HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-03-25, Page 3�___ . . . I . � . � I ­ - � ­ 11 ­_­�,"�w ­ 1. I I 0 - . �__. ­ - -1 ��,'--.-,�--�--,.�.-,-..,--.'�.i".-�.-,.,",.—..-ft.— = I , k 0 1 Mar. 2gth. 1900 I THE auNirax -NEW BRA $ F" _ - , . I . � 1. — � - I __ - - -.111.1.11 __ . . -I I.. � I � ­ — P:IP111111�111�1,14 =�11�1:11111! III tP11- ­­ 11 -1 - ­­ 11 I - ­ � I.. ­ ­ 1. . I I I ... I . - I __ _ � .. . . 61 , - ' ­ 11 I I- � - I 11.11 " I , , 11 � . . .1 � .- .. _-, :1 , , . I - I ­ I I , 101416PRAwirs nowas 1 01410 . , . . �, Nows Notes, , fill XXVIAND PRIZE LIST poultry ,e .. . � .- 14 J,G PILLS - UVRON VOVNTT New.milliper sto�rle I � mr@ Sifton., mother of Hoe Clifford I � Saugees 01rcusluibernatem at Burstdw - I . , , y — "'... _F" ; . 1. � I �Sitton, died 0WItitkipeg. V,olikit The Great Kidney and Lodge, Ourrdy, and Aulinale Stook'and Seed Show , , Uobt Johnson was killed At , I I . I I - . � �Wbile eb , . work fox, Living, WANTON,, TIEVUS-s APRIL I ,It I , , Arging holes, for A blast. ai.. Liver Pill CurCs Rhcutn- . ]KORSES. Exhib" New and up-to-datl� Milliner store, opposite the � Repeat it.-I'ShiloWe Cure will rhre6imiles fro . I . . I 11 YM Ewen's Grocery,. we. y coughs and 00140-' atisnis lndigoStiOn and . London, March 16-' in CLTDE$DALFjS -- .,yp cgre in I .1 . ' .1 � I __ - ,-Molsons Bank, next store to 0 . - Horley, iuSurrey,tbe remarkable eight I . . I . . A � A bill introduced in the House of' of eleXhantsploiiSlainga ve former stand of the Misses Little� , ,, %-a,pr%keld g4a,illon. p years and over.. # ........ $10 $6 62 I I 1-tepresentativesat; Washington pro- . stomach Trouble," and olpg1t extremely I , Is eing ,litolion, 4 years 404 under ............. 6 It 2 1 0 1 . . . . , . ' . �. � - . vides for one,cent letter postage.. The greatest di.scove,ry ever made in daily witnessed, I . SHIRES ., . � . '�vere found. in 4, a pill was me, ,at eight to stallion, 3yoor" audgver ............10 6 e . .- ._ . 0 OPENINGS . TWO Eaglislimen , de'when, -these pills were Nor is this the only UUusu 9 -real stelli6s, sa yea s and under ............. 6 4 2 . -, 7., % , . OUR SPRIN . Wll,� BE HELD -shack near Fertile one dead and the anufac Everyone knows that be seen tberejor cIct5p b r . J- . . , m , tured. y c I .. I -:_�' 1. . '. I . I a dern y ap" Figs.0,1110 one of the. greaterA Liver and camel o4re frequently battrdaealtl work " . I otbeidelc and s pented. The � PEROWEIRONS - I --- . �'. �-,: -1 . is- � .- d Evening .. e , ared well-to-do. Bow0raediciaes known. Odeflgl'ill cuttl Chan � Best 110roberon Stallion ......... � .... 101*5 �, Thursday Afternoon an , . , 11 - edge. where the animaiq . __.:� 11. � I & —If polind of Fresh Burogtow L 0 ... �, 0 Herbert Dowie, who claims% he I 1W114M. 0 1bb ed of about one thousand doll ' is equa o one I Figs. We uarantee Wig Pills to ClArd Kidney, . which are the property ot $'Sanger's � Circus," hibernate for four months, is . I office, was fou *rq in hip emvloyer'p . rad At St, johra,N, B ,of the robbery. -Xiallity , all 4tverandStomach.Crouble , I money, Captain Strach- or refund tile , an, of 8t''Catharineg, Ont, says: I have the 400 -acre farm- of Mr. Lord John Sanger. . .��i­_, . , Repeat it;_-Shilob, s Cure will. al- been troubled with constipation for 10 In bright purashirie,thoughthe ground . *�) .Ways core my coughs and colds." G. P. Graham, Minis,tei of Rail. years. Two boxes, of Fig Pill" cured me, Price 25c, large box, forty pills. was white with fFost at taild day, and All exposed 0water was covered with Hon. � I i ways, proposes a Boat,d of Manage. � . innent, responsible to ther Government, So d by W S R U01fties, 011atou _ , I . lce,Tiny,whose chief claim to her name seems to rest on the fazt, thatshe is , - � for the management of the Interco!— I - - Railway. - � - �-�#--_ . ANTIQUITY OF CHESS. fat, the largest of the four elephants at .. . Burstow Lodge, ploughed her lonely .. - , .enial : Mr. Justice Riddell criticized the old . court house at J,ondon., Ont, very . ' - . . Warriors WhQ. Origin In thrFar East� .. � furrows merrily, her particular friend, A m1le,10Dking on and encouraging her at inteVv4ls with jovial snorts. � , severely, and thr eatened to have the I County indicted if improvements are . ' - . Were Fond of the Game, - I .Crle4 to sit on the Plow . - . � mot made soon. . . I $ . � and dis- Chess staiads out separate tilact from all other games. Its am' Annie also can turn a good furrow, but she is'", beginner,being only about NovaScotia, coal mine owner@ are op" . posed to free tra0e! in coal between this . . biguity 'counts Jor much. Nobod), ;- Or -lie sixty years Of a. ge, but Tiny, is seventy 4 Uil I il A ­ .. I.A out * I . .1� - Marrh 25th, and following days. . �, ", A., I . I li 1.11 . I , I I . , I';. * I . 1". , - in . . �: - You are invited to come and see the New Creations I . . . I ... � - .1 `�i­­ nd floor� . -1 �,!