HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-05-20, Page 7� ,
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I 1414 , e. ings, q
. .I-. M a 1. I By LOUIS
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Io.:. -Y.,.,.' TRACY
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S...., ornitxg�, co 1�1 J. 1411y
1 4.1. - . - . - � 014 -,,hall TNI _
(Contnued from last w,qek.)
have everything properly fixed." It
Ile delved with one of the bars until ,h
lri RCE emotlups are necessarily
It lodge(I in a crevice of tbq coral. s
transient, but for the hour they
,4711a.n a few powerful 1 l6ws with tile 11
exhaust the psychic capRelt
back of the ax wedged It firmly onoui;ev a
ordinary straln., 'The rope t
The sailor had gone thrOugh ,
to beat., any
/ 'yet
such mental stress before it -was
the pullpy on the
reeved through .
I .ends
moon that he was beflumbed, wholly im-
tree were lying where they Yell from I J
capable of further sensation.
tile girl's hand .at tile close of the I 11
Being in good condition, lie soon re-
struggle. He dcf UY.kuOtteij them to tile It
covered his physical powers. He ,was
rigid bar, and a few rotild. turns of a d
outwardly little the worse for the en-
piece of wreckage passed between tile .
with the devilfish. The skill
two lines strung, them into a tautness a
around his mouth ivas sore. Ills waist
that could not be attaincil by finy I
land legs were bruised. One sweep of
amount of pulling. � t
I the ax had cut clean through the bulg-
Ir1,B watched the operation lit silence, 0
Ing leather of his left boot without
The sailor always looked at his best -S
. I
touching - the flesh. In a word, he was
when hard at. work. Th6 half Billion,
. practically uninjured.
wholly Belt contained expression left C
I Ile had the doglike babit of sbaklug
Ills.face, which lit up with entiluslasin 11I
I himself at the close of a fray. He did
gild concentrated Intelligence. That I
I so now when lie Stood, up. Iris showed
wlileb he ".sayed he did ,wIth .all hle It
clearer signs of the ordeal. . Her face
might. . .c
-was drawn ntid haggard. the pupils of
He. toiling With Steady persistencel;
her eyes dilated. Sit e was gazing into -felt
not the Inward spur which Sought Q
depths illimitable, unexplored. QOm-
relief in speech, but Iris was couipcIled
passion awol�e lit sight of tier.
mhn . . r
. . ,,(,Onle,,, .said joilks gently. "Let us
,11 slippose," she commented with an
get imck tit the lslaii(l."
air of much wis.dol", ',.you are coutriv- .4
1 lie (litletly resumed predominance,
Ili,& all overhead rallway.fot- tile safe V
i belping her over the rough pathway of
transit of yourself And the goods?" �
, the reef, almost lifting her when the
1 -Y -yes." . . .
Iditticulties were great.
,*why are you so aoubtful about.it?"
lie did not ask her ]low It happened
"Because I personally. intended to
that site came so speedily to his assist-
walk- across. The ropes -Will serve to f
ance. Enough that she had done It,
convey the packageo,l' I . I I
as Weak
dnring all for his Sake. She W.
She rose lmPQrIOuSIY- "I absPlut6)Y t
and trembling. . . . I
forbid you to. enter the...Wat6r agIii .
Reaching the firm sand, she could
Such a suggestion oil Tour part Is titifte'. I
walk alone. I
Shameful. You 'are taking a grave I
I'Did-the th
risk for no . very,great gain that I Can . t
nervously lyiqulreil.
see, and it anything happens to YOif I - I
"All over at ouce, It felt like. The
shall be left all. alone in .this awful �
beast attavIced tile with five ,arms."
I -
place." -, - � I . � I . (
I She shuddered. "I don't kno* ho'w`
She could think'of no better argu- .
�you could fight it," she said. ,'How
. .
ment. Uclo o)lly resource � Was a' WO- '
strong, how brave, yoii must be!" .
mail's expedlbnt-7d plea for protection I
This amused blin. "The, verlest cow-
against threa,teni I ng His. . . .
aird. will try to save Ills own lit"o " I to an-
The sailor sceined, to. be puzzled how 4
i sweroa. -If you use such adJK't'ves tQ
I . �. . .
best to act. . , .11
I me, what words c�in I find to do ills-'
. 111%liss. Doti Ile Said,'. "there 1.4 no �
. t1ce'td you, who thired to coine close
suQ'i � . .
i I sqrIous (1all-er ,is 7011 imagine.
I to such a vile looking creature and
Last 'time the (,,little eaugW11101 nlll)� .
. kill it. I must thank my Star& that you
pIng.- Ile will not do 8o again. Those
carried the revolver."
I.I.fics I must have. it it ,will serve V>
I "Ali!" she Said. "That reminds me.,
reassure you, I 'Vill go.410119 tile Illie
actlee wbat you preach.
! You (10 not pr,
. I .
111.�SQ-lf.,? - , . . I �
. I found your pbstol iving, oil tile stont'.
. '.
)N'Ittiont another .word he cQuiffiene-
: in the eave. That Is ono rcuAon why
ed operations. There. 1vas. plehtY* Of
. .
. I followed Toll."
It was quite true. Ile laid the
rolie, and tile PIC in 'be adopted Was
� -ell , each'pacl�,aget
g1luplicity itself..' .!NIP
. wo:II)d1I fl,
I I side wbA,II delving at the rock
-was sectiroly fastened, be attached if to
. I slid forgot to rvpI:Iee it Ili Ills belt.
, I
that pa,�sea over the line stretch -
I .-It was stupid of me," he adinlited,
ed f roni, file tree tile crowbhr. To.
: "but I am not sorrY." I .
.to .
this loop he tied. the lightest rope be .
i "Why?" .
d to.
coula-41nd and threw tile other on .
