HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-05-06, Page 6. . f 0 ii 6 Is ; - IL ­ � 11 . W . TH8,01.4'1411*414 NNW 141A W W May 6th, s9*9 . 11 � . . . I .- -1 -_ ­ . . - L , � ' � - - - , - - - - - ­ . . ­ ­­ . ­ , ' . � . - I � , , - - .. . - . I 1. , .1 - I . .. I I— ­. � . I . � I _. . _-'­ , , ", . .1 I ­­ I 'PIK * . I I I I 1,, SAW TH4 0116ST. Afflioted for yem with ok Dissalotl LhW. 140 ACRES FREE, . I - - , : , "I - .1 ' , 11T -0 I I I - 1. . '_ � . Lt Mr. L. R. Devitt, Berlin, Out., better 1. ' As a circumstantial shoat story azl4 , Homesteading sounds easy. Ten 4ol. I I 11 1-111 6 i ,one that stood the cold scrutiny Of A . - I ; - t " . A Story That StQ94 he Test of 0 f;tlown, perhaps, As 4I$r"I1pc;C Ban;* bas, Homesteading Is Not Always the - I I . ' kourt of Low. I .. I . � . , qtwd Pleasant Affair It Seems. . I L I LL I I IS I ' � 'L � MILBVRNPS lars cash -three years' duties i- and .� .�� 0, . � 8 T, court ot law Bootylis case Is without a the broad acres are youra. But, as I I , I I mi.. 0 L . I I . parallel. The date given Is IM when � I r I t an action fer Olen. LAXA-LIVIM I The Eye Opener pithily observed, it I LAW "I k * � I ' " '' L . der ag4luist one Captain Barnaby %or is a bet between you and the Gov. _r � . v brough . . I .... . 11 what -he bad said ot her late husbaud. PILLILS , �, ernment that you won't stay on the ' I I land for the length of time required . WORKINQ men and women throughout the Dominion Inc : According: to ail extract -from a Jour- 1, �1 that - I . I I ad that I ' . `ny mrs' Boot' 11 REO MUL0 Ife has also. used them for his patients to prove upon it; they taking chances i I Zam..13uk is the greatest boon they can have; as a he,sler . I I tial produced In court, date4 Friday, whon nursing them, &all it, to a well-knowii ,that loneliness will drive you away .1 May 10, 108T. the, captain ou that day i.tiit that tini�ll-pox sufferere must keep Ole, before you can 'win the wager. Of I of arcloental cuts, burns, and bruises, as well as skin dissioes.' . . , , went ashore with a large party ot ,w%rels well rvgulated ' .. ;;; 11., L I I � I I cQurse, scores and scores have made �� : � Xr. H. G. Purchase, condactor on the Toronto Street Railway, ! I ForWomen—Lyd.la E. Pink- friends to shoot rabbits upon Stroinbo- R"I'd what lie says -_1`iI have been, good at it, havi . �', I , ­ ag thus obtained valu- i �..1,.K . I d I 11, ,the island off fm its L ;fflleted for years with a diseased liver, and able farms now ..,. I � tells how this great, herbal balm benefltea him when he ,met " , h . LL' L .. ", I I I ­ -, _... I � I , . , , , , . kawlsvogetablecompoom � burning crater, is called "the I Ji'vo tried all hind -i of medicine, but of no per acre. But, on the other hand, in- I . .,... , I with his aocident. : L . I 'e . alluut four years ago I tried ::,.. ; � . e' r e of tile Uediterraneau.11 A. 'ivail Until . ; , , 1. I . lighthoUS t vfiur Lmxa- Liver 1111 numerable homesteads are abandon- � �.�, I * The trolley pole of his car sllp�ed oir days After the Aecl4;nt the wounds . , L 0 Is, and got inst"tr6lief- ed. The inspection of homestead du- thil live wire, And the rope Was caught wepe closed, and new skin wall begin- .. .ab ut S:W In the afternoon two line'] -iia,.e then I have nursed dillerent patients ties and improvements has tended to 1� I � . in the standard, ,Purchase held on. to ning to form . over the top, &aoh day . :Belleville, Ont. -III was so, wea% [ , I � 1 try . I �. I � a female weakness were seen running toward the volcano, 4110tea with small -pox, and ill eath care I become more stringent of late years. I ` , I dressed the wounds with zam;'Auk, Y a 11 - , ink, which was emitting flames., Cdptaiu l.we usio-1 yoar valuAle Pills. But there are always home pers � ozis- I - - the rope until his band was pulled up . . 1104 , 1.4 gotabl . . -_ to the top of the car. There It viao -, and I am. now back again at work with . . i 6 Barn by tA a exclaimed, "Lord bless " �Nly %vi;heii. are that all Pei -sons suffering and . a ,, W %vith stom%oh or liver troubles a pretty large number -who trav- held, and the rope, pulled througIX his the hand as sound as ever. To look at � CQ poun I ook I will try AM- I sev ral bottles of me, the foremost Is old Booty, my el oir the thin edge in the matter of ECTING fingers by the force of the moving car, it you would never know it had been �� . :.I.- and gaine n,ext door neighbor." They then van. bavirs Ukxa-Liver Pills. I 1011 advertim ,,proving UP." Consequently, other . L so terribly torn and lacerated. I L -, .1 '.'��:!� d L tliwu whanover and wberover I have an A SOF cerated to a shocking extent .:. _:. . . Ished in the flames, a . :: .