Clinton New Era, 1909-04-22, Page 8a
SDA"r, 'o"RIT4
The lw"Verson..�__
Lace Lot4i Notices,
who wants WAII Paper, and knows
.j tG1111h1,41 I" 4Tprl*19d vatg..
be .,4="
00 W044 4,4skCa.Z
a dr 0 oloA ftkno.ecurloy the, previous reputation of o u r
MIUIPRI110 MUSKRATS i�4 10.(W it. is
Sk at _ki 0took, will remember t at
400, �Illlhl wanted *0 each,
Ver 0 xxton. I
D' on rgT
list. 0YUODYWOus with everyMing de.
Holmes, D
Wed. Zaga?"', a',')r,,e, ork
V -a lu,es ��pro e sirable in' decoration, refluem nt
andfalling eyle"S1119h,t treatedis ent
to 4 p.m.
and practicability. This year, it
Saturday morning n CLINTON POWLE R,11WTbe apiwal
,ext,we'll h;ive ready over meeting of the Clintor wnBow ing
two hundred dollars' worth of Lace Curtains, all at Club will be held in the has in addition some positive
remarkably low prices, Heres how we seW them her on Friday evening, Ajpr�l 23rd at$ price
o'clock-abarp, Alarge atteadAncols
35 pairs only fine Lace Cortains, in, Nottingham, requested, advantages,
Swiss, Irish Point and Brussels Net, !it white, NbW TEACHER - Miss
creava and ecru, shades, that sold at SAO, $5.00 and 7vho b4s.bad, obarg% of the littileyt,00;`91
$6 00 per pair, on sale S;xturclay, one a $2.79 be stu%ft school has given up teaeb.
ay only ....... !nt
Ing and the work !a being taken by
Curtains Vit $1-75' successful in the Normal School Fair e
:a,5 pairs Lace-. Miss Hipule L. Ker who recently was
exant nkid
Kne Nottingham Lace Curtains, in at leapt. a d6z:, tons.
on different designs, some oWy one or two pair of a THIS 15 RIULLY TRUE- A min
kind, but ill high-class look.4ad W68M namedStorke aiiid 7oxie ri I amed Wood OFTEN THE CHEAPEST
..... ........ and they
well, regular price up to 1$2.9%thu'rd 1,75 met on the street reapirtly,
stopped for a. moment to exchange ALWAYS THE BEST
Also a number of 4esigns-in cheaper Nottirighim few cheerful views. When E4 woman
Curtains, in some very pretty
. Patterns, at in a Particularly noticeable sheath
50c, 75e and $1.00 per pair. gown passed. Sitaultaxienusly, Wood
turned to Stone;Stone turned to Wood
then both trai ed to rUbber.
Spot Curtain musarx, Madriaa,, NCE PURORASED.- Fri.
S1CK-;--UAster E ar) O'XelL is on the
CHANGE OPCONDUOTOAS-Last day of last week the Monteith resid- sick list,being confined to big bell with
Bobinette Ctirtain Muslin,' Art- week changes were made in. the con. ence, Ontario Street,was purchased by Tonsilitis. Miss Ell& Mahatry we re.
ductors who have charge of the p4ils., W. H. Kerr, -Editor of the Nmv EaA, ret to learn is see! Ill. HOP6
MUtg1jil in c-1 enger trains on the L.H. & B, branch yvbere he hopes, in the near future, to. a be cot ously
Sateen 9 -and Art Oonduoto totb may boo ivalecent.'
