel boy a fair show to ard, St. Emile, Que., say%-�-]Baby's � .. LocasCoui f Toledo, 1) " a Aggregate ir, . . , . a .. d . 6poisila. - .
Own Tablets are reiUy a marvellous I 5'. � . And Ilarge a,nd sinall fruit trees. . . . . I I
' I nd b'ufter ex orts ' for 1907-8,.$2�3,005 -- - . .
complete his.work in good time. medicin'e.. Mybabywasthih, peevish Vrank J Cheney makes oath that he (1404 � - p . I . I . , . - .T4r�k*_-_Tk11= I N urd be sold at once as owner 1% leiMog for .- -_ - . I . � .
I I 11 . I . . . . 4 .
-i giving him *is senior partner of the firm. of P, J, I I . tic& -West. Apply to owner R A. MOOR1,1. . The L I ,
People will sometimes parade' t.be and sickly until I begai I Canada has 4,355 ,cheese dn'd and but- , � . I ____ , 5f Itattolbury me-Killop I
. Cheney & Co�, doing business in the ter,factorj�. - . � e. . . St. 1,119t Cflilton� I I
streets for hours on an'evening arid 'this ,medicine. Since then 'he. has . I . - . . _: -- — . ,mlauit 11
thrived and grown splendidly.". Sold of Toledo,County andState afore'. Qanadian cheese continues to hold its A~AA0%A0V~A0~.1%sW a I Co " Fire'. Insurance e0s
, by medicine -dealers or by mail at,25c a ('I' I � N. . —1. I .. V. . Shorthor'ns for Sal, I , ... I . .
leayeofftheir sbopping until about saie� and that said firm will pay ' 1he supremacy in the British market, - . � . �. , . . .. . ` Town Vrovo . .
ready to go I;ome. Sometimes in some box from The Dr. Williams, Medicine Sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS . Parm and Isolated ,
' ' .
. � - .� . though exportsof other, c6lonies,are ung Bulls, from 6.0. 19 moritlig'old; ,. ' erty Only InAttred. ' � .
Co., Brockville, Ont . incr6asing, N6w Zealand.is ifjanada� TOWN DIREOTORY, good one .
towns one business man is afraid of . . ior each and every case of0atarrh that I . rive I'd . .
'. . . - I 'cannot be cured by fhii use of Hall's chief- Competitor ,. '. I I PA I ... � I . : , . 1. * s,,all sired by Dii1io of Richmond, the - .
..� �,.. I .. . . - . - . 1. . . .1 . I . . . I . Sweo sta - bull at Clinton alid Drucefteld In � . . . OFFICERS. . . .
. � . I . I . I . I
I . � . . . .1.1 . . 4 - Rip 1111ill toy s1Vt...tI1GL -tillieg., (�oma and see J, :p..'M�Leah,Pi-esident,Seaforth; Th63 , -
anotherandwhena movement .isin- . . 0&taurfiCare. PRANK.'OEIENNY . The,,irnports of.cheese-into-Great , *.rito Ilinton, On.t, �' .
I" ell
IVIIAT INDIAN � LIST '111EAN.S.. �. . Sworn to before,me and . L. AAAAAOW VWV�OWWW OVVV . till . l;,'.:H.'NVlSI,3, C ,
;kvigurated io pull .olovou the blinds at .:. . .. . '. �. . . .. . .. subdevibe Britain are. dirninisbing,- the ixiost - I'll . .. .. � . 1. - _.__�, __ . I. . . Eras�r,Vice-�r�s.,Brttcefield; .Thoi. & : * I .
. � . I
— " , , in my, presence,this Ofh day of Decem- marked falli APTIST 011i��011.-Sabbalih sarvices, tit It . . . . I .
. .
- . .. I
an earlier bour there is a �esitatncy to - At* recent - sessions'of 'the Ontavio- 'Wr A D.j 1880, - - t . � I ng off bein froth � -the - 73 I � - Hays, Secy.. Treas,, Seaforth. - .
. . .1 9 . . rL W, .and 7 p m. Supilay 'School 2:80 p iii. � � . Man'tod at Once a. . � .... . :
- . I - parliament . some uni taht a d. . .� , ': . United Sttites � " ' * . I . I . I . . I .
