HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-03-25, Page 891 Nowco m -be s- . t -r - TWO MAIRIVS XUW MM CLV4,TON NEW ERA . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . . . . TAUMDAT, MARCH A 1W. Wall Paper Local Notices, Great, I CIA be Spring Displtlyo a rtand l"INTIRL'om Never in hist6ry of this sto% bave we ever H attempted such a magnificent displCy of merchandise 20 as we are, sho for, this $piing, Thousands of win ca H dollars' worth. of brand,new Spring goods are, now awaiting your inspection,in a wealth of &brics and BBAWFUL VIO.CVRE5 100 01ce rke of Art; all autjects. colorings which catin6t be, excelled outside'the cities, We'.�e spent many weeks carefully selecting this 'every A stock, and we've got together in- almoit- de- QF1 new seasonable goods, which Ili W partment a range many stores twice die Rii6 of ours might feel, proud 8 of. Come and see our beautiful displiy of I X1111til- assortment to show you, for one in ery, the New,Dress Goods and Silks� the Im- n ,, s, and the many-, mense display luf Wash Good, other departinents which go to inakq this a. corn- plete store. In b The New Model Corsdts. to Our Corset business is going ah, ead with leaps and ti and bounds. Bigget business almost every week, a Ko d reason too, for we hame some .11ho best-fittiug 'sets made in Canada, and the B,&O, people guar- w 4,0� antee every pair. The New L�?ng Model No.-- is $1.5 0 now on sale it, all sizes, at per Pair ......... Many other styles at 50e,--75c-,-$I.00 and -$1o:25 --per- valra— t 5,000 yards New Wash Goods.. n e Just think! --Five thourana. yards new Wash: Good8 ready for your inspection to -day. They in- clude Scotch and English Zepbyi, Gingbims, Jdat-as- Dalaities'Ohambrave, Maslins, Orgi.tndies, Mulls, etc., t and come in a twautifdl rAnge Pf 001101'111g,% -all Wa--� r,Lnted tast colors.. Prices 121c, 15c, 20C, 25C, 50c t 300 to ................................................ t Gooa Hosiery for Women, Girls and BOY9. It, pays to buy good Stockings, and'this store will guarantee every pair sold. If you buy a pair at. this, store which should happen to give poor service; we will give youp, new p. -Ir free of cost. A'big assort...,: -:V ment of Oasbmeria Hosiery.41i plainend rib at 25p,'. 50C 30c, 35c, 40e, and� ............. ............... Just Opened thi-; week.. NeW Belts Collars, Fancy ekwear, Frilling, Ginghamso kibbons, Laccs,'ftoss Goods,.. Silks., Dress Nlets, Insertions, etc. T ne Wo D. Fair -eo, Don't -Fall to see our,. Beautiftil. Di"SPIAY of ME. No store outside the diti6s will show a . 14 r* ­!r displa o Milliner th N Y. Y. Q is to be,,seen ait'. t h i s ou store. to day,�' Y ' don?t . . . . . . . . h ave�to o n ,go to, L ndo, '' or' `176�0'nto to _buy'' you . r - Hat for �Well;:-g ive' , you the same styles' at ab o*ut, -pri es.- We'll-, - half the, c. g ol. a qual length. No one ave leav6 it to your own ju0g_ ment, if the .display has, ever befdre b�een, -equall- ed?'.in Clinton. - OPENINGS ALL THIS. WEEK. a case, TH . ST WELL — Me Edwards, who Dress= making.Department.-, We are pleased to a . nnounce that ' this. store.. 