Clinton New Era, 1909-04-08, Page 1= ,, a , 1P " , , . 0 THE I Winibrop ROYAL BANKd-in .1 UAHRIED AT BoxssuvA - The Globe, of Bois,sevaias Ole follow,lrig- ­A OF CANADA I pretty Oak place last Wedl a. M tw U Xta, No en Miss 14s Dorn' RINO-The West Nod Beef Ring hikye again eagaged Mr Jas Riv. Killarney. and Earl Hawb ^1_1 OLINTON BRANW1 were united in Marriage. I apVointed and as the beau of he Wedolin , , gmarclifrol I PAYS filled the roont, the groom lowed by the bride, leitnirl; , I , . SPECIAL ATTENTION I arm of her brother,Sainue, , and looked charming it i dross of cream sili oolient , . TO Ming of lace and duches" carrying a, beautiful boqui . I % , Belarave Tuo'kersluilth , 1. S N, MAN. - Kan,, gives David Owens of Thessalov. Thomas of Wlnuipeg and Isabella Owens of Dorn' RINO-The West Nod Beef Ring hikye again eagaged Mr Jas Riv. NOTES — Dr Stewart Supplied -the. i Pulpits Of Burus-aud, Knox cliurches, homewed. solay at 11 Fortige w. ere called to. the bedside of . . their sick father bur, were late in 4r, riving, as be bad ere to butcher this yearo The riews, sary arrangements have been made to the fer 30 last Pu-nday, A'Jarnieson had a very. ,9004 sale oil Monday. Messra Watson Padden, of peacefully passed . run ring weeks this year, .shipped hogs on Wednes4ay, The ,i of Arcola I I away- commencing ]Monday, April Mil, meeting at .the Young F . , . eople's Guild t the hour ful stralus Loberigrin Dr. Hamlilt crl has been laid up, and went to Seaforth last Monday to be treated forsoine inward DRAT11--There passed away he,e,on Thorsday . ,, Aprillst. Annie Traynor, beloved Ot Knox Oburch, -on *.t'nesday evening was a grand success; there war a I Ced. ly number froin 13,lyth mtere4 foI- affliction of the head, . We are hoping, for * his Wife of Wna Canning. in be]: E844 t h She wao the mother of Rev, ( . assisting t ent. Rev Mr Leckie And family returned u the . . ?peedy,cecovery and return, as there 'epidemic . er O= pastor of our Lady of 11 borne on Tuesday evening. Remember 4egO d a . P4.p . is ,almost an of sickness 9V Lourdes 0 urch, Toronto, The fi4uB- the .9, in I entert4intuent In the Metho. I Oonstopoe Is. -Mr. John Britton had'a v41 - steer dlt recently. Mr Geo, o a. 6o w valued at $6'0 Mr. iolu,191181alu has returned from the , N!here he was atteudirig the . . . 'Kne weather at present and warm, as a reei bas.nearly all dis eat are,19oking to 119, 00 t put tbotillinoof the soil airs, . . FORNAW9918. , 11 . lf,.every farmer would treat . his grain with this thorough 41olufectant and fungus killer throughout the country. ' ral took place, Saturd . diet Church this Friday -a V mr.jeriKenslOrLonclesboroug# appoint. r a few seasons, grain arn"t ;. I I sy'from'9t jalnqo Wood has moved to tits fy"ing. mentpreached in the Methodistchurelt would, become a. thing of the with. trim- )as, Cunningham of East Wmra Ohurch, \ 12th Con., I arm on the past, ,,he ' satin and that he purchased last here Sunday last., Next 84bath Rev. nosh, near BelgrAve, received the sad TEAir SoT,D - Ur Hugh Alkenho ad' . . 4 of bridal I summer. The saw mill made a record Goo. Jewitt will conduct. the pervicas . news of the death of his brother at of the London Road last weetr delim. I U . ni 1. V_ 1;1,:I- . . . roses and hair LorM large ouln ber . . I 9 I cut, one clay last week,doing74001n tine ere at, the -usual Pour zau P-1n.Mr. -0 yue 10, a 40'/o ... I 11 of friends from B . Clandeboye through heart failure, ed to Mr t1atiolford, of Exeter, his fine and one day this week over M; Levi Rands Who has for thti ,-)oat year -article WIllet weatis olooevalu and sixr- last FrX ;11 It"JI911s good comidering tha kind of SAVINGS BANK roundirig countr, , aged 55 vears. The re- team of heavy 4raught horses, far been en v were in attendance . yaged to work in tile vicinity , and Rev. T B WIlbon, Methodist i mains wem interred in Blyth cerne- which he tecei,ved $450. 'Owing to the saw logs that are taken to tbe Milli; of 8ttrnia, has returned home and prew . t Full strength. . I I 1, rum' te last Saturday under the auspices depressure in the horse market. this t1OW, Rev GeoJewem of Westmino- fers o work in this neighborhood for When bying got the best, it ., I It istOr, officiated.. The: gifts were both OfT 0. U, W. A number of Belgrave may be cbrisidered A good price, It the sum.mer, Irery bad col r . S numerous and costly, being a tribute brethren aft 'It ter circuit,, and Rev. H 4 Ourry, of payop I eiided the funeral.. thl4y were easily rorth the money, as, prevailing epidernici in thig' vicinity . . . and FARMERS BUSINES to the high esteiiii 'in which they are # Loudesboro,will exchange f alpits next . — __ held, I" the district. Mr and MM rhursday; March 25thA was a red let- they were a well matelied team Of Iron Sunday. il1r. Jewett wil adoir"s P, 'It present. The sugar-i4aking season . 