Clinton New Era, 1909-04-01, Page 8V
Novv -
V, 'Jur
PrIJ79. Goa
I NeWs good nevlis. for anyone having any Coat bu
i�gp d We have secured the floor 'stock of Spring
Cbatsfrom. one of thb largest Coat and - Suit. Manu,
1� facturers in the Dominion, 4nd �ave been fortunate
:J, in securing them at pril4es which. should ol6ar every
oac before Easter, tbey.�ome at least - eight. different
styles and as many"cloths, such as fancy fawn stripes
in semi fitted styles, pl'ain'fawns and black. Every
coat is brand new this season. beautifully made per.
fect in, fit AI.,L READY TO -DAY.
Beautiful New 'Dress, Goods
For.. -EASTER,
The display of Dress Good; we are making this
year it; head and shoulders above anything wi-- h a ve
ever,�efbre shown. More* new cloths and. colors,
more� exclusive patterns, more variety than ever be --
fore. VVe are, selfing Him Dress Voods now than
any time sluce this. store started, which goes to
show that we haie the correct goods. Miss Brown
who has charge of our Dress Making
dipar�ment is
turning out splendid -work and with thiz help of ti�o
or three more experienced assistants' will be, better
preparcd to accomodate her custom�rs
A, Few' of the Many
New Spiring Dress Goods
Ifeautilul Shadow Strilf 01 d0i 8.5. 90C and $ 1405
.Some beautiful new dress goods for, whole dreases,
Anil suits in Satin finish, Shadow stripe cloths, in Navy,
Black, Myrtle, Brown, Taube, Bronze. Old Lose, Saxe$1 21
Blue, Ttn, etc. .Prices, 60c 85c, 90c, $109'and.... 15
..Plain. Cloths*
01 everv. De.scriptiot'i
Our Stock of P) %in Dr6ss Go6dd-ls� rbliiarkai)ly large,
They come in Broadcloths, Ve,etians,Artcurias, serges,-
Poplins, VolIes, Taffetta Clotbs,.Chev�ots Cris�ines,.Qrepe
Do-Ch6nes. etc.,Satin Cloths, Directorie Satins, etc. Suit.
able for 'princess gowns, separate. dresses . And skirts and
tailored suits, almost any color you may ask for IS now in
stockat:60c, 75c, 85c, $1, $1.215, $1.50, $1.85-ind,'
$2.00 per yard. All the new trimmings and, insertions.
to match,
What About. You r, Easter Hat'
Have'you seen
combes' Millinery.? An
immen�e dis`play� df Ahe
newest creations".-�� flor ,
Faster. awai,tg" yo*u,—no.
wh�ie - else 'near'. h&e
will, yoii be able to gee
such -a beAutiful displav
of.high class hats, and
P and so moderately pric,
ed -,-Get your order, in:
fib) �v :early'so you will �ot be'
d s�tppointedfi6r Easte'r,
alrea'dy the orders*.'are
-pouring Jn, so don't
A Word AboutLace Curtains -
We are ip h. p9sit,14 to give .,�ou an imr nense
range of choive in curtains of all -the different kinds inclu'd-
Ing Brussels Nets, Fish Nets, Irish Point,. Nottinghain, etc.,
both - in White, Cream an'd Araah Shades. - Prices 50c, 15c,
New Waist A6ts�,
Another shipment of "Now Waist Nets'with hisortiollsi
to match. More than thirty different patterns Ili Waist, bets
and all-overg to ehoose'from. at this store; another pretty lot.
of designs just opened tkis week Including dre,93�6 -And filet
patterns. Pricesi4�C,50C,�70oto$3.-SOV�ei.yavd.
K d's for, Easter,`
Ago,od.stookotgloves to choos , s , froni here including
several of the best m4kes. full aseortment in rwatly 'every
size in Tans, Modes, NAVV, Xyrtle,- 13rown, Fawn ,tna
Black. Per pair $1.25,
Long Kid Glov�s Spiedal,at K10".
.30 pairs Lofig Kid Glovdso. in Pla�k o I
$3.00 quality., for h y".. eat,
Don't Fail. to,See
'Our Wash Goods
We have m6re than ton thousand yajda of Wabh doodo
includhig eyer,� color in Dross'%figbams,. Chatabraya
Unsling, Atd., Just opened this Weelt some beautiful SilK,
'Mulli And Now Stripe Linen for ��ash suitg, over severity
patterns alone in Scotch Deese Gillighams, at 10e� 12jo
14C to 360, per yAr&
'W". N7Wr!r1W1' WWJrWr?"W`rWT-W9r7TF7WVrW -4.
