HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-03-18, Page 2,J) 2 4111111111111111111111 � � '� '. - - " ` , ' iP;'�`".zl� " 4 :,'.1. r '1' - ­­-' -, ' 7'if� % ' . I - I :-J .) 1. . I � . - , . � . T" QUR%I* 10" =A � '. ,-. F,- 7 �� .; I . *�, , ­� : , I . Mar. 1.8d4 ig" . , 41W . -- - - ­ . ­ 1-11- r - ,­ - .-- . -- . -�­ I I . - ­4�­;�­— —­. ­ --- � ­­ - '. The Now Em. xi*w boftwowts Come"V1W Xr $100 Rew"d $1W VAX*V,&1X`WVJ1Axs ----- -- . — - -��­- --- �-W�­' �;�-";;� .11 , " I � .� 10, wou"Ir Ap"111twat , .. ­­�� . . . . . .1 -� . published ayery'Thur4w at The veaders of this, paper wpl be . #-" - - ftm for ftic � "*---"-" VIOX"d t4i learn tbAb tli** 10 at ),,t To Oanodalo cudit It can fairly be � — I I P N,v . -1 t1w XXW 1444 Printing, UOU0% T140 Xboorder wusmtulates Mr. =�.�** Iree science has "id that her treatment of tier Ine IoM , r"vals slial tam of ISO "foll" bowg RaVESSIONAL- � We 1. &t ` low aw 14 0=.*, Gods" wwaltKir, ­­ 1� 0"0 WAOST, 0 0, 0 0 mw-�Oxs Holmes (in so Amintwout whillb he to . sh4;e8,,Aa4 Population hall, generally spa4in . 0 . boo richly merit ­.-jKltebell Re - I 410 ­ . .1 , o%dgr bb&t is V& ho Hall's Catarrh ,()pro neen such as to oompam favoftbq 0004 holeaq boo", -h-Aws, bom sk*Vlos, wo , .04TOONS6 TO" of subocrlpkI0n-41,' vor I tw F31 W. adysop - $1,50 in R .p" Mr ROImev 4 popular with hio'broth. is the on y Itive cure now kno with that of her neighbors to,the ,6ouzll drive bow, lag or0k, 10 som­ot I 13,40MOTS8 W-�IonvX IfOTAur , . ­ - ,e ..gy bo. cl�"fid, if , od" ratoratty. Catarrh b#Jng I OrOblird. 44,09=rt as aboat 06 soM *all . reli, of the preas, and wilt receive their *9 In lulo: wato The Indian Department of the0overn. I � . ; "so pali. No Vaiier discontinued , t k)OA a cowtitutional. d, Ise alrea A 00-11. merit costs #k 0010 deal of money, but, 0 'O * inpooa state otenjuvistort, goilrjobolltfl WOU0, VTO, . 4 **W all arreara are: %1, valew at the congratulationo.-Mount FOM, .. itft ,V-4 , I ut. . federal. I satutional treatm ut. U411's (,.'*-t&rab robot Of It Is lopent, In taking ,care of, 0 1 losal. Rowntible sormo to outs purollm. CLINTOX I . .,*,,*1on of the p4bilodr. That date. t4o 011tolde of politics W. Holmes to A ( U4 intorna ag direct- feeding and- educating the. Aborigines. I , .,� . I � i . , . w4kh'over.vaixb,Ro'r!pU�ontg,pp4d is de- Jurft to ta . Ily, Acti 4r. Ap.plytov.,T. WA1114.01taton zon*, If.)Wd orl the label, . ,. all-around man An ly upon the. blood aria mucoue surfares It is interestill M --7---- . ' . � 4 theAqvocAte - W to n6to that Ontario . 1 9 1 1 -7 MDOUT & HALIX . , . congratulat IM Advertioingra q,-TrAapionta4ver� 9100ardtily of the system, thereby destro, and British - mumbla report many . .4t " ' . to so him on hipap. I'" "' more Indians under the care of the. .. -1 � Choice Property For Sale . I ­-­*� I -4vmq point foundation of the discase, an giving, Government than there are In the ­ I . I I I , ­ , uts, Xcepts 'per nouparel. liue ment.-Mitcholl Advocate, I : � 0, ir first in , . -he p4tieut strength by, bulldiog up --al' T� f -v- A- . I � I'll, . The naaertligne4offorq for sale, his aboica I VONVEYANCERS, .. 1-gOTAXIM � . oortl Mr. Holmes is P. big -c prairie countmy. According to the . .. m and 0 coats per line h less, man, And the constitution and . , - � . , . Oreacb. anboequent In. _ , , . pevU I rig nature comMiSolo'NEM , ,on,, Small will adoru I asoloti Government repor . - ­ - dealpropersy p I , the office. 10, to not the Place in doin t, the numbers. in 44 , - -.-. ,f $broe more# aijust1d In I ij4yortisp . , Its w . priptors , , worit* not to exceed one inch th,jxt mak -0 g � grl;-.. The pro . =10- order, Su , *0W As ousvi I'StraYed . so, the ma , but the personal. ii;.Va 00 much f4ith in itis oura each Province under !be care on Maich � , rVer, ()llAtor. There I's 0 oom. MQNRY TO LOAN, ­ ISWen,` ity. t plaae. Orillia, Times. rive q0w I oat Year were : I . stone 001146r, . . . . . ­ I Or'# ­ . - 01 of I Able house with � . . *JamorboiI once for 85cents., ,or one . . bat is in the era that that they offer One ,,no rei � . . Taking 00 the'. 0110f 'or' , " on tile J61 . toltopt) 'Oat Mr. Holtnea has a large number of Dollars for any CARS that Wails to cure Ontario ............ 23,518 , lasols4d Want'Ads. Will E1409, with Stahl% bard and soft. water, $,It 001EIR Awolm — 0, S. VAr4X �, .Xf6r�*J.COwmUn1 ion"Inteudod fri Indpot fruit trees A - , . 'M gur'.0 -nd to. good,m%ote of -- ft Quebec.. #.. f .............. ,.:::,.:: . ,. � . L blipsk 11. = the ship of businon t4 tho ,. o4mogbao pi Antes of ends in bills district who will be Send for testimonials free. Cultivation-, will be. gold With . I I , ; 31� 110 .ompaU. e boa a 0, t'ISL I .entire outfit d by, t , sed. to r of his appointment and P. CHlSNflY&00,.Toledo,,,O uva Scotia. . ..:,,.:....­:.:. 2�121) h*rbor of tornmoralall Prot. f It' -, - I , aith, bp we W 010 roksonoble sermo, H. T, RANOE . , he plea I � go . , Phe Times extends hearty, con ratule,.. Sold by All druggists., 15o, ow Brunswick - 11801 per ty. 114upple rovA, the %'Artlafto U, J07NIM. 1 it' 0140, ofthe writer. .9 . --r �.' Notary Public, Conveys, To inqure publication in 'current tigrii.-Wingbam Times, . I *::.::::::.:,: . .:470 ro I Take HAIM FAf5jily pAlla for coustip: S Island ......... � r1z'" 4PAs. Of YOU hAVo 00nuPL, . er, . thInsto aellltolJ them "bout It. , I I AtIon, Vitioll. 061P.mbla .... * ...... o....24,9U I I . 11)'Ase, at Nst � Estate. , 1 lissup copy OfiWertisowellbit shouid�bo ThoNews-Record cordially wishes Xx I 11--.­----� saftoba. ......................... 8,595 0'.14. lmrmo MZ12hinefy 4trM*l1Wt � .