HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-03-25, Page 2F
� I
. Tbe, New ErA
* is Published every Thursday at
the N3$W ERA k!A4tl0$, House,
. ` WJ4"V STOW ,* * P, * - CLINTON.
TO-MlilOf *Qbq0rIptJqp,#,1 per
'. year
. Jilk 414vali,00 -. 41.0-0 may, be cliarg04 if
Apt so, paid. X ,
I . a rappe.41peoutinue4
I 41401,411 itrreiays are pa$d,mile
, , qjs At the
. t4sy To mix V's
I __ .
What *111 Appear* Tery Int'.
I 101',I� 1112,
ken 4,,,y Qr t
re the
TWA OfAlftVS si1w =A
I., I
kar. 251h, 19"
dAittgunai uft,a 2 . - I ._-_-__--1___ I __.___ __ _��. _41�k__;_7. � � 1. I - _ - , - n__, _ — __ __ � � mowmx4mmmiw
'409 a WAKE UP-To4sy is the time to
dvertise.-Nvary day you W41t meatia 1UNS JIM NFAUN
11" -Thou .
is money lost sands are buying -
k- i similar K0048 to yours too -day grown III the Spring it TOnie Is Nee
lit competitorsi, Whose trade You. raiglit ,. , ded-
�18 bave.-Uoknown me,eitiswasted , mer- But Not itArob. D"litie, I .
It-Tb8r0 10 nothing undor the aq- Allwidnes,
. .00 on of the publis, er. The date to -'---"-' wirth, buyluff that judiplotia a A oprIng,mediclue, Ili
2 Fluid Extract Dandelion. Ql;e-bglf , avertla, . an Actual Ile-
. �
. �, -
I . W-1 QhqverY8u%crIPt1`oAiSR41dis �P' ounoe; Colij oll"d Kargon, on Ing won't Re 6, (,set every dollar that Malty to most prop
voted *Vt t4e label, ' 0 ounce; in .I.e. Nature de-
. Advertising rite4. -Tr4insle Oompound gyrup Sarvaparil gobd #dvertiving will bring by placing , ends it as An. aid Ili carrying off
I 1. I .. nt Adver. lal three your ads, in. T the impurities -that have Accumalat.
ounces. Sh4ika well !a a battle and , , ON NEW.EAA.
! x .
, 04emPlIts, 10 Cents, per IaQlOpArel. line take in. teaspoonful doses atW WIJYYOUSHOULD PATRONIZE ed In the blood during the indoor
� , * !list, insertio and 8 cents per line meal and ag4in At beftime. .r each I
, ,
for each subisNuentinsi k1OMX STORES. -You receive equal life Of winter months, But unfortun.
JM606V'tia�ip�il% not to 0.7 rt'on' $wall - A Well-known 4rugg0t her(, 4t home V410es. - 41. buildb tip home industries. 4tely thousands of people who
, . recow-
.,cqod one'nich when aakedregardingibigpreocrip * -It Iteepilmmey in circulation athorn Y4.1ze the necessity for (k spring medi.
1. itch as i'Lost" "Strayqd," 11 tion ItgIvesetapi . e clue do 'not
. to, Inseirte& once foic 85 ceA '9�*leiu$" stated that the Ingredients are all oyment to others Among know what Is beat to
- . .ts, or one halmless,and. can be ,obtained ata TM It anchancee the value of r with harsh,
. . eal ee- take and dose themisel ves
. W o intended Xhia is ,
L . %li'Athfor$1,06mmuln'tostion. small cost from Any good preporiltion tate.-It makes a home marke�, for griping pargatives. . a serious
I * ublica�laamuilt' -as a Parantee of Pharmacy, or the mixtu I , mistake. Ask ,.%uy doctor and he I will
:J pe, w,oud be Your products.-Itlessens tax rotda.-
. I . . I -
g. faith, be accompamted by the tell ybu that the us
I s%meof thewriter. - ., W 116 if Asked to do so. Re further It aids VOU in money.stringencleg is of purgative
, .s that
. I To insure pq stated that while this prescription !La now exist, It asslats largely in in ine4iolue weakens the system, but
blicatiou in current , ani- does, not Ili the spring
: i4aue copy of " _ .11 often prescribed in rheumatic afflict. tain ' . cure 4iseAse,
, I se v"tulerneilta should be ions With splendid resulte,he could see And llegosoenk4sr tachheonoeled-d-4flotrelist,aistlgt encoiUtry the system needs, building, up-purgai-
. I . lot in eaxly. . no reason why it would not be a; splen- ages others to embark in .4.usjoess,�It tives cannot doliliis; thev we4ken you
I Oontract rates - The tollowingtable Stillmore. Theblooc
:1 did reme4y for kidney and urinar stimulates vourcountry industries and .I shoulet be made
41114OW's Our rates for fop ectfied parlods troubles and backa e' 7 makes everyt , rich.rad and Pore -no tirlative can
1 &44 Space. "I . a L Ch , as it has. a bilik, eff6kvesce with en�
peculiar action upon ,the kidney etrue ergy, � do this. What is needexi,u he Rprin
. I yr. 6mo. is a
; . I 8ma' 'MO tore cleatialogthese most Important WHAT AUVRRTIS1N1n[ DOES.- solo tOule, andtae best tonic mediclal
. � 1 $7001) $4000 W00$10W -, .1 . .4 1 1 ncehas ap-11-c- 11 I r% ,txr..
I ftmfornle
Vor $AT$ $us form of I* oloroti, Wag
10*0 ",, lit 0013.. Godedela townsbip.
I �
Good fromoi house, items bom 0141-4.
4 � rivs house, gooit
- ring 'arsek, 10 se'rise Of I
OcChArd., All ol,sribut *bolt* 25
- W , OUTDOIN106 ,
scrilit 0
12 0*40 of Cultivation. gall rich all'o'l I
los9V Reasousble terms to suit parches,
er. 1 Apply so,Q-J. wollis, 01100AP, Onc I
. I
I . __
Oboice rroperty For --hale
The underoignedofferp for sale .blo chololf I
, . property at tihreo &area ilitolated in
QoMen Survey, Clinton. Where is a, com.
� I
tortable house with .steps oelleir. an the
Ela,oe. with stable, bard apil eat$. wale . r, sIL,
inds of fruit trees in .
, ; '. .
. .
JOHN AIDOU%1 — C, & HAT;11 I
and good otate of
Cultivation; will be solo with entire outfit,*
on reasonable, terms, , YR. JOYNER.
. , . .
H. T. R A N 0 E5, �.,,
, -"06-- ., .
Notary Public, Conveyancer,
I 11TISO ox SWe
. Financial and Re%I I,Jstajo�� �
I —
IXSURAXOV�, eprooenting'10FIre 1q, I
On Maple 84, one 4419 acre 'of ground,
good fruit trees end other Prooll fruit,
surance companies. . I
Division, Colirt ojuce,. I
111011ft I in good Colilliblan, AV y to
I W.W.
