HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-04-08, Page 61110 M
or F ur on Yoors He offhored-"
T:, q
Frm$ 0jS
I tive0 , oug t
OtMtford Centre, Wolfe Co., Que.
May 111tu, 190a.
I b%ve. bQeA completely cured QV a,
I condition of my gtoxnach
I this wonderful medlel
ftult�w!ttves," I suffered fo� i1nul",
ygATs with this trouble. Myhead
Zd Incessantly. I �cquld not eat
�Ythlng but what I suffereO Awful.
one from Indigestl I u-9ed,every
apwn remedy -nd wa4 treated by
iysLlclana, but the dyspepsia andbead,
I*s persisted In spite of the Oeat.
ent, I
I was told to� try "Frult-a-tives," and
sent for six boxes, and this was the
ly medicine that did me any good.
am now entirely well, 1 can eat or-
nery food and I never have a head -
he, and for this relief I thank this
nderful remi-dy "17rult-a-tives." My
e Is well known in this vic-Inity and
u may publish this statement,
50c a box, 6 for. $2.50, or trial size
c. If, for on- reason, your dealer
es not handle "Fruit-a-tives," they
.11 be sent postpaid on receipt of
ce by Frult-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
Looked Too Far.
rhere was an English farmer, a
mersetshire man, vy�ho 'obee own�d,
telescope. the old man reffiirked
a friend at a local race meeting that
e gentry nowadays had glasses for
th eyes and added that he "had bad
e once for one eye, a right good one
was, but now It was no use at all—
. not to nobody."
'Why not?" asked the friend.
'Well," he said, "It were a good one,
could see miles wP en. I could see
iin the steeple of the church five
lea off. But missus' son John, he
rrowed en, and he tried to see the
of Votber church, ten miles
'—and tried and tried and couldn't.
td that strained it, and It were nev-
of no use any more—no, not to no -
A Troublesome Mirror.
"Alamma," said Flossie, -this old
�klng glass Isn't any good."
'Why, what's the matter with It,
tr?" asked her mother.
'Every time I try to look In it," ex -
tined Flossie, ."my face gets in the
As a Corollarr.
'Are marriages made in heaven?".
'As to that I can't say, but I do
ow this much."
'What's that, Peleg?"
'There's lots of courtigg 6one in
arch."--Loulsville Courier-Jourual.
—, _.o_ I I—
Didft't Get a Ch2nce.
;he—What did papa.say when you
ced him for my hand? . , I
le—Why, be couldn't say a word.
'He couldn't?" '
Wo; your mother was there!"—Yow
rs Statesman.
Goo'd Boots
To Fariners and Otliers:
We have several paijes of our own
raake. of Boots. Good lbargains Rvhile
they last. Just the thing you need
while the spring is opening tip, to keep
your feet dry.
We are'beadquarters for Shoe re-
pairing. Your repairs done while you
wait. Our prices are right.
Opposite the Post Office
flaving opened a branch. business at
Londesboro joint1v v�ith MrMcKown's'
Uarness Shop, we can do making. and
repairing ut shortest possible notice,
W.H.-Lwatts & son
Swell . Tail oring.
is usually thought to cost a sv ,
Iffice. We prove the falsity 6C that
Mea, by our moderate prices.
ate veadv for inspection. You cannot I
ait to admire themat jhe first glance,
in any Style and cloth ypu select at a
jorice that competes closely with fao�
toty-made dlothing. That a suit niade
by us ra awell in every detail, needs nb
argufnent. The clothes t4peak tot
"WO', W, BAR"'a B-Zo
Pred,fatkaoia'a Old Stand.
at for 18eldsh-Aj6drioan Gleaning
& Dying Co,, Montreal,
At all Dru_Ogisfs or dirett front
2&; a Box. t .
April fth, igog
be, Great Blood, Flesh - and Nerve Tonic
V I T_... A L.. Makes Blood, Strengthens the Nerves*
Invigorates, Builds. up, Eram;. Like, Biewicity, you will feel the new blood coming.int%.
your veins ancl, the nerves getting strong. The wrinkled and pale faces will put on a natur�l
Almost Inst.ant in *its Wondi-Arful Results
Vital cure,'s all diseases arising ftorn a po or-hb-
pale and sallow complexion,'general muscular weakness, 16ss of appetite, dep
ression of spirits,
lack of -ambitioe,'anaemi�, palpitation of the heart, shoritness of breath -on slight exertion, cold-
ncss of hands 9r, feet, paia in the back, nervous headache, and all forms of female weakness,.
tardy or irregular Oeriods, suppression of the menses, hysteria, sciatica, rheum
ataxy. Vital is for sale everywhere or direc from The Scobell Drug CO, St atism' locomotor
.t Catharines, Ont.
