HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-05-27, Page 6PIP ;A � -r r . I I - i - 1 1,7 � # I I nw, *TW4 11'r-51 . . � I I I � --- . . 11-1-1._-1 ­ - - ON -W I III I III, 1! -- 1 � ; I. 11 I'll -11 ­ - � I - — . . _ 4 . I., ... III 4 I I I I 1:11:11�11 : ., . I � IF I . -.1-1 .- � I -01 � 1____-__- im 10 rm. ro-10 i to*" 0611*401im . - I - � - __ �, , I 11 . 1. I . __ _. . - . . 4 - __ - , a . You sW41t bo *04, AMERICAN CHILDREK � , - . . I __ I ____ I ­ -10 ii� . - `1 _� ­ - I ... owid I ., I - I . - I _-____1_1..-1- .1. ---1-1-1. I I I r � 1111 what W an lips � ' ' "� . . 'M J'U b-LOODLI Ott� 4*y,% lo4y wbo W b"a te - I-— I., I A ` "lulomporw- , m a E Sumn Y 't , y constanoo filaimpo 1.11 q : . . - I . I � - I W;.-qi - , . I I - - . in the careful luxury of the old-fash- to Sply Abo4d Thom .Ntllltii�illilth4piNfiffilloillofilowl*mwmj I " I; .. � , C I — � iontol 1�0$11* lime was invited to visit "I . 1`1 �, worill "o —.A.— , I I . Udy Coastwe ftwitrit We 11 . I . Lmm It — Second, Quarter, the kitchim of a grcat metropolitan W.. -111-1.1" . � I . tb* bd4UtM VXMIfthW9001111 So 411 , 11 I . - 110111 q A PERFECII, SAX= �For May $0, 190. hotel, She wanted to go, but was thig country cWgting go, little, PW W � I I I . A7 " note the little arrews � I I . I . afraid. When asked why; she re0lied, comment by giving Qroc*u dalWes to I . .. . . ��� . � from, fire—the divided -One .. � 11 "I'm afraid r1l see something that Will New tA . a . , yorkle mocially el"t for her - . , . �. .Nov bftaft md OUlAren.' ,o,n,ovel�,.top�,--th4t,;zi�tAxis THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES. forever oitstroy my, appetite. for hotel TQrItO ch4rItiev, 11014% 4ectilied views- � ....IRIIIIIII, I - .. -1.11. . I : . , . ro _... __­­ 1-w ''' ' ' .1�1 I - yen is - .- I I food." She went, and found ,every- about the wgy American chIldren are , that the front of 4, . 11 �� - - . . 7 .. . I . . treated. ­ $ 1 1. I heated x1t wel I . I fflE I 11 � Text of the Lessont Jos. lir, 14-2& thing delightfully clean. ' ' ' in the trot place, obe thinks there is = The �Kind You Have., - WM4 W4,11 show you soy � . I I 11, .­­ I., Memory Verse 2"oldon, Text,, Jos. Good houpewives consider cleanli- no possible excuse for people Wh0 . - . � I � . ness and purity first of -all; that's by - . - �=_n �­ . t Xxoro fer-turoN 11, 20-Commentnry Prepared, by Rev. , have money bringing up children In , - ___ � I . . -, . I �. Quaker Oats is their choice amottw -1 � "41 ,.�,.,_ ,,,!L1;1LL4=1"­ T"� . Aiways Bought - I . - . - � - 9 all cities. she,al,aintainis that the country 11 . , .1 . 14. M,. Stearns. . � eals. In making Quaker Oats tbi� . , flork1brAls- . _. I oatm I r is tile place for children, not the city, � XX7 - (Clop,yright, 200, by Aniedcan Press AWd&tloA.l grain is .siftod Regulla- � I . - I i1i I -1 awd, resiftcot,. passing where, they. Are continually under the I 'through more than fifty prlio'ctsses of strain of being told not to do things. a Bears -the, I I . ! I I IDAVIS & DI%,Af ) LAWDIt Xn. our last lesson We, had n good Ad- 13owe. a � I I 1. Sole agents. I Clinton, ()nt. d a from James at the, council of It , Ia. bad for them mentally as well . I 0 I I -,-..'-_-i. . __I -1 . . . . . I � - � I .. . I rels . cleaning before it is .cooked and rolled. � - r. � I Jerusalem, a wise au4 practical talk A$ physically, she thinko, and results . . .. 0 � 1�11 ,.i, ., - ii _.'' i ." ., "..., 1___ . . — . . . . If you took a, handful � of oats and -_ a - - -I -- . . I ' of nervous, high strung . I Siomeloture � . . . ,on an Important subJect, Now we are I In a generation . g —4 - . . � 11101114- scrubbed and -polished and wiped each - Z=rl .. . . ' A MAP $102NALMAN. � children, who will never do auythlng.� lPrnTn-- V%estlo%Mwe ful- I I . 1� � ,. . , ., Mo _r l to have two lessons from his ebtstle. that I they are told to and who scream P-Mvioles . ... . . am p,litects safe From Kotiotirw� separate grain, it wouldift then be 1. � Th.0 gre . Is There are no contradictions In the nearly as clean as Quaker Oats. No i1lesS,sWRest.0oRtain5 ae4ftr . , gat vault of the National City British sailor Goe's Crazy and Cause and shriek when they'are a little hurt. � I I -m- 11inaral ; Of I . .. , I . .1. . Scriptures, tor the one Holy spirit I � 0 bin _ -6 � - � � J�aoik in Wall street, New York.m4de, � - human hand ever touches a single - it I . pixim, orp , e Wr I I . Trouble, . .9. a little -comforting to find some . � � PQO� tOva ens of flre- . . wrote the whole book, and He cannot I JJOT XA3RC OTIC. . I . , , ,�4 4 of steol and 75 t ,rt of . . . . . rotected ,Against A few days� age news leaked out Of contradict Himself. tf the writers (t6 , grain of Quaker Oats from.the field one who sets down At least a pa � . . prooftg cenaent, is pi . . caused is to to your kitchen. The best advice on the Inex . plicable vagaries of the Amer- ..*.--.-"— . 1. 0 `:� invosiori by a Unique By. incident which human aW.ncles) seem not QUI, .­ I . 