HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-05-20, Page 5Ir" MOM- 7r• """ 0 May 2otb, 1909, yeamosummur Selecting Wedding Gifts. Is a poser for many puzzled _ people. Pardon the sug- gestion that our judgement and ex- perience may be oft some aid.' Presents of Sil- ver, Cut Glass, Art goods, and Crlina are always in order.. Styes and Prices right. avasmo W.11.1Iellgar Jeweler - Optician CLINTON, ONT. AMMON MERE 1111111111=MOM11.01.1=MINIIP ORANGE CELEBRATION A Grand Orange Celebration will be held in CLINTON ON Monday, July 12 ....1.••3111111•MIM EVERYBODY WELCOME. faINGLE FARES ON ALL RAIL WAY LINES. • MOMIKEVS, I have started business in the old Post Office Prcperty, I have now re- ceived choice stock of Marble and Granite which 1 otter at cheapest rates, consistent with Perfect workmanship Rest material, Chaste designs • Small profits, Quick returns Designs furnished, -Estimates given, cemetery work a specialty, personal attention to details. Please give me call. Jas. Doi Clinton. 1 being personally connected with some of the best Manufacturing bousee. will be able to fill orders from designs at shortest notice. vaiimoemonienme oward It's 20 lbs Redpaths Granulated Sugar at $1, to be used for canning Pineapples, to the person guessing nearest to the correct number of Bars of Soap, in the Bee Hive in our North window. Pineapples are at their Best now, and cheap at • 2 for 25 cents 1(107. for $1.45 large size 1 doz for $1.25 smaller size. W. T. O'NEIL Phone 48 THE HUB GROCER. Births Marriakes tt Deaths " • MoNAIIGHTON- In Tuelcersmith, May 10th, to air, and Mrs. John Me- ,Naugleton, a daughter, ' APELL- At Gederich Hoepital, on Friday, Ap it 30th, to Mr and Mrs. Wm. Abell, twin daughters. All doing Well, EACRETT-In Ileneal, May 9, to the wife of Robert Eacrett,a, daughter, FOSTER' -In Howick, May 7th, to Mr. and. Mrs. V. E. Foster, a son. WILLIAMS-In Creditor), May 7, to Mr. and Mrs, B. L. Williams a daugh- ter: RACEY-At Owatonna, Minnesota, on Wednesday, May 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Jae, Racey, a daughter. • MARRIED ASHTON-FISHER - in Clinton, May 10th,at the Oatario Street Metho dist Parsonage by Rev. W. E. Kerr, Mr. John Thomas Ashton, of Goderich Township to. Miss Lillian .A.tberta Fisher, daughter et Mr. and Mrs. S. Fisher, of Clinton. HINDE -HUME -At St. George's Church, Goderich, May 15th, by Revd. Mark Turnbull, M. A., Rector, Revd. Wm. 'Bride to Airs. Helen Rudie, of Wooclhohne, Bayfield, ANDERSON -SMITH -In Winnipeg May 6, by Rev. Du Val, Mr, John. Anderson, of Russell, Man., to Alice R., dauglater of Robert Smith, Hallett, DIED COOK- In Colborne, May 11th, Racheei Kineswell Oook, aged 20 year se • KE RR - In West"Wewanosh, on May IltA, Margaret Ma tut M ills,beloved wife of Henry Kerr, aged 32 years. 13ROWN-In 'French Lick, Ind., on May 10th, F,award D. Brown Toronto, and son-in-lew of Mrs: John ,Killoran, of Seaforth. BASTARD -In London, May 8th, Joseph Bastard, formerly. of Stephen, aged 81 years. • OWEN-In Maplewood, N. J., on May 18tn, Mrs. Wm, Owen, sister of Mrs. J. H. Combe, Clinton, aged 82 years. • COUNTY CLIPPINGS, Mrs. John Evans,I)ne of the pioneers of Kincardine, died Thursday night. She was in her 74th, year, and leaves large fa,fially of sons and • daughters. Thos. Johnston, of Proton Tp., owns a owwhich gave birth to four calves the cther day. All four were alive and perfectly formed, but died shortly afterwards. Jacob Andrews, of Lucknow, had had a writ issued against George McCay,of Kincardine, claiming $5,000 damages for alleged false arrest,- and malicious prosecution. Poles are being distributed fcir ex- tensions to the rural telephone system and ten to fifteen miles of new line will be erected. It is confidently expected that one -hundred telephones will be connected with Zurich central, before fall. • Mr. Joseph Bastard, a