HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-04-08, Page 3, -- r, llrrll�,�­'_­ � I _T�V_- 'If N�� I ( ;4 = V. A - A'pril 80i, 1900, �f ;,� - - I " Y . ' -1 W�112, VA,"'Si . ,,,. . I . ., CHOUL * Less -on U.—Second. Quarter, For ; , April 11, 1909. � 11 . I 'THE INTERNATIONA SERIES. i I - Text of the Lesson, Actis x1i, 1-19. 1 Memory Verse, 7-09JOen Text# Ps, ! xxxiv, 7-Commontary' Frepsar#4 by , I Rev. 0. M. Stoarnsii. . Itopyright, 1909, by American Pre4s &W,Chltlou.1 . � !le7e bwavetye another lesson on Peter f, or, e ak� _ up the Story Of Saul Qt Varsus or the o tIOU of an Raster les - %(!n from I Coi� xv, but as we desire �o miss nothing from the &cts and as 'ibe regular lessoal Is a manifestation ,)f the power of the risen Christ we mke the regular order. We bave seen thus far In this book that all the teaching has been concerning a cruci- fied and risen Christ and that the lame man, and the palsied man healed, ,Ind the dead' valsed-were all in the uame and by tile power of the risen and glorMed Re. 5eemer. From the time of �the eu- trance of sin Into the world up to.the ,pFesent time find oil to the end of this age the opposition of the deV71I, the -god of this world, Is very roanifest. Peter felt It keenly and therefore wrote, "Your adversary, the devil, as a roaring lion walketh about, seeking whom be may devour, whom resist, steadfast In the faith" -(I Pet. v, 8, 9). Ili this lesson the Aqvil's instrument 1k one of the Herods, a decidedly bad " tot, oil whose history It would not be wise to waste time. Ile is perinitted to vex tile efitirch, to kill James, lme brother of John, and to imprison Pe. ter. But in the end of the chapter The Is taken from the earth,'and there � Iss u6thing for him but the blackness - .if darkness forever. James, whoin be, i�llled, being the Lord!s own, found �iuisclf Instantly in glory, absoutfrom fte body, present with the Lord. Pe-. ter was kept in prison, guarded al- . ways by four soldiers, and it was Gerod's lutention to -have him brought . . � --jut and .,slaln - after Easter. This would have been a great gain for Pe- ter, bu� It was not in tile Lord's plan, giS we shall see. Althou."11 Peter must I have bad poor fare ,.Ind hard lodgings, ,we see film sleeping, pr6ably .as. �eacefgllly� as fit the trance of our, last lesson, ready to be slain ifthat was' 'file Lord's way for him. I . . I ' . ' I Somewhere in the city,. in - tile ' house V Mary, the sister of Barnabas, the, . mother of John Mark, many we I re . rathered together, .making Instant and � earnest prayer to God for him (verses �, margin, and 12), and. their prayers , were heard and about to be answered,. though they hardly expected .it, for bad (bey not been persistently asking, . day and night, and was not,.this the last nig-lit of hope, and bow could be be delivered? Well might our. Lord say to its nlo.qt of the time, 1�10 ye of ]title faith!" L0 us see - God, answering Prayer, ,Ind may our faith * be strengthened. One of those angels . who excel in strength Is sent to Peter . . ,as he sleep,; In the prlsonj securely ,guarded by the two soldiers, to whom he is chained, and by the guard before the door. But the stone walls and . the . Iron gi�les or doors are -nothing to. th(­,e inessongers from ' the throne of. Vod, arid without disturbing one . of tile guards Peter's chains fall off, and bo ls told to arise, gird himself, bind im I& sandals. east his g6iments I .ibout him and follow his friend. re - ter did as. be was told, not thinking It a reality, but that be. was enjoying , a vision. No oue spoke to them a . g they passed the wards, kind -the iron gate of Its own necord oj)enca to them 4doubtless itiore aligelle ,ministry), and. pa4slngv tbrong-11 one street, the angel left him. ,Ind Peter found him - Self alone and soon reall ' z . ad that it 1vam, Ito visloti, hilt that,an aiigel bad In reality delivered 111m,from Herod - and from all tile exiiectat!Qli of the Jews. The expectation of the people PcrIshe',, tile eouDscl Of tile ungodly comes to nau.1-lit, but the purpose of thr Lord qtaiid,�. I .X light shone Ili file prison, . the - glory of the Lord sf,goile upon - . the th(Therds, a H -lit froin heaven shone " uPon Sa ul, for a I I Is I igh t a nd glory, in heaven. and messengers from the,"o earry light atid glory 'with �. t � bew. ' . Whell we Steadfastly behold the khee Of 111ill who Is (lie briglitnest.s of tile' . Fatber's glory we, too, Ivill 11ficoh. . sclously carry Rome of file refle6tion Of that light, a sweet savor otChrist.. As to the ginirds being undisturbed, there mnst have been a deep sleep from flip Lord upon (he,,,, as In I. , "am. x, S NvI. 32; Gen. 11, 21. All tbo wisdom 1111d power of man .3ro aq.noth. .JIM to Illin of wboni it h; wFittep, "By the word of- tile 1,nrd 'Wore the.' beavens made, .Ind .111 iho Jinvt oIT them by the breath of Ills jli.outh" i . . � Ms.. X XX I I 1, (1). Whey' PctQr fOull(I tilat lie Was roul. ly free be ivent at ()11(,(, to illo holl,se. , f�f Unry .and began lo knoolt 117141 coil. tinned laioeldng till be, gilli)ed gsgli�ls, . sion. Irad thVy been expecting .tile answer they would have Rod solnowle on the looliout for Peter to ope _ ly when ho came. illit thev , qaitl that Rhoda wns mad beeauge she said lie was at the gate. ,Ind when she InsiSted flint It was so tbey sald It wits his an. get. And .all this time Pettit �Was, ktioeking. The answer to their prayer,,4 could senreely get it) 11](sln whell. Ile i eanin. NVIInt do yet, thillk of them? Tfaving coinmisslolled th(, ,in to tell .Tames and the brethren, lie doparted, rtka, hilt wl�otber , . � with Me eenturlon of last 10.490n, or With PhIIID we can -Only t*ObJectUrc.. Wok's Cofton'tZeev, co, .9 I M.00014 I" zav OLINTON--nt Ru . , 4� Is . Priat By Request , 114001111 '." i . .. ­ - � . I.. ­___ '"'I . .