HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-05-06, Page 4IF -OW . I I . ,-",-7�,w-,,,w---w--rwrq-.N--,F-War-mwv--R--7-W-.M,I -----WM�l.�tvp"mqpp%,---.,-T',F ; X�
, AMR-ww, f --F- "_W,W1qqFW .7wrig7eqv-.,�p-ql-'MPWFT,4pr""7 I �____ -7,gw --VFWW-, 0 _1 . � ,
, � 7PIPW I - � ,�-r—
I . , . . � I , , I � . -,--. I _W
1 4
, � . 1.
Grass, .
. . Shade*
I 80 acres finest pasture, -
f� I A
- ,Vr""A 0 . I
I __1 -
Wash 1, abAC
. OLL ",-� 444 I _JL1,VJ'1V-0 I
taken for.th,&'
. season,
. .
1. SummerWash Goods fashions are fast de-
. I I
1� . veloping now, and if you wt)uld be prepared for
. tbe warm daks, it is wise to give he'ed to them, I
J 2—In". ___ _ __-___'__1_.__L,._.1
. �
. I
. ., I We are displaying a large, fresh stock of well-
� � , �
... i�l ,
.� chosen fabrics. I
the chamber. Whether it be a,
.. . . .
� .
. � . �
CLINTON, ONT, MAY 0, 1909,
..., � IN 000TC0 XEPUTAS. I .� .
� t I I I :;;__==_
�.. .
The large plaid effects are favored; an extremely light, fluffy
-vereary of
Axini �
Vlonle weeping �rqum, or, as the ....
� -
, �, , comeo in. two and three toned
Ilephyr, of unusually soft texture
, 1, 'Roots hat ave expressive of the seaoan'a best fashions, The
WiMs Church..
� very pronounced plaid combinations are wonderfully. attractive
and varied. All prices, from 15e, to, 85C See bur window
..." —_ I I
Willis Church held its t,62nd anniver-
! '. display. 1. � . .
i - . -
sarylastSunday. The services were
taken bythe ]Pastor, Rev. Dr, Stew-
art, who spoke it4 the morning from
Acts X, 29. ,, I ask, therefore, for ,
ftelusive, rights 0-ripublication
. owned by New Era
May 6th, i9op,
. 'rhe Charnber
One of the roost Important rooms
I .
in, the house, from a decorative
. ,
standpoint as well as utilitarian, is
... i�l ,
the chamber. Whether it be a,
. I ,
move or, less pretlentious boudoir, a
�� �� 11 11 a - _1 -
. .
Vlonle weeping �rqum, or, as the ....
1 - �i
. -
yp, at college used to call the dor-
mitory accommodations,, just A
Plain hole in the wall, therele a p I
perisebeme for Its decoration 1�110i
Wit well repay a little effort to se.
cure, Tile morning. Impressions
- �
registered on the fresh slate of the I
new] awakened mind have A pow.
- . _11- I I . - .
.. �� - _____
or influence on the day's temper
I - I 1. ..
. . .. ..
So therefore would you escape 9,
plethora of $'blue days," keep the ,
One-third ofourltime is spent in the Bed.
I I . . 0
. tone of bedrdomdecorationstright
rooms, and .it is Of the Utmost impDrtance that
. �
and cheerful, Light chintzeF and
floral effects e ry
. I � -
the Pa er on the walls shoul
P d be handsome -
. .
mixeliso !a young ladies' rootiii,
and pleasing. W6 .make a snecialtv of choict-
. t
. . I
�bat Intent ye - e " � .
. I.. i It 12- '99 . ba-ve. sent for X . i
I . Grand washing materials'. that ran . IR among Stilniner -' I .
PeteVo question to Cornelius. In tj;e andin allemses the lightercolors, should fords & pleasant contrast to the great.
)b abrics tor outing Dresses, Blouses, etc.. &at colors, stylish evening he spoke from Acts X, 33: prevail. Even away from, the sombre. majoritK of Bedrooms usually shown . �
. �
. checks and stripes, in a wide range, at 191,c and 15c per yd. ness,and heaviness so peculiar to mbsb , in mato ing:combinations, with border BED
I . . I 11 Now thereroze we are all here pres. - E%IW . IN401
, I . . I -ore God," Cornelius' purely masculine lives. r less pronounced. � I �
1. ent bef and our success with this line shows we. have , I
% I SUMMER STYLE BOOK. ... .. Peter. The Doctor, in a plain, prec- The French sr,yles of the later Lopis While the latteris likely to remaih the . . ,
� � r tical and pointed manner, emphasized pertodo,the dainty knot and ribbon ef, thost general form. of bedroom 4ecora. ' I been able to please our customers, 'Dainty . . � t �
. ec associated with the fortunate but tion these suggestions of a distinctly .
� Now that the Raster excitement is over, it is time to think the fact that the people, in calling a gifted Marid Ant9inette,and the light- different note will likely be. Appreciat. stripes, in all shade,9, withborders and ceilings .
seriously of the Summei Gowns. Before deciding, it is necessary minister, should have an earnest, I � . . .
,� . . . .
. , to get In touch with all the newest ideas, as illustrated in the cle%rly.deftned,* and unanimous pur- or forms of earlier Colonial and- Georg ed, as everyone is not acquainted with, to.match, . � . I
. . I
I . M60alls Magazine. Here you will find Dress designs for evory pose. viz., to be 14 all here to bear all tan are all in good taste for the walls of the appearance of rooms decorated in . . . . .. I .. � I
occasion, all on the authority of -the best desivners in America things that are commended'thee of th � echambec, And, of course, the Art thisnewer mode. , I I . . � .
