HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-05-27, Page 1,
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_. � _- -1 I I I - __ � I - . I - - � � - - .1 - _. I . - I V 1. 11
. . I - - I 11 . . - .1. 7'.. -.,.. " ;i , ,-, I 11 1111111111M.
� . . , .. ; ............
THE ' Goderleh sonforth Varna. . "
. �
Frank 11. Wood, of Kineardine, has Clarencia Chettle had his shoulder. I Hand Sew0r$ MI 19%ohlue ol)erators can . fin a DOHERTY PIANO'.. I . � 1-1 �11
purchased the tobacco store and bill- dislocated while practising football. steady d wa at .
11 11 . . lard Xooms of Thomas, Edis, on West Mr. Bart Speare has accepted a pos' I cuillioyinon F%0'F'G10`oo Clinton. I I � . I
ROYAL'BANK , Street. , . I. THE JACKIRON i A WOrd '01 Mite ,
� I 11 I'll tion with the Bell Telephone Co., in Mr. J. Posteri ofLonaon. visited tit I
. The Bon -ton liyery on Last street Lundool. thh home,of his brother,.- Me, A. Fo�- I .
I ... 1".. ,� has beendisposed of by L,, B. Angus. Miss Clara Gertzmeyer, w o is tr 1 , ter, for the 21th, � Thai YOU AIPCad# KNOW,
1 , h A a
OF OANADA . . . One to Fred. and Thos. Davilg, of the for a nurse in Detroit, is visiting at Mr. and Airs. T. Shepherd, of G . I :
I 1. I , . �. a'. t. .1 . I I
� . 1:. :.'*'.� - Hotel Bedfoid, who are now in pos- bar home here. were speodin ___ .
! .._ I , ,� the 21tb at the home L)f . - But don't always bear in mind I .
OLINTON BRANOH' �: .M.: __.. , .; session. Mr. Augustine has not quite A now addition to the Blue Ribbon Mrs. SheTher 'a parents, -,I,-- � .A W_ . !, when 'buying Baking Powder. ;
I �
_ , decided about his plang; for the future, 3arn, is the fast pacing horse, Night- Mr,,an Mta. 8 CRath,well and fait. A
... : ,�, , � .
,:.�, . __ I— . a cannot, clo Yourself justice,
1,; I Out is thinking of going West 111K41U, owned by VVIIIIalla Utidmore ity, were at the home of Mrs, R40i. I � I
.., ,�. . FURNITURE F4CTORY._Y6 Ideal "Billy" says be can, clip the firs; well's parents over Sunday, � I You will not get the beat results .
I PAYS '0_ I
"I.- Furniture Factory is the,mame under quarter in one half a minute, so that is
I .��,, : Mr. Roth, of the Sterling Bank, b -i s . from Your art of baking, if OU
. .
. - - -�! ... I.o... which a new business venture in God- going some. . den off his duties for a couple of weeks I use an inferior I , or, I
:%.......'., j:: .. , � b , , 3akwg Pow, 91
1. .
. ,
.:�!!,::.. * , ,.
1, I
, ..1. � � ��]��i�i , .. . erich is advertising. Themen tehind Mr. Jas. Cumming.. of Egmondyille, . your baking Way be good but .
. .., : .1 -
SPEOIAL ATTENTION I . � . , on account of muscular rheumatism. i
,.: . " ., :;:,.::`:i1 �i;:.,.: �. , , . ,
I I �� I ... ]�;''.",....�;,:.::,.::;..j:�:.;;:.: the venfure are Edward Robinson, arrived home from a four months, via- The Misses Clark, of Varna, have e I 11 it can be made better,
. , . .
. ,:�:.: I. , . .
I . �;.;.: ::: .. I I
. . I ;:%:,.:.,� �''.: I � . Try our make next time and
� I . . . :,::: I ..;: ;:: Ueorge Smith and Alfred Wilken and it to tered the Children's Free Hospital i .1-11 fi_L_�Irl__ I I -You will be convinced that a I
..: 1: �:: ,� -1 7: � Sunny Californig.' Although Mr. � I I .
I .:: �.'. .
I . i:�.,... 1: . .:: ::,.:. :1 they have secured the factory building Cum -Detroit, where they w " . I 11. Powder made only from Pure
TO .. � I . m n -very much ill take a cour i t �,
:_]_ _:.,�.. * I . 1, Lje g
, , ....,Vi�:�i�i: . jenjoyed his trip . se
. I -�!-,:;:,�::. ;:: � , ; �;�i , :. I-_ across from ill i ILing 1:14dWard hotel on and he climaLe of Ualifornia, he � __
'��;�, . .1 . 1, , --��-� . .1 Oream Tartar and Bicarbonate -
��:, - I ::: . "........... in nursing. I I
!7. �;!:: " � . ;.::... K, ,
. -- .. ingston street, where they are fitting still prefers old Huron as -his home.
,:::: ,:;1_:.; :: 1, : � I DEATH ov Ax OLD RESIDE . � I
;.�.., I :1 :!; :�: : :� -..".., -NT. -The I
I ,; �:.; , � I .. " :: Of Soda is the cnly One to ube,
SAVINGS BANK I i I .:,�,.;.;, . deatliciccurred here onFrIday morning . I
.- .. .:: .� . .. . I up machinery, Mr. W. E. HkiIchley receivedword . . . �
. . Two properties on Kingston street of the serious illness of his brother, of Alexander Davidson, aged 90 year, . I .
. belang.rh at the home of his son, Rev. T. David., StYle Louis XV. - ' wait for Your Cash Regis. .
311S8 M. GIBSON, BRVCEFIELD Abra g to the estate of the late Samuel, at Didsbury, Alberta,and lef b I �
" ' in Smith were offered for sale for theite on I Thursday afternoon, The son. Mr. Da.videon had been quite ba;e MISS Constance Velteb, a Graddate ter Receipt, .