� por i area . ,� . .- General Prayer- 'Meeting Wednesday eN,ening. �- 1. '. - _— I . . I I .
comply with the request. In promu -. ments weie:n,ade in. -connection .. ith - . _ k. -W. 61WAAON� - , Cut of. -total � i�i*portS'Of 118,50-5 tons ilev. T. Aly, 012arlesvrorth.'pastor. ' . � . 1. . I . .. .�'_ � DIRECTORS. .': - . , .., '. ,." � .,� ,
13.Y.P.U. . A man of ability vith some knowledge of, :R6 . . ' � I
gating an W - , Seal ) * ' ' "'. Not4ryPublic. "of Cheese into Great Britain for. year itteOtAiNlondayevOni"98,mt'iO'cloel-. 1), pk Jas. � Connelly," lme�vilie, I johi3:. 11
early closing plan the the Liquor Livense Acti'ametidments., . �.01'- fruit ati(I'libi-tim-Iture tei act.for'us in Clinton . . . .
Wall -S 0 a-ttarr-h 6 �re is .taken intern SupqrIntentl6tit., . . � I . . I Watt, Harlodk;'G. Dale 'Clinton � ,M. .. . .. I
. , . I -
that it i's to be hoped'man:� a Wife arid I ending Jnn6:30; 1008, Canada sent 81,- 11-8- and district. .4, ,iermtnent and paying i)ositlon . I B1, . .. '
. � .. 41 '
family'will have r . eason � to feel grate. . ' ' .. . V8 rJI.XQTOX . Evans, eech- . ,
churches, Young People's Societies - h� ly,and acts directly on the blood an4 08, . . � . . I � rnnsl3ytEnmN, clIcmdu-SaWiatiuser.- fortherIghtillan; STO, &WEL Chesney,, Seafoith; I' * '
and the various pastors should get mucous surfabeadf the s ' � .. N:ices 11 a m, and V.p�1)1. - Sunday Sellool ta..,jo , 6-10- . ., Nurseryman, Toronto,.Ont.! .
. . a supplies- Gi d . . . .. _ — . ,
ful for,, 6.1f during a period of I year Y.st6al ', - , - Canad. veat ]Brit;iln with paii; (',otievELII)i,ki,yerinecting,�N'edne4tda�, even- . . � . woon., J. G. Grieve, Winthrop, 1. Bea., �' ,
busy and by word and deed aid In se. after t e -time that a perion, is served F. J. CHB N141Y & Co., Toledo, 0 8O.Per cent. 6f her cheese. 6bliorts, viv, ings, RoV_Dr. Stewart, pitstoi% , jas.Scott, S.S. , Uniber and Lumb*er . �- neweis, 13rdolliagen. . . . .� I . _. . .
. . with. a notice probibUing him. liquor * Sold .by druggists, 75c. . , 1,515,047 cwt,4-', 61ib'of 2309,89-1, year Sup%; Miss 4. wilsora'Ase't. Saj)% , - . . . I - . . . I
. . I .1 . 11 11 .. Each Director i� insl:iettor of losses to ' . . �
curing a better conditiun'of affairs that person.1s found'undei. the in. Tak6 I!all's riamily Pills tor constipa., ending- .Nov. 30,'1008;'bacoli, 1,017:IS7 ONTA-RIO $T, N1BT.HODIST0RURCR.-Sab- �. F ot Sale, - . . I . .
. . . . I ' ;9,.), 00l'out Imai services ii a nj and 7 p jn, 6iiii(Iii-k Sclio.01 ' . . I I I his own loWity. ' :�. � . I .. . I �
and thereby promote the physical, fluence of liquor, or found with 11(pior tion. . ...' - . 1. .. out of .5.570,240 cwts*�, haras,'122, _ .. I .1 � . . .