of the. Grand Trunk. . instidt the queen of bia household. The
Great Range of Designs. snoworithe run on tberoonl' property is very desirably -located '
n8l, 73001 . with
trafai from- London, . recen held a lot anda half attached, - WAS KNOWN HERE- The death
ei 15c and 20c conductor McCallom and ecurred pear Wingliam, last week,of
coin Spot Musun, 10c, 10-i 0onduct'l-yr TfiE COLLEGIATE. -A number of I Miss Aggie Wilson.. Shehadbeen ill
F Havers tAkbs the place - recently held g headgear for but a sh()t,t time of consum
rilled Muslin, 20c and 25r, by Mr Connell, pupils have donned Sprin I
Madras, best quality, 75-c- - in the -sbope of,qloth caps with the I and her death took place as a ption
t of the school'worked thereon, ai severe attack, She was well-known
cees result of
Flowered Madras, 35e THEi DOG VOISONER,- Our honor- Harry McArthur, of Uensall. is laid lie"e,h4ving, attended th� Model class
ble friend,. the Poiscimer has
Bobineitte Muslin. 25c, 35c to -50c came ib our midst ag!dn and shown us 11P from an httack of rheumatism-'
Several -scholars are a 10, COUPIO Of Y6111`61,_49O.- Her many
he has not yet recognized the conter"p. owing to I bsent tbls�week , friends here will , io know or hev.
a grippe and tonsilitis. - _' kregreiq
Art Sateeids, 15c, 20r, 25c and 30e tibly ineark 6eature that he Is. Last 1 budden dernise.
Art Muslins, Se, 10c, 12je, 15c, 20C week a fine scotch collie dog belongirl"g �, BLACK TEAU SOLD. -On Monday'
to Me. Harrison , Wiltse was found 'of this we6k G. E, Walker, the well. CATTLE SALL� - Mr. Jno Ransforcl
Cretonnes, 10c. 1211e, 15pj. dead, as Ilia result of. poison. Can known liveryn4ATI Bola his high-class roade a sale on Wednesday io -Mr. G,
nothing be. done to find out; who this black t 1116sney of 40 steers
Double earn to Mr. -Elder, of Biandork, V - Th;se averaged
-face Cretonnos, 20c., 25c, 35C disreputable. citizen isp In the mean M�n-, at a fancy price. They Were in weight IMIS Jbs, and while not so
time;t would be advisable to muzzle shipped on Tuesday. at Wingbarn for heavy as Mr. Ransford's cattle general -
Art Damasks, 60c and $1,,00 all dogFi and thus prevent them pick- the West, Mr. Walker is able to get % kiye, yet 9 they were an exceedingly -
Bagdad, for doorways, 60c ing up polsoned meats. the good ones and sell at high prices. 0, O'ce lot, making UP In. quality wbat
--A NEW W A-GON-The geogressive they lacked in size. We tinderstapd.
Art Denhu, 25e ACQUIRE D'ANOTHER PA. Pfn� '100AI -f Cantelon they go right through. to Liverpr-ol.
Mr, `W� H. ROM, pr6pirtekor of the. firm zoo. have More choice beef' for John Bull, and
PJAM*a new wa a' on the� road,.f6r some oa
y. we�do nothi
.,Brussels Post. has acquired the 011n' the gath -Ing pf utter, eggs, etc. The
Sheeting and Pillow Cotton ton New Era from Mr. Robert Holmes vol,ukoe. ng for. ugland,
of business done by this firra
Our stock is now at its best, and ��ve can who was recently appointed Collector 4n butter and. eggs alone, tc),as many W. M. S. CONVRNTIO�i_Goderich.
giV� ot Customs 'at Toronto. There is thousands of dollars, and that branch District Women's Missionory Socia
you some splendid values in this line.. money in the. ndws-paper business,and 'of their. trade is rapidly gr will hold their Conyerition, in thtyl:
Mr. Kerr evidently knows bow to get Methodist Church, Seafortb,on Thurs.
It out. If he makes as gocd a Paper They expect this., ear will. e*eeed
NewPillow'Cottons, bleached and unbleached. pasu ones,-and:are preparing fox, thel dRY1,MaY18Ui- riollowingistbepro-
Sheeting just opened -at of the Bra as be did of the 'Post it, will same.