� ... . .. 0. 10101 I '1­11� - -_ - ,�.;� ­ . ­ . Rind worox 4 1 -1 i, 1, I , , r , _ , __ " � , '' , - .- , , ", - Little 3�74% pope is down with a 4%My YOMggllt boy, 3 ye4rs --- .. Je . I MIX the follow%by. shaking 4vell felver, . oldy w" si* With feVer Our brethren of the prom have b _ . . I'll in 8, bottle* and ta e in teaspoonful Thejurgior bible-cla*s of the Metbod., Ile Sot goodanough to speskas follows relp! _ wellrx7. � . . doses after mealo. and at badtime: ist Sunday Seliciol hold a banquet on l4st June� and'when : tive to our raceut change of business I -- %,.r 7- � � I pad alois the �'sugarliig off" ae4so, Flu! - d Extract Dandelion. oue-half Friday nlkbt� Covers will bo laid for better the doctor prescribed we accept their -kind, w ,, VV� telleS� I otince'.V9 Q'Ind Kargon, one ounce; 40, 1 � . words I m9yett 18arsaparilla, three . JR11, . I Compound Scott"s Emalsio and he thanks.- � oucces, A local L rugglot is the author. Mrs Chas McDonell has been In Rip- Vroin a recent 199U ,.,, a ,LX I In taking charge of Rev ,Mr liked it so well that he drank . 0 of the Olititon iky that these simple, -harmless 166red. 'New Eve We leara that Robert ' Ionto can be obtained at nominal cost � flettlti daughter who has jbien 4'e'ry"TR'. it out of the bottle, and is Holmes, the late propr:etor, has sold The mixture is Said to cleanse and WO"k tspending some days repairing, nowjust as pluirip and stroltig rr, proprie, . . t1go , tor ofthe Brussels ,Post'.' Mr Kerr is . , streawthen the clogged and, I inactive and ft g up., . I ks: -et 0014 Cur home, druggist. The Poundry has resurned regular out bit, interes a to IN H Re . I as any child of his age ally- to- be congratulated uport acquiring so . C loe i - , . C 0, Kiduoya oyercomign Backache, Blad. Mrs D M Martin has opened a lauri- , desirable a paper,gs the 'New Bra.'- . weauL .as and A , der . rinary troubloof d jy where . , . two battles fixed Gorrie Videtti. .We are headquarters f0i everything usually . business at her resideace, London I "" ,kin,�9,iif lai,en before the Stage of . ad, -Hengall, and is prepared to do him 0 Kqk"—MR. JOHN IF- The connection of Mr Robt. Holmes . found in a first-class je*elry store. I -la fact, * Br ght,0 S$as � . ,e Laundry work,such as . laose who h le ,all kinds oflin L tried this say it , TF,DDER, Box 263, Teague. as editor and publisher of the Cliaton P011- Vollarej, Shirts, Cuffs and Ladies Ware Ne'w Era ceased with last weeks's issue we carry, many lines of goods w itivelY Overcomes pain in the back, Also family %,ashings. , Fregestom Co., Texas. Hereafter it will tertuder the direction : .hich, for clows the urine of sediment and repu� . , � durability and reliability, are seldom, if � . Ntes urinAtion, especl dly at. night The business done atHapsall Station .. and control of Mr W a Is -,err, who has � . griurlaR eyen the worst formaj of,, blad#, for March WAS Phenomenal- 1. purchased the business. Mr Holmes, ever, eclualled, 'L der wealiness. D -r Wylie Millyard' is relieving a valedictory appeared in the last issue . I . of the paver. Mr- Kerr has our best 'rry -tie for ' . Every man or woman here who feels doctor in Colling,wood for two or three I I Wisbes for success.- The Newroarket - . arILY Icind of Repairs, tbat. the kidneys are.not strong or act- weeks; and when, through will return I Ing in% healthy iustunar.L should mix to Hensaill to locate. SCOTT'S I Bra. , . . Satisfaction guaranteed, - I I , . . this preScriptiou at home and give it a The Recital given in .the opera The New E,r4 of Clinton, has been ____ - � I L tri . al as it is Said to do. wonders for House by Miss Uertirudo Hart and her . rchased from, Robert Holmes by W . I ; - --- -_ I . . - I. I I . . I .1 I I I L many persons. pupils proved a great success , WKerr of the Brussels Post, Mr Rol, , . L ., 14r Rid- mes went to Tor 3nW. t I �� ,, - del of London, a member . . o, commence his , .. . - of the Im, EMULSION dutiesas Surveyor of Custom L s. Air a . COU I I , �. TRIK UABE WIJ�L RlVLX perial Nalaquartette coutributedsome . Kerr has been the publisher of the . .1 Wo R NTEA. . L well rendered solos.. . . . 'is the greatest help for babies Brussels Post for thirty years a nd !a . . I I . Laudlords golay log) longer refuse to � , well known and biarlily respected as a JXWE14ER, lissum Ow 1111ARRIAGt LKENSESo , rent apartments tecause the tenants .Read the Pain formula on the box of and young children there is. newsp � � . . I .. . applying. have children, without being Pink Pain Tablets, Then ask your doe- It .aper man. We wish blin ,con- L - I � , Subjected to a fine for committing a tor if there is a better one, Pai . . tinned and eyea greater sucPes%-,.-1;4,X- ____ I � ­ I ­ ... 