. � , . ixo 2,30 p in. BpWortli La&9k1e,,'v1t)nd&y'eA,eniug; . i6� . I : . . I : . . I .
spiritual'conditi !a. his packets,or it any way In his pos.' e' - ' �-� * g, General Pras,or batas or driving .4hed purposes, also topgp
mental, moral and on OP. 1,207,150 owts-,'fish, (cur'ed.dr salt6l), Junior League Friday evenin , lis"o a, quantity of square thiLbo'T suitable �� AGENTSi..
ession ; if he is found in the bar room CROPS OfONTAR16 IN MIDDLE 6.3 571 out of W12,0550 awts. .. - � Meeiiing, Wodneiday ewning. Rev.'Iff. 1". Eett, Winbor Apply to D, CANTRILON, Clinton,: it Ptobt.' Smith, Harlock;: 'td,j HinchleT *:
of both buyer and seller. Who will s � ." ... .. _. . . pastor. A Hooper, S. S. Supt, -S. C, Rathwe.11 . . , . '
inkin room of,a hotel -br in any . OF - ' '. . . .1 er, AsEPt � . Seafortil; James Egmond. .
or�dr* k' , . , Cumming,
I whege liqu . ,I . IA*. _ . . . and W. Walk - Sup'ts.-.: . ,
move in the matter? . place to be fined or is dispensed. he,is .. 11.1 . .� . I . .I? yoii'* �vould have'a safe yet :certain, ST,PAITr,'c4GHUtt�011---.Sitbl)tltli ."i -vices at �,- �50-aOre Far 'm for ga'te'i � , ville; Jw..W6, 14olmes 'Ville 11 . .
" ..
— . liable. , -from $10: to $20 and I I The Ontario crop , re � port, giving Con. Coogh Remedy in th ' 6 home, - -try, Dr. 11 a,in and It p m. Simolow ,4'liool i�t. -�.,,30 v pi.- '. . I . 9� i . . . 1. — . I . . . . I . . ,
M vcu has been said and written of costs-orimprisonment for one month. Shoop?s-atleastonce. Itisthoroughly A 11 1) A�, Tnosday evenifig. � .Ilrp,er - service I - -_�_ — . �
di'dons about the middle of May, has . unlil�e'anyothi3rCbtighp'reparation. Its WoolnesdaY evening liev. c .11. Gunn,.: M.A., Sdtith lialf'of Lot'17,'co:ncesgiou .4, L,R.S., I . . . I. . : �. .. .. I I
the advantage it is to a community to The liquor dealer who allows- apersom, just been, issued. Summarized, I the . Tcetok,. Rev. Mr. ditune-, S S Sup't. Clavence Taekerswitl); first - claso land for prtftnro or' �Im , -
thus - prohibited 'to loiter around his taste will be entirely nevir,to . you- un- r .. graln, 1hr6e acres of bush, ii, never -failing. Nk ell, JAC 0.8''TA Y L'O M
. haye condftion of the orop is il� follows: I Johnson, Ass't. Sij)�'t. . . � I . . . . I
numerous individuals take & .hotel or pretuises'ls.'equallv guilty. and - -, less it is already your favorite . Uopgh E 1 . � I . . A.od fraind house, *Itlt stone cellav and . . . . .
. ,
. � Full wheat- Reports vary. On sabd� . IV SLBY , tHTHODIST CHURCIL-Srtbbath ,.,.e.t flocir, surrounded by a wihol-broali,of - . 10LINTON . .. ..
at. w3l be similarly fined. Remedy. No opiuw,chlorbform� or any i anrI7 pip, Sunday-801106lat spruce trees; F61so a sinall oreliard of apples, . I ,; I . I
personal interest Ili everything th . It after the so'il the crop is looking well, th6ugh . �Isdrviceo 11 an I . � - .
6�ry . other Stupifying ingredients are used. 2,301),-m. Epworth League Monday evening. pears, viwas, o9d Fmpl.fruits, a -large bank - .. � -_ '
will conduce to improvement and , w ,,ag,,,,,r Tuesday evening; - Junfor bara; tone sto,bling underneath it . , This choice - ' 1 , ' r ' ' 'a
givesto ox procures liquor for another . 'diftte a , - *
ice of such notice any peresoa ho late,' wbileonAa* soil the fields are The tender,leaves of a harmless, lung�, InteMIL 11fre, Fire, Lite and Accident
. ndt only backward, but thin,and spot. healing. mou . ntainous shrub, ,,, L ive miles froinSedforth and
building up the pumanent, The for. ' . ing. Rev. W. .1. ,lot � . �
r give 1to ]�,(,!.L., pastor. A. T. Cooper, 8 S liliw'L; roe wiles from ijippell ,dnyepienbr to ge])ooh; .. . .
person so nc�tlfied will'be liable to a ted owing to the excessive moisture. - I . .,, propdrW 14 situitted f
niation of a 1000 club in c . fine'of not less than $25 'and costs or . ,DF S hisurAnce � . . I
. .1
tion ' n the fall I 'HITRCX.'�- nvery alternate . . I I I
I onne . WinterWbeat-Bettertha . hoop's .0ortigh Re'medv its world- Rorke, AWL Stipt. . . and Lhurches, good gravel roads. llossesston . r . ... . . � . . .
