HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-05-20, Page 3..
T" W -1 - - __ K__1111V
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I i I , I foul 4"IMA'AND am"UTY I
,01 r. ok". $14ti'tbu wo i,n deby'. , � ..
. # OVM4! � , I
utstrict . . 410anding th J !t I
I Pa. ,# parlot" Sw =tbi,%wev. 06tint hat ,
I em"W""" WIN Me- whelm tb,q 1311=10 , A Arnold be$ movW Into the cot. -
� '94,0i.0 I Woo or Out of reatore'r$, is pow far all IQ In 0040n ) , ;
. - I . .*0O0SOUth1U0hWQAd St., VAUSteig ble
I & 1010YU010. , by Or. Solitary, drug 11tore of W. a. It, Holvaeo 401
, Stott of Correspondents 1-11 . .-*--� , 10 4014 With.4 rigid, gUM1100 At Uk
(Inthereo, by a '"Ustling I I Werren Dignan; Zurich 'Road, 4o buitlep. , ,.4
� _. _____ many women go tbrou k, a 0 . ,
10(0*141�10"09040 . . . . . . #"#V*"0.#*1"**01P,V40. I ., I . to bod another 6evere; attack. of paralysis
mgmalleuco-weak, 41 no. adau and !it ve low. Parisian $age baeart Unraeuse sale
- .
__ .. I I., happy. The Ion 40 and I . 0 ry and here fire the reasons
. I . - 19 r .9, I Sam. Oillter did better on his medi. IF It go safe auA�harmless. .
nese of girls And Youn women, .with cal examo. than at first announced. He '01
nuourn Zurfeb headAchey, I t cures dandruff in 2 weeks, by ki l-
. ,, dizziness and fainting captured first-class, bonors, - ing the dandruff germ. I
AN EASTERN WODDINo -The Truro . Mr. Philip Rauch. who has been spells ', tha nervous Ailments, back 1). ljrqub"ti has waumber of men
11 � -
N. 8.) Doily Newe Of Mayo has the qi2ite ill is able to be Out again. p4ins And failure of a , tre"g, , t stops failing bair.
% of wives , Atwork putting in a sawmill'aWtuay it promptly stopoltobing of the acep
will be lratqreating Surveyors are �.still working in the And motheris , the tria tuat come to -
tollowing, which ,Is , Add ,a hoc p factory to big Outfit, i It makes the hair soft afid luxuriant o '
di to plany Huronists, especially southern. part of the Township, on the 4 Alt women -At the tllru, of 'life, are M. GOO. Ourfis, organizer for the It gives life and beauty to the bear. A
"' "foe gr'wa old , home,Auburn the proposed ell, ectrio, rallway. caused usually by Canadian Order of F4 creators, haslbeen Tit- M, 14'Mr .. ...
. - 11. I : " . _iAnpoverielled wat.
I 0 11
-Vulrbasx, 14 "0 -
As Mrs. T. R.. Walker has Jett ojiatoA, jb�'
agency -for theabove Company has been transferred
torn.e. % � I .
k Those desiring the Best Oement at reasonab*.,
prices may secure a supply from tne,.
.44. a. ANX>3KUWSY olinton,
and the Ngw SRA., joins in tho:90W XL MGM A guti lown suurr,coav as I ery, plood. Dr. . - " * ?". " # - � _. I I � . 11 I I -11. _W
� t � illiamo! kink Pills. here r the paev. week or, two 'In the 16 is the da,batiest perfuinedliair ton --- ft_WWW_="_ "
*igb6g W it .ended,XQ__09 stolen from Mr� J, J.'Merners' store, or Vale People ba�e helped m a intere . I . . - 11
, W,h wil""xt - "And thW-gufttyparty is-kriown.- -_ ____ .-women to the j()y__Qf_goO �, or . � sts- of the'order, to made. I - - I ,
b4ppylpa,fr: "A very � - 4 health and Jae Brontbon Jr,, has !been adding It I, the best, the most pleasant Xn� .
prettYbOme Wed. I . " '
ng to al e of Mr. Mr. Chga Wislkei bas purchased A robust strength than .ijiy; -h-----,- 16 the -of blEr-propert"y1tav- Invigorating-lia -dressing- made---- -_ - � , .
di , e r. sidenc . _, 11 11 11
,.� place At th , e _ ot er medi , be4lity I
and Mrs, Alex, Chishalm, Clifton, On livery business in Milverton, and has � clue in the world. Tbese . _ ir I __ -,---- .
when their daughter, MtOb inoved, his bousebolideffects flabre. make n Pills actually ing. ^ row of large maple trees planted Fight shy of the druggist who offers � . - - I,---- - --...-.-- . I - �- - - -
May Otb, , 0 -V -rich, red blood, which lathefront. lie is Also making. other y9a a substitute, lie iii unworthy of. .r - .
,Ge he wife of Mr. FrCuk - Mr. J.P. Rau has disposed of his reaches every part of the body, foods improvementr - . , I - .
, Orgle, became t . , ,. - J - .. -11 Y� , . , �
Munro, of Winnipy. The bride was driver to Ur, N. M. Cantin of St. Joa-� the starveil nerves, stren your confidence. �
,beautifully gowne in a white silk oph gtheni ever,y Mr. 0. Hill Brad farally,of 1111190reer � P".."Fe4m,"Wevelp"11"i . � . . � �
bw 4nd has purchased another from .organ, And makes weak girls And recently move4 into our vill-p. --- � I
mouseline, empire style, With trii4- xOther Himrr. � I women briglalt And wel . 1, Xre. A are occupying tb - . �
, �
. , , , . o dwelling theypur 14ordwICU
m1bgs of rose pciat lace, berlveit being Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mosoeau of the Eagles, Dundas, Cat., says:,- ol am chased some tim a Go f , row Mr. F. Mon, are busy excavating, for the V* vo
, .e
Bronson Line mourn tbedeath of their writing, this letter out of grat d o H w1and, fit the . end of our vil. fo4nd,llon of miss varter'o, new house' watches, I . if_'14
caUght up with Alavflowers,arid t;Arry. . , Itit e t a WeY . ,
She was , sad even, t , . �
ing a boc 8-trionthe-old baby, which lot you know the great penefit Dr. lage. , J . � .
. 9ttet of bridal" .roses.
atlended by -her sisLer, Miss F14ttle occurred on Monday eveninglast week. Williams, PIVIr. Pills have, been to Me. I Alex Swith, cattle dealer, WbO has Trinity church A, Y.,P� A, w, ill bold . � '.
