HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-04-01, Page 3-
. I
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A *1 Int IM,
Frot my w4vest
1 AUVINVIlluna a
, �_ , �
Vx the fol,105�644 ,, g well
�by phalklm
The Wonderful Rap;dity, With Which
. #
, p
For The 8'ring
[ _� .
I Primate Wos a Quiet Mon, 0*
Means QW4 flealtb, Cheerfulneow"mn,
bition, Succow I
�fm,A And ,1* v, to teaspoonful .1
I Awwattor zavalis and. at WtIt "'
R1414 Extract Da*dellou, oiL-lw f
Some Insects Incru,".
" -
Wearethe army of the great God.
I .-- .
40 Not Dose With Purgativeo A
Had Plenty of Power.
I Among the many tributois of the
Persistency ond
M' O-" Will cure your dt - - or
� -
- ovace; Compolloax.14gQn. Ore. ounce;
40ompound Syeup Sargaparilla, three
Wo produce ninety-liine eggs. It we
produce a hundred. we sl . iould con-
, Tolklo to ^It, Yoi Need.
late Archbishop Oweatillau bat little
has been to his
any otber'otomach trouble � y building
up the gabby walls and makln5 the
. qrwes, A local druggist is the author-
* ,
sume the whole earth and,all t bat is
, Xqt exactly stek -but 'not feeling,
quite well., That"S the way most
!ittent'011 paid gana-
bie power,as, a presiding oOloor at tke
tom4ch so strong thao it will Igo
a .qt
food without other a,rti-
k*,v tho thvee Simple, harmless ingred.
I ionto omio be obtained at notalual cost
Ili A."
Thus, say the Arabs, the locust ad-
p4ople feel in the spring. Easily
tired, appetite fickle, yometimeii
r -
'essions -of, the Anglican Synod. He
had a quiet force in handling a beat-
pepsin or
goal aid. I I
In other words, Mi-o-na curee 4ye-,
Aromcur, home druggist.
" The. mixture is o4iot to cleauseand
dressed Mohammed. And. although
the locust actually lays many more
headaches anda feeling Of depression,
Oerbaps pimples or eruptions way
ed and unruly assembly and a gift
for facilitating business that the per-
pe�;!A by romaying the cause.
. .4. R. Holmea is the agent for
streurtbou the'. plogg ecl and. inactive
than a hundred eggs, there are many
ap i
poa,r on the, skin, or t4ere may be
son who -only knew him privately
Ml.b-ila In Clinton, and li� says to
Xldneys, oyerpolAill 11"kaChe, .Blad-
� I , .
Asir - weakness and Aritiary trouble of
other power of multi-
plicat .
.ion vastly exceeds that of tbIg ,
t*lngee of r _
, heum.taism or neur4lgla..
'Cate that the blood
AnY of them inill
would ev r have suspected. As is
U e
well-known, demeanor in prjvatq!�
every reader of f be New Bra, whose
macli is weak, who has indigeition
StOl I I
a3l kinds, If taken bipforto the Stage of
3kr I .
. . disease,
terrible insect plague. %
The 40mmon Louse fly is an in-
,is out of order; thiA the 1. ndoop life
of winter has Itft itis mark upon you
,his .
. jjfe was that of a man of -mild and
- dyspepsia, that MI -o va Is guarante
or .
ed to cure or mol,ey back. '
Those who have tried this say it pos�
Wyelvovergomes pain in the be,irck
Stance in point. It has been. Co -
ed that one fly ill March is represent-
and may easily develop, into more
s6rious.trouble, Doxi% dooe y . ourself
simple disposition. But when blo
biography is scanned it will be noted
The -price is only 50 cents A large
box, and oxie box is all. you need to
-eloare the prille ,
. . of pediment an V ll�
Wes urin-tion, espeoldly at ailht'.
ed by on thi
, D 24th, of Abril, and
by August t t number has been
with purgatives, as many people
foolishly do, 14 th,13 hope that YOU
that almost from early manhood he
had bmil accustomed to the exercise
prove that you are on t 6 rig t roa .'
b � b 4
I t6 health and happiness. -
, ,
100ring even the worst forms OfA.b ad-
. ,&er weakness. I .
squared twi , making the total pro.
amount to the appalling
gen number
c�u p0t. your blood right, Plirga.
! tives gallop through the. system and
of authority, as many an indiscreet
inember has had reason �to find out.
Mr. Qeo, Lioder of corner Mill and
Park ,15treets, Elmira, Out,, says; "For
Rvery mail or woman here who feels
of ,� 100, f . .
weaken instead of giving strength.'
It is common knowlSolge that the'
abmit ten, years I .have been severely
�*kat the kidneys are not strong Or act.
A I . , . L
,. . I
lua a healthy rup.nnar should mix
,090, .
TJ . o so fl . lay eggs,.the flesh fl�
(or le pro udeg living larvae.
e Ott
What you need in the spring is a tonic
that will make new bl6bd and but d
Synod contains among its usual mexc-
bership, in. addition to the clerical
troubled with stomach trouble and
Judigestior, so bad that I could not re-
. I ,
leiprescriptidilat"home and. ,rive it a
11A. ...
trial, as it is said to do wo lers for
,Sup Si a female to produce fifty
young, a very small estimate,, and
p tl�e nerves, Dr.' WilliamW Pink,
il a is the one Ill'Aicine that can do
delegat�ss, some of the very ablest
members of the legal profession, a$
tala my food before eating. I could not
eat mea,t, or scarcely anything and bad
aAAny persons. .
I � �
half of these to be females, a single
Beason would see one bluebottle turl)L
this, speedily, safely and surely.
Every dope of this medicine helps to:
well as other men prominent in puk-
lie affairs. It Was in his manner of
beadach'es and constipmtInn.. I secured
I I .
a pac a e of 1-o-na w t t e result
W. J. Ferguson, one of the leading
last chants of Stratford, died suddenly,
into 508,000,900 of flesh -devouring jn�
Make new blood, whichL -clears the
skin, strengthens the and
handling eminent counsel that even
thatno after having taken two boxes
lawn entirel cured. and can eat aisy-
. on Tuesday, following a sudden, attacX
sect,. .
