HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-05-27, Page 89 9* � 1� 4' TO ruAlrog"''ORW =A I N i X V100114 NW IRA' Day at ClIaton, a V11URSPAT, 'MAY V, 190 --- pl_*__�r*on5a Not" Ali J811"410111 pro" or Sports n *W bay*c V44ur" or fri"40 Vulting in town or ir %WAY Pre8ealm Local Notim, UO CitIZ940 Saud aod Le4ue 15&60�- IV, 'W AD the " "' I" A WOMn'"9111141- IT& V'k.*t Ball Ulu eld 0, very succe"fut day 11 . *..*.* A 0faPOrtaouMondayjtbe21tb, Inthe 11110;rlp d,. _V -4-V Moroi ag at 9-W a root'Ball mateb.,w4ul a Z 'W the first Itern on'the ploglAt W�te�', list te . Valn: t 1� R CtChrl-R-1 Vd 0 V4 �n and the 1148 lao4i 6004rity DIV. and Mrs, Win, Hamb contesting teems were the T` era and the .21th AtIlowal ^lellca from. the North an South auvilla. STRAWBERY Plants for sale MRS, Mr. Chas. Riley a War4s, The Zgers Vv ere successful in z­ UULJTb4jjQjj4, Raglan St Clinton, Vent Sunday with winningbya scux,e of �0_1. 0 his paTents it. *tratfor.cl. the referee; Atter tHe mc*ell7te w, DR. OVHNS*Loodon, Surgeon, Ocu. MIK John Ireland, 0 Foot Ball match 4%, 134sp Ball game wag R-11 list, Spe0alist, will Ve at f Played between the W. S, It- a ,Tent the 2-itil Wants and the HOIMPs! Drug wore, on Friday, June with old friends in Clin. Or 348 10 Which the Cuba were winners 0M. U asRes Properly otted, diraxnese, bya score of 21-13, IV, Jj%wkin8 as. latarrh and failing eyesight treAteds a Miss Hattie Livia retuined home to. Fi,,sted b ilWan vVere 14111pires. Hour llowly bl. juel. a 11. Lai P.M, day atttra, pleasant - v it Xoronto , Ug W30 the Ila -up of the two and US13AWIL. !sit teams -, . a Ulants R 0 Cubs R 0 Local News Mr. Win.. Morwan and Gen. Rgeltort, Rosa 0 :1 1 1 Kerr 2 4 BX8R,'RALL-N6xtTbaraday even- of London,spgnt the Victoria holidays Wilson ser 2 4 Mason a a 13 June Urd. the second league With, L;IiUton friends. 3 I g%me COpp I b Menuel. I b 4 3 V��Iffel be played on the park here whe W VohertY 2 b 1 3 Uclienzie2b 4 1 God 'of �.'rRjnJc Hatilon. and MiSfjr Metrityre X 01-10110roSsegbits with"tilp bowle, eton, Out., visited with t6' QOurtice 4 b 3 3 Criell 3 l, teitin; game will,be oaltedat 0 15 $1, t rp mer's eon, Rev. Fr, Haillon, T,owhi IV 2 3 for this 1 3 Twitchell: p 4 2 and as Qodevich is considered one of week, Kerr r'f errf 1 5 the best teams in the LiDague, a good Paisley C f 1 4' �'Ovlh"etty c f 2. 3 Perchance me may be expected. . There will no Mrs. XcAllister, of ToroAto., also Mr. East I f U 4 ti gat hal� It CaUbt be a large Ing a to , f the fans od Mrs. ElfiOtteof Xolesworth, were obeer the boys on, g The Strongest and Best ,,,esta OfMr. and fdrs, R okmier during 13 217 - 2A 27 DEATEI -The death occurred at New holidays, Giants -1 I S 0 11 0 2 1 2-13 Boy's Waggon made. LiskiNard on Saturday, QLIN.Tm; Base Ballteamexpect to go (jubs 0 0 Xav 22nd,.�f to F riday of this week, to play In the afternoon the Citizens Ban Abraham Wyatt, ag-d 59, years, He an B'yt" . d had been suffering , , exhibition game with the well. formedup on lheAlaikjiStreetand after We never saw 'its eq'tTal.