HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-04-15, Page 2� . � . 2 I Zff 0 111JUIXILUN NKIA KhA - . F __ - - . .I'', -, '' —Mm� - -11 ­ 1. . .. I .. �... � z � r �, FreeI fz*,&-,%m Alcohol., Since May, i9W,'AyeA Sarr saparilla has be6n entirely f roe from alcohol.. -If �ou--- ate In poor health, weaki, palet nerv- ous, ask your doctor abouttak. Ing this non-alcoholie tonic. and altemitive. If he has g better medicine, take his. Get the best alw4ys. This Is our advice,. P iW zeo—... 'ar SA I 1/ -Il ers .9%..'.."', �. 11 -1. - I" A sluivolsh liver iftearis litzoattil X-6ttith itid totiatipated Tha atitittion U, 11 Whitt is thd b . Pkpens , and it( the Cox Balaric Giant, Balabc Condui Rent o One Iq One 1401 One Be % Music I MUSIC. Sundr! Uxpen Livery Mlauc ; I t - . April 16th, ig" - . . 11 . .. - , In Five, Ulautts — I 11"New"Ift tipias. lit! ­­;_.... - _--..1-1--- -,.--- � The New, Era, �, 11 I . � � I spring. blood � 11 ­ .. . - Is publiolled every Thursday At Take � , . the r;RW EA'A FAutIng gouse, 01 cal Zritis I 0 � alkillLAO RMINUT q * - , CLIMMN, 01 matter ; 1 Termile of subsorlptiou-41 Per Year , . right w � #_ advaince -, 4-1,50 may bet, chargeid if ask bin . inot'yo, pe - .. ..kid, No paper discontinued Dlapep I "'Atit.all arrears are rid,uuteso at the . 'to �Triang . I IvIttort of the publis er, The date itch is is do- Utea th I *F- every subscription . paid t6mae 6 , �- Votedort the label, . ' The c I I Advertising ratog.-Tranalaut adver- , . . Food r, 1 � L sitoe. wents, TO cents per nonparel. line Viaesti 1. , f6rfiiat insertion 444 3 cents per live I Is, lack t L Jok each Subsequent insertioup Sinall I only ha . � . t i4vertisements pot to exceed one inich .... , , , , ... fected ; " olh as "Losto I'S . 4' L trayed," "Stolen," . and tu I � . to, inserted once for 85 cents, or oue I . Vausea, ; I ; . 11111190tilif6r$1.0ommu.nications Intended i , . ' ' ,. tender I � . . Nor, ubI !cation must, as a g[wanitee of L L taste ir . . . faith, be accomparned by the = X limb,, 't I , awne of the writer. bill one I I . . To' insure. publication in curreut . . dimine 1� . I nue copy of advertisements should be , ,,y.mpto I � . L . selit, In qaxly. . . L It yo, I , I . . Contract rates - The tollowingtable . . tem, ts � I skows clar rates for specified Per! ods- . L feel tlo � � , I L . 1, . owd sIM00. . . . I yr. Qmo. 3mo, 1mo lies, lik you ca. I I I I Uolumn $7600 $4000 $M 00 $10 00 I he hot I . . I . J column 4000 2600 1500 600 cause : - . J Column 2500 1500 800 300 fo,od. : I . L L . - t ocilumn 1800 1000 550 20O.- . Prov I ,�, Trich 0U. . . . . in eal, t LL I � . Sentract display advertising 10c per anv;th I I k . !.rich, per issup. I Stop tt , � %, - � I - W. H. KERR I L Ing wh diseom � i.. - I . ­ . _, L *AIwo �., CLINTON NEW ERA You- I �� ; , ,, I � TELURSDA,Y. APRIL 15,19M. A 190onyo - . I 11 . � '' _ - A i , ;� ,. : OMadiau Exhibit at Seattle Tair . . I __ To the ,� , ;. ;., �, - . . . ' _� 241altdon Will Be Well Advertised- DITA 11- . ' Grand Trunk Also to Have closed tioll fo � i. . L Fine -3 xhibit. out it f � .. . . ' The 0anadian building at the Alaska. I am b �, - i �; Yukou-Pacific EKpoi;ition is fast near- X110W. living � . ing completion and within thirty days. instal i0l) c YOur L� �'.. Gko work of -inkthe exhibits be taken. up, 4y, William Hatchisob. P in tOUe . , . L* . . , 4ahadjan commisiloner. Thestructure have n thou 11 . , , to represent the, Dominion of Canada � Afelan. suraeon.-Eto * , 0081CIRI-attention given to diseases ot.tbe , ,�� . ' at the'Pacific'ExposttUin occupies' a lefL,T, � � �'; L , . . 1,sentrak location' and will �e one of tile � Whe ,� .. " inost handsome oulldioggl,alf the -fair. '� af bar re , -1 I More thap fifteen carloads of ex", -t6*Win '�L'. ­ I - ' I*bjto, comprisina,the display wimile at" and, six �". . I L.. the. Franco�Brftiph Exhibitiou'at--hon, # % I the .. , . , 1� � ...'�. Aloo� Jasb�,year ­hAs rea6liAd Seattle, - ' ,bought * , - '.7, �� .. fiihd�;fhi� .6 i,c6flentibil. "' I re%elye,._ �.,%,�.- : . additional Tielpays, I Irlitish Col. --Wenat , maln It i . - . �L'" -� ­.. I .UM 'a Sin .31, .4 oth.ir secitions of: the Do - . na., *AY, h Seattle ­ I jniion.'� It'is pvoposed toLmak-o the min. helpful, . ; . 4 0"', 4gricultilral and hortictilturaldtis.' ou4 for I .. V18i .t'ttie fitr the most complete 6;m I - It prod "I., I - 1. toruational ex'position-, Rhare will &196 MY'orc I � � ".' "I , �* be'rifamerous fish and'game ,exhibits. was"ths I I �, . .;� The'Canadiab huilding will'be, suitable st,irted �` ,,. I ,. for.---expo�ition purposes and the In-* inch 110 Unti :.. " terior arrangem6rit is's as to shbw price I � 1 :�.,' . the *exhibits off L* to the best possible . I I . no, Aou II . t 4 - � . . adva.n age... . I.. .Hastert . ,;. i I � I . " 0. T. It. Exhibit. - - - ' . be fo6li at,thut - I � I , I I I ..�r , _. - I Adjolhiug the 0anadianVulldii3g*. *11 be an' 1%, * . . -attractive strac :t4re eree,teid 9, thi' L 8 I , ;�e I �, I... . I I Y ifti Grand Tkunk 11111road. Tbe*Uaild-' an hn a have ab [,:- * * iugisnowifitheepars6'of construe trOe'te - ,. tion and wilXhe a'repti, i6a of the . 1?.�r" was $r I 1, lihation at Athens... T0e landschping � Void, ,�i. . :-. I . � I featnres of th& t;uildings.will be Ili . I .0 f rry�'O, t. '.. '7. , . tiarmony and the rotm abgut the ,I.Weeftog . . 0anadian.and GrauPrunk* buildings -. 6ashrli*e -1'.., .. � . . are to be, b6dutified by. .experience4 � ' .A cordi � I , � . 1 . � - gArdeners, ' .. � ", - .:. . the old , - �.s� .z . The'Gratid,TrunkRailro�dwiflmak-e .. -them 6 i * �. a very'coMprehensiVe display of the- . Tll� :" , i I . agrical tural, mineral and horticultural . Ili Seat .,.,� . ., '_ tSL of Btitish Columbia. ln,thlil � r' ' �c . - . Ful'i1mg " *bring n I , P, * . will be many specimens - .o�_ I-Ifop ., I;i animill life fr6m tHe Akeeritt, River d 'a, paper a i ".�!7 tricV. knol an. -exact repi,odnction or the, old fria I I , io Wn L)f I"Apee Rupe,rt, the Pacific ter- � me and. , .� I I . .1 winiii,of the rfew line. L . pleasur � ` . In. -the cen,tt a of this building,ivill lie L . - �� - L ; 11 __ � a trophy mhd� of Straw, wheat, da,ts, and the graivs of the lbanadian North- .