HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-05-20, Page 2-IF, -77—
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- .. , ' '' 'For
Tho New E-. ra . 14"SNA - TVXON - PIA011FIC ZX0 ., ' prow, T"U% 4"Way sy'stieft
POSA-01ONXV 816*"I'l; AV ,---.W"
;o�pubjirhed every T1,igrodiyat ____"_Pt � tX1 , HoLilway Time- Table
� , . THE SUNAI SCHO w6inell"s , ,� . �
-theXXWE" Printing House, ,The final shipm�uts for the0anadian L �
ISA , Government exhib!0 of the ,Ala@kg- . � . Needs � London, liurou and Bruce.
AQ ATAIMPT . 'R . A, CLXA=_ X. Yukon-Pacifle Exposition have been I 1, . North Passenger
Termsof subocriptiolk-411 per year received,and by the middle of May the Lesson Vill.—Se � . r, Every woman should fortify herself London, depart..... 8.30am4-50pm
U '�Ldvartce ; $1.,50 may be charged if building and installation of exhibits . _00n.d. Quarte against those weaknesses and de-
L . Crantralia .......... 4 0.40 415). 4: �
N - discontinued wltlbe�ompteted. The-workofgrea. FQr ,May 23o 1909*
Pot so paid, I o Paper , L . Foxeter.—.4-o..... 0-53 5.51
. .
,untit'sill,arreara argalAt Unless At the Ing and planting the lawns is done,%ud � rangements which are usually pres' Hensall ............. 10.08 6.05, 1
Qj)tiORL %)X thp lybe d4e, to the entire placowill present a beauti. I I ent-at times wliert Nature makes Kipp"
. .JVUbllq_ !k
r. _p� 6.11
W�hlreh�everysubaqrlptlon is paid is do, ful0j)pV4r4nceontheop I _t 4 .it I�::;:::::.. ".16L
, on ilo$ hertirs THE INTERNATIONAL SERIESr., extra demands upon the system. Bra .. 10.30 6.19
voted on the label. . bf May. I . lal ailments Clinton ............. 11.05 0.33
:4dvertising rat !a..r- For women's spec
, Trangient adver- of the Canadian Build- 1�
I A , , j The locatiou, Lond'esboro ......... 11.18 6 52
vi*meuta. 10 cents per nQnparel. line there is no known remedy so safe Blyth ............... 11.27 7.0() 1
for firs.kippertiQu. . L Ing Is excellent, and overlooks the �n-. , Lt 'of tho Lesson, Acts. xv 1-30,
. uiid8ceilta� per line tire grounds and the waters,of Lake I ex and reliable as Belgrave ............ 11.40 1,13
L "
folt each L subsequent insLertion, Small Wasbington,and Union. Itisbear-tbe, 'Memory Verses 28s 29--Qoloon Text# .
. . . L . . I Wingham, arrive,.. 11.00 7.35)
advertipernents not to exceed one inch
6 t Music Temple, and across the street; Acts xv, 11�Commentary Prepared South Passeilger
'44 "<Zu. I V �Iatqlvn. a dsomebuiliding-of-theitapan -- --Ft ------ D- -W,Zt . j�*kjjs. ---,— L - 1. . � - f Wingliam, depart., 6,43 % ru 3=3 p m
11W. 11,91W.1.4. AYAC - - _ t h n . eser � B, o --- , �
�j, Uwe ritg, L e L I
11 . rtea once for 80 ce or oil Government is situated. Tile Stadium I y V. . . - I
wont1lifor$1.0ommunies,tions intended- is 'W yards to the . south, and it 1copyrigbt. i9w# I)y Americim Press Asoodati6n-1 �- . , I 0 I I . Belgrave ............. 6.�l 3.0
, some 4 2 6W Blyth .............. � 7.08 350
fq Publication must, as a, ga�w&lltee Of is near the Foreptry Building .and the ,Xben, as now, the whole world lay in, n.�4
, .
' d faith, bp Natural amph theatre. The building, ,r
gap amompapied by the , , , Lond�aboro ......... 7.16 4,Ot
$IuKe of the writer. of the Grand Trunk Line is placed near the wicked one, and to be CL Lfriend of � � I, ,0! , - ulintort .............. 750 423
Z . i in ublication in c L , Brucefleld .......... 8.12 4.190
pure V , urrent of � , .
. L
I vou6 copy of advertisements should be by and both are parrounde# by inform� , the world a , 11(& Kippen .............. 8.23 4,47
. _ .1 God'L but from t4e world here and I O?
se in early. . at gardens. r 41.1 Hensall..... v,, ....... 81,42 4 52
In assembling the exhibits for Can. there God, by 1?1000
9_' litract rates - The tollowingtable I ., His Spirit through His ..... 8.48 5.015
. , 8 ad&, the principal resionrceo of the I
Billows car pstes for sped4ied period . servants, was gathering A people for. These pills possess corrective and Centralia ........... I 9 (X) 5115
country are exploited comprehensive- ,
&ARA space ly and el&borAtel &grIQulture,'HDrt. His name, the church of God which toiiicpropertieswhichhaveamarked London, arrive .... , 1000 0.10
r Qmo. 8mo. 1mo iculture, Minera Is, � He hath purchased with Rio own - effect upon the general health and Buffalo and Goderich .
I y * T, Fishing, Mainuface
It owumn $7500 $4000 W 00 $10 00 taring and Wild Game are dial I Lyed' blood (verse 14; chapter xx, 28), a promptly relieve nervousness, sick West Passenger
I 001awn 4000 2500 1500 600 lavish[ and the entire pollection is people w I - �
ce , pot of the world b.ose citizen e n, backache,
I Wumn 2500 1500 800 $00 one of yex' fiional interest and Value, I , , . - . am pm pra pm
4 ship. Is In heaven, strangers and pu- Nve,lkness and other unpleasant
t 0olurrin 1800 1000 � 550 200 The .xIli It is preqeral in scope� and I 8tratford. . ...... 10.0 12,20 .1, 25 10. 20
inch 000 $60 200 00 every section of the great land north grims here because,a part of Him who symptoms. Beecham's Pills estab- Mitchell ......... 10-22 12.45 5.55-10.47
. represents all believers before God,
41extract display advertising 10c per of the United States has contributed . lish,healthy conditions arid fumish Seaforth....,10.45 1.10 6.18 3 f.T2
inch, per issue. from its. resources� The exhibit of .Re Is tile on ' ly true center of His Clinton ......... 11.07 1.25 6.40 11.28
W. H. KuRa m'nes and minerals isparticularly ex- church, the beav6uly center, but there lJolmes.rille,—.11.16 1.3:j 0 46 11.' 38
baillstive,an:1 the agricultural and hor are in , Ooderich ........ 11-35 1.50 7.05 11,55
, . . aty earthly centers, and at the H atthe
. ' - e1p , ,
, . ticultural products present P6 surpria, tinie of our lesson there were two , � 4 East Passenger
CLINTON NEW EM Ing variety of specimens. great centers, Jerusalem and Antioch, rim* . �.
