HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-03-18, Page 5THE. CLINTON NEW Is'.K4 5
Mar. 18th, 1009'.
...... . . . . . .
0 S` in Clinton,' March 15, to
Watch Mr!l4T11J
TROMPSON-10 Vaborne, Ma'l r6h t$.
to Mr and Mrs Wm Thompson, 8, son-
BEATTIE —14 Seaforth, Feb,23,to
Mr and Mrs Henry Beattie, t0rmQV1Y LS
45P CJ11LA
'Q" alit A
y 'asou. -
AN$Tgy—Tn adderleb, March Ist,
is a matter deservin' 'to Mr and Mrs Win AnsteY, a son, .-A T,
much thought frotil HQFFMAN-�-Ab Zurich, on the 3r4
to Mr and Mrs W H Roffman, M,
If a I I ter6
purchasers. d4u h
points were considei. SURERUS—At the 14th Con, Hay, U.1111kals for 01119rc slope
ed, the choice would on thq oth inst.s to Mr and Mrs Oliver WW 1i
rest in a Surerus, a . son.
MANNIN G—OBIOR —Ob- March 13, We have decided to reduce
HELLYAR by Rev.. W., I& Kerr, Mr Jas A Man-
ning, of town, to Miss Eudora Opleb, our stock of Parlor Stikes, or
clan titer of Mr Lewis Cricb, of �FF_l
I . clear out every one no*'in stock
WEBSTER—GARRETT-At Londes- at spi6cial price3. We want to
WATCH, boro, on Pdarch 17, by ktev H R Curry, make'room. for the new Spring
Mr.*Jos, Webster, to Maud M stoc
We will not sell one of est daughter of Mr.. and.Mrs:, ki to arrive,' about March, 2o,
Garrett, and until that date, we will not
these watches that we* HABER�TVIASOX—At the residence refuse a , reaso2able offer. The
cannot positively guaran- of the bxide's parents, (Ainton, March
by Rev Mr,,Tolliffe, Air J A Haber, stoc� 1, is right up -to date,',and
tee. Call and make your I
51. Detroit, to Miss Annie Alberta prices quoted* below are, sure to
selection. Mason, daughter of Mr Tbos Mason. make some gaps on our floor and
SQUIRE—UORLEY— St the home
Headquarters for of the bdde'o pren,s, on March 10, by decorate your. parlors dt very
Engagement and Rev R J Fair, Mr Harvey Squire, to
Miss Minnie'Mav, daughter of Mr littlecost. Your d. o 1, 1 a r s wiR
WeddingWingss Francis Morley, Usborrip. stretch like elastic here, on Parlor Suites �ositi:Vely no such
FITZGERALD —STE INBACH— In prices* will teturn to you for many a day, brasp the I opportun I -
St Thomas. Mar. 8. Chester L Fitzger- -
ald of London. to Miss Beatrice Stein- 117- Every suit marked in big, plain ligure§ that almost
bach. fornlersy of Zuricb. speak- to you
infIratke0iodist.0hurch, hyPevMr.
J Herbey, on - March, l7cb, ffl6bard A, Lot I Lot 5
evveller and 0pticlan, Brown, secotid son of R Brown. 2nd
con., Hullett. in Miss Violn Lou ard One only tive-piece Suite, pilished One onlyfi*e-pie�u allrover up.hol-
Opposite the Market daughter of Rvv.Mr 14ongard, "Rafifax' ll'Ames, upholstered in a d btered in, Geneva Rug, guarant . eed,
Noya, (Inality Ve our. reg-,.�)rlcet IF has been our best seller , mid
CLINTON DIED 1o25), to clear tit $190. a beauty.. reg. $50, for ....... $42
N101ILUN In Tackerstii4h, 'Mar.
15 Jean Nlargaret, infant dauabter of Lot2* Lot 6
ON'eyes Tested Free —�U Win MoXillau, aged 5 wuuths and X:) This is our big beauty;to sdelt
days. One only three-piece Suite; polish. means a deal at the, bit reddetibu.
ed,frame, upholsteized in best qual. Reniemb6r we will. not duplicate
HA!IiT� In' Colborne, March J1, -ity Bilk; reg. price $80.00 . - the offer. Reg. price $01, and the.
