HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-04-15, Page 9Ell
If tfier`e is* one thing I more than ano'ther
of which we w'ant t uiak,- -.-p..,ciat mention
We have a millinery department and a
stock to choose from, second to nope in this
part of the c6untry. Customkr, arp Com-
ing to this store fr.r their millinery as far as
,,twenty to thirty mile,,i,; which goes to. show.
the popularity of this departmenti
This wetk -we fia_v'_', another
shipment of new 8raftd,�,. Sha.pLts, �Flowers,
Foliage and R-bbons, in adcation 'to a.
good choice of newly.- trimmed Hats .6otn.
our own work. room. During the & ster
rush *our milliners Were''tti) Able'to ke-ep up"
with the demand, but by Satur*Jay wi etil be.
ready with an entirely new di.rplay,
Dr.c..,ss Goods BuAness'ls Good
We're selling -more* Oress goods. than -ever,
and good reason too, the best.. select.ed.stock 'we
have ever had is hefe tc'day -for \..our inspection.
Plain cloths in all col-irs at -%1P4` (o stt.-040,
Self and Shadow Stripe Dre's's Ooods' in,a Widib
.range of colorings at (owe w $1.-%-'1_
Broken checks and Plain Dress' 600ds $Jighta.nd
dark color,;, in many hands'ume co or comblinations
at per yard $1.4041'to
Have you seen
Ne�wcombe's 1A.,r-6s'h Goods
We're complimented every dav',oa-'ou F great
Wash Go'ods display, ;'ind we're s ell in a ffiern. t . oo.
We mFant everyon,, -in.tht! town anT. the county. to.
I ook - through this . sto-A abd' ��e wh at a. :'.6oice
range of colorings we .4re showing.
Extra pecial for Sakrda'y
For one day'only; Sat6rday...Aprif i 7th, 'we 4ill
sell 800 yards Geiuin6 English' Pr4nt,'. in'. ten - or'
fifteen pretty designs, mo� tl'y, stripes suitablo
Waists, Ximonas, lbhild.ren's Dresses, etci Ahs6-
lutely fast colior. Rei-nember- for -Saturday only..
and not more than -2o yards te)., a cusi;o.rn.�or.
PER YARD, 5 retits.
Stylish Sprin`g -Coat
We're showing some particulaPly� ni�e. Coiats
just now, and the best part ot it is,.there -.are only
one or two of a kind..
Ladies Stylish Spring -C6ats, i1h Plain Tawn Covert.
Cloth, fancy stripe or black. broadcloth. Ten ora.
dozen diftereht styles from w . hich . to choose.,. Pr'iees.
$9 91,47.50,'and $141.410.
Stfil Selling. Cors6ts,
For anyone having any driving, to db, -,in Eng-
lish Plaid ]jack Rain6oai is, a -..-,good 'investment.
You can wear them at any time of the year, rain
or shine. See the si' different styles we Are shov�-
ing at $10.00 each.
A Hos ery- SpeciaL
50 pairs only *of the farn'ous Black Cat Stock-'
ing along with 5f) pairs. of several other - makes.
Made it, fine or heavy- rib cotton,. that, s old at -4oc
per P�iir. Saturday, per pair.25c,
Underwear at 25'es
wo, Ladies "-spring-and 'Summer Vests and
Drawers in several," styles -made from fine white
knit Cotton. Special, Saturday Ue,,
AN r T1qT01qj
-1-1 -1
W al I Paper
ravelling public generally, we bavp
liaced an extended Time TAble of pas,
,Anger trains on the Ruff-alo & Lake
,Local Notices.
D&I-a and 000"'I "' tea: bigheat pricas
old 'LON 3�1109.
t WM
Business I's good with us because
Yot loi�o on Arai a
an move o lass Una iiecurity
r W, of inorost.
duskrAts skins, wanted at 80c each,
we have a big- and well selected
3ert Hovey, Clinton.