5 - I . � - well as the . . tem. 0 steam a strange cation among the ves. . f f . Oods you could bave is., Eat Quaker lean child to nervousness caused by I . I J � , pip_e4, as raore ordinary much. mystill aTiUg the agree, It Is because they are talking o . -the complexities of city life and not, ja,%m #,'VU.Z1­XW=F== � . I ; me,thods, All around the rule, with- oels of the Channel Fleet, 41 � different lUats every morning -for breakfast, Jim fm S014- , .. . . , 1. - ay. . aspects of the same topic. . I as is usually the case, to bad bringing - ,4 I . . . � � And without, are brass. �ipes so receint, visit to Torb, I . .11 14 - I s notice During. the w6eL-end a. signallilan Paul and Peter and James and,Jolm You'll find Quaker .Oats put nip in . up or 4owuright viciousness. There JUX-va - - � . arranged that At a morniOnt' I - are Ili I two si , size and 1 X&46 seod # I I % �� terior And its . approaches cait. on board, the� t1iird-class cruiser Dia, , perfect accord. on salvation by ze packages, the regular can, be- little doubt that there Is Some . I 1: n * I � I I I th . � 2=61'��#. . . ,. , I . .. 0 in soaldixig, suffo- nly went mad. He sent� faith alone, then good -works or a con- the � large, f4mily size for those who truth in thb theory. The modern I . . I converted into 4 , I*m , 1.)e' I - the all sorts of qi4cer and incomprehoen- sistent life as the evidence of faith be- are not convenient to the ,store. ' The � ._Aed - I I ? L I I q4ting death pit. The purpose 0 . apartment. or crowded city lot, 'with Its I " : , � at'sta pip" is. not BID much to pro- Bible xnes.sage'from the A to otlier 14 fore men #n4 then the glory and the . large packa .e Ity to automobiles and OA�X;t ­ I L. I , I . be I I I . ge contains a piece of. ,clor., proxim .- lie ., ve.9i3els in the fivot. The 19i'max was . * I f, � tect the vaUlt from burglars as ftorn ented signal. reward . according. to- our works, In , . riqt$, BhoWd such ever occur; and reached -when the dem handsome china for the table, Qu4ker street cars and other dangers for e.hil I I I . James, outside the lessou:fier today, sed dren, r . . , t � ant stream 0 or . I I . 1. . A 1. � ,esults In a con% . P t I I I . man threw overboard the lead ,casket Oats is one of C prod, , - ., employs$ of, the itMning the'con- the De* birth by the word of God, as - , anada!3 greatest . . on, Sour to I iaric ea. � , , ,even Wough all the holding the book cor, I . prohibitions for the child, The abno . , - ! I . � I �, b"k should lie compelled to flee be- fi ential signalling code. lie was ;At plainly ,as LPeter or .John .put It, in Ucts, I/ . -_ - phere is by far too tense. . I I I 1CP Isio rish � � � .. fore the doors of the safe could her ol Urider arrest. I cli . apter 1, I$. See the kingdom and - ''I , .. . � . Another wrong that, In tho opinion S and oss OF I V. I I I For Over .I. 01.1ce placed . . � � . ­ I I.. I Iii,e,,: closed the steam could be turned on � In the usual course the fleek took the coming of Christ In chapters it, 5; . . I of Lady Constance, Is meted out to the � ii I � I ''I -11 . ' . . The oldest Mason. Tac;Sinilk Signature of �� � lDy any one initiated. The result its departure from Torbay� to Port- VII 7, 8. But the burden of James' lotter city child is the way In Which he 14 .. . �� . , I - I I would be that no one could withstand. itimond TMairied be- Us late Sir Jamd% Robert Gowan dragged around by the arm b I I a,/, ff-,A—V-W, �. tor" an instant the death dealf land, but the D � the fem Is the second aspect of salvation, the Senator, was the oldest Canadiad in-' y a nurse., '_ . -Thirt .Year,$. - i i . . � . lig hind to look- for tho lost book bearing And the doing to tho glory of . This, too Is bad for. a� child mentally' WEW 'Y4DIRK. y . I � lAaet. I pvery of which was a matter of much . ittated Mason in Canada, be. having I � - - — i I . . I � . . . . inip re- God because we, ate -saved. � � . as well as-pby�lcally, as you can read- '. iiii�i��Iiiii . I � Q____ r- " .ortance. With the Diamond The first verse in our lesson asks joined St. Andrew's, L o ol 'aot' Toronto, Ily see It you stop ,to imagine the ti:nw . I � . I �� ,:� I surti Al- . on July' 3, 1840, so th the time � I I l 11111,111ed the boittlq��Jijp Swifus - at � -, clor I 11,� , J;V " Ll tliotigh a heavy -oa was running in what; beliefit can, there be In a faith of his death he had been- a member pression It would make on Your, own . . � 1#711 a , L " :. I n the bay, - divera from tho, two ship'n, that'is a mer� "say so" or word of nervous system should some 0taut get . - -11 . G"T . , . of the lodge for -nearly 69 years. A . . 1. I ; �, . were. down all.dLt.v on Sunday soarch-, mouth. See how strong John Is on memorial has been piiblished, by St, y n and and drag -you along . rXAo',T COPY Up VRAM% I 11 in - missiiig bux, but . wWfout that polut: "He that S[0th I know Andrew's 'Lodge, giving a portrait of faster than you Could go, Sometimes r I . CAa I . ' el . CIS a A re.sult - . . . . .. Illm I and keepeth not His command- the lat., Senator and an appreciation almost lifting you from the ground s6. I I THE CENTAUR COMPANY. R=W YORK CrrY. . � � I - . On ihe foilouing IvIanday the Com- I ments is.