. I " ' lendid Solection at from 12y,c to . .
� . God.'* The minister should hive a Nouvrauitndxoodernflor,%Itreatrne?its Though this decarationleadinittedly �11- 2 . �p . . . � I �
. . I . .. . �, . . .. purpose !n. answering thd congrega- may be used satisfactorily -the first somewhat revolutionary in c6neeption I �. 25C per roll. . . .
1� I / I I . _� . witli 4iscretion and.the latter with we believe that you will admit that . . . . I . � . .01
. I I .. 1' . I . �, I I . perfect safety. :� . the comple�edresult is. charmingto thd I . We also. have Good V41ues la'Cheaper Lini6s; .1
IL � . . 11 I I � . In the decoration of a bpdroom one last degree. 'The dado is a ribboustripe . .
i I � , !e . I I I . � I . . . � bFLe st freedom of scope and range of designi in old rose self-tones,laung over * , . . .
I ,,, . _---,,,��,� � 0 1 choice that put a. premium on vecuring- a high baseboard of white enameled All ,Paper � Trimmed Free.
" - . . ` .
� V�i . sornethitig "extra special But from wood and capped by abroad chair rail . I I .1 . . . A. I I I .
, 10 Spring - ... . a rather extended experience I should rilso in. white. The main wall durface : _ TMTMTTLW� I
� - . I . * . I say. that most bedroom papers would is a plain chambray in Pomona .
I I � . . . . � �N see , m to have been chosen to look ea- a*rnost restful decoration ,providing
I . . I
� . I . 11 pecially. wellinthe dark -and ,at no Just the background for dainty cliam- � ER'S BOOK STU'RE'lS �
4 .
, , . . ! other time ' I . . bo�rplotures and draperies. The unus- . ... %, � I . . C -
I Milliner' .4
I . � . . y . Chilly,. 'forbidding color 'echismes. ual element in thig decoration is the I , 14 . I
,., e,�&- commonplace design-bahl one would .use of a stencil -like border just above I -. I 1.
I I . � . 1 0341 ZT W 01-T! . - r
I . . r think that there were no pretty bed- the chair rail instb4a (if at tbojoint;ure - I . . . 1. . I . . . .
", 4' Our display is *now room papers made and yet the docora- of wall and cellinet. This is printed inj � . I . � �
. . . . 411111b, . . tors' stocks and wall paper stores offer gold with a shadow tone of -deeper wmm� 11111111111111111=11111111111111110MM I .1
11.1 � . coniple.'te,-and we 11 . sointl of the daintiest effects possible green,on a ground exactly similar to I . � . . I : I . .. . I ..
I - . � � . I
.. �, . show th - an� original f , to imagine. The new fabric -papers in the hanging. It is a regitilar .border . ! . . . � I . . . . .
I - . way w -newest I 0 ut out along the line of decoration; — �Xpw_ 1111N in . . .
� . hat 'is chandbray linen and chintz effe ts are c so M,
. I adimirable and of drtistic, merit far in along. the top 4 the - room'is �, tile re- - . � . I
# 0 . I and* --mbst exclusive excess of the cost at ' wh . ich they appar. m4inder of -the border -and is'used to . - I . � I . . . � . . __ . . . �..� I .
!,��� . . . - large cehtres. . . ently can be sold-, I I gIv3 thb lightest of finishing touches, * . . — —_ M - _. . � . � I
in the I I ..
L I - . ' ' - This room, of all others, must above under the white cornice moulding.. - 1. . .
. � .
. I i, 0 .. . We, go. rdWfy -invite . - - - � every Ot-berconsideration,be kept light. The ceiling should most certainly be 6W'k'%�*'W'W% "%ft,%�*S4 I_ - At a mpetihg held in the Leetur& " \
�. . 0: . .- � whether . - 'you . . . and choe'rful., ' � . . L . . plain paper., Nothing can be more un- $.'C' hurch.Chimes. $ 1 Room of Wesleychurch oiiWedneaftv ....."
! 6 &. r. . you). . . . . � �, .. ui�tndsa or vividneis may rule the. suited -for a bedroom than a richly de- I � ApriI28th.. The -following wereelect.' . . . I
. . .
. I �
� r-�� I) _ � picked 1Le%1W-yw-%,'Q0 0%AlP%e%e%o'%% %ACV- ed as representatives of -the etnirch'in
li " . buy or :not. ' . I . . .. cb�jce of one's colors -'bere4wbut tints dorb,te&celling, with a cornic4a I . . . . I . .. . �
. I �� . . . . - Mem
�� . . .1 . . . � � . . � . with a great deal of white in them -two. out.in much gold or strong colors. * - . I . � . - .'BAPT18T, .. 'the Quarterly'Roard; -9. P. RuImL�*.
. -
" I . , .. I . I., . . I . .. Terhaps m6re 9ppropriate tban.'the : Light tints of woodwork to harmoh� . . . I .1. I ball, S..A..T,v.ndall, W. S. Harland, 1). � . - .
I * , �
I . I .
I . . . . . . I I . cruderpolors. Chinti6s in somewhat ize with -the *all paper coiprings must Next Sanday morning -the pastor's Stevenson, _,J. W, - Moore,.- E. R. Ball, - .
. " ' ' ,.