'has, - secured the services of MISS BROWN, who is so. well and favorably known to.:-the'laaies* of CliAton, and will takb charge (if our Dress-miking de.0ait, ment at once, with a number of experienced'Asgist-, ants. Miss Brown will be pleased to meet 611'. her former customers (aad Many - ne�w ones) who, ha ' ve'.. favored her with their patronagp -since �starfing'. in Clinton. A Basement Full of" Good -Go'd Staple Dry 0 s Out ba;ement is now, ai its best, with a fl�ll, stock of the 'following gqod�, al! marked at close. pri-6es,. Cottons, Sheeting, Shirtijj& Flainn6letteo Ticking. Cretonne, ArtrMUS110S and'Sateen�, Blankets9 Plannelso Defii.nist C6tto.nadeso Toweling, Towels$ 'Art Da.masic8o Curtain. Nets, MlUlsfinso'etc- i 4.co CUMM H STORS)POR QUALITY6 Old x wastiod: I�Whest VOoes tit (I rtand l"INTIRL'om YSKR4TS �MANTVNC- 102 .-aukratit aldoo '" a(, . a ea Business is good with us..,beoause art Hovey, Clinton. BBAWFUL VIO.CVRE5 100 01ce rke of Art; all autjects. we have. a bi and well selected autiful pictures, Unframed, at 150 tab. t3ee our window Saturday, Walker, Furniture and 'Un- to assortment to show you, for one DR. OVENS,Lon4on, eon, Ocu. Surgw. at. �pecialiat, - will be at S. R- olmps! Drug si ore, on Friday, Mar, reason, and because of an. except- tb. Glasses prpperly fitted, deafness. tarrh and 1i eyesight treateds ones 11 to I PtV tonal price ind ucement for another.. Local' News 0. 0, L NOTES.— Tbe name of Miss Challenger was omitted from the of Form IV upils, published last e�k. Misi Chjenger obtained 52%. T ne Wo D. Fair -eo, THE FIRST DAY OF SPRING — unday last was chronologically the ?ab Ay of spring, day and night be- g ol. a qual length. No one ave OFTEN THE CHEAPEST otict:d title, but such is ae=leas a case, TH . ST WELL — Me Edwards, who ALWAYS THE BEST as been engaged by the Council, to ake a thorough test ot the Wallis uk for waterworks purposes, has not een able to bring his macbinery to wnyet. on account of the on a farm in I:Lullett,. and as. soon as - i?OULTRY SHOW. -The Clinton Little Locals a toads are favorable,,will,be t.em0,,v- Poultry, ASSIX]. having, decided to hold i town. F.EOUSESSCA,RCH—& party'in town an exhibition Thursday , next, April 1, in the vacan t store, rear of Morrish & I Mrs. Williamson, OfJn rooll, sister bf V tvi 0 r rhos Trick died t is m. rning, ho is looking for a house to rent, , be Knew the houses of town Crooks', have adopted the following rules, etc., —Exhibitors must be -main- Me. R. Uovier*ill take the place of never Y' oso weil occupied, He has, tramp b P. he is- bers, fee 50c i; no entry fee for blids or Bri, baside mith8dere- tarquhar, who has. been team. XohnF star for Fairs mill. the-town'till tired- -in an - un- Accessful effort to secure it house iuw eggs; entrymusT _ tary by noon, -previous day; class for mr'D Cantelon has bought an -note )which, he cot4ld thova at, once.. A umber of sinall houses could be rent* all vatleties, also for beat dozen brown artl white eggl; exhililtor4 supply own 1,paying 'begine and a, half of t4e Routl6dge l5roperty $130r.thee6for, d wi�ho-ut�trouble. coops, if possible;. judgh 3k at 10 prizes: lit, re Silk ibbon; Judge Hol b held a session of the Dlvw -'ThLere 4 -10 -USE OF REFUGE NOTES—Rev &.,m�. 26d, blue; 3rd,White.-- Silver collection isiod''Oojiet here. to -day. were . . uteresting- cases before him. r Wade, Chaplain, was too ill to akeehiLrge of,the tellgious services at the door. Povitry rooms open each evening. some The hockey match which Was'hilWd it,t.Sunday,and -his place was supplied Mral-lislopian aged inmate rH]M,]30YSLOONC-BRI.V—Tlte,follow- I . 'of for Wednesday evening was called off on account of being no ice. " rom �Goderlch, died on Sunday morn- -died .