Ruby Marie, daukhter, of Rey and Mrs at .......................... 9�1$2
A large number of Intercolonial 9fri, E lo naist. 5. best -value in Clinton or.illuro'n
eials af.Montreal and Moncton are Jim- County, Don't wait The
plioated in charge of false weighing of WISE— in Tackerqmitb March. 19 big special price is'. $48-50
shipments. whereby the railway has Samuel Wise,., aged' .5,5 y, I' 'Lot 3
ea�rs and 8
been defrauded out of a large sum of One only three-piece suite, our Lot 7
imoney. Sl�iWTn Bmssels,, Marcli 9i Jas leader,� polished Mahogany frames, Here is a ge.nuine Maliog any frapfles
Sbaw, aged 73 years and 5 months. guaranteed by the makeri - upbol- highly * P0JiShCd# POSItiVely - the
T AN Y— n -1 gbam,,Afaroli stered in the best Velvet Rug, will on t
newest be market, only a few
A r3reat 5, Jno Twamley, broth rof Mrs I 0ole. last a life -time.; reg. p6�e $,351 weeks in stock, -and owing to. a
School! aged 52 years. $44, Sale price mistake by tho maker, Who put
Great is Reputation. Results. Influence. the sofa; in a different silk, than the
and Thoroughness! Now is the time tw en- o er iepes, a
t th nd is hardly liotle,
er the popul ar SC914D Reglater. �Lot 4 able, Edt - we got certain cohces�
fZ2 MOTT -Farm etock:of Mr.,A.'Badour, lot 77, sionis on it; and we will. give 11 oil
QL1_1 I - Maitland con,. Goderich Tp., on Satur- One only five -piece all-over-upholm i the benefit of- a great big ra- ub-
Qz� " - stered, a showy Suitej new and'up- tion.. Thii' regular price. in any
day, April. 3rd.- 1. Gundry, Auct. to.date,regolt�rprlceand
city store would be $50, wa.
good value at $-Iu, for.... $29 �50'1, will clearlt out at
TORONTO, ONT. ILook Whose Conling—
and-PrePare for profitable employment. Reuben and Nis Sweethearti,
Don't Bliss conan-- k "d see twe aall is �orrect.
Our graduates readily obtain good position. Lola thent over an wha
Our handsome catalogue is. free,writo for Gies,0).own Rast Play
one today. Students admitted at any time.
college open the entireyear If you have the blues or wan t, a tonic
I'to adjust your nervo . us system,A.0 to
'W. XE111ott, Prin. the Opera House Wednesday, ., arch
Uor. Yonge & Alexander, Torohl4w 24-th, and see the big, cowed C v Ll C..
Reuben and Ills Sweetheart. 7 Istl4jescoes's"
of those good old Ne x Englai.id plays
that isfull of ianexpected happenings, 11 We.
Wanted at Once interspersed with'bright comedy and: have
1 exceptionally good musical iiiinilldrs.
A young girl to do light housework, only two I Yhe Company is a laa-ge one and carry
Ihem at
a family. Apply to 'a good Band and Orohestrii�, Siiecial
scenery is -used for this production an'd
the effects are all g6od. Seatsare, on
To the Ladies sale at Pair's Book Stare,'and as -the' ail prices
CoTrny is Una& the management of
M, ,
rry of Patten & PerrA -Jerry
The undersigned Is prepared to do Sbiunpoo
Ing, manicuring, Scalp massage. etc., Fridays from Kerry fame, they will be sure of and. gauld 1
or Saturdays only. MRS M H ELLIOTT
M Huron Street. a, good house.
Deputy Minister Oam�bell says the Select ion
Girl manted road9.1ust.ohtsidocPfTor011t0 jtr6 the
worst in Ontario.
Wanted. at once, young girl to do rener I
kouseworic, 'two in family, Ai)ply NEW BRA. Rev. James Smith.at one time pastor
ofNVingbam. Methodist - churbli, died k'O N We�� have Iron B �Os. in. grpa,� Nariety and' a big
...... in Toronto, on Monday years..
s ock fiom,
Temple Clark4b, . of .. Dunganbon, w -bo' t to. choose
went Wesp a, couple of weeki;`ago, is
well pleased with the prosliects.there
Begins on Sept. let. Our old -established and . 1.
reliable school offers We best fa cilities for and has decided to. locat 6,at' Melville,
"scouring EL sound business and shorthand Sask.
training. Write for catalogue; it pays to
investigate. Rev, Johnston. McCoinlicic. B. A.,. S E W t N INES.
whosc; parental home is at Trowbridge,
BPiHSB AMCrICOD BUSIRCSS COIICgC 1 al;d who has been pastor: of Maiden
Yonge'and MQGIII Sts.. orouto. circuit, E ssex Co., for the past. tern), Don't f6rgei., We. handle the best,0n the
has beeninvited to Monkt9n.
ma.rk�.A. ha�hin6 .'guirante�d.