Price Soc bcx,, or'six boxes for $2.5.0.
it Comes Through the Greeks and He-
brews From Phoonicla.
-When we spent.- of Our A. B C's as
our I'd1pliabot" lye ate using a word
hoary with age, that, as far back as
we con trace it, catne from the castern,
sborer of the Mediterranean sea, thou-
sauds of years before the Ilebrows
vvent up tberd ancltook possession of
the land of Canaan� Back of the peo-
ple wile occupled that land before the
events of Exodus were written we are
not able to trace the word, for, we
have not sulticlent knowledge of them
or of their etymological history. b6fore
we find thern In Canatin.
It has been only within recent years
tbflt wo have been able to know that
the 'Word "allibobet" came to us from
'the Pb.oenlelans.. nefore that we sup.-
l6sed that It caino to us from ibe fCe.
b.re�vs, through the Greek. As, we. say
11 I.L'B C11 the Greeks say "alpha beta"
(ilie fl41t two letters of their alphabet),
" 4, 1
XOVV is tbe'time to have your
Bicycle cleaned up arid put
shape for Spring. Bring it in.
now and I can have it; ready
for you, without delay,
If you wIsb to have your inower
.sharpened iind repaired, d
me a postal card or leave wl=
at the shop and I shall call for
and deliver it,
Now is the time :to have t1fese
things attended to as I shall. be
busy later on.
A - TURIVE[i, Clinto"9
whieu when, it. reacbed us ucca e A,
phabet." This we supposed Lind come W, MHSON, Agent, Clinton.
to the Greeks from the Hebrews, who
called their first two letters "alph" and.
$.'both," but since then tve have %Ouu4 Canadian Hair- Restoper
that both the dreeks and the Ilebrews.
gmt Me word "al pba be't" from the same Z
source, which was the Phoenicians.
The people - of Phoefifelm" had the
Same. letters, "alph" nud '%etb," which Will restore gray Uair to its natural color-
haTe suff0ed 'but 'little change in Stops faliIng hair causes to grow on bald,
sound down to'our A and. B. Alph heads. Curesdau&uff.itching, scalp diseasm.,
meant simply au, ox. the sign of it By Its use thin haii grows luxuriantly.
.beln.-"a convent Ional *. ox's head, with Contains no-olly or greasy Ingredient@,
Is entirely- unlikef any other hair prepara..
the lower part of. the. face turned
tior: ever 611tered for sale,
slightly to Its right, and beth. a4ant A good, reliable Canadian preparation.
house, which wag�. pictured.by the rude
ling hj6h VmfoUclled Testimonials.
Outline of divel I V With A. 18urke, Missionary H.V. Chur"Oh..
bad a superfluous line- added Ao dis- Egypt, and fricnds�greatlypleased.
tinguish It frotii other characters very U=ts&fter two years' uVing. We'Watit- to Land
like it, as ive place a tall on a Q io L A. Hopes,.Wiluer. Montana. 31y'bair'
and whiskers restored to natural colof. dark 'CUrlIT'st ardek;. because we kno
, �L w! thah
distinguish it from an 0. So the first browni bk using Canadian Hair Restorer.- - satisfaction -you will derWei frep!
two letters of our:.4 B. Us were orig_ L'M. Orjm�, B ssville,Onk Cdhadlanlra&r. thfLt will open'your. eyes ti) thei %e%
t6rer is thlvst I have ever. use&
Inally, an, ox and a house .16hu 6. Hall. Vew Xhordeeni Cape Br*au. uhat yon. cannot do better anywhere
the.name of all of the.twentyj�lk let- Canadia d ",onders. Oise that yoii can with uq. You witt
,t Hair Rostorerhas wokke
,ters 'whiell m,6 call our "alphabet,"—. My hea is nearly all covered with thiolg Rud that ' we are n6t "altat sea?� in our
orpowth black hair, original -color. - a business, b.tit tijoroughlv .,tip -to. jhe,
New, tork Herald. Sold by all whole"le and retail druggist& minute"r and watchful of� the interefte,
Mailed to any address in the civilized world A our customers, knowing th4t. by -so
Kitsjaa the Book. onrecelptotimIce,51c. . XanuWWredby, joinig� we ar . e. re . ally actinij:fop our
TM RMWIN CO., WftdsM..0nb. Gwadv,,
"Kissing the. boolg" 1P. a rather late. wn ultimate,benefit.
development.of the more touching *of S ild in Clintoli by -- W. 9 'n'.
the gospels �*Ith the:! fingers, which, 1161mes, 1E. Hove' t W' A.
yp A,` DOWNS,.
dates . from, tbe Sixth. century. .. It is
1 .1 RcConiid11,-drug&ts
likely that the Nag was originally, In- Merchani Tailor, Qintoll,
tended not t6increase th4 solemnity of ------
0e oath, but to glguif�-re;veren6e and.
