HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-04-08, Page 5I � . . . I I . I V. I'll I * I �, 14 . I April 8thi,.190 , . TUB OLINTON lim BRA I IM __ -1 � I ­ � . . ­_­ etribs mairriages 4t Deaths ..­­ .. � - . � I - $PRI . NQ FAUR AL 1111UNNER CUNTOX IrrBIAC Knoolo -4 0 � * , , 1 _7 1 ... ; � . BORN. � . - . . - . Over 300 on r ell and a spjeudid crowd, le owing ;t0h;;ePOrt for Match � � 4V 1 WFST-In Uxet0r, March 28, to Ur � � I " When a child � t I - I, - The annual Live Stock and Seed Fair Division I � . I � I and $Its Sidney West, .06 daughter. I k, I '' disliKops study. Wh!" odb;114ricre, io" held in ijllnton on Thursday of last , 01. aly those whose names appear have takenent acestatiollngto r the mouth Va � � , UUSTON-11D.Lul0knOw, March AtO I . V. � Mr and Mrs D Hustono, A son, .t. ., like .r, t n" cror1364 41nother nd sh week waa a record owe what la, possible under f4vorable con- - � M Agn!3w.. o .. .80 WCar1Injr._....12 L � WNLWOoD_ At Whiteohurcho OIL go, to. Mr and Mrs Ira, Wel W0001 dlreiAloozi, mwoot like- ly to overcome eye- 1 r in, 4-c ditions. J. Lockle N� 11son, superintendent. of . # _ * # # o &87L k1l 0autelon ...... 71 L Vdird $3, L Or L eig ...... ....11 V Woman ... I ::83 08 I . March , can remqva thim agricultural ,,societies In Ontario, wbo ID , Barr e ...... M, Shipley o ... *::60 ; I a son. - . . " JOHNSTON- At Wb�techarchp crii. Mrs David John. istrokIn. LL Then dilit(ence wlit f9110W. L L -a welcome visitor, before leaving was L told one of the ofacers that it was the he 0- Walker , - - . 81 v -, W Wal)Lq! �,q- M Ohowen., .:.:8() J Hll, , 'L 60 6" A.Hoare 80 8 Scott 0 I Valreh2g, to Mr And, L bestSuing Show bad everattended ......... .. ..... . .. I I Ston, It 0004 , . . 13LAKE-In Colborne, Maitland Con . 1 . . . I Car inly the %feather was ideal, the crowd of, about 4,000 9 eople were treat. L McDonald .... 78 P! Judd`.; ........ 03 B Hill ....... ::: 70 0 Paisley - - - ­.. .03 . 1 on &larch 10,to. Mr and Mrs Hicharct 1. Biake, % son. � . L I . �t , . ed right royally by t e0linton citizens and everybody seemed highly pleased MEasom..... 75 H Graham.._ �,09- G Dkaper ....... 73, W Webb ,. . � - .. .62 - ". - , LOWERY- in Seafortli, March 27, L ' I 1; , ; with the show in e .1 . . .,very particular. H Farquhar. .. -72 0 . J. ijartley, Prin . cipal, Mr and mrs Alexander R Lowerysa . r.�) 1. I 3W entries Dlvisien,2 1. daughter. I Therip's MOORE- In Brussels, March 28, to I I . . I I L The entries in each of the .classes were well killed, and totalled to nearly ,Jr FOUTth Sr Third G NoTa at ,67.7 L Cook ......... 78.5 . . Mr and Mr , a M 11 M.00re, a daughter. I . 1 4 jj ' L I . I � . 300. featura created consid- Nunagg � 14 �.. .07.8, H Harland ....73.4 61. R . WARS HA'EAL -in DIluton. rch 2k_1% I I MR I . . � a d Many a , W J MArshall, ang , to Mr and Mrs .1 11 ­ 11 - . I . _. -..- A now which . .a for the arable rivalry.was a, good priz L , ...... I e ,_ 165. 11, RI iott I Wilk P Glazier ..... 63.7 L Rowe ....... J15o � . ter, . - - - --- IL . ...... I 1. three beat horses open. to each town . , F Thompoon..63.3, W Vinnink - - - - 01. � C . . I I 11 I BABB- in Teeswater, Apr ,, Ist, to Time . . 11 I ship of Huron. The first prize was won by Tnekeramith and the second 0 Harland .... 63. U� Forrester .... 59. L PFord ....... 02. L Connell ...... 58. I . n daughter. I . Mr a a Mrs A M Bath, a I . Re Ja GRIGG by-HullettTownebip. . A feature the show was the L L I'L W Britton.., .. 63. M CO'CloUgh'.0 I I When a few minutes out I MARRIED of the way mean a big MAP,KS- C;ALBRAITH - At the' L special of advertising novelty. Noentrance fee. E Beac3m­..61. Lizzie McPherson, teacher � � . residence of the bride's .father. Harch � diffetence to you. It . JEWELER.and OPTICIAN � � Noadmismonfee. EveUtbingfree. The'Secretmy .and Ireasurer, Dr, . Division 3 I .. . ju . wou'r, be the fault ot the 31, by Rev AVm Hindejohanna,yoting- watch if you miss your eat daughter of John GalbrRitla,Varns , I . Issuer of . . , . , Shaw and Jae. Fiair, were the recip- I I lents of heartiestcongratulaVions on the Senior � F Cousins .... 88 WAppleby ...... SO. ) I train or appolutmemit, to Chas Marks, of Bayfield. . � surce%s of theday. .,:,:812 NU ltzbauei?.. --% a Beacom., 0 i � � provided a bought it I MARKS- GALBAAITH ­ In Bay- I YO � . Marriage Licenses ;. - Heavy lhejulgea were as follow,; - , A Rathwell.....81. W Managhan...78 8_1 Anhie Yesbec 11 f here. field, at the home of the bride's father, We have watches for I by Mr John Galbraith of Stanley Tp.9 - . . .. * ­ ­ * Orses, . M� Diarmid, Lucknow; III ght J 11 ."..., P o rrell, Woodstock - cattle, h , 0 Moore ........ �..7'( AJudd ......... 