former re- sident of Stephen township, died at his honae 40 Bruce street, 'London on Sunday a week ago, aged 81 years. The remains were brought frcm Lon- don Tuesday morning and the remains taken from the depot for interment in the Exeter cemetery. • The Agricultural Department of On- tario has prepared a list of the various meetings of Farmers'Institute through- out the Province. At most of the meetings .addreeses will be given by representatives from the Department. Meetings for which speakers are arranged : will be hell et Huron S.; Hensitil, June 15, Huron W„ Loyal, June te ." Many in this section of Country will regret to hear of the 'death . or the Rev. Mr, • Goldberg, • formerlythe 'Rector of Lu,clinow. Hi& last charge was Eastwood, from which he retired nearly two years ago. Mr. Goldberg was born in Wersaw, Poland, a,ntle re- ceived his education in England, com- ing to Canada in1880. He held charges at Lucknow, Markdale arid Eastwood. For some time past he had been in poor health and his death was not un-, expected. •. • A very sad aocident happened about three o'clock Saturday afternoon last week at the home of Mr. and !Vies, A. M. Hodgins, Con. 3, Stephen, when their little son, Harvey Raymond, was burned to death. The tiarents had gone to the barn • only a short time be- fore, where they•were engaged fanning grain, leaving the two little sons, aged 13 months •and three years, in the house. On returning to the house and openicg the door tlae mother was horrified to find the hone full of sinoke. She iminediately called her husband and together they entered the building, only to find that by some means theyounger son had been burned to death, while the other little fellow was none bbe worse. How it occurred is a mystery. • . The two sobs of T. H. Armsteong, Kinioss, aged 5 and 7 ygars, respec..- ively, wondered from htnne Friday morning, looking for ficisvers. They were seen entering Greepook swamp. About forty men soon gathered, and spebt Friday afternoon and night look- ing for the children, -but without sue - cess. The search was resumed Sitter - day morning,the searchers numbering about one hundred, and was kept up till about 4 : 30, Saturday afternoon, when the ehildreh walked out on Lee's farm, not far from Riverdale, after spending thirty three hours in a swamp. It is about four miles from where they entered where they come out. The children are net much the worse for their adventure:. 'fun ;monthly., meeting or the W omen's Institute will be held at the ho me of Mrs. P. Hall's on .Thorsday, May 27th. A good attendance is re- quested. Nelson Ball. Buy That Metallic Bed now. ThroWawity that bid -fashion- ed wooden affair that you have had so long. Metellie beds\ are just as soft to lie on and 'decidedly more stylish. Besides they are really • Attractive PieceS of FurnitUre. Come and see hOve Wide a choice this store 'offers you, You Ntrill find that no matter how little you want to pay, or how Much, we have the bed that will snit your purse and • pride, „ HOOVER itt ..13.A144 PURNIT tam AND UNDERTAKING When n hild dislikes study. When children din.. Into study tiler% o en. erg,. is used in other directions, most Hite. ly to overcome eye. strain. We can remove this strain. Then diligence will follow. , 24.J. GRIGG JEWELER and OPTICIAN Issuer 'of Marriage Licenses Clinton a Ontario Clinton Market Report. . Corrected every Thursday afternoon Wheat (new),, 1 25 to 1 2.5 Oats (new) 0 40 to 0 43 Harley ...... ...... .. 0 50 to 52 Pena .... 