I _ 1 .4 ,.
-Chisholm, and cousin, Miss Gladys Mr. F. Hess Sr., has the bowling p rom the. time I waf aVrI I ouffered been residing on. Oxford Ift', -for a their. monthly social evening on the .1 '._.,
,Orowe, who, wearing da,intY , ground all leveled tip and seeded and , 1118t,, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cloe'ks, ete . ; -
white, ,, front we4knesa an fainting spells- : couple of years, has purchased the res. 26th � I � 40. .. �
with picture hate and bQ4aets of pink if, the weather is favorable the green W48 Always doctoring but it did not idenceformerlyowneil by J. O., Clausen WM- Strong- A 11 .11
c4imations, made pretty bridesmaids. will be in good shapeln abouta, month. � help me. As I � o Queen t., I . . �� .
, _grew Older I seemed to it S and will move fhore : Mr. Goo. McAlichaet is in Indian . ' . . "� �
The groom was attended by Mr - Harry Mr. W. S. Ruby, of the Bronson grow worse. my blood seemed liter. shorDly, - Head Hospital, laid up with' a severe We are headquarters for everyt * .
, . hing usually., I _.
Chisholm, brother of the bride, Mr.. Line, returned Monday night from tilly turned to water. Sometimes I 0, J. Sutherland, as agent for Xr�, attack of typhoid fever-, We hope Mr '. found in a first-class jewe - ..,. , ".
and Mrs. Munro left by the Maritime JPjgeon, Aleb., where he attended the would faint twice A day, I suffsr. Mrs, 1, Scott has sold one of her dwel-' MiMichael *ill soon be restored to his, 1 lr.)r store, in fact, - " ��
, , _
Express for their tuture homii,� - Winni, funeral -of his motraer, who died last we carr .,
� edfromindigestlQn. 1cojildriotwalk lipgoonQueen Street, adjoining St, usual health, y inany . 1.
, week. I I . lirles Of goods which, for .
peg, visiting en route Quebec, Morit- : Mr. Henry Rupp. has recel ., up stairs without stopping to 4fst on Paul's church, to Mr. Alex Smith,who On Saturday evening the lVordwich �� durability and reliability, are seldoln, if "� j.. .11'
real, Toronto and other points, And ved word the way,an4 my. heart Would pal�ltt&te will have a very conveniently altuate(t I . ..- ,
will be at her home, Winnipeg In the of the death of his brother,'John, at so violently as to. p � roduce a Smother. property. football teato iotirneyed to Hthel. to ever, equalled. ' . � - �;I'r.8
course of a few weeks. The. presents Abilene, Kansas, which Occurred On Ing sensation. I grow so weak that POOD HOUS14 SOLD -Mr. T. J. Berry pUy A, friendly game with the pig I . � . I � 0 I � ,
,�prillfth. The deceased swas 53years tikin chasers of that enterprising burg . %, � �.
.. �
received by this popular bride, were . w il yeople thought I was in consamptiOrt, our well, khown Khorse Impo4ter. has 'rjr.v us for any kind of Repa rs, � .,�:
numerous and valuable, consisting of of age and wa's a native af Ne am- . was in this. dreadiftil coridiripia when made Another important sale. He hqs winning by 1--Q. . 11 � I ..
'Mi, 11 � . I
burg, I Dr. Willlams',p ore brott ' I
silver, out glass, linen And cheques. . ink Pills W 'gh ms st�l. - - Wra. Wallace received atele- guatanteed. � �,
The groom's gift was a handsome pearl Mr. Jerry Corrivean formerly Of to my atte I at recently disposed of that famc . !)n Sunday announcing * the . . � ..
' . nt!Ou,gnd I.begaia taking lion, 130adoyle to Mr. J. 0, McIntosh gram I L . . p 11
And diamond ring, and to the brides- Zurich, but who has been living at them. The first sign of benefit I no. of Myth. L death of Miss Mabel Wallace of Elstow I . I I I 11 11. I . I W"" -e -WP -__'_L_0 -_ . ` - %.,, , . " !'�.L
maids whole pearl rings." Dashwood for some time past has ticed. was an imp'rovemeo, t in my apr. DE,vra-Word has been received by S k, Peath was due to pueumorilm, . . . �
1� A .
. been appointed postmaster at J)rys- petite, Trien I began to grow stronger; relatives hereof the death .:, )INwing whooping cough. � . I \,I .
The Nox Tasteless Liquori 10rug dale in place of Mr. Geo Gelinas, who the color began to return to my -face ; Obarters a. one time prominent rest, . About foui o'clock on Wodnvsday . ,
. resigned, As heL intends leaving for the the fainting spelle die morning last . . A =
and Tobacco Cure* . 1. . appeared and 'dent,here. Hediedotcancer atDen. -week the angel of' death . WWW I, R... COUNmER . , - ,
� west. gradually I was brought to a conditloi . . .
� . In ver, Ool,, w here he had resided for & -visited the home of Mr and Mrs, . W� - LL 'L
- __ � Miss Elmira Stogdlll daughter of M r I short time. . , A. Edwards and took Away their - ". . ISSVER or'. X,&1tkLJ,GE Ll " 4 .! , - ... I
and Mrs. W, S'togdlII of the Goshen of X"Ore lierteorbei th than I h:,d ever . JEWEL . 'CENU4.1", � '!:: I
We have yet to hear of one failure enjoyed before. This is what Dr. Last week W. Moir purchased from youngest sort, Alfred Vlemingi aged 6 L , I . I d , , I I .
to cure where a fair trial has be . I Line, Stant;y,dled on.fflbursday morn. , Williarng'Pink Pills have . done for me, the estate of the late Jae Murray, the years and 7, months. Alf,oed was Ek r- . I.. ___ It :
. .1 -
all g1v' lag, af ter an illness of five *eeks. ' She and that they have been of lasting residence on Kingtitreet, occupied by bright -little fello x arid beloved, by all. - . . - - , L . L . � � 11 . *
en. Can he given without.the person was 22.vaars, 2 months and -17 days benefit is proved by the faeb that it is He Arnold, We learn that Mr.L Moir During his short life he has been a � ., "WINIMMISMINIA -,
Inowing, it is harmless and absohately old � and was a general favorite with se�e ' L I . - . � '�`A.
