Clinton New Era, 1909-03-11, Page 5. C
Nor. 11th, 1009 THU OU'RTON NRW UXA
M"M 1141TI"" 9"we Nalmat roqipm
eM1wB1vl, �ou Xa,.-ob I wl 45 to 0
A 'W Mr Oyer, form- .......
.Watch 'Is ... $..I ... A ...
Orly of Clinton, 4 $Cla. 1 00,22 ,
I *-, '0 1,18 op, 0 20,
I'M "am formerly ......... 0 75 to Qr *7,5
HBLY"" ;
to Mr UACI i R K WeIVYSr
of 01inton, s6 son -vil"leg, Matialps., N. drg V1004. lb G 12 0 0 1:5 SPECIALS
rc;rfieg;� Man., Mwh7. DaakiI, T I
y 10yon, a girl Glaose 0 1& 00 15
aht LTONA I I "o I I
to Ur and M 7ohil 0 18 to 0 20
is a matter do$ervin 10 acderich, Fell A to Mr Fotptetvnezba� ...... 0 00 to 000
11114 X if
ant, Mrs karlrlly Black, A, son.
4p ..... poaqlo 0 4J to 0 0
much. 'thought from �eb,%S�Mr.
au TORONTO MRRKUTS If -411 a6ild Mrs 149bIplT80'10u'ff a. 'Feb 27, This weeklIve bogs are
itlits W
ere Consider, to Mr &U4 Mrp WLoole
Y MeMillAup a Gunus,Llmited,at $0,75 Lo.b..,*7'per
11;y Walk furollurc Store
ed-, the, choice Would I daughter, cwt. fed and watert d at Toronto. and
D PJA I 1ING, In Stephen, Feb A, to 07-25, off cars at Toronto,
rest in a Mr and Mrs Jas Dearing, A daughter. The Harris Abattoir Co., quote for I
-At Aubu Q Tearlin o Ift po! lb., old We have decided to 'reduce
rn, Feb 28, t ow, 20 chickens 14a t
111 ELLYAR MM2712NO Joseph Wilson, a son. a to 14% dueks 00 to 11L, geese
120 t 14Q, turkeys 201c to W our stock of P�rlor Suites, or
B11ACK liBIVtb,L?eb2%toM�and to
Mrs Chas jill X of 6dderiob, a Son. clear out every, one. now 14i stock
ae For new ld eggs Dawson and Co.
quote 27n to 28c, Ounns, ioluilted,quote at special prices, We want to
WATCHO MARRIED 25c to 28o, and Vance. and Co.. quote make room for the new Spring
04LARK.. TABB--- In Goderich. Feb 27c. MarshhIl and Co., quote for new -
24, by Itev, ILW MijIvard, Win Clark, laid 2ft per dozen. gtock, to arrive about March '20,
.We will not, sell one of D 'a ch,tQM19PAlJz4bethTabb,of.. At the U. nion StockyardsatWast To -
them -that '.'we God Tp. ronto, the receipts of cattle were 710 and until that date, we' will not
PARKE-JOHNSTON-At Heneall, head and 12 yeal calves. Of this total, reft3se a reasonable offero The
cannot positively gua.ran. ke, to miss ]Mlizx- about 15 loads bf w;porters, the prides
John H Parke of Bh stock is right up -to Aitte,, and
tee. Call and make your both Johnston of Heusall. won were very mugu the same as,- last I ,
week, choicist aniiiials being $5 26 to prices quoted below are surc lo
,selection. DIED $5.50 the demand, being film, and trade
HQUOUTON-In Winghiim, March good. Medium exporters were quoted make some gaps on our floor anA
",eadquarters f6r ist, Agnes Patterson, ielict of the late at$4.50. to $4.85, export cows at 84 to decorate your parlors at. very
Liao Houghton, Aged 82 Years- $4.50 And bulla- at $4 to $4.40 par cwt, little' cost.jYQur dollars wifi
Eviagement and �IX$ON-Iu Torouto,on March There. has been o all t increase
Wedding Rings. kinson, in bli - 43rd year,. in the quantity of spring 91164 arriv. stretch like 61as.tic here, on Parl6r Suites.' Positively nOL Such
5. jam
,u.,..%s Dl%adie Dickinson. late - of 'Ingl SndL these are taken at prices 40, DrIces will return to you for a day
Hotel Savoy, Niagara Falls, Ont., and good as when first offered. L For the L many p Grasp the opportun
Son itv. Every suit marked hi big, la fi oat
of D Dickinson, Clinton. carcass, 88 to $10 is quoted, hile for gures that alm
it of good kind, and speak to -you
I t V I L) MBLACK11ORj5 -Ili 4§oderich, Fab28 yiarling lamb*
errot" Cooper, wife of Wni Blackford grain fed, as high as $7 per owt, is of,
A M" -;Ark4 I . I ered. Ordinary yearlings are quoted at
C -=u p.
