HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-04-22, Page 5#
Vv- 7—wil TMW , __,,_Qr.qM - -
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ipril" 2044 Ift- . .
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4""Mrs =WV4WKrZl5 W Arval'up
. . BURN
; I ,
LLL � . . .
' - Lit le LacWs
l It
-------- -- I
a 1-�'Ww"Ww-mw Vk*10%%�L'p,
schurcWchimes �$
. _1�
JAR410X-In 011aton, April 17th,
.. 11 hen a child
Tua Nv.w SnA Tole hone Is No, 30.
"'101111lews1w 111�"1011101"W1%,
� , __ _
New - I
'a wife of Robt, Carrick-
-I a daughter,
isliftes studi.
RJOAx) the advertleemento and Save
I have just placed, in stock a, I
'large shipment of Vi . etorttecords,
: . I
I I V,
CQQK- In Clinton, April 18, to, Mr.
And Mrs. .1. W. Cook, a daughter.
I 11kce`n.1.'Cdh,"'.4�.rrV,'�. ll!.1to._
. 'Orgy ISLUSQ4 in otther
Y. M. 0. A. concert Frl4ay'�venlvg,
Interesting reports of the great MIS-
. �
DAVIS.-In Toronto. April 15th, to
Mr� arid Mrs, Ernest Davib, (nee Miss
directiolms, va"t like-
ly to overcome 0,-0. .
Pf this week.
11T.Tiz Wings of tba'Morning" is an
sionar Congress at Toronto were giv.
en on Mduesday evening dele.
C110c0lateOxfOrds at.. 1,75
Clara Scott) a Pon.
I 11 $train.
NVQ caml reltnove tl%l*
.air in
interesting story.
gates from this church, ranch of
the Lmyrrien's Missionary Movement
� . I ..
SWAWTZ-InSte�liev, April.10,to
nil Miva. ,Tacob Swartz, 6
Ur. a , , son,
,: I . TC-:111190itive will L
,. fo HOW_ L
HANur Andy, Town Hall, Fril
li 11Y
everting of We week. .
was organized with Dr. 0, W.Tbomp.
. I
I I - Al I
11 '_
BAKER -In Goderich, April '8, � to
� :
...... . �: 11 . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . 11 ... ��� I
WHO is, the oldest resident inClinton
the day ? '
BOX! onvener, and S. R. Holmes,
. . . �
.. I?
find Mrs. W. H. Baker, a son,
. .
at present
Next Sunday the Sabbath School
ADDITIONAL local and District news
i anniversary will" -be .observed when
- I
- .,.
.- - - - -1 .. __ - L"____ _.__-,____7_
, _UIF,T,LY`�GLlAZlB3-At the manse
I Irk.; � 11
on pages 2 and 3 of this issuell.
THE moving pictures at the Majestic
Miss Annie Hai Well-known evan-
geliettof Guelph, will preach morning,
Clinton, April 219t, by Rev. Or, Sttw-
art, Mr Benj. 13. Rielly to Miss Selena
Glazier, bot.4 Rullett.
. _�;. LL. . L �
I . L .
Theatre ,Are drawing good crowds
03W. 1
and evening, and address the school
in the afternoon, Special music in the
BABUTT-FOSTER - In. Seaforth,
.1 I I .
% I
Mrs, IN in. Grant, of the London
.by the Junior' League Choir, -
Miss Ha 1, associated with her sister,
Many a .
pril 14, "by ev. , ogers, at the
I . esidence of .he bri e's sister, rs. F.
11 . * .
, I I . 1'r " . I I
'." �
Road, who has been very sick, is. Ito-
pi ovirig:wo are pleased tro state.
Miss Lydia, conducted' evangelistic
serviees here 2 years ago, arld ,will, be
Junior pifator in old Rattenbury Streec.
. Ila, � Ott, Mr. in. Baslett, 14011-
U) W .
don, '
'__ .. ,
) i ___ r
The annual meeting of thc t Women's
artil elcomed back. Special offer�
he fory W
in the be taken.
t A
. o iss Mary lice, lioster, ,of
ilea raig.
. — �
Institute is being held here, to -day
4, at
Mrs'L Geo. Trowhill,
11 School will
. r
the home: of
annual election of officers in
Whop a few minutes out
mal,aso, arna, April 7, by the Rev,
: .
- THE Knitting Factory here is asking
for,211 salitional hands; to keep pace
connection with the P44pworth League
pf this church was held Monday oven -
ing with the following results: -Hou,
of way mean a big
difference to On. it
(S. Davidson, John Dinsmore, of
Hay, to. Mary Ellen Stephenson, of
I �
with their work -A. good sign of its vi-
tality, -
Piesident,Rev, W. E, Kerr; President
Perry Plumsteel-, Vice,
won't be the faurt, ot the
watch if, you i your
. . . .
THE streets are recetvin some M
% uch
Ist Miss Gertie
Sage; 9nd Vice, Miss Minnie Ker; 3rd
or appointment,
grovided you bought it I
SCOTT -In Hullett, April 17* Miss
. .
rssuer of
needed attention, at the ande of a
gang -of meh under the direction of
Chief Wheatley,
Vice, Miss Carrie Shipley; Rec. Secre.
tary, T. A. Anderson; Asst, Secretary,
Or .
We have watches for
' I
Christina Scott, aged 01 years.
SHAFFER -'ru Kip eD, - April 18,
.Marriage Licenses .
, .
. The plan of the Hall is atFair'e book
Wilbert Halste4d;0orresponding See.,
Miss Mabel Ker;Treasurer, R. B. Carte�
Pianist, MIS I
everybody and for every
Margaret Deichert. hercved wife of
. .