. rat years since they restored MY bas presented the residence and lot to greatsufferer. Ttiberoularmeningitis . ,, I . . 1. I 1. I,
without taste. Mothir,,,slster or wife all"v�ho knew her, health,and I have remained strongand Dr. and Mrs, Sellery who moved into wAs the cause 6f death. . I .1 � ,
ypu would be doing A great work by ., I L . . L I ,* - I . ..� I 11 11 �� ,
giving this remed .to some members After an illness extend',ng over sev- woll ever since." I it on Saturday. . I ININ " I ' 11 I I . I "I I 1,
, I
I - .. �
-of your fainilv. A& will mail 0, full eral months, Mrs. Peter Bender died' Dr. Willlamb� Pink Pills are a cure - John Macarthur was calledto Toron. Bulk ten may leave the dealer a .. . . . .. . . . . . . "I'll �
,nionth'streatinent for fivedollars. The p6acelully, on Mondav af tdrnoon, May for all troubles due to impure watery to on Saturdry owing 0 the serious larver profit,. but �!Salada" Tea (pack. - I - 4, q � � � � : I I
, at the age o 7 qars, Onth . . . I I ,�, 11
Scobell Drug Co., St Catharines, Ont. 3 a blood, such as anaeraits, rheumatism, iliness of his �Idesb son Arnold WhOls ed in seated lead packets) leaves s last- . � � L � "I
I . 0 � .. � � in 18 days, he ,p � se as weil neuralgia, headaches and backaches,. laid up m I It a severe attack of- typhoid ing and favorable -Impression upon . I. . �
nlvtu. . likedfor.ber an . � celle . uslities indigestion, St. Vitnadance, paralysis, lover in tile Hospital. His famur, ther, palates of all givilig it a trial. � I I I , I I . :1�
. an made a oa I ' Sold by medicine dealers or : by .. I . I Hence its enormous sale, � I - .� n, . . I
� frien al dur- ate. relatives and friends are natural y �Vl 2V 1
Chas. Roadhouseis buildingan Rd, ing erresidencel ,- he leaves mail at 50 ceintw % box or six boxes for very anxious over his condition, . . � . . L I � - . � . � . . , �
dition, to his house on Drummond 5t. * to ournL er loss her husband and one $2.50 troin The Dr. Williams' Medicine Dp.vvR -On Tuesday morning last . . ' . . . .. �, _W I .. L . "I
'k eanp eolborne I wt;", - . . . 11 .1
. , of 0. P. R. painters have daUght r, rs. erb, xt, and'ane Co., Brockville, Ont. - * .. . week our citizens were much shocked � . , I - - - - - - . .� I .1. - . . . 11 L �� ;
I . _r.. �._ -
. ..
whitened up the stock -yards at the -a number I to learn. that David PO'lltok had died Tirg FmsT BRZ;AK -The first, break I','.- Ij , %� ", No' w, is the time to be'
, -
son, atev alter, besides . 6-- .1 . L .�. _7_,�.- '.,. , . ve you "'' -, '
station. � of stepchildren. or. remains were Winghault . very suddenly at big home on North tnL the family Of Mr.'aud Mrs. Joseph '. � _I- _7_ - . _�;" - cle cleaned up and put in L L L.$
I I __ L �
L ...-,.
� - �'. � � I -
Mr. Hunter, of Kincardine, is her's .laid to rest in the. Bronson Line come. � Richmond St. , The deceased had beer Cook. of the Lake Range. occurred I . -I.- _�_ ._. I . . gloype for Spring. Bring it in I
I . � , �,� �
atf pres'eliat p in n W flues in One tery. . . . . I J.- A. WuCr mp, W.ho has been all for Tuesday last, in the lamented. death of - - I �� '. ,--�,�, " � � *
Ii ailing for some days but on Monday _.� - I
the .cgll ug e .. - , , -1 , I now and I can have it rea I
�o to ,ghtboilers. . .1 . . some timemith pneumonia, hAs Alinost stated that be. was feeling alright. He their da,ughU,r, - Rachael . Kirgswoll. , ... . . for you, without delay. -.' ., �
. #----.:.- recovered. . , � . . _� �_-
John Stewart and his gangf work- A BOOIK'FoR 1110THERS . . arose'on Tuesday morning, And wAs in Mrs. Kingswell was in her :thirtieth ... I I I .. I . I I . . . . . . � - L ' . 1, , I � 11 .1
men,are *busy building t e a dition: to . I - , . . Jas. Be , okettL has sold his -house and - the act of starting a fire iii the kitchen year and bact been. ill for 'the' past � .:. I I . . . LAWN MOWER I ��� :,
. ,
�._ lot on the east end of Victoria. St. to stove When he fblI to the floo� -and ' , L S. , L' � � � I , ,
the rear of James Cutt's rocery store. twelve months.'Her husband survives, �. D. *L,L
Stanley Buchanan hasteen &ppoint_L� E very inotber is natural1v anxious Jae. Armow.. .' . L . . I '. expiced, Born in Water'106 County She is one of a large family, being I . WO Want to' Land � , S"ARPENE i . . . . . . . . . . I.;, �, � I
ed Sec'v of the Y. M. 0. A. in place of foil itif9rinatiou. that will enable her Messrs John Agnew and ',Vheo Fin. moving from there to the Parr Line survived by sev.enL sisters and four your:firsb order, because we know that I I . I . 11 I
�Geo. Wambold and Frank McPherson. to keep I ittle,oneg in .good heal tb. The nen have reated the race track grounds Bay Tp., about 50 years -ago, 47 year�' brothers, The'funer%l. will take place the satisfaction you, Will derive L from If you wish to have your mower � �..
. . I I
. . . Dr. Williams'. Medicine Co., .have is- and will use it for pasturing. . ' he was married to ' . . shar'pened and repaired," .dro I I
as Treasurer. . . * 1. sued A little boo1c. . . a Margaret on Thursday to Colborne cemetery. that will,lopen your eyes.to the fact . P'L::: � � I " �
I .8r I I I I I -cannot do better anywhere . mea postalcard or leave y6rd .. I 11
Uvirigsto great deal of information. on the care thii private banking busibess in th 0 . u e moved . . .... I ... I ou at the shop and. 1 sliall.call,fat" . , 11, I ,
if Mr. ne sells'the electric ,I Which contains - a A. E . Smith has again opened up in Art. With his family -b ' 1! ' chat y "' L
light plant, it is his intention to, build. 0. f e a 1 23, years' ago. . Doceased '. ' . .- 0,re41to'0.-.-..!-` . .. ... I 1. else that you can with, us. You will I .. �
a handle factory, which will employ a., of infanto Lind youn * children that .flee tOtMerly Occupied by him, ta, n ns I I I , find that we arb not "all at see -in -our and deliver. it., I . ..:, � I �, .
j" . 11 every mother oughtl!to know., The . was in his 78th year, His. wife prede ' .