- the p N ice from one IngJA a �ess ot ToPboto papers. -there Allm Minnie Cooper, lato,th the em - ng;. her husband .1 h re a - short ime ago� A U Hanna, from Wing- master Douglas Stanbury is only ten lot 4odgens Bro4, has taken.a 8 u ibri with H XdFaul; Reaforth, ploy Law, is the latest addition to, the in. years of age b, ilt he has, a contralto voice of ma;vellous richness,sweetifull, She is a most popularyoung lady, aates; he came 14 last week, of expression", strong., and melodious, . in'' tl frequend' 'a AtL anhual miaethig of -the A, 0 U ein MANY HAPPY RETURNS — To. norrow—Friday— Me I , )A -Foreester a he y. 11 . ard a will, b fixture, as he is wnew disobvery inT.o- Toronto -'Me W b 6t?d last Harry Morris, of Loyal, was re-elected ill rea:ch * his ' 60thbirthday.. From his �ppiearance one, would-haidly credit ronto. %master Stanbury 16 a soo of Mrs. Dr bistrict Deputy Grand Master for the am witil'so many earsforhe certain- y looks 3 1 1wenty-f1ve of these T Stanbury,known to. =.any here as -F,airy Morgan, who, When living here. 0 urrent year.. MrThos Hessian,'of Wingliain, a uve been- spiant"j*n Clinton or'Its close ricinit . , at a a, ood for inafiy was considered a Musical Prodigy, 4.nd, we feet SUV6 that ' -a. great many- 'will of forme-reesidentz of . town, Ag - coming back here 0 liVeo and will occupy.bis 6,roty,. earsof-activit,is seMevident.aiiii is an frie , a ill Ish im.6 4many avail themselves of the opportanity hearing Marater*StanburYon Thursday 7n pro at piesbnt occupiedby In n. r Dickp app re , turns a.f t a evening- n9xt at the B6ya Concert. Judging from the,�jjy thd e0oole are With the.. exception of the Piano n Friday buying tickets from the boys, it, will be men, the em.l.floyees at the Piano itihd fi6liday. §vening'last iss ean cotteritertain- l 'a -nu bar of, er school friends to a� a, bumper honed, , The Boys Association is now, a iure Organ.Ft%etoryare- t,jLking- a.. thiO'wee ft,,gas theannual stock inven t - sleighing party.- There were enough, thing, and there will be good sports Pry is b t, t aken. to fi ' d two large carryalls, and thby drove ftrotmd' town, serenadhig the for the boys this summer. The' farmers dre. bnay-it present gathering the first crop� of the year,the teachers of the Collegiate, and others, to, the accompaniment of a large. cow CA,NADA.-7-At the St, Patri6k's day ' banquet, in lhgera6ll last week the sap crop. These warm days and frost�y nights ate causing a fine flow and bell. After doing the iown for an hour they were royally entertained to..re- . thet Chroniclereportsthe reply to bast I 'Vanada�" there should be.uo shortage of Maple freshments'.at the how. e of Me 8cott. of os'follows.— Mr. A. P. Gundrj, B. A.. of - Olin- Syrupi FIRE --Monday mo . rni . nga, cali -was sent invo the Constables offied that the ton; resp'onded. Be referred to'Can- ad& in an' excellent :speecho as the -Me Brown,.df the Foundry staff met with a nasty b6coident Tuesday mprn- house on Princess street,east, oecupne�ld by MissUohn6s, was ou fire bux.-ds jr, und of ' roikiso"and fulfilment, He Ter 'immense ' riches, calling ing. He was operating the r.ivetting machine and had the end of the iu'dex' was quickly extinguished 'the alarm, attention to their resources in - forest, in,ininetin farm and ia her endless finger on one hand so badly cut that it In Dated. was a put was not kung. The fire -was located in, the woodwork around the'. chimney fresh W ers. - '."It behoves Canadian 'earefdl Me J. W Rdwlandss for a number of from which it .6vidently. bad - caugb t. . authorities to bd of . our: re-; eur -coa.1 mines and our years auditor for the McClary Found - Me Will 0 antelon whowaspassing the house a-, thetime put it out. with a ources'. 