. iffection for the �ook. � Tbe ki
as All, -
'Ir 4V
L)ear�..tb., hav�-�.come into'fashlon to- it WHINE FOR RUDDER -TIRES
Ward the end *ot the sIxteentli. century
and would - seem' from what Ge &
.9rg . Seeley alidWest:
In a few days I will have in a-
jjlov says - of it, to have been a, Protes-, 'have just bought a machine for stock
tant litnovation. According -to him,: attaching Rubber. Tires to bug., of all kinds Ot seeds, as
th6.unrefOkmtyA inethod -was simply.�o gies, and are prs�hred to do all. VE
TIM03 R,
hold.the g6spels with three fingers work of'this -kind promptly and. ri! Y. a 0 Etc
above the book, iypIfying the 1�rinity,, at.reasqnable prices.
: A -togethe'r '
Iso all Jkindd' of, lathe vvbrk with
and two 'AligQm below, typifying the 'gorm'ding, and mkhine repairing' FL00?
t ' wofold. destruction of. body' And. soul and. CHOP FEEDS.
%2141; an oatii. taker invoked, upon him- I W E
self S]EIELIEV A ST W. G.. SttlVth
,if he swore f.,tlqpl,y.' BLACKSMITHS.
'Standard Elevator,
dIRDINARY paints very iopu dis-
'color -and fado, . NIL hill"e st,
ithstand sun aod weather
Pai#ts W1
and ��X: bridItto becaus'e M L Put(! right
..Pwn'ts, besides pure le.ad. pure, Ltile,
-and -ppre Wxl,. coutain a �Pecial' —"mom
indr.edient tha',t mAed'11i6m, last
about twice, as-, lond and 16[ter
protect. any s:urface .'thOy- cover,,
indoors or out. - Other. - makers'
haven't found out yet just how to
use'that itidredient iii the r' ht
quantity and the rldht way*.,., If you
buy Paint for.' mal servl*C6... real- Pure
economy ... real., money s wor'th
Alade in every desirable
jh6n buy. color 'and lot every use
Paint 6ark � setye, are juar-
on( ee4 to t6ver (is well snil,
satisfy as wholly ;Is any
Paint &old in (lie world. The
reliable* S06 nanted here
sells ibese PAIM's in jjIly
sland!kril.quahtily, and Ivill
Irthdily inforiki you tipan any
painflul question, Ste them
befort you blkyrduch or lifile
P`u r- e' 'Paint's Paint torany purpose,
MAI)z ay R. Adams
Zbe Imperial Varniah 6 Color Co.,
Llrbitod#' of _Tior6nto 1.ondesboro.
60 Z3TABLI311tD 20 YZAK$ AGO
L 1�,
. A
A YounSt Rior'lit's Rapid R100 -to Titlo
N I IN I 1 1111 1 1 11 11 RINI
and Powor.
One day 4 Fouug. recruit was stand
InX pard before the door of the en-
Strange Ideas of the Anclents'as
trance to Peter the Greata privat*
to Their Causes.
eh4mbero 14 the ValaCe of J$t. Peters.-
burg. He h44 received orders to ad-
mit no one,
As he was paWlat Slowly up and
doVm before the door Prince Xonschi-
ICOIT, tile favorite minister of the czar,
Pliny Says'. They Were Ohown In tho
,approached and attempted. to. outer.
Air, Clouds and Water and by Ani,
Re was stopped by the recruit.
What Medical Skill, 00 Not ])9
maliR—Tho Twd Mountain's That
The prince, who had, the fullest lib-
erty of calling upon his master at Any
Was ACC014011shed With
Crashed To.p9ther and Then Receded,
time, sought to PuAll tile guard and
134rdock, Wood Bifters,
It we. search. history to find to what
pass him, Yet the young mari would
Causes the auel cuts attributed earth -
not move, but ordered his highness
If you are. troubled with Headache do not
quakes we find that the Babylonians
to stand back.
hesitate. to use B.B.B. It. is no new pro,
duct, ol unk , now4 value, but bas an estab.
believed that all occurrences of the
Idlot!" shouted the prince.
lished reputation.
kJn4 were due to the Influence of the
you know pe?. You'll be pun-
stars, especially of. the three to which
Ished for tbist"
they -Ascribed tbunder—namely, Sat,
The recruit smiled and said.
-Miss Murtal Wright, Maniac, N.B., writ4s.
"I was sick and run down, would have Ilead.'
urn, �uplter and Mars. The seers of
"Very well, your highness, but my
ache.06 a bitter taste in my mouth, floatipg
the clay believed that these disturb.
orders tire peremptory to let nobody
speaks Isefore My tqcs and pains -in my back.