�e . Financial Rn,nillupal ' . I Omit to, early., , I He) eo thiA place and content which ­" — . ZOURANCE; A01ONT-Usprooputins x4 rW U. In , , � . Qontraqt rates -The tollowlilgtabiq .under such circumstances should Como Taxes Olt Wory4ld"t ftakatchema ................ w*...# 7,-M Toronto h&3, buth up Ift bu4nexc On Nopla $4. one half sore 'of grog sumuca, Compamles. .� � - , I . � I 4 I" Clawailliecl_Wapt AOO,,93� . ad* : , ­ . - rates for has P".9od, so w k1berta .............. .... I` 5529, * good,fruit trees and other emall fru Dlvblou Court o4ice. . I � showliour o*diod )*Kob to a loan who -�. . . =161-16y. i r . . any , it, . I � � *44 spw, - strenuous year -in newspaper work, flow Japan. Struggles tv Reduce Her Territories, in treaty JiWI6:.::::'4,21� *.~" - W A ...Koklft. b00381in good Qouilitlan, Ap ly to, r r. . � . L a I I I , � . I ,�, Qmo. - �fto. Iwo A"4 politios.-Nowo-Recora, Clinton. . Terrilorie outalde'troa,tyllmits.10M5 W.W.RIMEN.S. . I �, r Enormous National 006 1rukon, -.1.11 ...... ­., ............. 8,w �= 11 1 0 'r I 4munin $hQ0D $40000 � 5. 00 $10 00 Mr. licilwas' friends- *111 no doubt RVerythinir in Sap$;�'Is taxed,writev I . . . - 2b D $2 1 1 , 4000 1500 600 be pleased at his b Rouge, for Sale a R. 1.01, W. THOMP34DX . , . . 1. ME)CU6.8i 1 , . � %ving receive ­ —; I 1, Column 2500 1500 4 '01" Frank G Carpenter.. T ....'..."110 200 , � , I OOWUXU Soo' 800 a, 811119 appointment, and his. brethren . bore are stamps. �Total.,: .......... " 'as. Addiflollial LOW News, "Cloto I , r ; 001u, I 1800 1000*- 550 200 Amon In the last year t1tere.has been a �- I ­ . glittlIQUilm.., O d . . . . be. a I I , " 000 800 200 1 00 bor,m , . I aging to the estate 'of the late E.. Holmes %walcthe . . I � I '1 of the rrew,thqStar a All bank obecks, an When YOU PAY crease of 140, ca - � The larte co.0age on queen Stress. A lan. Surgeon. , . used by the ml rAttcn auddaleittentlou given to disei i . ch AV bopermitted to 044 their sin- . 10 � Vre.., . � � your bill y6ur regeipt, has a , stawp. of 100 to the United Statea, Ani. a loss GOOD $EN le is Offaied fox oat L � I , . . I O'gatract display advertising lQc per ; core coxigrAtulab,ionsanii go 9. , I SR. -The great trotib r a, The lot is one-half Mar, Throid, and $coo. . . . r � r 04 wishe Vvery business Is taxed accordirk to of 40 by excess of deaths over births,. amober0anadlan youthis the lack otap . oface and Reasdence. . . � � r . - - ob - 'he most of the latter loss beill . r, r .. .. treso. bard �ud . _ I Idob, per Issue. Ooderio, Sfar� . . . the amount of its,06lume, And -every t We * Olication, %ud thoicniglivess Inwha itore. wish beiLring. fruit' Two doe" west; of tike Con"Me"I" nool .. � � I . . ..Xr Holmes Iasi most competentmart, pedd er and! jin I shA, man PAYS. a )I. taila d I . umb� �tthey goft water, A birgala.�L,&p . I . ROBT, Holama. I riki a a OatA�jo. gad British A 11 . pli at 11OW I � � . . . I . At I . . ia. Tub I r Undertake, Anything that cannot bii ERA office. I r . I XIM04 St. . .. I . . : - , I de4 - ercolosis. coiNtintles to prove learned by superficial stud is given the .— . I I I � r .1 I �. � � . prving man. A man whose public gease t I I - and private life has been directed, into era is a tax on medicines, And very fatal to the Abort es, abotit,40 --."-� . I . ­.-�— � * . � , , r� ftl.iwxy TiMeJT#bleJ0ban;;%-, . I i make for tb& beotO 'liquor$ an. on j&PAU0,90.80 I r L L � Ive, go-by forsomothingleseteTioue. Study cotta , 1131r. Ws Ouan . I... . Phannels whicl � an- y" the Sauce per cent. of the deaths . eing attribut- L � .; , and htwd work are look,edit. from � ge for Sale � r , � r I , adian. citizenship. We congratulate � which th .eople use with their food. ed to it.' Their mode of life makes wrongs n4-1 - . a I . . . r , . ,,L r . . . poiat;and a" oQnqeq uence I 11: I'll OLMTONISTATION ' I 10 Was them - peculiarly susceptible to small- , -full of unera. - $1 r lor-W-41"UtTA-39. A P.01L.R.411-1114. 11141W - . L' . on his preferment, theonly L as crossed At the time of the 350. will buy choice Cottage on Joseth. St. L. � .� . Going West . abing East �e . . , I ; I 'It -ship ranks are � .1 ; b�'elrtojlaelt I Posit'6n js'U.Ot War. pox, Scarlet fever, diplitherls, grip,etp. It and bard water In the house, cement cellar,' Ofiloo-OutarloStreot,01inton. V1 I tte 13 � g that the . played young. won, and the professions '50 . &Wn, �L Soia "U � I I I I � I . I UI;e S residenog, 9:16M � I I U.07 a.m 0 tQ ]!is abilities-Stratf6rd All incomes pay taxes, ,and these The Government spent lastL year, in . X81SO furnace, Elootrio light, good I front, � I * L 1.25 p.m. 7 35 a.va Beacon, . grow with tb Da6ps prop., feedin are ovetfloning with medlocrity,while, lot, Cement walk around hqu Part cash, bal- ... loor of offige or � . a Amount of I , lag the Indians, $1,L -no- at 6%. Just the place for". . � ' I 000 good i4echanies find plenty of work a, retired farmer. , I , . , erty. There are about 8,000 , _g and cloth . .,",I',, . I I . [ L' 0.40 p.m 8.07 P.m The. appointment of Mr. Holmes 'to P fawllie4, 27.7,000�' Efforts are being made to ira- ng prices. The evil spoken of is _,-,,. 1)0:� 174. Clinton, I Officer houro at avisal.-i to$ p.m.; T to 9, V^ . In Japan, and all are expected to pay a Prove their capacity for peif-support, , - L L . L . � � . I . . . _ Wii I �, n.28 P.m 5,15P -m- � this 11000itAnt, Posb in tbe Torontd =sly felt, And those , 0 work at — - ' , ' - I ­ r .. - � , .. I certain pero ntage, if they make more an, I . . � L , e . d 85,000bAve been placed where they - Sale . CUBIPOIAB Office, will, no doubt, b 0 L a trade do it in op 16060 and careless, ]Rouge for L . Going.North Going Son I . .e re. than, $1.5D a year, L Mage in agriculture, These pro- a mariner that thei'often are not I I DR&J�-Wa SHAW � . I . I th cogu*qd as popular choice, He has , These taxes were increased during Ark 9 � - potent to do the work th 0041" Subscriber offers for sale big large I PHYSICIAN, I . SUAGRON. � . ; , � - I � ". 