-; , Millinery,. in our new stand, on grou I .f.".. ­_,�.:,. . � . � . . - ­­ � _­ . . . . . I -1 k�_ , _�,­-11 I -, Kt .1 I . - . I .. .1 I � It - -­ ­ � I I '' ­ . , I " � :r.. I 1. " 11 ..... 11., V � - 11 - AL - . ._ - �..! ­ �­ , - - -'- � ;. !, . � ir.,-P411 ... 'LL ; . vd � A, I.. ­- _ I SS Gap op & .. -(;0i, - 11 I I IN T11E ...... �I AD, 0 . . . . 1. . I I I . � . 11 . I . . I... .11.11 I., . 4 � 2�9 . VACANT-STO. I DLN,' E Ji -1 - -_ —, , . n, I '... 11 I . " ­ I -11 I I � . . . IN � � � 11 . 1. . . . . � . .. � , . . . . . . � The 101ows 1lQW 044 �tle hs- I oreg yaw .... .., ­ . eountry and the 'United 19tates. the a f HACKNEY , 1saac :�treetj the other Provinces invented i,, but lt� origin was in ew warnings ago alone to the fields, . Ary . 40 I I � nepresentatives of : I I 11 ... I...".6 4 2 je-we . . Far East. butresentecl the 'new-fangled.notioo,' stallion, 3 years and over., , . . .. � - - seem to favor it. There are good grounds for saying as she regarded the plow . , and trump, Stallion. 2 years and under ......... ..6 4 2 . . , V V . . I , . . I . I W A Coulson, Manager of the Re- that Charles the Great played chess, oted furiously. . HEAVY DRA-UGHT. , REAR OF MORRISH & 0, . . . . . � � tail Merchants' Mutual V ire Insurance and from this time onward through ,4he f urther ishow2d a disposition -to saullover .... � --5 1 a 2 . , . . . I . . . Ftany of Wina, ar� the centuries tile game must have �lt on the plo w,whio4 would have done Brood Mare. 8 year .. CROOKSt , . � voml . Apeg, has disappe - minly spoiled Filly or Gelding. 3 years andover..'Al V!& I ­ . Watch, 1 . ... Ad w several thousand dollars of been constantly played among tile her bide no good and cert , Filly or Gelding, uader 3 years ..... . S. 2 1 . W Ir I , � ,the company's funds. . _ � courtiers * of I the wes I t. - a useful agricultural implement. Team in Haxneesa-See Specials - -, 6 4 . I � * I knights and . F4141 Of three colts of ma, progeny . I _�, - � . AL popular idea used to prevail that John of Salisbury, the historian, tells So f3h returned to the fariA,i, and ,.Yf same sire - - - - - - � .. 4 , '. -6 .4 - 4 � . . . 0 . , I - I . was ordeved to, clasp, the �all of Tiny . , AGRICULTURAL � � . I 11 � � h her .trunk., dignified . ' I all teas were pretty much alike, .but of an incident that occurr6d some 300 Team � inharneBs­-SOe$pOO1&1s­-,1--& & Thursday9 . c - - . , 11, .- i -Saladal' Tea is proving a pleasant years later than Charlemagne. wit Then an, 0 �- C10 ks, lAco . %Wpcise to thousands of particular tea - In the stress of a battle between the processioni the two elep� marched Brood Mare, 3 years and over ........ 5 .1 - 2 . . .. _. . 11 ! , e of chess to the fields, and Annie was yoked to Filly or.Golding. 3 years'aul over ... 4 3 0 � I . . . 1. ., 4irinkers. Sold by grocers everyw ' . I April ist . ' .1 here French and,English the gain t the Tiny standing b to encour- F1 ly or Oeldihg, under 3 Years .. .... 4 3 1 2 � I 0 � � . k Croup. positively stopped W20 minut- was -not forgotten. An English knigh Ve`71- T, . . We�ar6 headquarters for everything iisually I I I ' :. ­ . . eswithDrShoops'Crouplleruedy. One. uis le Gros and a � . ,,ge. - She dia very weA, consider- - GENERAL PURPOSE . . ' ' � 1wat alone will sllrely� prove -this truth. seizedthe bridle of Lo, ie king is g � ... � I " . . . . nd i a first-class jewelry store. In fact, cried. to his comrades, "Tl After Team in Harness ... I .............. I .... 6. .4 � . - fou in. � I . , . distress. A safeand itlistanding his . waids Tiny took her place, and I . � - . - -_ which,.- for.- _,__ � _ - - "' Lquisnotw . I . __ __.; - __ we, carry many . 11 -- ,No vomiting, no alers - ,taken , _ -than equal-- BhovVed--what-a really smart and exw - I -_ �- � ... . � � 1. �. Wasing syrup -50c. Sold by- all de carniii In6umbrance, moire I perienced elephant could do. The plow . �durability and reliability, are seldorn, if 1. I e to the Unglish knight . struck him to. . * � . . I I I . . Mr Gerald R Brown. for a veral ir� s id throulth thebeavy r oilae. if it were . Exhibitors must be .members � . L years past the resident corres indent the ground, exclilimi��, "-Know 'S . . I . ve , equalled. , . . � 6.pc alidifigIbutter. .. . I I . . . Clinton Poultry - Associa- � I � e r . I . . . . . � Ottawa of several Canadian and Knight, that at. clie , I I � . at gs the kl�g is There.are two other elephants in the I � I . I I I . ariy� kirld of Aepairs., - . I I 11. . Anglish papers, b�as been apgointed as- I never tak-61h!" ' social circle At Burstow Lodge. Their 1. I � . I . I tion. Fee,50P-. ' .. Irr3r 1.19 for . I sistant deputy Minister of 't e Depart- A the vpery same time in the mys- names are Rose and Ida. 'They are -, L � I . . -tia . I . 