I was not able, to do any house work at all and
ances were caused by the stars mov.
could not sleep tit night. Several doetaril
doctored we but I I help,
Ing with. the sun or being In, conjunc-
The princei exaspe�ated at the fel,
$jkw was getti ng no
and n the advice of a friond I pt; three
tion with It, more particularly.wheii.
tow's impudence, Struck, him. a bloly
eg of Burdock Blood Bitters and tbe�y
the stars were In the quartile aspect.
In the face with his rldlngwhlp.
o1rected a COMPIOLD CUM.
Pliny chronicles the report concern -
"Strike away, your highness," said
oneAwkilmauder, a Mllestan, who
the soldier, "but I cannot let you go
warned the Lactdaemonlansr to be.
In.tv .
Smail' Moustaches In Fashion,
ware of their city and houses, And
Peter, in'tbe room, hearing the noise
outside, opened the door dud Inquired
�Small moustaches are the fashion
legend has It that the city was soon
aftc�rw;lrd destroyed.
what it meant, and the prince told
in England; Cavalry officers initiav
ed the style, delighting to have their
Pliny, who wrote his natural history
- �
moustaches trimmed "like tooth.
. In A. D. 77, conceived that earth -
The czar appeared amused, bCt said
brushes," The hair covering -it is to
quakes.were'eauged by the winds, as
nothing at the time. 4�1
be confined to the upper lip, no aid*
"the . ear-th never tr1embles ' except
lo.the evening however, he sent for'
gLowtl being encouraged,
when the sea Is quite calm and when
the prince and the soldier, As they.
the heavens are go tranquil that,thei.
both appeared Peter gave Ilia own
birds cannot maintain their flight, all
cane to the sdidler, sayltig:
the air which -should support them be -
"That man.6truck you In the moro-
Ing withdrawn. Nor. does It ever hap-
Inx Now you must return . the,blow to
"Froildle.11 saUl the �N:isitor, 411. bew.
pea until after.great winds, the gu*t.
�that fellow with my.stick."
your faili er gave y
, on a watch on, youx
being .
, pent up, as It wer6, in the tls-
The prince was amazed, "Your maj.
Wrtlifty. .. Was It a hunting- case
sures and*tonecaled hollows."
he said, "this' cOmnioll soldle*
Many scientists have observed that
Is to strike me?"
4AN6 1 ma:am,11 replied. Freddie. I'll
all great eonrulslohs of nature Are
.11 make him a captaln.�' said peter.
was it barefaced wateh.11—Exchauge.'
likely to be preeeded by..calms; also
"But I'm .111 officer of your -majes.
that birds And aninials generally ex.
Vs housebol(l," objected the prince,
hibit certain -presentiment$ of the
"I'MAke [Ifni a colonel of illy life
Distances Are. DecreasIng,
event, facts which the wise men of
'u,irdd and -'an Officer of the �house.
One of the, Ottawa newspapers re.
ancient days noted and accounted for
bol0,11 said-.11oter-again.
lers to fact that the member of
the Howe of Coinmons for the Yukon
in their dIfferent ways.
My rank, ,Tour maJ�sty kPOW8,- is
that Of general," a -gain protested Men.
can make tlle.d.istance. from Dawson
to Ottawa ixl�sevonfeeh� d4ys, As the
Pliny says; tin .*irthquake
occurs there Is often. sound without
selilkoff. 7 - . 11, :�
means bf communication with the
apy.motlam When there Is motion It
"Then I in .like him. A goncrql� go tha�t
far north and our_knowledge of it
Is tremulods and vibratory. The.clefts
tb.6 beating yon get may In 0
Co e fr r6 a
g OW.
r 9, tile d,St4uce 'between old Can
of the earth sometimes remaln,...dis
Man qf r r. uk,"
you a
ada and , the " further t
mos borders of
what Las been swallowed up,
The�Tj_rihce got (t sound thrashing In
riewer Canada'becomes less and less.
I ,
sometimes concealing It, the month
the presence of the ezi1r, and the re.
In fact W I.-, notbing Short of aston...
being closed and the sol) brought over
crult, who was next day commissioned
ishing to' -contrast the eastern atti-
tilde toward,'the, far w6st an& north
it, the city belti- as It were, engulfed,
A generhl, with a III le, 'was thi? founder
of a powerful family whose�&scend
vvilb. that of twenty fifteen, or even
,devoured. Maritime districts are more
e.9peQid)) subject -to Shocks. �4
y 'or are
auto Are Still. high In'the lmpL!rlal Serr-
tep vpmr!4
mWntaindus stricts, exempt. I have
fee of Rusg.114�,
found tli� Alps and the Apennines -fro-
The old -fashioned Way. oft (losing A
tell by thein. -The, sb6cko
quently shal,
happen more frequefitly In theautu . ma
0eAk stomach,o)? Otimulatlak.tbel
orlfldn6ys is all-ivron g'. Dr 81100,0firat
and- the spring. They also happon-1,
pointed out this error This is why his
inore frequently In the. ni-,
ght than In.