willwitnesstbe kmatest SLAUG14TER SALE
OF BOOTS AND SHOES ei�er put before the
'People of Clinton and surroun&t country, In'
going over ou . r stock, we find that we have to
s ffice a number ot lines, ii order to make room
for our great stock of Spring goods This -sale
only last$ 3o days. . Come and buy early, before
the lines ke'i
40 A"to Men's Gaitpre (all sizes) Reg $1.50 to sq.00, to 9
Pciear at .......... Me
pairs Men's Dongola Oxfords, regular $1.50 to $2 60
............... 4., 790L,
1-0 pairs Mori'p Patent Oxfords, up-to-date in stvle and to) 90
quality. reg. $1 to $4 50, to g,. at. 4 ........ W&B
ata I raMen's Tan Boots,� reg. $2.75 to $4.00, to. go 5
. ............. ........................ e'.! ... ... $1.7
pairs Bby's Laced Boots, reg. $1,56 to $1.75, to clear.
-LIIN I ViN reg.-Irkl. 15 tolplouito clear at .......
thisfigure. Themarket'is fairly strong, S
'Lot 6
F -A -1-11a T E i Nover Sinbe 1808, when j oe Leiter tried psti rs, Womens Dongola, 0
ax� xfords reg.,$1.59 to,$2.50 4!1
bliAlied and to- corner the market* were thin This is our big. beauty;10 -sea. It ........................... ...... 1,91800
'"Begins.on Sept. let. Ourold-ests. go IJO Lot 2 35 to clear at ........
Weyes Tested Free 140, -reliable s(�hooj offers too bash ia claties. for.' interest! in the wheat market as re-. Oils. only three-piece Suite, polish. means a deal at the big v reduction.
IrIng, a sound bus and f contly., ad frame, upholstered in best qual. Remember we will not d
sequ 9
1" training.. Write for catalogue. 10 pays to is credited to the tendency to shortage uplicate 'fit ................... .......................
I Investigate. ineag and !!horth ?he, cause: for the rise in price ity Bilk; reg, price $80.00, the offer'. Regi pricil 261, and the' pairs Misses. St 07P S Ippers, r SIX to cle ir' '65c
in the World% supply,ind ih
opergistent ................. ..
pairs Women's Buttoned Shoesi reg. $2. tb $3,. to
County. Don't wait The
25 ......................... ............. $1150
big' 8
specIal-priceis-....,$4 #P6.
pairs Women's and Girls' Laced and B#toned
-6 only tbreviece suite, a S . 11 11
On our Lot,7 -50 , 11,6es, reg. $150 to $�, to clear at .................. 50C
leader, polished allogany fraines Here is a genuinehlahogany frame pairs Women's Prunella, Gaiter
guaranteed by, the maker, uphol- highly -polished, positively the' a reg., 75c, to' c.ear
stated in the best Velvet Ruiri,will 17- at... i .............. I ................................. . 3.5i
laqt & life -time; reg. pride- newest, on the, market, only a few
$44, Sale price ............. weeks,in stock. and owing to a Also redu6tions in Men's and. Ladies'. Patent
mistake by the maker, who put
the sofa In a different silk than the "teeliber `Sho6s.