James Sanderson,- an old dud re-
spected. werriber �.of the Methodist f6r ten yeiirs.' Rep�irs. and XcedIes 'for
i 'to
—A 0-1k" 1, 51 A w1h WeA Ir, Toron
.. , -1 - 9 P
following an Operati0l].Re w"'buried
I . - . all makes of machines. %Ve,sell. a CL
under tbe.auspices�of tbeOrange order.
family. Ma6hine, 5 (.1rawers, drop
On Monday eveni . ngRev.MrDunbari
head, fully, guaranteed f6r... ......... $19.00
rector of Holmosville, gave an address
to the AX.P,A.'of St. Paul's, on Mis-
sioniry work.. By his earnestand en-
thusiastic remarks,Mr Dunbar encour-:
aged the young People to continue
their interest in Assionary Nyork.
Wihgbam* Advance. , ,
d qd
. . [i
Ru S, R Rugs
:The Prosbytsry of Maitian'a met i—n
0 .0 0
Wingliam on Tuesday . Among other
items of business, a ball was, presented
from Huron 0hurch. Rlplley, to ReV.
In tHe Rug. Department -you. will find greAt bar-.
I .
D. A. McLean of Tam. lbe.- call. was
gains. V6 are.making ready for our 8pWng stock to 'arriv e
sustaine ' d. Rev. Mr. McFarline hand-
ed in his resignatian of Cho Elive River
about March.2dth. 25 per cent. off any ug now ill stock,
as his reasons. his a
charge ge
We have'th6m, in�all qualities and sizes. bes -yange from
and sgiving
growing infirmity. The resig-
nation was accepted to take effect the'
$4-50' Op to $56..Olo. Oome and'lo6k :.them -over, Only a
last of October next,. Rev. .9. M. Smith,
pleasure to show you through our. immense stock...
of North Kinlo§s was, appointed Mod-
eratot forthe next six months. The.
meeting will be hold in Brussels in May.
Reconily Robt, L'Aloore of E ast
Wawanosb, jnst got home in time to
save the house lie tives in from- being
burned. When lie opplf6d the 46or,
the house was full of smoke; i� hole two
or three feetsq6are was burned throui2h.
the floor and the wall paper wasr bla�V�
ened. The stove -door was
aboub three inclibs, and it is supposed
the stick that was standffig -on its end
haafalle,nover %nd struck the
and the fire 1a'a - rolled off the zinc.
,'over on Ibb the floor. - The hoftse belong.
We bandle the f�mous
ed to Mr. HenrVEdwards., 'DOHERTY, made in Clin.
_7- people, and
ton, by Vinton
1 1. n. noover.
Nelson Bqlh'
we are having should prove wighby
interesting to you, It includes $list the
furniture you need at less than the
price yould be. willing to pity.
This ish'tan o4oring of trashy fur.
niture made to sell at cheap prices,
We do not handle that stuff &t all. it
is a gate ot furniture that you will be
proud td have lit your home to -day,
and just as proud After you h4ve had
yeArs of wear out of It.
J 1- guaranteed by Ci!nl e
for ten years, and p P'
Id on, very
N., easy terms. Come in an
talk, it over,
Ali work neatly andpromptly done, �lso
PICTURE all kinds of 'repairing and upholstering.
IpIZAMING Bring along your repair work', early, be.
fore the Spring trade is on us.
Furniture Dealer'. and Undertaker,
Phone 28, night -or (lay. The store 0 PqUAlity'
Cilaton Root Repom
VN= 4(noV7 r..,
(11!w) ....... o 0 42 to 0 41
0, 50 to 52
Pose P: �. 0 83 to 0 80
111, 2
...... 0 22 to 0 ? We wish to iltiform the resident of Clinton and'..
...... 0 18 to 0 20
"'Ogg .... . ....... t 7 CO to 7 00 vicinity that I have purchased the Boot and Shoo
ObIqWs, dry 'Oored, lb (, 12 too 13 'The business will be,
Duoke" per Ili ........... 0 14 to.0 15 business from Mr. `Hoart�.
Gaose �4 . . . . . . . . . . 0 1-1 too 15 continued in the old stand. We solicit a share 6f
Turkeys'.. r ......... 0 18 to 0 2D
Potatoes. per bag ........ 0 60 to 0 00 your patronage, and will endeavor to give good
Apples,diW .......... 0 44 to 0 0 1 1 value for every dollar spent with us, We carry a
TOR ONTO AIRRKETS large and well -assorted stock, purchased from the
Roes,—fhe scarcity of live hogs is leading Shoe manufacturers of Canada.
