HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1909-03-11, Page 6� I . - -
I I � I 11 , — �T-W_-WM -F-7 ,,,�7-v7r'-7'w,'IW��71-,-�-"'-,'IPP7AY,, , 1714F 11Wq"V%W"R -lw--wf"7-'!-.-W.RTW--,-"-"�-rww � 77T_Pnw,1�1 Alm -p`7
". . . . . �� �7. 4 . . I . 1,W.7"1i—FT-.
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� . ." , ., I, , , 9 i9- - � -!!!! !! !_z �W; -2 ! , , i � 1 , , � I . .1 - � � I �_ � -_ - - 11 . I .
. I , I -, � 1: - .� - . - , - � I I , I . I. 9 1 - � . I I . - I I I 1
9 �, . I - - 1 9 � � -1 I . . I I ;_ I . � 9 � - I __ __ . � - 9 _.. _ -7 _____ __ . e Mar, Iltb, i gog
p - . 9. 1 1 9 . I --- -_ I - - � - i
I SUNKUTREASURF.. U141WAR , �M ,AIMGE "' AIWIV080Y OF "CORIJNNA, " 4) 0 1 I I - 1 ,9
.,� , t F I I �� I . I WOMEN ARE WOMEN e. __�
9 -comp4ny Hit$ MA6 Onqyalll"4 Ef. Tells iyyby, SO . , I
1, , MilkAY SWor 00M Centenary of air ,joh" Moore's D*Xth 411 favt tAM Scows A Rather Roundobout Way tq Provo . . "
I I fortq, to Recover $0me. C 08twirlt. and Rbeumatlism. Is Observed. Emulsion for six wepks - .
'The ship Alfred wob2li wbich. some tho Proposition, I . *
k I %twelve montlis .P"("o sailed from Lou. A distinguished physician, ,La Vorunna, where Sir wohn Moore and haVe fotmd it a won. Men say womett are augew: women . I . I t.
4 , 400 to cruise in iscarch for Jifd4cri for his succcssN fa"' fell in theliour of victory. just a ceii� 4rU iremcdy. Poore I - - say woweu are, vatm i.et us pause a I I
' .1 treatment of .
treasure, and Which Was to have re� catarrh and rheumatism, kidney' and itury ago.. celebrated, on Jan. 16, the .
� I outcuar�t_of the hor .' de t I took the Hinuisionl had no moment and reason upial tills thing.
turned to ,Blackwall piled high. witih. bladder troubles, states as follows,_.__� . oW all, t �
1 sold P.,Ad silvei a _ "Our climate being more or les* The general's tomb staniis in the I appetite; Was �Weak; h.44 If Women, OrO AU."ets-however, that � � , I'll . .
, ud precious stories I ... _.
-vied evq lameda or public gardens, on 4 ", 9. "'.
I 1, ,.T, �
. -
, u A . lost nearly fifty pounds of does not seem W 00 tile limper otart. .11 -, 9 1 , I .
, -
from sunken, wrecks uucb4 damp and, changeablt,' is bad, for ., - , 01
height . "'.I... -
�, U1 Uoyd's;, is, alas and alack, eoi4- . catarrh and rheumatism, and which overlooks the ba�r. I Ing Point. Joet us try again I . .: _
I care , t., �', : .
I .
� 'W9 back as b ralms and flowering shrubs wave h, and noW I eat Well 9 It angels are vitts-'bUt. no, that Is - I - I . . I
are' as Mother Hub- must be taken pot to let thest ; greQU branches round the monument, .- . I .
R h In gaining every day. hardly reasonable, for angels have . I . .
, Uffo Oulib=4. Sbe Was the pro- troubles gain headway, in 24.ditiQu, built i t e more forbidding style of !� wlugst and cats ilo not ay kVe,ulust .�
� � 4 a
. 'Perty -of the South African Sa.lvage h ' I find Scows Emulsion to : �
9 c states that a great many Cana- �, I - ls�
I re careless in their habits, 1 dren ran races along the sanded 1 begin again, .-, 9
. I- Co., and ,one of'her objectives, w" dians. a � . the early twenties, DArk-eyed chil- be very easily ck�sied and '.
. Poul Xruge0; lost treusure sllip,� the and to this as much 28 climatic Con., If women are eats -but that isn't , '' I .
�,i� ..;
. ,
I *orQtboa. which 'Iles * in ,seven , And . ditions is due a great deal of thq 4 I a1h. and tie their toy horses to -the .. a good food for all weak possible, for eats do- not talk, and hoW � ; ... � ....
� 4 halt lat'hoins of Water two miles 'trouble. Insuflicient clothing forruale tailings. I 91 ..".1 I ..; I � . I: -
I ,� east of Cape Vidal, on the Tenedc . improper- eating � will. ca 4nd ' The Spot, With its glorious view. people,"—FLORENCE could a dumb 4nimal express a" opin. T. _s � . . . I ,
- "
,' ' Reef ofU the 'Zululand coast. ,. use rheumatic at -Toss the harbor, is a favorite resort BLEEKIER, No. I Xyrtle * Ion In words of'a woman? Whatever . . 1. q , -1
-, I ,Tbs and. ratwhal troubles. in Any cli- of rnantilla-draped ladies and pie. Avenue, Bridgeton, X. J. cuts maX thtulc, they never,say a word 0 . ; I I .
9 -
, Xru�er gold, which Oorn Paul, ,so the mate, turesque peasant nursemaids. . . about a woman, while w9 : 2"'
9 story runs. sent out of nsaal . This eminent authority gives the There was the gloara of officia . . aien_�.well. a I �. . k , . .
. .
, I Jor s4fety, was said to run Ao tile following As the I simplest a I nd ba$t ' . 1 gold This �s only onia of thousands of women. are riat cats. . � .
, volue of $3 900,000, and it was sup. 9 lace, and the i:randiloquent flow of
, � , treatmeut'knowzi to science, god to. ' eulogies. nnd music suitably 'Cases where . Now lot us return to the first propo� I . I
. posed to be'cemented into the bottom It he gives credit largely Sparl's around the tomb at th sItlon. . . . I � I . �, M
ot,the Dorothea with 200 tons of sand success., , for bis� e bole- I I � I . DEADILY
, I ,_ � . � : C'olemu�l It women are angels, they won .
. �ratlon. but eiver A .A. ,ldn't .. � .
.ballast spread over it. Altogether, . In the y 11' ,nglish participant I � - � .
I I ,the "red Nobel'a program included Fluid Exiract Cascara. . ... # � o , � flesta thought of Charlp,3 lip qP 9 say women are cuts, .Angel:$ don,t .