� . i. fact of which people are constantly on the — th I I do not � think there Is a I., X, it ug :' sharp. M .� toreand la 6 e .., ... ' , i L ree fingers, tearing, several pieces of I :. -e th rapidly opportiniltv and I hope that if at tiny time, I Ok U bcagything to . 1��'L,:�::� � " z�, Zil so :i :. �::�:,�:�­' . .. � ....:::. at it -gener- EVER neglect acut or sore, flesh c6mpletely away, Zam-1juk was am-Buk as. a, ... ".. . I . . �',.­...' .th, seenled to every one present took note. ( oanll.)b jet the p)lls, I will be&ttunate 0 0 t for these delinquents . equal Z r of akin I . . injuries and diseases." �'.. - makea now woman Upon Captain Barn-aby's return to Laoiv,,h to get thq for . ally absentees-wbo. do not comply '. N however trivial itinayappeAr. At 0 Y . ---.,. . . .— ... mula.", . 11 d, and eased the. pain Yer .. . "­;;;; mzz 1. of me. L I can do as 1�ngjaud he learned that "old Booty" .IN1tI1mrn'.,s Laxa-Livor 111119 are 25 centiq with the regulations.' A -good deal of . Mrs. B. E. Bedwell, of 337, PrOven- qu ekly. Writing to - this effect, Mr. . . . - ­. .. ___­ .. . . , 11 01) ancellation is thus done-tbe invest!- cher Avenue, St. Boniface,Wi Purchase sa . WK&T YOU 411OULD USE good a'day's work p,r vial or 5 vittIs for $1. 'at all 6alers nulpeg, . YR.- , . ­ L" L,�L MA -01111 FOR. L ., had died just abopt the -time of the , e . had a small sore on the seco6d'finger . . � �'L_ O urn gating party, it not sieeking to obtain i "I had proviouRly had experience: of 7irm-Bith cures Y)iixNv&. .0in-er;il'tions, � X.L"'. as I ever did. I strange occurrence at Stromboli. He r wi I In mailed direct by The T. 34ilb L posse I of her Jeft band. She thought it . litirmt. wav, pilas, fenlerina W .. .1 ssion himself, usually having � smis and sm-es, 111�*,' I',' sincere] bless the then made the remark which was the Co., Liinitrd, Toronto, 10nt. I some outside friend whom he hi'4ux- , wouldget rightunaided, butittlidn't. the healing power of Zam-Buk, and the bluo(i.,A01suniltz", serlt r1leignt, Prairie itelt. I ­_� a thaTI, made � . I . � . , I 0 a 5 lit � ip ­ --- _� ' ­­­ ­ � ; . Inste;Ed,"blood-poisoning*setiri. She way It soothes, outs and Injuries, 1, rj,,­,.,);-,1, bira leg, elis, ri,s it irlskle . 0 W,i::::-;1 my mind to take subje6t of the action, that he 41had -:z— settla oil the land. says .-II I then tried poultices and therefore, bound the fingers ln'Zam-Buk, woXilho, AwzCnite, and till alcits-ilisemse, mt "-,. I I N'leggi ­ your edicine for seen old Bo i ­ I ious to � at gratifying the way in ' ,S/.'; ori,ostireefrom Z -on Bak Co., Toronto, . I W, oty running Into the flamis STORIES OF LORD NORTHCOTE, Homesteads are abandoned for varl- an ordinary salve. These, however, qLnd it was me I stsamlSfore,; sell(�tavv, box, threefor I ;_ I . . fe ale wea - ess, of bell. pursued by the devil." Mrs.. i' . � - I oui; reasons. Numbers of settlers drift . did not have the desired effect, and, which this balm soothed the pain. Two Ar-Wrice. , . andI amexceddinglygrateful. ,or Boo a sausage into the country with little more than as the finger began. to fester, I had to . ' . . I to yol , ty claimed fl,000 as damages, and He Once Bore a Kiss and call In a doctor, who lanced it, . . ! kind letters,, as I certainly pFollte the king's bench , I I the* entry fee of $10 in their jeans. I Desp[te his care, however, it again festeredt and 1, , .. rl" a .I g - i Zou permission tQ before the , chief' justice, Sir Robert I ,For a Girl to Fier Lover. These take up land, trusting to luck . -the ointments, liniments, and other preparations . 11 I r,u t Is a me . ­ .rbhyseh i,h n you wish " Apropos of Lord Northeote's name 0 worry through somehow. They .which the doctor gave me seemed absolutely unable I 109 I � fts. : ERT V — r eing mentioned- as.. a probable siuc. don't worry through. Others, with to bring about any relief. NVe',were told of .-Leas I, - . i� Wright, ,or the defense, in, addition ICKETT, Belle�hie. b $ -effect a . Ontario, Canada. . to the testimony of Captain Barnaby cessor to Earl Grey in Canada, it Money, settle on free Government * similar. to my own in which Zam-Buk, had ed Women averywhereshouldremeni'ller, and tits friends, old Booty's clothes may be noted that his lordship was , land, just because it is free. Possibly, cure when everything -else had failed, and we, D � . a - 40 ,tkat there is no other remedy known were brought into court and Identified once made curious use ofwhile Gov- i after a while they discover that their therefore, decided. t6 give Zam-Iluk ..T trial. - it only . needed a few days to show the wisdom of this "I .to medicine that will cure female weak, by several witnesses -as being similar ernor-General of Australia; Strolling 1.160 acres of side hill,.,alkali, r-ock, or step. The blood.