DR. OVHNR,Loudov, Surg�on, Ceti.
ist. Specialist,. will be at W. 8 R
assortment to show you,_ for one
Tolm"s' Drug plore, on. Friday, April
!hrm, When he went to get it a few
ninutes later, itwas gone, and nothipg
30. 01-assee properly fitted deafness.
i(L.9 since been'heard of, it.
atarrb nud failing eyesighi treateds
Iowa 11 to 4 p.m,
r eason, and because of an except,
lonal price inducement for another.,
Local Nei�s
� THE _*ftw, ERA telephon presses a stranger more than the
e is 140, 30. Im
Will. yon take the hint neatness and Udyness Of tile town.
'ollowing otudentq from Clinton. who
The White Dyke Band gaire a mus. IRUV MR Hicxa can hardly be
ical program -on 0ood Fxiday. charged with'being in league with x.he
ire attending at, the varinuo Noornal
clidols bave been supcessful: Edna
Millinery houses by the somewhat on.
Pro piti6us weather he has beeii 'prof�
loppi. M. S. Oluff, Poster Fowler
"Inme Minnie Kilty Grace 0.
upt W. 11- Fair 0,0
cc,Eer, .
he convenience of our rpaders and the
ravelling public generally, we bavp
liaced an extended Time TAble of pas,
,Anger trains on the Ruff-alo & Lake
Iiiron, and London, Huron & Bruep
'AilwaY lines which will be kept'cor-
!ected up to date.
VALTAB STOLG4 N -Ubas. McGreg-
)r, pf Wingliam, stepp4d off the 0.40
:rain, here, on Wednesday night to
U11116 Locals. A large aniount of g'�od news is
nake connection with the train going
iorth and walked into the waiting
nom, leaving his valise on the plat-
crowded out this. week, ' Watch tor
!hrm, When he went to get it a few
ninutes later, itwas gone, and nothipg
next weeleR issue, . , v
SPAING millinery is on the program. CLEAN up should he the watchword
i(L.9 since been'heard of, it.
'rnu D4 aster assenger trafflo was. foil everYbody to be ready for he visit
heavy this y earF of -the Sanitary Inspeotor Nothing
TESTING WELLIF,-Tbe testing Of
-be wpils sunk to provide'.wate.r r
� THE _*ftw, ERA telephon presses a stranger more than the
e is 140, 30. Im
Will. yon take the hint neatness and Udyness Of tile town.
-be. WatArwnrks, system is going on.
k test of the upper spring in the eor.
The White Dyke Band gaire a mus. IRUV MR Hicxa can hardly be
ical program -on 0ood Fxiday. charged with'being in league with x.he
,ier well was made last week, the flow
�bowipg to be rather small. I
Q�_h - ' _ ' ' - _ T -he low.
Millinery houses by the somewhat on.
Pro piti6us weather he has beeii 'prof�
.1r q ing, w ic was plugged during
clear for. the Y. Al. 10. A. entertain- fering.
the test, has been opened and a
�,est of it is now being made.;
Air. Fred JaAson is liusiallizig a,'4ow! The businss.�'of Hidout& Hills, on.
FrAmp Catholic Church building is , be.
Singer Machihe for patching, in his veyan es, Not!lries, etc., will
tiou "' be con
store. d by Mr. Chas, B. Hale, who was
ing torn-dnwn and reimoved to the lot
near the old Knitting Facto . ry, bolow,
- The Towosebd cottage oo, James S�., 1311,vtner in the business wi#li Mr. John
lihs been rented to a young party who Ridout. deconsed... He- wilt occupy the
blie Gi ZR. station, The buifdin as
expects to need a home shortly. same office as formerly.