. . �
11.1. . (100 r - _- , tie p ng thein to sift. And Did you ever think what your advt. in jamst PIDI., � q... a P, - '. I . . . I i - I � , I I 4 I
i 40 W 26 00 , Iffils. Every dose of 'this '- 9 —; —,— xylelax,ai.
9 1 . � 'll'a ?5 OD. 10 00 800 ti vu .er from 413 . . . L � . I
L . � I W'Aste tnA . . the blo6a the foul Acids d The Nr.w Bliti is doing for you? When medicinii ,actually makes new, rich House for Sale , OR to.. W, Timompsex
7 12upEnIm 1800 1000 5 60 200 , tter which cause sickness And You close Your store Ili the evening and blood, This. new blood strengthens, AN ENGINE DRIVIOR,s S.ToRy � . � . � . �
; silft;Ang -Tbose-of our re4derewho go h6ine to Your family Find fireside, , I . - The large cotto . . i1clan. Surgeon,"Fgto
ol . . every organ, every nerve, and,every � I ge on Queen street, be. 9
1 .
. �. . I inch 000 860 2 OD 100 sufferean make. no mistake in, giving not thinking about your business at -longing to the estate of the late E. Holme a mvecialr4ttentilon given to diseases of:JLO
foutract display advertising We Per .it ' trial. . Part'of the body� This is why they 11 "Y01 indeed, we have some que r Eye. Bar, Throat and Noes; I
.. A . all. then'it is that the paper is being cure 130d,daches aiijl backaches, rh ttle In, oidento ha e Is offered for sale. The lot is one'.half . '
1� - . Inch, per josue. - ored over in hundreds of homes -the .. � .en. gpea to q8", said the . 9 � I
. neuralgia, and a host of engine driver, all 0 plied his oil CAR � . XEW Two doors wess of the co"Merehe notoll .
I'll Left A Vheque For Wife omes from which your trade is draw'# other troubles that come from poor chine. "A . , rgsIu.ZAp0Iy,%l1
RouT. HoLuzo 9 matiom and liare, with beating fruit trees, bard and Office and Residence,
�� � ___ And erb about and under his in& oof t vmlisr, A be I Ilaron at. I
. � 9 th IP Your ad. 'doing its work watery blood. 'This is Why men queer thing happened to me abouta B#A, office. . I I
. I . 11 ftilway Time,Tablel0la ' Kindly Act- Of Sir Nv illiatil Malock . ail6ntly, but surely* and if you have women who ta and year, ago. You'd think it queer for a . _-, I
. .." . Ue__ _- I . Aftv, i9eritencing ' taken the pains - to mako It attractive ke lYr. Williams! Oink - . I " ,_ - -_
, : . XalonefoifLife, I Flits eat Well, Aeep well, and fell rough man like me to cry for ten n.
, , - . " . . . ., its work will be all the more success. bright, active and strong. Ityouneed utee, and nobodT huft edb "' Cottage for. Sale . . Dr. W. Gunn .
. CLINTON STI&Tz6w 11 er, wouldn't -_ . . - ,
, . I ful. This is repeated over And over a medicine this sprl you? Well, I di ,and I can Al Z� Ro A P-0 14.99 0. IL. IW
� I Going -West Going East A little act, of unostentatious ener, Again, and is no .doubt what inspired vivin ng try this great re� every time I i . . most cry, ., $1300, will buy choice Cottagg on joseub St. Dr. W� 4;VAR, � U:.
9 . . . same writer to ca . 11 the newspaper ad. 9 tonici and see the new life, u�ew . hink of it., I was run, soft and hard Water W the honest cement cellar, Offles-Ontarlo Street, Clintoo. lijitht ca"Ils so
� 11.07 a.m osity or. the pattof SirWillial iliflock health and strength it will nto 111119 along one afternoon pr Kelso furnace, Electric, light, good lawn, mere frunt,door of office or residence. Asitan
: 9 1 . bag j4st leaked out, showing vertlaing a I-sile put I etty lively , lot Cement walk around house. Part ca , Street. I I I 1011197
I . L25 P.m 7 35 aan - hew the .nt drummer " ,ou. Sold by all medicine dealers or When I 'approached a little ;village an�'e at yj.. in bal- I I
l - -1 .. 6.40 p?m 8XV7 p.m judge on the bench way oom6ine the MAPLE ROLLERS -V g nta a box or sit boxes � so the place for a retired far er. .
11.28 p.m .� 5.15 p in severity of the law with the tenderness er;'few peo. y mail At 50 ce wherg the track cuts through the , Apply BOX 174, Clinton. ,,,, Office bouro at opilai.,1 to s p.m,, V to 9 1p.m:
� �� I of the man. . �; ple haveany idea of the extensive, bus. for $150, frQm tlib Dr. WAII14ms"Med- streets, I slacked up a little, but was — , � . I �
-11 � Insas done Ili supplying maple rollers loine Co., Brookville, Ont. � ; sial making- geod speed, when __r_- .� —
e,;X, � Going North Going South It will be r . . , 'sudden -
I ecalled that Sir William . ` R 0 -u -se Sale.. ,,'
* - .for the,English market. They are gen. . ly,, about *enty. rods ahead Rf me, a, , DR, 4- We SHAW., * I
!:,- 11.0-4 a.m 7.29 &.in ' last month senteficAd Malohia, former erally about 20, inches Ion . PILING VP T' little girl, not mcre than three I � . � 9 .
..:, I gand5h toO 1119 - years. I PHYSIOZAN. SURGEON,
I I 1 6.40 p.m 4.18 P.111 I - chief of police At Simeoe, to - life im, .1fiches-thick, and are use ngles " iii—,1,14i 4 ..� Subscriber offer@ for sale hid"Targe and'dealf.
�:,�,, . , - - prisomment for attempting to k-11 his d for ina � I old, toddled on to the track. You Can't able house on-auron Street, furnished with all A"6utbatir, etc,, office and residense on . . .
. . I
- I . . . Conveniences. hot mud cold water up-, tOuburY St., opposite W. FarranIq residence, .
, — I "-"�� fell . ger, It HOW the F ortune Arm�iir Built 0011. 4 =gidown, with bath; bard and soft water, .
I'' -4 l4ge form of clothes Wrin even imagine, my feelingf,
,. y —9
�:, 1, ow ofAcer Wilkins. Atter doing so. Is said that owing to. theclimate of.the I - ,There was no way- to save her. It . 9
� 1, t � Sir William left his personal chequ . e muntry I large eta a and driving sbed.boaring fruit trees.' . . . .
; - wife at 4, these articles are as essen. . tinu' ' a to Multiply, . was impossible to stop,- or even slacken Also half -more lot opposite tMeRenzie's 'plain, ..