What a merciful thinp it is: that we
Wakes. tired depressed men and wo"
judges of the �hlgb, court are a, little
bit afraid of that TVa T.nrAial .I.^-
thing, digest perfectly and am fee-ing
.. I
__ 11 _. I - .. .
I 3
- � . -
*IN V 0 A-
ul � ipery Store
New M 4;
Now and up to-datq Millinery store, opposite the
Molsons Bank, next store to McHw�n's Grocery,
former stand of the Misses Little.
I.., �. 1. � -1 .11-11 I 11 � -
' *
Tb qrsday Afternom and Evening
. March 25th, and following dap. .
. . i.
.11, 1. . . . I I— -
You* are invited to come; and see the New Creations i*
Millinery, in our new stand, on ground floor,
miss (;aptelop & -, (;04
� -
men bright, active and . strong. une. MI-b-na also. overcame iny con 11 --- _. ! . �
,ox acute incligestion yesterday after' have so many allies in the shape of ed his p-ower as a presiding sti pation, I am only too glad to pub I
io.on. Mr Ferguson. Was the proprietor . � Miss Mary 0. Ayer,Ward Brook, N. S., . real ' � . � I - - __
ps and flying -eating . . -
Z The' Aroad46, one of the largest, - says: -11I cannot speak too highly in ' y - I �
. . birds and was in- officer, One, has seen him suddeill licly endorse and recommend M10 na." 11 - . .. . .. I . I _1 1. -, ..
ArY 900413 emporiums 'in the oity, sects, who combine to keep down our favor of Dr. Williams, pink pills I rise from his chair where he useol'te. - I I I I . .
jod was one, of the most prom- eneiny, the fly. I was weak and run down and q;tte sit in his robes and in quiet, ovem, ItOb &Nb QVN a I
inenteltizens. Recognizing.his busi- Nearly all insects increase .rapidly, -unable to work. I often bad head. tones rebuke a member who had i Spriog Fishing Namber ` - T, .1-1. . � . .
The queen bee will lay -ea -a at tile , JeX?Ve1_rX7 , �
mesa capacity and strictly honor aches, and my agpetite was poor. V given away to an, - expression in a . ".7 �
rate of 300 an hour, but even she con � I . .
^ble methods. be was placed in many - began taking I r. Williams! Pink manner that made the culprit feel The first sight'of the flne Cover of tile . . .
positions of honor and trust by the not compete with the termite, the so- Pills and in a short time there was like a' whipped � schoolboy. and yet exceii4nt*
, . n9P (April) Fishing Num- ,
I - ,, known to lay $4,000 eggs 1 am in better health than I have been was right. 'He p8sitively would not. published by VV J faylor, Woodstock, I t . ,
sialfrage of the ratepayers. He was Called white ant. The queen termite i marked improvement, and to -day . made -him feel also .that tfie Bishop ber of .RO6D'i'N U
3wayor of the city for 1905 6, had sery has been � . I . Wr a O'hes ,
Ioa on the public school boa,iol for eight. a day and to keep up an average of tor years". . . tolerate an- ex-ression which � Ont will stir the blood of the thous .. 91 , I : .
, . I . . I
y*ars, four years in the city council, ,000 a day for the whole of the lay.
amd, several years on. the public library inR season, wh" h last about a month.
. Sold by all medicine 'dealers or by
madi at 00 cents a box or six boxes for
ed to him unChristian, and if a. heat.
I It .
ands cf fishermen throu$hout the Dw
. .
� The life of le
. the queen bed is, how,
00 longer than that of the termite.
$2.50 from the Dr. Williams' Medicine
0i Br6okville, Ont.
ed delegate did not subside at once,
His Lordship's quiet but firm. "Sit
minion and start, them the eongen.
lal wot of prepa,r!ng A ror the coming
down Sir" would, reduce him to
tray.. rhree articles - Stand out as of
yingiAor four
I o
Rence, 1
value i o the country; ,.,Preserving the
. . or summers and in her lif eti,me
5 . lays at least a million and a halt ot
� . ., .
one occasion a delegate atarte d
Nation's Fish," by Uyruo McMillan, an.
, . . ..
Repeat it.�"Shlloh's Cure *,ill at eggs. � .
Pedagogue Caused a Sensation By
to rant about hotelkeepers and had
. �
.,illusto� t f he
-ated descriptiv.e accoun o t
wook of the Prince' Edward, Island
ways cure my coughs and colds," All who have gardens know what a
- NN11111111111=" I pest the green fly, or 4phis, becomes,
. .
Showing Ignorance of Scholars. ..
not proceed6d m 0-
ment when the Bishop was heard'r
li,ktchpry ; "The Unsolved Mystery of
the Salmon,",by Bonnyeastle Dale,
- I . I . It see ms to cover rose trees like .
. I .
Something awful happened the oth-
ordering him to be silent and ex-
who has spent two years on the Paci- ;
� magic, . . I . I I .
The aphis is, ii -i one, way, tl*,nnost
Eggs, for Hatch*
er day. The headmasters of ihe great,
English public schools met in con-
Pressing gorrow that . such expres-
sions should be heard in any assem-
fle(Irmstatudyin h I
g the ways of the sal.
ovon; 'Conservation ofNon-Nest Bull d.,
. -
I . Startling of all forms ,oi insect,, life,
ference, and proceeded th tell eacY
blage -professing to sit under the
11tig FNhes of the Great Lakes," lley W. I
Adds under this Upading 25c per 111suet for�, although tile females call and do
75e per mouth�
other ,how they believed the young
blessing .of Christ. He went' -on ts
E. Neehan, Chief Fish Oommissionero I
. . � . . . lay eggs' ' its usual method -to iiierease
idea should be taught to shoot. .Tile .
saythat in the dioi.�ese he knew mgnr.-.
Of Pennsylvania; "A New Brunswick I
is by a..sort of budding processi the
headmaster of Birminglidin - - caused
meln�oers of' hotelkeepeTS' faliiili4ts
"LoA Lake Found" 'A Laav's. Moose
�Al I young growing -oil the. bodies of the
shud(fers of horror to, run down the
who -were members of the church,
Hunt in New Brt;nswick," by Miss
. parents exactly as brussels S�ronts -
small,of. all the pedagogle backs"by
nmd that so.loni-as"he presided over
Enjach, being a good specimen. On
- -grow out of the stalk of the plant..