11.04 a.m 7,2D a,w been a faithful and, consistent worker duced ast .year 1,835.000 bushels L Of t .1 6.40 p.m 4.18 P -w and has at .Atl times 'endeavored to the war and they still hold. There Are grain and roote.and 118,000 tons of bay to do. . . by promised 0 0 Be on urou ee ; fur a a Adcouebaur, etc., office and peddench an f " . . further the best interests of course, taxes on lands, which now valued at $1,279,1000, or at th" rate of ' . . mod con a Is Pa , o at 01 '1111 ate tenhury at., oviloolte W. Faxtan's residence, , ----,- - of his con. . L PROULTAR CUSTO It at I ar 6 so ro � 1. .1 . runfr,6m3 ercent.,upwards tOL17 per About$15 a. head. This average to small, M.- We iotice " a Is I I a ' Ir Ib A -----4-- ' I 1. stituenby. This he has done, both In pent, accor in '�Iiev own, in addition.an. ever looreas attending an entertain- at . . r g 0 , , . � . . . � , � A RADICAL Parliament,and through the Ably edi A -9 to the class ot'tbe land. - - that People in, so " srLL'I te,J a ZI lei , . I L IDRO - V. X. AXON . I . i , !, . I 1. t, rghere are Inheritance taxes win, number of cattle,and chey are eve- went in the hall have no -hesitancy in ing il . . L P501.8 . . 11 n . L ­ ed columns of his Paper,-Priater A " . .1 . L .p taxes, taxes on Rtook exchav I ted with earilinj as hire $1,15W,211. taking front. seats, in fact, -, -..... ­­ - I I . . I I The Toronto Star, refering to Mr. Publisher, Toronto, � . ages. an Oi 11 I . ­ . - . PENVIST . ­ . I be , general rush -for thei - (Successor to))r. ifollmeA I . � 1,1- the issue of bank notes. . sides the avalls o fishiagand hunt- n, and;W;ti�Lfy 4 - Farm for Sale " , . . , � 1 ' � 1 '4 , 1, . repulifooVe t�aiden speechon the Local The appointment of Mr Holmes, edi. Tberearecustows duti 1117h higher pries .Wlillpgl,y PA ­ � I . I -Id for the L I fipeelalio$ In Cren`n Rad nridge VfQjJr" L .1. - es On every, Avilege'. We , - . . , ' - ter Of the C�V�TOX, XEW RAA, to the thing imported, and thof� is A special e Indian Problem of the future is PI I also notice in chur,cli ' L L� � Legislature last, says: � � . I The undeisigmed, offers foy'aale his"farm"psailo n'" , , : T io is &,good fiam, in a. good state of cultiva. I . � liquor tion. and in a first class locality. There are good 0 -to . ,� . position of surveyor of cust III$ At L L' how to induce the aborigines. to adapt the custpiri is -right tile reverse, every. a% Oroaua� "o Uoyat College 0': n" 0� . I � To. tax on travOlers, whether they go by , V,es. being Lot 29, Con 2, H. R. S., Tneltersmith " fta.VL ge nee" man _ I University -IT � I .1 , L "I trust that the day will corae when ronto is announced this we 0 themselves to the conditions broughb bOcTY crowds. !nth the back seats and n or I ", i 1. . so ek#, He has ateimbo;�t, abeam train br on. electric. we they are Depart I . . , 1 , , Such item as "received froW been for malmyears one of the'lead. Cars., This tax depends, oh the mileage about by the more general settlement if there are any empty, pe "I d..t...f ..8o 061tegeoiMlital. 0 � � . . ,sicences" will be found in our public . ,bu.11dings. on the.prilperty. The firm Is 0 " I n � . ., parcel or willbe sold In two parcels - I , " - runningfrom5se to5osen,according the preacher and . V d a . a.! , . . �� ing politicians Of Huron on the Liber of the countr. als%ays . ba4%een Ch accounts. i v. The old winner chaug- -the glild tidifogs..of s0vat� sired. V or further particulars apply to I 1 W v 06B . I I . � r. The liquor traffic is a curse al side, and also 6% A prominent mem. - to distince,-for- the first class; from 8 eth. - Can they be fitted into the. new . aylis � , I � �:� and liquor should be treated in the H- . L pect le, and . Ja .,.7 M..4.7. . . L ., . is ber of ilie, uron county press be has to 25 sea for second class and Vto 4 sen conditions? In what branch of Judus- loutsd half their charms ht having H -4T, AANOE, Clinton, or to L, STONa. ' I - I � L -- .1, same way as poison. been in the Public eye for*& lengthy for the'th,rd class. A sea is- one-half key­�Aa they engage Which' will, afford to bound over emKtY pews to reach -the � L I . . . I . '167Teoumsell8b. . I .1 . � - . This was the emphatic statement of L I . audience. Why t is should be the cus. . -- L - jo, Sarnia, Oct. . - . . . -.101t. 119 VOWLM ,. - , .� .. � I P., fok Period. He is still in the prime of life% , cent. . I . thew Suitable means of earning a live . I __ _ , . . . . . �, I � William Proadfoot, K. (J,. M. P. howevor,'and.ftl be -able to do Ample It'will bp seen that the taX is very libood? .And what will, be the effect; tow is'not exactly blear to us, unteis . � . r . . , . 4pentre Huron, in yesterday afternoon's justice to'ble nt* duties, While con. ligbtonthe third cliss,'t1be longest , upon them As it people of Riving up, the in tile Iatt&'iostance positioa is taken . Flarm.1or Sale..'.. � L I IDIENTIST. - .1 '' I . . , I � : , session of .the Legialsturei It wad one tulatinghim upon bisappointrit t' trip costing two cents, and that it is - .Wild life of forest �. I L 11 according to scripture, "The'lowest .11 . . . I Offices over OINEMIS 6jors. . I � I '. outstanding IRP I L . ,and plains? , . Subscriber otters for Wo his farm of 00 acteo. . 'L. . statement on the Liberal Cafriends inthis coUltywill regm . I . . -.