be all right'.' Be xuns jils newspaper gramme fox- the day., Mckrning� 10:30-
18c, 20c; 25c� 30e,, 35c, 406 Devotignal exercises; thanksgiving
on business Or inciples, we believe; and . A FLYING MACHINE XR9DEDi- service;, prayer; music; bneinesE,, �ckqes�
le�q no subsciib& or Advertisor get far One day recently'Cbief Wheatly *�rit_ tion drawer; Reports fo
into his bQoks.-R Ou, OlUcial business to a certain home r an*iliaries
So.methi arriston Tribune, said. Mission Bands;11:30--Consecraticin
In Clinton and One of -the partleg inter. Service. � Mrs.. Qunn,,Seafor -h
OAPITALIDBA�-Th!a.HortictilturtiI ested took the hint and hastily hied rioon-2:30�Deyoticknal exercises, Miss
New Againila.' Society of G'alt', has struck upork� An . himself to 'the bay loft. To make his After�
iduawhich might be adoPted. with. escapik doubl. Holmes, Holnxesville'; Reading mirk.
V sure he pulled up the �'.Ireports forauxilliarles contintrea;
Milliner 'ladder ind 6losed clown the batch 110minaticin -of organizer; Invitation
Profit in every town arid -village in On Utw
y t1rio, The scheme -proposed by the knowing that although, the Chief poes. for itext o6nv
Galt society is to' Purchare - . an up to. eased marif kifts and graces - he was entioni music; Greetings
This Weel d4te outfit fol' sPravink fruit and ora. not angelic enou' It for Sistei- Societies; Reply,Mrs. W. E.
y It to �fly theit bigh� Kerr.Clintori; Round Table Conference
amental ' rees and l3lants, place it in The town Counbi a auld supply a fly-. led by Mrs. Acheson, Goderieb-
-@barg-"f-4x--competeat-man-who-under- ing-Ma-0hifteO meet such 6xigenoies ink of the Temperanice reform. to
New-Sli!tpas New relat-
stands.thework, and do - spraying of. or else hf�V_b_gKektensioxx ladder at call. 'missIonary'effQrt, Mrs, W. Harland,
ers and Fohagej New, trees and Plants for the citizens at cost
Ribbons, and Trim- The soeielywill supply the material, old'Ron of Rev.. John B. Kennedy, B. cernin
AT *THE HOSPITAL - A 12 year Clinton; music. 4:00- The necessity.
mings,.had-niany. fresh- and t for knowledge con
her. �s . nothin to be done by the missionary
7 ly-trimmed -hats ready citizen [)if D.-, Methodist minister, of AM& Craig work, Gordon Wright; o ering;que$'t-
for the Millinery bity- t send in gig order to bave was brought to the hospital here last
his 1111its and trees sprayed. How
ion drawer, Miss, Freeman, HVeni
ers thig.week, w0jd this'fit Monday to undergo an operatidn, And 8:00 -Rev. D.. Rogerg, pastor in -
Clinton? is doing nicely. Devotio I
HeV. Mr. Kennedy ion; nal exercises; music;
Every week through the, WORTH CLIPPING The Bible "is formerly located at. Londesbbro. chairman's address;,music;,organizerie.
contikina 3,580, Miss Louie, daughtiae of Mr. Fred. _ ort; music; address, Mrs.'Gordon