0 imprisonment. Furtherml5re. th . . , erful Curative properties. It is truly it :ST. J03LPH'S i) For Airtbei phrtltulai-s. iii)ii1y. on - . — I . .
dens, e P.er- wheat and looking very. well, I . 9 , or to N1111,11. 1W' -%l- GORDON. - .
with which streets, lawns . , gar son who is on the unfortunate Indian. ' , 01OVer-old Mea . . most:certalii'and trustworthy prescrip.. Sunday, 111orning service atlO.300'06ck. Vespers , t�lrpnli,1�111N.,;,� . i I
ss places come In llsC,gtiould he get under the influene . dows poorinew mea- tion. Sold by all. Dealers. * . .. -at7il.'). (IIIIIA2ndThor,�t I ; . . . . .. .
residences and busine . .1 . 1. � .. , lay eveninh, itl 'aach 611, . 1�ii)pou 13.0. ont ,. Real i6state bought And sold - . .
_e dows Oromisingi, .r � . . . . . r . . . iiiontli� League-6ftho fi-&cred Heart. Irt Priday, --- ,-,-- ....., I ._ . ,..Money to -loan . �
for a eeneral tidying up,and the mem- Of liquor or found with. liquot In his . .. . ... . ill citch month, at 8,30 JR111, Bev, ler; Hanlon,. . I . . I r I '. I .
SeiSsion I - . Spflng sowing-PArinsrson hIgh or - , .. '. � " 1',Stor.. . r ' .1 . . . Mortwa,ye,Sale of flefise and - -,. " . — . ,
. I . r . ,� I'" A . . . , .
hers vie with one another in the use pos and will refusA* to tell. thp well. drained s6il have made.fair head- , . . . . . . . . . . 11
. niiui6 ofthe person who gave him -the ; Western Fair, London SALVATION. ABUY.-Seivice at T ii�(l 11 a,111 . Lotsin C1111011- ' - Office iEs'ad ,
wn, but the- bulk of the farmers werd . Ir. . � ., . and.1 6nd 7 p in on Suft(lay,and 'Thursdiis, and '� - - .. . . . . . Sti.eet, nex 46or � to New *
of the Paint brush planting flowers, liquor or procured it for him, he may no aove than half -way , through in se'pteinber loth- to 18th , saturaay-tivaningR, ats olelock. * '* " . I __ . I EA ra , .,. . ... . I
- . I .
� . I
niowingr the grass and encouraging ,then be im,prisoned.'for it period not the decona week in May. - . . i 0* _ . . ,r. . I,n(l(,r twil by Virtue of the piwers contailw(I . . I . 1, . .. .. . .1 .
' exceeding three months in the county . 11 . r. . . 1. POST 01riFiCM-0111ce bo'urs 1`41,1 R oL Ill to in't cortaill 1110vtgag"'Whil.1i will beln't'duceilat . �_ . .. � 11
others to do the same, often I . � . ." I r 1v'ruit tioees-All classes of -orchards . . 7 1) in. Open to box holdem froin 7.30 6 in to �lle t1lile of 8otiti., .tljo�,yc will .1)e otfor. i - . . I.. : ... .
tends to .. . . � ' This iy)AgnificentE�xl)ibiti6nproo)iaes 10 I, 111. Alopey. Oy&q. anol Rtigisbration s it in to ed. for sale, by Ilublit, Auction, 1)1* ' . - .
. . jail, . . ... . . treesarein'good condition., Barring thisyear to eclipse all preVIo � " , � . I . . � . I .
read the goal. Then thete is the pub- , I . . 0 r us eftfts. A 1) ill: Jas, Scott, 1'.11,; Misses It. Pickett ftn(l Tlw.,;� Giludry, Autilonear, at thebercinaftor-
r late frosts and heavy rainis at time of The Attractions which are. under coh- M..E,astc, AssiAtanta . .
r . I... it i . . :1. - . I I � I . . mention6d 'preniiAes, on' FJIIDAY� fliv 11th � J . . . . .