� WWner Consolation. Frioc In London at anotion on Monday, last week, but � many old friends here will reir and hearty until Sunday a Of RoyalAcademy
. Advertiser Contest I at to � ka O _ of Music, London, -_ I
and FARMERS BUSINESS ' ass of no transfer Was made,vas there was learnthatbis illness is of a most -seri- when he experienced a paraly7tljoee Lr,',Za' England and teacher Toronto College � �, . � I I
. I The above out is a good liken' very little demand,the bids being away. one character and but slight bopes are on. his left side, which, though he . w4s of Music, appeared - as Solo Pianoist 1 .
- _________n.1_� Miss Gibson, whose popularity placed below the value. These properties entertained for his recovery. Further quite conscious up to the end. resulted with the E.1gan Trio of Toronto, Can.
her second in the list for this district, were the corner lot adjoining the werd received Saturday evening, con. III his death, Born in Tarvis, .Ab,,. Ada, in -the Opera House, Clinton, on
Porter's Hill with a icital of 122,412, w . W* A. MC ,
hich secured Xing Edward hotel and the proper�y ve the evenini'o . Connell
. I Ted tidings of his death deenshire, Scotland, on May 21tb, 1810; ,f May 24th. This talent- I . .
. for her the consolation prize. This will on the corner of Kingston and . Vic- �HU POST OyrrcE-The'Postmast in 1814 he was married ad young lady delightad her large and- .
Miss Lucy Mai -shall is visiting in mean a trip down the St. La er . to Agnes Shep- .
(3oderich. . . . Weaned toriti, streets. ,A vacant lot on.X)ypress- General -has ven instructions that herd. Coming to Canada a few years. ience with her master y rendering of . . I I
Miss Frank Roberts, of Stratford, is I River and through Quebt�.c. We are street also was offered., . �. the lobby of Nie Seaforth Post oface after his marriage, he settled near "The Hungarian �tapsody" . by Leizt. . I Phin. B. . . I .
visiting at Clem Newtop's. iladebted to the Advertiser for 'the FORSTER-BLAKE-The home of7Mr- be open from 7 a. -in. instead of front Mount Forest, cutting the bush and Commented on the beautiful." Doherty
. . . I I C,P.R. 'Telegraph Agency
Howard Cox returned home from above cut.' , I I . , and. Mrq. Win. Blake was the scene of 8 a. in, as, at piesent. This, -is to be clearing the land to make a home. kle Piano, us�d on that occasion Miss � . .
- . raeFrymnking Wednesday. on the oo- done for the convenience of look bo x resided on his farin up to a few years Veitch speaks as follows; 1,1 f '
SIVog-Bank, on Tuesday. ound the -
.. , HrucefleW - caslon of the marriage of their.daugh- holders,and will be adecidedadvantage ago when he retired.going to live with Doherty Piano, placed foi use - in the 111 . . MENNNOWNIFS
r. McIntosh, of Senforth, visited at I fee, Miss M. E. Blake,to Oscar Forster,' to.them. and will not impose-niore his dau liter, Mrs. Laing, of Sault St. Opera.House, Clintoni, on the evening . . .
John Torrance's this week. Miss M. Gibson, London, is visiting I Marie, 9fMay-24th very brilliant in t I
Miss Shaw and Miss Tichborne, at- at home, . . I a prosperous young farmer residing work on the postmaster, as himself or M. After some! -three years la,light .
be'a,t the qfncb he took up residence with h Rev. altcgether a latful 511w%1W�%"I��%%%*10%OW14 .
. . I e Thos. Davidson, of Varna a even . . . I . .
-s' Convention in Miss M. Ross,Toronto,spent Sunday W. B. Forster. 'The happy event took by seven o'clock in the morning to = instrum'ent to play Oil", I
tended the Teachex near Holmesville, son of Mr, and Airs. his assistants have to inaction and, Noe'l
Exeter on Thursday and,Friday. q at his. home. . place at high noon; And was celebrated make, up the earl . years ago, where he resided up to the , I . . . . � . .
Mrs. Fred Start and daughter and Miss Musgrove, London, is the guest. . y.mail for the east. time of his death. He was a quiet I'Lv- Lon I .11 $ . �
Miss Sara Start and Wills, _SmItb, of of MiseB. Uibson. I I tb,y
,!ev,. R. W; Millyard, pastor of Vic. Air. A, Close has disposed of. the dimboro
. - .
Ourries', spent the 21th at 0. W.* klot- Mr. Kitchen, who has been S Methodist church,.. in the pre. Commercial barber shop to Mr. I Chas. Ing pe"cableman,w4osetiprightchar�, Hand dower's and iitacliine operators emu tl'nd DID Y,O' $ 1
.1 I . .ill . is sence of 50 or 00 . . . -been working. ' a.L;r and generous nature wori him a steady employinent. at good wagns at . I U
tees. Slowly improving. . . .guests. . . Clark, who his 'with : . .
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morgan and child- M i . . I . CASE Disi%nsSED. Pirn for the past'few Years, Mr. Clark host of friends who respected him for ' I THE JAiQKSON M'F'G Co. - Cllutou, $ . . .. $ .
� rs. Comen, London, is the guest of - Two . Ashfield - .
ran, of Goderich spent a couple of days her daughter. Mrs -Rodgers. .. I . young Men, Dean and O'Connor, wart is a steady industrious, young man his Sturdy, uncom ing'Christian Mrs. (Dr.) Harnlen has returned to Get sunburnt on the 24th I
Mr. D. McDonald and-, wife. are both ( arged With b and a first class mechanie so that he I life.* He Was a stpromis - I
visiting friends in the neighborhood ffiz reeking Jacob McG�e's , . atinch Presbyterian Detroit After spending ,a - few days ' . . $
this week. I 'confined to tbb house with illness.,: .store windowsat Port,Alber�. -Some will undoubtedly do a good buqwess and in Politics a Liberal. He leaves to with friends here . � . f - If Y6u did we can remove - the , I
. I 1hi, nd'the patrons of the shop to mourn his'� dernise, his Wife, with The junk w�n lqaded a c $'unburn and
. 11 A. Murdock left last Week. for. De- Y it will be ar here this renew ,your com.
- . ,� witnesses had been summonsed a' , � I . 1, . .1
I RA is to pub- troit,where.he takes position in a store.' � a . . . .
