HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-04-15, Page 3I
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. Aprit 16th 1009.
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rAlka. By Requ"t - NEWS NOW5, I I 14ft'""I" - A0410onal Loml New&
� I I �-*_,!I,_ � I -rbe Ills of
I "ba*rA URPOW cur"'"Istenver [HE,, SUNDAY SCHOOL "Jaroonodhild Tula boom In bull4lagwill aloq boom
Kft.the folio well rlol� the town.
- 3PUMY. sh�44170R .
44 4 bottle, 4� "" "' ;priolafa, Millello -compound Iran Pills, nPly . I. - -
.4 ,!ala rnd at bed - 26c, for 59 4oves',lit W, 8, 14 Holmes. I
_ Qsep after rri� timet � The ills of childhood Ave 'mauyi Now what are you, dolipir tow%Olm
Fluid Rx � tract Daudelion, Oue�half The body of aiman about 38 or 40 Lesson III-i—Second,'Quarter, For I and may prove aerLue. if no boosting Clintou?
.0,000% VQMPQund Xurgon, ore 'Ounce; ,Years of ag4 was. washed. ashore,Thurs. =rw�*ll "t'Onded to- nUT4abll Repe%tit: ,18hiloWo Core will 1.
� _
40mPOUPCIL 5y4up Sarso, day morning at Toronto, - -April 1.8, 1909. 1 1 ere Baby's O.v . ways cm my coughs and colds , ." - a
, ,, parillas three
*vnqes. A local druggist is, the An -1 . . — lets are
. , other- kkopt there !a& prompt 'Fifty doses for squarterl The -best, ,
Ity that t- I I - John Vogot, of Wiarton, a man . I , . cure at baud forallob. troublea as I I
� I hese simple, harmless ingreil , oralltoilics Miller$ Compound Iron
lolitq c4p,be ol)tAjfAt4 at rlomi"gk gost about 4C, pleaded guilty on % charge THE INTERNATIONAL SERIES, indigestion, colic, diarrhoea.cou-
$,wQo, cor home druggist. . 11 : that. . on. Vriday night he iset Are to I I stipation worms, and teething Pill% #it W 8 14 H91mes.
The mixture is .said to cleaves and 60011, HP09-' Plauiug W1119, ca,using troubles.' And the motter has. A lfawsr"ER calle itself indepen.
49treurthen the clogged and inactive V300'damage, . t the guarantee of a government 1� 4ent when it sets out to please both on
Iroxt of tho Losson, Aots Ix" 1140. 14
Xidneys, overcorrif 13 kaebe, Blad- fea grown at aya elevation of 5 000 � $ analyst that this medicine con- all parties But there 18 A
anc , . Marnory Vorses 15, 16 -Golden Toxf, talne no opiate or ppisononsdrug I
der w44knesii I iffri,04,ri troubloot feet arid,upwards, where soil and'eli- . . for it . , ., nether name .
I _ Act* ix, 4-0 MmItHaTrimon ,Copefoi
*11 kin4b, if taken bieforo' the Stage of mate combine to,give that del . ornmentary Prep;xred by d va,Ont, � Now tbAt the Winter is pasttliedis. :
I , ,�
i ' 1. - 11 *i .
*ight'sdissasp ' fragrance aud*deacious flavor, lsbits'e"d Rev, 0. M. Ste;trns. a amys.-Ill have used Baby's Own I � russion of the proposed new (311rand
1. Toose who have tried this say it pos. in 1,$a1ada.11 Its purity ano strength Tablets. -and think nothing I can Trunkidepat should be 4 seasonable
litively Overcomes pain In the back, make it muchInore e I conomical to use (COPYright, 19A. bY 4131eti= r!reps Association,] equa. them for Binall children, 1 $ topic I ,,
� I
'eloars the urine of sediment and repu- khan other teae, . When the Holy Spirit * well d not be withouttilern In the
� _ . . records any- house. for they stived Toy little . Tua NEw. EU& letter box on the �
litef# "rin' tiOv, esPOPWly at Vightt ' The old fashioned way of dOsing a thing several times He uiust desire to g . I . $
*uring even the worst forms, of blad- � weivk etQuiacb,orrotirriulp-ting tbeHeart -Irl'a life 11 Sold by medicine offide door is always available but
call special attention to it, as we sug- dealers, or by mail at .2 please sign your name to
, , Oc. a box , any contrib.
-der weakness. orKidueyp is all wrong. Dr Shoop first ,
. Every man or w0insin here who feels pointed 6ut - this error This is why his geSted In a recent lesson.. Ile must $!" fr,3mTbe Dr Williams's Medicine utioit dropped in,
I .
prescription -Dr Shoop's Restorative- therefore Interid that we g Co., Brockville, Ont.. When childrell are pale, peevislA and
that the kidneys are not strong or act, '1ve good .t
fx ina healthy manner should mix 49 directed entirely to the cause of h ed to the account of Saults I . I restless at night they'require a. dose or
, I . e coaver-, ,bqk%,*m64%,AW%,%%,,%*ft4%,%A^ ..
. . ,_
tAl prescription at hoibe and give it 4 these' llment% the we,xicitislaeor'cort- slon, recorded 14 this lesson and. in , . . . two of Miller's WortuPowders,for sale
tr6l, as it is said to do wonder for , - ' - - by W S R Holm6s, ,
. , a trolling, pervps It isn?o so difficult., chapters xxil and xxv] and - also to ' �
amany persons. . . � .1 I says Dr Shoop, to strengthen a weak Paul's statements else;bere iconcern- . 4 SOXH, people in town are making a
- ' etomach,11eart, or Kidne7s,if one goes CANADIM ON BIBLEI , specialty of some strenuouaamusl6ment
A REAL newspaper must be seines atitcorrectly. Each inside organ has, g s In Gal. 1, 18,17; I TIm. 1, 11- . I
. , this season, and find it bard toilecide .
tl�ing like the .Apobtle had in mind its controillig or insile nerve. When 17, This chosen vessel (verse i5) was Toronto Possesses Two High Experts between carpet ball arid . checkers.
when he said, 'Be all things to all men,' tileed nerves fail thou those organs Permitted to b111141sr go -big own way i
'Thereportermay not b.epersonallya . on Holy writ. Preventics"those Candy Cold Cure'
. mustsurely falter Trisect vital trutba, till the time came, which God had al- Tablets will sately and quickly chbek
.ahampion of card parties, dances, base are leading druggists everywhere to wave foreseen to sto 1hl- a"A - Torontonians will have more thaq 11 VA A �.- I'll
,ball. or other amusements, Yet they dispense and recommend Dr. Shoop's 0 V � a passing interest in.the "Standard?- 0 �' Ban PPAO v P' ry thern once � . 11 . . I .
stiust be recorded ; neither is he necefs- Uestorative.' Test it, a few days, and him about In the right direction. Let Bible Dictionary," which has just anq see. 48 for 25c. Sold by AIL dealers. — _ - ..