. In the arrangementi of dieplay, Can, r - ,
7 oneist of supposed to be In perfect -accord , At .ime .2.40 4.50
ads, ranks among the, ver . the L Right x Goderleb ............ 7.10
THURSDAY. MAY 20,1909, entire exposition., The exhibit is so the former the apostles still lived, not Sold EyeryWljcre. . 10 BOX02 25 Cent$. Holmesville ......... 7.26 2.57 506
r �
— placed that it sh,qws to the best pos- having been scattered abrbad, white . � . . Clinton ............ :. � 7.35 307 5:15
EDITORIAL XV81NQxS sible advantage, and the elaborate 6ol- . the latter. became the misnionary cen- . I - Seatorth__; ....... 7.52 3.25, 5.32
— lection makes a notable showing. . ter from which Paul and the others ,vuut which the aeiegates nave come Mitchell ............. 8.10 348 ' 5.55
THE somewhat erracive Hon. J Martin June 10 has been named 4sDoininlon sei forth on their missionary tourg. . k Stratforct ............ 8.10 4.15 6.W
� of Oauada Day. and on this date the from Antioch. After mudli tat and - I . . .
was avowed under in the recent elecre
!on in the Old Land, not much of A,
grounds will be in thehands of Canada Vie apostles at Jerusalem were sup.
.ian visitors. The ptogr4m has been ' posed to have the truth on all matters
disputing they settle aowo.to busillesa
more quietly, and Peter gives Ills testi-
,surprise to many. Heir -of lathertoo
specialty Arranged for the occasion,
and will be ma e one'of the
corfeerning the church, as they,had
known' and been intimate.
mony concerning his visit to Caesarea,
pugnacious temperament to *in favor
possible interest to -Dominion guests.
with that Lord. - . . I . �
to the home of Cornelius, .-nd how as
they heard the word of the gospel ---
with the steady going electorate of I
. . I- . - .
Since the days of Cain there have
gave them the Holy Ghost even as He
Angland. There is one thing about
Doafness cannot be Cured
always been false teachers, perverting
had to tile Jews at Pentecost, and he -
Hon. Mr. Martin. he has no such
bylo�atapplicatjons, as they cannot
the truth, holding down, the truth
urged upon the: council that there is
word as retreat in his vocabulary so
reach.the diseased portion of theear.
There is only one way'to care des�fness
-and teaching everything but the truth
. .
for various reasons-4or,self ex0tationi
but one salvation toe Jew or gentile -
inimely, by the grat-o of tile Lord Jesus
may be counted upon to ShOW up
and that is by constitationalremedies.
Deafness is caused by an inflamed con-
to please men, for money, etc.�but
.. Pall
,Christ, it hnd Barnabas then de -
some o ther place oL the look out for
. .
dition of the mucoust lining.of the.Rus-
sometimes blindly fancying, that:tbey
clared. tile ruir"Icle's and wona&s 0
., dd. I
Raw triumphs. -Fighting Joe" has
tachian Tube. When a tube is m- -
were Indeed standing for the truth,
. ,
gentiles by
had -wrought aiinong .tile .-
seen his best days politically we think.
flamed you bear a rumbling sound or
The following, passages show them up
thom. Jaines then gummed up tile ,
. .
Imperfect hearing,andwhen it is entire
quitejully: loa. x -Ox, 13; xxx, 0-:12;
case, and - the. result is given -in the'
THERE: is� nothin I g. like pei manancy
ly closed,I)eafnesso is the result,06nd un-
jer. xxIII, ,21, 20; Hzek. xxxty, 1, 2;
letter of vdrseg 2"-29. This letter they
' '
in Municipal improvements and in
less the inflammation can be taken out
and -this tube restored to -Its .-normal-
Acts kx, 29, 36;'II TIL Iv, 3, 4; H.Pe.t..
it, 1-3; Jude 4, 11. The false teaqhers '
.send to Antioch'by Pilot and Barua-
'bas, commending them for their'zeal,
this respect We hope to see the town
condition, hearing will be destroyed
. � . I
forever ; nine cases jant of ten are caus-
. I .
of our lesson Insisted that no one could
' i '
even to tile inying ddwu of their live's
Council arrange to continuethe betterT
ed by Oatarrh,which is nothing but an
be paved unless they were circumcised.
if nec.essary,,and with them they send
ing of street conditions by another few.
inflamed conditioii'of the mucous sur-
according to. the law of. Moses, tbug-� .
Judas'. a . ijd Silas to . confirm file con-.
blocks of permanent road bed so that
I - . I .
faces- -' . . . � I .1 .
We will give One- Hundre'd Dollal-s.
teaching that the finished 'work of
. I
Christ wag- really not f.1111shed or not
� , .
tents of the letter by. their pers6nal
tiestlulony(vier�es 25,' 2G,- 2T), They
in the course of a few years the pr,n-
for any case'of: Deafnesg(oaused 'by ca . -
sufficient in itself for salvation, but
.condemn the false� telieliffig and set
. cipal streets will he cove�ed. "What-
. .
tarrb) tbar, cannot be cared by Hall's.
Catarrh Cure.. * Se'nd for circulkrgfree.
. I
needed some goodness or obedience on.
.1 I . .,
aside elrequidsiqil' a 6 of
* ,
ever is worth doing !a, worth doing
F. J. CHENEY & CC., To)edo, 0
.the.part of the bellever.to supplement
. . .
DO I .
the law as core at to sulval"Oni It' u-
well" is a good motto for any one and
� Id- by druggists, 75c. . � I. .
SO .
it. These teachers w b Ii
. . . ere-Ae leve% of
ibey�gend the' letter as Y;ot only from . 4
. Take Rall's Family Pills for �onstlpa_
. . .
some sort (verse 5), but did not qjffier-
. them, bilt.froiTi the Holy Ghost! (verse
__ . I
I . �
tioln. . , , . - . . . . .
.stand the gracq of � o.ur ,Lord Jesus
"!6).. ` � .. .. . . �...., .
� ..Z . � 1. 0* .. . � , I .
The Exeter Gun, Club btv�epurchased
Christ (verse. Ill not forgiveness
, . I .
- .. �
Thus these messengers enrried Joy-
� I
severid trophies to be shot for bypleiri.
of ,kin through His blood alone. . They
. fill. tidings everywhero'. great Ono
all(I �
Mostof the 11soothing" syrups'and
" I
hers d6ring thiq cbming,duminer. ' �
I I . . . ... .
did not -�eem. to. knjow tI iat'Abraham .
. - . .. '. ''
was saved before he, was �clrcumcised
couragenlout to �Iniplel faith ill ,tile,
the deeb4ons of
powder -3 advertised to cure the ills of
babies and young cbildren contain
. # . . . �. 1.
A. pain-preadr! upon -
A"n a tlia't - eircu � incision -was ,a 'Seal of
� , , , ,
Lord Jesus C110 --it.. If
. . I . . ,lilt
nil. church eoubei1$.�W,Q1'e as, wise , (
nous opiates, and an overdose
each 25c. box of r. Shoo& Pink Pain
� tile righteotisness 10.16. Lie already
. .