:gj III 1� I 111 11
Cu"T0us*—Tlw Custom;li Collect- Little 140(oh
lobe Attlie J)rt of Clinton for the
year en4lipg, *rob Met, ampontod to All thopprl
the very large sum of *==^ This as birds Are here,
11AM more than last year,aud larger Nod Urlteltili to 120WO for a few days,
th colleatiom for Any place; h
tb-l", a W T O'Neil lost a $W cow last week�
is tierlity.
Local NoUlcm
k�t4 Ong Oul 6 VrOnt4df 1110926, vt1cos
RA$HBALL.—A m Winter is certainly lingering in the
eeting of the IAP of spring,
skinj, wanted 0 30c Oacb,
BitoebAllL boys Iiii, called to meet A t the
14ormandie Hotel on Revular meeting of th
Good Fri4ay. I OuMondAy, April ,.a town Conn.
.Me meeting will be hold at 11 O'clock, b.
to, organize % baseball league for the Fred Chant is learning telograpbItig
district.. Delevatea from tho iteighbor. and other wQ(U at the 0, T R station,
cioloo: works of Art, 411 outjecto.
beauttful, pictures, unframed, at, loo
!ns towns will be present,
I Mr Alexander Powell, -of SaAfOrtb,
,eacb., See , out! window Saturday,
Weeldy WaWer, 'Fuiniture and Un-
WISH PRI-30AUTION.- Several ' ith Miss �Belzt Kennedy
members of the Fire.0rigade have been to a.
visiting tbediffemut industrial estall. Mr.1ohn Robinson, of Toronto, is
liabotents in, town And other place�, tci visiting his parents, Mr 0604 Mrs Win.
DR. OVENS,Loudoy, Surgeon, Ocu.
get some Mea of the intervAt arrange. Simpso I a.
list.-Speolatist, will be at' W. $- it,
Holm."' Drag sore, on Friday, Jgar:
ments, so that in the case, of a fire thev g $took Sbo;v is taking
would know better what to d , o. This The 8 rio Thtirsday, oneat Seaforth
place tzgalyl
26tb. Q'afisels properly fitted, deafness
IS a. wise step. I O-morr W.
.catarrh and f4fling eyesight treateds,
Hours 11 to -1 p.m.
TICKET AGENCY, -We unc7erstand miss Louie i1olmen, of Orangeville
that Ur, John Ranafor4t will succeed I 3§usdoeas college, will spend a week or
Ur, F, R. 41odgeris aq town Agent for 90 At home.,
the Grand-Trutik
Local, Neivs,
. Way. Mr. Rans- 1 Mrs D Jutior, who has been visitina.
fords 00160.48 easy of access, bet" In I in Sarnia and. Port Huron, ieturne
the Molsons Bank Is
QW.", - -or, Tororit:),% n. expe
, rt bull4erwas
Ing tr&vellers wilt r119ckv,and1v nd-i home on. Monday,
love ev4r)r court' I The 10 F'Ordec -T
esy and the fullest information. will meet . burstlay
:last �w
. aek-in.-town overhatillagand
tuning; the pipe organs in WIllisand
I evening next,tristead of t nighl;, the
ORG.A+N SALES.- Mr, Hoare sold a meeting ulght. 0
Wesley churches,
KONT"Up- A-Sallor-ininte r,tr4m'R,
One pinub eased Doherty Organ to b 4r, obert JRolmes left for Toronto, on
Alex Leitch, of'Oonstauce, this week, !
i Weduesday,'to enter on his duties as
Three And An organ tave bepri - .
'ped to beldog'to 0
whci. clijt wen bound
4nd.OaV4. the name of Miller,. got a ja4f
on m 8�r ttliait place.
a a 1 n", eyor a'
in to r eo 4
'�O r entertained 9, few
11 b r ' id n' 0
00 Tog hi vi I it 1 C eliliog
0,14st Thursday, And was acting dip-
ocderlyiwhen he was taken in by Chief
Welqh'. P. M, Andrews
f r "riv og V Mr` e ley lk_ I a dg o d
0 1 d r evenin Mrs W,
�so 1 ell oes
d a tat 4�
400 hort ap to r. D(� a 00 d on Mo 4,0,Y.