. ,
iic spirited citizen who invites capital It is sufficient for sbme piople that r bloom a good yield lilay be looked for. - tract are of the very highest order and PUBLIC f,TURAItY,-TAbraiy and freefead- day� ofJVNE, 11,M tile follolving lands. that i� I �. . . .
in the erection of comfortable dwel Ing called tea. OtheF Ing room In thq StavelvVid'g. open ei-err afto.r- to sa,�; Lots Nuinbork; Ky.), 000, 8S and 111tit of . Am- . . � .
- they drink �nythi t4 .Fodder Sopplies-in H astern Ontar- . the best that money could procure. e". - � . I
. io At kinds of provender are scareet. There Will ' be several lar I ir�on from 2to 5.80. and ovory',evening from 7 to oil X,ol-01, Welliogton nud Osborne
lings. for sale oi to rent.on reasonable I .prefer a stat-dard. brand like "Salada," ge Animal Q,,300'01001t, illiSe,ftlfnnferliti(ld,lil)ratilLh, ISot�reL,�t�s',iitthoTowl,of(,Iitito�t.ititi,ecoitt,bN-,,f Synopsis of eanadlan. Worthir -
term.s. None the less important is the wbich h than lodalities. having only enough for -. e6paads, I ifuron. on the iireiiiisea I, creewd P. eowfort- .VVe$t.L#nd Regulations. .
as a reputatian for being good. lo(,al use. .. acts, "Olsen's Nons, L _, - Bears, TONvN (IOUNCIL.-H. Nriltse. gavor, B. J. able� vom onlentiv-arrankfed And NVV11-1111110intcd . I . .
The latter got niore enjoyment out of- ' . . etc.,""Herbert's Dogs and CAts,`111-46r. Gibblngq. Reeve; J. Ai ],,'ord. A. T. Uo6par,Thos. T mr,4onr Wile) Is r1j,,r), Ilpil(I ol JJ 3:111111V
Live 81, j,Tlfjllo%vay,Nl�Ill,ql.,%,,,LllI aol(, cottage. ulth 6 rocills and 1101, ill tin exbelleut
sa ifaction ,�iatu of wlialr., ln�lnwtlon of t1it- lioii-% Is Invit- or atis- itialt, ovor iii-N�oars olil, may liome. i �
appreciative word to the men who' life. InIbnyingteafor6he ti ' - .ock-Thln; but thrifty. No. z6R,,f Stallions,"thei best trained horses Jacks()u, ar- ,�- I
- disease of a serious'nature has appear- Y One. ii'r .Iacoi)TiLl,ioi-,(,ottlictlloi--i. D.I. Slaciiiierson . Xii, quarter-secilou of availablo Dominion ..
have put their good money into busi- yPo expect to get from its use, it Will in the world. "The Three Sa t " ' (1, - Vor t0knis fuld 11artivulms Of sale. &111)11.� to,
� clerk -and Treasurer. Thos, Cottle,Assessor. Jos. ." . . W. BRYDOXH, - ' land in Manitoba, Sasketchowaa or Alber&L, - r
tr 'payyou-toluse "Saladia," Avoid�any- ed. High prices are being, paid for theirgreat alliga*tor act, !'The Dotolen's WhOft-tleV, 0011110tov. iloara i6eets flrsb lion(lay , r .
he . holicitor forvenilor. The o,pplicant binstallivar In perf�on at the Doni� .
. . t
. .
iiess enterprises and worked hard poric,.bnt the high cost offeed is alak' 'Casting Act," "The Heras family, "t clintotf, Atay 12, UK .
0 thing ,jast as good." lulftations are i I I evellingenclilliontli. .. r Lu uds.kgoaeV or Sub-Agener for the ill-:. .: .
I Inion ,
I I 1.111 � invz�riablypf poor (Ifiality. , ' � . .ng against their breeding. , wondeiful acrobats, "Tile Holmane.` COMMMAT13 X\'STlTt1Tg'rJ30 � I . . r . 3 Ny be itiftole at' a 4
IN 11 - # � Aul), - 116v, - -_ trict. I-1111try. i)y 1111011.1 till Tiy
_M '. , . r . I ,tin tonditioni, Ny father Toother, �
, ____4_ ,�!--,-W_ Itgency. oil cert.