purchased by Mr. David Canfell-en,
Mr. Fred Oookba's anewmilk Rg oil TheJacks6n Alfg, Oo. have commenv-
when it was moved to make room for
the road. . It is one of the regulation ed stook -taking, o nd the hands m(tV he
the find edifice wh*,ch has been ereDted
to take its p1nde. gr,Cantelod expects
wagons, and will be very eon ven. off for a few days, Business is very
iont.- good. and ariy%ime that the factory. 1!5
to have the'Evaporator running hext,
is, very, alent and c 01
ToNSILITIS prev I -ed for , short time means a, blelpr
people will nbod* to �exercisii no small rush than ever when the hands re tur�
,WOMI Q1N19 INSTITUTE -The-annual
"re.until. the fine spring weather ar-, to work.
mpeting-of.the Olinton branch.df the
Women, s Institute will be held. on
Air. Hawke, who recently purchased
THE report of the Co. Temperance a residence on Townsend 9t fro M' Air
Thursd.,iy afternoon,.22nd inst,, 4t3
o'clock, at, the home of Mrs. Tro*-bill.
Convention hold at 13lyth,Th6rsda!v (?f Moore, has taken - possession of the
list yveek, may be read on page 2 of same. . Mr. Geo.'Oooper has moved his
ar t. - - fter thb-' transaction of
this issue. household offects from, Seaforth p.nd
the'rp ul bushaess,including election.
Mi. Rebt. Welsh is making a few !in.; 1 taken possession of the -bous"o vacated
(if o lc6ra for the -neXt year;,& paper
provements to-.hig cottage on-Raiten- by Mr.. Hawke,. Princess St.
wil)bboven odtbe important to0c,
hat,boo 6,v�e.sboulil,read"..by Miss
t)ury St. Bast.. -A ftapie kitcheii is be,-
ing added., Billy 130thunsi the popular Purser. of
the neyv 0. F. R steamer "Keewatin,"
The Pasth4e..Clabi dance given' on -presented "th. &handsome bronze
was wi
A number of wkrm friends in0linton.
Easter Monday night was much ei)jdy- statue on Tuesday night, Jast. by his
ed There was a good Attendatice. and Clinton friends, Mr. B,.thuhe has been
of Mr. G E. Parkes, late manager of.
the, music was very nice. spending the- winter in Sea -forth and
the Bankof C66tnprce, 9eafortb, at-
tended. a Citizen's'Biaiquet
Mr. S. Hamilton bas leased the far- leaves this week. for Owen Sou[nd to
ishod residence -of Mrs. D. French, of takefili hisduties for the summer.,
M'o�d&y dvOning. There were G D
A16 -Taggart. Dr. Sha*i W.*Jacks6u, C'
. 1.
Wetaskiwin, Saik.v form�rly*of tawn
and moi ed to it on Monday. A 0 -kit of hogs was sbi 6d' toTorbn-
�3:ntelon, for
B. Dowding, Dr. Gunn,. I Wiseman,,
Tho�. Mason shipped a car -lofLd of which $7-per7c;Wt. was paid to the far
and Mi D.. MoTaggarl.. T4ey report a
splendid time -and the guest of the
borsesSaturd4y last tolKontreal. They mers. '�Mr.' Ciantelon is als-0.1oading a
were a choice lot and will* doubtless car. of potatoes this week for the Tor -
worthy of it:all,
eventually be exportedto England, . onto-nians for which 35c. per bushel is
Seeley & West have installed a,ma- being given. Me. Cantelon handles
chine for grinding horse clippersfit many a, car load in .'th& year when all
TON: --A movemen. is on foot by some
of the leading spirits. in'the town to
will be a great convenience gi�s the -need. the stock and produce are a4ded.''
discovdi�wbqther the People of tri.