An Inventor's -Weary but Successful.
�resdription:I)r Shoop's Restorative"
po u
tho day. The greAtest Shocks a I
Fight Asainst.Great Odds.
directed entirely to, the cause of.
the. Morning and'ithe'eT0111tig, but they
Charles Goodinr -is mb t the only. Iii
thi3se al)menO.: the weak inside or con-
()ft(.n talm' plate at dayb . reak. They
ventor who mi- t t
,b urn his facet to tile.
trolling nerves. It isn't, so diffieult,
says D0 Shoop,. to Strehgthen a weak
'.also 'take place 'durlug eclipses of tile
wait to die saylhgg of the, tardy recog.
',9tomach,1-16srt, or Kidne�sjf one goes
nio6n, becailse, at that tinjo storms are.
nition of, his., efforts. �"I die liappy—.
'at it correctly. Each insideorgan has
lulled. They tire most irequent,when
others- can get rich
its.controll ingorinsileneeve.- When great, beat succee4s, to showers or
Goodyear's efforts "to Introdued the
these nerves fail then-thosg organs showers Succeed to great heat.11 -
use,of vilicanized rubber were'no more
must surely -falter.' Topse vitil truthi:; 1,1iny fur't-be'r says'. "There Is no
tragic than the stories of a dozen other
are leading druggists svei,ywhero, to
dispense and recommend Dr,'ShooP1
doubt. that earflitluakes are felt by
. There was a man named
Restorative. Test it a fo vv day.9i and
persons on Shipboard. There dremany
Simpson In Mlss6nri wh6 discovered
see! Ini and
qipirove�ient willtp:romptly
signs for the. niftriner beforeliftnd,how�.
that gutta pp6ha was- a nonconductor
surely ti)tlow.. Sold by Ill &Wei4.
ever. The timbers of. the vessel.cre4k,
of electrIcity. He borrowed viovey bf
The birds that settle &i tile vessel are
one Amos KenddR...,to iiiake. his �Ippll.
not I'Vifliout their- alarnis.. ThereAs.
cation for a, patput, -Skt was feJected
6 a lgin 'in tbii heaven,-,, for when a
over and over, rich cmnP.anIcs.f1ghtIn�._
shock Is n6ai at band, either. In the
his claim. 'BuT.7ix—,-fivid -Isand;" he
But Fanhie Made an -Awful Mass of It
daytime' or a little after, .131inset, a
never weakened. It was just after
:WiI� the Old Lady. -
cloud is stretched out in the clear sky
the civil war that. he milde'llis last,
.0 h
W en V Annie. sbent upon pleasing, I
like a long; -tbin-flne. The water In'
- - -
fight. Us had.no money—not a L dollar
sigh V"wile's yonnger- sister'.
wells 19. Pore'lurbid than usual, and It
—but he Louis 16r
-6d .'.'she
An to a L.
cl. y'rual. orrible xmiss of.
a disagreeab e odor.!'
describing: the varlou5 11cindS of
jElewould not beg,. but. made big way
'thino.. Last; Swiday 61ldr1le 'Evans,,,
-.9 investi-
half across .the continent bv 'sit*1111
having -arrived' a It the point where. he
gqtions on thb subject p)Iny.- remarks .
wood, boeing corn or doing any worl',
feit hd wanted .41s family'.13 opinion of
Ahat "ar4bed bullillug-, are ibo* gafogt�
that came to., hand. In. one place he I
me, ti4vited us both ni) to take tea Also the aftfles o.f. walls and walls
robbed a scareerdw 6f*a pair of pftuts
with his *motftem The minute 1 laid
Inadg.of bricks suffer.leitst.. The earth
afid a fiat, leavlug� his own more rag-
eyes. 0 . n . his motbee -I . kne Famil e
mOveluent'that -resembles. t.11P..'rbIling
ged garments in'-thdtr'plac6.. In Pitts,
wouldget in troiible�be-$ I imply can't
of waves Is, the* m6st axngemm or
burg lie had.to work as a trbel- driver
h' in
elp gett g nervously 'foolish `wben I
when '.'the- ingtibil Is � Impelled, In one
till he. could'onm enough to repair his
there's areligions person around;
direction. ' -The.-Areniors. cenod-wheh
oboes and take him on his way. And
. 'IchaOle's mother 1cIsscd-u4-a'nd,. Ad-.'
t -be vapol�s hayd-bunst forth; but U
all the time he; belleved stubbornly In
dressing herself t Vdnnio� as tb
o & elder,
thcre�.be no esca'pe: of Vapor of
himself and W his invention.: His own
,aid,. somethi g. bout our b�lug iery
-bei the tremors may coutinu
larid: t I * 0
words were,
sweet to come. and �be a. (1, 6teriess
for liare been kno _wn
"When Icame over th6 tops of - the
old Nvoulan. . Wher0at.1'amile looked.
