HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-05-13, Page 1I �,� . � I I I THE I Kippen Seallor4h . i1pborlm Qoderleh 111"Illott . * . .11 he stork left a. little daughter to , . � I T McIntyre & RUN have a handsome Art aluction sale will be held at , The Government steamer Bayfleld Courb of Revision in connection. 1. brighten, ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. I nevk .del' ory wagon on the road. Young's mill, yard on the 20tfi. is in the harboto h%ving arrived on with the Aeselsisment Roll will be held Robeit Elgie, ,if TucklerewitIl. - Dr. R. IV . Eggs are a I � � y 99tb,of which notice I R. Ross is having 4, foundation kood- price now at .20cts; Saturday,Engineer Nesbitt and Baker on Saturday,Ma . ROYAL BANK The many friends of Mr. Jas. Miller* placed under his residence ouGoderich the ben must pay poultry keepers, being engaged Oil � a Survey of the appears in this issue. I of the village, will regrob to learn that street, . A song service will be held in the breakwater here. The Bwyfleja will ' be is vot-enjoying his usual good Mrs. A. McKay, wife of Councillor Methodist Church next Sunday morn- probably remain here 4% couple of Chas. V. Molutosh" *who has been .1 . . . � . I - "Vin hill son Win. at, St. Aligns - OF OANADA health, but all will hope that it is oil. McKay, is ill, a sufferer from pneu- ! Ing- . weeks. , 11 - , ud that I � : tine,IhZilbariged his reeldenceto Hul- . ly a tempora . indisposition, a monia. l Arch, Robinson bad his ankle burt SUIT AnjOURNED-The suit brought lett, and will make Me home .With h . ry I he will soon be able to be.around Thos, Fowler has moved to Egmood. � at the saw willon. Tueslay. The stave , by the Michael A. Pi . is again. .1 Ville and will. occupy Miss Graham's cutter had A painful accident ; and a iggobt Company sons, Joseph and John. �. 8 Against the Guelph & . oderich Rail- , . OLINTON BRANOH DEATki OF ROBERT KETT'.4'E.- We cottage, a result. left parb lot a finger in the Way which wag commenced before M . r DR&T11 OF MRS. GABRIEL SPRUNG- ,. ., very much regret to have to recoi d this The Tecreation ground � machine. � . . A is association Justice Britton has been adjourned un- On: May let, at the. home -of Mrs. J. week the death of a former well known a ffe Iheir:uuds f ,or sale by � Mr. A. H 1. Robertorl is now ready til . September. Floods. cave no, un. Ragan. Dungan non, at the ripe age of . , I � -1 . PAYS and highly esteemed resident of this p re 0 0 ring 11. . � to enteream the travelling public at forseen earth -structure all Olay'apart 81 years anrl 5 monthis, there passed to IV! uctio neighoorhood, in the person of Mr. R. Thos. Dickson purchased from � the Auburn. House. Ibis good to see . I � the Great Beyond another of the early . Kettle, who aied at his home in Lou- h w M , � . Goo,, Turnbull th-e 28 acres, adjoining 0 leasant and homelike' Mr. and ISSXONAR3� SUNDAY-SillIftY,May pioneers of this county, Obristena i Monday last week. He has his town property.. Mrs. lRoberton have made the old hotel. Oth, being the annual missionary cam, Patters.on, 1%lict of 'the late Gabriel SF�ECIAL ATTENTION I beet or grly ill.-Whiter,but it was hop 134arl'V anE,gmond has suweededMrs. , look. . paign Sunday for this. archdeaconry Sprung wbq predeceased her 4 vears, I Pottle I I . ed that warm weather would re- W. Morrow, as organist of thePresby- Our merchants are, this suirlimer, f6l.; in the Anglican Church, the pplpib of' Born in 1827.near Ameleasburg,,Prince 1. store his health, but ProvIdence willed terian church, flginiondville, lowing the plan tried' the last two St. George's, was occupied in the Edward. Co.; her early years were.' . I otherwise,-' He bore hi n illness morning -by Rev H. A, Thomas of TO Is 10 f ug, Mi. H. Livens bas! been appointed or. years for early closing upon the same spent in that neighborhood. ti) -years patiently and was ever hope of the ganist of the Methodist church,in place evening as formerly, Wednesday at Wardsv!6,aud in'the evening by Rev ago she came with her husband to . toward hereafter. The deceased was of Mrs. W. A. Morrow, who has re- 6,30. It seems a pity if -people working � 0. E. Jeakinp, B. A,.