HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-05-20, Page 8in
We doubt if any store in *this county will.
show a finer or la�ger range of Wash Goods, than
is in this store tb�day. With the exception ot a
few yards, every piece in stock is brand new and
bought for tHis Season's trade. Weve'always used
great care in buyinj for this department and we'
can as,5ure our cu9tomers that anything shown by
this store in—Drese 1\4uelinis, A4ulls,
Till% MINIM% MAW � =A
Lecall Notleft
1?0 Egge and BYtitier W
111101ttrzild. 10 gornwl
"o'A"7-"b " d"
mor - b Zol-napit'.0.1
111131110110 104 on fir t elms$ farm sectirltv
141-W-64 1,4:$ opintarosto.
STRAWBIRRY Plants for sale MRS.
DR. OVEN%Loadon, Surgeon,,Ocu.
list, Specialist, will be at W. S. R.
Holmps, Drug ol ore, on Thursday, May
20tb. Cx'asoes properly fitted, deafness,
catarrh and failing eyesight treatods
Hours 11 to 4 P.M.
Local NeiRs
GONE WEST-Oeo. Roberton left
for Wawanesa, Man,, on Tuesday. lie
will visit his brother there, and in the
meantime have a lookover the country
with an idea of making a move West.
W. Can telon. also left Tuesday for the
West. He wl,l probably stak till the
harvest -is over. They wera ticketed
by W. Jacksun, 0. P. Ri Agent,
7j1ArPAT.1r-.rQrFA'ri xxi,
May 2otb, igog
Is here, or, will,
be in a few day'so.,
You will need a
new Carpet or Rug,
a few pairs, of Cur -
ns,, . or a new
piece of. Linoleum
or 0,11cloth to help
up Tour
- ord has been
A. . . . . . 0A.
organdieel, 113atistest PoiPlirls, received from Vancouver of the death Now 4nd
on Thursday last of a cousiu of Thos, here Is the place to
Charnbrays, Gingharns, 1,awlris, Wigginton, of Clinton.- Win. 0,
Motiregor. salestranager of the whole. Perchance buy them, where.
Cordettes, etQ., are the very newest procur- sale grbo§ry firm of Kelly, Douglas &
able. Almost every yard of this clas§ of goods 00,,wAs cleaning a gun at hisresiderice The Strongest and Best the selection is large and prices as reaso
on Jervis street, when the Weapon ableas possible, for Jependable goods.
(with the exception of Scotch Gingbams) is m4de accidently dis,)barged, the bu'llet lodg-
by the famous Arnold Print. Works, who supply ing in his bead. killing him iri4tantly, Bo . y's Waggon made, We sell s'atisfactiont as well as Carpets.
He was twenty-elglit years old. We would rather miss sale than give yo
the very best stores in all the large American RE FRICx E RATOR CARS — Notice' a
Cities, boo, been receiVed, from the Grand We never saw its equal. , i U
Trunk that the refrigerator cars. pro something inferior, and because of that� we
Vided by tile Government Jor the handle only such mz kes as we can thorough -
shipment of dair "products will beat
thedifferentst tions, on May][7,and 1U0 ly recommend. Corne, in and see Our range
will be in co ission until Clot, 10. Wo D. Fedr
Dress Muslins In -this district cars. w, ill be placed at of Wool Ingrains, in, two and three-ply,
Kinoardine, Goderich and Wiqgham,
Tapestty and Br ssels. Carpets$ Rugs and
Beautiful Printed Dress Musli6s �*n all the very 500 al every othek day. Last. year these u
and:will leave for Toronto and Montre- OFTEN T114E CHEAPEST'
newest color combinations, at 10, Ij. 20, 25, 35 and. .... cars proved of thegreatestoonvenietiqe. LinGleums,
to dairymen and shippers. ALWAY.S THE BEST,
Mulls BADLY SCALD80,_ Three year-
old Kathle"n Oantelon, daughter of
Silk Finished ivinus in, White, Cream.. Champain Win F. Cantelon, 748 Dufferin Street, Special in.