!�!�� . —, - �- "Pederson Bros," and ,!The Three De C, R. Gtinne, BLA, (Chitivinoin), I). A. Forreater,
_. ... .I., . i . .. . I . . W, jackson,'AL D� AToTag9avt.'T)r, Tht.)%niison, soti, daughter, brotlier or shter of intendiog �
. onios" in their comedy' acts, and ctctdry)'. and JA HORIS 'nAUTIS I . I.
___ . . . I- I � � . r . ,. M* 'Tno, Ilansfol-41 (se s. I'Vott. %,4513 1-M . , I ,S I honit,�tvader� . .
- TIM OLD-TIME, SINCER, many others,. An extra --effort has Board ineets'first Friday of each month. - I � I I buties.-Six niont1wre4fdoice nvon and -vul- . '
been made to please all who appreciate , (10LT,EGIATV TF,1ACllI-',R13._'-A, V. Guniln., . . . . I . i lJoI1104teader mas, live witlifir tibie iniles of. hN .
. . 5 4 R' . . , . � . 110111estead on a fal-111 of at lvasb R) acres '&Mely -
. rr. . — . . ra.erti.g. r C URE F I 0' m 'to the splendid MA., princlifal:.W. Troletti,da, R,A,, classicid . . tivationofthelitodin eacli, of.tbree .�Pars. A I
e liked the 'Old4ime -On . � � . - ,aelier; I
.CA � 11 I .. I band of the 7th 'Pusillers, who will 111111,ter, Igiog beimage. matiminaticai, t( . I i . ownod 4ind ocouivied b.v lilm or by his littlicil. .
. Good. ,W Jb.pdan�sb&nk-to-stand ... - r E,.RL 110,11, B.A.. 1,1bglish mid Af6derns; lfis4 , ninther, son, dauglitor, bl-other oil sister. I
And ,�,,ra wistful eve far off into - -n .- ID VV Q T, A , - t W-0 0 . . . . I
. & VQ Alv p rfolomances dailv, the 01st Moir, teaclier, I � In cortal,"llisrricts a hoiliesteAder Ill go
. I 'r
, . I .
Ha Fo 'd
The'rowl'sed 14" � I .
old songs of salvation-salvatioll
. . I
� 1.
. .
. An is well known; thii troublesome coin.
4 -ap, Oqtario,'41
Highlanders- of Arnilt .
' strong, have' been e6gagedatgroatex-
I �
, OOT, 130.t,111). - 1�,, '11'. 11jill."
pulq'lo g("Ii
Whairiiii1n). J. W. Moore, T Vottle, If, 14.
Evans, Hale. R. Hovey alid S.,
1 - - -
, , �
. a
,.%tttnditigiiitti,l)i,i�.i�iii�itAiltiartev-sactioit long.
Idde -1114 holilestead. 11000 $Wo iier ftere. .
I)ntteg;,--NtnetTositi"i.v-,-ttloti$Aw-4"-4)tl,ell-d-,�i,v-.-.. '.
Ira, 0
� fullan'frde'- ''. I I -
pense. The, Tinles""78 of
Rorko, $. C.
years ft -6m (late of liquiestoad entrN. Oncluffing
. .
.That gieat old,timer "Amazin' vie
F �
plaint #.rise$" over -eating, tb'e use �of
tod much r'bll food, 11691"eted cohstiP&ti0n,'
them after a visit to. their Exhibition :
neinp, J. Ouningliaiiii), Sccrotalw, Boaril "wets
fit,stThiirs(IiiY,e�'t,ologettelill'Onth- �.
. . I
the time teawre(I to earn boiut�stead paf4pt), k
Acreq . .
Ayer's Hair Vigor, new im -
that saved a wretch like met,
. .
. Isiek of dxerofsoij . bad air, W. � - .
I Elighlailders in thelic Xiltie suits
I ard the'-inopt populAr band boys who
, rts.--,7
PUM10 SCHOOL,inAbiti, . Ilartloy,
Ilritle0al'. Ills, Arls's J� Wilson,
. .. I
I .. . I
I . . � .
and cultivate fifty extra. . �.