. . . � ..
store and there are a number of seats
left. Your Will
s*Elv&Wiltse,Asst,PI anist,
Miss Mar,l,.ry' Manning. Committe6ii
purse. Our showing of .
the new thin model, in
Henry Sbaffer, aged (113 years. � .
I. &
001inton Ontako
still - attendance assist
the work of the Y. M, 0. A, *
were draited in connection with the
both the low. priced as -
well as the more expen-
McM.AHON-In Ilay,April 10, Wells
May only-daugliterof Mri, and Mrs,.
L r
, H,&VE you -renewed yet? .We hope,
various departmentaTuesday evening.
,Good wOrk isr expected Lfor -- the L .
'Year. L L
___ __!�_,_________ .,
_ -..-."- __"
sive varieties, 'a
tionally complelte But
Jno. M6Mahon'L aged 12 years, 8.44ya.
KING-.In:Lower Win I
gliam, April
X***ft* +***** I +*****X
our readers willJookat the label and it
They are owing, kindly send the money
Theiare undertktking the renovation,
and Improvement of the of
. whatever you pay, you .
L .
seph S., King. . I
11, JQ .
+ :t
ore . Brit. office. -
, all at the New .
the church. . . � .
� .
get a good thne-keeperi
regulated and gqaran teed
YOUNG -In Auburn,'AprillO.Sas,
Young, ,
I , a ged 00 years. . .
* Personal Notes
, rHE NEw BnA desires to add 200 new
names to its mailing list. Everybody
can aid in this matter. 50.c. in advance
I At the annual Sabbath School meet -
Ing on Tuesday evening Albert, Hoop.
-- 40
I' � those havingelativea or friends +
Sl 1,LTUX -*In. Lower Winglia in,
. visiting In to or going aWay 44
will secure the paper to Jan. let., 1910-
Or was 4
L Lgain elected Superi6terident
A ,, il 11 Al, . 'Ph - . * ife of Mr
_%. nQl:ifY Us Ot the fact each week we . I
by a unari vote. The - followina
".. . 11 -"- - �
i, , , , - � , , I . � 1. � - - -I
. :
__..''. - � 11
. ""_ ,!!�—�..�...i.l.l.�"..,.,.,�."....,Ito
_ I 11
R_!. I li. � I
S, C, Rathwell
C H 0 A R E_ '
teachers aul officers were then chosen
Aset. Superintendents, $. 0. Rathwell
and W.' %Valker Seely. Ralph
S 11 0 E S
... I 11 - I I., I I.., - I
____ ---
, I M U S I e -
_" I _ - ____
Fashionable Ir
� , __ _
New - I
Victor Records
I . For Ladies. *
I have just placed, in stock a, I
'large shipment of Vi . etorttecords,
Wall, BlUelieris at . ...... $3,50
consisting of
Tait BluclivrA at ...... 3.01
� . . o
Band Selectlenso I
Tan Oxfords at ........ 3100,
Male Quartettes, I I
. Tau Oxfor4s at ........ 2q50
I ,
� .vocalDne-ttes, � I
� Ox Blood Oxrords at.. 2,50
Solos, etc, .
C110c0lateOxfOrds at.. 1,75
, . .
. . - � . �
. For Men - . .. .
' '
New Victor Grain-o-1pnones
. Pat. Bluchers at $4.50 and I
and Colum bla Phou , ograplis -
$5400 .
, *
- ..
. .
always in stocu. I . .
Tau Blucher4 at $4.00 and. I
$4050.. . I
� .
. .
r .
Ox Blood Sluchers, at $4.00
-Call and have a talk, if you
think of purchasing
. I.- and -$5j00-- �__. .
, I
I- ___1___1 -,----,. 1. I - I - - �- �
I � .
r .. ..
I ,at S. C. Rathwell's.
. .
�� I 11
C. I HOARE. * ,
. I .
. . I 11 I . . I
' .
The place whero your dollar always does its duty
I I . �
. . I I I
We no 1"Ielfgar
TIVIA.- Wednesday's Tbi'lonta Globe
I .
� ,h't ,,* - it -
gave a - o pgrAv re of a .Canadian
I I . . I
John.8jillidk, aged0j. .
FARR1BR-TnWest'%Vaw.q,nosb. o 11
7� would 11,3111011110 it luthe Nii1v BRA. J7
_1* - . -4%-
:000440+04,4440 X
NO'W is the time when a man really
exerts himself finding excuses to stay
away, from. home, and avoid that do-
teachers aul officers were then chosen
Aset. Superintendents, $. 0. Rathwell
and W.' %Valker Seely. Ralph
. I . . 1� .
-_ -_ 11 --,---.--- 1, . I ... - . . 11
' . � .
— ----------- - -
New Advertisements. -
.April 10, Ann Farrier.. relict of the late
mestic instrument of torture,the car-
; -Teeas,,
Tiplady ;Assistants, G: Wray arid A.,
. . . �
noon to ben Miss Sproule, Missionary I IVOTICE I I .4
for the I'll7optnelli's Christian Temper- I
jeweler - Optician
� .
Wesley Farrier, aged 84 years..
SOOLE -At his residence, ='Rich.
Reeve Taylor, 313rris Tp., - was in
town, oil Saturday.
pet beater. . I
The peopleof the London Road, drew,
Castle ; Pbtuis!�, Misa-04arDiab , Assist-
__ __ __
ants, Mm&'G�acti'Walker and groma
_ .
ance Union in, . I he lumber camps in I 1�
To merchants and all others' whom 16 maw . I
Northern Ontario. She
mood steet west, Toronto, on ,Friday
' Barrister D. Holmes,' of Wingbam,
the tole ph one poles that.cama f,)r the
PluEnsteel.. Teachers, -Misses Steyens.
ga concern I I warn t1weiki not to give cred . I
intel4sting talkonber wor wife for anything.in uly mania. as I have old I
'I _J * - —
eveniner, April 16, 190LO,: George Sool%
WaS in town an Tuesday of this week.