11 .. . Hawley left an the I evening express ter day for the united congrega,tions Sreyo and. probably as 45.od a teank as Mass meeting at the,.Sunday Sch I has been short but sure -to be sweet, - - IVIIII PIUt 80ttles 50c ' . . O" I . . . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, for point ta Wequi after which they will ot'Knox Clitirch. Belgrave, and Calvin ever trod the London Road. It is the and congregation at Lmdesboro at 10 LitiOlOUPIS 2 ards iviae .... ; ....... sj,00 . . . — I I intention of Mr HaLotfordto ship them - Central Business College, Stratford.. settle at Cieurwater, where the groom Church. RaRt Wawanosh; that date to, the West. ,' . a-M.on the subject of Missions and will Flony Oil Clo'lli 2 yds wide ...... I... .50 __ __--t___ . . . I I . also preach lit the eveni . ., . ..... :1... .40 . Ignter any time, Clinton Bus. College I holds the position of OF R station witnessing the Induction, iE; Pastor of , tbesame "', - IN 11, ', agent The bride'i travelling suit was the unite charge, of the Rev, J. A.' SOHOOL RBPoRw_The following it; subject; the Miss .. I , ngon. .1... ..1. .25 . ' Tormaldehyde, W A McConnell.. I I . ionapy subscriptions Isaw.Woek, beautiful Inoworal ng 1. the x . . s`1A . I ::::l navy blue pariatna cloth w4h hat to Fergusov, formerly of Olennarni. Vic -oport of S. S. No 4, Tackerstultb, swill not be taken until later. 'Tae Ep- U013T. ' muce, W.A.Mc % Quick meals. W S R Elotinee ..... . I — CLARX.18.113 . COMI y House cleaning,Gee Potts ............ 4 Mktch- Gioomi's gift to the bride was toria County undei the, most amspic, for the mouth of March.-M-Uattle worth Lea ue have chosen Messrs Goo O.... . I . I r 11 .. I Meaning the end, Plurnsteel Bros 4 i a sunburst of'pearls. Both brIde"and, lousdircurnstances. At2,30 pan. the.. -Tartier, Oscar Ball, Harold Turner, Hesselwo65, H 1,yon, M Braithwaite, . Bru$S'018 I I . I I , . I 1' all paper, Cooper's Book Store.:::,'4 groom carry with them congratulat- Preshytery of Maidaud was constitat. -Sadie Walters, oscar .Switzer, Will R Oarter Jos Manning, and Goo Lyon The maple syrup vendors are neither . . Plim. 13. 1 1 i Many a time, W H Hellyar .......... *. 5 ions and best wishes for there future efl, Rev. Mr. Smith of Vine River a3 Walters, Frank O'Brien, 111-Pemlem for d0or-keepers at the entertainment few nor far betvVeen. , C.P.R. Telegraph Agency - 11 SPVU*lg wants, R - Adams ............. 5 happiness from a host of friands and Moderator. Aftor the customary for. Ball, Herman Crich, Melville Walters, on Good Friday evening. Th . I - . . s'Pro' 'Several lopsiness changes 'the Clinton Foundry, H Bidwell.....51 acquaintances." The old friends of the malities of the Church,relating; to bus, Wellington Orich, Nelson Oricb, IJ_ ceeds of the entertainment are to be . . I - .... .. I _ . To the public, J P Sheppard & Ca .... 5 br.1-de ill this locality will extend hearty, iness on hand,bad been attended to by Alina Gibson, Ida Ball, John Turneri devoted to rep . airing the. verandahs of in the. near future in town. ' I --- I ft .. Mouse to rent. F Watts .............. 5 cc ratulations to, her - find her b,uN. Rev, Mr. McNabb,clerk,Rev, Mr. May. Grace Walters, Mary Turner, Myrtle and painting the parsonage. - "; . . Brussels Odd FollowsLodgeand En- . . I I b . I I ­ , . _ mO5 for a 10 . I . , carripmen . —_ . Notice, Peter Gunn ....... - ng, happy and prod-erous er of St.' Helena, preached a powerful Cricb, Russel Crich,13, [den White, Etta I... t have had a busy tithe with . . 1 5 4. 1 I . 5 life. . . . . and intereting sermon to the I Irrge con- Riley, Myrtle Rogerson. I --Toch 6ib. 211r; I,ExTnrtTAixmENT.-The eom- * initiati n and degree wor sf&%%,111^A , ftftAm 9irI wanted, New Bra.... * ­:::: *:: *: . . gregatioia present. Rev. 4r. a, t Wittees'in charge at the 112 -in -VI Ea- 0 . k. . . . .. . I I . I w1shart son, I, OrIch. Dalbert. Riley. J'Gran , -ennid Club talk of givip .a big . . . Wanted quickly, Frank Frank ....... 5 , of Brus Is was then called teacher. . I tertainment to begiven itt the Landes.; The'l I . . r4 ' 0 , ' For s%le or rent, Mrs 0 Tebbutt ...... 5 upon by . boro Methodist church on the evening Concert with outside talent. I -is an . winghlim . the Modeerittor to Ive a narrative Of Xo'r.v,%.- Mr, Wm 0. Lautlesboro annual affair and is always good.' QUICK MEALS - c . I . .0 Sale Register, Thoo Brown ........... 