-poisonirig and inflammation were , zess and so successfully carry women to those worn by the foremost man one night through an avenue of som­ * muske is an elephant of the creani- reduced, and the pain became less acute, . In . . I Shrough the Change Of Life as Lydia E. Who ran into the crater—evep. to the bre -trees to a friend's house to din- ' coloretvariety. They re'lOnt and go tinder three weeks from first commencing with . . . I 'j4iikham'sVegetable Compound, made peculiar' buttons. on the .coat' The tier, lie -was�suddoiily pounced'upon elsewhere. And still more get sicl� to Z-am-Bul, the finger was quite sound again." . . — * .L f m -m native roots and herbs. . JUdgeL Was . so impressed by this &I- ;. by it waid-servant; wlio - kissed him I death of the lonplinogs.� . .It is' sorne- � . L . . . .. � 4 - I . 11 For 80 years it has been curing dence that he said: "Lord have niercy � Pffislively and pres,wd a little parcel thing akin to imprisoitment to thiiil� �1111111111=� . 1. I., 1. � . I . . .,women from the worst forms of fomale I - . . I into his'lland. that one ii, more or less chaincId to a �_.­ .----- ,-__!"___M --..---. . ­ . - � � ­�.­ I �, I . — , upop me.nnd grant that I may never. i : place for a certain Probably ' !�-'!'-� - ­ . I— . LIN - . His— inflammation, ulceration, dis ' "Hvre's.a sausage -for you. I can't Period . . I . :L 7 __ - ­ __ - _­___!"­­ --`2r`7-- you have seen. . One two or -1 . this idea, more tbRil an�qhing P. . . . � . . I � I r : 0 -regula �J' L see what I.. 1. I l"" AS EVES OR HIS JOB, . L I I I I . . ]V.lac8ments, fibroid tumors, h . come out toqiil-lit� ar, niaster has coin- � weighs on lonely sli - � ties, periodic pains, �ackache, and t1iipe may be mistaken, but not. thil" Ll ' ackers. L . . . I . . . 1AN&MA � , 1W , I . ty� tp, And so Booty's widow lost the . i pany,"- sho. whi.ipered, and as mys- 1 1�rovidod that . the liomestel,id 1, � I . . 1. I I I " . . . I L nervous prostration. . a �. toriously disappeared. . . ; good lantI, wo.11 situated, and that t1w How Lord Stretthconla Was Sent Back .. . . ff"% ; I , . .. Ifyou want special advic,6'writc day, and the cas:e,reintiffis, perhaps, a ! WheT; he got to ill � o"house, be lound right kind of man takes it' up, he call . �. , t*6 Labrador by Autocrat. . � f . I 11 - . I for it to Mrs. Pi itkii ain, Lyn n,Mass. the only - judicially accepted' ghost j* bile of his $*ervants loitering by th� :"work away � colitolitedly � '%Vltll tllc� , L . I . I . I L . I ' it is free ail([ always belpful. Story -on Y"ord-.�London Chronicle.. gate. . . . . I 1. 11 knowledge fhat lybon.bo. gets .hig P81- In a country %%,here a.great corpor-,, . . . I — , ":!T!=nT!, � . . — I . __ I . "IVhilt are -,,-oil doing hero?" asked ' tent he will be worth from $12,000 to . I ation has become the fetich that the . . - . � 11 I . � ---I--- The fact that tile Grand Trunk Pa- 1 Lord 'lKortheote. .,. � " , . .0, this 'he Hudson Bay Co. has to Canada, it is I- . . � 43,000. In addition t - -call ; perhaps bnly natural.tbat stories con� . . . . . . . I � .1 . cific is spending large sums of money 1 "I'Pi-waiting for my sweviliehrt,"!. pre-empt (by recent, legisldtion) dii- � . L . . . I IF nvated. with its discipline of employes � I - 7 � I Mr. Barnard"s Mistaxe. on As terminal facilities (It Afel�jllb I i'the Mail Stamillow'd, *. I I .. other -quarter section, which lie rnav L �, "` � ANT . the town 'from which the - line til th� . Lre 'iq , . should be only half told, if told at all. � , ,.. ,I9 -D Mr. G. H. Barnard, the Conserva- � ' , I,?" , - I - . P I tive who defeated Hon. William Tem- Hudson Bay will start, directs ren'ew- I '.'Wh�e slic I . . thus purell ' ago from'. the. - Governm PiA There is one of tlivsc, hall -told stories I � . . I I . pleman in Victoria, B.C., told a --good ed attention to ,this point. Melville " . '.In- ,Aor ' vice 'Ifere"" . . . Oil very easv terms, but nowadays one cofinected. wilh Lord StVatlicona's boy . . . . . "Ab� Mon. I 'till right. yT�Te iq ,,, might hunt Pir and wido for freo (lays on the. Labrador, which is ape- , . 'GOR N, . .� Rtory on himself in the House of is situated in ona'of,tho-iiaost fertile . I L. . � ,� 11 . . I . . sausage froxii N!Oul ;, sweetheart, arid r"its. and *vot. ba� unsuited. . . _ cial favorite with all -his blographers. i I . . . Commons the other night. When ttAe portion$L of WesQn'Canada, and mid- ' 9 Al .the intph,ling'., ad 'best ll,i ­ �11 . " . I L IV - I It is a r le most- strictly enforced *thitt .. . 