'L I 1, t ,,n i, ast it was I I'll I'll I I L §atisfactiori g ranteede . I "I I vaerat of Labor. . � teriolls. re of the' Far 1-1 . eager toLlearra to plough, but they are � .. I I 0 . I , . L . , .. I, . - onstom of . the heir of the Ca . of L L � , I . . -N fee for birds,. .but - ;. . . . � .. . . L � .. . - . . .... .; '' e- I , entry . I . .... . - Because she did want to be brought a dally ri�ther young as yet, nerl her them . . . . � . . . I . . I into conflict with the rules of the street sarg, after spending sleepless night% much'over tifty, and there is plenty Of . I I - � . . entry closes. -at 1,2'.00 'noon, . . - . - . . - .. ; .. - . � . . . . L I .� I.. . . . . . . I .. -ing how he could repel the t e . I . A . . I . � I . . . . ,car. Mrs. Watson. of Toronto, gavea in think 4m, . . , .1 March 3oth. - . . . . . I . I - - ' . ill -to a assing boy to hordes, of the lWohamm6dans. and . . Camels cut Chuft ' - . __ �___= I � ­'. . - — . . .. . maintainT the'eross .Against the cres- . - '.1 — ten -dollar b' . . " _�'. . . . . . . raketoadrUgStOreansget it chang, L.. . I Each ot the four elephants eats a ., . . wi., Birds - must -be in lace at. . . - I NT19R . �. 11 'I , , cent norning after.morning to collect , I p I W R, -COTI . . �P,d, The boy Olt the change. but. did ndredweil'tit or two of hay daily. If , - - ' . I . I ­ a . I .1 . . I . . . 1'. rtiers and friends hu I � - . I . __ . . his cow . .- � . . I . . � � , , - . . . t returil to Ars. Watson with it., around him e his . they. have a ong march or heavy autY .. , � L 10a.m., Thursday. . . I to expel"ibose-cares which -niad I - . � ­ - ..- . . . � . . I � , . so . . e them they are gi -, . I or 111*11tRIAGE Ll[CtNSES-. . � George Flittt, a retired fsrmer$ a ed ' 1 game of in the fields befor Iven ... I . . . . . ,JEWELER. ISSWER I '. ti ,'� Mon5ay nigbts inneasy- by. the roya ten qu4rtern loaves of bread apleoelor I 1-, �1 1, � L .. � follbws:-Ist, red - . . � . , � ­ . . . . . =011!�_ . : . . . - -40 met with sudden death Ham- chess. So records -Anna Co,mmena of . breakfast, his an e*tratiV�it,. : I , . . . 11 I..."..— L .Prizes as L . . . I .. . . . :� 0 -% I... . I .. . . I I . eveiiingat5 O'clock. He-wasin . . I . I - - ) .., I I . I .her imperial father, whom sh� lo.v,ed . he animals at Barstow - . . Sil'k ftibbOn , 2nd, blue') 3rd . ­ . .. . . L . - ,ill & Moore's hardware store, Galt, - . . . . Altogether t . . L .. ROADSTERS . . I , . . . . - L I —L � .— "Imm". I ­ . . . . . . in and served so -weil. - t6age-consume considerably over two I . . L . I . — —7-- . ... - . . . . � The,Vap-door leading to the cellar was . 6 time oll, 0e renaisl3aucP chess tons of.chalf. daily, besides bay that stallion, 15i hands and over....'. .,--8 ' 4.. 2 . white. . - ". I . . , 1. . . I . . 3en. and the unfortunate man not be. At th . Stallion. under 10hands ....... ... _8 4 2 . . . � I . . . 1. ... . . . � � . . . I � .. al . much plaved in the higheA Ital- has not been. cut, and the chaMcutting Carriage horse in harnew, the etlulp.- . . - - . . L . -_ L L � i. . 4 pope Associition*not liable tor any, �_ I . . I . I . a. 'S. T . . . . . . : . . I -1 ing aware of it fell into the opening, was 1;60 X_. (16lighted is alm6sh entirely dune by camels. - xnent considered ..: .... � ......... 5 1 ... I I . . 11 9L � . acturing hisskull. Hedied soon after 19-11 iociety. . �, . � . . I . .4 I . Ir in t1le gaine and himself possessed a Roadster-horso harness, the eauip- I -1. I . 11:D. - - , 6E) . . . -4,Sbilohle Cure will al neii, And as the An elderly "ount" namedMoGeb, is I osses, . .. .. . . . . . . I . . . mentoonsildlered ................. 3 I .I 2 .. I I . . 1. I . ";,,��. .. Ic . . . Repeat it: - L - silver eb"sr . natb,' as a rule, ..... 1) . . , . , . a. 17 .- set of. i � the foreman, and his "a . Carriage team In barneqs ....... . 5 3 2 I , , I . I.. . . �. a RoadsterteaML in harness .... ... ::': 1 3 11 . 1, ways cure my coughs and cold, glime is of immemorial antiqiiity, L F . is Sammy, a JuVenile dromedArys who %T . . � . � I . .. . . ­ . I . 1. ,intain- it st) long -as great 4611glat in his work. Saddle.Horis - --�.--­-­-, . :4 3 2 -A. cj;�ss , for .all o .,vAfieties bf . . I ,� .- I ' BUSINESS - - . . I According to 86 repnrt of the minister its. viitues Will L inn . take, a, very a 0 asses 0 b c n . I " �, I GOING OUT -OF . � � � . . public - last. The 'first book other * -Age in 11 I ilder6d.. Age to Poultry and Pet- Stock . I . . I . . I.. . ;1 the salaries of . the, world shall , and: fills tb6 humps 'of 411. the . � . t 6 o a . L :. I I . . . . . . . , . . ,,hool inspectors of the province have Ldd-b� Caxtori lil the-t,ngligiii laii. . In - . . . . - I _ . of education, ' . Brood mares must be , I .. . . -, I .. . . I . . ; . prinl .. .camels and dromedaries with ,bitter. date froan January 10 4 L . . . . I I I . * � . . L . . : .. risen considerably the last four or five gtidge waw "The Game and Playe OfL . � � I foal. or i4ave raised a joaL. . 0 1 . 1, 44 . . I . . . I I . � j:� L . . .. . : .. . . , , . � - . . 