HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-04-01, Page 2M
. I .
2: - . . I �. . . I .1 � � . ... �, � 1-1 1. I I . I THR - OUWTOW -1KXW- r�RA_ , � , , � , . __ I April Istj -Iqc*� . . I
I . . - . . . �
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I . - - ' I "' i,. .
L . TboNCWIJE�IoA , . In Five: Minutes, . V. .. . I - -
! . -40 rawished evory UnrWAT 'at GENERAL NEWS NOrEs. Ta *"."._--0 . IV . ('11"'welo"' �PROFESSIONAL
� i� U ke our ur tatnomach -or vaavbe � I ' O'. I I U bo" Im". 0 11 'Zill .
0 , , I XM 4311-21X ma% =4 -t I - -
4eit Xx
- igeot, ".
� __--_---L ", � y 0 .
� *%'Now H" rtlntlux Rouseto I . tritis or ClAtarrhirf 86m,�llvIl?."Iilltllliolol0000't � . '1, 3! Z=rt 0, r -. L N " =4,, 'bl.'.. 4 !o $ .' Z". a. W. we DRYPOWDO , 11
"*W ermvr * 0 - % MUMN. 411more, "ImAmems oviref 04plisew", leageq theallexatione,aud "Id. It might matter - take your vtomach trouble I - `1101 05%. Just the vlk*,,',O,.',',*,r,e,�l,'Do�&W',,4,�,40r- 1l,%KRISTZ8 0OLT01TOA VOTAW .AN ...
I W-09 Sub -41 per -year leg of Police Allan Wright, of III- be. "OHY&m1ble for a man to be phys, � right with you to vourPharmacist And APX
ocriptiou t to , L
i I i4vaX Cb 10411yun t to piton theboncb.but well I 11 Pus
r ger4oll, to dead. ask him to Opp . . I 01
% v^nca;,$LI.50mAy be charged if _ n a 60 -cent case of F4s a I 211800TO,
I _ .articipa litico. Also '' 'YOU eat One :ML$r -0 I �, . I .
lsoklia yald. No p4perdiscontinue4 , Local option will likely be PubAuItted enough top , tp in po r . for Sale
, Diapepain and lot 4 1 House I "
. . a man might be retired for pbTaicAl Triangule and see, if L within five min- I � . � L I ' I I , ' �
. **W 4x'&rre#ro are - d, unleaw at the, In StrathroT next January. reasons and then re9over. y tra . . Subscriber offers for sale, blo, large and de4r.
. I L . utoo there is left ,an co of your I I L�
'on of the pub) Vex, The..dato to '"he Senate committee has killed the . r
. . . "It ever , , . able. house on Enron street, furnished with all RIPOUT 1& HALE *
. ._y.oub@o ption is V� � .11 I moilern conveniences. hot and cold wator up-
, I I - L
: Z, 9 44 is de- LsTicasOr crossing bill agaia. To demonstrate to his, wife that vian 0trh�acchorreclietrula-me for your trouble is a . . . .
. ,v L dWd -on tlie label. �Transikit a4ver. Grief over the, death of his soucauved can endure without flinching as much entatiL . I I I I stairs and. down, with batb; hard and soft water,
I . .Advertising vateq, suffering as women. Joseph Hakus, of Food Feral on -food souring. the I I large stale Xod. driving she4.bearipg fruit -trees. .
I the death of a St J ohn'o father. I I ,ro,b -9, . crolo ozipusite McKenzie's Plain-, CONVEYANCBM, -- NOTAR108- .
I.Implate, Ia. cents poi acinparel. line ulgestiveorgaos become weokltbera 0 ll!af 1. COMMISSIONERS.
_ f L , I 11 L . Mount Oarmels c4o off the little finger W. IRWIN. Clinton. .
let inaertion and$ cents per line It:_,1ShIIob`s, Care will at of1ii4rightliand. Theargumenbover lalacic of gastrig, juicea, your food is - I ' MONEY TO LOAN. , - ,,
h submequent insertion. Small Repeat I digested and you becomer at- BaAnYWal I
I , ways cure my qoughs and colds." - Buffering began after -the couple 'bad I
Xlql�rltctsementa not to exceed one -inch . luaffed of something stronger than, fooneltyedhawgith loss oi appetite, pressure � : Farm for Side .
so oil"ostil "St Mr 3 1$, Pearcip, Parka Commissionere ( I eating vomi . . [A
. W, I Lrayed,11 O'Stoleu "� I . and fullnes after tilig, of life Our chasifica Want Ads. . --- I . ,TORN RwOutu � Ors, E L "
I I 'L of London, Ont,, is died Thursday, teso. Mra Rakus cited instances of nausea. heartburn, grip will helpyou. The undersigned offers for pale bli(farm of IoQ
I I nserted once for �0 ceutBo or. O& , oman's fortitude ilud Mr Rskus de. .1agin howelo. acres. belns,Lot 20, Con. 2. II. Z S.. Tucker � -
l ou'llh
th 111. I . . L � .
. .
'a, .11 L tfor$1.0ora utiicatiogs intended I � clared they amounted . tenderness, in the Pit of stome.oh, bad Tbli is a good farm, in a vood state of clitival K. T. RANOE
% ,, ral , ,, )r James W Robertson calls the w � to very little. � If you want a position. you can.
. .0 glitAblication must, ao a Joar&ntee of "Wall With the hoe" Go479 partner t the back taste in mcluth, constipation, Pala Ill reach the besq 'employers. t1on. and !a s, first class locality. There are good 11 -4
I .
� I W . . I -by the, e Beizinpr an are, be went to , _ limbs, sleeplessness, belehlog of gas, I ngs on the roperts% Tbelarmlsoffered Notary Public, Conveyancer � ,
"' I
I . faith, 'be sec., _ rl ed & n w $100,000 collegiate institute yard, Laud with one stroke cut Off hie if you want help you can izet the el "in ncial and Real Bstate,
10 - , L . , lbeeoldinwo-porcelsifdo
, 00no .of the writer will shortly be. eiecteol in. Saskatoon, Uttleflagera.ttliefirat joint. Re-enter. biliausness,eick headache, netwousileag = parcel or w � 4
I I Td 'Insure pitbli6tion in 'Current , p in dizziness and many otl4er similar InOst efficient. . stre.d. Forfurtherparticulats apply to INSURANCE AGENT-Representina 1411re ft-
� !* . The "bime question" has been settled Ing the hou4e he waved the sturn, . bor. H."T. RANCE, Clinton, or to L.OTONS. i . surallce companies. L
,,r � opy of Mvertise tymptome. 18T Tecip t.
. ments shou
. - ild be �l W-1kerville, E,sternstan4ard will, the air as proof of his nerve. Money t:0 loan or M96ey to MA8011411-1114, Out. -
- . I . If jytour appetiteis ficUle,sod noth!ug - Want AdA.Aver the entire field. - DIVISIon, C
. � rw . . , ouirt. offieo,.