11.1 ­­ I - .. . a means jug fits their need; it just . � L I misdemeanor, if a bill introduced by congestion, blood puasure somewhere. SuiUs_Tke_iF—(tff1kate,�kive­ eter avoca,te, 11 - ­_ ­Brv� L -_ .- . 11 I . al AseemblymanGoldberg becomes Aw The bill also prohibits a provision in a lease that such lease Dr. Shopp'fs Pink Pain Tablets check: head pains, womanly pains, pain any- where. Try one, and see! 20, for 254. . -natures; they thrive on it. -a little does thcrh -so mtshl . W H -Kerr, of tWe "el$ Post, has Purchased the Clinton Now Brit frolu U 0ohnes. Mr Kerr has.reelded ­. � i 2!!T!Mn!!!� I ­ ­­�­-..j, I ____�_ . - --I---- no. , I L L Eg s for Matchi , a . shall .terminate %, . In . on'the birth of a child in such house or . artirgent. 'The rneas4re applies only 4ptirsttelass bold by all dealers. . L I . I . od and saves you so much . Brussels and conducted the Post �here for thirty years, lie goes to a large I 15 �, 1= . I Adds awileir till" HeR411016250toer Issue'; J 1-C.1 1� I to cities. .1 . I L _. ` � Exeter, , ,trry. You owe it to them field when hereinoves to Clinton. His L Toe per M911111, I I - - I - _1C L Q, . . . "10SOU01101 -The ]BleetriC Rc' A meebing was held in the Town Hall to discuss the report, of Mr, Chip- . and yourself to make them as Strong and heal thy as possible. loss will befelt by Brusseluforhe was. ever one of its leading trien., As yet it has not been given out who shall be _ ' I I I I .. I . -1 . ... , Storer for Lo$t 31ankind , I � . — . I man, the Toronto *a�terworks expert. 'Outside of the dia6ussioti noaction was L I SCOTT'S, EMULSION will help . at the head Of the -Post, Tbe people of 0 -linton have secured . a good live news6 - I - I C .. - ,�_ . I . .: I i�i� IL , Restores every nerve in the body to, It . a s proper tension; restores vim and taken. I . � The township of Usborne Will Vote you better than anything else; paper man and the New FiM should be . better than ev'er.—Kincardirge Report. ! , I 11 ".. I - - �_."'_` ,�-, . . L - - I , � "I'll 4 . -�;_ .1 _,�', . vitality. Premature decay and all. Sex, . . ual weakness &Vfrt3d at once. P-41361 on the Railway by-law on Monday, April I2,th, and it is expected to .carry ,but be sure to get SCOTT'*S. - .. It's the best, and theri so er. I . Mr W H Kerr, editor of the Bruss'els. �, . � �, .'�- — ... , � . , L �il I 1 �11;, , -. . . .. 1. . Z53 I phonol will make. you -s, new man., $3 a box, or two for. $5. Mailed to any - . by a good wargin. . annual Shoot of the Eke. Th,7 fourth L . . ,are, many worthkss imitations. Post, has purchased the Clinton New . Era,, and took possession,yesterday, the I � Id � , . ,� of . . I I �,;� address on receipt ot price, The Scob. ell Drug CO., 8 Catharinee, Ont,L ' I I . . . I : ter truraulub will be hold on Good Fri, .. day. �, 4 " . # I . � * . I ". . A OTSTS -T,L Imiro date on which Mr Holimes e ntered on *his now governmental duties, at Toron- , �,;, -�-.�4� � � .. I I 11 ,�, . , .� . . L�� , . I ��,,,- LL ­ L 11111. - -1 .1 I . . . 2-1 I .. ,��', ,_; r . "" 1/31;. -, .L.- . I .1 . . - � � . . 11 , I � . . � . . . �, � L . .1 . . MP D A Ross, wbd,ha.g been .quite Ili _. L . , - I I � I to. In retiring from journitilistio and .., I ­ I — " '!��, —I, I - _ ,-'�,"_'-­ , _ I . . ?I I. Ai rPterC0tOLrnan,'Ewgaf Page, qn- mour etreetplays claim ,is an heir -to with typho.1d'feV,er is on the Inerid. - . Ora 0 . . . . Th6diiect ,f theAgricultural SO� mr, Tedder has itist written us almother lettoir aboat � hbi thor-ln-law'a children. , Lot its send, yon h1i bro I ttors and ot4or Information on the subject. A. � ' ' Partisan- Political Ufe, TxiE ST.kit4Ish;- es our old-time antagonist and eateeni- , ,,, �,�; _: �,`,�;� I e!�� . I . A ,�,%:; . 1, ,� IT. WOULD MAKE I '�� ,',,'4_ , ,.;, "­ . t , .�,�W,_'10';"' � .. - "I ...,!. . . . . I I I . I " _;�, _ '_ _ ,. YOU RUNGAT ' a voriion of a celebrated .estate in . England, and orie conqerni4g which I are - considering the matter ol: = 11o.t Card, atentioulng this paper, is suiticiont, * . . SCOTT'&BOWNE edfamily-all the comforts and pros. .. a-ity possible'. . PC Mr Kerr, the new , , -I L/ . � .1 1. S�l ov�p. ,�� 11, k , ". ,� I .. -V_ ! I � 1 _4;��. . .s , , ,� . - - " ;��-A-�ae�L".. to see our flne assortment of cakes all- N �t - - ' , . .much ha. a been said in despatches from England lately.- It is the estato inganewgrand. stand. Theold one 16�in &.dilapidated condition and . . � . I � 126.wollington St'. W., Toronto ... I r ,prietor,is well and favorably kn own �: 4 goo id Tiewspaper roan, and, if ... we . ... L I � I.... . - ­ _.._Zl� . _­��%A-;�, I ways Ott hand. Why bake at ho,nie . 1 A, _. I . . I I ,!.-_L- : 'E - - I S ': - ­ ?47'�,7%­ - when you have,such an assortment to , of the late Sir Henry Page . I 01 Both- . well, England, and is saidgi . 0 be worth uhsafe. . . � . � The. W. M. S. of James St, kethodist church, intend holding I I - I . I.. . ,� . - mistake not,will make many improve- ments: in the Now Era.- Godbrich Star ., : , 11 I . L. �, � I . . , . _.. _.*ZkE�t- � - choose fron i", . . ­.�a,:_­ . a,#: give us a- trial ,and the . I 11 . B - Will talk fdt ihemsel,�es. Bakers 2916 for hatolling from Prlz� wittaing,Buff . . . - . . I . . L I . I I � L . NEWS NOTES. $750 600 00�. Sir Henty died "I 11 . 