HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-04-01, Page 1I , I � ." . 6� i- .. 0 . - I I , .. I I I . 4 I .. .. . I . I I . . . . I . "I'll . I I � k I 1. . ---- %Z;1111 � .1 I lNew r..., . . -- .1 ! I .�� I :,�11: I I ,�'­: I .:..::1-1 .1 01 ". . . : � I ., -: , : I � 1. I .1 I 1. . .- `m _ , , , , . � _ , . � � ,, - ' ' ' ' " ' L ' 1. , , I I - . . � - . I � I I I -""%1-" _ _ _ , ri� I - 11 .1 * � I 0 Y04 44 Vo Ils I )09 � I � . . W H ., I ,;Ox ITIM . 11L - - �. I I—— I I 11 OLINTON, ONTARIO., THURISDAY �­APRIL 1, If, . � , I or � . I ­ .i. i I...; 1. ­ ­ I ­ ­ I . I I. - . I., I I ­ ".. ­ - "low, 1i N ''. - .. ­ I , ,. I � ­­ L ­ I... .. F -i I.. i, I _W- 0;6 I. i I . . I I . -717111 I � . 11 .1 . . � . .. . I..- I �. ­ 1�-�� -1-11111. 1= 11 I ­ I 11 . ­ .- -1 .1 I ­..... , . . THE 0 IVAR NEW 10TORY , - . 10ru4cefliplit conals"Ve --- - , i - � 4 � WRDIMNG-Ml 11 'Nancy Kennel, ot � Mr Jae Medd and 1.4,00. Farewell Banquet to Messrso R, I . R.''..., 17, I-— i sooltma in, r T:w ely hold a J i i I M 8A "".S%l . I �, The Orst Installment of the Xow Blake, who lat 13 tA1,d o 13WIlietweekluToronto, `"0*'%rs"q1b' ' . VaVs Story "The VVIngo of the Morn. Rood's store, � I - , ROYAL BANK Was marris last week t� rhey, were down on slaw Suit ais wit, Holmes and ,F. R. Hodgenso . - , I) * Mr. Xaller, a prosperous farmer n , ear nessee for Everest, against the 0 T R . Not . - I . � ­ - .-- - - Ir 1; . OF OANADA Ing will be published next week. The Zurich; they leftfor a wedding trip to Co.. in his claim foiz the loss of apples . ­ - I . I 4"� Author, Louis Tracy, is t a Author of Toronto; the bride leaves many frIe byfire at Lon4esligro,statiQu. Itizens ;ecelved ' - I I , . h . nds Certainly no two cl a on the pe sitioup of publie trust th%the . "I-, ' - "Wheel of Fortune!' and otherNovels, in our lielghborboodwho extend to the UWATH- Death bas again entered more hearty, generous or enthusiastic had honorably filled, voiced the gone , � � . ,10LIN TON. SRANOH I happy couple, t1teir beat wishes for a . . i � our toldet and claimed one of the old, send-off, than that aceorde.d Messrs ralregtet thatw4s a . Lon . . xperienced over I . . WhIcli have had s'greAt vogue. The long And happy wadded life. ' est peroons in the village, viz. Mrs Robert Holmes and Frank NITodgene hip departurej sod humorously a , nd 9 . I � , . I 11 I � I I . : . ya . . , now story will be found intereeting RURAL MMT. -A petition for rural Jane Ragill. She died. on Thursday on .Friday evening, on the eve of their cleverIv workeil in Incidents that wex-a 1. T � ... PA _ frpm the mail delivery is now. bedu,j signed in NOW I . ., fit and was buried ,oa Saturday in the I . ­ ursing. . .,-. 'r., , at to the. last page. _ departure from town, The committee very am # I i I I I our Post oftlee; the -inall wil he distrM. Conetance cemetery., .She leaves be. who.oavried oat the arrangements OR Mr Holmes expressed his. hearty and . . i . I . - SPEOIAL ATTENTION i ;,; ,; , i ­­,..'' .uted by the Stage at tbetarmsof those hind to mourn a loving mother, tho the Banquet consisted of Mr W Jac -',, sincere appreciation of the honor done 11i9t A short time 'now before- I on the stage route and also by those following 6hildren- Mrs Win Smith, .son, Chairman; Mr G u moraggert, birn by the magnificaut 4anvet, Inti. seedin to . Blyth, I I . , Id like I . I . , . I . . who have boxes a; tho. road corriers, I Seaforth; Mrs Win Cqokirdrs. 8 Rands Vice Chairman,. And Messrs Shaw, mated that he had nnly done his duty , inforg and we won � , . . TsOtLl that we haV.e the I TO NOTES- Mr and Mrs R.& King, are � this will be an advantage to those who obilstance; Jae, Wm, George and Miss Brydone, 1) Cantelon,Jas Fair.T Jack- as a citizen, was leaving town with at same fuI rengh . I . I I . f visiting the latter's friends in, Goderieli live on the stage routeo, but to those Saaeathome. Shewas8D.yeairsofage. sons'jr., and 134GIbbings. Nothing measureof deep regret, , and tba4ked � . . I . I . , , � . stprosent. MrGoo King receiveda at a distance it will be noa4vantage to N()TAS- I � . . .. SAVING"S BANK � last, that . his them, With rur Kiss Myrtle Cluff, Chiseln whatever that would coptribute to the one and all for the vory cordial a%- � I I message on Saturday aI mail delivery, telp. hurat, span pleasure and success of theq�abelrinK pressions of goodwill to himself, -it formaldehyde . . brotherJob King, of Jamestown,died' phones, etc, the farmer. , t a few days last week the was left undo . . . I .0 . . I . ' . andhisfamily ,.,,t of her friand Miss. Nellie Suther. Vneatbe TeSuI4 being that wns a very great pleasure to him that that has 'Proved go successful . . . . suddenly; through that death it leavos . will soon 11nd no excuse for comi t the spacious 'n beautlfull� decorated after,qo,m,a yearsof publicactivity- I . � I Mr GeoNing the only Lving One our -Villages, this vill a, left oul Monday for the I AOOOUNTS a large fAmily. Mr Hill ble got his . I 09 0 f2d, Miss Rate.MoMano,formarlyof , '21 other oeas'ons I . purvi I diiiiiig hall of the Normandie was ashl4yoran parliameuta rrepresent- ; aud FARMERS BUSINESS Of NOT19;s-Rev E H Sewers and JAmei West. 2 packed to iis utafoat oapw:lty to ne. ative- both Liberal arld.