0 82, to 0 SO Eggs 0 17 to 0 18 !antler 0 15 to 0 16 Hoge 7 50 to 7 50 • Chickens, dry Finked, lb e 12 to 0 13 Mickey, per lb 0 14 to 0 15 Geese e 0 14 to 0 15 Turkeys 0 18 to 0 20 Potatoes per bag 0 00 to 0 00 Apples, dried 0 4l. to 0 5 • TORONTO InFIRKETS CATTLE- The top prices foe. choice butchers ranged from $3.25 to 5 40. but ,in medium cattle it was harder to keep prices up. There is a•firmn'ess to the stocker and feeder trade. Good short- Ictep steers are (imitable it up to 45, and for some extra fancy ones as high as $5 50 is reported to have been paid. Choice exporters can be fairly set at. 8575 to 025 per cwt„ while medium. goods are quotable atfeenn 45.25 to 5,50 Hoes -Receipts of hogsare reported by several' of the leading packers to. have been light,ond while there are re • ported to.be a considerable number of inferior, light, unfinished hogs • arriv •ing,there is not to be found anyalarm. fog increase in this departure.' This. weekslive hog e are quoted at $7.50 f o b, 57.75 fed and wateved at Tomato,. cars and $8 off ' • . , .X***444ntie+11+111++*+74 :-24 Personal Notes 44- IV those having relalyes or friends ,of visiting in town ' eer notitrus of the lag eageng aw" `04.• would announce it in the rIvBer week, 71++++.144444444444411 Mr, A. Sheeley was in town over Sunday. , • • Mr. Henry Biker was in Blyth on, Wednesday. • Bliss May Graham, of London, is .vis. itingerelatives here this Week. THE °LINTON NEW ERA Little Locals ••••••••••••,••••••, Boon for the 24th. Roos are $7.50 this week. THE price of wheal tlais week is $1.25 WHATaltout oaxiy closing in town this Summer? COME to Clinton on the 21t2 and bring your best girl. go.Aodn it.you attending the picture Om* at the Majestic? The pitetureo are Tim continual wet weather ha,: ser- iously retarded the fanners with their Spring seeding. --T. fltarmsex„of flaxen to n,...wos town last week, fulfilling his duties as Customs Inspector, W. Guileless expects to moye his family to Toronto, shortly, where he has seeured it position, 11, MetiniEs has rented Mr. Write- lAnlisaiho°veusoen, JonuriejlIstnit.ea Street, a" FRIDAY of this week is Empire Day, and will be observed in the public seboo's of the Prevince. LEAMINGTON St ill hold a monster re- union of the old boys and girls on August 35, Id, 17 and 18th. . HURON County Council will meet in the Countil Chamber Goderich, Tees day, June'lst, at 3 o'clock p. tn, THU Goderich Tp. Council will meet on Wednesday, May 20. The Court of Revision will be held that day also, THE rain last Friday brought out tbe maple leaves and foliageso that i we are reminded that Spring s here. .AxoTnan, thing we can celebrate on the 24th is the close ut the house clean - mg season. Let everybody be heppy. KEEP off the sidewalk Mr. Wheel - man. There is a By law prohibiting the use of the sidewalk for wheeling. CnixTox on Victoria Day should be the watchword, Fine program con eluding with a higOoncert in the TOwn HIaeleLyou are a clissatiefied tenant and Whieh yea shouSa be if you have cause • -look at some of the houses advertised to -day. • The finishing touches are being put on Mr. Jacob Taylorai new store and' it will be ready for becupitney in a week or so. DUaTti and destruction have played mcre than the:rusual part in lake nav- igation this season,41lives having been loat already. P. HETIIEEMAN,of StratfordAtid- itof for the Canadian Express 0o, was in town last week in the performance of his duties. . . . • ' PETER KEE helclea successful sale of household goods on Saturday list: Mr. Ker has no,: definitely decided what will be his next move., .• • MONDAY afterhbon it ••blacke spaniel dog belonging to air. Jacob Tayloc and. it dog. belonging to J. Howe got poison . but prompt attentioa saved both can- ines. . • LET us know your visitors names. who are here for •the 21t1t. We will .be pleased to Publish them; or if you are goitre out ,of -town let. us have the Mr. and Mrs, S. S. 