5 has'closed their stoiie in town,anol ha v- the vacancy mud his oversight of same. his farm Pr the I . . ' ' . I - to prospects each has of surpassing the Street Commissioner,Oliver has been MEAN - Saleof furniture. Miss Susie Townsend5, NOTES. -The -Taylor-Atiderson Co., the events if the congregation during nioved his household effects back of Good Friday, are jubilant ov . Now for Easter, Newcombes .......... 8 ing ceased to manufacture the lines as Moderator of .Sessions pro tern, last week from Goderloh, other in thLir program. The Epworth busy removing Winter aceurqplatlona . I . . .. . ,I . . . where he has resided for -pne year. A League appointed two committees of from the Maiii street'. I - . .. kept in stock will dispose of the hat, ,which was done in a very. . . . I . . .SLOW PAIN .1 . . . ance of the stock by . wholesale. concise and number of We fminiters have made a management ;' ch­to be responsible . . I - . . L . . . I . P . I They pleasing inatinsr. -Rev. Mr. Ferguson large quantity, ornimp I ­ , Architect Ireland, of Stratford, has . I syrup -thia for a program and to to given half the edu asked to prepare plans for L the I L . have iemoved to Seaforth. I I is the eighth minister to -L Oe I . b I . . . I . pupy the year. Mr. George Turnelhas been laid tithe en the evening of the entextRin- new 0 . You swallow in a hurry,- you . WODDED.-A very quieb,'but pretty Pulpit of Knox cloureb. the other be- up this wepk -to.: a few - clays. Miss ving the arnegie building. to . be .etected , ' ' . . . I I - . Ing Revd 0; Stewart, McLean, Wilkins., Pickettoft I ment, And the committee gi here. I . . .L. .. I . I - INDIGRSTat leisure. - . . . I . I 1. matrimonial event was witnessed in own 1.8 visiti,ngin this neigh- better program is to be entertained at . I . . . I -1 the Methodist Church,- North Toronto, Lb6w Hall and Mastie in 'the. order borhood for a few days. Miss B..Jlnhns the expense - of the others at some tot- Robert, Fox, fattier of drugg - Here's ii quick relief . and a - , , . ' . I on Tuesday, March'23rd, the contract- named. The I _tot Fox, I , church lei I tr a proqperous returned home. for the Easter. holidays ure date, Since they were appointed fell last, week and. injured his left arm. an I reprocess of digestion, . . L . . condition, being free from debt and on Thuraclay,L bad so severely he has had to carry it in a . , I 1. ing parties being MiEfe Mabel L. 008- owittiog a fine church and sheds, also . Mr. L. Gieve 0, each has strugg101 with might and . . .. . ' I i 115APLE SYRUP ! ford of Wingbam and Mr. J. -Shortill, very successful sale on Friday last. m?,in to be tbp ' While each I . I 'It means food0for body and . . of Galt. The cereniony was preform. Manse and grounds, The manse,while 'The Beef Ring will commence for the . winner, aling.. - - I L 1. . I . , Simper Idem, bran d, 25c per qt. I ed by Rev. W. W Sparling,in the pro.; nab a new,building is- ttying to keel their program a se- The victims of la grippe could be brain, and does the Work while I I , has been in ,haticla surnuser the latter part of. this month. cret enough is nown to assure the numbered by the score, but no fatal ' . , MONEY . . i series of the immediate friends of the of decarators and is now ?* very ni-,e, Mr. FrankPIdwes has ongaged'Mr. Jde your out Of ordor'stomach rests. ! . . , public that neither will lack in either results haye resulted % e are glad. to . . . , 11 I . I I . I - . In the comb, 20c each. b d d ' Mr. And Mrs. Shor- residence. - qdioper, of Egmondville, for this sum- qu4ittityor-oltiality -ItWasaupliosed btate. ' . . 1. I : t . room, , .*— . . . 1 ur Own byspeps4a Cure i In pint jars, L t i e "" ,, g an . . . . . Joe must be English as he al- at first that 0 >5c. " am' e On extended trip . ­06derfeb. . Mer. the programs would be . ' ' '. I . . ted States,-pri6r to Mrs. Jas. Maxwell has been danger. . . I wi v fivtti by purely. local talenti'but it has busly ill gives relief in 5 minutes, $ y I PICKLES tb"u h the Uni i . .ways. strikes a good table. - Miss Carrie ha ta ntou rout a severe hemorrhage, but . . . eir ( -f . takin g up th residence hi. and oi WIlAummun IxPROVXXENTA. 7jas. Shipley, Of Clinton, addiessed Turn-. eaked out t t , lent from.011 , . I . . I g Is Somewhat improved, we are pleased . . I . .* . , Leg.'s Sweet Chpw. 925c per qt. Sasketchewiin.- Oborne;,su erinteridentof the -C. "Blyth, Harlock, Constance. and other to state, I . . , R., er's Epworth League an Sunday even- , . . Toronto, - agineers 11, Ing %yea, vety. interesting talk, I)Iaces, as well as local talent; will take . I . . . .