80 E Graelis ........ 74 everybody and -for every 1 _ Rev Win H. inde,f Miss Johanna to Mr. -O'ta' 911inton P A r10 .. . jae Douglas, Caledonia ; Mr Eddy, Ot- E, Hibbert ..... :80 C, Managbarl,.. _72 �9 71 se. Oar showing of Chas T M r 9, 0 Bayfield. a k pur new. thin model, in � the . t4wa. UNickle ......... H -Walk ...... , L Henneedry..... 78 B Johnston ...... 01 � ............. W� . . - . r . DIED I both, the low pric0d as I Prize Winners. 0 Hoare ........ 77 D McLeod ....... 60 , . well" the moire expen- RIDOUr-In Clintoti,Aprli 3rd, Jno IV , I . County Clippings. I . The following is the prize list: - L Barge ........ 77 I sive varietilps. is excep. Ridoll.t, aged 08 years. I I __ - L Heavy draught brood mare, 3 years . Janet Wilson,. teacher. . . tionally complete, But AIKENS -In Clinton, April 5, Wal. � -'aged . A very pleasant wadding took place, and over -I', Alex Innes; 2, Mr Black; I � . Division 4 . I ,. , whatever oil pity, yo%i Aikens 1136years. . get a gool time -keeper, I � . . 11 at the home of Mr. and Mrs, R bert ,Q I I rV A 3, Dale & Son_ Filly or Gelding, 3 years and over� Senior ; Junior . � 41, .qh�tw - 1 9.3Lili Mitche'l .,..9f q . S "...-Mm . I .11 ".. 11 11 � � SHOIE AND MUSIC EMPORIUK I -11''. - .1.1.1 �..., .. . 111--.1 .-I-1- 1. . C I I I-— � ­ . . I—- ... I -.1. � 11 � . —I I i, : So C. Rathwell C. H 0 A R E 1590,115 I 1. . L I I W M1151C I ., . ­­­, - � . - I., ­ � .1. ".... - I . � I - � ;I -11- Farmers 1. I . . Are you thinking of -buying a Piano or Organ? This is the time of ear you want good, strong $Iloeo, to If so, call. in, and see. our , . - high-grade . keep yoar feet dry When you visit. tho Horse Show, on April ' Newcombe pia"Ost I Ist, call in and inspect our stock of Heavy Shoes. The following - � - . I . ALSO lines are manufactureA by Chas, I A. Shrews & Co., Berlin, and Sherlock & Manning I are extra good quality. . Organs and Pianos. � . . All Fre,ach Kip Bals. at . alw4ys in stock. 11 I $3.50 I . . . . ' I We keep a large assort - All English Kip Bals. at f . $3.00 Violins and Violin, * -, . � i Good, strong Split Babs. .. � Supplies.' .- - . � I at $2.25 � � SOLE AGENTS FOR - � . I . . . . . . I I several other wAkes at . different prices. Columbia PhonegraPhs and . Vio$or Gram-e-phoues I . . . - I and Recordso I . — . ... . . . The place whero your dollar al*ays does its, duty ' - - I . . I � I .. .. . . . . . . regulated and guaranteed (jAN,jNIjNV—JL1l -UCKersmith, Apr IN I 6011. evni. g ey; uea av morning, Leiper Bros ; 2, Ohas Lovett ; 3, Be�n p wil . . ­: . * , . I I . . . 1. � � . ., - I r, . I'll, 4111D. Tremlor,wife of WM Canning last, wh r daughter, Miss Idella, I'l entley _14'14 Langford ...... 85 - -.-,-,--- - � . . � Esq.. ag . ad 70 years and 11. inonths. was un.443d in, mayriage. to 11oI)ert Oburchill. . A Ned iger. . 02 NT Levy ......... 1.84 --- . ' I I . . : Wilide, of Fort William, , . . Filly or geldill under 3 years -1, G 0 Cantelon:.:::90 W Gotild ......... 76 St# Yves, A Fick chman Wins Th;t- ' I . � DEICHERT - In Zildch. March 310, W. Nott 1, 2. W. 51der ; 3. 3 Reynolds. M r4cTagg,u:t,...89 B Deeves ........ 74 � 10 . I I Wo floo my -if - J obt. Delclio'rt, Sr,, aged 68 year'$,, 9 On Sunday, the Rev. G. P. Duncan Tean'i in harness. -I, Lei per Bros; 2, I . Great Marathon F ,� TO * THE PUBLIC . ', � . . I A Shim ......... 88 J Watkins. ...,'..73 _� � . . . � . ... ar gar I'llOnths And 277 ditys. 1. I .. announced clehilitely to his people that I Douglas McDougall-. 8. J V.Dale. . 'W Cook ........ 82 F Lawrence -,....72 . . I ' a Tp , March 19 lie would give up.,*the pastor#,te of . Family of 8 ciul - ts of 1008, 0 1 'of OTwitchell ..... 70 LNellans...'.....71 Silrubb and Lon0oat foil to finish Baying lately sold out'ndri business - I YOUNL-o- In Oolborn Whiteeburch and Langside., He has rogenyda. . , � .. . ' . ' jeweler - - Optician Iticho t -d Fifit-ld Young, same sire -1, W Rlinu ; 2, D Reyno H Managhan'... -40 . .. �. I tp John 11, Shoppard & Co. We de. . 11 � months and 8 day,%. � received 4, call near Toronto which h6 Agricultural special priz-, team in . . . . sire io thank thi- public for their - I . I bas deciied-to accept. We wish Mr. hartiess-1r Jas Forster; 2, T Thos, Mair; ,Clara Chidley, teacher - 1,jearl $t Yves, of France. won the , patron4ge while, .we conducted the �, CLINTON, ONT. i , UUMING -In Sealorth, April 14, I .1 . . � I . Division 5 eat intei,Lati(viiiii Maratban deiby ` . . Duan y success wherevex his lot 3 James McLean. . gr 'bu iness, and we ii.otild oil behalf of . . . , . . I I ' - AnuieTreynor, beloved wife Qf W ni. may be cast. I .. �, . I . . Jr Third . Sr Second fol, prof essional runners at the Nation -1 s . -olic . . . .. . Brood mare, 3 years and over- 1, A. . our successors, s it for them� the . . H Cantelon .. I ..96 *�Draper. I ... Ao I . I Cd ining, aged 84 years, . - � - . . . . - ( absM park, New York,on � dim, �__ .. I . Duri�g the absence of All, the clerks Innes; 2, Andrew Bros; GMeMichael. - 9_ al League has, I , patronage extended . ( o, l.is, The new .. 