Ao,continuo for two.yeAirs." *. , "'; .
Alleghenies .1 saw the- sun rising, And].
-it: Charlie and blg� two brothers, and
The historlart, r6cords. the � greatest
I knelt down. And thanked God for. my
replied feelingly that It must b6a ter.;'
"Prodigy of the earth" as baying oc-
Rfe And asked him to. let we get my
i-lble disappointmeni to Lave - only
eurre(j in the distViet.of Mutina durfAg
patent. Ile promised me on the Spot,
thenj.' Mrs.' Evaug, to rectify my als-.
the consulship of Lucius and
and I never had a mome ' lit's doubt^1
ter's misapprehension, told us . proudly
Sextus Julius, :*Ilan 1.1two, molautaffis
after that.'!' ' -1 .' I I
that she - had three'more song, no� pre4-
rushed . together, falling upwr each
ArrIvIn,&. In Washington, he gdt a !
other with it very Joud crash And then
living as a day laborer on the stone
"By thio' time F ann . le rea . lived that
receding, while in the daytime stnoke
&m.them.11 Pliny
foundation of the patent office, and
he had made A bad beginning and
an(' vapQr Issued
from that.vantage -round he..fought
leaped further In with the supposition
says the wonder was witnessed by 14a
his claim through: the office and � the
that the other -three were off having a
great crowd. of Ronlan kni.ghts and
cou rig and' got bis patent.. 'The West-
good, time Instead, of' moping at'home.
trgvefors aldn.- the Acmillau'vay,"
ern "Union Telegraph, company'.gAvo
The older jady drew herself'. up aii.d.
The, same writer sayw IcTlic greatest
him $100,000 down for tlic,privilege of
said severely:
earthquake. whicb.,,jrcurred. in our
using it.—Exchangei
'My three sons are In heaven, Miss
memory -was In theyeign of Vberlus,
Odd Cures -Por Rhournattim.
10h, how awful!l came 111ahnfes
f Ash
-by which twelve eft A'* a were
laid prostrate 11) *011 night.- During
Cures for rheumatism are almost AS
: -
ready ga . sp.
tile Piiiilc -war we had accounts of
old as the complaint itself. In the
!I -'NO, - not awful at alit' and.Mrs.
flfty�scvcn earthquakes it! one year.
. I
midland counties' of England it was
Evans wig positively glaring at us, 11
Xov is I t ail evil 1,nerely consisthig.in
the fiangfir which is produced by the
formerly Oon8ideied t4at the . right,
forefoot,of a.hale,,worn c ' onstantly In
feel that they were specialty blessed
In being allowed to pass thus early to
ynotion; )t 19 An equal'.or greater evil
the pocket, 'Was an amulet against
their Lord. They dled.as little cbjl�
when It 1, couWerod as a. prodigy.
The,elty of Itome. tever expe.i -fenced a
rheumatism. while the Dutch. PL%as-;
antry still ebeilsh a belief In the pres-
"'Dear -me, how glaciyou must hivo
I .
shock that -,vas not the t . orerunuer of
ervative" virtues of a borrowed or
'Stolen botato. . Stranget tb�n these,
beeill, blurted out flustered -10annI6.
"By this time I had kick4'a hol6 bi
some-grent eala�Mlty."
pliny., of course, talces a. good inany
however, was''the :remedy-. discovefed
her' ankfe, au4 that quieted her for.
oflils A&ounts Trom Aristotle, but his
by a "servant girl at the village 'Of
. Or
awbile. Sh till t
e might havd kept a
reterefices to events t re coiffirmed by
other wrlterA. I-'Jer6dotus de.�crlb(ls a
Stanton, In thq- Cdtswoldg, who con-
1:11% rest of the- evening bad not her pet
disturbance In Ills day, WhOn
trived to be. conrkmed three times, in
Su6jedt, the. higher education 'of Wo-
1111; sea, Came beyond 'hlcmphl%� as far
W6 -belief that tunfirmation; wag tin
unfailing cure for,theumatlain.
man, come up for tho,old lady's dlsap�
proval. . Then Fannie made a hand-*
no the, m6untains-of EthloPla, , tild also
'o:f 'sea
by re
spring Into the conversa:tIon 4
trom the. plain Arabia. The
I s
also- surrounded Illum and - 010 Whole
1 The Oowcatcher.
Marking, that *hen We had more eft-
Of T�etithratila and eo�ered the plain
While the vigAtor told how be had
cated mothqrs,'there would be less In -
throfiji which the Meander flows
ridden thirty thrilling kniles ou 11b
faut jh9rtallty.
milly niftkes-ketual Inclition of OV6,�f
cowcatchet of a lopolhotive firc-yele-..