* . .. Wresh Cabbage and Lettuce. 1.1 the neyt - towns in --"'— - -7- . . 6rtzebe;g.- . and _ ,. aud g, . I . I . I . : . .. .. Walkeri'with Assistant Sit which was very. . ra Win' Toesday evening of last week D D 0 * . , , inton I r. . . . , . perijiten- The people a much. appreciated part in thent. Three persons, M $ . Ceo. McLennan & Co., C1 Exete dent MeNeilley, of London, were here f Turner's will ,welcome. Lvon,'RewLeckie,and Dr. McCallum .M Dentist Fowler, ,of Listowel, paid - W.S.R. Holms I 40ash and Trade for Butter and h NOTE .-The irtuerslilp butihdgs of y . ,her,= anytime she should fi hive been -chosen' to judge the pro). his Official 'visit to St.- John'O.110oinle I . - - '. . . . . . on. Monda evening, .consulting the t ud . ­ . gg'- ', Bawden & McDoutkell,hDrse;dealers has Town Oouncil with regard to building lent . to . be present. , The - Lodge here, . . Ph' B - " . -- ----- ins, which - commence at 8 o'clock, ­ M .. . . .1 been disablved by nautual consenti the sheds and wh0fage and the bringin annual.meetling of -the League will be agur: r p. : . ''. ­., .. . ._ . . . . . . . * , , . . , ­ I . I - --I I latter takingov& the busintiss. and will here of two boats mw,eek of the Mub . held on Thursday-ev enink.of this Week, . . : . , . . . ­ I . Last vreek , Iiss Robertson, 11,09t- $ ,.'-'NAnUfae1.Ur,1q,g clibmisti. .. . . I continVe atthe' old stand. The,f1rin iial Trausit.Line, plying1rom' Glad. aftill. attendance of all interested In - . ' . .1. .1 I I master Pairow'e"bousekee r, fell aii . .. i I . - . Central Business College, . been an extensivet importer - and stone,.Mich, and handling fi.our;and League work is; reolviesto-d., Mr.. .R." - ':, . ' Auburn . I the stairs and broke one .lie her arms. 71%,%- qw**# . . ' . I . . . . . I I . I I . t has Carter. has impro'ved his home cousid near the. wrist. . -_ . . dealer in entire'liorses, iiiid few im. package -freight forex0orti. - . . . . . .1 . . . . . _ -_ - , - I Strattord, Out. I . . erably this.spring. he has bee'n mak- . BAPTIST- Ortunca-There will be a The Garside-3ames Ry -taw' ty rried . I I . . . . ,porter have 4' record to thWr- LITERARY CONTOGM-The,conclud- Ing a change in the witiolows,. by in, Pdal Hatiter service at . the I)aptist here on *Ntond,Ay by a vAe of 188 to to. ' ,SeaforthStockShow. *ift- T,_4 ; . . t - 9 'goo 6, . ' 71t.h '. credit or both and quantity of,, urch, gn Sunday next. Th6 pastor .. X. , - , ­J= ,_­­ ., I . ' Perlence to ibg.rnse tinf of the - Litsrar%ociety . stallink an * up-to-date . oat. This comnany intend ininufacturing M Itr_=:, . . *t 'Weulylwo Ve Irs. ex hov'ses - Mr, and . : . . .r recognized as f rouaht quvl xtie country.. .. I . . . it. gr dit th1p ..Ilisg,', is b .tit, t . , . of the Cc le'giate -Itisrtitute as held M will reach on "The Resureeddri"' and , The annual Spring Stock' Show wail ' ' ..test Practical t_r.InIng school I in I . . . ­ .. 1. rs. Frank Layton are' im -og to 'Chair will render &' elect c h . elaical fire appli"ce%-. . , , Western Ontario. . . . , I . lastr4rlilayevening in the assecubly their new home -on -the 2nd Ov' the lint6n . I . . . held 'on Friday April 0; Ii. The weather ' " ' . I . : . ' And took the form 'a"", all . A ' . I I room of the school, . ion of Music during the service, .1 .number 'of delegates frnin toWki was decidedly unfavorable and'the . . ' Three departlIkentfi: COMMeretal . , . . 'Beftmiller. - . * , the Towasendfarin.Which he. reuted, . . . Vill) attend -the Oo. W C T U 06nven. . I at- . . . . - 8horthand and Telegraphy. . . I of 6, series of literary . contests for Their friends areplamsed. that they &to . CoNcRUT - The' Publ116 Library hold tion. m-Blyfli onThursdav of this week . teriditnoe Was iniieb sinaller In conse- ' . PUROHASED A FAippr --Am) rooe %ran- pilzesi There Were three bonteste,one I ­ I I Our classes are the largeso. our co stone . ,bas,purchased t I one notleaving-the 2nd as. they -are good a first class concert in the Tempsmanca -The ladies are 9,reat'viorkers he . quence than usual. There were a vood . . . urses belong , he farm recently _ in oratory, one it! readirig and'. neighbors. Mrs; Ralph, White of the' fElail on 14 riday eveningi when Will J . I . re, , number of entries and the rivalrywasi . '. * , ' inost Practical and'our instructorS ex. 'ringtoMrsHartt, Aox%ever,he in recitation, -and'the 6 ents - were 2nd con., who has'- beet) i i I . her, White, popular Oon4ort comedian and . . . , for 190 . g v TheFoo03all club arg miz'el , 0 fairly keen.' The pr4e-wlioners were.