�,;:. 9 � I CLINTON NEW EURA for $10011or the Malone, And tial in 1 ;Iish houses When m4ch,at that distance,as the t Ing mill. J. W. IRWIN, Clinton. DRS Fe Re RX0X .
� . W j . as* a sewing P ilip D. Armor lelt his farm rain was I � . . I
I . anqher $50 for the Wife of Wilkins, machine would be. . ht§re, ciothes. put .� .to., 9 N, Y. grade descending. In 10 . . I DENTIST .
.. . kbrtge, Madison Courity heavy and the I . I- .. �, .
'. _. THURSDAY. MARCH 25,.1909 who is serving a five months' seritence through them drying in a few minutes ago in 1809, 8, . .
w .
�X: . .-- - . at 21, and set, stakes in Chi econdait.wouid have beenall over; . ' Farin Jor Sale . (Succestfor to Dr. Reireeii I .
, - �- - -At-th"aw6-tlme -he-gave-strict--i .. One-fIrm atLucknow-will supply . . little -did- 4e_think__.wU1t1C 11a. labors and after reversing ant! applyiv Specialist to ftown and Dir1glille W,ewlk.� .
,�'.., .1 . - I strnotions that nothing was to be mctde , aliout . � ,.g-tbe. --- � - 2-- -���_�;— 'b- A- - . .
k.Z9 1. ten Car loads of them this w o before death sealed Kinakeo, I 'h -_ -e---'-- _' - _ _ ____ __ -_
., I Gradtistd7of 6 Cc Royal College __ - � ....
I TARIFF CgAiGES. inter. 1, Mr a ut my yes, I didn't want The undersigned offerafor s%lebis"far134*of.l0O h ; of lbii;ita. Slill .
F, . As we slowed down acres, being Lot 20, Con 2, H. R, S., TnelEerstalth.
I .
� 'L ::, 9� � , public. roneekning the matter, and it is James Young, the well,known saw his lips. When be- 'entered Chicago, to see any more. Peoner of Ontario. .
.._ . only now that it has become Honor graduate of University of Toronto I)evi .
,Vj, Should the proposedchanges he made ed about. . . whisper. in ill6r, of Auburn, has a 'ou atract with then a town abotif 100,000, he struck my fireman stuck his head out of -the This is & good farm. in a good state of cultiva. tal Department. I . I I... . .
." .Ag', . . . . . tipn; andin a first clasR'Jocality There are good'
. I I Mr. Howson, of that village, to supply up with a butcher named,F, D. Miles. cab window to see what I'd stopped for buildings on the Property. Th� farm is offered Qr%dumto.of Chicago College of Dental SuVgarV il
. ,in the American tariff, it will certainz Botk, Mrs Malone and Mrs Wilkips 8 or 10 cat loads ; and oth ' saw mills They each Put up $500, Now the Arm. .when he laughed, and a outed t Ohl
� 1 9 h o ale, in one -parcel or will be s W
.", L . er q R7190 ... . .
, were left in unfortupate circumstances all . L I looked,, auV there' old in two Parcels if,de 11 visit Bayfleld every Alonday �1
,�:.,' , ly affect Canadian Interests. , . with aWlinbe over the province are '.supplying our plant is valued at more than S14%. 'Jim, look herell sired For furtber partiouimis apply to . . .
. . r.of children to support, similar quantities. 000,0100 -for at thatprice 1, vas a bi T.'kA-XCE;-(1taton,'or to L,STOX% - .—,.. I . I
.-�:.. The duty on lumber is to be reduced ,. � , A car will averagt 9 1 Ogden Arm- v i. black Ne'wfoiindland L dog H't. . I
,. L . .
�.; - t 1 187 Tecumsen St. - I . 11.
I . I . . about 2400 rollers, and is worth about our refused to sell It.- "Neither, partner holding tie little, girl in -his mouth,' . Sarnia. Ont. * -1
1. � from $2 to $1 per thousand, Wcod Sir Yameq Whitney's reference to $700 on the track. Allowing for - shall draw from the conce leisurely walking toward the bous �. I DR-, He FOWLER -
, L , im. ra to, exceed e I I I . -_ -.— . . . . L , 9 �� . .
`,;,_� , pulp will go on the free list, and M some Cob Perfection%. etc. in timber, it.. SlWamonth' where she evidently belonge I L' . ,, . .
� a. alt soedulators as J%h ' takes 'Was oniD of the conclitious L d. She � . .
L , . . e. earn. . Farin . (or Sale., , 1. DIENTIST. , � . .
�, - about 10 feet square for each roller, of that firat partnership., Now, if the Was kicking And crying, so that 1. know I I . .
`-L� , terialfor paper besubjeetto A low scale monest kind of gamblers', � ay or may . .
I I L 4nd at the rate o dtb of the Armour . I 1. Offices over O'N 39ILIE store, - - ; . I
., L ... M f manufacture, maple Pro a Were not larger she Wasn't burb�rand the dog had saved Subseriber,offors for sale his farm of 50 acres, . .
�,"t' of duties. The ditty on barley is re- not have been Judicious, bnb 1k ,Was will raoon be a very scarce Article,. ' - - eaohLL minute .than they were.'eac her. , -g"I? ... being. east half � of job 16, Con, 6, L HUllett, Special, care taken . . I
:L " . . I , . 1. .. I . ears . ago, then the establ.. h OUghtLib I All to make dental trem. i
; iluced from '30 cents to 15 cents per certainly a casebf handling the matter . month 50 .sh- "My firemali-Ith funny and cleared, well drained. well fenced; good Clay Mont as painless, as poadible. L. ' . . I
:r .. � k�epl on laughing,butl driedlike P Wo. In good 0011ditIM Plont new . . . 1. , . I I .
� es f Pain 3 cents to 2 !, . . . $100 Wward S ment would not be worth $140�000,oco. . Itallomdo house and barn. Two U11.= Con.' � .
� I - without. groves. 1 '_' .. .. I 100 , 'Money rows in. a y weil-regulated an ! I lu.8b couldn't help it. I -had 4- stimnceP.Q. Six miles from Clinton. ji Inaos - . L
� . .
L � aper. �rill be from -school. Apply to undersigned, pers n 11 .MAQ �.G .
� . 1) sents. On bacon and hams fr6in 5 to 4 * I � The readers of' this'p �Iant. Whil Armourn built up his -int little girl Of WY,own at,, 110M%`�Sel-. on tli6l6bh 00n. of Go4erich TD., ot " y
1: cents. liides and tallow will go on the ' For some time the dual voting system pleased to learn that * there is *at least mense businessi.and when he died he ected. . .. � I , . I . . . - _ or by I oter to THO
. .. � . . L
� . . one 4qehded disease that'sclen�ce has left it to his son,J. Logd6pArmour,who . I --- . ---------;.A4� - , (3110010--JAXES. FEgGUSOZ4, . " UNDfly -
1� free list. It is expected that the duties has Prevailed In Quebec, but the Que. been: able.'�to Cure in'all its 'stages, and, * has disproved the, oft -q I uotdd 'Amerl. . _ - Live st,6,.k and generat Auction �e�
. I L.
