HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-04-08, Page 20 9 . . The New ErA I Tbo Importanc6orwhe Appit . is publipbod every Thunday at I Vkop the NOW URA, Printing HOU15 (Toronto Globe) , , C, � %WA,AO OTAOM . . . . 4INTON. It is widely known, but not fully lip - I I preciaw.d that Canada is the � greatest Toftsof subscription -$1 �er year . jai c d if apple,producingeou tryin theworld, , , Avarice ; $1.50 way be , harge I it quality as well, as. n . . ipa', so. paid. No pa � I ,, pordlecoptinue4 . quantity Is, taker I r into account, The it a 11 All arrears. Are gaid, unle _ � so at the � pple is the most .r I , . v,aluable of All from a diatetic polutof ' , I I 3ftbepublis er, The date to view, Forreasonsthat need notbel .@11 On 4very subscription . w.. ,lob e . � is paid is 40.' recounted her voted on the label. . . . %even, it they were fully Advertising rateq,�Translent a4vpr� known, no -other ,fruit equals it in � merit as a food, irld it 'has in 1-,s favor %4�wents, 10 . cents per nouparel. lirlo tills e&5 advantage, that it lends it. r t a 11 I y0flistlispeitionanducente per ;tie foroach subsequehtinsertion. Small to a great varietyof modes of tre,%t � mont. R �aked,stewed or jellied "W 0" : - I � � advertisements not to exceed one inch isob, as "Lost" "Strayed," "Stolert.11 � one or in combination with used a) : I I . . t,c,-lmserted once for 85 conts, or one � other foods, it eapily maintains its time-1honored supremacy. It is u ot �, .as iaten ed 11"Onthfor$1.Communicatio, .a--- 1110r ublication must, asa guarantee of = I . . only itself one of 'the most important , I offbods - but it ad4, relish to others I � fdith, be accompanied by the ame of the writer. , less palatable, and it I a important s 'a . . I . I I To insure publication in current iqe , us copy of advertisements shoulit be aid to digestion. The recent, discussion in the House I � oent, in early. Cyr, Commona of the best, methods of � packirig,shipping. and'mArke , ting fruit � I 1. I I , Contract rates - The tollowingtable abowls our rates for specified periods Will 'serve i; very 0eful purpose if it has the effect of enlightening the pub. ' , . v4d space. ' y emo. 8WO. Imo lie as to the importance of the apple crop, andas to the nece6sity of im. , ''. �,� I I Column $75 (� $40 00 $25 00 $10 00 J Volumn. 4000 2b 00 1500 600 . prov!ngthe.frultonithe trees andof ,� I J Column 2500 1500 800 300 , Keeping itin good preservation until , . it reaches the consumer. It is a . � . � 1,00lumn 1800 1000 550 200 I Inch 600 350 200 ou grgat disadvantage to the ,whole minion Do � " ?ood Forment4tion-food souring; the ilgestive organs -become weak, there to have the apples packed without �, . � Wantract display advertising 10c per claisifteation, because afewbadspeol- I i inch, per issue. mans Will lower the vAltio of awhole ' . I . 11 . W. H. KERR box or barrel. There is no criance of . k ­ a township in wbicli thereare farms in , the bonds of thethird generation, of, avera%ing the value of fruit; the price I . . . is fixel by the. interior apples, no mat- * N JOEL Ill V%, DO . . � '. �. I IWIway Time Table Cban;,&, ter what the average of quality way be . I �, . Until the passing of the Fruit Marks � � I I � CLI;4TON STATION Act a few years ago no seirtous at- � ",. . Going West Going Hart tempt had been made in Canada io compel I acke I rs and shippers of apples I I . 11.07 a.m 1.25 p.m 7 35 a.rn . to pay due regard to the proper classi. . � 11 0.40 p.ru 3.07 p.m ti cation of the fruit and the correct . , labelling of the Packages. . One of the � I 1 � 11.28 P.M � 5.15 P in satisfactory features of, the Parlia. 1, Going North Going South . mentary debate was the. general ad. . � * 11.04 a.m 7.29 a. in mission that the enutra ent of this law . , I 1 6.40 p.lm 4.18 p.m has effected a great improvement, It 0 F . ,Ies like a lump of leadorlyour stomach did not at the time commend. itself to. � . . � . - CLINTON -NEW ERA the 3udgment of apple aealers ge , nen, I- ly, -but the most sceptical have appar. ) 1: '., 11 "I q CLINTON, ONT.. APMIL s, 1909. ently becowe convinced that it has served a veii useful arpose, and that it be I !, - might 1� made stil more effective I "; il THE EMPIRE WORTII WHILE. for good if it were mose stringently en ; . I i � - forced. As the Minister of Agricult. , �11 a is the British Empire worth While? ure pointed out, this would mean in- . � q �. :: , Are ibere good and sufficient reasons dredsed expenditure, but the beat way to s-acure that is to educate public I . I . 1'� why Canadians should support it? Jn oplbion. In fact, the mat tter, is .very 71 I .�'. � � , . . I replywe might catalogue its vast area 6 largely in the hands of the apple .grow- , ers and dealers, the rraat maj.ority of :11d, ;.; , and sources of wealth. We might boast whom aye desirous of keeping: faith � , . �:, that it comprises a third of the world's with consumers, and not averse from �, 1: � . population and about the same propor- : enal-izing,those who are less F( ­ . , se`ruoPd'1j ' ', ous than themselves in Their I ,41 1. I . tion of its dry land.' We might dwell m of packing. i I I I '. � I ', . . on its age -long naval and military . .1 . I . .. . . I . 1,1 achievements. � . . . . ., �.. . I I �� ., But there are other than merely ma. , �- . . . �.. , . I., I . terial reasons why the Empire- is worth . I was cured of AcA Bronchitis by , � . . . 1. I �11 while. The Mother Coun try leavens the whole world with her own principles of . . MINARDIS LINIMENT.