11 I . at service in the church Tuesday even-. Filly or gelding, 3 years and ove,-I .F Pennebaker..95 GKOufman ... ­ -5 . Saturday, Aprit3rd. � I ! firm havetaken, possession, and will - .. . . I � I lenev I I collect all. lbookhocounts, and pay all . __ � ____ ­ Cfintou Market. Report. .'. Ing of, last week, the Crewe store was Jas Forster; 2, Jas Forster;% K DI I V Reynolds .... 95 YRutledgq. ....91 . . 11 . Dorando Pietri, of Italy, was second..,' .- 1 . M Armouri. .. ..',90 -lay of New York, thlrd,s�nd. I .. .. I , V­,..,..­1�11 "...."O.W., - . irsdgi� efternann broken into and a cginsideranle quiint- Filly Oi gelding, under 3 years- -1, J. 11 C"le" q " " " "9,5 John J I . . es, 1 ! accounts contracted by us in conmec- 0 . I -tani.ow.....".0.1 ...... ........ P.... . G Beaton. -.,*.,..94- V Mrick ...... i ... 87 . Y, of ypkers, New I tion with our business., I . (i9treated every Thir A . . . * ,.... 1 -09� to I V tity- of eatables a d taken, Reynolds ; 2, Alex Imles-; T Mason. . . I rylp.tthew Malone I . I . I r Wile&$ (new) ... �.,. - 5 . lid dry goo a . I L Rice ..... i....94 U Finch ...... ......36 .. . I . . � . . I ... -? ." Itural brood mare. � York, fourth'. . . . _ FALL TER ontp (new.) ....". - I ....... 0 40 to.0 43 Quite a sum of money iii the till and ,Best agrica . . . � . ,i3jboa*t, M6 Canadian4fidlan. * . .. .. I . � 3 . I .1 , . ,.. TYNDALL ok. CARRe.- - i �� � % ,Xarley ...... ......... 0 50 to 52 P. 0.,was either ovei.looked- or, not . GeneiAl purpose team in liti.xness-1,. , add . i ....... 01 . I Tom Ln , in th 10th mile,and Al- .1 . on Sept. Ist. Our old -established and '-- - peL%q .... .. p ...... i 0 82 to -O 86 wanted, as it was found untouched. , �, J Reynolds; 2. Jas & N F air; 3 V, Low- � J I track e . Having bouaht out tte business of I � . I I "' school offers - . . I . . I A Glazier ....... 85 . p in Ty -9 91 Zli 1'. tne beak facilities for '- I . 411i, tstlubb. of, England', gave u ndall & Carr, ard taken fail posses. , . , . f re a . 3securing a sound business and shorthand '-. Eggs ....... ... v.. 0 I5 -to 0 1.0 . erVy. . . . Boto ,vere completely - ' . ' Many will kegret to learn" of the Roadsterp, stallion, 16j hands and 0 Oook .... .... 83 . � tbLi 21)tll mile. sion, we take this opportunity of , ? fxaining. Write for catalogue; -it pays to -"� Butter ........ .... .::-o 17 to 6 20 death of Emanuel Bisset * r It -B Goven.- DStephenspn ,*.82 . patronage thit was I '2 investigate. - I - � t' a fornle ` 9 . exhausted trying .to keep the. terriffic soliciting the I . . � . - - Hogs . .... ­... . ....... 0:85. . resident of Exeter, which occurred at 6ve�-I, Berry & Son , �, '.. I . . Lucy Stevens, t!3aoher . - Shrubb given to the late firm. and would any ? .1 . lock. . . . pace -set by the .Frenchman. . . I ' _. Chioikens*, dry picked, Ill (; -12y to 0 13 - stal Olty,Nanitoba,on March 19tb. . ,gle from the . - , � I ' � 920Lh to that % e are prepared to supp) y all the . . . I BrIllskAmepIcan Buslacss college I Daoks, pet 1A., ......... 0 14 tio 0 15. Stallion, under I5A, hands -1, J. Rey- . .� . " . Division 6 '. made a game strug - . ... I . . Cry . . . . � bo fast demitildsof,the go -neral public. We ­ � , 5 '-- Gases 11 ............. 0 1-1 to 0 15 vl� to within a.few months of his death nolds., . . � !Senior - Junior' :.� th6 25.h, mile, but the race was t - Ig.a full st6ck of choice � - . I - horse .Walk. XDowzer. .......93 B Chowen. . - - ..',02 � and 06 distance too� f, r � Yonge8and McGill Ste., Toronto. 5 Turk . _ 0 18 to 0 W Mr. Bissett had'enjoyed the best, of Carriage liarn6as' -40 % for him. intend keeph 1. I Luke Fortune. L Bailey... , ( alL......9n St Yves, the almost unknown., who e ' 11 a.t clo�-e . ft-%~%~.ft��­_,�W"­~Ww ........ I ...... .. � 0 C)O to 0 60 down with ca.nc3r -of the liver, which -e c. ,E Evatisi ....... 99 M Gibbings ...... 67 figared.but tittle in the -forecasts Of the ' ' v " se ...... )3 At Marsh we ' I . : po tatoes per bag - - . nape r stojek-be- - . . . I -.. OA� foO 5 . � Roadster horse in harness - 1, J. M " '0� I . .% BY9 .. ........ - health. - Atthattithe hewas taken. r : 2, B. Bossenbery. 3, * - :­ gro", r' es'­W� ". I 1 t O" . Apples, diled ...... , was the cause of his death. He - the M,irathon distance;. c ' L .t� , .r._ c I .1p , ... - . - .� WAS in. tt ;. 