8 Tebbutt. 14th can., Godprich Tp., who N right; offering; closin 4 It. is re.
busy Millinery rxionthe, we 489 letterij 778,692 wora'
bag a *coiltinuOds stream verses, 1189 chapters and 66 -in the stbinach
bol;i� . has been ill with Ulcers spectfully urged that the pastors an -
Of New, Mlllineiy� goods . % The -word 11a6d", ocovirs 40,277 -is 4t.the hospit,41
tim�s;'the wQrdLord fortreatment, which n3uU06 thidoConvention and
coming to this store. . Just occurs 18$5 times; arrange
the word 1,reverendli. her'mauy friends b6oe may be speedily that a delOgatic5ki be sent, even p6ints
as soon as the large w4ole- 'Occurs - buVonte, - -eial. Progrests N being made by where no;auxillailei exist. -That , dele-
saler show something new, it is pasdWbn'to us, so that '6jistom-1 which is In the obli velse of � the'll1th beneh
ers here can well depend upon securing styles exactly flie same� Psotti, The. ifilddle verse l9,'tte - sth: Mr.. McTavish whouniderwentan oper- gates come prepared, - to, give 9, con
as in the large fashi-n celkitres. vprsp ofthe 7ation for a brain trouble a short time derised report Of Elie. �ears'wotic. Thi's,
you are Invited to e 118ih �Psaltrk. The 21st, His- home is report to be in '
verse'of the 7th chapter -of Ezra "con. at Rainy River. addition'to, -a. recital of
taing all,the alphabet except. the letter Moffat, of Brtx.9seIs,-,* was op- figures. The Societi�s are' to sendin
WheLt About Your. Sp J. The 19th chapter 1-1 Rings and crated iipon last, vlreek; is: proving her- as soon as possible a statenieub of %the
ring toat or
the' -37th self a good Patient and Will soon be number of delegates from each anxili-
ChaPto�r Of Isaiah are. alike. able
a Good, ServiceCbje EL ncoat.. The longest *verse is the Oth � verse of to return to tier home it is bope(L sly tOl-Mrs. Win. Hurty.
e Sth chapter of Esther: The short- MONTHLY SETTLEMENTS, _TjEjE
We've got a big assortment of 'Spring Vckatp, -in eat verse is the !�Rh verse of thellth -NU-VV BRA Wouldlike'tti establish,the
plainorstripe.anclyoucad save money by buying chapter of, St. John. The 8th, 15th, 21st practice of monthly settlements with
them here. Ovek a dozen styles to choose'frora, In as and 3fit verses of the 1076h Psalm are its Patrons tor job
inany different cloths, at .... $5, $0.50, $7,.50 and $101 -allkLs-� All the verses of �the 186bh work and adver-
tisl�jg- An- old adage nay Central Business c6liege,
alm end alike, a ,Short
credits make long friendt," to ask noth. StrAtfoid, Ont.
Good English Raincoats..., 11ANDY AND7Y�The'loical Y. -M. 0. ihg of the easier method of squaring
A. havei off abort accountsand securing. receij)ts
secured the - -services of the Wetrust the proposal ny, ,,,o,.year,8.-exl)erlencc to
We've sold a lot o WingbAmY..M. 0. A for the same. . a 11 g _ fecogniied as
f English Raincoats this Spring, to*Put 6n *their the , kking School in
have lots to sell yet, It. You have any driving will meet w1W the approval of the W..r, best X., le.1 tr i
but wL humorous drama, Aandy And y, !xx the t.k.� . .
to do, you cannot make a better investment than to Town Hallj.oxx Friday eveping ot this business public and.prove itself - to be
secure �ne of. these servicable garments. Nearly a dozen 'Week. The caste ofcharacters a satisfactOO to All, concerned. in a Thfee departments. t,*onlnierciai
are: -
styles, in colors of steel rey, dark fawn and bronze, Zanily Andy. . ...... .... it. A, Co newspaper office 'there are scores of
P A, aits accounts in a month that if allowed to Our classes are the largest. our course&
ced at $5.95, $7.50.and $109 Squire VFan.; ........ : ...... Ira lJaiker stand. are often ro�derekl difficult - of
nWst practical and our. instructors ex
Squire 0 Grady' ........ �Dr. Price collection, The d&Y of long credits is P lanced. 'Our graduates -assisted' to'
th PosifAons and succeed as none others.
Some Good Skirts, Mr. Murphy.; .............. 111. J 4obb hAPj?jl1V passing away and e business Enter now.
Dick Dawson. ..... Robt. Maxwell 9 � Oat our free catalogue.
(pun generally are following the newer
-r. purlort, V. Hicks and better policy of' frequerib settle. Address W H.- SHAW, Pres.
Helena Braiid Skirt.s are not_�urpassed in this Edward O'&nori ....... Alf ments, Tho NRw hii',i wid.feel grate.
country for fit. Wd have the agency for jthern in Simon .... i ............... B. Brown ful if the public gehera . Ily will -aid us Y0116 and Gervard'Sts., Toronto,
V arrell .......... ;--k in the. matter§,
Ed. Small
Clinton, and can fit YOU ;it a moderate. pride..
old Webb
This week we offer a goo . d black C' Oonah Ro rkey,, *Xisa M. Turner
Mad Na 0
loth Skirt, sui nc s..Mrs. Ira.vark6r
- occasion, Made -in three or fou Dawr Mks. Robt Maxwell
able for almost any
good styles, in all ordinary sizes, for'.