- . I e. frea speech and civil and religious lib. Bay of Islands. J M CAMPBELL. * . ��." erty. Her flag and her ships and her I was cured of Facial Neuralgia by , , i'm �' enterprisine sons carry the Weals of . . I justice and fair play across every sea MINARD'S LINIKENT. .. Springhill, X. 9:-"WM'.,DANklEr,E�, :. �1� and into all the world's ports. The I . . I'Was cured of Chronic Rheumatism , ,.'', other Britains,,wbich she has planted by MINARD'S LINTAIENT, ' ' ' : � I., on every continent and in dis�allt Albert Co., N. B. GBO, TIFGTAEY-, . ; I archipolagoe,constitute centresof light � � . - I . I . ", � , :." - � , 1. I and CLViliZation for neighbor" peo. . . . . � I .1 . :1 ; ples. I . I . . - I 1. _.. . . . �.: , . .. ., . . Graduallv down through the ages . . there grew up in England a repre- . I ' . . ' . The two -cent tilres . so mu6b, advocat- , . �s , sentative parliament of the people and* ed recently,. wenb:'xnt6 operation be.' . ­ . .� �,; I , �. the institationsof populargovernment. - Asthe years rolled on this British PDX- ' . �; - I tween Montreal and Toionto�, on April .� . .. �� liament, which had its beginnings in the let. An old. car, re-vamished. and . I �. Saxon Wi tenagemot.became the model slightly iinproved was put on the line, . K, ,�.. and mother ofpopular aagemblages.- Replicas and otte,hots of the original � and evidently from this it looks as thQ - . . . �` � sprang.u� in tbos%distant portin"s of the officials of the Gr �, � � the earth upon which the virility of the to.discourage public opin� ;ch on the. , � , ­ race had stamped it9glonius. Britiqh ves- sels carried British goods everywhere but they the doctrines' matter. Third class farei are.a great ' - I . ' - convenience to the I , ". also carried of free speech and free government, and . poorer classes. and the niLimber of people travelling *111 .1 �. �. inspiration of civilization. Thus were liberty and the institutions of demo. ., . . greatly increase when the third-class " cratic government -transplanted int3 fare has b6efi.in operation ashort time . � , : America,Afrina, Asia and Australasia. maki,ag for larger earnings. fbitheraii- . I,. I I ,� Even the United States drew much of . Way. We hope' to se'b: the railw I ayo, 1� , , , ! its best blood, its language, its litera- ture,the vrinciples of government,and .... . .. I . ,. W give this a,"f ir test and believe that' . . - 11. even its flag from the. British Island% ond'e. adopted it w.ill be I 'retain ed. , . ;.! . The Stars and Stripes appeared oil the . ..----- . .. ,�� . . , " Washington coat of arms before the . . . . - . � *40w's ThM : 7 �, family migrated to the American col- .., . � I . , � I , 1, - �� onies. . Still the British leaven of freedom is - � . ..1 . I .. �. . . We Oifer One Hundred. Dollars Re- ; * '" . atwork. Evidences ofit are everywhere ward foe any case of Catarrh that can- . � - . to be discovered. Graduaby thenations not'be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Ouie, - �: , acquire representative institutions The F' CHENEY & CO, Toledo, 0. , . - Russian Duma,the Young Turkey par- We, the undersigned, hayo.known i � t ,and t e strugg es o t e ersians to- F. . Obendy for the last 15 y ears, and , �t4 ards popular government, had their believe him perfectly h0i) DrAble' hi -all ' �. I er andinspiration in British his tory. business transactions and finaincially . � I . n those pages it was learned how gov- able'to'carry out obligations made by , , � ern ent broadened down from preced- . I his firm . .7 I . , � ent to precedent and how a nation ad- I . W�LDING, RINNAN & MARIVIN - , L' 1. , Vanced through evolution instead of - Whelesale Druggists', Toledo.0 (I revolution. . Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern - p British rule has lifted Egypt from Oly,acting directly Upon the Hood ' and- �, chaos and poverty to tranquility and mucous sfirfaces of the system. ' Testi. * � , affluence. Britons teach the millions of monials sent.free- Priqe7&..'pe,r. bottle I - ... . Jndia the arts of self-government. Jap . . . Sold by all Druggists.' .. .. I . . . 4 an has learned of England. and British Take Hall's . FarrIly'Pills, for consti. � ; , officials point the way for China. . *stood pation. - , - .1 . � . I . , 'It was Great Britain that for , . � I _*�. . ­ . �. the open door in China, and wherever I I . . . , � � 1 -she has conquerea or colonized her . � ­ . SOMEWHAT (IF A POLITICIAN.. . f, work has been characterized by unself- . I . . . . il:, -, � . i isbnesE. It often has been complained that markets won by British arms have . . ' ' Young Liberal Had t6 Last 1_a�'gh` . . � . � been left free to all -even -to Great on Hon. Wni,' Ternplernan. - ` , ; �. Britian's enemies. Because of what the British Empire �, � They pro telling it good story at Ot- tawa apropos the -return -to i 1. has done and is doing for the human of .the House of Commons of lion. William I � � races as a whole,it is well worth while. Canadians should be proud of the Im- Templeman, Minister of'Inland Reve- - I I I . perial c:)nnection andof the privilege of nue and of Mines, ivilo having, been defeated in Victoria, BX., on Oct. 28 - V. i ir contributing their fair share towards its defence and maintenance. last, was compelled to tak6 rojuge in I . Comox-Atlin. It seenistliat. sometime I : I I last summer, Iust before, the eldse of' � I � S. Deeves, Dungannou,and b is gang the long. session, a gentlem6n, who ' "I broke the record on Monday with his ' was then a private citizen, but is . -wood dlitting machine, sawing some- now a rnember.of tho Ilouse,'bleiv in- � , thing over 20 cords in three hotirs. to Ottawa jono morning-, on "depart - I p. _____ _.___ _ ____.____ I mental businbs§," that description of I- . � --- errands to ihe,capital Wbi'cli cove'rs a I I 14-8. .. 11 I .. 1; . . GoVerioll � I 7!,�,�-,' t. - ; . I - . al. . - . I . �. 11 � I ., :- DIRECTOXt% - multitude of excuses. Among *other :, I Brockyille,. 01`1t. 1. . . I . . . I. . :, - ... I . � . . .. - _-._� ..', Without. departments lie visitod was that of � i . . dominated .qtoqn and weithei thus , - the Inldnd Revenue, and in course of � I : 1heumatism plainly and interestingly :ells just h4v% this is d, ne. Tell Oi�e. . . . . . . � . . . I - . �Haw Alex -$i.rith Saved �'Day ander time lio was adnilitted to the august I I I . . ,�O,ll. . *0 . ., - , Win 4' iiev t rop, J...Ria. oil:, . :-h . newels, ro a . . . I * .presence of the .Minister,, wbo,,'hayz I Ing heard the * "quest, whatever it �.. � ,hip of.Godericb, in th I e .!Dounty of, Huron, -deceased. . Akohol may have, teenj turned id lifs Visitor I 1:1 . : . 