HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-04-22, Page 2� _,%�-'r,"_.P1,.K_W-__,T� --T.Tw- - _ . �,��
, I .
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. I %OX - SOW )WA
I .. � I. "..... . . I I I
UP, New Era
jo,imbliplield every TbOr6dity 4 -
� *0 Xpw RRA printlipi; House,
nAAO)l0TABW # 0 4 A maw"N.
Twols of "aligicription-1111 per year
,* advance , $1,50 may be- o"id if
. I .
110 , so paiq. No Vapor discontinued
=1 �
11 . lall airrew.. Are: 04,. unless Q,t the
optiouaftliepublia er, The date to
*,,which every stibscription. is paidle de,,
NoW on the label. . .
A , A -Transient adver-i:
. vertlaing rated,
Sloewdlats, 10. cents per nonparol, line
191v f4ei insertion and 8 cents per line
IS ,a -
I or eaob. ouboequout insertion,. $wall
, is4vertisewente not to e3feeed one mob
x* as "LoW I'Stis,yvd," "Stolea,"
. .
t,% I inserted once for 35 cents, or one
in I .
I onthfor$1.0ommunications intended'
1br publication must, Aea guarantee -of I
goo.4 faith, be accom 4nied by the I
., I . I � p _
vwe of tile writer.'
To. Insure publication in current i
issue copy.of "V@rtjsemen6 should be
sent in early.
Oputract rates - The tollowingtable
ob ' pwa our rates for specified periode,
lacid space. -2
thja week, at 9 0,6 in I was the day a44
hour pot for a sally by* the lofore*4141
wives And sistoro to remove what th
44thoritleN were so neglectful In 4010�9
This Is eArrying the war Into Africa in
eAruest and the reisulb will be watched,
with some srixlety� wehopetbalocal
atitharitlee will take the hint,
- ..
The, LegMative sees . ion just closed, is
the briefest and basiest on record. In
eight -weeks = measures have been
dealt with, as against 21DWE year in A,
sitting nearly twicias long. � I
- The larger units in the completed
progr.amme of law makiagare-L4 I .
I A measure of law reform, the main
I feature .of which is a limitation of ap.
peals, � . � I
Progress of the power policy in VAR -
dation of conteactsand autb I or! ty io
W#L Proadfoo P. an the 0.5
� I 'Amr..
The, Centre l. Moo
Wiwndl ,,,,,�er Speaks his,
In moving the second reading of his
bill to amend the liquor licenve sot by
i epea3lig the tbree-fiftbo local option
. _
clause Ia the Le almure ou Wednes.
I'll last week. %r. Protiilfoot traced
the'llistory of the clause and its work-
ivir out since its inception, The solodo-
. fence fo; it, so far as he had Ilgen Able
to learn,wae thut% large predominance
of public sentiment was necessary to
e SlaceeSlsfUIL enforcement of local
th I ,
Option. L The three fifths- clause wits
not, Mr. Proadfoot maintained, an is.
sur in, the late general election, w be-
cause the Government bad 'held that
they were not wedded to t6e, vlause,
The true test was the character of the
i vote taken in. districts where local
option had been adopted, and where
the law was again submitted. Almost
invariably the majority increased.
"There is," declared Mr. Proudfoot,
41enough temper%noe sentiment in this
country to enable doing ,Away with
this unfairclauee. Thespeakerallud-
#1 � —
xTeryoneNeeds a Tonic In ithe
Spring to Oulld Vill the Illood.
it you want; new health and,
. I I
strength in the spring yott must build
up your blood with a tonic; rae4i-
'Cind. After the long indoor winter
sliontils are past most pen e feel de.
pressed and'easil� tireil. ts weane
that the blood is impure and watery,
That is what causes pimples and un-
sightly eruption. To this same cQuilit,
� ion is due attacks of � . heumatism.. the ,
I .
sharp.. stabbing pai . ns of neuralglas
� poor appetite, frequent headaches
and a desire to advolil exertion,
These troubles .can be, all baulabee by
the use of Dr. Williams!- illuk Pills.
. Every dose of this medicine makes
new, rich red biood which drives out.
impurities, stimulates evory - organs
I �
strengthens every nerve and brings
a feeling of new health and energy to
weak, tired out, ailing man and
women, Mrs. Frank Murphey, Clark's
44 I I
I - J. yr. "mo. 01.1110. mo
* _$25
I I Column $7500 W 00 . 00 $10v
I , i Column 4000 26 (* 1500.. 000
raisemoney to build the Provincial
.1 . . .
tre'nsm's4lou line' I I
il at that the sentiment
Against the clause, was growing, Ov%r
1,61M. petitionshad been received asking
Elarkior,.N. IS I , sa s;- A year i go I vy so
c. oirphtely run.. Own,my work became .
, Wc
a burden to me. I felt tired all the I
.. � I . I
uIlless there Ia didly licelon dt tho b
I I � ow.
---.---- _.. . ______
' I I
1. , ,. � J Oolumn 2500 1500 $00 $00
Theoreation of the new town of
for the repeal of the clause, He con-
time, and could, dgag myself about. I
I �
I I I — �
: �, t Column 1800 1000 550 200
. 011)
GowgAnda in the Temagami forest ra-
eluded by quoting statistics from the
was advised to Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills 1% Ing three four
. Railway Tim.etable
serve. � . .
-Continent and irom xBritain, to show
and After I ta or
� . —
" ,. Sontract dilsplay advertising 10c per
The establishment; of a1egaJst*nd&Td
the character of temperance legislation
,boxes was again in the best of health. -
. London, Ruron and Bruce, '
��. . . I I � inch, per issue. , I
for the equipment and conduct of
,And thetrilad of temperance sentiment,
Mr. Proudfoot the debate.
I think Dr, Williams' Pink Mile will
a frien d in need to all who are
North . . Passenger -
� W. H. KER�t
licensed hotehi and provision for
standard' temperance hotels undeL
He pointed out that the Premier .bad
prove - I I .
weak and ailing." I
London depart..,.. 8�80 a in 4,50 p in
�; � I ff - F
11, . . .
. .
Provincial. license and supe
I - rVisloh,
The changing of the financiat year,
misquoted bim. He had not declared
his inte6tion-'of bringing I' a temper-
Sold by'all inedbolue dealers. by
mail at W cents a box or six boxes f or
c6ntralia I I I I., � I. 9.40 5.43
Exeter ....... *...... 963 5."
I . -L - -
and limitini of the powers of the Pro4
ance measiarf . ad declared his
- h I
to 'aac b
$2.150 from the Or. Williams' Medicine
- -
Co. Oro Out.
Heusall ............... 10.08 0105
Ki . 10.10 - I 6,11
ppen I
. .
, , 11
vine ai All iter. .
� I .
Increased protection provided fox
readiness on art a U164surp,
no matterfrom what par
t&IO' came.
, ckv I 0 .
� 1. - qw.
,.... 16,30 OJ9
,, ;
�.", ____ 4 -
men working in the MIDes,with severe
. - .