- - for some time With. known"nine of that town. several cancer which resulted in We death. Selections marched L) the park where they discoursed music during FuneralwosheldatNew Lislwardon A'srbort thneago Mr. A. licioper add'. thi- day. Pot, the Citizens Br,nd clip 9013dRY- Mr- Wyatt Vns a former e4 to his business thesewing niachirre ageuC the fligh8choola of Wingbam, Sea - resident qf Clintbil, having lived here y and has placed the machines forth and Clinton wer.erepresented and �om& fourteen years ago. Helamson- it, Mr, W. Waikers Furniture store Clinton drawing the bye, ,,, worv" I, Wo D. Fair 0,00 In-lAW of Mrs. Jas. Routledge, of Olin- for 1 . aspection. 113 ton, Ing tealias lined uF to Play game of bo, the first DxwxG the ball game, Monday Foot Dal. T game was. A, 0- U. W. PICNIC- A picnic and number of foul balli fell into the, 1 4 slow and unintetvating and neither vtvdr,�r, the auspice$ of of Mr. Carter back of the park; 'The - ayed. Combination. Before OFTEN THE CHEAPEST dernoustration 'team PI time waa up Witigharri wits lucky to the Ancient Order of United Work� boys are very grateful to him'l*or kind. secure men, is announced for June 16,in Lon- ly throwing back the 1:rallsf 4d wish a goula-rid thus win the g%tpe. ALWAYS THE BEST don. Over jo,000 Workmen McZ wan wits the refe I I are ex. heveby to thank him. ree. Fol OW Jug peoted to b attendance. Special is the line up - trains will be run from all oarts of r LEFT OVE a To NEXT W EEK — Wingham Ontarin and the gathering peomiqes to Owing to the crowded condition of our Seaforths beauniqueorie. Cl'ntQuA'O..'V.W. colullins.this week. we are compelled J-0 Workman g0a:1 W D61lertv P Aichwarij j backs of Utirrie no dotjbl5 will attend th'Is Outing arid to hold over imill next e th&�epqrt Clinton citizens generallyaro welcome West Wiroit Teachers' Association V.0 McCormick to the reduced rates. V% hich J Weir ad we have in type. . 6-V V Aikenhle The Wh.ftnC,!y, OPugh h backs A Johnston ANOTHER WIN — Norman Me- - Mr8'F, W, 'Watts,'' Institute dele- W Linklater) 3 Dickson 130111�411 -Who has been doing good dog tour R Scott. gate StR11ted out -on her lectai R Strackhouse centre work at middle distance races during this Week., She Will be absent until W McLean). Waggor, JuDick 8electing I . 1'. the last 00uple of years abotO the middle of July. The division . R bj(-Ker$Ic I r Wing, f,.W.Rtbbardson has anoth� feather In. his bonnet. er assigned her takes I n North' �nd C Prootor he 'jr�-)urneyed th Wiiterloo, South Wellington, I WIng it,, ls, on the rozid acrain and to Stratford ontRondi.xy, the 24tb, and Son AX�Xersic; ' (R Small Partloi0aited in lie 19tratfordSt. Marys INTOA th York and Peel Counties. will be pleased"-' The first lea�lle match in, tfie Ferth Wedding to call road race, winning out, from a field. of Abappy com I pany , eon , sisting of Mrs. Huron Base Ball League. was played fl fteen runners. His time was 124.30 d r the home at your place with for thq.4istance of I And the Misses Southcombe, Miss Hitd. �etwe4n Blyth. an to be able form 32 miles, He seem.�. (10,, Visit team. k, Mr. Gen. Price and family, Misi; The or$ 'went to bat first but. akethe best go. some. Ranisherd and.Afr. W. H. RpIly4r and retired in order white Clinton was able 100 lbs Redpa The prize was a fine SilveL 04p and a. farnily; spent'tbe 1�4th at, the co fort- to secure two ' t1t granubitet Gold Watch, -Last year in the saille- runs.intheir-jorling4 and Gif t 8-ligar.for.4!1.74 in 80. able ho � Is 0 eventile wOhAn 135.1 James and Mrs. South- four in the second. bul' received the combe, Z61lott, A delightful day was whitewash.brush for -th6.'next four 'Perit' .. . .. . . ihningq . - Blyth.,in%.the Pineapples (large size). TO NtQRr-8- BAND CONCERT. L third, Necured Is a poser for per dozeit $1.45 Thefollowing is the programme to be I PROPERTY SALE—Thecotta run And in the �ouOth 2 rims; blanked ge on the. fifth and tied the score in the sixth' given Thur.4d,Ly, (to -night), weatberr, Rattenhury St.. which wA sei p .. I . a occupied Dtired 4nothee in the 7thi but retired many r.uzzled Ndvel Orange ermitting:— . .. . . .1. 