, . - The tollowingte,ble be used. ,;� M was tem ayou or you belch gas or if you -
I- 4tr"t rates I Mrs Maev L iller,of Grimally, JoAted I I
*bbwipour rates for specified pbAods, Miss Minnie Patterson, (laughter of Successful feel Mter 'eatinl;4 or your food. I C.,,",M"W.WX1W,X.C.ft . Farm for Sale. I
0a' � . . a farmer near Ion � a. committed suicid in her suit against the lies like a Jump of lead I on your 9tomach I . - . .
lypw. I yr. emo. 8mo. Inict by swallowing poison, I . I Grimsby.Park Company, beard by Mr you can make up your !lid that at � 1i � . L 11 . I �� Medi%,al
1. Justice Riddell at Toronto, She sued In - . 1 Subscriber offorq for sale his farm of rKl acres., I ,
� � I 09lumn $75 00 $4000 W 00 $10 00 Treaton. authorities sent a de the bottom of all this there - - M0 . . - I I being east halt of lot 16, con. 6. Rullett. All -
. for an injunction, to prevent the com- I I . . cleared. well drained, well fenced; good clay DR 044 W. TROMPSOX
A. 0011A 4000 'rO 00 1800 6 W. knife. through the mails. Resqjt; A nany from advertising attractions, to c:iUse - fermentation of' undigested Over 3,5.00 delegatesliave already ap. land, in good condition, Plenty of water; now 41cian. Suraeon�(Zto I
i i 1111111. - Coy
I 'L column M 00 15 00 800 Soo I . L . . frame house and barn, Two miles from Con- .
� mail clerk is in custody, he bold there without her knowledge. food. plied for seats in the Masoey Hall for stance P.O. Six miles from Clinton. it m ilO4 Ilvecial7attention given to diseases of.1ko . .
� �
, 1 , 'Oolumn 1800 1000 153 50. 200 over Mrs Miller owns a 999 -year lease of Prove to yoarself, after your next the great laymen's missionary cop. Aye. Ear. Throat, and Role, :
�� . I Inch 600 .3 5D 200 I (06 1S anaituo citizens are all agog , . 3 lots in the Park, and she had objec meal, that your stomach is a$ good as � � fromschool. AOvlyt6undersigued,,versonitlly, �
� the receiit capture of a monster devil gress, which will be held in that build. on the 16kh Con. c I Goderich TP.. or by letter to Office and- Residence. - �
. , , tion to brass hands and minlatrel shows a;ny;that there is nothing retily wrong ClIrLton.-JAMES FERGUSON.
411mtract display advertising 10c per fish by % Chemainus Indian. . . hig this week. For the accownioda- . Two deen we*l; of the Commerella notop I
, .
i _. I I . 1. - sul like attractions coming when Stop this fermentation, and egirt eat- don. of those who may be able to se- I ."uren at. .
� , I ,. ineli, per issue. � A brutal stepfather stands charged she was not prepared for th n. The ihg what You w . ant, without fear of . To Rent in Combe Block. � I .
,; . . . . cure seats in the hall, M-rangeMents, . I . I
;1 . KERg in Vancouver, with beating . discomfort or miser I -11. I . � .
W. H . his dis' effect -of the court's decision also 1. y, , - already under way for overflq�v .
I . is
- Almoatinstanbrelaef is waiting for are long in t � .
" ., I ser.9 he Metropolitan Church. * Office or room for small store or work room. Dr. W. Gunn .
L . . obedient little son w th a hammer. , that there will be no more admission I . I . .
�� . .0 I trade of the far north is seriously charged for entrance to the Park. you. It is merely a -matter, of bow Most of the. delegates from Toronto Next door to Jobn Ransford's officq. Apuly to
. RWway Time Table ChaGge Fur , I � JAB. SMITH, Ontario St. or. w. Guals X. R� A r., -1L. R. V. a.. ". � �
;� , - � threatened by mysterious sickness that ". soon you take, a little Diapepain. are cointributing$56ach foroeate,while . . . .0 . .
i% I I obablythewo t fatalityeverre . .
CLMTON STATION .. Ia killng the tralipers and hunters. X-1 , rM � . I I those from outside are giving $2. With Office-Ontarlo Street, Olinton. Night calls 60
I , corded in Quebec district took place very few exceptions the delega . Iroall door of office or residence. ]%&#mb=T
- House for Sale �
� . .
1� I � Going West Going East A J�IpTadled Togo was received !it a ,Friday afternoon, when four young ENCOUNTERS. WITA W130. ,, tea are .1 Street. .
f" �, � . � Nanalmo, B Oj. hospital. Japs in the - children, two boys and two girls, �%Xea . I .. paying, these amounts, out of their own . - 1� All
U.07 a.m I - . .1 'The large frame house on Ontario St.. b6long Officeboursat sp1bpI.-Ito3V.m17to,9*.M2..
�,�. 1.25 P M ' distript'now present the hoseital ' * I *H . ing to the estate of- the late Mrs. Monteith. As 1. . I
�1' I , 7 .. with '7, 5, 8 and2years,belonging tothe fAm- Stories of Pamous Men Who ave. pockets.. . 11 " �
1 85 a.m. I � I . -.K"F- - offered for sale. Suitable for good-sized family, I �
,;,- , 6.40 p.na 3.07 P.M e".. - a donation of $197. ' ily of Ur and Mrs Everett, were burn. Had the Worst of It, Hard and soft water, stable. good cellar'. ate. .
. Montreal . ed to death, It appears Mrs. Everett I DR- J- W. SHAW.' I
5.15 p in A victim of drink asked a . A Surprised Minister . For particulars. apply to JAB. HAMILTON
. I
� 11.28 p.na - . glidli �
.�,- , - judge to convict him, for 1wo years had gone out to visit a neighbor's place Mr. George Alexander, the E n , � I - - Clinton, or to ALEX, MONTEITH, Hippea. PHYSICIAN, SUBGRON,
��, ,� I Going Worth Going South that be, might have time to get cured, avout a mile away. leavin the to . ur actor, tells an, amusing story tigainst. ' . -, ,. I
. . , . , rforlu L A ' � Accoucheur, etc., office and residenee on
.1; -- _ years I have been a But- " deu I
, but thq udge refused. - . youngest children alone, 'While she hurry to get, home after the pe For manv ad to Ren , toubury 80., opposite W. Farran's reW cc. I
, I ,. I . not a.m. 7.29 a.m, � . was absent fire started in some unae- ance, he ca I 11 . ed a taideab, to the pre- ferer from bronchial catarrh, and h I . Farm t � I I . . . - � .