A honieAteador v -lid has o, x li a o a te(l I I i 4 I io i1i � - ' - - '
proved formula, is a genui.ne
I recollect them old sweet byrnns that
The food should be thoroughlychowed,
and never bolted or ir�allovved iu� haste#`
ever, poured forth melody at the gin.
, ,;
Nligs 8, St&w1g, A119% It. Courtice. Miss M.
I A Xbr.
, I . I
� .
f . I I
stecti tight und camnot obtain a, Dre-onpurm I I
"I'll, ko it ilnrebomd honfestead In certain dia� �
' ,
-food. uris ,
. hair It feedg, iio I h i
I used to float,so high, .
They, seemed to -shake the windows of
stimulants must, bii avoided and exercise
nesota, 14"'air." All th6above with the
'addition of o� grand' display of � Vire-
wiltso, mism C, Chidle)v and Miss , 1. 1'.
MAIM OF Ill,,AI,TlT.-W 11vall(l, (elialr-
I . , I
� 11 , ,�, id, !!i f
�%11�:6;��'fl�'Iilli.!'11 I 1,
'Al, � �:� ,
triliP, Ilrlev',43.00 ver acro. Daties,r-lfvist rp.
side fIN 111611ths in.cavil of throo vears. cilltivate I
I builds tip, strengthens, lnvlgor�
� . '
The hair
the everlasting, �ky I - - I .
r4 when �r
. I .
taken it possible. . .
A remaily Wliiah has rar6ly failed to giviii
works, each eveifirig will make'the
- �Vlltse
"'A"), Dr. 1-1,"tnp, A. McKenzie. , layor '
1) rJ. IfternlIerHoil, lb" �T, W- 1311mv, 'VedleAl
� , - , , � I
I �'.� �1, ,�,
1�,'(" " �, . " - �1 I
014" "
fifty a0reg alid oreeba holise Worth $300.00. .
, I W. W. CORY, . I
. sites. grows more
. -
rapidly, keeps soft and sniooth,
0 r we heard the preach gay %
"Some brother raise the tune,"
ptoinpt MW and elfeot�perniahent cureig,
even ill. Mie'rnostobstinate is .
strongest progL
,amme ever presented .
at 010 Western ri air. I � I
14;aIth onicer, Josepi, Nviiefttley, SatilteMv
Inspector, ,
� . I . I
I I �,
, ) , , rr " � 1
. . � .... 1� I , rr '40
I . .
, , .
, Detinty e)f the Ulpister of the Interior. .t
, .iZed oublieRtion of, tbiq ad., . ;
N.B.--t'llauthol .
Will unt b6lwa for. - .
and all dandruff d eats,
We always knew "Amazin, grace' was
. ..
. . ... I I cages,
All information given on application
� i -_ _ 11 . . �_
I upleer .
I . 0110
vertiqelllm� .
. I . I
I I It
11 I .
im �
111.1 1. ."_1 _ I � 0
I comin' pretty soon, . I
to the Secreiftryl A. Hunt, Londob,'
Vie -Tinvorted Clydesdalo Stallioli" 'Ito, P1.10,
. '. �
Added EnetgY frol"
Aid nature a little. . your
hair a g6od hair-folld-i
. .
Somehow this nowsbyle sliiginl it rath.
or out my line, I
I BZ RD 41,110.4r, I
. I
Ont. I . .
I . I .
The *Xox Tasteless Liqlxor, Drug
No, . 12557,
Catift(liftli Stild 11601c, Val, XN'll U171
k1l voladale Stud 119ok of Great Iltitflin, VOL
Will stand 0119 AVA80n, 118 1011OWS'- MONDAY-
. I I I
. 4 i
I . .
� , I
I si!t
Does nol chatic 1h 6 AdIr. ,
e 00104`1 0. I "
� rdrwals with egiolt bottle
Altbough they (sometimes lines it out
an' axes folks to Jine, -
I lose
Wid Tobfteft Curee .
. � I
� I
1 P JOG- JP If .1-41'ASS4
11oct will leave Iiis 6%vii stable, Lot 10. con. 11
an(l proeoed In Jolitt Brighaill's for 0 tie loar.
vion to Mnson's Ilotel, Blvtll, for night, remain.
. _.. ..� - " I I .
1_� � I
- I
... t ..