920 . and' since then many claim , s have I a- tea on Mon- day., April 12th. � The society ha7e e - n Mrs -%Vyatt I . I I . I . I . I . . - ManY People in this district will be L . surprisba to learn that W H Kerr. -of - ol!"a an o o s nd Reds . I 1 0. , er setting 11 . 1C,E..U&ttohPUr7,Sl;,IH& !Clinton. . � hu - ito , i - . ....... I - in co e in and try pup ,�". lee been filed.for a *share of his ' enormous . wealth and. maby aci& . 11 . 1, . gaged to sing.. � L . Mrs Rev Uollins attended' A meeting I . Minard's Liniment Cures Disteagisper . . . . .' the Brussels Post his ,puichased ihe Clinton Now Bra from Robt Holmes, .0. I Creao�' an' oda,it ill refresh you �-, . . I ' de.ligiand iteils-r,ggs Ir while L - I . oni a choice oing your s opping. . . . . . Edivard Page clai ms to be a. glik-ot of ihe Wor�an's Avigillary .It Louaqlj� SuNo the news to the Nnw ERk , � Repeat it:-., 'Shiloh. S Cure will and, has taken possession. Mr Korr is of . S. C. Reds; won lat cook, lat ben, Huron; . e keep a, If e of first class couteo- , 400k, Ist begl� lat cockerel, find D11110b, Lamb- . Ew. %ad cook, lat fixonary and - rul s in season. . d of. eseendant Sir Henry - Pake, and . thinks it his claim . were bstablished, Write have been -idsddd*by Mes§ts. Gladman & Staxibury act! L ng for And- -al- .ways Cure my coughs and colds." . . I an & I ne�vspaper,miin and has spent thirty years cn the ]Post. W w e ould and 2ad ben. 11orth. 15 eggs. � . � from abova winners, at Tards $1.50; $2 if -ship- Cash or trade for Buttee,and Eggs. I p Ped. Eglia, from a good utility lYgin at 50a at the . .� . .; . and he is confident,it could be ,, he would be. heir to� it considerable for. . rew Campbell against sorne.of'-those , - . who have been -repqating a slander . Goop evening! . Has Your NEW ERA - . I ... subscription been renewed? .. . judge he will have a much better bosi, ness in Clinton. 116'hat. our v . 1. epy beat AT&rd1j1,171C.11h PoIANo Rose. Comb eggs -tilitil . I)r, obig 2 UFMAN, Clinton.' I .. 11 I'll .0 wo, .. L . . . W. NIMENS, I tune. - A "Short time ago a fainily in . - I St: Thomas r laid ,claim, to a.* sharo of � about hjMi L I � I . � ­ . s The partnership buaine�ss of.Bawden � . . . Tan rhubarb* plants are Pokiog their, I new stalks tnrough t;*e ground. . . wishes for continued success.a ad we are ' pleased that he is remaining in Huron 11 . � I . 1. - . - I , r Phone V3 elinton- ­ r : .' I barrea Plymouth , - . . . . Illkc WhIteLeghorns auc 1 4 � , . r 0 1 . I � .. IL ': Stoolt from our Onta3cli) *lgiggors, w the,,6state, which was Pon-firined when I . iheir solicitor - visited r *. England.. &McDohnelf, horse dealers, hits been . dissolved by, mutual ocinsent,the Ia:tter . . . r THE pavements are nearly all dry agaiki'and pe r destriamr, are thankful., uOulity. We have not,heard de.finite' . ly as to who'*Litl take charge . t, of POS I but Eggs . We Per relibing of 13, 1 1 . r, . r or $4.W. er 10D. Write bo r � -13 ' DURST BROS.. enmiller, oftt, I ­ 5 � I Through -some legal process it w �algl L eat the .settlerfiehi of so app claim in r -taking oVer the business, and will.con- . I ' � 1". , tinue.at the old stand. . I . . I ­ I The purity, flavor and- sttength. of. .understand that -Mr. K eres son, .J` Leslie Kerr,now ofthe Blyth;3tandai - ' L rd .. � 1. I.. � L . : �­ I L . r hogrn� -* U630 Corn L b V194S from . r 'aro",ro 09 , . . F0.1rd &L -Adeod , . . connectibn mith the estate has been. 4. . 'd dayod for Some th:ne, but now1ho 9 . , . . .� .. William Bdckv�ood,of Exeter Xorth . �1*1 t*6 flngl�ra of'h.is right hand bad, � " Salada" -Tea make-Atincolaparably the beat Value on L' the. market. It is r Will take Ch argeof the Post andtlie. �Standaid WillL be ,sold.: - Wilogliam. Times�. - In . r .1 . L .. I I dindiug all zw prizo %Vlhnizgi:� . I � � tll�lipl :1110-� 1 15; venRo, el, 504, lior 15, Ha�ing secured a commodious Orqht � . .L. S I - g lg� .. .P.,r 9999 75a Pet 13 C. F. E,iSO� diffei6nt- claimants. hre � I getting , con- Sideration. .. . , L. . . . . .. L ly-14cr6kate&-while sawing wood at the r . hdritie of Milton Russell. In reaching inflnitely more delicious and decidedly more, economical than other teas. :*. I 1. . I .. , .. I. . . . ... I . I . . : - IkIr Robert Holmes, who for q aite a I . � � I . . . . Clinton, Or;,- Storehouse ,e now. buying 'Alt - ' .. . . .. . ', we 8" w I r kinds of gia 4ICIA tlip h 1 L. N� I nw_W_01�1� I or . W.Leet- I . I i;�T , I . . . . . . ' . . 1 I or a short block at;the front of the r The number of crimes is on.the in- L , number of years has been - own6r of -_ ME- L .I � I prides will . � I be al . . - . I � ' � I I . Dr de VaWs French Female 1"ills _ machine'. his h4nd'came in contact crease. and they can be traced back to The Clinton New Bra, and *ho ' as a 'gettiriq:out. '.r PrdTentics�,thogse .Candy "Cold.. Cure ' Bran. Sh6rts, Oorn and Mt kingla of . _ I .4he Wi . . . . . . . . .. .f6r's Friend'. I 11 vilth the saw,. causing the -injury I I .. . .. .. . I . . 1� . . . . b6mes in which p wents. were too am- ' bitious for their childrep in thi) direct- -lad assisted in the first number of �be.paper, has sold out the Tablets -will "fely'and'quickly. clibok grain, Seeds pad dther feeds ke t ' ,; .. P *a . .