'limber lalide: needs t conAerving, It is ryi London, dibd 'last, *ask,. aged 72 Deceased i Was f0imerly a rest-: couple, palls of 'water. The' damage time the Legislatures ancl' Dominion Parliament-t6ok special bare of out Zear8. dent, of: Clinton, beirig� book,,keepier ' was stnall._­ fisheries to conserve them 'for the fut- .*.ith Searle & Davis. Me Jacob. Taylor, who ure pner4tibns.'�- He then outlined the ' tl A'mee ingunder'the auspicesof the forthe past. eight months, has been boardiiig,. With.his famil*, atthe home glorie's 'of. the Canadian West. "We should nob, alloW all Who Wish to Citizens League, will be Held iD the Town Hall,on the bvwing of Tuesday, of Mis flStevens, finds it -necessary to. come to iVaudarJn and'take posse.s- April Oth., foifhe purpose of deciding Vousekeeoing again, -on account of sion. This heritage should. be. con- asipo. whet,her'or not a Local. Option jrsh� Stevans closing her house and golpg West fbr a change. In the course served for men of northern race.., We have avast domaid -which is ours to campaign. will be..* inaugurated here this year. All ditWens welcome.. of a couple of Weeks he will move into Mrs French's. house on Towneend St., mak-ethe 'most of,� hub -it should be -carefully conserved and. settled only I . , * . . . , � i , LittlO Gartio Wallis, daughter.of Mi - I ,tad will occupy it until his - own, at esentleasedbyUr Barge, is vacant. L R[r with. the best—pirticulsrly the'Eng- ()hits 1 Wallisj has been nursing 8, lish-, Irish and Scotch, iri order that. Ve?rain ad arm for a week, 'Which �as Wbile Jae am ilton has rented the other H by. Mrs French, the . this DouriniT may become the great an. very, painful. , Playing I the house -she fell and.sustained ,nouso owned on same strel3t,,and will. shoitjy occupy it.. of t a British, nation.' He about ot1tPoSt L t , -referred briefly to the time when. a sPraln xhich the doctor said was LODGE OF INSTRUCTION — A CanadaAn bar. primeval state was wor so than a break. However, she is dWr. -able as' abL the getting better,'and will be. all right in .Lbdge of lustruction for the ben efit. of'Huron -District Independent -Order not so.. present time. He Ap Ae teelingly of the earl y a daVor two. .of Oddfellows,will.be bald in the Town, Hall, Clinton . on the. L afternoon ' and pioneers, the bb�ilists. aTi:1 all earlk settlers,- who helped, to. lay -have Me Jas'llamilton, went fup to Su&' bury la6t,weekj where he. is interested , evening of Rood Friday, April -9th. It is expected that represent aE , ives will be the national foundaftri. ..-,We 4 at is prospecting fojz 66mpany th now4n Canhda a grand.organic un on - minerals. He says the rush to Gow �of different faith, but .present from all, the Lodges -in the Distridt. Seaforth, Goderich, Exeter of men race aua Gandalsv ery greatj as* many as each with a broad horizon-, a, broad out- ". teamsboing on thotrailhauling freight I . Blvth ond Clinton Degree teams will look into the futurei". The spesker 3wing to bad - manage - Mi ".i. A" at one.time..' ( therwork will be exemplified. Itisal so. expected. that the paRt. District DE Vtuies of. 