,, If I had,been directing Liberal
Arty at the Iasi
p, � election' I Would
X+*+****** ***+*+ *+9
Clinton ........... 1. 10.60, 0,35.
Lo deaboro ...... ,,,I 11.18 I. 652
I __
per altie's far non -observance..
General consolidatiorl of the statute.
have gone much farther than the
clause," 4eblared Mr.
. 40
*. 40
Blyth ............... I 11,27 7.00
Belgrave ............ 11.40 1.13
I 1
.. DifsplTE the frantic efforts of the
improved operatiohof theProvilloW
insurance laws, .
Proudfoot. "I am prepared to join
Z . I .. -+
Winghain, Arrive, I I 11.50 7.35
I . .
t., ey,
;, Opposition press, Hon. W, Pugol
. .
-grants o
Extensive grants and re f
with the Conservative party on an
X0 +0044 +0444 Ox
South I * passenger
4'.. Public Works, declines to resign his
)and and mcni�y to railwAy.corporat-
ionq to build or extend lines in Notthin
abollsh.the-�bbw platform it they dare
"Otso fer, . To my mind saclil a poliev
Wingliam, depart,., 6.43 a m 3.33 p in
Belgrave OU 8,44
I 1�. .
I- *Mee. I
I.", �
ern Ontario,the most important being
is he on to gra pie with the evils of
which vve have 9ear4 so much, and I
� On Good Friday representatives for
......... III .
Blyt.h ............... � ! 7,108 3.56
". a
:4. ai
THE complimentary references in ae
the grant of 2,00D,000 acres to the C. N
R. to complete its line West to Port
ans prepared to support it, no matter
Mitchell. Ooderich, Blyth and Clinton
met at the Normandie hotel here, and
Lcindesboro .. ...... 7.16 4.04 -
t* , 750 413
Clinton ......
*: I I I
.. I
. .
. . ) . _ . --vy -premier 8* J ,qt
. V _%me"...WbJtUey .-
. I
. I
Arthur. . .
_�M__T_ __1_O�____ - -thou 12
. " Korn ,"nQ,f,O,,_
IIrom what party 0 comes. This is
� . �. .
-no I . -Iat-least-it,-should.
successfully launched a now Base -ball
-*&a- 1_�-_:_#-__J3T1_ " A"---
Brucefield ...': . .1 8.12 4.80 .
rr; A� Q 9Q AA7
. I April 22M, x9og
I Vothwe for Sele
A minute or so -aftery
� so,walked into the tg!
a similar fate. The si
cited'the otber'anirao
evi bad eonsideiiblle
ing them.�, They A
reut difficulty in get
9 I
I 114101 out of the tig�'
.SohnNevills, of if
� well known to the po,
on A charge of sb6oth
kill. ,Neville is beliel
� to be *,he ihan 'who
Henry Smith over a i
voliee,are assuming a
in donnoctidn with t
not- telling on what tl
for 9, conviction, or v
r so long to make tl
have a confidebt air
. they will have no dirt
hig sevill'is ,who wits
local billiard rcom, w
played as a billitird Ini
soft an I Ilb4yebolcoottago on 10460b. ell, JPR0FEbZ1
uIlless there Ia didly licelon dt tho b
I I � ow.
al a 'X"lZl'r"Q'1Igb,t*. MMMNZ, Mtrro,
ob. ent W`411; V.14.4b.age, P11A gob, bol.
Zoo 0 I just Ilbe Pla"2100vairlaV6111tr'Tor.
11ARUISTiAu 1=101TOr. WQTA.,By
- . I
House for Salle
- � CAUMON. .
Subscriber offers for sale his large sAd dadir.
able house on Huron Street, furnished with P41
. .1 . .--- . .1
454IRRI488 B. RaLn
stairs a I 11 . at I ar an got a V,
I as as rly, g a &ring
so go - Cal oppositei c en.221 lal
log I 1, L I . I , 'Aton.
1- _ _..,.. ''.. S� - 4-
Farm for Sale
I �
The undersigned offers, for sale bi
213'Karia of 100
acres, being Lot 29, Cou 2, K. R. S., 60keromith
Notary Public, 0onvoyancero
Thl i is a good farm i4 a good state of oultiva.
ti3n, and Ia a. first c1lass locality. There are good
. Fin4ticial and Real Estate.
bulld Ings Go the property. Tho,farra to offered L
INSURANCE A0ENT-AeDresenting 14 F ire: Xg.
1. on . parcel or wil I be sold. In two D9,XOQtg If do
durance Companies.
11 .fq: For further particulars apply to � .
I RANCH, Clinton, or. to r
� �4, STON%,
010sion cQuirt Odoe' � L
187 Tecumseh St. " '
Siwnla, Cut.
. . .1 .. .
Medh.al. .
To Rent in Combe Block.
Office or room for small store or work room.
4011u. Ourgeou.-eZtc
Nextdoor to John Ransford's office. Apulyto
. JAB, SMITH; Ontoalo. St. .
Onecisl?%ttentlon. given to 41004ma ortbe
47e. -0416r, Throat, and $oap, . -
— 1. * .
Office ILL14: Repidence.
. I Farm to Rent
TWO doors we$$ 9C the Couslanera" n*"j
I - . I I .
. RiArOA St. .
The Ostram farm, "jot 28.9th Con, of Goderich
To., 60 &ores is offered to rent. Apply to
- . .
� , Cli.t.... tf -Goderi6h.
Dr. We Gunn
__...._.. . .-
Dr. W. Gunn, ILI X. 0, P. 0 X. 3W V. 0.. adlils. - *
. House and Lot for Sale .
Ofdoe-Ontario Street, Cunt I on. Ki Gauls at
front door 9:1
- .
of office
I or residence. - ttoublury
The undersigned offers for sale Ilia p roperty
on Queen St annsisting of good frame two,
story bousowitb i acre of land, Apply to
Office hours at apitel.
. .__,toil p.ra �. 7 to 9 is,ra k
Mario 8, PLUMMER, Clinton'.
' .
. .,---. � - . ..-- -- -
11'rise ol salt
. . DIRe de We SH,AW-
. 1,
. __ �
I OnNspleSt.'oue half acre otground,
"PC outbour, etc., office ond residence on.
tonb,w St.. ouiloolte W. FarrAn's residence.
good fruiq trees and other erathil fruit.
honselingoodconaitiou. Ap I t .
. .
I W.W.
. )DR.: F. A. AXON
� I � I ..
. House for Sale - .
. (liuc.ces46r to Dr. Hobaeg I I
. .
. I
I - .
111secteliSt In OvOwn aullt Bridge Vfork.-
1� the close of - the Provincial Legislature . _Ut:#14r_U`?_11�X in . "s, __�-_�__ I . I-,-- —x-ne-mr wou6ionrym-ULL--W,uvr.u--MAit.%---�L,9"- Q-DA-MUMBL-but — --------- ,
9 .- ". ... ��YZSLANALW 'i-
�� . I s Hawkins He 52 longing to the 6sta%v of tbe)steE. Hol� L -i
,.,.�'.. sonall in number, have not been Ia% at be, It is a great moral problem, w asall ............. 8.32 - 4 .. weal _-4-0—M7�0 Ofit-a-vid.-_
`.1, ,no d ablic men should take it serious, , As called to order apd The 81 Honor gradua;ta of University of Tgr6uto Jim. .