citherpleces,'and is hardly notio
Lot 4
Able, but we. got certain C611ces-
sions on it, and we will g- ' 0%
a no -
Ono only five -piece all-over-uphol- I the'benefit of a great big r'. 11
Stated, a sbow�, Suite, now and upL Mon. The rel'ular price in any So Ili,
to-dite, regular price hn'd ity store won d. be.$50; Jas. Twitch ell
c we
good value at $40. for..., $2P �,gO will'olear it out At ..... $�O.
Dowt. miss condni. Look them overand see. what -4ve say is covrect.
o.0 4h
This school stands in the forefront, as
IsIvIt and beat practical training echo 01
I. eaternOntiLrio. Wghave three de.
rrtmentB, commercialt Short-haull,
Plegraphy. All departments are In
charge of experienced instructors and
the courses are thorough and practical.
Our graduates secure good Positiol3a.
Write for free catalogue at once:
Elliott & McLachlin,
Tongo alid McGill Sts.., Toronto.
Girl uanted.
Wanted; at once, young girl to do general
housoWorkt, two in,jamily. ApPlY NEW'ERA....
To t�b6 t4dies
a derai %add is �prepared to d6 Shampoo -
no !
ealp massage. ete,, Fridays
Saturday. only MRS m a =2410TT
Violin, Inan0dons
Miss Irene L Jackson. iupll of Mr; Frank ig,
Blaohford1,Torontojsprepi1X totake 06 limit -
r of pupils for ,:,a,. tuition. Real-
d�.%NH'Zeh, St., Clinton.
The Store where you get tht most for yoiRr moneye
r S tDS vVe ar- now ready -to. sup�ly -early
buyers With Red and 4�lsike CloVerr
and Tim"othy Seed.- . Also other fiell and: garden, seddso
of all kinds, and in any qu.W�!70
SVPPLIES -We supply Flour. Shorti . 5 . -'B)%n', Veedit, Lake, -
of -the -Woods' Breakfast Food, 06rn, Meal. Rolled,Oats. �bulk or pkg,
cream of " beat, Orantr Meat, Shredded Wheat, Force, . Grilipa Nuts,
Tapioca, Japan and B. ice . All of No. i WIRlity. Sugars have ad -s'
vanced 10c per cwt., So our pricer,now is $4.. 0*
iffighest prices paid for - Prodnee.
R., Adam�9
. . .......
Finding it was goingto be impossible to leave Clinton be
spring trade would be well advoriced, we. have decided to remain
here for the greater part of tbo.spring.. business. - having
cleared out the greater vart of the stock *6 had, enables us to . buy
nearly a complete now stock, which we will. contivue'.6elling av
prices that are sure to bring us the business. for the balkniDds df our
time here,
We have a complete new range of the very newest Men's.and
Boy's Ready-to-wear Clothing, consisting of Men's Ouits, singleand
double-breasted Youtbs'Suits. Weave giving particular attention
to this line. There la,the growing youth from 16 to 18 years, who
does not really feel like payine the price for & tailor-made Suit, yet
wants something better than the ordinary reAdyAo-Wea.0 To West
this requirement, we have selected sutdngileng�hll�, patterns , of the
new Ordered Suitings, and are having t am inade. -up gimilar I to
ordered suits, in every detail. Theta suits will aooeal to boya who
want to be in the style. Never before have we had tbo range. of
Boys' Two-piece Suits we are showing 1"'�. I The Bloomer
Knicker is a new feature in Bo�W welii-th*esgavO them with the
suits or in odd knickers.