"Because, as it Is, I owe.,you my
Iris. 'By P11111119'_sligbily she�w,�is ablei
life." �
Jam! at. tier -f Not ev61 the clunbrous
. ,-You owe me nothing," she -flapped.
..to I
ritle.eliest for the tray ell ng'0110e ,was 1.
"It is very thoughtless of you to run
11clife , ilat..the h6ilviler the .article
so I t -
su(.11 rj�ljs. NI'liat will become of me
tile more readily it sdught. tile lo,.wer
if anything happolis to Toil'., Ary point
, level. � . . . . ''. . . � I I
I . - I
� . .
. of view is purely selfish, .yOu sec." .
. �
I They tniled Ia Silence `i intil . Jonks .
. Qiiiie so, Dlre!y lelfilill," Ile sinil-
' (-oil � Id Illy hands on notb-lng more.of
ed v,�dly. q�elti,,,Il people'of your type
.� I
villue. Than, observp1g, ( lie care, lie '
. tile 11
Itre somewhat rare. 'Miss De.9 . ..
I , ,net. .For an ,
tit kly. passfid tile ChIlL . I
11 IQ
I Site moved toward tile cave, but �e
� .
-illstiint. tile girl, gazed aff-rig,litedly a t
Cried: .
the qea lintli tile galloe stijod. .,It -her, . .
. 1 N1,aIt one minute. I want to get It
. . � .. .: . .I
.side aglailL. . . I ..
) . , )a 8 -
co"'", ( , cro, I y "' 1. .
, �
The title had, turnea.,in-a few laill-
,*Nvh.lt for?"
1 "I Inust go 1):Ick tiler(,." Ile jerked
I All ', f)e � J'ttlrtly� silb-
ut0s tile reef. ,Wo a .
To. the. case Of riffes to
1 his head Ill tile direction of the reef.
� She a little Sol) of dismily. �
merged, ca,fory- , . . . �
�Iie malifland was I manifestly impos-
. I -I vvill ill( -lir ,to d:inger-thI% thilt'." he
sll)leseat, s64anks.-nmir did-tt.iat�-whlcbi
I *
-I found rifles there.
explained. 'We
Inlist II:Ive thelit; they inny ]Dealt sal�
done efirliar w�;Illd . .h.im .
. e'labor,'.Ile broke, opeul,J110 cliest
66M -
( .0110'.4 the pqsltio�i with fair accura-
and fouild that- tile Wel"POns W e re ap-
vation." .
I AVII(on TrIs wits do;
ternihied about
� . � I .
1 parently In excellent order,. ' - .
1 -le Snappea tile locks and squint I ad
anytiong tier (,hill dirlipled. It Puck-
. - of' half 9. dozen to
down the* barrels
. tor(od deliglitfully now.
"I will come with You," she litin I ounc.
. � I .
. . .
test ,them. Tlie,';te'he laid oil one side.
. .-truct . ed it si.nall
Thon he rapidly con,
ed. . .
-Very %veil. I .tyill willi, for you. Tb�
raft ff6m loose ti I'libeisr Undill ;' -them
*rope,. argosy
tifle will serve for ,Iu()tIIey hour."
roughly witil and to. thig
fastened the box of.tea, th� baAels.
Ile I�Ilew lie had decided I-IghtlY. She
to be alotle--Yet. SOO"
-of flour, brokeil,8,11.0011.chair ,in(!
(.0111a not bear
ill(' Were 80('111 -Cal and they
.the *
other Small articles "which might be of
retur �scrainbllng * now
'tied to the reef. I
y In
lie ay6ldca any dIfl1cIlIt ,
.. use, . . I . .
IIIAnich-Ing tile raft by building IV close
with dittlealty over the roligh and dan.
. geroils travk.- IrIS was seel'etlY a inazed
to the. 1yat(1Vq-,o(I-V. ,""Iden all 'WaS
' . �`
I I)y tllp rpll.14,1 Ill 11-:1rice of the darill,w Ila.
- ready tile rising tide floilied-it for him..
� tivitv site (Ikpluyed (Ini-Ing her earlier
110 secured it to lit,; lbiagest-rope and
I pa,�s:1,,e along the 'solne precarious
gave it a. vigorous push. off into the Ia-
� . __ -
. I .
__ -_ '.1
goon. The it. lie' ,.,lung four rIlIeS 0 cyO99
'I'lien ,�Iie dnrtea front rocic to rock-
I houlders, asked. Irls to. Carry tile
ills q
11)1, foarle-gs Qert.linty of a . cha-
remaining two In ItIce maillierand -be-
. mok. TIel. 0111y ,,tIIIIlI)Ip. wact caused,
I .
gal . I. to nianaliver tile l,aft 1,qnaward.
"While You-1and illb gqoas 1, Will
I sit(. recolloc-led, by ,lit nlistird effort to
avoid Avctfilig he]- dress. Slie laughed
prepare dlnuer,".announ�_,od tile girl.. ,
I llorvoll.,ly ,%vhell they reat-Iled tile place.
. 41PIense be careful ,lot to sill) o ' n the
"I about
,,,,IN tilue jelll�s lifted tier across the
. . .
i I
rockg," lie said. am concerned
. ig .
the rifles. If .7011JOIJ -YOU Ili bt dam -
I Intervening (.11,111ripl.
; They were standing on tile landward.
age them, and' the filcoilling tide NvIll
. Idttie or tile shallow water In. which Ile,
so hopelessly ,,list those I leave behind
. . I 4,
, I .
. rZ9xiltille w4ollust. "
that they will be uselosq.", ,
"I -Will preserve them at any. cost,
� Airn,ady the dark fluid emitted by his * thougli With six In our possession there
assailant lit 6s final discomfiture wits
is a InfIrgill foraCeldents, 11owever, toi
Passing away owing to the slight move-
. reassure you, I will go back quickly."
ment o� tile tide. .