'the. county togetberWit] r2and Master McBride, of - Waterlo will be prese"nt. It is probable that. banquet will be held in- the evening.' W 0 T U—'An interesting meetinj of the W 0 T U was hold on Frida: afternoon last at the hom4 of Mrs � Seelay.. After the regular devotiona .exerclsei, and busineig had. been at toxided to'there followed a Progtamm of.missionary work.amongst the lnnxt Orman ilhowing1he arduous and tirinj .naiture0f thhs work. and also the grea mod which is being - accompilished ,as Sproule.who is one of the foro most of these misfilonaries will shortl: bi3 in Clinton; when.she will �give ai account, of her work at a, public meel itig. � The W 0 T TJ purpoile'driving t Blyth to'ettend tho'Anquil- 40ouVent ion of the Huron Co, Branch of th Ontario Prohibitory A1114nee (dato 'April 8th. Mrs A T­Po6lpar. Secy'. REXNION--� On Tuesday evenin last a re.untn*of the men of St Paul' ,Church was heldiri the school-roon: fhe month 6f April next is the fiftiet anniversary of Sb -.I Paul's - Parigh,'.an this meeting was A. preliminary tt ward celebrating the semi-conrennia. The school -room was well filled wit men -the first hour of the meeting wo UN I its Qwelu Urielly on the pu usip I I'll ment, and lack of fodder, no less.than of Cauadians. This view of libertY� 90 of the teams died in oneweek, makes Canada what she is, today. In . . sho. must look to hor the 'future I BRIDGE WORK—MrWitherspoon Id6a;ls, In order to build,'& -wide. and , who i6 negotiating for the PuNhase of fikm foundation. It is not necesilary'. that she, is the c6un"'of WilllotXaires part of. the Clinton Foimidrk,thia week 11 . 04)uredtbe contract forthe erection but rAther &.couptr3t�, w1here the aver �jdgea inthe township age man ha's a gopu* comfortable .,iV_ of several iton bi ing and can �Js rights with.: Of Morris. The woric will Q be turned. out fear or favor. out at the Foundry here. 1q, E n d o, Sh IF 0- , R LADIES'' the ',de- Adv,�rtislng has not created mand fbi the Refindo sboeo. It only tells how it can be supplied. present s,at d0wn't0 te6bles,and at of ladies' served coffee and, riches, Lunch being over, Mr The demand. for RellftdoShoes lackson occupied thechair in his easy wauner, and - a number of is born in most Women. It. .15 im pedmotu speeches were given. epifien Plummer who has pen A, merely a demand for a flne shoe, )erainoe the foundation of the 1, g&;va an interesting account of ,mittion. telling abotit the first at a low price. � of t also in 11V short addeosses were 91 Ro C R Gunne, Mosars no Ranee And Hattl6y. It vvas P! to bold special anniversary s anditootigreKatloW ie -union nc%r fthire. j liar. :astbv 19" L0. "Iff 7"A!M I i N,�- ws J,, Froni .0 Carpet D O� artmen't House-cleaning tim-_ will soon be on yCU again. Now is the, time to buy your requirements, while we disposing of Messrs: H6dgens Bros,! ..Kock of Carpets, Rugs, Oilcloths and Linolcums at ridiculously low pricess, This is.. a chance of a life time to %5AVE MONEY. There are many hundreds of yards, ot the very best colorings and designs, left, at a saving of from 2_5 to 35 per dent.. 'By making a small deposit, we will hold any pattern selected until you are, ready to have', them laid down. Dress Making., We' take great pleasure in informing the many patrons and friends of. MISS SMITH, formerly wfth Messrs.