-� - :16a�hm ,,,­ . we t. Frova E44t0rin Canada.there. will L - S, , . , , ' ,,%* ". : be a collection of photographs taken . ­. . , ' ", �, . in the bunting, and fishing - rqgions�-, , - .' ST "'. I , I Motinted spiicimens .,of -the gh`m6. and :. . � �1. - . ffih native to, Canada's forest& a;nd IC is4t .1 , . �� f, . Mo, -e waters will be displayed l6n , . le� . . 11Y14 pi $1 �, ture4,, too, will.be usdd to sh J'a ft - 0 w . .., . . � ... I., ada's resources. - I . I . . .. ... In �'. . . � 1. .� . -------' �-"*-__1__ . , �.. lo '. , ,:,. F. .. L . I - - . . An rEcciesiastica'I . � . . I '. � -,: . , , . 1� I . L, . . �, .: I P -L L -The name Cowliy Is one to conjure . ; mfi�, "'. �4, - . 'with � in Church of I ngland - citqles6. �,giligsf, .1 . ;�. bt will appear A big price to 4n , man b�itl thinka'person would in the Canadian , West. It'is a' name -` worth ` I : good fruit treiie� and other small fruit. houile,in kood cionditlai. Appiv to.- :)orne by clergimen and, education-.- to -qui .- , 1'� pared with- it f0r.sheer pleasure and . zest. And indeed MT. Baldwin's ae- -the ,sts, and comes �down from Archdea-; * dirspep ­ ' 7 �- I . . *House for Salo. . . . I 4on Cowley'. who was for fifty� years , with no � 1� L . I lbader in L missionary work 'on the nor eve I ': I lower Red River, both among In- -thing, ��'� ! . . . . . . . � .. ' dians and'white men. In those Idays ore my i I � .1 I If your system needs toning up, take . Miller's Compound Iroia ' Pills, lor sale . of laying the foundations he was the tlie. he i. I. .. _. %� . .. , bishop's right-hand man. in .parti­ � -around ,� I % ;�­ cular he was trie bishop's- examinin ... I-was.0 � . ,. :", k . Fhaplain. It wai his -duty to exam.. � wap no I - me candidaW for the ministry anct conditi , .1 . test their fitness in r. tenectually, mo and'.wo - "� . 1�1 ally* and Dbysically for the work in as 6rig I . bha� -strenuous country. "'Candidates . would �, �. I I �� . . h never f ailed to,:"put the . say ,e in t h,ough a rigorous examinatiofi, but would IAWoul I . I., when -the candidate 'was stiepessful 'would 11 � . I . . , , , he used to wind up with an accleg- would I : . fastical joke. - The 'list of doctrinal� bad kers � . and historical -questions would be , . t good one,s; all sired by of Rf6hmovd. the Sweepstalcon bull at, Clinton aiid Brucefleld in Prices to suit the tbries, Comeand see closed with this one: I ,failed on adv � .1 "Tell me, Sir, how did bavid like me who :1. I his meat cooked?" . : . and we for my : .. No student was ever known to -an- I It's t .. . swer. It took his breath away, a rid . Mi-o-na (: I. gelIerally when he admitted he could above r. � Z;, m answer he a5lied the examiner to W. s. � 1. "I', tell him, I "He liked it well done.'r . the wo stomac . I 11 . "But where are we told thatP" � intwen . I I d Why in the Psalms does he not . -, - . 1. i � Bay that certain conduct vex -ds hiff The Cl I soul a thing that is raw?" � : .j-8, - . Godarich Tp. , . . � I � . I .. , . L ... And the way the austere eiaminer stat I . � enjoyed this little joke showed the . ;.. nervous candidate that his examiiia� - ? . "; Lion had been satigbrI,ory. , . The f � � - I __� of the . , I I � I 1, - ..I � r �, FreeI fz*,&-,%m Alcohol., Since May, i9W,'AyeA Sarr saparilla has be6n entirely f roe from alcohol.. -If �ou--- ate In poor health, weaki, palet nerv- ous, ask your doctor abouttak. Ing this non-alcoholie tonic. and altemitive. If he has g better medicine, take his. Get the best alw4ys. This Is our advice,. P iW zeo—... 'ar SA I 1/ -Il ers .9%..'.."', �. 11 -1. - I" A sluivolsh liver iftearis litzoattil X-6ttith itid totiatipated Tha atitittion U, 11 Whitt is thd b . Pkpens , and it( the Cox Balaric Giant, Balabc Condui Rent o One Iq One 1401 One Be % Music I MUSIC. Sundr! Uxpen Livery Mlauc ; I t - . April 16th, ig" - . . 11 . .. - , In Five, Ulautts — I 11"New"Ift tipias. lit! , � I 40OU40 Temperance ilVeareation, � — . �, 11 I . � � I spring. blood � 11 ­ .. . - . . � ""-F . � . Cotts ke for we I I - — — I 11 1. I I .. I.. �� ,,, I I I our sour istomacb-b Filt Indigestion, Dyispopeta,0as- Tbarsdayof last week the second. an- � nualTemperancis Vorivention for Hur. I , . I Is bad Blood ; 1 . ­ , ; . I __ . �PROFESSIONAL J!=. 171141bu.,4bo'ce e 'I 'T saph ft 0. , 11 U13!M, Q.m:,4 I I.... I I . ­ W, 0HYDON C4 . . Vatarrit irf Stomach; it doesn't � take your stomach trouble on Oo. convened In the Preobytodan, ' oburtibVitti, with President V Buch. i flow Resi to Got New K04110 #no W- - � V7 I . ­ I . "JIVI: Welso furnace, Electric light. godd JAwn, * ' ' . loli.0owentw aroundhou I � sore so. Part cash, bal- AU6005%, tile, ltli you to YourPharmaelst and anan,ot Ingham, lu the chair Three liessloup full of vigor were held. I - - OXTOR �rill plac d 1"Ter. Apply 0 'or a re linto. BOX 174',lre BARRIOUR 130TATOITOR KOUAY � to open a W -cent, COLSO Of Pappo sin aud lot youleat one 22- 911"It ule And see if within five Dale teirwers preeaut from nearly all of tC , .rity � , - e municipalities in the cop Strength luNpOng The win, ter months ai a trying to the . I t � - I I rUSLI(l. ETC or,xviTol; -­" House for Sale, win ere is Jeft any trace ot your and were. full of ebtlivaiiiam at'the health of even the mobt robust, Con- �. I 11111 . a - I . - . b. misery. for prospect of theabolition of the bar and the treating system. flilement Indoors In overheated, and nearly alwava badly ventilated rooms I - M 4b*c . r a o ere for sale his large and desIx% I 0 Ouse uron Oct, Jprniobcd with 411 it.b., d,4, co venioncos hot orrect name your trouble is orwentatlon�food Souring; the After reports from, the officers as to - in the borne, the offtee, the Shop "ti. k it stoirs a and cold water up. A and d , Ith atlu hard iwd soft water$ i CONVEYANCER$ - - NOTAU y ve organs become. weak. there the work done during, the year was; dealt with. The morning session. waa the sphool-tioxes the vitti,lity of everi, the strongest The blood becomes thin 19abi I 0 st o an riving shod,bearlog fruit trees. , . ba Is If- c