� all cQldsand the Grip. Try theiti,once, hand at the Storehouse. - '.� 1. . . . � ' . . - A reliable regulator ;never.fifl' . V0 exceedi . nir p6 al. 9 - Wbile these'011s & wer. .. . I .. I r. � . ... � '411-Im C owb Baron'tet" . py '' ion of social prominence and too ne ' leattal' of .t � g- , hern in the direct r 1 ' o . n. of ... I. � plant and 1, usiness. The, purchaser is r Ift W H Kerriproprietor -of The 8ruS. L sre.1s' Post; The We of the New Br4is r. r and _seti.,48'for 2a .,L5014 by. all dealers . � . . ­ . c ­­ . . r . . � . , , , . I I ION . � — 7=7 -_ . F0- rd.& M. cLeod. � ftif in regulating the generative portion, . . ofthe feih&le,system,'tIi6y ate strietly I . . . . . . __ .. . I . Sir Gergille Cave.'Bio' r wu-Cave prove,s � character. I I � ,r I 1. .1 . A.- patent 'wiidicine' aeb goes 'into incidehtAl, 0pQ11 lir'laoltnes' ,,pC,aj. r I ment.top,g6vernment, job in..Loron,to . . I V .. r . Ilinard'a tinimeat Cafth Colds -pie � . � . . . . . . . , . . L . L% '.ft;1[NT61q. .. � .. . � 0.11, L k. S.,fA,F16.,, _ I r �� 1. . .. L . L safe to uge�' Refuse all cheap imita, -1 tions. Dr. de Van's are sold at $5 OO.'s box, ,2r am7Bt1k excellerif for' hurts and1or � � L' - - ' — . i e's effect onApril lat. It provides that all, paten , r "medicines on d g':'Nt's shelveiwill;have . L Of SUrVbyo Oustains. -that r, of, � , Mr. Holmes has for'years b6en.'an gotivo : , , � . . . . r .r -_ ,, .r 4. I I - . L . . I . r. r . . - .. . I ". � 'Sttle L'R egl6ter, r ,_ ... . .. _. ­ — , . .. . or*thres for $10, Mailed t4jLay ,addreps.' The Scobell., . Dc ug Co., St. .. . Sir, Genille, Cave-Browu-Cavej -of Hal Stretton 1, Ashby-de-la-Zogieh, to be sigimproud with, &(4oveinmenCstarilp before they - . can . politician, is a clever Platform Speaker his . .. I I I 1. ., .. r . L � .. , . — - I . I . . -1 Q Work Wello * - ' t, : .. . Catuarines, On . . . ., . . . . . . .., 'r . Leicestershire, who is better known 1 ' 13 Oanada "the.()owboy -has b6sold. Aheavv�flneisthealternative, it goods are sold' af ter that date- with- I andthas represented riding' en , tr -0 .e Humn- in the Hoij�o of ()9n1W9mJ gaturday, April loth., atgotiou imle I I., � of Uro I - I . _069QUiror VkPID awoll Louses, isroverty of - . I I r' Mr lalfiee Rarman *sg . :._ , , L, , r , . I.' _ I , . . ­ I . . � .. _. .. . . . I . . . ` as Baronet," "' had a wide ekp�tience of the: value of I ()lit a Stamp. r ' . I . _ . .. .1 .1 -1 . L . .. I * I , L . L I 34r.Rbrr, who forM years lias beenra reisident of Brussels,will .move to Clin- Sba � ftli'afll M18,11. ah the , I 4� :1 9 , L ElIt'Wol pre.mPes, UGays St.. Goderich. T. quildry, Aticb� I r . I .. . L r Affle. Styrubb's JoK6, % � . ' . .. L . 'Alfie' Shrubb, � tile, noted Enalish -ak. Wrlrtjtl.g tol Zam-B friend recent- ly,: and spqaking�of this gro at -*balia, he Coughs that are tight. 01, d'J, o tregsi ng, ticklilig,00119bi, get � -in corta . toti. to take peksonal.charge of the N e'vv nr&,'offi6�, ' Th6 chauge takes. ' Votiday, April 12th.. zootion . sale of 'Vitrm i V 01 - ` . a can't wori''well If 76 " d I , , Stock, lmi�l�menta, etc,, vroperty of Mrs; R, A. I . u on beat well. cank ��t -if ' �t, was all interestedr_�Iistew� runno r a few da�s'ago at Magistratg�.Deiiisiin�s morning . ' Police Court., ' And -after- . . . . ­ . . , 'r says' -s- ^ .. . .. . . - ,r � . I feel it isonly my d utv to� let you- know , . .uick'and � belP ft'OrA Dr.' $hoop a Cough"Remedy, everyw'll e�' ion this "cCoUtItL I)juggl$ts X�r. place April flrst�'�_'reeCvater News, ..� . I 11 1. I , L ," , ' '' , 'a Kerri who has., been .editot. and Svriind,.Lot 4�1, Igas6 Line, Hullett. T. Gtindry, .You w4j -you doa�ii "A.410tioneile. L .. . �­ . I .. - L . ... .. . . feel well.; -Are �koijr 'thin. weak,'ruk L � *_ I I .. I r ­ . " .r , . I ­­­.- d6wr,J3e,rV,QuS? Havt� a cough or cdldu' I L . I . . . Wards sonie., officials took r ry I . "the ,speed *to what great b6nefit'r I' have do. . . ng Zam-B,uk handy, and rived by keepi arerfavoring Dr. Shoop's Cough Refrg.v � :-edy. The�tender leavesof harmlb,hs a .: -W . � - . proprietor of the Brussels r I .Post for the . it ­ .. I �'L. I . ' . ' Take. -, . .,�, . , - ­!­ . ., _. r , I , . . , I . ' man the -detective oraces and rnade- .1 L . . I.. him accluaintea all roull(. r - having it in constant use. 'For. thd 8 * . prains afid bruises­'*hich I have it)- lUDW-healiox-mountainous shrub give � to J . * r-Shobri'sCough Remedy ftg'd.Ura*- rty-y6ars; has..�purchased t Ile , past thi '--' . Clinton Ne,&71Dra,, including pld,nt &:�d . I . I 0 &a. ­ L. � � . .. Ek M AM 's . . � . I - 0 IuLn 19 . X01v tbe' Toronto dotectiy.6s are drafted ft6m tfie rog - ular liolicn force - That means that. otirred in n1v horseinanship,'And in my . I - 0-wb6i life generally,l have found it a tivepropertiei. Thos6leave�;b4ve'th6,..Ibuildiog� .power to calon' the most ��distressing Cough, , The NewBra bedame*'Jor SaW owing -t6. the'aPpointment Of Robt Holmes to ati.importa,fat ...., ..Wick's . , ., ­, . - , - . P) . . � . . , - ,r ' ' , r ' " " .. ' L L . r 4rS. L * . . . . . Ta:' '" r AeI6 ' a- a rul�. L usually reliable an(I speedy - fiemler, Some o r ' f I and -to. -soothe, ind h6al the ... government . . . � r , . . r . . . . I . I. tIjeY are. big men,. Shrubb's idea of a . dd�ec . tive app,arently ,vvas somewhat -different 'type *the fieft riders lathe West th'at I ko Ow use Zlt,rn,Bu% -regularly -Viiitb the great. I most sensitiv-6 bronchial membrane. . r once y Test it ourself, and see! Sold by I I dealers. ' . POS!"On in Toronto, Mr Kerr is at pi -esent the'owner of the Blyth Start. [ clard in addition , to. the Post. Tlie . . .. . . ­ C-torlimelitt-otibloist)ilta�,ytpt6nidt.'an(inoi I . . .11. . . .. . ,.r .. . In tt.mf 4 trito diantse. we twill, bf , r y8yepsla, , )leartburii;.and IndiLyLtitiollas,re,al i . Oil L Y'll Cod L i'ver from the nf me . . In who f,eeiret Out crime in that city.