. Before lie cold protest sfie kartOd Off
"Now that you have brought me here
-at it'run, julnping lightly from rock to
, with so much diffielilty, what are you
rock, Disregarding 1113 Sh011tS, Bile Per-
� I going to o?" she said. $lit will be
severed until si�e st(5od Safety on the-.
_; 11
Inadit " )r you to attempt to ford
eq, q
S Illy wavIng'a fare-
andFs, Thelti, SIAIAZ
thile passa'ge again. Where there Is
. Well, Silo set oft toward the cave. '
one of those horrible things there are
Had site see" the look of fierce de-
ollivi's, IstIppose." 1 I . *
. .
SPair that settled doWxf upon Jen6l'-
"That Is one reason why f brought
face as he-itirned to Ills task Of guld-
Ithe vrow1mrs," lie txpla.lned. "If you
Ing the raft asholl"O she might have
, .
I in ult dlown for a lulle while 'I will
1W . I . �
wondored-ii!hnt It inoalit. Ili'any C n s (I
. . . .
� . . . . L. I L I 1111MINING
I .
___ �_ - -_ 1, . _
. I . .
, I I
. , I .1 .
. L ' I
Positively cure Dyspepsia. Promote
1� I I
Digestion. Money back if they fa.il to
cure. - .
At all Druggists or, direct front
. _.
25c. a Sox. COLEMAN MEMPE . CO.j Toronto
. ..
. " V, _T.I'(,_'_-'______._- _ "'' __
, .i4 '40 .
it : . , � ) !",;,( f . 1". I 1911.1
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I � I I � .
gewoUld CeMlIlly,11IRTO W04V% tilr*
L � 1, "
, � :
vatia siowin never once avertmW tier I
gaze. ' "There was Some 90SI31P Con-
I , . . - I I I .
, 17,
� l I
By the t1me the sailor b&d safely
it when I first came to 110111g-
. 11
� , . I I
anded his, cargo Iris had cooked their
Xong. You are Captain Robert Ax-
- 1 I I I
I I . . . . , .. .;; I .
Odday ineal. She achieved 4L fresh
. I
I 11 � 4
ulluary triumph. The eggs were fried!
"I amll' I
L 4
"I am seriously thinking of trying to
"And you publicly thrashed Lord'
. ,' "
- - - 1,
ioll a ham," she stated gravely. "Have
Tentuor a$ the. result of 4 I1111410
. I
. . J., �
,ou any Idea how long it takeg to cook
about a Woman?"
I I .. � J
ine properly?"
dd ir each
A. quarter of an hour to
- I
For Four I-ong, Years ,He Oufferea,
, P
::Your recolle ctlou is quite accurate I .
Who was to blaine""
. � � ,
, ,
Then "Frwit-a-tivoi," Broi.ight
K0110f. . ,
L "The lady said that I was." I
- - Io I
M Ili., 46
$'Admirable? rkut we entit. measure
Dither hours nor pounds."
S'tratforIl -Centro.. Wolfe Co., Que. I
Xa,y 11th, JP98.
;fWas It true?" . �
Robert AnIstrutber, later Captain of
. .
I I ... r r . I - . - - -_ I i NOW MW �
"I think 'we can (to both. I will
motruct a balance of some kind I
I have been compl etely cured of a ' Bengal cavalry, rose to blis feet. Ile :
frightgul condition of my stoma0i preferred to take, his punishritieut stand-
i , �
The K ,�ht Patint
hen, with a ham slung to one end and
,. this Wonderful me"'Ielne�
,,Fruit--a-tIvcQ." I isuffered fw four
I �_
- . "olool", I I I o i
' FF
rifle andsome cartridges to the other,.
-oub.,% My head `-The court martial agreed with lien
years with this t I
=4 'Xisi
-A.. .0.1
--j. . - - 54
I. S
, e �
For Your HOU50 Al.fo
will tell you the weight of the liam
Inciessantly. I cuuld not ev t
Deane, and ,I ant a prejudiced
, r
,,- ,.�.�,-,.
,�i * �
. ,. is .
) all ounce. To ascertain the fline I
ave already, determined to fashion a
anythInX but What X ritifrere(A awful
p tidigesti,
pains from t
'n own romed� -na Wa.. treated by
-4t . ness," he replied. "I
',Who was the-ladyll, _*14"
"The Mrs. costo. aw
I .. 111. I .. . I
, ,.*1 As . �,�,,,`o* I. I :
� . . ".6 " P" ...�*,
. �i ..
, " " - .,..:"--.�1
UTDOORSr or in, choose RL .i.� I
", !Nt ,...Vl
'.0"'A o 4* , .
undial. I remember the retinjoilte
physicians, but the dr,spepsia and head
wife of illy colonel,
, rare Paints fo'r your money 11N*
,. IF. ,%t "
al�lo L accuracy,
ivislous with renSold'
achea persisted In spite of the treat.
bell." . . I
,-, :
-v ,,.-�44,-,-5�,N�W allr
bec se they do all, any paint I
nd ,it little observation will onable'us
o dorrect tiny nilstalces.",
qr ," L .1
L, ..'' LL . I . � L. . I..
r Long afterward be remembered t1
, be OF.
I, ",;; y, I ;
,1r:?.,... I
, I
_. .1 .. , I -4imd will last lo'ndest a I
. rr , � can do , -ad bi I
"You are really very elever, Air.
L r I
: L , �. -
IL'::�' �, ,',.r �,L ,
��:::::' I.,
agony of that moment and winced'
I �111' �.
... paint. Thespecialindredientused'only I '!
' L
enks," said Iris, loo-itil childlike candor.
L .,' :�'rr: - L,
�r�j-". .. . �, � , ,-r
� �� r '..", ^'��':, `.L";
L ' L ." ' " r
�,� - '
even at the remembrance. But he had
%. .1
.. 4061-111. -..