Pearl Gray, Tan, Lavandei, Black etc. at 35,40 and.. 50c Toronto, and grand d'Aughter, of Win. HURON OLD BO)A— Tile tenth EARLYCLOSING. —Arrangements
Oantelon, of Clinton, was badly scald annual Excutosiori of the � 1juron Uld have been niade by which the th
ed about the arms and legs - iii. the B6ys' Association, of Toronto *111 be barber shops in Clinton will close each
Liriens kitchen of bet home. The child wits run to Goderiell and Wingbam on. $at.;, Th.ursday'evening at 6 O'clock, except Lace Curtaitis
swinging in a. hanintock, and accident- urday, juiy 3t,a* "Vicketo will be good'i when that d%V -precedes 'a holiday. J.
Drprq Linens in colors of Tan, seven shades of Blup, it 11).r)knocked against a kettle ot almost until Monday on regular and special Medd, W. H. burion, E. blunro, pairs new
Pink. White, Black and many, fancy. S tripes, at. boiling -water 7be. water fell -tipbn trains. 50 Lace Curtain
s, in a
30, 35 and ...................... heri arms and nearly co OARD OF THANNKS - ge ot fine designs, an
........ oked the flesh. I wish to ran d every -one
'LONDON CAM P. About 2,000 1'express my gratitude for' kindtlesses
We A'r'e pleased to state tflat the child men will go under canvass on Carling's new. and prefty, fine mesh and taped'all
Poplirl altbough seriodsly ill, Is nob in any Heights at London, on June 5�b, when shown to Mrs. 816nan dtu4ng her long a 'otind, a good
imniedi%te dang�r. and also for kipd sympathy ex. wearing q
the camp for bhe district will open, "no"s uality and will
ded to myself and f a mily in our late
�zil k Finiqh Poplins, the newest Wash Goods shown PRESIDINCI EXAMINERS. -For rhe camp will -be of �weilve It - du_ bereavement. Mr. X SlomAn. stand the tub:and sun as well as tiluch
in the New Yovk Colors, White, Tan, ISky, Ohampaln Uast Huron. Inspeotorate High Schools ration.and besides the regula,1n-V;",n'u- higher priced desigtio. The only reaso
at per yaM ....................................... 309 Presiding Examin'ers will'be as -.fol- regiments of thisdistrint ,be ,�,Isvt QUICK TRAVM. -Mr, Ke"' n
lo*e: Clinton, John Hartley; Seafopth Hussars and sixth Field Battery. will !'who was tiAh et6d, through to. A�er- for this deep cut. is overostorked at
Andiew Scott; Win ham J6s., Stalker;. attend. deen, South Dakota by G.T. ik., this I ohe price. Don't miss this chance.. T
Girigharns Brussels D. Robb ; �, yth J.'H.- Camer. . 00 !Ticket, Agent, writes, "That leaving
on. For Entrance: 011itton A. P, Gun. F TBALL - Several of the PA ot- i here'Veiday morning he had an ex- Regular ..Price &.50.,
Scotch Gingbams, think of it $EVENTYSEVEN dry; Seaforth 0. F. Rogers- Winghani ball -enthusiasties in town are talking i cellent.trip, close con6lections a;nd ar-
'Robb; Bfyth the idea otientering ing 0. a. in.
different patterns, the most beautiful lot ever shown J. A. Taylor; Brrtssbls D. up Football with rived at his destination; Sunday morn.
in Clinton, we believe, per yard... A., E. Eastoott ; Wroxetel it team in the W. F. A. in the district i
150 F ardwieb L Wi H J. Leizvett Saturday, only $r..20,
Vanvelsor. Exaill'. with Seaforth And Brucefteld. No
HIGHLY HONORE D.�- 'D. I). ux. M.
inations will be held for -Ent en called for organlika.
rance on] moe Jacob -Taylor, of tc.*n, was at Goderich
June 23rd, 21tb'and'25th.: tion llpitobvi - tile institti.tio
Delainettes t�lillgt he bilitydefinite,plans
attending n of th(.*flrs6
4F w4ll be.made-before week. Good' Rebeicah Lodge. 1. 0.. 0. F., in Huron
Bordered Delainettes in colors of Brown,'Tan, LEGAL QUE fF I
'SL_ Tile following material. is in town for &` team and sp, id a: I Sal
Navy, Pal� Blue, Black, White, etc., all p6l legal q�iery appeared in Patuid4y7s good games CiJL District. Alr.jaylor was honored t
ka dots, Advertiser: Zprich."Qu._ Is uld be played, be the Marshall on the occasion ano OF
with fancy border to ma:cb, per yard ..... ....... a man d
Performed, his duties with the dignity
hqualifled to act its Police trustee,.who' TO NZE W YORIC Dr. Thompson, becomings
as no property and out v assessed,$2�ao who has been a resident. -of .01inton for A 0 aucrust an occasion...