,11011gul It wojjj(I ,)a Wi)rtll 'wilile lloj(14 .
may _ I the child. Baby's Own Tab-
. Tablets. Ask V6ur Doctor or Druggists
Pain -
had by'fafth (Itom. iv,d9-11).- ,: ,
. -t 'itimber of
ing tlivlll� but he:gredter i.
lets are sold under the guarantee of a
I zoVernment analyst that they contain
if this formula is not cbmplete.- .
means congestion, blood press . are. I
q are many today who do not,
Th'ere . � . I I
-believe that by,virtue of the atonement
. . . .
them nowaola4vs- may bb co'%,ered by t1W.
no opiate or harmful drug. .rhev ban
he given wit,h absolute satety.4 to a new
Read paiTisi womanly pains,pain any -
where:get instant relief from a,.Pink.
. .
.. ,� .
.of the Lord -Jesus He is made unto all
first line ot V.;rse 7 andare too
. � � .. . .
a - w. -tip o - f vrpp.16us time. I . .
. . . .
I born child. They care all there minor
Pain Tablet. Sold, by all dealers. I
-*1vho receive Him wisdom,- ilghteoug-
... I
- . . . . I .. I. I
.. — . . ,
ailments originating in disordered.
stomachor bowels. Mrs. F. 'Young,
t .. - - � __ , . :, .1
The ex -N, , 10-110V ol 111(tin, soerns to
sess, sanctlfl�ation and redemption
(I Cqr., ij 30), that by the dee . do Of the
. '
, . � . . :
. Gift " For Bryn -Mawr. , ' - : *
River Hebert, N. S., says; -Ill have
have had his f�ll..rllflro of mishaps.''
law .no oric.ciln be justified Jn the
, .
. Dryn Ma-wr may obtain. the general
. s .. .,
' ' ,
used Baby's Own Tablets for consti-
.-k thied h4s iiist s(Turv(l, it Ilico little
. .
sight of God, :but that ,Christ is the.
aid' gift of. $250 .
. education bo . s. . . �, .
pation and stomach trouble and when
1. I
11ii.111 c)f ,stilvor' b,lonpriiig to hi,, Io ( -
, '
I I .. .
of the law for' righteougness to
willcil 1�- conditlonea -ilpon ralsin.,
. � .
my baby was teething, and have found
silip; a short. ijin(� 'Y!O .w,tr; in a
end .
every. one that belleveth Tritom.iii,'20;
by-june 1010. The�Qvrnu"
"80,0M I . . I
$- 1
them -the best medicine 1. know Of
these troubles." Sold by medicine
d t; and mior .
nastv motor -bar 1wi on . 11nd.
that -'had. -a . eveling mi -bap. - He
'x; 4). . Paul and Barnabas stood for
ha.ye already raised $100,000, The'gift
Is the most lib,erafglven by tile borard,
dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box
cycle(i dc,jyjj't,() tile Hoijj�e- of Corn-
these. foundation truths and disputed ,
' . I
whicb.,was no doubt influencea by the-
I from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co..)
ii�i lis early ln6thl� forenoon to 901 his
with the teachers from Judaea about .
. I . .
fact that moli6y Is. given more - �lboral-,
Brockville, Ont. . ,. .
. . �
lette: ,� away again.
rs. ui;d was colidolLy, 1 �
N�-I,�ep in Palaon Yard. ho, vbrY nearly -
e church� ..
the m;. but th at Antimil' ft.
c�ided to send Tani and: Bdriiabas and..
1y �. . I I . L 61vs. colleges
. to�rnenls than to woin . �
- - l, l. . I . . . .11
clime into Collision with* an elderly
'of the
. 1.
some others to the apostles and * elders
11 . '
� � . ..
,11 . -, , - I �
I . : � . b �..
A Historian of Canada. j
I . . I
and consequential membf4 �
- , '
did not re-cognive Ili ' i
Holls m ill
at Jerusalem about this question (verse
� I . . � .. I .. � .
. -
. .
Arthur Granville Bradley, whose
new book, "'Th6"Making of Canada "
se, who
Ilia tweed suit-lind billmek bat. Ae.
�Iator rat-
'On their way they 'declar�d the
2).; . I . I
co � riversion - of ,the gentiles 'as' they'
I . I I /
.. . ,. � . . .
_ , ,
. I
' Yoflllo - ba" y6u � - Did ,...
. is one of the important works Ot
year relating to this country, has vis-
COTdingly.the pOmpous'logi.
ed him, s6ilild.-I , 011. his. dar,,le,ssnoss.-
had seen on their, flist tour and thus -
� . ,
. - . I . . . .. . . .
I - I
ited the Dominion niany times, and
stli&tha� nion Zif Iiis'elftss sliould noi
.gaused,.#reat Joy. to all t ' he brethren.-
� - After You': 'Have Ti I led - . .
is one of tile best informed of Engr
be a4mitWd WitlAn P.dlaco Vtid, and
. .
. when they , I-eacbed Jer'tisaleffi
. .
. I .
. . � I �; ... . . .�
lishmen relating to its history'. , Born
told -him lie nli elit ; bo -,7(,rv,. thankful -
.that ms arrest lind not beiii ordered.
' � things �
they told to the church there all -
.. iiad them
in 1950, lie followed his graduation -at
Cambridge by. considerable traveling,
Lord Curzon's reph, is 'not, recorded.
. . -
that God dohe',-Wlth (Vcks(
- .
compare xiv, 27). It is Indeed .worth
I . ! 1. .1
. I I .
spending the year 1873 in Canada.
Lord Curzon: aftributoo, Ilis sile"c"Iss,
-1 -
i lift� to j1j.,; lovol 6f ()r(j,r, I P. 1s.
, .
-while and. a soul uplifting theme to
� .
itiefruit kidney and lever -pills.
I .
They. purify, the: blood, bring
For several su;co-eding years lie was
a wanderer conducting a.
. ,n
P,,rt,i ,inly ono. of the m6st methodical
sIlOw'H is ;wonderful worIcs that� Ile
bick th faded .color to your .,
a k e
in Virginia f r a dozen years, making
?f rb.on, and it 'Nva� sAid of Min NN111011
With done, to talk of all ,his
- . make. you fe6l,
many visits to Canada. .
In It
.. idia that lip.eoiuld place Ili-, hand
., ' t-
any paper ill his Por`sSioll Vila -
a Wong-
works, io re: His aoings a .
, the. people (Ps, ixxviii, . 4; ev, '2; lsa� �
better all over.: -.25 -cents -a
ox, .. S � .�.: -.4 I . ,
bo x,.at 11OL319 . I
Mr. Bradley settled permanently
again in England in 1886, but was en-
Ing to'hidia that ho ivanted.
. . . . I
. iffl, 4). , _4jI kise ls,forgott6b us.thus
1. , . . ., , . ' �
. .. . . . . 1. . . ...
I . .. . I ...
I a.
I ,guged in int@r sts concerned with
. � . . . �_ - I ..
, I . : . ;1 :
.. ,
we magnify Him'. and. exalt -His. holy
. . . .
. .
. I .. .. I . .
____ '
,'�mer-�ctr .#nd edfffihg 6V(,.r
occallonalIv. and till about 1895 his
.Miller's Wor M Pou dera cute all ail.
ments of children like magic. Sold by,
- - riainO. . . . I . .� . . I �'
But we must Att�eud the. council meet--
. --- _ . .
. .
,literary wor%, Tms entirely fugitive
W, 8, R..Holllnes, . . ,
. 1mg . ' 't 1erugalem, *herc .the apostles,
... I
I 7_ * ' * . .
. and incijental. Having the historical
. .. . . � . , .