-- ' . . Perienced. Our graduate# assisted to does not take possession for some iimte keenly contested. The winners were ParelitsatWitithrop, retvlslttnlome Miss Florence. Wright. soloist an Fridav and PurPt'se going after the - — 1 . I I . . : Positions and succeed as none others. as the prr;perty was rented- td Writ. as follows:. and . .., , I Enternaw. oet our ftee ommogue.. Oke for a three year term, which does . For the orAt6ry *conteot,. .this weeh. Mh 1ohn ArMurt0ong has planoist, both of roronto, will give I Intermediate silverWAre licit foot, isup- . HORSr,S!, . ., d; . v . _ Address W. H. SHAW, not 6 pire till April, 1910. . Miss-Augnsta, McLeod: fbir. thereading, been improving his home. Ward was a first class entertainment. ' .. I '. p'ose the 1) think they have a r'ght ., Aged Clyde stallion -J, J, MdGavin, , . ,..,.l es. . . I . .1 . I "; Robt.. Pirchell, "Mos , - "' ' x . . . . Donald Clark, and for the. recitation, receiv . .. , to it; after Oys nine; it4htee'tiines. Crown Gold* I. 11 I . . - I I . ed thatMiss Minnie and -Edna . . win, . . .. I - I . I . Miss Levy.'. Th' very .intek- NOTES.--:- May StalkeT left)ast week trapper Obarapion";.Leloei . Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. . . . ' " ' I . I ate was a .. U Icoat, daughters ,of Mr.' A'.'Elcoat, to accept a position in a- butter -factory 11448. MeRFTS Powell and WishArt, "Dannydeer.'! . . & moon.. - I I I . Read our New St'orY, S4The,1V1n Ps Ing programme of.musiral and liter. who have 'been. visiting' in Kan' at Putman. Mr. and Mrs. J. Snider, and Messrs Ft?X, Wood.Grant.Hunter,' Three yeai.old Clyde stall I ion-Thoit. . I . g , . . . 1-1 , , . . , , , ,. . . . . . I .. I . . . , . . . I . I lbe M, ornt ng ' ' ary s -e . lectioris in addition to'the con- sa, this Winter Will retucti.bome thi.e. of 06derich visited at Mrs,-Ferguson's, Jack en. arid.Pryne..attended the Mis, . . . . Z W . . . of'. I . : . , ., teats. ­ . .. .: . . , .. . 8 Dickson. . . I . . . .. , I I .. I I I V *, , I I . ' , 0 1,7Z 1 - 1 $ ; 0 Z . i -.4 I 1 $1 t I I I I Pr I I' I . . I w ol Mrs. A, - Efcoatj who. on Sunday -lait. 'Rev., A. X. Mhes, siOnary Congress atTaronto laqt;meek, - TwoP,Vear nl ' I . --- . . . . . .eeki Mr. an N NMI I PRESENTATION -' I . . I - I I v&-stalllon-T. J,.. :1, . I 1 .. . attended the. Laymen's ffissionary 'a'34 .'ng accou ah, I I . I . I . I . .1 On Wednesday have been ill with Gr1pp&,',.4re,,.we are I gi;v.e gla*k Im in% '' . . I nw. of the great- MeMIchael,Wm : I . . . . . . I . . i . I . , . , I . . . . . tivening-last, at one -at the' delightful pleas.ed,t*o.k ow,recovering,nii. ely., Convention in Toronto last, week. The gathering.., ." , " . I . . bluri) Stallion - Goiget & Hudson T - I . . .social- entertainments for which the — - I .1. . : 1 . I . . I .1 . i ; I ' Ordered . I . . , 'Leagues held.a social- -evening takinLr vew pia e of this qi'ze a),e as,. spni,ty Skinner. . 1. . I .. - . I ".. .. _Reaft-inade , . Marino SciciaO.Club has become famous .1 .I. : --mayflild . , . .. the form of a-tafty-pull at the home 6i in the bovse line 9 Brussels' and thei,e H,ickhey Stallion-m-Thoa; n , ' . ''. . I I I , - ' . t. ImAnvy CLOSIZIG - Comm ucirig on a B. Knox this Week, J Earnest ,Shipley. . ­ I . .. . ; ClothingMorrish &, Crooks . Cloth in g, the president of the, club was presen . Mis .. . .. . Skin' or, I - , I . . . '... . . ed with in address -"d a 'gold heac are now probably A sbore of likely, pac-' . I - I '. I . .- q.., . I led Tuesday, April -13th,. the:. m6rchants Robertson came home train Stratford Ara and trotters within.the coirorittion . . Road Stallic -_MWM6.6 . _.__ cane on behalf of the wat hersi sisters here Willolose their stores at 0 o'clock on Tuesday foe: the holiday seaso The 1. . mile.-tracli- - Aives a . g '' JOSI 'n"W.' Beiry & -Saits, .1 . .. , __ . I I ­ . . . . and lady fribuds of the menibers. The . U. fine ... . Ood 6ph Reynolds, 0. A Heindtir0an., : . 1.1, . i C . - . . : each Tuesday and Thursdaybven M ' Bert - Wilkaiis ,of 'Goderich _U. *, . i. .. 1- .. Reavy,'Draft Brood' -e-1471- . . . I- i0r. rs. has I . . I " , a .o. - . . , - . t ... . UNT'. Most of us think of clothes -economy as cheapness in .the .original cost; few'of us S10 to think that Map clothes ' mean some -thing cleverly hidden be- .hind a presebtable appearance. . I inception of v, e club a couple of years I I . . I f . 1. .41111ter M ng .. I . . I I . . I . . MARRIED - The banle Of Mt been visiting mb h'er'llorne here, Miss , . I Black,Janles Carlin, Issac MeG . . I - I ., . . ago was the idea of Mr John:'Bedford,* ' I John A large share 4 1 rollrnivary- work , avin, I . I . . , 'Galbraith, St A Ladd is spending the holidayseason . . I Two Year F illy or Geldiug.