1HE aim of THE NEwE b e Crown, .and in addition ther assured of first class work. Mr.. 0.1cise whom he. hasc6lebrated'ai:xty-five wed- �fweek -and took -their departure for plexionwith � .
%l news worth printing. Mrs. J. Snider and family visited her go tators from the rchased the I I . I I $ . I I � I I -
lish ail the loc. were a )od many spec and Me T. Carbert have -pu ding anniversaries, and a family of 4 some other place, They spent 0 weeks
mother, Mrs. Taylor, London,. this niorthern township. Police Magistrate Cain Hotel in.Lucknow, and take pos� .sons and 3 daughtexs:.Thos., at Varna ; collecting about 20 tons. . - . 'Xyals Fac ....�
That we are succeeding in this can . I . William. . .0 Creant. 015c. . , .
easily be proven bv Anyone who . reac I . weak. . . . Butler presided A number, of wit- I session on June Ist. We* cin assure at Londoni - Ont irio ; ,Tohp at WOMEN'S INSTiTtYTE� Dontf6rget $ 1 1 . I , .
Ls ' . I I San 6 .1 * ..., ... 2- 1
nesses Were e:kamined, but the Avidente . a Wornen's .1 -
- John and M. A. Alkenhead, o" . the people ofMucknow bhey will find Shoal Lake. Manitoba; Alex in British the regular. mqeting of - th . . , , $
' _
the paper. Try it for the baJancer of , Lon. failed to contiect.the defendants with them first. class citizens - . Columbia ; Mrs. Laigg, of Sault' Ste. Institute to be hold at thehome of Mrs, . I ito, . a . .
the year, at 50c, . I . don, spent Victoria,day at" their old .. Marie . ilia � "". ...e".a.'010 , , .
home. . ,. . . . the damage done', and the magistmte - DROPPED DEAD - A.'former well I Ont, ; Mr§. Uenry, of. Grand Peffers on June 3rd. .The subject for � upre . . . I 0 $ I .
I . I . " ' . . .
- I � Miss Winters,'Amberstburg, wore decided to dismiss the action. - I . kno%n resident of Seaforth, Me. P, H. Forks, North Dakota ;Mrs. Ham'll- discussion is Strawberries as a food Euthymol 11 - * ....... �.250 . . . I
. . . I .
this,week the . gudst -of Mrs. James. 'BUSixEss CH . NNOR. -A change I in Volmer; dropped dead at his home in ton,Caestairs, M,vnitoba. The funeral and the best method ,of.. canning... All I I . . . $ . I �
. . . Chatham, Mr. Vollmer got up In'the took place from Varna on Monday af- are welcome. . .1 .1 . Did You ever try D, C. T I' � . . . .
. . a cum I I
Steady Employmeot . Turner. . I the proprietorship of- the Goolokirb morning fetiling in .the* ternoon to Bayfieldeetnetery, services . Another 2ttb of May bas com6 and $ Pbwddil, newest and best foe 625c. . I .
., Rev. Mr. David6on, Varna,and Rev.. . Signal went into effect this. week, best of he4lth. being conducted by Rev. g. H. SaW. gone And - *as � usual it brought many . .. . . . I .. �
-,an be given to*' a number of smart. M. H; -Sawers. exchanged pulpits on and was -walking around the house I I . . . $
. w.hereby J. � W. Vanatter, the senior ' The deceased ers, of Brucefleld,� assisted by Rev. J. visitors to our midst. Theyeamefrom � . . . .
.�. I - .
. 1. �
girls, operating machines or on.hand- Sabbath. - .. . � ineuriber of th*e late .firm of Valiatter & when he dropped'dead. McNeil,- of Bayfidld, and Rev. -A, H. Hamilton, Brantford, London,D ... . . . . .1 I I
. .
sewing. Apply to .. was anAtiveof Germany - and was 87 etrOit . 1 $ . .
. - L.' Forrest, Stimley, spent Victoria Robertson,'s.teps out of the business. car§'of age, In ,the early days of Brown, of Varna, His dauvhter, Mrs. and many Other -places, � others went to I
Jas. 31cLeod, Foremaia. day at the home of his uncle, George Mr. Vanatter had been connected with I . 'Laing$ I I . .
� . . �Kleaforth Mr. Vo'lmer was in partner And son, W. Dkvidson and Mrs. - St. Thomas, Kinca�dilrie, Clint W S*i Hol $ �
Forrest; London. I the -8ignal for the. past 27 - . on etc. . . 4P a me$ ., . -1
JaCkSOn Mra., " Miss Muriel Elcoa,i,d years, -as ship with the late John Ament in'the Davidson and two -daughters; and Mi. WOULD BE A HEAVY LOSS, - The I. 1. . . I
,,,Co. Clinton. , aughter of Win. mechanical superi6teaderlL under Da;n 1. . . .. . . . .
. � . . 1!coat, has . cooperage business and after wiards oll I Duncan Shepherd,'of Galt, cousin of ,entire horse Royal E'reeard. which -is %.1 � I I - � . . . I �. I
- retuined. after spending, McGillicuddy-oand. foir thevast six years. I . . . Phin B .. � . . . I
.- .1 --1-71 . a- large* coopetage of his own. . Mrs. Davidson, Were present at the- owned bv Messrs Leiper & 1%IoQ* ' I . . . .. . . � I . .
_ . .- ,- . I ten months*very pleasantly in Whini- in parthershib with W. H, Robertson . � 19 . n. was 0. . �. I
. . - . . I .
pe .- I. . .
&Rovers played a;'gatn6- bf foo�_
.Who now assumes the mana gemefit of
tbe�business, which'will be coinducted,
BAzAAR - The Ladies'- Aid Of the
Presbyterian-chuech intend holding
. unseal, A large 1011owing pAid.thoir
last tribute of xLespeot to the deceased.'
. .
taken seriously sick on Tuesday'night.
at Thos. Bielby's, near Bi y th,and .fi�ars
I I L .
� L ... I
. L Xafiufacj�ffring UIlemist. . I . .. .1
. . .