%. ]far." "It'a man say I love -at his 11fe and rthartw,ter. - - , . - that Much of your weig � lit came :.011 . i . . 7 1 . meets. you half -w y -does . nionlypalti, - gtt�alnod, roiiiid to- Torbay, God anA hateth his brother be'Is a I - . that one arm. I -1 . I I .� � . � I � 11 . with divers'"collected from other shilm "111wral Iliniment, eureii 01phowiria. . - I Fortun tely there . .. . . ". - .1, all your work in half tile I of the fteet, and operations 'were re- liar" -.(I John, 11, 4; tv, 20). The -same �� I . . � '' . . A are no. giants In . I � - I i - - — I" L . me if you follow directions. , . . large scale� These were teaching is ia. Isa. xxix, 1�; Hzek. . . I . . the shape of nurses who tag us aratind ­ ­ I'll, .. - ­ I,----.---- �- -_ � - - - ... ti sumed on. a of Qommander I I . Cause of Gray Hair. 6 erlagtingly and tell U9 it, half a. dozen . . � I . I ,, . uholer-tlia dire6tion- - , xx--Itl, 31, and from our Lord Himself I . Nothing. will make the hair tutu v , � . Sunlight Soal-absolutely Carver, of the.Svii-iftsure, Who himself * In ,Matt..xy, S. Behold the Divine . ' times that We. can't do soliiethin and . . . � $L50 ROUND IRIP, .$1,00 ONE WAY I r . I Towards , gray so 4ulckly'as the -absence of oil. . . ' � . 9 . I I . . j. went down in diving gear � Chen finally let iii do It. If therewere.. .. I �. I . ,. . .. . pure -saves clothes from in. � , Ity of Scripture. No amen I Dust will also do it, which mearks'that . . - - Baggage Free. . 11 I .. evening the missing -box, was found un , Childruit Half Fare . I jury -hands from roughness- . I $ I -water by TO)r, I "Say BOB'; can save tiny One. 1t; Is the hair should'be carefully sham- we would all be looking, up I the price . I . . . I .. . , ,cry. -1 in even,fatliorris 0 . � . 44 wtth the heart that man biclieveth ' . of rooms at a sanitarium. . . I I I . . GODERIeR TO 'DETIROIT � I . life from drudg -Instru tor Dawo. - , . � � yoodd once a month. , ,. . � I . .. . . I . , .1 . . Jl .",� ... , pedo 0 1 1 . . I � I unto , rl * I . I I �il� I . .� I I Like all' veceptacles in which con- ghteousness" (R X, � 10). It the dryness is habitual It Is easily ' I : I ,a U. . . . . . I 1. 2- . . so' � I?- - I off A MINISTER'S GRATITUDE.- ' , �'SATURD . I une- 19. ' . 1. . . fidential coLlps are Icept, the box is Mere talk'wIll never tee ngr clothe offset by the weekly use. of a good . I . � - . � I . - I.AF& A .9 % . . . I �. I - I . r I robbed Into'thd Scalp. . . . . , . . . . I ghted with' I 10,41 'and Perforated any one;tfie I says, "Let us � I '. I . . . . .wei . I ' .wh1oh:d6- , ; - . , . - THE . . . I with holds to ensure. its sinking on ,Buk Cur0d n. Face Sore .. I � . -e in word, nor In tozigue, but In. ,00ts of Zam. . . � .. .1T1rNERARY.0F I . . . . . Wwa 01"60 , not lov This nourishes the i the hair I . I , . ' . . . . . fled all otlipr Remedlee, for � . . , L . . , . being thrown ovexboard,, the -final di- deed and In fiuth."'.A. living faith must in. - .. . * . . I . I - , � � . , . and k0pa the color �trong And -fir , . . . * . . ql . I . rection$ � to .,th6 cantaffi. it a ship is show itself in works, and, if there are � . ___________"1 . . . 1� . Two - Years : ,. . . I . I I I L. Eleveirith AnnuAl Excursion . . . I I .. . . I . . L I . , I �. . . . � ... . L .. . . . . I ' ,.- .. I - taken in aetion- being to throw the . .. orks as the evidence 'bef I ore in Minard's Xinhuent; cures (AargetIn 000, . . . I . � I . . . . . I . . I , . . .. L . 1. . 11 . . I . . I .. � . � 1. . I , I. si-nal'b6ok-and code into. the sea. lie W. . . . ell . � . . f . . . .. ' I . 0 � Rev -Charles B.. Stafford pf BrOge- I , . .. . I I � . � I I rih6. signal book was of subli; -.: at' of tbe faith we -profess to L have , then It I � . . . . . . . burig, . Ont,'o; says: - . I . ­ . �. .-I, - GODERICH—DETROIT . � :1 � L I . . . I important ' chdracter-, th# if it had ' Is, -as James sAys, a deadfalth, simply . . I To,� Import Deer. . . "I had been inuch troubled fot over � . . . �� .. 1 . I . I . . 1. .... . been Idst the wliole signalling- code a� paintg(i light from which no liglit; . I . . . . . . 1. . - . I I :1 L LL W.'Dod, representing the London 2y�arei with a sore onmyleft cheek. I , . L I . . L.. . . � . I ", , . . I of the navy .Mfould have had1l) be re' - proceeds. It Is to be feared that, many Zdplogical Gardens, has .left -V9AcOu- I tried All kinds of salves and lotions, * . .. I- I JVNE 1969 . . . ... . . . . I . I I ­ . have - . . . . I . L . ... . . . . I cast. - - - -. . � who Bar they. belle beilevej as he . i7er on an.exp6diiion to.captum white � but nothing I �rocuibdseem6d to . . . I . . ,� �. � ' L . . . � ve, t . . . . . . I . I �. I I . . . I I .. I. - ­ .L . � ld S' in the nbrtlr. All* the least bit of effect 4owardi; healing . .1. . .. . .� . . . . .- , rtly -the sore., .