3, Joe Rey- N Kemp ........ 9;2 A, Armour... .'. .. -87 ritee,,covered bay I..wb . . - . . -e . his 50th year." Deceased was born in Naughton ; 2, J W'Ellio . . ' 1`�- I , , � or but"", - 'an .. . 1 '91' Seed Grain for Sale .. . . I . . , . nolds, - . � M Routledge .. .92 D Ri.ittenbary., .85 26 ujiles; 383 yards, in 2 hours 40 min- I p Va ,,, " I �, 'nd . eggs', d � - ' -- '. ., . of "'. 'to, I . I . . � the township of tTsborue on tl e . Ma . . , .uteg 5 50 3.5 secon - i '. . . . . . . . . . Holineavi.110 . 0 . 1.1 T Carriage team in -harness-1, Geo. A Plckett.,'..... 91 A Gteig.... - -, * .... 84 da, a ,remarkable pej� ,all k �e . . � For sale EL quantity of White Siberian -Seed. farni., London Road. � 6 . I . . formance under the conditions, And I .� ' ' N�It.is particular. . I . . I � M Chidley ....... 90 L�TIearn­';;---"-..,84 � .. .. ftts. Manchuria Barley aud'.White Peas. RIFLE AS'SobIATio, 11 I .Walker. . I . I f4st slivint in good Pon- I I . 4;8 JOHN W. YEG; Goderich. Tp. . uslated. that all �,nlembar6 of tfie Mr. Edward M,dIntyre,.of Hamilton, 'Roadsters,"teabl'in barness-L Alex I Trowhillq ...... 00 0 Higgins . "'. - -&T fildahed with 4 J0 Flo.,8heppaild & CR , . . . . I izeq, . air -rifle has purchased - the b4rdware stock of Davidson; 2, Mr Dale; 3, Garnet Datbr.'. M Cook .* ....... 1%.-F Smith . ,,�: *,.. -80 didodDor do,wa§ four miniites forty . . . I . I . . � � . � . 0. R. A..be present at the . I -' and t rbii-fifths. seconds behind ' . .., : . 1pai . � . . I I - . . . . . I . a h inst. RtA Reld & Wilson, Seaforth., The fil,imof . - Sadd -7 '23 - E Doherty ...... :86 (r'Evaris ......... 78 Eeveii . It . .. one Nq,'83. � . - . 1� . . practise 6n Wednesday, .14t] . le liorse�l, . Jas. McArthur, 74.* the Frenchma -yes tfi thlid .. . I " . I HOUSe to Rent " p ni. Ej�ctiou of .officers "and other im. Reid & Wilson Is* one of the oldest In Th6s Cook.- i . - � . . I . , 1, . TVF Kerr .."..'....84 Til Gri es-� ...... � n, whilei�Hg e Jf* Pa She6j)ard - K� V. Shevilitird - - �. - . . . . . I , I ; ...... 84, Eboonp, wross the I .- . . — . � poetaut business. This -tissociatioa is, :Seaforth.:but owing to the. death of Best -three bors6s,,mare or. Iding,; B Higgin er..... 4 ... 7 I i�nqm, followed the italian i - I . , . . . .t_ . 1. I Mr. W. O... Reid the business I - - ....... i83 13 Britton ........ 7T finish line three ixilnutes and 1ARY mqu", . �. . , .. The undersigned offers to rent her house at Ina 000d ' vi;orklug and: financial con- . bad,to be In Any township in County of .Uron F Wallis . I ­. �� _% '. . � . en on . -.1-ke f - - I '111110" foUfl pq "led on Frederick St.. there in both hard and � . *of.. Tuckersmith -, 2, Hallett, 23 a . . . *At water, also a good garden, possession given dition. For sport -and 0oth' Ross and disposed - The business was 6rig- ],, TV,I Nevath ...... 81) ondg later. � No -time was tak � � . Maloney;. the fourth mail. St Yves- I . I . Any tinle. . MRS. J. BEAN - Clinton. rifle yi�actise- it. is highly cominendabie inally .started over forty - years a -go -� Olvdeadale'stallion,3-��ears'aado�er .L Harlaild...'...73. , . . I I . . - . . . L . . . k� ' �Oooner",tmo I -prize . � - �— ng men of 19 years and oveL he iltale William Robertsoo,of OR -Ii Leiper & Moon ; 2, - Hattie COurtice, teacher took down'$5,000 Of the $1, money -1 Is now, in fdll swing, bring your re- . . to all You . I . I . . . . . . , 500 4nU .. - . . guaranteed by : . .! . : . � 1. . Me ,W h Mr. W.'O. Reid:as manager. Gregor ; 3, Leiper & Moon Lr I I Mc. '. '. '. Division 7 � - I . Dorandb, .$2,500, Hayes - I Pairs, work.-gansbip ' For Rent for Griiss NOTES -The return -match between On the retirement ,of'Mr. Robertson; '. Stallion.-- 2 years and d � . Maloney si3O. Shrub; goes ante . ., . . . Foresters and Gun Club resulted I * Senior , . . Junior , . . - his brave offort. ` While I old rbliable, lathe hand* and machinists. : � * A 1 4-- 13 a Mr. Robert Wilson i�ntaret into part- Michael - 2,'W Hinn. � %. J'Shortreed. , wardea foe . .. . . . . . 1. . . .. � . . I i ifty acres, west � Lot 26. Con. 2, Stanley, will :-Victory e. Gun Club. by 8 points. - - -or' wenty- 3 i.ears and ovek7- 1, B, Livertnore....'.09MMer;(-11.,....��-1.1 - ... ' `Smol�e' -*Aeksl ... : .r . for th : hip with Mr. Reid,and f t Sbires: stallion,, . I Longboat,is stated to, *have received I ' .. 98 It Meljath.' .I... , . L .... I Boilers, Tanks, "Ut for one or three. APPIV to MALCOLM Xisges Hattie Oourtice and lAucy ,,,, ners I opinion �Of tnany Iron Bridge. Work, etc. �'. . :, . , I . lKoEWAN. or GRO. BAIRD. Clinton P. O., and vens, -of Clinton, were � the' guests of five years the business has been c-aried Dominick Reynolds. . � . I U PickAtt ........ 