- sent him tip
to. 06derl,Cli for 80 days,
N to a , of e b 0'
Le rid 6 r big week' cn" tor urn, of the L H &
Lo 1
DI I D s
a 8 th p S t on on It
SSR -I m was u 2 ha srun for aweek,
1 40040 1'
ACCIDENTS- On Sunday evening
be M ai 0 V y bi PI - t4
A bdrew n . rids , on the 8 Ace bet ke by 06nductor
as Mrs Swinbank was coming out of
charge of issuing a forg 4 n
t 1
0 arg 0 it Ora net a 0, ren.
0, n 0. The O'Brien.,
Wnsjis inhu..0 h. g. A �A
complainant, --na 'Wr -f-h- OW -11—t -F
A-prP ist, xW9
w7l.. all Paper
Business is good with i s because
we ha:ve . tt big and well selected
assortment to ..fshow you, for one
reason . and because lo
f an onepte,
ional price inducement for huotber,
TH memo
wo D.*Frair 0
r1dwards, ofBruesels, bas now
ad berbAf Severely. : Mrs 0 Oyerbury the Bayffeld Road. Mr Brvdone 'P" got his well-dri(ling plant
inat:Vith' a, similar ace14-arit coming peared for Mr Sint tb, while Crown At- broke down on the way to t$wn, and
out -of NVIVIs Church, and though no torney Seager was the �roeeautor, The had to made a couple of trips,
bones were broken it is feared she way case lasted all sifternqnn, the court -
be laid, up for some time. room being denslev packed by Interest. I Thenewbale' on . the post office
edspectators. Aftera good dehl-of will eriable the fainkly of Air Walkirt-
PROPERTY CHANGUS-Mrs TOW'ns- evidence bad been Uken the Police i qhaw to have an airing on a summer
end has sold her house on Townsend Magistpate dismissed the charge. dav with -comfort and convenience. -
$6, to Was WhitelA,. Mr, Hawk is R y N 31 Leckie, - of Londesboro, is
. into his h�wse on Townes i NVOMENS.INSTITUTH-- The Wo- I tte
M()vl , D4 riding the Synod and Assembly at
St. itrogeptly -purchased from Mrs. Robt. meLi!s Institute Social -which was held
Moore... Mr. Geo. Cooper has moved at the home of the Seeretavv,Mrs F W Httmilt)n- He will exchange with
into 14r.Youvge'bouseon P Watts,Tbursday evening 25th inst'was Rev.'Dr Stewart, on Sunday next.
recently vacated by Mr. Ha fluress a.docidedsucces1q. Tbere�was . a good., Alissponnningtiame . , who Is known
mk�� I attendance of the members and ea6h as, it reciter of. more than Ord inary Drcss and, SOHN
P41LSTIME CLUB, Newton 35avis hrol,7ght a friend or two along. The ability. tnke.q part in an entertainment
and Eddie Sheppard first, part of the evenink, Was spent in at Teeswater in a few daya.
Went. to Loudoa
Us', week in reference to a pool table. sOcia-lob4tand,progtessiveflinct.. An 'I:h)e skating vink bas been dismantled
'But p6t'being satisfied they did nop enjoyable programme was then rpn-, and there will lie no more of this form
make it Purchase. What is expected ered after which lunch was Served. The of pl�asure for the prke8oefat; ' iihat thq
wi 1, he the last dance this season will annual meeting for election of officers. towri needs is & r14 much larger
'be held in tne,club room on Monday To t.
at forks fair spp!n
r�, will be held at the home of Mrs.' propor ions.
evening, April 12th. Whill on Tbursd%y,AprI122nd. Miss
To butt will give a -paper on I,What Miss Mary Chant, daughter Of Mr H
boo S we should read.' H 0hant, left for Woodvlll�, onFriday,
MIGHT HAVj4,' BEEN HU1tT A, where she has sedu�ed a 'position 16 No possible satisfacti6n, can
stnall.bok. in town found it largo.riffe: _. PRFSr,,NTATIO�.T,' At.the.cloqeof compaction with. the millinery depart -
bait cartridge the other* day. - He, also .,the regular proceedings of the Odd- mentofastore. equal the personal visit to this
found a holl� in the door stop.tbat it llows Lodge,'on Tuesday evehing, stQrei* when' the matter of
would fit by- pc-uptling, and with a lunch was served by Bro. W. Nimens, Mr Shelley C16ment, son' of Rev.'B..