Independent line, on Wednesday of
H. B. Courtice, I. Tebbutt, E. Cornish,
S T e 0 ell in v property and settled with her. . I
di L 4 v cov r . She bris been con. . ,
� '-
. ed L .
-88-years.._. -.-- . - L
. . -�--� —,
. � . I -
Mr.'Ja6. Snilth,OC tL fie)3ayfield Road.
-Iii-CZET'di-siday f6r_I;e1hbR(yki�Alja. -
thh& week, The poles on the trip num-
-bera&- ROD— -,---. �-----_. .
C. 49hip-ey, M. Holland,'S. Courkice.R..
1 .
Pickett,,and-_H,--La*is-; -M esdamos__W__,�-
I . . , Signed PETER G14NN,
duc[.Ir�g meetingi its the No I 11
rth for . L I I . . .
. . ,
_som"TeZu Ye4tra-an"as-covered-a
has met with no small success iti his
. .
lab 11 . . . . .
. 0 ' . . . � ..
. 1. W � .
I . I ,
� . . I I I 1111111111111111111111111111 I I ...
I . . 11 . . . . .
. I . � 1111111.111.1111110� . I .
. . . r -
L. . 1. .
Clln.to.n Mark t Report. .
I . I el
* I �
Mr. Fied and Mis'sL HIscox,London
. .
. . .
-DON'T f . all 'to attend the - e' , � .
Tipinfly, Lavis, and Walker ; Messr&
Zand, H. 'Wiltse, W. Man"ning,.
_____ ... ------I-"---
ltumeubO amount of territory, , going . - — .. . .
amn to camn. Miss 19nroule'l ' * L House R-ent. . I I
. Junior'LeagnO, cbriducted by'Olifford
. . W
. sDent Sunday With their uncle Mr. Joe ment'In the Town Hall Friday evening 0. t'-.1. Hawke, W. 8, R. HolmQs, R. B. I . — ' ,41iffe .
(Yorrootled every Thunday afternoon visitedsornei 2W camps in that time, I 3. Tb' li..,.w reeently Purchased of Mr, Rom
a. �
Wheat (nev) .......... I 10 to 1 12 .Rattenbury. . of this week and ' r and E, 1161tzbauee. Supp y P, g�
. t.. . good - Carte' I trai from one to another by'pro- an , opposite D. �Cantelon% .hard and �
- (hew) .. _._ �.. 0 40 to 0 .43 Mr. Wm. Graham has -inj laugh over Handy Oy a real . I . . a t water � I . . I
Oats e rina on' nd, e local t6achers. Misses G Sage, M. Wiltse, vislon wagons, railway hand cars and 1 Apply to . r, WATTS
9 bfi�a (TVest- Ya X C. A. will be 'h your and M..K6r ; Mesdames Wasman and 'ble means, often walkipgJ _-..,-.,,, . William, St. �. 1, "--l"I
: . � 'k fTt .1 y
Barley ........... 4'. .., 0 50 to 5, ed valuator for the Londo . be e ed b - by any availa If . I
- . I . patroinagei . . - - . .. . . . , -
Peas ... . ..... ....... 0 82 to 0 80 ern Trusts Co.,Ltd. * .. .1 � I . I . . Watt; Messrs.'G.-Bradshaw find Dr. Inallhoeyearsof work, sh4 stated, . . , i
Eggs ...�#: ..... 0 15 io 0 16 - - - Mr. and Mrs. V. R. 11odgens* and Tnis paper never has nor nover will Evans. Reports presented Show. the she bad never been tetused a meeting, floonis to1et I I .
- irge the �peoole to stop 'taking the ry vork. , wayshr.dLgood attention, Missl
Butter - ..... ..... ... 0 17 to'0�20 I school to be in a most satisfacto --- .
. Ho :.. - 0 85 to 6 85, - Miss Doras .'spent' a 1�'ew days, this t andal ,
. go ............. � . dition. The ,school boasts of 4 strong' Is Two roonis up9tairs in the Elliott B"'ek"sete '
Chickens, dry picked, lb .(, 12 to 0 1:3 week in Tolonto. . .. L. 1. . papar of. a contemporary. We care. organized -bible olasses,aflue orchestra, Sproule whose bomelain FortWilliarn , t.,liuitabl. for dwelling apartments. Ap . .
� . not if you patronize fifty other papers lef t.the North in March and fias since if , 3 � .
bucket per lb..i 0 14 tq 1) 15 Miss Kate Crawford, of Blytb,was.a I - splendi .staff of teacher . . INEW ERA OFFIRIZ At . .
. . visftor So long as -you talee ours. .� and� a A . .. . 8 and been giving addresses on her work and . . . . —
Gaese 11� , ........ — 0 14 toO 15 at Mr. David' Crawfor&s, her, officers. - - . � � ... yit on. Ac � 61lection . -_ -_ � . I . . �
Turkeys .v,...� I . . .. _.. .0 18 to 0.20 - uncle, in town this week. .. I A meeting of the Directors of th e , - . . . � seeking aid to'carr -_ ____ TaC101111011116, I .. .
. . . . . I � - of $8 was taken up on Sabbath after'- I .. I ZF . I I . ;
. Womqn's Institutes -of West Huron, . � 4 , . I .
Potatoes perbag... - �,. 9 60 to 0 00 Mrs. -S. A. Andrews hus been On the w- . WESLE � . ' � 400n. She is doing a good *work. - I * . .