� of Winglian). tile bowe on the Bise . Line where Mr. � for many -years a resident of this signed, from earli morning unL.11 late at night The rector cf the, parish, Rev. Mr. Sprung reil;ided till his death. Of a SAVINGS BANK heighborhood, going to London, about .Miss M. Murray, daughter of Mr. cannot have at least one -week night to Turnbull, tai ik the work at Bayfield, quiet retiring dieposition.51ra. Sprun � . twelve years ago to enjoy a well earn- .1 . _ 1 3 accepted themselves., I Goshen and Varna. . . James Murray, of town. hai 1. was held in the highest esteem by alf I ed rest. * He was ever a true friend a position in the office of the Canada - As the arrangements regarding the RECITAL-. Avery successful recital' who kne* 'her. The performing of I � . , .and neighbor, and was always ready Foundry Co,, Toronto, I bonus for the opening cf the Auburn was givenSunday evening by the choir the duties of home to her, wlere a de- . I to doa friend a good turn.'. For his A successful operation was perform. Hotel have been completed the com- of North Street Methodiso Church. Be� light. For the past vear she had re- . � .Many excellent qualities he'iivais held ed at the home of Mrs, Ward, In Eg. miLtee respectfully ask all wbo'bave side the chorus numbers and the, organ - . . I sided at the home of Mrs, J. Ragan, in the highest estecin. by all who knew mohdville, on Miss N.Vatsion. of Bay- subscribed to, pay at their earliest con- numbers by; the organist, A. Roy whepe she wkis attended during her andFARMERS BUSINESS him, and his many old friends -here field, by- Drs. Ross and McKay. venierice to the treasurer. Mr, 0. ! Adams,solos wereglvpn by Miss Brown -brief illness of pneumonia by' her . - I will regret sincerely to learn of his Miss Maggie Lamb', wliq was one of HoOson,or to.any of the. members of and Mrs, May, a 'violin, selection, by .grand -daughter, Miss Tons, Spruhg, __ -,- - death. Hawas-10ye4rsofage. thecommittee I � Miss I . . I , the older residents of Harpurbey, died Heinicke,a piano duet by DeLem- her twili sons Richard and Roberb be, I . I -*- . at the Royal Hotel on Saturday of last' - The Otgoial Board of We Auburn me, Millyard and A. Roy. Adams, a ing both -in the West, The funeral jqtw 'Siftertlawfulfi; . Exeter .. . . week, after it. short illness from:pnou- Circuit met Monday 'May 3rd. BeDja. quartette by Misses Bro wn and Wright. service was conducted by Rev. W. A. monis. . .. . menTaylor,of Westfield wasappointed man and Messrs. McLean and Thow� Smith, pastor of the Methodist church . 'V*gor and Vim, W. S. R. Holmes....]. I Mr, Harry Run:lle hiLs gone to Spok . - About 7 Oclock onThursday evening representative to the District meeting. 'sop, and, a reading by the pastor of of which she was a life long member, 1 ne, Wash., to reside. � . .4�irdered0lothing.Morrish&Orooks.. I a I the fire brigade was called out. For.' Through th Coupon System which church, Rev, .Or. Dougall. - .� A large cortege of friends followed ' 'Florence, daughter of Mr. Frauk tunately it proved to be a false alarm, has workid so satisfactory to all con. HEAD ON Covrasro,i- A - head-on she,was laid. beside hot husband, Rev. Judge by evidence, Couch & Co ...... 4 the remains to Ball's cemetry where I Wall Paper, Coopers Book Store .... 4 i Triebner, 69 Step'aen',. who has. been lia fire would have been a nasty thing' corned, the finances of the circuit collision ocear�ed in the O. P. R. yards Mr, Joubs, of Auburn, taking pharge Ever notice our windows. J.Twitchell.5 I attending school here, is ,aid up *ith while such a gale was blowing. were found to be in splendid' elluditiori, here about 12.30 Monday aft9rnoon. . I I Northern Nay. Co. 0. H. Nicholson. .5 an attack of appendicitis. . At Osgoode Hall.in Seaforth Milling there being enough in the treasury to . The incoming express, in charge of . of the ser � v . ice at the grave. I . . - � . olinton Court of Revision ............ 5 The bowling -association has given meet every demand . Conductor Dan Baker, ra into an * I I HullettCourt. of Revison,10amptiell.5 the grounds -committee instructions to Co, vs Ontario Seed Oo.-H. S. White, I I 0 I 11 , . . . � Rensall, . 5 complete the new green, and, have it for plaintiff. moved for judgment un- - The pastor will pret.ch the tbird ser. epgine and box car which Was run., . , . ........ ie the old. . -K. 0. ies on the -life of Joseph ling tip the main line to back down on .3 moved into the'liguse Mortgage Sale, W. Brydone.. der 0. R. 003 F. E. Hodgins, ,for mon in the serl r T. Kelly ba r a switch to let the express pass. The, formerly occupied by R. Jaerot. . Steady Bill ploymont.Jackson Mfg Co, , fixed up. In the meantlu I defendants, contra. Judgment for -in the Baptist Church on Suuday next, ; . For Sale, R. A. Mdore ..... * ............ � green will be used. . I amoubt of draft, with costs,'Iess 060, the subject'being I-A'Sliepherd: prim� Pilots of the two engines weresmashed Hensall entered . upon the third year `17ents for Sale, r cit. Plaintiffsto. have liberty to ceed minister." The Su,ndiy School is mak. wheels of some of the trucks lifted under Local Option on May Ist. . -p- J- Hill ............. ' .i . , Now that cows are not allowed to ro , . tile VV anted at once,Stone & Wellington.5 roam trhe streets, a number of ot r ZdVised. ing very encou,ragitig pfogress, and Off the tracks and the platfornis of Mr. James of the Exeter branch has , izqns are having the fenc6s. in front- of for same hil division court if so . . . Auction Sale, Peter Ker ............. a ' ' one notable feature is the large num. some 'of - the passenger cars were tiLken the position. of Ju6ior -on the The Saturday Post, W. L. Dick-inson.8 their places removed anii otherwise � A Chicago despatch makes the fol- - . I.Awn Mowers, Jabez Rands..... fixingthitigs up and making them look lowink reference of an old Seaforth her of vertses of scripturew learned by damaged by the force of the impact. Molsons staft- here. - - I . . ' ' le playing at schooh Clarence, .... 8 � � - "To -day Robt. Pri I - of the , the scholars. To encourage - them . in - The passengers got something (if a jar Whi I Millinery, Newcombes ................ 8 neat. . I . boy. &n e, son of James Johnston, fell, stHkin . The many. friends or Miss Laur� Me.: firm of Pringle, Fitch go., retired this,the Pastoi has oftered a reward of bv the collision, but no . -one was hurt. his hand on a nai 9 ' Relindo Oxfords, Fred Jackson ...... 8 a Bible or other books to the. scholar ' . I or a piece of glass I Falls will 6B pleased to know that she, from the exciting life of it board of - DgAill OF 'AN OLDCO' N Houge Oleaning, Tozer& Brown ...... 8' hits sufficiently recovered from the, tiado mau. to the life of a *man.liv- ,in each class,learning, the largest'aum- The distinction of bringing � the first cutting it badly. . . operation she recently underwenf for ink on his money. Mr, Pringle is -only ber of verses during tbe,year,' The railway train'into Goderich is what. is The junior Bible class of the Metho. . V______ to leave� the 48 years old, and . ?tun6 of - Superintendent Mr, W. 0. Robertson dist Sunday School have organized for . appendicitis, to ,be able possesses a foi commonly ascribed to the late Con abbletics. Boxing, walking. and run. ' I hospital. , - - - $2,000,000. Re says he longs for the ba6 supplimented this by offe an- ductor Danidl Hojines, a former resi- c c , . . . "'in .niulmat hes oc upythree nights a To AdvOrtisers Mr. I . . 1. .- I other book to the scholar in eaXelass .whose r' . I . William Fletcher had quite an West." : .. . .1 ­ . � -1 I dent, emains werelbrought-here . � . 1. . . I I . I I taking second I Saturday &fternoon'for interment Copy for eban es of advertisement exciting experience the other day, His ,.. place. I . � !ast , wee l3qust be ban5ed in by luesday .at an auto- AN INTERESTING Tltoriiy-Mr. G, A. . . . . . ­.. in Maitland cemetery. Mr. Holmes :Fred Smallacombe made the largest horse became frightened� sills Ila, had on exhibition in his show 11 . .�.. -.-- .. I shipmenf, . recently, that'llas I I I . . , night. Small transient ads. will be I mobile, and in the scramble the animal window, a silver cup, won by theS tars . I ,was 84 years of age, and had been liv- reoeived up to Thursday morning. fell, and it required the help of two or . . !Ill hils. daughter, Mrs. W. E. =ly ever left Hengall statiom. lat I of'Seaforth in 1876 for the Baseball . Aolmosville , Ing ,w,o - consisted of 77 bAgs onion sets, bille i three man before things, were righted clianiiiiionship of the counties of Wel- -Miss Effie I Snowden' arrived home ,ile,7zl ,in.Torouto. Heissurvived I for Winhipeg. The express charges __ . again Fortunately no damage was lington, Grey. Perth, Bruce, and Bur- fro in'Pawasson, S atur day. - . V bi� twolsons and two daughters, Harrr: amounted to $2120. , -' - . - done. I ! . . 1, S Holmes, stition..ag6nt at Acton': ' I . I . . 11111111111W I I . .1 . . . I .. . . ,on, In the finals the 4ames were be� ; R. Johnston,.Woodatock, * visited at Mrs.. W, 1141. Hezzlewood, of Toronto ; I . Word has been �eceilved illat Robii�rt .. .