-- . place first in order to be invited, b of lot Is. con. 6, Hullett. special care. taken to. make dental treat. . I t )ieavler on the first class, whera the .1� I . . . L . , higher." sing east half All , � � - : side of the House -in the, course of an the'severance of the close and pleasafi t same distance Ito taxed. 25 cents. . I . I L '. IMBi- Uveri ]aboring cleared. well dtained.-well fenced, good. clay -Quiso painless as posdible. . J . I .1 � - - .,otherwise remarkably dry day. . ' I � -BUY A, H0 land', in go9c . . �. . . I I condition. Plenty of water; now . I , ,.. relations they have had with him,and In aadition to,all this are. the govern should buThimselfatownl?t, e., IrAmo house and barn. Two miles from Co-, - 1. - ,. I " Mr. Proudfoot spoke eflectively. He especiallp in t The -Refflindeng . ' L Man to I � . . -111. he town of Clinton . . in g � . I � , , ban old hand At debate. not F&rlia- H61wes and his'estimable Sat .Mr. went; monopolies, including- t�ba&o, I I . . I that paid for,' in4 then work ak stance P.O. Six miles f�om Clinton.. irmiles . . I . . I . . I . I'L mily will salt, and camphor, Tftre is no place ,,'the iieccessary improvements. A little from school. Apply to uftde,r,sl9n6d, versouallk,, US. L , r I mentary, but le . . oil tillem, b C , of Goilerich , Tp., or by letter to, I el -L I I ­ It, �!t . . - ]a ruptions from t e treasury benches I � where good cigars cosb so much and , of Rhe , . gal, and a few inter, be greatly missed--!Goderich Signal. . , umatl*SnV here Aria there .Will in due - time pro, oil JA a FE.RaUSON. X-Tise: laneci , . � t , L . . 1. . I .., I - - 1, L . It'will not only be grAifying io Air.. where the home made cigars are poor- I . I . . � duce you abowe of your own, -and . --'- � - , . . TAMES OMM3ELL, LONDtSEOlj6 ' . *4 10 , , ,yelped to putbini at his ease. 'his many.friends to'see "', Any kind of tobacco costs three Cold Wet Weather 8 tstb the landlordlf . i grasp-, U I SSUEA ON KA]MIAGIEll, LjOhNsilia, L . I , One thing he did say,however,mbich Holmes bht to tar � , Pain .PI . i -' e, Blotlk. . - - 0 I I �'. , . times as muebbere 49 in the United . that fifty doll To' Itelat. i', - ­ ft-witill-sear.o.ired.- . , . I . . .. .1 1� mulde some wembers uneasy. that. the Govetnment*Lhaa recognized �ut the Trouble is iuy.�e]E re=out iDf ars a year . � - . . I I . . . . � . I ." -I am satisfied that 'fifty members .his past service so fittib . g1T. bi Apo . oint'. States,.an ordinar - "two-forI, 16 sold . . I 1. . saved in rent will'in a few years pay. .. 0111ce or roe ­ -or work room, I . . � — . . . I lug him co this office, an 'we wish to for a dime, While synickel digar.easity I . . Mood, , , � for �ofir home, and the ffl6n6� it L, Coit Next door' to ru for small store ' I . . . . . .. . could do the -work of this Honse quite to him 0 orings 25 Ben . . ',John Aangford's office., Apmly to THOMAS'GUNDRY I ' "" I " as well as one hundred and six who extend ur heartiest coovatti- . , , , . ;.Cold, danig weather brings I Ob the YOU to shift about, without 4 JOBS Of . - . JAS. BMT11, Ontario St. ,, . � . i . '. � I are here.' Much of that sort of talk and litiOlis. For a, noraber of y4ars Mr. '.. Cigarettes 6e equally high. The too twinges and pains of rheumatism,. but, furniture and time, Pay the interest on , . . . I ­ . I . 'Live.sio'ek,aridgbtiet-al-A'action)o-P - . . ,, , ' . . I . - 11 . I r . I I .. . .1 . . ' 11, . 1dr. Piondfoc,t will be looked on as Holmes has been, through th : baccq monopoly brings in pbo4i; $16,- isting-t the real cause of the complaint. a five hundred dollar Judgment againat . ��,.GODERIOH ONT - -. , 1. 1. � L othis paper,e6n 4le-ex on' 43'Ageney. OW,000a'yearto the governmentand4T .0 r(.1perty, until You can gradually , . , flouse for Sale - . I I - �L revolutionary. I f the trouble is rooted.in the bluod a -ad L I . I . . b 061 M 9039 D'Aleg "le apesjli,IJj - . . � ,4 ", n ad' opoly,yieldi -- . - , . �, . . n ... He suggested that the Central Pris. ilt the salt won 3 bver $7.000,- can calk be cured by. enriching the- liv .Iftw. ERA oince, Clinton. mlltly abtenaoid' . I principles of Liberilig.m.pand1h,sli . = it to nothing. - YQitb4n all b . - . . Ole'als at a : OOO.L The large frame housa� on oattuip's " I �, . " , -be movbd to some site in dition taken a foremost part ViLrious .On. the whole,the nation is taxed blobd 'and driving the Lpoison,�us Acid -that way4-� why do you not risk ii�i I tg toL the estate of t. belnua to 2 I reasonable. : L I 11] the )ate Mrs. Monbelbb. isf I 1. on should in 'an fight I . . 0 . , This is a great It you fail you tire no worse off- it offered fqr sale. dl�.,,rtt . r I . .'I I I . . L , era, gaie; no&& . - . . ­ I . , Northern Ontario, near a large stone POlitical-camphigns, No man just aboat all it can stand. . . . i . Of , the systeiiii' . Suitable for goodweized family, . . � . - . - 1� �; . quarry, .vhere the convicts could ba asMr Holmes has foui;b kexbeoctat con- . . - I I.. � - - .. . . C. I truth, wbichevery'rheumatic L You SlIc6eed as any careful man is suri�, Hardand- soft water, stable.* good cellar, etc. . -�— I � . . . � . . L a ariff, r L'sbould - realize. Liniments to do, you have mide, a be , Per 017,YticulaiO. - ftPPly to JAS. BAMILTON. -. . I L President Taft on the Tariff. - 8 I . I " put at work breaking stone, whiohm ifflerable personal sacrifice nd financ- . . me and e- I.Clinton. or to,,ALU- XXONTRIT11. Hippen. G.11). Mc011aggart; . . -� I , could afterwards be hauled on the Gov. ial loss,and that.the Government have.