'Cooper, returned, home from in ilibank, on Wednesday._ Miss Dell o'Ni-11 and Miss: Wallace' will go•toTeroli co this week for a, short visit, , • e ' : 1 J. W. Green. representative of Mail! and -Empire, ualled on the Ile* Fot.e last Friday.. • :: Miss Keef.r, of Seaforth, was it visitor With .1 a anti • ales 0. H Bart, lift, over Studley. ... -• Barristai• M. G. Cameron, of Gotrer- ich, was it cutter itt the New En* ofs lice on Wednesday. . ' . M. .EL Darroh and Mrs, J. Jewitt, Bayfield, were visiting at the home of Mrs, H. B. _tier, on Tuesday. ' . ' Mr. Heoty O'Brien returned home on Wednesday from a trip taking in Detroit, London and. Stratford, „ Mr. Walter TreleaYen, Lucknow„ speritSunday a,t the home of his brath- er, Mr. J. W. Treleaven. of town. .; Mrs, Wm. Foster, and • claughter,Ed- na, are remelt:sing in town at present, at the home of Mr. Wra. Oantelon. Mrs. W, E. Duncan, of Brussels, was visiting her huaboald in town last week Mr. Duncan spent Senday in Brussels. L-Mr. W. P. Spaulding left last week for Kingston, where be has accepted a situation in one of the large industries there, We arepleasedto know : that Mr. Thos. McNeil is on the mend. He has had ahead Siege Troia congestion of the lungs. • Mrs. Taylor and Miss Taylor, who had been living inLondon through the Winter, have returned to their home on Townsend St Mrs. Boles and grandson, .Haiold Manning have returned to town,as Mr. R. E. 'Manning, of Dungannon, is giv- ing up heusekeeping, eVIr. j. W. Newcombe is combining business and pleasure, on a visit to Fort William, Sault Ste Marie and other Northernepoints this week. 4 tir. b. 0. Ratice, who represents Sackeon Mfg. Co.'s well-known Lion Brand Clothing, in the Maritime Pio; vinces, is expected home this week, Chas. E. Hovey went to Burlington Monday, word havieg been received of the serious illness of the youngest daughter of hiseson, Rev, I?. Hovey, Mr. Geo. Millar, of Sault Ste. Marie,. 1 00,, who Was here attending the Am- erbl of his brother.in-law, Mr..W..ros, tersrettuhed home thellist of the week There is n� more ',Mauler route for the ,Great West than the double track Grand Trunk Railroad to Chicago and the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul from there on. The luxuriant fitting of the cars, the attention of the officials, leave nothing to be desired, Miss Katrine Stiitehbury, of Toron- to, a Soprano soloist,and member of the IVIendelssohn choir, who is to sing In S t. Paul's church,morning and even! ing, and at the Cogcert Monday night, will spend theholidays whither friends Mrs. A. 41. Hill atal Miss Deverell. 'The inany friends of Miss Kate Connolly will be glad to hear a postal card was' receiVed from her by the Town Agent of the G. T. R., dated St, Pati1,011-tino May 13th, "Thursday 2 0. 110. Arrived here safely this morn. ing. Officials yory'attentive." IL 0, . . THE Berlin -Waterloo Lawn' bowling tournanient is announced for the week of Angest. Oth. W. Jackson, of Clin- ton, has been appointed one of the umpires, . • 'We areat, all times pleased to re- ceive local news. Send or bring inthe • facts ; do the rest. The coming • and going- of .Huron COunty people are alivays ivelcorne items. . •WE notice that W. Jackson has been appeintedone of the umpires for the Western Ontario Bowling- tourney.. Me Jackson is an ex president of theAs. sociation and an enthusiastic bowler. SEE. that your screens are: impreg- nable and that your "swatters" are in perfect, eonditien arid :within' reaele Thetyphola fly is thecorn mon 'loose fly Keep it out if you itif you rinist Ceettexez Copp has aesore finger as it result of Paying bali, one. evening • .this week, :The finver is badly swollen and diseolered but itis thought it is not beeken. . ' •• : ' IN, the Pertieand Heaven •district of the W. 14: A., alifverton defeated Brus- Beis in Milverton last Friday evening ; and also defeated Ethel in the latter . town on aronday. •The -scores were 1.0 in each game.. ..