, . — .
sal -fly a church member because he seel Improvement will promptly and, nil those who are pleading with God : been publish�4 by Messrs. Funk a.rid. -a Tuts is the season when the lawns I . I .
mentions the good work of revivids, sarqy follow. Sold by� till deal6re, for Nrayward sons or daughters, hus. nd bouleyards are-muell damaged by . . � � � - .
fa% or all reforms, advocat.is morality . I bands or wIves or possibly for parents Wagnalls, of New York, ina E Ops f or., Hatcfifonie� __. - .
. . 8much as thoughtless children, -delivory men, I; . . 0. . , , _. .. - 11 ..
. . -
-and the prohibition of the liquor traf- . be encouraged by this wonderful man- the list of thirty-severt distinguished and others walking over them instead *dds awler titia Haadllug 25c per Issue, . - � ...
I -
fic, but prints all things of all kinds of Ifestation qg-. the grace of God, and Biblical sabolars"whose names appear of keeping to the walks. Clive the 750 per molub, . � "I � " . "� - 'at, .
news Personal quarrels, seandles or ,FIG PILLS may, they bedr the Spirit saying, "Tby, as'editors .includes President U. A. gress a chance,, . . 'S.,� I I -el � , - - C _
� I'll, .
ordinary drunks are nLt news, and . Falconer and Prof. J, F. -McCurdy, RURAL Till bE PHONRS-The Far. � ,'.-� '. I I 11
I I I . . .... ,� . I
ought not,as a rate, be,scattered broad- .Prnyer Is' heard'P (Luke. 1, 13; Acts x, of Toronto University. ' TelEirs'Telephone Co. movement is tak. 'A Al_ ?.1.11*r�."IV4 t, , I
eabt as news. For Kidney and liver Trouble, 81; I John v, 14 15). and then patient, To these gentlemen were, assigned Ing definite shape, and organization I,$. ,.�f ,� rJ. `�,�'V. � C, - , , 1Z,
,� --1 I , �iii.t�,ir.
. . .�,(,%nto, I
- . . Constipation and RheuinatiSIn. ly but expectantly await God's time to some of the most important subjects be ig eftected, * The Company will be 1� ,�K,,'�J r. III .., ..
'The Nox Tasteless Liquorg. Drug Mr Abo.Peeeman,193 Dowling avenue make manifest the. answer,. Could treated of in this. new d' t' ' .3ed the North k1uron Telephone Co, .�V Xf4Eejil, . h, .. - ... 11 �
C, ,f _.. ,�
been a I Xlready a block. or stock has been sold � V. -
Toronto, Qnt., says. there. possibly be a seemingly 'more which is one of the most Dlrkpl8f� , " " . -
and Tobacco Cure. I , �, � - � ., V�Vv, � � _ — .
great sufferer for a number of yeiirs hopeless case than this one? -And yet and concise works of the l0nd ever and a, charter will be applied for forth. �. I. ;�
— - . .. . . . . I I � , 7". - I
with dyspeTsia and constipation4 I .see how wondrously God wrought ilislied. . - with . I . ,.'.,' �, �,; g, I . I
We have yet to bear of one failure. have Taken ollars worth of -The fame of j?rof. McCurdy as a ,;�,I�g�,, -
medicine when His time came, Notwitbstand- a!i in' Oriental literature is SOUTH HURON LICENSES. -A . .- -V. -w, f", I , �
�r, . � .
wi, !,, " ,�. . I
I I "All _4, �0 " �: I . ��
ath of. Stephen meeting of the License Commisel i !,�.
to cure where a fair trial has been giv- but I never got relief, I had decid,)d 'lug the triumphant de, speci w 8t . , 1�
on. Can he given without the pexson that there was nothing made that world ide, and it is no surprise that ._ �, . ;,
and -all that Saul -must, havebeard and ve been chosen to write .for South Huron, wil I meet at Dixon's ,� kg%,.,�'. ;�, :,. _� �� . . I
- he should ba . � .
knowing, it is harmless and Absolkitely would.cure me. One day a friend ad- see Hall, Beticeffeld, on Friday, April,23rd , "I '_ I - I . . :
without taste. Mother, sister or Wife vised me to try Fig Pills, I bought a . such historical articles as "Assyria " , . I . .
n at that time be still- continued his my�o " ,. I
, I ____ - - - -
. YP by - '!�-'--.s'Egypt,?' . 1 . -1 � I . '��-,�,.'-! It . .. . . � 4:
u would be doing a great work box. and before I - had - taken h4lf af muM&Ious career and was'on his -way "Babylonia, EthiopiZ' to '-Ousid& ap�lications for liquor lie- '-,',\,,'I,
isi enses for the license year of * 1909-10, , , ,�,,,,?r-, .
giving this remedy to some members the box I felt better� I have taken tq�, Damascus In the same spirit when . "Israel," and "The Semitia Religior, F the uretyerti .�- 'fl, 1,,?(, � I .
. %r 0 r 0 a I elve were twen; 0�,I,, ..", V, ., IT WOULD MAKE . I
,',� , IpJ1,11'Al �%&. I
of your family. We will mail a full tour boxes'tind to-dity I am anew trian !suddenly from being, a persecutor of each of which is treated to an extent ty4live tavern and two shop licenses is� * �!�14 h � I , 1, , . .--I.----- ______ .