. � to Hon. Mr. McKay, leader of tile O -p- In Addition to leaving their impress U of Clinton, was .elected to the chair Exeter,., 48: 5.05 is offered for sale, The lot i� one-hailf tal Department.
. , - . ' t.Llegla an an L actin . ............ 0(X) ' 5.15 1 . 15 ja Gros
- I '
�." , , position, was a pleasing innovation of upon much of the Governinen L. Ia- ly seek honestly to solvp it." ' The . Witt, 0, Dean of Godericb. as Central!& ....... III. - eat 13 to
. they, vote was taken at tb�, cobelusion of - - acre, with hearing fruit trees, hard and Graduate -of ChIQsgo College of
. Ch
Iting- 9 or. Abl4raslim'- Apply st,NEW 4,go . I . I
1. tion by conBtructiye ciiticism, Secretary�, the eljo�o Z soft wat, Ia .
. to the bitterness and reproach often in Mr. Proudfoat's address resu - L tion of o cers London , arrive .... I 10-00 0110 visit 33Ayfield every Monday. .
�; have sought unsuccessfully to secure followed giving the league the, follow. . ERA office. . . I I
' the. repeal of the three-fif the clause in Ing . 1. I ri -1.11-111 .
.; maintenance oftho.three-ftfthsdemAnd, , �, Buffalo and Godo Hch . �
A, evidence in the House. It would be a __ L I I � . .
,.. I . the local option law, a vigorous and by !v vote of 09 to'18, a'Oovernmen.t.. . I � . Wtat � I I - . I.. . . I.. I . I . . L I
:, i- . Prps . . I
11 kappy idea of tbeje good seeds gernii tLfcirestry' policy, an efficient majority of 51. The, Vote was taken I ident, A. U. lt6binsoo, of . . Passenger � .
_L - I. . . , Shorthorns for Saie. . DR. Us FOWLER9 - I .
�.�. Intel !yen . Blyth , Secretary -Treasurer, V. J. ButII, � a in P In. -pm p mt , . . . . .
. ,
I., nated and produced a bountiful crop systew of technical �-ducafilon, a wea�. at 11 o'clock Wedoesdiy night. Some — , I -TIST. I . . I � . . .
I . I ad,. of Godericb;' Executiveo- J C 9tratf ord ........ 10.00 19Z 20 `5 25 10,20 PI DUN - . . I
,, - Johnson, Clinton, 5.5� 10. good oncs;all siroa by puico of .111ohmond. the, , , 11 I
_� of kind wdrds and generous deeds in upe of civil service ref or mn,tbe removal of the Conservatives voted -in tavor of ai I . . ve young Build, from 8 to 19 months old;
I � . I id R. -S Tait. Godericb, .E. . Mitchell ......... 10.2.2 12.45 47 I .1
w j in of the admixistration of- tbo: license , Mr. Froodfoots amen6ment al I I . Offices over OINEILIE store
�_ relation to the respective partleE . F Porte'rffold,Mitcbell�and D.'Sqmers' Seaforth ........ 10.45 L.1 10 Sweepstah,os bull at Olinton end Brucefield In . . . . . i
. system from the Arenaofparty politics Truaw, of douth. Bruce, cast his Vote - * 0 13,18 11,12 IMS, Prices to suit. tbo�tlmes, Come and see .L .
'! Ilsouses of Parliament. I with.tb,e Gov . I , . Blyth. Umpires Phosen were:�Gocfe. Clinton ......... 11.07 1:2-5 - 0,40 11.28 them.or write -B. R. WISE, Clinton, Ont. . . Special. Gore taken to make dental treat. . � .
, � ernmeht. . I . .
I L vnent a;% I*iuleas as Posoible. - . .
�.', ____ reform in the 'method of presenting 0 . . , Acb, J. Tait and 0. Dean; Blytb, D. Holmes,rille, I.. .11-10 133 0 40 11. . . I . - . � . 1. I . .
,:11 I . public accounts, and the defeat of the� � Thursdi,y's TorontoOlobs in its Ed- Somlers and B. McCarter; Clinton, 1 Goderich.....11'35 Lw F5, Yorkshire Boar for Service. , - - � I I I- - � I . .. .
. I I
... ,, . . WE do not know of anything mu proposals to give large .portions of -the I . ' ' n'the question says:- - B,Hoover And B. MeE wan; Mitchell, .J. . . . . 7,05 11, - . I -
r ch public domain.to ra . ons. 49rial comment a . . I . I . . . I . ,
I . ilwayoorporati , � McDonald and,J. Porterfield. , - East .. : " '. . , Paspellg6r . I �� . L . � .
�.. . � . .The undersigned has Sor service, at big
.. . asore like the proverbialChinese puzzle . � __ . . Tfie three. Oftlis vote 'requirement in'. TheSchodule Wad draf ted L. . . . I . � .-L THOMAS GU .. -
" I "' ' . . st in P In. 'P T11 . ptemises, Huron Road, Goderich Tp_ a %bor NDRY .,
L, than the final passage of the many Drde V the local-optiou:liw was criticized Ina outadd ,the clubs igan'28 to the dates . bred Yorkshire Boar, of splendid pedigree, six ' Live. stock And general Auctio
.. . aWs-Frenelt Female Pills - L Gdderlch ............ 7.10 2.40 4,50 service I
.�:, bills proposed in the Commons and - ' ' . . .1 houghtful And well-reaslbbed.spe6ch I I � I . ,. months' old; Torins. $1.00 at time Of �; . . . I ift �8", � I
'The Wife's Friend - . set whichwill be:- I L .- ' Holmesville .......... 7.26 2.07 5.06' $1,50 if booked, -THOS. LT. POTTP, R. . .
. .
1� .. . . y -Mr. Protidfoot,. who., �.showed * . GODER10H ONT . ' '-
11 Provincia, Legislatures. The bill is . . c,es .:ib i*Blyth at Goderich May - 21' 011n'ton .......... ; o, I 7.35 3 07 5,15 - 44'. , Go4crich Tp. . �
�, I , � . ... . he many, serious , . obsta . ' . , I .. L Irm T, stom 0ales.8, spetliAll; Ojeeig. 6t a'A
� A' reliable regulator ; never -fails'. -Blvth at Goderich. ` Sept 5 Seatorth. . ............ 7,52 3.25 � - 5.32 . . . L� I - L 4 . NEW RRA 0111ce, Cluntclu, Pi%:Mptly actencLed - ..