. I
. � d the church have gath-1
; and ,an. .'
He Once- Bare .a Kiss and' a Sausage
I ., . . - . . .
temperament, lie had absorbed a Con-
. .
A ffne p1joto -or I
't conlPlete PellPse, "I I
ei�ed OMciallY to i�onsiddrjbe matters
. .
' .For a . Girl to, Her -Lover. I
siderable knowledge of the earlier his-
tory of Canada and tbp United States,
the sun.,is . in the. possession of 'the
Dominion at Otta*a in
� .
. . .
' .. � . . .: . �
'' I .
. . I . ..
I � Apropos'of Lord ,Nortbcote,'s name *
and had read largely along those lines
as a recreation, stimulated by con-
. the Observat6r�. I� was the.pbeno-
menon :two' three
___ ___-_
-:�7-7 . .. - .
. : being Vientidned ar"a probable sue- .
cessor to. Earl Grey, ill tlahada, it
tact with the qceneq themsel,ies, and
whi6h.-occuTred or
years dg -9. Several. investigators 'from.
'. . .. I � I ,. � . . 1. I.- . . . . . .
may.be hoted that his lordship wa,4. a
. �
-while Gov
has written a good deal in this diTee-
tion. Besides travel and historical
. .
!he Dominion Observatory j'oil M,eyed
to-Labf.ador to getph6tographs oftbis
I .
once made qurious.Use of
I - 11
cincir-General of.Austrblia, Strolling
I .
sketches dealing with Wales, the
. .
eelipse, and spent perfecting
. .
. � I
. .
one night -throug-li art avenue of, -soyn-
. 11 .
Lake County -of England, and Vir,
arrangements, but,. alaii, on the late- .
,- I
.. . -1 -
I - I I .
bre trees to a, fri6nd's house to din- -
gc . inia, Mr, Bradley has written sey-
cral bqpks on Canada. They include:
ful morning,,the sky was overcast by.
. .
clouds and 'the observOr's had to re-'
1. f. . �..
: ' ` , . . . . I .. . 1.
* I . . - I
I . .
. nor, he wits suddenly pounced upon
bv a maid -servantv, who',kissed hifft
"Canada ja th(,, Twp,ntieth Century "
furii. iiorfin 'withoul, ,
so much as- -a,
4 , .. -
effusively nd pressed -a little lW001
1 a . I I . .
"The Fight With France for North
glimpse of. what -was taking place
- ' , .1 , .
- into W4 ah(l, .. . . . .
.America," "The Making of Canada�
above them. Fortundtoly, however,. in..
i I .1 '. .
I. ."Here's sausage for- you, I can't
1763-1815 ... .. Lord Dorchester in the
Spain, the. -weather conditions werb
--c-ome out to -,night, as, master fias corri- I
Makers of Canada Series," and "The
favoiable Ior an -unobstructed vie*
I . �,
' ' . - � 1111111 �, .
.. paliv,". she whispered, tuid as .,
. "
History of Canada" for Harmsworth�s
and some splendid phoiographg were
.. .
� � . , . . 11
tori�) sly disappeared., . . .
' �
History of the World. Mr. Bradley
obtained, one of which'is in Ottawa.
.. . I )
. ., -1
, ,
W en he got to tho homs� , he foliiirl.
lives at Rvp, in Sussex, England.
The 'fruitless trip to' Labrador oxily
Illustrates what, obstacles, must be.
. ..
' . I I
I -1
on of' Ii s servanto, loWnring by the
0 i . .
gate; , . ..
.--- __ I
. ..
overcome. id pursuing .scientific. sin-
. I
- .' . .1
ing -t�skeil
"What nre'vou dol , here?i' ,
dies. Some . .
body will..ask: Is it -,vorth' "I . .
. �
Lord Northeote. , I
while for Canada Ao expend m6ney
. . , � �
I ,
Was In Bed for Tbree Month% *
theav "
k . �11.1 'Wee t,
. m � waiting for. 1.11Y S
. I
in this way, .when, other investigat6r#
- I . � . , ,
. I
. tbe mail stammered.
I .. �
, I
call find out all there is to know
and we will get the benefit of their.
Read h0w 1A I lr& T.'G. l3ur!k, Braoebtid get'
Ont., was oured'(Aiid also her little boy),by
"Where is sheP"v . . . .
"In'serviep here."
' ,
I . abors? The answer is, that ,Canada
must'take her place i1n the viorld of
� .
the use of . I . ... I . . ,
I � "Ali, then I ani rigalit. ffere'is a
gausngp from- your sivectilloatt, -and
science slid not'llang 4
-�ack .while oth
6178 are" doing the Work.
" - ' . .
She W*tlfis: 11 I tholigbt I would write
'she w'shes me to tell y a th6t '011e
0 ..
to-pight, as her mas7
� 1
� - I
Pond let you know thb I have, re-
cannot c1onic Out
A Str6ng Tonic VithoutAlcob-ol
.. I .
-A flody Builder Witbout Alcohol
, '
� . I
.. The Part of'St. John.
Th6.o4evelopment of the Pori of St,
I Wood'o
. cbivoi tIlrovigh-the use of your Dc.
Norway Pine �yrap, A� few'.yomrs-ago I
Wargo 6d y troubled with Iny itnigg peoplo
ter has conilmny." - .
Seeing thfttiv� Trian looked ti�,,'
vous, he addell kindly! . .
John, N.D., goes steadily forward
. said I b Cupsuniption and thiii I -would
"She arho ,gave ine, a kiss 10'r you:
A Blood Puriher Without Alcohol
,and the volurne Qf trade this year is'
t it
.not live I e'ligh; the fall. I had. two doc-
but, p6.rllaps you would ratlior wait
itl excess of the best previous record..
tors mtt n h3g! nic-and theyworovery much
e d
fill'you A6e her. How is five shillings
A Great Alterativt 'Without Alcohol
Mr. Louis Costt�, C.B., chief engineer
. alarino out rne.' I �49jn bed threco.
d ab
1� 's'ead "
of t1w. Department of Publie Works,
niontlishlid.NvIlen I got,op I could not-walkf
An _�nt,erprising newspaper lopolt-
Doctor's Medicine Without Alcohol
Ottawa, bas, writes a. correspondent,
so had Ito 'go ofi my hands and knees for
,or who once happened. to bo'hohday-
been in t c to consult with the
thi%e and ni� limbs seemed of no
. o, Sam 9 H 10 es .11AI
ing at, t1j,* a . ea I( r ort
Ayer's Sar,$aparill Wit houtAlcohol
' V,rnmon '.regarding the con.,
. struetiow of additional -steamship
lase -to Inc. I giwo up all hoperi. of ever
getting bettor when I happoliet . I to'sea in
T.ord Nortlicote :took the ooca%ion'by
* "
berths south of ,�and Point, Mr.'Coste
13, 133,1;. Almanac that Dr. Wood's X.Jo6va
11ino w" for weak liffigs. I
the hand by asking -for qoino adyloo
oyi a policy his paper proposed to
" 0
W. ,.bit. =-.�Vfr&ula.
We banish"Alle hol
A .9. I ftow eni". ,lain..
tells the eouncil that the expeodi.
ture for the dovelopment-of toorminal
fadlitir-s on the west side and in
b8yrnp good
thouglit I would try a bottle arid by the
thao I had used it I was a lobbet-wr, stigot
adopt. . . I .