97 A Deeves...;..,,.%-... $ . 1,50.to start, -The e have 'been I . . . I . . .. I � . . T. FRASER. Brumfield. I [ on under 'the firm nii:me 'of Reid &' ; Boist Pereberon, -hackney at. Ilion, . S 1. 1. . . I I , ts at the Vac . . .1 . 11 .. . �; .. .. - � ` , - peop e Ila 1 . . I . . ... ... - � ath-tv ­­�'.�::*: framed up. - ' . ' . - . . � , 4-29 . . . Misg F. Courtice A16nday night.. . IV r; � Wilson . I . . . it ' P I h . st ! � . . Attention Cement Men! . . . ''. � Will - Jenkins has bought the'straw . , . � , . � .. :.. 1. .. . I years,%nd'over"i, Thos. ghipl,ey.. A riNgleson , - - - -.01 M. R� .ell.....,.. � - � � . :_ . ,. '' : - . . . .. . . .. , a Polled Angus 1.3ull-, 2jears or over-. I . . I I a. specialty Of small - I shed belonging to Mr. 4jeo.. Holland' - _It is Our sad duty - to chrPoiclO the . . � o - murp.hy, �.....SQA Lawrence... i...'. ---:--- We alsb make , " . .. . � � . - . .1 � I � �9 . .. i ' . 114', Hall... . - 1111k, jillst the Same, roll ge rj, - . Read our new story "The Win A - I L Butt. ' I brid ' a, .. . 11 I of the Morning." . farm, and -has moved U16 his. Jot in ofoleath Mr.Wm.. Milligan,who after a , Polled Angus -Bull, I year-], Thos. ....... :,q0 1,0 Cluff ............. Shell Ve i0harlt - . . , Write . propriet6 . . - village; he ill � tends making a stable pcolonged illnests,diedat bis hom6 Dun� " . . . . -E Graelig . - - .. .87 M Cartel ............. I � . . . ­ . . I the - , Mason. .. . — � ' - . � � outofit. Miss Stevens � addressed the gannon, on Fridivv, March 24bh at � the . I . - M au& Wiltse, teacher. . . . . . � are - frUlitful - - W f , A &4' : . ... . I .. . Deceased Dairy cow, ; - 1, R Graham.: 2, . - . . These new spring'hafs , 0 m H. BID . ELL Mrs.� Hall, of ad�anced age of ---24 years. . . inv age I . � 11 . . . .. I I . . . W , . . . . .. . league Monday night ' 4 red Cook.' . . Division 8 things, . � . L . . . If . � 'J.,Courtice's Was born in.Fwntenaa caunty ­ . � ' . . Clinton visitedatAir, A. . . in Ahe W Dohert� ; 3,P ' - 4th class . . 3rd'elass , They I ook like, . over.%unday. Rev MrGreelyesuppli,ecj year 1835, and marriQd in I , 801 to Miss Fat steo�r,'age considered�i, It. pit% - r waslitubg when inverted . . � — , .., ... I . �. - - i _ Clinton Fx:- Ontar1q, - L . - a. Cla;A', who, died years afterward, 83MO115.­ . . . . I I 101-Wasmao.'. . - - � - X KAufalan' ....... To each a hanging garden clingsj . . . . I 1. . . I . . . SUGARS the Meth dist pulpit here on Sunday.' Eliz -6s; b ... While h4e and there a twig : � I _. .. . � . . � . . .1-1-L"a ... . . 0 :. . - I . leaving two 'diLugbt'6rs, the iest 8 of dtly breed, 3 )0 ,Ta(*ob,q ............. HVverinoive..'..� . . ,inserted, I . I , . , . . 4 1 .. .. I . I.. :.. . . . . n. in 1872" , Sweepsitak 4 .1ke ' � . . . � ... I .. . . . . � ' . . .. ­ . I . .night; . I 1, . : ears�ancl under with bull -1, H SmK4 .kWalk 51? - - .' �­ ­ - - G W -A r'-,-- ­- If ever sin*oe this*orjd beg . Atooms. to Let .' I I . . , -he maiiied. his second wife, Miss. Rad- 1 , I .. R9, ­ % . . I . I , . . . 1. . . — . -------,---- _. -bin, -The At Rome held in the . ­� - .1.1'.0 I as, invented. , . : . . � _. - . AT Ho e moved to'Dun- .Bes�t'male; age -11 Smith.- .. I SMrhpeti � ...... . McIntyre .......... More homely headgear w I ..' � it - __: � � - , . -night hel Saholerson,when h ;ill . ' Method-st church. last Friday .1 . . Best fenlale�-H Smi . . . B_ Harland. ..'....... &J6bnAo4..: -:::: The po6i invent6r,lWhother man . . . Two rooms ups -airs in the Elliott Block, Isaaa. . I . ' ganUOD, 8 1 a -prosperous , , . . GrAel' ' , . in St. hay6 been demented. St., suitable for dwelling apartments. Apply at, , I . ' Although Sugar has ad-'-- pr.oved a very pleasant. affair in spite nd has been- Shbrthotn bill] mr,1-1, 0 Dunford ....... i.A. Is.%.. . Or woman . I vanced twice during the' of disagreeable Weather andbad roads and -enter * ' '"farmeri -was a 9 3 years and . o, � . . . I .,P . . � . . tr , 1. INEW ERA OFVICE. I . I ; ti. . I . prising He i - , d Wise; 2,1no. Barr. , ., , . .XAno1rewi.`..;, .-.P4.,ljradcjbaw­.�..... � . 1. - -you iee Lbelt ill ' ' . . I .. �., . � � .... . .'. . . - . . . . . ... . An I b t L . � I . irlien _. I., - - — ., . uteresting. program consis. ng of faitliful-member of the Pres y erian Bull, 2 yekrs -1� Jas S Smith . 00'Brien_i ....... N Downs ......... � . -You wonder v ' I - - ' ' ' 1. � - . past week, -we are still . , choruses,' et Church, and� leavesa� wife and sevea� Bull, kyear . -Ij U Smith 11 9j E �Vjse;. G Shipley,.....,_'.... A Glazier.'.,...-_... Shcw windows scattered.tilrough the - I - . ` * . readings,'. recitations, , c I I children.td mourn his loss, - . - . . * . .01tyl . � � .1 .. ... ..