�, printed, anil in this form, or by news- While these Pills are exceediiag pow . er. ad imposed. in theL XcIvaricement (if Myth. , at Clinton . 'May 2t Mitchell ............ 0 8,16 348 '5 55 . . . to. Terms reasonable.. Farmers' sale -
. . . robibitign laws. In this legislatielD . . . L Tor Sale or Rent ,... .. discounted . note
. . . I I. 90 1 . . .
".. paper comment, is put into the bands, ful inregulatingthe geneiative portion . Clinton I . June 24 'Stratford-,..... .... 830. .4.16 .. 0,I2 . . " .
!�, . of.tbefeiuLa the Government has. failed to compre- Blyth . - I . — . -_ ' ' ' .. I . �, . . . . .
of the reading public� Sofarsogood. . le system�'they are strictly- fiend.the general intention and pur-. GoJerich *at � Sune 10 . I . I Lot 21, '14 Conceolon, Goderi -. - - I I.
. I ch Towuqlli� I I
I . .
t�. ' saft to use. Refuse -all cheap isnitaI'L .. Goderich at -Blyth - ,I.. Aug � 9, . . I . I .
� I§ut on comes the second reading with pose .of the'probibition in" ovemont. The conliisting of 80 acres, for-grazlog, good orchard 61D M - -D. -
. ClIlIton - -At Blyth'. - - July - 22 - - HOW 18,T11IS4 ' � 'to' L _ I
.11� Cons. Di, do Van's 4ro sold At $5:00,a . .., and well waiered. good batilvIlarn. AppIv I � I . cTaggart . M, M-Taggaw. -
. I the possible numero menis of- � aim- of .the me'n who �. ire engagqd: in . - ' SAS'afL * ' . L if - I MRS70HRIS:TEBBUTT. � I .
- . 10.
I oil to an t, , , " L'tbe Clintofi7 - at! Blyth ' Aug' � s ras andB�urdock for the blood, _, * . . . . . - Bros.
1"L � L. box, or three' for t10. mail this 1g'reRt reformT and. are devoting , L I — Taggart
... ten so altering and changing the orig- address. The' Scobell Drug, Co., g rliveis to the, cause is a win, . . B' th,, at' Mitchell - .: June Dandefloii and Rhubarb fer stomach,. ; Me . .
- . .
- . . . Mtbirines, Out I , . thei * - Blyth "L at Mitchell .July ' -10 Mandrake and, Juniper for liver and - I � For Rent for. Grass � I I. I UANKEgS - ' . �
. munidi p4l fties ond. by one, until the. :Mly 0 . . ,
, iiaal that even the person iniroducing . 'to
�. - . . s _.:, ,. .. . . . .1 liquor traffic is m[ade -ail offence in bell ' at �.Blyth I : . July ,I kidneys, 'Cascarra, and Senna for tiie - - .. L -_ L I . .% I . � . . .
"I it would hardly recognize the bill in ii . . . , Mitchell at Blyth. .,- - - Aug 17 : bowels, Capsicum and Aloio�, to'pre- Fifty scm. ivest � L66'26,.Cqa� 2. Stvi;`oloy, will ALB,ERTL ST 9 . CLINTON
�.. .. . . Read the' Pain formula on the box of every part bf'th6 Province', Ible..16 . at Clint L ' . _ . . . I � .
I:, have been greatly -Pink Pain Tablem Then askyour doe- � 'e( Mitchell on - L -July ''12 vent,gripinF,. : LU;Need-a . rent for oae'or.throb. ; Apply to MALCOLM I
'� , . d while I Herb' Tablets M613WAN, or GEO. pAiRI). Clihtou P. Q., and
new form. It may the aim and obj 'tive point; a i; ,,,
'I- "linton CivIc holiday can t4in these *a,] uable ingredients. 5(1 T. FRA913R, Brucefteld. . . . 4-2D . - .. General Banking Buoldess '
. � �
� �L I, - tor If there, is a better one. Pain-sueang it is sought.eag;rly and earnestly thbre Mitchell at .6 chell ' July .. I . I 1 . . .. . q , � trannae.ted -. . . I I
ved in running the gauntlet but I . .
. .
, impro congestion,,blood pressure sornewhere. ban be. no permanence in the licensed Clinton at . Alit . I ii8 t liblets f,ur 25c;.250 taLlits for $1 00 I A . . . . . � I . .. . .
. —
I +
I I how will those interested outside of the Dr. Shoop's Pink.Pairi Tablets check- traffic. In the Provincial. Secretar'y'a Clinton - at Mitchell - Sept * ',6 doctor for half -a -cent a' day.' ieree ,+ ' ' .1 . I — , . . .. �. I
. �
parliame n*t buildings become acquaint- Mitchell at Goderich June 25 samplds-at ail drti- stores.in Olintft,.� . � . XOTE13 DISCOUNTED - . . . ..
,,: head p%ins, womanly,pains,'pain-aiay- detence-bei dwelt Btrongly'onAhe ;isr- 0. I . . - T0:Re4t-T(. ' . - . . . . . . . .
ad with the finality'? Read the Stat- where. - Try one, and seil '20 for 25c.- manence secured .by the thrAe-fifths Mitchell , a t. Goderieh . Aug 4 March 12 -9 -yr. -I. - . . .. . I . - . . . . .
I . I . . . . . I — . . . Drafts issued. Interest allowed on -
. I I
. . � I , . I .1 . . . . . I . . I � . . I I
� .''.. I . I . Goderich 'a t. Mitchell � June 18 - : . . .� � � I ,
� ; . � Sold by all.de'alers. I requirement, but permanence is, what The Draper Farm, lots 53, 54, Fx and flO, lfait� depositili
.il , ates s3mebody suggests. This . may . , ,� .. . � I . :b6 L a . � � . .. I . . I. . .1 I I . . .
I . -1 ... I I,; I , - * I : the- I � - ,
.. ,workers in the,cabse.do not Wailt, Gbderich at. Mitchell Givic holiday, - The great Gen eval Bibbtb, I world . land Con.. Goddrich.Tp., consistbig of 250 cresf.
. I , L -or.particulars, 'MIJI)IYL - W. 73RYDDNH. .. _. _ ,
. . I
not be easily accomplish�d ncw satis- " 011dtofi at Goddrich ' 'Julv - I :kn, r . � to . I . . I . . . . — . .
,.,:. . .. They hope to see one citadel After'' an. _pwn, leader of -the 8alyat;ion Army, tf. . I _. L � , . . 1 . . . . . .. . . . . I
. Clinton. . . . . I . . I
:V factorily understood if possible. Our * NEWS NOTE& , � . other surrender to'their attacks until Clinton - At Goderich, Au� 7 I celebrated his 80th birthdak on- Sawr. . 1. . . . .
. . � L . -
L . . I . ..
�.: - . . . � . . . 01i t6h -'. 3 one 3 - day lasti Ris birthday message 'is as SIC . L MCKillop M'MtU,aJ' - L I
;L . . victory. is compl4e. It was quite ap. Goderich at n - ; The � LL
I . �
�, idea is that it should be the business nissursr. L'Issimont'eurda olishiberia - Goderich-at Clifiton I � Aug 2d' foll6ws:-A.fter spending eighty,y' . c d Grain -'lot Sale - , . fire insUrance'Co. ... . .1
!. ' pa;rent from the Plo:V-1fidial Seerefary's , ears - � ., . .