� Hearing of Zam-Buk, I Lde- . Steamer Gre�hound . I I . I demons do, that there Is a God a fl. bear cub Several sm L I I . , . I - The tender lea.yes of ,I, barmlb-;s Iung . isbhria' a�mer knowl- herds Of ]�ngliBh red deer.,will she , i L L . : . I . . .., I . �. . . � I I healing viountainong sbrub,. give, . to Saviour, Jesi . .. . I e I b0beding purpotisdi, rcidg.d to .give it a trial, and see if it ,. I L I. . . . : .. . I � ­ ­ edge of;the: facts .which. knowledge. be importdd for .. I . . I .1 . . . L . � . . - I Dr. Shoop's CO * dy its marve­ L . . ;ame, w6uld bring about a cure, aF so many I L. I. I . WHITE STAR LINE' 11 � . I ... ". " . I . ugh Reme roling, to the l3i C. provincial g I . . I I . . . � . . . . - . - n . . I . !, . I . . ' Ions cUirative proper, leb4-Tight tickling den. ­ . . . I .. . � .. t . � saves no one. It is the honest receptio 4`300 . " tchas I .. . . I I . other things had failed. I pu ed . . I . �L' LIVER COMPLAINT: or distressing cough -, quickly yield to of Chfist'tbat saves, for traly: to be-' .war I L �.. ,P 1. I iden §upply.and commenced with the treata-, , ====== . . . I 1. � I . I . . I . I . . � I I . 'Ti-ifty ye ago, says , Wa, . 'to . . I . � 11 . L �. . .. . . . I 11 I � . I 2). ." ent. , After several applications, .1 �: I , LF4VE DETROiT FOR GOD,MUCH .., . . I . 1, thdhealing soothing acition of this Rave ls'to receive him, (John 1; I � William, , . traheid of - one sti m y great Joy,. Z&m-B . uk � has effected L . . ' � � . - - . st r s a - ig and day, June 18th, 8 a.m, Central Time. ArriseGoderichil-30P.M. � - . � I .. Coujh Remedy. An I it is sn safe arid . . I . n New -�Nat for two years I tried'. in vain to ' . . , , . . . . The chief office of the liver is the secre splendid prescriptio a - Dr Shoop's Paul fieveli ' ated inore fully no six hi` ds were imported� into r 1, : , tion of bile, which in the n�tural reg�lator � Special Train leaves 064eilch for Clinton and Way Stations to Stratford I . . . more. simply. salvation by' faith Alone Zealimol from .the old country, The bring about -a complete 6ire." . . . . 11 , of the bowels. I good -for -children As well. Containing . . � . 11,30 p..m,, on arrival of steamer from Dloon4ht. Trip. . . . . . . .. I , I Whenever the liver becomes deranged, thart'James does in verse 23, where he,� *herd now .number* neaOY 3000. Oase after case could. be quoted in . . � i �' ne o inmi chlorofornio, or. -other' likielaaw . . . . � I . . . . . 1. I . I . , . . 1%. . and the bile ducts clogged, liver complaint i ful -Tlrugq, mothers should in safet� at- -affirms that Gbd Imputed'righteoutuess There is, no, reason �, why similar re- which, as in the above histance, Zaim- - - . , .. . I LEAVE GODERICH FOR DETROfr...- . . I . . I . I is produced, and is manifested by the.pre, I ways demand Dr. .Sho6p% If other ' to Abraham. beedme he bpheved. i This*.' .gults. -should n6i -be attained .. here. Buk, has Worked cures when:over.v- - ; . ,Saturday, June 19thi 9.,80 a. in,. Canada T(me,'stopping at i�orb Augon. I ... . I , : � . fence of constipation, pain under the right, .1remeilies are offered, tell them-Nol Be statement Is. first found In. Gen. x3r, 0, Our .6oa6t distrie't. is admirably'suit-dol . thing -else failed. There- is a reason foi � . . I . Arrive- at Detroit 6,00 p.m. I. I � I . .1 I . I . . . . I . , i your own .ddgol � Sol, 1. I . for. red'deer.�' . I .. . . (Sunday In Detroit, Toledo, FuWnuBay or Cleveland.) . . . .� '� shoulder, sallow complexion, yellow eyes - - I d by � all dej,lers. and is repeated three times In the New 11 . . . 'this. zarn-Bikkis the idealremedy be- .. ... �, ­ . .. I Z!�,. slimy-emted tongue and headache, heart.' - - ... . . . : I �. I cause of its unique Ingredients f6i'all I -_ - -_ . I 11. � b . : '.� . I ... I . -Rom . , . .,- . ' , . . . I . I . . . ... . I . ,.� urn undice, sour stomach, water brash I . Testament - Iv, 3; Gal. III, 6, and" . I � . A Spe�ial Excursion Train from Stratford tii�e morni of June 19bb, stop. `." ; 0 Ia . 0-1 . . . . . . . I skin, injuries and diseases. I , I ". catarrh of the stomach, etc I J . Tridiani, 'Are,'� Starving. � . . : . I . � 10 �� . . � here-Ahe Holy.-Spirlt by this fourfold ' -' ping at Mitchell. Dublini Seaforth, Clinton an golmeaville, �;. . . Miller's Worm Powders bure all MI- Away back in the days of theRoman , . . and arrive in Goderibit Sa. m. . . . � . . . .. Liver Com plaint may be eured by Reports received ift Edmonton from I repetition emphagiiing it most strong- - gladiators,. secret balins were used for . . � . . . . . . . I . . . '� � . , its of childien like magic. , Sold by, -June l9th, connects at ' I . r. rom wirkiliam, BoliWave, ete.,'take morning train, . . I - avoldig the above mentioned causes, keep- Fort Chippewyan state, that.'the past ly.- The phrase tised U Abraliam inen � ,., ; . � the healing. 6f'cuts and injuries,sus- - I I . .. . I . . 1. 1". � I I Only,. W . 8 R Rplmefg, .. - 1 . Cliziton. 40a� in., with Sp�cialTraln for Goderich. . . ' . I . " 11, *. 1* . I ing the bowels and arousing the. slug- winter- has been the most severe ox- "friend of'.God,11 -is found In two'othbi , . I '. . .. . � . I I tained,in the Arena and! in 'batbl;, .. I . 