"Advicom, T ani n1ways Phary of,"
I I .. If 13 t4 -,I& X " ..
1 �,s " , ? -,, - , , ", , ., - , ,
. I I . I ..
'� I may 20tb, XW9 � I .
H�� "" I I - .
This" troublosqulo all.4atioug szo aswx94.
wo BRYDONE, . �
wholly by bad blood wad *n unhealtb�
Xtate of the system, and can be ep,sily cure
11 the wonderful blood de4using proper.
ties of , � ..
Qxa�+05 I
lungs anoi it cured him. I keej� it in the
jBjC:)C)d t
I .i
. 1310,tt4ers s I !
Many remarkable cureis have been niade
by this rmady, and not onig have the un. I
H. . T. 'R-A-N--G-E,- --------
sightly skia diseases been r6moved, and ai
bri 13een
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
cloar complexign produced, I
Financial ind Real Estate.
t t e entire sysom has boon renovated
and invig?rii,ted at the same same time. ,
INSU RANCE, AGr,=�Repre.qentlng I . 4 Fire In- -
sumnee companies.
, ,),Vision Court Office.
� Mrs, John; O'Connor, Burlingtoil, N.S. t
rNr e
I suffere with Sal
I � � 11 . 11 -
writes:-" years
Rheum. I tried. dozen different
Madi�,al- t
a niedi- I
olnea, but most of them only made it worse.
I was Advised' to try Burdock Blood Bit-
tern, I got q6 bottle and before I had taken
itelan. ,Surgeop,'tEto
half a dozen do3es I could see a ehange so. I
sueclWattention given to d1seases otthe
Eyo..k4a,r. Throat, arid Non,
continued its use, and now I am completely .
cured. I cannot, O&Y tooL Mu
I Office Paid- Resioence. .
wonderful inedioine.". . . .
Two door$ we$$ of the Commeretal Notep .
I Unroll fit. . .
___ ____ - 11 I I
I .
. Farm for Sale or to Sent
. I .
. Dr.'W. Gann
I --- � ,
Lot U, Huton Road, "erlob Tp.. frame
Dr. W. ouns- 0 L. R. 0. P.. X. IL 0. $., R&14. ,�
. I .
ilouse. back barn,8tona stable, good water
s , upply, tarra mostly In ,gniss., Possession
offloe-Ontario, Street, Clinton. Night calls 04 I ,
froutdocirof oface or resid6noe. Hatt -burr
noW or in fall., tf I W, 13RYDONE,
. .
Street. . �
I I I . LL
To Rent in Combe Bk)ek.
offLeeboure at spitah-1 to 3 P.m,-. 7 to 6 v,m i I
, . I . . -
Office or room for sinall store or work rooln.
Next door to Jobil yansfora's oMco, Apt)ly to
Mit J. We SHAW.
JAB. SARTH. Ontario St,
. . — .
Acicoucheur, etc,, office aud residence oxi ." I
11 .
tenbury St. ovvosite W, Farrs.4's residence. I
—, � ____.- ____
03VA.'% j .
- -1
SiEty consumption can be .
� � . -
cured, Nature alone won 1 .
do, it, it ni&eds help. .
. I
. aw
, t
- I rull-_ ,
. �
. I
is the best.help, but its use
must be'tontinined in sum.
, I
mer. as w611, as winter. I .
T!kUo It In alittle cold milk or wtiter
. . �!l 1) �i t"
Geta'sniallboMenow. .' .�!I,Druggists
,., : .
1IM-11 , . , - S128d"A 1. - .
__ _ � --.-- ..
. �
. .
ZIVV%Aj . Aft**V% 4~ It, I
I .
I .
. m .,
T01VV Xi . DIRECTORY# ... '
. . I . .. .
I " - , .. . , I ,
. I
. .
I - - _. A,%.
4 04 0% ov VVW' VVVW40V --- a W
. .
� ,
BAPTIST CHURCH. . -:-SabbrAh se"1064 at 11 1
am, 6nd 1 v in, Stintle.), Sallool 12:30 P"', f
014neral Prayer Nicieting Wedriesday eveting.' 8
Itev. T.. W. Chsyleavvorth. pastor., 13.Y.P.11.
ineets Monclay evenings, at B o'clock. 1). Priov, t
S.S. superintendent.' . ., 11 . ' : � ..
1?,RES I J�YTERIAN C�1:1,'ItClf..-Sabbith rer-
,r1ces 11 miji anti'7.1) iii; Sunday S611901.2,30
p.m.. Generhl prayek insothig. WadneSft7 even-
ing,;. Mv. Dr, Stewart, pmstar. 07tts. Sbott, 8 S
8tip%; Miss J. W�!son. 4sol- 811ii't. . I .1 I
_ .
bath sietvices 11 a; m and 7 P in. Sunday Subool
at 2,:30 p j,i. .El)%vr)vh1j Leagoe Monday evening..
Ainlor Lonaiie Friday evening, -GeinertdPras,sk
Meoting,'Wodlio4day evening.' -Rev. W. R. Kerr, .
-Ilstor;, A Hooper, S. 8. �Siipt. S. 0. Rathwell .
and AV. W01mr, Ass't. Stip3s. I ...
�4abbath serviess'st
11 a ii) aild 7 p in. Sunday Seboo.1 r*k 2,30 1) pi.
A -Y P A.. Ttiesilay avening.. PraYer Nel-VIC6
Wednesday evening Rev. 0 R. Gnnoe, MA.,
rector. Rn&, Mr. Gilune,,. S S Sul)'t. Clavence
Johnson,.4.9,ft.'Sup't. . , . I .
I WESj,r,,Y NIETHODIST'ClaUliCI-I.-Sftl)t)mtli - .
services 11 a in "d 7 v ni. Biinftv Sohool at
2.30ii-m-Einvoxth League Monday eyening.
InteriiiLtiittte'League.TuesdiLy �venlng; Jilnior
ng. Rev. W. J. X61fiffe.
BX.L., pastor. A. T. Cooper, 8 g'Stiji't.; H, E. .
Rorke, Ass't. Supt� I 1.
9T. JOSEPH'S CHURCH.- - Every Mternato
,Sunday, morning service atl.0.30o'O�ek,Vespers
A, I 5.. ,C Af. B A 2nd ThArsday evenivi; W oull
.U12. Leagu6ottlieliacradHeart.,IstFt*iday.
Ineachniontli at 13.8ope;1j.. Rev. Fr,,:Ht6jjjon,'., -
Paster, . . I - . .. . .., . � .11
. . I
� 9ALVAT103� Alt MY.mS6rvice at 7 and I I a ill
iiiia 3 und 1. p m on Spnday, mild -Thqrsday and.
Saturday.4voinings, ab 8 o'elo�k. . - . - ..
� ,
. P,68T.OFFIOr-,.---�Ofl�ioo'boul,s troin 8 aill to'
I p m. Open to box holders ftom 7.30 -n� m. to "
9 p ni. Mousy Order ancl Registration 8 a in 0
121 . M. jas. Scott, V.DU, misicig R. Pickett 0,114
rasto,.A$sistants. � . �
.. . 1 . . � .!