11 . I . ., . . �� jealousy.' . . - . . S"I C'llection . . I . �"Ah� 1. ­ ... - I I . ,. . ,re in the province 60 the Cliesse." .. L . I . I On this unique farm there are 150 ,� CATTLE. . . i ver , 0 . . I . . years. There a . . . . , . . , E5. . , � . . at preseirtwhoss average salaries Are- . .. . — I .. I cirous horsei, -and a coniplei e menage- I I 1. . . : � I . ... I ... 1. I . . � . I ... . I .. . _L L . . . . I . I . . . .. I I .. .. . . I -. .. - ... - . . $1 . . . . ve Clinton before ... I . I 1 A1,462.29 a year. wiih $217.01 ektrs for _. . L.:. .L. L - . . .1 rie, ape Udinklions, tigerist wolves, by : , at- the door. , . I I Findin it was going to be impossible to lea . ' I . ... - * ­ .1 '. . I . . . . . .� . . .11 . . . I � . r paid is . 6an icirde Estate Again. -, monke a, - - - . . . . I I 4 I Tf I .. . expenses. The lowest s-daT3 enas, and .y . I I . I . . . '. . I . . I . spring: trA e would be well Advonced, we bave�.decided to remain . -, 0 highest $2,- -'Clanicard6 estate. in 1 . . � , a _.� - : . . . .. .. I M.. C. KAUFMAN, Sec. - . I piirt ot the spring* business.. Our sale .having' . L .�.' . .. I � : S1.160 for Haliburton, th Tile notorlotii I . . . : . . . I I I . I . . . I here for the greater . A* .310 tor Peterboro. County Galway, ,wbich fot�tlle-Past 25'. . . � ent,J ' cleared out the greaternaort Of the stock we had, edables.us to buy. - 11 I ".. . . 'beqn inteirnittently the sle 1 Blbie� - " ' ' ' XE,, Presid .. I The most notorious boy known to years ]lag koless Little " ' � � � , H. E. RO.R .. . . . . . .. nearly wcomplete new steiiii. -which we will continue selling at . .. 1, . ,� .�. . .� I . I A!Lmerican immigration authorltiesia scene of akrari ' c ly Babilo _�_______ . e*surLe to bring us the business for the bAlanbe of our. - , . an'distarbafice or .out� ' - Are , 9i '11 . 8 * . . � .. . . L prices that ar I . � . . . . . �. - ` , ll As -e of- the' -* ..,.. . 11 . . . I .. . . . . .. . . ...w .. I . . .' I . , I - . . � I. . . .. � in Montreal. His name is Benjamin r,,e a just be�n the"sceii � * .. I .. I . — - . . . I . or.;. , N , . .1 .time,here, I � .­ � I . . .. ! , . I . . 11 �, � I I . . - . 1. . . .. .. I . I - � . 6min is the cha&pion murder _,of a young ponstdble, named ' . 5 ,,Z� r� � .. . I., � . . . - ;P- I% - .- " L' I - ., - . : � . .L � .11 Axelrod. BeDjv . . ­ . .When babies are restless_ sleepless' . . -4, 0 RF.4� . . j�'", . L' , , -ord ol,ri�,,� I � . .., �rA ;� ; .,40 .� . I .. I "I I .. * . 1� possible . � � .. �. _ .. . I. . � eLOTHING., - . . I �. I Itowaway ot the world. It is On re. ' bciay� L I t . 'V�, _ I I . � : r.".. -� ­. .4 .: . . I . ., .. 1. .. I . � .. (%'V� ��%, �-,2�r'. 11,0W., ;.i -V.. " I I . . . . � )Bsed the oceansixteen He. forid.ed qnc�.,Of'a small . of' And cross it is the. surest * We, - . .. , p . � . I - � I I., .. : . .., . r � . . -now range of the ve?ry,newest Men's and . .. .1111, . .. 'r 1.31�1 I We have a complete . 'rebuild- �Sign that they . . � .4� ,� I that he has erc . police protecting two m0wns are apt .well. .� . I , I - " " "uits,, single and Imes. His latest voyiige was to St babies.idleep, soundly- and wak I I , , . , � , I L . �` I John, where be landed live weeks ago. ing 11.,,vall- which had been, malicious.; . brightly, - Sleeplessness is'gera�erllulpy �� . .. . I ­. A.)-. �. " Boy's Ready-to-wear Clothing, consisting of Men?s , attention L I . L - ' . .. He is anxious to cross the border, but ly thrown down. -.Two shots were fir- . . L , '"I.,14 '. double-bireastedYoutbs'$Uits� We are giving particular I . � -hispurposewill no doubt be failed ed by hidden as%hqsins and both work- due to-sobcke ailment of the stom-01 I . . A. S". r., �outh from 1Q.to IS yeacs, who - - . . � "7. . fell to the ground -wounded. or bowels, or cutt I Ing teeth. A few . .L., � to thi§line., There -is the growing I .11 ... I . I . �e-,'.' . , i 6foi!:a tailor-made Suit, yet - .1 ­ I again. I . . men L . . . . _V4,S -- , . � . . I does not really feel like pAying the pric . - I-, . . . It 0 foot - �Ixoldrick ( hiS'reV0.1V`eT started. doses of Baby's Own Tablets -will Put - . ... � . ,,, " . wanti'something better thart the ordinary. ready4o-wear. - To meet I . . . . . :1 I . I ' . L . The federal quarintine for th Irawing I gone1ar wben . _tlelittle one right and give it good, L . . , 1� �. tterbs of the.. . LL ,. - 11 se in cattle in Mary- * ursWti but; had, no . mral'slee�. � X ' joe. Gonell . L ­� . . gORI! 0 ORNS , . . . . . ,. this tequirenV60t, we have select�d suitln'k lengths,� pa I I . - .and mouth disea Inp, P 7 sound, nsi . . re 1. S * * ��,V%F' '. , new'Ordered bailtinga,L and are . having -them made Up Similar to . ­ . . .. . I ­ , ..St., EVaripte.,. LQUe.0 Sayff, , have. , - $ 'suits, in* e land And Michigan . will bk- entirely he ,tp6'. was -,41i t, - d ing alulbA" in- . ?,i �111�,'Z311eargando" i.'....".."........w. 5� s, .. . . very detail.. Thesesults will appeal, tia boyswho- . isult of an .stantly._,:, L '.. ' I I . . , - . , I . ordered - ' -raised next Noi I found Bab Is 6did Bull 2ydaio.....!"