�. . �. . . . JQ Rent. - - , . �.:-. . I . . � .. I . � . selling I I Was given by home talexit,with fhe a �, . . .1 I . .1 : . I . . . 3,J'AsSnill. . , .. . . . . . 2nd class , : I ..:, weavirg-them may win.. I . . . — I . . . . One oftbe oldest pioneers of Huron . ' ' ' . _...... HOW women . - . I consisting of 250 acres. . - The Draver Farm lots 53, 54.65 and 60, Malt- - . . ception Of several violin selections and Cow, 3 years and over -1, H. §mitb , I,Walk6r....: ..,'.,.,.A Lawrence 9 I . � Redpath's Extra a solo g;iven. by Mrs. F, W,, Watts, of asseal awity.-recently. in the person of 2 . . 8 MdBrIen-.'.'. .. � - ....11 Crawford ........ - Men a oVe or be considered pretty.. and Con., GoideriX TP., .. I . WDoherty,. ---' . . bebold .. I I., partieWars., - applY to V, BRYDONE. . I . �lflxs you or I 0(inton; and wsolo by Hartley'Watts. Yameshlaebonald,of W estWawanbsh, 'Helferi 2 Vears--:4,,.H. - Smith ; 2#' E ol, W.Bell'... ....--....-;F PlIght t o ....... ;­ You ask yoursL tf. . .. -Clinton. , , . Granulated at I - . , ' .... 1. . ..­ Theni on durop�les, forded to bear - . I � . I � Proce.eds amounted to �II;. .� . . jige-i eighty4bree-Years. Mr. Mac Wise. . . I � , 1. i B S loth an.......'.... C Jervis- . . . . . I . � . . . . � Donald was born in October, IS25, in Helfer,any'a . .. - 0 A Tavl6rt teacher I., . , them, . .." .. . ., . . I - - ____� .. ge-I,'H$mith�; 2, Jai. . I . . � . 110W_ lovely- women� young or oldi' .. . . $4.7.5 per cwt. .SCHOOL �REPonT-The '011ow'ng "a Kiugussie, Inverneeiihire,c4coyaT.W. aikd Snell; 3,.Jas.'snell., . . . .. I . . . 8 .. � I . . .. �, . . I . . .. . I - . . . aye er J. --,- , ') . . . .. . . . . I � . /,. - the r�! ultof-die Huron Uniform,Pro'- . . - , M v: b6 Induced to wear tberu. I - BENT" V. .: 1 4�-4 at the age of nineteen came vifth his. ' . . to make room for our motion Examination in 8 S -No 3: Sr parents and brothers and ,sistoirs, to � .� Grain and Seeds' _ I . . I . . .. ) Hk , , I I . I I I I . . Be of good cheer yp . P ,-. V . . I . A and cling , � - �1�1'- ' I Total 705. 60 per cent 422-t Jervis &09 Canada and settled in Pushlinbhtown� I . ... � ?I . I , � M . . ,rlr - il 0 Lavis 401i A, Proctor -457,'L McCart- V all wlieat�'any varietv-1,.J Wise, ; . U 6ceasingly to hope, oh, brother.; � . . . W/ W&I � I . . ,�-11 next car. 6hip neat Guelph. In.1850,.he -moved ENTER ANY 'TIME. I � , I nev 486i ED Colclough 839.L McCartney I 2, J W Salkeld - � J W -Elcdat., - . . _." � I I TF.ORt)* .0 . � I , to Wawanosh.and.'settlifig on a fitrin,. � Oats. *black nilm'ed I 'I. J. Wise ; 2, J. . I ­ 1. The maiden will, be sweet this,spring I STRA a, Qi4T � . . . I ALSO 335, ' Jr I to Sr 4 Total 705, 50 P or pento" cleared the land and made it � home folp. . - . . . . I . . CLI N-T01q , * . .' I And charmiag still so miellow or other. , , . I I . . . . . - . 353-.,J Palmer 301i D Buller 355, Nor- . himself. In January, 1851,'he Was. in . Wise ; 3. Pred Ford. . . . I . . she never yet has fail6d to stir " 1 , 4pring. Terin from April'Ist. i I 4,11is. Raisins, .. -.25c man Holland"353. A Farren3ft--Z Lay. " arm Oats, white named -4; Alf Tebbutt ; BUSINESS COLLEGE � The old, disturbin4, heavenly pass on. . . � , . I . � . . . . ried to Janet MacDonald, of Puiqlinch, 2 8 Dale ,, 3, Jno Wise. . . . � No matter,Wbat the milliner I I We havel- a large school. a, high -grads I . 4 lbs. Currajits...25c � � . is 3I& Sr. 3 to';Tir. 4 Total 750, 50 per Who predeceased him two yearsi � . 'Barley . �, - school, with splendid poluipment. lot c . , two -rowed, named -1, John ted in the crucible* of ex- Decreed to be the, latest fashion. I � 4 tins Corn ........ 25c Cqnt 375-0 Alcbck 400,' F Jenkins 459, - I . - - - - - . . has been tea . 0 I - - . I . Connell 426, lb -Mair 428, E Farren —.- . � . .Wise ; �j W Smillie ; 3. Jno Barr., perience, with the,fire of public opinion, . I . . . � . I stru6tors are experi need. Courses in . - . - . . 1. . I . andhas not been found wanting. The . I � . I .1 . 1. Commercial, Short-harid. TtIftraPhY - 1 3 tius Tomatoes . .25c 85t. . Jr 3 to Sr 3. Total (KO, 50 per cent I... . . Barlev,six-rowed, named -,1, J Wise-, success of our graduates has not boon . . . . . . I departments are thorough, up-to-date and 1 I : NeWs. Xotes . . . . . � I � I prac re In- demand.. . . , 320-H Lavis.372, C.Hollabd 821, 'Sr 2 , - . .1 .. 2. J W Salk6ld. .. . . . . excelled. Not the largest. but the Mob- ' i ffitiec6aijnr graduates. x as Calls . . , ' -:' ; .1 ,. - P' - -1� J'Wise'-, 2, J Wise.; , modern Business School in, THERE are a, number of bogus 25a. , I . aa,o 'sistants and Dubine 'go. � ., . to Jr 3 � To tal. 050, 50. per cen 6 325 _E :, � . . I I eas, narned I. . . . . ast'grade . . pieces in circulation in 0 It Teaebers. Enter anytime. I I l , , . � Western.ontarlo. . I I I I � I 1� /A�?'