- . � ­. . �. . �tween Soaforth. and Listowel,'and. ab F red Leonard's over Sundayi � . .. Javrott and wife, who went West . I I . � I . ... I . ENTER ANY TIME. . .. . . th6,uLrh in the last match of the� series Some of the children in this ;Vi Mrs. JarnesRobinson,formerly'df God, about &.month ago, will return to Heil- . - I . I ' c1nitY. erich, now 6fBoissevain, Man , Will� . . . . I . . e pronerty which Rob- . . . H)Imes, of Manitoba'.' Tile * late t " ;1 -engaged to mana , ge ba's.been I . . . eonstance - - ­ Llst6wel bad. three of the ])est plavers Ale baving.& swell time-mumpe sall shortly. Th Jas. Sutherland, Brucefleld, spent' -. law ( . . � � on theSeafcrth teani -Hugh and Ren - Mrs. N. W, Trewartha was ho* or. wm CLINTON ., me At I Conductor Holmes at the time he -left Sol 0 Sunday at home.. is i back from a . ry. Cameron and Goo. Baird -barred her f6ther's for:a-short Visit last week. . ' d, c usequently his return. � . .Miss M.*. MoDonald. I I he road was the - oldest railway con. . . . - '. . I I .. , BUSINESS COLLEGE visit with frleudd�'in Tuckenwith. . - .from competing, on a technic& ity. the Miss L. Gould has been laiii- up. with I td,etor on the road, and had a record 1, - . .. I . . I . � . . . . I Sk%forth boys won by aw scorp of 27 -to aij. attack of llIetirisy but is Borne of 48 yea ndtictor. Dur '. . . Blyth - �. . I Miss Margaret Henderson, of Win-. I . .1 . . �. . . � � rs straight as co .. I I . . I has:been tested in the crucible of ex- .3 4U 1, _4! 6 21runs. . ' better'. . . . ;__ �]_'­ ­_ t�_ �____l 1-1 - ___.3.-._-_.._ . . . __ _. - __ �_ . - - . - I .. ­­....... .-perienee;wibb-une-,fire,urDu.. -1012-. ' trarOtl�-spent-oun wy_ � ­ew � ,?A- and has not -been found wanting. The -sister, birst D. Sutherland. . . . -I succesi� of our gradua,tes has not been excelled. Not the largest. but the high. Mrs. James Nicholson,.bf -Winthrop, , I est grade modern Business School in enjoyed. a' few� days last- week, the, , I Western Ontario. . of Mrs. Adam Nicholson. I Individual Instru ctions. No %acation. I guest Mts. E d ' win Emerson, and , son -of � I Mail Courses. Enter any dai. . Mongolia, reiurned on Tuesday after Send a postal for particulars. . .spe�din 'time the gue'st of .her some. . ,,! pal ent Mr. and Mrs, Britton.. . - GEO. SPoTTo,T, Principal. . . , . ' 's sherwia.wiiiiams Paints, 'Varnishes. Stain I I and enamels "or holtseriold use, CELrile,geS, et. - . . I B08ERT CLARK, Constance. I . . . � I I . . . . . . I . I . . , . . . . - I - . . � . . . . I . - k . I � I . .. 36 . I - . . . . . I . I . .. . . . . . ,� I .1 . . . . . . .. I . Ordered . . . . 'Read-,�-fflade' � I � � ClothingMorrish &,Crooks.. G I 0 t III i.n g. - I .. . . . I 11 , - I i I I , . __ I . illn�� . . .. . . 1. .� I . � � �W Order I 61-`.�- I . .: .. .. ._ 1. I C i .. 0 * , .othing . . I... L ' ... Our'. large staff-. is, working , . I . ­ .. . overt I ime, enabling us.to fill - . . . I . orders whic� �-are*':.,every' day I . � .. � being placed,icln: our books by., I I . I . I . customeTs who are anxious to .1 L I .. . . . � . . . . . �i get, the best'§tyte,'and work-, _ ­ . .� 1. _.''. ; � .. . L . . m.anshio. possible.. fb.r_.their I I I . � . v , m . oney. We can give -you. .. � I . .. . � better value' and � satisfaction . '.. . for your mo.ney , this -season � . I . . I than ever.befole, " having I . . . ,. . , , g., an I I I . . . I - � ,extra large range of. patterns . I � .. .. �1& . and. qualities to chobse,­ from. ., I . I ' . . An early inspection Qf .' these . � I . I . I . . . � I ' * ' goods will a!isure,you'. of hav- . I I . i'ng a large stock, of ,new and . . . I I . . up io-date.goods from, which . . � . I I I , I I . .. % 1� . to make yo'Ur`.S,e,leCti.on� �.. " . . I., . I . . � . ,; ' 1. . . . If Prices, Qualities and ' olors' to I . . . I . � . suit, all c'ustom, er's"..- ., . . ". , . I . I . " . , . . . 1-1 111. - . _,.____._,_____­ � . I I. -­ � � FIT AND WOkKMAN9141P , " . '. GUARANTB9D. I., I . I I ­ 1.1-1 I I I 1. 11 ­ I I., ---.,.. I ­ - . I I . ' I Morrish & erooks, i, 1 49 ... . is* . . A Squire, Deal Vor, Every MAY" . . I . . � . 01, I . 4 "t, . . . . - I 0 $.Celeyls Perfumed Borax .. ThIs Borax is imported from France and is much purer ., and stronger than Com. werclat Borax, .a much smaller quantity way there. . fore be usedto get the same . *result� The peifume con� talus nothing harniful per. mitting .the Borax to be, . .used, wedicina,11y. Ladies . .1 . . ... ask fo". sample, , I . I . I . I � Pack-agges 10c I .W.A.McCohnell . Phm. B., - I I � C.P.R. . Telegraph Agency , � . I . � 1. . 8M%1W%AW0%0*1"1W"%1WV% , - . � . I tc . Vigor and Vim., V $ Xre necessary if you would' $, enjoy perfect health. - .11 $ I. if you lack Vigor and Vim try . Ia bottle of our, , � -1 . .. . . . I . . � BEEF, 111[tori and' . WINIK .1 $ . . 