I . . . . .
ball On Tuesday, evening with the Sea-
under the name of The Sigrial Printing *
their bazaar iti Cardno's Hall, on June.
L .
L L . - , : I
were entertained ihat it could. not be
;1%,,%--.AL%,*�#%,,W�ft,%k% . . . I
I . . . 1.
. forth football �Iub resulting in -a vicaw
'tory for-Brucefield, the score being2-1.'
' Companyi'Limited Air. Vanatte r will
take a trip we6t'before. settling down
10 Lin d 11, On Thursday eveningt teA
d ake wilibe see
,�n c ved while the
. sale
I . I � .
. I . I . .
* . I
' '
- I R-olborine - . . .
.saved. This is one of the finest Clvdes-
dal6s in Huron and -his death wo6l 1, be
- - '---..--7-.
- . .
- . I . . .
. - . . llol*svflle . t ,
, . I 0- I - . ----.--�. I. 0, .
. .
. L I . . ... 1.
in.business again, . . ....
. . . .
. I .
.18 going on. On Friday afternoon there
will be a stile Of homemade cooking as
Hand sewers and Inachine operators can find
steady 0111 PloYment at'good wages at ' I
distinct loss to stock rolsers,in this
. : . .
district. . . . I . .1 1.
. , !,.,
. Mrs. Al6odk was. in Goderich, ,%jon- , .'%,,
� . .. . .. � . ,.. . . I.
. . . Exeter.' . .. .,
. . .
. The *&1ting room At the post office
. .
I The Mayciiand the town-cl
. erk-drove'
, 110 to Kintail. Thursday,, last, to. -meet
well as a sale of useful articles, w hile'
'in: the evening a co mical skit�entitled
- I .
, M. R. F6rster.of Markham is- spend.
,'. .
- Rev.,N. .Af. Leckie -preached in Blyth
- on Sunday evenin?r forllev.Afr. Small.
I , . .. . L .
day. . . . . . . .
� . Miss A.L Holland, of London, is home . . . .
for a visit. . . . �.
was renovated and the walls kalsomin.
ined last week. * - - :
representatives Kificardine-4nd,
the'townships of Ashfield and. .Huron
."Scenes in a Union.'Depbt,.' ,,will be
given by. the young Lthb
Ing a few days at his old ho;�e here. .
The 11. I 1 R, A. shoot atH. Swetit's
Rev.N. M, Leckie has accepted the
call from Beverly Ohurch.. He ,
I .
The framers are busy at Mr. Geo, . . . .
.. .
- , .. 1. .
I . --l-4-#� .. .
. . I ... .. . I .
. .
with refeience to the' appointraefit Df
an engineer by the * municipalities, to -
Safeguard their interests in'con'tiection �
people of
. church. .A most enjoyable time is As.
sured and every person 19 invited. . "
.. . .
, .
attracted a number of the . - sportsbf
this neighborhood on the 2.1th. * .
. .
preach his farewell on.Sunday the'l3th
of 3 un'e that beiri- tb4 4th anniversary
L .
Hollan&s.barn, I . I .. . . . . -
I MIS Ed the Lavis -'spen't the' hOII-. - -
days In g Marys;. . . .
�' .
. . . Aubtffin_ L� - .
- ' . -
. At the B'�ptist Church nextSuhday,
J t' "' r
" '
with the building -of 'the electric rail-,
L . I I �
.. . I .1 I - . I
. %Vda. McCabe
day last, from a short tri'p to the North �
of hisinduction. -oliev. Mr. Small will
preach the charge vacant on- June 1
I 3,
. .
Misses Lillian and Evelyn Aleaartne7 . ,,. L
. I
spent the PAth home. .
P 'IS 'tor will preach on *Ir
t� Tour vreat
h ecial. meetings for p;ayer
P ' �
. ointed�by the
way e b6ininittee app
cou�j qsl,sted - Of the- five persons
. - . , ,
. .
. Hand sewers and inmehine'operators can fin�d_
stead y, einployinent at good wages at .
West. He seems well pleased with
� thecountiyanilmaytake up landin:
dn'd.will act as interim moderator due-
Ing the .Vacancy.'.: . .L
I I .
at . . I 1. .
Air, and Mrs', Will Lindsay Visited, in . I I
' . , . I
our village'on Sunday..
, held this week on Tuesday,
a�rg � bein g
dne 3da y and Thursday evenings. ,
who, werti members of the last year's
Of* L .
council, but most the. -members of.
. THE JACKSON Ai'r,'G Co. Clinton.
LMiS S a. Love I 7TuesdiyL the
the near future.' . . .
The favorable weather of the past
, � . I . .
. . �_ � I
. I I . L
L ... . I
. .
I . Miss Clara Steep, Ulinton; *Lgited at, . �
I � . 1.
Mr. Mulhollaiidli,
. .
the. committee .had- Interests to keep
. .
guest of her naretits near U7- I to
week has done,much to hasten the un-
Benmiller . .
' . I . . I
last weeK.'.. I . : .
AT . � I
. . . �
. I .
. � . thein At home. A wilt was issued . ". folding of the bloona.on the hundr6da H"d : ewers and nimebine operaton can find r. - 111 Xisboutt and, a lady-frienil , ' . ..' . ..
. ' - . . Rey. Mr. Conroy-, of Nile, preached 6 . spent the 21rh I I
. . . I . . Ila- the case of' 'the town agidust' very acceptably. -on Sunday aftet of cherry erees on..the Maitland and b ' stem,3T emplo,vinent at good wages. at - � in this vicinity .
- . . . .- - 1. . � " * ' ' - - .
ld fthe�Whe6lRigs Company, Ltd 1. . noon. I 7 .. .. � THE JACKSON MIF�G Co. Clin4pn, ; , Rev. Mis. Fear paill- a sh6 It.. to: . , . .
I � . . ,rt visi .
I . � . . . , . ., aris� MattArmstrong has again bought the end of theWeek a very pretty,si,jht -THE " Biiicicy , - pie- he�fri6nd..MrS: ed;Tebbutt,Mond '
I napany -on repayment on ';L� MISS Ida 06rnisla'gave the subject at I . I . ght: to .see the I I . . I � . I . . .