. PUBLIC LIBRARY. I Library 'and free read -
Ing room in the Stavely B11d'g, open every after-
nooft*Mw 2 to 5.30. and ovory evening frow 7 to
O.Wo'LloLlf. Bliss -Minnie 111idd, llbrari6n. '
..TOW,N� COUNCIL. -H. NVIltse. -Mayor; 13, J. I .
Gibbingff, Reeve; LT. A,. Ford -i A. T.Vooper, Th6s.
Jackscin, Jr_ A. J. Hollowayi Win. �Grabain ancl
Jaqob Tixiylor, Councillors; D. L. Macpherson,
Work and Treasurer. Thos. Cotbloi,Assessor. Jos.
Wheatley, Cotiedtoi. Board ilicets first Alonday
eyening each wontli. . . . I
' .
: . (Ilorj�t'GiATE 11Z9TTTUT.H 1110ARD.' - Rev.
.0.,R.Gtinrio,.A.t.A.-(Cbairiiiaxi),t)..Ar, Vormster,
W.Jackson.WD. MoTaggarb, Dr. Thopipson.
Jhd. Ramsfov] (SeerotAry)j titud Uo_ $,Cott, -
Boml insets first Friday of-eaell nioritll;,
0aLT.,r.G1ATE TMACHERS.-A, R. Gundr.v,
B.A., princirml; W. Treleaven, D.,L, classiml
.n1aster;3HssDe1mage. nifi,thematical teftulier;
E.n. Ball, B.A�, giigllsli and Moderns:� Miss
Aloir, teacher. '. . . . I .
. �
. I . .
. PUBLIC SCHOOL 'BOARD, -.Le. 13, '14.01, ,
Wliainiin,a), .1. W.'-Aloore, T. C tJ R. N.
ItorR , 0 . Q e' 11
,, J, 1", �raiisj . 0. Halo El. I .vey fuld 11.
Hemp. .1, Cualn�diftmo, Socrotar. 310ar(litivets
_11r.qt Thursday eventrig, eitch ihon - i. : , I
. . ,H(j0L�%EXCHr,RS.T. . ITATtley"
riinelpal.; Ajiss -A-loPhorson. Miss J. Wilsoif,
Misir 9" Stevens, Miss 11, Coardee, Nllspi IN1.
Nylit"id. Miss 0. Chidley aTid 1111.,4s 3L.L. jW.
BOARD OF HRALTH,-W Harland, (ebotir-
ma,n),- Dr. Evs,ns, A. WeXiinzie, Mavbr Wiltsb,.
D� D. Mapulierson. Dr. J..W; Sbaw, Medical
Health Officer. Joseph Wbeatley, Sanit1ry
lnspeator� "I - ,. . � ..
� . , �
. I . I . 11
I . I .
I .
� . I
. �
X 1131 W
� I I �: � EN ERGT V , .
. FRO31 ITAL. ..
. �
1. 1. . I ..
I . I
. . Its the great ''flesh: and nerve
tonic. 'Everybody needs it noWi
because its'�- henefft to the most
robust and liealtbv. To the* '
' ' one I' I" a '
. ' I "" he
0 r r a 4 wn a
a 0 1� p -rc
. I . 0 ' N ' f�r 11 baii� 8 u *
pit health has pulled down , one
Vill 'worlc wot e L
". j 11,
box � Id 't .
t y for _
� ul
I r 70 . ,geIr. .00 a O'. .
. Vor-sale by 1101,111E'S :�
. .
I . .
� ,� . 1. . I - . I I . . ..I..
. I � .
. .. . �
I .
.7 77-Wainted at Oilee .. ". -.
� .
Aoiiau of W110' with sofflo'knowled90 of
fruit Itrid hol-ticulturo to not, f6r us Ill Clinton
Alva diAriet, A pernin.ritint and paylog I o(ftlew
forthe right wait. STONIHI il, NV.I'!.T,LTN ,,Poll,
6.10 Nurserymen. Toronto. Ont,
I 1. .
11 -1 .
. I .
Clinton Court of I , vision
� � . Z
7,—jjtj-jr,t tjj e �Z,jb sittilig ot,
I N,oitiea is herobylilve
tj n,(1oiirt far t1ro Ilevision of Wit Aoselmilent
11.11 of t1w T.,vin. of (Iffilton foit, ViO 'veill` M.,
will ))a bold in the (10121161 Chaini)0l."'. Clint.011,
on Thunclow. may 127til, *6 8 1). in. All intoresit-
ed porsous �Vill t(OCA llotief, JIM(I govern tholl- I
solves aceordingiv. D. 1'. RMAIIIERS09, ujerli:� I
.I.- .1 .1.1 — I
I . . ao6to,y
E; r,4N 'ANMIM'Nut W
. - . .
The Ostram farmi Lot 28,9th Con. of Ooderich
CourtienAy Bay as well may rlin into
nl0r0.,Lnd it niade a eomploto cLure. ly
littlo Wit wa,s aloo troubled with weak
Fin (t I B Ol q I V. 1; 80 -11,
( -e ,ome, yeArs ago
msv. T i
11affelt 01114 01 Revision
(Successor to Dr. Holixes I. . .
1. ,�
I. I ...., - 11 1. ... .. I
Specialist In Crown and Bridge Vverk.: -
a total of $10,000,000 during the next
few years.
lungs anoi it cured him. I keej� it in the
walWiin- a boy pusliing a.heavy cafli
, ,
___ �
io6rdand soft water inside, large gavden and
)eariog fruit trees. Apigy to JOHN SNYDER,
4_20V Huron St., West.,
Avor's Pills ore 1100 0111,4. They act
I . I . . 11
For Sale 0.R.ent. .
house alitIlo time and would not be with.
�ip a hill, The hill was steeli; Ilia
Notlee is bertibv givell that tIld weeting of tilo
. 06 IN00 Make more bild-
Zeddy oil
itcreted. Thit is why thq� it6 96 vAlu-
. I
Mrs. Barr's Birthday.
. � I.
out it for anything.."
. Price 25 cents, at .'M de-alets. Bli*&ra of
bov -orward at tile
. thin. 140 bent f
work till b6 was almost horizontal.
court tot, the 11ovisim of blie AOSORPment Holl Of
tilb TOW110111y of nullett m -111 bo 110.1d In thol
,r6wnsiiii) nall on saturliny tho,20th do'y of Nfwy
ablo In constlpttlotk� billousftess, dys-
� At Windsor, Ont., Mrg, Robt, llaxv,
imitations of Dr, Wood'a; Norwo,y Pinb
� 'Push it up' zig.zak,' I cried, lan(l you
at t1w hour of 10 6'elopk a. m. 6i tile ptivi)ose of
. saimlik, viek-beadsolle. AAkyourdodtof
i 0-fi; kil better Iftaftb
other of Itobort Darr, the no
in, velist,
inted her 88rd birthday
xecently celel�
6 Ask for it arid.insist on getting
J141. rutupift&yell wr&p ��
. )
will find it will go much easler.
iiiiaring and Aottling oomplaints againsli the
AimidA046861noint Roll. 1)(irsongbaVing W8111063
*Ws a piM,
4nnivers Itobert
aty. Her husband,.
4nd three, �J�no tr6oit ihe trido =rk.