.. ill be hold in the Council Chamber � The paitor's slubject'S next Sunday . . I . I . �
Apples, dried ........... 0 4; to 0 5 sick list this week but,webope she Will . .. ' )/�WENTRAL . .1 �
. . . � .... onTuesday, April 27th. Representa- will be, morning, "The .fruit of the . � BAPTIST - . , . : , . .
- . . 8 . . . . . I I I/ , I ,.
. ,
I soon.be as well.a' eier. - - ,//�W��, K( , .
. . !4,�v
� . � I " I . . � . .. tfv,s from the different branches Spirit." Evening - "The Sacrifteds of Subjects for next Sunday, morning, I I I - . , It 1i . ,.. .� *'
srs Mason & Reid . . Mrs. D. Dickinpon and district will .be ' -1 are Welcome. , ,The jolug forth of the Word,'evening I 1 IM1414 . . . I � .
� MBS shipped hogs , son Wilfrid thiough out. the Praise and Service�".Al . . I � . .
frora Clinton yards I Nir were attending thq funeral of Mrs. By. present. . . . . . . . � I . . ..
, . . ast Saturday. J . Shafer of Rippen � . . . . Miss Scott. 0 the Deaconess Hoind� IlEx�rcises. - . I 5TRATF0FJD, ONT. I 1.
. Cani;elon is also ship from : - , , . - this week, � . . . . I I . . I. - . .
Ting hogs , . . . AS the result of Co. Secretary -Flem. Toronto,'.will giver art'addreas in tb�l . .The Ladies Mission *Circle hold their -Spri gTermfr MAprillst-i . -
I I I n . 0 .
the Clinton yards to. ay. Thepric6i's :Mr.Knyvil.tNaftel. of Sarn.ia, was Ing's visit to Brussels last week a Sunday Schoolroorn"of Wesley0hurch. in ithly meeting at the pastor's home . . .. . . . . . �
. , . 0 etween trains; lie branch of -the Y.. .M. C. A. was organ- Monday at $,o'clock. The on Tuesd iy evening. I . 1. . 'I ' . I . '�
. $7.15, - , 1 ' ' . � . 1� in t On konday,'b anin ' . 013 . .. Wehave a large ne - hool. a bigh-grade .' . I
. . . . .
, , - — wal�'on his way to C oderich. ' ized with R. A,. Pryne as*President;'.),, publici is ov' . , . is I chool, 'with splendid equipment, In. 0 1
I PROBABLY ADISTANT IF . cordiaNy intited, No. admid-- - . I , 4 1. ^ . .
.I@LA.: : I ... . . . . ti . 'S i I -Tr A MTA A-DWIXI * I
- . I
TIVIA.- Wednesday's Tbi'lonta Globe
I .
� ,h't ,,* - it -
gave a - o pgrAv re of a .Canadian
Mrs . W. Walker and chil dren spent
a few', days'� in Blyth, Mr. Walker
Ji auxerori. Nice Prosident: r. H,
Gilroy -Secretary,. and Bert - Tialnor
. .
mioll fee� , . . . .
. '.. .. . I
. p . .
Miss. ' I ii.
Lucy Stev gave an addr'
eni ess
... . . 11M
. . �'. L - . .
. �Vodnebday, evening* of .this .wbek-
rue or$ are e,x�er ence - ourses; ii
4, dall, ort-hand.,Tellegraphy I.,
I depaxtuients are'thorougb, up-to-date And - � . I I
— ----------- - -
New Advertisements. -
ho.ho ds 'a high 0 . osition in Turkar,
W Court. of
in the Abdul *Hamid.' HU'
drove up on Sunday and brought them
back. ' � il"C', ....""..,
. .
Treasurer. I I I .
. 11 .
- WH.kThbout.tbecelebratibn�of,Moiq-.
oil the omas Summer School af;
St. Tli
0 Olonel J. Sharpe. Li6ridonj gave ,a
very' interesting and instructive illus .
a .
pr ctical. Our graduates are In deniand .
as office assistants atid Business Colloge I �
name is Ransford D. Bucknam; his,
11 _.
... C-.- g,'�-4V,td-%
- ...;, - ';i � _
.Mr.. J. $re -----'m V, ' — -----
. uaon� c0rae, Toronto,�
day, May 21th in Clinton? A Base
the'Hpworth League Monday evening.
The same lady went to Seaforth for
. . .
. .
trated Lecture in the Salvation Army
Teachers. Enter any time. . .
Write for free catalogue at ance:. - ' I .1
Heiler for Sale
birthplace, Nova Scotia; his age 88,
� �
*ears And is-nowin command of,the
.Was a visitor with'Dk. Shaw for a few
days., Thegenblomen*are old time,
94f match between the, hustlers of,
Blyth and the tow. n willow Wielders is
the Same purpose on Tues6ay evening. -
Miss Hattie CourticeaccompaniedMiss .
I *ect was I
barracks'llere. His sub,1 miss.
ionary work in Berm0a, Northwest
. . � 1.
. . . I - � .
. . C .hlin, I ..
.Elliott &A Lar
' '
Well breed Yearling heirer for safe. Apply
Imp4ial Navy. This ambitious Oanuck
may bea'disfant'relative of our well-
friends.' . . .. .. . . I .
already arranged for "that day in con-
nectio'd with the-LeaguO series. It's.
Stevene.to Seaforth.. �. .1. . . , .
and .the slums of Chicago." 061,
Sharpie is a very zealous worker and
. �
. . � I PRINCIPA S.. I
,. I . . It
J. BECHER. Clinton, lin
kbown , and ,popular Aawnstnan Mr.
nv F
John Rani;fdid. The NE, ,rtA w.ould.
not advise Mr. Rausford;,,'to to
. Mrs. -Jas. Steep,who has been Ill. is
regainirg her usual health and her
hearing is also restored we Are pleased
time to get.buisy. . ..