-G. W. - I I who wasolected president, and be -has 'I.. anley To., wasthe scene . is being done by the Oraingernen Inok- Nott. - . . % I . .. , . . . takien a "very 'active. interest -it the "' ,,let butLpretty wedding,onWed- Willi relatives at Pieston. 8 Knox is inir toward the big Celebration to bo .1 . . .. - . t , 0 " M *i9itingat.his-grandpardrits., RobtA ' - Agri eultural -. 'Do "I liesda . . Brood Mare -R ig, . L clubeversince. The club was formed Miss I ba arch 31,st,when his daugh6er held. hereon July 12tb. Itisexpen&d . to provide'a.place oVineeting, and a lina, Was uiiitdd inmArriage Roberton has bought - the Auburn G. MeMichael,Charles Wright I 1 . . , : to Mr Cha llo,use, and of ter repairing. . accomoda- the gathering .will exceed any Of its Agrtealtural Two 'Year- 01 1"wm. - - ..,l . ceremony w . as perforr I . 'Ingip. - . ! i . form of arriuseri cut for the mariners a T Marks, of Bayfield. Tile, tiott will be- opened up. . John Fergus. 'PredeCeSSOtpLaa to attendance.' ' ' Dale, H. Aikenbead, ,Win. - - I . .. US. I during theyinter Months Land the ad. tied by Rev. Win . . I - . I . . on leaves next Tuesday for Winnipeg; Poultry keeping is arousitt'g 0611aid- Single Roadater-3 ' L ,_. I L I I . . I .vantag s of inch an organization wer Elinde. .`Bath contracting ,parties tire 6hn -A MeNaugk- _S. 11 . . . L . . , I very, welt, arid,favorably' known and -at his old wark- with the Canadian ersible attention beno, thio *irit.or,qnd ton, J 0 Robins, H Bossenberry. . 11 L .. I .1. I very appropriately recbkriized ,in the Bridge buildi 0 *A V Johns I . I . .. . . . presentation las.' Wednesday. I I . tbe kood wishes of, all go With them. . ing,. o. . very. . . doubt, . Roadster Tearn-Dr H. H Ross, Luke . . . I I I good st6ekintroduced which.no I . .. . . . ­ The couple - wgre the recepi.ents of accePulauly LOOK n8v.&E, i ones circuit Will. -Mean a widpr inferpst. in *outside Fortune, Wru, Dmle. ... .., I I . . I 1. . .. . . .- BEAUTIFY TRE: -Tbw,N -.The town. Many fine presetits,a worklast Sunday during hisabsence e.ompetitions, Rev Mr Powell has the Heavy PrAftT"mi,A Stnclair,lsaad . - % . . -ovgfit to -be Mare beautif ul than ever 'I . further testimony at Toronto Oongeessh. An auction sale first instaltnebt of chicks.froin his in. Alc0avin, , I : , -the oamin to their popularity -. . . .. . . I , .. I suninter,r.itiolging by the - . - . I . . f Stock and houvehold articIpswill bo, ctibator. - . . .. . . . Agil -*A V Jayni, J B. I I .1 I , _ ,a 0 .. . I . . . . I. cultural Teani- . I the %orticultu Society and MOTB M aLRichardsonteudered held by Mrs' R A Sprung at their haftie. . MeLea , It Offarters&.8on. . . . wa I . - . . ... _1 theytown council are -tumbling over a beautiful solo in St-AudOetvs church on Monday.. the 12th. Mr and Mrs H Thursday" lasb was t1le" Monthly Gene'ral.Pu'rpose.-Team-Jose 4Re,v- , ' . i , r , - -- 19'at Sunday Mokning.- The-Musthrd . Speting leave Wednesday fov lReginal - , . proo Fair-thd - 144 forAlids.se.a.9op.. .. . . each othii, in'the desire, tO­G,ft0*r 1priZOS .11old% Wim Ryder. - , . . - ­­­­ . ...... . ....... L''' .1. .. . I for the best kept grounds and boule- will have been Idle for two days owlng Jbhu Sturdy,,J,r., of Loring, is herie Big -prices ' were paid and consequent1v - - . 1 I . I I I . vardR At a ineetine some'time ago to necessary repairs to the enkine. I . L. . . . nuincirous sales rnade. Thos. S.mith . BULLs - , - , . -, . abouts., I . I . . . . . # . . I I . . I . . - 'Shorthorn Bul),. three years arill, . theHorticultural Society. .decided to rhe fishermen are prep&% ingto launch * . . I shipped a car to Montreal and WAlter I cffer prize in heir boats forthe'season's work. Mr. . Intended for last Week' : - . Lowry forwarded another to theWeyt. bver JaruesMcilntosh,John.11ay, . . his a tbe-varlbus Wards for t . . ; ". . .. . - I I purpose, and at. the last Meeting J. Gardiner. has sold his .black Ariver, NOTE. -Mrs. X. J. Asquith1as re;. .12 cars of horsA have -beefi .shipped ShOrWarn'Bull, two yeat.46ld-J A I . I of Lh council there was a del- .for.thejsatnof_-$I50. Mr. Thoihs6rifs turned froin Kineardine, where she had from here thi Spri I . . . . e town ,he,ll a. ng so fai- * - - ­ - - . 1 I . I I . e ation . sawmill in the,townsbip is ag ,un ,beon.called through need Of. h6r . .,.Smith. .. I - . . 1. I , present from the Horticultural &in i - . . WO haq.been contributed t6gissiong $hortharn BiM, one year old-Tatne;x - * . . . . onaid who f,rthepa,,t]2 wobtbF;bv-the*.Mt-(;ho. 04pWant. ba ters& §on. . . . 