0 in Ult Paints fortifies surfaces they �
Have you spent several years of your
_ . I ,L'$. ,'jr,
, : .L *" L ,r::,
_'��.., i': ., L I'll. I � �. �;.r
decided upon a fixed' policy, and be
. 11 . :
. .
fe Ili preparing for. residence on a
r: .
� ..'... k , - ,.. � -r '
..� r. ."L ��: 1: ... �,
.: ,
was not a man to fillich from conse- I
�_ cover adainst ORTY colors. � . �
�sort island"' I
,i..:._1, �,JP,!� , L
, p :� :.�
. w.",-_- �;, �� ::� . . _ :: , � �..
,t be ta
quences. Miss ]Deane mu,,, t
I I �
the ills that and
..Smn sort. I have led
-r - I I., 1. � � ,:r
.,,:r .� " .
. r,
I" . " .::�
,oa help them
to. despise him, eiss,_(, L I
r 11
. . black.' for . .
�. I ilestroy other every, point pur. .�
,queer kind of exlAteilce, full of use-
Fate )Ills di'lYell Me Ill-
.1 .
L '� -
botli-she might learn to love blin as lie
So, blundering toward
. , .
. so POse. sold 'by . I
ess purposes.'
. , , L..-. .
�i� I
I now loved her.
. . paints quickly. �
I . dealers whose
er where my 6(ld:i and ends .
L .:�,
Ills goal, as meti'always blunder where
1 ;
_KL paints pro- reputatfout war. . a 11
f kittowledge are actually valuable
� _ :. '. ,: �
/ .,,�,;,
a womatiln heart is voncerned, lie blind- I
I '
� . �
rants yp I
tect best, -cover , ur con- . �
Aleb accidents inake men millionaires.';
.L ":,, .
. ,
ly persls.ted Ili allowing hor to make
fidence in all,
. . ,
OlTseless purpos6,11" she repeatq(L "I
L "L !
, . � �,��, -
'' .1,
: Fuel, false deductions wj she chose
I I . better, and sat -o they sell. Made . .
,Ili hardly credit that. One uses Btleb
11 :1,
. ��
� I ",
from Ills worils. ,
I isfy. N. a d e o I by the Imperial .
phrase to describe flIsSY PeOPIO, 811YO
I I. .. .1
L:'�' .
I e L
-lilt Bout ,
Iris was tIke first to rem
. 0
, .
I . VaraAsh and, .
d uaranteed pure Color Co., Ltd., �
vith fo,gish activity, Your worst one
in a
! : �,...
..� . ,
mell"Ilre of self,coutrol. - I
. . . .
I I '- T .
. mixed, of . o r o n I oo
ly �vould- not Place You such
. . . . v.
I iN
I ,1111 gl oil have been So candid'
ad y
I materials,
I . - �
1. �:ie� *
� :1 I
I'Captaill AnStruther," she conimeneed, L
. I
. . I
.with 17 years knowled'Je of paitit. 1. ��
"My worst onemy made the phras:9 L
�: �. .. L
. . I . I..
but lie broke ftf 'abruptly., L
. . . 0 f � I �
1pakind for practical painiters. . I
I Deane,"
ffeutlya at any.. 1-11to,
I was told to try and
"Jonksi If you please, Illss Deane;
. I . . I
"You lucart, that Ile rulned Your- as-
I *seni .for BI-, I�oxes, and this Was the
Robert Jenks. I
. I I 00moh )
cer"', .
1,olveli-er-yes, I suppose thilt 4111-
only .medicine -that did me any good.
IL am now entirely well, I can. eat or-
dinary food and I'llever have' a head-
. .
"Certainly, Alto. Jenks, Lot me be
.equally explicit before 'wie vult the
� . I I I . �
� I Mre
. I 0 . - . .
. . -% or
0 11 .
J. 1.07
( .0110'.4 the pqsltio�i with fair accura-
ache, And for this relief I thank this
. I .
P .
. -
. - ZXA . - I ."
Z �
I .& I I
Y. 11 . . . ,�
wonderful .remedy IlFrul t -.I- t Ives," My
� . . . .
I . �i
,,Iyas lie a very great scoundre I Tl
' '
case Is.,well known in this vicinity and
. -
I �
. I � �
� Cos �;
"Ile wa� and is." -, I I
you may publish this statement,
. � I � .
. � . .
. , q
. . ' '.
-.Tenks spoke with quiet. bitterness.
1 50c a box, 6. for $2,10, or trial size
_. -
. . I . �
Carried.in full. assortroen, by . ..,
rho girl's words 11.1a evokoa it iunda(Ill
255c, If, for au- reason, your dealer
__., . . I ..I. .. . . . .
. . I . .
Itioa of re("011ection. For the nioniont
I .
.does not handle "Frrttt�a-tivos," they
will tm sent postpaid, on recelpt of
� . __ -
. I .
__ -_ '.1
. . .
- - . . . I �.
RECOMM10DED I . . .. �..'
to did not not',(-(! how Ila had been
J)rIce by Prult-a-tives Limited. cAti-ira.
. . - . - - . I
.B.Y ,. . .1 � . I � . I
� . . . . . .
rappea into speal�lllg or IIIIIIAcir, -nor
lie quiet col . itent-on Iris"
� . . - .
. I . .
--- � - - - --..-.. __ I � .
. . I I
I . . I . I ":
I - . .
* .
.see .the I
, j0ie
I .
... a 9 LONDESBORO I -.
ave when clivlt(va the inforin.
n wed tbnt
Veed . in(Watlo' -,. lvlll(,b
I * .
_R . . . � I �
. . . .1 o
hat Ills chlof foL'wi1S li� inan. A cilr-
L . .
there wits wqtc.r.beneath a portion of'-
. . . ( L . ..
I .
. . . I . I I
- . . wnw� :
ailt troill,010114 he'dtalley Ili* tier nian*
, ,
the plain inucli below the general level.
. .
�_ I . . . .
. . . I
I . . . 11 . . . . I ..
ior whon 14110 Wlxt 'Tulwillight have
Half an hollro,9'sipade work provea that
L I .