1L � - &40 P.M � 4.18 p.m Toe Dt)minion Government will take . despaired o thing like a cure. - - . I
.� . . countable wayt and before it wAri dis- judice 91 the hansoin that stood first , f ,!Ln,v
I ,
A. �t 1, no action at the present session in re- . , I DRe Fe X. AXON
.�,� . - _: --- --- t .- . ovGred it had on the rank. Cabby, however, Judge. of my pleasant surprise when I The Ostrom fareii, Lot 28,06b Con. of Goderich .
. . I
gard to the tariff questions raised by cc IC . XPENTIST , I .
gained such bead*ay was TP 80 acres Is offered to rent. Apply to,
9ON V0YAGF_ � - . . first used Hybmei,which breught coml- J6911 C .
,� . . � the revision IA thd Uni that nothing con d be done to save the not to be overlooked vAthout proteat. .00 ,,.or to MRS. J. HALSTEAD.
. .
, " ted Statbe�. , , - ,Into . eoderich,
I � �. . four little. children, and they all per- "So, Mr. G. A_" he cried, 1�you'vo pl.e'te re1W. Hyombi has been a veri tf (Successor to Dr. Holmes I I
- Preventies-tbose Candy Cold Cure ighed with the burning building. . table godsend." -Rey. Charles Hartley - , .
: . ch able �s now; but -you?11 . � - . . Specialist In Crown And BirlAge "oak.' ' . .
I Now the good old ship.ruid staun T ta - no use for 'oss I Sardinia,'Ohlo. 911,1^1 _ I and L o*t for'. Sale Graduate of the Royal College of Dental tftr
. I � Finds a new hand at the helm," will safely and quickly bhbck , . . I lave to Oave o e , n -.1 House . .
I I I Bid Godspeed! all colds and the Grit). Try them, ovqce Charged with having committed �� 1.1 11 . I . Tbolisands of catarrh sufferers have � __ geons. of Ontario. � I .
. .
I 8 Jay -you're buried. , _-1 ... 11.1. .1. - - given upin despair. They.,havetried Tb,_uu'�erAgn6d-`cff;is for sale--lils-'p-r-oper.y
L" 11 � and seeo 48 for 2.5c. Sold by all dealers. ome three -hundred murders,a-woman � t - Honor -graduate of University- of Toronto Dan� -
I I For those who sail in ships ndinedPopoya has been arreatedat The late Lord Brampton's babit of stomach dosing, snuff, sprays and 'on oneen St. consisting of good frame two- tal Department. � . �
� Out to where the sunset dips, I . William Thompson, the colored boy . . Gra'duatq.of Chicago College of Dental Surftwcp -
. I
I � who shot his father, was 6entence4 to 5amaria, Russia. During the last wekrinl; his hair close -cropped was, douches without success, and now be- story house with J auto of land, Appl to .
Meet fierce seas that overwhelm , I . . . marls, . �, � S. 3?LUM1qEA,,yCliaton. Chicago. - .. . . ... . .
five years! imprisonment at Sandwich thirty years, it appears, the woman on. more than one -occasion the lieve catarrh to be inburable,;JM . -, . I will visit Bayfield. every. Monday. .. I I
�� " - . Ia a watery avalanche. . Assiies,.pliading guilt tomanslaugh. has made a practice ofridding Captious cause of laughable mistakes, -da his. Bub W 8 R Holmes the druggist, -1 � . � . . I.. , � . . . .
y . . .J , [louse for'Sa.- - % I � . I
I � Bid Godspeed! . . . wives of their husbanft by . means of alighting one , day from .a cab' and . bolde out hope to all distressed. . ie , . Le . � I -
I . ter. .. . � � poison. She charged it small foe. and- sells a rewcoly called nyomei which is I . r ,F . .. no �. . 1. .
. Though the ship is true and tried, . handing the driver but sixpence. over 0 . OR. . FOWLERO,;� r' .. .
t , Repeat it--�,Shiloh a Cate wilt al� is said to have executed her commis, hi's legal fare'Jebu, after .regarding anteed for catarrh, colds, edughs, . Two story brlckbouse forsale, good cellai ` � DENTIST,' I I . . � .
: I . � ,� I hard and soft water. Furnace nearly now, fram� I . . .
; And the captain's eye is heen, ways rure-my coughs and colds.". . Sion with inuch despatch. Ope of her hi for a moment with a withering gruoinrdhitis, asthma and croup, . Jab) e anddriving shed, J mete of land; bearing I . . ..
_: . M , .
. L . Wish them well! nented by remorse, has. i Hyomei (pronounced High -o -me) is Riult trees also small fruit. Apply to I I
. -Thursday it noon Mrs Petet Labadie clients, torr ,,bok, wiclaimed; ','Froni. the cut 'of f Offices over OINEILIE ' .6tore. I
. I . 011ie is new -to him, and he of Chatham, - scolded her wild son, nowdenouncedher.. MaiePopovahas your !airbuto�R you for a sportsman, medicated air, fall of thoillealthy vir A18 - JOHN H. HISLO11. Ontario St. � Special care taken to make dental treai - , . I I
I I . ' . . � . .
- I . . . .
Perhaps has sailed a different sea, I . t At I don't think tues of the mountain pinee. --- . . I r!ienk-ss painless as. pokaible.�. . � � .
� , Arthur Bacon,aged 14,, and threatened confessed to having committed the g,,,v'nor;. .anged breathe in the delightful antiseptic ai . : �
!, j, . I Where the stars have other sheen, - reformatory. .He murders, but protestEi that she did ex- Y, 're , r - ` For Sale ' . . I
; I . And through other winds they r .1 to send him, to a ,py wives . . a bloomin' fiddler just out pf . infla . . - I . - I . � . I
lao. - ad all former Icallentworkinfreein unhap 1. . . . and aB it passes over the med and..' . . � . . � . . - . . 4,
. I - Wish them well! prom.ptl� supplemente , yrants.. Sfe never murder- quod..", - � . . . germridden membrane,it allaysthe Aver � .. � -
� pranks by taking his hatand coat in& from their t Henry Irving's castigation. at y valuable little home being Part of Lot .
I .
:, � ` disappearing. He hap not beep heard ed a woman. A. mob sought' to Belie Sir I I inflainination, kills the ge.,ma, and 43, lath con. Aullett, containing is acres, in�oro -r.
i . . Wish him strength to bear the stresN of since. 1. I .'' . I herand burn hei� at the stake,biilt was the tongue of.. a witty cabman was drives out tb,, disease, .,.. I . or lessi one mile from Auburn station, there is a J.HOMA$� GUNDRY . . . .
1. 'And an eye to pierce the dark, ' prevdi�tgd by the Police. . often related by., .the actor himself. A complete Hy�Dmel outfit, includi good brickhouso and kitchen,neat barn.'orchard % Live Stock and general Auction m- I ' '
. . Read t n* . � ing and small frui4,w6t1ld be a desirable Property to . . . '
11 � Son voyage! . � he Pain formula o the box of . . . . . One evening,.during the. run.of "The a hard -rubber inhitler, costs but $L00, retire on'or for a drover as Ib is near a station. 1 ' I . . .