, J , I
_LMaide, . ' . . _ =L parationsfora, big -season's� rX I LAf oiuslyill wit epra ' ,
p . 1. �. �.. . - ... . . . � . I .. L fbe 'munici . . . . . rLb 'Llt * L I .1
. . - I I Ing over a dispute its 'to the .amount' will be afforded to pose a- Y. SonSar,ARDS.- Messrs I - I ay. � . .
I �
- I , I a *117 - . - I . . . . due by the co � . 1 a bunch of cattle for. grazing.putposes, certainly& pleasing si 18 blado & making active - pre- Miss Lizzip Uldt'Who-has been see- 'L . '
Ordered - , Tt6ady - . I ,L P41,10an. � .. I the Eliworth League,Tueadt�y eyening We of sturdy tredi decked. in . . I I -pnetimonia.. is re-, , , . . .
. I I .
Clothing Morrish tv - utooks. �c I .. . . ., .. .. ' . � . a' L.the brickyards'here. : During the win- cove,ring, nicel . -. , I . .1 . . .. -
. . -no I . . . . . . . . .. f pure white. ., . . ,. I . .
;� . 1. . I . I 01 h4.1 A BuiLbiNc+ NoTrw.--� C.hA6,'A. Reid & last. , � . . I . . . . I . . Ter the laid in -a' stock 6fL some 300 , ck*ell And faui,. . ' L . . .
I ,. I � . . , . * ' . ' Dar I . OT Mr. and: rs. If Bla ' I I . .11
'L . L ., . . . .1 . . L. . . Co. h'av6 added 21, feet to': the back. L Of . :Mr.'ThOR.'Tudor, Jr., spent, a fe* .P.rMkSEL DxscoNTiz-;uE- -Ing� the. cords- . *oo:1 and they will bury the , flVarevisitingwith Mrs Blackwell's -
, __ I . � . .� . . Sheardo-wn L Brols, blaoikainith shop 6n. days in and, around our r village 1 ast' past'fe* weeks 'we bavii eaceived Co * - of ,draining tile - about the fathei,.Mr. Wm .0oicl6nih. � L I . . .
. I I . . . I : I . I Hamilton streeL' J. IV. Smith- has week., . � . * � py first kil-n . , . . I 1�%.
.. "' .. I . . . . . �- . - . - I . .f L . . . from two of'our Colborne correspond, first week it% June. It will n,)t -be'be' MO.' . Youugblut and children, of .
hi roposed dwelling Robt. Clarke and family: visited with prits which has contained g f ore the middle of July Its Will. Auburh,'Spent the holiday, with -he . r , . - , I
......... - ' .
. .1.1 " I - * : � started erect - in "� . . I Ags� digs, . . .
..... I - . on the - near Mr. allad, Mts.'Johll in McKillop and insincuationarekarding tes able � I . sister,'Mrs. Alfred i ekVis. - ', - . . . . I .
. . .. I -ubd R. ' . . . . pect be ready.to enter the kiln. ` . . I
1: .1 F-"- ere4 . .. . R.' depoL� C. -A.. - Reid & Co. . Sundayldst� .' . . . . residents of .the Iffiet: which are entire- . . that bric I Vin Duncan S . .
north && of -last street; , - Price
. 04", d I , " . I TnE, GMST MitL.-The millwrights . .3cbtt.was:Iiere,AIonday .* '. .
.. . .. have finish ' I . ... .;
... .1 . . . . . . . .. . . ed -their 'contract on -t ' lie � Mr. Ernest Adams,hhs sold his'dviv- ly uncalled for. and .which give catige whohave.been installing the*grain. �bil:�ink-,ishipmetitof:clie6ie-, hepaid .
.. . ;;;-,;�:. : .. . . I . Young dwelling on Nelson street.� Ing horse to John.. McClyniont for a ror.coinplaint. We, wish to sko r hopper -and making other iniprove� 11n . . .
. . A u , Lea lb. We -understand this, ship- � .
.�i:. , ,�.::: . . . . . . . Tendeks have. been handed in for. a good tlgure.� . . .... I . .. Worthy.correspondezits to exit out'all -c'entsin. Mich. Pframmer�s, mill left thent was ticketed strAikht-'through:' :. . - "
. banolgoine, residence for Mrs. R. B., Quite a number around here 'took in such and send us* only Items *of in-. this morning -af ter the Work had been 'for Enkland. This is quite a; recolit, I
:�:; '5�.g Smith on her lot corner of Colborne. the sports, at Clinton while others. terest as. neiws� We doh'b wish to tested. The .hoop6r has a capac. mend for our obeese. . . . .., I
. � ._� C iti ' . . . npw 6 . maker. .
�/, �_ - - - . ... 11 . -pames .. I .
.--.'�il I . . . ind Nelson streeis.-The Planing Mill went to Brussels. - mention any.. , but in fairness to ity of forty bushels of grain per. hour
... ... I.! ��, � I . . . ... . I . Air. and Mrs, R. Forster retubned to -
........ � �. X I :. i . I . . . . .1 9� . ,Company is phtting.up a brick vender . . Win. Clarke is having a well drilled our other correspondents. �
t. li�� *,*,-,�i . . 0 � we will -say and customers can - now have -their their home at Locust Hill on Wed6es I
� . . . . . . . ill i�i:i: . cottage t6r., Mrs. Husse of Xsbfield on . n his farm Mr. Edwards of .e . . . ' .
.: . � Our laro-e staff 'is. working Y is - .Bxuss�els,, thit, there are 0 IY two I,MdAfterlast grain -chopped whilethey-wai . I r ay a ter a, .,visit, Witt) their parenfs�' " '
. .
. I - . ,. . .... the lot next. that one owned ,by the .d6i� thg work. : - I .week�s issue hope there will be adisbon- .BEx3fiLiER NURSFRirs.�The an- . e erohometo attend the wed& ' . I .,
:/::�,`. : .'�'..�:�,�',';, . late Capt. Macgregor, Anglesea Street; I in I I I 'I
, * MrS.10. L_Farnhonl and..*so'nspient tinuatice of 'these undesirable item , 'nualspiing deliv-er* oftreesi shrubs, scar Porater, Colborne., . .