1, I I sg . ocletv to ask permission. to go into Ing.: .The public school examinations sister, Mrs. KermethMerf) R'C '.. I . .. . the initter of civic improvement with are. no* in'Pro ress. . Toe Rev, Mr. ased away on the Oth of March, aged dist Sabbath,School of this pla,ep. -L . . . r I - . I . . 1. . . ... . . .. I . I I ), very e1equent ser. P years. . . thepark9 committee of the, council. blew 63 i - ast 04 . I', This:coromittee alga brought in' a fe Man ill St. Andrl I . . . . Siinday tbp collection -*as $20%fto Read our New Story, 'The *Ifigs . . . Iport recorn ti*i aws church, Sunday - inab put in abock soine new Pabteins in roinoi. complete tbe'am6unt, Miss .P6.qsie 1. . of the Morning-," . I ading the setting aside Morning. The Revd McConnell has Cloth, L'ArPOLR, blitting. Lace Our. Mitrhell. a tencher.wbo was removing - - ­ 1. . .. I I . -1 .. 1. ... .. of a son) for prizes, but in View of"the entered on' .his duties as' rector of ='d"Co6tage Poles. Wall Papers, potatoes to. the West, was viresentpol With a a . I I . : . . . .. . : Horticultural Society's offer the whole Tr uity Church, .preaching his first wAntecl, . W. T. RIDDELL, . . . I I . . . _ Il . I ... _ . , s Jewel Cass,and a gold-w4tch cha' . I . i matter was referred back to, the cotn- sermon on Sunday last, The Revd ' I 4 , , . . . it), . I .. I . . . . . . . I . *6 we I ; i . mitt6e to reconpider . ' . ­ Writ Hinde' and daughter are Moving , I Brucefleld .'- RALUIAG, afternpon of thl , k a - I . . . I . . I , . . . . Pnblic mestinte will be held in tbelown Cam'era'Suppfiie s -, , . '. . .. I . . 0 .1 I . -, into "Woodholuie" the residence of . NOTES_ReV,.'j1r, SM41j; of.131vtil, Hall to organize the pliannsedBrusspig, I I I . . -, . siatorth . Mrs Hudie.- . I . .- I 11 . . .1 . I - I . . . I . . preached in the Presbyterian church . Greyand Morris Itaral Telephone on.; Just reeolveil, a fiqw a ly of I . . . - LnAvixo- MrW`J Moffatf,who his .. . , ", an Sa:6batti lastr Mr., Cautelao, 011n' It, is expe0ed . there, will he aboul; 200 1 Films, Self4ionitig,* P. ME and. -. - - , . I been principal of Soa:foeth public - Stanley . I ton, shipped a large quan'tity of beaus tshones when the.canvasg is compteted . I Gas"light Papers and Post Cards, . . school -for the past seven ,years, ,has - ­- Mrs Robert Pe-treonoollid her , froul, our station lAst' week: fariner& The work will he pushed along a.tbheo I . . NOTES- I : Developing. Toning, and -Fixing . tendered hi's .resignation to . the board, son Lesdej went to London, on Thura- are finding beano a paying croo. Miss 'trnd Ing Powders and Solutions,- card I I ' . ,ons t' ' " the line, Beussels',will - . . I . I .91? Moffatt hag ,Accepted .& Position as .da ,' to eperid Easter with friends JennieMcBeath has gone to Seafoith have the Cential office. 1, : Mounts. Prititi frarnes, Teles,- * I .1 . . . 1. science and triathertiatioal intisterin and acguaintances there. - Mr A ' Mo. to take a position in A. Music store b I ast 8 I toiday Was MW,ndnsixy and, ki copic Tripods, ifrays 1,erkoty e . I . I 4 I I and . work for I I I Plates, 11tithating Knives. Rub -1, . . I the 138W high school at ObAville, , Brien Uas been engaged to . Varblers arebe,ginning their .sprin' , . 1 T mr ance day in the Poeshvt !a- . I Z Z Wil Assume tits now Prositiork-as spon ad IN In 1-irlann, for the suffluter montha. P Ow ug- . . . he is released froth his duties in Sea, bilr OArriere, wife and family r4bturned `401D Iday evening last , . CM NtT-On VA . forth. will -be'a Matter of v- —, to their honie Grand Bend A- tP - a t. S . . ., I . . I . a 9 9 — the date wen bad the r evening otni . . I I . . I .. ' that Vir Moifatb is leaving here. He dayf.Mr Cay'riere enjoyed very, Much when Rdbtoefguson, of last ave ' I has beeii an efficient and painstaking the UyInen's Missionary 'meeting, in & a did lecturc on the lifiec" I . The clothiny of character, style and'.deneh& ' .+Aacho" "."A .I A.. h., . Toronto . I:?V ! ple l leth".eglm. and'Metborflof oburelles. in the forin. dr Rollers, Border - Masks, Bust- er ch urt*h Rev Ur Pickup spoke,on the er. Brown, .Apace and'Carbine Stodents' Forward Missionary Caro- Cameras, . - . . I inaign, in tbo morning. and Rev, Mr. Developing and PrinCing done Kettlewell. Meld Secretary of the Do. .4- .4 & : ' . 'poet, ability. is cheap -and good, Made fr6m good - S Wimpagetnent the action) -bits Made considerable ad, I 'vanooment. 