11 .. - . 'that . and said - I . I ' P. 11 umorous character form a large part in eveo Canadian. election. Fartacu- in an time, y ,dangerous, tornadic storms Will benatural and ineVitable. '!IV "Are you anything of 6 politician, . � ' . . AG-ENT8. Z . �.. . I . . 'Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed,1. Rinchlel I , A Strons Tonic WiihoutAlcohol I- sirp, I . of 1we, at the salil Township of Goderich, In the Province'of Ontario. are.requir- orl'to by deliver -to the Seaforth; James Cuiriming, � Egmon& Ville;.J,.W. Hdimesville . . The storangei modestly replied that I ot observer; whittever blippons -will ' -be of iin extreme order, .and the - geti- -send posti prepaid. or in 2dersigned solicitors herein for Isabella, Green, of.6he estat� of the said1ohn A Body Builder WithoutAlcobol I lie thought lie was, but as lie did not I . erat ebaraeteibf what is coming ..will b0ndicated long beforeh, and. .. . I � . . givO an inkling bf the fact that he. I., it.Cold.Spriu-..,I"Vlll,,ig6..i�i!4t!tig.,snl4g.. �, I . � [y.ln the highlands of the fliqdson, ' is . A l9lood Purl&t Titho�t Alcohol was the Prospective candidate of the . I - i Liberal party, ' the X.inister gaid: distributothe assetsof the said deceased among the partie'soutitied thereto, having regard only to the � A 2reat Alterative Without Alcohol , "WelL. sii, 1, thin), thht before I can . ponitry assumed in the''13nited, King- I , doni'last .$100,00010001,- . . give " assent to , this proposition of I'� . . A Doctorl's Medicine WfthoutAlcobol yours yo'd had better have it 'endor&� innounces that e �& ri-, in . Me � gton, In frequent v1sits to th Tory party against one of their own - - - . ed 'by the executive of yout county, ' nstitute; I , � : . . . .. 1. . � .. . . . _. . � . . 4.an troops encamped near by during ' the ,wnr of the Re�olutlon, drdnk of Ayer's Sarsaparilla WithoutAlco Lol .And tho stranger departed in a high I 1 .. Solicitors for the saia Isabella Green, � � I I . . . � � .. I . . .. _-� -- � 11 I . I I JACOB TAYLOR .� - .1 � I , I - I . . 4 state of dudgeon. 13ut lie had hiq ro, where . populace were dissatisfied 'III the matter .-of tith6l bui Prescott i's an Ontario ridt � , whic y ar about 2,185,000,000 were im- Orte , per cent. oV which came fr Ussia, and 25 per cent,from Dei�i . w * ' I vehge a few months lator, when on, I . We Dublialz our formulas eleeiion - night lie sat dowu in his � i I IF6 i;vfsh A100h61 . T -6-e-"'!'�""-6k Aye# -0, ft r C% W., orterouto bome town and pprined a deipatch to, *. Templennan sorneffillig liko:, f, � which was otrftefied across the river. o Wiest Polbt and cbecked navigation � , 80 our = I MAY not ba, inuch of a polifloiar., .. — .. � , Real *state bought and sold. I . I.. . b M I dofeated iiiy, man. What about., 11 .14 -.11 � � " - or's Pills -are liver pills. They *c - t I geetty oft the livertAn.ske mote- bile you?" . The narne- of flo, a,endor of this mag- � � .. A Y, Are to Valli- !sweted. Thalswlijej,', "I nificent pieloo of repartee is kept so - oret tit his own v,quest, but lie was L*W. ablil fit dotIAtlp'*t1drl�1JlJt1tdSne8*, dys-i � lftasfi4 810k,headitthb, Ask Yftfdoetot I one of tho band of Liberals who, do- featod a Tjory ;,talwart in Wo'stern . � a k116*11 A bottet Iftlifte 0111# . . "&� #W004 UV014214AC-oo I 011f4rid, I . , I .. All-, . " 6aft,_ __ - I L . , - .__­____._ I I I . ____..._1_1__­___�,_______ ___ " I T98 0EMI)ON f4JEW RVA A3 11 ; � I I . - .. .1 4 A0A $th, x9og I .. ... . � I'll ­_ I In Five minutes i I ­.-­� . I I I . � TW,O INCIDENTS, . , � . - --- -_ .� . I .. I 11 �­ �7 Cottsige for Fate 14 '"HONAL I .ill ­ ­ I 11. .- ­ I I -1 ' Takeyour sour stomach- " � or mavbe It call it Indigest). D'yorr - , 10 O%maoli; A few days ar ?, ra an died ty tfie roadside, a abor distance outside ,the oltyOrQuelph. Th __-1 , r I � r .ft I ;� - . � 40 I 11 .. 1pnn $140, Will buy choice CotbAge on Joseph St. 'W _F.. _WV qP Au 3 -uv avmw, 90100aw CCUPro AlUPEM — - ritis or Oatsrril ct $t to,1111GA's t doearet oAtter - take your stomach troublo mans While still alive, bad been notioced in the morning . � I N , irl h � ru so urnace.F.1colricilght'spod )Awn. � sere VVI Cement walk around house. Park Cash, bal. -'I I I We 01MI)ON8. '. igbt with you to yourPharmacist and , wk him to open a 50 -cent case of Papeo by a farmerwho, wason his way to the city ; be was seen ty the same farmer, 1. . I . auce At Z6. Jusotho Place for a retired farvier. Alwly ZBOX 174, Clinto4. * I ... - I BARUISTFAB 1A)LICITOA A10TAUT - I I Napepolu aud lot y � on eat 0 22 -grip" no rriariguleaudswe it withinfivemill" , I III the same place, still living, in the afternoon ;a man whose liome was - nearby was t %r- I'll ( I PUBWO, ETC. OUMTON Rouse for Sale I testherels left any trilee of ToUr tomach uilsery.. , nQtlftod ,-the latter passed � word or) to the reeve of the, towushi p ; . . . . Subscriber offers for sale bts large And deRly- able house on Hurou Street, furalsbc4 � � IRIDOUT 4k HALE� The correct name for Your trouble Is I the reevein ttlra called on the town - ship constable. y the time the con- B ... I . I t) 1. with All 0 0 OL Co V le Q . t I ,, I , I I ?ood Forment4tion-food souring; the ilgestive organs -become weak, there stable arrived the unfortunate was - dead. All this occurred in the immed, I- . 't . I Bta 11 ith ba soft lar t le 4,13 , riving ed.bea in fruit )rc I . I alf-%cro ot site, 002le'S oat , OPP i � CONVEYANCERS. - NOTAR . lag a lack of gastric juice, your food is )nly half digested, gild you become af. late vicinity of an Ontario city, and in .. I . � L' I I" , , in il . 13 . , I h3ton. - .. . -11. I COMMISSIONER8, L MONEY TO LOAN. ...