,-- = I we . . L . . 1.
warnea Iiiiii, but Ili$ blingry Soul
latl-,Ilt Oply ill(? ,%varlit synipality of tier
I was rl�gllt. )Ve - took ill). the pursuit
ran,the'qiiarry,to earth, and
k I I , <-- . .
". P5 1 I
. �..
UTIRV .. -
words, i)�lilvll fell Ilk'O will of! -Ila relied
agdItit'and ,
� .
. vy A.d I ��
11 __
� . I
I got Illy captaliley." . .L...,
_., . I 11
Soil. ... . . . . .
-You, are tired,".she said. 'IWOn"t
"WasIllore 110 1101t,"I i
I I .
: . . . Aline be-
110 panved all appreciable
. . .
. ..
I I .
... . . .- .
. . . I
. � .
on call.- it is, as much to' our . .
. WHENY . 1.
yujiA .sillo, o for a little ,while arid, ialk
k .
� I �
11 v pinde
fore rvplyln�.' T 'ion lie evidoittlI,
. .
, 11 .
" .
. I � 11, credit to sell cle as it is - "
- .... you a good ard .
hioney. Buying a range to .
to ilic".", I. . . . :
. it . p hI4,mhA . d 10 perrit rin Some digagree-
I . I
- - . to receive your i * ,
Ilicist people is aworryink pro osition,� -
Ife, pitoduced Ills lIipe;Rn(I tobacco.
. able 'task. Tile: watcliflig idri' could
, ' I r, r,
L - 11 11 I
/ .
,p � . .
. i�td . dotiibt� will creep in, fears.will be, as facts, '
.. Bile -
"That- Is .it first ratt, pipe," dc'
. �
,see tile Change. "n Ills. f"Ce;. tile fillarp
I I ..017,
L exper . I
�Vhy not share our knowledge, our - �
C141red. , "I I I), fathor alway4, Said that a
" .
I gitioll froill 6.ager ititere-st toangry
L Ill: .
"I I 01i , . I �
�1011 ience hasgiveii us abundatattonfidence in the ., .
iiiraight gtcni,,wTt1,i 0,�, bowl tit -qa right
anglo, was tile vol'."Mt slillpe. You evl-
I. .1 . I L' . .
I . .
reselitinplit. ... , . .. . ..
. "
. "Yes".11 L e *%Vent Ull "it last, 18there �wag'
. I .
� V .
. "I L
. I . . . . � . 11
I I �
" . . I � , .
'd '
.1.,,. , .
L'ontly agree witti I
. * ,
afiglit. Itwas a.ratber stiff a(fair,'ho-
I I I .
. .
� , . L L
w . you just why, 1.
L Qall.an e'll tell . . : � � .
, ,
., *11' I ._ . I � -
11 .\.b.,0111tol . . - .
. . �
cause a troop (it BrItjsh .
. .
. L.
I .... : � . .
__ I i � �. � I.. . . - .
II= �=[
. -
-You will llite bile father when YoV
, . -
lll , ,
bhonlaL ba-Ve ' )I.Wrted Ille, hadillfued
., ,;
I � � .
17, . . .
i .1 . =Npr�_. - I ".
. L . . .
. . ..''
t .1
in A Mau
1116et.1d I He. I:,. tl.i.6 vCVY 1) VIS
,III ;wlilit., Of � W. ,11_
J, Owing to- Ii I ater,.
-blek I
. .. . . L,
. .. . .
. . .. � 1. . . I . I . I . . I . I
L , , I . .L I .. . . I L I I
1. . I . .
. . I .
. . -
alivel I aill sure." �. . . .
, O"
ready ationtioned. But 'that -did not
� I I .
L �
. .1. L I 1. . I
S & R,O
1. )�oil two tire great frlotldlk ill(!"' .
. L Ile iriena
, Ill J.bay,�o Of tit e
: sime tit(% ottluer I t, .
, ' *Ply-
. .
. � . ,
�. - .. .
I - �' �
. . . . L . .. . . L'Ont. I , 1 1
" Clinton
110 I is the only
,roi t fvlondo-'! . ..
It . . L
, ty-fourth. laueers, front being Bev (Al
- �
I . . .
, Sole ngentsl. . . I W ,
I possp�t,s !-it the Avorld." - - i. .. .
I .
. luded", .; .. I . L .
repriiii: . .
o .
. - - . .
. . I -
. . - ,I, . . I I . . _. I
I ..
. . - �
"What! isJ11aftlitilte ilecurate"', .
. L .1. - .
. . . �
"The TAv( ,at-,'-foollyth 1111AC-01--s!'! criod
I, I . � .
. . . . .
.. I- . . � .
- .
___� . . �, ,
. � . . I . I 1. . I �
. ,Xob; (juite. of' cuillose, Xr. Jellk%, I
I .
1,1,lg.. -,II(jrd 'Velit nor s roglinent!" , ..
.. � �
. . . ... .
. �
call never for,get,l-W �luQll I bwd to
Ldrd 'Ve,rituor )v -us tile offic6t In,
I . . ... .. .
yQU, I. like yp"i 111111101siolY, .too, .Al-
. . . . .
questl0n." I . � . I
risreillahilitg*arn ' t darted to affain clutch..
thdiagil'you ate t,o-so grl�ff to )lit fit
, . , I
Iter, tave erinis.oned. "'Than you
. I.
- . Ill& wto -it's. -fit cc ynd �,ncclit..
.11, .
times. But�bllt. you S601 illy father
I . � .
I knONN� ilillio.,,, she said. - . ; �
III,O)JOer, 1.III)tv0.1AIev.)A-rS. co-toboll. 1,
. �
ana. x have always been together. I
� ,,I do.,41' I .. . . . 1. . .
at),Ilot like tier. ' , I consider tier it 'de-
fiave neither, 1w.wher nor sister, not
. . .
