HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-05-06, Page 88 THIA OUNWIN MAW M" N jL jue I r ioor St. ck of vy omen sRairx- coats from the Standard, Mackintosh Co., London, and the "Floor 2--ampleW' from the Canada Cloak Co,roronto, bought by this store at about 5oc, on the dollar. Every Coat is brand inew, and made for this spring's trade, We're going to put this ' entire purchase cn sale and sell them quick.. Never i " n the history of the store have we beenable'to secure such a magnificent bargain as this, indeed we may well consider ourselves 1ortun- ate, *Here's the story in a nutshell "he Manager of he 111andard Mackintosh Co. Is leay. I trip to the Coa8 and wanted a e lip of all Sprilly P;oo t. VemmPtedle 'nK 0! clean ds before he leftb him an offer for the ot, and he accei)te4 It. ,he P erson who wants Wall Paper, and knows the previous reputation 'of o u r stock, w *111 repaember t1fat it is synonymous with everything de- sirq-ble in decoration,, refinement and practicability. � This year, 4t has in addition some positive price advantages, D. Fair %;.-0. OFTEN THE CHEAPEST ALWAYS THE BEST Pract : ically �he same thing occurred 'with the Spring Coats, so that.to�day we have a stock of Coats ready Local Notices, TE&CHER'S IXSTITUTV4 — The for you at West Hurcn Teachers' Association rotatoes, Eggs and Butter wanted; highest bold their Annual Institute in Exeter pticespaid. CANTELON B1108. May 20th and 21st. They have a good program and expect a successful meet - Wm. Graham. who has been app, elated valu- Pricas, Never Before ator of the London and Weateen Trusts Cq,Ltcl. ing. Mr. T. F. Wright of Toronto, is has money to loan on first class farm sequrity to be present and give three addresses, at lowest rates of interest. Two. copies of the announcernelit arb Is, one STRAWBERY Plants for asile MRS. being sent to all school prtncipa ROUTLEDOE, Raglan St Clinton.' of thern1for the. trustee board who are 'Equalled in . Clinton. especially invited to be, present. In DR. OVENS,London Surgeon,,Ocu. i list, Specialist, will Ill I fact all interested in education will be 0 at W_ S' R", heartily welcome. Holuips' Drug store, on Thursday, May Sale Starts Saturday Morningl, Maylth, and, .20th. Gtassespr?perly fitted, deafness.: THURSDAY'S WIND STORM. - catarrh and failing pyesight treateds glie heavy wind and hailstorm of will Continue until Every Coat'L� Sold. Hours 11 to 4 p.m. Thursday night of last week did con. sWerable damage in the district. At the Ovgan Factory, damage was done Local Nevis to prt 0 the root on one of the build - If you need a Coat for walking or driving, if you need a Coat to protect you from the. CHEER UP.- This is not'tbe only Ings and lumber was blown about. dust,'if you need a Coat fo�any purpose, don't,miss this slow. going season we have had. so The most serious damage was that Here's how we sell them brace up. �Ofi May 27th 1907, 6. inches dQne to the layge plate ass window c lance. of snow fell Ana 6utters and sleighs in R Down'sTailoring litore. Wind - were brought into requisition in a ows was cracked by a f1resomemontliq Cravenette Raincoats $3-95 number of localitles.. Ofcourse we a -go and in that weakened' condition _N ONV. for have two weeks to beat that record was not able to. withstand the terrific About l5la,dies'andmit3ses'English Cravenette- but will probably not do it. force of wind, and was cracked to Coats, in fawn, grey and dark, fancy stripe, made in' pieces. - Several poles on the telegraph three or foul! good styles, in -three-quarter and full NICE PRESENT. -Ziesday even. routes in thq country were snappedof-1. length, perfect in fit'and finish. in sizes 82 to 40. Sprin CoatS ing of last w eek the Employees of the. Limbs, and in some cases, tregs Were Just compare these Coats with any Toronto - 9. 