. telling how he had discoverid a "Uni-I
the Synod no eXDieSSion eat
(-vpi,y page of.an excellent number the
Cloc'kso, etc**.
� I
_ .
. We are hea ' dquarters. for everything usually
. . found, in a first,class Jewelry store. In fact,
. . . .
. . . . we carry many lines* of 'goods which, for
. I
- . durability and reliability, are seldom, if
. 'I. .
. . . .ever, equalled. - . . I .
.1 . .
� .
. . 'rry tits for any kind of Repairis.
I - ranteed. -
� � 11 . . .
I .
I . .
.. - .
. I I .
. I � .
1- I . The old produce, young at the rate
� i�;�,.� . ,-of .
, .!� I J� 25 a day; and as the young aroi.at
versity Scholar ' who actually didrOt
know that th@4Aars shifted.of mights,
. , d6r�K i
to offend any member of the .
be tolerated.
sp- rtsman-will be able ro und atovial
which cannot fail to ptove.pf the deep- -
. - I
. '
�� , - '11� one
� - .1. . e mature each Call &oduce its -25
I.A ,�:.. - .
but thought they just Stayed where
would . -
Dr.. Sweatman ,
was a. man of very
t $t possible interesthto him. . �
.1. I I
. .
� I : , the following �1 I I
� on
- ,. I -ne to .. work
It por
,itively frightens o
they lidd.been put to twinkle. .
whole house of heads saw that the oni
tolerant views and feared greatly the
. . I . .
. . � I
. �
. .
I'll I
. I �� I this maltiplich , c U.
, . * tiou oiit. to, a- con
hr thing to - do was. to applaud wildly
evil � effects on the young, who. were,
, � -1 -_ -_ -_ . . . . .
- �
11. , . .
If,, Sion, for it rneanA. till$: Supposing
v�llicli they'did. And the Birming&;�;
-first thought always, of, a too
_ , I I. I I
� � .
I .. . . .
I . . � I . . .
lz,�, I , 1� . .
I t1fa- t the aphis cotild increase and
man, thus Stimulated, -worked himself
,everb and fouritanical code, He was
. -
. . .
Sharp Trick Secures "Livelihood For
. I. I - .- I . . . .
'... -..
./, "... .
I 10 .... 1. . nx�ulffply -without intertoirence, - the
to the strong language pitch. He Said .
frankly ill fav�or�of Sunday streetcars
. ' 1. .
Miontredl Crafters
________.,__ .- _. . __ _ __ - . - - , -
.. . I -fifth - pneiAtib
;* - "__�.
I __ twenty n would be a
tbat the condition -of that university -
fr6m the day that they were first, I
11. . . .. . I . . . ... . I I
� �
I . . . . . . .
,, I
;� .
I ,
ro -A 1"A _1-i, 4 " I%; wI t
A _-11_1, Im U ft _�A,
. .
� ...... I r �'i, - nUMDer Too long to -quoW here. rut, s,chol r could be characterized only as . P 13 . . - V%I ,v W.. I I ____ �
. taken to him in the hope that lie I . JOUT
, 4 -1 - * for the
_:� 11 �' I - 11�,�'� - . � � down a one and follow it with twenty- one of "crass; impenetrable, and swin- . nalist is tile an� orit -
- �:, , 1; I -within ish ignorabee" - -and'alain all the 'Would, sign it, he replied simply that i! statement that there #e men in Monv,
. .
.... :,
, :, . � I . .
'. ,... :i I _ ... eight naughts.. and,you will. be .. I . 11
I .. ,-, -, - I ,� heads roared applause. b t -one. while the movement. had
`,.,.. I - - . -1, - a few millions of i . . I . . u his be,.;t � real who nihke a livifig as profession-
_- adma. r wishes. for -
I" , 1. =,� , ". . But,fish are the champion egg'lay-. A,be, ster of Rugby School ose, success he realized that a ', at makers of presentations. The tag
11.11, I N __. - ..... = . I w . of egg�. in untifraid, ana'said""'I IiAve never lis- p'ublic deolaration on his part would thods of such an.lndi�idual arbaomo;;
-'.,- _;, 'I .ers. The average numbL . follows, so the story goes:
- - - " .. ' is
.... -, .... 'J. - - , � a halibut 3,50001J0, while a good- tened ,to suell'unmitigated rubbish!" give Pain to mwny of his paStorg,te , -what as. �
. . I 1. .
8,,c I -lie . � I. Upon:&!n a propriate occasion, as for
Xggs for hatching from prize win i . ,d cod may, coutain as' many as Then. sb6vedtlio great heads gath- - who 461d,different views. . .. )
Logborns and Rhode Island Beds 81 r � IT �n ,A is about to big mar -
86 ting. 9000,000. 'A. small one pound'sole has' .ered'togeth�r in council that, while a -.:: H - example, w e
OBO. RICE, Rattenbury St., East, I n 0 �. . . . Anowledge'of ,.the m1ovoinient of tb a was a -man s4ppmingly predistin- , ried, the - inroifioter goes to,' B and
. ___;--� I . I.. b�.en - found: to have ,I 34,000 oggn ..e ed for high honors for through6oit � says ihat.i�e boys are about to'make
. Of im a .