Ot 9plaosite.X01COUZ101B plain- I COMMISSIONER. of gastric juice; your food is If digested, and you become at- devoted to reports from the Several and wAtery,or cloggi-4 with im. purities Professional Advertising ng mill I , T, W IRWIN, Clinton. , XONEY TO LOAN. N _. m -- . . I Farm for Sale . with loss of appetite, pressure lines after eating, vomitin g municipalities, most of which were � I prospects very, encouraging and the � � Sometimes you get up -in the morning just as tired as. when you vi on � to bed ' . The physician h" a tilgo on hie ---- - � . , - heartburn, griping in howelsb' . ness in the pit of stomach, bPA bright for an early adoption of the Local Option law which is now so po , p. Some peopig have headaches; others are low spirited; some bavo plulp ,a door. That Isianiqtdvorkloernontto, tho,passor-by. Qomp;u 'etwely fG14 . I -_ The undersigned offers for sale LIFs,fatm of 100 acres, being Lot 29. Con 0, If. It. 8., Tuckersmith H. T IRANOE I IN . ­ 11 Notary Public Oonvoyancer, mouth, constipation, PAID I" sleeplessness, belching of ular throughout the world. Rev 8 L I ,Ave an excelleut Sol. Toll, of .11eusall, go and skin eruptions. Thpoe are av, spring Symptoms that the blootl is out . people seethe slen howevel-7 Thi -i iis A good farm. in a good state of cultIva. t0n. and in a first, class locality. There are good .,,;, ulicial and Real Retate, gas' ness,sick headacho,nervousness. � d rasa on Local Option, quooinir most. I y from hie home town, shoWirig clear- of order. Tou can't cure theso troubles- with purgative edicines,which were, m Why not carry your vilgri In &Flf rnee e in town? You I ?..Ildlogs on the property. The ftrm Is offered �.. p , 0 . -arcelorwill be sold in two parcel it do INSURANCE AGENT-Reprosentilig 14 Fire In, ouranco co4i . panies. . Be and many ot . liar Ilier shiR: ins. � ly thatLocal Option was a dezided au I I 0. lygallop theough the system leaving I con do so by 44 WAS Met . a A Wanffidl - - sired. For further particul r apply to H. T. RANCH, Clinton. ,.or To . . DIVISIOU Court 001ce. _ up appetite Is flokle,and rotWng . . . c�sa in Hensall. I It was almost impos. ' sible to rent a house ; hotel acdQuIrno" You still weaker, what you need to _ give, yen health arid Strength in the and Without loss..�r6fosstoetag, dignity.. too . I , � e a arn S I . Out. � - "I I . you, or you belch. gas or if you ated after eating I , or your fo�oh4 I dation was bptter than under license ; I was gooc! and in some cases bf,ring Is a towc wedidne,and the one A wave reliable tot,io and blood build- I I qw�," — 0, 14' it i6wi, I � I Wedit.al. - . arin for Sal e. Y a a lump of leadonyour stoma n make up your mind tbatat .business better than un ler license, and t � � here er is 1)r. Williarns' Pink Pille. These Pills , I Subscriber for DR ' 1- W. TROAMS011 ... I . . . . . . ... "I . . . . . . . . . I � I . � . .1 ., tom of all this the * . re is but one - fermentation of undigested wast not one fiftieth of the drinking one now d as under former conditions, not only banish, spring Ills but I I . ' Suard you � against; the more.serious . � . i5fiferg sale his farm of vo acres being cast halt of lot 16, con. 6. Rulletti. All cleared. well drained, well fenced, good cisy � Afelan. suraeon.-Eto * , 0081CIRI-attention given to diseases ot.tbe - — � Grand Trunk Rail Systent . and for fill of these statements he couI4 I 4ilments that follow, such as anaernt'l, . .way land, In good condition. Plenty of water; now Eye..-Esr. Throat, and Nose, . . a to yourself, - after yotir next . give proof as to their accuracy. G. M. Elliott, of Goderich, nervous debility, rheumatism, indiges. . tion andkidnei trouble Dr Williams' � Railway Timetable � . frame honse and barri, Two miles from eon. ceP.O. Six miles -from Clinton, it miles . Office and ,Residence, bat your stomach is as good as at there is nothing really wrong I spoke of the campaign iu that. town anct also . I lod.j� Conference Pink Pills mad a newt i ich blood,irbich . � I .. . strengtht-lis- every orman - � . London, Huron and Bruce. 111iloam, school. Apl)lytoundersigned,.i)i).roon%lly. on the 16th Cori, of Goderich Tp,. or bir � . letter to Clinton. -JAMES FERGUSON. Twer doors we#ii; or,the . conamerdal not*) Duren lit. . la fermentation and begin eat- . . � on Local Option or� ganization Which was practical and every ntlrve, and every part of tha hody , 'Try this . . 1. , . . North - , .Passenger ' , - I . . ---"— . � — , Myou want without"fearof I . fort or misery., helpful, . medicine this spring and. you wit, have. . London, depart.'_ � 8.W a . m 4 .50 p, m To. [tent in Com'be Block. . Dr. W. Gkinn � at; instant relief is waiting for t is werely a matter of how , Two strong addresses were delivered in the evening. the first by Rev f) T L strength find enei . . - , -gy to resist the tor I rid heatof tbecomiageiuwmer� MrJ 1 Ocrttralia ........... 9.40 - 5.43 4x0ter.-..... '.'.,... 9'53 0, r4 . ­ XW � . I . , Office, or room for small store or work -room. Dr. W, Guisin, 1,. it. 0, p,, 1,. B. V..S.. FAla. 1 L _ u take a little D apepala, I McKerroll, of Lucknow,who was fresh . from a splendid campaign in his home , It Johnson, Loch Bruom. N. B., says,- ."SS ,etwo yearsagal began tofeel 01111 . H ensail ............. * , 10,08, 6105, Kippen 10.16 11 6 Next door to, John Hansford's office. Apoly to JAB. SMITH. Ontario St. � � Officeo-Ontario Street, Clinton. nighii calls at front door of office, or residence. Hattenburp. Street. . . Letter froin The West. . � town,ard as a former resident of0wen Sound spoke with authority concer- that IT constitution n as weakening. , I not stand any exposure or, ­, . i ....... Brucefield .... ..... 10.80 6.10 , U,inton .... * 1050 035 . . Offige hours at svital-,i to 3, wn.04 to . 2 V'ra., W . I . . � ­ . Farm to Rent - , inmonditionis there. , knocking about, I fi - nally Sought the Londeaboro . .. A :,:::":: 158 o'52 � .1 . . - . . . � I - . ' DR* so. W. SH^W, iditorofthelVew'Em. . %*ED1TOR.-Y.oU will find an. � " a strongly' urged the churches to do more. for, Temperance and Local aidofa.doctor who. Said my System WAS very much run down,and that the Blyth....'