*The Eng- estban.efit.- ruecy-Idention tbat6nL One OCbaSio L Ir n, Wy.L horse "Bob " came ' a . . - - . ., . .: . . � . . .. I * The crying istwot this fair country is . .. Standard,.. since it came under. the coil.. ,ases, L . .0 t1tey, are qsnnmotub onty.ot a cert SDOafto - . . . . L Ns,�t*N.f�.914!lcllt,..;S-llotilirlo,i,1,4e. � . , r . . I .. . . . I . . 11 I . . ,Lnd,,,,1,,%L ial runner ]Sr rather small, i� Lp looked: -,it - thn, bij do' s 'tect c, down with nxt-,Volling over ni� limbs, ani I tearlpF pieces of skin off my arms. -Profaafty., It is heard everywhere and trol of'Air Kerr; has been -managed by hi's son, 1%frj Leslie Kerr. W6 unde ,r ." L � it *as tio.4 fa(;i oat firn,wrrertly led Dr, Shool, and you'll feel ntw life, returni . - . �!g . 1. ni tli( ervotion of wat nrm- vers- Domilar stonia,cli UP t1li energyfrom the start.. Keep it . . )Jt,IJJLdy_l)r� '4110f)[)'S . . Oictnred them irvfng to run down 4- Speedy thief,16 c�uldti'.t lip.11.) ,,'4nillixig. , , �Byuseof Zalu-1111k ittimediately.the . v�ogindsa,ud briiises were cle'arily and Parents a)]O*w their children to loiter about the Streets, wi,ere they -are sure to learn.ft. - One. has only to axingle. stand Mr Kerr intends rengovii3g from Brussels to. Cliriton, and that, there .1 . . will be a change in the . , oI Ig ' L . 1�k�.�ftjlntll'p�'a to yin skomaoi aerve,, o iony proi,gli I direct your f�esh comes backand you -feel like - .t 01it slleeei;s ana faxor to 11r. slionp a mpds hpstorntjs-,�, �vjt,h. eating everything in silhit, Then 1. L - 0111; thalt origillill . I bighly-Mml The1g. lie had,hi8_LIittJ(" joke. '. I . "Why'!, he said, "3,ou follolvs I 11 quie I bealed,� and the raw poxt 8- co'e� . � * , L rZ With new, healthy Skin "When 'With groups of boys croviiding the thor- - oughrares of .onp towns and Villages in . - � management of .both the Blyth 'Standard. and the - .1 . Post,'but what that will be, have ' 1111d printqp1e; no be strong o'nd ablt� to ake your., , -­` 600h ltlst 111s;*Ftecolliplisluiloit� Were evol. to I)m liar], " . L . , you I ii - . 1:dr'stoinaeli dhqtr6,,:,, bloiattimpmopsnesq- bad .Place In the fight, Good Physicians - -� .. 'sell ' . 6ouldn't catch cold ir voii wore loelc� edL 'al) in a tefrigeratoi.)o - 1. . - on the 31exicanplains,l.have used Z.Xm-11lik for poi I sonoua Insect. * . the 'eveving to realize: how fat the filthy tbn�ite is bei�oming. % iiational. we Eotyetle'arned. MrKerr, as.a.newo.. .,Iti,�,torittivL,-'I'n.i)lpt.,; is I .f . brtuttli und sallmv, complexion, try Di-, ,411DOP's ITcommend it. All drug&t§ : * or LiqWd-r-alid see for y0ar. BRICK'S TASTE LHSS�. . � . I aplf 11,11at it ean and I-011 do., We sell And cht�or. I . ' L 1. .. . __ k - .. ' A Canadian Victory.— I ' , bites." - . . . . "Z%iii-Bak has "Yielded me farmore I � evil - . While passing along the street. citizens ar'e,often Shocked attlip, tor- - paper man, one. of the happy ew., who has ,been fortunate enough- te inal;:e.mo ey* ' New Bra, under " And kb6 , fully' rLL.0mQ,r1d .1 . . . � . - . I . . J. E. Hov'e*y,- Clifiton, , . �. ' L .. . . . . Vie' NVinniijgL Of t1fe liiti�rnhtjo�ai .011L) . -at.the.greaf boiispi(I in Switzer, - rernarkablexesult9 And - generally prov.- ed more reliable than �thythlng. could 'oint t of . ren . profanity whieb. is. thrust xipou their unwilling ears., A few:8alutary his ftianage�ient feel. sure rnafrgtain.�the high will' we standard it has held - ­ . - dmho ' ,w%'T I �OiNG' To MAMTOBA, ­ I , nwh ta,:A a RrFORE . DIM %�y %J 'Alberta, Mi(, L land -by tile MeDiar Thik ot,'Cana-.. *digtn'curler� was IN, culminatiorf .haVe done in the .way of -mi- -� ments . or embrg: tre iontions,. and.-Ftbink it : examples - made of foul-mouthed Was- q phe mer, would. undoUhLedly have a . in newspaperdoin.� Seaforth Exposi- . . . . I V -;V .S&'5kAtcbewan'. L . � . . 1i . ­ or consult a . . I I 1.6 Agent 'regarding ,thi . of. n spIrm'did.cainer of conquest,. Th e I unequalled for - skin , . injuries and disense.§." . . . . . 1. 1, : . - . I YerY wholdsoine, effee,t. L'. 11 J .. 1. .. I . . . . . . 1: . I .. tor. . . L I � . � 1. . I I ... . L . � .. ,. 1. . .1 . ,,4,andCt`1runk , go 't're i, groute.viat Obioago'and .4t - R dlzmwo Syt 0% raboxth, Paul, 'Minneapolis :-br Duluth. Bag- ' ... Canadialis -showed' themsolves. io lacl. . � . bottor tila*p tile best-, arid the hotior. , I , � 'idene . I . No cleaver ev .e than the alJOVe � - fr= this Vvelf-kn6wri Vai onet. could . . . I ­. '' , I . . � . 1. .1 .. ... . I .1 . I .. Awful, Sin. - . -.1 Her � I � . ., . � L " , I I Irt I T asure, oll 11VAIlth. � .- � , xm�, . gage bonded ; no Customs. e 4 - -by -%LL70R.u,NISTS6 - ' ' 110 I amination. - .1 . Sold' I V111IT111191hnfor, atiob.