$tone he'pounditinjwben after which Me. Wesley Moore, on be, Clementi who hati for some time been. Dres�, Goods comes �up for
tbja oattri4ge exploded.. It was 'a half of the memliqrs. Presented Robt. assistant Engineer on the TA N 0 n -We take sec -
miracle that. the shell did not, strIL-a Holmes -with' _'Odiltellowsibuttonac. Railway.bas been -promoted toibe consi.deratio .. . I
all I ondplace't6 no 'gt ' n the
him in: the face; as it was the der n, ng,the pregentation with a 1 pos tion of Chief EngirteAr, a resporkal. ore
lodged in. his hands arid.arms, pilt the eotno t Vi -and much more lucrative position. -u a t'y.-. wlith comparing
speech. tei. wbichbrief reply
a 3 17 neat 17 Is ble
step was spjit�'. was madp. . Sb6rt speeches wore also Mr Albert 846ley, who is the onli
:v u S
made by Messks T. Jackson, V.E.Dow& '6wner of .!�n auto hi towni is getting it al*e.'.: urtiewDr'ssGoods-',
E VIDEN"OE 0P PRO,140HRIT'Y Ing, E. R. Deweirt, and A. Turner, ex.. r6ady for sprimr, and Pxpects to have a are Pow, all in 9to'ck,,aftdt those
_�.The Clinto'n Xpitting-0o. are'tryin4 - ingi their food will towards Mr. 31611y. time with it this surnmer; he
vess er e. 'ith the 'dis-
bDSecu�e some twentir additionalbands 6 his new home. -The staff of should start a passeuger. Service be. who ar 1amiliat w
aw -with the forrnei? tween'bprp and-Bayfi(ald.
..irict have found it necessary to look WX R& togetber� plays. of. othitr. stores, appre-
for them in the neighboring toww_ employees presented Mr. Holynes with
Dame runior states that several of ciate, -but Success all thid
Tiltly are putting on extr4�haods lit. all At beitutiful gold. headed cane, ver:l� popular youngpeople of a church I ,
the , more
4epartmentis avid. ouaranteeink'steady �4gceiy, engraivadt in t6wo, are shortly to -be married; one the. largest, stock' of
ehiploymeni., The town should lie wait . ',Mrs Sohn Adustod expeo-tat6move ol! -them ranted the house on Townsend W6 ' Ca
eased with the way the firm Is keep- 'to Witirtipeg in a 66plo 4f. daysi Dress' -Goods in.Ao,.�rt, buy-f6r
I St -� ypt� r�ight kriow his name if
--mrs., Worthington rethrxied hor I
Ing its -agreement for. a busy: factory is, . ne C041 pick it out from.others, . cash and hanAk qua:ntitfes
a good advLertiseinent. from California on: Wednesday evdn-
Ing. Mr Walktrishaw, caretaker of' the Ahat enable, usto WV At the
-,,WEDDED- Word has-bean"recellved Bert Hovey hit . d 'the misfortline to post office, who has been ill foi, some ldwesp quotation on".1he mar.
of the marriage of M 'S foo b. the other t me on the road to ket, and q th,
11, daughter of Mr - Fred Rumball of �18.7 Shepherd hasri%ceoev rn 410 ivq, our patrons e
ba, is - Harriet q run a ru tyrail into -his ery "I
Clinton,to Mr Ckrroll A, wye,of Moore. duties in t It P;t rk be&ofit. If you'jibve nclt-alre�dy
day, ing_so&e of his he mean. d tpl'
beltd, Minnesota. The marriage took People -*b'o oxpee't to get as'batat t ime.. cur ay
Vldbo at Grace Church, New York, on tbel3tWo 06ticErt, to -night Will-. have of Press Goods,', vie solick a. tall as bften, as you
AVednesday, March 24tti. Mr Oliver Johnstoh returned from
Mies Rurnw to be on hand earjy,,
the West on Monday.'� He was: as like, whether you buy or, not.
it vary
balljawell-known*U� Clintonlans, she Mrs J�sSteep is laid up %vith . far
as, Lloydminster, and Saks there are.