- 10rouseryative . I - . new boiler placed, and'is noW stat ting I Any people of this vicinity � . . McQueen left -on Monday to attend the are confined to their houses on account comodate the representatIve business united in doing him honor. PUII Pint bottle 25d'. - i . � I .1 I upfortheseason7swork. Thecongre- synod in and professional nien, and others, who Mrllr�done in'liroposingtbe health -- I I . . . ; . . - . ­ . . -, gation of the Methodist, church have Hamilton,and the meeting of of severe colds. Robert Clarke preach- to the number of over one hundroll, oiMrHodgene,al-udeAto hisaterling .1 -11-= I ;1 � Laymen's Miselonar ment In ed- In the Methodist Church, here Sun- had g . . , I.. . Weal Adistrusimetstil ­ purabhoeda beautiful imitation pipe Toronto.. JasRouetyletmt1oate I week for -day Jest, in, the .athered to show �heil? appreolat- integrity as, a business maii,his, acd it ; I Ivi 7 .. . ,!,L . i from the, ]E[arn Organ Fact 11cosejaw. M S' nd 13 ' I absence of the pastot, ion of two dep4ming ritlzons:, SaverAt in all that pertained to the welfare of I . * � . I , I � . I M Sears parrow a an- Mr.0urrie. Mr. Wm, Britton received Godericb$ Stanley -and the town,hisperformauce ot'vartous W A.McConnell .14 ". ,7f Irood,to,k, It ha,s�rriv,d ,and Ory' persons froni # Most of us, Morrish & Crooks ...... I was nor, who recently left nuli bank, have a painful accident while cutting wood . 1, I . - placed in this week and wilt be heard taken positions at Milton and Halley. with Mr. Goo. Hilo �a Beaforth werp present, including Mr public duties, and his all round good . I I Not long.* W A McConnell .......... I - ij to bb an,expe bury,, ubar CobaltiAn tbd Vernier's the handle strikinp,, -' - ; I 790et do it, VV 8 R Holmes .......... I for the first time next Sunday, there %the axe c me oil McbeA,,DfAbeSeaforth Expbsitoi,and citizenship, . ini on the kneo, , Camara supplies. J E Hovey ........ I I rtplayer from thefac. Banks, at these places ; b Mr J W Vans,tter, of the Goderich 14r god -gens, -in a few 'words, stated � Plim. B. .1, '1� I , 1�11 Mens gaiter . )r r a occasto , an 0. ou I celved promo, oth have re- le ving a nasty out which will put him B 2 , his Appreciation of the kindthings said I I . I -1. ,p, R Clark (Constance)..1 n tions wbich'4peake wall oat, of work for a time. . We fegrot to C.P.R. Telegrapli Agen . 1 . Millinery, Couch & Co ................ 4 wit add to t a usical exercises of ih6' for'tbe young men. . Ur Robt Fergus, chronicle the death of Mrs. Buggill of Irf atel� the ,wants ot the inner man of him, and the good will displayed to7. .., , . cy I . _ . . . n.most sumptuousl supplied wards him. He would Always remem- -Q� . � - n's lecture will be held -this ibis fillage which took place March by mine hoh � I ll� Master holidays, J Ransford ... meetin 9 at , sys, r 0harlesworth re- had bee ...... A ceive a car load (if hardware in on 0 t, Cooper. Mr I�Jacksolb, bar the friends of Clinton, which was UtelogmEl�11:1.!�,�iiii:'':�l!,Ill�i'lli��ill,�l�ll�:,I��l�:,Illll�l���;�� . � Seed -grain, Jno. W Yeo .............. 5 (10'riday), in Bossenbury's Hall. Thos. 25th. Sbe leaves, a family ot three I ,� Mon ay. from oudon. it came by 0 P Fraaei attended the banquet to lVessrs � as chairman, proposed a toast to the his native, town. I House to rent, Mrs J Bean .......... 5 R.,�fr Charlesworth will SOO and four daughters. to mourn - . Aw,%, , � . � , � . n be Open Holmes and Hodgens, at -Clinton, .on a oss of'a, kind and loving mother, ON , F I When a child, A J Gri.'gg ............ Mnell King, and Also read letters of regret Xhe toast O'Canadihn. 'Politics" was 4kT1h,*'%,%ft,S,%#q1�" I Wanted, Mra R Rawlej..... 15 edupforbustnAss. Thedebateincon- fi6mout of town frierils.whielvin- responded to. by 4 1 raser ................... 10 TIeCtion with the Y M 0 A that was Fridaa eveinmVbf last week;he reports The friends of the deceased have. the - � W G Proadfoot,M P,, " , ­ ... I A- P. Marshall, Goderich syro I uron; A . - For Rent, T F ..... .. 6 held on 111i edneisalty 6*eifflig of last- since q , pathy of-tbe community eluded such. - ndrew Porter," Oode- , 1�'- � Fabrics for Sprin ' Tl�., has moved intwMr Br6cklli hougo­ -ia,thel . �9 P.; G F'Blair, Goderich, and W N rich, and Thos'Fraser. 9,Toxer & Brown.. 