�ii�i��;;��i:ji!! ,��:��,'�:i!��.I� overtime, - enabling .us -to fill .
1'1�-;,;�i ;:�i::,�**%:*.., . S.- of Ali.
.:11 "I".........." ........".:......'M, . .. . I . W. 1R. Pinder is drecting a two-story from, Friday -till Monday the guest Editor of the New Era. . � . . an I
,,� He; :1�:!�k,��,?",I,§s I . . .1 . I . . I .. . etc., from the Benmill6r Nurseries was . ' Miss . take, of Godericb, w
. � , �,�"`r,.`,:!, . ..brick veneered dwelling on thejea�;t; of her parents at.Seaforth. .. I '' completed- afew days ago, , , hich .
W...��:�i: . H NTES - Services At th and. the . too placeat tha� home of the bride, .
. 0 ,Y.�,' �;�:;:': �:;"�f4 : `:,:;i*i*.,; orders which -arp -ever�, day end of St. David's street. . e
; �.I...,.�...'�.....�.�..,..."....,.,.�.."...�:.,...".".,.:.: :;;%-, ... . . � . I . . . TheSohool-Plag was floatilngover E vmlgelical Churcfi* were - conducted ,,output was larger than atany period on ednesdaV,May 26th at high -noon, � .
. ..., . . .(
.. '�;�:jl�:�:� ..-*i*�,** . . � . � .. '.
.., ,�-:%ir;':...�ii�i� . . .- . I , .
'.., -,:;�:j. the School:on the 21th, others as well morning and-eveniny last Sunday by -since the. business wa some .
_ ..'.. �.. _;.;.:,- .,. 1:�;:i - .. . . , . I .-1.11.1..�1.1110.1.1 ....... 11.11w.�'. ................ 0.wwww�., .
.... X .
:::.:.,�;..': , ... , S Started - I .
. , J . .
' being plat' 4 I % doderich Townsfilp, * the �astor Rev. E. Ist th d thirty-five -years ago by the litte John - , .
. �_::.j:. .:.;:�1.:'1,;::: remembered the day And decorated. Z
1._�!:..:;::. ] . '�` ..."', il�11'i�.'-.",�-, , ed ,on .o r books by , , . 1.
� !. .� r . 1. .1 I . Hal am r J . .. .
- .1 .
X --:1 I . I . .. . . , . "I
. �:�:�'- .�-: , " . . . � � . . I I . I The Telephone %poI6 are Prected to in Stewart. The proprietors repert. that - L � . �
";.;.,...: '�."..r"',. :. . . , Mrs, Foster and ebildrenof Montreal the village And ourcitizens are anxious 9. g discourse.b.9ing taken from ACM'. � . I � I
. � I
,:!!�� `ii!! I.". customers who are an.xiqus to are s*pendiil'g a few. d4p visitink.on for the and the onean tnA evening fr6in 2nd in some lines they were'completely ` � . . ? " I . �
� . I . . . the Baytield.Lifie. . . . .. �. Ine t ' sold out, and, the demand for ever. - Begins 6n Sopti ist. Our old-eat6blilibed and - I
: .1-:::::::: , - - � p . ?hc o 'be ,4placed' ln�R; A.19gs 0. L, both being excellent oer� - ..reli .
I or tha I I . . . . - able schbol offers tue best faciliti, ' . I
._,..,..,,,.-.,.1.;0: � . . I Clarkes. s e t they inay talk with mons and were inuch gedelis taxed -them to the uttloost. I . es for.. .
, . ..
,vr;:,;:1.-:�:w::5:�,1'.?ffi, work-.. Mr. Alex -ehha;ncin . . .enjoyed by .. -SeOOlng a sotind business and shorthand � . .
.: " -s 1. I get the best style and Elliott has been, g friends hbroad.' . I . . all ., . ,. .. I * � �
�:�;�.::;:.:;�:,�Oi*' .. . I. .: . . .. , Wholleardthem. 84evicea-inex I i . I .. . I -training.. Vrito'for catalogue; it pays to . �, . .
:,::� "'o. . the app6arance' of his, dwelling * '' �, Sun- I .
1:%1.jj.,.,%f. ...", � . � , . I. I . by a. , , I . , : I 1.
..1!:::::;;;,,� . . , Seeding operaiians are near Y over, : Investigate. % . . � . � I
... ,.�� .0 I 'a - Startle � . . . I I
., , . cOAt'Of , day in fhe dvening- at' 7.30.: . . . . . i. : . -
:::1. 1,;- I e . f5aint in addition t6t.ereaimg a, . A. full - '! I . y . .. . . . �.. I . I .
I .. ,a few more days will put a I through or � .
" " m fiship. possibl' for ; their , . verandah., : . housels 'also expected' on*Thursday Mrs. k. Young, Or8arnia,lind daugh,-�. ---- 6MIS11-AlgepicaNIBUSIRCS8 collcge -- .
.1 . . . . . . . .
. ;,.. . . . I � I I
. I , .
.., I �.. . . � . I . 1. . I... . � Mr. Gi�o. 8cerlingwascont6imp . litin,g .. in this vicinityj altbough:late yet With -eyening whenRev. J; S. "Darom, a ter were visit � in k , . . - .. . � I �
, , money give ,you - .MM D. ; - ,. . e . �
. .-`..*,r-.�.: . We can - 4* - formbr pastor will give atalk on North Fraser. ' Ing her. . othe ? I _- Yonge andUcam-as., Voront' � . . . .
M/0 i�i�r�,��i'��' .1 . . the present rapid growth too. Iati� . . .
: .� . . .. .1 I . renoyatin'g hisbarn this Summer but sowed will not be far behind the early West mis . 0.1 i .
..: --:". :: .;;;;; ""' ' . %ve 1�nderstand he will 'minimize its when the harVest c6iiies. - , . I sion% A oo'lection will also - Miss -M. Smllli�, of Walton, - was I - "" . ................. �"411 .............. oo' . W.A .