, : on iron ore will also be removed, *It bee Provincial L G.6vermne L . 0 that is Catarrh. 'Hall's Catarrh ()ur6 icanism, that ST041ACII DISTRESS ' To Rent in -CoMbe.Block. L - G . 0DER10H .. 'O . NT . � I I I
I L nt is.about ti. ' arents.saVe'iheir money . I .. . .. . . I . .
�1� � xnay be that the operation of the man- establish the bile-inwit one -vote is the only positive cure now known to for their chilgren to scatter. f;:Ogden . Q_% . I . I .�_ , . .. . Val it, SO= Halsi a spetwil1ii,t L Ult�egq tif jk�. I �
I . ' - prin. the medical fiaternit'y. Catarrh being. Armor has already doubled his patrl Every -family here ought to Weep Office or room for smaii store or ,work 1.00m. AEw. En! office, Cubto.a, prcmptly abtewwd , - . I
� . back will allow the . I se, q re I Xextdoor'to4ohn Ransford,s office. AD to. 6 b F me noto .
, ufacturers' draw ciple so that no elector in tbe'Provi'nee a cotistitutional d sea re ui a a' Con- 1* , some Diapepsin in the house, as any . uly'to, dis, Terms ress 1111 10, iamers' a I - .
" " can vote in more than one.consti . ' ' on , mQnY.aud if he keeps on he will double one -of ybu may have an ' I . . ..JAB. SMITH, Ontario St, ounted - �. L .
r . . % � .
I I � . .
I _ 'rL free importation of Canadian wheat tuency atituti al treatment. Hallls-%Itaiab SL compar . .attack of iti.: ' . . . . . . . . ,�, . .. - I L
.11 at a, elecOon. . That has Cure. ig taken internally, acting 4irect. it skein. � He 1 Aively young digestion or Stomach trouble' at any 11 1. 11� : � , , L . - I
"Z for American mills. There are also . ..long* I been Upon Lthe blood and mucous surfaces yet-beflig but 4:4 He is it, smooth- time, day or night. . �., . � .. . '. . , " " . � . L � . , I
�. .: ' . I the rule in Onta, - I L. . � . ,� . ly I . . . This harmles . . L. flofiseJor Sale * I.. . G.W. MeTs. art' MoTaggar, . I .
, Provisions for reciprocity in coal-ard . L ,. . ria. �� . . 1. � I It the system, thereby destroying -the looking young man with a round head � I 8 pvelparation will ctjg�st . . .�___ . .. I . I 99, . M. D. .
�, 1. , . : 10 - -and a slight mustache., He is the father TI fr. Ir . I � 08 L ' . .
; - agriculturafimplernentS. L .*— undation of the dimase,�-and .giviuk . anything y6tA eat and overcome a solir ie large 'line 11611SO on Ontario St. belong , , ' .
' '
. � I Mr G T Ang�ll, of,BostLn, died or! �he Patient L L tone child, a. little:glil , MeTagOart B
L . strength by. building up of bU . named Stomach five Wintites afterwards. Ing tothe estate of the ]&to Mr.l. Montwbh� is .1 .. . I 0 , . I
That mere reductions will influ i I' , , - I . r
fferedforsale. Suitable for goodisized family, . . �. .
. ence Mond , at the Ag the constitution and Assisti ljoffia,' for Whom Dr-Loronz journeyed If your meals don t tempt �,ou, or '0 cel)6r. etc. . 11
I AV L, % of, 80,. Ile has done . fig nature ' _ J Hard and soft �wator, stable. gob .1. . . L DZINNERS . . . I
I achange,in our tariff, would almost al doing its wo)rk, - propriAt(irs Acrod�..thd sea to cure her fro. m hip dis- what little youdo eatseems to fill yon I.For Particulars, apply to. JAB. XIAMMTOX� * . le,
L I . more forthe Orev ntion of crijul � The _ UmPL Clinton, or to ALrt,X,1vlONTEITH I
I : ., � . . ty to avv somlach talth it] easo,and to wboni her fathek7pald a. or lays Il.kc it I of .
I I seem to be a fortgone conclusion, Pub- ani ' . h. A4 ou'ract" pow- I lead in'yout� sto. . . . I IlCippenq. ALBERT.ST, CLI ..
11, mals thaq any o6fier man, and Was ars that that they Offer 0116:11ulldred fee oUaore than $50; machl Or it You hAve heartburn, that I - .. 0 - ., .. .. WTON .
I ' ( . . . - I . .
. I . . � . I
, lie men have always contended tha L 'for The 4rmouis c 0?n-obL only the M a ilgh,of indigi ' .... , . � . . Farm to Rent : '. � .. Gellitrai flanking Butilnesill .
, . sible the establishment 0,L . I
��_� . t respon , Dollars, for any case tbat it fails to cure ai;tion'. .1 .
"L, made a re. H' � I I . . - . I in - your Pharmacist for a 50c, . . . .1 . . . . transacted . :
, . as soon as the Americans . Send for testimonials free, eat markets.6F the world .out also � AsL case . I . - I � . . I . . .. . . I
I .� umane Societies all over' ,the w.o . � - F. - CHRNEY & 00 ,Toledo, 0. the grain maikets. 117hey not only of Vap6'sDiapepsin and takebrie trian-' t.28.0tb'Oori. of doderich . I . . .
t I ducdon in their tariff, th I Wilk . in - 6 1W , . I rld, the price of mea . t, but they ex- gule after litipper tonight.- There will to -rent.' Apply to .. � .. I NOTES DISCOUNTED , I . . .
. �j . . I X nce n his - ' MRS., J-. -
ill PH to m a rpow3ioO Wdole here,, . . .1 . �, -, Take Hall's Family pills foi c i on the rice be no sour risings; no belchink, of un-; 1`8000"'ran" "ar'n Jo i 1: - - Draftsissaid. 7 Intere t . 'k,
I ey would be. ,opulp 70,099 I I Seld bV all drtig4ists, 75c. ' : 901, erii I .. Is -71-51
tv, -elt & tremenaous influefice' . 2 .HALSTEA1, I a allowed on '. ' -
. . way he WAS A great bene,, ac or. - r. ons' P_ of fl,u,' and.gridn ,p igeWd food-mixed..With, acid, no st6. bf Goderibh, -1, . -doposits,' . L
. I . f 't . ete'. _ � (0) � a V�pi io-lt�� , ---fll t - .