- from ,tile, won is shared in by'the whole ,V . . '6ovixtry."Toronto Saturday ,*.Night. I - __ I . L lie needed to L prove the uhique merit of Zam-Buk, and to show ths wi8d6la of always keeping bandy a box' of Ahis lerful balm, , . .. . . "' . . . , ' jk jitij6 %IrIL Of -SIX once went in g refit , '@stress to her.1110ther, saying that she ' had committed a si� which could ner- . .The .. . .. . � V.0r:-YOUB9,Childreift . .. . I _ ' L ' . . I Disease attacks7-the 1161;16 onis J . . I " ., . I L . I 1. Grand Trunk Arents. � , L � . I I " ­ *1 ' . . . � .. ___ __ _. I . -_ -_ =000=01ur - ' ­ --- ­__ I - . —, . I - ' ' " ' . . . .,. . ., I. I . ... . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . I I . . L L .. . . I.- - .___ ,.. I � . I L .. L I . . . .1 .L . . . . .. I 91 i* .... ft.,WA . .. � . . I J" I C C) I - & -BRONCHTIq . I I I . L A0 11 Zam-Buk- is Xituriegs,. own ilealing . balm, being composed Of pure berba,I easenoes. It is a'SUV6 L for erbex forgiven and which was too bad to be. repeated. - By dint of a little indiaced 'to ke. throuili thq digestive organs. Biby's I I OwaTablets are 'the beat thin in the world for all. stomach "wel and 11 . . . . . . � � . I . . I I .. 1. 1 I . . I 1. C Ure eezdma, � -ring-worrn, ulcers, cuts, burns, braises eciaxiiig she was . M.a. a 'full '.qonfes�lon, Which Was 111 thIS troubles of babies and young children. . 9=� . . . I . . � . . � I .1 Bronohitiiis gefierafly t'ho result of a cold � . I . '' po.1soned soregi, chronic wounds. -bad lew, P.iles. festering sores, pad all skin wise., * I . . .., . ,They act quickly And gently, and are � absolutely. safe.to give any child. Mrs. , , 0 L to L ' ' I . " ' ' ''GOING' UT F'1- B ' USINESS'."' . � I ' I oause.d, by exposure to wot and Inoletnelit injuries ,%ad diseasee. L -Druggists and 1. ."I felt so sorry for poor. Satan and. . : S. B.. Green, Dunnville, Cat., - says:- "I . . . . . I . I . . I I 11 1, I . - ' L � � . . . I I weather, and Is a Very dingeroitig indomm' - .. adL matory �ctioll of tile lirginciii,,I tub es. - Stores 6veiywbere soll at,50c. a box, of I post ftee for price from ZarnwBuk COL,, lante d to give him. a little comfol-L So I got a.glitse of cold wa ter and would not'be ,vithout Baby's Owri . , Tablets in the house. for I. think the y *an . . I . 1 4::� . .. .. . . . . . 1. . 111�L :..� . . . . . : . . L I . T , . he Sjopt6nis are tighttgLss� across the Chest; - sharp pains and a diffiegilt Lin I Toronto;3 liftes, $1.25, You are warn- - ed againsi harmfill .1mitations, Some- t1riaps represented to be "just pdured. It down a 11ftle hole'la t1go . kitehem Iloor." - I I , � I are invaluable medicine far all " LS .lit. tie L ones. old by medicine dealers or len by - mail at 25 c ta a box Vow The .6 "iWIL I . . . . . I I I I . I . ,Finding 16 was toing to bd im0ossible' to I eave Clinton befoke 'L"' L ; ' ., 11 y b : , , , .�� .!dathing, anti, a zecrotion of thietc phtegla, . , . . ` . . . as good." I ____:_��, . . . . L . -, . . 1, . . � ,- - % � v,.� ,t,�, 1 .', I .., %� . 014courteeiiiao' ," i I Dr.,NVjlliams'X6dl0iae Co., Brockville, . I I I . Ont, I . . . . .. SPring trade would a. welt advanced, we' ave decided to remain h hero for the reater part of the spring business. Our Sale L hal , vi�g . . . I 11 : . ab first �Alto, bglt� hter of a. greenis . I 1. It or Yellowish color. Nogloo,L04 1.1ronAitis is one .. rriata�s Die oi Stran"go' Utse4st. ' ' Sevegity-t�yo Indians dead from 4 . ,At a:geme of I'defluitions0l a diseour- . . 1. .. I . I A . I . I I .. .. . . . . cleared out t9e greater goart of the stock we had, on bles us to 'btky taearly a complete new steek, which we will cont'llripe gelling at, I . ! Of tIIG moit 90tierlIl Mutes O� Corisunipti.oll, , . strange diseaso'at* Fort Chibpowyan,i 'in teoi!v Wag gave just offense once by defining woman as ft cresltut6 that Vound In the All% . A writer In the Strayad Magazine do- I I Prices that ate sure to. brink us the business for the balanod of our . .. I time herel . I . � I I . . I . . I -.Cara It at 0"nes ',,r ill., ISO of . I and sever,al hundred tile other fouif - . posts of the Hudson 'Bay Co. in t'hf, was madeader man' �lld has been sff- e . r - him ever.sincell . . Scribes thCt gstonishm6at he eX#erl- London In I I I I . . . I . . , . . . I I . . L CLOTHING# I . I I .. . .. Mackenzie river district, is. the start).. .. I. .. enced when riding over A I . . . - - � . . . . . . I . , , .. . "'. � . � I . 0'r, . " , . , , 'I.: ".1L -2maY ing. news brought from the n6kth .hy L Angus Brabant, inspector of trading, . . � . . . _. � ' ' :' -"Her E�act Xobo. I "How is. - balloon at a belght,of more illan half tOning roar of L a ralle'. he )I04rd the' I L I . I . . I I . . I I : ',We havil 6, congplete'liew range of tbevory newest Alen'A. and - Boy's Ready-to-wear 0iothi,rig, consisting of Alen's 84ui6, s1tigIQLaud - . . 7 � . . . . I . 0 d"O. , ­: ,,, , W 0 , . " "'7" f'111AL, post% for the Hudson Day Co. in the . Mackenzie river' district, who. arrived I . in Winnipeg recefitly, 016 Belle.r. .., . . . I'Twezit:Y-foar,her last All b Irthdaye , . . . the great city bancathl."hila as It toUld nof be heard When on the ground,. The double-breasted Youths' Suits. .We t , ' ' t a e giving ar loular attention * - to this line. There is. the growing"youth from 6 to Is yeaes, who F( . I . I a ' '�'i""� _ -"�_ I . 