4 - - nio to tell vilir that she . I ' .. she i.4) es o ,fettler h, estimates were brought down he no- way between tll4/'Great. Lak-es, *and the' ' I lc(Arle out tn�njgbi, ds hor preparpd. to bvy hh,.land- it necessary... . P . I . - ' ' I . ticed that they contained a vote or Rocky Mountaips. . L MRS-. y leave -his post . . . . Six' monttlis ago 0-1111 "It no company- man ma- � :L ter has conipq:i,),;" .., . .. � I -which he m&N, do M all priops and oil I . I . - . : . $150,000 for Victoria harbor, and to Melville did not exist, except on the , a variety of terms, -,vliicli hicludo crop without havin g-. received i*itten con-. - . I' f � . I . a . . . 11 . . I . . . use his own words: "in the inno, maps, 0.1 the-* railroad. compiiiity, but , ,&,oi,ng that, fliv nina looked nor- sent from headiivarters. . In this -iso- � -1 I L .Vouq. lie addodldndh�: � . paymenis Ili 'sorno . 65-se�q. . - Iraluea lated Labrador, station . �ommuniea- ' . I " . . . I .1 gency of my guilele.vis youth,and be- to -day there -.ire over 1,200 peoplb. liv- , I range, from the im6roverl Manitob".), : . ing unaccustomed to the wiles of poli. 13111t. also gii-ve me fl. ldi;s for you ; - . I -with Montreal was a matter c , I .. ing in the, town, and. every train from: 1 � ", � -farm property at from per tion 4 � , tical life I jumped to the *conclusion, the cast and- west brings in more set Nit pvrliaps you would rntlmr. wait' acre, -down -to tho wild land ill tll(�. now six months' hard -travel each way.'- ' .. 0 .. ,$- .. in - '' . The time came when -Donald Smith I .. .. �� L , . . that the vote was for Victoria, B.C., tlers and investors, attracted from all till -,,oil .see her. Herp'is five sbillillg�-.- I � .11 . ' which way 'be -had in . I I .1 I . - and on the strength of that assump-L oier the Dominion by the possibilities i - . 1111d;ad." . . I I . I province", ulidel . stand,'as low as $7Q). suffeied. from.snow -blindness.-.'Irack . . . �� . I I " . . . . . . . . 4 1 ce. T a of soothe . A -ing nowspanor-ronort-. of proper treatment. aggravated the' . . �. . . tion 'Wired out forthwith to Victorl" r financial centre rising out . ii Piltorpris, . - 6T the liumprouts, lancl-oom- . L . to inform the Inner Harbor Associa. of'the prairies. Those who have stu­ or who once lumpenad to b- holiday- . ' . &atbi; Int . . trouble,,' Until it became so, 'painful . . HJ�N'you -order Syrup.. L' I . I . .. , nanies will give ill(, oTiquirer partic,U� I . I " natne ' . a', a Ila six that he- determino4 to go to Montrerial hasize the idou that there wag a vote of $15%. died the-situ4tion closely predict an ing.-il't-L-tile stirnie soul, -Aide roizort, -' lar ad u . And tli6 enquirer, on . I em,p ' I I I . , I Lo, ' ,a tV'C0JU,9UIt an oculist, trdsting to the . I I . .4 - �ICROWMBRANDI$ for . , 000 for that harbor.' .. immensely .properous future for Mel- vd Northoot�- took the 0ec"8101" bY his part,,should be cqiLi,q.11v particular . W I L . ville. By many it is believed-th-at it _' serious necessity. to palliate. his of- . .1 . L It was only a few days later that the hand, byL a-ld"" I" %ol-111' I(Wieo not. to buy one foot -until he has "�`_ ; .fe . - 11, r L It'llia , name ideans that .. . � 1. � will. be a metropolis before the Giand . fg,r ' Ii I I you vmnt the best�tfie purest-' . . he learned that the vote was really on a, p6licy bitt' �apvr propos sonally inspected it. . . .n&4 a :, �Ir . . I . . ­ I . e �linst', company -discip ne. , I . I . . . � . . [ . .. .1 ''. . . I . . I Lorg.b 0 lie- reached Montreal, Sir. . , , . , the most wholisom6 and relfible . I . . .. -the Georgip Trunk Paci6e is completed from cowt a(IGpt. . . I . . 11.1 I I I for Victoria harbor on . � . . . . GeorgeL � , 11 . I . . . ' .. L Simpson, the go-fernor, had . -table syrup it is' possible to - . L . . .. Bay. Then when the matter was is. to coast. . . N I A book on Rheumatism, ond, a trial heatcl of Ili � . I . d � ­ ,.. . - ,.-. . . . "Ad -ico T on ,ilways chary. of," � a coiffing,.a3id went out to , � I I pioduce - . . I . . cussed in the House he had the all. 1, . -, sthi(l-his Mrdsbip, "It is so clicap, so trqattrient ofDr.- Shoop's- Rtieurnatic meet him. L . I . � 71 . L . . . . . . I � ' If the child is restleis'at night, - has,, . . . ... . L . . 