I "'fit afiy event & chaiigeA wilt result I . , � Rtion, . . I . . . . L . which ism, d arL .-,..- .. . � _. - fl, I . . I . . P . .. ..,--
11 . — . . . L .. -_ . . . . mining factordri fixing all other prices. WitCh'gas or he tbaiin fullneSS-Lor r' ' . . , ' ' . . I I . . . ..
) 1p "'he ]a lea w a . . .. SO it'seems not.inappropriat, .. House and Lot . . .1 . . M__ . .
�11 in an increase of trade betweenCa ada d h wdlt�d.upou. tbe.0n. e to class heavy leelf,ngs in'the Sto�;ach;Nauaiia - . I .16r .Sale . . . .
11 . - )IOVERENT TOWARDS PX0III_ tbemamont, thel,Owners of Afnerica;" DebiliMihg Ubadadhes; Dizziness ` ' __ . L . The *MC , I
2 and the United States, with mutuat tado Guvornmeritto plead drarefuge . I .
t � . . . RITIONa " � � Or The undersigned offers for sale his property . .1. . �
. . - L , .1 I . - Thecrownhai JOeseended from -King Intestinal griping. ' This will all go, " ' Kill00 A%UtUag' .
' .
benefit to both. for feeble-minded women: are continu- - - I I . - - _' Philip to King Ogden-�Ife second in .and, besides, there will be no j36ur.food' .011 "o)uocn. St. e?nsisting of good tranie two- , - Pire insurance e * .
I I - . . . I '. -The Ontario Lit Story botise With � "re of -land. App%to . 00 11 .
. - . atter License Report the Armour aynasty. left over in your stL,mach t . . . I I . . . �
I It is astonish- p poison . Mar.18 S. PLUIVIAIDR, lIntod .
� . ,
,; It is gratifying to find that at least 09 a good work .begmi before' the for 1908 shows h6w- rapidly the PrOW . Ing to -think what. the future will lj�--� your breath w . . . . . I FarnI and Isolated Towh * Pr ' -
I . .. . . � — -
. .
, 1, . I *� one food product analyzed by - the In- dhange of government some years, ago Inpe-Is growing towards prohibition, ,BUY, about 50 yeari--.1tenc6. -11 ith naasecias, odors. i *' � - . . .... . I erty 0111Y*� Insured. - CPO '.. L ' .
. . I I
� 1, and allo*,64' to, drop'. . It is -probabIe ' There are, according.to this ,report, simple.st. math, . at fit its . P&pe,OD-tapepsi,u!sL&-eoit�ilictirefok. � ,.,. �. � Aob�e for Sate - I 1. � .1 . � . I I . . I I .. I .
: . land leevenue Department is pure and .. � .1 one hundred -and. thirty, I . . emAIC41 form the I'm- 'all stomach miseky,because ft will take: : � .. . . . . . . I ... . �, . � � � OFFICEjts.� . I � I 11 ��
I . - ,. 1. — ,. . . - . .
J that the activity.6 . . . three town- blem. might be - stated. thus: -If � $500 hold.of yoilr food and digest.)t just'the pwd story br1ck'hou$e . L . . .
. . g od. Of 295 sam plea of butter tested .. f the ladieswill re-. shi -eight villages,and.9towns grows*tO $140 50 kears .sa.me as .J. B.,MicLe4,n,President,Sekfoi�th- Tho6 ' I
. 0 ' . . . �. . ps,twenty . . .,000,0(X) in I if Yaw? stomach wAsWt there., hard ' . I for�smlo, good Cellar, . Eraser, Vice_prds�,, Br , ... . �
. . .how. and",.;of 6 Water. Furnace warly.,new, frame
. .
I � I only three were found to have %in e x-' sult.in some early action being takeli. At. pr6sant',,under local option. - Most mucho 'would $140i()00,000 gravy -in . Actual, prompt relief for aq stable and driving'shed,3, &ere of land. bearin . Thos. 111, I
. . I
� cess of water, and foreign fat was foand It is. a -� of these muuioipalities� have adopt- your. ; Hays, Secy. Tread = . : - I
wo,,k worthy of the' attention , 50 years? Give'the a' Ins Stopiabb. u fruit treesalso smallfrult.'Apply to . .1 1. I I
in not a single lot examined. I I , .. . . ed prohibition. silacei 1903,butfoi ,many or 4sweo in billic liseTY is at;your Pharm4ist AlS JOIIN H. HISLOP, 45iotarlo St. .. . . ..? . , I.." � . ..
. I .of the Government. ,� . , . � . if you exhaust them you, can go in.' *Aitingf6ry6m ..' - . .. I ____ _ _. . � . . , . . DIR, ECT099 '. � �. ... . I I �
; . - .1 I - ", . ''. . ere ,has been a stead), move- to. trillions or'qundrillians. . . I _� . I . These� IfIrge-50c cases contain:more . .1 I , - as Connelly Holmeaville, . ` . johi.%�. '. I
A postoffice strike,which is practic . = it"'the direction. of Cnitailing the .., 1� � � .1 . I— .. . . I . - S. I ... � . I .. �wj - �
. '
1. . � at.' Senator T () Davis, of8askatchewan. � number of p . lace' . than sufficient to curii 9, case of 'Dy . . . for sale - � .. . att, Harlock;".G. 'bale, Cliut(' ;'U,. - :
. ly a rebellion,now paralyzes theFrench . .1 a in wbicli'liquor may. - On ,
eform. While the' besold. There were otily27,432 licensed .Tortitred,H ithe-uhl-atigni. pepsia or indigestion. -. , - . . I . I . — .
. . I . . . . . A very valuable little home being part.of Lot C y, Seafoith; J. Evans, - .-Beech. - .
postal department,including tel is out for Commons r' . I . . y . , . .. .� ....... — , . . hesne ' '
I egraph liquor -houses -Ili all Ontario in 1%.7, as � : . . ., , . , . MoYallity Not Exe,lapt . 43,13th Con. Rullett, containing 15 acres, more woon, J. G. Grieve,' Winthrop, J.'i '.
a Per House compared,with 3,523,in 1890,and 6,185 in - ,.' Zhm-Buk will gi�e y�O' ' � I . .1 . . . ;��Iessi, onemile, from Auburn station, there is a I .. . ..Bez. .. I
I and telephone operAtiop�3,' P.M' clerks .other members, of the Up I . .1 I . I u easel '. I _. � good -brick house arid kitchen. neat barn, orchard neweis, Brodbagen. I . � . .1 .
� and letter carriers. The situation llave been Whioning ugnaieatq in'de. 1874. With the reduction iti.the num. ' . . ___ I . - . I . I and small frult,would be a de4tvable Vrdparty to I Each Director is inspector of. losses la I
. . . � . I . . , . �
� . .
I Just Ab this season . ,when Kings Who Are Hard Up -and Who retire -on or for a drover as it is near a il localit ' . . I
I created is notaltogetber devoid of dan. fence of their parlia bor of dr1,u.kIng-,,h1AQe@ there h4s been, the cold I � . It is the estate of the late Gabrial SprubstatiOu- hill ow .