. , � charted wrecks to NvQrk upon along Carriana Compound ..,. I OZ. Wolfe's. wcll�,hnowri liues---� . talk that way. . . � . .
. 4 hose Syrup Sarsapa4lla - "" "We buried him darkly at 6ad 01 ScokL S Onep upon a tIme a man married 4 There fanotbing so deadly in Itsoperation aslBlo
.q ,,, the, $outh African coast-. One of t, L "' 6 az� � d . . ,od polsoaaUd yet how stobtly,
I -I.- .Was the Middelburg, an.'old armed' Directions: One teaspoonful, , Alter night, 0 woman. tie said she was I r Wouod" not, i
Ant h erchantman, which Went to - each incal and at bedtime, . The oods -with our.bayonets turning, . the women said she was 0 eat Elappy a tiny red � .
. : " .1 IMott,om in 1714 in Saldarilia-.13g, The ingredients are all vegetal6le, . By the- struggling mooriliglit'a misty man 'now tile difference be- I ,
� . _ not to h Lftedio.'Tho I
' �
I .. 1. I I Vnth $100,000 in doubloorils -0 boar . and have a direq And specific ac light Emulsion I
, n . tion , . . tween an.augel and a- cAtt . � .. Wnputatfoa . .
- :, �� Capi. C. A. P. Gardiner. of Blopins- on the liver, kidneys, And the lantern dimly buming." � � . � I
* I , . and bowels, 11 has given an a � . I I
I � eps,� , ppetite. It's ,so Men say. women are.angel% and by
,. ':,�' bgry, was in charge of this, treasure eliminating all poisonous matter from ,Tust a few devoted 4jiglids ste.alt.h-' digested that it doesn't ta,ic , this token. women say angets are cats. .
., .
. � .1 . had a terrible .
. .
I - ,
- . expedition. He is essentially of -the the sYsteru.* Any druggist. can dis, ily came to ., tile ramparts to scoop a I tile j and It turned to
�: � -type of . whoin the apopthegm might shallow gestive organs and. they rest; Therefore, angela being ,eats, cats e0tired a v%inple.
., � ".1 , pense this,- or you can buy the in, I "T grave for the mighty dead, I yet tile I ,body is Wonderfully nour" . days the wound .
,�, , , 1 2 � kave been written,' "Adventures aro edieuls se il�g,cly . and. m.ix ;L,t . , hope -m country will do" PIG jus- ished and built up. The digestion mutt be angel$, and, both being tho, I bavO onved pie ' I
me by ;114f
, 1 : to Adventurous." He 4�as widship- to U Ing n tXc(?'.ware tis last words, His coun-. � . . same, women, are women. . v4di4gries.11 .
.11 , . an of 0 r 'I , a bottle. 0 try will cert !s improved -then. ordinary food ' � .� I
man on board the Condor tinder Lord . ainly appreciate the honer is sufficient, Which Is 'precisely wbat the3, are.- . I . . :
I , 6 y u e a rs should btnefif paid by the Spaniards to the British . I . , it is a Won. : .
. .,�... I. . Charles Beresiord at tho bombard- y this articl . 1 ve the Irecivo. . . I I W. J." Lampto in. LAppincott's. y are . ...... . .
� I ' ' . I I . 11 ... � ���
. war I - Growing boys and Vrlsp who I . 0-0 "I'll, �� I I ry time, A , I., .
. . rior. , need . War rme t a � .
�,: I,- � I ment of Alexandria; and later acted . . . . P y 4 .... 0 d .
�. _ I . as : La -day is so much food to keep them well .. . I ell it, 2.50 per box, or ,sent on rug An otorts .
,.... . -despatch rider to Loid 116VIMCL.5 � I . Corur=A to . � . S' i t , .;,
_., in. the Boer war. He Was town with -Wide, well -paved ' tre land strong, and also, growing, . SALVE CO I . p t CUROL . . . I
, ' , , ets' . -. hig prices Rezoin*, - .
sanguine , . ." Pus"d hee "v" mtv 'One in the upper quarter, a mul s should be givena bottle of Scbrr�s NEW MEXICO.. � I -, Spadina Ave., T 0 _0 t � .
- V ri��jf� . �
1; - aving a sniff at s x in 11fons all henwroost of the ke6per of the Flasli when you can get the best for 25c. � Running Sores,
. , � , , 6f It i i � e train- - I �� . �
'. � ;: �, 'told of sunken treasures that lay Lighthouse at 'Three - ay, Way service and modern ideas"on the .Uxvlsroweveri� few weeks. It � How Tha Portion -of Northern. New,' � . Ulcer% ' ' - � 1. .
. 1. � . I .. t Bad JAgs;
, hiAorl by I I Spain Got Its Name. . . "9 "ff P-I.o..d and
. Anchor. 11 subject of town-platirdng and electric does wonders for them. It pro SAMPLZ ]PREIC
..'' round and about the South African which event Was made ,- .
� -
I .
'I.. "� I" coast. He had an arrangement with ' Mrs, Langtry's h6ise%, which Were lightning, But the lower quarter is vents their getting run down and . The countr now called Mexico wfts� . IN W -Send .00upo'n with Festering I . .
�, ' . - thi Cape Government by which once full" of narrow, winding alleys and I spindly, Nothing does thena: So I 7 . I an wounds, cuts, I
I on board, swiming ughom Arriving OU 11 �� . a : , 11 . name C � I
. ril s old squarm which: have, much good. " not sQ'qajJed till 1810, when the revolt ol effl Burns Scalds I
. ' � .
`,-�'� . - �' lie had attacked a sunken ship no at.the wreck Of tWe Theimopylae, the changed'very'l . I I Up to Wepend. . . %J Civro v T and ail I ' .
', I—— permibs %yould be granted to rivals; Alfred Nobel did it lot of blasting; . , ittle since* the exciting . - , . against SPalu began. . FREE acerated �
I '� _. And on the ot er hand, whatever he but all the efforts acooniplisli�d:noth- . , , I or oPea wounds I
,,, . h month df May when the Invincible Ar�� DRITGGISTO ence the covotr,y was called -New Spain --- orsores. ?Job- ,
� ... � .: I . I ' Armada w4s fitted out'at La Corn-ana . - �. . . � and was divided -into the same number - - . . � . -_
� , . � .- I raised was to bLar a tax of 25 per ing beyond maldrig an even more I � .
.. , , ''. cenl. And now. alafi, that ta . co lete for the. disastrous expedition of 1688. * Ul"m 40nd You Borne lotiers isn4 ilters. of provinces as Spain, .each with a - ___ . � I - _�__ - � . � ! , . I 11
1. I X will Tain'qf tho once stately lin- The women still :611 their heavy wat- two oix this anbioat A Pgat card, gkvlug I . — . . __
1. 1� I _
�`::�;� . never be levied. The * picturesque e p the sailibg ship Au�erica . Your address and the uArao of this paperi I . I I - . I
1 . .r�� trip t . , name of it twovince In Spain, with the 1. . I .