I . . Pink Pain Tabl6t�. Then askyour doo. B-SbGeorge.Banwell, theyoung To- Merchant of Venice," lie drrived IR . to and aU, extrb, bottle'ot Hyamei, if after It is the estate of the late Gabiial Spriing. For , GODER10K ONT � .1
. .
I . Wish him luck and favoring breeze, toi if there is a better one. Pain means routo bank clerk who defaulted three at the Lyceum and, in 'the - thought- waVols needed, costs but 50 cents. Bet! .further particulars. Applyto I mi it, StD1.1t sales. a speoiall) ,oidet q' s.t m .
Wish him sunlit summer seas, congestion, blood pressure somewhere. . .. I . . . bf OHAIRLE 8 GIRVIN.�Nllo. Executor. Nl&w EnA offloo, Clinton, pri,mptly attenaad
: So that be may bring his bark I years agr, with soEhe$40,OW of the funds lessness of huir'ry handed the driver .'W S -R Holmes dbout -it ta.day. . . .. I
. I . . to. Terms reasonable � , rariners'. saw now .
I Dr. Shoop's Plnk;�Pain Tablets chec)� of the Crown. Bank, was relea4ed ,on a shillInglinstedd cifthe'legal far6 of , -, - as --.----- ' .. . disoolvated. . . � . � �
: , -1 'parole from.. Kingston Penitentiary . ' ' ' ' ' I 1. . ....- I
, To the.Port of All Success. head prAins, womanly pains, p6tin an . . . Par'k Lot for.Sale .
. I Don Voyage.' where.. Try one, and see! 20 for,2 eighteenponce. * Cabby - regarded the CIVIL SERVANTS' LEADER. - - - .-. __� . .. I . I - .
1. I . . . I 'Sold by all dealers.' I I . I . 50- last we " ek. Ban:well was sentenced in. coiri.,disdainfully,',and, with. bitter : .. The undersigned offers for sale a park lob ok rr , .
. . � I .. . I March, IWO to four years, Imprison-. � . . . . I I 11 i.exei, on Raglan St., neatly -all- In - bearing G.11).'MeTaggait, M. D. MoTaggar �
. I I I , . . . I
�11'1 . How's ThisT . Judge Latchford sentenced- Maurice Ulplat'.. and; .ounting 'the,Aime off sarcasm,, xemarked, "If - yer -plays the John Lambert Payne . Has Played: fruit of choice varlobies-. tw6 good w�lls 0
. . Jew inside that tbeayWr -as ,well. as I I . I � . . I stable, frame bc .
� , Ryan, of North Bay', to be hanged on earned by good conduct, - whil'o in the - . i - M ousb, with Wo cellars, Ju6go,14. MCT6 gart Bros,
� , ,yer does outside, 'd ,any Parts"I.n His Time. 1: ,
1. � I g
I We otfer'One Hundred Dollars Re- Thursday, June.3 next, fer themurder pellitentiari;,he had when released six ., , arnod. if I , won.'t . I . I . place for a gardener, will,be told cheap. Apply , .
. . .
' I
1. ward for any case of Catarrh that can- of his brother, Francis Joseph R months more to serve. The Waiden' spend this bob in coming to gee yer." * .,: The man - prominent. in the rcc6nt - to - K&'5. a, ROlUTLRDGE I or to . "I. I I -13II&KEP.51 . I I I
I - 1_ 1111, JACOB TAYLOR, ClIblon! ' ' . . . . �j �. . .
. . . . . 1.
�. met be cured bv Hall's Catarrh Onre. YWAV1101 . of the penitentiary reported to the De. Bo delighted was the actor at the oiganiiation of .civil servants IaV. Ot;.,' ... . - CLINTON
on -or about November 18,'19M . led the . against the ALBERT: IST .
- . F CHENEY & 00, Toledo, 0. nia.n'g�.wit that he liand6d him half a tawa a fight . � ,, . -is - '. - . I . I , � � � I
.� . prisonerwhen abked if he hadany- partment of J6stice that Banwell had . ereign. . .1 . �. .1, , usu , . Iff') (IV - '01 SWC . . ,.
. .. We, the undersigned, have known thing to say why sentenco should not been a most eyempliry Prisoner; and sOv . - , rers h, fact-t1te liend and'shoul- .. . . . . . � 06neral - Banking Bvslh�cvg �
. .
'. F.. Cheney for the last 15 1 y ears, and be passed on him replied'thAt'he knew tMs, doupled.with his youth, And the Eqiiftlly felicitous was the hunior of xt%ers of kwhble lrlovement�--is John 1. '� , . .,.-- = 61 ground, I , Aransacted. � � . . .
. ... . -oLl ' fl- On Maple St.bue- half 'acre .
. loelieve him perfectly -bon orable in all W� Lord Chief . . L amb6r ayne,' corripti er of ral - . . .
��, . . nothing of tile.crime. . . . . fact.that he had previously always' Vie cabman when told , ,00d fruit trees and -other. small fruit.. . , . �.
11 lousiness transactions and financially � . I , I . I NOTES DACOUNTED .
%, society; borne a good character, led , the Minis- Justice Ooleridge to drive himi-to the, statlsticstlio. man who compiles 9 � . . .
of" ,Illy lie,, f,ill ho ...... . in good conait.b.n. A'ly to . . . . . .. . . I ..
h . able to carry out obligations made by Weary -of the. gay whirl - of' .ter of Justice to grant bN velease o ' . Courts. all those inte�csting tables.wl I . � . Drafts iskiked. . Jutereat allowed oil ' . 11
�: I .. 1. . and face to face, as she- believed.'with. � 12 Just0e, . He received the I W.WPKIMENS. . .
his firm. �' , =. Along,iivith� Banwell - was -re. direction N�Ith a 'lool, of blank be- th`6, supplemnaTt, to I the report,of. tile ,. . . I . - . ... deposits. . I � I ..
.: ]KINNAN & MARVIN yearg of physicalauffering. Mrs Pierre . Railwa� PepartmeaC . ., . t I . . . . .. . I � - . . �. . .
k � - WALDING, 10 Lo I Allard, ju - iu, aged 49, wife -of the to;." a 1�ile e�,nalo%ool'Kew, who- wildermont, tind., stared at -his' faie I . r .. , : House* .for Safe � I I I . . I .-.. I ... I
�. Whclesale Druggists, Toledo t , P��Ion t6years ago as...though lie thought, lie was of � .. . . .. �
"I bdeco magpe, 'of War was gen wn f,oin or I . I In t6c) V,ourse 6f his life -and lie is .� . I . . . . . . . . . . . I
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern- ., to, ,hingt6n, com- . . . . Joug'way vet from liein� bver the : , . .- , -
" mittedsuiciddby *asphyxiatiub atber. .., . I I . .� . . . wealt intellect. "Don't �you know. the - a . . ' : '
.. ally,acting directly upon the Hood and . . I . . . 1* " .- -
I . . . CA . Iq : - . IiI.1 - -iNTT. ,Payno �has- played many The laree oottsp oii .Queen-.. street;4 be'- . Thie - McKillop . MOW .