Rhode Island Reds -Eggs, from. 9, choice . 'laiid :an* Is the rabbit holds stars was .a. very pleasant.. thing, ji 'his life distinction after distinctioz%
Won of S. 0. Red7s; won 196 cook. Ist lowu Huron, .' the'Palm. for rapidincrease. A rabbit .4nan.migli't still -have a Ivory, find cut- dame to him, entirely unsmight, and' , a pres6litationjo, A. - R thinks some-
. - ' . _ I . thing'shou,ld be done and puts lip
10 cock. let hen. lef000kiorel, 2nd pullet. Lamb:' ,breeds seven taes a year, producing --ttire "Without' knowing lailytthl ' be- practically -against big will. � In the $5.- Thon the proixwter- goes to C, D,
ibout eight young at a time, I n 0 0 11 'gthey, . . very difficult task Aligt'fell to. him. it ;
ton; Sud cook. lot and 2ad hen, Perth, 16 eggs - ' I., , yond the nur,40y rh at :
at Yard $.I.50;r '2 if - ehifted. � No Rose Comb I �a'nde ,were "Wonder -
OW be seen., ther6forej thv . iwinkled, twinkled, I .. . E. and, the rest of A's friends'and ac-
., I AP J 15tb., M. C. KAUF MAN,Cliutoi;. It will kthe was -this .olua3ity of, moderation ,in. qnaintances and 'gfLtheri Ili whatever..
. . . I bird as egg -layer comes last. of. all. - ful. He ,went on to �ezplairi th4t all bim,.his appreciation of �he feeli '
. - . . Ja"evolve'd mean-'
I. . Indeed, the .poor,' Common..or garden , our modein sbi�.nde was good, but not . of 'oth;ers no matter- how rducti'lle
- hen, whose Vggs. are. those we.most essential-tothe deepest humanity;. men - while that the present is to.be, says,
esteem, -is left hopelessly 'out. of na- li,kol lived v-sy well, �and thought ' might differ, from illem. in'.'- O-plu"011, a silver tea set to cost $125. Usually
i , v"Y-' that enilbled him to do Ahe great , the promotdr's � accounts were - not,
ture�& egg-la�ing race. `: I . highly, Ior some: thousands -of,y.eais - unifying w6rk. he I Ished I -audited and ,he exide0ors' to collect
. ". � �_ I - : , I I . . _. . . Without R'nowing aiiythini at all fcbbut. . Accompli for . . , .
. -_ � . . ...'. - ,his Church. . . . ,� .. . . more .'than $125. , . . I . . .
L - I . 1 fiwelsh Rabbit" Pirallels.'. .. these rn,y4exies oi nature. In the end, .. . . . . . . . .
. I - . Seemed to �c of his opin- * � . ' * . . . . as wvrked. A's 'friends �
11 . It 19 to be. feired that .the. namer the nlaAer; , . -:: : - When- lie h.' �
. -
-as well As the inventor of, ,the- "Welsh ,Ion. . . . . I I d. .. . . . Praying -Boys at the .Toiriiil of An dry he proceed
., I � .. . . . . . . a to * make his. master
I . . , , . -_ I . . I .�. *c.. . �� I touch. , He -goes to.A and tells him
I , . Jabbit" is lost in antiquit�rI As early. ' . � . . . _�_, . . I 1. . I Eccentrr .
I . .
. -a$ ille: eighteenth century, when � � ' - . . - . I � . . I . that the boys ate about to make him
Inction Sale . . . I I . f,thit,fnin- A quaint competition survives at a. present, bilt, this 'diffl6ulty has-�
r"W-~_-,� Grose expolanded the, vulgar tongue, - The:42nd annivarsary 0 Wo6ton, Dorking, En .
.. 0 Waterloo. . . gland., and a. re, arisen. The comn-dttee has been'able'
L;-er7_81i7_FJrbAY?at Whie AUCTION ousE;, the, .false "'rarebit" derivation had mis fox -hunt knbwn as "Ill ' . petition 6f it has just been witnessed. to -collect but $100, and the article �
. �
DBRICH. Sales conducted anywhere, any . I : "Wel 1abbit" is exactly froin the fact that, it -had -its di is nbaily 200."ypArs - - which * they 'have set theo
2(me. Merchandise. real estate. livo s6ock. etc. : crept in , ,all . ruil " The . competitic upoTi .
G. W. BECXETT, A,ndtio . par4llcl - wi-th I'Sootcht*oodcock,'� and ' ilnption- at Wa,terloo dorse, has just . old. Mr.' Win. 'Glanvill, a .6ner-time' heaitg. as a suitable - one is 'a silver
rhone:168. 330. 1113. =, -out nlay'be ciompared -with. the'himloro'lls . takox . i 'place' in. England. "' Ool. An-' memlior 'of' .the 'Inner' Temple, 41' Jea get -costing 1 :$125 .' F il' . to get
' . � . � I � . . 1. . '. . ai in
I i ' -of ay'6ther d6lica I n -who buoted with, : tllofl id Itly - 'this the fall ToZek on
I I nicknames . mai , ' mei. strutheT-Th * omso . 1. gh,a man of.law, was'6vl ei y will have to
us I J J It ceentile. - His. Will stiiiul�ted that' .
Sale Register. - Th ,: a baked theep!s head uAd to'. _J01 difterent pac Is -was then - m"ter An 0 some mu& bheapefobj6ot r possibly
� I ;K , .. ,
� , bol known as a "Field lane, d�ck.! a- of tile 11� �ley Houilds, and they lie. should be. buried '18 feet deep on the effort will -go -to. pieoiedaltogether.
. *
' . - .red herring -4's- a "Ololsgoiv. magIS7. COVoied '36 miles Ill three hours and, the north side of the church, and �tho..
Friday, April 2nd., auction sale of ra , -limes Cecil— sum of .00 per anuhm was set aside, ut, the� promoter ,his had a ,�,Iipw,
""' S'oo trate,".-a. "Worfolk'capon".or a �'.two.� 45- rninutes�Lthe.L first 21 . .
and Implements. Property of*mr Charles st.2 . . j L thought. e� has been entrusted,vith -
art Lob S. Con. 11. W.D. Colborne, near Nile '= Lid * pied only'on6, hou and .50 minutois- - for. five '.'prayer boys," each of whom.- .
. � -eyed 6teak�ap s�, li�ve appear � ketti in cer i of. the' subscripGonsII-
village, T. Gundry Auctioneer. � . "Irish , P , L. - "Mungt�r bu� sbbsequehtly a rather long check was to receive 40s., The task of the If.: �WiIIL just tip -him the -05 ke
. I -as or . I .. . . I
, ys is 1, e.