Ontario, an4 in fact throughout all
America,receives further demonstrat� RECUNNING S&TVRDAY, MARCU 13,,
ion this week in still further prices, AND -CONTINUINO FOR TWO WEISIKS
Not since sli4ce the early part of June,
1907, have bog values been, so high in we offer the following reductions in footwear;
Ontario, its at� the present time This
week Gunn's Limited quote for live 12 pairs Men's Pate, t Bluchers, 4ull top,reg. $4, for.... . AX -50,
tiogs f. o. b. $7 per qwt.fed and Watered
at Toronto, 2.5, and oft cars Toronto 9 prs Men's Box Calf Bals, G.W., reg. $3.50, for ........... 2.85
$7.50 per owrl, 9 prs Men'a Kid Bals, G.W.. reg, $3, for ........... ..... 1. i�-40
Suuiw�— The prices of sheep and 12 pairs Ladies'Ladies'Kid Bluchors, reg. $3, for,.:.-..,. OLSO
lambs are kqepiug close company with 12 pairs Ladles' Patent Bluchers, reg. $3, for ........... 1 2.10
those of other live stock in their u 12.pairs LaAies'Rid Oxfords, pat. top, reg. $1.40. for .... 1.25
ward marub.. Prices this week f opr 12
pain -fed Yearling% have reached'as pairs Ladles'Box Calf Bala, worth $1,70, for ....... 1.50
bighas $7,50 per cwt,for ordinary year- 12 pairs Misses.'Xid Bals, reg, $1.5c ati ....... I ...... 1.25
iings $5.50 and upward, according to 9 'pairs Missee'Bals, reg: $1.25, at.... 1.00
qualitylihd condition. Ladies' Cloth House Slippers at per pair .......... 15C
CATTLE.— There was considerable
activityin the exporter busincss, and Repairin2l piramptli-attended to.
the best load of export steers on the
market sold foe $5.021 pet cwt. The
bulk of sales of choice exporters was
between $5.2-1) abd $5.50, foi vxport
bulls, of which a fair share are now
arrIvIng, sold at from $4 to $4,00. rxTHWELL,
S, C. R 'A
In butcher cattle the 85 line was
crossed a good many times, but only The place whiere your dollar always does its duty
for well-finlobed animals, f and to meet
the demand for good Uast�r beef.
Haus.—On theToronto market there
is a feeling tbar, while eggs have main-
tained a; high level for a long time, the
teqdeneyis perceptibly in theuther
direction, Vaneound Co, quote for.,W
new laid eggs, 24c. T. H. 4miLh qllooes -M a n. L i f e
from 236 to 24c.
New AdVerilsenlentS.-
A itian's life is full of crosses and temptations, Heromesin-
'to- this wurld without hl� consent and goes out against his will, ?W
Girl Waoted. and the.trip between the two is exceedingly rocky,
The rule *of contraries is one ot the important features.o?,the
G I ood go4ov%1 servant wouted. for . small family trip.
Apply at NEW ERA GPFICE When lie. is very little The big girls k1se, him, ond'. when he
t bi he kisses the little girls—afid s6n�e of the big ones.too.
go 9 ig
.11eiters for 800 If he raises a large family, be is 6ndbrsed -Ly the, prewler,
but it he raises a, small check, he Is 'a thief.
For sale two heifers coming titeep -,roar old, If he save's m6ney heis a iniqer,:and if he sppnds it, be. is A
to Calve 60methne.11i. may. also cow In call. rift, and if he loans it he is a (non-compus mentus
LE VI THICK, Huron.TtQmd G. T. spendth
If'ho doesn't giv.0 to charity he is a stingy cuss, if.he does it's
Yo r kshire Bo'ar fo r Service.' If ho diesVoung, -lie hiid a great future before biln, a h(I if
killbd in air explosion be inissed his callffig. The road is ro6rc�yi
The in;dersigned hai"for service, at his but man doeu love to travel.
bred Yorkshirb Boar, of splandid pedigree, six A fine Piano will. help to make a man's life ninre in baimonv A
mdnths' old. Terms, $1.00 at time of sorvlae,, with the good, the noble and the true, and will make the rough
$Lm if boolced.—THOS, J. POTTER. pliftep �inooth.
4.8. Godorich-TI),
Buyinq, the right kind of a.Piano at the right kind. of price,
from the right kind of people;. makes him, neither it chump, 8,
thief,, a bitd manager, nor a tipendthrift, but all Who comb.110to
Tenders Wa his presence will be made hii�pier and' bright6r. and ins I tead-of
Tendersforthe . erection . of 9, brick schoo . 1, in being a stingy cuss, his neighbois,alid, customers will rise up and''
Section I -To. 3, Thokeismith.w.ill be rQceiycd by call him blessed.'