. .--- .
. mentary existence, . ' g. For , . Y. a . I .
. � I ger. It is one Qf the rarer devblop, Senator Davis has bee . taking ib over along pariod,solnething -d n ng way to a,. milder . : Worry Over Money:rfatibles fortber'particulars. Apply to * � . . . . - ..
: ments of public ownership and a I n branching out like acorresponding-deciease., Inpro. ter 1= , � . - � �- - � tf." - OnAULES GIRVIN. Nile, Executor- ' . AGENTS. . I . . I . .
. pera- . Y ry wi re It, easo'n, -the 4�rmg-of '.. :.. - *... _,_ ..- . - . . . . ', Rbbt:,. Smith, Harloc I k, P,d,l I -
. '. . . .... "!,- - —
.. He pro pQrtInn to pepulation,in the attiatint r et mo ti'm � . . Hinchl"
I tion. -..-,,-, - I poses to reduce tHe popular re. . Of heuma , se!htiemi .and allied .All, The German'Empe . I
1, I . . I ptesentation, and'a, Lowe . . drunkenpsa, the number- ,at prisdifers . ments.c , I . With' ror. is threatened . * Shortho__ Seafortb; James Cumming, ggmon,ij,�- I
. . i, House of ome upon khqir victims -. rills for. Sale. � �
* ' Committed on this chitr& in 1908 hav- - . I with bankruptcy. Things have reachm .. i � I I . � � . � Ville; J. W. Y.Co, - . -
. Ontari(l has submitted to the duty � renewed force. . . . ,. 1. . .. _. . � . . Holmes�rille - .
. about, SO members. 'The present unit lug fieen a trifle. less 'than 1889, de. , ep such a pass that he has offer . . . I I . . .
. . . I . . . l As soon,as you feel an p -seated' . I red to. . Five, miag.Buils, from 8 to- 19 months old'. . I I . '_ . I I ... . .
f on soft coal Injustice to Nova Scotia, of, re . . sell.ther Castle and eatate'of Erdmanns- __.. . . .
. presentation is .255,000 in 'round spite the large Increase in population, paiiiin the jointa,'back, wrist � good onos, all sired by Duke of Inicbmandi the V . . ,W - � . ,
. ilesia, for .$.45o,o0o.,F nd Brucelleld in . .
t . but will not in justice be bound to do , , more particularly in towns and cities, . a, or else dbrf in 'Si . I our other Sweepstakes bull at 401inton a : . I . . .
1 nunibers. 'ill 81 where, Place a liberal supply of Zam. al. castles are also to be ..put u Prices to suit the times. come. and see 4 I . . .
I so if Nova Scotia coal is to have free e D&T's PrOpOsiti011i 1 which has taken place in the Interval. Buk on.the fingers or .on the' palm of 120.81�.orwdbe E. MAVISE, Clinton, Out. �". I a , 6 . .
. . thab the unit be.-inerease'd to 100,000, SWIJ the showing in -this 'particill , - . ImP1111ri Warktit.' One of the Emperqrps . I , . I .
. I on t e C.UTLER., . I
v'.. I,- � I �... . 11
� . ar is the hand, and'rub.it well into the part .w.eakness. Is to -be the oviiner, of it large. �: . ., . .
'.. . entrance to the New England. market. lie ist gbing to launch this: *bolt in Coll . nc�t in all respects -satisfactory, conl� -affected. .The' penetrating Pailliter.-antil Paper Hanger. - - -
. - An offer from the Uviit6d States of ' ' mittal§ for drunkeness in 1908 havitig, POW -el', Of number of palaces, and in this direct. * , Shoithor.-as for'Sale,', . . . . .
, nect-ion with t6e Senate reform this 66embrobat!M-balm'lia exceeding- ion lib Piobably holds the reco)rd. He ' . . . 1 4- - OT I . . _. I :guaran � teed.� ' .
. I
,� . reciprocity in coal for &reasonable. .. deba.te- been nearly double the number 'for ly greati And- oileehaving reached tile . . Sowe tb6ro-bred SborT�orn Bulls'a;d,lIciferg . I , �.. All work -, � . . .
I . Both houses could be,reducedirknum. IW8.. The alarming increase Which, I owns at least, 50 .()f varying si.zo and for sale. fron) one to three years old.', * . I , I .� .
period will be unanimously favored by sear, of the, pain it removes. it speedily. spIe .. . Prices 'reasonable, ' - . .
the people of this province. - ber without serious in 'ur ' ' has occurred -in recentmy6ars is. probn Italsd ends Ahe stiffness Whichid6o Indor. , v , . I I . I . -JAB. SNELL; Hairea-tarton Farm. Clinton . . I I . .. I . . . � . .
. . . A ,Y. - '. ably Almost, wholly due to the large un - . le other Uy tb6'Shah Of Persia ' , - - . . I . d — -
. � . . 6 . . � , leallant. - .,. .1 I . . -
I . y . was- : . . I . . . Retideti,ce nearly Opposite tke." , , - .
. r - NotWg in the way, of a ()oukh is influx of immigration, Which has taken . .Pawning his 'jewels, and just�a ,.1. Choice cows for Sate"t . " I . I 06116giate Ins , titute.' ,.. . , . . .
.rbereportof the National Contin Erequjent*rubbin Af the.affliated, little While earlier Abdul AZiz, ei-Sul- . I I It.. . I . .
quite*ao antioYing as A ilek-ing,teasing placeduting the sanie'.:period from. ' IT-, . . , __ , I- . 1. I I., � . �, .. .
# ental Railway Commissioners show countries in'which tern�6r . parts with Zam-13u wilinob Only drive. � tan- of 140rocco, was frantically. t ying . . I I I � 1, . 1. .1 . I ..
, wheezing bronchial Cough. :The quicks. . ance senti. out all pain,'reduce swelling,*eto., but. tij ,ifil, P � The utabirsign1d"Will have for private sale, at I � - I ______1 _____ � .
that up to Dec. 31,-$45,024,156 had been eat re)i ment, is, not a's far advanced a : it is -will wn his jewels Aria. �- hey . . . I . I . �
. 1. to Mon, 01 esville, onAlouday mud Tees- . - I . .
I ef comes perhaps front' jj.'pre. a strengtbon'the skin and tissues' incCluded several diamonds as large as d .df e Wee i March Sth and 9th:- Twenty �', �
� t expended on the road;9�09 miles.of track scription known to' DrugPists, every. here. Tl*, sugP69ition is justified -, �y and enable them to resist, cold 4nd 11 t fee young cows. in good condition, �J AO 0 R T A Y L 0 R, ' ' .