.. I �, ...., , I .. .
- . : : :11 1� ' I .I....."O..0"..".44 I .
i: .:" . " � - . . I -en tip -in the interests of this
:,:. ..:.., . I better *,.Value and satis�ac*tion. capcity instead. - . bo tal, - -_ )
� �;.. ,. I , r . � I .., � . . .. . . visiting her sister, Mrs. Win. Smith, , . I .
;,�:;_;, . , I -
' . � . . Jho,0ooperhas Is, I st--�- cause. Rev. Damm has been stationed over the 24th.
_ .
:�::.��:,:"".�� . . . ken aposit'lon : I � . I . I
O... , I . � . I RN I I . 11 .
.. .. .�:�".:L,... .for . your money this' season on his father's -farm after tr'�itig maliv . . 0.�_ � " , " � � near Medicine Hat for the * past two Mr. Dial. Aikenhead and john Alken- I I : . I I
��,::,..�!.�;!:i` . .. . . . I I other occupations he has decided to lie . - Zurich . ... years and is therefore fully competent -e visiting at the old'houle for I I I � . I . .
. . . head we.
. ::,:. ! ,"', a tiller of the soil, - . . - Ed,na F ewers 4d Wachint opordi6ea 6ma find to: speak on thissubjecthis posthaving . . Bland's C' . I I
% �.-.., -* .than- ever- before, having �n , I steady el o.od wages at . . a few days 1%ot week. . I ompound .
1. ,. . I . . � Mr. Aut'Stee ' na ran . 911", ,on I'll beona,mission among the f6rei$tIer% , . .. . I . I
;::.. .2..."".. I . . . "I s0iflted tea' f,L",YjnAcii,�-IONIVI'l-"G(ld, Clinton. - Mi. -Alex. Canipbell, of Xillicardind, I . I
. � . . I . I � .
. �i` I ' I away With the%arrows thd other day of that section. . . . . I . . . . .
; .:. I I . . 1, . .. . - . i
. ..� . g.,�- extra large range of patterns � no �-erious damage was done on!$, a M. Miss Ida Brill is quite Ill as the re- ... . .1 was visiting friends and relatives . on . . I .
:1. ; . I . I . �
.,:., ; . I . . . sult of contracting a verk. severe cold. � . --------L_66_�� , the third during the holiday ex6tursion. J Iron pi, I I $ I
. . I Us repairing to the drags being-ne . . . . . . ,., We are pleased'to repoet A slight jm�, . : .
;0 �.--....."' .. I - eded Miss Iva'Weber is laid tip, at present ' . I 1rucketsmith -, " - . I
... : and qualities to choose from, A Garden -Party under the auspi I .
:�:i I . . I . I �
I ices . movement. in the condition of Rich- . . .
"" . . I . of Cole's Church Will lie held on. the 'with what 1 feared is an attack of Air. J. H. Ball is laid up at *present. hr,i.Tasker, who IlAs bee I . ;
I" ; . I q . . . The .best preparation of. I I
Ifi-:1 appehiliciti e hope to he . . I Iron known to Science. A , . �
1,�� .: ..; I . 10th of June on theilRwo of Mr. Geo. is. . . I
-::i " Atiearly inspection of these . . . . W ar of his 6peedy recov. time,. . I . .
ars 'Ot , erk . I � . . . v I I
I.." ,�. , I I I . . . . . Id a wise � ki Of London re. 1 4 . .
I . �� Cooper,-Oth.cond' Further parti aluable Blood builder and �
� I` .;, !. I . . . I I . . � I cul The polico trustees di
, ,. 1:-1.111YO.� I 'n a Mrs. George LW`O6 flu,, -,ii). InVall;'Ole in the I
I .1 will be giVen.next weeki granting.theJubilee Silver Band $ il.. P r turned to her home, UH Thursday after
,f .,.::, . goods , " . , 100 In , Aum6teel, President of -
.,�,�r.,.�...�."�::.,.";.;.:,i. .�M. - THE 1.000' As99ssbiH-,qT._ ' 'in the for- thd pakpose of buying uniforms. - - -
.. .... will assure you of hav-
.:..::-:.. y .
s�i%': ,.:;] �, . . I . %. . . . Fro Ontar r1treet Church Epworth treattylon6 of Anadinfai .�,oO - , �-
- '��:�] visiting her cousin, Afre.',Robt, ear- .
l ....'I. �, - I I . . , League, Clinton, gave a pleasing -And son. I . P . I Genera . I
, . assessment rollwhich hits been return- Ate. F. ,ftess and daughter Celia, rotitable address,at Turner's Epwoi th - Miss 13essie Glen, of Nervous Dibility of' the' . I
of Energy, I * and . I
- ing, a large stock of' neiv'. and ad to the clerk by Assessor John were at Detroit over )a t week, to at. E � Torontoi wa�s I . I .
. I . I I Thompson following figures ire glean* 8 -eftgue, last Sundgy ilighf. , . . I .
. I e � . Heart, etc., ,
. up -w -date g.pols from -which � e I:` A8sessmeiat of landi $1,898,515,; ten& We funetal Of the former's - . home With her parents for a few days . . . I . ...
I . I � I ,buildings, .$313,700; business assess- si,ter.4t. . . . . . . . Mr.A. Johns, District Secretary,. last week, but.went back to work on to .
, . . I . .. � . . AIs0 Spoke A short thneon Diglriot . Al o n d ay, � I I 0 Pills'for 25o .. I �
� � !. ment, .$1,200'; total asse One of Me; Casper Walper!s daugh, I I � . � , , . 1. � . , .
. t nak6 Your gei'leciion, i , 1 415, Number of acres,* 52,242, oi ;;hJc1I Met VVIlliam Balrd,knd wife of.,'Tor. . I
. o -r . sament, $1,713.- work,Which. was Interesting and vrotlt- 500 Irills for $1,00 .1
, . I .1 . . tees, Bronson Line,, Itinderwent an able; At Hpworth Leagad � I .. . . 1 ..4. . . .