Wash Goods business tax?' Ans." Nut upon the the past 10 years, 'went to New York 1"OOT BALL 51AT0H_T6e j unioj�. prinz Coats
factp stated. A Police trustee requires orILTu6sdaywhertP he will take -spepIal't of the Boys A. A, A. sta' t'
Hundreds and hundreds of other Wash Material the -same property quAlifle rt he season's Ladies short and
for Dresses next Monday at fj'
s 25c townslilp councillor, and a- sesse'd for
Waists and ations as a courses in ibitittitions. in -that city'iti sport in the Park- vo ree - quarte:
Skirts, at per yard 15 20 and. A s treatment of eye, ear hose and throat. a. to , with a Foot, Bali match tetween th r 10-figth'..
f reebo d of $4000, or leasebold of'. _�SW - Ile Will,probably�be LaWay for a couple the North vs. South and'a R.00dbig bpring Coats, in fawn
but if there are Dot six' qualified -of months. - Dr.
Worthington,of Clin- exciting time i,4 pj,ojhisecf.� a
,anyone ton, nd Capt. N. (Auif are nd black and . tviro'_
Persons in tbf- Oolice -village, will take - charge of LDr. Thomp- Fred Rumball a' Captain
e game
entitled to vote may be elected.. A. son's..practice during bis' Absence. choosing - good - teamg for, I a-wn stripes
tone in
voter.must be assessed as 0,Wner.or and everybody should -wit
ness it.
..tenant for not less than $100. KIND WORDS.- A Wingliamite :Paif the* very newest de -
was in'Clinton'recentlyf and called at DIED -Miss Mary Ke
6nedy and Mrs
The Best PASTIME CLUB-�A meeting - *as the House of Refuge. The new -wing Fisher V3 signs. Every - Coat
received word of . the death on
held in the Club R P;.� I
room, on Friday after- has been furnished and occupied, and Thursday, of last week, 13th
jnst., of new this Spring All
noon, May 14th., There was a very* the additions to the waterworks sys. their niece Airs. James Brydon, at
large attendance; 611 but three m6ro. temake a great improvement. Every.' 901int-Ploasant; Portage 1APrikirle, Reg. $ i.00, un -
Manitoba. Deceased was formerly
Millinery Store b0s'being Present. Two applicants thing seems to be in the best of order. til they are all dispos-
for membership were received intcl
The jrooms are clean, tidy and comfort- Miss Christina M. FrAsor and was it
the Club, Honorary Life memb6ishipL able And. while the order is strict kind- former resident ofthl� locality, living ed'of, -th riice wi. Vbe
was extended to Wilfrid Pickett, -one ness is. the r' re nearly, one in Stanley 11 p
tile. There a k 36 years ago Mrs.
of the 0110's - members, who r6cently hundred ininates; and as $0 e of Brydon went'. est. J%fr.L Brydon abid
Traveller.3 tell us our Millinery Depart L in 'five children survive. -$6
alent Jpined the Benedictsi The question of 4hem are past the ninetieth milestone The.isubfect of 75
is one of the largest -north of Londonj a Basaball team was taken up. $1000, of human life, the duty of caring for this �6tico was 0111V ill a 840A time.
SUP 11,W . 8'inbcurei- bly. and Mrs., was here. SyML
a,. o that, wits vbt6d -to * piIrchase plies. Will tbeni It is 22. yearssinc6 she on!t iniss this,q$an _eL
our stock is second to none. in th
ese. parts, Ith Johnson Was - elected _ 0aPtAliv - and Mutch - beem -adhilrably itdapted. 16, poLthy.will be exterided,totbe bereaved
tht"'PO'Sition,anj . . f.. .
tell us. that there is not one'store it, fifty.- that be -Frank* Forrester,.'assi'stAtI6 - Mianage r-. thpir: duties are'faith, in the golng.away,' of their.. toyed one.
A committee consisting of A-.-Gonliff fully performed. Huron House -'of
gins to carry the immense stock. R. Itumball, and 111-.'Sbe�herd ' wits ap% Rdfukeis well m&n9ged;atjd it's itiniat . MUSTOAL.-Prograrn bv tb6WlAte
be givetionVi-iday even-.
erg -every taining to the teain. I all In&tte Very, le and ing, May 21st. *eatber Permjt�tmg at 8:.