- __ I 11. Farm for Sale 'ected with loss of appetite, - Oressu re Lud fullnes after eating. vomltjngt a township in wbicli thereare farms in , the bonds of thethird generation, of, I � I I . . __ L * N JOEL Ill V%, DO musea. heartburn, griping in bowels, Ontario people, 11 I . . 11. --- I , - O� R. HALs ;exi4erness In the pit of stomikeh, bad �aste in mouth, constipation, pain Ili . , Some moriths before the events re- corded occurred a Woman died In West , - - MAKS AGO people �Ped to � wnkwho thommielves hvar4 by The un4orsigned offen for Fale bis'farra of 100 acres. being Lo4 29, Con 2, H. R. S., Tuckersmith Tbij Is a good farm, In a sood StateL 'of CilitIVS. L . H. Tq RANOE, , limbs, sleeplesqueso, belching of gas, Aliquenese,sick headaclie,neryousuess. Worouto, She was one o f the "newly L , arrived." In dying she r moth- left IOU , ; Shouting frora the hoqmq toph. � I . if rou triect ih&� tp.d", t6n. and In % first class locality. There Pro good I buildings on the property. The farm is offored L . Notary Public, Conveyancer, lizziness and roany other similar lympt.ows'. . prless children, ranging from. an infant in.arinstoagirl-ofeight. Inthesame I .701;� Vvo-ld V,imbnbly have to appear before a cqsx2mission in 1peftnity. "' "" o parcel or will be sold In two parcels if de .Ir,d. For further particulate svpfy to H..T. RANON, Clinton, or to. L. STON Or, Financial and Real Bstate, INSUR-h-NOR 40ENT-Reprosent1ug it Wre Ea� .. It your appetite is fickle,and, noth*ng ;empts you, or y on belch gas or if you I neigbborbood'was another woman), al- so one of the "newly arrived,11 a d al- Now -^-PAYS 'the � buslusell =an U3es our WILAt.A42. .. 18T Tocuwacli St. . Sarnis, Oat. ourance companies. . Divislon Court OJIlee. . Farin for Sale. ? eel bloated- after eating, or your food so the mother of a number ofillittle , , 411101K1. W a W *�, , . � 0 F . ,Ies like a lump of leadorlyour stomach children. Between these two women wsym&mll j111 ;-I, vou. can mkkke up your mind that At � one rhe bottom of all this there is but there was no blood tie, no bond of re. lationsbip ; th.ex had L merely r subscriber offe % for tale his farm of 50 acres. being east halt lot i(s, con. Hullett. All M dik,al , Ale , ­ I.. L 11 � 'L I I r�,_. .ause - fermentation of undigest .1 � ed .been We and neighbors in an, ivy�clad . SALE OF OIGARIWTHS AND TO. of 46, cleared, well drained, well fenced; good clay DR 011. W. THOMPSON , . t ioOd. Prove to your§elf, after your. next L vilInds age in southern England. L L The one who was left had berown, b ens,and Urd BAOCO-The following is the new anti -cigarette law passed by the Do" land, In good condition. Plenty of water; new frame house and barn. Two miles from Con. stance P.O. Six miles fro)n Clinton. I Iles Aclan. Suraeon.'cato ' 8108011LICattOntiou given to diseases of,kbe meal. that your- stomach is as good as her I, come was limited to the wages minion House and now in, force:- fromechool. APPlytounderslgi)od,t)orsonall3r, . 9yeiVar, Whroat, and Noze, IuY;that there is nothing really,Orroug .. Stop this fermentation and begin eat- her husband earned. But beside her were the children of her dead friend ; "Every person is probibitel from dir. . � ectly or indirectly selling giving or on the 164h 04n'. of Goderleb Tp,, or by letter , L �llnton.-UNIEB r,r,ItGIJSON . I Otficeand:Aesiiienco. . Two dosim west of tw) compaerd#1 imojigs _ _............ - To Rent in Combe block. . ing what, you want w,it:hout, fear of liscomfort or misery, , . Almost instant is. for ohe saw that it was- a choice between a twule such as she c L ould provide for them the temporary . furnishing a person under the age of 10 years any cigarettes or cigarette pap- for his louron K - I.., I I . .­ L 1. 0 Dr. We Gunn, relief waiting - I L . t is how and shol ter of an 'orphanage, ers. whether own use or not,'to furnish to _ I . - 7011. merely a, matter of with tha certainty beyond . sell orgive or such a orsom tn().ws Office or room for small store or wory room. L . I won you, take a little. Diapepsin, I I � . � this of division of the little onesamoug far separated and robably Urlsyni Pa- tobacco in any form which b or has reason to believe is for the use Next 11001.1 to John Ranoford's office. A . JAB. SMITH, Ontarlost!"y to . . vr. wou.m, 1" it. V. P, .. X. A, V. i6, maxw . . I . . POISON IN THE KISS. L I thetic 6trangers, T11 'here wus. no hesita. in of that person,' First offence -pen, alty to 2 Oftice-Ontarip Street, Clinton. N3 t calls %I front 49or of office or residence, , . I lotteub"7 . � � I I � House for Sale . . - tion the choice' made ; the. home of up $10 ; secdnd offence - lip to ; Street. Nurse Lost Her Life: Through Acced- I .theneighbor and frieni wat,tfirownop. to the brood, thirdLoffence-up to $100. I . . * "conteinporary I .. -_ . The large frame house on Ontario St. belon 9 Officaboursat APItAl,.-Ito3V.m,*.Tt99Px2, . Ing to Dying Patient'a Itequest, . , . ' Having become infected from a kiss en motherless and two families were made one,the sacrifice in- . , . ! volved in this belilg all the greaterfrom CLEAN U P�-A ad- L vises the people of its town to begin I Ing to the estate of the late Mrs. Monteith. !a offered for sale, Suitable for goQd-siz�d family; Hard and soft water, stable. good cellar. etc. L . I � � bestowed bV. request. of a patient dy, ing of blood-polsoning, Miss Marion C. tho fact that the father of the orphans has been out of work for -much of the . early to plan for irfakingit mora beaut. iful, reminding them that -though we have For particulars. apply to JAB. HAMITiTON Clinton, or to ALEX., 1%%OXTEITH, Hiplien. DR* d- We SHAW- PHYSICIAN, SURGUON. . . Spier, a trained nurse, is dead at her home, Cumberland, Me. Miss Spier winter and has therefore been able to contribute but little to their support. may still some sharp weather, I -spring is not far off, It is quite true, Accouclicur, etc., office and residence on L t4nbury St.. ouvosite W. Farraws residence, � I . I . - Farm to Rent aursed Mrs, L Virginia Callan Carder, wife of Dr. George L. Carder, a prom- There imay be a moral to be drawn from Lbese two incidents, but if.tbere. . Sprink will be on us now almost before we know it, and one of the first things . . . I The 00VAIn. farm, Lot 28,9th Con. .of Goderleb. . . I . I I L DR, F. Al AXON - inent society woman, at the Allegheny, Hospital and displayed Ouch a lovable Is it is scarcely one which Is flattering to our as Canadians. It to be done is to clean away the un- sightly rubbish which accumulates in TV., 80 acres is offered to rent. Apply to J09RCOON, or to AIRS. J, HAL L L . . I � DENTIST . L , . , lisposition toward& � the s bbat the latt ick woman er -asked the nurse to kiss pride A!so seems to suggest that some ofthe opin- ions expressed reip,r.ding the "newly .the back yards during the Winter. The I planning t9 beautify as soon as it, Is I Clinton. . bf a . - .. 