,.. � .. I . . � I I � I ,.. .. - . most de , subject will be, %The�great indictihetit,` �xnd H. E. Rorke, .... . . � I I
I I . . . .. i9imillar patterns to -the wall, paper. be'used or - the sirable effe6t. In the.ev .. I � . I - . I
I ,, issionar � Y, I lety, ,
I . 4 . )R. STEWART. ' *' wick,�r furbit'Vre.in pale colors or nat- will be.quite lost. - . . ening there will'be a service 'The Womenti 24 Sao* I or.. .. �
� . — U . I - of Praise entitled, "An'eyeming.4ith' -this church. w. I 11
� ' I L , I L LpurpoSe 'at grass. en work brass or,white Wicker furniture With chintz uphols'- . . uar I I . I .
11 . lesirablo tery similar n [1yMn Wkit,L .
11, , . 'rw4 God-given andenamete _ the Old hymns." - The pastor'wil, . fit hold their- ann
, 0 L 1 give Meeting,,ThdrWlay afternoon of this . -
.1 . , tiou's call, oessary ,d.be;X6 are'especially'c i tone to the wall -bang- an address�on lffymna-and
I . I mossake.' It is not only -ne -10L and as eakly procurable as,the'leds ap- ing, filmyour.tains ineoru or very light- week islid'fti addition I .
, 3 . hime. a - d s6wer of , the Id . L � . electing officers . . .
. I I . 0 u sdo , and propria.tworticlee. L � . ' '. , a ld rose colored druggetfor the. .ers; with many interestingindidents in, for the coming yearwill be eFebted and . . .
i L '
I Ouch- & � eo gooil �bod,ob t also good-, .ivell'prepar- . The illustratiowherewith �fodenti a floor will-completea schemeof decora- connection with tile writi ' nLg. of the - delegates chosen to attend Lthe - Goder- *: ' . I . .
--.W . I . . ed soil. , . -i . I 1- L eidli hymns. All are invited. . .
� What we Advertise- is'S'O. . . most intpresting:iiiggostion. unusua in that is. qui teldeal for this -kind. of . . . . 11 . .. I � I !oil Distrtet Convention at Seafor�b,,,' ..:'* - L , ' .
� - - I The services- were W�h att * ended, conceptio.n and execution, yet at the room.' ' . I . .. . � - . . . My'.' - Thursday of next week. . . . .
� I
I - . - consideping. the. bad weather - and same time 0 a4er, appropriat3 and Of N B.-Nekb week a articles ,�611 treat L SALVATION AR 1. 1. I.. . . .. ; . . . . . L
� - I ______ 'ioads,'and the collections amounted strong 4ppoalto !most women. ..,It af- of ihe decoration of %this Don. . . The following inf6rination will prove At the,annual meeting of the -Ep.. I . �
I I - I . . �
0- L I I to over $ , The Sacred Organ Re. - . I L � . I I I . . I . . interesting to those who wateb. the ; worth League ol: Wesley Church, the L �, 11 ,, . '. .
, - the . . . . m1doindsoftheSalvationArmy: ! I .
11 Icital by Mr. Campbell, before . I . — practi( officers foe theedmingyear woio,ei;ct_ .
11 _____ - __ . . - L . . . I... . /I . . . I . . L I I
L . ... . . ovening service, . viad, highly appreciat. 6A** 040� It,is very well kliown that the Salva-,, ed as fellows -.-Hon, President, Tile. L
. . I pieASIng and ,Inspiring, and the :4w**.# Z,*"O+"#.44#*"##*# . #L#*#**#**#6*q**"0*"q* I itS'knniialL Week let Vice, Nibs td.
I. I . . F Lawrence .. �., -,72 ed, . I I . I . . ,; ,',, I . . - I � .. . . , . :tion Army is holding Pastor; President, Mr., Edgar East; . .
1. . . . . .70, choir did excellent work. Mr.- SpAld- . � . . I .. I -- - .. . . . . of Self denial from May let to 8th, in. ' Davis- 2nd Vice,'bliss .
t!: WN1111 ABOUT .Clara Chidley, teacher . . ing sang in most excellent voice, and ' 00D -FELLOWE � ,_ L . * .Ql usive. . The officersof theLocal Corps M. Hunter; 8rd.Vice, Miss F. Ounning- . . I .
.. - . Division 5 .' . - � *I-' manner, -the popular sacred..aolo,.� : - . . . . .. 0 . , - # have commenced operationainthis'dir� � hime�. 4th- Vice, Miss M.-.Watt.;5th. ..,-* - - - '
I �
. -
L I . - Sec?:
I Ut I 0 � - I Vice"Mis's 113. Reed, .
Senior 3 Junior 3 - , , 11 Jerusalem," and a most boa ,,,,, � . * ection.- That the work of .the Army v,111as Thu'rse, . - .
I .
""' 91 L L ' . I quArtette, 11 Lead, ,Kindly Light � ; - I , __ I .L -the public is , S , . ..
': L , a 11 : I deserves the support of 6S.8
� ... ROUSE MANING I ATTEND SERVICE . . ! Witt; Coriespondi M,
. , , J Nelson ......... on, . I I . . ,g tie ,) iss M. .* .
! U
I F "�(
.. . I Cole ..... , '94 ani, Mrs. G. , I . ... . . . I . . wnsend ; . �
il , - randerod by: Mrs. Chow, ' I . � . . fully admitted, although it is �not so ' Harland; Treas., I .�
, C 000ks"- Ca:mpbdll,'Mri 1. McRae atd-blr, L. C. :'6&%*1P*Vq"""*** ""61906 I . , Organist, Miss.Mariali Rarland,- Asst. ,
. ,
, . We have come round to the season of . . . -03 H Hill.. I—— .... 4 95 *""#*"&0"**" 0* , very loup; ago) since an. entirely -differ., - . . .