.*,-"The boy ,snarled back: 96
m: -th of yor b1bom.1n, advice._ 0ows
at tbo,Uoutt NVIll. plesso 6-ttead 00 010 G&W - U.M0
md plo'co w1thout ful-thor DOW"&
o'', "I 1,116-61", " "'"i -I . .. I
IBB rr, or., is 61 the samb age, his birth-
do iaso coming about tho-, swzo fte.
. 7
I .
- ___ - __ - __ ___ - - -
�� .. _W*,W� . I. I
iTa"m;7— tat okft* Aiji
I � .
said gi*eln a sho".1 1� . . - .
_-1-1 ----
11 a. CAMPBE'LL, 01"k.
nillltitt. May 1201, 100
I . .
, —
*10*41A MWIA04 Clit0o *40*04t �
. iI
. , Farin to R,ent
4 . . . .
. �
. - . .
The Ostram farmi Lot 28,9th Con. of Ooderich
DR. ro A. AXON - . I
P., fiO acres isoffored to. rent. Apply to .
0811 COOK, or to MRS, J. S
� .
. (joderich.
� Clinton. I tf
(Successor to Dr. Holixes I. . .
. I
...-11 .1 . I . ....._
Specialist In Crown and Bridge Vverk.: -
Mouse to Rent
Graduate of the Royal College 01 �oeptajtgut 1 4
-.-- �
li store hoiuse to rent on HuroA St_ 6 roonis.
geons of Ontario.
Homor graduate of Utilversity of Toront6.Deu.
tal Davartment. . . .
io6rdand soft water inside, large gavden and
)eariog fruit trees. Apigy to JOHN SNYDER,
Graduate.of Chicago Collegg, of Dentiki Suraery .
ohicago. I . . �
4_20V Huron St., West.,
, WHI visit Bayfield every Monday. � __
. . .
. �
I . I . . 11
For Sale 0.R.ent. .
. I I I
. . DII., He F01VLE% _. - �
Lot -2r, 34 Concession, Goderlelt Township'
ng of 80 neres. for graziog, good orchar�L
I )
. DENTIST. I . .
=1 watered, good bankiiiirn. AP131v to
� -Offleas over OINEILIZ�tore. . . I .
. � .
, . .� .
Speoisl 006te taken to make dents,j, treat, i �
I . To Itent. . I .
. . .
. .
!nautas painjess &a jo . o . saible. . . I ,
o_ . . . . I , .. �
. . . .
The Draper Farm, lots 5% 54, 65 and 66, ATa . t
11 -
and Cori, Goderich Tp.� Lonsisting of 2.1.0 acres.
to W.
. — _,_.__.... �_ - - __ — , ,
. . I
�Icr particiflars, apply BRYDDNE�
r. I � . . Clinton,
. I . .
Live stuck and general Auction,io- .
. I —
. Park Ut for Sali�,
. . -
. I � � . .
�Tho undoirsignea offerr.16Y side a 1�ark lot of
lial nri sto3li salea a speoljll%� ole.619 of -A% �
�NRIT` BRA offlipe, Clinton, prLmPtly ant6nasd ..
6 s�(--roq, on Raglan gt.,'nearly s,11 in bemring
to. .Terms resisbiiable. Farmeral,sale note . .
discounted - .
ralt of 0hoice varieties, two good walls, gnad
table fralnelionse,with two cellnrs, Jost; the
, �-.- . .
I I .
. I .1 : ,
----------- L . .. � .
placeforp, arilener, will be sold cheap. Apply
. — , k
. . I
0 . S. 1�,. ROUTLrDGE or to, - I .
bIlf I ,3
I I tf , XR. JACOJ3 TAVLOR,. Clinton.
G. ED. MeTitggaru. . M..D..MoTaggar.
.. � . . "I .. . -
. * I .
- .
. .
. .. . � For SAIC. -, I .....
. .
' : ..
'r ,
MeTagiga t.Bros, .,-.
.. , . � . �
. . .1 .... j - �. ...
. ,
. ..
. . ... 'wir -. .. .
� . - imERw, . ,A
Comfortable Gottago on natt6bury St. East,
n t1je fliaest location in Own. Piullor. Dbaibg- -
- - - 1 1- .
oom.. 3 Bed-rooins Mtellen, Coni;ervs;tor�j
'�'tone foundation, cement
,. . . . . I
", Generaj. Ba'n'kin'g BUSI ' 111
collar. h.ird and soft witter, electric light. one
of the jiiost complete awd cosy-honl6s-In Mintou
. ,
. . .trfitnsaeted - , .- .. .
. I .
with felice-an(I evergreen'hei:196, I&r.90, 9ttrdeh
' I . . 1. .
andlougo and sinall fruit trevs. . . .
Allist be 861(l nt onqe as. owner is I 100,vifig for
- . ' ' I .
� D;afts interest
theNN'eqt. Applyto-owtier R.A.1110011E, .
. . tf. . RattenbilrySL*Rast(Aint6fi. ',
� . ,..
issued. allowed on
. . .. I . deposit' . . .
, � . 0.� .
. . � I
. . Wrise, or swt -. -
... .
. � . � . .
- - . � — .
. . I . .1
. . . I
i —_ � I I
The iftKillop'ImutuAl , ,
'on Maple St.'one half acre of grouna,
. ..
- I �
Insu'rance eo.
good.. fruit irees slid other � omall�;fruit.
,. . I
hDaaalin good couditiou, AVPIV to , '
- . . -- -:W.W. NIMENS.
:Ipire � . .
� I . I
Parm and 1801at0d Town; .
� � . Prov* . '
. \�,
. I � . . - .
I ertY Onlir Insured. I . .
I I . .
I . I
. :.. . , House for Sa I le
, . . OFFICERS.. . � ' . �.. .
. ..
J. B. McLean,Presidefit,Seaforth; Thoz , -
.... .. — I
I I Tbe'.large-6ott4o 64, Queen street. be.�,
. Eraser, Vice-pres., BI'llCefieldi Thos. .8 '
loilging to , the , eatate. of the late E. Holmes
Ham. Secy. Treas., Seaforth.; - . I . .
. I
is offered f6i sale� The lot is one-half '
* . . - ., 1. . - I . ... � . I . .
rEi,.Witb.b�aritig-'feuit.'tre�e., hara-Ind
. I ..
. . -H I ' ' ' ' ' ' joho. , � I
. Jas. Connelly, ' 0 melsville;
soft water. A: ba Tga ik,,��Aoply at NEW
- . .
W�tt, % H
, arloc . k; G. Date, Clinton; M. '
. . I � I
ERA. office. ,. �' . I . .. �
� . I 1. � I
. . I .
. ��
I -�Evapr,' -Bee In. "
Cb6Key,. Seafbith; J.
. .. q
. , Sh Ill � aje.�
. ., ,�-. ort orus, for S.
woon; J. G:'Grie�e,.Wjpthr6p, J., Bcai
. . '
. � . .
:, '.. . . I.. . � .
neweis, Brodh I * ... ..' *
Five yiiun� Bulls, froul 8 to 10 ln6ntbr'ojdj.
' . Each I Director " inspector. of losses In
* . .
gbod ob,es; all sirod by Duke of Richmond, thk
his own l6cality., .. .. , . .1
Sweepstaltes bull rLt Clinton and'Brucefield in
- . . . � . .