6 perfect and genuinely deli- . I . dacity to ask that the Goverrunent - ea.w. T ronionihor 'gomo years ago Remedy- liquid uk, tablets�is being. - "Well, you . I : S� I P�11 %, . should persuade the Canadian Pacific coated to e, sallow complexion, a ' . . Mg man, why are you not . � L *n Brand Syiu I . . wafeffihia a bny plisbing' a heaVv cart §ent free to sufferers by Dr.'Sho6p, of, cious. is I I-Cro I � Railway Co. to change, the name of dose ol: MI'ller's Worm Powders is � I , . i lit Ybur POW'.' the governor asked. ' . t I ) . . I . . - - Up 6 hill. The -hill was steop; the ' Racine. Wis. You ' that are well, pet; I "My -my eyes, �sir,­ was . � , . - that you'll enjoy its flavorabout LLL . . � 6 , got so veiy -bad!' . L � . A . I L .. .� . . I I -6quired ; pleasant haim. 0� th'in. TD., boat fom-ard at.tbo this book: for some discortraged,'dis- , ng reply.� "The I their Georgian Bay port iri order that what" is i , , � ­ um times more than that.of any I it might not be confused with the gold by W. S., lk. Holmes. - ' _ .i . � ��, I � 1. other make; I I � _. . . ­ .. . '... 6st ljorhmital. heartened suffererl Do. &,simplea6t I've come to I ,. . .�4 " .. "I * . . . . I . . . L less. . . work till .lie was� 'alm see-ythe. doctor.' 6 -Xt. costs yoti no more.than ordiw . � " . �. port on the Pacific Ocean. His reply ­ .. It . .. I . . . I . . I � , 'Push it ill) zig-zag,' I cried, Fand -yQu" of-bumanity! Point out this way to; "And who - gave y . � . I . 1. � 11 I . . I ' , . came promptly from a fellow Conscro . . I . . .. . ... will, find it -will go Much oasicr.' , quick-: 'and 'certain' relief! Surprise ou - perinlision - to '. . L %2ary syrup and yet. it is. pur�r, .,�. leave Your- post?""the, governor thun-. . . � . , , e , . .L .. . I .vative, who sits, near him (Willi"IM ORIENTAL' SERVANTS. - � " J' "Not ­r, kiotheisulerer;`by first, getting from - . . , 11 . .. . 1. � I . I b tter,L and more wholegoine.1n. I . . The *bo-,- snailled ba6i:: - 0 dered . . . t � 1* . . . . ,Wright, of Muskoka) that Victoll . . ., . . . � Much � . -.. advi.i.op- . qiX Ill "X6 Ohe " .. . I I . . . I . . I f It1a 'the greatest , ia . . . 1. of v�r 11loom,11 , ` C 'is L Me the booklet and the test. lie w I , . e harbor was one of the Places of call of All Around A0ity o.f the Indisperisable .1 and, - , - - L appreciate your. aid., Sold by all deal. I was .the reply.' 1, . L I t, , , Ing children, and . . . . = . . L I " � - the ... Samuel Champlain, and that it "waa . di . " L . iWs a Mi Ove:, " . ek%. . ,I- . �. �'LThen air - said ...autocrat L Of . . in. any quantity L Boy". in India. .. . .1 I .. . - - . . . . 'the fur ,irade', "if it is a que L .. � . . �' - . L aL . I I . . . I . . . . . . - stion be. I . - a$ I . one Qf the oldest places in Canad�, ,in these days of ioud wallinfaboUt L I 1. � . ­ L . , . . .., tween . I I , . crown Lmrand Syrup" is lout . certainly much oldvr than Vicsioria, . . � . . An Uni.isual Plea*. - - I - ------­-1zX-_ - ., . your eyes and -your service: in . . Up in 4, 5, io and 20 lb. air-tiftt , . . . . 11 I I � . . the company, .you!ll. take my advice' . .. .. . � . B.C." the haughty - domestic, exorbitant � - Regarding the humors,of i - � � I I . . . and return this instant to V I I . a. L ,7 3katiii� . .. British Morey 'In. Canada. . J I tins' with lift-off* lid I 11 I I Wheri,you buy "Idrtiwn Bralfdt'- ­ . � . ng 1908'. Canada has enjoyed Not -an, Instant - I did��$mith hesitate. - I wages' and small roturns'It 1s 6cioth- ,volume -Might be written. .The fol_! I ' L Durl . _ our post 11 . -1 I I � . . . I - - ... , last L, i . I I I a 8 as Clear: as . . I � " In- to recall the. obiclency and submi.4' :i 1650ng�lntvrcsting card appi.aared .the favor-of'the Briti§h investor I I I . .. I . - . � . JIL - he was w . . DIZ t dtl 0 U I give servlceiof. the oriental. b. , I 0110 - YT tee If Your 80mach, Heart -or KiAneys . � . . rink -L jn,� � - to . .. Stffl�rjiRg, thouL aupplioa ' . a urfty - -L . are vv.3-dc, try at, leist a few drises only ,.s6rvant. � season at the entrance.to a . . - ail * eitr6o.rdin ' ary' extent. Out Of 1 a with f66d, An(fhis'dogs �ihausted b f 0. 11 � L �Cryfitsiblau f g r!n L. P I I ' . � .� W-qtern' Canada: - L ' . ! - I I total .issue I of- Canadian securiti ... � y ,. LL I . . . L ' . ,� . ea lu L the thousaild-anile. trip overland,. he � , and Wholerm�noSo � . . , I n five or In India � the, 4ridispensable llboY" I . . I � , �. W I . , . 1. ., . I . . I I L of Do Shoop's Rlestorative. I . . '�!'"kotico! Rink �olosed.. Too cold - for!. the . shape of ,bonds amoUnting to , turned square ,about in his . triacki,. I � � t FURE I . L . . , . . , ten d&V.j only, the result will surprise does eveetythlug-'41boy" bein-a . ge- - I, ­ --- � -. L . I - 1. $196,357,000, Great: Britain absorbed and, without so much as . . setting foot I . � � . . . . . � . 