. L .1 -
L ,.
number of hands. - - , - Air. -and Mrs. A. A. Esty have moved ' . Harry Fowler has ntiii'i6d h0m6,42- � business, but thoroughly ,'tip*- to,- the .No* is the time :to bate the e, ,,L , . ,
� ! *book will be sent free to any mother� to town from Wroxeter and have, takw ceasedLblM Mfoxyeirs ago. Heleavei- ter being confined t6 his room at Sea- _ i 113�L � I . . .
Messrs. A. W. $loan arid V. S. An- . who -will send her name and address- to on up rcsidence On 1frances St. . three abildie(i,.-orie'SOD,'(4eO,,"H46ns'Lll; forth fdrLtWo weeks. . . 1: minute" andwatchful of, the interests thingq_ attended to as I shall, 8 LLI' . ' L ,
derson are around*getting names for . . 3f our customers, knowing I ... L
The Dr, Williams Medicine Oo.,'Brock- Mrs, Vale, Exeter; and Alrer. Dew of ., that, by so busy latiBr on. I . I -
. . .
I ... . .
. I � ,
is bowling club atil . ,T � . RoyVAbner,'who had b'e'en quaran. -oar . . ,.,
, , .
membership to tIg.od7,.,,,,,.L �vllle, Ont. . �. � . .fia annual 1. 0. Q� F.'exmrsion to' Hensall. *The deceased was a 'consist.. I . I loing, we''are really acting)'for I . . . I .. I .. . . . .
. . L' . . . -_ L L'� . L
are meeting with . � . Sarnia and Detroit will be hold this' ' tined with'ah"abtack of soarl . et tever,is awn ultimate benefit. - . � A. �, TURNER r � _ "
. . )n Satiarday'L August 14th. ent member of the Methodist Church, � b agaiu., I . � , � ,- . �. .. I L 9 . Cllnto'n� L�
The Masons bad a very large' atten- I .. . I . . I year( . . � . . . . able to be on, . . � I . L . . . � . i
-dance Tuesday evening . of . last w,eek,. . I .: 11 . larussele I I . ' Mrs; R. tocklatirt 4as called to Tor- . ..t . . , . . We under4and that Mr. Jos. Law. ; ,. � I '. ' L . . - __...'... I.. I . . . . . . . e�111 I I ,
. . Phosphonol- The XlectrioLlte ' I . . I
. 1. � . onto recentlyowing, to. thedeath of the� ,_ Sort has. received the .conti act for the * 0 9 . .1 , ,
when 13roa. Teirnay and Watson were I I Q A' DOWNS . . � �
Mrs. Nall McLauglalln -and daughters , . .. . I . . . '.
� __ __ �',
. .
presented with Past Grand levels, 0. expect to remove from town to . Tor- infant child of herdaughter,Mra Grant . st6rer for Lost. Mankind .. cement xbutaiaciot at tbeL Sauble river. . . . . I . .. .., I � ..."L." _.��
_L' . �. �
The .1. 1. Case Threshing Machine Co . . � I . ' The annual summer rueetina of the L . 'L' . . I . Albert W61fe, of Mt, Pleasant,Micb., Merchant, Tailor, - - Clinton I .1�1..
onto. � " * . . , , " ..!
,returned home.. He is suffering from ' I . . . ,_ . . . . ,_. "L "
' I . . ."
�� -
' � er Deadman"bas bee . h move, In:- RQatore's everyne'r,�-Z . . � - . ' .G00d B0, -0 't I ';:,�".`�
of Toronto. sued E. Livingstou,for the Ro I to Wingliam brAnch of theNomen's I . e in the body to . I . .
' s " ve its proper tension ; restores �Om and A broken armt but is doing as well its I 1, I � L : I . . . . . , - _�, , ". I
delivery to them of an jengine, pump Winglaor Brair,oh. of the Domirii,n .�tituta will be held on Thursdak e 11. . . I .. . . I i. '. . ., . . I. . . . . . ::, � . - ,
and machinery, claimed to belong to Bank from -Petrolia. , . I I in, -,,June 17th, I . . . ,. I 1 vitality;. Pr6haatare decay And. all Sex. CanLbe expected. I . . . I TQ f4raloirs 4tu Pleni . �� - I � �- : i . ! '.
- ' . W.L I . - _49 .� ,
ly de- JI : Mr, and Mrs" �Webster.of Riltish ,ual Weakness averted at once. ____ . . -_ . . . . , %;. ..",
the plaintiffs, and to be unjust . ,Miss p sle'Wilton has gone toT!Ison- . - i , 1. L .. . *. ___19 ', . Wehavea6veral pailes ofoile � o;
tained by defendant. At Osgoodb Hall I burg; where she has accepted a p9git- Polumbla, are visiting with relatives phortol Will xhake you a new man, $3, L . . . The C11419g, f ON in dru : � .1 .,,,:
on Thursday, J. D. Falcinbridge, - for I io 'as s6hool teacher. - . in Wibgham arid vicinity after adab, a box, or two for $5. Mailed to any - . . . , . . . ,. .. . . I . .. . - I 75aake of Boots. Good Largal ' ,# .
plaintiffs. moved for an 'Bence of twenty-two yeat . . 1-� ]ROW 15 TIUS') Is 110W In full awlirig, bring 'your re-� no WIX ,
order - for're- D B. and Mrs. Moore and Miss lean . .a,. � . tiddress.on, receipt ot price. TbeScob- . - pairst workmanshili guaranteeil by they la.st. Just the thing, you
. I
,plevin. Sheriff to take bond for $4000. West for -a .holldav vlaitwith Division -Court day some person eil Drug Co., 8 Oathalrines, Ont. . L ,. � Sassafras an'dBui&ckfor the blood While the spring is openlng up
04.- . a and old friends for a'mbrith . __",�,_ - .. . I ' ' . I � ; A ,,
wil-f -0 . � Dandelion and Rhubarl - old rellable,lathe hand and . . � . ,.�. , -
I rein .1 I 0o. the ,wrong hat, taking a now � b fer, st�mach: . ma6lainihts.. yourfeet, dry. ,, . .
U've m' I I ., � I- "A ( � I .