413,50 TRANSFERRED -Themserly iriendi _0 -
of George M..Harplg, mall clerk, will
Better Skirts at $5.00 to learn that he. has been tr
tO regret
ferred from the wait run between * s: - 1% C
-00%_ cardine mud Palmerston to the jOin Ch 1210 A
'rhe New run be. 3noes at
tween Buffalo, and Goderlell, It Is25
years since mt. Harris first started on
41 Directoire Cpraetal, ' the Palmerston rdn. He. went to Kin-
cardine to. relieve but eventually re.
inalned. There he marri
Another case of the, N e w' ed and -his 44moksoll S.
: family consisting of Ross, of the Mer.,
Directoire Corsets , i n this week.' obarits Bank, Port Arthur;.
This "'cut". represents Directo of the Trader's *13ok, North Bay; and
oire Rrrie attending Toronto' University; 'Yor sorlie. time we have been,' tellih
Corset No. 4204� which is orie' of were born there. The death 6f Mr.' 9
the best selUni.1i Harris' wife a short t1kno ago was y6g aboui, our high grade Shoes at $4-00,
nes We have ever aever� blow to-hiiii, He regrets very .$4,5o and $S.00. These are'the beSt that
had. On sale at our Cqrset-1
icoUnt- InUch' having te'remoye from Kincar-; per pair $1.50 din I whete.tbe best part of his life has are produced,'biit it does not mean' that'
beerk $Pent*. , His many friends will re.
sat wishes oes are in'that -61ass,, for We also,
gret t6 sea him go an& thb. he All otir sh*
of the community will go have -the, best that are m
Other Dir'eCtOlre CorAt' Vvith them.,. Mad -0 in the lower
eg) wfth, or
without hose supporters DOATH.�Tlie Toronto priced lines, We have
Th urad
EVO PO4taing the notice of the
death Of Abe' mctbet' Of Mrs. Alex.
at $1 4ft, d $05 o' Clinton- Mrs. Adellne "oes for "Adle,1,1.1t ............. -50and,'St.75P
Armotron Uld 8, tat ....
BellMy Id Wednesday at the honle
e $0.25 and $2.50
85 _�
of bet, 1�randdttughter, Art Sbots�hf it
Mrs.2,G.Wilson oe
All hiac le by the tA.C.-Co. of 50 Latigle y. avenue,in her 781 It year. ohnotirle $3-00 -lad $3.50
Mrs. Belldiny had been Ill. Only two or SOecial,Values in Meft?s
-three day9t and death. was simply the
culmination of the rr . Mcla's calruals, at ............. ......
" C 1 0
S V "Ir.
Me$. B011ainywas born near Almon e,
&Rd 4(t0t their MArriago lived there
fot & uumbon of years, JAr. and Mrs.
Bellamy moved to Toronto flfteen
ears 6,40i and Mr. Bellamy continued
is business 49 110110110tor in Tor nto
until nine years Ago; when his cloath
occurred. Mrs. 1 Qlawy was A mew.
IbOr Of the Metropolitan- 0hurell, She
leavesix, brother, threedaugilterp, one
000, Seven an(Ifout..
krandsots. The dAughtersare, Mrs
Alexi Armstrong, of Olin too, Ailcl Airs'
J- G. Hayes, and Miss Sophin, j3elj,%mv' j
Of 50LAngleV avenue, Toronto. Th�
gon is Edward Bollamy, of D, I
Box Caw Bids and 11100hors* at $2, $2.50. and 10 $.q
Strob #soHdleatherWokk8)toes,at �$'1-5041,15andsp
Rost English K? Bluehers at .............