.'. I ... F .... ii 27 7.00' ' I Belgrave v, 11.40 -7.13 , I The ostvam farm. Lot 28,bth com of G.derich Tp.. 80 acres is offered to rent. Apply to P. 0. Order for $1.50 assubsicrip. � Option than, they had done, as he was convinced that it is the duty trouble'might end in nervous prostra, tion. As his medicine did not. help me ............ Wingliam, arrive.. i 11.50 7.35 , JOSK- COOK, or to � MRS. J. HALSTEAD. . Clinton, tf . �V HYSICIAN, SUE*EOZ;, Acconclieur, etc,, office and residence r your pa or.. I have been with. or consUlrable time but I find I - church's I I . I to wage war eon inual , until the . . 'I decided, on the advice of 4 friend to. I Dr Williams' Pink Pills I . South - . � � . PassenN.;, Wingbarn, depart.., 6.43 .Goderjoh, _ ,� .,...'' , .. �..... ... . .. — House and Lot, for Sale . on t6i1bArY St., OUPOSitis W. Farran's residence, I . ad'ly lost withoAtit. I don't . countr is free row the egalized liq- .. . tive. a trial,. less boxes ax . .n 3,38 p,m B,I,l 054 ' - .- I . � — W #ho among my old friends are I r dead, and so long as I uor tr c, r ibson,of r oseph Ingersoll. Pres- ad ueed than a half dozen � when iny. health wae fully reistored,and rave., .,. -, .! - ... 3.44 B y g i� ........... 708 3 b6 ' , th.- , . � . . The undersigned offers for sale his property :Queen St. frame.two. ! DR* Fo -A. AX49N . . . . . � got apex I bad a in eans of keepin I h V01th the old place which I id n t of the Ontario Bra .. rich of � the Dominion Alliance, closed the Convpri. Ithink'no other medicine cark equal these Pil"s when one is run down and . Lo, ,de, o ......... 7.10 4.04 - . * Clinton .............. 750 423 on onnsfstlug of good . . story bionse,vilth J &ere of land. Applyto . Muds B. PLUMMER, Clinton; I . . . . DENTIST I . (Successor to Dr. Holimes I I . . Qtby, Wny mains forgotten al. tIon with an inspiring address, .He out of health." � Brucefteld .......... 8.12 4.39 . . _.__._...__ ..— . .8111ecillillift W0*OVYA and Bridge work. it 10 more thsai 12 y?ars since 11' � � . ugged.the delegates not to lose eight . . :)rk in of the fact that the 'greao,est wo Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50c a box or six b )xes for $2, 66 Kippen - - -.1 ... �.. I I.. $.23 : 4.47 116niiall ............ 8;32 452 ' I I . House. -I -Or Sale . Graduate of the Royal. College of pantml,oln geous of Ontario, � ' ­ I n J first came to Washington, - - maining two yeari-1 went back which the church coild concentrateits lorces was the Temperance work a - " d. from the -Dr. W.Illiams, Medicine Co , I Brockville, Ont . I ... . . .1 Exeter..'....... i... -.. - 8.48 505 - ,( .... 9oO 5:15 . )eutralht. ....... -Io . � . — , , - Two t3tory brioYbouse for sale, good collar, hard and soft water. Furnace nearly new, framo I. Honor graduate of University of Toronto Dev. tal Department. . . GradusAe.of Chicago College of Dental SUM17 Obie0go- nipe�,%nd *a ,p -there for a �6iir . I inorittis but did not*llke it4. .. that they should over keep bef I - ore them . I the idea of trying in every way to ' I I . . I � . . Canadiarl'orl Airships. I � I London, arrive ....... , 6,10. - 00 . � . . . Buffalo and Goderich stable and driving shed, I more of land. bearing fruit tram also small fruit. Applyto ��� A18. ' JOHN H. I�USLOP, Ontario $t, I � . ,� Will visit BayfleJ4 every Monday... . , . . . . . 1. � I% .came .back -.k ''Washin g6 ' .7 ._* on, , , -a liomel1n '.,%'Vh '%,,irl --tho , nwf - "thez. -make the world better. . .. � R "' . .6 1 e �,�,,g I � - was hdopted urging the � oYetff T .1 16 to repeal the three fifths . . � Mr. Oasdy Baldwin, the young � Canadian as ronautic expert, who. is . . . . . Wdat . Passerlger� , I. 1. . . I a m p in ,p in p.m . . . 0 * Park b t for Sate � 4, . � . . � : ' -1 . DIL.H. FOWLER9 - , . . . . . . . . . . chee'"'lalteyU mdateiit'6n no of the, GrX' Nqrtheiu.R_ail- , clause, arid also ond criticizink the I "' p re * assoAted.with Prof. Gra- Sent in his, experiments with' ham Bell . - 1. Stratford. s--.' ..10.00 12.20. 5 25 10.20 , . . . -_ . . � The undersigned offers for sale a park lot bf � � DENTI ST. . . .1 . - alf*way between-, Spokhrie. Will. ,Wlsva ,flej has beconio-fam-' -Local Governme . .ut for the manner in -,WhiQh th6LIeense Inspector and 0ow- . 4eroplanes at, Baddeck, Cape Breton . Mitchell ......... 10-22 12A5 .5.55 10.47 Seaforth. .. ..-... 10 45 .1.10 0.18 11,12 14mexesi, on Raglan;St., nearly all in bearing fruit of choice varieties, two good wells, good . Ofaces-over OINIULT 4ore. * . . - 1I!e*.exc'6Ih6ri.& red, "%pp1Ps-',WJ:0.ch, , . .InIsSignorg had been appointed in . I -1 - . uron. was -a visitor in Toiohto the. other' day, While.there he gave a'couple . . Clinton. 11-07 .1.25 .6.40 11.28 ifiWI:::11.16 ' stable. frame house, with two, cellan, Just the place for a gardener, will be sold cheap. Apply . Special care UkOn to make dental iresA. mant; as painless as 0oadible, . - .' Six years.'ago I b6uglit hard- for $200- per h6re.in`w that V . , ,T ! ,. toeti of thanks Was- ordered- to ' . Df.lectures on the aeroplane, and ex . HolmeB4 -646 11.%, 1.33 Goderich ........ 11-35 Ull � .7,05.11,55 MRS. L to . -L ROUTLEDGE or to 4$ - MR. JACOB TAYLOR, Clinton, 4 . . . . . , — . - . ... : __ . ., � I .1 . I THOMAS - GUNDRY . I . Liklit a. big . prjce,� b4t'th-6 boom, ; and.. gradually the sp�ici ' want beoent, to 'W- Proudfoot, M P P for Oentke iiurob,'foi.the strong poisiltion . .. Plained. what is now being accom: plished at" Baddeck and else -where ' . with.. the new craft. One side of it I . . . , ,. , I .. . . - B ast- . I . Passenger . . . I - . , . — V " 11TIst" or Sal.. .. . 'L' ' ' I it kjacheMRI,000 peradke�, The ow, is $1,500 per acre.. Tha*,' be took on tbd flotip. of the Legislature' - ' in regard 1:411he-tbree fifths,clau a and Dn whiqli he dwelt lightly wis its 'at- . .. . 4 M p In p in Goderich .... i.,..,.. 1.10' 2.40 4.50 � . . I — — , on Maple St, one half sore of grouna,' Live S'tonk and,general Auction ler bt will appear A big price to 4n , man b�itl thinka'person would the abolitidri.45f1liq bar., . The follilWink'offlo,ers werb ap�oint tractions to sporting men. A�ccording . . to him automobiling is not to be com- Holmesville .......... 