• • : • • ' " The NEW Elea was glad to have a tall from Rev. Mr. -Wade, on Tuesday. He is regaining his health consider- ably although the walk to town is about all:he cares to undertake. We hope he will continue to gain. • TEAMSTERS. eontinue to drive over the cement pavements, 'totally regard- less of whether theee are crossings or . not, and unconcSrnecl as to the by-law prohibiting the driving over pavenients where there are no crossings. EVERY property owner should take pride in 'beautifying his home by car- ing•for the lawn and keeping the shade trees neatly trimmed around the lower branches.' If all wouid ao this our town could be called with propriety the ."Queen of the ciatintre." • • . N. R. JENNIIIGB has severed his con- nection with theCanada Paper 0o. and is now on the road • for the Sinclair & Valentine Printing Ink lo, at a sub- stantial increase in salary. Mr. Jen- nings was well liked by the newspaper men who will be glad to heal; of his rise.. ieekTwo Toronto Saturday Night of las/ contains it photogravure ofStewN. rt Jackson, son of 1411%, Thos. Jackson, jr., who is to appear in one of the lend- ing roles, in an amateur production, "The Westerners," The play will be put no at the Princess Theatre on May 20, 21, and 22, with a niatinee on Sat- urday afternoon. , ' "----s--e- "Levities on hands" for coinplaints, especially in children,is noWtaking the plaoe of Christian science. A mother ceeed her boy of the cigarette habit veith• one dose.. She laid her lab hatid on the boy's neek, her right hand on one sithstantitil slipper, and then laid the slipper where it would do the most good. It effected s; mire and a relapse • isnot looked for, . THE board of railway coMmissionera has issued regulations for the cleaning and disinfecting of railway cars, stations and waiting rooms in order to prevent the dissemination of infectious diseases, If these regulations are strictly carried out railway' travellieg will 'lose oue of its clitngeroue elertients. Putting it stop to sniffing in the* tars and stations is also a desirable reg. elation. Mit B. F. BELL, of Toronto Was in town on Monday and Tuesday of this week in the iriterests of a Coal firm. Ile makes his tripewith an Tudhope auto, inanufaetfired by the Auto Car- riage firm a,t Or tilialle stated to some of the townspeople thatelinton streets needed considerable amendant before they could be considered ideal for antomobiling,especiallY Albert street ft) the Grand Trunk depot, Perhaps theStreetconataittee Will take the hint, • Goderich District onvention. OTT •••••• 0e, The 17th annual Convention of the Goderich District W. M. fa. was held in the Methodist church. Seaforth, on Thursday, May 13th. Morning session opened at 10,30. with Mrs. Leech, Dia trict Organizer; in the chair. Mrs. Gordon 'Wright, who was present tlaroughout all the Convention, was also on the platform. After the open- ing devotional exercises which were Jed by Mrs, Leech:airs, Gordon Wright Pres. of London Branch, was introduc- ed to the 0ouverition. Mrs, Wright h Idlest__ come fromthe Wiegham Dietriet Voavention, which was held at Gorrie, and brought greetings fro:n them, which were helpful and encour- aging. Some time was now spent in hearing reports from the different auxiliaries. These were all very en- couraging. Though in some uitSeti there was a decrease in membership yet the givings did not decrease Mrs. Wright especially emphasized the fact that the money raised by membership Lees must all be sent away, excepting what is used to•send delegates, s oo for stationery and postage for officer:Or or officers books. None of it must be used in purchasing material for making clothes to send away in bexes. A special cellection bad better be taken for that purpose. She also isquestecl the auxiliaries to write to Mae Briggs each time before sending away a. box so that the 'goods rnay bed ivided equal ly, and mit to those who need them most. Meeting 'then adjourned with the Doxology, Afternoon session opened at %.30. Miss D. Holmes of Hohneeville led the devotional .exer cises. Several more reports were read from auxiliaries; and the ballotting. for District Ovganizer for the coming year attended to; al, s Leech was again elected with 10 out of 51 vote, Blyth auxiFary sent an invitation for (Jon- veneion to meet there nextyear,which was accepted:time and other necessary arrangements left in. the hands of Mrs. Leech. A short consecration service was led in an able • manner by Mrs. Duerr, of Seaforth. Secretary read a telegram which had been received from the Winghain District Convens' tion, in session at Gorrie, with greet- ings and good wishes for the success of this Convention. !Secretary was in- structed to send a note ot appreciation in reply. Greetings were given faotn the sister societies in Seaforth,nerffely the Episcopal and ist. . Presbyterian. A. reply was given by Mrs. Oceirtice, of fatinton.. .Mrs. G, Wright rend it letter front a missionary in China, Miss Wellwood. It was very interesting an,d gave quite a glimpse of Miss Wel- wood's' work, A. very interesting Round , Table Conference was 'led by Mrs. Acheson; .of Grodericb, Mrs, W. S. Harland, of Olinton, gave a forceful address en the subject "Relation of the Temperance Reform to Missionary effort." A very pleasing duet was rendered by twe young ladies. Refer - euro was made to members of the aux. Marilee to whom through thepast year the lordhas said, -It is eneuehecoine up higher.'" There were five sisters in all•who have been called homes Mrs. G.' Wright addressed the Convention on "The necessity for knowledge con- cerning alissionarywork," The Woman who pays her fees- and attends the monthly meetings has not done all she shonld• do. Itis not enough that ehe'oftlehis become informed.thorough .ly. Each member should do the same Though itis very important to have .• She money raised, it is also well tube- coree thoroughly informed • in the woik, and to help others • to do so too. The question drawerwits intidduced by Miss Freemen, of Goderichai,nd the questions answered very . ably, • After the collection was taken up, the meet- ingwas closed with the •Benediction, enid the ladits repaired. to the base- meneof the • church-, . where tea had been kindly provided by- the Seaforth ladies. The eveeing session was open- ed at eight o'elock, Rey. D. ',Rogers; pastor .oi the. Seaforth. .Methodiet church, presided. After it few 'words of greeting by hitn,41r. Pickard fityor- ed the f audience with a solo. Mrs. Leechgaye.a short report as Organizer -After the • collection .aIrs. niciedon Wsight.was celleden, to give an ad- dress... She Isit pleasing speaker, and touch interest was felt throughher cid-- diva.. She gave it brief outline of the beginning of the. W. aL Se work. The first. organization cif this kind AU this country was ih Hamilton in 1861. That year the sum raised was $2910.00, .Last • year amount was $07.802 00. This shows tow he mirk .has grown.. We have done wellebut not as well as we alight: There are 200,000 • women in Canada, butonly 30,001i belong to the W. M. S. Wa ought to. haVe at least a of the number, 'There are 10,000 members -of Circles and Bends. Mrs.. Wright gave au outline of work as it• is being done in the . different JapanSChina, and the North West, She ended by •Seylogthat she thought we, as Methodist women,had a Special call to miseionary work through -our great leader, John Wesley. 'Through '111111-vve have seen the sublime yision. of our opportunity. A • selection .by • the•nialaquartette Was N ery much en- joyed, es was also ananthem by Ole. choir. • The meeting closed With. the .Benediction, after a vote of 'thanke was passed to the ladies of .the chureh for their. excellent entertainment; to the choir, and to all who had assisted. .A.• special vote of appreciation was tendered Mrs. Gordon Wright. Col- lections for the- dity ainoented to $11.