19 6 � . ; r sad bereavement. Mabilingi of London. The President "The Professions" I - 8 'well - - with J. Moody . . r - . . I . . . I _persons as M Y McLean., Centre R was responded to ' $ ' . . � .week was a success, the hall we $ 1 .1 Save money, Newcombes ....... be has taken a position � 4 't D lt -------- ... :: Men's Dougola gaiters, &owed ioles Togular $2, . , -1 31i Kerr, -Mr' Do.n---- I 0 -.1 . . I filledi notwithstanding the bad even. for the summer. R. Fitisimons, Clin- 75c; Men's low shoes, regular $1, 25 for 75c; ef the Canadian I ressAssociation at; by R6v Mr Jolliffe, Rev I # - I— ­. ­ - I 11 � . I . - I Ing; the subject being Iresolved that ton, sbipped hogs from .our station On Boys' and Youths' shoes. iogulax S1,25 for soo; the time in session in Toronto, sent a Giindry, Mr Hartley, and Dr Gann. . ' . , 1­1­�­-­ , 1.1 I . Udies' fine shoes, regular $2.25 f c7se; misses telep IoBuii I Don't. do like you did last -y . , initrdmental music Is helpfulin church , I I rs 1) , I � I Tuesday - the price was nearly $7 per r 81 And $1.9p ;tam of congrjitulp . I 0 ,ear � - 0 ,t(on to its ex- uess Interests," by Moss . . . . heavy heavy and Ane'shoes,regulliar president, 40 Holmes. Mr Jackson'in 0antelo:n and J B Hoover., . YOU remember you'sowed Vu-- I 1-11 P worship' the ibegatlie, wirining,.9'a0by - '100 pounas. Tenders are be eceiv. for 750. 1 1 R. CLAUX, Constance, t . . . $ 1 � I five points, which was a surprise to . . callUig attention te the occasion that : 1, .. . mIrIng of , I ".Cho press" by W 1vtoLealb,' of the gr n- I , ad for the arection 'of the bui di - .� I #I nearly 411 of the gddience,:- buE the . . . . had brought them together, alluded in f al. WftbOlit� Pickling it. The , , f ,Z,) - , prove to be a benefit to those that he T the new schoolhouse in Tuckeremitb,, . . � Holiniesville . . Seaforth Expositor. Ali the so I $ , . q1, W-,.1911 -- � them'. . ar near our villag - it will be an up -to, � most complimentary terms to both the _eakets : result was disappointment. . - . � � � I I . -is . AT HOME -The "At Dome" .Under guests of the eveiiiing, and unreserved- in the course of tbeirremarks. referring , I .. I - 1-. . . I . 4 I I . . - . . . .date sebool'building, with basement� in comptimcutiir� . me $ - $ , .. . . . -, .. I . . 1. �, . ate- . . . � thie'auspices of the Ladies. Aid next 'ly eulogized them as citizens that the of . We evening, . ter to � the guests Ivr I , a , � . . I . � . . . I . . ­ Friday niglit, April -2nd. bids fair to be . town could ill aff6rd to lose. - I . 1 $1 1V0]?1F11 iv . , . � - . .� .1 . I 1, , I I I . . ,. East Witwanosh * , I . - . � . . I . I . , . .. � asuccebsin every Way. A .Splendid Mr M G - Came - ron, ex -M -P. P., re-. . The Blackstone orcliestra and Town t I his year . -and . come to us' fo $' � . . I DEATH OF MRS WILLTAX � JAKES.-�- , - I � � , ro . gram e7 is ein prepared � and a,- uponded to the toast of 1�0&mida.". It Band furnished music during the*even. I , � .0 $ 1 . , . I . . � . . . I 3WEAPLE SY]ftUp . . q *1,11110,111lam. � � . . aint lunch will base I was an e�ccellent and eloquent sps6oh, Ing, . . � . I � $ abottleof, . . I . . . I Simper Idern brand, 25c per qt. ,There. pessed away on Friday, 10th I ONTARIO BEST APTER ALt.-Mr, . rved. I I .. . . .1 . . . I 11 I I I . I I . , I . I . inst..,'ona ofth6 pioneer women ofBast - and Mrs. Andrew Trew have just re , ." 1. ' ,.- pickedtea fromtheCO and referred. in. g1lowinT .terms to the :', It Was the opi�ioii of ail'prei4nt that - Star Brand Formalde yde I � . . I cap ,a by. r .. iller, a'nd a heritage we possess an itsunlimited the bAnquet was one of the most sue- . . 1111 . I . . I I � . , . . I . . XONEV ,i Wawanosh, Mrs. James,. relict of 'the, I turned bore from Sask6tchewan.where tea ... I ..the ifle asociation,, -cap. Ssibilitios. . ' - 1. Dessful ever held in.the'town, both in ` - . - Its a.aqre smat killer I . ... . I , . , . � In the comb, 20c each. late Win. Jam6s, itt this rips age of,85 .they have been for several yeare past. tain Oscar Foister bad a Shooting PaIn ;proposing the toast of "Our point of aftendance.and Me unanimity � ... . . I I � � . :. '- I In pint jars, 25c. Vears., Deceased was a native 0anad' They consider old Ontario better after match In the Holmeavilles Hall, Thum Guesti"Mr J Ransford. proposed the 'and gbod'will manifested, and . I Ne -per I)int I I � ! . . I I . ian being born in thezoauty offianark � � PICKLES . I . 'k Messrs ,. I . all, and have comeback to me a their I . I . . ,� I Ont. Her maiden name was Ann home -here again. - . . I I day night last; which resulted in vic- .health of Air 11oImas;Mr-Biydon6 that Holmes and Hbdgens have -good reason * I � � , . . . � I Lea�s Sweet Chow, 25v per qt. Rothwall, and sixty -threw years ago I � . I I .: tory by seven Point for theForr Hodgeris. Mr Ransford alluded.. t6ftlel highly pleased'at the generous. � ., . . . I!- �1. " , - - � , . - - - . A� HoRe,u'Tn.k7;)E.-Talk about -the; �A dainty an pax- 'was serve:l sfter' . to Mr Holmes' Ion . 