/,,I-- / K,//,�/,.//i/o� , - I - ,I Proctot 402,V Jervi's',395,P'Palmer,381, HliAlbert, convicted of manslaa 3, Walter Osborne. - � I � . I ' E I WAt.f.rfr...,taI0gueatoueo:, , . .; . - Munhip96 253, 8,qa;t� 235_ Jr 2 to ter at Rinjonski,. was aentf2eced SW.- I � weation. - u1n) I . I . . I. � . W. T. O`NEIL� �gh- ! I -qu a ' ' - � . R � � . Tlmothv seed-LIno Wise.; 2, ­John. IndivfAbal Instructions. Nd . -ANOTHER, sikn of er was the - , - - , . fin,,',j . . i . . P _L8. . .1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . I Phone 48 1 1 � 1. Sr 2 Total 525j50 per cent 263--�A Leon- urday to. twenty-five y6ars-in the Oen'., ,,�Barr,; % Alf Tbbbutt. . I Mail'Cotirses. , -Enter any day.. . - .. 'appearance of the, ladies n87 hats , I Efflott & McLacbRiTs. - .. . . 1. . - � : . . . , .. I . ... . ­., . . ara $70, L flullpp-314, 1) Gliddon:806, M itentiary.. , .. . . s Clover,soo-d�1,Jno'.W.iR,';.ALlf.'�e-b. Send.9, postal for partloulars. - -V��orr, - - . , , . . 4 1 . . I . . � . . I I I butt i 3, J no Ceuborf. . . . . . . ... . I _. I I - - . X,v�a is il�q,noxt f! d I . . I . . . 'PRINCIPALS! . . I ." . .. , THE HUB GROCER. :. Holland Ml,' L Jervis 181, 0 Proctor ' . fo0mother. and s4e won't .b( . . .1 � An unknown man� 4bout 38. years - Pot'atoes--4, Jaig Ross ;. 2, W ,Gb.o. SPoTToN, Principal. - . I . . . . � . , . . ... . I . 152.. Sr Pt 2 to Sr ,Pt 2 -W Alcock.. F old, Sunday afternoon, committe'd sui,- . . . I:. I . . . . . I . . I I . . . !,%via. W W Trewartha: teacher. . I . 3, Jno Barr., .. . . . . . .. I � . . . until: it I is � over. . I ... . ... .. I.- . . -1 . . . . . . . : ' � . � . I . — - ____ . . I . � . - . I - - I . . . ... � . cide b y* jhmping into .t ' he.r,ver from �l, W Smillie; 2, Jas . . . X � . I . I - � -_ -_ I --- - —.1 . . .. , I . . Lana Island. A score of people saw I . I 1. I . I � . . I 1� . I . . I . . 1 B Smith - 3 J Barr, . . . . I , . . . . � � � I I I . . . . - 141111105affianalligm 0111111111111111111111111111 W.U.. KERR GETSIMEW. ERA, - , him swept over the falls. . .. . I . . , . . . . . . Special bag flour, fot best bag Mich, . New UseR11009. " A Cireat Schooll The sale Of the Clinton NEw ER,A. to Afire occurred near Bmo.,Ont.. on igah ambor wjieat�Jno Wise.. - . . . -_ I - . . W.',H'. Xerro proprietor of the Brus- Aprjl-lst,� destroying the -home of Robt . I I . I q I . . I ­­­. � Great is -Reputation, Results, influence. seI4 Post, is annotinced, Mr. Kerr.has Stirret, it farmer. Two ebildren,a boy . POULTRY EXHIBIT. , . ... go- nt . , . and Thotoughnesal, Now is the timb to on- taken posseagioll this. week. - J. Leslie aged 7 and a girl aged 5, loatthell? lives .The .Clinton Branch of the Huron . . . . . . ter the popular I Kerr.*ho has been running The Blyth being Vnable to escape; otbermenibe'rs � The houto recently porchagedofmr.-Roweliffe � Standa,rd, oes to � Brussels to take of the family' had to jump froba the Poultry Aes'n hold an exhibit of Poul- Raglan, St.. opposite D. on's, hard and [OTT , . � charge of A - We do'not know windows. :. . I triy and Pet Sto&ki. in- the vacaht store saftwe,ter, Apply, to . Pa0eAM& e Post.- . I at the ear of Marrish & Crooke store. ..tf . . William..St. . . I what disposition is to be made in the . , r . . . - .­ . I I Profsseor D'Arville, a fortunate tol- 01 about 100 birds, all - 0 BlythAaper.' The new ed . a I rNI ddll . Itor of The I h I iln6dionaider- I There were in many , E . NEW 4 � �U&lj# Isr, in Hamilton ' ' . c from the town,.and e6nt4ined. NOTIC RA, is alive newaPaPel notoriety 14'7,00nfoln three years fine specimens, The -prizes consisted . I . . � . good nian all round, indeed# and ,%yIlI, able I . ___. - . . TORONTO, -ONT. . ago, �was'flned $200 or ninc months in, entirely of ribbons. and they made A ,t , . I . . keep the paper in the front Panic.