We are having many new custom* pointed to attend to' Ps per*-� are nppaien eomfbrtab' e6 DYka Band to ..The Nar 'D _d
Practice 'has al- satisfled,-%�inghatn Advance
week from surrounding towns, which gb-�s�'t Psh' ready been commenced. I-Alar.c.h. ., 'OldQuebec' 'Hughes ew
0 ow New
the popularity THE 2kCR 14)NTERIA)DINT.ORP4jST.--Tbursc]FL��llnteT;mezko*!.ffai�l)owI Wenrich
of this growing depaitmenti � We'll -Everything P ints to' of tills Veek birs, Owen. sisterjo 1�jp$� ' Waltz' 'Are You Sinceve, i3urnble 0
have more new Hats ready this week. beffig all unusually strong array Xi 11, Oombe,. of 0)1nto6,. and Mrs; ;It Cel'brWn Descripi-ive Huff
Our M. ill of sports iti*towe Moriday,y,ext,2tth of Ourtis Stevenson, of California was I March 'Lleut 'Santleinat
TI -lis is .7 ",oI4
Maj. The Clominittees Are :pusht" Z416
iners can suit you; We'll be 'Pleased. to. have' you n called Lf roIll the earthly to the beaven- TIN "Prairy, hlaiyl 13atsford H 0SIery
try. abead'and bave all Arrangerneints v, eff ly home, *pass! -.Waltz (rjuella) Prints
in hand. At 9'a. m. -a baseball ng- awav at b�ir home Meldt
ruat'h in.Alapl6wood, '98 d
,eWib the-, advanced age of 82,years.' The de.
will be played between theMaple f __New Jbrsey,-j%,s.'at TVIarch *Blaek Watch Billin trade-ni-cirk a n
Cornet Solo Selected
Giants -and a-Footbal 1$'ere n*ade 'Ethel' Ho stands f-cr' & b
I ceased lad daughter of the.late well Cst 1-1)
match between the Tigers. and Alerts"L Thos. rryjormer.residentq March 4'arkde'Day' Rdsekrans.
and 011111�1 Gl6ves
After dinner two FootbaJl games. will ot Clinton,: whose bod ies repose in the. '("Od Sa.vethe King." black Dress� C-16ods muslius
be -on the program' for,Lrlie,Oi ' tizeng ceinetery here. Mr.. and Mrs. Owens _FISHER
Band CuE bk-the.Righ cho la, L ASHTON
01 teams 0 A. quiet wed -
of 4. Wing am, - ',11eaforth And- Olinton. 6a;me t Clinton fiom Oaledon Ont,- ding Was. solen 'zincis for: styllsh;'
inized- at the parsonage
in 1851, the former entering into part. Ontario,, St., by Rev. W. M. Kerron
Team winning, the:'bye, will Play, tile ner6hip with the late WW-Ratteubury,-
winner after the League, merchants of the town.. In 'Wash
Wednesday'evening when Lillian A., -Ruching 1-,ess, durability and
'Peer I of Clinton,
match between'Blyth and Cllinton.`.The IPS th daughter of Mr. S..Fisljor
Citizens' lland;,rwill 'disbour sltbjdct�of. this notice went was united by the bondsof matrimony
du' se music with her husband to Jonesville, Mich; to Mr. John scrvk6s. Ask to se
ring..the entire day. Inth6evening Air Owen died *4 years app in--N.,ew Township. T. Ar3htbn, of Qoderich� ;.1. 1 1 - .. I
the, Elgan trin will give an entertain- Yol-k. The surviving childrenL are is La Popular 'Ih irdiffere
niput in the Town Hall no one should Samuel and Alfred, of New L young lady, a former x6sident 6f Belts e nt rnakes.. .
-York, well D dks
Misgi For.further particulars see, I Goderich.Towriship where she has an a
bills, Argel-known to Clintoni.4ns,arid Mik%Emina,
TOM Mrs. Owen had been abundanceof friends, h1r, Ashton is IIERIE ARE A r -EIV OF VIEN.
of Maplewoc%.4.
QUALIT WESTERN ONTARW 130, -u,,bear�y,�active-peilsonirihLirdaV bu one of the stiecesstul Voting -farmers.