,.Mr. and Mi s. Herbert Cooke enter.
The afternoon.open'segsion Of the
Sc*hoolwas much enjoyed. ,The exer-
,elses-were under the auspices - of the
has met with no small success iti his
. .
lab 11 . . . . .
. 0 ' . . . � ..
. 1. W � .
I . I ,
� . . I I I 1111111111111111111111111111 I I ...
I . . 11 . . . . .
. I . � 1111111.111.1111110� . I .
. . . r -
' I
Top buggy for
Turke- in the rnea-firnii to asce-i-
to state. - -- - .. . .
. � .
tained a, number: of 11ifeir friends on
I'll .3 . -
. Junior'LeagnO, cbriducted by'Olifford
. . W
. .. . ... . I
. I
I . � . . . . . . r
I. . . Ir . .
. . .
I — .
Second band top buggy, good repair, will be
I . 4
historical faets 'concerping. this in."
. .. Mrs, Win, EA r . . . .
st has been spiIousiy
ues ay over) rig at, their. horne on
.-William Str6OL. The occAbio-a .being
'Andrews. The choir consisted princi-
'of those r.
. Sabbath School teachers and pupils
find- the JeS' for nex
sold reasonable. Apply to ,
6 -13 , REV. J. GREIvINZ. Clinton.
fluentilit gentleman. , 4 .
- 1. . 1.11 *
r - ,�_�_ . r .� ,
. ..r . � I .
Ill. for several days with pleural: prion-
monia We hope to hear her
*.the 561 anniversary' -theiv *edd'
of I . lmg�
.Pally W1
connected it .the
League, who sang Several choruses.
.Will . son notes tS un-
day od page 0 of this issue, which feat -
� I
�� IWS_
E very editor of 4,,,country ne
of re-
r '. - .
covery. . . � . . � .
Af i all had - partaken of the - 9000
,tbifts provicled the evening wap spent
There were recitations given, a Bi6le
ure will be continued, to.the profit of ,
Farm for hale or to Rent
likes eoreceiv6int'resting news'
paper e
firomh1s.district. E,�erybody cannot
Misd May Rance feft on .Monday fol�
, Toronto, to resume hot course at the
in games and other amusements.
\ r ' ' ' .
study conducted by Superintendent,
Miss Dorothy.Cantei-on, andigbolltad-
Out readers we trust. . . . I
; i
The annual'.* Provincia'I : galb'b'ath
Lot 16, Huron Road, Goderich Tp.. frame
write grammatically but:thb editor.
I takes all kinds -of liberties, with. art�
.School of.Exl�ression. paduates
in, June. . She g.
- - S. S. COOPER has. obtained permis-
Sion ftOm' the Obairmat of the Street.
di!esses-by Superi.nten*dbnt,A. T, 0.00P"
erand Riev.0. Greene.,r I
School.0onvention will be held in To -
bank barn, $tons stable. good wate
sapply. larin mostly in grasi. Possession
now or in fall, tf W. BRY,
!l icals sent for publi6ation., He"will"fix
,, .,. . . ,
.-�.. 1. .
. . r , �
r r .. I . 1. . . .
. . .
Mrs'GermaiWand daughter Mildred
' -
Committee to place a cement water
trough'opposite the at the Nor-
ronte,-Ootobei 26-2grinclusive. One;
e prog I r . ,
feature of ih ani will be a -rally
up' - your cop y If, you give' r the
facts, Itisgood pr4etice- ,for., young
'of 9 Buffalo, are the guests of the form-
Ore Mr.*
mandie, on. Mar`y 9 tre6t, which will do.,
TheAnniversaryservi6es connection
with,thdEpwoith League last Sabbath
adult Bible olaeses of the city-at.one:
the 6vening sessions, 1000,men' 6,be.
Blacksmith Shop and. Dwet-
� .
folk to -write fo� the � local� paper�not
mere b6sh or k6ssiI5 or jibes 'at somo
Parents and.Mrs..JsAac Ja:ck. �
... ,.
. . I . 1. . 1.
. _.. . - I
son.. .. .. . .:
�. .
awaywith tbe use, of pails ii -i watefing
I.borses. Nle'sars.�-CdienslkWiggii3ton
weiii bf a. veiv . 'Pleasing and interest-
iog-eharacter, - Rdvl. Geo'. F. Salton, -_0T
qf .
addressed at one meetitig and '1000,
. I . �,�
I ling for Sale
,, At
. neigh-bor!i boy who 'goes to seekan,
. I I . :
Rev. Mr. Larive. the popular assistant..are
doing the work. , . r % .'. 4 .
.. �
r -
the Central 3-lethodist Chureb, Strat.
. I . I
women atanothor . . . , ,
The St. Marys Joiirnat of last -week:
The blacks of -A, R
ith shoo and dwelling
m' . .
I .
otherneighbOr's girl, Subb. trifles may
be subjetts: tor convdrsatio '' in'local
Oastor of the* M
a ne etrOPolitan chntreb,.
.Toronto, -is. W Mrs'S. Turner
.. ir�he' . of .
THE- Mitchell Advocate has passed
it;S 40th birthday.. under Editor Davis
I .
ford,',belng the preacher; Whose dig-
courses werie most highly appreciated.
. �
had the following r local.: -Rev. Josiah.
'Greene of Clinton,w'" &h th p
Cook, at Constance, is offered for sale. This Is
one of the baA country blacksmith stands in the
4munty. A business
Social eirclet8but not for publication in
the family''newsViLper.. . The proper
of toWd. , . �. . - : I . .
. .1 � . . . .