1. Also a Special rsion-Tratn from Guelph, Elmirs,etc., via C. V. R, , . �� . - .. I I "Int perienced i th for many I . . . -1 I . Then came a period during whic . Z�Illu . . I . . I I I � . gish liver with t. � grand liver. regu�lator, . . _n the far nor pi I . . F1 -ek- � . . . . - . . . . _11 . . aces�-11 Chron. xx 7; Isa. xll,, $- I � . __ . I . . . .. � � .. -years, and in some sections of the - ` . - ternal balms were neglected, follo*ed � FROM DETROIT RETURNING TO GODERICH - . . - �, -country starvation was only averted but.oee for ouf own benefit In this con- !, : Methodical Lloyd.-G.eorge. . .. - . I . . - �" I . %" I . I . , . � � I MLI.. by. a, period in whi6h all, the sidves and I .Leave Detroit Menday,Jane'Nat 16G0*p.m,'PortLHuron5:$0'P-M, Arrive '� L L7" . at C40aep leh 9. . . "', i L livAhe fact that the deer were Unns- nectlon John xv, 14, 15. 'A full and r. Jofin Burns, -Lloydi I -as their base animal - � . . . . I . So �. in. . I L . . . . ... � I . I I Like: M gtieRler f ,mbrocgi6ns fi.itd - . . . . .. I . .1 I . I I . ' the Let S., � "I'll MIA"i 714FLIO U�lly numerous. Fish on Which ernal reddm�tlon ls.th6 PossesslOn' Of Geo'rgei is a 6r methoA and fats -and oil ,am_BUk.M&rkSL a'uew L L � Special Trains leave Goderieb 11.30 p. in. -for Clinton, Win am Stxatfori, ' - � L - I ' - . . L �� �11 ,9111111 ----Rlm-m . itants' ddpehdL-I.atg - . . � 1. - redelves the L Lord ro - utiffie, That is. will - I" �1: * � I . L Guelph, E finlra', etc., on arrival of ateamer frop tro t... s - ,. . 1. I � . . I . , . .iiallab ely for..* Bub every one who truly 7 lie gets .through* epoch. ' It is Abselufely..devoid of .ani- I . 9 I . L . . I ,.. ".'' 16 . I . OUS, 'J.1J1oUnt:*_Of -,vork.L mal fais,all mineral colouring matten, . . '...". . . , , , L * . I I I . . . . . . . . . . 1'. , .51,10,111 ,I 'tTiOnlefid , I I . . . 'L . ,. ' ' ; tL " I . . -sistence,,have 'been very soared.. The J68u.9 Chost ��and God ri�eds, no works I I . . . . L . I . INd TO: 0# t:- . . I . 1 of is -compo . . I I 'TRQIT '�. '. �' *L, . . . . IL fur., crop- .failed. almost. entii6lY, And ias the evidphee of thiA falth,' for He It iA'said, thdt tht,�. Cl ancelfor of the, an ,sed enitirdly� of.rich ined..' , . . ! .'L .' 11, q . � . L . . . I ­ eTS L .pvor3 . r. -letter * the ioinAl herbal extracts, -Zatu-Bijit is..a - . . . Leave Ooderich on last trip for ,DetroltTulesd�y, June 22nd, at 8,30 A.M. ',, . -. . ." .,. .� . � . the Indians have -been in dire straits'. I looks on the heart, but the L -s'. are ,EXchequer P�isw I , ' ,, L' *,. . � .. . I.* (Xbte the Time li: 8D a. m. * , . . . I . . , , . I . * �, . ' . . � . ''. ( work - 1. , C ada Time) . � . . . � . en� within. five mi -n- combinati - he&libg, 11. . . . . . ... LIVER COMPLAINT. , that the traders have. .same ,.day,. abol'oft L or�pf Natu e's iAch, L - , -.-. _L - . . 1. .. an — I .. . . . , . . ,�L . I I Reports say L necessary as an -evidence. *beiore na�p, . t utes of receiving it. � . . . .. . herbal juiceB -by Ebe' most modibra. _. I , ' thebeautifuldl' . '. I ... . I. I Mr. Goo. Fawcett, Hamilton, Ont.,writest . shut down on giving. - them -credit, and I . . . . . � . I Meali; will his served in nine room Fai W&Excur4on.at See. . . . 'y "Having suffered with liver complaint for ' have no p,nd To owhere, puts this more . . s lentio; method I . . . ier.. . � .,. . . mes n . . I I c s,. and the' result is. a . I 11 . . . .. . � - - -as they izannot get'fur*th T I L , . I . ­ 41 L 1. . . . . 'Lunch at the -Lunch Coun . . . . . . I P . . . . L . . . � . . years and tried' all sorts of remedies, I was . .ammiinition - to 1junt, -. with' *and . are , strongly than does Paul itf Tit. III, 8, a, . . I -Mernber Is Actot" . 4,� : . . balm vi�ihich cures,when otherp fax .. . .. . I.. I . . I . . . � . . . I .1 I I � I ..."...... ... I ::i. 2 . Say, gL - . Skin diaeasei, such as ec - -a, rine,- - - - ' . � . . . . . 1. . � :: advised to try INIAbarn a LaxavLiver Pills.' itarvin� to death. . Theix coo-�. faithful 11 which it,seems almost. . , - . .. � . 708M . � I . . . � ' . . I . ... I . Goderich Band ftionlight Exqursion at Goolerichi 25C. . ., Blowl , eat, A v,er.v plevbr amateur actor is Mr Orm, sitlt rheum, and prairie. itcla, are ­ . . .. . . ... I . . .. ''.. I must say, that after taking two vials ol , ditiony is oleacrlbe�d as beirig truly piti- ' imponible to get Christians to re 7 * w t , . I Leave Dock 6,80. o'clock friday eveuing.June 18th.. . . � �. them, I feel quite a now man, and tan able. , Many. are mo�re. skeleton� - and for in' experience :has been tharif I. .krthur Ponsonby� whn ikoved * tile. ?peedity *ov6rcome by it.* For piles i : , . . . I y - I � . I . . I �... . 11 . . I . . -easingthe pain and inflamma� . . H zourstox Tralm as usual from Stratford and Way'Statloons. ,. , I '. strongly reedmmend them to anyone." ' too' -weak e�ren to, get wood, and are� ask in a public gathering -to � have all.. tvalen-0111ont to- tile -, addresii: in .the is fineim rei� It also , . .1 . .. � . . . . . . . .. I . I I . :". Price 25 cents per viul or 5 for $1,00, at . B14tisli House. of Commons. 