beiiik vtiry cultured andtalent6d,, hav- pairifill ailment, she is suftering , from
ln�r tau�ht iva..nuinbey�pf the an Abscess in the head. ant of horses. going. there, but the
S..'Mr NveAs. a MiSS.Guart -#a
in, the -United State farmierst ba -very -little monek. 1�,
e, daughter ot Reir C It anito a thei�- wa's �atill nearly three
brother , of the w0l4tiovin �-arld Gu h fie, Willnilleg 0031 MO -n- fedt f i o Oress. Goods
Xamous� Bill Nye, the hurri6rift. it sn on.tho, level.'C_
being tieke k 'a
N-exped0d timi Mr- -and Mrs Nye dav, t�d b . Nl�ia.c son,� renc Au t I iafi 13ibadc . I ths,.stripe W6r
P R agent, Mrs �A6 r A :London' 1idy, will F" h and sr .0
will spend a -few days here, with )ably ibe r� t comrnend�qdfor'&
'her ,father.: Air Ramball' befo a cousin rO
Mr Jos Hodgson. of Toronto', Royal
re ot'MrL ff ornaname At for savingArtburCur- ..stOds Venetians, Satin Cloths and Sat"
gqing Ao 'their home;'- The best Baker, Just %(ob back frorn A lit �ln
Englariil on Monday, w 04 he had atw Aiso to boy, from, drowning. in the it
.Wlshe�00,fthemafiy frielids, heia Are river; .8bawas.assisted-by -Mr 'Levi' Directoire Silk and N6ol-Cashmqres, Silk and
extende"! to' theM tended the burial of hiri'mother;and h e
had hardly reacbed'Ontarib, 'before he lank:' bothbr man' Stood on the. Wool Hen'rie�ifa's'j.'Silk andWool- E.Pliennes, Chif-�
Hui VIEW' N7131,10 AF)FA received a telegram- announcing that bank and s4 . the child drowni6g, but fortne., Panamas and Voiles,.San Toy Crepeg - aiid,
There is a, growing impresiio his brother a () PL R engineer, was iO owt aiy to attempt its rescue
n tkat the - fled At Brandan. ti:Aoug� urged,,to do sqi Orepe-de 7C)ilne, 110glish "SergeSL and, Cbeviots.
public school' may. take a wider range been M
than thernere elucidation of mathern. Thig members (if thO Women's Mis-,l Mr James Lalth'wAto" of Gbileileri, Solling prices 54c�'00e, 75cy Sly tp'.to peo A
atical problems orthe unfolding of Pat. slonarySociety of Wesle in town on Monday, . he -having
y Church will v�as
ural and scientific laws.. tt -is now held hold their "n' aster Thank. offering" come down* to attend the funeral -of
that a boy -.cannot to early regard him.' nieetin%Thursdak April Stib, at eight his old friend and. nelghbor� Mrs Rudd
selfas a.citizeh of the Dominion and be o�cloek the school room � A special Me Laithwaitewas,botri on theMait-
taught along with a clear idea of siich. programmiahas been pre�Aredand all lapd-06n,-, of Goderibh Tp., nearly 70 P t1yL D
ries' r.e,!;.s Fabrics -
responsibility;& loyal reverends, for the Who are interested in mis-3ionary work years ago., histister, Mrs S Woodma-n.
flag and the names that have peipet- are cordially invilbed to attend. now of Londesboro. now nearly 80. 411B]ack Voiles,Etomines, Panamas, .,Ohiffcn
uatedit. Should the firstday 6fev6ry bars of age, was Only four years old
school year be kiyen to serolosocial ra� when she cancie with- her, parents qpd' Broads',. if 011i 75C up I
S'f0CkLS1[0W � I I . o,$1;59. �
view of, pfiblie affairs, to the cArr 810
y1og settled on the Maitland Co a , �.
f t nce7
of banners and the singing o pa riotic
scings itwould a, ity" Wettsppbt- The -11uron County StockShow is on A verv, enjoyable eveninx �Nlj spent
The Dominion - has had already -very tb-day, The weAth6r ig about:the best at-ther.-honie...Of MrSA.0sborne�.on of, C '11
Seri , One problems before it -of race and ever enjoyed for the Sbqw, the roads James St.. on'Friday Inst, March 26tb; N ew-,.�,std cK. o ars... etco'.