, I I I . . � .1 - . I .. I . . � L. . I I , . L. . ', . . . Organist, . Miss T. NQiLtto Vbe -hxecu. -
11 ,It A Glazier.i.....93 G.Kaufman ...... 95 . - � !
I . . . I I L .ti -
, � t4e year when it is time to think aboi .Pletning. , I - - __ _,____�_ onb view was -taken of its,methods' It Ve - - I ,
, I . . . — L .
. R. Carter. ..'. 92 WDrap6r,'......86 . I I .�. � ': 1. .. .. -, .. IL I I .. I 1. .. I , _ . I I .11 will in
Steph . ' * is interesting t6 L Oto that the work', of . set at thehoime of bliss Ma. .
�.:� D enson -..90 M Armohi ........ 8.5 . . ,]V�0*1 " l LastSalbbatfi morning was. not,the the' members, !to visit'ihe sick,rellevo . bel Harland this L (Thursday) 'evening . I
, NC N 1. I . MoSt.,L *t4, . . I � I '. .
I .
�� WALL PAPER B Hall.,.. 6 "... 90 Lyda Morris.. i .. 84. . . Oil CIL. -i , � invi ing, owing, to weather con- the distressed, live Christian i burial; .this marvel ' lousoigabization.c6ntinties . � Yolodic. , . � . . I . . I : .
. .
1i � . I . I � . . L �� ,_�. . . . . : , 1. ' to make most'aric6essful. progresi. We at 8 . , . . . ' L . . .
:.: We are agents for the well-known M Elliott - v - -::87 . . of th,6. ditions, for a 'Socipty arade.-yet about care for thowi ow and: orphans;. .In-, that our readers Will support the ' ' . . . L - - . . . .1 . .
1. . . . . . . .. The regular monthly -meeting - nd eletvate'as to the - best, con- L' I Di6TRXCT* M�ETIN , . . ., . I
i wpire- Wall Paper Co. who institute( . 'half a;'hundr6(l_ mom ers'ot Clintom 'tru5tt Is
I E Judd ......... 8o' - . �,�� spire it effor to the beat of .th ir ability., The I cy,�The Annual , .
M Streets i,.,, 0.8 ., - *.1 . � : town Council was. held Monday� even. - r. 0, 0 V. found ception and eAp&b 'riot meeting of Goderich. Didr . �
11� I a new r�oe of prices for paper. The & �5 . . , Chair. Lodge NO; . 9%, .oil. L ility for good.. The, facb-illat Goneral Booth has just cele..,!.Dist lot
�,- . ' .. ,�!L In,%with Mayor Wiltse in the I at urch truest, not. . .
' . -y: ba Wesley . at 'fellowship bratM,his,80th birthday, havibl; spent will,b6 held'in Ontaiia Street Church, - - -
all Paper and that of Bord- . , I .0 R their , ,d6thodi ' )test arid. high 6 L
" jarice of 4 1 � I �. Senior 2nd, or members present were eeve wa .
.: L at 11 o'elcick.' This brethren assembled is With Jesus Christ. Be true. t6-oblig-
- srs and Collinu Pe�rq -:Lri� the mrfle- J Balnes^'... ....07 L Xediger ........ $9 Gibbinro and Councillors Graham, . 05 -years of his life in.Self-aenfal. and. j.Clinton, on Tndsday and Wednesday, " '
'�.`r every roll Is g�arahteed to be 8 yards � at their Hall and With' Bra. H. B ations realiz[bg that'the:world is suf� Labor for the goodof suffering human. ; M The winlisterlej - ,,;
, .J McCreary .... 97-A Picket .....,..'.1Z Cooper, Taylor,Holloway andjacksoo, 'Chant as M 'bed to the fering more for goodness* t I ban . groat;. ity, ought.to apr.eal* strongly, to the' &y I-Sth.and. 19th, . . . . .
f arsbal, inafe iession will .convene on Tuesda.y, 2.4t' .1 ..
" long, you cab save from one to two L.Holmes ...*. *06 B Rig ins o ...... 85 Minutes of -the last meeting -read and - A fine discourie. was concluded ssion . � L.
, .
,I. . . . above place of *orship .Where the uses. public mind and heart. Donations :2.80 p. in.�. and the full ,se "Wed- -
" ralls on every room in your house by M Cook ...... 4,... - gley,...�..84- adopted. , ' - ',, - ' : . . ' , ; . .
� . . .. centre pews were kindly reserved for by an illustration in which,in a leg6nd y at 9,3) a, in. .,
i -kising our paper. We flave the very E Evans 90 I . . I 11 . I I % may be sent to Captain McCaffrey, the 1 need& 'Will Superinten- . . ,:. - I
i I � A. communication ftom the Presi- the three -linkers. . . , 4a angel was writing in a golden book � a Sunday . . . .
'moted ", . -
; I . latest designs and colorings, all our E��i 8"tevens, �t6ache,-. . dent of the - Board of trade Intl 0 6Mcer in ebarge.of the Local branch. , dents please forward to th ..
. . . I elude by ' a copy of thbir, sch3ol ' "' ..
� . . I r Co., proposal Following the, musical r . Gti6 deeds of those who I ve the L6rd., World -Wide -Statistics; -No. �of Corps � SchoolSeeretary ..
x 4 . stock is absolutely new,we never carry . ,Division 0 : � - that the MaitWid'Powe Organist Wown came the l9oxology, An enquirer sought to'.know how his. . and. 8,66aties. 704, No.' )ports a week in advance of the Dist- . .