1. -,- __ ' (Sluccessor to Dr. Holmes I I I __bPeciallst Ill CrOWX auti 1W L Idge Work_' . � . .- [ier, as she was dying." The re . arrived!' will stand'considerable modi, ' Uowible to do so it is well advised. kvery citiven ought to resolve to make House and Lot for Sale .- . . I _.. 'Graduate of the Royal Colloge- of Dental' Sax geous of'Ontarlo. . was granted, and in, a few daysqr=t . Spier was stricken' with the same zhal- . fication, � I . . . . #� . , . I I his home.present a better look this than it has done. This . , - Tl1euud0r6J4ne4o7b7rs_For Oslo Ilis-vtoperty on Queen St, onnsisting of good frame,two. . Honor graduate of University of Woront.,,&W. to', Depaxtment. I - * . ' %cly. . . . . l. . . I . I I N[W I STUNGTH . year ever will appliott t ose ,Rho have been atteo- story house with b" acre of Iand, Apply tp . . Marls S. PLUMMER, Clinton.; GraauAto.of Chicago Colle'go of Dents Chicago. . - . ar" . . � .- . . I'lie Nox Tasteli3s.4 Ll' I 1,9,tuor, Drug , , �Cu .� . . . I I ' . IN U � ,lot is matter hitherto, while the v la ards should ,ake upand be Ili line . .. 4 . ____._ __ .. � I , . . . "ale Will visit Bayfield ry . . ive U04 . .. I . 1 Y. . . . I 11__�-, I I , � I )DR. Be , , , , 1. irOWLEIR5 . . I and Tobacco-. re. . - THE SPRING wi the rest, th majority . . e' . . I 1. .116 r . . 1. . . toe. to S I . . I . �r. I . - I . ,We have yet to. hear of orle faliure 1 - - I . __7 . . . Nature Needs Aid 1U.NJIM1110 NeTr, " ' . APRIL WEATHER. -The Venus 'Oeriod'is central on the lht. Barth's . � .41 . � ' � Two story 1)riLk,bouse foiBale. good collar. hard and soft water. Fnrhaco nearly new, frotilla I , � I., . � 0ZNTiST0 . * . I , . ;d cuz.,o where a fair trial ha's been giv- � � , . HeARIVGiVilig MOM- � pbriod'is still in force, aind the 'Mars table 4nddriving shod, � acre of land, bearing 7rult trees also sin all frbit. Apply to , . . I I .0111000 ove , . � . r O'NXILT ritoro,, ., . i ifi, Canbe given without the person . , I . in the spring the system needs ton. eriod is nearing its center on the 12th. P . AIS , JOHN It. HISLOP, Ontario St. . . . , OP6161 cars taken to make dental.. $m$. I _m it. is harmless and absolutely ' owlift' withou aste. Mother, sister or wife' . Ing up. In. the spring to be . healthy till moon on the equator falls on the r,tb, and Saturn is in conjunctionv�ith Tnent,as;painless as. posoible. - - . � I I . . '. I I Tark Lot for Sate Von would be doing a great work by , ' '� - stron you must tia,�e. new , and I just� blood as the trees must.have J 04arth'and. SinlJoh the 3ra. This is'an - I .Aray of a,str6notnic causes Which for- . . . I . . . . , . � w lob . - �t- I . � I ­ . . I ­= . Ing 'his remed 0 t some members 717 on I,, We - a, full 'f y will mail n1w sap. Nature demands it and without this new, blood you will feel . cibly. suggests phenomena, out of ord- ,a undersigned e a park of !h .TTc=mf.r .114 rog on Itaglan St., nearly all in bearing fruit of 14hoice varieties. two good wells, good , � � THOMAS GUNDRY, treat 'at fo Lb %fam i� mon r flv�dollars, The Scobell Drug Co., St Catharines, Wit. . weak and languid. You may � e h,v twingbs of rheumatism or the shar i P inary. Storm'and-weatber. conditions will -reachaserlous crisis from tbelst to table.fraine house, with two cellars, Just the "Place for it gardener, will be�sold obeap. XpPly . L!Te-,sto(-.k and general Auction �er . . . - I I ... I . . , . . � -. ", . I . . . stabbing pains of neuralgia, Often the.ftb, cullninating on'and touching the -4th and 2,th. a t4udep�y to to IVIRS, E. ROUTLEDGE or t ton. - . . , 11A. XACOB TAYLOR, Clin 0 � . . ". -GODERICK ONT' ': . I .. 1. ' . ,. . . . . .the Gait Sea LeElend.... there - are disfignring pimples or orup:. tions on thei skin., ,In other cases *.feeling .If . . tropical, *,and .tornadic storm exists the last half of March,, there' '3will be IN11y'staur. isles A'speollsIll: oldels at 1% ""W XUA office, Clinton, prtmptl,�sbtenasd 'Terms I. -_ I � 16'ISP - �WZ . . . 'There IS.L a legbnd in the. Norse dcalds there is -merely a of tired- , " _ Aang6r' of climax of -such storuls.at . . 'L(�' . I . . L . . . : I � I . r__ .. I to. reasonable. Farmers', sale uat�o , , I alsdounted . ..'L which exb1iiins why the sea *Is salt. .L I . "'bountiful ness, and a variable appetit;6, .,Iny Of these signs are the blood is that . this period. - If bo ins of snow .. I . . On'Maple St'. one half, aore.'ol 90TIa, . . L . . . . . . , . I . . — -. - I ..., L I . . . � .. . . � . ... . . G.tD. Mcglaggart; M..'D. MQT&ggax rhe ri rodl," whovi - mythical i , migp was a'.golden age Indeed, out of order -that the. indoor life, of . and sleet have plZe'e"A'tecdr A . crisis of such storms avil 'Weather. will: fall at, good fruit Iteei and other small fruit. hauselin good Conlition, ApPlv to . , .pbs. . 