'Jackson Mo�nufacturirig Co., presented overthrown, . The hall, snow, and catalogues at $7 50. On sMe %turday for' Mr, Carol Olson with a ve;.y useful -heavy frosts of the past week were the first time ..................... I ....... 13.95 f you are not in need of a Rain Coat, wedding present consisting (if half�L h&rd on clover and Fall wheat and w e perhaps you can.use a Short SpringCoat, dozen Dining Room 'Chairs' and a I need'fine weather now� to help' th . e6e Rocker. Wishing him all � that one I crop s.recover. Siio.00 Raincoats at $5498 suitable- for any purpose. If you, need could wish a new member of the Soo. I iety of the Benedicts, a long life.and a: MORE BRIDGE CDNTRAOTS-The About IS in this lot- Women's and niisse-e New p�ne'VdOn't pass this o0portunity. happy one. I Fordwich Record in reporting the pro. English Cravenette Rain and Shower -proof Coats, ceedings of Howick Township Council colors of dark and Ii lit grey, fawn, bronze arid fancy IMPROVED'MAIL SERVICE - 1 speaks as follow8­111). Weathersp6on selfstripe. Made intalf-a-dozen exceptionally Ladies'. and Misses' Commencing on Moxldty*last. week l'of 101inton, representing tbe Ontario good styles. in sizes 32 to 42. Coats that'avev- e -mail matter is now'CAftied on the 5.30 Bridge and Boiler Co. was present and traiti going* east between', Tdron to and quoted prices for 3 bridges namely-orie. age $10.00 eaell. Ready for you Saturday -....,05.98 SpringCoats at $4.95 Molitteal. Reretofoie,niail goingon 1 11 foot span, one 40 -foot span an d one. Just ten in this lot -Ladies' and Misses' Sp I rin this train only Vvent as far as Toronto, 50 -foot span, Moved by Hainstock and $115-00 Shower -proof Coats Coats, in fawn and fancy Tweeds, loosei � seirnit ang and letters for points East of that to , Winter-Tbat his offer to build the 3 tight -fitting, nicely made and trimmed. Montreal had to be sent on, the 3.30 bridges for,$1650, be accepted, the con at'Half Price. train. This change will be, of benefit Every one.�a stylish little Coat. Ready tractor to sign the agreement for com- Saturday.. ................................. $4.95 to our business ' men-, and the public pletion of the bridges to sati . sfaction of Think of buying Brand New Coats at generally. the e6unpil-Carried.. Moved by Haln- stock and Wiuter-That tenders be .half-price. This lot is without question� _DBATA.- The following refers to received for the concrete abutments the ver best Coat barcraln eve I r �ffered $][0 Stylish Coats for $6-50 the death'of it brother of, Mrs. A. for the four nevi bridge�'at the -next y Z� ­., . Downs, Toronto, who is viell-known meeting- of the Council." -Carried. by this SLore at any time. 15 or IS Womens- and Misses twtylish Short here, bs ing a foruner resident; . Mrs. The NEw BRA, is glad to note these Costs_ suitable for any time of the year. Made in George Laidlaw died of pneumonia at evidences of developement and hope About 25 Women's and Misses' finest quality plain fawn Covert Cloth, Black Vicuna and Broad- her home, in Philadelphia, on Wednes- this -is only file drops of the coining Genuine English Cravenpl,te Coats. made in three� cle)tb;fancyfAwn and brown.atripes, etc. At least day April 21st. The remains were shower in the bridge building con - quarter, seven-eigbth and. fall length, in Empire, six good styles. Mostly semi -fitting. every one man- taken to Toronto and interred in Pros' tracts to coine to Clinton. Godd work, tight and loose-fittin nilig in light and tailored. Perfectfitting Coatsinevecvway. pe6t cemetery. -Besides her husband promptlydone at liviu g prices are char li g Mnes' cr(" g 0 and three children she leaves i� father, acteristics that cannot fail to bring dark fawn, bronze, ght a d da k rey, crearn and Regular price $8,75 and $10.00 each., Ready - of t 6 � niade in Saturday morning ................ Mr. W. Burgess ;a brother, Air., T. J. several light co'Ors. Some b e are ........... $6.5 reward. strictly tailored style, others made pleated, trimmed Burgess; arid two sisters, Mrs. J. R. with'silk braids, etc., others trimmed with strap- Jacksonand Mrs. A. Downs, all of A FORMER CLINTONIAN D pings of self -colored. goods, velvets and sotitache $iio Black Silk Capes, $�.!95 Toianto,the Iatter.fo* rmerly of Clinton. ED. -'A quiet wedding. took . WE aZm. Ll&fclel braids. Altogether the best -variety of good Coats we Woodstock, d have ever shown, siz'ps 32, 34, 36, 38 and 40.. - Same Ten only,Wonieli's black Corded . Silk Capes, MATRICULATION PERCENTAGE' Chalmers chuMr31d=saL1 itt INCREASED-. An increase in. the Coats selling by big Toronco stores �--at trimmed with wid6 black Silk Late and Satin necessary I percentage to forty per whon Kiss' $12.00, $13,50, $15.00, $1650 and' $18.00. Regular price $12,00'each. Saiur cent on each matriculation examinat- of Mr. WE.- e Ready Saturday morning at ................ I becaine the wife ef Air. $150 a'y monwr $195 11 4R bb ning ............................ ....... ion Papewr was an ounced -Thursday Mercer, of Edward St.. 'Tle",rl- la45t . t As also -said that Matriculat- wasperformed by,Rev. Dr. Dickle. ion Council proposed to increase the The young couple left. on the morni� 40 per, c6nt to 50 per cent in 1911 -and thereafter. It is desired to'sfiffen the train for Toronto, where. they will a,6hortbon'eymriDn avid on.their THE matriculation. 'The report that the spend, Junior matr(dulation would be dbolish- return will.take up thoir­residence.� in the city, The bride had been employ- ed is incorrect. If it is done' away d fo' a- number of years in the Sbnt-- STORE with the senior matriculatipi3will'take r in,, -Review, the management and Ita place. em loyees of which presented berwith a hp FOR MARRIED IN THE WEST'—' On andsome easy chair as a token bf ion of her long and'will- Wednesday, April 14th,the'matinnow their appreciat iaiknot was tied at the Presb . yterian ing, services; The box -room of the QUALITY-. manse between Mr. AlhertM. Wallace Bain Wagon Co., where Mr. Mercer is. of. Battleford, Saskatchewan, - form- employed,- also presented the young MIN WN4 of this - localitv, erly . and couple with a fiandsomeraw,fruit dish Miss Bertha. L. Johnston,OfBoise�aine Mr, and Mrs. Mercer are followed by 'Man. The happy. conple will reside ths good wishes, of their man friends y on.th�groom's farm at Battleford. for along and happy married life Tht Little Locals- their product, and, weare pl . eas . ed to Mr. 'Wallace has been two years in. groom is :a. nephew of E, Saviile, of LIBEL SUIT WAS SETTLED,� town, and was formerly a resident of state, has been successful in winning. The libel suits, entered ' by Messrs. the West IV was hinted that he might the same.. Vanatter & Robertsonj publishers of come Hawt for a bride but now that this p . lace� Cantelon Bros., shipped a car load of the deed is done we will not chide hini eggs to Montreal this week. CLINTON should stir up on th'e rural the Goderich Signal, arid - WA, Me. but- wieh him and his good ladya long *WEDDED �!The following notice TARE a look at the address label . on telephone business. Last week Messrs Orcstie, of West Wawanosh, against -.happy and prosperous life. fr6m the Du�das' Star is of interest to Courtice, of Holuit sville, and Potteri of- thepablishers of the , Goderich Star, Clinton people, the -groom, Mr. John your paper it may give.Vou a hint'. i�mters Hill, where intown talking UP which.were