Our Boston CAI goods At $2.25 weir 111ke Iron,
Our Repair Department is . in- full, swingo and jobs
are turned outprompily,
Frea, J�4cksond
APO :md, i9w
Burton (K spe,
Last wcek we atte ded the rupt
SAle of thp Burton & $Vence Wholt,$
Dry Goods Coi, T'orotito, and picked up
several big drives in $taple' it
are puttIng on S;Lle this '1110, which -we
. week and following
days) at big -savings to the. patroas of this
store. Come early, aali often," -you won"t
get another chance like this every day,
kad the fOROWing list.. then come and S.9,c
10C. FaCtOrY Cotton, 81/ac-
io pieces Factory Co0on, wide, widt�j, heavy qilal"'
ity, round threarl, a good clean cloth, the, b -t- we
ever put over our counter at ioc, Sale
price ........... 82:t
123�2C Gla'
Ss Toweling,. ioc,
ico yay& plainwhite GlassLC'46th, with- red bor-
der,eighteen inches wide, 'splendid
quajity, regular. 124 wearing
C, sale price .............. ..... lot
Ne' w' PAnt$, 9C.
25 pieces New Sprink Prints, all tbi� la, ew coloring$,.
Enklish make, fast' colors, get. first choice
of these-th� �.W65'0ast-100gi-, -Siale price 9C
Pure Linen Towels, good. widths and length
fiernmed, r -., e.. �,i ..... .... ..
egular 35c, Sale price 25e
123,0z Satteen 6
S, f0c
-Black, red,,sky, pink, yellow; white,*..g'reen, brown
and purple. Sateens, twenty seven inches wide'
reg�, 1.2jC, �"-_alle price ........ .........
Cashme-re Hose, 205C
Ladies' . Blackt Cashme�e 'Rose, seamless foot,.
splendid �vearingquality. s'
ize -$, 8j, 9, §1 and
10, regular. �5c�and 40c, Salepri' 250
ice ... .. ............
1234C Toweli C
ng, fo
.,-Pijre 'Linen Rolle'r. Toweling Crash, good
weight', wide widfhj - reg. j 21 c,, Sale price
Art Satteens
I o, new patterns of Art Satteens., very pretty lje-o
signs and colorin' Oe y r4 wide, reg. - _,oc,
,9,s, 0 a
Saleprice ........... ....................... ................ 15C,
..,59c -Silks., 28c
Five pieces short Taffeia Silk, i9i
nches 4ide'. in
navy blue, sky ied. pink and pearl gr�y,.'gplen-
did wearink qualities reg.'5dft,: Sale price,...
soc and'66c, Dress. Goods'
�'20 pieces light grey Tw�ed Dre'ss Goods, in. stripes
�and checks, severql:'very' pretty des'igns and
es, reg. .5oc pri;f .............. ....
,,:.Sale' ...... He
1,050. Black Voile, 1.00
One piece only Black Silk Voile, very. fine. quality.-'
T s is a rare snap to rood dres�.
get a g
Don't mi� eg- $1-56,08al'e price.,,
s -it, r $1,00
Travell le*rs'. Sampl.0,S Ladies'. Suits
Four only left -Very newest. style in blue 'and
green only: -sizes 3'6;:i:nd'3ka`t..1 ...... .#."a1fqPFice
$1.2.5 SMUCe"n Pettico'
ats, 98c
.1 do�e'� only Black Satteen I?etti'coat§, two'rows Of
frilling, dust trill, fini quality Satteen,all sizes
reg. $1,25, $ale.lrjce
to Spring Coats,
Ladies� New S r'n Coats, inade'of'good quality,
Stripe;l Co�ert lClotgh in fawns, reti. $10'. "o �n
Sale, ............... 1A.$7100
$8 Svring� Coats, $6
Ladies" fawn - and -black h and thred-quariter
U'Ply made and'
length -Spring beaptift
trimmed, rag, $8.00, S le price 16400
$5 $Prjng Coats,
Ladies' and Misses"'Xliw, Spring Co
ats, In lawn
and black, hip and � three-quarter. length,
r14g, $5, Ule price.."16, ..... .. .......... ot.... X00.