' -
The tender leaves of a harmless, lung, or so. I . . . . ... '.'Phristie stiff" and leaving in its . 'place . EX.eter , ''... . . .Mandrake and Juniper for liver a6d Boilers, Tanks, Smoke Stacks, We, are headquarters. f ,shoe iiit�. . I.,
, -
Ve to Alex. Strachan has not been enjo: ' . M L I 11ron Bridge Wdrk, etc. ` pairing. Your repairs do , bile y��* ,
Ono inarked T, F. on the inside band . kidneys, Cascai,ia and .5enna.for the.
healing mountairiousi shrub, gi Y. Mr. A. SheOre, has gone to Brantford � bowels, Capsicu And Aloin - to prP4 - . 11 . . . . ,
Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its fnarve- ing big usual *good' health during the ..* W. Whitcall, engineet owtbe'e�on:' I ' L_ - I wait., .Our prices ate Figh , .., I
. .1 Men! '. L . � �,:_,�- I
. physician has ai-� 'rig traid of the L. Z. &B., has pure --to Work for the Verity Plow Co. 'vent griping.; U -Need -9, Herb Tablets '- Attention Cqmie�nt .1 � . . � I
long curative properties. Tight tiolcling I past week and his hple of weeks �, , ' ,h;. .r; Jas, Waring of *.Stephou,'is still contain these valuabI6 ingredients. 50 LL I, � .
I Aged Jas. Morrisonls'hour . w M � Opp I
i. or distressing coughsi quickly yield tOL vitedhim to take a co Be and lot- in. , L I , , '
, L. .. '' ., , ' � . confined. to his. home through rheuma-., -tablets1or 25-o,,2W tablets for $1,00. A We also make a specialty of Small L ' 6site. the Pq'st Office ,,, ..
the healing soothirift. actiori of this holiday�a, .. . _ . I Pleaadat.V&116�, arid moved his family tiStn.: , .L . :. * . I I. . I I 11 . . ... . iiiii�, , ,� 'L
Splendid prescription - Dr '.Shoop's' '..Mre, j&al h un6 to &11� (:o,town from Londod.:on Moriday. - ... doctor. for half -a -cent. a..dC,,T Iron brid eb. , : Write proprietor. - �. '.., .
ad, the rnisfortl . ' I . T The Agriculttiral Society 4 -baying a samples at all drug stores ,� .Free -9L I . Having opeiiedi �-iI 1.
Cough Remedy. . And it is so saf6 and in her home one day re6entfy, giving- - , Mr.. and Mrs. W. A. Green And Mr. - ,� . ton. . . . .. - �. � .. I I.. a brAncl . I . .1 P
,, 'L I new lgkdrid stand created at t1te.&Ir bf�rch �-wyr-xi. . 1. '. �, � . Londesb6ro jointly W i UrMoKo,wi,� .."
en for'L � . � � . . . . L I I 0 . . , . . . ' L 1 4 , , : # � ,..,
.go drig, her side A. bad - wrench that forbade, And Mrs. J. Brooks,left last Thursday'. . . I I . ''.. . -BIDWELL* - ' il. -
od for childr as well. , Coattair . . - . 9 . 0 Ha,rdess Sbopiwe can,
t opium, chloroform, or other ha',em- her getting about comfortably for Rainy River, where Mi. .Green will grounds; *.I 1. I , Wine . I iomm I wwoft ., K' I 0 akin ..
" : . I I . I . I �- .. 1, , _L
no . . !!!,-- __ . 1 I . � - repairing. vt shortestpos �� 5'L� .
. : Commonce work on the installi ThebikobelorsofExbtei.gave an . 1 I .pos i ]a, no !' L
. .pos I , -, I
ful drugs. mothers should in safety al;w. rag of tin . in. . . . . , * . . L , I . �. ; .
I .several. days. . ' ' ' - ' formal Assemblyin acDonuell's' Ha,ll, L. . . . . ,� . . . . 1.3 .1 W ." I L iL,
. - Mr. I hag' Open I .1 th L electric lighting plant. The � . - - .. I I . . C.I.Inton' �', - Optallo.. . . - .4*1 . �,� - t
Ways demand Dr. Sboop's. f other ; . Carter, e& up.in M ivork will , . � I . I I . . I . - .1 . I
take sever.almo�thq I . . . ri 0day evenihg.. - 1. . .. I L I ... .. I I . . . . I.. 1. . I . . I I 0 I 0 . .
I . L I . . . 4
. . .. . . . . .. Wa' L �
remedies are offered, tell them No! Be pr6mises next door North of the ' I . . .1 L' ". I . 1. ; . . . ,:L -
your own L judget Sold by -all dealers. �,,,j , The work of takingdown the B14 ro'df .Mk,NormA,d.LlOyd has secured 9, . ... I ". � I . . ________________7-___ I .., I . .., ;,, .
1. I .. . . 11 I &�
. . Standard Bank, and will ket� 8WL �itrid putting on a now flat roof.'at. tbe :s1tuation - at Fort Williatri. � and - will '. - . . ... � 1 L:. I I I 11 . I . : . . . � I . I . . ' I L' 'L
.. 0 W" '. . I . L - � ,, . . 1,1 :. . '. . , 1, 1,
... I � . . . . .. , � !, . .. ., '. .
. . �
L ,
itch More *;,�tiS. , L . . .. . . ! L I "I
. Bayfield . . aclaines . . . qMt.-Mock,will be comO)eted this week. m tly. - . . , . . I -...' ,
. ing in . I I :Messr8LPenpraa6'Jk Bu'rko will-lbis, ; .. . . � &, I
I anice .assortment of Piano 'and & ' The now r6of willbe�.m ' ove there sh6r , . . SEIFMS. . I I ev--lNed. ' '.O
- RENOVATING -Houseclean- Mr.'.Qrabam, of Clinton, has been iP ... . . .. . I . . � I , � " , e I � .