I . olfour legislators at the close of each Miller's Grip Povkers Cure. Sold by line. ofdefence tbat he...unconsc, I .. Thg above series should afford -a - fine in this, world with almost countleEs - . : --- . . I . . . . I .. *. I
, . I I wh Z 'pur-. Porsale a iluantity of Vb1to Siberian Bead '
, ' lous
. . .
�.: I session to summ4rise what -has been. W., S. - R.L Holmes. ' - � . . . . I lookOd'forWard to'a condition in 10 prograin of ball as. all Lthe points. ila-' 'opportunities for observing the L .6atla, Manchurbi Bsrley and'Whibg Peas. . I Farm and 1301atO -Town Prepl!l. , ,�
; - ' � terest6d will put up a good artlLple and poses f6r. which men - generally. live; . � 4-8 Jon),; Nv. Y:Q, o, Goaerieb, Tp. . .. � erty only Ingured.' I .
I . litone and oublish these condensed Alex., Lana,mialumbekina banged some parts,cif the Proviu�e� - i�oulcl he I , . I
, I I
z I . n � Optlon.,.L . fLud L � .11 be pJAyed At each tiown. and tbt* � disappointmeld.ts they so .11 . ..,. �_�'. �.. . . .: �. L . I 1. I . ' 'L . . L' .s 1.
:1 i himself at Beavler Creek. .. - - permanently loc4l � I soy4e six games.Wi . . . . I . . I .1 � ,.. I —OFFICERS. , - : , ... . .
,� .. I . I I . L . .. N11 eomin 17 Buffer, it seems reasonable 11 .1, . E.... . I I .. .. . . . . 'Mal L - ' .
Andings in the leading daily press of . ' I . , arts ujider Is Abing tends to keep up'the interest . I . I . . � .
.�. . W. B. Rob�rus' Jewellry store at I cense. Butthecause of . . I . . I I ! ,P11, McL6aiiiPr�iident,Seaforfh- ,
�, I riL * . . I . . L . 1.
, i each political party. Thus, officially, Stratford was rob�ed of about. $400 gifference betwee his attitude .'and.: as.'euthufflattle" 16yal. support at, t he that losnhouldha%-e,for.nie(I'�som.6-ooin- . . I . ... _ I , .,P , �, *
. . o '* . . .
, ' I
. . I that.of the ptobibitton workers in their various ma-tche6, good]USty cheering ion as to the c6urse. they ought to fol- . . , . ... . � % . raser, Vice-pr6e. Brucefidl( , Thbs, H . . I ,.,
. I . . I
, the public would'have access to the worth cfgoods.' ' . * . . � . .. . -that COUP L -, . : . . I 1; . . . H y. Treats., L . I . I . . '.
ILI. firm detsiminatibn to birry on the" is fine but .
, . led with generous low if theyare 1:6-bave any real: success. . ay0i �4ec Seafbith.
I core at the new legislation and be able The Grand Jury found,no bill against . 'redeipts js.bezter, L . � . , . , It' , '. '' I So, air this, ,my eightieth birthday' I I . .. I - I I � . '. � L I. . . . . . I . .
���tL L . . fight :1antil there' Will be naL more. I I .'-.-I . - . . ; : .. -DIAECTORS. . : . �
. I
4 . I � - I ...
, 1 A.,De0bjshIee,'charged *ith bribery . . , .... - . � I tell the people of .America that ., I . -
I - . . . license, ibsued for&inkingresorts. To - , . 4'. � . L . I torinell H ohn. . .. ..
I.. not only to intelligently render com, At Brockville. . . . . . , 1 accomplish this end tbem-a I . illalke C,11i L . L if theymillse6k the honorL 'of Gad, the - ' Jas I le, Cli�,,un; M- . . I
-, , pliance to the law but explain its feet. . . .� .. ; - jority .sys- I ton Beautihit . . . Wa% Karloc�k Y'G. - Da
I . ... .: 11 ..... . reign of right,�ousness, ,t] Y".L . .. I * '
"_ A -company -is asking assistance 'at tbnawauld be far more- effective thaq , - . � . . � . . . I . he welga�e of �, 11 . - " � C�,,�ne . Seafoith.; J. Evans, Beech. '' .'. .
I to the unitisted 'if necessary. -Port 11tipe'ta establish a daily stearn-' the three fifths requirement, slid for - L , L. thefrielidless poor,. and the ri�heS LL . . I . : I
rl�. ures I I Itis not to6't6arly.'to wake your. . woon; J. G. Grieve Winthriop,* J. BeRI;..
I Some ' ter ship serVice between Ploton and Tor� that reason the policy at the Govern-, . � that endure forev'dr.' with the same' I "
�1, thing along this line is A Mal L . plans for. . . I
I - ' . L. the improvemeat'of your . . -Atiction Sale, , - . '. peweis, Brodhagen. ' . . .. . ,
I . , L . I . 'Y e'. seifsacrificing avidity with which they' . . ., .1 I . . I I . . I . . 4
- � . ont6I . nient is .condemmed'b ' leaders bi th pr( a resolution'�nd stick L . . . . . .
I I L I . )p6rty. Make seek the''w6alth' aiid pleasureg, of ' ' . Director is inspector of losses In
, of necessity, . . . Each . .
�� I . &dat refq��n. � , . L L__ L .. l9yery SATURDAY at the AUCTION HOUSE. .1 I
: . . , The *Ontario- Government has order. . . I- _i . . to. it that you will. do your 'shd6rd to. this world, they will have a kobd SODERICH. Seles'conducted anywhere, any his own locality. . . I
� . . ed an investigation into a charge made : ,, : :. ... ,� wards makipg . Clinton the most beaut.. h mce, offindinfr that life of satlsfact� iin". Kerehandisq, reea esta,te, live stock. eta.. . . I . %. I .. .
�1. I , . I I . .
I . 111, a a . . . . .. I I . � . .
"I � WHAT a delight the,women folk take against the FortPrances Lumber Com. . How's This! :.. , . iful town iu Cawtdb.othis summer, G. W. BHC.XETT, Auctioneer, � � . 4GENTS. . I � ..
. .
'. . . . . : , . . . t . . � . . ionwhichnow so often eludes.themi. phou.'108. I . ,Box i8s. Godarleh,. Onb . , . .
, . pa)3y. `: I .. . . — Here are a few suggestions Which Will andoUbuilditiguli' a pattern na'don. . Robt. Smith,* Harlock; 'Ed,1 Hinch
,� in Spring housecleaning and bow their . . � We btfeJV'O ollars Ro- . bell) I if carried out:. . . . I . " . , - . 140 I .