of the Afilalgiwation. of nationalities being in fairly good condition., There 'when the employees of the Knitting'
And religions. The.childrba�. in -is a large entrance in all thei classes on Vactory presented her with a be�aotiful
the -
achools-tod4y must be 8(lul ed 'not - the, prize. list, and the stock shown is parlor lamp. ja;rdenier and fern, and & We have a new stock of. Collars�'and Jabots,
only with education, bu=eploy�tlty of the very best. A detaile:l report. of handsome Hymnal. The evening was
Ms. .. ? , � I .. -N 'Glove and
to solve these'pr6ble the.prize winners will appear next spentin music andgAthe4. At*11p,m also a kfeat showing of -ew Belts,,- 9
week ; as the itidging was in progress all'parto6kcif 9, d4tity Ibirthday' teii, Hosiery for Sp.ring� New, leather ff�nd B
b s
DEATH N RUDD - to pressw6are u whi i Ig
ov' mRs. joH wittri we weni nable After oh tb6 N&66dal Anthem -was f4ew Styles- in Voi,16., Skirts, New Spring . WaZ
One who was in every sense a 6ione6,' to print it this issue. There wasa very sung, And the evening -ended by all
And who -even amid the rough sur. large Atteridance. -� The Poultry, Assoo. wishing Mrs Osborlm'friany,' happy re. 130.ts.
roundings of the bush"Iif% &Meloped lation also has,a goaddisplay. turns of the day,: -
traits of, character thatruadefor strong
personality, passed to her heavenly . ........ .
and eier'nal liorneon Friday evening
intbe person of Mrs Rudd,of Mary St.,
rslidt of the late John Rudd, sit the
age of 85years- Deceased has been in- T H,
declinh%hied3th for Oars, andwhile
her deat was expected,'It is noite the
this count* in -1936, thus being 1� S -h e
less Sad to hez filevids and. telatives,�.
She was �rn in Ireland, and came to
a rasi R.eilndo 0,
,dent of it for 73 years, and 16 thelast,
membet of the origimit ForcliAnilly
.that,ao long"resided At Holmesville.
She was married to Mr Rudd when
quite yoong,and with him lived & most.
happy life oft the Mattfand Cori.t of bR LADUESVIA.
0oilerich. Tp., Where Mr Rudd Had
previously cleared part ot & bush lot
tioui,bt in 18V, Though-btought no in
the Mth ot the Ab lican Church, She Advertising has not created' tho'. de-,
joined the Mtth6disl church in esrl�
life, and become One 6f Its most faith-
ful And devoted member#, And her mand for the Rellodo Shoe,
home became a 'haven ofrast' tomlaty
of the pioneer ministers, sovvibs being only1ells how it can. be supplied.
0i4tiblitly held in the house because
tqel?6 was no mo�e bultableplaeo, She
WAS A: Woman of untlelialky. Strong per.
66fial-,*tV, and Also one.of the roost The dem��d. for. RelilldoShoss
aftpetionato,warm heitrtod and hospit. A
able, - Rive daughters were born to Is born in most women. Jt is
them, foor of wholit survive, Mrs P.
Nvatig, of Minnedosa, Man., Mrs G, merely adeffiand for a fine shoe,
Rumballt of 10fint Mich,, and Misses
Yelifile 6nd Xiblaie At homd; Ilo Ang
1,18t, Jk5, Mr Rudd died, and'somo tMe' at a low Orice.
JZ1,133 1, 0 1,14"liv ext, 1, 0 lat Ana
came to Clinton to reside, , Herend
was as �PMoful and easy As it she had 'tt o6
fAlleo Asleep, The funeral to Goderith
ceraotevyt On Monday. wits a Very lArgo
060,'R6v Mr JoIlido her P"tort con- SOLE A G F, N 'ZJ'Y WITH
ductimt,be Services, Assisted, by Reve,
ChAT-tkil bearera being Mesprd Baker, C
W Nesbitt, A 'eyn alf;jall,
LalthWAitai and Jae Oord. , Unless we
attmistaken the de&th of', )4r#, Itodd
routov*# the (flat onA of the oilglbAl
STORE FOR QUALIT a settlers of Gtiderlph Tp.
Linen Collars'5c eachb,
Saturday, we put on sal6 So doz.. Ladies'.
and Children's Linen Collars, with one,. two,
and three r6ws.'of ` Ingertion. S-izes, 12, 1 2ii
z�, x34 and z4.'.' 'Reg.. goe and. 2.5c each',
Sale pri�6 56'eltelli
Travellers, Sa'mpl,,we-ss'.o'f
Spring Suits,
TO -only, Ladies' Spring Suits, ready -to -wear, -
new styles, skift'and �ong coady daintily trimmed -
in brown, blue add, gr�en
0ne-11drd 6N Reggalar priceg,