7,26 2-57 0,00 Olifitol .... , . 7851 ,3 07 5.15 "":.'.'.".7:..... good fruit treiie� and other small fruit. houile,in kood cionditlai. Appiv to.- - I . I . GODER10H ONT- all td.7sell A� good ,orchard evoo price, � A,paighbor of 'mine' ad fdr the on' -ent ,�,e*ar:- . I IT . . ReErident; 1P.`Bu, am; ' -tonf pared with- it f0r.sheer pleasure and . zest. And indeed MT. Baldwin's ae- -the . So at,rtb 7,52 - 3.25 . 5. 3 1 � Mitchell... . .... ..', .. 8.16 .348 - 5.554 . W.W. NIMENS. - - . . - I I � . luir-sto-Z sales a speq;lbl%� Uleels it JL'i . DIEW ERA oillee, Clinton, Pri-mPtlYadendod to. Terms reasonable, Farmers' sale.noto ' 7 �- I . . *House for Salo. . . . I � . ring sold the a0pUs grown', " , e " TOo I eor6tary, A oper�,Olin ..., , count of gensation of- gliding through the is to, make gt,,tf,,,l.......'.­-. 8.40 ..4 . ..15 � . 6.2U. - I . . discouated � . . I - ere foio $1,500.. ;YO4 NO* ithe" nut,100.fraes,to ill , K, e'acrd,, eac .. - I rqasurer,-J P Br9wnj GoderiZ-' I �ice Preisiderits, G -k Elliott, U6 de. air, . enough . . . -anyone want.to: go out qnd!.get a n . . .. , .. - .— . I . . I ... . . . - . I . , . . .. I . . . . % , — . .. . I . I 'street. . 1� , ''.1 . . . . . . � .. ' rl.boxiis.and the price..por bo' xi 60., � . ,.e . I - . - rieh;-Rev, E*.Xaain4 F66r,-�Bxewr; ,arid I � . Miii,Kerr, -Winghain.. ­ aeroplape rikht, - away. He pointed Kit thaf one of the . finest' things about If your system needs toning up, take . Miller's Compound Iroia ' Pills, lor sale . . The large cotliage on Queen bo- longino to.tbe estateof tbalate E, Holmes ' .,G�j . ., MdTaggar .,D XcTaggari; ' w6 1) � - .. 'Ed:. ,t , I I. �. . I ;Mr. iter, shou d ybu.or any ,� * . . . 11 Convevors'*iire nawea,as follows: . , '�iirfect sm dotliness and its it * was, its by W S R lioim�.s. ' - . - . . . I . . . . ' ' 1;* . is offered for gale. Tbe'lot is one-balf more, witli'lienring frulo tree g hara and C ' M 'Taqgqar� Br 084 d ftioniA be travelling in -tilis ti Country� -arid pasi, throfigh - Goiderich, 0 M Elliott;, Clinton, Im , Millqr; Wingliam,S.Bennatt;, Seaforth,' gense offreedom. High sp�ee& were �ttained, but one.nover had*,tbe Us- . I - � I � . . I 1. � . Charles�Read,tbe,(). V.. R. brakeman .' it ter. � A bargain, '.Apply at .NEW *10 we' 2 I . . . I . � te�,' drop off and I iiill givL,'%ou 'I , " ` . , I . -'JG6ven-1oek-'-Reneall, Rev S.L To',I;-'. Bayfleld, 3 TOolwell, 13 tial sensations of speed. , There was ' who was found guilty of criminal np. 1� - ERA offim'. . ... . .. . . '. . I I � . . . . . . ST CLINTON � — ' . ! Shorthorits for S4ie, - I'l we come, -or I f t T U Blyth, A Carr-. Brussels,116y E 6 Powell; E 11 no .roughness, no jolting, but'just a . He that ligence in connection with. the ,fatal . . . 7, . ur6a iAn s, whetli e"Ir'T h'avneyno at i xeteir,'T TV1qC41-1nm',.i!'.Wroxe, Hev L Perrin; smooth, eas-� glide. said lie --expected to become wreck at Sand bank an Now -93 Iasi, was . . , . . I . Genel-al Banking Biirsljien� Oat, -i,lr be',heartfly,greet6d, gyreat Vorld'�� Exposition hk1ld er, AsVield, Rev, 06imM, ..Rntherford,­ ' . .it quite a sport, and that in this'wa� much of,. s Venced byJud�eBrittoh, dtCoboiirr, tL 11 o 3 months in jail on Thursday last. . . . I . � live young�'Bulls, fro i old', Duke . .. . . tranaacte'd . I . . , .. I . . . _. . tle.tbiar summer ,will- -no doubt , - larly,Easterriper6ple this Why,. Colborne.' -.1 Tifflin,.' Goderich Tp... J J Colwell; Grey, Thos Strabli'aii; Hay,. S -� its development might coin . a', just as ' the r'6ing motor liad taught many Section Foren�au Win,. Balsden, who bad c1pirge of the Sandbank Eectiou, good one,s; all sired by of Rf6hmovd. the Sweepstalcon bull at, Clinton aiid Brucefleld in Prices to suit the tbries, Comeand see I . : NOTES DISOUNTED . 110 - -- . . . . 6 this mlty�fiud' *a Olace ih--kqu�r n.d'# wag. stir up',`S6me*Qf- . my � Raney; Rowiell, W Walters, Hollett, ':Qbn In an � Fi U d,,Afc]Kill6p, RSearlett; StIrAs,'Y'llos, useful lessons in motoring. . . � . . � � . . .. . . . . . . I was placed ob'trial on tile samecharge the croivii authoritiesalleging that, lie .110. �tl"-Orwrib` F. 11. IVISI-3. Cllnton�Ont.' . I . Draftsisdus�,. Anter6it . . . � I � � &I Wed. -on depoeits. . . I . � * , , .1 I . - nd16 and-e4use thpi)3'to.jvrIt6Ao. 131-r-Aby ; Stanley, Thos . �. . I . . . I bad -been riegligent in not seeing that T01,101dre, 11oar I'or Servml.. I . --- . - I � . �The - M e Killop mutuz� . ff.bhey do;it w.iffgive ru.ii.vreat'- .. a in (tns*eilug them. - , , - . . ' -Wiley;_ Stephen, Jacob Holtzman; * �Xuckers'inftb, F Vllvi�n; Turriberry, . , . . ­. I 6.1 —.—.-- ' 11 . I flowls'.Tids? I the switch.lanips had been. supplied with oil and ligh-ted. He�was fu'*und . . I - - I . __ . . .. .1 The undersigned has for or L I's vice, at his " . ! � ". Yours .-Respect-fully � . . . . . , I . I * Solin Zfuidock', . anson Cruickshank; - . Usborue, Chits 81 osb, N -V S Saxxlter- ' nnL-; East Witw�)n , - ' . . . ..": . . . . . � . . I . � . . . � . not guil ty., . . I ... I . . � . � . —0 I 1) renilges, Huron Road, God'ertch To., a thoro- - bred Yorksbire Boar, of splendW pedigree. six 61A tiMo�Lof ire Insurance 0 F -,0. a . 1'W`isMniitdn;.1NTardh 36th. .. . 1. . I West WaWanosb, W Bailey - ... I . .- We offer One Hundred . Dollars Re. . ward for anv cas6:of Catarrh thai can- - , . - . :.. -1 . .:. . . . .. , - HOW THIS? . uionths'old. .Ternis, at servim; $1.50 if booked,_0'THOS:L J. VOTTHR, - L .. . ' L Farm andlaolated Town Propa � I .. ? I .. . . . � . - I I �1, I . . L . . .. . . ..... I . . . I . .;.,_ . . AIr Gibqoix:'-tq1'd 06 Uflc&';'tba� thin. Uorty6litioiz 3Va,w Cbe most practical , , not be ou'red hv TIA !Is OAthrrb.Cure. . . , , . ,IS ., . . : S .. , � . assifras andBurd6ck. for the blood, : .j-8, - . Godarich Tp. , . . � I � . I .. , . L ... . er . . tY Only Isisured. .' , . . . . . . I . I I . . .. . * I . . 1. . I I 1, I . - I . .. NOUN To. CINQOM. � ... 