-theun orsigneduptoAprilftbi for the *hole The right kind of�Piand to buy is t I he New, Scale Williams,
work 31 any Pirt thereof. The lowist; or an. an . c .1 the'right person, to buy. it from is Hugh Ross, Clinton, the
tchdar not neciessarily accepted. Plans and
of local agent.
specification caq be eeoti at �Ijn home
4_1 JA'A1L1S1VcGVr, So6rotary If any of our, readers think that there is a better Piauo - made
Brucefteld. in Canada, let them prove it, and they can - get one thousand
dollars for their favorite charitable insti jon.
Eggs fbr� Hatching King, Epward VII sits- in his beautiful drawing room. in
Windsor Oastle and -listens to'sweet'straini of music -from a New
P,,gg§ for liatobing'from pri�e winning. Bnff Scale Williams Piano. Royalty has the oest and so may you.
Leghorng and Rbode Island Reds.$J rer setting We 6an all lie kings in this respect.
GVO. HICE, Rattenbury st,, Isasb, chr.iion.. Call at Rugh Ross'j Clinton, Ont., and examine the n, e t'
creation in Piano manufactureiand learn bow eits it is to buy
1,ggs from a choice y
pell of S. 0. Reas; won Ist cook. Ist bou�_ Huron- one on the oasy-payment plan.
Ist cock, 1,;t lien. Ist cockerol, �hd pullet Lamb -
ton, 2ad (!ock, lot and 2 -id ban. Porth. 15 eggs
at yards 61.50. $2 if shipped. No Ross Comb Al
eggs until Alivil l5tb. X. Q. 31411rMAN,03inton.
The Store where'you get the niost for your, nioney.'
ion's:Whibe�nd colored Dresc; Shirtsi extra value. -at $1.00
m< 46 Aleri's Working Shirts; colored, spebial at 50c and ft00
STnAT�ORPI NTI-_;o.- - Boylsftids, whito-and colored. at"Abe ajid'75c
Shjrtbfg� at, 10c, 10.1a, 136 and �15c.
.from -April ist.
-Spring Terin Best 0ottonadja and.Denim only, 25C
d s 45 c and
Wo have a Jax9e -school, a h-igh-grade aritts 0 ra in"ek 0' "00
school, with aplendid equipment. In- 1.5 and 2 -
Courses in ve "I St$
9, t, 6 aeke s
W rpr of J t
_4ructors are. experienced. 0 Lea�her 00't , .0
lualum—clull Short -hand. Telegraphy r Vt_variety 'of I 't".0
d -D -11t. -t. -re thorougn. up-to-date and eckties, Oollars . and Braces.:
Practical. Ourgraduatoaare In demand
as 6fnce assistants and Business College Mighest prices paid for Produce.
Teachers.. Initeranytime,
'Write fdr free. cataloguer at once:
Adams Londeisb1o"'ro
Elliott McLachlin-�
J. Y9
The Best of. All Down Xast -
�Wat ciftes
P -U N', -,e UH
0 A.-- N 4.'.. etc*
Tuwn�flall.,.Clinton; -We are1eadquarters for everything Usually
fou'ndln a first -class -jewelry sjor�. , I il fact;
Saturday EV go 1 1' 'of good's whith, for
we carry many ines
.,M-�rch 20tho durabiljit� " and reliability, are seldom' -if
THE ME.SSENGER U ROM ever, equalled�
'JERVIS -.9fie-TION,
Special Scenery, Fine Orches.
tra, F un# Music and Specialties
]land Parade! at Noon
Price's 2,5�,'35c aild.Soc.-
Scats now on sale fit
V air's Book St�re.
TOWN IIALt., --;.CL1NT0N91
One night onlyo
Wednesda'y 9 Mar. 24.
IlYniforated Band and Superb
Prices 5000 350" ItIld 25(01,
Seat* on $410 at Pales Book Store.
Irry us for any -kind, of ]Repair,%,-
11.15atisfacti6n, gguairaiateed.
.-W.111-'R. COUNTEIR
r.1r. M uii)e I S
Xew and up-to-date Millinery 'store, I oppoafte. the
Molsong Bank, n ikt store to M6Ewen s, Grocery,
e. ttle.
former stand O'f the Misses Li
Thursday Afternoon and-Ev�niyng
March :25th, and following days.
You are invited to coine'an'd see the7New Creations hi
Yi I Ilinery, in our new stand, on. grounc I floor.
, M16 sis. . Captelop & ., - (;o.