'At' trag. tion. and hastening a. on . I I I . . I . � . . . I . , '. . � #.It dealers or mailed direct by the The T. lying huddled togUher in their tepees. . reppat a, verse' . beginnifig "This is' a .L,(1y oi- bomedy h6.is equally good, �ures burns, scalds, cuts; ulcers, child- . . . � I .WHITE STAWLINE,.M.H. AYER, Extur.slon Agett . ..'' I . . . , . I I . %:1. . I . At ChippeWyan and the .vicinity i s respond iikilbss reh'is sores and pruptiol � . . ; . rains froin Wingham and -Stratford. . '. I . , . I � "'. Milburn Co., Limited. Toronto, Ont. � . even, ivhere. .food has been obtain- faithfUl.saying"'. they ,alwa� -,tlthbugh be. confesses to' a wa ris,blood poison . Exciirsion T . �, i ' . . . . . s inft e% old wounds,.varicose til� -tiC Rbagent, - . I � . .. '.1 . ,. . .,scratch , tiiroligh *Icet tobetr6it and retitrii of It. � I mortality aniong 'the -Iii- with I Tim, 1, 15, and rarely doesAny. for the latton , I . � . * . 1; . I --- . f ablei the . . . . . . I � ners, . &-c. All , Di.uggists and Stores : - from Clinton $2.-'froni Lendiqsboro, $2.05, also . -' I . I . . dians has been very high, sixty hav-. one touch the one Ia. Titus. on good . . . . ;t -free for price - - Special Train to the -Moonlight, as. usual , ".. � . . , I I . .. I I died ithin twelve Tnonths. Far- -worlus. It is somewhat like the two - I -, _ . ! sell.at 506 'a box, or pOE Refuse � . . I . . � . . . I 1. . . . .. . - w I .. W T � . v zam-Luk'Co., Toronto. � . . ... I ­ - I "' . . . . . . . '. I from . I . . . - . �. . � - I � liar ut and cheo imitations, I - . . . . . I , , - . . ther n6r'th the death rate is still high- Johh- fit, 16's. . � I . . . I . .. , : 11 - A ' . I . � . . . . mf some. '�� - I . I . . � - . . . . : � lk. M : The, lirincipal cause, is their ikithy - A. life of self denial and good works � times represented as "Just as.good." .' . I. . . I I :El. . I 1. I liv I � I � . . I ... I . OR � �. . . . .1 . ... �..... . , . 0 mode -of ing.. . . I is not popula'r except with those .Who I . . . ..— - 11..� 4 Northern , _ . L 0 0 K H- E R- � . ... , , 0 , . - - I I I . . _,� hope tol .win heaven thereiby� Real � . H . I . . .Chicago StAffragists Have Burst -Into .. I . . I. . ., * . . . I., I . � .. . . I . ..­ . . . � .. . I � . � . . . - . � . � . . . p . .. . - I � The Volunteer Vocalist. - gratitud I e is as rare as It was With the I � I . . . .. 8crg.. '' 1. � , i I . . . . - - ' . . gat on Co� I , .' LIME, - FOR S�Mq . I ney� Dr. Peer, of New Lisheatol, hiis :cleansed lepers (one in ten), while a Poetic toirvor still has a firm hold on, Navi * � � . I ' HOMEESEEKERS'.. returned hoine after a visit to CAU- � . . . . the Qi1cago suffragists.' Acouple of � .. 1. , : I . i.. . � - 11 AT TIM, � . I . . .1 fornia,,:and tell.g.of,ati interesting ex- possible gain seems to,he a.h inspira- I . . I Grand T. rUnk Route - - .1 - . I . . . . 6 ' -they burstAnto rbymlng �.. I 1 . EXCURSIONS I 66n. 117dw b9lievers seem to know that � -0 I; INS . weeks ago Ve. uni.ei Work,49 . . . I � To I . . ; perienc& while on the train near Which fully saves us , - - ' .: . . song,on 5,000 billbbards throughouttlip SPRINO­ SAILINGS . I Belg"t , I .. . ­ I . I Omaha. It wqs Sund,ay,:aud the love of God, ­.. , . , 1. . .. . . .. I ManufadWrors .of rlitst-class...Lime. L I r k also , w they offer a prize of $100 . .. I . I � :11 , b�'tfie'sftcrlfice of the Lord 4 . show- Lake'Snp6rloli biviliiiolm for S. -5, . kOTTO ­:-ri irst�class time sold,"and . . :q� - , . T I ft'' . Marlej Port Arthur, Fort. William and -'. OUR sli Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta P�ii� offered to conducl 'jin 64us city, and no I I I � service in'the Plulhiian, and the -..pas- I sets before us crowns .to be won' by _ � . for the best poetic composition I . prices',0101iin reach of all; ' - . , ". � special T rainsleave Totanto 2.00 O.M. On:. . . . . 1. . I . . lug their determination. to't k I 4 A , . . . . sengers readily agreed; - I : -, .. wfifefi.'we'may � : , ,-W 0 an ac- - Duluth. Le9ve8arnia3:90P.m -May 20c per 6�shelat kilns, or, 25c , for 50. 1 1 , _:-- - dAY..: -) 18 JUNE 1, 160 29 1 � ,, Working-1or'thbxu qnd- . I '� - I � tivd part In municipal affairs. . I A . . I Mr. Peei statioend himself against - ' . � Of * a OLY . It -is, on' 13 19; 22, 20, 31, June 5, 0,12,15. Sail- ' ' 16 de. delivered at Graham's . - -have to cast at His feet in that day. . . .� bushel , I I . � . .1 . ' .." JULY 13,27 AUG. 10, 24 SEPT. 7, 21 - thb"Wall of the car, 'with a*lad-y seated I 1. . . . a fli In4 May 1.8. 10, 31, June 5 and' 12 I . I I In Ila& 1; 2, 12, we nee reiniholed that' * ' ' - " . . - Hotel,, Clinton. - I I , , ght for the firlvilege of voting on . � . , . . 1, saqand dan gckeli from Or p ' ie -New . I b- ChIca4 throi I �: . ata�o stations 10 ptinci III, on either side.of hiTni"-says T1 . ' ' iiih to Duluthi .