. Mr. Georke Edwardg, feem, Ed-
d barrin# its politics, isl; doing .
an , %r .
famously. , e wish it, greater success
. ]Re. referred to the many changes that
had taken place -since he.Was here as
Of the Crossley and'Hunter meetin&s
good dome the year round.
The dwelling is a comfortable
p' ,e entation of the important happen,
. ofl
. wards; who fire testing the -tow, wellil�
- I
as it beads toward the golden anni*
Junior pifator in old Rattenbury Streec.
on ThursdaV night . .Mr Greenjo hals"s,
letter "to the Christian people of Clin-1
. repair. Excellent ovilortunity for good"Aa0cok!
sulith. Good reasons for selling.. Apply to
5-13 W. B. COOK, Constance. -
in a of .e*ery Section withifi'reason-'
able d' t ce of this town will always
has been on the'sick list -at his home in
Brus�fjls...' '
ary'next yeai. Editor Davis
vors is ,
hard hitter. and you don't haveto gues . s .
and expressed the pleasure be:
felt in being witlibig old,friends again.
ton," in the last issne of tbe.New Bra,
on the subject "139.nish the Bar,"
find a iii the office of thi 8 your-
r . I .
Misses Grace and Wivifre& Hast f
long what he is driving at.
The morning. sermon had to-do with-
� . !
. I
To the Public '
nal. Way -to judge -of the charr
. .
acter of the news we -desire is froin'the
e. spent, E aster wit
' ii their
Orang6vil! J. B. Little
,unt, Mrs
. -
., PRELIMINARY arrangements are be-
ing madie for a recepti t6 the lady
visions arid dreams,'based Aets -
207, and Prov.'28: I& .He�emphasjz.
Don't torget the meeting of
Lordld Day Alli no
a 0 to be hel& in the
. r .
news vVe -print,
. -Send- in what- you
,r 13
and Mrs. %I . ,
-Fitirqllfharlof-Hulldtt. .
on I r
members ofCourt'Clin-ton,1nd6pendent
. ed the fAct that we. were living in a
Baptist cliurob hero,, on Thursda;�;
' ,
' 'Rev.
I desire to express to James A Smith, of Clin.
. � ton. the fullest apology I can offer for hm*ing
k will be acceptable and if an
thin - itend
or tw6 should not appear do riot feel
I r
. . .
Miss Jessie Bi * -
ggart,ofNiaglar , a Fdllg,.
Order of PovRaters, .No. 470. on ThUrS*
dai.-evening, �May 6th. At the
very materialistic age, dnd� that.tbe
tendency Wa to center our thought
evening; r April 22nd. Mr. W. B.
0Wwell, of Brantford, will deliver an
laid a wrongful Information before the Police'
. . . . I
too badly. - , : . . . . .
N , _, is Vi . Siting her brother'. Win.
close of
ther .
routine work a social,hwir be
largely on the things which are tafig.
address along the line ofthe of r
Magistrate at Clinton charging him with.%
crili offence. .
1 now believe that there for the
,RdrN- ,,
,gjL — N,- � F
D UP I G Y, -Mr.
33 iggart,. of town, at present. r $.ho.
Wass, former resident. '. . ...
enjoyqo with a program and .
- games
ible and visible, thereby losing sight of-
wh r -
the things ich'are apprehendedr
,the Allianee. He is a splendid speaker
And it *ould. be well to. makelta, point 4,
was no ground
thatige and that the same wlis based on n3y own
MoYes,� the representative of the Malt "
tt -
Fle - the wholesale firm of
the membets and their friends -=U
only by the. inner senses. He called
� to hear him. r I .
,r , - . I
I I Inistalle I make this apology candidly and
freely and with the strongest desire to clear Mr.
Simillb's character of the imputation made
lancl Power Co., who recently took -
tO4 .r on the� Continetit,'4 While returta
ingfrom, Switzerland 'Was held u b
I , Lo �f .
.0 � des &Co., Toronto, was a
00 un et'l
cord d d er along the line of .the
_-�-�__;w ...
� ,,4wP;r4.s,.,_,��.-..=_._- -
. READ. the announcements:!of your
merchants in this issue. Many a dollar
special attention - to r the f%ct that all
the itnVorcant achievements, whether
� . .
.. r
- . . I I . � I
. . . . I r
. I .
. .
" .
against it' J. O. ELLIOTT,
Clinton April,20th 19W. I
. �
� -
r Y
four dfficers in Germany ' and closely
evogs examined for 35 minutes in con-
nection ,v%ith: his movements. His
Maitland Power Plans,- which he had
, ,
with him lent a supposed clue to some-
.L. 11. & B. thirty years ago. - - , I
. I . �
l3ev. W. H. Hartley, Rector of
.Trinity church, Blyth, and brother of
our Public Schoof lirincipal, was -
caller in to vv,u on Monday of thi a
S Wedic.
has been saved by a careful perusal of
a merchant's ad. When a& business
man Advertises for ,your piAronage he
not:oblyhas'a line of goods tliat Ispeaks'
but- thete may be. sorhe article -or
I it art, science, commerce; politics or,
religion, were accomplished by. thbse
Who saw visions and dreamed drdains,
riot visionary castles -in -the -air., but
those who., having bad reivealed unto,
'"em unseen and deeply hidden roali-
__ . .
thing of A suspicious ,character.to,* the
)lynx.eyed officials uritil' satisfactory
� .
. *--�:�.�4=_--,—
, Mr.- ET. -0. Drewer,former ly manager
articles listed'that you'desire and that
it m ,udv4ntageous to buy at'thlls
ties;'Jald hold on . them by fol'th -and
brought them light. 'Marly,
. � ..
.texplanationg Wert- made and passports
1, Mr. Moyeswas
of the Molbbris. B;anki: hai:been living'
in Toronto for some . time, . but.ha�V �
. . I
. � . � . I . . . I
� I I . . . .