Durability.- Price and Style are the three poilits. we are
going to get the Boys' Suit trade on ihis spring*
oar tailoring stock is entirely nevr� and being my. own cutter,
and not having a cutter's salary to pay, cnalliles*. os to give you an
ordered suit at 9, rifgb�t price.
IF 7.
E. Wo JA
0 L-1 N'TTO N
..I' .f '. : Furni
Tatlorift Clothing.'. shingst
R. Roovere vdision. Ball.,
' W "'re, Avi6g, shou d prove mighty,
a A' h
T ot
intere Ing to you. It Includes just, the
futbiture you need at less than the
d be willing to PaY6
L 0.. price yon'
'a !isn't anoffeving of trashy -tur-
biture made to sell at obeap pricep.
We do not handle f hat stuff &t All. It
furb""a tb`�Itl you U III be
have In po iomo'to-day,
proud to proudaltaryon have had
and just ng f it
.40 of WeAr out 0
ingfor a:corner, His holdings at pre.
Iiapt are estimated froni.45 to 40 will.
io s of bushels.. In 196S."during the
iter boom, wheat touched $1.75 a;
bushel. Wheat is nowIS eta. a bushel
higher than it was only. three montbe
�.ago. jhip. local sup naturally
-thoug-V -ie farmers,
growing short, , Son
who di n't.nedd the money �before,.
could afford, to wait for a raise. They
are no beginning to -unload.
Three., hundred and . eighty-four
a are on trial at Moscoe accused
person pi
of cons ring to 16ot Russian railroads
New UvevisOlpents.
r 0 'ale
r'� IS or Brut.
House and lot for oaleftronj- Applyto
W. TOWNSEND, 105Egerboo St... London.
Wanted' at: Once
A young girl to do light housework. only, two
In family. Apply to
'Farm'.. to Rent
The Ostratn'tarm, Lot. 28�bbh Con. of Ooderldh
'TV., So acres Is offered to rent. Apply to . I I
Ounton. tf qoderielk;
House and, h. owt for',S.ale'L,
Thoundersighedo6ra ior oal� his property,
On Quadn St. oinsisting of good franab two-,
star, house with i ac ' re of land. Apply,tb
Marl9 13 PLUXUB R..Clinton;
House, for safe..
Two'story. ib ouse for a , oo all r.
hard and soft ahei. nace no ly n a
stable and Ar ing a , Sere, Ian a ri
fruit trees als a &I rult. to'
AlS IS E, ntaric,
A ve . r-3 k valuable little home being Part of Lot
43, 13 ' Con. Hulleht,-contain 13 arcs, or6
orlosd�ofie Ilefro ubu at, OYO is M
goo b ck house an the an, b a re axd
e,nd small frui,.Wou bee. a ir Ia art to
retire on or for a, dir ver It a on station.
It Is the cstAte of the latid Gabrlpl For
further particulars.
tf CUARLES qlRVIN.Nile. Executor.
I have pliened out - in connection
with my0rain 'Business a -full stock
of Timothy. and Clover seeds, corn
and chop feed','OfL all kind, at' the.
Please give me a
Anfill �W. G. Sutlxle
See.ley and West
.have just, t,dugkt a, machine for;
attaching.. Rubber Tires to bug-
gies.,and are pre Arad to do all
work of this kinx promptly and
at reasonable prices.
Also till kinds of lathe work*
grinding, and repairing.
We ha've.
them- at
all prices
and. good.
I RON. W. h'.
e ave ron Beds in, great variety ' and a big
stoc4 to cho from
Don't forget,we handle the best on' the,
market. '� Every. m6chin . e. guctranteed
for . te . n years. .. Rep'airs"iLnd - Needles for
A makes of -machines.- We'sell a'good
family. Machihei ri,draw6rs, drCP
head, fully. guaraoteed for ............ $1,.9.00
9. .Ug
In the Rug I)Opartment you mll..find �some great bar.'
gains.. We are making. ready for...our'Spring; st6ck toL - arri�e
hout March jOth ' 2Lr. ner cent, off-ativ Ruv now in stock
Ye from.