.1 witock. over from the year before, we I of Officers, 'ri , I
I .1 - - . - was not -recommended. in the mean' �aiid brief invocation by the pastor .name -might be in crib d and be' I
, 'have I . . Senior .. , , Jiluior 1. 8 6 Ing 15,978;,No. of Local Officers andBa�ds_ � Act meeting. A meeting in One biter. I
i ), fine range, all styles from the M,MeMEkth ...... 01 -M Barge i,-.'. .-. -.02 .time, The -White Dyke Bind express. -B,. 0. L., after told the secret asked to have his name I men, 65,000 ; -No. of Countries and, Col. -' sets of Local Optionand the'Laymen's I .
: 'ed their willidgiless to hand over Rey, W.J.. Jolliffes recorded as one who loves. his fellows. . I . I
I , cheapeat to the fine Burlaps, etc, .'z....88'0 Picket...... v..,91 which1the congregation joined boaxtily . 9.i�ies 53; No. of Social Institutions 621, % Missionar:� movements will bi held on . I I .
�. I ,
I A postcard will bring our. samples B Chowen instrumeutsi'ke, t� the town,if at.�iiy be King of'Ldve my Shepherd,is,' . I
I . to your door. . 8 Yesbee ......... 87 0 Murphy ...... 88 time the -organizAtion. ceased to exist. in.the fine.old hymn ,,All hall the "T withaccotmmodar,jons� for 33000;Porsons Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock� to be ad. . : .� .. �
, .
i . All papers bought of me will be A Armour ...... 87 A Agnew. 4 ..... 88 A letter from H. Bartliff asking for power of 'Jesus name." Prayer .was. by the choir constituted a, very fitting assisted daily,:.21,000., . . .� dressed: by two members of thellistrict . .. .
, . ' . I I . I .
� hung for 8o per roll. H Argent ....... 88 F Smith ......... 87 offered and. the choir rendered',& Well conclusion -to the helpful sermon,of � I . . :1 i meeting. Rev. D. Rogers is Chairman; �.
� _ . reduction,of license from $5. Oermonth I I . . .
; Geo. Potts, Clinton. M Marshall .'..'..84 I, Livermore .... 87 .for movini pictures. Oninotion of $419 Anthem entitled �'Praiae the the pastor. . ., .:� ONTARIO STREET . � . . (Rev. T. J. Snowden, Ph. B,, Pinaft&al , .
4 � .., .. ars I oway I e was Lora." The 50th Psal - - n. . I.. . .
H Greig ... _.. 84 Earl tivermore,86 Mes I I inireadresponsive. On dismissal the Odd Fellows wand St. the Official Boai-d meeting of this ! Secretaryj and Rev. A. H. Bto* B. I
� M Uibbings. .,. . , , , and J, adkson, , � ly, and the Oth Chapter - of Galatians ed their way back -to the lodge room ' . aty... .
Residence, Cor. Queen and Princess -St. 83 E Graelis ........ 83 1 . * . . churc - hold on M n ay event the� .A., B, D.. Sunday School Seciet
;1 . I D Rattenbury. a---83 W Welfffi..A....81 )ut at $3. constituted � the Scripture lesoons where.,& cordial vote .of thanks was. ' eV.. . E. Kerr, ,In thenellair, . �. . . . . �
i� . - Board of Health sit ested the mak- which were f011owed'by the familiar -passed to -Rev, Mr, Jolliffe, the choir pdstor, . � . I . � . '.. I . I . .
�,. . . ...... 81 ing of a - charge on a ��Who use Mary. the finkncesWerb: reported 11ii wit I flens'all I
� , 'IF Wallis... .....82 L I Perdue.., I . . r . .. . . . I � �
� . J, Reid..'....,..." -0 A143 eson ...... 80 Street drairk for refuse from septic words and melody of ,,-What & friend and trustees of - Wesley church on . .
: . .i agI . a large balance in the'trd
. webave:in,Tesiis" -' . motion of Bice. .Taylor and Dowd ' ing. . George Toynt has purchased Robert . .
CLINTON PVBLIC SCHOOL � G. Evans ........ 78 2 B411 ........... 19 tanks and that cellar drains be proper." B o 6 R y ureacher's licenses Were renewed to � . I .
I � . -
1. I - I , C,Cobpee.; ...... 77 E Steep ... � ..... 78 'Iy tki,ppod. The matter was',referred . ef r , e . Z, J�Ili& abnou*nced Clinton L 0. O'R Lpdje, No. �'31 was - �xliplady, J. -.Steyena, Dr. C� W. Thom p- : 0,t`1161"�, farm on the' : 24d,. Line and is .
. a ; liliq text he expressed words of %vel- instituted On Jan' lk 187' and in the - - Kerr, 0. : 0 run it. . . . I
�. I . The following is the report for the . I I. . . N Glazier ....... 478, to' the - By.Lsws Committee. Park, 'the visiting' brethren'bi his 37 years of its history has seen I Pon. A.. Hooner, H� Watts, 0. loliele toollit to I
: . . I . I . W Seeley. . .. a, -.78 Committee reported that. the liew, 0 come to . many 8, Hawke,- W. Stevens,- and, 0 kI Holo Annul the will- of the late'.. '
� . , month of April. . I . I F Hellyar ...... i.76- . . - own behalf and ,that of the church., ' chailgeh in the personnel of, its mem- land.1 Exhorter's license gr� " 0 Richard. Sturgeon.lias for the -present I �
. . .