70 a bottle I - - I— . . $ $It will send the blood .bound. Ing thru your veins. . I , , I $ $ IC you haveia't got the blood, $ , $ get -a bottle of.our... . . BlAnirs Ijuliroved Iron Pills I � I I I . - . . I $. . They make Rich, Red blood '. . . 1 . 1 25c per 100 - I . . . . . .. 'I $ .. . . . . . 1. .� 1 $- WSR. -Hol*§ , - . . . . . . I % �, I PhW B. I I . I . $ . , Manuf#01111ring Cl-heniiSt, , , � 11111111VI. � . .. �. � i. - � � �, .. . . I I I . 1. PUBLIC.SCFIOOL BOARD - The � , � � regular meeting of the -'Public. -School ; . Board -called for Thursday. ev6ning . 4 last, rt . . Aet in the Coun oil . Chambef at 8 - - ' dolock. NO special , business other - .than-a-few-,azcotint&;-whi-ch-vere-n r__�­_­_ - __ ._S_ k ---­----­-­----- - --- �- -- .­UU. .�LIMV kjulut,xua #."t� Kvctu "o bl tu on -irbursdAy of next Week. - ed, was brought in, A, Aiscussion in B"tleford as ., on Saturda�, last, Clinton Visited in the village on: TUes. lived fora time in London, -and later - 7. H.- C.IAllew I, having, the fou'rida. brought the news of the death at the ,da . . I * . I .. amington,'whe reference to repairs to the -School- ' ' is . moved to Lie ire he on, tion built for the addi Lion he will erect -Building. took place .. . '_ " Church of England �Industrial School s,B. StAu1pgwTolcputQ', was'ealled ' gaged -in fruit growing. flewastITq8 to -his residence. - . . . I . . and a, speciar - `� tbero,of Miss Anne Edge. a graduate .home 1$aturday. on account of the seri- I death - of o meeting was -called for Wednesday ' I . I of the Training School in Toronto. '.In. ous,illbess of her ulother� We are married, and since the. his 'We understand that 'James Cutt, evening, this week,� to, attend to that I I . second wife had lived with his daugh- will, -In ,the near f uture, build an a:ddi-, matter. On Wedfiesday eveiiing the ... � reference to Miss .Edge .the Toronto glad to say Mrs. Stanley -is improving. ter in Toronto. . Rev. Dr. Dougall, pas-,' Lion to the rear of -his grocery store. - � Globe save: Nliss Edge was well-known . We see by the.prograth of the W. tor of North Street Methodist Church, gavenoticeof theresignation, , among B"riglish chureliworkers.irl Ahe M. S.- Convention at Seafortb,,.that conducted the services. 1. . � ..� Tom Lee, of Windso'r,.. has purchased becausd.of removal from town,of P.. R1_1 � - .� city, having done self-sacrifloing work Miss D� Holmes of Holmesville takes . - , . the- laundry busine�s of Soo. Wing and flloo.d,gens as member of Public Library , , . - ;, - . I � .. - lias taken possession. Soo Wing goes (I and .J. Hartley, principal of the . as a deacon�ss. among the,I)loor ofLittle charge of the devotional exiercisLas at . I I . . � to Wingliam. � . s6hool . � Trinity, for'several years. Sheleft-for t.heafternoonses6ion. .A number: of. . . I Lgolborne . ' .. , . . was appointed'-to.finish the Battleford,,over-three �ears ago,and ,the ladies from here atteaded th6 Con- .1 . . . PRESENTkTION.r-r On Sunday after- term. -On a motion it was .resolved' - 0 since then had been devoting her life. vention, reporting. a goo'd time.. . Miss B. Millia'a spent the week end noonii last week, the membeis, of' the to ask tenders on 35 pr:40 tons of coal." . �. ,�, . . . . I � .:� I at her home in Goderich. ' ' ' ', Young 146n's Bible Class of the Meth.. A motion was passed to. receive the I .to the.education of Indian'bovs. 'Mi-: . Mr. and Mis; Drkp6r of. Aylmer,�ar- We notice. J. 0. �Stothers 'sports a odlist-SabbAth School `�)Jreseilted thefir . A- number' of ac- : � . Jess� Edge, her brother, of Brandon; rived. here.Frid . ay. . Mrs. DrAii'er 'Ila-- fine young, driver thesetimes. �' ,. !.­ ... rincipals reporti . - � . leader,'G. H. Wamb6id, who; left on countslor fli,ing Furnaces for maieriat' -.�.' acclorripaniedtile boily h6trib,and inter. -tendsmakinp an extensive stay lit"her Miss Autianda, Durst returned 'last h ma r . ment took plAc6fr6m the fam ily how Mondiy for Berfin,. With. it bandsomd etc., were. passed. � T 6 tte of re.. . � . I . et. fathers, Mr. Mulbolland.with the hope'. 'Week from a short.vi§it in *'Little.Gor.- watch .fob accompanied byan address. - 'Shingling. the roof of the, school - wall , - I stby)* . . . . . . . I . . . . I ­ . . . . . . . the Tesidencoof'Mr. Hepry F,dgb;, �of bonefitting her health *hidh hao :in � . . . I.,., I IPI . . . .. , . . - I.. I . 1. . . I I- . I., � . left over til 'ihe' 1. t, .. � I . . P � __ .. . I ti, I � . I . 11 . I . , . : . ' . . n'bt bd6n up'to .