Saturday. April 3rd., auction sale of Farm � rail -way was prayer bo aot"a 'light' on On �
Ifulonr plurn�s;". and ."GTIavesend swe6tmeats�.' vilas -experienced, - The L. will turn it in Witil his,subscriptiong:
Utock and Implements, property of Air A . , . " In Ain�erica a I I four times and the canal once, thd morning of Feb. 2, they 'have to and no one'*ill .be the viiser. .
*t 7T� Maitland Con., Goderich TP.. T. Gundrs,, Were Shrimps. !'Cape. crossed .
Aucl, neer. ; . . . I . . is - it ,codfish, and a and fox, Vo,dilds, and followers negoti. . stand- bareheii6ol around the tomb, - Ili niiie Cases, out of ten A, submits. -
Cod - turkey" . n memory' the Loid's Pray- to being held iip. Then the-"Lprom'ote
0 Monday. April 56b.. clearing auction -sale - of rePrairie oyster" is a.dri�k, LAnd the , -,ited rivers and brooks upon' idlib'de- ' rbditci frOX , I r
]?aim Stock and Implements, property of.?4r A; sc . hile.'nialii and other roads er, the'Ten Cdmma�dmeftts, Apostles' holds lip the merchant who sells the
Jamieson Lot 28, Coo. 10, Hullett. T. Guidry. . colonial goose'.' ,of A i ustralia 'repre- cosibils, -w' � of ,operatioils Creed, Tead.,'the 16th chapter qf tbe article lor a commission, or. deliber-
Auctioneera: � .. . � 66titq a ,'leg of mutio'n -with, Savory. ei'anta witbin the sco*pe. int . g.. F . the Corinthians, and . . .
a-le-77-F-a-rmu gs. - L . . . . I � . I 11f, no* fe"wer'than 96 different po irst Epistle to I ately buys -a cheaper one if he thinks,
Tuesday. April 6th., aliction s i .trimining , . . then write from dictation in a legible
Stock and Implements. vropdrby of Thomas. � . . . .. . � . . ' .�35 .I 1 safe. 'The .presentation. .is. duly-
. . I The mastdr rode five hors .; �nd for 6
W,MeCmrtney. Lot 12, con. l6tV., Go4cricli 2.1p. ' � - I . . I I d 45 -minutes � wa�. alone . hand -two vdrses'froni the-.sanie chLan-- - r�r
. . . I Seldom. I *. . . an hour an . I . . .dde, The' -promoter js a- big toad in
T. Gundry. Auctioneer.1 . . � . . I S who ran a. , ter. . . . . .1 . . the puddle and makes acquaintances
I . . Writers do not always write clearl' ,with the hounds. Those - I I .The grave being on the 'north . side, -
Wednesday, April Wt.. auction sale of the I I 7'.. and gathers 'information. for further
Eloto vropiyty, also boroes, eattle.. and there are times ien 11 -tion of thi% romarkable chase �' -� .
I . wl le wisest . poi in ..there i's no' shelter from the biting I., -
= an& . I cluded Capt. Clark, who was theL 0131 I graft. Thd. difference between what
harness. property of Air Jesse veils his wisdom or his .Ignorance, ' . . y �%wind,'and *manv a competitor -per- - 14 collects and what 'hoi.sJ;oends is
Mount""' a' the promises in Dungannon, T. efish, Ili. a swirl of -ink. .nilan that rode the same horse through, , haps anexperfso�holar:--when numbbd - . Even it his so.
*..a,,, Auctioneer. - like the cuttl . he and Toy Firr, 'tlie. most - scientffip what hb ,lives on. . I
I- - -- . A corragpondent , h .is discovered- *t L. .P with the cold has � his disedinfituiQ ,counts are' audited,-� which is, of .
Thursdav, April ioK. ;9notion 1�ie R Far, arrl6ol a horn. .. . ..
Stock and Implements, property of hIr Standish plfrase-uged in an 6venilig paper- . huntsinan" that ever ,c I added to by contact' -with the cold marr ' . - .
*on. 5 A hfield. T, Oundry. A.uctloneerb a , _.. . . . omido, -%v�6re stopped o' -wing to dark-! course, a breach of all etiquette on
- 13 "not uii,. 14 , .ble.. Consequent1v lie'bluriders.in..his li'L,
. ..
:'Saturday, Xpri I 'anobion sale3 of tw � 4chlolu." He - wonders what noss, and it was ton I �f night *�eri . recitation and falls to become a ,, prize .the-gladsome.occasio 1e; is.reawn-
d ' lo'h.g houmes. property o ' . L certain. of .being able to kon-h
goo comfortable dw.11i. ,of it meani-how- to unPick tile. knots - �1'ey reached bqmc .1 . . n -a small tent ably
Ur Walter Sharmita and Miss Sharman. at tile of negat.i�es, as' it.were, and find the. I I. I .,. . 11 win* er. * tMely, biow,ever, , I A f6r '$25, and whatever'happens A
itromises, Keays St.. Goderlon, T. Gundry, Auct, ' pogitiV(--. att M, 11 I . - .. . has -been drawn around. the 6mb to. will,' of Course.* be -the last man. *to
L . ,, Let the. e pt. be made. . - . . . ' I
Monday, April 12th.. auction sale of - Farm C'Seldom" meall.% "not often." XQw, . _ Whe,7t .For Liverpool.. '� * 1 act ag a wind -screen ' ,for the.juveniles, moilth.' It is possible that
Stock. Implements, etc., property o 'h. two -neg4tiv'es ai-6 supposed .' � . ' I . . I : iinol'therTending and writing exercises I "i'll is n5 -e
I R` I- in E ngli. Vancouver.. and Victoria liow P'os- . =lea pt the only city in Caa
G= Lot 43, Base Line, Hullett. T!IN11111;hdry, . .�,V , are conducted in the. - s�hoolroom, . ads, where the game . isworked. - .�
A ear. � . . . � . ,:� to make aki-afflrtnative. 86' urtiol- .Sess, writer the Victoria, '. B, C., . c6r"�' .-Sonle of the boys -in the reMit. com- . . . . - . - . ., .
. .