. g , "O'Ci ."!;Ml. I, I I
i'l 11 ,, . I Jit. �
month's treatiment for fivedollars.. Thd Fig Pills have certainly done wonders Jesus be. became His most devoted- 9f several -pages. . . I . . , I 7 j -t, �%, � ,, �, � I .`.�. I . . . YOU RUNGPT � .
me. Fig Pills are a. positive cure - . . 1 . epistles to Timothy suetl and this year .th6re are no now *-.,,�� . , . '... I "I , .. - NkV4 to . , see . our'fine 09ort . ni�k6f Cakes al- . . . I
Soobel) Drug Co., St Cafhariues, Onf. for The Pauline . I M,�, "' , *1 " - -� , �
_ I I R 1� 1, 1. I I
. . bond -slave and iaitiifui witness. He , applications Any petition against . "", . . ..''i't..".
,. ..
for all kidney, ,liver, and'stomach . form the subject -of one of. Dr.*-Fal-� �,,qa.��,��,,,, . . . .-_ - .. ,,q., �a4 , . .W, a I �
, '.. �,..,, .. � " a'. I . i
I -.ft," - 'I �5.'i�,' when you have such an assortment to 11
. . . �',"" -. lkl�'_`, - * . I
a. .25 c. a box. � or. -five pages are,taken up by III , I ,,, IM �, , �
The proVerbially good luckof a child trouble,r,o.urstomacb,heavtburn, bilious saw - the riscii and ascended Jesus granting a license 1:6 any .applicant or . ,� . . � k .�.,,,,� ye on
wati, perhaps, accountable ior the headache and dyspepsi . (verse 17) as truly as Stephen did; be m in , "". ", . � . � �:§ .. choose from, give its a trial and they. , I ,I
coner's, principal contributions. Your _ !0.111
�, ,...� ,%i"..."�.'.
promises must be lodged with tile lie. - I �
, .
� ,
. . - , - i!,',,,�,.
ense inspector four days before tile � .".. : �: ,'�,,\,,,�, -I . I '
QeCape from death or serious in ury of . NOX A: COLD - heardblinself addressed by name in Uri illustrated historical sketch of the meeting.. , �.. .. . .. . � , i� � . . . . . will talk for themselvei. Bakers of �
' that double form by.which the Lord - "Mone'y" of the,East, About' fifty . . . , i
�he 7 -year-old daughter of VAIham 106' IN ONE DAY. ' ' I . � Rhode lidand Iteds-nggs from, a choice homemade bread, tho'best to be had. .�
Waunsch, Thames Street, London. - : . addressed. Abraham and Mosew and - minor ,topics, such as "Geresa"' NEWSPAPER CHANGE -Mr. W. -Pon of S. C. Reds. won ist-cook. let bon, Huron; While Aip town cbme in and try oar ' . I
I 01, ullet. mnib- .1
('Cyprus,' tali, gind cock. Ist and gad he e t 15
� s conTinced of ills great . "Macedonla," . �cf ' H. -Kerr, who has been editor and 'lob cook. let ben. let cocker
The little girl was playing with seve- The, g,reatest Lung Healing Medicine . Samueli he wa 0 0 1 Crete," , lee Orearn, and Soda. it will refresh you - �
ral other youngsters at the corner of known. 25c. bottle; , . . sln,�aftd, .with .true penitence,' erledi. "Ameni' 7acob's Well," "Ilidas Is- proprietor of the Brussels -Post for the fjo;;�,sbovevrinners, at yards . ; il i while.doing your. shopping.. � .
'. ge' .
I . . "i - .
Thames and York streets,wben a ran- , - his initials. past thirty years bab, purchased the pod'. Eggs from % good. uUli ty. , -b P keep a line of first class * eonfee- . . .
.a -Way horse came tearing down York - . W. SIR. Hohnes , . "Lord,. -what wilt thou I have me to-do?" cariot," also appear over , n t 0 at the We . . .
. I . .. . ' L . .. The dictionary .-has been evolved Chilton NEw ERA, indudin-g plant and prft.75c.shipped., No o , .Oc beg. uutU tionary ii3d fruits in season. . - - -
street hill. The driver was unable to . Soon it was.. .repprted everywhere :along -new lines, and is th' jesult. of building, The Nnw HR,K. becani& for April lotb. . . 'A IP Olt ton. . . I
. I I . . - . e . I . - '
. . .
it . I .1 sale.owing to the appointment of Mr. .� I I Cash or trade for Buttertand:Eggs. 11
-control it The youngster evidently PUZZLED CONAN DOYLF_ ,'Jb4t he who persecuted. us In times' - . , � I � .. . .
. L _ � several years' labor under th super . - . . .
obu,, of RobeitHolmes to -an important gov- I � . �
.4id not notice the animal, and when . . � 10 Past now preacbeth the falth-which Vision of Dean M. W. Jac e .. . '
trying to cross the road the horse Toronto Murder Proved Too. Much For ,once -lie destro�edll'.(Gal. 1, 23)., The Hartford Theological Seminary, Prof. ernment position at Toronto, Mr.. Kerr - � a. 4D. white, ugiiornx encl. Barred Plym.uih I W* We "NIMENS... . .1
knockedherdown. She fell under the . . . r., light fro;n be'tavell`was a great llg4t E, 111. NGUrSe, who lecititres on biblical isat present oweerof the Bly.th Stand. Rockit. Stock from our Ontario winners, Eggs -1 - . Phone 42 s 1. ClInton . . .
wagon, hut fortunately the hu6f*s'and . Creeitor of Sherlock.Holmes. ' r ard in addition 'to the � Post. The W Ptrr setting of 13. or $4.50, Psi, 100 Write to ** , . ..
I ' brIghtnesi; of the sun, and theology in the same institution, and . 0 DURST'BROS.. BenmilYer, Out. � .. . I .
above the' '. .
the wheels missed her. I . One of:the most deplorable things .1 Standard, since it come under the con- . , I I I I . I . . I I � I . . I I
- -
Paul said, "I .,could not -see for the A., O..;&nos, professor of ecelestasti- ti,ol of Mr. Keri,bae been managed. by I . I . . � ; . . .� . � .r.