SPRING fabtury than the oiR one and will not week install a new, and up-to-dateshoe' : . . . . ... .1: L . ... . . .� I I
ing and house repairing are the order this vic'nitV canvassing for sugar beet I . . . I . . I . � : . . L . . .- 4. .- .. .. . � Having secured & C&PIXIOMDUS G'i4in I
, ,
of the day with,our vil L jagers., The led- ers. 4uite a few in Grey and be in datiger 'during the time,of blah shine in their barber shop. . I . I ... . .. . . L 'fn a ew days I will have in a at * . Storehouse, 'we are no-.�`1541�-; . �
OW , Rev. R, A., I' oar hag decided to con'. . . � ... f; ock
!es'are each and all Way making t1w K1011is will cultivate this donceratrated winds. The cliange a gretit ,% : . . .1 _g
. 'deal of expense to M.7ill mean yt iiritlethe. Aleiliodist appointment at - 1-1 . . 6 . . I . . .. of ill kinds of seeds, AS. 1, kinds of grain, for.,which, the higue 1
. `
inside of their bomes shine like a new sweetness this season. . I 6paribig, is ... . . L . . : 11 . I... -IMOTH . Y,. CLOY -ER, aid L ! . , , .
chased the expected that boiling operations Will ! Bethesda foi another 3, e.tr. - . : � ..T . &C , . priceswilt be tr , I . �, .
shilliug, while'their "better halves" John Galbraith 'has put- . . . , I . . . . .; .. . . . I � "I P
are doing the same for the outside. In L eedy b ack pacing horse- from �116bt, ,resume. soon.. '. I .. . I I L Mr. Fred Knight,formorly of.Exeter .. . I . ... � . .. I.L .. ... .� L. . Brau. Shorts, 0orn -and All kiLudo "" e. �.,
a') ' I . has disposed 'of is builaess is. Saskat- . . L .1 , .1 . ' I I I
fae L Ows, .. . .: . ..L :together With . I J), ,,
't, Most Of Our CitiZena SeeroL Th n ata good figure. Mr. Gal- A -Go � I 1 grain, S'eds and Other feeds, I-cojob 6 .,., ,
. possess- I LDEINt WEDDING.-, A happy obewan And will locate farther .north, . .. L I . .. 1. . . . . . . . I 1. - ... � . � e .. �
ed this spring of a. most praise . y bralth intends Lptitting him in. iacing gatheriog. a family reunion �' I : - q I . �. I I I .. . . IS handatthe storehpuse. . I. .1 . I _,;,�,,,�% . ...
worth and'Gold-. - X '. W. R. Elliott, of Centralih, bAa - . * : I I FLOUR and CHOP PEED . 1 . I. 1
f th . I � . , . I L I I . . ' I . '
Ze.0 eir I . . . � . . s. -, ... I - I . - - , ;,*., , .
al for -the good appearance shape ,is soon -as the tk,qek .Will permit. en Wedding festivlties� were joyfdl saffi',i,ntly:recoveredfrom his.rocent L . � . . . . . � . �'.. . , F . 1L. ,
premises. We notice the following . . . . . W . 1. . . . , :
L ,
N ew Hamburg Wednesday' *of I at e. .. . . . L rn HEM of* - C C00". -
Mrs. 8. T. Plum was, summoned to events at the'residence of Mr. a'nd.Mrs operation,'that,lie was able to ret
among those who have improved and . A Robu, Breen, Patrick St', Lon Monday- how' :111 -, q I ADO'PT''T . . . -t Q-.SMYV I . &M L ,�. , -
I . . "I t
repaired their, bohies lately: Richard week. owing to the serious Mums of last... This'worthy couple were born 7 The line of -the proposed Stratford. - ., . A o . . . . . e* StAndartl ,'11evAi(jr, . . Oft1ton.l. .G.T. . It. STATI I ON, CLINTONos :.� .,,', , , I � I
Elliott has haathe house on Main St,, her mother, Mrs. Howell, L% .grippe in Fermanagh 06., Ireland, andwere St.. Joseph HiifWay has been suiveyed .. . .4 pt the u-46 of.Classifi d I . I . . 1. I 1. .. . �. . i -1.
recently purchased by him, raised and was I tho - tiouble ,first but bits since unite'd in the bonds"of matrimony Want'Ads. Jhey h�ve proved - :!=!!!!t-nt!���--:.t!.-!�-�,..�!.,-.!!!�!� I ; . . . L I' IL 11' � �`,.` *
. I . . On through- Exeter. Stakes have bee I . . , 1, . I I L . ____ ---.Ir, - __ ___--_ -�� I " �1.11_
I I P ' . � 4 - . . . � . I . . I � I L , .
a cement foundation put tinder. it. Mr. develo6pd into pneumonia. May. 10th,18�9. - Six weeks later, .they . moneykmake�s i fo� Others- L . . I I . .
j3rown, ,set ati'Vict6rih Street. L 1 �11_
. . . . - � .. ... I I.. .1. .; ;. "
L xill, nurse, of Toledoil- � They are'appreditted bY. the I . -
Spencer has done -the same, with his Mibq_Ma�gie who has spent sail�d together fok Canada, and settled . Miss Evelyn C I . . . .. . . . . . . I ,
- . I . � I
. . . . I � L ''
house and Win, Higgins has had'his the past 12 rd6bAths in Winnipeg and for 0 Years in Darlington Tp. In. 1868 whaling been. home for: some. -months " buydr.'as*they enable'hini tb I I . . . I . I . . I . . I .., . , ;,i"
, .
. � � .
. . . . , -
. . . I . . � 2 ,
moved back from the street and also 04stleton, -Nort6 Dakota,arrived home thpY came to Turnberry wbere by fru-. oonvalescinitibas-sufficlentlk recovered I . .. 1. . . . I I '' r.
ut on a foundation. W. Stirling has last Saturday. " She w'as.accompalried gality.and Industry,they made a coria. . . . . . . I � � . . . . . .. , .� . ; . . 1, r4 . I 11 .1� .� "I
. qutci%7;'�-�#�the plai:6 wh6re. . ,
. . . I ,V L .1 . ,'L.,
. � , .,
. - - &..;_ w._
' I
. ela by L to return to Toledo. . d hf�requkrii.ients. � . . . . . ' . �'.,
,� I ", .L,
tad a foundation put under his R . itehen L to Brass her cousin, Ales. Bailey, fnrtatle home for their iamlly,�.and Mr. Jae. Weekes baVi 'tire 1 he can tin . . -� � ".."
astleton, They viuitod a I Anf p based I", L � it . .1 �, E .. . �..�, . � , - 11
-and a cement walk laid to the g,%O. Mr Of Q t St. Paul where'tbeyresided until tb6k removed _I 'ht � I �
' . r, - . Staley Will,k ,Zbusiness . - . . � .;,,, �
L "the dwelling owned *by T I.. , .�firldly6ur.. ,- .. � I .1
Tippet has had a walk put down. Mr, and Chicago on. route. L to Witigham a little over 5 y6ars ago. on Main Striept, north Of the power , - represented?, . . I .. ... . I., 0 . - - ACOB! ' .."I., �1
. . L.. . . r. . "I - . ... �..:J L "t 1; .1..1.
To them were barn 3 daugliteramid 0 - . * .. . L .
Fowlie has had it cellar put under his M.� . �� . I . . house is moving theretti. .0 . . I . . ... . I .1 . I .. ..., .1 . 'L I . I . I . , .�
. __ _ - � _ 0"�.d Ion A[ . f6ft . . . 'A . . � I I . I . . .. '. . - L I . " 11 I .�. . � '.. , .