1 . by Mr. it. �,. xoore� has been piirch�s_ 'Tile S 30C upwards &A by S in order the last two innings. -March - Pratt, pri.ce being $725. Air. borne team secured the lead again in Canadian Medley Ijaugh P40 at'present !nWInbipeg where the half of the, seventh and to make it Two -Step O&Pt Will!O Brown Remick ore f4t people. Fresli Fisil be. has a goo lion Mrs. Moor6 is' Safe. stored up another in A"he' 8th, Wednesdays and Fridays. Waltz Drearnof.-SpricgRockwell ppepaij6g tol Po6i th c6urse The errors were - numerous and bad Pardon the suo-- I -lit' Ulty Swell move ere in the Z) ermezzo Veilson of a week or so..' throwing wits to b6'seen often during gestion that our Ararch * Mission Mitler I ne game.. 1wrle WAltz. Sweetheart ddys Reinick T"`- DwIL'A for,the home team nX.x I. PXAI�N.O Two,Step ORGAN'.CO.. did'the heavy hitting of the divy,secur. judgement and ex- Wedding Oaks ' Neilson Limited through the localrepre'senta.; Ing a three unse hit, � and - two, 2 base Overture UOlumbine � - - Southwell tive Mr. Wesley Walker-recentiv su - hits Mare4 Our Director , ja�igejow i0d to our Popular je Which b"Ouglit fourth loud ap- perience may be of W. T. VNEIL, Cak�-Falk Aunt utioles weler Mr W. ausiN foz! tile pppetat6rs. Lfinpire Phone 48 beautiful -style Lcul8-1xv 0or"n,oEWingbarlj, hada, busy some aid. piano in figuied wainut. e ing - - - .1 -his Popular piano- appears 61se-! what he considered faii Ood Saveth Ki A Line draw- day Pleasing both �iides, hut he. did THE RU Ing of t B GROCER.. where in this issue andjust. The Presents of Sil'_ DEATH.— The following re and intendirig pur- lin fers, to eup. was a fo.lows;, all uncle Of the'Alisses R-.idd� of Olin. phasers are invited to. examide thrlu instrufnents at the factork warokooms lyth ver, Cul. Glass, Art ton.—The death occurred oil April or. 'B' a 0 Clinton .90 15th, at the home of his dau At th6 sale parlors of Mr. Walker. �>rter 2 b 1 3 n,rohnstOa I ghter Mrs. goods, and Cftina J i- H. Tilal ey. Spokane-, Wasti, of John :LAID TO REST.—The re' W, Watson r f I I L.Kerr 3 b T4DRONT0 MRRKETS.' in his 78 year. rl ma][19 'Of, P Somers I b & c 0 2 W 211cComiell s s Mr Art tbj late M- rs. Owens, arrived firom. -R turns 2 b & I'b 0-3 T UaNvkjns 0 are always in order. strong will be Well and favorably re Yfa-)Iewood, N.J.,lit nbon-last br'dayl b BuOlaAnAn I f 2 8 N%T parleyV 1 1 2 a Emardillene f 2 2 P Couch df HoGs—The present week * sees still membered by the old -tiluers of this nd the funeral tbok place- fromi the B AloArter 3 f & 0 3 A Alexandbr, 2 b 3. another advance on the record Priices vicinity,'baving come to the�Base Line bome6f Mrs4. if. Combe, deceased's C T&Zn&n 1) it" 3 b I 3-jil.fvlo. 6 0 .,-Styles and Prices of a week ago fbr liVe hogs..'The sira- 1170111 jVermanagh Co., Ireland, when sister, Ratten bury St, i Saturday after- A Ccblllbs S 6 Bw atiuri is one without a p eleven years of 0 2 GGudillundsonyfo.3 eeeedent in age an&. living heie, noon, Rev. Mr, Gunne officiating. In- . . . . — . . . �! .. .. --- right. thiscouLtry. This week"iye ll.oprs are until the year 1879, When lie moved torment was made in the family plot 727 quoted at..