-. Hodgens Bros.. that she she, has joined our staff,.and'is prepared to again serve t ner patrons, as formerly. The- new -Spring Dregs., Goo& are now here'. They include many new weaves atia. colorings, in steipes . and checks$ s in' Amazons; Broadclotbs, Serp - Panama's. eta., We invite'. you.. to ges, Voite!i, call an& inspect them as often: As pi you. ease, whether you'buy or. -not. Union Wool 101tr 4 4 patterns, reg, 40c for... ...... 28c 35c _a patteens,,-reg. 50c fdr.. ......... I ......... dpAtterns;-reg. 65c fore ....... .......... ......... 50c Two-ply Wool Carpets. 3-P& . tt6rn;, rek. 75c -for..".' - ........ .................. 6 patterr. a,- reg. 900 for .............. 0 6rje '85c no 4 patter rok $1.10"for.: .............. Tape9try CakpetS 5 pat �6ertis�, reg. 506 for ........................ 39C 8 pattern.3, rog. 65c for ................. 49C '6 Patterna, re.. g� 85c for,. - ....... ......... 59C Irrussels CO ets� p. .P 3 patterns, reg. $1.00 for.... 6 P1k terns, reg. $1,15.fok�' 75C 8 tx� erns, reg. $1.25 ............ 956 p tt . $1.35 tot ....... ............ $1.10 3 patterns, reg VelVet'. Carpkg I pattern, reg.'$1,25 for ........... .2 patEeids, reg. UK for .............................. $2.00 for 0.50 1 piatterns, re woot.nugs_ �8,- 66 Rugs; 3jx4, for. ................... $8.50 3xc foi ................................. ...... 7.50 ........ ........... 7.50 10 00 R go, 3X4, for .............. 10.150 8jx4, for 8,25 Rug 33 Noo R.3"'! c3l, for ....... ........ 4 75 9V.Oo .12 00 Rugs *, 3x.4. for ....... ?: ... IM0 Rugs, 3jx4, for ....... ...... 101.50.1 Tapestr; y - nug�,.- $15.00 Rugs,-3x3h; for ........................ 16.00 Rues. 3x4, ................. 13.75 12.00.Rugs, 4x5, for ... ............... . 9 75� 2 ydsjdde, reg. 66c; for ... ................ I ............... 40e. 11 ydo Wide, reg. 45c, for 35c Ij yds wide, reg. 35c. for.., ...... ................. ��0846 r ............. ....... 20c I ycl.wide,'reg. 25c, to Linoleum. 3l%C 2 yds wide, reg. 56c, for ................ k.. ...... .8 yds'wide, reg-.. 50c, for 4 ........................ .35C .................... . 35c 4 yda wide, reg., 50c, for ....... .1 ..... 45c .4 -yds wide, reg, 65c, for ......... .......... 15C. 2 yds'wide, ngo $1, for .................... ........... 65C 2 yds wide, reg. 99c; for .......... ....... 2 yda wide. reg, $1.25, for ... 95c, ...a.sulallMugs .$2.50 Rugs for..'..,. 2.75 gs, fee ............ .200 3 50 ugs, for . ............ wai. 3.75 ugs, for ............. ....... 3,00 4.00 Rugs, for ................................. ... 8.10 4.50 Rugs, for ....... i ............... S.25 5.00 augs, for I. , I.,. - , .. .,. j I 4o0o 5�50 R.ugs, f6r .... I ..!.. 4. ........... 4.26 8 00 Rugs, for ... .............. Brussels Rugs $17..00 Rugs, 3x3j, for .... $13 75 Rugo, 8x4j for ................ k. ...... 1— 15 00 003 Rugs, 804, for 00 35.00 Rugs, 8i:8h, for .......... "..29 00 45.00 Rugs, U4, fok.... ...... .......... 36 00 15 remnants Wool Carpets, 5 to 15 yds in ea6h pie �O 500 to 75c, clegring at p6r yard.. ......... �3 'Us Stair Oil Cloth, reg. 12j, sale price. per yd .... 5 C 5 ends Jap Matting, tog. 15c tip to 25o per ydv for. 10C Vice cur,tains Rag. 81.k, forilt.... a I o;..,$l 00 Reg" 150, for. 4. a .... 20 Repoi 2.00j for ...... ...... ..................... 1 50 Reg, 2 50, for ................. 2.00 Reg. a 00, for ........... 4 ......... .... to 225 Reg. 4.00, for ................ 300 Rog. 5.00, for .............. 376 Brown, 10 r - .... . .. ...