%,Freight Pailings; - Northwest poinu at . . I . " -4, ' all,ffiuiii&pa1 probl6ins that thi - . � 1. Liskeard Hearld-1 "and before pro- tt!lal;.are tweelous find that those ar i , Orders filled promptly. I Duri ' -Change.of -Life 11; I in addition to Above. . I . ' - I go suffragetto are concen6ating At.' i . .1 ,� . .. . I LQIN P, e service he 'asked -if bless 119 . � . . .. . 1. ,.PUND-TRIP RATES' :ceeditig'with tb ed who endure, for such glorify , 1' � 1. A. NICHOLSON & SON, Prop'$., I I . firesenit�.'Two this After the announce4 . Geor C � - �, wilknioag IIA iietuyn $32.00, Edmonton and returo one'ef the ladies would lead the sing- God and will reeelve the crown of life says Mr-'. Chas. Bilrday . 6 gian Bay and Mackina. , � . . I . $42.50, and to other poini * Proportion. Tickets I Ing, wben the.lady to his right volun- I W,ich Is'enly m* litiond(I elsewhere4n, . � .. . mehl; of the prize contest several bull- Ivision. 'Vior S. S. Marlid and WaT . Belgrave. Ont. . � - I , i aood'ic return within 9 41045 from going date. I e . . I . . . . . i fe(Ired if she,kneiV the hymns lie. was re. received by - port.s., Leave, Collinkwood. 1:30 P. w. , . . . I . I li TOURIST SLEEPING CAA Rev, 11; 10. Note Peter's strong, word*' - Gtinftiiville, Vt. - " I WAS P"sin 'dred contributions we . nd'Owensound 11:45 p6 m, Wedues- ­' . . . . . S, I to sing, The'first selection was ' gh the 04angeof Life suds ere, the committee in charge All -of theve, It . ' � On&llezairsidna. Comfortablebert6jullygquipped . Oin on enduring In 1 Pet,.11, 10-21; Iv. 12,. -dAysAnd Saturd4ye. . I . . '... I with beddins. cau be secured at oderate rates &OUgh �Xearer My God to Thee,' and.before .. ..,PM�-;111..:_�:-; from nerTousi%ess exhibits manifest a belilgerom 9, oh guat- i M 13, �'Inmdl . .;..1-1:1.�,, t spirit' Careful handling and desp t . iring Implies 'humility. and . ;e �&W�l Ing 'worst of . 10 . THE PUBLIC. '. I I&Cal Agept. . the. first verse was, half m he I i I 11 I 1111111.11N� -1R-.F aildotherannoyl ,and man Invariably gets the anteed freight shippers. . . � . _ I . , I sublifission and that we resist the devil,: I . .... ­: . . � I I 11 ..­ Symptoms, And I I I . � EiLirly application inust be made only singer w,a-, the, Volunteer solbist. i 1. i , nza out of' twe - to . ASK FOR HOMESEEKICIFIS" PAMPHLET " �She completed tbe..hy,mn alone," , who hates humillty (JA& iv, 7-10). - . �� can truly say,that It. One ,sta ntY, to* 0 . Tickets. and informa,t n fe�.m all . llavinVately sold out our business ..11,::: '. � � ingyatesind full inionnidait. .1 .cry. strong on it , : , y a 4 . n a s . -.1 I . ' . ; . hother' line . . 4 with,; 'the' ttiile: of "John BrowWo railway agents. I I to'John Sheppard & Co. We de- . � ��' tontsilhi . said Mr, Poet, 'and, there was l3ot a James is v . ::.:� Body," runs as follows- I . It,,lik.411141trileeve, .'' 4e.u.1vicuoisoir, - - sire- to -thank- the public for, their . ;� Amply7to nearest C.P.R.-A taR.L.Thompion, dry eye in all that crowd of people of service, that of self rerninclation,- ��: e e I. b to,- om- - - - . . . , . ,: . . ... ;., � - .. . .. .,,.. . All the Women ot the ceutury are cbrut Wonage while we conducted thF, `�*. . Dist -,Pass. A.111"Mronto. . *hen she finished, for the Kingor ,was which Paul tells us in I Cor. U, 24-27, 1 po has roved I . 1)9* . U9r-X61fin9vvood. ,Praffic Ngr.. Sarnia. . E � usiness, and We would on behalf-ot , �, I . � .1-1 . up to,town. , � � � 1. . IdNLY VIRECT VNE NO CHANGE OF CARS ,Tie less .h personage, than , Madame- - .Will -bring no an,locorruptiblo',66wn, I . ...:. wortl mountains ,They have taken up' the mitten that th � � . ., . . . otir Auccessors, solicit for them thc I I I 1. .; a, . I Mel a,. o ;:,i::�,i:� ' ' I 111. !!. , I - I . .� I - ne -of die, world's greatest, The:st*or,v"ot the crowns is simply told .. - of gold to me, as it men baVe. thrown down, � OU gatronage extended to uel. : The new . I , restored my health ' -6 ratist sboW the or � . : ton. soprano singers' who ,was' triveling . III a tract entitled 4 1&,;:";�. . VY am that tbe st,rong How Much D-0 Y j W. JACKSON., -, Agent, Olin I Mewards For Sorvi ..­.:i:i. . I rilia have taken Oossession,. and - wih. .. %i:�.-:-:: � .. �",-.`i%."K��, an I . I " , � ,�� . . . . . . :i:i, a stron1th, � mind will fin4lly prevall, ,., �, . . with ber husliat'd +r, Omafia.'­ . � ,,'�*�'i :Xk1-%:, �� , . . . I . fp�,�, published by L. & X.0 box - 2.10, ��.,��:-..-�.;:�..,--,: rldV�r foxge to tell We are nitrelithir oh to victory, ur� feet I . collect all book accounts, abd pay Ali . I � . .. I .. . , - , - . .�r . I . in 11 . emn!�� . .1.��1,3,'� � 1: " I.,:, 11 4 W. eig h ? accounts dontraeted by. us in c,)nnee- !M I F10111 11 11 . I ��_ . � I , ...:,:�.. , 1) . . - , I . . . ,! I . . �.. ay friends what . are on the trail. . . . I . � .111 I . . . �. 11arilsburg, .PA. � . I . ­ � i..,..:1 T,vdisiri,.Pink I . begin tioln with our business, . I . .. I I I . I . I . . The two illustrations �6f:falth and ,Lnother� woman beginsmith the 11ir. W61[gh yourself to -day, theii I . . ' - . i I . 