1. fresh Cabbage and Lettime. she was married -to Mr. Win. 3ames. I . % and. useful career. send 61T they receivpd attlie . hands of .- I , I � � i � I I : 6 They. came to Bast Wa0anosh in 1851, famous Unpin horse� trade, it was- ward I-Iler's at the expense of In the town, coinplimenteil.hini highly their fello w -townsmen. I : . . � 1. I I .. . . . � WOSORO - HoI114�9- � I �j, � Veo. XcLennap & Co., ClInt6n and worked bard and long to provide completely outdone in this burg this the unfortui lnwte. .The honors will ' , - - I I I I I . I I I . . . . . . � - . . . I . i a comfortable home forthemselves and Week. whan's, certain well known far. again be contested naxt Tues"yniight . I . . . -- - . I 11. I== �. . . .1 . I I I �. . . $ . ., .�11 ,#ash and Trade for -Butter and E I � . ... . . . . 1. . I . I I " I 'e8ttlirig on lbt �D,, con,.8, on . iner from B W.'awanosh met a local April 6th, ' - - ' ` , . ,� I . : . " , I - . .1 . :i I -� Pbm 0 . 1. � . ..... ,. � ,�., 14 ggr fAffilly, ast, I �. . .. Rulliffts . . , :. " I - , . . I , 11 . lk which. farm thev lived the -remainder. llvb�y stable keeper who � gets .the. NOTES -Another desperate encoula- -NOTES -Mrs H Xo&idge had a very.. . � .. . � "I'll - - � I of their days;' Thirty-eight years. ago name Of being 6.rath ' � . . L I . Iffanuhtel,gring ehe.'01�14 - .$ ,- , . L� . er horsey cbap.. ter'pliinnl�d for Tuesday evenink, Apr. successful quikting�bee, dde day, last . L . . I . ." ',:�, i: - I I i Mr Jameadie.d. Of the eleven children, ,The liveryman asked the farmer if be Otb.'At Sp, in., between Rifle Club a0d we6k. - � . .. .. .... L I " . .. ... . . I L. 1. . I . i� ,��L . C.O. . . , "I ..... ;I".. ib�l llblm#'%'��Iilhol;lx t - ".., �` * five. sons and two d4ughtibre rentiain.. tilid a horse he would tradeor sall. The F,; all available forces called out *LAccibitsr-On Friday, while Dan , . I 1, ,,, . I � "�- � � 1,�­, �.' 'I,.' �,�, , . I ;:.,-­,� I ..;-.., I'.. . I CENTRAL � The funeral took place Mond, y , as kis the list night 6f 'the Season ; 0 i , , . ' ,,, ­ , ;�, I ..''; -- ' , rawford, Son of Mr. B, Crawford. of "I ­�" .4-, � L ; �,i '. 4 ' ,)2nd fartner said he had, and thwliverywan , L � -11 ­ - ��'� . ' .�� cembeerv. ,� * agreed to iV6 him a gold watch and a pritetice after.the match in Holmes "I" I , "'. --1 Lurldy?s Lane Mer,bodist Cburch'has � � . . nst.. to.: the Deacon - the 13th,:was choging. for Mt 0 M411 . "I ­' - , , . . . I . . I . . � L . Cruess for.th6borac, about all- Mr and Mrs* Oliver Jervis. � ning, be -happens to CjJfi ne. of his . --',� " ,� % ­ " hadabottime. Sonlotimo.agoapxft- . . ,; , . '. villa H B 6 1 1 I �* . . : � I . BUSINESS .. . . , I * - .5 . . phlet which * d 11: I "' I . .. .� 'S�L I � ch no representation vu gueLranteg Clinton,visited in ourvill this"week toes,so'soverely Lhat thie do ,tdr had td , I professed to be sig,ne by . * 1 . : whi 'te age . . , . . . � I officialb of thechurclicberged ov. Mr. - . .. I i - . . eaterth ' ' wbt ver was. made by thefarmer,who bit! J Lowery, 16th �con., I sited at Mr arnputateit. . . . � I . I I , ' ­ I � I I. LACnossi L c ­. The �Beavai L got.theliaroesp, andwas to . "i", I Lavell wit W .; erious financial Iro6guldr- - , � Co I - I 168 Proct4r's on. Sunday. Mrs N W' NOTU-4hursday afterdoolo, April 8, � :%i�'.Lp -� , LLEGE , Mrosise bring In -1-1 ... . � Club of this town has organiud for the the* horse next day and get ihe watch, Trewartha and Mrs W Jenkins dttend- will be visitor's day for S 8 No 8, when - ""ift- itiesi .Thee, were distributed even at . ''. I . . I � . I . . L.�,L;­;� .. .5TANDS xfoady to help youlig Moil and season, and elected the following' offio- Tfueto his agreement the farmer de.;' ad the Social eve ' g given b � the parentig. and -all others interested in the -;-'�;7z,;�; ... the church door; and sent to Parvis, L . I 1� Vrome to win independence And IN7&ed the horse at the . livery Stablej Woman'b, lnstitutl�nCln TI - .. school - ire cordially iriviNd th'be �res . -1 . . where,Mi. Dwell bad been teridere(I a L 1, ... I success, It has given the strrt� to then- era-�'Hbnbvb� President, Dr;McXdt; . linton,last hars. . p .;'. ""; , I call, .Now the church, officials have *. I �� �, . . - President. DIr Pinkney, Vice Presi- but 'it w;is A sorrier looking specimen day ei,ening. ­ . . . � I . Mar f . . L . sands upon thousands ,of- young people. . . ent. For a couple of hours the'jregtilar � ' L� . . . It can help you. Write for Catalogue. don'ti, H Scott' and Dr Hodgins; Bee . re- even than the famous quadruped , the I 1. . . . .. I - : , t.escbing exercisei. will be carried Owl- � . . published an 4pologyatill, ietralition of . L 11 Enter any time. L L "Jol'In Kantucky'jadg I . . . .. . oil. .. . all the remarks, and have urged hiva­ 1 . . . . tary, J A Roberts, Treasurftli ,,e set upfor.Lincoln's in- .. after wbich a short pi6gramme will be I , ain for another year. L ' A . ' L I ' . A nai i , ' feet to stand . NoTEs-The Young People's Guildi Is; exerelsel; begin at A . I . . .. I Address W. H. SHAW, Pres. Rankin; Me gin Committoe. 