,., Division I . �.. . foot fence on Bast side.cf -the Park 3vd,Chaoter and 17th yerser, . nted- t ' at least b6oh Withdrawn. .
1;. : .Hattie 0ourtice, -teacher � . ,i% ould cost from $100 to $125. Lumber , I John ' - bership. The charter members were W. ,S,.. .R. Holmes4 Phin. -B., and, Miss.
The following have taken Entrance I . . , I Whoso hailithis world's goods and Wm.*14oster, L Rattenbaisy; Chas, Carrii I Ea;rl Zuefie Wft'last week for the' .
. I - enough is on hand to repair the North a a Ship
. Division 7 , i . ley. Reqrosoutafl�a to Dis- , West. He proposes to locate . and tot- �
� ' seeth his brother have need and shut- Tucker, Chas. Grassickand Ja j Youill ,,,
''. standing during the month. ' . trict meeting, 11 Tiplady. Sti,wards
., Senior . Junior - fen6e. It was agreedto have work f compassion from Those who united with the Order on low harboring in one of the now -vil- .
L Rice..... . ..92 C Dunford..-........ done under diro.6tion of the Park Com teth up his heart b the,first night,iii'addition . to the above of Idelt year were re -'appointed with 1. I laes of theWesti - . . ' .
I . .
I . F Sloman ...... 82 3 Hall ............ 67 M Rathweli. * ... 88 Taeoba ..... . mittee, . . . . I . . . him, how dwelleth the love of God in -Chas.'Ciuicksha 'J. Biddle Gibbings as Recording Steward. Class 13 is Rau.who has been as - t'
� 't
1, 9 A Hoare ...... .. 64 _' R , . him?" was the'liassage of -- Holy Writ mere, nk, I - Leaders were also re-elected, An in. j6hi:1 Zuefl& for som . sis ing . -
� M Agnew ....... & , boa
, M Shipley ...... 71 M Hasom ..... :.,81 X McNeil.... 87 E WaSman,.: ".. *, 'O., Councillor Holloway stated the Par. foundation of an earneab combe, Peter Grant, T 4 Thomas, . � e manthsreturbed
w;. -H La*reice .... STA Walker. ties interested in the Jackeon-Gibb ngs chosen as the . crease of'85 in membership is.teported .
1� J3 Hill ........... 70 ' I ' able and practical discourse. We . ri I . I . I , . '. V - . el -, h6nie to Creditori.t6 resume his -usual , .
� . � drain Were no e over last y6ar.1 ' . ... I I .
rien ......... bough' a should Imitate the Divine who teaches . . nne , . er V', Oil I I I summer occupation, brick -making, till .- .
F Widlis,.. _., 86 0 Moll ' .... t a unit and t
: Division 2 * K Siialding.� .... 84 W 0arrick.....6 ... meeting of the pexabna on,the Eng. I rZ . . L I . �
- the unity of .the race andkowri the S t an lox, Mr, Rennedy The Women's' Missionary * Soelety I the fall, . I
,, I .
I �% : Senior , Junior', M Carter 4. 1 ...,.,84 B Harlqwd� ........ ineer's. Report should- be held. Wwas story of redemption is taught from I it. . is e onl one of he iln her still a hold thair antival, election of officers BVILDINO -R.'Ctldlllo�e. bas .dug the � � . ..
� G MeTaggart.. 82. L Connell ...... 77. M Shaw.; ..... A3 E Argent ........... I decided to call a meeting for Thursday A. brother. in need wastheflistthoughf,'re I ent of linton. The Grand Master Tuesday eveningwith the iresult. Hon. cellar and laid the oement -foundation
� . .
. ' ' I
- I Wilken ...... 79. W. Pinning .... 73. - Maud Wiltse, teacher . evening of this week,at & o'clock in the I � . � Pre S.'Crich ,, Pres., Mrs. E, J. Of tho'kesidence be fs�ereotlngon]Brook'
� . _' elaborated by :the speaker. Must not, i was JnO.. Murrayi of Olifton. is,, Mra.
.: EBeanom.....70. LCook ......... 71.9 � �. . ' . Council Ohamber to dieciiii the sltua� Courticet let Vice Pres., Mrs. Kearns,
::. Division 91, . i I . I judge a man by his ups and downs ndr i The officers -of the first lodge in Clio- Street -R, Carlisle intend@ erecting on
; .
� . L Holmes ..... 72.5 R Moore..... ..1tI.8 voiirth - * � . Third tion. . . . place a, higher estimate on possessloins - ton were Wm. Poster, - X;, G,, Chas. 2nd'Vice-Pres.,- Mrs. W. Walkdr:-. 8rd "Orchard Row" & -iesidence similar to �
. , -* . Cemetery .committee advised the The n 9, A. Ypill, It, S.; T.
i., 0 Harland .... 72.1 H Harland... .71.4 itt Kaufman ...... R Britton .... I.... than attainments. I eed for' Tucker, V4 G,; Ja Vice -Pres., Mrs. Smith; Ree -Sec., Mrs. that of J. - Berry. on Richmond - Street I I
. 69. 1 setting out,'of evergreens ,on the East. W. Manning ; Veas. , Mrs. Jig. 8
....... � . , Treas.,, -George MeRwen -purposes to �
Milton'Oook..68. LHowe ...... :. A Gtaelis ......... S Mention. . ... - of the cemetery and the purchase brotherhood, is great to.'day. OW'n Johns, .P. S.; 1. Rattenbury, -a. S. 0 . South. . . � , .