..;.....,...,....,.,...Ip '2 - �kl -we had'Ahe range,of, - I * ' aday,as the ie( - - It This " said. 00 COTonpr, "is the I OwnTablets.a sple] . . 5 * 3 � , ii, 1),;,, 1, ­ . want t6 be in the style. Never before have . . .11 Bull:lYear-,­­­-- ­ ............. . .,��i I 1� I - . cow. r) 3 \r_ ­, ­ . , , order issued by Secretary of Agricult inedichie. for constipation an4 stOmSe 2 ,�', , I ) . Boyal Two-piece Suits we are. showing this spring. The Bloorridr . - .. 3�carS and OVOr - - - - ". - - - - "' ' - I - , : 2 .1 ­ yr . . Wilson to -day, no new cas I troubles. I g a .. ..5 3 :,6,i-- I Aire es of the .third 'vfole.iit (.T(,atll,t1l1.t 1 have .had rlv� them - to' my, little Helfer years.,.. v ... .......... .1. I t "�., Kn icker is a uew.f0ature in BoyW, �wear. - We. have (lidni. with tb6* . I d for the* t% inqiAre into in connection with 'girl and *they. keep heir lively and well." . I . 2, I ' , - ..-.%'t;.-. I'll ��[�Pl',�('J;M'A I I 1. - . � . 1. .1 � . . d . '. .. I '. _,!�. . . . . � . I I "'i", 14, suits or in odd knickers, . �, . � I . ­ - , , . , isease having been discovere land . Helfer, I year- ... !--­­-'­ ; ­­'- 4 ' . � "i � ,.'Ji "' � , . . I .. . disputes, Ali ,the -land belong, . . . . .� ,t� ... , 1. "'I", ,., . . . . . dicine dealersor by -mail at � I . ,,, I W1111 ­ . I . . . ,past three months. To-days's action Sold by me . HEREFORDS - 1, :, , ��� I . 11 "I ­, state, and so far ing- to the Maicluis of Clahicardd is 25 cents a box.from The - -.'Williams'- . .1 . . I - i _,x 111. I ��. . , * , , , , I , � oints we are , . .. . . . "" 1; . , * , 2, , , . I .. � . . �', ". I . I "' ,� 11, 4 , "".1 .... 10arability Price and Style are the three p -spritig. . ... I . will permit the intere, i Is life," -The Kin Bull, 2 Years Or Over ......... �'- - '. - - - ") "' - ... I 1. ., . . . - 0 get �,%Jjqb Boy9l Sj�it 'trade on. this ,1 .a ed, the not ,doith one man . . 9 Aledicirae Co.0, Bpock-61leg- Ont, � , ­ ..... .I........'...5 3 ,; .1A.1- "..."...':. . .1 . . . , . . . '.1, . .%-! -x, it of cattle' and their . . #0.—. . . . ..... , � J( .. - .).,. . _. . . . . . . . .1 .., � I 11 a this Government is concern I ........ . , n shipmer has inarked his sense. of.-indignAtion , .� Bpll, I year 3 ,oing � I I . . I � , : . . . : cow. 3 years br ovpr . I .. .... - , . , . . . . . . - 01";: - , . ". . . ...., . . . I . lore . . . ' . : - ,*1 , , . � I . . . I , all expire - . . . .... ::,1! a . . V, W111., . ' I I I" 15ctsfromthose states. PennsYl- ai* the ouit�age by ,sending "s . ri��cv on the 51sn0p. ' , Helfer. 2 years .... ... ...... .,- , t� '-0,,.:j'v,S,, , '..'....""! . . I ... .., . . - ;­ . . .. . � T�AILORING- . � . . I . . . � I do , .- . . . .1 . . : ._V.,_." ..",!�.� ., " ., 10 - � . . , _11 0 . . . . vania and New York now are the Only sion of, deep concern and sincere. sym the.' Bishop of Un. I . , . p6LLE-D-ANGUS, � , . .�V. ;; .1 - ",A .1 , . . 11 . . . . I . . .... � . . I . � I I _ . . . � , �, A��'.!. , . ,� . . P . . � . ' I an,s -. Of Dr. King, . I . I �. . . I!N,.�;I,q., . � . it' . - . . ,., .als, ,,- . . �� ;;; . states in quarantine, and it'is stated pathy to *tile . ilturdered ; p6licem I - . . . .. 1. . d.beiing,.my own outter, 11 . that within a few days it will be raised lamily.in their a . ffliction. . � � . �, epin, who entered on la�s_eightietli Ball'Q years Or over, .!, 1. . ......... 5. 3 . .� 'Our tai oring stock is entirely new, an . - ,� .t . ..... � . - ,3 I . . . . . 11 . 11 . � y, Many cur�ous. -Bull,ly6ar -.ww ".......*.V � I � f0t Makhl'flg I having a. cutter's salary to pay, .enables y . . .. � ... . . . ,oij to give 'ou an, I I I � I . . . . - ,the other da 1�;. io.; .... E99S � and not � 1. . ­ .. I I . . I . . ... . � : year .1 ........... --w..5 ,3 . I . * . _... .. from them. . . . .. . . . .. . .. stories Are told, notwithstanding the cow- 3 Y006 *A,u I. ..'...." ....... 5' 3 * . -1 . ordered iiult.ata.righe, price'. . . I ! .1 BirironE Gom(� To MANITOBA. - . - --- Ruifer, 2 years .............. f6 ". 1 � w.winning Buff - � I . . . I ­ . I ... I I .. . . -1 A ---+ful life that he,bas . � . .� . � .. :. - 1�ggs r hatching rotu prh . Uin., I ­ . I --------- *.�_ . ... . . ... Saskatchewan, or Alberta, consult a' Grand Trunk Agent regarding the interesting rotate via Chicago and St Paul, Minneapolis or Duluth. Bag- gage bonded through; no Cqstoms ex- amination. ' Full information from Grand Trunk Agents. . . . ' officials of the O' P. R. state that the, little town of Hugh RiVer, Alberta, .shipped more wheat than other any place in western Canada, the shipments' al,,eraging 60,000 bushels pet, mile for theentire mileage in thab district.* The three-year-old town of d0airstairil rali I I I . I . . , parlilan Sure I . I. .. . .. ­_� ... ..: I I I Puts Hair OnNour Head An,d.Kee. � . . � � . I . . . , It'rheie . . , . I - . . . - . I .. .. . � . . I � . � . . WhAls the ude of being baldlhWhat sens;id -there in deliberately � allowing your hair to turn gray?. . I . Do Y()U-Ivvant to look old before y our. time'?