. � . , dom" will mean "u ot n ot. ofteu,�' Add spondent of The Standard of Empire, petition, almost stainme i - -thro .. . I . . . . . I
. 1. -negativej and . I!'not unsel- . -.in advantage - of from to 10 1-2 t tile, cold, were secret ring 119 ,:� .,. I . .. .
another . 10 ly rejoicing'that : I I
I .. dom", slibuld. be eotuivalent-to "not 'c6nts -.Ix-r -hundred pounds over the it fell to their -lot to repeat the -short Boy Prodigy to King's.- M ' icial).
. . . not'not often." -Now 'you can count, castern - ioute for Jho. .transportation, us
. . ' .,Commandments,. but a moment later Sir Valter Parratt. the' Master of
� Aft� � � your negatives and conclude, Butit of, utboat-from, Alberta to Liverpool.- le Ju ere a ng
. d'save you trioubI6 -if the writer I pro I the King's Wusio,- who has lately been
Synopsis of enimadlan, Kiortho woull The vaiftl4on in this advantage is 8 low t e r ciene in t e knowl-, speaking abbut,the badly-writien mu.;
West- Land Regulationa.*,- . would Avrite simply seldoiW. ' . , due to the, 6angftig of.the Charter edge of the secon and fourth. The sic of students, was tin organist p ' ro.
. .. . . . I . .. I market for Atlantie'tonnage from day "forty shil. ings"' is a phorished. award , digy, At seven years of age lie took
A NY perflon wno is tne soie bead of'a family . . 'How Emory -Is 4?uarried. . - to 'day, and approximately - the aver- . - filage. � . .. .i.. .. I 'tile services in
.1 I or any inale over is years old, may home,. . in the little v . . , church -his father
�qtcrbd a quarter -section of available Dominion l!"Inery comes from the, island of Age of the rate. in. favor of Vancouver .. . - 1. I
land in Manitoba, Kisketchewan or Alberta. I, .1 .'and Victoria in winter' time, but in . . . . . . was tin organist at H,addersfield-
The anDlicant must ap6ear in person at th0om- Naxos in the castern. Mediti3rraiiean, ' � � With the Oran and at ten 'he played -Bach's forty"
Summer arid. fall, during the season 4tobd Tro I � I geme". I
inlou Lands Ado ney or gub-AgencY for the dis- jvherce it has been exportel f ti John O'Neil,. a fiew Toronto alder4 eight pre.ludes tind, fugues by. heart.
2 '" .1 I
liflot. Entry by Droly may be made at any ,last two,conturies ormore . " �(� b of navigation oil the great lakes, the -1. I .. . .. . A
agdpoy. on certain conditions. by fatbor mother. tj T I 1 O's r f Wi g . , ___
mon, daughter, brother or sister of intending are �. ill * the northeast of and- coast will have to. divide with Fort 'mail, has the enviable'reco d o n , �'"T'�. .__
le . .
Ikomesteader. . The*material is much 'too Ila, to be I . Willi�Lln, at the bead :of' the lakes, a: devout Roman Catholic in religion, .
Duttes.,Six monthg'residence upon and cul- dug ant or even blasted. Great frog' the rates on Alb8rtr; -grain, with the ,and yet drawing much of his support ' .
tivationoftbelaadin each of three yesro� A are lighted around the -block% till the .6innans. very much in. favor .of Van- froni tbio Orangemen and ProtostanfA COULD NOTGO TO WORK
homesteader WAY live within nine,miloq'of his . , , a a .oghort aking ,the- . - h! -ard. 'dy have known him , � . ..
ti.ouver I time L , of s, w - Th . .
homestead on a farm of at least 8D mores solely . r�atural cracks exPand -with tile licat I . .
owned and occupied by him or by. big father. I Irafr - for years. as one Who held out the
another, son. daughter, brother or.slat itrid levers are then irtgertoot to p;; pull, of the I o.. . I . . . -
'% good' them apart. Tbis sv::t6rn Is 'continued ;w.,.� . I . hand to tiny man -no, matter what - . A
In certain diRtricts a homostdader - . I . his creed -if he needed help. . BACK WAS'SOWEAK ` ..
standing may pre-empt a quattersootion c3ong� until the blocks aie reduced in size . . I .. . I .1 . I
Shie bla homestead, Pride $3.03 . �ss, d,nd * . .1 ill ftict.'so broad -is �he that they - Packaelie is the primary eause of kidney
pdt aoro to in I 0 gleefully tell in Vard Two - abofat a io;ible. What, this book aches or'becoxnes
Duties- -Must reside six manths,in each A s i "Sc� of a Cubic foot or 1� , I
years from date of homestead entry Gooludlug they itre then shipped as if thek,weroo t Idneys are
the time'required to earu'homostead� patew o4i- I - , - . .1 I I . C : Cautidn certain, silk hat that 1 John bought weakitiso,watning that the ki
and cultivate Afty acres e)ttY&. I I I � . . .. ,- . , . . -.? - . . L twenty years ago,'iuld has worn only. lisiblo to become Mr6eted. I .
A bomenteader who has exhausted big home- The Doldrurns. . Xe, ,!�, vol neverpolson out1tings. Ilion once or twice. But 6very Twelfth of . 11eed the warning,, che6k the* Back a6e
stood right and cannot obtain a pre-emDblon ' - ' ' . eouftl�-cvpn fro%n a Aimple coillonly-yon should July that hat has proudly paraded � I
may take a purchased hom6sleaelti,ie�erl,,,gn die , "In the doldrums" is a pbrase, more alwaig 1wal, bnothe. ant] evoo the irritaWd bron. and dispose of. any chances of further
triets. Price $3.00 per sore. 1). lo _M t re: chial tnbes. , Doift'blIndly slipowss It1with a I to .the fair grounds in the Orange trouble. .
side six mouths In each of three Years. cultivate often �ernployed than widerstood. It 8kUp(.,'(.y11ig poison. it's strang6 how.g�=tblngd, procession, on the head of "Billy'! .
Afty acres and crect o, honse worth $300-00. ' � refers ,to a belt of ealtris cohfiguous fiflall�loompftbout. Yortwenty"yeargl5r.8boog Nyalker, a noted Orange friend of the , Jf you don0t, serious ponijolications ace
I W., W. CORY, , , nd situat6 between has (Ionstaittly warned woole not to tnko Was apt to ariso and the first thing you,
Deiinty of the Minister of the hiterior.. to the equator a alderman. 1 very
or ,pposeriptiolls containing ,opium. , . know, you will 'have Dropsy, Vabatos or.