. ,
n.;,.,. � treasure of Oom 11aul lies where it followed. The. Anaerica lies off the "-pots at the fountain of St. Andrew; is 6ama�ent. I I 1. I � . Drefix of`.'u0w,` but New Mexico *as 1.11 � I - .. . . . . .. . All, kinds of , '
I . . - I I � . . I . I
. SCOTT* ROWN9, . t Inc - ..,
. not Inc uded in this division. ,it.got Its. I - �V,h, . .
I mw first set-off dis- . Woodstock beach. Sbe went ashore ba-rD.ers' shops, ien-anding'olle of Don -- I ., -.01 0 , � t ran Land Grant%
� , 1'�'�'� did.- At , the v, the' braAs basins dangle outside tho '
.11, ,.';,:! - � appoitittment, front�d the gallant erew about 1000 in it gale that, crippled 226 Wellington St... W. Toronto * � . "'. T. - -Na , e . �
': -, I �&Ij
� . name In th I . -
�,,.. - o the Alfred. Nobel, for they found Quixot% tile, loan. knight of La Man- � . I I Is w,.ty: . . . ,� . . I A
.- other shipping 10 the bay. Her chief cha; thb heavy ox-caits creak over I . . . . . � co -. Ibaii4 was in. Before placing your orders fox � � I � . ! . A
I ' �,�t, ! In 1501 Francis � Uought. and Sold. .
- ,
I ? ` .- - I that treacherous coast, too dahgerous. cargo was . beereitnd coal; ilhd� she tho, . I - I . . _� I -- = n . vdition of exploration , your season's supply of Onal, get, I .
� , - �-� , - and battered continuously by huge was uninsured, A good deal - bobble stoneii, The cbrilei round . � .; - - I - . charge of a 6:tl * . ,
� � , , of the - 0� � , J- fi. (,unninghatn,, ' , ,
— - . .
. �_�., . rollers from the Indian Ocean. And coal was' got out of her 'a year or the old: church of Santiago is. redo. into what Is now ,n�rthern Durango our prices. 'The veT best goods ,
!��4�,,��!,, the attem t to get into the depths ' lent, of the Middle Ages. - . ' Not - - . i I - 131 VICTORIA ST., TOROJ�TO.
. ' '
I ..'� - P Awo ago� 'and' 'realized' $10 -a , ton. . . . . That Kind of an Indian; " arid- southern Chihuahua and discov. carried in stock an sold At the-, I . I . . .
I . � I I .
I ,.: of the Dorothea ended in failure. . . Older still is the famous lighthouse An - amusing'Illustration of the, way ere.d an Indian village near where San , lowest possible price.. . . � I I
�. 11 I - . '. 11 I . I . - .4. -----.. , , . � -_ I .
,10�'�,' .Much of the beer Was also salved, but of T,a Cor4rina, built over Phoenician I , . . . . I . . .
:"4 .1'.. Thereupon the Alfred Nobel sailed it hardly. realized custom dues. Then . some of thd New Yorlt, papers sa.crl- ta Barbari now stands.in which the . .
�. :_� the4l . � Orders may bd left at Davis I ' -
..�,. � .. 1 away to Swakopmund. in German foundations, g. landmark 16:10WA to-. fice everything -to the. telling of, 4 houses were whitewashed and the pea- . & Ttowlsad's Hardwaire store. or .41JOE's WANTED
.� . :' , , Alfred -Nobel had a look -at her..., sailors the whole World over. . . I . .
", "�, 1, good SWIT, was affoid6d by the Long- Ole. -Made and wo�a -cotton cloth, rals-� mith � I I . . . . . �M__. .. � . I . .
!1� - Southwest African territory, where There is still a'good deal of beer Round the harbor,rans'a road bor, 6 . I ..
1�, I -she anchored near the steamship on board.* And' tb at' is tile painful oat-ftrubb race.' One.of-these jour-', tug tlid cotton in th . i . 1. . .
...."'' . . . . ;. I . . . . . �
. � . .
� i:�, I.. Dunbeth, which lies secure on the LI . dered . with Palms iind aloes, ;�hlcih, . . � e nelghbdrboo('l, .. .
* histor of the expeditioli -of the 2. - '. nals in doa��ibing the Moo said that Ele wrote W. J. Stew , 01ash. aid for 'Rides, Skins .
. grow with southern luxuriance in,the . an account of his discovery . asone I . P , , . � 4 I
, . I . . I .
;'��,, �Y��,:- teeth of the TOcks there, as'adreSlift Ired Lbel, which is shortik due 'in , , '4t -pne stage the Indian Wks. pretty .
I , 7�� 1 . . I . I to his brother In'the City of Mexico, � . . I . � . . I , .
`,%�, � 'of a fatal foggy night, I the London. . . . ... warm, Spanish wihter.'. . . . , � . � nd Millow." . � .
,:,;�,; I . 'I, . . . . . . . . wellAiied put and ne�ded to be cheer- t6l, - I it lalfttrfe Uaht,Vlaut. , . . I I .
�� ��,�,��. waves batter her to fragments.- Here . . . � , . . - I � r I I .. I . , Ing him -he had discovered "una . . . , .11 . . � .11� ,� .
," oll.��:J -1 . T again the quest ended in bitter dis- A failing.,iiny . . . I . ed up, so Tom 'Fla�agan brought nu�vlx Mexleci.11 ii new 1%r� . . -I- - I fa N . , . .
� ,,,�, � - � . I 4pid on I a Railway Platform. . U.ugbo�,jl ' lindi . xicb, another, i ,
" .. '' nerve -no larrr thau, C . . I 5 an bride, down to the . I . . I - � . ..tv-94"m01115. & 50n. ,
?.,� 'i" r, There is i% charming �toxy . Alex ' I I , ..� .
thread-talces rom the ' ,Aco, meaning that. he bad found . .. L � : . . �. ,� % 1. I I I I . I
�;.� _ appointment, for it was found that he ftnestsilkeo told con- side of the track' where - her husband another IoWb)fke the City . '. I . ... . .. 1. . __�
' brass fittings de,trt itkimpulse, its power; its regu. coining the manner .in which' the could soo ,her: , , - � . of Mexlcov .
'e�:"`k_-"� � ' even the copper and I n I .