1. . . , ,.: A:,RT-LING StATExt, NT � ­ . . .. . . V, :�. . . I I . , ­ L, L and - pric6uraging, �.Conveiition df . its ,kiiiii hadL ever attended arid be has � F CHENEY & 00, Tolbdo, O.. � We, the tindersignpd, bAve knol"k .Dandellon'And Rhubarbfcr, Stomach, Mandrake.and Juniper for liver'and � . i I � OFFICZRS. �, '. - ' ' 1. . . . . . . . I J.. B. .McI.can,Fiesident,Seafortb, Thm .� t�6j I n; . H. H . atelniiiits Like tba� . . '. . . I I ' -be I 11 , L' � attended t4great man . ay. . _y, in. his d ' ' , L .. 'Local-Opt-ioncamp4ignS will.likely V. - 06hey for the last 15 y eflis, IATIV belie-vA him'perfebtly lion orablA ii . rall � for L. kidneys., Case,arra. and Senna the -bowels, ,C-almicurri'and Albin to. pre- 11, 1. .. . . I - I . . � : -1 . . . . . . In the matter of the estafe'of John I Eraser, Vice-pres., Ilrucefiel4;: Thos, H H S . � ayg, Treass; - - , 15:MgSt6n, Out., Tl�&t ie�raak'L_' I ., "' '�- . , be orpanizeo. this year, iu� the towns of business tl?anstictihns�and financially vent gri�ing. V-Need.&L Herb , Tablet S . Bettison Green, late of. the.Tow,n- . : , e6y. . . Seaftirth; . I . .1 . . '. M'L aWiirld'.�,a`wous ;, - g 1-0-13 - '' ; . I I �'� , .. .. 'I -, ' . Wingham W1 Clidt6n; the Villages Of L ' .able to , i rry tint obligaticilas made, by his firm. � . . . .. . . I . L :1 contain thesel valuab!6 ingredieritti. -50 - tablet,s for 25c; 250 tatlets . '. Goderiabi in' the. Count Of y , ' . . . - V .i�� 4� do ceaied. ' ' .. . . I RR :. . . . . 11 . Jae,; i�onnellj, Holmesvill � -�oi ofttinate* S fornac v - - .. I .1 . . � . . .1. . L ,,, . . % . . - Vjj6 1 ter, , I Ba'Y&Wand Dlyth- . and -the L . . I - Tucker toWnsbips1bf Stephen,, Ilay: . . . WA , . LDING, KINNAN & MARVIN - Who lesale DruggistsiYoledn,0, . . . for $1,00. . A ,for L In 11, doctor. balf-a-cent a ( ree I . . I . . .. N Uco Is hercb� di on tiiai- all liergons having o i IV . . . e, J0112 Wat4 . Harlock; G. Dale;. Clinton; N., L I � . ' .0omplainte; . . . . Ex. II'e0*wan,ih .d,lborne 8'tieet, �smltb, Colborhii, Turnberry and Grey, , L . . 1. Hall's CatiAri;h- Cure is taken, intern. samples at ali'drug'stores in Cri6ton., L . March 2-9-yr�xt. . I . claims or demands against tbeL late John -Betti- son Green, who died on or about the 10th day ; J. 9vans, Biecha -Chesney, Seafbith , . I - �'Mi _o_ua, * Ili . bitt., says;' is its weight in gold as a �remedy ", , . .. I L . I . :Cobghs that are ti�ht or distressing, . , , . ally,acting dirpotlyupon the t lood and '. mucous. surfaces of the'system. Testi.. ' .15c . I . . I . . . . . . . i � of December. 10. tit the said Towhsblp of 18, Goderkh, In the Province of Ontario. are irequir- e4 to send by post. prepaid, dr dellvdr. to the ii; J. G. Grieve, I J. Ban. . woo - Winthrop, . 'neweis, Brodhagen. -T - I . ''t * * . . . i re'cizi.W stand' ' '' I Ing cg'es' 0 10or -tickling coughs; get ,ain quick and cart help from Dr. Shoop!s Cough Remed monials sent free- Pried per bottle' Sold byall Druggists - I , ­Tbronto is to have another tWo - I mill- ion dolla rhatel. B�hlftloand New York undoihigned solicitors 1prein. for Uabolla Green. the Administratrix of:tlie estate of the said John .: . rec or is Inspector 61 losses ir Each Di , , . . -his ow.rl local I .. 4Y. sia.: ye'�ks I ha ve suffered y:itomacbabac6uId.fInd no cure - Y. On this account br6ggists everywhere . ` Take laall's Fair 11Y Pills. for condd. . . . . . capitalists are behind thescheme. The building will be created on the site of DcUlsoo Green, their names and addresses and full particulars in writing of their claims, and I . . . A . �, . 10FRINTS.. n. keliif.� . Lcould-il ot eat - any- are favoring Dr. Shoop's Cough Roiii. ady. tender leaves ha*mless pation. , . , . , .. . . , I � . . Yonge Screet Arcade, .and will be statements of their accounts and the nature of the securitiodfif any] hold by them. . I . � I 4obt. S mith, Harldck-* Ed.l. Hinc!I16� iii4l; Would sour'afid'form giii,s - � . . tomaiih,that-had a preOutire on '11,eiav-y *&Ills' .The of a . lung intainous shrub give -bealing mof to Dx.-Shoo'li's Cough �temedy its oura, .1 . . . � . . - Canada's .. I H erds. . eleven stories high. Plans hikve been completed- for' the work io commence And take notice that after the Ist day of If A.D.,.1908.'the said Isabella Green will p ocoe t distribiAe the assots of the said deceased amohg Seafortb.* James . vi 7 I . Cumming, Egincificib lie; J. W., Yee, Hoj�mesville trt. . _p would come rny�i&s atid,likofiny stomach." tiv'e properties. Those" leaves have the . I Mr. Howard Douglas, Commissioner ' 'who I ., . within three months. , : . .. � I . . the parties entitled therotoi h�ving regard only the then have . .- I . I , . �. � �_ .. - nable tooledp4orthi&arld ther thing. to -relieve my . . in � � iserab _ Power to.calm­1110 invat'di§tressing Cough,and tb.sootbe; and" beat the rfiost sensitive - bronchial membrane, vof Dominion Parks, knows , as � much about buffaloes as'any ritan in.. . -Canada, states there are now in the I -A � . I I .. I Rppiiat it: 118biloh's Cure will al I ways (,tire my coughs and colds;" ' to claims of which she shall ------- ani that the said Isabella Green -will not be liable for the said assets, or any part tbereof, to . . . ny n rwnsbf whose claim she shall per.90 or pe ^ ' 'I � * . . . . � � I . R� W. CUTLER, 6r� I - was weak. and' languid feel. � Te. st it once yourself, and Seel Bold by- world about 2,000 -bison, or buffaloes�, . . I . the,, 1, Id - . ' 0, 8 .10 ropo' v, ..'I. , . .. . . . . . — I I . . . ­ - -- - ----- - - - � - -­- - - - ­­ � I _­ ­ I . CITY .OF THE INSAE . .� ,. , . . — , .1 . uld as tired in' the tribrning oilig to bed and- ­13.eespikatioh break ou 6 alY ov&il�y body, I . ba'so Weak from voinitirg that. . all.dealers, - __ - .. .I... ­_,­­­-�­ ­­ ­... . . . . .. .. . ... . . . . .' . . .1 — . �_ I ..� . � . . WOW Oil Fields. as -the animals are coinnionly callede Of illis: totu.1 the Canadialit. Govern. . ment.own 1,200., Which are dis'tributed. � t day of March,. 1 D.i . . God�.�-kh ". 2q d - � .... A :1 _ _ _ ' ? at ht r:�O,Ul)r � � �Lia � - "' . '00 . HAYS Isabella Green. I __... . I . � I— -. -VaInter-, and Paper Uanger.