N.B.-Unautborizod Dubliaotion 6fithis ad- the Course of the southeast, and nort,4- mivttlrlt� � now -a little
vertisemont will not be paid for, , I . . C111oror()rin, or gifu lks,t Dolsons. AM When Mr. O'Neil ran
I east tta& winds; Ldk periods with late. 111ougli-congress says "Put it on the labol. 4 hotel 'a 13right's DiseaO, the three.most deadly
_. I I � . I I . , Ure", Goodl Wtird Two it was the practice of.tho 'Kidney Troitble. . 1.
I , i I scarcely a ttif inAlie air 'And a torrid if iiols,I-vs am pt your Vol,911 - Mixt forfiis of
� . .1 IV 11 ve. �g(x)(iiiiit,reattAr,rortlilsvt.ryreasonihotl'xo". � officers of-L.O.Im. No. 111, to use ono I A f 1hr 0,
. . . �
. . I .
, . 4 ,�S. 1
. �
.%T I 0..1C:> .1 . ..
. .. . .. .1
I -
I GOING -OUT. OF BUSINESS ., , ,,, ......
. . 11 .
. � . � � I ., � .
I .
. . . I � . .1 . I I I . . .
. I .
1. ... I . : I I ... : . �. ... .11,
.. .. ... E.5.1� I 1 ...� . . .. ... I �.
. . . ..
. .. .
I . . � � . . I
... .
. Vini'ding it wa omg,tG be impossible to leave. Clinton. -before . . . . . . , I . .
. S1 . , S %' I
. I pfing-trade would - e well adv;oilced, we have decided to remain. .
herb for the greater part of the. Spring busin'essi Our iale having
. cleared out tbe-ireater oart of tife stock *0 bad, enables us to. buy': I
mearli a complete new Stock: ' which we,will, continue selifi2g ab 7 . , .
pri,;.os.that are sure to bring us the busixteaff for the balance of, our - -- . ,.
' . . � .
. . . I I . . � � I
I shme her% . I . I � . . ,
. . . . � � . . �. . � . � . . .. . I . I 1. I . I .
. I . .� . I
� . I . ' .
I . . , I.— VLOTHING. -' . . . .. . ... I 1-
I . . . I .
. , .. . . . ... I I I ..�.. . . . . .. 1.�,
. � � We have a complete new.. xi�nge of tbe.very newest Menlo and '- . � ...;
.. Z*y's. Ready-to-wear Clothing, consisting of Men'd ,Ouits, single -and . I . �..
domble�breasted Youths'StiiW. - We are giving par-tiouIar,attention I I . I .
t* this line. There is the growing touth,from 16 to 18_ years, who � 1. . . ;
� does not really feel like paying, the. price for a tailor-�lnade Suit, yet -
I wants sometbibg better than the 6idinary r6ady-to�wear� To joni4t ' . � .
%his requirement; we higvb as ' lected suiting lengths, patterns of the , .. .�
I . Ilew Ordered Suitings, and, are having thorn made up similar to .. . .. I
ekder6d suits, in every detail, These �suit6 will appeal to boys who . .�.
. want to be in the style. Never before have we bad the range L Of. ... . . �
. .
' Boys�Two-piece Soits we are. showing this, Spring.' The .Bloomier, . . .. ,
. . I
. .
, I �
L ,
. i�ic er is a new feat re in 13�oys` eir... We h e them with the � . . . I
. I u w av .
. . 11 - L
!ulte or in odd.knickers. � L' I _ , ?.-, �. _ � . I . I . � � . . I . ..., '. . . I
.1 � . . . I I . . . . . . I :. L. I . 'I., I . I I .. . . I 1. �., ., �
I . I L
. I Paiability. Price and Stylle are the "three' p6ints we awl -0 - . :
g*ing to get t1te Jloygl' Suit. tratI6 on Ods wrjng. � I '. I
. . .. - � . .. . . .. . .L . I . . .. . ..
. . . I . I I . . . ..
. . -
. . I . I
. L . -
. , - - . .. I .. - � ,. I ..
1. ... . : , TAILORING. �' ' .1. L ... . .
I .. . .. I '. . .. .. . .... 1. I
� . L .
'Our, tailoring stock is entirely new, and being my own cutter . . � I
I . . . ... 0 . I .
., and not hating a'cutter's salary ' to.pay, enables na to give you Axi . - . ,
. ... I , ;.. .
, oi;rd6god suit at a right price. . . . . . . .
I .
. . . . . . . .. ..
I I . .
, I I p
L . .
� . . . .
. . . . I
. L . .
. . . . . I I .
� L . � 1.
I 6-1% .%, .. . I "..
JL.R - L ' ,', '
. 0 - We'. JAC """S * . "
E* - . U �
I . . . ,
I . . . . .i
. I I I
. ,
I - . I. .., 1.
.. . QL I N. TO N I .. I ,. . I .L
.1 .., I - . . .1, � . .�
11 :�
. T.0forin C16thi� ' . Furnishitig ,
. .9 . 9 I . .. 1. . so . .1. .;
. I : -
. I � _���.. ,
. I � . I . . .� . . . . I ,
� . . . . � :
. -:1. . . . . I . . . ... . .. ". 0 - � . , - ,
. .. L' .. - .
- I . .
. . ,� I. . .. I . . .. . .. I . . , .. �
I. �.CO I .A.1i '
. ... I . I.... i
11 L .. . 1;
Before placing your Orders for..
- 'a supply of Coal, get �
our go on
y . The.very beat goods
. =-PiZe%in stock and sold'at the
lowest possible price. - - L � " .
.. . : .. I I.
� Orders may be left at Davis '
. * Rowland's Hardware store, or ,
with . . . .1
. .
.. We J. SteVeliSon, .