, Paul S. Lesser, a Winnipeg - clerk ne Hundred D , I. for the world-tobbaitAte., .. ,. * _. I Seaforth; James Curawing, - ginondi . I
I - ]plead begins to tingle as the glad sees-. who abscobdedi. has been captured in ward for any case of Catarrh that can- If your store front, residence.. or - .William Booth, General. - - . � . . . I., I I ville; J. W. Yed, Holinesville .E . I . � .
I . . . . .
1�: � I - . .. I I I . . . . .
� on approaches when from garret to Germany . And. will -be brought . back not.be cured bv Hail's Catarrh Cure. , fefice is dingy, order it painted. , . 'A . . . I . I . . .. � . . '. .
1. . � . ' - . . . . . 0 . .. .
11�% . L . in I Eggs forflotchift . -----_ � I . . .
cellar a general campaign tan be *a � - I . , . .. . F CHENEY & 00, Toledo, O.' If your awning -is old, torn -or fattited, - .1 . I I i . � I
for trial. , I . I .. . .. .
) 9- I ;I. - . We, the. undlersi ned,. have known get a now.clue. - . I b ' . � . .. I . .� .. ' . "Os tinder this Vending% . a Per �Ksnle, * . .. . ,� � I
� edagainst microbes, germs and every Ran, Mr. Br6clour' rep6rted.to - the , . � I . f your sidewalk, gate or Zone print� By Request " - - , . . 1, . I
F I F. I 0hebey for the- ast 15 y ears, and I e needs !,-)a per niondt, . .We LER9
, Commons a number -of. dismissals I . . . I . I � I I .. . .1 I
�.. , in believe him petfectly honorable in'all repitiring, fix It.- .' . .1 . . I . '. I . I . I F. � CUT *
I other species of what might be con. his d6partmentariking fromtheCassel ' , S. 0. White LeglAorns and ,Barred.Plymouth .. .
. 13 business transactions and .financially If your advertising sign Is �Id. or f -ad.- I Mix'the.followinjj by shaking Well Rocks. Stock -from ojir On arI6 winners, Eggs
� . . " ` '
� latrued as enemies to good health or in investigation. % � . . �. Painter pud'paper lRanger, .
! . . . . . . I I . able to carry out obligations made by ed, take ii� down or paint ih* . .. in a bottle, And thXe in 'teaspoonful We per setting of I.3, or $4.15101! Im. Write 0 4 . I . 1.
. . * - ' .
.� any way retard their onward march to We know of a number 'of cases of his firm. . . . . ��. . . Resolve never to throw paper iji.'the doses After meals and at bedtisue: .. - 54 DUR8T BROS.. Bpeenl*rnfllor, Ont..' � , . I I :
: . . . . . . . . I � . 1. I All work guar .
�: . fully possess that gift said to be next ,supposed consumption that have been ' , WALDING, KINNAN & MARTIN streets, . . '. I 1. I , Fluid B xtract; Dandelion,, one-half Brown ltoexhoru%- Road Coulb. Eggs trout . I � .anteed. . .
�, Cured by�Millet's Compound Iron Pills, * Whclesale Druggists, Toledo,O Take all dandelions .out of, ; rgon, one . - at my pan No. I including all my . Ptirso winning Prices reasonable. . . 0
. Ince; . I �
1 . . ta Godliness, namelyCleanliness. Many Sold by W. S. R. Holmes. - ' . . Hall'i Catarrh Cure ii taken intern- lawn--�thoy al�aillfsbeauty.' ' .1 Compound SyA!up 8 birds $1-W per 15; pon No. 2. We par 15 A ow. Residence nearly Opposite the . I
� . . I . . . : . ai,saparilla; three . Single Comb o0gslSe ppr13. C,F.E* $1 .
:� . I ,
11, I of these industrious daughters ofMoth- TORONTO * street ral allyl,acting directly upon, the blood and, Destroy the-yotmg Weeds that are - oucces. Aiacal druggist is th(i author. � . I
; . I Iwaymiust be A I , . Clihiql, Ont. I I . . . I
� .
I - � er Eve content themselves in Vigo . good business proposition.. Its receipts mucous surfades of the system. Testi. ,starting on your proper.ty and on your � ilk that these simple,. harmlbss inired- J I . I I I . . Colle' iate Institute.,.. -
i. rolls- for March 1009, totalled the large sum. monials sent free- Price 750. per bottle neighbor's property . .. I . . . I I I �, .9 � I
, . - I � leriti.can be obtalned'At nom.1nal cost I 11thode, 11811and llteds-Eg�s from.& -cholci - . � . I I . . .
.. ly0performing their duty within the of SM1,000, giving an Increase of $6M. Sold byall Druggists, Burn all the rubbish possible- 01ow, from cup home druggist., I Pon of -S, 0. Redd; won 1sb C601c. lat honi Enron; r I
I .
� boundary' of their own home or at o,ierMarch of 1008 in percentage to the . I 'The mixture i�,' said-, to cleanse and lab cock. 15b ben. lab cockerel. 2nd pullet. Lamb- - - . . . I
; , . Takeflall's FaarRy Pills for conbti- jao one to throw it on tb.e str ieets, alieyb ton; grid cook, Ist and gad hon, Perth. Ivegya, JA0.08, TAYLOR.
. .; ..
� - city,. the figures A reaching $40,244. pa,tion. . . . I . . . � or vacant lois. - '. ", . strenc,thenthe, clogged and Inactive from above wlinpers,-at Yards $1.50, $2 if abip. " . � IOLAN1014 "' : -
. �
t most within the limit of the lences on. . I .. . . Promise not to Bpi' b on the sidewQ.1k. oyerconii Pod. lto'o Comb eggs . . I . . I. . �
.�, All franchises are not so f6rtuoate . . I 1. .' Kidneyso n � Backache, Blad., W2.00 Paris. � . . . . -_ .
I -
" 4losing the premises. In Washingt3n, correspondingly., r ' � . . .. �� � . . .. � ': Organi'v*e a block improvement s06- derweakness and Urinary trouble of . . .03-KAUFMAN, Clinton. . . � I . .1 I . . .
. � . . . 'HERON'S POPULATIO'y � I
� however, the gpod ladies have, like ' . . . r . �1- I ietyo and allow.no weeds- to gruiv on all kinds, if taken before the Stage Of Unti. Xegljo�aa and's,11111te W ttes.- Fir Life and - Accident I
; - . . The,cheapest tea to use is Inot-the I I - . . sidewalk area or vacant pro t arty 'in 39right's disease. I .., . r .. yaludo .e,
r r , ..L p I ' . . Eggs from a goocl t)00 Of Ca0h. at 75q, d,t the e L . .. .
I Alexander of old, sighed for other lowest priced, You can buy tea a few pi'gu . , ,ARPNCIA, PAISLE.Y. I . I .