'I ' . you. A few cents will cover .the post. neric na me fegarill as of -age. . alLaiii,ig, By order." .' . . .. ,-1 I . : � LE il . --The-Edwardsburg St rch Co. :� L And here.iq whv help comes scclui . -or native *I - , I. 1 $165,000,000, Canada $25,000 Q00, ii:nd a . . L ". ckly . o . I - ' within -the confines -of Montreal, start-: . ' � . . 'I '��X*.TiD . rug tile. stomach, dignity -receiving. in 'remuneration the' ' . . --to 'his' ­ . � . . . .1 I . L�. . I I . p I - � be Shoon doesn't d .� I Dr ' de VaWs Freach Female Pills m- the United 8taidg'$6,000;000, and Gov- . : nd back on the dreary journey ' . ,� . I � . . 11 . ... I ;. . I I nor Rtirati ate thc- L ) * ­ : � � L' - Tfie Wife' . ornment issues were represented- b Y L,bradot. post x . I I . . . . . Heart or Kidneys. eguiraledt of $X2 to $14 it month -at . . s Friend . ". � . . . I � . I . . . L . . . a ' . . $77,500;000, mim:ibipal ,borxowings by *.'- LonkL before- - 'half _. .. . ESTABLI8.HF-D 1858,_ 9 . . . . . . I � I � .. L L urney was . . . . . Dr Sh,)op's Restor ,tive goe directly the most. He, buys your railroad ti0­,-,­ ' ' . I ,the jo . I . . I . to the weAk and &Liling nerve. Each agei settles the " A reliable reg6lator.; never fails. $7i,800,000, .Afid bond * and railway ' 6Vdr, his fait L docr - died-. Worse still, - , . I . . effless': � 4-69- ets, checks your 1.1igg. . � . I Walks � erg La. has its own controlling nerve. . . . While these 'Pills lJ1,PL' and'industrial entorpikses by $�1,300,m L . I . clamors of lugg e coo'lles,.gires your - , oxceedinir power'- , ovisioi)s Were. -exhausted' . a:nd . CARIIMA� �n filiNTREALJORONTO I � and BRANTF05D. 11, I ... � I 9 .1 . 49 I I fat inregultitingthe gen6ra,tive portion .000, With regard to -the spiall amount ' 1: .P,,r,i,,,,,t ' blindness had I grown . � . I . it. . , . . I - . . I � When these nerves fail, tfie dependin tips aDd* shoos a -way the .L -hordes of" . . taken by 1 -he United. &010�, it - must 1,1 . I 14111 11 I I . I . . I . . . . . I ff ' m,wB1k SARD D, 1, � 1, I I re erg tna must of necessity falter. Thh,i I of the feinate svetem, they -are strictly � I worse, until'his %ight 'was gone en- - -_ . lain, yet vital- truth, clearly tells. why beggars, telegraphs to hotels f6r 'your I safe to Use. Refuse all cheap inlita. be pointed out that the U. S. capi, . tirol 111i 111al". 111�1;1 11 IIL . ,. I t,OUS.L -_- And� thus,, blind' sta-rvin . M. I talist's activity. in danada take . . I 91 . I . NNW= .. . � . . 9r. Sho)p's Restorativeisso univerS6.1- VOOlus-. and takes . care ok ifiem .*bell . Dr� de Van's are sold at $5 00 a I s all" forced to live oil bark and such game . .- . . I i . . . . I . . . . . i . . ly succesqftxl. It's success is leading you got there, makds'tho bed,.brj,pgs' b6x,..or tbres for 910'. Mailed.to any other: form'to that of. his fello*-inves., . . . . . . . , I . . . .. . I . . . I . .. . I � . . . : . . 'I I I (is his,. Indian companion could find, � . - . . L .--- . ;�__ -bbb: ___ . druggists everywhere to give it uni- adidrers' '.I:he Scobell Drug'Co St. tar in the' -British. Isles. He is ex- he finished the last 500 miles oii'loot. I " I . I . the afternoon tea, stands. behind your L . . s .. , I . . I . . . I � . vers-tt preforenca. A test -will invely ' I . , I Cattlarl"nes,OnC . . � . . VIUSiVely interested ill hidustrial:un- hig lacerated fovi leavinj their print I I . L - I . . .. chair tit 'table and serves you, b�lngs - . ,. . dcrtahiiigs� Ill WhiCIAL Ife L invests his-- - ' . L That's vhy thi§ harrow is so popular .fth Canadi.in tell. Sold t y ail dealers. L .. . ' . I . . . 1. . .. your L account when .you. leave and I . . . .. .1 . L s *its � in blood on the snow tit every step.. .:' - . � is . .-N I - - ill, and personally .. fwn,c it,s profitable to Uso­it makes hard work - I I . . . . I . . - control I � I : I I -, . * � , .� . easy. . . .. -­-­- , wrangles for, you over its -Inevitable z . I . ANCIENT. ARMAGH. capit . , � . . . . I 'ily, cation ana 'management;a thus"i 'The tender leaves of a harmless lunc, "IrFA IRN 9:1 DISK extortions. I I . . ... I I I �. . . ­ . I � . . . most of -the great Power ; enterprises .1 healing ni - ountainoug shrub, give -to , A , HARROW . . . At the dak ,bungalows he - f ' brages : -rinniatial See of. St. Patrick �iea�� - P . : .1 . . of tho:Dominiorl have.bocii Onanced - Dr. Shoop's-Cough Reniedy-its.mArve.; isso coustructeci t1iit it cuts cleanum .,oil tums soil . . .. A - etterthananyoflierhmow. Epriamasid.rchard, - -- _' for .your mea)s thtid, If necessary, them. He I . 