"lls Ili I i your one I iiiy?'p . ' I
ceitrul -%voiniall. Your tolIrt: inartial
. I .
even 'a cousin, M,y dear mother died -
� I
..-yes.-I . ' * ' I .
Illight, have, found it different verdict
� I
from 's6me 1101'rid, fOVer '141en- I Nalf
"And that 1', wIly, you :Vvere so 'Agl-�.
lj�ta its illelu))erg booil. of. her.sex. As
�quite a little. I girl, M�;, fathor Is every-
' .
tated, tl!.It I.Ast dny �Yll,tile'S*lr(]-.iil,,*%Vll(�it
'fj-e 1,6rd Ve,jitnor, he is nothing to me.
. .
. .
thing to me." - : . . I I .,.
i . .
I Tozer ask . .1 jf I we
116or Lady. . -ad i ie,, . �Kc .
it iqtt I koa lily father to be per
-lie lie ,is - . -
.' "Dear ellilld!"- lie niurmured, lipp-ly-,
. .
. o,o,,.:1,,oa to IiiiiCt" I ,. . I . :
I .
witted to pay lils adarogges.to, ,me, but
eut'jy iit,t�rill!."..I"-.'4"tliQl�l-lilits aloud rdtjl-�
I . .
.."Yes", '. 1, 11 I ' !
Iny. dear Old dad lef t ibe matter wholly -
I . :.. kls�o
:Cr tlialr�aildrvsslng, tier directly. .
. I .. . .
"llow could it 'afreet voli9. 'kolrdld.
� , "
tb my. decision, and I certainly never
, - . I I
. , .i . .
. , I
I .
-ybu. find. aw gruff, p 0" .
I . .
- . �
11, . �_ ,
not even knolv` Ply. MI'llie Ille "I" . .
. . I .
, g', I -1111'
,,We� Lord vi�lltllol. I .� ('11collra"le-
" , . , �
. �.
.11' 11
I ,& loegAilat, hear \'vile; You lecture me.
slid (I A -
. ,,.,It. affotq(�d ni�, becaii�(,- file I d I
it, Xrrs._ C -0,40-
illelit, I�hvl ve now that
, ,
But tlin't, is oil] Y.Oceaslolially.. You Call
. DIVIltiqll Of )jig Ilb7lile rec,illed Illy. Own
. .
b(ol".1le.d, and. t1l"It. Tion't yontiloi lied
. . (, ilen y6ll like, when you
:bo.veryul 0 IN.
: 1. (Illitted. tile arnly ,six
dls4grmv. I
-wh,ii . . Ie'
. - they attributed any.di.,illolaorab
forget, yo-ur 1).11;'t trouble' 3. Xud ,tray,'
. Ill'ontili, 'Ago. Miss; Dealt(%, 'linder very
. .
� action .to'yoll., -.I ilia I aiA.glad that yqu,
why do"Voll 011i Jllo�a .child,!,, . ,
:11111�,,tilnt,oq.. �'L general vourt
pallifill (.I,, ( . .. . .
beat him !it tile club. I .till qdite.sure
. "Have I dollo.sol.", . � ...
, , , . : of �otldqet
Im'Irtial 116tilld , Irle, guilty . . .
' . . I
It *0 desp,rvea It.- '. ,
� 'IN .
: Not a. m6invut ago. Ilow old are
" . 0 le-
. 111 officer. a na a g(i t
IIIII)cconling , .
. I .
� '.N*ot
I L (like word -x1ld this stronge man
, . * ty-tiventy,
you, lit. Jclilis'o I alu-tNten
0 - QN-01 glv,011 a challee,
nra. it,, I was 11 t
I irollcllsafe: - repl� art;qd.vId!
, in y.. Ile st,
. .
last Vocember.91 . .. . .
. . .
. . .
to.'resign., I w. 1.5 eashierekl."
* leilily� seized tile ax lying at Ills feet -
, I �
, . . .
. � .1.��,Il(,1'I,,, ho� said, "will be,twenty-
Ile protolliled, t..".) - speak with C601
� .
and wont striiii-lit amoii,� the trees,.
i ft .1
. . I , I . .
eightin August." ' .;- ' �. ..
I 0 V0IlIT)PI,,l
... Ile 111011ght t ler
trilvillonce � .. 1,
. ,
I .
keeppi- I Is- face turned. from Iris so
�. ;
I 4,
"Good gV400ils, I Bile. gasped. I am
it to sliviltking voiltelbl)t; ..Y(ot Ills f,l(!O
- p
. ,_ "I . . . .
I Ilillt.sl)e inight hicit-sce tile tears -h! his
e' . ..
. .. iy, blit.1. r . eally, thought You
� very sor .
Poll ,
blialiell'ea somewhat, alld'.,tholl"
I . .1 . . . I I
. � . I
.6yeg. . . I . . ..
. . . I .. .
were f orty n t. I cas.t." - ' . " -
steadily 1,(.,Dt tbe PIP0. 1)(41 ' his
' - Veen
'I a
As for file gi -1, -gale �be�`li.to scour
11 I I-10 . Olt . if, no doubt. Let me.be equal*-
ice'th alid, Rillokod *%vith �4tudlcd uncon,
1101. cooltil I, utell, . . _
� with milcho ell
1, .4119
I . .1 Sol,, too,
ly candid and� admit tb,it
cel;1.1,-IIjs lips twitchoda IlVie.. . �
I . .
. .. I . �. .. - I
orgy.aua. soon. eonin)(Inved ft:4011gi, Con-
. arke I$ .
slio3Nt y9ur ageom, illy. .. . . .
And he dared not look.at. li,er, f6i
I .. I I . . I
- I -'
stdoring.0in t sho wag compow: to con
, Ila t',
She Smiled nervousIX. "W a lQt
girl's wouderilig 0-.eg ,,vore,fixoti. upon
. o, . I . I
I stantly enative the voinpany.of a de-,
I .
of tiouble:'you ffiust.baye bad to-to--�
It It, (I digappollyett as
him, and tile bills . .