-4 66W-16 ta you*
1. - doctor ,
my voice cornliletioly, arif with a
a kind of sigh
Seek lordab!s . -'atormy banki.l. of Old,
It setl by tegulAting alid toning the di.
We have yet to hear of one failure
to Cure where a fair trial hil.s been, giv.
colues to those vilio take Fig
Pills, E,verybody needs thelli
I Ing uritil �Vut,�,A(Jay nom;
I W( %t, on tile b6undarv, to Aulmril. for tho night, `
WI.DN13114I)AT-l`ro�e(,A South. then IwAt, to*
". .1 1
1-1111" g !!,I I -
re I � +
Aok ii,W';-bo-at It,
. .
- where my possessions, lie I'
goiltive organo) removing costiveness &a4
en., Oan Ile given,without tile persorl
' . NOW, because they build,up the
povi, iacioeows, tot, upon. tlience, to his o%vu
�talhq for rilght: THURSDAY-11rateed Acutli
� �lift do At h6 mikyk
increasing the appetite dad restoring health,
ktiowing, it, is h,trmless abd absolutely
System, inspire -you with new
and West, to Air. 10o.ar% for poon, thence toi
. *
Auction Sale
You need not hesitaw sibout "IlAin this
There7a more than folks Imagine, I tell
you in it song -
¬ vigor to the systdril,
Tyle. Amos Sawler, Gold River" ""
without talste. Mother, sister or, wife
you would be doing it great ,work by
Intel est In life, and destroy .tile
Blues A box oil two Will Work
avallaill's 110tel, Clinton, fat 111glit; PliTTIA-y-
pr.ocee(l east along Iluron 116ad, to Thos Living-
* 110f" I
,vor�- 'AlICTION
ts 0%
view "llitVigoiftom Afty(efirof "Al
ing tha color of ybut hitir. tie*
les still the same'olcl gospol, but they
try to twist it wrong ,-.
writbs'—" I was gre-ttly troubled with
dyspop§ia, and fift6r trying several dootors
' "' c lbera
- l"k this � full
'� ' '
wonders on the run-down 878-
too]. Get a box to -day, 25c, or
stores; for poon. tlionce to Mvid wilgou'R f6r
111911t; SATURDAY-I'Meecti to his own stitlyle,
V))ero be will romain until monitty morning.
I., , ,Rl)AY tit the
GODL311011, qalos tonduct(A fthYWl10r,h, Any k
time, J�Iercluttidiso. real ostate, livestock, eto,
' ' "
61 *
I A"�ls H*'r DO' "Ovell" '
"o" but 6008 not 0 11 fl *6 t)l' f
teaftwayo, the old folks think so ; but
whatl'i§ the uge to sigh?
to U40 tiye�b I 60nan0ft0d touing Bardook
13160d 'nittbro end I think it in the beat
'ing f
L Ont,
80011611 I)i Jo.
. five tot $1.00.
-LOIDer &IM001111100119. J. Lelpisv, m9r.
The above routea Will be dOnUT1110d
0. NV. DUCHU= Auctioneer
P11666 108 . Box 183. Goderlefr, ohk , ,
, - , ,
— -
� t46 hi e, . to the ilithtst deo:,Oa,
I . � r Vo
E vi4it�
� 1 4 ����L
So 1011l; .Ag iVg the Goopel, we,Il got
I theve by aW by I
Wedidino therd is for that eomplaitit." .,
I :ror SAI0 8t ell Donigto And j)MIat.
- - —
WMATAIN 1LIA10"at out" 016 #to I
Fibt sale by VOjMZ1#
�.".. I'll., ... I.. ". --1 ...... � ... _ _ - _'.. .. I
througbout the Reason,' health find
w6ather pevinlittivig. ,
� ....... �..
;; )Wullettat eates 010 1011116AK
� . ____ _ ""
I �
.WAW� .�� 1- � ..
I . . I � " 1%
-00-�� .. ___
I ,
I I �
11k_�__1.,._.._' -_I _A1____._-, "I., -_
- � - ____.-1. ....... . ...... -._,-____._____1-1.-...
I �_ - , __ .- -,.----,,.--.-..-.-.
11-1., 11 1111.4 1 I—- -1.1-11 , ...'.....
, .11. I. .1 . ,