1�, . mucous. surfaces of theaystem. Testi- home near .the fashionable Dupont - � I . .. . C'Our�s of ' Alstice?", demanded. Lord ce ard` longing to theastatt-, of the late E.'Holmes' .
;. Circle on Thursday . '- Her tragic death . . Coleridge. '!The. other shook- his head. .part,A, (-ven ,more than Slial, spe, - Fire Insurance eo, ., . , .
, moonials sent free- Price 75o per bottle ,. . - .half - , ,
, . ' . . laid'out for man. , Beginning life ,is is offered, for sale.: The lot iw one .
gold bv*Ai Druggists. . has shocked the.first social' circleii of I Reliable Medicine, f(Xot the Court,-, Of Justice 1" cried the d a e 'Town Vr� ' . I
I � 1. I ,,i dAiggist in London, Ont., he drop-. acre, with bearing. fruit trees, bard.ind FtArni an I 'di It 'ot
I � . :.cabman and , doWV � � . .
. % ' . /
. e. in v I I r �r Yountr C udlze--�-."!7,6n. t , and for, a Tium.. softwiter. A bargain.-- Apply at 'NEW : .
-apital as nothing els ,ears. * 0 hildreh �,j�
1, Nake ff�ll's F &L- ily Pills for conati- . the ,, . . I- . g I . ped iiito journdfisin, . , erty 'Only. In'su'red. , Va
-.� pation. . . Dminig the hearing oUttle'divorce . . � - . . know., t.he LaV Co��rts!" , - "Law- ber.oi'yearA was a member of The BRA',offlce. .... � �. . . . . . 'OFFICERS., : .. .. 1.
� I I . suit ofSarah against John KAsenow,.. 6a tha, word of, thousands of mbt- Courfa!" cried.'6p,bby, "of course, 1. �Einpire'ii Parliametitary staff ' Th'o '- , . - . . . I . . . . I . I . . : �
. I I I � .. . . ' � I
� . I
I -- k ne Adonis of tme House;- , - whose m0riage took place in London, hers in all parts. of �Canada who have - do; but you� *Bai�j. Courts .61 Justice. late . Louis Kribbs was'editoir, and . Shortho 's-Ior -Sale. - ' . J. ,B. McLean,Pre�ident,Seaforth; Ilos, - -
, ,
I . � . i years ign, it dbvelooed that used Baby'A'Own1ablets thBre is no Hea'en� ol�ily knows where"they arel" 1. I , TO. I . Eraser, Vice-pres., Brucefield; Thos. 2 ' . , I
� . tol Ontario &I I 7 I lioaded by. himself it Nytis � a strong 1. I I. . ,. '. . . . . . . . I . �
- I . . I ' . . . . Hays' . � �
The description was once applied :met his match . Sec . -Treas.- -. SWbutth. ,.. : . . . � .
� - Kasenow hdd not spokoin to his Oldest 1 =edieine so good ''in'. curing -all 'the '. Cabby; howe�ei, - eontingefit'the brilliaiit, buV'shbrt-liv, - Five i�oung Bulls, -from 8 to 10 - months bld, $ 1 y . I � .
� . . . ..
� been � . . iDf 4 ' : � . . .� . .
Mr. George Wyndha:m, who has daughter. no* 20 years Of inor ills � hab ed Col'iserviltive ciigan- us6d'to send 1 -in I . . I . .4
1 paying a visit to Edinburgh 'Univer. age, since� m . yhood and'6hildhood. ivh6n. lie drove Dr. -Temple', thotri , good ends; ail alr6d. by Dnko� of Richmond, the I � _;DIRECtORS. - I . .
.. the CA was.t6n,years of age, because And. We: give you .-the gujirantaek of Bisho� of 1oiidon,. to hii palace.'at . . � ., . / I up bull ht Clinton &udByuce1leX I
11 . . down. ' Ottawa . . . 11 'Jas. Connelly�_Holmosville; I Joht .
�, � sity. of which he is Lord Rector, o .to - . 11M."PrIlt,"ites to stilt *the times. Come and sea . .
I .she ad refused to conserii to remaid a gd.vernment. analyst that. the medi- *P�lham, Raid, 'on- recoipt of Is. 6d.1 Mr. .Payne was one 'of the hoted them,orwribb R. H. WISE, ClintQn,.Out. Wati; Harlock;, . .
, I
- , ,
. aebount, of nature's generosity in en- r him if he cine is.s�fe. .and contains no opiate: grumbled against the prelate for his nOrtflJners of tho"Press Gallery.. H ' - " . .- I . G. Dale, 'dinton; .M. . I
�' at home.and keep house. to . . e - I �hesney, Swifoith, J. Evans, Beech. , . . . I I
� . I 11 , ,
I , dowing Min �vith attractive wavy turned his wife out. 0"f. the -house. 'A orpoiscinous-drug. Mrs-L-Murplik, . niggardliness, and expressed .Tdgret coul(I sing efther songs -or liyii�ns, to u - S110'rthorns for'Sale.
�*��. hair, a beautiful black moustache, divorce.. on the ground. (if crueltj,� was 'Sf, ! Sylvester, Que.,; says',-- I I I find that lie � (lid not folikiii. c,loser i a the ,stories,. niahe speeches -and .. � .. . . . I . - . . wobn; J. G.'Grieve, Winthrop, J. Beam �'-
.. .. help. a '. .. � . . .. .
.. .
. . � I - - , neweis, Brbdhagen. . . . .. . .
i : and a fi ure six feet in height, pro- granted tn Mrs., K.asenow. ' - . . . Baby's Own Tabletg the iifest and best . steps. of � the patron, ath(- fellow scribe .-sylien in � d *"holq iwith Some th6ro-brdd S�.'xTwirii u4ii, .�d Heifers .
. I .. I
' .. . , -
� .
I -
1; portion6d to a nicety. Nature also � .11ledicine for�all stomach and bowel � list' nian. his wo* . - " . - . .1 'foy.sale, fromone to three years old. . � Rach Direttor is map
I . endowed him with one of the clever- The exportation of. natural gas from tioubles 'and I strongly .- recom dral, St. Paul.: who wm a '] '' rk. JAB. SNELL. Hayen-;Barthp Farm. Clinton' . .ector of losses In, � .
' , I . I I . .
�. Canada will beffiscontinued at the end I mend: "'And therefore," retorted Dr.: Temple, �But his country called..him* qn'd .' . . . . I .. .his own locality.' '� .� * .- I . . .� .. ..
. est minds amongst clever men of to- . -them, to other mothers.," - Sold by med. I Arjly -. i'would have, friven you 'your awlay from the --busy haiints,of'the � I � . AGENTS. . . . + .�" ...