,_ . I
I graded ottleer, who had: bpen expelled
. . 0,
t-9 gIyO.'youthosel title -wrillkles inth
ililickly fisit calne. . I
I , I,
-front the--sevvice.with. lgII6uiiuY,-Slle.,
I .
corners of Ybur moiffli and eyes,", Silo
' 1.
. . . I.
hill,". O,C:tlli,4,,, she
I . 01110 .
I . I . .
1. Nvw, absuraiy contented. ' Indeed, With
.1 *
sai � 11 . I I I. I
a,. .. . . �
. _. t!'�_._____,ll_
!_ __
ill(; 11,,Ippy sequence of youth 'she
, . � I
. .
I . ,,W1,ln%1es! How terrible!" . � , .
. III don't.-ki . low.. I think they rather
_ _
I . . ...
_. _
" .
.A I"
-quicidy threw all care to the, winds. a�d
. . .
devoted her" tilongli.t.s 'to planiting 4
suit YOAi, rlosi(104,'it 'was'stupid of . Ine
I . . .
... . .. . � I .
I . . . 11 I .
Snrprlso for -the next day by prOpilying.
I ,
I 1 4 I "I'la"I noul,"surrenUI,
. . . . .
.. to,linaglue you W00 SO Olu, I SUPPOSO . . . 110-10 . , . . -, so I t, ' I . . . - . I � . I .
ex � posure to,the Sun, (;reates'wrinkles, . I JOLZIEGULARITY, , . - , $tl6tisly * open tI.16 eb&'. �. . Iloona . � 1. I . �
. and you inuit have JlVcd.lnu(.,jl in-tho - ' . . . . ., . . . I - - -,-"- ___ __,_.__�_______._________
. . � . . .
. I �
. . . . I (To be contluu4d next week.) . . .. 4
- I
openair." - ' . �. . . I OF'THE BOWELS . . . .. . I � � �. I � I . . . .. . I I... . . . . .. I � A BIG MONEY SAVING � I ,
"E'a , rly tolsIn.- and late going to bed -. . . .1 I . I ,� - , . . . . . .. � I I I . . BARBAIN. ' I
. � . I j.1n. i . I I. .
.. �
ly. . I . . I to d corrected. . . . . � , I . . I . . . I
. . .
. .
(,I . w. iii-Iny officers . Any irregularity o . f. the bowels is always 1. . . � ' ThAttod . .
'are bad for .tile-. coulplexion," 110 '410- datii�erous, and I should be,,at once attended �.. - '_-,*� -*,,+ .. - l, . ; # - 01, �
clared solenin all ..
Ofteli .-w"onder ho . . 0 Curious. Marriage Tangle, Stop � DIS
manage to, *.exist," , she- said. "They . . , I . . An extraordinary anarriage colliPli- - � � � . I . 1. . . � I . ,,, HARR
. o MIN9S - - neoll'i . "Hisseakc-a-ulcelIbL
fieve I r'sectil to'got enough sleep, In tile .� . plailled it" the Li � can .
, � . . I I � . I . ". ' eat -ion was ex, ' to chee.l. early rold$ or Grippe with "ProventloWl . and turng the wil'ovitir better it has becom :4:
. . . tolitly, NVII(In. it favorite of t1w Llrencr-f.1111011� throlithout 0 ' .
east at filly Ilate.11 . . . . . . �ng.) PolicL �ourt rec . I un,qu, sury defeut for lIntounionia. To �tov it cold and,the older PeoVinCeS nAL a great money-rnakinc. �,
1. u'llg4fillie 'I have been,in'tbe .1. , ; LAXA = LIVER PILLS 'g(`irl nanied Rix ai)ppea loran ordor ,00i,ioi t,n,-N-onitiv,� is sit fer than to let it ruliandbit farm tool, Perfectly whosted. simplef compact'
. "So vo . . . I . . . � I .1 . .. 1. -in nhIII(,(t p.,aig,�ti to ediv. it aftunvards. 'J'o be sure, 11te. StOut,figicl,',Ittdt6ngi.isting. Light raftiAori .
. . I . � . . against� a Malisfi(q(t I)itn-,, � vo 11iies Will (111-0 CIV01 It (IN-PlY StIR40 vold. but wbIlicht on team,- under abs lute, dotl ,
driny't" ,: � � , . . . Herbert Rall . � , . :t-;14,1I(-tIr1y-kJt tlti�Sil(N�ZL,tngtl-tlieyl)rettl,I or Ito at all-thnes; Sevoral t , .
"I al if,$# - . work on the bowelo gently and nittprally . fa I
. I I
n q11IN1.,Sur6 of . . t . . .1yeolds. Thilf"k st farm and ordh*rd, A hwo r a ,
,vAthout weakening the body, -but, on thb 11,t;::oI ofy these eat Irely better, It will "pay yon, to knot I
";%Uily I ask '%vIIV?".'*.. 1. . 1. I . contrary, toning ib, ao'd- theyi, will if per- � ' IXIle �parties ,:had .been inarried at � . , vIls. thot"y are vallod 111-ovelitleg., . more � / .
, Lincoln registiv office, but.aft�r liV- 1,,:t'1,aIv.,,ttw litflojlandy co)(1 vurt;s. No Ouln. - td0b,o,t,a,to;t Free descrip. .
� ' ovf tive I Meg tile �
�'Yoilll manner, your �olce, ycui quiet ievered in relieve and.cure the worst cases ing togethor'an�l baving 0110 eliihl thn In,-, lit) pb,N--Ie, nothing skIkellilig. Nice for the facts. Write for"i"t today. A I . �
, . . . 'el . .
Air of antbority, tile )*Cry IVRY you of conatipation. I I . . that It(, had warried . vi,ilanoii-and thoroughly mt(e too. If you fe dress Dept. W .