$7.75f. o. b., -$8," fdU and with his family to Manitoba. He v as, Clinton"El 4 . -0 0 - 0 L) watered At Toronto, and - $8.20 off cars , faithful and cousistea in Clinton dew0tery. The pall bearers B, t' member yth —0 0 1 2 0 3" 1 0 0�7 at Toronto, the Methodist Church until ihe time of W&e Raftenburv, H. T. Rance. E. The final foot6all . gam6 Of the day death. He is ofirvived" by. six dall h M.' McLean, A', AleGarva, G. MeTag- was betwe6ij Clinjon and' Winghatil, gal?t and E. R. *De*art. 'Mr.:Alfred' CATTLE --The export trade appears ters, Mts.`O.' 1.' Disney, 1-johnefield, b Thi� *as-.& befter Rame,than. -the. to be still encouraging, and - choice ex- M4nit6ba,`Mrs.,R. Cross trens, of New York, and M18-8.131wma, and the teams seemed to try ' first port steers of I good -kind, and well, Til�le SpokAne.,W4sh,.itndMr8'.f-H- 0 son a.ud � da and play .rs J, Rooke,' ughter coinbinatiou. Astbehome bo rushed the 9%nie" abd soon, -the way 'fioM, $0 to' 'Grit-nWorker, B- 0 ' Mrs: Re v. Dr. Rid-' *voo' accam- fresh, th6V ys were Of Maple' finished, sold all Of th of this 10,25 While animals of, pani e sul'ject ainS to notte Wo no M 11pp medi�um to'Abli, EdinolAou 'Xitai M rs.'-Rev. NVib. ed the rem blintM. scored joAl and repo0ed before thij. lie good kind sold at from. $5.25 to $5,75.. Hoskitis, OhQa�j, Waab,- and.two som., HORSE, BADLY fin I W11 istle -arrd *i7oh the cup %Vibg There appears to be little & 1bt Tohn.'of Oalifo Tuesdiy a urand' rnia an& Gordon, 'of afternoon while afti., '.W bam Collegiata� has leagonst6 be prM. I export at present,, and thlisil � are FlUker was ows t, d'monton '41fa , The remains - were working. on -J, W. � .Elliays farni. in th jeweler - Optician I 'j of theii teatri in the manner. in which absorbed as butcher stock, at export -taken t6 Kil ey prices.. Export bulls larney,�.Manitoba, an'd If'-. GoderichTp., one., of - Hie horses met, t wO games in one e They� lined up the same as are, quoted at $1 terted by theside of his V.1 W.ho pre rnplayed. tile 't CLINTON, ONT I af oon to fd with a, nasty iiecident. Hewas harrow. in .$4.40 Chdice butcher outtle' of good decease'd him twelve vears, Ing, With a team frnm , tbefiesi larid. Ofinton!s Players Mr. 1311ioteg MENwer ohii. T HURON WOMEN$ INS,,, s harness son, W. Manning,, half backs, 0. Copp, .5.75 p -r owt., VV_liS field tbotearng�oftangledffith bough t As hig4 as $ , . I were:—Goal, 1); Ross, weight �nd finish, and' exPbrb..quaILty' livery. On tuining at the end 6f the Backs, B� J and for choice btiticher stocl,*gs. high -as `�C UTE — District Annual meet! 'and struggling to getout, Theballrows E' Mustard, *D, COCIrtice; wings, 11A), $5.9.5 to $5.75 per cwt., And.for choice ng of. butcher stock as high as . $5.25 t $5 75' ''West Etuviin Women's Instl6ute was were o"t-ttirned And -one ef tile team Cameron ic D.' 0 0,.0 held in the 0.. 0. F. Hall, Clinton,'On W.4s thrown -nn 3was"'te, W, S -'Smillie, - F. MoXenzie� QiDtOn Market Report. 