- Give up tile thought; old age . � � I will'oome.all.too sooni . . . .. ... I I . T,00kafter your hair. Parisian gage will kill'the dandruff germs, iiina is tile' _��_ I " .;,#­" so far as we know; fed, Cl an _­� . e., � -onc'0ay, and -lie tells th -talc 11imseli, lle,was.sitting in a chair by jEe -seashore, .' and - on. Attempting .to rise foutid"Lliat Iiie - logs were n6t so ybung� as'they were.*. �'Vhile he was. still struggling to*�gain an eieet'posi- iion a. 'fisli6rmafi��S. little dauvhter came aloiig and lerit ho,r'aid, 'IT lank yo'a' little girl,"�,. said. -the bishpp, when ,safely on hi� fe6t�.' `.'Oh, it's nothing," said. the -girl, in. reply, "I'-Ve helped father to get li� many a tim, , e when lie 'hasn%, been near .SO . 1. . . . . sob& as,you." - I . . . �. . . . I Legborns and Rhode Island Reds 9J, yer SO Gno. Ricr,. RattenburY St.; East, Clinton-' , . , I . 1. . . . � .. . I . : I . . I . .. . L . � , I . . . . . .. "I . ... I I . . . I L I . . !O - . :, litballe Isisand. Iteds-Egga frbn)L 0, C1101ce . . I ads; w� ist cook. tat ben I amb- 'n . .� I L I . . � . . .. .% . - ""' OBS : . . - I . I W F, . ,­ - JAC - . ' L I I L . . I . Ist,co -, ls hen. let cockerel, 2n pullei. ist cc -:is .1 . 16. . " L . -IF _V I I I . �. Lto, '. per tb. 15 eggs' . n 0 a 2ad ben 0 Rose Comb . , , a or a . ; i sbippdd ' I I( F A C1114ton. t X.CIR .,o . L I ' L . . . N. . � ... . I I . . . .. - . - L .. . I I., .. � 'O N - - I..' I . . I I � . 0 e a al t 0 p I e . . '1� L I I .. . . L .. I . I I L -I'N-T-.0 . I . I . . ... I :. I . . Mb . . .. .. 4=11W . . L'' .L . . . _& : 1 . I . .. .. . � . � . s . . .. .. . , I . , , . . T i1or ng Clothing:'�.' L� I . . ,.., Turnis.hings, .4 k 11 . . . . . - ­ . .. . � . I . it close, for during the past season its ly v v- 9 . � : - -__� . I I . I . . . . I . N . - . ,M, L . - . . � � I I freight ebiliments figured up as follows that N guaranteed to do 80, � ­ I . . 41 . Vyhite Strawberri . . . 1. . TTLE (I - � .. -.-- � I - I - __ . . . .. " . - I . � I ... . no matter how old ,' - ' 10- -- ' - DAIR�f COWS AND FAT CA I ,. . . . . �� --$300,000 for grain,$30U,UUU for stock: Man or womp.n, - I . . . I I 1, . ��. . . . . I ... : ­ D I 1. . .11, . . - of Berkeley, � E�gland, '. 1)a1iy cow, any ageor brood ........ i-4 a . . . - .^ . � . 01�Q� . . I I ., - - A - $50.000 on are, Parisian Sage w1ill make you, A groWer,. - 13-1 1 " . . . -h -. . I . . � . . , , $50," for dressed meat an . . . L . . h,jr,, lifter - tWenty, ye'ars of .eXpdri- Vab heifer. age conquered . ....... .... I .� � . - k � . 0.0. . C. .T.J 7 � -.,-,I for d,_ - ' Fat steeri age considered,, ... a ­ . I . . � . � 11 "y products. Fifty-two thous Took younger. ... 1- .. . . I . . . . . - M'D I and acrps of winter wheat and 33,000 Why not"pto W SIWRolmes-apal zMental, ; work, 'produced two new, ' . . . . . . � it T.wo stock steers. 2 -Years and u 0d6f ... 3 2 . . . . . . I 4ore. placing Your orders for I � � 'Only 0011tO e Two stock heifers, 2 Years and tinder 3 '.) : I - . ) Acres of oat� are under cultivation in. gta.largei3ottletbdav, W .k. ,,it .1;tra*betTies,-:.dne of ',iAlioll is qu ' Now is the time to have your Bf � . . . . et I . white. . - your season's supply ot onal, l; . . Abe vicinity. cents, and -your mooey b;1c � - The fruit ii studded with fine. §WEEPST�_KES . �. Bicycle, cleaned �up. and put in . I our pric8s. The ve . best goods. � , . . 11 . I . . doesnot cure.dandruff, stoli-fallirig .seeds upon the outside, w Are ordin- -. ' ' reed. 3 years and under shal Bring it in carried fi3j3tock An sold at the �' I . . hair, gr itching 'of the scalp, It will I therwise it - N Best s of any. b A ............. $5 � I pie for Spring. . 17 � , I harn) ess . .. sr withbull.�.o ......... � - now and -1 can bg,v6 it ready . lowest possible price. * ' ' I .:� . : I . : . , - .1: nkfast habit i' I make your hair luxuriant, bright an totall� different firom. them. ;The plant xnale. any age ...................... Diploma � for 3, , '.... , . . . I � . .. I __ I ._ . . Ite no bre, .4 Beat on without delay. , . . -enough provided a hearty meal, is b d it is the most*tefrealaing it 0 any age - 4 . ........... Diplotna . . �­.. I . . . 1: _ , . , , I going, to bed, but I _qptiful, an 1hair dress- - bears throughout the winter 'in it Best Cc al - - - "' . � . . .1 .. , Orders may be left at -Davie � .. � . � laken, not bef6r(l pleasant and invigorating . . enial climate, sirailar,.,to that .':, � eattledate from Sept. 20bli- . LAWN MOWERS - � i Rbwland!s YJArdwaxe store, or .. I . . ly Late diners .. . cong - , , 1, )EDS - . . � . . . � I I ear ill the eveninge, in;; made. - . ', . I . . which exists in the south of England, GRAIN ANV SE : I ep � . with . . , ". . . I I I "breiLk-fast" until . I I I . . . . . . . . � I . I . . . . I I I have no Tit -ed Of . . I I . I all wheat. any variety.. I .... I., . SfIARPEN 0. .. - I . I. .1. . I . . .. . ' lloo,ntimn. The French and other con- ,, , . . : ,and, when set In fraines .during the F -.63 - st, - s.r;D I . . I . . ple discovvred this ages . I � . .. . � winter, will beat freely. till Christmas. oats,iftek. named ...... .