- -- . . � . . . � . . : . I .1 All work guaranteed. . . . Ifall 6ii-my!'knees. My -head ache and Spells of dizzine 68 . . . � Ohathiin -oil and natural gas Pro- inoters enthusiastic 'over what among,tbe.great ,%yeptern parks, where , they are living in comfort -and * in_ " I I . Happy and 14�nored' "Guests" of the I Inhabitaints . . : . . I � I . - ­ . . . . . . . � I I . I.. i . ` � . Prices reasonable; . - I . .1 Resi,apnce ne�Lrly p eave me unable to see. ,Doctors * 'trouble .are I . . ' . ffiey think are strong indications of creasing, at .6 normal rate. ,:, . I It will. be 'remembered that- last .. -of 0heel. . I � I I . . One the reinarka b! T . . : . . !. , . I .­ .. . . . pposite the ' Collegriate Instit. med the , itis, but gail"i k field heretofote � ,- of most a plaqes­ � � . . . .*.-" .� ..... . � ute. . . . o.benefit. me. 1 tr ad Mi-o-na. promising unfouch- . two miles westof the presentfield . *Oring-340 buffaloes were� bought from . .the in Europe, of which no ton . I pleas- I r'S' ent � p .. ` ... I 11 . I . . . I . .. . . . . __ loe of a -friend, which . a hascure rt all a Ise. failed. I am sound .�d, ilbu)ry' . . . . .. ,. , In T. . . � � ...., . . .1 . e-., Pablo, ranch. in Montana arid ri I . I, moved to Elk Island Park, near a- , I iire bent ever takes notice, sais a t. . . I . . . , I in W.Berli wr h , is the '.City of t o -. - , . � I - � . � � . . . I i . i 'AGOB TAYLOR 11 and feel grateful to Mi.b.tia I present health' I . * A' - man name d Gufd has sunk. a well on the Shepley farm, - near the ,ast of 11dihon- ' mont, about 40 miles , ' ton. Not an adult. of the h h ar A paper, Insane," by whicb, ilame Gheel.,' n6hr . . . . . � . . . . . I . . , . . . .. 18LINION .. .. I ie above resuf ' ts bbtained'by Raleigh town.line, which t d th .. a � a f ,,506 a ' q feet is two. died. Sixty of the calv , as born d . urilng Antwerp, Us been known fot'ganera- I I . I. � . I . Iuction Sale'� - ".. .. , , -, . I I . . -_ - . . . I that places it .'far and away. 11 other remedies an d - confirms ) I ptoducing willin ft.labio feet of gas ei day. ' L � US the year have, lived, S thiat tlie.r�l� 9 � Island herd now numbers 400.' . tions, .-About 1,500 men and women c�plctVd wlth Insanity Ill, all its foirns . " � � . . . Riv6ry SATURDAY'at- the AUCTION HOUSE. � GODBRICH. Conducted anywhere. any . . � Fife, Life and. Accident.. . ' Et. Holmes in offering to refund Several are being Sunk , h 't4 L , neV I. . old fields. . � ' There'aro still -300 buffaloes -at the . live there and *baler M h6p y being. its .sales - iiina. March& . . ndise. real ostate,livost9ek, ObM . . .: I . Insura4td tay if Xi-o.na falls to cure h toruble,00 ceutsa bo:k, Relief. . . . . . ­ . . . � . " -­—�* . 1 , I . Pabl6 ranch. -to bb tiansf4red td , Papadian park reservations this cbm�_ .. the "guests" of the inhabitants, who 1,11ow..,by experience ho* to the G.'W. 331,301CIATT,'Atictioneer. Phone IO& - .Box 160, Go�orieh, Out I . .- I I I . . .. � .. I I I .., I . - . . . . I S(600 : R 6_q /a t 6 A.. . ­ ty-fourbours',' . . . - . . _,___� I . � . . — I You Can.(.',ure, Clattirrh in.g .spring. They are to be taken to * a the Battle River ,t'he . ,,treat unfortunate on si. In tho.stree . ts in . 10 . - P . Real estate bought and sold. . - I . . .� A1003C to -loan. intonCitizensgand lFinamee., ­— I . . . . . I . . pafk,'on .on line -of the Grand. Trun 1, the plabes of amusement, the .cafes . . . e- I — .. . I .­ . I ­ y . . . nuent for the Tear ending , � ' H Taylor, 51 Bond ,St., Toront6, Breathed Hymnal arid Cured a., Long about 120 inlles� this side Or',�'�`.=,,.Y,. . I , ton. This park . reserve, known, as , find workshops these patients may. be v rouild, �, a7nd nowhere , is * there' the re- . . . . . .- . . I urids.y Apill 1136h, at I p ni,j wiction .sale Of House and'Lotj and Honsahbid furpituro Fur. . . . — . .. . � I . . Office Issad Street, nex door to New . March 31st, 1909.. , I. . _. . . . Standing ,Case of Chronic Catarrh . . - ParlE,. contains 1. Buffalo 10,000 acre.q, all of wbiell b enclosed with strong . ..- restraint appar. motest suggestion of . I -6nt. The board. ranges frota 240 to, niture, at the reaidenco of the latoMrs Monteith Ontarlo Ist Scaf6rdi, A. 'and H. Monteith oxecu- I . I . . Era . . . -.—*--, . � I .. I I , - . . . , . I , 0 ' M" K� 6110*ing is The financial report, DlintonCitizqrts Band. Itwill rprise to some to:what I That befle.d All 01ther.Remedies, Alga � 'Toronto said . Now York'Spe . oiaiists. I - . iron fences, suMcient, to pr4�v4nt the buffaloes escaping. - . I . . , - . . _ 2,400 marks a *year; and, no Matter . . 1. Dow- Small the amount may 15e, the pa- toTs. Thos, Beowns Auctioneqr� .. L F� . , I 1� �r 1� .. - I � . __1' . . . � .. people � a musioial'organization is ptAt Wit bout taking a dre)p of Wne medi . r The buffaloca.to bo.removoci in the ' UeAt-is- always the favored metuber WAS WEAK AND THIN � . .. r ertainly justifies the petition to" ricill for . 4 grant. � ' , irAto the Stomach ill Taylor, 54 Bond I Streeti Toronto, f I ,el s how the distregs Spring are to.be rounded ul� and flieh taken one by, one in.w'agoli_ s to the. railway . of the'.family. 11� has tho first right � to the most comfortablo'chair, and tho* , . .: . I,' ONLY'VEIGHED I ' 73, POUNDS- I � . . .. SVIj 6availlaft, Northm, 01PSIS rof I r I Ing tvoiibles'of Catarrh were overcome by Simply inhaling 11voinef itir. Itle nehrest station, ", gon-6ages will be - tised 'hild. r,ift a livild of the table beilongi to. him. It . e 'the � , ,,' . . NOW WEIGNS'113 I �West Land Regntlations., . . Nv person wno 29 Me sole nead dt, it IMM)ly .� fr .OM Alrfirelt 31A, IMS.. f,2 36 the history of tens ofthousand, ,; ilmimi- it itxnuaht the whole hard of soo ' receives, most attefftion, and tfils. ,POUNDS. .', . any inalo over 18 yeara.old, may home - , Town of Olintoo, ..,. 100 00 lar casQs on record# proving tbat tiy. , can. be colleetod and hauled to the lie learns to appreciate 'and- to:ehdeay.. I r r — .. I ,6., ad a (Julirter.section Of (tvailablO Dominion .