� . about a mysterious murder is the , � . . I
I. glory of that light." What: hlessed cal lilAory.in McCormick Theological r We " : . . . . � . ...� .
Phosphonol -The Electric Re- manner in whIch'th6 general pub ie .. Seminary, Chicago, .Associated with his son, Mr.. J. Leslid Kerr. urjderw . � . . . .
. I
loses its head and manufactures evi- blindness, a sight of Jesu6 making,us dtand Mr. Kerr Intends r . )VIng from 111141IT-ft Legbormist-Rin6 Comb EggR frOM. f5well. Tailoring .
storer for Lost Mankind . . I � � I 'them have beeri. thirty-four Ameri� Brussels to Clhi ere( . . . . � .. �
- dence out' of airy imaginings..: There ,blind to all else! Alay It ever be so . . �on.and.. that there My pen No.1 lacluding'all toy prize vVinning I
. I
— can, British, and'German scholars of will be a change In the mamagemebt birds $1.50 ver 15: - vea�No-. 2, Wq,�`Fr,.l5,ASO,,,. is . usually thou�bt. tis cost a swell - �L ,' "�'
Y I nown Single comb eggs 75a per 13 . E I . �
. .
Restores every nerve in the body to ., has been -.repeated pr6cisel' what lisp- with ut, - J)lIud and. deaf' to all but the. 'first rank, iiialudinj such'well-'k of both the Blyth Standard and thei .1 Clinton, Ont. price, We prb�e- the falsity. of that. , ' I
,its proper tension . restores vim and pened. in this city a.dozen years a , face and voice of Jesug. The Lord's , 0115 Dodds,. .t, dward � Ke- Post . . . I
. gef ll I I . I men as� Mar , but vvha�'that will'be,j we. have .. . . �- . . I I I Ideai by our mod rate prices, . . . . � 0:
-viWity. Premature decay and all sex- -when a prominent young man 0 question, ",Why persecutest thou Me?" n1g, :Sbailer ,MattherN�s, J., Vernon not learned. .� Mr. 'Kerr, as"A news '1* _. . - _ llwrllr� - - . . . 9 . . . . ..
. . _ .
usf weakness averted at once. Phas- Parkdale was', shot in th6 doorivay of was'in*the Hebrew tongue, for which Bartlett, -etc. .. �. . ... I ., _. I I OVR SPRINGSTYLES . � ..
. .� . pkiper man, is one the happy few who - - -1 I. . . I . . I . . I ' �
- .
phonol will make you a new man. $3 his,own home under most. mysterious there must have b.een. some reason . Most recent. Bible 'di�tionarles hAV6 h,ve-be , - . . . AND FABRICS - - .
. . I
a box, or tw6 for $5. Mailed to any circumstances. The great grief 61 his . . � . :y, too Aisduisi,V6, too en forturiate. enoukh to make � - I � . . . . . . I . I - . I . .- I I . ... '
family was augmented in a. most ter. - Was It because Saul prided hirrigelf on been. too buIR . , - money, and -the NEw. ERA, under his ' . p I are ready. for iis-lieotion. -You cannot, . I
. ' � " .
address on receipt or price. TbeSco6- . , being '!an Hebrew. of the Hebrews?,, much given to ipeculation, and miich managemeDl will,. we feel sure.main� . " I '. . . I ail toadmire them at ,,he first glance. I - -.-, . . 1� �;
oil Drug Co., S Oatbari nee, Ont.' , . rible . degree by the base and morbid . (rhil. W, 15.) Onr Lord's reply to Saul's too ex0ensive. The Standard,his. in! I tian the high Standard it has -held in ' * I I . . . . .
. . suspicions of the local public, no� un- )n'e volume all the inforniation that Hur rdom - -Seafortb Ex.. . ' � I .. I . WE WILL. TAILOR Y01F . * ..
. THE Canadian Press Association are assisted -by one or two indiscreet lie- �'Whci art thou, Lord?" was, "I am *' . on newspapie . . . . . . I ,. i
arrangirig for an excursion to Edition- lice officers. �'. .' I � . the average Bible student, be he min- positop. . � I . I . I 11 . . -1 . ..A. SVIT. . -.'.
. .
-ton in June, via Northern Transporta. it gubseque-htly turned. out that the whom thou perse- ister or layman, has time to read and . . . I . . � - I I- . I .� .. � - .. . . in any style ai . 3d'cloth you' � sel6p'.t at - . I . .�
_ . cutest,!' the .name that -. Saul .had., s6 gig 9t. 1i is thoroughly evangelic - * . .. . 14 I I
tion Uo's boats to Port Ar'fiur, 0 N R murder L has been committed in a man� I . e - . I . � . _ I - � � �ql I - I .. . price that competes. closely with fac. , .
L hated and that so" many proud .Jews in tone. , . . . . Biby Vell On' Tolfte Sto.viet. .. .i
8 I I . � . . - I � .. . . . . .. I . \ toly- , L � I
to Winnipeg, thence by G T P. ner'exceeding the sensation of 'the . . . made clothing. That a sialf nlade
6te to this. dayi When Saul saw the . ' ' -�.— .;. . ' N , : - I . 1.
- - . I .. L 'Pl' . I — : L � .1- - "I - . . . . . . . . .1 by us Is Swell Itl�evdry detail, needs no 1. .. Z.
. Y big.. � L I . ..... -71- -PRP;-�7 L . . .. I
crudest melodrama by & young wo . ' , as Stun Mrs. T 8 Dougall, of, 523. Vfor . L . .
- . hated' one as the Lord of � Glor , Inquirer"W 9 a Ave. i I . . . .. . I I -
Repeat it: "Shiloh'i Cure will al.* man.in men's clothing who tookAhls- . I .� ' , I argument. The clothes , speak for, . I . I .
ways cure my cougba andcolde." means of , avenging A fancied -insult "'Outit was forever shut concerning A mail of inquisitive mind often Winnipeg, says:-I'My baby girl was. , -Now, 1.4 the time to haV6 Y4tir themselves, I . . I
* arranging some of her doll's . . . .