� � * I .
. -to striking -
ekaw plea were produced, and an earn -
your figure for a suit and the
produced.' considerably
amused at the position he -tvas placed
t ,Ing
wo sbns holding responsible posit! I I
in Montreal, -he has moved t one
89TTLiNG Up time is drawhig neari
and if you wish to - collect your bills
6st'.%ppW made to aspir6 towards the '
attainmentofthe higbestideals of. -true
figure we will ask will please you
as well as the perfect fit we will
, .1 in hub was able to blear up the case
11 without. any trouble. I
. .. I
.City. w - .. . - ,r I . .
easily ,et your bill beads printed. Thid
class Jwork,is neatly and cheaply ex-
.mauhood� in Christ Jesusi
Evening sermon -was based on Job
. .. .
. . . "
. I . . — . I . 11
�� . . . I . . . .
. . ' ' '
. . �
. � To Advertisers � � I I . .
. I . . . . :
Copy for chan es ot.a.avertilsemout' . . 1. 1.
; must.. be bangea iti by Tuesday I
i .nigb�t. Small transient i ads. willbe I . �
received up to Thursday morning., ,
. .1 . . I
. . . 1.
gtmrantee you. We are Scrupu- I I ____ . . � .3=1 I Mr. H. Archibald, who hap been the ectited'. at this office. We have in 33, 14, "For God speaketh once, yea . . . I .L I . I I I I . . � __ . . I .. — I : . , !
U guest for two Weeks of hi's sister Mrs st"k different sizes and shapes of bill .twice, but man' perceiveth it not." He , - . a . . . I . I
lously careful to fit all our patrons
M 1%,11111C FV19 1RUDDER. - I 11RE-3.
- Farran.lbft-orf Wed escta for Winni.
heads and statements. Our eommercial *
referred to the jihliny to whotGod was
to perfection, as every garment
, I i
. I. I I
Seeleyand West L L
eri� Putting L
peg. Hewillsup the
in of the Spritig.crop On his extensive.
.printing is neat, correct and in accord.;
ance with the st�le . "The
, prevailing S
e -Who do not hear His voice,
ep ,aking,
an gave several illustrations-a's io'.the
that leaves our establishment be. 4
have just bought a machlild for
farm near, the city., � . . . .
'best is the cbeavesr." . I I . I ... ,�
reason why' they, "having eyes see
comes an advertisement for us. L
We will ' '
you your choice
attaching Rubber Tires. to bixk-
gies, abd are preliared to do all
' - .
:Revd W. A. Smithi B. D'. 'of i Du'n-
gannon, was in town *on Monday
I . I ' '
I THE Monetary Times of March 20tb.
published an accident Oart that isfilli
not, and"baving ears.hear not," - the
great reasou being thdt theyare not
,give .ot.
the finest and newestfabries. Wo
work of this �kfbd Ororldpily hild
at.reasoriable prices. �.' ,L' - �
, in
connection with some -matters having
of informati(5n. It shows that in On.
in tune with God. He urged such to
bring their diseased and out -of tune
- �
do the rest. . I
Also all. kinds of lathil work,
to do with the proposed new brick
Methodist Church to be erboted there
tario last year 33 farmers, lost their
lives while ridingon trainsandl3 were
grgans to. Christ, who could put them
1 I
n drderund mike the r lives harmon-
- and machine repairing,..
-this year. They are plahning for a
injured.' 10 farmers lost their lives b
lously blessed. L � L � I - .
69 E 0, W. B A R,G E1
. . We have installed a-maebino
foi-GrInding Horse 6110p.ers
fine modern bulldipg, . ,
acoident�wlth horses and cattle, an
A were Seriously injuied. The, tbriish�
. . . .
I .
, . ST. . PATJI28 ' ' .
. I I
Fine Merchant Tailoring.
�nd are prepare4 to do such work
infIrstelass,manner. -- .
A note from Mr. Robt. Holmes, for'
66many years c �Ohfieoted with the
' machine claimed a toll. of 14 lives
'ngd 01 injuries. 7 farmers Were killed'
jrVRILEn AX.%;IN,ERSAUy_1,qeXt Sun.
day, 25th init., will witnesa. the begin.
. Fred Jackson's Old Stand, -
. . L I . . I
. I .
NuW H indicates that ,he*. is well
pleased with Ilia position arid enjoys
by lightning and 33 inipred, -
. . . �
. .
ning-pf a series of special 3ubilee ser�
Agent for British -American Cleaning
. & Dying Co.-Montr al.
I �.
his work. We hope the'strenuous
life will not overtax him arid th ereby
AVisli pole hasbeen lt;ventedthqt ,
y th'
e si"arld weight of every
vices clot nection with.this church.
Away back in t ;he ,early history men
� . . ,
. I
. .
I ' L I
. .
L . L.
reducible adispose,tissuo. Mr. Holmes
�iill take a run to*Clintob before Ion
. .to visit his family and niany oil
I frie)jda. L . I � .- -�
. . . .
I I .11, , 0. .
�",_ � I . ''.
0 ughk A.. pole like that won't
. Viihermen would then be corli-t
Boll, .
- pell6d,to prove the fish stol too,. 1ho
tell theirfriendis by producingtbe p o1e
`Ax oxeba;ge vrasasko4,thedefiniltion
like Williant Rattentury, Sonas Gib�
bin a, Peter Vanderburg;Henry Runs.
forg, and ,others, started the eburob.
. The incolrporatl
'on isdated. April Ist,
18590 and Rev. James Carmicho,el was
appointed the first incumbent. P Irst
. �� p�
. I . . � . I
0 . __ - _- -__-_ ____ � . I - __
. ..
I I I . . .. . . L I . I - I
11 .. . . . __
� . . .