3 Olin spectiou, for only three � I ,given by the too remi I I . � . . I . � . . Yupi . :-. . � I "I . . I . . I " � . Bell, 5foot, -Joseph Wade, �010, and'was entirely Valueless ,exdept I o'clock. � Al wel' . 111.1 - I .. , I of X003t Church, expect a vilsib froin come. Z, .. I I . I �-- --1-t ;I' I L L .1 Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. . -W " 11.. Johnson and the President, Sor aL glue - factory, in. fact the horse the Guild -of St. -Andrew'a churchi . . SCHOOL REPoRT-The following is I I I ... .1 . " I . - . T aced in both junior had to be hauled in on a large -sleigh the report of S S No 0, Ifullett, for'the 1 . Sale, R0918ter. 4 .. ­ . � I . againswill be pl; - . loaded et the door of the livery Blytb, next Tuesday evening ; there month of March. IV-Sebert Henry, , 1. . . I -L .. L .. . . �, d intermediate series of. the Uanad- and*un . will be a debate -and other entertai66� , � , , I .. I .. I L stable. -The farmer now claims the, ment and a lunch '- a cordial invitation Alex Manning. H array Fingland, Wit_ L ", . SatUrday.Arrilard.,at2:30 p'.m."ab R. 4ra-, - I � . ian Laciosse A$Sociatiom ., � - . " , , .; I . I I . ham'shoW1.01into aucfilon�alo,OE25-choice , L, I �. � , , I . I . 1P - : " .;. - - . . . . 1. L - gold w atch', and the irateliverystable to everyone is ax'tended. , J. Hutton lie Daer, Eracet Patterson. 111��Ftoy lz� of. S. E. Br dy,** Thoman , I., . . .. . . . . . I I . I I I dalrY cows,,- proper a , . I � � . . 0. : Yeoper. threattins all pod' & proceed, shipped a car.of flour this week. Don't 'Hobertbri.; Etta Wagner, Flora Fiag- - I.. Brown, Auctioneer. , . L�. .. I . . .1 .1 - .. .1 . . - L . , . . L I ,;; . .. I I 1. I ings m,,ainst hirn.' So fd,r anyway .the . - . land, Walter We ' gner,, Wellington . .Ia - . ... 1. ­ L .L 1.11 1. . .. .11 ­. I ­ ... .� -, L ' forget the big 2 161 Oopc6xt 1;6� bar 91v-' - -1 . I . I .1 . . . . I fari.ner has. t66 advantage of the. trad.e. on in the Mcithodiot 0hurch 6n.Good.. Good', Rosid Daer. r. II.- Dora Mog-� - -- . .. .. .. . I ,- - . IL . � 1. ., ," . . I I . . . . . L I . . . .'* I—, , ­­ � L. - 1 1­11.11.0.�J,%!.W� ........ �0 ...... !q ......... 1.,.,..1.."4,40w4a,4.;.A,- . I . . . . . .. .L I � . -- , - 1. . I . . ' Ill' , Willie Uood, GladysRohertolli I 1. . . . . 11 L � . .. . FrId9,y evening, April 9th; the concert rt a . .1 � . ­ 1. . I � , . . - L , �� . L . a . I ' : . � . � I . . . ner, Xanot,GovJer, Katie . . .. . � .. : �ls I sfid as both -.,-- i lie Wak I . . . R W. . i I ., ,�. I I . ` I . Ws'gner, Melbourne Cox. Jr 11 --:-Les-, Z . ­ - . ". . FAL . ­ I. ; Ordered M OS.h &..Cr ok, 'Readrmide - 06derich Town . Ailp , , . n contest foeln, 11 . . . L 'T E R L ,� I- . have been workiur hard, a. "bumper . IRE . -NEW EDITOR- AND - '. -� ..g_ .. I : I . clothim, - ihib 'AC'C1DE141k,-:-:-Xr, blilton'Sbee� . I . I I& ort'l 0. S.,C '14 , g , , . _ bad , lieBall,.0live Wright, Mimile WAg. I Z. J3 . . , 1.� .11 ." I . . . entertairimptit may. be.'expected. Itev . � . I i, .' I . . , i - - . . rew i'hed,f"%, -" L .1 I � . . . . .. . 6e in sfortune'to` haie his hand ,ev PR6PRIETORO � . - is ingon Sept. Tst. ,Our olol�establ, ti .. I 11 I . . .Leckie and dwigh the are in Hamilton neri Eddie. Good, 'He�ry..Hunklng. L .. . . ,be Noel offor8 the beat, fac! .. r - .. I M . . so ' . . L - . I I . tun rd I I I I I . I I I 0 1 1 - =MZMGN2WUMW3Z 4*jA9#I F V� CAF W - W -A - I V Z Z V, 410�0?141- 1 1 $ $ 1 $ ` $ 1 1 - - , I 111111111111� . I, , I erety. out one'day *this Week. ,Bewas Average iit4ndarlce. 2& 'F. O. -Hess, I Weare -�socurinq 6 sound busidess and shorthand :- 1. -- - . . . I --- 4.� , - 4 L this Week. Itev. Currio is in Toronto L . . rry to state that Mr, W.. I tr - 1. , ** . . . 1. . - . 1�'I, . . .. . . 1. .. I ' s . aining, Write for datalodile'; it paj.'s to ., , � � . . an � � . - E L ; , . . . I . .. . woAin . a circular - saw, And in sow ' - d, Carrie . H Kerr, of Brussels, is confined to hi .- investigate, . t� . I . . , . : I . . .. ... . . . Is Mile Week. - : Have. -Leckie` tdacher. . . . , . ", .% , I I ., means his band'o . , . : . . . ame in cotAtact with ' SCHOOL R . The followin 4 . . I . .. 1. . t . � .. I . . ... ­ . 11: � . . .1 . .. . 11 . . exchanged'p6lpits last Sunday. Rev. EPORT- y is home by illness. I . .. . . � I- 11 - , , - - . � , the saw, with the abov6 result thet'li _ . the�report .of 8 8 No --8, Hallett, for 11 _ 11 , , a . I . ' - - M *B , - 0 -- , ----'w� .BpillShAMerjeaRBUSineSSCOIICge" . , I ­ L I : .. � I of Clinton, will appI urns, " . L I . i t.. .of. . I will be laid up for a few days. He was S March:'-Sr,I)iV1sion,j Sr 4�Eddie Q,rgy ­ ­­ ----.