3essed.'a "qiiern, ,or hand .mill, which. , . , . . out and -but ,which, winter has told ubon: 'you. What ig needed "to pilt you , right'; -is � - a tonic , this time. - We, think.' the latter. will prevail. Centering on the, 5th, 'and - - , I L'.. �. W.W. NiMENS - ' I .. .. . '' - I . - : I . Me"`& -naart Br'os, A 4,99 . . - . L . . . .. ... . .. . �. ,House � for Sate . � . ,roun(j - gold. peace, &ould grind out stores ot Anyfbing de- and in 411 the world there is ncy tonic can equal Dr. :Williams' Pink, Pills. . -1 'Make extend! three days before and atter that d2lgis one of the most inarked � 1. I I... . . I ' 3341NKE,RS L *I �lred by� Its owner. Two-glan� 1�aald. msj ruled o . Ter by. Frodl,. were the These Pills ac�ually new, rich, Yed. blood -your greatest need . "'a seismic Oeriods of the. year. JVIaOi�ed -Unsettled weather. I I . - I. : . .. .. I . . A. I I .. The large cottage on Queen street. be. , . . I . '... I AL13ERT L - ST 9 1 CLINTOIN . '1�- , . . ;rlziddrs. In an. 6vil day a sea r,ve,, spring. This new- blood drives out dl9oase, 6lears the skin. - irl'akes ,high�hbarometer, and a a, p. cold, and frost will follow longlug to�-tbe estatt: of the)ate E. Holme '. ffered f L or ' � sale. 'The lot. is one -ha B 18 0 ' if , I . I . .-.* (Xeneraf SginkIng, Btilitneam �gmo upon the scene, slew Frod! and. L off t h - 00 twe' .and weak easily tired men and women -and storms. ; A reactionary' storm period is central on the ,7th and 8th. 'This' . ' a0ve, with� bearing fruit .4reest hard and "'A ' . � - . . . trar.i.sacted . 7 . L I I I . 2arried , . o quern and ,*ant maidens who worked It.., When, 4 chilVen,bright,activeand strong; Mrs. 0 -17 J. 13. Moses, Bront n, N. S., say.�- . Period is covered by the Mercury d. I I is. turban6e -and will bring renewal of 'soft v�ater. A bargain, 4, p Ply*ak�L NEW BRA .office. . I �, . - - . . I , L I 1. . I �. . _ I . I . I . - . " . . . 11 � . . . NOTES DISCOUNT.E.D . . the -sea rover's vessel was right outat I . . L 5ca he ordered the' maidens to grind "Last spring my daughter was. cOm- -pletely Rin down, she was very pale, low barometer and storms of rain and po�sibly sleet and mow. With so . -Drafts issued. - Interest allowed og . . L . . I . . . C 46posita. . , .. .!.-' I .. . . Shortborns, for' -sale., - ' - . �11 . 5Z.At midnig t they:asked it.they bad no appetite, and becani i ry net,- . , ve, %b .many other cause, 9 bearing on � tillf, . . I _­ - . . . . 11 . I . _. I . , . . . . L' I L ---------------�----_ . - � . I ' . The McK 1110P - Mutual . !iad. not ground enough. The Sea _ � . coned from angry at 1 aival. � be hi. vdus, and. we Were alarmed . R - We decided WillUlt rjLe� to give her Dr. iams' � , . late in the pemon.'as . Meredi"y period' ' Lit is,, le in the northern sectib us , Five young Dulls, from 8 to 10 months old; good ones; all sired by DnIce of Richmond, th 0 Sweepstalcbs bull at Clinton aud.13rucefteld in . .,over, . �ls sleep, commanded them to grind Pink Pills and'soon after she .b6gan . taking them tbere�was a'decid�d im-. . L Nnop sbou b be surprised by destructive � osleet storms, afid even bi izzards, at NO. 'Prices to suit the Nines. Come and see thdo,or *91t 6 R. H. IVISE, Clintoo, .Opt. .. . . . Fire. Insuran e, eoi - . I C pitil morulnit, Now, -the giant maid- ' 1. I '*e � enough .worked Ty ,us naturally prc)v ement. 'She -gained in' weight and vigar, her color returned - and: ' ' . first thLee.gtormperiods :either -of the �in April. A regular storm, pe4odcov, � , . . . . . ... ; . -Pdrzw�and Isolated ToWn PreVa 'arty : � . .1 : , I . ' I Yorkslflr�-, *90'a, r for Service. iuic!dy; sogs th�j,w6nt dn" grinding . . .. I . � . . I her 'whole --systeria- seeme 1, . .. d to have, ' ' beenbuilt -Anew. I can,warmly. rc.; ers the.11th to.tbe 10th, being central . I � : - . � .. . I __ ., I ." .. . . .1 Only Insured. , , I ".. � ., . , . OF�ICERS. the load of's9it greW so heavy t hat It . . � .1 . . ,ank the shili, and ndw't,ha ;se4,.wlll- . commend Dr, Williams' Pink: Pills t�d. * .with Mborl's last quarter on the 13th, This isanotheitp6riodwhen the. �bar� Th, e undersigned,. has for service, tit bis preahises, Enron Road, Gvderieh Tv.,;. a thbro- , ., . , . ... - - J. B. McLean,Pr6siden;SezifoktJb 11ol I - , - n . . .ontinue salt forever.. - - � . . . I . I . .. . .1 . . . , ,_ I ­ ­ . till Who need a medi6ine." . �.- . I . Sold. by all medicine'dealers Or. by a acteristic6- as,tbe- Mars ii3flUeDCe Wilt be present. to ,the marked degree. . Vi. . bred YoAshire'Boar, of. splendid pedigree, six ,oa11,,,s�old,,-,Ternis, $1.00 at time of gerTim; T '30 ,ol� 4..­TJROS. 4. POTTED, . .; Eraser, Vict7pres., Brucefield .. . ; ThiDsi I Hap, Socy., Tr6as., Seaforth-. . .. . .. 1. .1 . . . . . I Rheumatic IpOisons are�q.Oickly and mail at 20 cents a box or Fix boxe�, for IUA ficm Dr William�'Xedlcine 064 , . .. . heavy .plous. thunder �torrri I 8, .. ralas'. -1 . with'destrubtive hall in Inany locali� I 14-8. .. 11 I .. 1; . . GoVerioll � I 7!,�,�-,' t. - ; . I - . al. . - . I . �. 11 � I ., :- DIRECTOXt% - ­ . I 1. , - .. � . � � I . . 1. . I dit.ors , . - Aolie�:To .10re ' ' . - . airely driven out of the bl6od with Dr 5hoop's Rheumatic Reiriedy-liquid or I Brockyille,. 01`1t. 1. . . I . . . I. . :, - ... I . � . . .. - _-._� ..', - I . 'ties, will result' , at thi's time, � if boreal . I avi ,influences h, i � - not * . , . phenomenally I ab-- �,Qnn6lly, .. Holines:ville; -, - John ,. t i4arlock; G. Dale, Clinton, M-. nble-t form. Dr."Shoop's booklet On. P00 16W(�:Afffl TkIR TRICKSO'. dominated .qtoqn and weithei thus , - I . I I . — � � .1 I . 1. . . * hesne ,. eafoit ; J. Evan% - Beech, ' 1heumatism plainly and interestingly :ells just h4v% this is d, ne. Tell Oi�e. . . . . . . � . . . I - . �Haw Alex -$i.rith Saved �'Day ander far in the Mars period." It sdo*, ti I eet andgenevalcold have predoffiinatA a In:the in ttet of -the estaie of,iofiff Bettison Green,'Iate of the Town- . ,�O,ll. . *0 . ., - , Win 4' iiev t rop, J...Ria. oil:, . :-h . newels, ro a . . . ;uff6rer of this book, or better�still, write . *Dr Shoop; Racine, Wis. for the' .the - -- .. .. . . I .. . ' I . l .. . n' Prescott In 1896, , . . this period ,will bring - unoeasonawy.. heavy sno;i, sleet and cold. lf,warniI � ,hip of.Godericb, in th I e .!Dounty of, Huron, -deceased. . , . . , , I . I , I . . ac irectoris� ' . � I . I . f losses to ' insp.ector.o )6nk and free test samples. Send no Appeals, to creed. prejudices of a- tropical conditions' Prevail tit thIS . 