-,,,-;�,�, had been "jumped" by previous visi- , ,.' The-Stonisch'.also h . alid thete4fter all this portion of north-' . . , -
".", , 1, larity , . . as its IR& Duke of Portland, who. recently cele- .' The paper Went. orY to say: "The - . . . . . � � I
. *
__ . .
". � ,�,i,�,�� . I tors. Discouraged, but not beaten,-tho,- -Ion, Ot inside nerve. It-wowDrShoop .brated his- Ust birthday, first met his, .Indian could not. understana it 'word ern New Spain was knowia as "Nuevtj G 9. od. B-9 o t �s S]D �
'�Iq Alfred Nobel, brought up in SaIdanha vbO firit told us it was wrong to drug wife, it. 'is- to the effect. ihAt the . - � Uexteo"-tbat Is, N . To lVariners'and Other$: . - - I �. I . . � .. �. es I : . . .
., .. of Rnghshl,*,nor could -be understand e* M6xico-which' . . I . .-
. . I . . .
In I I . . .. � : .
,��,��'�- Bay where lie the ribs of the old - , weak. or falling" Stomach, Heart or diichess-�-who .. before 'her' marriage, . �igus . . I
��`;,E'�`: . Miaaelburg. Here her divers brought Kidneys. His prescriptiouL-��J)r'$ . ade to hirri by his lrainers',' name It .has retalned,11houg . now. We have several , pairs of our -.own In #1 f *
I ,� , hoop's Mi-si D411as Yorke " I . .b. � , ew days. I will have in 6i sto6k " . . '
�1� ': up, ter pumping out 10 feet or so' iestorative -is directed -strai '- On a but the smi -his wife and her reduced In � extent. - � , . - of all , kinds (if se�ds,.as , I.
��`.�,, . af I =W& . les of much make-ofBoots. 'Good � Lafgains.. while
I was ' . . : . I .
;'�4��':.' of sand, a quantity of old china. Un- the cause of these . aiInjoi 0 . inheering words woke him Into new optic. - - - . -I.- . � 11!i8__V4M_ -they. last; - Just the thing you need .
ght for � rlill� y station platform, and the dub , . �
a . I . ,�, . TIA10THk'.'C-L0VPR, Etc , `
!, 1), o , ats � these (who wa� wikiting . I .1 .
11 - , . for the same -train) life.- I I . . .... - I - I . � -while the spring is o*pening. up,'to keep - . . I �
"I., 4 fortunately, some fine collections of. veak and falter1bg inside nerves This was so struck With her "beauty that I . - . . I I i . I . . . . I I . . ., . I
' i '
-, �;!�, This.'. would - . have - been - true - . Muskrats For Meat,- . .your feet dry. . , . .; r,with. I . I . .
'� , " - ' ' -china have been recovered from' the io doubt clearly explaind why the Re- lie fell jurlove, with her at f1rit,sigbt of . , , We are r . r'. .0 ethe * � . . .
�� . headquarters,foi, sbo6 re.
,�, ��:�, � 3UA I Longboat's great-graudfsther;� but, of . �. or -fill � . -meat to . � I ' FEEDS.. r , .� , .
.1. I`, .dglburg dti. many previous ocea:. 40rative has of lat g own so rajildly, and - I r anlinali that supply pai,ri.ug. Your repairs done while yoix ,PLOUR'..,and, CHOP
gt"i, - 0 r . . . .
" ., . sions' prozn�tjy . secured - an', bitrodue- talks - English- and little � inan the Muskrat bas/been wa t Our pr' . � . . . . . - . : I ,
,�". -so that this output has be- rn Popularity.. Dragftists say, '.that tion. Whittever* truth there may be - . course, he . the most 1 � .. ices a right. . I '. � � r'
1-,-, come in the nature, of a, drug. in the ,.hose who test the r Restoriati ve' even else, while his*-briAe was a sell - ' r, I . re .. .1 . - - . - . ,
17 ,abused and -the loast:-briderstood, says, . 9. r. . . .
,�`��.,_, r . in.the stoi7, Wis a.w.ell-known fact 001 I. W.- G Smyth .
. .
; *,. -
'�,,,!,., �. . .3narket. . I � - fqr&fewd4)rssoon become fullycon- that the'Auke preferred to radrry for teacher -before. her niarr , i,age a f ... .Opposite the P-6st Office,' . *
' . r _
,:,4�, Again, not deterred, the Alfred NO- '. Aneed ol'its Wonderful merit. ,Any.. , love. Amongst the many. splendid months ago,-NrontoSaturday. .10gew th6'BaItImbre Star. Its uam� 44d br�d . . .. : .. .. . Standird., Devillor, ' . Pintola - , � "I . I
,� � �, . . . ht. . . . . . . .. . I
1.,,:I'f,� 'bel made a course for Table Bay, and vay. don't drug the organ. - - Treating jew.l. P6�s . . I -1 . . ,� . . In the public mind a -PreJudice that . Having opened a branch -business at I . . .1 .. � . .
, : " � , : Aralian liner nessisille Only sens- � by the duchess is a I , .- . � r . . - --- . , I �
. . I - .
i. , had a nibble at the Au. he cause of sick . sessed, . I has been almost unconquerable, but , Lohdesboro jointly with MrMeKo,wri!S � . , ' I .1 ' .
�1. r eSSful JW&j. Sr . . . * . , - . �
I . I . .. .� . . time, . ��
F��;��:� �. 1. . r . I . , . S r 9 'I .
. Cbro -et the muskrat Is. one of, the neat- - repaikin: ft shortest 13.ossible .notice . I . * h '
%Ax, ".- ThermoDvlae. which about ten years ible and slice Old r�by all set 'of dianiond horses, which have . %.c4icran. on Amerie'aln, Cloihes.' , - truth WIN Prevail in spite of` fate. . As, � Harbess'ftop, we can do makin� -an .
V ,
" �,�l . . Ao her from time to n1cle: ,,In 'a fo o .- h . -
. lealers. � been given' Observes the London � Pin. Y .ur
i��11�11 a!-- __ - Z . by the duke on'the occasions of.hf . . . . . I ''.. -� . 11, I . . . I. . � .� � � .� I
. . I . ses on the turf. The duke, has 'Loudon the man who.demands respect.. eat arid most dellg�htfulof npi&al�. it I to something thiCt has ourid thous.o .. .
r . .
,�,�.-�'... .� I VICAR AS, AUTHOR. .'� suo"es t., " lothes inalle for 0 'Is,a crank to cleanliness. It W. h .,W,' a ' ' ' . .
,;. , Very 8 ong oplrilo .
�,.A,�;.. � - i * uA; which he .hashis c bim. "But n alnoi with' . - - atb§ & -. Sion � . ands, and will cure you, . .