-the''mark .lately. . ... ,. , . � , Mr. - I . next mee ing. . . . . - I , . Mr.'and'Mrs. A, Halliday were. the- I .1. I . . . . . . I . .. � .- . . �. . ,*� . � . . �. � I , ­ . . , I . � stan.ley., :. � ! Drop leli left for how 9 ,again Tuesday., gubsts of Mr., an(L'Mrsi A. Ohl6r .on .1. . . ... . .1 'Wifighaln ' . I I . I � I . . . . . � . . .. I - � . ' i . . , I The farmers on the line bitv'. b ' � , . . . . . I , t5unday. - . ­ . ..,... . . . . . 1. I I �J. I A . � VisilCamp, who has bee' in the . . . . Thq . Q . ilaker. 001te. -Co . Mp � d . n � y i � SL . . . . a. Pgun . '. RiVLE. Asso6ATIOX-On.the follow- Mr;Sch4anz lost a valuable horse last 11 . ad.; . . � o , s6edln'si this week. - ing-dates the Civilian Rifle Associat-t . hospitalwith pneumonia,ip recovering. -vertising Qt1aker Cizits i,b,r.C',0lu*m'ns. .: , , i i - week'jit being one of his team of greys;. . 6 . . 'Mrs. Goy has.had a cement - foutda- The,,, 0 . . Mrs. Wm_GIqn has beAft*o'n tbe',si0k­ ion will.hold ahoots on the Range at which.rn*akes the loss still greater. , . I . ught not to be a �(��ily ill town , . I..ist.fbr the last two weeks. '. . H Sweetie, Ma� 24th-, May 31st; June tfo'n placed, under.her- residence." , .. , . 11 � I . . . . Mr Hugh Hill has added much to - We regret to. iepok that Aft. T.' T t .at needs `an,y?.persuasiqn to.,ca . t this . - Mr; Wm..Taylor. hits improved the ILL. - rhe shooting will comwen ce at -the appeaiance of his r6ad front by , wholes . appearance of his fine farm by putting- 'Da. in.. sharp on each date'so competi- E Illott.lis not .Improving any, but K.:� . , ome and strength-givitfg fo6d.- .', - . � . a I new wit e fence along the front of his theaddition of a row of fine, young, been. suffering. more* rep-ently. I . . . I . . lot. . I .. � � . . . . tors will please make note. - All 'mem,' maple,s. .. .1 . . . .. . . .1 . � . . It's the most eccindmlcal,stren� th. : ' . I I . . .­ . . bersa;ad those wishin to join the club A meeting of. thelen niis Club wilt be inaker . . 9. . . . I Mr. Richird Taske'r whom we . re. are requested to beg � . Ge Tile weather looks favorable 'and it held in tbo Council Uhamber at 8 o.'- . anYcine. can eat.- � . � .. * , present, Q.. will no d6ubt be safe to dispense' with . I ... . I . : . ported lately,as.sufferin ' gfrompleurisy _ Mair, See. Treas. - . . � I clock'on Friday evening. I I I .1 still. continues An -a weak � state. of I .1 . .1 I . I .. ,sidighbells, butwb fancy We-cau bear, ,NorthHu'iontic6iiseC6nitnissi.oi3ers i ' . 1 . . . .. I . , , . .. . � . . . Tuckersmith I health. ' . ... � I . 8011()OT, REPORT �Tbe foll6wing'is d Wedding bells'. . ' . - - � met on,SAtuvday.and cowpletdd their ' TE'.NirERANCE RALLY­7A.meeting of All are pleased to know, - ills t Mr. H-, roport�of the pupils of Si S. No. -S fo '. J. - C. Durst. was somewhat under the . I r - , work. The'Es,kchatige ,,Hotel license, those interested Ili the. -,ternperance, . , McConnell's two sons who jhav6been the month of Aprilbasedon regularity weathL-r,IA§t week owing to a stiff lieck ��Vhich had been left oyer,wds granted.. � .cause .was held in. the Piesbyteriatt I ! ill oi fever for -the -la t few. weeks are good deportment aud-g6tverdl proftei- the'tesult �ota� slight .accident whiafi4 Rev. W. L. . Ru tied e, B. A., pastor dhurch, Eaboondyffle, on � Monday I I almost well again. . S. I I . . . ... - . befell him near.-Benmillon . 1. � . I.. I . . . eridyi-Sr.-4-L. Jervis,. 0. Le,vis; .L, , I . ' V11-1; of First Methodist 6hurch, L ndan. evening. -The"' meeting was called floU � . . ...... Harold lnneo.returntad home from. kc0artney,Albert-Proct6r. Jr4-H. Arbor Day was lolilebrated : on has written aedeptink the,invitaotion of the pur ose of orga-ni for the the West on Monday. He went Wes McCartney, D. Huller, Jb. Lavis, A. day last in the usual. manner, ending Wingliam OfficlaIBoard,subject to,the. coming coal Option.co'lu . I . . L T litegsto . . to look Around and has a couple place-, Farren, .1. Palmer, O.' Mair, A. Alcook. I tip With a trip'to the Woods'to gather decision of the Stationing committee. ' . - . I i Jenkins. C. Connell. Sr. 13-H, . I . . e, I I .. ... � . 'in mind to which. -he expects to go in, F. Wild f1bwers,of which there aire .air adly Notwithstanding .the unfavorable I . ' . I I . � � I the Fall. . , I I ­ . :. .. Lavis,E. Barren,NL Ostrom,R. Ostrom an abundance. I I . . rers- '. I i t,Til . What! with, one feller studying .law? weather'of Sundav last, the anuh St�ady Employment . . D -Last Friday morning, the Clifford Holland. Jr3-V. Jorvis� H. � ar . � � F. a y I . � � � z services of Wingliam Methbillist . ... . . . 