, .1, � .. . . . . . onto vi6ited at the home of M4 parents -1_1 �� I.. . I i
. I ' I : . . . 42,073 are cleared, 2,306, tire woodland, operation for �Ltp'pendicitls rdo"ently and Miew Carrie Shipley occupied the on the 4irst of the,'Wpek. And'returned I .1 I I � .
. . and 7,803 are swamp. or waste land, is.rei3orted to be Ina very. critical con--� pulpit . of Turner's church last Sunday on Monda�, I . . �
. The population is 1,050 Births in. y)08 � dition. . . . � . I I ' . .
. Prices,' Qualitie'S al n* d Colors . -to, - I . .� Uteftwon .1h, plAce ot.Rev. Mr.. Kerr Mrs. Ltigan And Misi;-'Laqan� of Dor. '.Ya 161. 3110-V. 1WA`V L . - . .
I . 32 arid deat6 1% - Mr,,and Mrs. J., Weselob.. of -Water. and gave 46 veiY pleasing and profit. chester and Mrs.' Jobtiston and . xife, . I I
� I . ifumbered. .
I I . I I I I
. L
� I able address to a large audienceo who of ch were visiting at the home . -
I � I . loo,abd their youngest daughtdr are i� would be pleased to have Miss Shipley of Dispensing Chemist. I
. I cust * ", '' ARCX1110V' town' for a; Abort visit with friends a, 010 ribn .11utchart during. the first N- I .
Suit id . " I she card'd find it convenient of Mrie3o . I , I I 1. . . -LLL.
. . I L whenever . the week. I
. I . . . .. I StICCESE31,'tyt,.-Mesgro.Jolint-,eeining former neighbors. Mr. NVeselplahasr to, come ag . ain, I . -
1! I . I I I I - .11 I .. � 'I ' L , , &no! Samuel Davidson, who have been sold his hotel in Waterloo and i . . *000111i . � I., L L � �. , , , --- - I I -
- _____!�!T___ '%' V ! -ft--==- , ta 'Ing for amother business openhi 8 look* Air. Win. 0, Landaborough has '41s, I
1�1 king a course in .telegraph at the L g. : I o8ed of his farila here . to Me Johlil - I . IL �
. .
I . L I I and will receive their diplomas. 48 . . Walton, , I I . Lanolsborough takes t a Small farrr,.of . M - " ��_-_ - . I I
, V Central Bnbinesg ratford, . . I I - . . . .
I � VORKM College, Tt .1 " ' 'L - L Wrray, of the Xip en road. Mr. �
I FIT AND ANSHIP. have passed their, final examination
I E T H E ,' ' 0 L-80 NS B
. graduates in this subject. The 9011teres belongingto Mr. Murpa I I I .
. spoke HOT11% CllA!N0B.1- William Thaiver , . yaspatt . � .
GuAlkANTEED. - Y ment forthe farnihere, Mr. . Incorporated' 1855 '.
I .
. I . Very highly of the college, We con. Who has been conducting. the Sag�' gay Murray . . �
-- L . . � 1. - - . 'L I b � . I . ; gPatulatO the young men oft their sue. hotel here foi the past couple of years, Aarnovedhere,andMr.titladosboro gh . . . I
, .. L 1. teas, . has sold out the pr has Moved to the farm near ngmo'ond. eapitaff PAxb up $3,500g000
� - ______ -_ ! I operty and bu8inpas Ville, , � . �-
. . I . . . I OOLDUN WUMDT*�,(4,- OUI-' Worth to Messrs Jobla.1,01okmeir and Fred Mil. . 6. ...."i. . 0 : ReSt Fulld, m $3,500,000 1
. L and respected oltiVenSAP. and Mrs, Y, ler. of Brodbagen, The new ropr' - .
e . L !t le I . I
L McIntosh, of the 4th concession, cold. tw?s purpose bhorougl - atiling BIG 0. 0. il". GATHERINO.- The- 11AS 45y Br4nehes in - anada, Anil Agents And orrospondentS in all ' "' . I I
� I itioil, will hold - . .. 'pat Citlea ill the World. I I .
brated Clio fiftieth or golden atiniver. and refitting the hotef andi puttilar 0anadian Order of Foresters the Priftei
Morriesh.& .r�ooks SAVY of their wedding� On Tuesday, last it III first class condi 1hey wl I their annualgathoring in London from I
. .
. I � . I . . . week, when the members of their fam. Also fix lip the barb, and in tend erect- Stifle 8 to Iloincluave, and 3W delectes A GENERAL BANKING B1JSINZSS;T.RAXSAL0TE0@L 4 1 .
66 A SquIrOL ily and a number of. theft, friends Ing a large shed in connection, ,They are expected to bo In attendance rom 11 L I
,_ 1)611 tior gvery Mail, - � , gathered to do honor to the anspio1olls are energetic Youn . won and will have, points -all over- 0anada. The sessions 81A V I N G 8 BANK DEPARTMENT - �
. I
. _4L I _
.: L
I , , I
I a
11 W
V . . . I occasion- Mr- Atld� Mrs. McIntosh OverYthing in tte best shape, e(; will be held In Hyman Hall, Special ' I
---..1. . -.1-11I.-- ... . ... .. .. L 111. - - . .1 __.. I. .. 11 I....."..". --- ' L were the reciplents'd many congra t. - that Walton will have an up to.date rates ou,the railroads,will. probably be At all Rmn,chos, Interest alloWtd at highest current rate& � I
__ I ______ UlAtions and good wisbes, . L and well conducted hotel. offered for the High Court. , �
___ - - --- . I I ,
. . I J Clinton 13knoh . " C."E, DOWDING". Manager I .
I . . . � I It#. L
. : I � . . . � I .. I I
. I ",� . I . . :
. . I . . I I I .
. _
. . . . . .
. .
. I I
... I 1,_k,_i&_ ,,..,,-.,,,,,, .-I-1. I__ ---.-.�-.,-..�-��,�,-�,.�"",.,-� ........... . __._.,_.__ ........ -�..---.-------.-.-..----�.---------- - I 1. . I . 1. -1.1- ...., , .:_.... � .. .... . I . . - _