­ ..... your mower � . W. X Stevens . . .1 I I .. tinen4al peo! . . ..reggy" Bettthson. The bemiles are large and of,excellont Oats, white, nained ............... --3 !a .60 , If �ou wish'to have �� � . . . . . . . 11:: , . : I - I , . n(l have thrived under it. Bar- . ' Baricy, two -rowed, narned,....­ - - .., 3 2 .50 pened and repaired, ,drop . *1 ­ . . I I , I B-iricy, sixttoWcdo named ........... I a , A c' tectrie ;�!aht Plant. . . . . . 1. . I ' -the - 9 I d or leave word - .., "40 " 1'1�� C111, - (Iliocolate, . � . Why the genial manager of.the Lbn* flavor, equalling in these respects %.­.. a , ? 50 . sbarp a 4 ar . , Xt 9 I . -_ -_ . �ing ,) of coffoo 01 . .1 , Peas, uawed,-;,'� ............. .1 - 1 a 0 1 I . . I . . . tli.? iit�, -'reni?fiaall wantS "(Ion National 4orting Club is called -Royal Sovereign. - me �o p�and I shall.0all for . .... � . . .. . . � I � I I . . . � . . . dilling T :paxton and * I I .� ! Timothy 'iseed ,-;.­ ....... ­­, -; :1 2 ,W , the sh i . 1. . . . I I . I ,.tl I Fr at until lune.hoon. But ,,,peggy,11 no one Se6ins to hnDiV. 'But- " � � . .. . .. . . I 'Secd� .... ......... -'...."..3 11 . .50 at a jver t. . . I - � . � I . � I , iin to e, , food find 1-10 has been "Peggy," since his,5011901 1. 11, .. I I . Clover - and el .1 __ IT WOU arly T!!T!A.___ . - Otatdes. late, named, . I - - .'. - .. , - - �. "r 2 , .110 . ' � I , LD MAKE ;� I . I . ihe habit of avoiding e. �1_ . potatoea. early, nained ........... I., ... 3 .A � A New I's- the time *,to have these' 1) , I I . . . . . I . I . GR 1! drink ill a stimulating clillifite when days4, .and. -Peggy" he will always be. . � . . I - s I shall be , I I . 111p, pilystival energies must be ta;ked -peggy- was it very fill(, type of thd 1. . EiftAlf, PRIZES - things Attended to a I I- I . .�� to see our fine Assortment of Cakeo Al- ,11 on _ �s. _- P' ' A rr ' sp- � " � busy ..later on. I . � . . I . � . .. duri mornine Imil"S iP 010, of all -r " nd, athletc -in his younger da hroo horses, 'mores Or 901dingst A90 . I . I � wayhon hand., Why bake at home I ", , , At swimming he eoukl beat.most men -CONSTI , laiLION ro;*1)eat t - � L ' R. FitZgtolo y . thos tions-w1liell b ftr anaiN. . considered. operi to eseliTowrighip in the 11 8, & S0126 , when oq have such an!,assortmebt to' , ",� �," if, � miles,. lie � . I I county of Huron. The Animala most be A., T(TItNER,' Clintoft I *. . choose from, give Us a trial and they . e - y n. Qexion, , . I . I ,. I I ,�'lts-. "isiblo ill the cc) i at .any di ' stance, up to fiv( � . I . ' � I "owned 31st, Match by residents of the'namcd . I .. . .L . . .. . . . . . . . :. Bakers df . rilic , (t.. PveiltIT1111V illo po I i�ras IL fin(I Rukby. play(,.t ond a bril- IRR - ARITY. . I ' -Townships. prizost).000'sfoilows, � . �. - ' 'will talk for themselvea. - the C()Ior an llstitu� _ t GUL . tion, of t'llose, (1Pv0tv(l- to. it' . .. . ,,fd(,f1 lighter, wfraning-the - * I . . . , ,,, -1 .. . I -, . h6mem&de bread, the berit to be had, , liant two -hi. . I . Should only ohd Township conaiiiote.�...,. I I $5 06 . - . we are still in the But . . . I - I lightweight championship ; in I$& I . OF THE ABOWELS .. ' -B,Aoul�d.tWo.TownebipgoOMDOtO-- -,;.;..-l009 - . I � . . . . . . I hering business, and are- 9VWhile tip town come In and try out ' 10111111111111100111"W60 Mr. Bettinson ha4MfthyamUqjLng�toj_ Should three Townships COMPetO i ...... 11 ... 15 00 � C tee Cream and Soda.it will -iefres)i yoit � . I I i e, -time boxers, and . . � . � I . Should four Townships cojyipate ........... 2000 0 VI.Q. n to fill �11 or- -while doing your shopoingd I - . irregularity of the' bowels is always Hbould five or inore t, ' it' ', to tell of ol(l ,To*n0hips Compete.. 25 OD C! . in'a P091 10 ' Apropos of likorlern methods of train- Swell,. T M6 I#— We kee��a line first class confee. � .. ' 'n I . '0313, tlon&ry ' *d will be reeolve4 froin. I deri for seasonable me a fruit "' " ­! ows, and phould be at, oueo attendc A:ny nulnl)or of entries . . I ing as compared with those, of -years . dian r I , . . S In 13easonb � 11 . 8go, lie says,, "I shall never forget to ..d corrooted; . . . . .. . efteliTownship is Usually thought Ao cost a Swell ; I . . . I PAIN , . . . Vor best bag Michigan Amber Fall' Wheat.: Mr I , We prove the falsity of that Int,-Ugted to cu,, Ca, -e, ' ' 0&slj or,trade for:Outt&*,and Eggs, , - old boxer who Came I � 0 � Jas.VairdonatesonebagValiftilY F1011f. DrIceo I I . . I . I . I � . .. 11 11 . ., . the horror of one . . a. . I 1;6d-.t6;n janywbo,.re, bas lu,fttass here (the National sporting Club) to � MILBURN S , volsoli's Bank, Trophy� value 01h.00, for 10.086 Idea, by 6ur moderate price � . - NIMENS '­ - . � ftinisconsestlon VaialiablOOd Ireddy Welch for one of . ­ I I Heavy-dravgbt; Vatic, in harneso, Iva Svftle.sl I OUr new businesa stand I . Wn in the esgurow-notht" look aftot, V. . I rvbv. agen . t Deering Ulf1g, Co., donates I. 0.1in SPRI I . I wo Wo - ­ . . . I sAt so say§ V, ri-nor chainPion had " - ' I ' . . r. Ritoop, and to is in the Combe Block. 