. - p. The following'case will liazel nuts, emeralds, rubI65 an4' seve- �,, - in I a itTid April. .They 4110 'mostly ,.. I . - ..
dcubled in York, in which Tordato is 9 9 do ir ams, and m few grgdo Holstein$, I ,
� .. I werelaid, and M miles ,of grading where a8 -Dr Shoop's Gough Remedy thestatment lat each offences have , daill show ral pearl necklaces. !hey; cost Na I I 10LIN101M �
11 I And besides, it is so thoroughly hatre. how Zam-Buk brings ease .to those Sultan $2,000,000, but all he could raise er s cash or ne0otifible paper. , I I . � . . � I .
.. � . were completei. 'All the line is now less that inothers give it with perfect . ,situated,jii eight yearat while in *. 91- tortured by rheumatism. I I I I .. I � ., HOLLAND, - . . . ' __ . � . I .
gin, in which there has been compar.: on them was 6, paltry $,%0,006.. . I I . dto.uor
,� _
. . I
� I I
.I I
.1 I
.1 II is 1, in I
my In .
ead of
,hl,lv Dg
h ra
I .1 Under contract, and 82 per cent. of the safety' even to tfie- youngest. babes. I tively little change in the tiature. of the Mr P G Wells, bf M, Ogden Street, King Leopold is still - hampered by ' � . . I � � I . Fire, Life Add Acc .
!� section betwevn Winnipeg and Fort Tho tender leaves of asimple mountain . D 0, n . I ., '. . ' . I . Went. w. . -
, ,
. Of the I 4hrub, give to Dr Shoopla,rC opulatlah, efimmittals fordeunLoneas FOrt-WilliMll, 69t,,s&Ys-.`V0l1()Sving the debts he C6 tra ted I his ou - .. .1,
.. Willia'kn, has been completed. ough Rem. iny'dut!69 in attending to 'pass'enger 'days, and ii is, said Cedar and Ane'hor Posts Insura,rice,
, gave declink from twenty thitt it wirl ta'k'e � . . . . . . . ., . I I . . , � I I :
G. T. P,. west of Winnip.1, 6&% miles edy its remarkable'enrative effect.. A twelve: I . -three. to' trains I of tell get- wet. through with years to free his majesty finally from. � I . — . I .1 � � I . I .. .
I , , are in operation. Of the est tell, Sold by all , . . . � . . . I rain and steafii - (the latter in winter,) this,illoubtis. The most dr =For Sale, a �uftntlty- of Codar and I Auchoi al Uta te, b I
�. section I , 100 miles have' br'nee Rup- dealers. 11 L 1 1. . The main effor� of te . , .. . 0-1111940110d sold
, :�. ert een . .. . . mpeartice re- :Vhi' . astic eed- posts. Villbe sold clicalp. . . - 0 Re .
built . . � .1 .. aWithhoursof duty in ioeh6uses nomies havo been 'brought about in' � ` - JOHN 0. ULTAOTT, . '. I
: . . - . . . I fbimers during the ndxt,decade should I ,as no doubt theeause of the.Royal palac* I . . � Afflione to I
. . a and 1850 men are pushing the work. I . - . the forni of 'missionary , ofto %summe1v -.v es. .. I . . . BayholdRoad, Ooadrieh.Vp � Y. .ran -
. take � . . . , . .
� . � . -�_. . . . -.1 . I
. . .
C, , "-------- __ I-— wmi� , F&--,refasio to pay A 'judgment for 4mong the recelitly arrivedi r6 my contracting rheudiifistw in both XiOg 13etei, of Servia, too is worried `— -
.,; � 5451 wbic gad been entered against. I . . 11 � . eeS, left. a . d shoulder. This About -one-. and he u Al 1� . IMMCWT-b ,tAP Q4611ii, I AM T� a . .1 .
I Ii. , - '
� I
� � � �
�1' ,
� , b Throdt , -
" I
� - -
.1,11. Coughs ..
- -,,,A,. Ask I your doctor 6'b,out &Se
�� throat toughs. He will tell
k I �
I You how deceptive they are',
i A tickling In the throat cifteil
A tic
how 4
� I
: me2ns seiious trouble aherid,
n rl
. 13 tt .
Better explain yotir. case tsfre"
I u ly
... . �fully to your doctor, stid ask
,AV,, i s Ou
. [hktb
I 0 m t your taking Ayer's
. , . . I 'herry Pectoral. .
I I- I � A I ' ' .
. W6 PUbliblioU �r'fdr.mtd,Lis
I. .
. . I. Vh6 triskes the beat liver Pills'P Tho
J. Ce Ay6r Company, 6t Lowell �M*itst
. Thoy hi*a b"M making Aytrls Pills A r*
over 31MY yist". IfyouhAvothatillbt.
ost 461tut'Aboot Using thtilb Tillsi, sok
ly6ttr 464!W4 _1D# � � lorqt.
-*�"�* *60. 0. Ar* ", Ui"*4W*4
L . �J.
. er in the court Of King's Bencb,1 Mrs.,
Stevdilson, of Winnipeg, haabben sent
tojail. Under'eiamination she oou�
fessed to having' $15,00 in cash
and 1$2,000 ill diamplids on hor person,
blit refused to sett!e as she thought she
had been wronged. She appealed to'a,
higher court; And to -day four Judges
in the Colitt of Appeal split even in
Ar�lving at a , declsi,oll, ` two, being - for
'tence. Inthis event the findineot the
10WOrcourt'standiland shemost re.
malwin jail. It is rAther extraordt.
bary procedure for a court iw thiAl,
dolintry to send a'debtor to goal, 1
' .. I I
I I I .
X1W*d.s unlatent Caret; , Distentpex .
1. ,�.� - -
Udwara PAY80:12 Weston, the vat.
brAftWAlkell, stittted Monday after.
noon frein New,York post offled on a,
4JU-mile Walk to 4ati 10rineisco. ,Mr.
Weston ban sot a, limit of loo dayiA up.
on his; schatiti)e, $rom his city �to, '.tlie
Pacific Coast. M 1111litarV And h0lit'.A
� bits ever I
career as a
0 can flniall
route is �
. .
.. . . . . t At I 0-olld no longer wor U. 8. y no . . .1 . �cw one Lrt:et, Hex uoor To Xqevr
- � , — - . . . �. .. . �� go so bad It k for help from his government,* for they . . . ___� I , . I 1. . I n"ra, , - , j
- �
.. .
� I., . I . . an laidoff on -three- differeric Occas- in theii turn, are half - crazy over the For aletwo heifers coming three year CIA,, . I . . I
-4 1 ions fox, several weekO, dunng which I debts that Alexander left to CMIvZ windtime in may. also Cow In cmif, ..� _� - .
, , � . .. behind him, I . I I I . . .