1!�, . . . I ex- I . , . - . .. I I
-, . I lZew Yorl-, raan who is not a millionaire the care.of an epicure. I I I 1.
". -
�`. , , ;;* , � I J% ftn L , Englis4 Churchman donfesies to Writ- presses mdsi frA-hkly, on thb absolute' .1 . . It eats.only , r . . . . . . I ..
�. . � jolly of betting. 'All the moneiy his- air near It buys anythirl ' . .. I 'r, r . . . ' � . . . I , "
,p �:., I ' I g. but store Jhe *bJtegt And tenderest, morsels. I 1� .. � . . - O'
I . ing,.Urfde,r Non A. Plt�rne. akes in racing is devoted �o i clothe& And the ready Made - clothes An' .BARGAINS �: IN ., � B A � .. - .
".:;_ Hca StrenglAn . grace In I d Its desh ,has qualities that ehu,be -;� . .. . . .... . ck"s -
��'.,; '. build almshouses and schools and ( aria so stabdardized! that you have but compared only. to terraplif. , In . . . .. I . , . . . .. . .
54�'r, r � Re'v, J. Jessop Teaguo,.vtcar of St. r W,l ing I ,:In 'to ConfoS r . . . r deed, ' ... .
1.�� , HeRl't Strehirtb. or Henit Weaknew. ineanswerve beck Abbey is- a model estate * , , , , * , re JheM.are.good 06oplealorig .. - . -
� . - � � . elL_WnfaM,�4 r I .. r � . the Chosa- . I , ., . �
.. . I . I . . .
� I
�," - . " - �Olorthoillil-Alnerlca. I �_ � .��_ Z-peake'-wh - � 11 . . .
Itively, not one weak. heart in it hundred Is, in it _ .
�, " thhig rp - - Norwood,. h,_5g_1_ai0_,_ Fias5&a!-RW -. T ' . . .
,,.',, � , , 16trengthi or Nerve Weakness-ri,5 Of .Luke�s WQodsidg; a suburb of South, ,_ i . .9 your inches. arid'yoi. a* � � - asteless
� pre. V so - far_--as_itz��Urely_s )f � . .CJRM. E_ R, I.E.S. ,
. ;-,--- . , . .
1. I all I . ".. . ereLall-the bes"hings_��.eL -----__ " I ' ' * r ' ' ' ` ' . . .
I . F011. aftually diseased. - d'self-providing. It c6nWi3s. work� ' I .. . . . .1 F6 . .
.,_ � It fis 2, he is the author 61 the ulan _.. � . " __" 11- _C . . . I r . '
from. . 8'. r, . . I I . `�, :. . .n n .. I .�... . �. . � . r ------ - ---
1 - � An Eternal -bind. - � .� - niuskrat satisfaction tbai Is I . I I., I . � _.. , , .� I ...
". - r r. . I . . � . . . . .
. . . . I . � .
I I 11is obscqire nerve lnodeL:dalry. to a 13, 6, brigade. :. . . . gro,w� who a R _'CA -8- ��-_ � -7- -10b� , oi!
�, " :.�, Nilden tiny littler nerve tliat rvai "I'll which r I y noves shops. of e kry ' d6scription, a d d in the well soived � ' -
1Y i;11111"In
" -tbe (Urdine. ., 11'.it- Xjkurs',,ta. . liw�e been published under th6 .
` �1� ,
, —1P1V needs. and must baye. wort. Polre�, more ] cc Gerard',"..' . .equal to . .1 . . , � .. .
.�`_- pseudonym of ."Alori . . . . � 64.Mi . .
.1 I * � . . T . r the . W r - ' ' I . .... . r . . � . �
�:: r more governing � e . . ...-. I.... . r 1. . 1. . I I I . . " _ . . I
gtrength. Il'ithout that the Heart must contin . One of his' stories, ontitl6d. �qhe ' - . - I , ,, , r . _ I .
, stability, more contromi1g, . ough Looking Customerm7-Ifiri dred diamondb4ck. . Only the Ignorant e have got through taking stock, � : .
', 119 1. M 411, , I I of-thig b amed *town,. 'and I'm -going to. arid the preJudiedd think diff gain - We- Th . with you . . .*. _. %,
W fal), and the storaftc-h and kichieys also be, Unspoken Word,�' is now appearing . %a of 8, Man -Hater, . r . . I r erently, -and now havelt, in order a '. ere may be',nothing!wrong I .
I . I I
I L I these same controllin I ir nery.e. . ve per, and. Mt. Teague, r . leave M I Want the'longest journey 1, *arid they m4y"be *edu&ij . .. , . r . are Ag&Ln.rready to SUpply the' publie but'.4; "run do,Wu'l constittitIdn, IT . . . .
*1� -� I This clear) -y exl)iaiins 11-11 5. I in an English pa � Miss Harriet Evans, an,. ,elderly . . � . . . � a . let, - I OIJAHS THAT, or an' 4hhoyibg littl
,r", " r Fhoopzs Restorative Nis ill t Y, as a medicine, Dr. while admitting' the authorship, de- -spinster on whom an inquest :was - can get for 45 cents. � . . I . I L . . . I . With All kinds of first-class Grocer . a - .
1. � Z_. -B.elbw are some.of.our prices:- . .. , cough, IT OURRS THAT6 or improv- - . .
' he Past done so much clared that he had nothftig,6' do with ' Ticket Seller-Qo ..for . . Ripening Bananas. .- . . : erished - condition of th'e blood If- ' .
, r I for weak and affing Henris. Dr. Sboop first soug] held' at Hackney, Enkland,L rcn andL SDend'lt . ,
, I I Mating, suffoeat� � 0 f 'in . 11 .� :r � . - 20 lbs, Redpath's . extra-granulatel , CURES THAT- br'loss of apiie ' ' ' ..
,� Lbe muse c, all thisminful, psi - 'i' the local publical-ibn of the story.. ' was -said. to have been a confirmed: cbl rO Or --Chicago TrIbune. . It Is 'a familiar -fact that -bannuas . - -
�,� . I , fing ht�.art (listre.,��. I)r. sig)P's Pesto .
. I lvopoiar Ples(,riptIcal � rative-this That, bad been arranged by -an agency I . . . . . � . I . . . . Sugair ....................... $ 140 ' ' tite; IT
. I
�, . -18 a Ono, d1rk,ted to tbese irtan-hathr. - .. .. I . �. ! I ... . . . . I . 1. � aieAmported greeft, but it .came as a 10.4bs, Redpath's extra -granulated 0 URES THAT, -or you, may be rio :far � �
. ,weak anti' Nva-Urig nerve ceimrs. which had putchased the story. . "She was. so much against- 'men � .. , , . advAnced th * , *
,- It builds; - . od -breeding is -a. visitor to.the'banana sukat ....... �....... S..'. O......