1. , t.. % %V ' . Auhteri on the trail axe suddenly . . -Boston Transeript I I . . .- note, 6V�a, at that lielght, wits �so . , does not: really feel like paying, the p _rice for a tailor-made .Suit, yet . . � ,. -i;, � '... ,,�.,-,�_�J , '.. ! � . . �� I L___ I stricken with it, and -trappers in the bush arc seized with fatal , , __ - i 0 . . llevev'olent feeling ennobles the niolA harsh and Intense as to be painful to I -the ,. ear. tfo* Perfect a sound 00114 ivants something better than'the 6rdinary ready -W -wear, To'me6t, , 1 tbia requirement, we have selected sultib,q lengths, patterns of the I -W ....... MI— __. I.. . SVR U — . I., � results within a few hours. � . I In a couritty-whem 85 . trif1bg actlons.�Tbackefty. .. ­ _�_ . duitor The air Is was Shown ,when the bfillootit drlftedLfALr over the city to a new Ordered Shitlags, arid are having thern made up similar to L gotilered suits, in every detail, These suits will appeal to boys who -be . MrS. - 1)' D' Miller, AIIt'tndilJ6,. oftt' - writek: 1* Aly littAballd got it bottle of 1)�: ,some per cent, of the eoplo gala, a living di-- ,�-- , I- L CHILDREN'S HAIR, wooded patt of the c6tmtry,'Vhero the . want to in the style, Noverbefore have we had the ragge of %yet Two-piece Suits we ato showing this Spring, The Bloomer � Wood's X01WAY l'i'm Syrup for -my little . irl to lad 11rondlitis, 8ho wileeze'd so reet' from t90 Hudson )Bay Co. by, the lurS they Sell it, is a a6rigow thing � when tile fur cat4h is practically tie- I —_ . I�60.p It Ojecto �argd pree from ,Dlg I CrAse murmur -of the leaves moved by tho L . WASL Wind, half a mile below, distiAct. I . Xrkioker is a,niaw feature in Boys' wear. We'fia,ve them with the suits or In. odd kaickers, � . . I I . . I . I . . I ! I � . � adl you could henr her front one iroom to I tile Other, but it was not long until we thing. That is the condition this yesp, wad Drabant says that leftthan , , by TNIng puriaian Sage, ly heard. I I . , . burabilitY4 Moe Afid Style are the three Voints we are . 9,1'Oft 40 get tile 00�W Snit trade Ods : I tould ce thd e ea Yoft nledie.ine had oil hisr AG %VdAr 148roAntor when wo liv(., din ToVonto. . one per cent. of the pooplo:­hre en. . , gagw in iratTirig. They have all., , ­*­ . . . Tf You'want you� children to grow . Careful For Othef"11. ON&,"' said the candid kleptomaniac, 0 Oil springi , L 0 . I . . TAILO' REM I - 46 8116 had & bad cold thia winter, bttb in, iste(LA Of alloth or bot.tlo 3) turned ing, -but the fish, too; dre exceptionally sweo" LYbi are up With strong, sturdy and vigorous hair, tea0h. thern to nee' Parisian SgigeIL I the world venownOd Hair,Toaic. Owhea ring firrosW for pilfering I never give my real aame. It would . I . .1 LL Our tailoring stock is entirely now, and being my 0WaL cutter, 'gettill of Wood!a XQr%vaylline Syrup, I tried a ,,, r' _ 'no r4ade, receipt W111011 I ot from neighbor isaid to -be responsiblo- for the aftrelty of far for once evcry� seven years lor ' Pari8iftd Sage is guaranteed by, W 9 It 116IMeg to cure dandruff compromise too manypeople.11 . . 01n&odf. �&nd what 19 your aame?o .and not having a outter'n Salary ta pay, enableg as to give you an I otclered suit'at a right, price. . � � , ,. - - 1. .. I I I I t% bitt found that her cohl lasted ti,bout twIc6 SOPO unaccountable 'reason they trek towards. the east, covering A SwAkth and stoo failing hOr in two weeks, It grows , 4nquired the mitgIstrate. . 'tedger. . - � 0. ".., '� I .. � I . 1. . A. �_ t1flong. Atylitigibandhighlypraia6a ,Dr. - Woodln,l Ana says he will aco that a of ibisallvay�lceptinthgs house." 1)'ttlO- 'Dr. Borne two hundred miles in Width. md killing off every anitnal In thats,oarw from West to, east. now bair quickly In cases where Cho bAlr Is 41thinning out," It Is positively the most delighttul, I Ifivigoratifig 111ohn Shiftfi.11-Philadelplita . � � A Chip of the.01d Mock, � . . I . I I I . E16 we JACOB'S � The priao of Wood's Xorway Pings, . 114 48. 11 the hardest winto ligue dreAsing oft the m&r. . kot. It Is not sticky by . gOrlmsonboak-Owen Worli's "oft w9w . Syrnp is 25 oonts per bottlo, It is put up ill 6, yellow Ivraplitit, thrim pine 44668 thii trade ever I" L tie d in the- -Mackenzie rivpr district, Acguirding io th0i 61ft 4 greapy and will make the p,mrseat bate aoftf Jusbroul and luxuriant. Got a r)o cent bottle L; In to Soo nio t4odaY. 1, � rCa4t_JadcM1 X)ftft, ho toMfiga I "� L . I . I . 0 L I N T 0 N maek, so, be itutgs, wd aecopt none of the his,fty subAtitutvA of the odging4l, "Nor' *#,y )?Ind Syruk.",L Indiatka, For two monflis tho th6t. nwifteter avoraged M below ze", -and, 'I from W a a 1161mea and wAtch how , rApId Uri mtlrin Girolix Mfg, eft., 't yott of his fttbv? il i oveky much, Ire wsiW to bOMW I I I I I .� oring 010thing TAII FU rolsbitipt � I ­ . t�rontly dropp6d to 70 below, I Xakrrm, Vort Bpi,-, Ont, W-Tonkeft S t "' . 11r. . � L - ; I ittelt Inf. �'L. "-%­ ­_­­­ '' ­­ ­ ­ L . .. 11.1. ­ "....'.. . .... .... I., I I ----i------ I .-1 - .­ I ­ . I _________________�_.__ ____A.__._.�__,W__ . . ­ ­___----- ­­ ­ ­' - _ ----------L---- � ­- __ - _ ­ ­­ ---___1_______._ -----,---,- I -_-A