10hollib 4t! - . 431111100 , A 11B � L - Aft' I I AND FABRICS , � . I I / " I ,else asually. Il rights. The f'o AXA - LIVER PILLS .' 'xhogl :%krow. for best I . prove it be has ,�.`Xh a little oink tabloL Thai implibit faith ill raw gteal(S. or, at .. '' . In $80.00 Improved Dime,13 " . tablet -called Dr. Shoop,s llpAdb,cho TiWt I ' Agricultural T,Oatri, In harness. ad f I aspection. You P,Annot -1` L I -_ ­ . , -ecoxes blood pressure UWal froin tain Ont6l% any rate; in big ineAt meals, ind he work on the. bowels g6ntly and uAtir6,11Y The Directors of the Clinton Bowling Alley 600, 110 rc Tlmoir!elthem at the fivist glance. . . . I _ .." "Mincl"leasin6ilydellit t(ral.Gently, . ,ed whell Welch said he a Son , !. . I , y Oqu% im the blood clr0l* A withoul, weakenitig tho -body, but, oft the $5.00 for bDst Agridultural Brood Marc- 11 - . PLO pludwo . - L . Itseffeetischt . Li .. I , Imost collapr ing d'-&- A - Udd L �, though safelr, it ... Vas luot slipp round the; 'coraer contrary, to"Ing if, and they *il if per. ',pall rtaeo oft railways for all Stock Shown M . WE WILL' TAILOR 'k0V - I . I I , - btlon. it heaftelie, it'd blood pressure, t; dinner.:-ut At egseg, the Vatz '" . . I , , For C ., If rou have i mi ft'366, -for hi, 0) a vegotarian V . 60- severed in relieve and aura tho Vror - A SVIT Clinton � I . t . . . I It Vs painful %*Tt6dg With'WOThell- 61 I of,ponstipation. . . ,1AS. SX)MLL, DR, 011AW, I I I - ' it you arb sleepless, TeA1689, Nervous- let blood taurant. 1�­ — . , I . I I prostdcat. seevotiary. in any style And cloth you select At A. � Having seatiltea a dominointius drAIA . congestion -blood pressr*# That Ankel# Is a � � . MrA. iathe,q King, Cornwall, Ont, I �"i teg, � I I . .. L. --,a prieeLthat comVetos closely with fAc-' -1 . . A 0 iiblets stolw I . certainty, for Dr. Shoop's adathe T I t."Utoicidue, .411 was troubled with sick headaches, con- .....­­ --- suit made 0� low . Storehouse, WO are how buying All it in 20 in nutoA, land the tablets simply distfibut4 ibly.-madeelot ing, Thats, .. I .. blood Prokir&- I Tho persou who. 01, 6%flullnitig A stip.:Won And cat;xrrh of tile -stornah. I -- I ell in wiory.detailo needs no kinds of grain, for which tlie hiihost . . the unnatural finger. and doosfift, It get, ro.d,L And rked Wit could got nothing to do me any good.ulitil Wanted.Xanners Ittenti011 aboygla"r1nensw %,he clothe ' speak for 10 ' L", . prioes will be li�id. I Brulso Vour IT You? Of to"No hiloes. It's cc homemade henhouse, rema tad built I got a via,l of Milbuth'.4 I,axa.Liver Pills, - - - t. L. -SL '11.1 ILA. 4Q WRNTEID BraU.ShortA,0ornsffidAlIkhi4a 46C ­ I itwell. ana pai "it . lon.bloodpksguro. Vott'll find ItwheraVS lookcd at; if Some f0low I � I ]VOCI, L I . I s. Ifs atinply 06M don Sensol. a. Undred spirit In a Viby did rao more good than anything elm For a f1rab 010AS Job go to 016 Now Dou�lo' themselves. _6 . . grain, Seeds And other feeds ke'pb ou . I ' 11, . , . (I M AV has X to the Clinton P.18c. ve WS.'I'? .t 1,, cents, said ,21','60T%�Vr recolaam 1014 .ofi- pr6ei6richopping mill, no 6 - 0 And at the stofthOuse- . W It btm�c it tried. I have na headaches or c . � h . d6lightftilly simple old lady, noted for ght, sualon. We like the CoftibbsilatiOlk A I? 0 6, Atipation, and thb eataith of 66 Atornkoh trio YA§10PreC(,,#,a,6V0rY.thibg ground twlee over, E .W, B 1,_ ,6, (!agh paid for Rides, Skitis . . I ' St_. ,:6, 0 . L 0 ­ her xialv&, comments. in a street ear ,a entirely otio. I foeil like a new woman# 110011111) fting ovoty I I " in L LU V a Camidti tbitty bad$ list h6ut, run' Irin6 Merchant TA110199- . Ford & 'McLeod'. Dr . not long 4go the noticed a man eat- thanks toltilliaira'a IAX0,-LiV6r Pills' I dsy and thopring done while Tou wait. W6 &180 I .. ,0,nd Tallow.' , . 1. - Uiled J� 0,11 Xboat 1141C 6 doftlilvlialg." A rbilloAts. #kind 116% &-Ad 111ske whiest guid eora 10ted Jitek4oll'111 Old StO,nd- . . rying-a shot'Hn f%hd a blanketfol griod Your noXb NrIS& 'fta "Olia tile . � I He 1- - da -the' (6140k at hlt)L,,,, $be. whisriertil to hot Price 26 cents & vial, 8 for $: 30, 9t 0,11 m0al- rAtna acoomodia" our eustowerA Agent Joj.13dtIrjh-A%6r10an 401C.&I11bg ­ I ­­ tio - - difforLAnco"Wo try I to -04, 'P S & som � iko t. P. 8TA*V10,*44 cl,"'rox, , L o . . J ,06mpaulo I ,%e looks tAg if Ile *or* dftlots or nailed%diroob by Thi T. 2411hum as fl%t O's POAM1144S , . OntrIA1, hislimmon . . . T.Able n . � I RAI; 131tolwX"Clint,04, & Dying C . 0 . L I �, Sold by *%LL DRUGGISTSP going to spend' I .Ie, 1110it 801110where-IF Co.j LlirliWls Vim% OhU .10NAT . . . I . . 11 i � . I / __ _ __i__..__,..,________._.,.. __ , 11 I - __ L -.-----.-.'L- I - - - __ . - __-1_1--___