- .' . I .. L and outward e`pPllC&tiQaS-eAn�Lt bUre tablished a basie'equal to anotber-a,' L - . I I X D. MeTagg�, I . . ' . . I . ,, " go fittingly recognized his .Services is . President Taft, ' . - c%n't reach in -business, . I : : r orment railways to make colonization . . in his inaugural ad- . the . trouble�-they the yphich will'start you" . ' I ' , '. roads of. or congratulation- d .. . . � . . blood. - The. * sufferer is 461y wasting - ' . Farm-. to' Rent MeTaMaru. Bros. - 'L ' . ressri,.expressea the'opinion that - . .Ina great - measure. rho ,commercial ' - . . . I I . � - - . � � , . " I � Another new point touched by the Apart from this Mi Holmes will make � L . . � . the valuable time and good money. in * ex- standing of a town-is,reck. oned ac&&d- ' -- . L. I " BANK14RIS . I . � ,.! member for Centre Huron was d efficient 61ficla). so amount of prbtecilou afforded by* the *perlmentinig With -this sort of' treat- jog to,t Tile Odtraln farnal Lot 28,9th Con. of Godbrich I . . ." the in. he number and value of itsbusi. Tn., 80acres 49 offered to rent. . Apply'lib ALBERT ' ,".. creased license on fresh water fi. hers, that in every way the appointment - 1 American tariff to farm,. mine, and merit and all the time the teolable is - ness enterprises, Its .ntoral . 0, HALSTF-AD, , I .1L 1$T CLINTON . � e, I 8 factory 6hould be,"equal to the. dif. bepoming more 9. . Offilton. if " -Goden*ch" 1; (Men, � � '­ �.� ��,� I'These men invest as much in their one for commoodation.- atandin' - JOSH COOK. to MRS. J. . . I . � I . I , E3eafakth,- Ex, . L firmly vooted,-"barder according to. the number and'power of ­ oral Banking ''Boat ' ,�� �, , business as storekeepers; they tage positor. - .. . I . - . L ference betWeen the coeb of productign .to care. , There UJusr, one Bure way . its Institutictis. exerting A good inflO. � '-"- ' ­ �7 I I . I . . � . I I I noes �,, . I ': "� . I � . .. I abroad -and the dostof prod uctioix here. " - t are r4euniatism-Dr., L WillianiS' ' . transacted I : , I 0 c er)6e as opposed fo'thoso exerting abad,' 110"use, and- Lot4ori Sale L L I —. �­ � , , their lives in their hands in the course . - L . ., � . . L . . . ' I I . L �L ' � 'r of their business, and thereis no rea. Cannot Leave the First Love . If that principle is. adhered Ito some Pink Pills. They act directly on, the These things being t ue,' it should, be , . . 11 -- . . ... . ­ . , I . I I L . — .. � swe ping reduction$ in the Americail Impurp, weak blood. They purify, and. L the ci r , Tile unders I . NOTES bisCouli I � � � . �'L son -why they ,should, be coml�elled to . tarl; theJuitent of tizens of aplace tb 1glied ofters for'slile hia property M TSD - . I pay A license for the leave to'fiSb,11 he Sir Wilfrid Asked to Sib For Ottawa, ' . aria in sight, because there is no strengthen,it, and. so. -root, out; the encourage such now - enterprises as "I Oueen St. consisting of good frame two- .)Dr its leaned, Interoal allowed ol� " , ", said. . I ' -the cause of L I stol'y hong id. Apply to I 1, I . ' .country L in the L World In. which th umatism. 0 with A- aqro of ]am . devositre , , ' L' , '. cost a - , I � Aend in, any wi I 9. PLTJ U, 0.1in . . . . I . Mrs. S B4 tie CreeR, 'ter; tor-a-townitis 'greatly"what its . — �- .1 � , Says quebec.Must Decide e MarI8 MME ton. . � I L " Then be wont after the Government L L . . . f #roduetion, wi bber in'the � field, Oleit Newcas Ly to 'make the place bet.. � , I..'' L . � . .. %, � . . .'' . . ", I as wiskeF, detee- . Td . —, , I. mine, or L fa6tol,,y,.is lower than it is in N. B., -says:-:�-111-n the saulater of' 1906 citijons anake t, L' . L, L 1. . . . I - . - , . . . - . ­� - for employing boys a deputation re resertbing' 'this' the Ubitod ftajoa. , . I . nothing. rhore anci ' I---- - I I , �*th L * * L" , , ­ , , . ' � 1p . . L . I SIB ., . - I 1- - I leading, -Liberals of Ottawa., Sir Wiltr.id - labot�qAving-ma6hirlej . . . "ate McKillo , � tives. ' . Cheap' land, -and 1-136came lamelu my ank-les, butthink-. nothin'gloss. I . . :,:. � Hou '' for *S ,, e, � P' ' L UtUal. � � Mr. Proudfoot is a clear and vigo . Y­,togethek, With. ing:Twodid adonget over. the -Attack M' ' --'"'L ., , ' , ­ - -- -- .. 4 ' :. - - I. .. �� . ' i .. . ... . 1. . L. I : I , I raus Laurier said that if his .first love Quie. comparakive freedom, from diou ht, I did not seek medical aid but need any persons'fedi'dfferidbil because , .Two story biri,k-1ouse for 8ais,- dood.. surah .� eo, ­ . � ; , �' speaker. In the general dearth of Lee East, would not release A paortnek- Inakes'It possible'to grow wheat a 0 their:comiage gad, goinks ate -not men'. . hard and soft water, V urnace, nearly neW, . . ce, .. ­ a L'. .1., I lyz stable and drivin"hed, � -a arni'aill . � . Wing new to talk about Mr. PrZafoo -two yeats'StAnding,- he L Mesa -liniments t' alle�y the paiii "and swell- tio6ed while those of, others. . are, and Oferi-1.11r,- F .. ­ I'lleolatidL ,f . . , 11 , " managed to hit an two or three new ebstin' the- Western States than in jog,- Instead of -getting '660t&r: the Jruit trees 0,196 small fruit. Applyto . owil Prove , ere 6f Isna'bearilag' . L I . . y =11b'diriv. accede to tho'reque�t -6f 'India,. even with the n1imitod supply 'trouble increased and I. then consult. wonderwbAt the matt rL can bei. The . L , I . erty' Only Insitired. � �. I . L U AIS JOHMEroUl-SLOP, Ontario St. � - . I 0 1 . � ..points. His remarks on the temper. his Obtawa friends tha;t.he rosiigti. his :Of pauper labor in the latter coubtry. ed a doctor who �rbnbuhced it, 'explanation of the 'mateteis is Wit the - - . . I ... . .1 I � I I -, � . - ­ . .. I I � ,�' &nee situation were listened to with Quebec seat &lid elect to represent t There artic editor meaus tobe impartial but some ' . 