- Z . Z . . ,.�. I � U I . , S'77i' t Sun ay and . . _ . � .. I . . I fortunate in not loosind any fi and nox Churches xlex X., . 114 . . Colborne '. ,,,,, - � . . : ­ �' , * ' L ngers, - Rev Leckie will Supply f6r him ln'Clin- N Garxett,.,A-M60onnell, X McCon I . I , i I -Yonge3and McGill SL�., Toronto, I -- I LL '� - L . � . - . t., , - . I -1 . . , NoTpm-Wbile walking through the tom 'Ladlea remaifiber th6 millinery V Phillips, 13. Brunsdon, : Jr. 4�. Elva . - Fred Llokd. wis called .to -"­---­­ ....... w -V ...... �.;...,.U"v�.,.,,$,.O."W..44,."Au.� , I . I .,� . . � , � I , , CITI. gOTICS., � � �', I bern the other dayMrs E'hathwell had openingg.this week at the B rapprillm. Manning, S.Lyon, Frank Broivu, Fred ' ' . I . . . . Rikkingliam last week; owing,to. the -�- I.. � . ` ."'. - ,q � the misfort-iii- +- -0-11 -"d -fra-ure 1- At -7 t, � ­�- I . Crawford J D Elsie- - Sp 3 -P Lee M ­" ,v 0 -A t, - Ir n I I . � ;:W71 OZN% . 'k 4-: t1- 04- It- I I I ,� � .. ­ I . . . I ­ . I ,1 I I � : .: , L L .. �'. ,.. . I � knee -cap, this wilt-lay,her up for some -1P 4p o er sowv,v,ev ng tter. MessroWatson shipped a car of cattle . ' f . . Grainger, %r Garrett; H Crawford, Ivy .. � . M er. . L S spent Saturday �and Sunday at his ,L . . .1 �L f. , . . I . . . 1 I . . . ,� . . .14 11 " � .1. . . . I. . .1 .. . .. ;� time as the location is'of, a very tend. ' ernature. Anninberafthelighbfan. . . Idet Saturday. Louis Pringle and W'm !a B4511 'etarted for Killer ek� Manijoba; Roberton. Jr`S-Jewet Grainger, 0 Phillips, 0 Crawf:)vd, 0 Littlo,B. Little home beat �Mafekin'r.' Ws9.AmA'nda, Durst. is on the. sic� list at present, , . L . . � �', . , .. Most of -us think. . . . .'0"�r'3"'% . I . .1 . - .. ,., ­ 1-­� . ,10;", ". . . 1�. k. .. "g 11 I V `;�.,, .t tastic's of the' iieighborh000 were in- Ivited to ar party at the home 6f Mr. 1. on Tuesday morning.- .. ... . � I I . I � . � I I . . . I . b Brurisd6n,ilenuie Mains,L Johnstob. . . . I .; W G Beaton, teacher, ' I . . Harvey Snyder, the elght' year old - . son of]�evi Snyder,,had �is 10 troken I.... . . ­' 1. . .t�il 11 .. , � Ahes' DO 4 �''. Of 66 -eco. My , � '. " " - " G. Steep last .Thursday evening,. its . . L . . . . I . I . ' L last 1 baftL iw t. ''�, . . .06.1 -, -, 1:.1 ,,� . . .'r. , ..L , - � " ­� �,. . : '21 in . . ediess 'no tosay the hilarity of the youth . tja_y . L . . . I field .. . . I , I Sion Jr Divi Jr2.v�M-,Currie, 1ALyon W S . week, While playing a I - A nother Son met h the same ac- t I . 11 1. " . he '.',, 1. . as cheapness ,� � , L . il?" I " � ­ .. LL 5z" 3 .. - I � L 1. . . W . 11%, ,V � .., . I . � I I � few '. to the music and dancin w III g SSL a, - lit NoTEs-Rev Mr MoNeilhas returned from his long And is V , ,otb, 0 Lyon, P Mannin r ford, D &, K CraW .Wit . cident during last whiter.' We' are ' -1 , . L . ,:,�� ,� .. : � , I original cost; of . .,�--­ -(��, I . . � ,�, b, . ustip appily- spent., Stanrey L -Tow vacation, now con' Braithwaite. U 1 Hill, Dora Rlley�. Sr' pleaseid'to report that Mrs'. Schwartz is � , � - I . � �p I !` I � " , - . 1. I . ,, .11; .1 ,;, . , L 11 . ,� us stop to think P - . , ( i ,� I Il has, been ,more 6� lose tormented " duct hi own charges. Miss Mary Ing is I Porterfield, Marnoch, is. her pt 2 -M Jami a n 0 0 i 1, A 0 a o ,KM 0 iii el J n t able to be up again. Her many fdend6 . '. �' I . ; ... -1 .- I., . that ,cheap clothes t'! - .,. I wilh tbleivil this. spring. We- ate _ pleased this ToWnship.don't possess I all visiting sister Mrs, Fepguson: ,The people,sro HUnking, N Matining,'Harry Riley, B Orawford Rd Crawford. Jr.ut 2"Yulia .hope'to hear of her speedy recovery, Oscar Forster made a,husiness trip to . . . . I . . . .. '. .. v, � . . .� I .1 . . . . . I .. -- .�� . I . "I . .... . � . . . � 11 . " , -1 - I . I ... I r, . � , $ - . . .'', I . ­ . - "! 1. is a whisoerof greatly surprised and pleased at)Ou!', Brown.KirkLyon, N Woo 'particulars. � - �­.- .. . I mean some - thing . I � . people. There dman. .X Goderibli last -week. B. Blake spent Send a postal for . . .1 . I . , * , I . . . .. . .. �:e-`11 .� I . . . wedding- bells kinging in'this. immed- announcement of tqe wedding of Chas Brown, M Gray, M Grainger, M Shoh- Friday evening At the home..6f*Mr X . . CLIN -- . " I ..11-"­'ij%��,l I, � i . ,� I 1'., 1� i` I I K,l , . . 1, , ".�Lli:-,,,,,Ikll�'llill"�l*". WON � ''I'. %,��. , , �."� - " cleverly hidden 'be� . "n. � - 'i into vicinitv before tbey start fbr. The Marks to Miss Josephine Galbralbb, 5f brook. Ft I -A Runking, i Crawford shinki. O.'are Penniniton entertainuerd I I .- .. . ,� ,1- . , ., k , '... ':­ 11 I' �, . ill I . . 1. . .".. I... I,,.,; * � .�:;�! , , - - '', ­ �-. . . Varna, which td6k place onT, ednes-. 8 Li ', 0 14 . . . �� -;.'� I � I �: '.. J� .. , ,1. � � I I . Golden West, (Won't you Guess?) clay., Apr 31st; the cor I . I some friends on Friday- evening, last, - BUSINESS. COLLEG'E.' . , ,;.