-Was under the treitiment,61: my doctor one creditor alone is '. hLIVI TRIOX, Hilkon . I . . I
I I , ,claiming $500,000 �._ . .. ., . , Rofal G. T.. * , 141. . . I I
no Yorkshire Boar f -1 ----------- * 0 - 0
SKIN' DISEASES I seemed to got little t( anybetter, to The democratic spirit of S%,Itzsrla .
I I �_ . . matter what I tried, and this 'was my was proved When the Swiss court Sen. or- Serwe'. 1 The PublIC'. -, ,
. . � .
. I state when Zarn-Buk WAS reCOMMeli& tented.Pkineess-Alexandr4 of Buedin. __ I . . 1. Remefiiber we are still do� .
. These troublimovite afflictions are caused ed to me. I )aid in aiupply, and, to three Weeks' linprWohmefit, be. The * undoraigned lifts for service,-. at his . . I I I
wholly by bad blood and an unhealthy, Dromistisi1pir6b Road; Godotigh T*. a tboro-
r br-c(T Yorkshire Boar, of splendid pedigree, six - . .
state a - my great joy it began to 'curd me, I egaounstooshe' did ,not appeal? in bankruptu). Ing buisln6ss in thd !same , 6 I'd
can,be easily, Cured, rubbed it'� well in every - nighto �and prodeedingebrought against her. Months, old, Torms, $1.06 at time of service. I
'tlleis a' N"n olaansi�g proper' and, aO would 9 ,to our .
by the,,�,ondlorfal. ocdd -.- whien a fow. boxes had beenused,found Another .royal banl6upt'iff a neph6w. $1,50 frbooked'-THOS.'I 11 . st . ay
Use of: . � .. . . I l I was free agaiii . from' the 6pAin and I of Queen, Emma of the Netherlands, . . 4-8. . . OTTE R, . '*.I ru I stomer.4 thai we - arepl.ea�ej. - , ,
. I W"P.1h .� I I �___ Godetich Tp, �
. = " r. d 40 C�1' k— . stiffness of rheurnatison. I have bad Prince Elberivoln. took the Castle of '------ ' . I . - with their Patr6nage since w6 * '
. . . , . no more trouble from the disease and Oud-Wassenaox, and furnishe , it in. ' . f
. . . I � fifillesitatingly reecimmoild Zam-Buk splendid st,fle, Soon after t a , , Unders Wanted - took over the busin.ess, of Mr ,
. . �
� I i . - tb all who s5fter ftom' rheum ' , . he agent I . � --- I ' . . .
. . 0100d I . atisft4 of a London taflor seized the furnitfire Tonders toi- 010 erection of a brlc�. 8611-61, in T. -13eacoiIi. aWd would ,sa ' �
. . . l Musculat, stiffness, etc,V , - , .This bill was; with ol!Mculty� settled, Section No. 3. Tockernmish.vAll be revolved by IF .
. I . Zana -Bak - is Also a sure Care for P,c- but the rent fell due and the prince the Un Signs JAP to April fitb, tot the Whole that We hOpe to be .able, to re.-
iA ork or any part'thereof, The loWc%l; or tiny . 11
0111a, ring -worn), ulcersi absoossess could not pay. JI&I[liffs took )�ssessioti tender not rideaRsartly aceeptad. I of the
. -=- r e - - 2 n
JB 1 t t 19.__ . piles, bad lei, suppurating Woundso And fuitiltu plattia and tdin fhe
' re, carriages a horses specificationcan be seen at big home of � . I
been made Cuts, burns, l5rolses, Chapped handev I . 18 McOPE, Secretary, . �
, Usny remarkable Came have Were sold off. . � . JAMB public,. not 'by offering a' very
by this-raniody, and nob-oilly have the ,un, cold criieks And all skin - injuries and .. ,� , 4-1 .-Ilfudonold. I .
sightly . Other royal bankrupts Are, the Arch' . 11
I akin diseases been're disoa.96s, All dtuAglots and stores soil 'Ide 'of Austriao Duk"o '. -.L:, cheap,class of.. goods, but - by .
btigilt 43loar oomplexiork. i4oved, and a a per bos,br post free from %ant AUtchess Clott . 1. . . . I ,
. beeit pr6ducea - Paul of R6ckleilburg-SchWeria'and Ilia .. 1. i ___ * - � . . . sefling firAt - class g0ads at ,
ut the entire system has been rdnovatea a"" Co, Toronto, 110011 receipt of son, Duke Heinrich, the flrat.of whom . � . .
b Buk - I �
atid invigorated it the mine same, time, - � price, I . . . Is a frisky old dame of 60, . . . I 11 I v�ry close pritces.. ,, � .
. , 0. 10 , M � . . . . . I I �� . . .
SALT RITEUX MUD. �-,The almost unanimous sentiment * � I 1, I . M1.1 ... I— ... I .t. ,.� .N .4k ,." . We are getting it! a choice lot of
.,. - 4 I
Mrs. John O'Connor, Burlifulton, X.S.0 f9cm Dernoctiats -1 have met, is that a Have you a pil.lft-of.anv kind, any. - � I . Raisins, Currants, Prailea, Apricots,�
wl`it0§,"Vor Years I sufferp with Salt new man should lead in the next, Con, where? Stop just A minute and thinkI .. I Prunee, Peaelies and Figs, also a large
I amount of Canned goods, Come and
91'ellin. I triad, a dozen difterent modi- test, Mr Bryan must recognize the It matters bot! whether it be womstnly e' I . I
Cities, but inbistofthota, oidly made itworge, isoundness of this view"f This utter. painso head alins, 0 An kind of a.. . - I iect one goode, and We assure You
IWO advised to try Burdock 11106d, Bib. allide by GoVernot, Hoke Smith. of Oailr.6ne of Br �hoo 'a little Pink. Parki I =faction. - t
... _. . I
t6re. I got 4 �ottI6 and More I W taken Georgh%at the Grover Cleveland birth. Tablets will aur8ly a � to. itfIA112D I minutell Auction Sale. 111guest Priees, Paid for Product%,
. .
holf is down dom I could, me a chainga ISO I day oinnev In Buffalo Was kreeted With POViblulai 0163ill1re print onthe,25o box Ilvery RAT I tMI)AY at tilie AXT&ION U0138111 0� I . I
'Continued it# usi and now I *fA applause. � . GOD1111110H. Sides tonducted any .
� too sivit, 06MIAetaly Sold bylidl doa frot :
mr 6� " I , , , , , 111"I.I..."'16'.."'.., .... 'Ili I 1. lirp .I." .1 time, M6170bkudiod. real estate, live Ock. ek.
0"d. 1 6611"t , h for y4ar i Un% au�, Tyndall m Carl"', -
0. W. V-90KHTT. Aftodlow, �
*046rful MWIdno. I Sir so's Govall dIe4 at D"o. watiralt %tawit" t*w 0114M 60 rhoafft, BOX 11 ftleb, 041i (Satevalove WT., 11eacom.)
. I ,
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