7 I . I ' . * * . -OrFicEltsi , ... . I . I I I particular interesti and he came out . . he is.iio part of the world in ul4irfieumatism, and.treated me for ' ' � . 1: J. B.XcLean,Presidea48eafort�' T,bcs . capital in the Commons. - The deputa. wbich;iron ore is taken from the naine tfiis.t�ouble.� Ina tead of getting better escape mention. The likes-anpd dislikes' : � ; . . . 1, more flatly tnan any Liberal member tion, which included leading Liberals, and handled at less - coit than: in Min. tho.:. Pain tind .the swelling became al an editor bav6 nothing to do with it' . . For.salo- . � - . Eraser, Vico-preaq B e,,I,el,d 716S. 8 4 I . . ' . .. . c .. . , � . - � and while'it-Is-not pretended that. ilWe . .... .. A' cry valuable 11ttle'4pme befilk part o Hays"Secy. tmiis ,ru 0 . t ;. . �- I logo yet, - urged the Premier- to hold'the Ottawa ikesota., While, too, la,bor is more high. worse until I Wai hardly atils to. hoh, I Lot. N Se � �,� ., . . . b � . . � . . . .. . , ,:, seat inasmuch as the Capital was now. ly.paid'ixx American than in Huroliesp ble about- the house. On rising lit the editor is more than human he knows 43, Im Con. Hullobt. containing 13 ores, more .. . . DIRECTORS. - v � . I that the suced3s of his,journal depends or less. one mile from, Auburn statioift . I . . I . . I .. I i, there Is a � . Jas. Connelly, 1161inesvilljI'l . . t , FOR FREETRADKIN COAL. his home city, and the constituency facb6rles.,� ,the difference in. wage Js morning'I wrtjs Unable to bear -in brick house and kitellon, meat barn, orchard 'Johm - . � ' - , . I � I exemplified in happy union,o-f.the two fu . � Y on his fairness and hppaitia)lty. to -all, good". . . �,, � a lly offset by thelgreiter outputfor,an p1b, with 'extreme pain, . man frulb,would be h desiftble property to Wat4, Harlock,'(1, C . P , � . I ,1�11,�6, -If"the United States is ready to offer races, the .crowning achievement. of 'indiviatiailaborer in one case. tha -tried1go It is the fiestw4y alwayi when a, not. retire on or for iL drover aB ih is near a sta,tion. P . Dale, linton, N, , 11 Sir Wilfrid's public earedr. I Chesney, Se'afbith,� J. I n in #aVing .much medicitie -with- I I ) Evans, Reechn . . � . top is.desired,' ,to mention it to tnd� edit.. furiber particulars. woon; J. O. Orieve, Wintb ' I.; Ban. I '' reciprocity in coal, there should be no .. : .the other. I .,. out benefit, J began to'think - I wA6 . . lt Is the estate of the late Gabrial Sprung. Per , . , a " The Premier expressed It or.. or communicate through 4hs post. Apply to , I ' . � besitation on the part of Cauad is apprecia. The fact, that Prosi ent Taft seems doomed to be a cripple. One day a tf CHARLES 9IRVIS, Nile. E c' roA , � in . . id � � to accept the 0 -�r d6fie him, but as be. to assume thd cost of production :js cousin. advised,me to try Willia .1 office. No one feels worge.about any . .. - , ,.. I I I I .t showing willingness ffer. tion ofthe bon xe ut04 neweis, Brodhagen. I . � Dr. __._ __ _ . . . . � .. . ' . . . "I It really seems as if, in distribu- tween his two Political spouies,-whom. greater in his- owd country ,than it Is -11 takfi rus. , seemingileglect-or partial performance. ,.. ., , �. ­ . -&ch Diiectoris inspector of losso$ 16-- I - I . Pink Pills. 8he'said them . I he loved equally well-, he said- he 'must ... mi blood, of dixtY thb.n the dditor -himself., �. . 8 16. - . hill o .. � . �­ - . %, tion ot this fuel over the North Ameri- elsewhere,irk an indication of how.little I every spring as a tonic for 1 . I I I . Shofthorfis for a � I .. W'a locality. I ,, � can continent, Nature intended the first listen to the blair%I6 of the older. real study-he­h.aa . I �aj*25 . . � � � . . ­ � .1 . . . � 1, I ­ . . . . . . .. I I , .given to -, economic an'd t1kiy-made-a new . - I . � � . ,., _person of . I . . A . . . . 11, supply to be considered as a Whole f6r partner. The decision in the matter questions. . ' . . 'y . . � rive Young Bulls, from 8 to . . G4=3. ,, . ' - 1. . . . I ` '1� , . � .. � . Af;,er "some p6sauslon. I decided to tt : � Easy Tollix Tilt . gooctones; all sire `19 months - "c", Robt, Smith, Harlo6k- Ed I ' . ' I . . the common use of both countries. The 11136ted with his constituents in Qheb6c . . — I I - , I . . I I them, I had taken three or four boxes . . -1 ,.1 . 118, - �, dby Duke of Riallmona. the N I I 11inchlelf * � inines of Neva Scotia are. so situated B48t,and he would,laybefore them the 1%ritish Columbia4s Rate rrolb�lelig before I noticed- �ny change, and the � . . I .Sweepstakes bun at. Clinton and. Brueell6ld In Seaforth; James_ Ciarahing,, Egwond� . I : request ?f theLiberals at, O%tavr . . 11 , n -�ery int�restlng lws� ..'Come and see ' le' , as to make them the -source most -,eas- a. - �'�,�- � , , -, It seemed my ankles , . Whatwill Appear . V,,m.PricG8 to suit the times., I . � , , 0, . I ­. : . . , were, less palatal. or welt a E, 11. ,*%V.ISB;. Wilton'- Olito vil .; J. W-Yeo"kOlmesville � - - , I . . . -he. art! - - - I- . � � I I . ily available, not only to the manu- I . . � . . , , , , , By­tbei time I- '' . a' fe' to rn4ny,people, boreAs. .'.t , . ­ I .1 ­ I ­ I . 1. ". , . , . .: . � � . bad used w 1nore taken from a New Yoz k, daily pape - . --.;.