1 was paid. it, being b t; It Stewart, F, was due to Mr. Fluker's -a"'y cu that Chant of the Y... A. was referee. Corrostnd every ThurRdar afternoon VridayrMay2lat. 1009-cominencingat efforts SIrEEP—Expo teWesare. at� 1.0 o'clock a. m Threre was ti fair rep-, more serions' Injury was not done.. It eks and cul re� , the. horse will be in Igar Trio, Wheat (new) .......... 1 25 to 1 25 tsLapcpected thar GOOT) CONCERT.—The-ti M 25- to 0.75, bur ailoatte$41 50 senbatiOb fPonItbedifferentb&nches at theLTown Ball, CliLatoll, Alay 24th, ...... ......... 0 50 to throughout the district, The reports (,at" F- w) ............ 0 40 to 0 43 to $4.50, grain fed Yearlilag lambs . good trir4 as usual in a few weeks. delighted the Audience with their B."Y'l 52 $5 to $6, and spring latubs at$8 . .50 to of the officeri were giveil and proyed P... I - a .... .. ........ 0 82 to 0 86 1 $6 each. very encouraging. , Newbrauel GOING OUTOFBUSIINES evOral numbers.. This organization Eggs ...... ....... . 0 17 to 0 IS been organized leshave S,--a-Mueb of talented young ladies, is one that "s tiler more . thei during the yearand surprise and regret will be felt When it We will alwAys be pleased to have Butter ....... ...... * There is a ra . 015 to 0 ]a moderate de nem bership� and finances are b6th *is known that J. %V. Newcombe2s Dry, with us again.- Their irlord'wpre the Hogs ............... 7 50 to 7 50 li0ery of hoises on the Goods Store will pass out of existence Chickens, dry picked, lb (, 12 to 0 13 Toronto ma far in advance of last year. So beat we have. ever hAd in, Clinto' I , rket owing to the fact*fbat was spent in discits6ing other me time shortly.' , It has been. expec . u. Ducke, per lb .......... 0 14 to farmers. have been verybusy at home.. tive branches alA In laying prospec- some time. that Mr. * Nowc ted for Misi L, Katrine. Stutchbury, soprano Gaese 1, 0 15 0 11 too 15 plans for om be lWould soloist, i-endered her -solos ill very fine ........ Prices for last'*,mck are still current the,finaricial year the Instittite j 8 go into business voice. The."A Turkeys .. ......... and drafters sell at froti) $ISO- to As u t . in a larger place with I . I I rabs' Fareweiv, and the 0 IS too 20 4220, enierink. A 'union . picnic was also a broader fle:d for his enterprise tban 11 Oreol(i Love Song Potatoes per bag ...... 0 oo too 60 ex press horses up to $200, And drivers favored -but. 'definite arrangements -ed here.: -He has shown him- ed. Miss Stutchbury's singing. will Apples. dried .......... 0 0 to 0 5 up to $185. Is bffei werewell receiv. could not be made at the present time. self t?) be' possessed of that husIn0s9 ldng be remembered in Clint After other businesi; had been tran. forgight ' Which makes a successful. bus. I on. ?4isa -sactedr�tbe election of officers took mesg,�Jraa COnstincO-Vditch's piano sold Place With result as f011b*9: President . n and that be will make good gariall Raphgody,,s drew froj� the e:! In his: new -field, V Ort William .�a goes dellent Doherty Piano used, a number Mrs W. Jenkins, 1-1olluesville,, Vice without, saying. Wewishhhu success which has rarely been --equalled here* Pres-, Mrs. W. Swanson,'Goderich-, ill ilia netv fieldo deeply regretting, to Miss Marie Smith, Violinist, Soc'y Treas,, Dire F. W. Watts, Olin. lose one.of our foremost businesS men ' was Well tor);Anditots,ble'sdarnes, L. -Tebbutt ftom, .0il0ton. reoeived, and her numbers were well. UP to the mark, Miss Patricia, X. and VA Hall. District directors, 1dieff Brazill, mandolinist, gave 