7th Inst., in her. ei itieth year, ode of Proctor, P, Proctor, -H.'Ostiorn.: *Sr 2 two. ba telling eggs as fast as the. het�s day School way -be recorded sue- can be. given to a -nuniber 'of smart, . : Oeold settlers in tZe person9f Mar a.. ."R. Munnings, S. Mali. L. Huller,'A. .can lay them, and.several -with matri-, cessfW. Re,i.'X,_TohnstQn, of Wood- girls, oper.iting mabhiu'es..o� on.hand . . � - rot McGill, relict of the � -late. Malcofni Leonard, D, Glidden# M. Holland - It' monial tendlenizLes, it looks als'if there stock was.�he speaker for the day-, and I se��ipg�, . Apply, to ".., " . ... ''. .. . , � Smith Passed over. to the silent major. 2"O,'Prcietor, L, Jervis. Pt IiL*' . mightbedoin's dn--the Maitlaakthis proved an able.and acceptable supply. * , I . . . . � I ityv' Herbusband "died about- four. Alcock, F. Lavis., 8r Pt 1�-J. Ostrom I summl)r, don't it- - - . . ' .! . � Ja's', McLeod., V otemall. . teen:years ago, Sheand her husband A. McCartney: B., Holland� 'N, Mai;1 Mr. Enimereon, Mohiing_. called on . D.R.&TET OF A- BROTHUR�-MVS. Plenty ' . . . . 1'. . .. settled 55 or'56 years ago, - on the farm Jr P� 1�W. Miller, W., Servis N5 some .of his old friends, in this vicinity received. word -on Wednesday.,Qf the. .440, I I Jacks6u .31114 V9., ClIntoo, where she died, viz. Icits 0, 7 and 8,con. on roll .38, Average 9d. N.' W..".Tre: this week, after tin abliepse .of, biue death of her brother, Mi.- T. Bild , son, .� . . . __1_--.__.... . . 6, and- cleared the broad acres . now *oc. warthai teacher. I . I years. . 'Re has been, most of his time, of Alina, Mich. DeceAsed. was in his 101111�11�11 -1 . __ �� �� . I I . . . clipied by their children, They were * . . . . . in Denver, Colorado, where he .now usual'health until about ten daysAgo � � , . . . typical of the.stuedyrace.of pioneers . .A . . - . . . . has a comfortatile home.. . I ,. I when he was strieken 'With paralysis. , ' . who fifty to sevent years ago settled I . ' . . . I . .Owing to the -bridge, across the river., Uq formerly resided in Walkerton and , - Bland"S Co , mpotind., � * I . . in the woodeand laFd tbe- foundation . .. ., � .Goderich Township at Mr. Forster'@ 'being impassable, it was 74 years of -age. . .. ., I . I � �. . . . . this . makes it er ' - . � ril .. for the Zpresperitv .enjoyed in Mri�' Fred. Middleton . has , been con- . t �handy for some of the - ATTEMPTED BURGLARY --on Alonday �. I ! 13, uralgia, - v . Z ---%.P . - P Is I .0oolintry to-day� The' furietal on Su ' farmera,bil ]lard says its no incon - nivht Mr, Gurney was-'arbused by-& I -n leton's con- to JHI i ' iga n . .. . I y was d fined to the house 'with ne venience I as most of his' Will- holse'downsta rs. and oil investi ti I - , H . la�gely attended -and testifle The members of Mi f ` . I . . t gregation,are agitating the erection � ite e c he found thW� somo person . . dd 0 �the,rllipedt in Whi,ch .the- family is ness is on the oppost n10 the line. I Tll/besb ilreparation' of . . I . . � held, Among thoseleft to wourn her of & new and commodious shed. - - ___ .an entmadd to ble defiar and: ,Was'en- . Xron kn6wri to science. A I . I death are her children, Neil, and Miss. Part of the ceillar,wall6f Alex Welshos, . . . deivoring to got %into theTtesidenee . . valuable Blood builder and �. Flora of 'Brue6field,jind Alex and, Vacant house has fallen in, Which will, Bruceffeld pairtoftlielIDUSe. is fired off-& revol., . tonic. Jnvaluable ini-the. Misses Jane and Myru. at home. The call for time and eXpoillso to" repair. . Miss 0. MoLaren was last week the , ver, and then hastened to arouse the : treatment of AnsamiA, Loss I I . Ca ion , gu a ( f as I neighb6rsJ;ut when help, arrived. fully .. pall -bearers w6re Messrs 6. Alair, ii, BLOOD 1JOISONIN(i-Wro, , nte . e t ) Mi XatieHart,' . of hl aergy, - 'Gefterid . and Jones,A4� McBeath, R. Morrison.11'. �bf the 7th con., id laid up with blood A number of our townsmen are put. prepared for any emergency, the in- Xetvous Dibility of the Stephenson ani 3. Hood.. .. . . I obison in his feet. We- hope he will , ting in coal for next winter's supply ,- .truder had gone. , � Heart, etc. . . . ' . I I be able to got oround dgain- Tsoon as they,ivill be on time for the cold, . . � Sj?nlo'Ua-ACCIDV,NT.-A serious aeoi. . I . . . . Loni'le,pabo ro � 'we of the year to be kid Commencing at once and during the ir. 0. i . . 100'Pills for. 25c I . this is a bad . ti . - I . dent occurred on F riday.last to M I . 