. tea for r 1008 Taken from Assess .your blooki .L . L' , Those Who ka�e ttied this �ayjt pos- yArdR; $1.00'shipped. Or . Insuranc
�, worlds to .-onquer, imd, as earn' cents &,pound cheaper that:will fiiake . . . .. . L � , Irrespeativeof the size I ofyour � h"se. ' . . Mary St,. Clinton.",, . . - ,. . . r
� est � I maelat Re"t-urns . ' itively. overcomes pain ' -in the back, - L r. . . I . L I
, a drink,but it ydu want an absolutely. I . . I 1. .1 . fineert, . , . 1--b - . L . .L .1 .. . r . . Rail, r i,,, bt) '' ,bt,,
� seekers are usually suecessfill finders, I I __. * .. . make'your lawn.'the Clears the urine of sediment and rep,u- . -:-,r - "t, . ' ____ ___�__ Os ,
11 �, pure, healthful. cleanly- repared tea 1:, .., . , . . L' . . I .. Illuminate the* frofit of yout !store lates urinAtion,. especially 'at 'night, r . . . Ug Und sold
,.; these women have taken up cudg se"Salada." Itii infini��ely move de, County.Olerk tano Lhas. completed in the business section. - . . I Miller's Wofta Powders'correct all '. . 1010ney to 16an - . :
r , "els u . _ � curinor even the -worst forms, of blad, . �
., . . . . _ r . . .
.1 licione at'd decidedly More'economitial his com plx'c&ti()n of the figuresshowing , Eveky effort put forth ordollar Spent der Weakness. . . Ouch troublee " lack Of'rappetite, bil I I — � , I
. I I
�., against the Street Committee over,the than other . teas, . because. it goes farth. tfis populaticiln of the . various rilinor ba improve our.town'suppearance will Every Mau or woman. here who feels loneness, drowsiness, sallow coroplex. . � . . . "I
�, untidyness of streets, iii connection or, . . . ion, etc. ,, nice to take. Sold by W. S. Offide 18060 -Street ne &Obrr.to NOW. * .
. . municipalities in the county of Ifurofi be. returned, two -fold. r . that the kidneys are not strong or act- R gol - E,ra x . .
pay 0, rViSit . r. I Mee. 1. 4 . . I
i : with Waste paper, etc. ..Thursday of. A friendly desire to to for tbe,year 1908, taken froin the aiI, r I I . . logiriallealthylainnner should inix . r I ... I . . . .r
. toli ) I
p . I
I . .
�. . - their'next door neighbor. the Bengal selsoment s. -and the'fig%Jre$,r as com. . . . I . this orescription'st home and give it'a -1 I r I 1, manowmamm3o - 1. . '. . .. I .1 .1 I . . � I . ..
, son -am . -eI69s Liquiori DrUg ' -_ ---. ______ - _' -
I - ___ tiger caused the death of two ocelats pared with those for the previous year� Tile Nox. Vast . ttital, as it is said to do wpndero ,for "', I . . I I
i . I . -0 � � . at the Zoo. .They managed to claW a are as follows I .. . . . I . .. dad Tobacco Cure. , . many perso . . . . .. . . .. ... I I . . I I � I I . . r .
*. . 11 . . . ns. , ., , �. I I I . � . . ,
way through the oartition separating Towfla,ulps . I. 10,CS M7 " � 1,� . . . I - - I I . . . � 0 . - I .
� � . . . . . L I Am. �
�, tht5 two cages, and entered the tiger's . . . Local option.., SKIN DISEASES , . .�
� . , compArtment, the female cicelat iead- Aghfield" ' I r .............. . 2,710 2,7W Wellaveyeb,to heat? ofanefallure . . .� . __ .. . ' I . r .' � �.. 4 _ 1, . Synopsis of andadian r0ritho . .
� - ing. Hardly bad she entered 'when, Colborne ........... 4 I. o....1s527 IMI to cure where a fair trial ha's been giv . I .. ._.� I . VVest Land Regfilaflon& * I ' I
� , Not a . Goderlch_ ,.r._.._,.'_,I.,050, 2054 . . .. . .
� . .she was struck on -the head by the Lig.' I � on. 0ait be given! without the persoft Tbe'Ontarlo'brauch of the Doininion These troublesome afflictions see caused NY. 1),eigonwil(y la tile Sole neA, OX
.. .3,0" '3','(I81 _. Terhbeiance Alliance is already. pro. . a.mmily. , � ,
I I , er'spavo, and,-weni; to the gwyat beyoncl.� Grey. -#..I'. �.; ........ 4 k.... . I knowing, th is"hairuless and abso wh*llv bv biLd blood and son unhealtliv A 6kft_1Im_IaoveVI8-ear.oId ma.-h._.I. I
. I . I iutely
m .
:1.. .
, � I
� , I
I ..
: � . .
,,.r. , _,�,
1. I
, I
I .
Of . - . ,
Doctors prescribe very little, It
any, alcohol these days. The'y
Orefer strong tonics nad - alters-
tivesm Thi is n kee'ping
S � all, I'
with modern medical sciefice.
, . r
It 6019ing Why Ayer's Arr.,
separilig is now made entire' ,y
free from alcohol. ,Ask your
doctor. Follow his advie6.
11-1 � 1. . .
A minute or so -aftery
� so,walked into the tg!
a similar fate. The si
cited'the otber'anirao
evi bad eonsideiiblle
ing them.�, They A
reut difficulty in get
9 I
I 114101 out of the tig�'
.SohnNevills, of if
� well known to the po,
on A charge of sb6oth
kill. ,Neville is beliel
� to be *,he ihan 'who
Henry Smith over a i
voliee,are assuming a
in donnoctidn with t
not- telling on what tl
for 9, conviction, or v
r so long to make tl
have a confidebt air
. they will have no dirt
hig sevill'is ,who wits
local billiard rcom, w
played as a billitird Ini
We pu ish our fokinula
ill W ,',,be 5111ale 14 I
. froW,bilrinediof d
-��: ; O -A
Ayers oonsu t Ou
.1 . d0tt s, .
uIlless there Ia didly licelon dt tho b
I I � ow.
.— I
�-,_.___ ____.__.___._._...
P street
I I I V . .
her nlate &I- Ay. I ....... 4 III I, .......... 01141) '11,110 withouttaste� -mother, sistelior ical option conteste.to be gato, 61 the ,,,t,, And can bb emill. carea a quarter -section df'&vo4l&bIa Poraloi I
. . wild, n4irltig for I( I " 1.
- it
(it b
; the
,eand hiet J3.OWICK ... ........ I.. ".....Q,krju I 0,13*0 , - itSanuary., Itis expected there r ,a in Manitoba, 8xisketebowau or Albert&. . 1, I .1k,
, you, would be d6lbg 9, great Work by sin land
, d olem g propert The applicallit-munnDpear In person a -t tho:Dom. . .
blood er- Hullett ......... -`4 "" I 2;4M 2,3f,3 givi�'g this. reinedyv to'sorme members will be one. hundred of ihese, many of .
the keep� Morris ........... -#v ...... 2,210 2,251 ,gf your &Inily. �.qe will mail. g, full ho,vibig alreadyintimated their intont- . . I iblotti',ande,tt,,eaeyotStili-Agency for the d%- * '. . III.