. L . Then 1he public mindi was r*elfeved blillself and his 'previous good opinion taltes a. chance when lie asks oes. . washing Bicycle cleaned up and put in I I . . 1. . . � � � .1
I .— - _. - but people turned aboutzrid. made �, . of himself, and from Lthat day be .was tions, This *fact was impressed on .on a clothes-raik beside the stove, shape*for Spring. "Bring It i - . . - .
. I . . . . ready .. . lvlr.,W. C. .W.111�inson,.,seer.eta-ty-treas. when she fell, and her band, being I re dy - - r .
. . heroine of the young womad. , I ,to die for Him In whosc� right.; now. and I can have it al". i EO ,'We . B A P,Ci E a.
I throwpoutto tryand save. herself, . . 11 . . 1. . 1,
It is interesting ,to note that it! .consiless alone be now rejoicea (Phi -I. .urer of the Toronto Board of Eduoa Lof the, for you, withoutdek�,y. . L L I. 1. . .. .. . . . 1. : I
. . �. . I I - . . Vine'Merchant Tailoring. i . I
I I . .1 . tion, by--a�,rather amusing incident n -came in bonka'at with the side - L . .. I. I . I . . - : ._ . . . . . I
Pin Your Faith connection *#h this. case the_, Le_r- . fil, 8, 0).. The bumbled man was thret� c hot. stove, She sustained a; serious '. - . '
, I -
vices of. Sir A. Co;ian Doylq,*d.fe . .., . I ,LAWN' MOWERS_` - . ... -ja6kaon's Old Sta. - �' " - -
. ills. recent trip tlikough the, BritI511 L burn'ai2d'her ories atid,screamis were - - � 1. .,L, . Fred" nd' : ..
, *- day's withont right or food -or drink lglog LL . I ''I . .. �, . . " . '' . . L ... . I—
to solnething that bascured thoust 'listed arid shown� t6 be mucli -less - � . ... - - L . .. .1. 1. . . t6rt&e;- - . - L'. I ... I . I 1. I I .. . ,� A�gerrt, for L BrItish-Arnerican - Oleaning. - - % , � :
� , (verse 0). * He )vas led by the hand Into 1: was in' . I . . . 'biontl; L . . .
. .
She At Lthe time t . .. berer W,1� ow that Mr. - "I -on -druggist for the I 1 . .. � . ,� .1 . . ... . . I -& Dyiug Co� . L eidt . . . %
ands, and will cure you, . efficient than' thd%'of 'his creation, * La ' . I ,�son good old Glasg ,L .sent t to -the. IfyOULWiSh. I .1 .
.,,6. Damascus alid must hire'lind joi up on the eat beside to have. your mower I I . . . . . .
rlock Holmes. I , ' best remedy he hsd to use on a burn. I . L 0 % . I . I .
' murder oectirred Dbyle -%vu . lecturing, to be forgotten experience in the reve- the drivir. of.. a bus, and st,arted to. He said there. was- nothing t .1. sbarp6hed and repairedt �drop I I I . . . � . ..._........ . I 1 7, . . ... -
Brick's , 69a under Majb' ',�q_tlbn of.bls Lord and of himselfmillidh converse with a rather tacit n 8 t Z o equa . . . I . *
r Pond's man- ' co . - badk 4 supply. .I I . : t I .
I in Ame of - - am.Buli. and sent . Pao a postal card or leave Word GLO . � . .
. age . merit, It occurred to the city edi.� came to him those, days. Tiniess 'we' The man answered his questions' civ-. applied this., and it soothed . the at 'the shoo and IL-sball call for- ' I . - , - . I
' . . . , illy thdugh- arid finally the Caria- I pain - ib,...... . . od '-B-060 A.'' I �, � z�
. . I tor. of a morning -newsp4per that an - 'can truly say tronithe lieart'Rom, vil, I I L . I � so quickly that .the child laughed and deliver, � . . : .. ... . . I
. I . q than showed- a thirst for irif in . .. I . . L .1 . .. .
Ta bpinion from him would intensely .in- 18, We Lnee cleArly. the ' . .Or atien� through. her 'tears.. I bourid up the- I Now%Is the time.to..ba,�e these To Fariners -andffithers- -
. - QnAhe wage, question. - - . . I - . . �
I .
- terest the public.. He. was' pretty beauty'qf the. -Lord. -until the constant haild in Zam-Buk-, ar.d each day ap- things. attended to as 1'. sball be . . We have several pairs, of our .
. After learning' what� men in the . own
sure of. an answey, 1;ecauae the nave-. atterance of our heart becomes I'Not-T-� ' plied. Zarb-Buk frequentlyand liberally . busy later on. z. ... . . � I make of Boots.' Good Largains while' , :
- , -
Cod LiverOil list was booLed to uppe'iir inToronto . ' � , vailous trades earned, the Toronto until the burn was quite -cured. The I. I . I I . . I .1
. . 'and his ri�ariagement was fav too as� but-chtist," "Not 1, but the.grReLl of traveler tboxigh.f ..he'd s6und the little one was soon able to g6 on -with they last. Just the thing you neeiU. ` �' . _0
. There may be nothing wrong with you tute.,to let slip such.a chance for pub. God" (Gal . . 11, 20; 1 .C6r. -xv, 10).*jt'Is cabby. ' . . .1 .., . .. . her -play, and we had no,trouble With . . A..TJJRNERt , CH-Ut011., � while the spring. is opening up.- to keep . .1. .