1,500, rda'�s AfY9. . Z. .. � ,1,1120 . -by thb, United States. Again' iiuMcr- IOUs iiiiinufacturing companies-in-tho' IOUs curative Iwopefties. Tight tickling � - or. diritressing. coughs�. (luickly to . - uflt to iit.arul the severest __ �� to C= ow It's built"how it . S a codks produces washmeh, sewing men and all sorts of dealers In . ailic �d-al -ity - th , ci . h ( of Arni agh is e- must - saor6d I)Iace ill Irebuld, the . � . . United States - � have established . yi�ld the be;ding soothing Action of thi§ . worre - r . , . " I. 0 . T E. BISSELL CO. ttdi, Elora, Ont. _ __ , 1. i ,everything oil .demand. He makes up your bed on 'sleeping cars and replen- . . occle.qilwtioal 11(i3Oquarters of both. . tho Roman Catholic and the Protes- . br . adian soil, . -anches on Can and the purchase of .farm lands, -timber o?n- .1 - mineral lailds,_etQ., splendid PVeseriptloh i- Dr , Shoop's Coufl Remedy. And t is sq- siaf e and Containibj� . - - . ._ � . . . _. _. � I I . . I . � ... . . � . . . � I Jop. Guest, Olinton. ... Robb. Wilson, Godericb. . Ish . . . es 'your supply of .Ice and soda.' tailt .chul-0116" oi, Ircland, the se'at . . � essions, TOpre- sent the- character of -United. States goo foi chil6ren as well. no opium, chloroform Or other ha,em- j�, Betty, Varna.'. - - .�. .. I ,W :.T.. Allan,. Sottforth. - - . . l He runs .your errands, cleans .your . . � . . . . . of,the 1110'st ancient and c0obrated of Irish schoolh O� learning, the.litirial. investmcnt� which, 'acc6rding to, a' ful drug.cf, mothe�s silt'nild in safety al. I . I .. Th-S.Z. Alla,n..Dungannon . M�Reil.Brns, Walton'. - , . .� . I I . . . . � I - . I . . .. . . .. .1 . . I . .. . . .1 . .� - I . , boots ,.%lid hats, darns, �our stockings- - "; ("o Briall bloru, the , -reatest of c onservative estinlat�8, represents an ways demand Dr, Shoopl�. - If other . @N=0"WNMNW_� — ­__.!!��. - - n:z — T _. I � � . . � .... I . and ni .... . . . ends Your clOthesi . oil nd,.he attedds When - walk al�ro ,bf_ ailt� the frisil hing.4; the hZM6 6f �it, . outlay of $200,000,000 duringAhe last . ten years. There is'no queaiioni that 1your remedies are offered, tell them No, Be own judge! by.. ull,deaiiep, . - � . . . . I I . . . '. . I . .. . . . I . . I ' . I , I Canadian Hair Restorer - '� � . y" you and ,directs yon to the'.1lazilars Patrick fol- ill(, importAnt years of his 1ife, and flie oradle, of the Chrl.;- this more intimate form of -personal investment and intor6st is- oile I ,Sold — .. - , � - ..,. . I . . I . . . . . . .. � . .. I. .. . . . wbere'you will be robbed least, recei3O- Ing big commission later-1rom an ap:- I' liall, (Illurob Ili flic United Kingdom. It ,Om Iror 11 �kl.11lllgh, says- �'V'11'""v . , , - - offorg great openings fQr British cap. i " - . Is probably one of the 01(lest I I 11 � I . .. .1 � I . I . I . I .. I preclative proprietor4, . . . . . . E., . Curt1K in Tbo Chicago' IllecorJ- tains I of Industry, and Canadians, while thoroughly hporeciating the 0:01ellsal of statuary iii -the world is I aow in the Museum of the University . .. I I � _�_ . . I For every rupee Ibtruste'd to fiAM - I Herald) iliat. QV 4noss-age of the gos- VnI wasgmt, to flio peoplo'of Sdotland generous flow of capital that is now "Dominion' of Toronto. It has. seen. about six --- . Will restore gray hair to its natural color. . , I I � . . I . � I.. for general expendlture'.he renders all - alld 1"'llgland, aild li(iro wag the vni-, taking place to the frOn' 1housand years,' and was picked up Steps fe,111 hat � callacif to grow on bald . � . . � ng r � . .� account, and though he doubtless robs , - be. does 10t let do It esis of the faith'that is now professed � * ' , %t Britain) would welcome a new , C h departure iri tho sense of the United In Egypt by Dr.. Charles Currelley Te- tently. It the figure of aw-Ut. beads. Curesdandiul% Itching, scalp diseases. . . � I 1. I ­­­.- - 0--.11-- " - . . i I you mgently' others (and It is distinctly advantage6us to. - . . bk aU the Tilation. - �* . Armagh- is,a. (julet, well-hopt town States example, ' which would- bring is, a man, -Night-'Inches high, the interioT.'Of the. . . . I By, its use thin haIr gro,wi; luxuriantly. f I . I - . � . . 11 Now I, . . , Contains no oily or , greasy ingredient& :4. the Itime to have your . � be robPed by one person rather than a . . . score), . I Of about 9,000 inhabitants, built on a hill around the cidliodral founded -by E,nglislimen of -all classes into 01080 I uch with'the development �of Can- '9 tuarmikin' is made of tolled. spices . . . Din 3sadd into th'd reqmred'-s ape, I !.n In entirely unlike any other hair preparsi, cle bleaned up and -put in . . . . I ' � tier ever offe . I alUeyo for Spring. Bring -it in red for sale. . . I I is silent and noiseless, salilams St. Patrick in fl)o yvar 43%, and, the .