. of this .mouth ]Hon. Mr.'Templeman. . J . . . I I .
:. I olay. He'first distinguished himself icine dealers or. by mail at 25 cents a . . " , .. I . .
... � has come to'10 .condlusion that. the I gal farel-a 51 ill -. ' .- ' . - news apei inen.weni Mr. Payne. He Torkshire Zoar. for Servireo" - . . . I.. I ., /� - -
as a soldier, then as a litterateur, time has come to take adequatb steps box from The Dr. 'Williams Medicine. e . 1i . ing.. p . . . . . � Robt. . Smith, . Harlock;, Ed,l 'Hinchles, I 11.
2. and latterly as a politican.' "Fortune's I Co., Brockville,,'Ont. I .. ... . I . -1 Nvas secretary to Sir'John Cafling; - .. " -_ . . .. , Seaforth; , J . .
. to conserve for "Canadians albne the . � . - I . to Sir Af4ckenzic..Bo)�,.ell�'and aeeoM-, ' The undersigned has for service, at W6 ames Cumming, Egnionib
I . .
: inost fastidious darling," is 'another supplies of tiatural gas still available. . , . . � .. _*_--.� .,. , .1 � I �... .. . � ,dingtrig �isn. . Premises, Enron Road, -cloderich Tp., a thoro- .ville;J. W. Yco, HolmesvilW. . .. . I .1 . . .
. .
� Fickname which has been bestowed the only. . � . . . Fish JWays dumb? Not a ,.'bit of , panied him on his tri� to 'Australia; b,r.e.dJ.o,rkshIre Boar, of splendid Pedigree; six . . I I -
I . company nold a .. . . . . . - . I I . � .
I upon him. and when he was quite a- 6 0. -r-he Vueen'i .Technical Schools-.- it. Any 'number *of, thdia, can make to Sir Charles Tupper during his Iiiiet old. Ternis $1 00 at thfio of *sorvice � __ __ , I . � . .
. . I .. . , . ..
1. lie 8 =expoetgia piped about . � $to if booked.-THWT POTTER ... .
� small child, so the story goes, he was . h6license IV- 1. ' � ind of noise. . ... , - . ,.Premiership; to**..Mr.- Blair, *ind to. . , � , I . ..
i fee'k,to, ,u alo. It' is not'generallyknown that the , some k Q, - - .* Godorl�h TV.
. so learned that all conversation at en t e co -ir Bab '' i on of ,ur Mr. EnuneTsoli, *hert.they were Alin- ,- " . . .. .� . . , .. � Fe, , W. CUTLER,,' �.: - - ..' 11.
.�. -his father's table would 'be silenced . pany expir Queen conthiets. .a school. at Sandriniz- . The common .,tied;, g nard of the isters of 'Raihva�s End Canals.; (ind � . : � . - . I I . . 1� . I .� .
I th a ont and,viillnotberc ewed. lmm.. Aftei thby, loiave the ord1haar- . I . . . �
, y British. coasts, on being -hooked and. then', after having served so many. , I. . . I *
i., I �y the announcement, "Hush, George : . � . x 'school the village girls an(l boys 6il 11auled'rudely- .'out of tlie'briny, ,%,Vill masters from both' political C � � - .� 'Jenders Mailted �'- . Palatet and Paper.19anger, . .
, �, is *going to * say, something about, Andrew McGuire,a provoinent.farin- ps, 1. �. . -_ . . , . . .�. . . . 1. � . .
I ' hate are received- �,,rvnt loudly a . Y, I's 11 lie as made Comptroller of R amw
. Shakespeare.". . I or of Wolford.met with a �iraqlc death - the Sandringham, es . nd indignantl .. w , , � ail ?Vy Tanddrs for the erection of a brick school, in . ... . All work guaranteed. ' -1
. . I loaded his g6ir- into "The Queen's�Technlcal Schools" 11shermin will tell you. It is a , Statistics. .There, Mr.; Payne -is, to- Seewou No. 3,'Tuoyersmfth..,rilLhp received by I . . I .
. - . Thurad&y morning. He :11 ' . .
1 :- Self -Made Politicians. .. with th�e intention. of going but to.. and taught .bai induAry., whichl.'will' striinge-croaking sort of nbise, such as - day with .1 little lelisure, which,.he is the undersigned up to Aprli.fth, for- the whole , . - V.,rices .reasonable. - . . I
' n good �tqad during the one x . ,w6rk or atay parb thereof. The lowest Or any ' I ..
� shoot crows in his yard, but a short I stand'them i . raight'o pect.a young rook..,to now' devoting .to the interists of his. tendek n6t necessarily acc,ept6d. Plans and . Residence nearly Oppbsife'tile . - . ."
.. ...
- ,wholo of their lives. 'The girlg are make. - - � . .. e he home of I.. I I ,
� .
raa- I . . . C61160itte s
. Some of the mem�ers of the Aug 'moftiber of his family had . H servants not so able as sp6oiffeabiou� ,- �
-11 - time latera, ,taught -ne6dlewoiks and thi, boys cabi- . Then 'there is a -fish, called the but- fellow . civi I � . . o JAME, 8 McGEE.. Secretary, . , i-il 'tftUt6.. - : .1 . .
f. trallan Parliament have had ve ocowsion to ' t - the' wood -shed and 1 . I lie is. in the matter of taking, care of:, , 4.1 . . . . .. ,
I 90 0 .. . �. Brucofleld,� , . . .. . - � - . . . . . . I
Itile careers. Here is the record of Mr. was borrified to find McGuire - lying on. net making. With the Jorme: some terman-�-why, -nobody kmows-�whiOh . their own p�rsonal affairs , I . . I I . . .-
I . .
. . I . - I . . ��. . . I . li I � . . - . I I . . ,
.� William Elliot Johnson, the repre- the'floor with a gaping .wound in'. his i - very beautiful work is. done, in some 'is ,found -.off' the Scotch coist-line. . .Xr.'Payno ig,cq man of ;uch varW. - i I ' ' . � . . . 1 . . �
. � . . . .
� , -the mabBrial us6d being actualm' � a a; fat,and oorfifort� ' .attaimnents, . possess. . - - To S.C11001- T ";�*..:_JA0.0B-` TAY LO R ' .
P� ,sentative of the Lang division of beitol; _ It is stioposed that he attinibloid. � cases Tills fish, *Which i. ;ing such: unex'�: � . e4phers' .
I . ly spun- and woven in the school- able looking beast -about a�16ot long, ,pected funds of- infoiniation. go ,re. . �., . � � . . � I . .
�. New South Wales: Born iri New- on a -block of wood which. was near - . . . I . . .