. * . . . I
but a "run down" constitution, IT licity. So� -a plain story of,the crime refreshing to lne�t In this record. a. "If ,it's not too. -personal a *ques.- ' her duHng the -time the burn . *as be-- . .. your feet dry. . I I � . . I
CURES THAT. or an annoying little .was �ent .to.him� together. -with nmv,`,- good . man named Anaillas, for the tion; my mail, how 'much � do .you I I d1w healed. , I feel' very . i . . . . --- 1. .. . We are headquarters for shoo re- . . .. . �
i " , . . I grateful for . -_ pairing.' Your repairs done while . Yqu - . "
cougb, IT CURES THAT. or improv- -malce. I I . I I -an I , .. I p ' 9
paper �clippings covering all. available - other one, of chapter V' so dishonored . I .. thiscure, d would �racorfim'end aA. - -- -.--- t__ I . I .. . I . . . I
erished condition of the blood, Il the.name*ibat to ti)ls clay It Wa. rare' The canny . Scot'turned and looked, - . � I wait*. Our prices are ri� lit, - . I 'I
points in the story. Conan Doyle cour. .. mothers to keep Zam-Bok, handy for . Read the Pain formu ' I I I . . � . , .
hiin straight in -th e ediergeticies li I . I I% on the box of . �. . . ,. .1 . . ,� - -
, that'it would thing to find a, man of tbat,name. 4 It is th .. Pink Pain Tablets.'Then askyour doe.; I
CURES THAT; or loss of appetite, IT teousl� replied, stating . 6 face without eV n ke tb4s.lf - -- 11
e sm�iciori of .a.�srnjlc. . . ! This is.good advice.- Zam-Buk, ba- Oppo�ite. the Post Office. . . �. .
4URES THAT, or you may be so far be im�ossible.fori..hirri to formulate, a so much.1nefe easy to.sinlreh a nauldt " � tor if there is:&. better one. Pain means . . , I
. �
advanced that You're in danger of pal, theory, that the facts were all so our- . . "I dri.ve his. bus eighteen hours Ing purely, hdrballrt its, compogitiorl,Js ,0,g"tion, blo6d pressure somewhere. _. , 1. I . . . I . .. I
inonary trouble. bronchitis, cousRin .,. ious,as,to admit of manyAheories, thanAo ,redeem it. How c4,rcfW wo. r.n pouild a 'week - - Having opened a'branch busine � I
_p day, sir.'16 -par ticularly suitedto the delicate'skin . Dr. Shoop's . Pink Pain Tablets cheelt ss Sit - . I.
. !vT . ceuldrl�i -quppoit --my wife __An�i .
don. 1§ettletbe matter to -day. Buy By the time lie eawe-'tb Toronto ihe Iliould be -not to,disbonor or.bring re-,,rjd_1 of children. Whilb-a powerful healer Londesboro jointly with MrMcKow.n's . . I
BRICK'S TASTELESS. tmd t ake it ' ' head. piib.s, .womaqly,.p#ms, pain any7
mystd& had been unra,0elled,.and in TtOftch Upon that worthy o.11d. beauti- .six children on ihat if it wasn't for -it is:also highly antiseptic.- Applied where. Tr.Sr eel 1210 I -or 9150*, -Harness Shop4 we can. do: -making and . . . ....... ___ -i
I . I -
regularly. It will fix you up. . - d or a Isoratch .. � .1 1 _ one, and a * I �
,an intZTview he told the r�porter. of ful namo-by.Villch we ardpalled, the, the tips' I get from -gentlemen -like to a burn. 4 out, .4. seal ' . repairing ,atabortest, possible no.tice. .
. � I .. . I Sold by, al dealers, . '
J. E. Hovey. Clintop. the joumal in question that therer was. tlamc.'of Jesus'Chrlst,our Lord (Jae. - you, ,sir." I . :- -io-any-itijuryofthe'skin, in fAct.-It . .1 I . I . . .. . I
. I .1 .� -
� .4nei' v�rs, good rcason: why. h6 never 11,7), . - I . ., . .. *.. . . Mr.. Wilkinson was, fairly catight.- will kill 01 dis6aae germsi. and .rem_ . . . I .. . � 1. — WA*Watts & Son . .
- . pxibliely attemptedj(5 solve. real mur�' Lai 'us also i6member that itil Ill . . � He -knew it, and without a -word big all danger of feetering,blood-polsoning r4luar& Liniment -cuires. Diphtheria " . . ;.. . I . . . :
' .
. - I . � I .- hand. Nvent 'Into his ,right trousers! orinfl-9mination. At the satne time,it . . . .1 . .. . 1. . ... I . , . ... . I I . . . .1 I . . . ,m
' . ' " ". I � I treAtment of those who bear -that' - pocket and' eiqer#ed' with �.9� coin, . stimulates the cells to grlDat aetivit . . I . I I � .
' i
I "Yo` ' I as ' e' " said he, "in my*,stpries - o " t - reniment Of.' The . � � . . yt ., . . .. . .. . I MMIM I . f
%my. solution first, -arid invent. niiin means to Hir� Ill, I n' -the S-eot smiled; . . . I .. . I . . . . .;
'Ford & McLeb'd' 1'rr",," ' ' ' ' ' ' ' , and freiih healthy akin is seen produc. . � I . I . I . I
or, . I . . I I I I � I I .7: . . I . . - I . . I
. . . . I
. �
. my, details aftetward." . Himself, even it s lle'tau�ht w. hen. bere 4: - *1 . . , . edtorepair-thedamage riffty0nits 11111111111111111111111111111 I . .
. I I . . I . � . I ' I
Having seeured a commodious Grain Xtwill be aeen, that the dem�nd'foi n. His humillad6n, "He that despiseth ' � ' .. I � . . '. . gpoegt, on a box of Zam-Buk has saved " . I I . . '. I I � .. . . �
. . . . . . , :�) .. . -
Storehouse, we are now buying all Sherlock Holmea, whenever a -capital. I yon desDiseth. me'.' .(Lilke xj'%). �. I . . Or'sentals -Admitted. � 0a of people as many d6llars,to say . , . _ 4mb . . 9 - . I
,kinds of grain, for which the highest crime occurs, -is . a bit illogical. " , . I .0 in tctfibridg�, -Altn., nothing . ofsav I lug hou . rs of pain. U ". I - I li�� I . I . .
. . HOW honored Wil- Angulas was to.be A. despatch- h . . . . I
prices will be paid. . .. � -1 . . .A.. C.cx. , I .