- adli's groat ilatural resources . Stan.- durd of Empire. , .. , , dj�r4 � he whole overfdid with golfteat- I � The in I now'and X can haire it ready I Agood, reliable Canadian PreliaratIOC6. for you, withoutdelay. . [go you'stleak. to him and never entera 'your. presence with his shoes 4treets dro stcvp and rather crooked. It row-mbles ail English University . - ; . . . — . , . I . I I . . .. * . - w to the fineness of paper. ' �rinsio -value of thin, aside from its, Ustorical worth, is of 466urso,gre%L. I IlInsollefted Testimoialats. I 11 ., . Edith A. Burke, Missionary 11. M: Church Akbiraim Egy catly pleaQ and friends, gr LAWN, MOWERS . on or big turban off. . town, and looks' more like Cambridg� - WE are scarcely through crying, OU t -4 . - . r two yeats' using. - - I with rc's"Mts atal ''' I .. , And finally�, his muliifarlo" Aily Or Winchester. tban. the rest of Ire- - against the rain and mud b6fore we: � . . . . . . I . .. . .. . L A. Hopes, wittier, Montana. My hair -D. SHARPENC I ended' he wrans himself In his shawl land'., More than 1,200 years ago it .1 . . ! -, -4. - are beseeching the street sprinkling , - fi, .4m 1, . . .11 munardl, zinlim,ent cut- im-1-ifierill - &lid whiskers restored to natural colot, dark I I-wn b- Ushur Canadian Hit,ir Restorer. y P - -u I. 1, - I � T Avaq one gieate,,A edue&L o al ce ru in 5 - ., , . 0 - A - . . . I J YOU, Ower I W. JACKSON,- Agent, Clinton.'- and sleeps across youtthreshold.-,`-" . as - .. I . . I .- . . � . . .. M.0rum,B ssvillo,OnL Cafi6dlanit,Jr sharbenea and repaired,'.- drop. ... - I . . -world,.and it still h I 11�st " d or leave word " I . . the civilized. alt 1. r, . L - . . . � I . . . several important schools, includli g .1 -- __�!!!!!�T! . .. . . . vrefisthe esbl have overused s - . vw----- I - I I ... . . I I .. � . John 0. Ha% Mew Aberdeen, 4, M - I �— a Roman Oatliolic, thoolovical abrain- I . . .. . . 'atiograton. at" t"hoosholpeanr . . . . -1� . I I I �_I_ 73 �� h A.1, ­�A­ d, I Aall eall for . . . . . . . a . ., . I . e. liTy, a large 0onvent for young women, , a technological school, ,and astronom, I .icil observatory, it p�blie Il'brary of ' 20,000volumes and a1ittle.old4ashiortL od Giecia-A temple of a building with I a iigii to advertise it *as tile rooms , of thn Philm,iopbical- Society. The houses, are pa6ed together ve Close, I ly,, as is -tb6, custom in $ill 71reland, i I or iough ,there is plenty of ro A for . I the town to. .spread outi it it were i the fashion to do so. Thero,are -rangoi� if green hills,,all �1 around,, and tlivir unny slopes ara . :1osely planted to grain, potart�aoldsl,tytlnend ther crops. Thore art, sove factories Ili the neighborhood which 'Urnilh el'"' "Mont for Ole wives, and daughtei�s of the town. dhd a ar nall 4utom%lo factory. Th(-- popli- I lation is. P.bout. equally divide(I 1)01- tween. Protestant and itoman Catbo- I lie fafflm. There are, three PresbytAlr­ ian churches Old one Methodist, which assort themselves boldly, even in the presence of an ecclesiastical so6 that is nf,tirly 1.400 Years old, � — "_1M___-"*4W""W*"6.*ft Vannu an 0 M. ". - My head Is nearly all covered With thick . , , , . . , . I . i. I : -growtUblack hair, orIgID64 0610ro - 0 . .1. I -9 db . au I all dinggists. .W.d & wholesale &lid ret ;F - any #Ad=sg in the civilized world Manufactured by . , , . . , _ . Now is the time ;to bave'theSe things - attended to' as I shall.' -b6' busy la,ter I . . . on receipt of prlc% . . (I , TIM AMWIN 00*9 Window; Onti,,, Cans" I I . I Sold in- Clinton by - W,'S. R. on. . I ., : , - . .. 19, , .. A. TURNE106) ' ' I clintoliq � I I . I � I I Holmos, 1. M. Hovey,i W., A. . 1=1 11 'Mccot..,lell, druggists. . � . . I � . . - . . ­ . ____ . . .... � . . - I I . , . .. . �. I __�_ ..- � I I . , , .. I ­ I , I COA-Ma I I , ', , I Ford & M . deod .. I . . � bef'ote placing your -orders for ! 4 .. I . - Having, secured it commodious Grain Storehouse,� we are now buying. all your season's supply of Coal, get our priees. The very beat goods carried in stock an sold at the . � kinds of grain, for which the highest lowest possible price,' . . � . prices will be paid. - , . Brani Shorts, 01orn Arid Mi kinds of r-- Or(Tera MAV be left 0. . b Davis &'RowlabX8 Hitdwara store, or . . I Seeds and other feeds kept on with � � ., grain, and sit the storehouse. ' � Ford & Mdeodl I . W444 Stevenson$ � % , I . At el"trio, Llobt 0141111111f, � 66 U Ift, STAVIONo CLINTON,. L . 1.1111-.1 11 .. ­­ I I I __ � . I . � � . I � - ­ -1 I \ I � . I � . , o 11 �, , �, � - - . - - — __ - __ _ - I . � . - __ — - . - I - __ ---. ___.__._,�­__­ -I - ---,;.,.!-. 11 ..... 1111­111­­­­��� .