I April 10, 1862. As- , bim.causilog the rifle to discharge. De- ,Lace -making. diawn-thread'%woik' ah& as *a rule, -mAes 6 distinct hooting. iburceful and- versatile, ,that one chn. TheXquitablo Life Assurau�-c Society of tile . . . . , CLINI!DN . , . I
I castle -on -Tyne I I United Status, will lie lileased t6 negotiate with. � I .1 . . I . I . I I . . . . . �
. ' I .: � I embroidery of all kinda-.is carriedZu.t. i -he bac'k ; (if � his throat I at lie m�ould. have . School Teacberi.-tbroughout . the Corinty of . I . � _�1_17 �
I � sisted his father as a scenic artist ceased was 50yearsof age.. .1 nose from t . . �Padily believe th * _ . - 1 ..$ .
.. at (,'ovdrrt Garden. Studied tole- � . I Thc*boy.q produce chairs, � tables, trays, when landed in a net or cbBilit. on a blossomed !no; a genius had lie not Huron, to act as their agents after school hours.. .*7..,. ' .1 . .
I . uting tb6IF-Income bud , .
. Coughs'tbat arq tight.pr'distressilig, bureaus --in fact,,.almost anything in .long line, A netfuf ,of. these fish- joined the� civil service; but the. Tole .with a view to supPlerne V ire Life andAccident ..
I :graphy, and entered the Civil Service ick and certain � . . . the . ." . I ..
tickling coughso get qui 'the furniture way, and the -workmafi- i�'Boimci- Of it genius is. dom6times. pi-ecatious, ,beepralng permanently associated with I . . . . ! I . .
I ,
I' I
11 I -
t P
I .
ws a telegraph operator at the Royal tho th they , rarc- society. To the proper partloart liberal iucono � Ins6ran6e: ' , . .
help from.Di . " ra her ilo a position in the service is al- contract will bo.offered. Address . . . . .
i4l ' ' 0 t they are haul- Wh ' , . , . ,
?. Shobp'S Cough Rerdedy.. shi ' really excellent..'' Mbj�y pieces tim c,ug t and who�n I . . I I I
, iture are. made - for the Xing ' i; , I . the kind of � �. . I . G. T. %ILLLSPIS, . . I - �. .. W. . . I .
,Exchange, London. He was wrecked , .- g ed es lo elloru,�_of "arp, gireii:like way-, seou - Arid he is . . . ,,ill ' � .
On ibis account Druggists everywhere 0 f Tu'r n i n ql re.
'.1 at sea on three occakions, and saw are favoring Dr. Shoop's Congh Rern- andQueen themselves to give' awayas : hoots is v I n the service. needs, - and the . � ... g St., W.N Tpiouto- . Real !,08tate botsubt and sold , I . .
.1, : -active mrvice in the Chill -Peruvian ery startling to a stranger a , .ma . . . .. . I , . �.. I
I I I . . . . .. � .. .. I , , , ,
11 edy. Thetendet, leaves -of abarmloss iresonts. Often the King's guests"go . .to I the con.st. - .1 . . I . : membe4s of the S�Nrvice will find him .1 __ . . .. .� .. I : moiey to loan . - , .
� i ,,war, and ultimately settled 3n. Sy&� lung-boallbg mountiWous shrub give I t h h leave. their or- I . . . . L stDuf champion in th6ir battle- w h . . I ; 1. . � . .1, . . .
� iocy, where he took an active interest to Dr Shoop's Cough Remedy its cura- ders. - 13 Lit in. Coylon there is a shell -fish I � '.* . . it. .. Auction Sale of Farm Sibek ... . - .. . . I .
. . On -the pages.of the order book _ el -which posi� . usu � - �. . , . . . . ... I I . .. ".111
, -in municipal and poUtical questions tive ptoperties. Those leaves have the are to b6 found the Bignaturois -of .a, kind of, muss LiQy. the I ... rerg. , .. I . I 11�- � I . : . . 1 Oilice.1seac Stioet nex door. to New , ...
:. sings. . . and lifiplements . . . I .. . .
I dor some years before entering Par. power to calm, the roost distressing the i German -,:Qt mperor, the In still .-vroather, ,*heii. .the ,� � .. , ,, . � . . . . I . I . . - A . _... .. .
� . . I . .. . , �a, - - . . .
I .
- . . � -_ .
� I ,1;--+ 10 Cdu-b and to soothe and heal the - water has obbed awav from the . , ._� . I . . I .11 .
. , 9 1 .
� I � . ------- _._____.__.._________._ . .!7 most senE e n 01 -ro-T the uav mussel -beds- for a few. hour,;, .these
. gn 6
I . AL
n l'ugy' i'lle all I
;itive hionegial. membrane. .fee`nuo� Spain, an
Test it once yourself, and see! Sold by urway._�The Coun�ry Home. . - - sholl-fish can be heard producing a
.. ' .. . . . . I long, low fluting. sound. H,cftv tl . ley
.� , . ' I all dealers, . I .. . . '...
. .
�'* I do it.na one know.4, bV,t tbe�, certain-
. ,. Long credit is the bane of any coun- . . .
..� Non -a' 1co'holic try and should be put a stop to. Dusi- I . . . I . . ly make a quite distinot attemiptg ,fit
,:., n � ess men have the power to do so if . singing, and a.i they have no throats,
' *
1. I a . . they will? Many a man has been fn- . V IT they must prodifee.� the sound by some
I � duced to purchase articles which he . .OL � Manipulation of their double shells.
, . MW . .f I . . '
� .. T.qould do very, well without,on - pronsise . The touna is low �and not at all un -
I Sars' r1fla - n N 6 mon but rather s*pei to. the 'eat
� . -I- , aflongpayineht. Reprobablyeawlio T1lbGVqatBIood,,F)eah9 d bl� �'Plo , t, ' . I
1; . ure way of paying it when the. time 11 . . � on a still, suinifior's night'. .
I i 11 .: . Y you ',thin you n, eed, a tonic, 'came I Itinkes something. turned. up." ' I Tonie � I . . � . . . .. . .
I . . i
" ask your doctor.' If you thifik The something did not come tb hand Vitol Tablets invigorate the !Blood " ' Entombed Eight .Day*. .
.. and consecluently he went to the w4l. and8yatem -when broken by . twenty4our native,% have been :res-
I'- you need somrathing for your , overwork
I . Loiik credit has been the ruin of many andworry. Thev',buildup the system, ..cued alive And well from the Wit-
;. blood, ask your doctor. Ifyou -4 man and is bound to ruin many more shattered by. excesses ot disease' and watersro.nd. gold mine, which. -was
il think you would 'like to try if It is persisted ino �,� I cure nervous despoudency,lose of rhem- flooded by tho outbursting of dams a
i ' .
�1� Ayer's non-alcoholid Sarsaps. In the Senate, Send,tor Power Offer-' Orh confusion bf Ideas, pain'in the few days, ago: . .