-'----- : . L I N . � . -,, �, �
.store and Dr. Smith is having'ari of. . . I . . .1 . . sons. The daughters ar6- Mrs. John. We Are pleased to. raport that the . ., ... . .., .. I I I I . . : .1 - , . � . " . ,� ... I I . .,.� I
-dice built on the lot between Mr. - . . ston and Mrs. 3, Fortatie, of Saulf Ste cotidi6on of Plorence Triebrapi, who is ,. I . I I . I � 1. . � .1 I.. . �. � .1 . - . :1 L: `V �`L ' ,., �'.
hiddon's stiire-iind the evaporator, Maile,and. Mrs, W.. & Mines* of Turn. . I . . I I 11 I I . . , LL .,.e� I I.r 1010,6.,n . .1. . ,. I
, * ,
W . I still in -the Hospital at Lofidod, has , I . . .. . �- - . "", . I—"
, .
I L . .
- . - . , . rh� .Muqh improved and Lgiveg promise of 1110. . I . � , L : , � -�'. ,..
. ucknow I . berry. Wm. 1. of Grind Rapids, Mich., 'recovery. - . . . �*E I , 9 LOS for . Hatchi. 0 . I . I . - 'S . . I ,.i, "�11
L ABSOLUTE -- .berry. The pons. are -R. J-, of Tu I IE30 YS . UX X -s,L,: """ ,
I � . .. - ,
A. McKay and son Dave, of Wrifoss, I . I � Chas. of Milwaukee, Thos. A. of Sault Mr. W. 8 ehas�d the L . . I I . .� . .. .. .1 . .1 . I .- . � _�'i, .1 .
. . Cole bits pur . . . � � . .. . , � . -L o I �L,
� Sto.'Mariii, David of Turnberry�, *and L combined store .And dwelling property' '�Ldtls -Under 111ift MeAding: 254 por 11481sei . . . . . . I - .
111011111 . . . � I �
left on Tuesday for SaiBkat6dri, Sabk ,S 9Pt Utimh Goo, H. of Dighton., Mich, The farnil L � . L � , . . . . . '4 I L
I � Ise oe knout . . . � . .; � .,.� , I
L Y on M.qin Street owned by - Mi. F; J. . I .F . . . . . . ., , I
. . I . I . .; I
I I ' I
t6wn this week and is shipping his - has not yet, been broken into by death 1(night, who hits retired 66m business - . � 1. . � , , a ." . .
. . . -
I , .11.1 ..' L'
. and all We . Our*ra�g.e .of Boys Suits is larger', nice'r - ,W
present to 4kellebrate the Owing to ill he4ltb. The pried paid, . .� � , I , ,
T. B. Williamson, of Torout;6,was.%ri . :'. L I . .t.) P� . 1� .. - . ,- " I ,
-sixth load of horses to Toronto. . EG KI yl� Wilt ,,,,, re "'All, . .
Aliss Annie Joynt orsar of the Wedding day. Wgs $3,300.00, Mr, 0016 will Move to ,,4- -,,P' . '. . I . 4,
' L . ,b6tt _ I ,
2 Y. ." e- I I . I I �� ;
, returned last week - ' , . - . �.Oi.4,k_i _1 . er values than we. ha�,e,ever had before. . I
� , I . . . . I . . � , I '�� . L .. .1 .. I I L. . . .._ �. ,,L,j , ,
oco , T""M" M . . I . .
from the Deacpa6sa Home,.Toronto I i. � . . . his new quartt.rs as soon, as convepierlb . : S%�V,` -F !", , 41 a T _�X( - 4
1 ,
Where she has just concluddd:& course. . . - - A. book on Rhaurnatis Senool, BOAUD ,� Minutes of the . . _. .., __ ..� . . I I I ,. � . .1 . I
" �, 11 K I ,
. in, and atrial ....� - " 1 __. _ a I
- ,
Concert under, the4.ano . . . -, . . ,�,,Al " v .�:
._ 1� .4 0 ,
The Pices of Cenuine, . . treatment of Dr. Shoop's Rb6pmatio Boaid hold in the Town Hall,Monday, I .__ . L Boy§ - 9 �iece Norfolk or Double Breagted Suio.,, v
. � I .. I I I - I
the Pipe Band, last Thursday evening, . I L I . Remedy- liquid. de -table's"is �belng May. loth, 90 at 8 P. -in. absent. F. W. . . I '
. I re . po"a I I I �..rrom,.$1.50 up..tq $8-40vith the' bloorner knicker bj�,1","t, -
Was a most enjoyable And. successful , I I sent f o to suffereI6 by Dr. Shoop,- of Gladnian. .The following is the r, � . I . I . . I I V
, i I t pr .! 1, . ' - ' . 1. "
affair. Racine�*Wis. You that are Well,, peet of business duly submitted and , " I plain knee. , - , I 1 .14 - � .�,O.�I,,f',�. :'
. Mrs. Wm. Taylor, who has been re- Carter. s ed, Por chair, minutes pf previ (is .. . . . . ,
L this book for some discouraged,,dis. I . I . � 1� . $ .. ... 1 �1�. , "11
. L . . . . . . . 11 .
, � . I d S. I . I . . . . ., ,,, .
siding at the home of her father, Air. I . . beartened suffererl Do a simple not Meeting, Per H. H10 %. . . . . I �.. .., ,1.�,', . ..
Peter (Jdrri au, hao gone to live with I Martin'that the defects be - : I I . * .� ". �L� " .
� . 1. OYS 3 Yl ce Suirs Si A, 7 M_
Ll ill � , othuhaanityl Point Out thiswayto '�' , . I B' e ngle or Double Breasted, I
her husbang in Nebraska. . - I , L . , � I
- quick arid. certain reliefl Surprise referred to the kepairs committee I., � __ . I . . �_ �.,� ..,
The body of Mrs. Hamilton, reliet oi lliftleLiviar P some sufteker, by first Uonorts of Come, repairs that the gong � I . in, the nei� stri e patterns .frqm $3.50 up. , . tl� .�L �, "I �
� . . . . . . . � I gettilk- from ,_ . I . I ) I . , . ; , I P L . � I . I I 1 4 I . . . : ,
the late John Hamilton,' wa, 'L . " . .&ied had beenrecelved, duly placed . . 11
9 brouglit .L , . me the bookleb &"d the t A will � 11 I I . I I . . . . �. .% ���
here on Wednesday last front 0amp. I Must Bear Glgnaturo iW FiPbreciate your aid, Sold by all deal.; and found - sqUafactory, Mo0d that ,� 0 4, . .� I 1 4 , , ,�, ,
.., * , �
, i
bellville,.0rit.emud burledin.Ropo cem- I . I . . I I I 011% I I . .. . I the Sedrefark forward to, the Ddmih- I �.. . . Youths Sult'Double Breaster, lonk Trouso rs� �4:),#, 'L
. . I I . r L�.' � � . '
etery. - . . 1.1.10 I � . , Wee. " � .. ion Government (8, W. Brock, &q. . %41 1� - " - Xa� . I I .