011n -
ton and"locality,woold join in the
of such &:machine has been realized. %
-Miss D. Munroe, -representing the. HOUSE 0.117.1�EFUGB-NOTB�Mrs.
of hbidii2g*a, rousing,, old
celebration on Monday,. Ma ?A.
orticelli- Silk Oo ny, is in town Wm Fischer, an inmate of the aous.e
"is week making a- isplayabil giving of Refuge for the past four
cominemoratiob of the'long, t 0� be rein-
a demonstration -at Toter& Brown's cumbed to'old age TuesA nig' in
Store. her 90th year,. DeceaseX e is at
embend'. -good. Qaeen Victotia. ) If..
thought advisibid by the -citizens. a
Mrs. Bramfi6ld and danghte' Exeter, where she was bn f e id
rahave. in a,
neers, and is know fid re ecte ]�,y
public nift-.ting would be dalled.by
May �qr Wilst6 to, disoilss Olans,tippoint,
leAsedtheresidiince lstely� Purchased
byMi%'J. -Taylor, known asthe.Big body. - The remAliisl r.e':ta -ea
. . lerainte . tme ill,
t90V%yeto1r,7iv1 t
ittees to Arrange other prelim,
ies. -Let the good woi-k go on -and
gart j)roperty, And.,are- no w. conafort- -take
ably settlodi p)[ace to-dayj� ;(Tn
the local Clintonlans should add their,
q iota, of 'influence so*,4s i6pla6e the
Mr; Will Wiserhan is in the hospiiil OLINTON � STUDENTS SUCCESS -
"celebration, bdyond peradventur4, In
at preseint. , Ile -undel-wentan op . eiaw FUL -The p.ass* and prize'l0ts.of'Knnx
case of it beftig p)�bceeded �vitbi
tiou last�we6k, and'is doing nicely. As College which have been publish6d,
expLkits to-returh io hiaLwork atAlvin -diontain the names of � c6uple of form.
MAITL.�ND POWE R,_ A Inedting
of ili� Boird of Trade'will be.' held,in.-
eton on M6
aday_ er studoi-its ot the Collegiatb Institute
bete.. The names'moiltioned are in -the
Co. 9bely Fleming,of
the Caiincil Chamber on Monday eveli-
� the Y. Ali: 0. A. Eirst Year Pass List: J. MoBwan, son
.1s a - busy. man. - Tuesday ot . this. of Mr. Al. Me con.� 2, Stanle
iiig, April 10bb. I� is, exrbted tha-VI
=, yo
week, he was at Goderipb,- Wednes- and Chas. rdii B. A., eon of Mr.
Mr, MOY018, Tepredenting' t e Maitland
.P6w6k bompany, will. Se pr(�sent with
day at Bk3ter. alid. Tbur�day and Fri- Mustol, of Brucefield. Mr.. Mastatid
dai will be spent.at Brussels and g�o comes.16 for a prize of $60, a'taA 9
reference to sIVOYIng electric poWer
to the town.. be c9impany'' are ilevel-
Vigharn. . ... 1` �blotestitnony-.of hfi good. work in the
opigg power at. Benmiller and exiiect
P�JBLIO-scbools andAhe Collegiate ege.,
to in a position to supplying .1 power
this F all. They are constructing an
will, remopen their doors next Mbnday
morning for, the closing.term. of A. 0. W. WILt ENTERTAI_�-Z.
- this 1.
electric raillway from Owen Sound to.
Satni6and propose to ;suppiv power
-balf year.- Punctuality 4ndre ular' A invitation has been issued over the
9 ity -known
On the, part of the pupils are'�rime' signature of R. J.Cluff.tb6 well
to Goderich,. Clinton, And Searorth.
factors in. thedesired. advancement. and fai thful. Recorder of Lodge No.141,
A. 0. U. W., Clinton,to attend an opF -D
After:meeting, the business' r
hen on
Monday' nekt, the,CompanY will, prob.
. .
The follow'
intr passengers lef 6 during Lodge meeting in, Lhe hall, ov6r tht-
the past. week for tbeWest and were M61sbns Bank, '.or% Tuesday o* ening of
ably come before the Council with. a
tIcketed through by W. Jack on, (). P. next week,.20inst., at 8 o'clock - Grand
0 .