11 The seeding is pyogi-essing * very u , . I summer months chopping -will be done Jobb, of Turnberry. Ho had left his ,! 500 . . I � p . . I , � Pills for $1.00 , . . . Slowly. "I . I I oil 10ridayslonl� At tfie Bruc.efield Grist own lionfe to come to Wingliath.. and . 1, . I . . . . Ho a are still,& high priced 60mmo I a., f I Rev. W. H. Cole of Columbiaville, milli � . . � I ­ � hisli near what is 'known as Jobb's , I � I I . ­ I . 1, - - . . . M,Ch,,,. came over on Saturday on . . . I . I ''. , I . lt� price 87.25.. . bills! ess* and. raurfied on Monday.. The South Huron Farmers' Institute bridge, one of the shafts-of,tbe buggy ! . . . I 1) Of'this to the Guelph Agrivoltural 0611eg% go � it broke the other shaft then ran awa � - .-V I U -V , . urp is arranging for the Annual excursion broke. This frightened tile horse ana I � 3P -C r. Grieve, 'Soaforth, is shipping ing, his stay he took charge .1. ..I.14 > bay this week from this station, � service in Sharon Methodi8t church on . . � � i .Rev. L. Leckie went. to Listowel on Sunday evening. -His bxbolatious of Friday, . June litil. . upsetting. the buffy, ffirowingUr J'ob k A -Dispensing Cheinist. - l0riday and preached onSuriday. I thls'Gospel tire clear and logical and ' I 09� . tinder it, I e result that one of . I. ­. ­ . .1 � I 1. .1, I .Flout has made another advance to his commanding voice Is very effe'atiVe - . : , . . hislegs w" br6k6n. . -_ -_ NON .. correspond with the prlce�of, wheat. With the style- of the best American ASSIP,SMIENT ROLi FOR'- 1000 I I I , - I ­_ I I : _­_ 'W1111106101i I . . . �� �� �� . . . � . . � .. .. , Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong spent Sat. ,preachers. 'Ile is a brother of Peter - : . I � ­ I I . - I ­ ... . wdayand Sunday ab their former Oolo,of the Bayfield Line. . - .--:-- - . I � - . , � home, Moleew . or!h. . . . The following fl ures,taken from the . . "' ­ I , � I Assessment Roll lot 1009 are of inter� , � . Rev. Curfie exchanged with Rev. A L,UtGn S14AICU, -While Nelson Yao, est. Business Assessments amount to I Cooper, of Blrth, and Mr. -Tenkins was working in the floldihe came across T H E . M Ot 8 0 N 8 B. AN K I $705:33 00, Taxable incomes ataount, . I I . took the morn ng service In theMetho- alar e0oppepSnakewbielimensured to $IX126, "The agbelsSknerlt by Wards is: I . . Incorlporated 1855 ­ . I 'eet, in length and as thick as a, diet church. six F, . -14' ,ggs are still at the 20io mark which man'sarm, Nelson,beinst a little doubt. I Sto AndreWls ........ $202002 M I . Capitail, PA1D tir � 0(pt'305000000 . � ishigher.than Toronto or Montreal fill as -to the nature of the reptile�. Su James'..::.,."....: $202128.00 - . 1. I Prices, SOme6hells Playing 0, I losing . determined to face big -antagonist and St Johns' .. .. .... $102150.00 Rest Pund, * $395000000 . frame. I securing a strong tall struck it onthe . . . St Geotgei�a . ........ $107rid.00 . Rev. Mr. Small, of Blytb, took the head, In an instance it rolled into a - Has, 05 lgranithes in CAnada, and Agents and CorreSpoildents hi At service in the Presbyterian Chuteb,on coil then uncoiled itself again as if TotalAssesAment .... $104148A k . the Principal Citleg In the lVoirld. . . Sundayl%fternoon in, the absoneoof readyfor battle, Mr, Y�o 11aye it - Rev. Xz Leckie who was pres,ohlog in another blow which proved to e fatal Phe population according to wtktds is-. A. 0ENERAL BAIVIKING 11111SINESSITRANSACTRI),� , ._ Listowel. . I I the snake showing no more oilgills of StApdrew's.� .......... 517 .. . � , Some iveeks ago, a inati sold A num. Uldward hall . St. James, .............. 710. g I ber of Jericho roses hero, and I are 1, Mare he . St. 3ohnis .._.. s..o.", 61t. I . A . P A RT M- �N T d with the dt 'lye of " . r offiloto I oil"I at : ­ ) at all granelits. Infiftst,6116WCd at Idgliest omrreat rat& . , evidentl se a 'I sh iste " 'd '� � k of the St George's ........ � . .. 542 SAVINGS B N K D E * 'a"' '111 gh"' L � soluet'l a saw a ut dreading I so' the 00 ' 0 left it U na t� 0 �t I home 8 OkOess. Ile douldt not sell thyin64 bb 6hartrie!d a k �& - ' . � . . t1uIck 8tell for the Ouse. lotal po 'on ...... i�,qK, . Clinton Branch, - - C, R, DOWDING, Managee 'i another lot now, 1, h - I T pulati i � __1 . i : . I . \ ---,- , I � . I.. I I I . . . I . � . I . . . . I . . . .1 -'-"'-'-�"'-'��'�"L,�.�.,,.,,,,,,,,..,-.,,",����--�,�.-. I ­­ .... I...--'. _­­­ . . ... ... ... � ... ---L-..-- --.-",,�.."�.-�l."-�...,../...,.� _ � ,...- I % � A-mimm.-