11 .. - . 'that is own I � ocalit . I . .. : . boney.. Justjoin: with DrShoop, and. Ylve sonio'sufferer a pleasant surpti8e, ;old by all dealers. - ` . 11 umorous character form a large part in eveo Canadian. election. Fartacu- in an time, y ,dangerous, tornadic storms Will benatural and ineVitable. '!IV .Notice Whereby,given all persons having claims or aemaidi'against the lateJohnBetti- son Green. who died .on or about the 10th day - December. . � ' . . AG-ENT8. Z . �.. . I . . 'Robt. Smith, Harlock; Ed,1. Rinchlel I . - . . . . . . �. .. s . �. . . � . l'arly was - this. the case -in 1896 when issues wera'extreni,ifly complicat - Our in this forecast need not cori. - I fuse or perplex any'intelligent readei . � of 1we, at the salil Township of Goderich, In the Province'of Ontario. are.requir- orl'to by deliver -to the Seaforth; James Cuiriming, � Egmon& Ville;.J,.W. Hdimesville .. ... . . I . .. . . . � . . - Wasn;ngton!t bpring. . ',*be " ,the ed,, ,It will :be. remembered that the . . A outcome,*as the return of a French I ot observer; whittever blippons -will ' -be of iin extreme order, .and the - geti- -send posti prepaid. or in 2dersigned solicitors herein for Isabella, Green, of.6he estat� of the said1ohn -Yeo, ..: I . I . . . I . . . - . . . . ---- -- 0, ' '' The first thing,that greets . eyes )f a.Eitriainger alighting from the train , I Roman Catholic Premier elected largely by ultra Protestant votes 0 , ver . erat ebaraeteibf what is coming ..will b0ndicated long beforeh, and. .. . I � .theAdininistratrix 11c"isOff G"ceti, their Asme's ttnd addresses and . full particulars in writing o heir clainiC and., statements of their accounts ind the nature of I ' I � � , , , ;. IF we . CUTLER9 I., it.Cold.Spriu-..,I"Vlll,,ig6..i�i!4t!tig.,snl4g.. �, I . � [y.ln the highlands of the fliqdson, ' is � ote,tant pri a�pr %!M Min , W6r,.,vvho.w'a.s... � offering a measure of .remediaj� legis- ' . .. ... . � .. I I �_. . . I. , Ae�peaf it; -i,1-8 fii1olbs' - Cur'e­___W Ill' aI' the geciltitles Df'anyl hold by them., . . Andtalconotice that after the Ist, day of May, A.D.. 1908. the said Isabella Greeii will proceed to . ,. I � . � 1. � - I .. Painter and Paptr.'Hang' I ere,, W-ashIngton's spring, inclosed. by -three ' bowlders In 'the rough,'Whicii, as one . lation.. Despite. the' great bitterness of' thq fight,- there NyeroL i y genuinel ways cure my coughs and colds." .' . . . .. . . I ., - The wholesale value of the eg % and distributothe assetsof the said deceased among the partie'soutitied thereto, having regard only to the � . .. I . .1 . . ,. . I All work guaranteed �. . . - . . Ipproaches, are Seen to contain a tiny . � pool of spouting water. An Ingerlp. . . . I . ludicrous episodes. . 1. - Forinstance; in the ridini-of Pres" . ponitry assumed in the''13nited, King- I , doni'last .$100,00010001,- clalmaofwhicli she sbalith6nhavendueo. an-14hali the. said Isabella;, Green will hot ,be liable for the said assets, or any part thereof. t 0 - . .1 . I . I I - - � ' Prices . reasondbI e. '. - . . tion In relief upon the - bronze Plate I . I "General George Wash co" gely the. electors, though very lar Fre n�ch, *ere inclined.to. stand *by,tho year"emceeded 1 two-Afflis of vvhjcli was imported. ThIR . � demand is being in I ore and more � Mob any person or persons of whose. claim she shisil not then have received notice. - , I 0 'Dated at Godorldh, the 22nd day of. March, Residence%fi'early opoo I . . §4te the '.. : - Collegia e. 1 " t innounces that e �& ri-, in . Me � gton, In frequent v1sits to th Tory party against one of their own y home Produce, the ' - � b imoort of eggs. A.D4 IM9. . � � . : � . . . * PROUD.riom HATS & JILAIII, nstitute; I , � : . . . .. 1. . � .. . . . _. . � . . 4.an troops encamped near by during ' the ,wnr of the Re�olutlon, drdnk of race - because - the clergy wiare strong Tupper- men. This was not the case Jn - Quebec, the having decreased last year, about, 200,-. � . 011 the Bgures of 1903, in I 1 .. Solicitors for the saia Isabella Green, � � I I . . . � � .. I . . .. _-� -- � 11 I . I I JACOB TAYLOR .� - .1 � I , I - I . . 4 this -spring and gavo'lt Its liamei'Cold upring,Fv . . I I * .. . where . populace were dissatisfied 'III the matter .-of tith6l bui Prescott i's an Ontario ridt � , whic y ar about 2,185,000,000 were im- Orte , per cent. oV which came fr Ussia, and 25 per cent,from Dei�i . � , 40LIXION- "' ' 1. . I .. . I . The encampments referred.to were where the cl.ergy,have not fbe-84me � ark. � �. I . � - . .. . � 1. . . . . . ___ ., . . Drindlp�mlly- upon. th� famous Consfitu- tion Island, Just below, to -which Was, , ittaelled one end of the great . chain . legal powers.. I.Thb Liberals were bounCto have tb'o riding, and oiie of t116 French organize*rs struck upon a happy selionie, ohief oroaniz- 'Oft, " .. Synop3ifi) ' of 6anailan. � %Vest Land Regulations. 'Axoyrpa'n'y'ioiano,lwo"oov'e'r'l"uey'eoa'reEk"ol'da,('10)1'm'y' . Fire, Life and Accide ' I . .. nt . I .1 ... I . . I � . .. . . . ____!T�­_!!� I- - - I . . . 06 ABSODUTE which was otrftefied across the river. o Wiest Polbt and cbecked navigation � , . . . .The or'at that time was'Mf, Alexander Smith, who, -when cleari 'shaven, bears . . ; L - � sannis, boinem. stead a anarter-soction of available I )ornlnion — .. � , Real *state bought and sold. I . by the BrItish. warships during the 11 � a stro - ng, resemblance. to the accepted . � . Wid in I Manitoba, Sisketebawan or Alberta, The applicant mustappoar in person at tbe:Dom� I .1 . Money tei loan . . I Revolutiont . . . . I . .. � I I ,. I I type of Roman . Catholic clergyman. . was asked to come to a p5int in . e Prescott where a, large m6eti of - . - I SECURITY". inion-LalidsAgai2eyorSul)-Agency for the dis.