R.agent, J, Houston to Winni- 31kisteri Morris, of RoAr ' iiiy, and oiher
AOCIDENT.-4.Wediiesday -.of last
Deg; Mrs. Fisher to. Miniota'; Geoige- GrandLodge oMcers'are, expected to
week as Mr� W,- Doherty wh§ in' the
hipps toRocanville ;'Norman' Welsh address the meeting. An -interesting
yard at the Piand he �was
to Saskatoon; Mrs. J. V air to Camdu ff; teatureof the evening will be a de.
struck on the h6ad mitb a, iiine board
G. Jennison a6d. wife toSwlft CuriOent; monstrati6n .of the work of the
caused by the gale of that day. 11�1
Miss Evans to Minnedosa. Order,-'.'
was violefitly* thrown to. the gound, re-
ceiving.serious hijqkles, that for atime.
rendered him unconscious. A - nasty
scalp wound, 69 inches long,. -a, irusheil
musele, sprained wrist,bruised hand,
and a severe shaking up, was the sum.
mary -of the unfortunate . occurrence.
A doe'ter
Z"V It-91
L"He " 0% "n"r, a t
ap zwoes
was promply sninnioned and
Mr. Doherty was not. long off du6y.
We Rre" pleased to state, and in the
couyse of a few days, waa able to be, at
the offlc6,' with his usual 4etivit
th&ukful that he had escapedo so weff:
and grateful-tortbe kind consideration
of'friands., by call or enquiryi, The
NEW BRA congratulates our, towns.,'
man on hisf6rtunate escape frow more
For some. time ive have been telling.,
serio�ts injury.
y9p about our high grade Shoes at $4,00,
PICIeHTT-DUNFORD --- :The home
i §A Co and Re e�,. TiieSe are the lip -pt that
-bit. Jas. Danto
as the, scene of 9.
ickdtt. Th6 nilirklAge took - place a . b
gh nooii.'i ' n'the presence of the im.
ediato volatives. avid 4, few intimate
tends; Rev. 0. R, Gunne officiatin
is bilde And groom beinguinattendZI
he *wedding march Wits played by
Ass 9mma Pickett. The brije was
�comingiy attired in "a pretty dress
eam, v6ile; Miss Cleta, bunford sister
I the bride. as- ribg bear6i, looked
�ry pretty In #,.drearo silk, Thecere�
tony over, the company sat down to
Ranty luncheon The patty, left on
is 3.07 p, mi train for Toronto and
oints east, the bVide wearing a pretty
[vo travelling buit with hat to inateb.
he voung couple were the recipients
( manybeantif Op.esents which show
io high e8teern in which they were
old. Thobe from a, distance were Mr.
nd Mrs. EM). Dunford itrd Slpt;.Allan
,amont, of Brussels. The couple on
eturbing home, Will take up -residenee
i the Townsend eotta o on Townsend
treet. We Joill with tfle many friends
i wiehing them many yeatt of happ!
.-are produced, bitt it'.does not'mean. that
all our shOesarein 'that class,, for we also
have the best ihat aremade in the lo'Wer'
pAcied lines., We .6
Star Urand.5hoes for'Ladies, at 1. .$1150 and No U
Faidtless Sitoes, for Ladies, at ... - - - - ,. .- . .. ,$2.00,
P cerless Shoes. for Ladies, at i - $2 $2.25 '�nd $2.50
Ar.t Shoes, for Ladies, at .......
Special,Values in Men,.,g Sholso..,
Meh's CalfBals, at ................. ..................... $1650
nexTitif Uals and Bluchers4f at ........... $2o $2ob() and $3
Strong, solid leather Work Shoes, at and $2
Best English Kip Bluchers sit ........ 0.. # 4 4.$3,,4)0
Our Itoston CAN goods at $9.95 %year like Iron.
Our Repair Depart-ment is in full swing, and jobs
are turned out promptly.