I . I _1&9t11 -_X cal Departmetit) an ox- �:*�, - - .. the new Brown .Strip6, Y 191tie"and Greys, - ,,, �. ,�
, - .... L -1 I . � .
; j�� - - of tfid Geolo ` -a , I.. . . , 1. I'll
oge& - ,,.,� . :�, . . - I I � �,
,� West WgkwAn6ah A_X. �. . . I .
. .; 6 ",, . � . . . . I L I
'Gortle I .0e � 't Board's 4atitud6 for . ,� I . . I I I ,.! �
. . 4 DZAT11 OV MRS. Xzm�'Tho death' ihe 'generons 0abinot oll ,'Minerals, � __ - .. I
.,. . '.'-,;;, 30 only 2 piece .Norfolk Suio, .,trav�-_ller.q , -
__ -, r
Allss'Ella Ardell has been indisposed I , took rlace Tueadhy last afterall illness kindly donated for the use of the .Ex. *,!!. _.. "I - 4 if L . I I
. I A .. . .;; -�F, ik'��:!N -1 J r
for a, feiv,dgiys, 546 P&C-stfultowintro-r 1%16*- I . . -,: 3 3 L rJewl .8t Styles Made, jo �L ,
� I Miss Ads Johnson hasaeoured a pos. 1. i I I , � I J I , . .1. .111.1 I. of on y a few clays of'Mrs. Henry Jno, eter Public School. Moved that the � satnp,es; sizes frdrn -25 *to , i :
- I h-6111
Jott in Toront Xerr, at, the age of thirty-two yea,rg Continuation class Insl)ootorg reports avowu Zeit'karag- Itoge Conji) J�
0, 'L ' i MA811 **a as 46W . .. �ggJ4
� mYd,,)e,ft,Xo..1 Itiolitaing all iiiy pkka winbifig ess t . . L I
i bfr$i AlAmea I I and eleven rhoritha, Mrs. Xerr Was be accepted aa� received. The Principal bg . ,,be run off at one-third 1* . hAn regular price,* . , , ,. . I
Sheta has been on the - tMuka"80-609M . - I ' a hative, of the f ownahip arid was very _ .r)o mr 15, pOn No. 2. 00 Do! 15, 1 L � �. . � � . . �
sick list for A few days. .. was authorized to secure suclisupplio-a Single Coiub ogga 75c por 15, 0. P. HIASOW1. I . I I
. alre L fo , . . I . 1 4 �� . I .
. 11 I 1-1 roll RUIDACHIL higlily,ostoemedbyAll Who knowher as way be req C1 r the Entrance - . 01112t6il, out. , � � . .. . � I I . .
. .
I . I I . I � . I I
. . �
Mrs. W. Bennett wits taken'suddtn- - ' KS tog eggIIIESS. Anil6be will be greatly. missed, Her .Hxams, The Teachers 84pply Corn- I I � * I'. . . . 11 L..., I L" - . I. . I I L'. # . 11,
, , Margaret '998 frow & 010100 � .. --7.-- . I . .
ly ill on Sunday lastwith a stroke. CAME maiden name was Maud wittee shall take early stops to secure , *U6416 TAInAd ftedA-k, .. 1 . � I
While R. Clegg was stringing fence I . poli -of S. C. Reds', 10on 10 cook, 19t bOn, Rulon; .. I . . . I
I � ON 111LIOUSNEM Mills. She had been married seven dealrab!e teaeliera for the gr1ra0y 16b 0661c, IfIt bob, lot cock6rol, ftd mllot. L4'Mb. :
wire, in some way tho machine alipp. - , til. 15,egga, $� -
ed And,& little son Of Mr. Clegg'a W48 . .. FON TUAND LIVEL vears And leaves it family of four qtrla classes requiting such fo N epteM4 ton; i2nd cook, lot sud 2nd bon, Ifer .. - %. ,,, . I
I Violet, Laura, Mary And Ruby? , besides ber ti:�rin. A number Of accounts Were fr6r* 0ove winnevx, at irilrds 75% $1 if %W- 11h&,%,-
etrU4 W thk face* inflicting quite a to , PAT101 , eggaL #1.0) iier 15. ft '�
. � 9 baNSTI her earrowing husband. With - whom a pasuid, Dow Comb 6 , III
11 i
'I - .
IL t,
nasty out. f0k4SALLOW SKIK� �vi&) eirdle of friends sympathize J , , k"i a subseriDtion to Be I lft,eodetal 11tillet1ti E6 .�W JACOB ' ** I
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. Mr H. V - Holmea hag just plirchaged �- I ght, has givou to meh %=011kaor of two Aelibings. I .. I .1 .1 TO � . � . �111
from Mr. Swartz, of WirighArn, a A � I., PLRI I ON deeply.: � L., It the child is vestless At b . . M.'a. K&UM&AN, Clinton I 01. I N 14 � 11
driver, It is a - 0 1. . I I I "Foxi lat a -1 . . . ,O L N " . I
bittidsome iron gtay . I doatod tongtics, sallow comp , L
handsome boast, find ISL e let"". ' I Pilta,only Z dose 9t Millet's NVOrm PoWdeo lirktrCd rlYM 011th UOM4 - V90 f6r 1400' ,
& distinct ac.- I nn= .611 Miller's Compound trot ra. is OF
_ "' ' e.-nts for 50 doses. . Sold by We 8, It, what Is required ; eagant, harm. from 1Y(6Vkif)A Stritill ot Blue Bared tutooks06A ;Tallorinj Clotbing Furnishings, , 11 I
'flulaltioil to Gotrie. . . OU09 -.N0iTF.GAW11-. In Atuorim. $2 DO: IS.' JABLIZ RANDS 1. 1. L '' L' - "'' I I .
1, . Hqlmee. less, Sold I - 9. HOU4904 , 60 Clinton: 11 ... I . .. . . .
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