6 Reflodo' Oxfords Salkeld, Goderich; Mrs, jilo.. Wilson, REV. PROV4- GREGG 'GONE T ) Ome excel 4 HIS - RE NAR D— ( lent Solos on the mandolin. Miss Wednesday of this Wingbaln; Mrs. Peffers. tondeaboro, week, Rev. Prof. Win, Gregg, D. - D., Witch, as celloist, delighted the Airs. L. Tebbutt, Hofinesville,, Mrs-, T. audience with her "Reverie" i by ]Kearns, Clinton, of No. 3, Washinglion Ave., Toronto, Raft, fo P W 0'' E, Mrs. Ashley. Insti- , was called away to his reward having Qe tute delegate,was then introduced and IQ reatbed the royal. age. of: nearly 02 gave a short though much appreciated years. Pneumonia Was A -meeting of the Boys' the cause ol -Association talk after whicli the meeting was &d- his demisp. Deceased was the father' Will be held in, the Coutidil Chamber i t Are quite the prettiest combinationi of journed till -2.15 p.m. At theaf ternoon Friday evening, at 8.3o,- JPvery inem, . . I session Mrs. Linklater of Wingham, of Mrs' (Re'v-) Stewart Of OlirltOnt who Style and Comf galire, a carefully. prepared will be a large sharer In the sympathy beris requested to be preiene.,. ort made. They .- make- papet on of the pen le of this Ocality lit her WBI)NESDAYevehing. of next week,. FOrMablOn of character in hdine train - the foot look ;,of childkeb�' Manyexcellent points 800OW. - Tlln4ral Will take place, rjrj-� a Moving Picture ShOwwill be given petite and daint but ''not' were brought forth, the Paper as d day afternoon at 3 olelock. *Proli, � in the Town Ball, at which the Buistis. yj whole, being verylielpful, Gre gsi§rvedtbO'PresbytierianChutich Johnson Pugilistic encounter will be at the sacrifice Of crkished toes Goderieb, then fav Mrs.,Olark talt9fully and Successfully for About 50 on and oved the Audience years as a Pastor and was Prof. in 0 Of the chief parts of the propram, With a reading 6n "ChOethilness" n I �A fine Uaby A*- I-. . -1 nOx Olege, Toronto, for years. He home Of -Mr. ind Mrs. Lorne squeezed inste They do. 'it artfuM *ulon contained a. great deal Of good Was a big hearted, kindly mAn with P5 r arr ve y advice Well worth following. 'Mrs.. lenzil e" �hu.rs_ ay 0 e R' V r 4; s R Asbley'wag,jhen called on and,aggin bost of friends whose frigrant.life will a w eek� and they fit s9entifically, -ask an'y Re-,' delighted tile Audieno6*ibh a'wasterly tong-boyerneinbered. a rews thl 'Wil, Is M? milt er th; d �,Of t( rand addresiou' dWomanis. Mork from a NOBLE —11ILL- �NVVT'IALS.— The young ad lin�o wearer and go by What.9h. broad'vieW -Wnt." Those, who had say residence of Mrs, H. ji'll, Wellington I the I U i; v this able Street -1— ­ Z g ill. . I %� 0 Si or Nerve -ease Rubber, heel cushions' in Address should be better and move quiet Wedding on Weftvadas,, evening hol fill in future, Tbe.Prpsiaent then at� seven o'clock, when her dau Int P jhter, every pair. roduced t4l�e �jecb of"P40 W, bite I Q1-_ In­xt _!!q , Mies MArVariat, hAedrnp the r f& -if We haire the sole Agency in' 41ill"ton. Our'Onstom and Repair Department, under Mr. Derry and Mr, Wilken is giving groat satisfaction, All Work lone, Promptly and skilfully c is TOVIRS FOR T111S BERIf 1008811111V SIDUVIC10, Ft, ed ..__j_._..ftck- ..... s. ;1-_-.,.. I . . 0 to aaavewraqle. Auwas also re, ;a request Peroll0iOlitotiffiliate her boaleff in an -earnest on. to J§Up tile evils 'of this ,Orr8,, t 10, Little Idiss Donna and tben sang it. solo very , A:V()te of thanks wits ton er. Ashley for her ver� abl tt - [so to the members of the ,40 iige'of Ch6irliay.