OURNELY y highly.,
T WL1-yCP for the past y�uhr,bdd L been in failillgL thourht of. The mafiy frienda' f the
THE STOR FOR. A meeting of t of that district L and is' ver Resilda Volles...'
t lie ex*M'- health, old age being the 'Cause. - She and B111C119. Striped V011tis alld
tive of the -Western Ontario 'Bowling gPF couple wislithem unending ioy.
A690 'ation was held last Wedt esd " was 'it most* estimable wothen, who �u_ hfL
of an' happiness to'which the NP, Hij,,,
e Tecu rnseh House. ay joyed the e-ateem of &'large circle , W
at- th London,and Of adds its conkiatulations. He APMUre Cloth'
friends.. Both'she and Mr. Owen were sidende
plans for the,corningtoixinament -were faithful. -members of -the Anglican will , be taken up onL the groomlefarra.
made,' Thedate- of the tournament Iftg' t Cloffi.
Church and were ever ready to aid in �,pROPERXY 1111PROVEMENTS-1
was fixed for the last -week in 4uly' Waists. Taffeitas. Shifting.
commuencing at 2 p. I'll. -On Mondayttbe every gobd cause. 'Snyder has improved his 00tage.on
Reffiodo Oxfords,. .20th., All entries must be in Secre L ary Orange St, by a coat. of paint, He is Alt
Tytler's hands by 6 o'clock Saturday,. URSO C.DIXjHL PAYSNATURE1,4 so having it cementfou'ridation put un. We 6rry a full assorim''ent. - -
July'21. � The first"niatch for the Lw- DEBT.�The Ports ge-la-Prairie, Man. der his house of-Huroh St, Messrb,00z�.,
hatt trophy, second thatch for the go. itoba, Daily Graphic,, of Ma 14th, L I"— I ." 1. 1
y ens & Wi inton are doing the work,
for WorQoq Neo trophy and two matchea of Seotclj gives the following particulars coil-
V� 1w Mr. 101NIffs house, corner of Orange tT
ers during the tournament, The fol. nt. Mr. John Ford is Ojer
quite the prettiest combinati
on of play- Mrs. James Brydon atiothisr old resi :by A dress of pai
cided to allow no substituti Just twelve hours after the death Of ad
doub'emillbe p'aye 1. The exectitivede. coming the dernise of Mrs.. G. Diehl,. and Joseph Streets, has been improve
Are . re�slhingllng
Ion of_ lowing umpires re ap dent. or:)ssed the Gredt Divide., Mrs.. i0art of his property. Me.
t : 1. S.
yoni ed ntends.raising his'cdttage
Wilson, Targnto; Wrn.ackson, Clin-, A)iehl passed Away 4bthe family corner of Mary
'They "Make, Ab Z Horton, 'St.' Thomas- W residence on trebt Thur.
Style and Comfort made. ton 0. McLemitIdn s and Orai%e $tr6ets,,
and putting a stone fnundation�L'under T OWD
Barley. Mitchell, Dr. Roberts, B�Aujp' day evening At 8 o'cicck after a long it,. Mr
the foot look petite arld ditintys, but, not ton-,, E. Seagram, WaterldL ilingsa borne with Christian patience , Tucker's residenca is bein im.
0; John proved with it (,oat of paint., Mr. ohn
ifiCe of Prottyi Bothwell. ZR:Mrrr0MT -,
tknd fottitude. The deceased whose St6phenson is fixing'up�t& house on his
at the sacr maiden
crtighed... tqes 'atfa R8TURN 8D $2,500 TO jNS URAN name was Jane Ross (third at
CE dAtlghte� Of the late Artliuk Ross) -was ProOrty on Huron Street and will
COMPANY -An interesting bit of fire born in E'lora, Ont,j in 1858 and was a cement foundation tinder it,
squeezed insteps, They do At .,artfully - insuranca�history has j,tlst comoto therefnr� 51 -years of a -go., From Elora cottage off Mill Street:4 pactipiect by
M -s. . Dinsley, is receiving a coat of
light In the official records of the Gore the family.moved to Port Elgin, Bruce
and the District Companyof Galt. A. M Lofft county, In the Fall of.1882 she paint, Tin annuAI meeting of West Huron
.y fit scientifitalik, -ask any Re� earne 50 cts..will pay
District Women's Institute will be. �o r the XrW
and 00" Drjr oods, St. Mary's, had to Portage I& PraijieL L where she Was VI
a lose byfire, or whicli the in I arried r OTORIA D-�Y COXCE RT.- The lip -rildirow in the RA until December Srst.