. I
XCEllectric Llaht PlanU
M i -9. 7--- 15-�PIIIIIIIII 1: i. - , 2 - " ER; 5w --Zmw M
L I , , . 11 - - 11 ' . . . �
. . �
. �
. ... "I
. .
. I �
. . I
. ;
. I I
I -, . ___ .. I . . .
. I
I .
� 1. L � � . .
. .
� I . . . .
.. I .. . � . . I 'YOU IIUXGR-r. ,
I . , t'L ,
0 0 to see otir fine &'qs6rtment of Cakes ai- ' . I I
.Y olu've -� t . I
. . � _ . � . ways on band. Wilk bake at; hollfte' - I
I � - hen havesuchah assortment th �� ,
, -, . - I W 00 yfou
: . . Bat. � ch se rorh, give -us a� trial and they
I . . .
. . . . . I Will talk for themselves.' 'BakcirG of I
In the treatment of all. pulmonary, homemade breado the beat to be had. , . .
wasting or nervous diseases, the Jilex- , While up town conle Ili and tr ' 01 L Ir I I
berienced physician w ' ill Say 11 food, lee Creani and Soda.ib will refresK YCK1. I
good. food and lots of it," But you While doing your shopping. I . I
micist have the. appetite, When you're i We.keep a line of first . class confeb- - . I .
, , � I
taking � . L I I tionavy And fruits in season. ., . I !
. ) . - bashor trade for Iluttoe,4�ndgggs.' -,
. I . ' ' L L 1, , I
.� Brick S.. I Wo, W.' NIMENS1, ' L
. chs's p . Iftene 42 - 4110tolk . .
. I Tastele. . I I.".
. -, Id `.. 6 IL I. . � .,". VL � i
111EY aDove, Droicen by UU ell Squa 8 Tur. Jdtnas Bryant, r so) .1 was .
. oli(�l otlier,k, should InAlstou h6VIng Dr. Shoov's' of his,rooras for their committee meet -
and violent storing of short duration, (ligigli (lire. No poison marks on Dr. Shoo ings, with the -full Consent' and a troubled with his back sod used Doanlo upa, iuiver.vii, r I
makq the doldrupwa,dreaded area of. iw)ois-antl tiono In the inedichlo. else It intistvy" Kidney Pills, he writes:-" I eannot'say I ord &,McLeod - ,
I saililig Ships. ��. . � laiv be on tho ION. And it's not only safe, but It PrOVal Of Ming HOSt O'NOill. mi'S t much abo�i the bonek I recolved after vou simply must eat, for your appe- v . �
14 Kaid to be bY those tboot ImmVit, beg, P ttulY r& wonder that he won out in -the alolov O? I YIA,Vingse�-tired*#.Cothbxodious;(4ra
I I - �" . I � markabit-vougli remody. Talte notl.haneA then. maixic contesti--Saturday Night. � ming three ,boxes of Doanlm Xidney Pillei ilte comes back calling for food, aud Storehouse, we are now buying I
I I I, ,pirdrularly with your (Ilffldton. Insi8t on having I . I 1 L% I mras gt,,-atly troubled with an iohing proin the "building up"' flesh producing to,
Teas gi'6wn at b' ,h attitudes o r. Alioolo's Omab Cullo. ComPare Carefully ri I
I n the lit, Slitool) pnekagro. with otbers abd note " acros,i he small of my back. 1. could not ceAs hm begun. Take It regular y- kinds of grain, forwhich the blihost
mountain slopes offloylon.,wher ill('- The Monetary Times thinks that th; . % prices will be paid,
0 the (infev,mve. No polson mirks tlierol 'You can t Daylight Saying 13111 is a g6bd idea,but 91) t" ,vork and my back was so weak I you'll bless the day,you: started.
growth is sloweit find cultivation more klwa,vs bo on the tude Ride by demanding it hits little hope of eeein 'It practi. �,v,,`ra,ld have to sit down. Itwbuldgos,way . � . ,,B,ran,,Shorts,� 0orh and all kinds 6f ' i
o0eful than in the warm. humid ell. I few d a 'but Voluld hl;lis totdri)6 J. 11, HOVOY# ClIldOn, - rail, eods and other foods kopt.oii ,
wate of the Valleys, Are used in 1891v 9 �,411v; Ignforeed It says t9e proposal I was iotne Plus . - .., . . %nd at the storehouse, .
, , advia:y to try Doan's A
d&9? ith-vown tea like "Snlit. Dr, Sho'ops legalimpol form, of 0xperinients and I must may th6v eom%olotely CUVOYMA6.10 . I
Teft,, R, , but I , 'L, " Athich,bavo alreadybep-in inade bv offlee - To Advertigers , �
daP is not on y o a. ftn6i 'quality, . I. I'll - boysill Changes of the standards of prido 50 Conte pet box or 9 boxes for Copy for changes of ad yerti'sement , I Foi rd & McLeod ..,
Contains moreof thoessential oilin the . _10P. 'time Are not made without more of deilive or mailed direct on- ritist be handed in by ,Tuesday I .
leafthan valley -grown tea. TE Cough Cure lesi; unsettlement, to Which, th e public I tI.25 at SJIL %.
' r0061 tot prkpd by Whol Doi%n Xidady Pill : sulght. Small transient; ads. will ba ) - , I
easily pvedby comparing &drawing Co., �orobto,'OUC rozelved tit) to Thurad.sy morning, 'i Q* %t* 11 f4ftrloxo, Crix-rox.
of llsara(Wl Tea with any other. - - � Uld by ,1LL DRUA61STS" '"Jeets, I . I I .
. . r I . . . . .
1. .
. I!,
. I . I, % 1�1 / I
. I
. I
I I � . .. - _ ____._.__... _ .... -.-I.." ....... .-.---,-.....�.--....-.�..-�----,.-,,..-..-..,.--...--...--..----.�.---...�--..---.---...�--..-.......--.�-..,-,..-,-.-��l--.-.,.,".----..�t....�----..-,-....--,-...----.-.,..--.-�'..-�-,�----
I ; I . . .
�� I
". I I - . . '�J - , 0* A . � N . I I � .
.-..--.---.--...�.�...�..--.,-.�....,-.,�.I. - . �''.... 1. � ._. I .. . I ---.1-