- T!' e'e'-tf' d by singing the le�, n Nit Iffuron 0, Ve)?Y becoming cream dreras, The ceremoqover, the guests, bein only the relativ68 And most in FrIonds ot the eon ej bat down to a, dAluty Wedding Zrnlner, After which the bappy cou let for -the roomto home. M as Hill t P110 13 A very popufar young lady, the Many Presents received being testi. on to tile fact and the grorill is, one young.fAriner Rullott. Their Many friends Zis%fl them Many Years Of happiness and the Nsiv ERA joins In conkrAtulations. I P a Toronto, olit, With Webty-t*6 Years' dxvorldnq to Its credit this aoll6ge Ja keeognized. as the greatest OtaCdCal Uall!C[319' 801101 In Wost6ru onts,klo, 'Sh"tUr"141 AAA Telegraphy, 0ur 01689611 Are the l&rgostv dur oottesos tri0st Praptical and Out instruction ex. Mtleftccd. Our gradilates naNistda to POSMOng Slid Anftlobd as none othorg, rullterbew. Got bur free astalogne, Address W� H, SJJAW, pres. 1190 and Gellrhra ft., Toronto, MAY 27th, 19" 10U401F .=L�ieaniwng Season I Is here, or win bi� in a few days, You will need a new Carpet or Rog, a few pairs of Cur- .1MINtains, - 'orr a new m.le of Linoleutu piece' or Oilcloth to help brighten, up, your hotns-. Now and herc is the- P14ce to buy them, where thc selection is largc and prices as reason- able as po,ssible, for depezidable goods. Wesdll sathfaction, as well as Carpet.s. We would rather miss a sale than kive you -something taferior, and because of that, we bandle only such m- kes a s we can thorough- ly recomituend. Come in . and seer our range of Wool Ingralm in . two and three- " 1; -­ 0 ply, Taptstr `­ Rugs and y and Brussels Carpets_, Linoleu MSP S_ pecial in Lacem Curtains 50 pairs new Lace Curtains, in a range of fine designs,, and every one new �and pretty, fine, mesh and t . aped. all around, a kood wearing quality'and will stand the tub a'fid sun as well as- much, bigher priced desi is. The only reason .,for this deep cut is. overastooked at -.this oue.price. Don't rniss this.6hance, price. $1-50' ..'-Saturd-ay on . 15r S f4p.20 Special Sa* le OF. 'Sprin. Coat 91 .. �s Ladies'..short and three - quarter lenith !!�Pfing�-Cbats, in fawn and black' and two- tone fawn 'stripes, ift the'ver ne Y. West de Every Co, at signs. n.ew this Sprin, - All 9. sizes. Keg. �5.,t.00, �un� til �hey are. all'dispos�-. e of d the price will be $6, 7 Don't miss,. this chance "he 7h. HIS C New d rhi is ;0 i -Prints oslery� -M a trade'ml'�, -rk nd a 'stands f6r, the',bes't in' T. black' Dress Goo s a'nds foi stylish- WMi ----st uchin' g ness, durability and: Wash 'Services. Ask to see their different lr�c&bs. D. acks JlEJlE ARE A -MY Of THEN. k9silda Volles. nd'.. Black Stri and ped� Volles. Armure Cloth, Hugepot Cloth.. Talletas. Shirtin 96, !Ne carry a 1"11 Assortment. 7 'Tole .13.1 Hoover. M1.610010 gal], OUY.That Metallic 06 ad ,now,- Throw away that old-ftshion- ed Wooden affaits that yod have had so long. Metallic beds 'tire just as soft to lie oil And decidedly More Sfylish. Besides they are rially Attraotiv:o, Ploceg of COMO -and nee how wide a ( %olce this Store Offora YOU, TOUL Will find that no matte0iow, little you WAnt tOXAgo OrhOw'Inuch, we have the be t at Will suit $Our Purse and pride, UND ORTAXth G 0 M