'lie . . . ergusun V nited a ac' ' ' nttaieea in .8tAnley; it is about, 113 Burns, His bearers Were All efeebrifled by, the stirring* addieas. Yhinion Allia,vibe, addrs-sgM tho'even. ir)g dongreg n'tion mi, "I'lie Battle I -. . AP V.".v pr ces. - . I . I . . . I 11 I I . . fabrics, with double seat i and knees, d6uble-stitch- - . In addition to,iiiis has taken m deep Interest in different town ,hi't"a'llve years since he left Bruce- _gy , Alias L Murray,London, return- He spoke of the greittliess of the poet and also of his feelings, Mr. Thomas with tho' bat room," The lattor reverend. . . . . . . 11 . ; .. . - . . . often we flnd the simplest Ways ac. cidents the moatolang6tons, ' ' , ed seams afid pockets, concave shoulders, un " breakable fronts, double elbows. Every. fashion- ' a1mirs,and will be Missed hi that wmy, At present he is seereti ry of the Maid' ed, harao on Saturday last, after a month's visit at her gtandmotbees Fraser had the chair, which he ably . .nll6d Messra Sa0a"Ittid. John Briden, 0ontliviali rrooihe4 At thp inornino, sorvive in the 'Mathil(lik, eliurch'and AtissptirotIle, W 0 ftr U(sslonarv,. Of . I"" . 4T4.:P_;. 11400-VI&I-V I , able idea is' presOnti drand we know Of.no bett re . er of Trade'. and is alsoqa member- of the public, libomy boaid. 111anew positiorr Mrs John XcCowmn. UtaWmGlenn oes to Toronto, to -spend LkLstot.. Mr lite gave several selections, of Soottish songs which: ivere ivell rendered and Fort William. occupied 6e oulpit ,it rpelit, The riddress Was oveellent and . ispen ing Ohemist, , U -_ - . I _____ __ . . . I . clothing anywhere. I . I however, is' ittl Kavancerhent and'on that score his friends will oxtellra- con. I MeR Isven;son of Mr"Mat McHlwen, left On Tuesdav, tot, missionary WorZ appreciated by -all who. heard. then), Wisa 1%. AlcDonald acted as organidt. . . *,111, bear frult. . I I 11111'1jJ11_'J­L1I L "' ''. L I - I I . . L., I., I. . I 1, 11, L i 6104 'J'' , 1J, I I i . . 1. 11 11 . I I I . . . gratulatialls. , , I in, the North W. e t. , , . a I . I . 1. I . ' ' L Th E A0 L 8 O'N 8 3 N -K A . . I . . I . I . I I Suits $1.90 to $10.00, . . I _.'' . " ... ., 410_,. . I . I I I . summethtli . . . . . . . 1. I . I I.. I — , I 0odet10h'T0*nxbiP1' I NoTirs-The debate I I .e6lborav . 111F Xt ,R -A good number fronl'this . L I I I I " NOT0.4.- Mrs.J.'Goldthat,pe of God. has been given luCoiels' church last Wednesday., night wag a vicinity visited 011titon last Vreekou P air day, which was a decided success,,- , . I Incor orattd 1831i, I I I . . . . / W10 _4111 -it - - _ - , 2, , ,ft I erich visiting her sister Mrs, t1ir ti 10-1 . . very interesting eve t, -'Res:)Ived that . n the weather beip veryfavor(thle. One I . " I I 4 A and frionds, Quite t, city life bad more advantages than of i Lovi anyrifterla Valitatia horses 1_1' ­ - J 0a Ital'I'Amm, S3,50 0 . . munber in this localltv arc, bilov Mato COLIntr- lilr-* goQ V ,.A,., ,_ .;4 A.., I A I U 1. I 1 t, I- .* . to .revers ulluren, vras Mr. J. It. Lowery at and the same teach The A. Y. A A. had in tLadhadaz enjo, 81001,010869on Thorsi holidays and will re o nineteenth On Wed lea Guild had a sileees tba home of Mrs,. 0, : , Sunday th,? i - WX0 VXA th9Jl1dg68 gave it in favor of tile neg-, AM 0 er, ru V." 313D WOU 4 t: AAK kicked by another horse. Mr*Allin I . Rest FUndo Ar $30506,000 . " .1 i ,often with St. ,-Opened with uporintendant; ativeby,onepaint, Mr.ThosElwood while ongagea in, drawing out manure be is rutting an addition to his house by .en arging the u Or At()Vy- We Wish Zb .. I . I . I RM 60" Bralleheg in Cafta&4 and Agents and Corresponde ts In Ali 11 i as fortnerly. soinowhit lost his.balm nee and fell on his arm breaklug his wrist'--bovv 'Of to eorrecta slig, ekrov fit I&at wdeles news- in8tead.of y1ohn Trick, it wag , . " the'PrInelpal Cities lit W World. ' I . ,. social oven- )Iq thrie, The . often we flnd the simplest Ways ac. cidents the moatolang6tons, OhaaVvidk renewipgoldnequalp A ces I th on tho Maitland. A numbbr of 11 . , A GENERAL SANIKING 1313SINISSITUANSACTS06 0 rfortheltlmter , — 4041. people ore rushing out their potatoes this SAVINGS 130141K DEPARTMENT -- ' I oil April the sday the Ud. ' 1700TUALLS, bhftebAlls, marbles, and it 1-neeting I' At ,AkIPPIng ropes are In evidence find 6 Week;& few carloadoaro b6ibg shipped, a fair price Ist being realized. —44 I I . J I At all 11ratieltoirs Interest allow0d 4t highat curreat rafto . I , WeTys. r , I I 11 1UO A19U that bpfltig is here at tot, I I see "oliftavilto news ou Paso, fi'm 'I Clinton Branch, - - ,C, E, DOWDING. Manager I . I 1: I _____ __ : I — .---- -.,. .. .-,-. -----,---.--- I --------- __ ___ - _J . 1. A"