set d6wn - for hearing at 'A Progres. Moffat, -being a son,of Mrs. J. Moffat. -AN E XORANGF, S -YS. WH&T about the Celebrationof May the proposed line In that direction iind the Assizes last week, were settled out sive Huron iff not lagging behind in the of Clinton, and is well-known here. 24th in Clinton? Time to get busy. .1 meeting with encourag,!ment,,. we are of court, The defendants published a movement to enlarge the . sphere of & pretty, wedding took place in Hamm MR. GORDbN, chief Inspector of Ontw pleased to state. retraction.. ubefulness of the fair sex. L%st Sah- MOD, Wednesday afternoon, . at� 3 bath the good pe le, of Clinton broke o'clock, between two of the most, pop, ario, was in Clinton last. wpek in the MoNbiky of this Week Mr. W. E. PAST' bop alar young people -of D undas. Miss IME CLUB.- A meeting of loose from the s kles of ancient sup. performance of his duties, Duncan, 6f Brussels,. took possession the Pastime Olub was called for FV4 erstition and turned out in large nuffi- Rhea Morden and Mr. John Moffat.. THB Jan nary minutes of Huron Co.. of the Geo..Robertorf:barber shop and day evening last to organize a Baseball hers morning and evening to hear Miss Rev. Mr. Hollinrake, of Zion T�ber- Council, in I pamphlet form, axe to is now fully installed�-'We welcome Club. It was desired to have a tevn" Ann& Hall, the Evangelisti'of Guelph, nacle, was, the cifficiating clerwymen.. hand. There are 130 pages within the Mr. Duncan to town. Mrs, Duncan. from the Club.but sufficient members expond the,!Jcriptures from the pulpit The bride and groom were unattended, covers. and daughter will follow later, * when werenot present,, When the season et Methodist church. the r wedding being yery quiet,only the housekeeping will � be resumed. of Ontario stre Mr- opens the Pastimers will be Ili line al- Dr. Margaret Calder, of Wingham, is I med MR. REID shipped cattle trom. Clin. Roberton will take a well earned hOI_ right they claim they tan beat an I m, iaterelativeabeing present. The ton yards, on Saturday. Messrs. Cant- iday beforelocatingi i the only -lady member of the medical happy young couple left on a short olon & Wallis shipped hogs from the other local ag regation. The prof6ssion in Huron Arid. she is winnifig hqpeymoon trip to Buffalo. and on saine yards, on Monday. The Goderich branch of the Jackq dance will be hef1d,to-nitht,(Thursday), disti nctioh as a F uvgeon as well as a their return will reside in 'Hamilton. oil in the club room and t e London Har. physician. )d. The presents received were numerous PuBLic School Board will hold its clothing factory reports busineasgoo . pera regular meeting Thursday evening of Wni. Murray, manager of the Jackson will furai . sh the musit. and costly, among thein being a hand this week and the Collegiiite -Board factory, says. prospects never were DV ATI1 OF A FORMER CLIN7 some. piano fiom. the bride's mother will meet l(riday evening. b6tter. The factory is,,,iust on 'the ANGLICAN S. S. CONVENTION- TONIAN-1he f6llowing from a To. a cut glass water bottle from the em- wind,up of Summer goods, and - after The'Anglican Church -Sunday School roiitopaper,ref�istoaf6rmorb4siness,.ployeesbfGrafton& Co;,' anda fine stock -taking starts riglitiabn Winter "oaventioh and Ruri-Debanalmeeting THEInspector of Division Courts C man of Clinton; be having been in leather Morris. chair from that, firnij washerelast Friday makixig anin. spection Of Clinton Division Court 4hd goods. Sincelast September the Oom. for th6 County Of Huron will be beld partnership in the Dry Goods trade, and a half dozen sterling silver initiall. found things in a very satisfactory pany, has been busy with rush work ih Blyth on Wedneisday, May 12tht with the late A. S. Fisher,, some years �ed teaspoons from the Methodist condition. and has now work- ahead to keep it 19M. Following is the program for agi), the firm being known as Fisher &- ur h h f which the bride has ' SR 'A' 4al",rd 0 the day: -Morning Session, 11.45 a. m. Boxtpn,aixd occupying the comert now n tue member. And the best A TowN Directory of the churches busy for many months. nds -Holy Commurklon in Trinity Obinoeb- ased by Morrish. 