�-. i ", . . I � 14 0 ­�. I facturing, industries of the Maritine According to a bulletin issued by.th There arenearly.40,000 Oriental§.in 'boxes there *4 ID, � Sh orthorns, -for Saie*' . . . Fng- e . . - � a awonderful improve- 'a sic iption,, wbic I - - - - Ek . . I 1, . Brit . giving. , aple preserl li � Provinces, but to thase of New Naiiftal Absoci4ti . III , ish. Columbia, over .17,000 of ,these ment in m,r coudidion. Not only did said to,be-a positive retoedy.forbao'k-' . ' - *-4--- � . . O'. . . . I der it . . - . I .11111 ", 'I- W CUT -L ' ' I land as well. Ontario could, u a on for t eftad�, and I 4, I ; Some 1. thoro-bred Shorthorn Bulls .. and . Heifers ' ' F , . r . 1. -, . 11 . I., olley of free trade in this commodit Prevention of Tubi3rdolosls, '. Maryland being. Obifiese, nearly, 1(;,000 .Japanese, � ankle -t well, but I felb like a ache Or kldnoY-or bladder'deianfement tor 11 On6tothroeyatirsold. ` � ... . . .. . I I . I.. .. . .. .. I YP . different Woman and had not been as if taken before 3 . � P I ��.-� Iraw upon the mines of Pennsylvania leads the stateg of theUnion in i And the balance Hindoos - As the total. ' the .st4ge,of r! hV,o 711111ASOALL. Emyou-Barton Farm.. Clinton. I. . n ` �, �:: . . he fight well for years.' In speaking of -tbii4 to disease-.. . . .. ,9 . . I ainter aniltpaper Ha ger,1. "­ �, �. .� and Ohio almost as easily as the States . =1.4tio'n.of tho,provinee is:. only a a . . —. I . - 1. -- — I . I : e over -that lie ,' FJuid Extract Dandelion,-. ono -half" I . I -Xii Work,guarant, d. . - - :� ,, oss mines. In the Var first to adopt a Practical re doctor afterward he said � . * ' ' . . . I I � containing th against the 'Fwhite plague", - it is th , 200,000.'this 'means that. doubt Dr.. Williatral Pink Pills - hftd ounce;.. Compoiind KArgoa, one onnee; 01101ee Co ,. . 1. ee ... . . . I I I I n . � I , ivs. for Salt, . . . � . j,ric, .. . : . I � I ye arding tubercolosisi Ito Anti& 'the Ye116W races.:: . � Comp ild Sn Sarsaparilla� three , . ,-- I . . . . . . i West, Idaho, Montanna, and California gistrAtion nesirlYone�fifth of-the.whol& are of e riched my bloud thus .driving, out oil � � es 'reasonable. 1. . would be greatly benefited by tree- . . the, painful disease." � lap � The undersigned will have for . wivato,sale. at . � ,. I . . I . I . . , � 41om of access to the coal fields of ittin law is commended, And alio " ' It is liot surprising that the white . . Otulces;.- Shake well' in a bottle-an4 big IXOMis0g. HolmeAVIlle., bn Monday and Taos- Restlidnce nearly opposit ihe - . . I � � - t e lar e sanitarium for consumptives the Pacific 'Province � view � 9 Of ' Not only rheumatic sufferers but all take in teaspoonful .doses 'after- each day. ofteft wook. March NIL 4'ad gth;- Twenty . . e � .. k Bettleb. Columbia and Alberta, and the situll-, who have any trouble due to weak, .,. . . collegi . . � which as cen established iii th�b tioll with meal and ii4ain at bedtime. .head of choice yoijug eowg. In good isondition. - . late Institute, I . � capital invested in those fields conid . . . . lue Alarm. That situation i's watery blood orimpure blood -tan � find A ' calving in Uarch -and April. .They are mostly �— . 1, , A I � otintaing. . .1 : wdli-known druggist herf. at home .1. . I . 4 lie made more remunerative by the _ . . . . serious enough to -demand attention high grade Dtlthatfts, and a few grade-Holateing. I - I . . . - I � I same means. I , . .M. r —, . . ; -U'bil1Y on the Pacific Coast � �ilt in a cure -'through the� fair use of Dr, when ackedreg eS0I?lPtIO Torino cash or negotiable pa'ver. I ' ' � . . . :�. .. . I , no gardingthispr ' ' n I ' ' . . I 'I I " . ,I I X . X , P B &t I 4 e lip I . V , . fvw`.Z�r'. u � sea (30 ID a, 0 nto I I I I -I J IL I .1, 'I � . The treaty providingforthe common One of t I � 1 411 Caftilda. When We. have constantly Willlam6'Pink Pills. Sold by All med- , .stated that' the ingredients are all . . GHORGn JAOO*B T I I . . . _ �', be. &46malies of icine dealers. or by� man at 50- cents a hatnileis, and � can be obtained at. a : ' . , . . . .. �. I !.� I . '. . AYLOR ' I , use of common wi6terways should be , thO Muni- before our eyes the object lesson pro. box or Sir, boxes for $2.50froeth)a D " . . . 6MV-1ox I . � � followed by an arrangement providin cipA Act, *as pointed out by the leadk Pented.bY the Southern Stat ' r, small cost.frow ank,good,pres6rj t' . . I I I . . � ot,ldion I . I I 9 . es as to Williaws7 Medicine 06.,Bro6kvIlIe,Ont. ,pharmacy;or * the mixture be C ' . . I . � . . . I . � � I for liberty to draw upon - a. common ft, of the ()ppogition in what a race problem really. is we sball I . � � I � � W edar and1lachor Posts ' '­ --7- - I ll goal supply with3ut interferenne b the Legislature be blind, indeed, if we permit the yel. � . I put'up if asked to -do so. He further � . I . . .. . , �''. c Inimigratton Facts 7 . � ,stated that while this prescription is =.per , r " . . . fe and ACCIden't ,' I D a in moving the se'ond: Veadib# of'bia lowi menace in the West to beco Vire, Li ,y , I Aouble line of bustoms officers.- ( me .48 � . I .. - . & Quant(ty of Cbda and f An6bor . . 7 1 . . ! Or- bill to * . at measure I I . . � . often Prescribed in rheumatic afflict. posts. INIV111111, be sold cheap. � .. I.. .1 I . . .Insuranc' � . I onto Star. . Amend, th . - As the' grave -as the black menance in the ' I . . � e i - I 11 . . . . law stands at preeout the' South is now, " . - - . , It in gratifying to learn from: the re- ions With splendid results,he a uld See . . a0HK 01 PILDIOTT, - , ., � '' . � . I . � I . . , I e!�---!!n---!T� . 1� reL is, no .res- �... . '.iK4a. 0 . . BA-Vfkeld Road, Godorleb, Tp � I . I I . I . .. F .. 