* triet. Entry 13Y proxy may be mmdo ab tiny ageney, on edrtafti conditions, b .mother, IV father daughter, brother ' intending lhlon�esteltder. .1. — ' . Ofilce Isaac Street, nex door to NeW , . I.. . - ___ . I Affliated for years with a1istased -Liver, Fronch-Canadians. was, to .be 4old., � or sister of - I I . Bra I . I .. , . .. I . . . 1, ­­ - . , . I . . . . , Whah lie got there lie iva,q instructed 'to I � � � � Dutles.-Six monblis' residence upon and cul� tiVatioli of the latid in oach of three year A Mr. L. R, Devitt, Berlin, Ont., better known,'perhaps; 4s "'Smallpox Ben;, bag, come upon the platfoTnn and sim- ply Io obov I a' W(IrO - . . . � I . . homesteader may live within nine miles'as, big homestead on a farm of at least 80 acres solely . �nh To Th'V Public kls6d , , .1 . � . . . . - ­ . I .M IL-13URNOS _ .instructions, .PlI4 that lie Aould sit, with bis collar turned up, and whenever appealed to bY the Chief ,,zpeaker -to- inetely � n6d I . .Genuine - , ' R Carmers ownod and occupied by h�ni or by bis father, molbor,am, a .... ghter, brother or alster ' .1 In certain alstricts a homesteader In good standing may pr&-ellipt it eluarter,scation along. aicre bli.,homes6ead. #11rice Remember We Are Istill cla- ing businesS' in' .. . I his -head in acquiescence - waeupver . - . . 0,03 per . acre, Dutfas-Wilat reside six niontlis in each of six .the- same old . A., � . - A* LAXA LIVER, nppealed'fo, . � . - I . Mr. I � 1. . . *oarn from date of homestead entry (including . the time required to earn hoinestead st-and,.*and would saiy' �0. our . I ­. ­ - Smith� catried out instructions, tand after the ineeting was over ailc- ' 0. , � . L IV Utle L ,up Pills, 1)atent) and Cultivate fifty acres extra. I A holiXestgader who bAs exhausted, bis he Q� ,; . . customer. tha:t We are leaseii . � Y . ed what the rigMarole meant. . . . ' Atead right and cannot obtain &, pro-enmtlog with their'patronage since we '4TILLS . Ito has - &Igo ,used thern-forliii patieutt "WhY. I told tbom that you woro . all '8,1191isll-SPeakin pfleat from To. . I � L 1. I . L VAUtt DO&V 131g;i1a . � ture of . tra cy talto a nirebased homestead in certain (Ila. rit is. Pllico$3.00 por acte. Dbtlea'XIIAb re- side six months In each of three vearA. cultivate . took Over tb-e huslaess df Mr. ` I I T..Beacom, When "Ill'sing then), slid it is wwq)l-known ract that . ronto who appr6,vo .6f zog 111"Irill"', iev. but 'did 6 . . ,. I I . I I - . . I . Jifty acres and otect a house worth 0M.W. . I W` w. COIL . and w6uld , say eniall-pox suftbrero wubt'keop the, boweli well-rogulated. I entirely, not Itnow rllullell; r, rench, At tlio 'propor - momeht I ' ' ::e.,.e. . , Deputy of the hiltilAter of Interior, X.n.-t-Unauthorized that we hope to be able to re. I � Read whht he says --"I have beet lArbuld appelil to yow, and I must.say , 1/0-10 �.���_ publication. of, this ad. vormemebt; will n6b be paid fok.' tain -the confidence 'of the villictecl foi'years wi , itfi a diseased liver, and �ave tr!Ld at] kindff of medicine, of no � vour .qvfinw wns f '�.111 - I . I in , , " _., . . . . - . . ' . Public, not by offering a vi�ry I—. _��, I __ __ I .1 I . .but P,vail until about four ears ago I tried your Laxa-TIver Pillx�anl otinAtant relief, 31nco then I have nursed Borent, atients I I . . I- 0 now is *1118? Sassafras andBurdock for the blood, Dandelion and Ithubarb fce $" Pao-Sladle WraVimr Below,* I - __-, _ . , , , 11 I - ­_ .. 03dan aiad-" ev#r . 1, 1. . I . . - . � .1 ( I � . ft 4 I cheap class of'goods, but by I . selling first --class goods' at Ifflinted, With sm&ll-pov, and in eacr, case I stomach. Mandrake and Juliipor for liver and UAlko."SaPiN , I ­­ I I . � . . . . . � . I � � .%­., I I . 11� I . I v6ry close prices. ; xa-ve w6dyour valuablo ills, 11,Nl)rwislieso.rotlio,tal,personAsuftI * Ir , ler", i�ommh kidneys, Caararra and. Senba for ther bowels, Capsicum and Aloin to PVA- � � 1. I F49 MUCH& tDA"E't ' FOR 01221149924 IINESS ' . 11 � I � I I .. - . I . We are getting in a choice lot of- with or liver troubles 4 % ill try Mif inira'A Ltxa-Livor 'Pills, I will ltdvertist %ain whenovor and whorovor I bavo an vent, griping, U -Need -a Herb Tablets contain thesta valuable illgreffients. 50 tablets for 25c; 260 t0leta for $1,00. A I I . , ft MONKS& I I . L FOR TOPIDAIVER. ,. I e Auction: Sale . aisins, UrfantR, Pruft8s, Apricoti�, rUfteS. eaC es Una Pigs, also a, larga a onlit of canned goods. Come and 3pportunity tmd I hope that if at anT time I 0aanot, the 'Ile, I �k,�!or � doctor for hal f -a -cont a day. 11'ree , Al Pao idavirkirlan "$T1Pk rla� P a livery SATURDAY'ah the *AITCTION HOUS I 'US ins ect, Our goods, and we agaur *you e� got will ! unAt4 Inough to gob t1lb roirmul&.11 . samples at all drug st6roo.M1,01111ton, March 2-0-yr.%I, : , to LLOVI S I FOg UILLOVSKIN. I Salog conducted apywbore. tat I sat shletion, Milblirli'S TAX,%-LiVor Pills are 0-5 k ,mbi --- ­_..­� , --Aron "E COMPLEXION Z OMPLtX181 %%D Iler 4�1111(_1.1� andUo. real e 11 Abaw, live Abock, Ot - G. W. BlU, MT, Auctloneer� 1119hest Vrice$ Paid tor Produtto pir vial or 8 vi4a for $1.00, at all d6aler# or will,be maiioa direct �y The, Z Milbullik allattal (Unlut"t dutes biplailittla. Repeat It.­"Shlloh'# Cate will- - ­ . � Nuar � 4, HAWA . i iftu I ftraw Totet"14, � Photo 308, Box 168, Godorich, Oat M.i.m*wi." -.. 1, 1, . - T Wall & Carr, y . __ - - r.- ­ ____ ed . Uo� I -s Limit , Toronto, 05at. , al W&YO CuTe MY 0ougha and colds." . W__ I -,-- � - Al And& Aktr%w ,i.i & a rk. A P% "*. Repeat it­,,Shiloh1A Onto will 41- —4— ­­­ __ _­_iL� —A ..%.%� Or � f20r-AAd&,ft" 4�& VO ti...- % � ___._ _ — __ ____ _ __ ­ .1, — ____ — ---a-- --------. . — - ­ — —_­ , . I . I . ____ - ______L _____________.______._ � '. _.___._. � ____ ......... .. �. ___ _____ ....... __ ____ -..,-,. --.,- . � I 100 I � . . I . I . . I I . . � � . I . I � � 1 9 . . . - . 1, 10 I . I I . . . :.. . . . � . . . . .. � .... . I . . . I .1 . 11 I . . I . I I . � - . ... . I . . k � . . . . - . 1, . . I 1. I . . . . . . � I - � i . a . I . ., . . . 0 . I - 0 1 11 I 1. . � . . � . . � I I . . . I I I I I I . . .