'Vegetable Compound lias'done or me v taking i , IVYNDALL I& CARR. I .. i I I works given In1bla lesson, Abraham - 'III declaiation, "Our prayers are just N . . ! . . . . ftring - this tryi 9 0 1. as`rlghteous as tile 0411 Of '61." All. Wiiiigh yourself bWo- vve6kg franlj-o� Haying-boucht-out, the, busine'ss ,01 .. .. .. - 0 - , -1 I I so Y. osses .. � , and Rahab,.seew tor cover till classes -in eriod.. 0 . � I�, mm' - restoration to healt;T, meanS - - ou have Tyndall & Carr, ard taken full Ii , 'tild, to we that for the sake o� other s gained. .. -, Sion,,, wsi take this 'opportunity a, ' '� ' , . � - I ,� 6 WEARMI-AC9 Sps, .1 �-of belle'verS, from the � highest to, r. other -conAdettly asserts,. "The iioble dq, aud see how much �, PR � ,, - ,, , .1. A . encouragement to ., power of womanhood cannot be long 111 - ' , Aire you'fee'linflanguid and all run down-isit hard lowest, and.what an ' ing N�omet I am willing to make� I �� .� % 11 . evewthe worst di sinners to thinli of trouble litillUe so - you may publis :' restrftlned.�' Still ,another Droclafinst ck� � Itoliciting the pi6trobage thU W& .. i . _. for you to pull yourself together, and does every- . � - a. Cif . B I' IIIVe are till free arid equal In God's - Bri . I . , givdn to the I&te flrm and would 6ay - - , I . I _ being associated vilth Abraham In, the this letter." MR As 0 . . . :,that % e are prdpar#Ad to supply,sall t6c . I- o`much troub P Are yoU feel R.r4.D.,Granitevllle, Vt. I . most holy Afght; we are Asking for the I I 1� . . , thing �eein to le for you kingdom (Matt. vill, 11). VVe,aro Justl- . I . I demands of the, gAneral public..1 Wc. I.' I , irritable arid' ad tempered? No wonder it yo� are. g Christ, No other taeolielne for wiDiiatils Ills ballot because It Is our fight," - Met7 . intend keeping a full stock of choice, � , , I I .1 , IA I I II � 11 1' .1 � I I I, A ; ing y and robbed fled before God by faith in Tesik bas received sudh Wide -spread and un- Tasteless . .... I . , � groc6ries, which we will sell at clobe . . , hter have tried you gotel but before moll by. the good works - � . . : I ,rhe rfiontfi§'ohj�K, I . oltialifled endorseThent. No othqr wed. ' rleal.gyrimastics such as these are be� .1 I I . rices. Call and inspect out stock be- . t a-n� y' . �gltmjng to po,dr In from distant parts , .� I you of luore-vitality It oar, systern has been able to r . L has. such a'reeotd Z�1110 "Ore buyin elsewhere, "I I . . el .prepared for us to,walk In and which ! Ibine we,, know o And Canada,, - Several . I i P, . pletitsh You are ifi need of a -good totild, wheh �vill revive you . 06d Himself V411 'Work In i!W� (100. It, 1 of cures of female ills agbas Lydia E. of the country Cod'LiVlUJL -01 Cash piiil'for butter and eggs, Vd . . - Phil, if -*,Uab, itil, 21)- - - I Pinklism's Vegetable Comp of tho nl�gt aggregslVe specithelightliVe I * . � and energy. PSYCHINEWIIWONS. 10. pund. le �11 kinds of farmproduce. ; I and bring back that old-time Vim * .. I � I 1. I - That's the wii�r to test the oltialitt a I . I Mr. James Steliker,'of Ridgetown, says: -"THERE IS LIFE IN EvIlRy DOSPI 'I. -Wil In 00111.0aft — For more than so-yesLrs it has been e6m.oi from New Y'ork vrninon. of any tonic# avid, it honL�stly, regularly I " I , . !�!��q ' ouring female coiltplaints such as is P0, Shep, ard& Cilm � I cannot AiDeAk too filghly,of PSYCHINE$Ior It is the greatest medicine I ever used. � IWOO&Og 231091511adjuis - lnflarnmtio� taken, 11rickIg Tasteless �vill sure. P 1� 2 ;,h I -"o I began the treAtMent and In Smonths I WAS AS Well Aft^_ ,, ulceration' local weak. COW9 Oftffl ROOt COMP6111d& ly adq, Weiglit. More 'than that,'Ib .. I t s, .*4,4Al1 -.W-- bA. Alk�Al *i1vINd'"a 4rt,C.tA1h%Vih,At1 � - I �% 1.1 JUS " - � . as evcf.,�Jt Isa greattionic for weak and ruti-de.Wft people. Thotegeamo to be new I I � . life in ovety dose.." Yea cannot do without PSYCHINE St till& time Of thOY44r, It � ish that run-do*ft feeling, lAtiguort etc., and give you now is a necessity slid will bant . . , . life. SeDd to DR, T. A. SLOCUMo Limited, Spiding, Ave., Toronto, for a sample 11 . .. I . - . - 11 . .. td -day, or. -purahalt& si b0tdd f tOm. Your . I . l6cill Druggists or nosier, . . . . . . 9 517 N . PS'YCIIINP, W aold evetywhetis It 60C., 11fid $ 1.00 per bottlItl, � KS LQR NALTH ANO f KFAff- I . 1, . I. I k , � A&VO # periodic and ne) ;I'iQ (tsXro.Barclay8alrS,itia "Worth Mftn- tains of gold 11 to saffeiing womell. Ohio, �­­ - 41�� . � I will p4 go and life Into you ; color In I . rnOnd Av* w, your cheAsi, and Ted, Alch bl d ' it. P* Shiefthrd K. V, SlieppArit. . " ` I . � . vour veing. Just *say 11, BRIlt"IK's 1PASTEILESS" tOYOUiNdtUggist, , __ " . . � J. E. Hoveyo, clintoti. Cl,ft. 19L W C30 Vt X.&-. L Pare the p1he Rd You Havo Alway; Boost . . . ,-.-,. . 11 . I . . 010stm 0 Try 4ft A4. in The NeW Era or Z �"&4, I I . . I I I � t � .. I . . � � I I I . f * � I . � � 0 6L----- - _ .---.-- - ,- .-,..--- _'� ___ .-----------------�.-------.--.--..-----,-.,---,--..-..�------I----,-----.-----B--.:-- , I .1 - - — _&�__­_,__.__.______.___ ___ ­ - 1 4