lindo wearer and go by what.she says, ., f, adjusters o Charles Diehl in 1886 rind , Id to 010. E 'A
allowed $0,250. At their next efock. has 'rdaldod hero eoutinuously� ever concert Mity *21 will doubtless proye V. 1104 Clinton. 'The local Women's
XT takinir the firmb6came col-t—A since , (,T.ts f 'l one of the most rile"ing 61rents ot th- "stitutewill 1-1d 4-1-1- — -1
erve-ease Rubber �peej cushions in., Avy I j . pa e o tvttr,, es artneet.
really had not lost more than $3,750. daughters one son, two dying in in. season, Seldom. Jf aver, have w(i had ing�Thuraday of next week, attlie
lia,�fnk confirmed this by A 'second fa`ncy'- The survivors are two (laugh. together at one time so in home of Airs. Fran 'act
ny artists, k Hall. %he subj
every pair. all soloists in their line,L a a
The ptogram "evils of fault Addin, will be, taken
afook-taking they immediately return, tees, Gladys and - Ado, and one son will,*donsist of. Trio, by the E act Trio, by Mrs, Kahms.
ed the fire in8urance. , In - $2,5W Charles of tile city post office.. De.
co ponies of Toronto. Solb�, All�s L. 11relatharipe
overpaid by them, the share of the ceased belonged to a family of twelve, sed to note that J Lft)d-
We have the,sole Agtncy lin elintoo, Gore being $289.43; The, explanatory ton being alive, three sisters and seven' Stutchburv. Soprano, Toronto, Cello , Wv are plea
letter w4i orderett itiscrited in the brothers. Mrs. Diehl was a quiet re-, solos, bk Miss 0onstance Velich, just say Kyle, is having'success in his new
arri interprise, Ile is manufacturingtawn
company's minutes in full'and A reso. tiring lady wholly devoted to hethus- � Mower Sharp6ners on a patent of his
Our Custom and front touring the U. S., where e
Repair !Department. undet, Mil. Derry and Mr. lution, movgd b� It, S. Strong,second, hand and children &I she met with marked success. Mando.
Wilken is giving areat satisfaction, All work is ed by W, K. Me aught, M 'a a small circle of lin selections, by Miss ratrltjo� M own, and is able to dispose of till his
E. A,, was lutitnate friends by Whom sh*o will long tptit, Last week he sold in Seaforth
promptly and skilfully done. passed, expiessiMthe appreciation of be remembered And deeply, mourned. Beazill, a wil of the. famous Abb. "
JIL arid Goderich and another was itiatall.
the high -in 6a@jNionorable course The fulieral was private an(I "ndunt. V10irt Solo y Miss Marie Smith orI6 ed in the blawkstnith shop of Jaboo
-YO17RS FOR TI[E" BESj, PoSSjftjG it the Mosrra'. L61t. All,. ed from the family residence, MoLen. Ralids, Clinton. MY. Kyle received a
SE of Torobto's cleverest graduates. The
c refetreil to hete N well known 11911en street to Hillside cemetery, management have spared 110.OXPenSA flattering offer from tile Scranton cor.
in this vicinity, having spent b, h Nov. Dr. Bayne taking the; aervice. in getting together the s?lefidid a rA , respondence School to represent; them
tesident of
hood at'Loirt's corlyers,on the Bayfiner 5fe. Dellit vr4k a former of talent and we can safe y promise arl in Western Ontario. He will coin.
rotid, And received. his business t ain. litanley, and is it brother of Rev. Mr. who attend 0, musical feast such as has monde big duties next week with his
Ing In the- store of the late John r rarelyl been presented to it Clinto
Hod)o 010111, Of Paisley, and M. Diehl, of au 6 heaftiavteret at Strit'ord. Being o,
cie k.,soll, aehs.� M lea cousin of Mr. EdIvard Stitriley. Deceased lady was & sister dience- Programme Will be distrib. oduate of'tbe School ho. is well qual.
ft Wise, of Goderich Tp. to flev, Dr, Ross, fortnerly of Brussels. utea on May 24 in the pAlk. filed for the work,