� i . 'L`18ftrL3P,,9,th(-11S; it O&I's roal genuine hea rt helli. "Writing has been my. hobby sin go a new thing to 500 at you're jn_danger of pul- �
l ". 11 eo that she would not have a coin with pedant, the Philosopher a cynic, the, 'district In Colombia to flud that ba bs. Redpath's ,extra' :monary trouble, bron6bitls, consump. - ` ,,
, would have, str0iii i1varts. strong di. I war, a boy," li�e said, And im-my . � - 51 ' granulated'
, . vc.stion, strengilien thvse�nerves-rc.establlsb - . I I in s ea on*it,"herlan dy --soldler'a brute and every man dis," 1111111IS'llre not permitted 'to ripen on. . Sukar ......... &e ............ 250 on. e . matter to -day. - Buy . I
I - I I � thein as iieec;ed, witt, . opinion. there is nothing- incongruous' � As . given her,. a 0 .. � . BRIC 'S -T'
I in . said' "If onb w ph agroeable.-::70hesterficid, * ; ' ' . ': the P)ant do They are 22 lbs. Gianiulated Sugar ........... 1.09 , LESS, And take It; ,
I a pioacher . following it literary, ; wou ia -th � She . I . ..... .. I . -. I - . even wu there. . I ill fix , � . I
,: . row it i I I . . � .. - - � -500 regularly. ,YOU tip. - .. , -�
I calling, Not only that, but my work. nto the fire. f � cut and set to bang somewhere until Illbs Granulatedffitgar_;..... . " , . ,
� I . . . . , . . 5� lbs; Granulated I Sugi '
I. . .
I , Dr. Shoopqs as a novelist has -undoubtedly impro-t�- would o I deal in money bearing I � � . I . .1 . � ir ........ _ *Zc J. 0 oveyl- Clint6n., - ' . � , .�
-1 I . Q . y I . . .. - I they wither rive, as the' phrase is- " 22 tbs. CbVeo Sugap ........ -... , - 1.00 . . .
� , � . ed the literary quality of iny extem- ueen iotoria's ea .1� ' . I Measure Yr4ps. . Rananas #o.not have to -be yellow I to . Acadia go6d coo . I . . . . ,. . . . . . I
� I Av:%s 'Miss B vans went to the offide of a "(;OIng:tq the north pole is no plea* I � . 22 Ilip king su`g'&* r* 1.49 . . — .
�11 Nk;;T r pore preaching, and ulay-form. a vala- � be'ripe, 'That is only the color of the . 1 cane Tonlat;eff �. *.;.. _... ... 25c . .. .. � 1� .. . ...
: '. R t(3-rative able adjunct* to my sei�nons.,� - ` local newspaper some timo, ago, but are tr1p;11 said the'sYMPathetic :friend. skin When It has dried Up.. - To tb , , I . 0 .
, "'._ � �. I .. ' I �
y � I I ngs .1 have on- U r. .e ..: ....... � .........
" sent, -to trang.hot business . .. . ;person who -As' accustonfed to eating I O.Ibs. Rice .... . .. �.,. � . , t . ri .. -.1 I
11 Throughout my writi refti8edto enter Wuntil a woman was . '�We ,11 angwered: the arctic explorer 3 cans Corn
Sold by "ALL* DRUGGISTS" e . me Swell Tailo
, '' I 'eavored 6 suggest'the highest ideals - with her. - "it, reminds we sbuiewhat of : ": 250 - ' ng , , I
. . I I . .
— " - — the 4vet"! bananas only-wben they are yellow it* 10 lbs. 9psom Salts ::.',:�':: * * * 6 ". 24c is usuav thought to cost a. Swell I
. . .
�, � � - and to give.a good moral tone: to Tnv ,An advertisoinent � for apartments age pleasure trip, gverybody is so a= " * * , . I . I I
� I The historical .. roman _p,l,. I which sho published stipulated that, IOUs to 'start aud * 1 . � 10 lbs. 'Su hur ....... 4... ..... '. 25c price. . . .
�'� work. r . . 1 rseems odd to'peel them when, they are - I " 8 Provo :the falsity. of' that . .1
. .. I
, I- . hope, have, not- been wathout' their ,there'should be -no man in the house. I 90 glad to-got,h . ome.11 25 lb. paill9tock Food .......... 1,00 Wei, by our moderate prices. . � .. , .. - . � I . L
� I SVOOPsis of Canadian . green and find that .they are- perfectly � I Sib. Package Stock P o.od ........ *� - . .
i� . . . . . .
,� ii education,- 4 ven. declined - . . * .
value from a a 1. tl .point o,f 9hei � e -to - receive lettera . . . I. .. I ripe within: and. fit to eati. - . 4'e
;i'l p North-West - view." . . I I .1 .; .I.. bem,�e. the stamps' bore :the Xin . ... � — . i I . . . 11 . . . I � I . Fresh Dates and Prunes.: Dried , OVIt 9PRIN0 STYLES .. I .. .1 I
. ,
I I ' d � � . .. � g'o - Thor never taste,�who always drInk �, Peachei and- Apricots, L or'Figsaud .. . AN0.F)kBAJVS. , . ,
� , One of Arr. Teague�g early imacesses. hea . I . . I I .. . 1 . . .. . . &Y � .. . I
. . . . . . . I I
I �
� �, , . HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. was the:'Winning ol'a. $500 Prtze offer- . A '.verdict, .of "natural � death"' was They always talk.who never th1nM:,,_ � -eho'Priioner's Retort. I Cooklu . I . are ready for ihq�he6tlon. Yoli .0 - , �
I Any evon numbered seotion of Domini r, . I. . . . R 1111ge. - " . . . I
� � I 01% ed by the Newcastle - Weeldy'Chr I -- . � ,r ]Jigh"t P . _,nnot, � .
111. I I ands'in Manitoba, Saskatoliewan and At- � 6n- �returned. . . . . . I �Lrlii. I . . I. - - - - . fal . I . toad ird F�ia,t�he-flmtglanck . I
, ,:� .�. L icle for the best 9'iDrial story with "The . .. - , — .1 r ___ .. . ItAsla prison dbaiilaln�s dut i y to ev. rices Pi4d f6r Produee, . in ... .
� , berte,weepting & and 26, . ! . __ � , ., , . Z__ -a depard I . . - . I Ir . .-TA LO TOU. I I
�. � . not reserved,may Crownin 161 Esther." Ife hiis - also - * " The "Catr Houses . . 1. d Ing prsouer g9od advice 'and . WIG W116L . 1 � .0 ,_
. . I
,,, I . r.
r I .