J. U. Rbover. N9166d 113all.
�___._, - �
.� I I
. .
" . .
OfA t1millinery opening," arid, after
hrick church was opened in 1863. This
. .
. . I
. .
� .
. ,
. . i
I .
. . . ,
. 1
. 1,
� . �
I I .
. .
. I
. J
� 1�
�. li
. .
.. . .�
. �.�
... i
.- I . . . ildiug was burned Sunday, January .. I .. . I 11 . . .1 .11 .1.1. 11.1 I
I considerhig all the best autboritibion but .. � =
I I .BU + +$,+++++*X the subject, selected this &A the most 15tb 1865,1and rebuilt arid re-openea � .1 I 0
. Y ,That Metallic Bed 1_0*0+1`41' 1 1 . -1 ., I I- - 11 .1 I 11
I . . oxplicit.-: "A millin6rk'�opehing Is the. , for orvice Iri -November 10bb,, 1865. - — . �!
I .. ! I I . . . , 6 11 - � � . . i � .
B -,now, Throw away that old -fashion. . !1' .�* S. : spate between two bats In church, This Lsburch so rebuilt is the present . . Tbe Store, wliere yotf get the most for yo�tr mollerli , . .�
.i S.P 0 R"I 4& -through Which the feller behind gets bililding. This.yeart therefore, is the —
11 � .. ed Wooden affair that you have had 11 : . . Ila cz, . I , 4C_ anoccas I . I . I . . .
. .80 long, - Metallic be.ds are just as .I*. I Ph, - � Ional squint at the preacher 50th, or Jubilee ariniversary of pres - .., . I
. ble Arch- . - �
80fttolio on and decidedly more g++ ,ft4,$,$++4+4+++4 $+X or the -new soprano soloist." Out chutch I The Veneta I THINGS ynu -WANT - .
N- 11 , sbylish. Besides they are really I deacon of Bradt, Rev. G. 0. MoXenzle, A %.O .
. - ..... ...... .1 . . 10 . Captain Wurm, of the Zurich base graiNG is with uo,and again it would will be the special preacher. Approp.
. I I . Attractive Pieces of ball team, shou be well to think of tree -planting., The Timothy anaClover Seeds. 'Draining Spades we have the beat in
. IV ".." 11 ! � , ld be a, good one to run '�eueflt and comfort of having a com. riate musical services Will be provided market. Drain S000p, Post -hole Spoon-, Shovels of' different kinds,
� , . 0 Of St. PAUIS look Mari orks, Manure Drags, Spading Forks, Potato Vbrks. Garden
I � . dupirig the "Warin to their frien a everywhere to rally
b �r�.',,'." '.I . ( I - I � Furniture. . the bases, for A "wurm' Should be good fortablo shade andthe good eopi
I on the turn. . N., .Y,
I I V�!, . � months of summer is Well known to around them. . . Rttk - , ' oes, etc. Fence Staol6s. Hooki, Wire, Wire Plochers. NAils.
I - �� 11 11 s? come arid See hOW"Wide A Choice 'Some of th,oMarablionsport8a; ear everybody,, and noarg _--1-1. etc. SPI41UTAL FOR MVN-Rave gust received an assortment; of I
I I - , # this-stb%looffetayou, Yo�wljllfn _ ument- is neces. -'
a to be about as crooked as a doglep Ind sarY- Should some of the troes plant. I Wittl . ..
�� � , 9 I . 8------^- - - - -T4 Ifie 8hnest extra values ab -W, 75, $3.00, $3.00- and %Ol You would
L . ,, I .that no matter Now little you want log. You don't require to be an Indian ed in years gone. by have failed to Sunday,' May 2ndo Is Ahnivek8ary be pleased to see them and own a pair -Come. .
- I ay, or how much, We. ,have the . . . I �
k J that Will suit yotir purse And . �
�, �. � Itio N to play that role, thrive, it isho good VeasOn for a con- Sunday, There will be special services .
, I . tinUO4 neglect. No doubt 1111411Y good during the day, and the thoir Will ren-� I 111gliest prices paid for Produce, I .
_ pride.. Bobb Kerr has received Invitati6na resolutions have been mAd8ib the Past der appropriate music, Efforta are Ile. .. . . 11
. .
"P I 10..� I it tITURE AND Ito run In Vemee and Germapy Itfter hub resolutions are useless unless put Ing mado to Secure the serviees of a I
ivi. W 9-3wk BAT.T, Fu Xi the British championships atstwmfora intooneet. PlAnttreesand lotisomo- 1 I Re Adams, "oro. -
I Hoov, - .1 ."A.Mf I UNDORTAX1N Bridge, England, thift Summer, and ft onq If not yourselvels enjoy the �Oom. 61 ocial preaebor to take the services. I I . L6nde,40 I
1-1-1-.-1 -1-1 "' - .., ......".." -.1. � 1, .,.,...,.,...., I I., here wah #, good attendatice In the I- I 11 . � � I—— 1. I—— I I . � ... . .. � - ...''.. 11- � I.., . I.... -11 .1.11.16
I I 1"M . � 1. � - - - I 1. .M" I- ,", I
. . I I i � �... 7'.....", � '� I 11 la very likely that hia will Aecept, - fort of th6 future years., 10 illis school room on SuAday after., , , 'it . ''
I . , . I . , I . I 1 46 . . I � . I . l, ,!, .1��
I 'i . I . .
-1-...--1-1 I., ........ � ....... 1,�,11��..�,�-1.�1,1�,,-",,,,�,�-,.-..I --.1....."'.", __ _, ----__- _ _.1-_-_.1._-,A ..��--.--,--,...,-,.��,.--".-,------.,-�-.- .'_ . _... IF J �. I