19 Orooks:-"An old :i0shes of a very large circle of frie n D and Municipal Institutions may be f MAY 24TH CELEBRATION.- It is 120,30 p. m."Lunch will be provided ln� and well-knowri resident of Toronto, L u attend th6 new1vinarried read on page two of thi's 'Salle of We' expectedthat an interesting program the ladies ofTrinity0hurch in, fhe Red. died Fridayl,oflast week, In the person b" �Vhtch'Tm? Xnw ERA takes Nnw ERA. We trust it will contain of sports will be held, in th6 Recreation 'tory; 12 80 p. in - Meeting of the Dean.' of Robt., A. Bartont. at the homelof his sure in joining. useful information for our readers. - - Park on May 24tb. The Citizens Band ery Chapter in Trinity Chilreb. After' daugbter, Mrs, F. Albany Rowlatt of Mlsd Wintie MeMsi-th, youngest have t,aken up the nAtter of celebr&t�- noon Sessloub 1.45p ni-,Devotlonal ej:. 48 Wilson avenue., Heart -failure was daughter, of Mr.Jas.McNatb met with ion and pushed it with the result that erelses ; ChairtnAn'r, remarks , Repr rts the cause. Mr.. Barton 'bid been anasty accident lant week. Sheslipped several good gameswill beplayed hero. Of'80nday Sphools;I-Paper, "The ratherweAk. but big taking -oft was and In some man�ner'hurtAhe capof 1 Central BuShiess College,, Four Collegiate football teAMS are ex. Sunday School as it is,and as we would sudden. While sitting in his chair a her knee, sustaining a Very painful pectel to play for the Citizens Band like it to be, by Miss M. Harding, Ger. Weart attack developed unexpectedly, Toronto� OntA Injfiry. We hope she will soon recoVer, Cdp which was dona ted last,, year; rie ; 2"PAper. "A Question for you to and proved fatal, Mr, Barton was a With twenty-two years, experience to MR. H. 7. Kw"Errx,, organizer of the Goderich 0. 1 ; Seaforth C. L; Wing.' answer," by Rev. W.. R. Dun V, tl I- native of Ireland, but,cameto Canada its credit this college Is recognized as A O,U.W.,Torbnto,i9xn town in the ham 0. L, and Clinton will compete. merhill; 3- Paper, 'The Sou'ce 0 Io r early in life. He was a dry 40ods the greatest practical training. school in interests of the Order. He is At pres The arrangement -of the teamof has not English Bible." by Rev. D. olli s, werchanbin Clintph ' ears ago, but Western Ont . atio. E keter , 4-Addreas, Rev. ent in charge of Huron and Guelph been definetely settled as yet. A five. a il.� ultimately moved to Monto. where Tbree depariviken64: 06mmercial Districts and is a great auccessift the mile foot race and others for shorter toyo of Nagy's, Japan , 5 - -Paper, "A lie conducted the Phoenix Coffee and shorthanil and T610graphy. work. Mr. Kneitt is an old news. distances will be run If contestants will Teacher's 'xperience wit4 the Intant Spite Mills,retiring from businests. nine paper Insin and well known to the enter, A baso ball game will be played Class," by Mrs. McKim, 06derich ; 6- years ago. He was in his 76th year at Out classes are the largest. our coursed Editor of the NEWERA. 