. . . 1. . I �
. �
. ' � .
I � : behomestead6d bX any person who is the 'written 9 � ;I The Rose of -Bleulleirn," . ' ' ' . to exhort,him to be a dece . nt and . bon- � Tyfidall & Ca rr� . , . ,� 4-: STIT . . . �
hy, or a A ' , or . . . I .
� ,� . cola fiend of a fami ny male over IF "The Red Seal" and "A Gentleman. curious little building sU QrAbl Julinr in t1jo 'fliture. . in tbb ' . . . I 1i any style And cloth yoit select at -a' . .
� years of age, to the extent of one L quarter the end of a 'private walk o - t - 'BRONCHITIS (Successors to T. Beacom.) 1
. ads at . ,- Price that cornpetes 04sely with fAc- . * . ' ''
, motion of 160 sares, more or less of London," - He its .bringing out two n be . . course Of 'Ono Of thes6 Interviews a ..
�i new -books. One is -finished, but the. shords of the river Orwell in'Suffolk, - . � . . - . .. . .. .� chaplain said, "Now, ' - I 1, : � �. 1. � toty-madeclothing., Thatasuifma;de . I .. .
- . I . . . .
Application for eatrY must be made in It, ngland. 'It ig knowa as the "oat . . :� � my fri d, I hope —
. title la�not yet scfected . . . I . .en . . . . I . . 'by, us is swell Ili every detail, needs ne . 4
: - Earaon by the applicant, - at a Dorninion . . ,%,, � you'll neier have to come bacl� to a , . I
- -. - . 'The clothes speak 'for
I . I . house,"' for11he.remon. that. in tile . 13rprichitisim-genorillytl'O,Teaultofa�614 place nice this.,, , ". Healy, 1A.P., does mote Argum
-aganoyfor the dis. - I . 1, .. . -W. �,, 50 I :-:, , .. � � ent,
, Lauds Agency or Sub i I . . Mr. Tim I
I , od old times"'a white eat used tr . traveling in ihe�c urse ,of 'a session'. them I. . , .
, ; caused � by wfoaura to Wet and inclement 0 solves, . ,. �
� - Ift'' ed at him thought- . . I . . � e
. ;
" . ' — be,'exhibited ,a, a wind "Isiible fro d 14 �very.dmngerous itilaw-, , fully arid -then askod,-'11 say,'chaplaln, of -Cornulbns. He not infrequently ar- 0, W.- BARGE I.. ..
trict in which the land ja situate. Entry , I .. " . o. . weather, an The prisoner rook- than ahy, other intinb6r of the House.
by proxv may, however, be made at all � 'M ' the river as a sioal to smugglers, . �
, � genoy on cortain, conditions by the I _ 1n&t6ry` 46ttiou of tho'bronebial tubes G E
�l . I Who flourished in the locality;. .When you draw it salary here, don't.yov?, I in i . - _. .9
father, moth6, son, daughter. brother or �� the animal Was* shown the "free trad- ,, ,idios, When tbs chaPlalil replied ,rives in 'London frorri D'nbl at six I * I . .
� . , � � , The Simptoms are jightfie � . to the a.r. in the' morning andrleaves iigain. for - tine '111eirchant Tail6ring. .
, iiaterof an intending homesteader. SOLUTE as tile eqntrabandists w firmadve tbo*prinoner remarked, 11 Well, -the land of'his birth the game even- . .
The homesteader iu required to perform . ors." -ca eve. ell' the chest, silarP pitins 'and a diffietilty in ' . Pked lacksOn's Old Stand.. ' . I .
�;� ; I 'be homestead dzkties'under o no of ;pe fol. � ads , . phemistleally lied, knew that the b I ro&thing, and a socretion-of thick phleginj say, If we and, the other fellows didn't 1119, while on numerous occasions, af- ,Agent for'beitisb-American Cleaning . I .
I 9% coast was clear afid PrIbruptly- sailed . ter spending the night journ .
I .owing plans , M keep'coming back you'd be Out of a ,eying . to - , . 1'. I
up and landed theft cargo, �seebre fr9m at fik�t *liltG, but lator of a 'gr6enlsh .or I I I - Dublin, he has opened a ea & Dying CO., Montrea .
tha attention of .$$ I ' � . . � . I e in the . . - . .
$be cultivation of the land in ea0h year for the "preventives �0110W'8110010r- NeglentedDronellitisia Ono : _-.6--�_ . I " - I aw eourts without getting a wink of ' ' _. I . . I
I , . , (1) At least six months' residence upon , . . - I 1) I " Near the eat bouse" 'is Downham. of tile rAost ' Job Os L I .. . . . I I . . I � -1 . �
three yeare, Q L06MURITYS � .. Oeep. Few people on this side of the � . '1� .
� � . . . nsumption.. . .. � Didn't N . . .
I . I . COO a Doctor, U.
� (2) A homesteader may, if he soldegires . wmrnbk_*� 1 I reach, which. wag the scene of -some * - t . " I Us$ . . Water are - aware that Mr. I I .
- -
I MOM Me required residence duties b� I of Margaret Catchpole's m6st eXcit- Cure It at once I . ,11-�- 180 of I .11r,ot We k -those - tears 11%VAY!". he one,of Iroland's' leading bak4aters. . _,� .
I I . fivingob farming land owned golely by .. . Cenulne . . Ing adventur6s. - I . .� . . � . . � . .%% � I � begged tenderly, 86# fell In 1,05 ar.ms, — I � I . . tdo" 19� .
bim, notiess than 80 sarea in extent, in . ,� I . — , ". . and he was. busy for the next tow thin. I I . . � � i - �
. , . . . . ��
. "' r I . . � - � .
. 1 12,000 Candle-Powee Lamp. - . , %. �. , , lorway utes. . And 'yet the tears flowod on. I 11 - � I I ; . "I I
. Ahe Vicinity of his hoineatead. joint own. I . , , I I � . , . Dr. I . ...'. . .. . . . . L � . I .
. ., A0. %, , 0 Cali' nothing stop . . .. I
'. " _ 6"&ip in laud Will no& ine" this require' ,xperiments have been* made at " .. � . . 11 "Are you suffo .
.1 r4 . t . I ....,;,. , I � � rifi?, . .1 " I I � -
. I .. . . A - I -ad. � . I . . I
I . (8) If the father (or mother, It the fatli . .. Ivie lamp, Whose light is guar � � .,.� 'A,!,, � �
�, , -_ want. C-Arte'r s llftciunBlow, ringland, with thd Sylver- 08 I . . I ' thom?, he asked, br�athleisly i3 11 rMl I
- or . . � A . " I I I
I -
, 1 anteed � Wood, % . , , Me, ."No,",she. murmured. "It's only- n � . .