� hind a presentable J . . . F;'1.1�1; �f�iA�,�,��':% . . lgratulatlons of ttle ' ' . I - . !I I . I ; I I . Huston, teacher. . - � . � I I . , ;�"!,; ;��,I!j!',��!!, I .has I . , I 1harlie Lee, of Londesboro, spent Sun- . .'� " ... 1' ' ..... .. . I I Mrs. WilliamPerdue been shirhtly �-6 � � I C , G90. SpoTTox !Principal.' , ... ... . : �, i "I Indisposed, So'no Noctl 'M&r� the'public are extended r.o our Charles. : .. I I - �, � � appearance. . . . , '� i fj;log,j�, -, , Tuckersiolth . day with his brother on.theMaitliLnd. . I I . I I I .� I � I ". .. 1, . . , ... 't,d.;, , "t", I John Trick spedt.Sundav -evouing, re- .. . . . I i . . �i 1, "%. , I auders have been *invading a few ofthe Mrs Williamson who has: many rela-' . . . I . . . 11 �, SVI eaft . � "N - �:, - 11 1. 1, lVi;` .19, firmers ranaries the last week. mr' tivea here and whp spent her. young Housli SALES- Mr W G Broadfoot newing old acquaintances on the Mait. ' . ' . � . . . . ., . I . I . � , I I . : Nelson oe,wasdisa .. I I . 1. . . I . fflllh , .. . V4 greeably surprfse� . years in this place, died recently in the oneof the wall-known'larmers of this land. . I . I . . I'� �11 , i Iiii, . . one morning Wban he went to ,feed West.' The Irish. 'Social given ,a township, b". rebootly madla 'Several . � I . . . . I 1. 1 . � , I . I I . . . ummm . �11 W as , I - 11, ,his horses he iftisdovered that his oat Ladies Aid of BE Andre a n t at- sales of good horses. To Mr Wiltse,of I I . . I'll" r . I ' . . . Auburn' . . . . . ... . I � : I � � I , 'I t . 1. as t'd 11 I the Loudon road, he recently sold'one . I , I I t bin was emptied., Mr. George Can tel- vie's eve, March' 6 I 11 � l'. , � V . . i I i, ,� ,,�. . - on's barn on the Oth con. was also genuine success; e Peo ile 0 0 -forr$200; also a two-year old filley to Xolrl�s-Mr and Mrs F Johnston, of fn -- `�­' I . �� �;n,­ I . % Ca eragupplies I.. I . 1 �� r ,t,' I visited by the Malap6rts, the losers obliged to the a I If ise Layton Bros., for $200 He has also a; Goderich, are visiting at*Mri Sturdy . I �, ."...#1 , . . . . . I'll. . , � , , . , - I I � . . � ";` are a little susp 'eves entertainments would co emor a ve fine five-year old mate left in f6al Miss Maggie Scott, of Blyth� is again I I . �. . ' V t4abd - . . I 11 ,....-.. .icious. who the thi I . . . -received, a new $UPI, , * � , Irlit , ly of - .. . I I are, d somethifig Will.bo done. � . . , . I i I � . I M;i Xing� ellgl�ble to registration. Met the home of her friend, Miss Wit- 1. Just V .. . 6? � . I . !, I . an .1; I . I . . , . I - &nd -Mrs Goo Moore, of Ben- .Filtils, Salfmhoning, Pd 0. F. and I . . . I . . i . I 4 - . Stanley - � A SCHOOL CASE -A case of consider.' son. Mi - . . I . . . I I I I . . I miller, are visiting. Mr and Mis H Me- Ges-light Pa. Sri; andPost, Cardst � g=:N "I . . . .� I I . . I � . I I i I . - atle Interest to people in (hit neigh- Wniiig ;and Fixin iff :, . ­ L" s' .. .1 Leelblilirn., - :, , . . SCHOOL RRPOAT��The following is Gee. Air A G 'Beaton, of Loudeabbro. Deyelopingi I � ,,� 1 ;1 . the wonthlyirepoyt of .4 8 No M.Stan. borhood Was tried atthe Division Court. "I � I � � C I 0 t 4 I a 's .� . . �w , .. ::: I I NOTEB-MISS Eval1olison from Hull- . o 1 Tao 4d%y - bafard Judge tiolt, - I In called an friends here sad atWestfield, PoWderS and Solutions, Oar . .11 . . . . . . I I . . , e . 11 � I le . .1 .1j, Blames are in ord6i of merlt� Sr. . . ,.1. .1. I thid week. Mr J B Robertson. who is Mounts, Printing frames, Tales, - .. " 4-�.:- ­ - her ,relativad in bur' , Stephenson-, M, M Fisb 10M the -school 11011601 -ill Section N - 's I�errob' � I I ..� ief,R Mo. 0 coplo Tripods, Tiav � . .. ­ 1. i�. ott TO., visited -, � YPI3. . . i . . � . - . , I I ripighborboodla 'ek Miss Winnie Jv5-H Jones, J Kehl. ,Qr4- 0, Ta n' line accepted a school at Courtlaud, Plates, Trimming Knives. Rubb: i . � 11 - .... "" A P Petrie, H Dinsdate, 0 2 MoBoath, 111b. school# meas clokd,, and the true. Norfolk Couht�ro and will enter upon or Rollers, Border. M aslis, Bust- � '. ... I .�.. �:­:In� o : - I. , , st w' ' I -Tr4-1101(ehl, WUMeBeath. AM _ . . � . ,� , � ­. . Beath, ckorsmith. known as the -.,Us � attending theStratford.Normal School A I(IN , I , , gh_w� spent gat day and Sund W 9-1 .,..,. , ­' - .�:.-,�,�!.-,-`­ erich. ur ,toes made arrangem6ntei with: the true' I I, I - .- V � �;,." I to, his duties after Easter. . jor -Brow.lb, Ansco -and. Carbine . .... ;.., ,:..m�:. ". , . . - . F soy - , ; I With or eons. "r my af bernoon Visber. Sp 3;,-A Hood, I Rathwell, 11 t namim"d4.. . in in God �v � ��'. , $ ­ .,; � Horton left on. Wedoesd ceo of the Seafiirth Public school I . I I .1 . I ;, � . . . . -, .. . .. I . I I . I . . I . .1 . . � . I I , The clothing of characteo, style -and, depend- �. abiliy is cheap and' - good.' Made from good � , fabrics, with double seat, -and knees, clouble;-stitch:. ed seams 'and pockets, 'lloncave shoul,ders, un- breakable,ffonts, doubte elbow.g. Evety fashion- , able idea is represented,--and.we know of no'better � I - clothing anywheie, � " . . . � . 