"And, mind you, Fannie was. really,
tile AoOlian islandg having I 10mer,ged.
old Lorolla listened attenflvely� As
trying to be nice for my. oake.11—XeW
from the 80d." It WAs A matter of
he concluded She Mktd, "I'Did, you
York 11.11ines,
vol nmon'bellet aniong the scientists of
,Catch the cow. Mr. BlatikV low
runyls day that Sicily was torn from;
Italy by such a dlsturb41aCe--N(jW-
Yotlk, wort 16
Sour StOMach Ond
H00kriburn ?
I -To who sows bt4imbles'Muk not 90
bar#fbot.�-GeVM411 Proverb.
At all Dru_Ogisfs or dirett front
2&; a Box. t .
April fth, igog
be, Great Blood, Flesh - and Nerve Tonic
V I T_... A L.. Makes Blood, Strengthens the Nerves*
Invigorates, Builds. up, Eram;. Like, Biewicity, you will feel the new blood coming.int%.
your veins ancl, the nerves getting strong. The wrinkled and pale faces will put on a natur�l
Almost Inst.ant in *its Wondi-Arful Results
Vital cure,'s all diseases arising ftorn a po or-hb-
pale and sallow complexion,'general muscular weakness, 16ss of appetite, dep
ression of spirits,
lack of -ambitioe,'anaemi�, palpitation of the heart, shoritness of breath -on slight exertion, cold-
ncss of hands 9r, feet, paia in the back, nervous headache, and all forms of female weakness,.
tardy or irregular Oeriods, suppression of the menses, hysteria, sciatica, rheum
ataxy. Vital is for sale everywhere or direc from The Scobell Drug CO, St atism' locomotor
.t Catharines, Ont.
Price Soc bcx,, or'six boxes for $2.5.0.
it Comes Through the Greeks and He-
brews From Phoonicla.
-When we spent.- of Our A. B C's as
our I'd1pliabot" lye ate using a word
hoary with age, that, as far back as
we con trace it, catne from the castern,
sborer of the Mediterranean sea, thou-
sauds of years before the Ilebrows
vvent up tberd ancltook possession of
the land of Canaan� Back of the peo-
ple wile occupled that land before the
events of Exodus were written we are
not able to trace the word, for, we
have not sulticlent knowledge of them
or of their etymological history. b6fore
we find thern In Canatin.
It has been only within recent years
tbflt wo have been able to know that
the 'Word "allibobet" came to us from
'the Pb.oenlelans.. nefore that we sup.-
l6sed that It caino to us from ibe fCe.
b.re�vs, through the Greek. As, we. say
11 I.L'B C11 the Greeks say "alpha beta"
(ilie fl41t two letters of their alphabet),
" 4, 1
XOVV is tbe'time to have your
Bicycle cleaned up arid put
shape for Spring. Bring it in.
now and I can have it; ready
for you, without delay,
If you wIsb to have your inower
.sharpened iind repaired, d
me a postal card or leave wl=
at the shop and I shall call for
and deliver it,
Now is the time :to have t1fese
things attended to as I shall. be
busy later on.
A - TURIVE[i, Clinto"9
whieu when, it. reacbed us ucca e A,
phabet." This we supposed Lind come W, MHSON, Agent, Clinton.
to the Greeks from the Hebrews, who
called their first two letters "alph" and.
$.'both," but since then tve have %Ouu4 Canadian Hair- Restoper
that both the dreeks and the Ilebrews.
gmt Me word "al pba be't" from the same Z
source, which was the Phoenicians.
The people - of Phoefifelm" had the
Same. letters, "alph" nud '%etb," which Will restore gray Uair to its natural color-
haTe suff0ed 'but 'little change in Stops faliIng hair causes to grow on bald,
sound down to'our A and. B. Alph heads. Curesdau&uff.itching, scalp diseasm.,
meant simply au, ox. the sign of it By Its use thin haii grows luxuriantly.
.beln.-"a convent Ional *. ox's head, with Contains no-olly or greasy Ingredient@,
Is entirely- unlikef any other hair prepara..
the lower part of. the. face turned
tior: ever 611tered for sale,
slightly to Its right, and beth. a4ant A good, reliable Canadian preparation.
house, which wag�. pictured.by the rude
ling hj6h VmfoUclled Testimonials.