W de6ffised)-of the home 11� I 1LI..." !"", .
I . . I �
''. meader has pdr. * 0 , t'- penetrate the murkiest "pea-w"Up", . _�4.4-4 .. . . cOld, you know. Aut go -on -with the I - -
.... I.. - . taknent r6aidence on farming land owned � F "- 16 P*ft fog. An electric -bulb fits into the ....40.0 , I " > � . . froatmout.1f . . . � I . I ___ —
, I
� 'I I �_ ,
, I I .1,
, I I
I 11 � 'I
1`11 I
, I
I �
I , I I
I" .1, I . ,. . I ,
I' - I
I -
i I
-i '1�' I
. I I ,_� -
- 2�
I - L
6 wil-_�1--__ 51- _'mr-
I � aottlybyhimi not team than eighty (80 UttletiN J polvoirful ltrig of' the lamp, which —S YR U P__"_`1_ . 11 I I
:, der" in extent. in the vioinhy of tbs .1 magnifies its twelve eandle-po".r light I — . . . . - �. �
I . ' homd06 -an is hotheatead tntdro , Cheering Her, - , . . I
, I
1 41. lid. or up - � a %Us* 86air Stgnaturep ot ' to 12,000 oandlo-power, . Mrs, 'D. D. M1166, Allandale, ont" � � maedOugal (to his new f(-�rth volfe� - � - I
. 11 for by him in the vidixitY, gUab homestead- '. . . .. . I . I I . I I
6rmt p0tibrWhisown reliddpoe.,dtiflea . ,11111111 .. �. ., . writes - " UY hulsb(uld got a bottle of Dp� . The ffl6enlster does-fla approve o' my . - - - 1 60100 -pre, . I � I I . .
, V? . gr �"- bentlstry� Extraord' WOOd's XOINMY Plive Syrup $or my littlii wtsvi is th� time to haie yo , ,
I I I 0*__ lfta)�Y- I �
� - v ng With the father ot nibibet.l IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, o - I
. � .I- 4) The. taring ,,Vicinity,, in the two pro. . I P!!� ' - Dhring the past year the dental irl wild had Bronchitis, Silo w) . marrYlil' again, (to' sac young it wife . I Bleyicle oleaned up, And put :"e . I .
�, 10i fog p6tagraphe it dallned As thamin . . " `� ' adly you could hear hot from on 11,11110 , tool nut, lift I tell't him, I canda be i fil .
. . . ; ,0 0 �����, staff of the Great Wbateru Railway 9 o room to shape for'Spring. 13ting iu in I I 10 0- i10 06 1. .
, iiok ni6ft than nine billed In a dir, !!�,,ot . . I
�� Medical Fund Society, Swind .1 Ave buty!n', buryin'. . I
. dot 11418� " Va"fia Wratipor Iwow. , on, Eng- ,i!r, but it Was not Joiq until we
-4 ) 41 � tv- & � , now and 1, cAn have It t6adv v* 1whrr-r.ri uAigim' ' .
061 oz lab *1dth of ralka Allowgindou �
I OONOW 4112 the m641riteb3am.
I (6) A Ifornestemilet intending to pbrtorm
� his todtlOrk0e alldell in hodord6doo wilb, the
� abfts While living *Ith parogto 6� on
, � Utifighg land ftutd by himself, musi ji0j.
. , 9' 06 Agent for tho diestlot -of andh intau.
Midi ,
131% motilhal tailed id wthing must be
. .
glveU to tho. 60M.Mialdiier of Dbuilblon
11� IA449 Af OttaW6, 6f 1dtehtio* 'AVVIY for
. pAtbut, .
. I . W, wo oftrrl
lid Ai.*,6fiboul,nihs6i,(If,thbiowti, 011i
01 , VVINstithoffsodgabWAtIo4of t it
L #A abi Rt 40i phia f6t, ,
MAU, W12140 has a membership of I U U 'Your Mouidine'nad on ; for 3,00, without delay. I I .. . I
about 16,0 W44 last winter,when we lived J'A la.th& world it is not '' . .
651 tteetb� exitailted it total of 15.. Toronto, I I . Whitt Wt"tit.ke � ' You otw4g,r . "
addition 100 teeth were up, but what ,w6 give lip, that m4kog " LAWN' MOWERS to seo our fine assortmeot of Cakes ado .. �A
. treated, and 591 stoppod, . . 11 She hall it bad 001(l this *intor, but in. uq�tloh.:--Uowhok � � - , I . ways on. hand. Why. bake at howo I
. Aoad of getting another bottle of Dr. . SRA when you, have such an astottm, �
Ww"w", I m., I 0 1 , , i " I ,,, . .1 Wood's 96rway2ino Syrup, I tried a houlo -___! . RPENEOI out to
� _*___-1 !;i�� 6hooge from, gIV6 us �& trial and the �
ynada rowipt whic got front 0. tidighbot . -1 I . __ . if y0a wish to have your Inower will talk for thomselve , 13a6re a I
ows �100t * ,Do,- nd tll&t her col lilatea about tvvioa 1&,L�.*&_��`( I .
com ft but fon I , Vodlo sharpsued Ana r6paired, - dro homemade bread, -the bei't to be W.
CW00 . -- _____, &
I � � The b V to - I as long. husband highly I aims 4 Dr. * I X . I 'no 4 Postal card leave worg 'WhI16 tip town come inand tr r out
- . h) 9M tMao pnf% ftd W00418 I arlXa&3 . K 11 at the shop And XOT6111 eall foi.
'I Ito W111,866 t at, a bottle Md
J r, too Oream and sodA.1b will refreg )�od -
- 1-0-awr of it to kways k pt In tho house.,, I and deliver it, 'K
1-0-t6w,unwraca ft" . 0 (t at am . � while doing your L,4h P'"go
d4nond. Nid in t I This ice of Dr. Wood's Xorway Pine No A NOV,% the time :to )Iave these We keep a line of 1) at class eoofto.
Ot'strblifth.-N& 11V'_ I . 1000 V. a 4 mw,m ZZ f ?v
pyrup, a obnTA per bottle. Tt U put up
in a yellow writplivo thm pift ttqkw tbs
t a Mar , , be Aare and 004alA fift* of
6 , Itub" 41 A# or%uw 04xob�
- , � .... y , 4 1, - _ , jl_ � 1.
thI1196 Attended to am I bliall bo
busy later on. I �,
A, TUANK Onto%
tiorlary, And fruits Ill seatou.
O&A or trado tot Butterland Uggs.
fi&]&_,� —