� M Cololough..64.5 A Ddherty.....04. . aide .
I 0 (1) To scarcity of.work. (2) Sitknoss! Corresponding Soe., Mi at �
i McIntyre . ..... W Bell , . . . ff all bf whom were elected by acolam�, ,erect a fineresidence immediatelyweat � .
0 Cole ........ 04.5 Roy 'Forester.. 62; " of three tons qlf salt - to - kid) weeds.on Systematic Giving, rdrs, 1 Miller. of Joseph Ellis'home on-Richniond St, I I
. Lizzie McPherson, teacher A Olazlet.....* .... LW,alk4br ......... I This was agrebd vb. . � we were always glad we mighi not be tion. After the'. installation Lodge tllli,'Nylor;�vas appointed legafe
� . A Lawrence.,; ... I wq,1k% tender. (8) Reversee in busineak, some wis addressed by the Grand MAgLer Uri., de $outh--��15p-s,t,mastarSutherland intofidFi - ,
� . Finance Committee reported favor. seem born .to , . adversity. Our aim and Bros, Blume,'of Toronto,. and. to conventionhold inSt Marys in Jung, to hav6 a� � . �
r Division 3 A Flukel .......... 0 Cole ............. lob. w*ere � . � . new plate f1had front put in ,
abaly on several accounts Whi 'the ( r
" Senior Junior .. ,A Maguire.. 6.... . .*� F'Pockit .... ;.4 r.* : ' .passed. Those coticerbing the testing should be to possess fa6 s,)uls on no- Ifornibrook, of Lexington, Kentizeksn � I STi PAUVS . . Post Office, wh oh, Will give it a . . � I .
I'. C Hoare ........ 85 W Appleby ...... So . � . 0 Jervis ......... . of the town Wells, about $238, Were count of liberality. (1) Ppofligacy men , Attheores'etittline the Lodge-la.in - MiS8109ARY-The Diocese of Huron modern up-to-date appearance, . .
A Martin ....... 83 W Managhan .... 1.3 .' (31as8es A and B " left over -to be d6ilt with by the Com- who refuse to amend. their lives should a flourishing condition hs�ing 4 uiemw flonsi�: SoLb-T. X.'Berry, ourwelt I
P Cousins . ..... 82 0 Maxi%hs,n....,05 Phemle Oree... 4 ,, Gordon Plemifig.... be compelled to WorkIn.places keimov, bership of 81. It is .wb)i .btficered and. Will hold its annual Missionary, 04m- � known horse lo)portert bas sold to Jae I I
H Walker ...... 81 R Graolis..... I.. 57] Willis Cooper 4. .. Be I A D6 I hertk ...... mItte6 which met at the rising6f, the ed from the evil.. 11 The refusal of the h4a &fine Degree team, A.104.Tutnei, palgh on Sunday text. St. Paul's put. Pa*rr, of Bru,qi;els.the,firieyoiingOlydes-
� H Roda,way _.81 A Yeabiao ..... 57 [ arris H Kaeen Ladd.... , Council. Account,. of 496,70, expenses ' is ohe Noble Gi pit iK!tl be occaptiedin the wo i b I
.. brother, The; Chvistirtti stands for !aiid and Taped ' rilln y dile stallion, Lothian " pe'(14251) 8014
1 of delegation to Toi,onto re Foundry, 'y ""'" Rev, 0. U1. Jeilkins, M.'A., of *Wr' This horse,Js 11, is goal brown
I U Hibbert ...... 79 H Graelis .. ..,:::-55 Reflou Ross ....... Gordon Hall .... .. irtith, sighicoasness, 'philanthropy, ing of each Week is the hight'of meat.
I . � W Dickinson ... 70 Minnie L, Xot, teacher - left over from last meeting, was order. helpful *ords and' deeds Love to 0 , od ing, There .Ara 8 lodges in. Huron ham, and In the, evetilng.by Mr. R. W. In oolor,with t6ree white foat&no, strip
. " . � ed to be paid After somer discussion. makes, love' t6 .the brobher, .0has, District with 700 members. 'During of ToVouto, Anglican Secretary on face, Ile is a large horse of, Ifis ap �
I It was decided to hold the grab sea, 4"16 , I '
, . . I � Kingsley astys--"Wo becomer like God the past term an addition of 75 Wits Of the, Laymorl'aMissionary Movement With the beat of leg� 4nd feet, His
4 0 Beacom ...... 78 � Ooderich Towniship : bion of the Court of Aevision on the when we become of use." Possess a w441a to the District roll, no spoall These are well-ktrown s'peakera* on Mis. head and neck complete the body of a I
- H Holines ...... 78 I . Mt. Sohn Beacom recently disposed Asser4ameht Roll on Thursdoy�, 27th genial spirit; have fv smile andag along, -and those who attend St. Paul's
I A. Rathwell....76 - F . _rip, amount of the credit being dop to the erfoctClyde. Hellasseoutedantim-
. of,his paeln%drlver to Mr.Abdrow Me I inot., at 8 O'clock.. heir people, scr that Wor May all be activitv And enthusiasm of D, D. 0. M. on Sunday next will be sure to bear . ter of pelzesin the old land, amplig .
I 0 Marahall .... ,.7.6 . 11 eas . $5.00 was brilored to be paid. as the, chi aren, of the himveuly Father, GO(I's .!Aoob Taylor of this town. Grand good sermons. Rev, C. U, Guhne goes them tlie, first at the Royal Show in a .
I I id of much I . tw.