1. ra . V . , Su ts � $1,600 td%k-`Cto.00 - , , W I . I . . . .L." . Knickers 49C To $I so - . I . 4, 1 . I ,--- -- -- . I . . I . , . ' M orri Si h - & er.00ks . 11 A Square, bell For Every May" . - .. I . ­­­ .1 -­ - 1- . -, mob do Tiiesday evening At, -tfiebouse of Jho Ranter, 'Out pastor Rev. 3 as , Ramiltoti. Ili away from home this week attending the Sytiodat Hamilton and Convention at Toronto. Miss. U Demps6y, Goderith. was a visitor in our burg, on Sunday. - There will be, )10 proper mee Ing this, Week, asr MV Hamilton will be away from home. special musir, id being prepared for RasterSunday, . L � I Harry Faloojabr and wife rere visiting on thdII06 eftfor Goderieb on Tots. . . . ... . clay. be ex acts to begin sallin abo t I I . - i1w . . 11 . 11. Rev Mr McGrieru . ' the flOst PAPA 6 � � Pdftbr'll 11111 wifoafid two children of Grand Bend Now,s-Olivet T16hborne and two were visiting on the line on Tuesday, - Stators, Dell and Ruth, visited #t Dan. Xt, Oarriere goes to Toronto to atte�d gannon last WeeL Benson Dawson,of the Laymen's Missionary weeting;Mrs � Springbank, is visiting at John Cox% Carriere and children will .visit 911 his Mr ithil Mrs 0 W Potter Sundayed In return, Mies Kate Thomson *040 visiv,- Colborne, ,Mr. Sam Emmerson an'd Ing friends in Saafottb, last ,�Oek, I familf, have moved on the T. A. Me- .6 I., 4 � D006, d farm; wa extent! to them"a . NOTICE W hearty Welcome to our neighborhood, . LE 10 � - Mr. James Harrison, of the Oat Lino, A mt4ing of tho citizeng of Cli'vitor, hao purchased the 80 -Acre farm of Mrs. to -consider the question of Local Opt. Atchie McDougall, the price paid was ion. will be held In the Town Hall un - t about $45M ,I t to Is & choice piece of dot, the ampleen of the Citizens' League Mud and in Rest class State of cultiva- on TaciAd6y eviftlinix April dth at 8 tion, and Mr PUrrison is fortitasto Ili Oplock, Rov. Mr. ThIl of HeneAli, will securing bllClka�roperty,lying 60 hendy give all addresses to Itho votkillig of i the iftet -and iete, I t . -­A1J1%­%", pay thwtuition fees of pupils from that , hool:. section attending the Seliforth so 1, wag In Auburn. lobk1ug at W.T. HIDDVILL'S Wall IN�Dera the other daY� he bits all noW de- signs and' about the, price. tho!r are abompot . . . . - sod Printing done . I Thil school hall remained closed since that time. In 1008 the trustees -of the . . .. We YoAr., . I . , , 1. � 6- I I leveloping at 0 state I . . �. Yricos�. � . I I . section arranged topay persons for tAie I Goderich. . :, , , I . � 11 . �. .I I � I.. I.,. I 1. . --1 . . , conveyance of Sjupils to the schools they were atten Ing. During the time the st,hool hag -been closed. Mr. Slimes . . F o n if gn It Es I nu s,,r D 13- A 11). - A. we I I - - known' resident of Godevich died in ' ­ I -- . , . .... I Jr. :01, 114[YVJ0'V. I , ' I G. Martin has be'enconveying his child L 6a On I r sl h 0 the '�e""O'b` �' 'd '! "L r. tl�fte6h'or was " x chi r M Bso 0 ; ' Digplibsing Chethist. ' I. � to the Seatorth So ehoot, ana is no ' w one- Ing the section, This N idore in the years 01�'Aii i ill n in London wort) t, 7 bee , kori short ti e� OmA ns , a � The r . . I . . . I I - � .1 I . I nature of a test case, for if Mr, Mar- tin succeeds he will make a claim for rment to 00de"ch for inte ,� . I . I I . - - - I . I I . . olori'Vey,airice during 1006 and 1007, -as I . I .1 . ­ I � . . 1. . � . I ­ ­ ­ ­ I �. . � I - I I - ' wall,. The judge has reserved decision in tho.cal§le.. 11 1. - - � I I - E' NO L'S 0 N 8 B. AN ' .. 1. .I - . . . 11arlock , I Senoot 1Rh,rqnT-Th6 - following is � 1�11'-K .. T - . .. . I Intorpora" 1859 I . . . ` 1) , � I the report, of S. S. No. 0, Hallett for � I CaPH91110 PAID UP $3,500,400 , 1. I . the month of March, total num bar of marka, =--I- Reds, Reld IrA- Uzzle 222,- I . . . � Reit FUndo -w $3#500#000 . I. Wheatley 220; blarl Watt Xat�- .9 . . I Raid MO,, Hudson l3lip't 217; VVilli e , Plumtree 214; Evelyn Xnox 211; Ed- 'Ile% in � Ugg 65 grane canadii, and Agents And CorreSPORdents Ill AR, I I �wardlteld�ft RossTaAorWh M ., , - the Principal Cities Ili tho World. . � gle Trewin 206; Norman Sheppard ,X, Williams 107; Lfoiifti-d Gough A 0%XZftAt*4AX91NG 0VAINESS'TRASSACUM - . 0 .0 . . -HlIdx 101. 1,110rowe Willisma 183, Norman I 8- A V I N G S 'BANK DEPARTME'NT' � Rot"dittill 110; Zosoph . Houland 158; . '! , Roth XUwn 144: Uzzlo Ragermon Bi-, Porrii � , , I I at aU Branches, luttrest allowed at bighest torrellit t'llite* , I , , 11 �Willie Trowin 40; R*epp Gertrude M. Thompoon, Teaeller, I : Clinton Braligh; *. - C. 9,00WDING, Wfarmpt