8lythyq Clinton as per -schedule of the Paper, "How to make our Teaching his death, and an Anglican. Mrs. ramt practical and our Instfact6ro ex. 1 6 fenced, Our gmdutdos agalated to llaeeb�ll League, Various Amuseflienti§ Spfrit;�Ally Useful," by Rev. C. 14' . Jea� Barton predeceased her husband by t lons and succeed ail none others. Atessro O&TAblon Bros,, seiwo titne I in Addition to the above will be on tho kins, B, A., Wingliam, Iinie will be -some years, but the following children "Oh".1ter bdw. loot our ftee 004410guo. ago'eittefled ifi,to coMpetitiCin with'th6. Program ILInd a good days tub is looked- permitted'for the discussion of each are living: Robert Batton of Chicago; several roceries of Western Ontario, for, The Clinton Citiz6bs, Band will aper, and all are invited to take part Mrs,(Rev.)L. 04 Wood, Chbfleston.- Address W. H. SHAW, Preo. to rt hig, Session, ka,, Mrs, Rowlatt, &na. r a sofid d W idth, offered by pro- he In httendavice find furnish Muskd. n it. gveni 1.30 p. m.- South Carolit Yonge and Gerrata sts.o!votonto. duedta of ' 160ra d Mogul Tea, ii) the The Citizens Cup, to be played for in on service In Trinity Church. Pieacher. Mrs. Spinks of Toranto,abd Mrs. And. doAletsefflngthO gftAteflt Amount of -Griggs Storgo Rev. H. 1. Hamiltoitoof Na;goyaJAriw. erson of Dundas," -ot exhibition at A, 3, 1 May 6tho x9og I Aftractive new patterns in all the kinds. of Floor Coverings that are virorth �our'whfle, and every bit of extravagance- taken out of price�- We're devoting particular attention this season to -new and -attractive patterns In W rz:%r VG; Ingrains which. represe,pt the 'best all-around value within your reach. - The Ingiains, or All - Wool Carpets, of to -day, are far'. ahead of what they used to be. , They -are, Made in good widths—o . ne yard ' wide—enfir"edy of wool. and are. reversiblep,.' The same. pat - .tern on either side, but in diffefent shade's. if you w� nt to be L Sure of Carpet quality' -and unquestionable valw, try INGRAINS.. ug's -and A--,ift: ..Scluares We have passed into . stock this week . a,' new, shipment of Ru'-s;.in Tapestry, Brussels and �'Wools. Every pattern a new design�. in all tW'�.,W)pular sizes each"of all,, We and colorings, � at prices *ithin the r" are after al . I the trade there is this season, in. Catpets Rugs. The stock is.complete to - begin with,� and'anything'special that may be wanted we * can -quickly get, If kou.w'ani to tone, things up, at little expense, come and see what we call value in, Rugs and Art Squares. MS.. and, 10, C 0 1r.7AC%Jr.1,ng or, V or Our. stock is pow complete. in Linoleums'. oil. cloths- and Japanese Mattingrs.' In'.Linoleums, we carry the, 'est F_ �oductions, i�n two. and..: four. -yards wide. . We are -carrying lar bst assortment. of .,ht for the' pattetns in towni.and the prices are rig best q Ity. We'have jpst passed into stock five, new patEerns In Jap. Mattings.at popular prices. c fin d Come in.as, often as you pleas W It no trouble to show goods. oze OW r 0 111 1-T r_V 0 XT Sprliqg FootWear--.aft. .-We' have.received a full assortment, from ihe lowest . to� the highest grad6smade, and -we Are not. boasting when we isay our present stock is without.., exreption the bdstand rnostb.eautiful ever shown in CA'i,nton, La- dies, Boots' We6ve made special effo'rts in this�departm.en't to give the Ladies the choicest goods that are m4de, and we have&tange, ofbeautiek The more expensive- ones will be fouild in'the ,'Relind'o the '111 :Ar".and the IOQuesin Quality" lines at 'from $3110 ,, $r,!80. Among the other marresp will be found excellent values at $1.20, $1.-50.,$1.75, $2, $2.25, .$2,50 ana $3,00.,,,. In Beys', GlAs' and ehildren9s Shoes We have full rafikes, of all grades, at low prices. �tringjour I children to the Store and have. them property fitte any it child's foot is ruined by being improperly fitted at home. Our (Justom. arid Repair Department, under, Mr. Derry aind, Mr. Wilken is giving great satisfaction. All work is promptly and skilfully done. TorRS )POR ME BEST POSSIBLE SERVICE, Fred Jackson.