1008, 1?4ces to. silit the Vnies. Conle and Sep
tbein , witte 11 H. NVISE, Clinton, Ont.
�. . I I
. I . ... AQENTS. . . I . �
. . . . . .
I .
Robt. Smith,. Harlock; Ed,j Jiincliley,' - 'I
- I � . i- I I �,
I '
Pasturing" '.
"Seafortb; James Cumming Egmidn_& "� '
� . . . I - :
� � ,
. —
ville; J. W, YCO, Holmesvi&el : . .
- - ..
. ..Tli . e under . ,19 ; ned i�vrevaredto take a limited
_. . . I . . . . � I . ... I . I �
number of cattle to pasture, river running
tb'�ot�gh ps�,Aiird, inpurkag litenty of Vood Witter.
AVVIN to T R, MAIV, Lot 56 Maitland Coft.
. . . I
547 ::66fleriall Tp, Suinineybill V.D. -
. ... .. .1 __ 0 q 0
.. � ..
. ;
. . . ' *
. . . I CLINTOk � ..
� � . . . . .
. v .1. . ..
. e . '
Notice To.C..,r A.IWA
. � . . . ..
, . * ' . ..-7--. 1 . . .
. .1 11 ..
. .
. I � . .1 . I . ,. _. . . � .
. . .
. Fire, �..Life -Accident
.: In the matter of - the estate Of
I.. I – ;,. .
. .. . . insurance I
William Arge6b, late of the ' Town-
.. I . . . I I .
. ship of Stanley, in the County of
. I 1.
: .. — i r . - - .
- Hurori, yeotilan'deceased. . .. ..
. Reall estate bought and sWd - -
. _. . I . . .
I . . - .
Xotice?is bereby �Iven'. pursilarit to C;ee. 38, of
. . �
money to loan' . . I
Chap. 1,20, R.A.0- 1807, that all be,rSons baying
ole.inis ox deinan(ls agaltst tbo estate of the late
: � , , . .—* ;, . � ,
�! . . . . . . ... IL
Willism Argent., occomsed, wbo died 6n or i1bont
the Oth (lay February. 1009. arei reqUired
Office . Isaac Street, neX ,'door .t � � N . - -
. , o. .ew . I
. ,nd by post, Prepsicl, -or deliver t(V 4 the
to, tie
. f , , .. . . . .
� .. Era .. . . . � I I t..
tindersigned -Solicitor'for tho Aduiini%trator4
� I .
' .. . .: . I
on or before t1je Unq day of May,, 1S:09, their.
cbristik)) alid surukines arfil. addresseN.Nvitli fiffl
% _..._.r�_. , , I , 1, .
- * , �. . I . .. ,
. . - - �.
partioulars in writing of their alo�jius. anti a
I .... .I L . , . "
statement of their accounts and the nature of
Ed somiritles [if any] hdid by thom, 0illY verl-
. . . I .
Lfl=tatutory deolarottion. . 2) m d d . s,Y,of May.'
ke notioe tbat after tho2
I . . . - , . . . .
. �
A.D.� 1900, the said Ad)iiinistrator Nvill proceed to
otributo tile assets of the saif4deceased among
. . I
Synopsis of 0-anadlan Northir .
tie-, part1eq entitled thereto, 1javiligr6gard only
.Land" Regulatiosis, . I
to the clabne of wbich -lie shall tboll NLO 230tice.
. aiaft that tbe. said Administrator will not be
. � , I
NY povsolivino Ji� the sol.o nerta or a iiinniv
lJobloi for the said assets. or any part tbereof. to
iiiny perS612 or Persons of wbose chdril he sball
. or any Mile overls years MCI, )k lionle-.
Htead s, quartet -section of ayailabla 19initilon L
.ni5t then lin,ve roceived notice. I .1.
. Dittecl Rt Clinton. tbo3rd dFLY df MAY. I".7
IsLud In Manitoba, Siksketeliewim or Alberta.
Thea 'murtappear in pdrson bAtheDom.
I , NE, . . .
. , ,W, 131iYDW
4 4, 4 �',�- 44 Administrator.
illibil or Sub -Agency for tbb dig-
triet. Entry.by proXy ixmy be inade M aity
. I Pe C ,Or o.; � a
- I I
. mort(ragi-, Sak of Farni.
I. I 1!� " � . j .. .
. I I —_ .
j,,n(jpr jincl J)v
, virtlip�f tilo powers contained
In tL certain wortgago, wbich will be pl-odileed
at Qio tinio, of salt-, Were Vvill be offered fol'SR10
g 110blic, Atiption. W, Tbrimag - GandrY. AM'
aeor, at the Connnoic ed -Hotel. In the V111ago
.t - - - _--
loreorlom , I .
I,; a desirable property, wtth good 90 . I a
stato of cultivatioil, blilldings ill 90V ro'
id 01 usnat convenioneon. I
oulls wad con(Iftlod of Pa . rkpi)iy to
. 1— vok!(IV�'Slolicltor.
(11in ton, Wit', u1n), U. i0m, . .
ilortgag,,o Sale -of 110'ase and
. . Lots in Clinton, ..
. .
. —
rnAvr antl by virtuo of the- 11-0- containctl
ino. vt�rtfdn jjjnj:tgaL,t,, whit,il will be. lim.1 ticed at
- �
" lilt
. by
- -
I I `OAWY�r' vendar.
11iliton. Ifty 10, 1W, . I
..� � I 1- .1 - — -
1I*a1rA0AAt1Ajjki*t-#1*r4" 6014114 06 , i
. � .
son, dauglitar, brother 01, sister of Intendlug I
-honiesteader, � . I ,
Diffles.-Six moriths'rosidence upon afta cill.
tivation of thp laiid In omeh of three yeais. A
hoinesteadot njay ]live vidlifi nine wiles of his
holliestead on & fariij of at loast 80 acres solely I
oWned and ocoupled.by Iffin or by bis father. .
illother, son, daugliter, 11rothor or sister.
In �ertaift districts ot jlonleWader in good, . .
. I
v aereg extra.
wholia8exhailated bis
ina.y take q, Pilrehilsad honle8tead id tertoilil L11A. 1.
� triets, Ili-loe $3.00 pee acre. Dotleg,�-Must re-
side six months In ofteli of t1jriio.NeotrAVcu1tiv&te-
fkfb� &Oros and oreet a holl8o Worth $300.00. .
I I W. wl'oolty, I
I Deputy e)f theMinistefof the Ifiteriore -
I N.13,Viiatitborized , pliblication Of. till$ ad-
vertigoinent will not be liald for, .
. .
. .
. . .
� I
I .
. . 1. I . % I
- �, -.111-
, ,
- I
� 7� .
I .� .
. . .. �
1� .
�. Alactiou Sale '
1-1,vary SATITIMAT al the 'AIJOTION 110VFJV ,
GOD1,1111011. Sedes condoeted anywlieroi, anY
Viiiii. 1(orchandise, r0ft1("4tat0,.1iV6k;toCjC, etc. *
0, W. BECKETT, Auctioneer. .
pliond. 108. Box 193, Godoiriell, Ont - I
Miller'$ Glip Powder$ ovire, W, S.
R. 1101tak