. . . . � . the Lord -Is ineggenger to Shut with is significant. The, redent district cen. —.- . . . . I � . . � . � .. .
,., Bran, Shorts. Oorn and all kinds of . . gbt vention 61 .. '. I .. ..:- � I . . . . . I
I .
. ., I
. I .
grain, Seeds and other feeds kept an building Up the West. : such -'a messake, "Receive thy sig Ctb� United Mine Workers 1. . . I . . I .-1 'GOING OUT OF 13USINIE68 . '. . . . .1
I . Iflion - � 'filled with the Holy Ghost!)' 0f'AMVTiCft'%Vl11 go Oil Mehl so, boing , ' .. I . . . .. I . � . � . :
band at the storehouse It U estimated that thirty Mi nud be . . . .. . .
dollars', worth of. new builaihg will Andrbw was -, greatly holiored to I be * -a vpry,importaht one.. The constitu- The Speaker't..Wffe. - . . '. . � . . . .. 1016"Mm . . . . 90 I I I . . .
be erected in tent cities, of western permitted to bring hig'brother Swoll,.' ti6n has extended to all,minerq, with- in viewe'f tile fact that Vy,her hus * � ! I . .. . . 1__A a, I - I I I . I - . . I :
- . out 'e io nationality 'exotopt band's appointment to the position of - , E5 -Al. T.J 1( "_ . ,. .1 . . 1.
Canada during th6 present sea"n. I qs - we think of the 2000 who came � o " 'r(' * . . . . . . � . .
'Ford & Mc L*eod n - Im noQ,_-g(,nd' sapaiwso, to i1;11t0.%vItll Speaker, she has become the mistress . o � , . . . . . . � . - . . . . .
I i .
. � this aniourit the fivin cities at tbe . thriough Simon Peter at.Ptntedosk but ,tile union. After.a bot-dobate a rviso- o the House of Commons, 'Madame .� *�d it was. goinig, to lie impossible to leave Clinton before . � I
G. T. IL STA710N, CLINTON* head of the lakes arc expected to thinit of what, God wrought through jution was passed striking but tile -Charles garcil oc6upies a place In . F t Ing
. - rade Would be-well-64vonced, we have decided to remain - 1 . .�
. share to tile extent -of six -millions., Saul. -If the bVInble,man Who empha- wol .or t i
. the public eye -searbely less notable ;Prl]3i e reater part of the. spring business. -Our sale having *
. --7' 1 -(Is "oxoept Chinese. and .Japan- . . here h I I
, . WiniApeg will run betwoen.ten and sized to the young stranger In the con-, ese." This adinits all Asiaties to thil, I cleared out t9e greater cart of the stock we had, enabled us to ba ..
. iwelve)millions,'. and tlie.balarkee will . � . I . . n, that of her husband. And it . . . y I
IbC C110108 fQUOSPH' be distributed between Brando.n, R �� gregation that stormy morning that lie' CbP Union., . ' I be said tfid one reason why -Mr. Nearly., a complete. new ateck. which we,will continue selling at . �. .
e. - . .. I .ma . .
gina, Moose Jaw, Calgary, Edition- hover would be happy'till he "looked 7 �.. . 11 I � � arcil's - appoftitment hits been so, prlccs� that are sure to -bring us the btisiu'ess, for -the baliLnee ' . - I
. . , ----. I =r= '* p9pulhr -is that lvfa�dame'Marcil is .a . Wine here. - .. I I I . . . �: 'if our .. . �
.. .
tonI, Victoria arid Vancouver. I I - . . . . I
I9 now in full swingi bring your re- . , . ftnd Ilved" had never led another soul . . . � very great favorite in Ottawa encl' . I � I 4: .1 � I
pairs, workmanship giiaratiteed ti�r to Christ than 01. H. Spurgedn'LiVould . I . I � 4
� old rbliable,lathe hand and machinists . . . � . � . . . he not have been honored I ligond Montreal society, . . . . I . . eLOTHING6, . . . I .. .
I . �
. . C URE FOR Madaa6 ffardil is the .daughter of � . . .
* '' monsure? , * . . . . . Men's and .
I . I . � I I I I . I
. -Boilers, Tanks, Smoke Stacks, , . . ' � the late James Pear.%on .of Montreal, . We haviiii a complete new range of the veiy newest I
Iron Bridge Work, etc, . V I I T -A' -L I , A C116011 Vessel to b6ar'nits, name r',% drid,in February, 199% When only 16, . Boy's Ready-to-wear Clothing, consisting of Men's ,,Quite, single and I . .
. . . . I . b6fore gentiles and kitigs find the cbll- 1JY!SP.EPS1A- b8carile the bride, of Mr. Mateil. The . double-breasted Youths'Sults. We are giving particular attention : I . . I I
Attention Cement Ment The * Greh't- Blood - F16sh a0d dren of Israel, to kl)6w, 1114 will and ' 1 ; I . nlq7lagd� .10 this line, There ig the growing youth from 16 to - IS yeaes, who q
. Vtroublesorne dent or, has proven a most happy . - 9; tr -made Stilto Yet - I
I I As is well known, thi . le an . does�not rehlly feel liko payino thei price for Wor ,,, 1
. . .Nerve �0)11A, soe ITIm �tihd bear 1-119 voice aiid.be . Plaint ft Madame Mairoll, by. het oil. 1. . .1 . I
small , . . -4 from over -eating, the use of , ;
We also make a specialty of . rise. wants something better. than the ordinaiy ready -to- To meet
Iron bridges. . � �
Write propriet His witness, to open people�s:pycs and a swerving devotioll arid lively, interest ths, patterns of 'the . , .