- 10, After the expenses were taken ont,the balance was left with Seaforth AAlgillary. • New Advertisements. Mouse to Rent . Apply to, TWiiCEELL, Clinton, tf Servant Wanted . Good general servant 'wanted, apply at NEW ERA. Odic' / . . • ! Dist • . Gold Brooch lest in•tOwn, on Weduoday even. ing, May 19111, contains. it Inman spray of hair, leave at NEW BRA Office.. lin To Rent. Sunfiner Cottage In Jewett's Grove, lisYfield. Pturtislied.• Vor further particulars apPlY at. 0.51 • NEW ERA Office. Timber and' Lumber For Sale • have a quantity of ieitiare thither suitable for barns or driving shed purposes, also rough lumber, /kepis. to D. CANTELON, tf Meeting ott. lite Moron • County Connell The Council of the Corporation elf the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, in the TOwil of Gederich, on the lst, day of ,Tutit, net, at 3 o'clock P.M. All mounts against the County of Huron re. (miring settlement, Must be plated. with' the ' Clerk on er before Saturday may the Dated May 13.1909, W. LANE, Clerk. SHOE AND MUSIC EMPORIUM. "NV S.C.Rathwell SHOES Fashionable - Favorites For Ladles. Tan Bluchers at $3,50 Tan Bluchers at 3.00 Tan Oxfords at ... 3.00 Tau Oxfords at. ........ 2.50 .0x Blood Oxfords at.. 2.50 Chocolate Oxfords at.. 1.75 For Men Pat Bhiehers at $4.50 and $5.00 Tan Bluchers at $4.00 and $4,50 Ox Blood liluchers, at 84.00 and $5,00 at S. C. Rathwell's. IC. HOARE inusie New _Victor. Records have, just placed in stock a large! sin pro en t ofVletorReeorde,. consisting of Band Selections, . Male .Quartettes, vocal Duettea, Solos, etc. \ ' New Victor Gram-o-pnones and Columbia, Phonographs always in stock. Call and haye a talk,if you think of purchasing C. HOARE. • The place where your dollar always does ltsilAuly* main New Millinery store, opposite the Molsons Bank. We have the Styles A CALL. 'SOLICITED. Gaptelop 6L. Go. ..gressinosmoon The Store Where Yon get the 'most- for yoar money.. HCORN. . .. • e - - . We have four kinds of Seed Oorn-White' Oap, Bailey. Learning . and SI. 8..8„ weed geelity. We have White Dutch Clover,' alaud'e Wonder, this is a forage plant said to grow 12 ft. high but Makes best reside when Mit 4 times ti,. year. We have Mangle, Sugar Mangle Tares, athlete, Turnip -Seeds garden Peas, Garden corn and all other ' Carden Seeds. This is the ame.and place to get Seed of best quality. ' Term's cask or Produce. Highest prices paid for Produce. R. Adams, Londesboro. • JIIIES • Keeley and West have just bought a• machine for, attaching. Rubber 'Tires to bug- gies, and are prepared to do all • work of this kind promptly and at reasonable pricee. • Ale° all kinds.. of • lathe work, grinding, and machine repairing. We have 'installed a• machine for Grinding Horse eiippers and are prepared to do such work in first class manner.. - . SEELEY & WEST • BLACKSMITHS. - CENTRAL Ado/is.. / sTRAI:FORD,' NT. . Spring Term. fro April 1st, we have a large sej 501, a. high-grade school, with sPlendid equipment. in- • structors are experien4ed. Courses in • Commercial, Short and.•Telegraphy departments are thorn. rp-to-date an practical. 'Our•gradua en are In dema • •as oftice adsistants .and Business Cone Teachers. Enter any timeN., , Write for free catalogue at onceis.%„,., Elliott ec McLachlin, PRINCIPALS. s Of/ 0 Ntie .007: 1 o . 42,2 f ' tIN : 3p• Ni.16.01L5f401,43: NS El 0 Es ".,;19intN'''. • tio Coro' Good Defects of eingt ,Well Dressed HowTnice it feels,tc•be faultlessly attired. It increases a .man's self-respect many fold when he can feel that every part of his .wear- ing apparel is above reproach o• A stylish • hat, cl.ean linen, well fitting custom- made clothes and a pair of WALK- OVER SHOES will make any man feel like a; King; - and WALK -OVER Style is not expen4 Siete. The reason Is...' It lasts. te• er • • Jasa TWitche istso, ns