�'Victor'ia day ....... .: 16 '50 qmei cat! be depenkd upon'to ellro . milivay and. darred within'two weeks. r & to- maintain, ll$� living d6,wri his � tible Uad Heart ,Tro and Shortness Und in Manitoba,' Saalcotebowan or Alberts. The applioant,mussapivarin porsion alitheMoru'r i Lawn Socials ....... ::.. 2055 lawn Socials 1200 Catarrh, Bronebitis,. Coughs, Cold'i and Crou�.. U has no equal for any, Seventy-five. of the ,buffaloes now ,in th� Rocky Mountain Park at Baliff V R he childro Illness, ,ve t n know how 1�. ' of Brog,th for Six Y&Ars. .. Infou Larido Agency or SuL,Agency ,for tile dia. trict. Entry by proxy ratty be made, at any ............. ,tion,- Sept, 23rd ........... *35 00 404, Sept,, 29nd 1000. , distross of the breathing organs, Mr Taylor says: -18orno, years -ago are -to be tem6ved to Buffalo Park, as the -accommodation at BarIff 18,too t 0 treat the, demented. people. The dangerous 60S Oro sent to another MlL8URN,'8'."EA.RT AND N909TILLS agency, on cartafti condltion% by father mother, ftugbter,� brother o af r of I tending ,9 r sto ]I. . . ... � ...... :n agemelats..... o ....... 270o i Wink eilgagements..,... 250o while an a hunting trip in North,irn 04nada, I contracted a severe co' ld �01 � 8 re limited. Mr Douglas now fe. s u that, the bfiffalo in Canada will nevor I sottlerniint and t Institutions. It 16 I woriderfill how. 0 consider4tis, eareftit . ed mrg. X,11. Bright, 13U'171110Y�, 0116, our . ,01,1, , onteader. Dal Dutlos.-Sixinont realdonaeupon.and cut. . atidn oftho idtid ok%(Jh of throe yeara, A tiv, L icertreturrio.... . 8185 thataettled'in my head abd finally become extinct, thanks to the efforts and kind the simple, �eoPlor are toward . SM writed -. 4 'I was greatly troubled, for, I'tomef4too,dotme6yi1vowititiu)iine.initea of his homostbad on a farm of ab least 90 acren solely ?aip .............. :,::,:::.�' '85 00 affected my thr6at. It rapioll'y devel. of the Canadian 'Government, and theii.charges, aud.a, 1)06P Into the com, -'gir- years, with my hoart arid iltiortneal of owned and occupied by blin or by his. fathor, , # . ,,� .... 4#6*,o 1210 ogodAto catarrh and caused a miser. a Ahroat woaknesa,� Alyhoadvould (�.speeially of tho Department of the ' blUtittY would Probably' t6trify physi. breath. I could not walk eighty Tods with- mi5thor, Son, dMightor., btothOr or sister. In eeithin districts a homesteader in good . _­�_ . .1 . I 4*1.74 become clogged during. the night and Interior, presided ever by Ron., Fratic Viver. - - 6ans who had never, heard' of and , out resting four or five timeslu that shorG OtAndilig may 13TO-01111A a quavt0t'AfttiOn along- Nde hia homestead, Prlo6 $8.00 per aere. 11 I EXPENDITURES, . �'O there was a catarrhal dropp)Ing. from , the noya Into the throat, any days . & .1 _.­�_. . . could not 11PPrelSilte the good which is being done in this ,,city ot the ju. - distance. I got so weak and thin I only weighed seventy -throe pounds. I decided Ddlifoo-Aluab 1.0gide six months 111.0ach of six years fr6iu,1-,.te of homestead ontrY ,including �tor)s Wilary'..... # ..... 150 00 ! Band1toom Th ad been, unable to breathe other thg:h tbrodgh What Is Pr' obably one ot the oladev faleew of statuary in � the world is sfirio.ts . � I I � . . . I I .11 at last to take some of Uilburn7s 71oart and the time) vehuired to, earn bomailtead pateab� and cultivate fifty acres oxtrit. . A hoinebteader hat; bin home. ............ .3000 - 4lo-Phone ........... .. '38 60 my mouth, and the 0ongtaut hawkitig and spitt.l.rig was al. nowiti tho -Museum of the Univbrsity . � . --- — Xervo Pillai arid aft9r takin'reight, boxes I , who ox1mitsWil stead riglit and eannot obtain a pre-emptloa, 14 Base ................ 30 75 most unbearable. I had been ti-eated id Toironto. It has seen about six �� . Great Britain's Flags. I I gained in strength and weigitt, and now take a purolittadd bolnostewl lit cortain dir, =0. Price $3,M per acre. Dutios.-Und ro). cond hand Cornet ...... 1000 itafid . ......... * ....... 1000 by the best throat specialists here arid in Now York, butnothing benefitted thousand years, and was'picked up in Egypt bT Dr. 0harles . Currelley re. Ii 'bout AIL the fiftgs for 13lifish ships of wat, except tho royal standards, are , weigh. orio hundred and thirteeA poutids, the most I over weighodin inylifo. I fee, si(16 six 11101riffis in each oftbrea Years. oultivate JIM 0, oreg and ottob a h6wo worth 8300.OD. W. W. CORY, ampt4., ....... I..... *.. 7 76 �. I.. % .... I ... .......... 4 * 1000 �8.. 200 myconditiou, lobtained'11yomehind soon f6und relief, the throat drop'ping _ � vntly. It s the-figuro of a man, ,Aght Inches high, the interior of tho is ices , dockyards-, madoin the Governnvo.nt and the, enormous numbar rejuired , well autt con work aa,Litall ail'o*er I (lid, d. 6b fitartily thank Idilburn's Ireart D6pntY of the YAWAter of the Inborl6r. X.n'-Unauthoitized publication 61 this ad, be for. ..... 1. - I ......... W.. Time, etc., members 60-00 ceased and my bead began to clear. I wanxilkin made of rolled 13 inth way be judged from thd�faet that at An and V'svilsoment will not paid ies, . cliar eS.-...*..4%b..4..1 1210 continued with Hyowei for six weelts and after, that ti mel wits well In � every wrtipresse'd tht l reQred 6?01, pej. '%nd the, vho1d,ov6r1aI4 with gold boat- Chatbaw alone about 18,000 fiags are Madb in a I Xerv6 Vills, for it dill." . box 3i box,Bs for ­__ "_­­­.--- . . . � gtoi)pba In M millutoa C*o6ss 400 I *_ M 16 I W ft Awd f f CUA .T10A.6g. detail, There hanbeen ilp return of the trotble rilane, and I fool grateful In spoak1bg Well of 11yowel'as It cured ­ "%-- - I �V­ A�A%.A It a m to the finenoeia of per Tho iiii. Itinsid yalue of Ali, AX tom -its I 41 1-U wolida warai. is of hour" arokat . year, a . .1 -L � I . - Repeal; It.-I'ShIlows oil" *111 %I., wrama mioa w%w nho6li& ikv�A *AlAdm Is .Prk6. 50 conta'per or $1.25 at all dftlprg, or modltd ditftt on n0eipt of prico by Us If. Ullbdra Coq I LimlW, T&6uto, Urkt� sure with Dr. 81LOOPIN Croup Remedy. One, 0 VLSI; will Surely prote. CR U P No vomitin bo dla* A A. ;11.1-11.. �0,_MtA L+­A."� 6 4 ­ -111 I � I I a ; 1. L I PWMW 10% � I � 10 - --1 _­ _. - - , � 11 ­ I . I I ( 1# E 1. . I I , I ;1 . 11 , ., � i , i 1-1 I .�11 I � I .