Fred Jatksohl,
Apdl 15th, x9og
Free Lessons., in
Miss Munro, of the Corticelli Silk Co,", is
at present conducting ct class in Art Needle-
work at our store TheAessons are Entirely
Free. The houWare from io.,3o to I P.m.$
and from 2.30 to 5 P.m. Kis,, Munro is the
,,orticelli Silk Co's. 'most expert teac,er. For
ar she. has been conducting classes
three ye,
for them in England and Scotland. On her
return this yeaP,she held a most successful
Aass in the store,)f the T, Eaton Co., To.
rodto, from which she comes to us. If you are
at all Interested,in Art Needlework, this rip,
portunity to improve is aa excellent one.. Re-
member, -no charge for tuition.
in connection with this class, we are rnak�
ing a special exhibit of finished Needlework,
the majo�t� at�f which was shown by the
.e?Corti li � 0 the Vreat Franco-Britisb ex.
position ast year . �(ie think we are ..safe in
saying it is the handsomest display of '.qeedle-
work ever, shown, and is,welj inorth al-vigi-ti-
Satu k- day.
_M__ lin ant ,.Dav
We have laid om all our. Remnant, for quick
selling Satuiday. All, are measured, � a*nd pice
-marked in plain figures, on.tickets, for the pie.ce.'
Remi�ant.S of Dress Goods,. 4J yards' and under;
,remnants -of Toweling, Prints, Cottons, - Shirtings,
t!!heetxngs, Table Linens, Saleens, Muslinst"gham-
bray' Ginghams. etc. -All''.at about HALF-
PRICE, for quick lling...: Come earl a�d get
first choice.
ashmere Hose
.35c aqd 40C C
at 25C'
,1.50 pairs Ladies' fi.ne C
. s I ' " . as.hmere Hose,,
v(!iiy firl� qual ity,'. -in' plain and' ribbeli -
siz6s 8 only. Our stock of th�se
9., 91
Iine� is too heavy, which. is the-, 'only
c liv price. Re
reason for thi's &eP ut, I " '' ' 9.1
35c and'46c; Saturday, per pai,r,�oirlly ..... 1. 25c
5oc.and 6 -op Tweed DressGoods
-at 35C.-
500 yards light -grey Tweed Dress Goods,
in chedks� and'stripe4, all *)ol, . Just'the
thing forchildren and misses, for. school
wear. The reason for this: big cut is.,
ours. .,Reg;' 5oc.and 6o.c.value for Per yd 35C
.1. c Fa tory Cottoll.
at:. MC
OL pie , es :clean
r6und-thre'ad,' Factory
Cdtton, goo&wfdth and weight, 2' yds in'.
-�ach.-piece. You will" hayie-.1b �.buy. the
..pie 7 ce...a . s -we cannc . it cut. I , �hjths. at 'this
d '820
price. R6gular-ioc Satur a ............ ..
New... Spring. Coats..
Ovr'..New. Spring Coats are- now all in�.
rhey 4rethe very newest styles arid - Col-
Orl.nigs... - Come in and see '' theix�. Prices,
run trorn $1.410 up to $0.09111
W.Ask to-see'our'speclal ai� $10.00
1O..only Travellers' Samples . of Ladies'
P�.!ead�:?.to-Wbar'Suits,.'i.n- navy .and green
Pdriama.d1wh., very daindly trimmed with'
Silk'Ribboaand Buttons.,-., Latest styles
for spring. -0he-Oard. btf. Regular prices,
New Whitewear
All the New Spring. W�hitewear is -now in,
stock. Uaderskirts, Waists, Drawers,.
t o C I 'nd'see these
Cotse C vets, et'., 'Cal a
as'often as you like, whether y I ou buy
or not.
Nm Too SkirX
Our rangeof New Spring Top Skirts IS.
now . com,olete, - iff' Panadiag, Voilds,
Broadc'lQths; poplins, etc. the new
styles. are very pretty, and -,we quarantee
a fiti Cor�e in and 4ee these.
If you, afe needing any Carpets, Rugs,
Linoleums, Oilcloths or Curtains, don't
fail to see our range before buyin' We
can save you.money. on your purc set
.Tozer, I &�: �BiroWn
.1� I