GAW'Orb.-f-el6t-matenustersecoalo Andy should towWasharoof tholinefeticebe een
than t London, Iticonnaction with thle
I I miles notes never 'go to pro. Lodge Will,moot at ObtaWA -on August to . class of ft -,Re wad also a privi �Vlnuor ,
RChowen ....... 70 . I feel proud of his purchase. . . the property of V. Rutch and that of pro . I . Missionary Campaign a Convention for at a nUmber of other show#, .. 14
Janet Wilson, teacher. Messrs Anderson and Thompson has the towm. � . I . , test. Have regard to J3.60 le'S,Veollngs 16thi , . . . . .. the Deanery of Huron will be hold in . . � I .J. I
.'. . . when help1mg them at A It -a$ an 0.--.---------# I - I . . .
. Division 4 Irented the Johnson .farlm tot grazing Councillor0ooper was asked to, give evidence of enjoying Divine favor. I 1311th on Wednesday,v Usy 12th, The , . . I
Senior Junior pul,POSM statem6nt regarding the Waterworks, flullett chief speaker at the con*entlon will Ml411T9OROt6GI0AL REPORT POU, . .
. Spearip suckers Is the Past tilile of whiehhe did atktiog' that the full re- Simon, the sorcerer, had the'mistaken Township Council Will hold their 'be Mr. Hamilton6 Missionary of Na. APRIL, IOW -Tho highest maximum
0 bantelon ...... 05 P Copp ........... 93 th6 day. '11hoy say they are very, plen . bit would be sonte when the opinion that thd-great gifts could be next meeting on Saturdayo 20th inst., goya, Japan, who is on furlough, ., ternp#rAuira was 67 0 on the 5th, Th6 , �
I P Wheatley .... 03 F eynbld& .... 09 . . � urehasod by money, but ahea4,of all mnm emperature was 10 0
go iful i3p the orbeks, � n Ineer completed his Report, at Londeaboro, *
- M McTaggart...02 Mtchell..:., The ppopoeed new road leading o tank at the V air Mill is to be re. to sur6 to love God. Several gentleman from the West � WBSLEY t$ on the Ilth. The hi'gbeat range ftw �
I A abler ....... ;.so E coulsina.....::88 arna from Goderiph Township Is paired and & pew top pub upon it, A brief yet suggestive a nopsia of have been calling on some of our 'Well Quat-torly Communion service will wits 37 0 on the 14th,and thelowbat. 6 0 .
. W Cook ......... 88 H Campton , - `85 1 V the 00 years history of Odd Vollowship known cattle men, With 06 VIOW of Plir- be held next Sabbath morning. on the 4bb and 30* The total of rain
A Nedipr ...... 87 W Gould.,. .&I. I elalming much criticism and the Stan. wits given with ita membership of two and melted anow was 11PS' Inches.
I 9 0
, " 11 'O 11
� *
. X //11_t_�21'Z�N�.-, A'",_. k
. fleycounoil, Is the 'Victims by tbeir IMP.R0V.9MtNTSo- The house on willion#Its revenue auditsplif thaging stocks Hullett sbould.give I _
M Moore. ... - � '. S2 L tabgford , , , * M lantlitop. them a good shoW0 it it is good ones The pagtor Will preach next Sunday Theta were thunderstorms on the 7th,
"'*:82 bbildish decision they ha.vd Ukeu of VictorisiStreeto Which Is occupied by to ex endtture. Odd P611dws &a stAted morning, "A mind to Work�" The
. 0 Turner ....... 81 GBoaton ....... 11 Ue affair,, , - . they are after, I l8th and 20kh. rint flowers were in
G WA1149 ........ 80 0 1101tZhAtlet . 61 Conatitutionj believe ,fil a . . Sacrament of the 14rd's Surgear will ,
. Mrs. Wai. Webb,% being Improved b * In 2 th 2 .
. 9 Clitl6v ......... 10 tevy.....*8:: �, 0 � 0 - - �., . " �, 1, "" I btly .., .....40 be adn _ub. bloom on the 13t . owe peas .town
�. 70 a couplo costs of palnt....Ah bid wool. 84promire Being and cobsoqu . Aniaterod al; the clos(to 0 on this 20th, Starcolv an seeding
. I e 41HOW
Ntlnebaker.,.15 Mes. W. Drydono Wedb to Myth on ett b6t dralu, st the torbov 6f Orange must believe in the brotheth6od of U1811. Mn Mathosoft who- has been lie bervice, Eveoing sublect, IT,
done, The strettmg a no full on
601, 61
- _
I .1 � Whtkifimo� .... 13 Mondaymortling-to yleitXr#,� 4ajoex &bd Uttenbury Autato hoA beeg toin men. rho almij of thall ordtor are to tu"Ing In ablin, returned home on men meat the opporhinit eo of life." the 80th, I . . .
I �,
� I I � Deev#10""'..�.,113 mcmuiohlo, up and,^ substAntiall tile 4%Wn laid, 616,000 A4d IMI)POVe , tho) thootot of Wedr,W4r, All oxe wallorne,
I � I I #
......... I V-06, , . ,
__ .1 . 11� .
LkL . - _____ __i_____.___ ______ - - - - - .---------------------1-�-.-,--&L-----,--...t�.-..--..,-,------.----���--�-----.--.-,---------.--.-�--.�-.,�-�.,� . . ...... ____.,.___ .... - ..... ���.-..�,��.,�..-"."�.-,.-...� ... 1-11.1_ __ _,A,_____ _____ - __ - 1 ,4