. I . - nian dis0overed 11N.r. You ", te've, .you Ite to all vt-r n WE. R1681ILL - �tda
Walk slit betray You.,, . . 1vfpR. Jan:I6 Mpg, Cornwall, Ont., writes- his own-iiiece by-half-bl6od relation- i I., % ye. it-,)] f ar ... Zictap 0 t. a
-A (,It .q. Pr nil'tiless 11�111Y I .
. � 691 was troubl�d with sick headaches, don. MAU I 4 I ne8s, Ail dou'l
. 111 I . L
. . 1ITbcn,'1Jl6,'saId sadly, ".1 Will !lot A-, Olip, which wa� illegal. John Rich- 11 11 till Child. If
.. .I * 11 o I I prein It., .
.. I catitiorh of U16 sto I,, "!1, . I . I
tenipt to dony,the fact, I held a com. stipati6n and inach. I ardson, clitairman. of the bench an(l. tili-ro I (1vell."I'll 11101 o .
. I . could get, lidthing to do me any . it III,) 1 le. 11rov, ii,o-j" rea to� 'Ifolle , . 0141 1 Tno, Guest, olifiton.
. I _ good until well-knowii, Socialist, asked if it wvtt,. I., 0.w.,,f r tl.-� poe �-f_al.�o lit 1.15c nx(,S of 48. . . .
Inissl6ii,11i tile Indian- staff (oot-pq for, I b,& vial, of Milburn's Laxa,'Liver Fills. gi'lugy L. Beottty, Varna, "
ulne years, It was a ho'bliT 'of in1ne, 0 - else not.possible to persuade U10 ,))('OPI(' to lw�eialN. lu:iist oil your d als V I .
Tgey di4 mo, more good than anything I live t6getlier. lkllc' legill baMer, lie . I . . . This. G. Allan, Dungannon . .
Miss Deane, to makeanyself'oequal lit- I. over tried. I have no hoaddehes or conve . 0. Robt. Wilsono Goddrich, I �
ed with tile best Ilica3ig of- vict,11111119 stipatiop, -And tile &6taiTh of the stomach said, wilia'a very silly piece of call- . W. J. Allan, Sesiforth, . .
' onical 1,aw, which ought to bq.entire-
�ly -Inell alld eping tilem' in ,good ' isentirelygotie. I feet like III u6ilwantan . McNeil Bvos,# Walton. .- ! I
ke " I ded. '. .
licidth under all sorts of fallell"(11 c011- thaInks to Milburn's tfixa-Liver Pills. i ly' disregar I
� . f Q111natte, utiod in all about half A dozen vial.A." It ,, F,ventually the magiAtrates n1fidt' all Pr,eve I I . I . . 4
d1tions slid lit every 1011d 0 Price 25 cents a vial, 5 for $.' A, at all Order against t1le, man, to PUY 60 cent,*, . 'lN' . ra, .
eSpeQJ1,11y Iniaer ' eirclinist-nnees whon .3 ers or niail .11ilburn a., week to his ' wifl�,' ill respect -of I Sold bY "ALL DRUGGISTS" tir " an Ad. in Tho I W E
n ss were not avillilablO. deell ed direct by The, T I ll�ba child, . . t . . . . y . . - . V _ . � .-I. � �
I 100., Lifflited, ToFonto, Oat. ., I � � 1. 10�11_ . , I
, I.. .- 10111 0 11 I 11 I !!� !!T!!!� - - - , , _ _�__T;;;-�
With that object In' view I road up, . '. M�_� I . � . �
every pogsible colillitry hi which illy I . . � .- . I . I.. � . I . 1. 1. L_ __ �
. . . I . . I � I . � � 2�1 11 I
regillient Iniglit be oligaged, learned . , - I - 11 .
. � 11 A plirely herbal' balM O' batt
tile p)oal 11111110 Of, e r
. .S .onimon artielog 0 I—
food all(I'llsi-orialtipa partiviiiarly what . I. - - & -thing for the t0fider skinS of
provision nature in , a46 to MI-Allin lifO, . � � . ahildrells YOt POW61"fUl 06119h
The stilay interested ine. onve, dur- I . .I., . I � to hoal an aduIV.- 0hrofilo SorO; - .
III,, tlle'�Qllldall (.1111111111gli. it was really � highly antisaptio; caS08 pft�.-1
us'eful and provilred 1110 proillotion . "o . 11 1) L arid snoiartinr,1g,00ft, a,^, applied-
, .
-noll Ilm illmlit It" . a I � I that ig Zani-Duk. -L lkeMoMbM�ol
1;1)tlrlll,, goillo oporatjoll,4 Ill 1110 do�zort I . r , , . I - - _A I
. . 11 . . I k., ,
It Willi neve'.44ary for Illy troop to fol. . ; .. ___ � It is mn;,,�llf horbal-lla Mir -teal
law lip .1 A1111111 party oil toellels luoulited . I - pols0n% 110 4filhittl tAtS. Power
oil vallie'14''willeb, as "Oil probably I . nv VO SKIN INJURI . � I
, ., evilt% W" . , R . AS - . And pUrItY 601111011611 I
know, vall go witholit watee Int.101 long- - - -_ .. I— . ,- 1. �. -1. E 0 . I
or than hors'es. I've wevc., alillor4t with- bu I ".. -.1. - -111 Alfdraz&lstm md slat*XXOR Ael#co- it h0* -
in striking distance wilpil our horses - 11. 1. � 11 � 1. I , I 1. _---W --
,k1ly, 'no- 0, - ,. � __ . , , ._ '__ -_ , _
Coloplctely gayo outk but I Itiv 1. Or . � .
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_,:__ . - -A - _ I ___io,_ _____ - -..bhb-- ll!!!Illlllll!!!I;!IlllllllllllilllllilllllliiiiiiiiiliiillI I 3. � .
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