Outline of divel I V With A. 18urke, Missionary H.V. Chur"Oh..
bad a superfluous line- added Ao dis- Egypt, and fricnds�greatlypleased.
tinguish It frotii other characters very U=ts&fter two years' uVing. We'Watit- to Land
like it, as ive place a tall on a Q io L A. Hopes,.Wiluer. Montana. 31y'bair'
and whiskers restored to natural colof. dark 'CUrlIT'st ardek;. because we kno
, �L w! thah
distinguish it from an 0. So the first browni bk using Canadian Hair Restorer.- - satisfaction -you will derWei frep!
two letters of our:.4 B. Us were orig_ L'M. Orjm�, B ssville,Onk Cdhadlanlra&r. thfLt will open'your. eyes ti) thei %e%
t6rer is thlvst I have ever. use&
Inally, an, ox and a house .16hu 6. Hall. Vew Xhordeeni Cape Br*au. uhat yon. cannot do better anywhere
the.name of all of the.twentyj�lk let- Canadia d ",onders. Oise that yoii can with uq. You witt
,t Hair Rostorerhas wokke
,ters 'whiell m,6 call our "alphabet,"—. My hea is nearly all covered with thiolg Rud that ' we are n6t "altat sea?� in our
orpowth black hair, original -color. - a business, b.tit tijoroughlv .,tip -to. jhe,
New, tork Herald. Sold by all whole"le and retail druggist& minute"r and watchful of� the interefte,
Mailed to any address in the civilized world A our customers, knowing th4t. by -so
Kitsjaa the Book. onrecelptotimIce,51c. . XanuWWredby, joinig� we ar . e. re . ally actinij:fop our
TM RMWIN CO., WftdsM..0nb. Gwadv,,
"Kissing the. boolg" 1P. a rather late. wn ultimate,benefit.
development.of the more touching *of S ild in Clintoli by -- W. 9 'n'.
the gospels �*Ith the:! fingers, which, 1161mes, 1E. Hove' t W' A.
yp A,` DOWNS,.
dates . from, tbe Sixth. century. .. It is
1 .1 RcConiid11,-drug&ts
likely that the Nag was originally, In- Merchani Tailor, Qintoll,
tended not t6increase th4 solemnity of ------
0e oath, but to glguif�-re;veren6e and.
. iffection for the �ook. � Tbe ki
as All, -
'Ir 4V
L)ear�..tb., hav�-�.come into'fashlon to- it WHINE FOR RUDDER -TIRES
Ward the end *ot the sIxteentli. century
and would - seem' from what Ge &
.9rg . Seeley alidWest:
In a few days I will have in a-
jjlov says - of it, to have been a, Protes-, 'have just bought a machine for stock
tant litnovation. According -to him,: attaching Rubber. Tires to bug., of all kinds Ot seeds, as
th6.unrefOkmtyA inethod -was simply.�o gies, and are prs�hred to do all. VE
TIM03 R,
hold.the g6spels with three fingers work of'this -kind promptly and. ri! Y. a 0 Etc
above the book, iypIfying the 1�rinity,, at.reasqnable prices.
: A -togethe'r '
Iso all Jkindd' of, lathe vvbrk with
and two 'AligQm below, typifying the 'gorm'ding, and mkhine repairing' FL00?
t ' wofold. destruction of. body' And. soul and. CHOP FEEDS.
%2141; an oatii. taker invoked, upon him- I W E
self S]EIELIEV A ST W. G.. SttlVth
,if he swore f.,tlqpl,y.' BLACKSMITHS.
'Standard Elevator,
dIRDINARY paints very iopu dis-
'color -and fado, . NIL hill"e st,
ithstand sun aod weather
Pai#ts W1
and ��X: bridItto becaus'e M L Put(! right
..Pwn'ts, besides pure le.ad. pure, Ltile,
-and -ppre Wxl,. coutain a �Pecial' —"mom
indr.edient tha',t mAed'11i6m, last
about twice, as-, lond and 16[ter
protect. any s:urface .'thOy- cover,,
indoors or out. - Other. - makers'
haven't found out yet just how to
use'that itidredient iii the r' ht
quantity and the rldht way*.,., If you
buy Paint for.' mal servl*C6... real- Pure
economy ... real., money s wor'th
Alade in every desirable
jh6n buy. color 'and lot every use
Paint 6ark � setye, are juar-
on( ee4 to t6ver (is well snil,
satisfy as wholly ;Is any
Paint &old in (lie world. The
reliable* S06 nanted here
sells ibese PAIM's in jjIly
sland!kril.quahtily, and Ivill
Irthdily inforiki you tipan any
painflul question, Ste them
befort you blkyrduch or lifile
P`u r- e' 'Paint's Paint torany purpose,
MAI)z ay R. Adams
Zbe Imperial Varniah 6 Color Co.,
Llrbitod#' of _Tior6nto 1.ondesboro.
60 Z3TABLI311tD 20 YZAK$ AGO
L 1�,
. A