. ed a tosolution 'am I I The condition of the natives who
I . � rills, ask your dogtor-L -Con- . Cal ngattention to the bacls, rheum%ti - I
, I Unsatisfactory c6ii'Afiion of the law re-, Mrs H Sider. 10 Lake, 8 b., St. Oathar- . have- been, rescued is wonderful, con-
. . eg, cly. ines, writes- Fot,fiveyditra I 6,vebeen
, � suit him.often. Keep in close specting the rietit'6166t of Jud I . i gidering their eight days' entombing
1. . I . I ,a ahol ot�','i in theputlic ser. � a irits, were Bode- - I
I todch with him. - 11 servant . . 6. great Ott erer my without f6od.
� , � vice of Oanada. Hexpressed the opin. resgedtbat a i es thoughtl would The wivim of Mr.. Pro -at, the mana.
, Wo Publish 6ui formul" I*ofi that tbcsre shoiild be provision for 0 so ething, awful. I as afraid. to ger, Dr. Perkins, the mine doctor,
I I . I - � be to b alone, I could, hot sleep at
We lbanish alcolhol a pension on earlier retirement. The
� 31 Itaniourtnedialnes present law encouraged men to rem ain nights, my nerves were completely and Mr. Afatthomqj the, mine cap -
I , , gone. I tried everything I doulil bear tain, accompanied thpir has'bands �
:, WiZW Y04 id on the bench too loog. Senatot� 0ho. *
d6noult �
, I A ers t of but'gct no relief till I tried Vitol with the iresene party helow.
. , Y! . nette agreed that ajudgo should not
1. ..M. q 4 to practice after he had Tablets. Ther first box helped me, At. It ig bolieved that -tile oonstantsup. '
I I He allow( _ -1 Was COMA ply,of compressed air saved the lives ,
� Ask yout doctor to nimb some 6f the been retired and pensioned as phy6i- ter I had taken six box0a .
1.11, U � I _ , I
14 �Veatlltfsofcoftstipadon. Hidlonglistwill cally unfit, and went On to say, that to bletely cured. My, *hab u change, of those rem&d. .
begin, With tick I OusflmoaL W We guarantee Vitoil Tableta 46 cure The gtoatlogt oftort's are still being
: � -headichat bi iouall , such to run in and Wit! an eledtlob on
11 .11 bA Ala. ,, I sit in the 11duse drAVVIOg A Poll
YSLOO' L ' � 6
. d1rof f9liat thitk bloodobAd 6 ision as sill caso of nervousness, anaemia, gen. made to effect the "Acue of BUY
. , - � almuscular wonkntioand 4ep
sak h in if be WOU14L woinvAtind yout 'I a retiredJudga-And 0206a.a a member � _rossloa men wilo may atill he .alive ill the ,
. ,'"In& Ayor*s Pills, J see med tS him unfafr4unlust and bf&rd* � 6fthOSOIA0. Price 50C. boxi'd boxes Mine. .
- L
I . 6,F- ,14- * A Aw., *��.*&.A., rt UA"A,6,.14'& -Q.I.gi+. Tj��X.w tagia, TOE *_2 ft . .. ... 11 . �..
Tbo undersigned. Will Bell by Pubild Akletaft.
_' -
__ __ _!�' on Tuesday'
' b' Con" O'e I T "
c � 0 rob D k and I
n L�' " ' ", t ' Far- �
A 11 Ah a a .1 I 0 , t ,,��
pr 4'0 b �.�.r b.
6 in yo
_I _out " 1'. in. 85 .d. .�d. � p . I t t
,'.' ' ...b .. ; on r r d. VV�r -ed '. . .. ..
t , . . ,t.�. :.
T. GU 7 Y. h THO . . t Nry .
Xn g � �C An , �
R I t ,
P 7
U .ti ".,. .
A , 6 �.J,� , or..
. .
I I . .. I
-.�*-_. L I ..
. I I . L. . 'L. '
. - -
. -
To -Th - Public . .
. 4
. .. Remember we aie still - do- - o . .
ing btisiness in the. -same 014 * . .
stand, and would say to our .. . .
. .. . � . �
. Noftc,e To.-CreditorA
. .I- . . I
I . . . .
: L
cligtomers, that w6 are pleaSej '_ '
in th�e matter the estate of John
Bettiscid - Green, late of the Town.
. .. � � . %
Ye since we . L .
NXith their patrollaLL . I � I ,,,
shipof Goderleb, in the County .Of
too,k ovei the buSitiess of Mr. .
Huron, decoasedo ,
Notleo Is hereby given that All Persons baying
I .
T. Beacom, and wobld say' �
claims or demands against the late John BOW-
sod Green-, who died on or about the 10th day
that we hope to be able. to ee- . L
of December. INE. at the said Township of
Goderloh. In the Frovinoo qfOntariq,aro ve(luir.
l 0
tain .,the confidence., of. the . I .
ad to send by Post, 1wepaid. or deliver to tile
unaersigneds6lieft6ralloi-einfbtlatLboll&G n,
public, not by offering a very �
theAdministratrix of tho estate Of the said
Dittlilson Green, tbeirnailles nd addrdesen and
. .
qs5 01 00 s, but bly I.
�hpap c1c
full partioult6rs in - writing c, their claims.. and
statements of their accounts and the nature. of
sel ing first - cfassd ,goods- at :,�
, 11 d by thoul. . I
the securities [if any] 11
And take notice that W tev�thO 14t day Of May,
r close -
V�ly rices. , , .
. P
A.D,. 1008, the said Isabel a, Green will proceed to
distribute the &Apetp of t is said fte0ased Among
. " I
We are getting in a 0110104§ lot OfL It
the patties entitled tboN to, bA,Vft1g regard Only
tothoolaimeofthlolisb( shalithenhavenatice,
Pull that the said Isabd Ia Greco. will not be
Ralains, Currants, Prunes, Aprieotv,. .
Prunes. Ppacbea and Figa, also a, large I .
liable for the said fisdeta. or any Parb theroof"t')
Ally poroollotlietabnoof hope claim she, 61411
not then have received n wee.
amount Of etttined goods, Come allot
A t our goods, and we assure you . 1
ib8pec #
listed at Goderloll, t114 � 2'.1nd day Of MArOb,
SatiaftLetlon' .
A.D.o 10M.
i Prices Paid fbl"Produte,, � :
1119ha .
. 001joitors for the sail laabeU, Green.
. .
I . I
Tyn* dal I & Carr,.
. I
P�epeat It.--l'Shilplifs Cure Will &I-
*ave oura -my 06ughe and colds,"
(Sut0000rs to T. Wsuoma
. .1 oW t 40ww 47 # . L .. I __._. ,. , , I ", - L � I __101 . L, I I - I I . .__ . I I I I . ...
- . . . . , . �, . __ . _____ __ --_---.-- , . . _. __ , � -.-.-"--.--L----- --.,----.---- ____ __..______._...__11__- - I I - - � � � � � ����������������� �lllllftll=