)in clulei-7 McKilloo.... 2j303 2 1148 uionth's treatment for fivedollars. The, ion of having " by�dlav0s' submitted. , - 11gohLIX, an corto in eon Itiono, by father inotber,
............... 19M ItI338 Scobell Drtig CO.,-& Catharluesi Ont., These are . as fol:oivs; Cities-lgraut- " I lu"t by 'roxx may be "do ltb I .
:00rienced Stanley. i.. A I .... "......ii Suredoqk mom,. aiigliter, brotbor or. slatoi of Intending
0 w 0013140' Stephen" , I..3,OM 3,578 . _.. , . , �* .. � .1 ford and Pecerbovough. Townst-Cal- . I I I kowedoadi3r. . . I
� Tn6xex��iv� �I`.,.%,.`.,.,.* %"., 6.21100 911008 I . . 1 40d. butios.-SIX mobtlialtosideboo upon and oil). . I
�* Iingwbod, iOobourg,Port flopef Pleton, . tivatlon of the land In od-ch 61 three yearA, A.
. Turnberry . ...... � ....... I-1,811 1,844 Me. Thompsft, bookeeper in'the. 011. Brampton, Burlington', Meaford Osh- . , 1E3 0 I hoineL4tottdortYt&YIJVOWII.Iiillliine-niiies of Ilia
I, who Is lJoborne ................... �.,1,075 2,008 ver Typewriter Ootnpauy's at Mont. . .. . I . honiostoad onj&farm of M least 80 acres solely .
I awa And flinbro. The townships so far owned And oecopled by Wilt 61, by his father, I
a arrested p,,ftst WAwr6nosh. 4..4., I. t.1,640 1,661 real,received atelephOule Message that heard from aro.as follows- Albiop, 13.1 It t, 4e� r S � inobhor� still. (11091ater, brother or sister, . I �
intbiat to West Wawanosh ...... ; .... 1,909 11868 Ilia mother'was dying. He hastened Brantford, Oaledon, LNsti, .1.4unnidale. I . . . rn eattaln district" & bomosteader In goo4l I
the poliole � - " 1. ,�!, -!I-- --- hon,e, but found bet, well, niad then Ve- Alone, Marlborotio,b, Esquesing. Era-, Many remarkable Cu'teA have boon inado otlindingmay I)T0,01111A N (litartor-sootion along. ,
Constable . . 0 I
.31,880,174.80,1 turning -to the ffide he found, that nioso, Burford' Blenheim, East Zorra. by this, ronledy, and not only havo the un! "do hia hollutiatead, Price SIM per acra, I "
a The' # ......... 4 0 A . I .1 xhities-ItuAt reside six inontlas in taell of six . � X
' thieves, had ransacked the Place, sightly allcin 'djseAsm hoon rowaied, and a I'eAtFl`fV6t11dXt00f homeotead ontrY (inoludl ..
. I In
�Y�Ilence TOWNS AND VIL . . ,,i.m . , I I - 11 1, . I I bright olear complexion been prodaced, tb(% tillio icaldro(I to earn homestead pato-ti
?, and are 13ayfleld .................. :. V 540 , 5',w 3 Phogl)11011.61 - Thetleetrie lt�- I buttlio entire systont.has beau renovated and oultivato Afty acres extra.
lopending Blyth .. ..' ... 816 815 Coughs that are tight or distressing, '46d invigorated at thosanto samb time. I ,� i,oineAtettdor wlio hqs exho,ustod big hoipa- �
oak them " .. I 170 1,000 storOr for TASt. Alankind . tickling coughs, get . ptow el, 6 and cannot o) a a a ro�cmpucx I
Bvugsels.�. . ,iiiek and certain .
,:.*...4....*4o. I. . . ,� . Way , Ii Urch(LAe MAMA ad In cettid did-
�st . The3t Clfiaton .... ....... 0 ........ �,448 20423 � hel p from Dr. ,S hoop a Cough Remedy. SAM 1=101 117M CURVI). . trict 100 . par sere. atics.- AlAt to. -
, I . 1110 t a I eaell oftli ars. cultivata
state that gxeter .... 1619 Restores every nerve in the body to on this account Druggists everKwhere Mra. jolln 0,0onnoi Burlin ton, gs 19](0 =$1 . I
gog ItA proper tendon I restores vina and are fikvoring Dr. ShooWs Cong Item- . .
[ up at 96 HeilsalL ..... I.:..1F.AW ...... 804 1)(114 vita, mg 0 If ' Inlierfor,
lity, Premature decay and all sex. ed5t, , The tender le&ves of a artalp 'it' , "' r 8 at .... 01 0,11d.
Ift P611VI13t* Goderleh'.4 .... ;,..is ........ 4,(132 4: writes %—I' ri or yoars.y silserel with 86
Itheum. I tri d .% dozen different rntdi.. 11 - =ro ilio. lhid'r of the
�was 0 -In, Seaforth...P..... *-*�#-## ... I.2,251 2,270 ual Weakness t6verted-at once.. PhOA- lung-bealinq mOuritfilnous'shrilb give einesp but most of them only niade it worse. "'. I publico, Ott 61, tilh; 04. 1
� _ pald for. .4
I ... 0.600: :::23102277 phonot will make you a flew inan', $a� to Dr Shoop s Cough Remedy its cum* I was advised to try 13utdook Blood Nt. . ..,
Constable W1ugb9fA,.,c,. . vorif in nt llluo6b6
3me. The Wiloxeter ............... : .:445 143t I kboxf OttWo f0t- $5, MIJiled to Any tiva properties, Those Icyaves have the .torg. I kot i bottle and beforol hadtakeh -_--II I . ,A
iog recent- itildressiDn totellptot price, Tho8cob. power to caltia tile tnosb distressing halt & domn doses I could st6 & dianizo no X Iron in the blood 18 nedOsslaT, X rt
will swear . &' , -- ell Drug Oo.j 8 Cathati nee, Ont, Cough, And to aiiatho, and beat the continued itd 1180 $,Ad now I aus coffl*soly ler's . Corap6und Ironl"Ills eontain that
... __ � ,. ,.", 'at momimum , cured. I mAndt am too faueh f6i yotr 11 element in tho most a,Wmilablle form,
teltapelle'' Toto.l,,...,.040�046404iod-17,03117.029 moat oenaltive bronahl
;ht of the 1, Total populatloil, of . I Repeal; It118h1loh,*s elite *111 iii. Test it oneo yotwelf, and ood Sold by ' J
. couht;Yo * 4#i -s ,,'-�, v s - - ,,,KM 6+,917, Wo,yii euit,,41Y caught aud W46,11 I 41kaeslors, . I w(milerfal wediolab. I . Sold by W. S. It, 110111lea, 1"
;. � I � . . � .1 A ,. . I
____..___________,___ � _.__ -.-- __ __... -.- ___ __.__,.____.___., __._.___._..__ _ _ -.-- _ ----,--------------.-,--------,-.- __ , - - . __ - . . - .. -."... , - ..-.. � . , _ .,