11 - crt,�f t-.heI M. -4P 4,u T * no reason Why it would not be a s le-. . . . � A I .1,03dCohol . I . not need ed , Ayer's Sarsapkia is not 0, I 800ne drink. As now fngdt,, ihere is 'lot a drop of Algohtll Init, Itisafton-glooholidiimic Atid 91terative. Ask your. own I .4octor* 9bout Your taking this . Medicine for thill, inlpttrt � blOod. Follow his gdylca I IbVerY time. He know , IL. � I... I 0i "s. 46.0.1.. —­- - ir I . KI VXAOr V .1 I,, 1! I I - ' - I . �­— I Kcal 6stUtO bought and s6?,d tri fork as, to th� number of representt that of the 1,106;120 immi ' did remedy for kidney and urinar�r — . � . . d grant, ,r- I . � , ativea that a municipality ma sofidto rivin troubles and - backache; as it has a ' - ---- . .. ­ � I I � Money to loan .. - , , . . � MeXay -4 in Canada In the last told years, peouli - ar actionupon the kidney strue. �.. � 1. . ­ I . � . . .A . . . the county council, HOn A. ;T, C URE'FOR 810,213 came from the United gingdom .. I � �. IS moving to have the law so amended . I . and the United ftateso � During the ture, cleabsing these lj�ost important - ''I I I � I I . . .. that it may be specifically laid down T"*& org4ns and, helping them to sift and' P.Mee Isaac St "t.6 NOW , at twelve months 289,460new settlers filtor 'r-t. " �­%�- ,.,A -- � ted1to bex, door that reptiesentatlon shall be or uYSPEP � camolwCanada. Of these 58,812 were - from' the blood the foal Act& and . , . . � I � . -. � xl-�& . ! I . I � I � .. . . .�A, . . . basla of population. � SIA la - matter which cause=essand. -11�'. .. . . -1 I.. I I � . . . . from the Vulced States, , and athey %1910,9#40 out " . I ' . I . . � . . I . ". . ,&a 4,%' well-known, this troublesome con). brought with them mouey and effects guffering� Thoiie of rs who Amilton, Speciotbr: non Sidney plaint orj6es frdin,ovhr-eating, tlio nab of' to thi value of about $62. suffer ban make iio wiftaUq itrgivlag " Wanted-rVormers, Attentl0s, I IR , to.1 'alioll'ridi food, ne%Elo6tod coastipablop't ydar SQ,4PA homesteads W0,000 Last ' It & trial., I " . .. . . I I I . I . � I were entered. I I — -, . . . ken by Canadians . I �1� , I . . 1. For. e first, class job go to the Now Do Fisher has announbed that the I)o. , I"If of x0roise, bad air oto Of these 7,417 were ta Aueflon Sale Process Chopping 34ill, mox4 to the allujon g oc I 0 Th � . U 10 win' a Government will add three . Tho food Alrohid bo thoro�ghlj ohowed, 7.M by, Immig The potitio op., _ . . 10 raoth from the United i Against the election of . V I ttid Light Station. ITO aft'thb COMbiftAtiolk . I 1� . . . , Dr Rainkin, I V av*. OATURDATO thp�.AVCTIOX nOUS9, boublellitacess, sv6ty.tbing ground b*lc!& over. � , ' $.,lid nover,bolted or swallowed Ja hast6i Stateo,4,840 bY.Englishil,026 b3� Scotch it P., for two - ' riding of 6ODV,RlO1r. Saleg-06nduotdd anywhere. . a stook. etc, day and cl ng evorr . Ineiv &pirituai farms to 4, imisgod by ChiefJaStlde time, MOfthandiso."real est&te6 liv lopping done while son wait. Weal" . I's list, ()'to 13"ul"t'l "�u$b be avoided And e`xorclbo 880 by Irish, and 510 by 0anadiana te'- 4eethaas dit ftfiV Capacity thirty bags per bout, funig eAdh in'Nova Sed1tht, Prince Edward takon if pogoible. � , .. r W Illaw Meredith. The geounds - G. W. WICKET Auot o r. -6'-" 1 . . � tuttlingfrOW the UnitedStatos. -Of' , irind flat and make, wheat and 06r* g � .d - Box G et t I Out "o" 0"'! .0 . lslitrld,%nd' , A romed v whieli Jim rarely failed to give the CAnAdfitnswho took aphomesteads for-thedismisgat its based on th Pholia 108. , I t us grind Your nOxt grist Rmd note libe . '. "a'. � on Vancouver IslAnd, B 0, ' I 11 . 11 dIff m r + pro)n�b rolief and effect POMM16rit-dares, in the Xorth*est last eedefit of the Glohga,rry ease in - as f6rom, . - t' accbmodato okir oftatiomorai . - V or its rapilla , yea)? 9,M were,' , 19611" , . aa,pog.lbl.16 :6 bd solid agriaultural do. even, lit. Clio most obetinater caseol in from Ontario, and,414 from Q when no petition Was declared to bi; SCIA) WO Ab#Ais - I , ,1OX TRA14 BaOWX, Clinton. .. volopment within the past generation I I . I I I . tiobee- before the court. The papers In this 10, . Canada owes muchto, its ex erimental . ' I The total are#,. of landsold by the GoV. case were fil6d an Dee 5, after th& ' . ....... .... ... � , . I I . I , ernment in the three Northwest Pfo. . I . ... k" -W lk so bi N W I I � I ttttt!..00 ., . I . I . � I -or vinceg waa 114,112 acres, and the sye. I farms, They have done ansarodoing BtIPPOC) Statutory date f6r reglateation And as PAIDAYi Itarob 19.-Alietl6ii sale of eattio. ,�� . Wonderful ed'40ative work, and th6 , . rage price was $10.40 an acre. a result Vere not registered within horse#, 1mr1bluonta. etc Pfol)bfty Of W I ------ WW There I %0VVA0%0V .. Govermentis to be commeladea for not Jacking Inthose figures 6vi- lsbc,r et, tvpo (106ya L64Ko. J -m 16 east of.tly i. -T. Outdryt au;t�- � � I having decided, to Vitake, needed exten. -BL 0 OD r, S . DIV$ the speeifled'thfie, , in fa a' I -1. 0o1a,1g1PR14X30AXTo*rtI, I . debees that the era of free homesteads . . . I . X0i;DAY, Mrob 99. -Audtl6n, W6 of two I � - along *here they are now fnost� . I � and cheap land in the Xorthwe.4l; will -­� � farma, and lam) "took.pedpotty of N ,d*&r4 M. I I , ---­� ,need6d, B1.rAr,d6X . . 3100 and John Dunlop, at lot 18, con. 1. Goderiall Thore are 1§61*11 some OfTheNew � I . . —0, I IN, &.�. I— ---.I-,!- - ­ I " � . , , " " I noblast very many years. 11(ow is Timis? I Tw-Thos. Gundry. mict. . 14i.tA%.�.ftA... h IL I Ve hot Seat in their renewol for IM9, Ate I I , IT " " I - . . 'You one of those? Take A look at the address lahel OA Your Pa. I I per 1 if the Alate -u— � - S Vast- * YOU have OvidobtlY Overlooked tbibilmPortantinatt6ri Willyou � favor us by o6n4ifig in yourre. newal ht once? ,I. "Aet well'y6ur Part's