I or.. Vit%l Talblets invig, rate the -Blood too inti. li rich fooil, neglected const IPAtien, ia a tower of strength to her husband, this requilrenviint, we have selected,sultin%leng Wear' I . .. I
., andsylltem when bral turn them from darknems to light and lack of dxercise, bad air, etc. . t
I %tid en by oyerworlt having accompanied hirn alftys . new Ordered Stlitings, and &Ve having t em trade tip similar to I I
worry. Rhey buildup the system froln the power of Satan.unto God . Tho fond idiould be thorioughly tbowed , . ordered suits, in ,svery detail. .These suita will appeal to boys who ' I I
He BIDWELL, ahatte-Vedby'excesseil Ot di8eas6 gria . that they might receive forgiveneas of o,n,l never b9ftedoor swAlloviied 301asto I throughout Iii.1, p6litioal campaigns want to be in the stylek Never before have we bad the range of . I . I �
I and'ejectioncering, and 1mving,found . .
cure -nervotte despondoncy, less of One. and oter at lrihcrliatic6�Vbat an atinitilmits tiluAt be avoided and txoroift' � 'Boys' Two.pleee-Suitiwe are showing this. spring, The Bloonier � . 1. .
Clinton - Ontario,' memory, confusion of ideas, pilin in honer, whdtn a - commission' These' - talmnif linssible., .. . her 'greatest plopsure in keeping'In Xmcker i's a new feature in Boys' w6ar. . We have thera with the � . . ..
— , I I the back, theumatiern, . I A r6med vwhielr hat rarely failed to -give touch with all he undertakes and ac- suits or in odd knickers, . �, � . . I I
. --.—': Mrs, 8. Snider.10 L%keft,St. Cat,har. worde were 8pokento Saul, 6t writ- * prompt, reliof axid effect, parmanerib eurei, compli§hes', ' , Particularl I . I � . . . I ;
. I I . . . I
mee, MUM' For five years I haive been ton tot, 1US if we are willing to be ve younger 'SOL in society is adiune .
. . 8, ovol) in t1lo illost obsciftato ' 6480A, is �' Darability., price, And Style are the three points we arc I I . I
. a great safl!erer,my spirits were so de. SO -19 f"'His 1186'. Many tire called, but . a goin h A' Suit trade on this.8pring. .
ift ,m
,o � Marcil most warmly welothed and �
teased that at times I tbongbtf would few arc chosen, not because Ile wants admired,, her characteristic- vivacity 11 I . I .1 I . : . � .
0 0 .&IJ go something awful, I Was afraid to only it few, but be�caune so few arc, & 001yJr arid geniality and innate love -for all I I . VMLORING. I . I
. . boleft0one. Teouldnotaleopatnights . that Is bright.,and joyous drawffig . A &A . �
willing to be Itis choleo oneg-chosen Z3 .1 00 . , I
Before placing your oidets for mr 116rVes were col A0 tbeill irresistibly areund heri--Satur- Our tailoring stock is entirely new, and b6i'tig my own cutter,
your season's supply of C'%l t 0 mPletelY gone I 1,o suffer as well its to rillnister. APAC. I 11 � I � day Night, . anti abb having a cuttbr'a sahtry-to pay, enables Ids to give You an .
our prices. The vie 4 -everything I could bear of 6t I � . I 7- 1 0 . I I I . - I I I
i7best goods . otno relief till I tried 'Vital Ziblota. AV . . . ordered suit at a right, plexce. � .
. carried in stock an sold at the 4110 first box helped me. After I had While hunting for teals,'.'Capt 13&1. . Rheumatic poisons are quickly, and ..&WN 0- - * ,:. 1. ., I ... I . I .... - . 11 ... I I I , Wbd--W.W � .
lowest possible price. Corti, of Halifax, Called at Marlob tb Acts by regul . . a .
I . token'silbOxes Iwas COMPTOWY cured. 11 ating and to;ing the di. sutelY driven out of the blood wRh Dr ,. . �
My what A change,, We guarantee Island, Where he foond the shipwreck. fteotive organs, removing costiveness and Shoopla Rheumatic Itemedy-liquid or. . 11 . . I I .
Orders may be left 9.6 bavis inereaging tho appetite and restoring health, tablet form,, Dr. Shoop's boomet o1i
& Vital Tablets to cure ail cilaps of berV. ea crew of the gorweglan scaling ,
Rowland's ItErdwar6 store, or steamer Sodglint, which had ruii on and vigor to tile my I
with � otioness, anaemia, general mus6uler �atotn. RhellfilAtISM plainly 4nd interestingly I
on ofthe'spivit- the roeka near the Island. -The crew W. Aninq Sa*16r, Gold Myer, X,8,0 tolls just hu% this is d(. no. - Tell some
I -
weakiiess and depressi " numbeirea 75, and bad been cast away, � Fol� , wo, JACOBS
P17100, WN box, stA,boxes for $2,60 P writea.--I' I AVAS grea'-ly troubloil With -sufferer t)f this book, or better stillo. �
. W. X attiveisoult Sold by W. S. ti. flolliles, Cli for a Inorith. They were taken to dyspopqhteand after trying tevorai dootorij, write Dr Shoop, Raoine. Wis. for tho . � I �
p i 6" .6_.AJeJj*W0._�;t0n' Port NAM, mnd from them they webt C43 110 O(NI)b I colurnoncod t%king 114rdook 0 L I �N T 0 N � -
. . � book And free test eamplea. Send bei I I
I I J%t 911600110. Light 01611111t, 0 . Itepeat it.-- homer to NorWAY, The Govet,hinetit P llood Bitters and I think it in tha b"t .ninnoy. Jru"It iolb With DX1 ftoop. And . I
. I I.., . I ... ___ ", -111111 �. ... �. 1-111.-., . 1181111oh's Cure �0111 Al. of Norway ha@ 00santed *5,W to the limlicitio 016rti is for t1i&t oordplo,int," , i*e some . Tedloding Clothing Fur WOO i
W.tys cure, wr eoughs find coldg," � fludore4'a pleasautsurprIN4, ,
. IfOr -8416 0 411 DuOsts and DA16ft, � ��� ... � I , I . 11 � -111 11 1. 11.11. .1, . .... ... ...... . . .... ...... .......... - ". �� .... '. . . . . . . .
. � . . own&* of the D0110hue for the , resene — ,Sold by all d64163% -T1 - , I �� " ... ... f I I
. . . I � L - - � 1. .!
. I I
� I . __ --"---- . ___ __ � ____1 .. - . I.. . ... -_.__1.___-___.._.___ it 'A