- � - I - gave D'Arvillb a fine showing when 66 the cages. The � ,j) * merchants- ana'all others whom it may, and prepare for profitable employment. Godeil& Si gnal. . . , . jall !he magistrate I � earn r I warn them"not to give credit to' my Our graduate readily obtain good position. . . I chance to fortoll what was going to Iollowln g were the exhibitors, and t1he winf, for anything.in myliame.as 1have soldall a I . Our handsome catalogue if; free,write , for .1 . L I I ' . I . I , ,�,., p- - -, one today. Students admitted at.any tittle. LOCAL inoerchants are receiving large happen to him, but the professor said varieties they rnpresent' my proporty,and settled with her. UNN, 4-20 , Signed PETER G College open the entire year . donsighin cuts of new spring goods and his, mind was not just in shape to do it. I it k Rprke, Partrieje Wyandottes, . I . � .. . . . r . � . . . I . it will pay intending purchasers to took Alex. Warwick, aged 88; is'dead and Jae Howhon, 8 0 W iteand Brown ' , , I Girl Wanted I W.J. Elljoft, PrIn. over the -announ'coments in the adver- Joseph Ward, aged 2.3i is lyin,t. in the Legborns.. . I , _: - . -_ - . . . U � , Us Ing columns of this paper'eacil Week police statlari charfed wit ,mail. Clarence Paisley, Whii6 Wyandot�, 'L,"'# '; .: �, . I � -il A gybbdtjdtjg girl for liglit b6use-workh small fam- Cor. Yonge & Alexianday, T r lit.. and see whatwide-a wake dealers have .- E I � .. 0 .01 ' . . slaughter. as the resu t' of a brawl' at Buff Leghorns. . I f. wages. - Apt)ly at NEW A. tf . - . . . 'house# London, about 0 Leonard, Har � I I —_ -_ . . � I I I to -offer them., ' I . tlxe Morkin land, Buff Plymouth .1.1.1 I , ionsommmon� 111111110111111111W . . . I I . . I I I I . . - - . . . . I ". , I . I o'6lo6k on Saturday .night. 'The twb Rooks, , .. . . I - ___ lasom, It. C. And S. 0. Browd ' ,' Wanted Quickly . -.--- — _ , men were fightingo and in the cours6 0. F.. E — . . 41 .. . . 4. 1 - I .1 .. . . Sollil 06 1B MI.", I . I . . 111K SALE OF., FI1qE � FURNITURE : I , . . we � are having iihoald-pkqv�e mighty � Interesting to yot� It includes just the furaitureyoune ablesathauthe . � price you'd be willing to pay. ' This felilb an offering,, of tiashy fur, niture made to sell at cheap prices. We do not handle tbabstuff &t All. - It is it sale of furniture that you will be proud to have in your home to -day, and i list as proud. aiter you have h9d � years of wear out of It. I . . , . - 'A 0 ,1ft LL "u"NUSHUNUD'O - 1=0 I 0 ".- ivil"M . � .-------------j ot the scuffle. Ward is alleved. to have Leghorns. . .� . .. .. - . I struck Waiwiok who fell down 12' . C., Xatiftnan, R U and 8 10, Rhode In ev6vy Town, live Lady or Gentlemen with ­­ ­­ to sell tb6 dustless Ideal Vacuum . I . . � I . . I . I t, � I 11 I . � . I . I I I . . , . . I . T i . 4 . . , 0 . . I L . ­ — . steps into the basement, crashing to Island Rods, Viee.�er. . Good prdfltg. easy and Olean work. _'_ -, . i!! ___ I I . ;`_ . , , i I 111111111111111111111111111111 , . the cement. floor on. the back of hi's � Jabez RandO, Light Bralimas, 13. )V, Apply for partieularo to. FiRANIC FRANX.. I , , ''. - I hanil- . I � . .-4.8 . Gnalbb. Ont, ., - sommiiiiiiiiiiiiii -miIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii - .1.11 .1 . I . R.Anka. ..... - I A robbery of ext,ts was pulled off on St. Montreal, one of the fares, on, Saturday which a, thief sucedee jewelry Shoji Windom worth of dfamondai a a revolver, ab( i a rig pn L% uauctictiere streer, a confederate was waiting, ane 5-gotaxay and haye not ye, )Oated. mail rAte s XeL r, S.C, Cochins Black &me Ba;taTns$ H �ij Rorke. j3est polls u�jj4 Korice. 4#___-_ Souv of the roads havo been voky bad, owing to too much snow for whoel- ed, vehicles. A week or kio will put them right. . Tnu t,uekn'ovr Sentinel bA9 been en r. Tha eti cohi'mil p or ad' "' a 00 V Ill I '"4 1 f I 0 pli latiol" onteror go 0 b o doubt a 400�0,6 ate di will 11 of LU6 now. 6 W18 lz6no k � nt inel every buceead. - � L � 'L __� ___ I . For Kale or [tent , - . tot S1, 14 Conedsgion, 06doriah Township consisting of 60 acres. for graviog. good orehax(I and well %vatered, mnk be;rn. UA) to I tf torIPCHnIS TE IMN.. I - - - L Sale of Furnifure , I — . 'the undore6k-will 11ave A ptivato sale of furniture and other articles, at the bol -do of her lit6ther Walter, GaInes St. on laolu, I,,, AV I . .V N�,, , ILN Me xotb. MX00 SUSIE ., D I . . . . .. Salia. Ro.gistdr-i . . 1 4 k,rId&y-ApV11 16th at I 1) M.. auction NAIA Of j lUnjetiold Lot 6,1AA Musehbld itAnittive VUr- niture, hi the residenito) Of the late i's Monteith . Ontario Olt SPAM011, A. alid It. MoaUith Bitten- , t6ts. Wholi, Brown* Audtlftetr- �, . The Store. where YOU get 111116 m0st t0r y6ydr milln'OY4 L L . L - 1. L � . 'LL L ...Sp',ring Wants' . 9 - -I.." - Which ,we pan aur�.ly nov� at very lo lri,,es.-Wall Paper, Mavle I k Leaf and Sterling Pa us. for Cellingg, Circe and Flodrs, Paint, Wh te L _. - Wash atla Scrubbing 1311128heS; 804 8, ever 20 different, kinds,,Lye, _L and I)Uteli Clet%nSe_, _. S9.11'abS, WaShbotirda, I"alla. Lines, Ammonia __S Clothes Plus, otc.- Field and Garden - Seekst. Zendleuin Instant LO,186 Killer. %i 310 1 . nd , poultry 1,,anadea and .poultry rjood; VI. 0, %, Libby's 041f VOOd- I I . � I - -.1 ..... �_�_.__ 111ghest pricell psid for Produet, . I '41 R6 Adarns, Londesboroll