We have'. them. in all qualities and sites. Prices.
$440 UP tO $50,60. Come and look them over -.Only a
pleasure to'show you through our immense stock.'
P01111 11,11 an Ltf e
-I.t - M,
esranAtemptations. Recomobip.
Pianos A man's life is full'of cross
to this world without,his consent and goes otit against his will,
We. and the trip betWe6h the two is exceedingly rocky.
The, rule of contraries is one ot the important features of the
$25'.00 tKip.,
...Organs . . When be is, very little-th'a big dirls kiss him, and when be
g�ts big he kisses the little girls- and some 6f the big ones too.
REWA- f lie raises a laige family. he is endorsed by the premier,
but it be raises A, small check he is a thief.
hanille' the famous If he �Altves money he is 9, wisek, and If he spends it, he is a
spendtlitift, and -if be loans it he is a (odn-coMpits meh tus
JAW uil vers g ne, , w AAA 4U.. LIA ALL' %
k . If he doesn't give,to charity he is a Aingy cuss, if he does ibIti
griveto any person or per- ton,'by Clinton peopleo and for show I . if
if he'dies vollog, he had a gr
'eat future before him, and
sbn9whosuccessfully suc- guaranteed by. Chilton people, _vk killed In an losion be wissed hii-ealling. The road is vockay,
I exF]
ceedg in lliailing The for ten years, and sold on very but man does OVO to travel.
7N A fine Piano. will help to make a matils life more in batixI6
Hub Grocer " in � a box, easy terms. Come in and _%Iw with the good. the noble, and.the true, and will make the rnooungK
basket or Tea Cheat so talk It over.. 7W places Smooth. . 1 0 1 1
Boyinq the -tight kind of a Piano At the right kind of price,
securelY as to prevent from the tight kind of people, makes him lielther A, chump, a
thief, a bad manager, nor a tipendthrift, but all who come into
him from buy'ingr,and sell- All Work -neatly and �iomptlk. done, also his presenee will be made happier and brighter, And instead of
in Groceriesch e a p e r P`1'7�TUR-E all kinds of repairing and uphols'tering'. being a Stingy ones, his neighboi a and Iouiltomers, willried'up and
call; him blessed.
n any other white man Dring along. yoUr repair work early, be- The right kin4 )f Piano to buyis. the New Seale Williamej
in the County 0"t Huron. MAMIN(l fore the Spring trade is on ug. wad the right person to buy It fr6m is Hugb Ross, Clinton, the
local agent.
Ift ri.4 top J11 111104 it any of our rtaders think that there 1; a better pilaq6 made
in Canada. lot them, prove it, and they oan gao' one thousand
U01411" lot their 104VOr Le U 4SPID1, 10 ntlL tAll, VU4
ER King pwArd VII site in bia beitutiful dtawing room if!
Windsor Castle and listens to sweet Strains of music frow a New
Scale Williams Piano. Royalty has the tleat and go wal you.,
A�s WALK We can all be kiiias in this re�41*at
I . ; U I I Vail at Angh Iloss', Clinton, Ont., and examine the nowo6t
W, T. O"NEILo"
creation iti plAno manufacturet Abd learh hoW easy it is to utly
Furniture , Dealer and Undertaker& Oner Oki tho 'easy-paym6lit, Plan.'
TfIF, HUB GROCUR. orkAft d+.%r0A ^4 Ali
vilu wejt 11. gut wl, CLY0 -1- -7 -
-01. J I
Goderich, March
MC&Voy, In 3
from $5.50 upward, export ewes are
4unted it $Ito $C50, and bucks at $3
Lot I
I . .
Lot 5
.. I ... I ... I
lZ At ....... 0 ......... T-0 ....... R.... IN,
Jeweler and OPticlan,
Elizabeth LRkili,wife of Owen McAvoy
to $$.so.
on y ve-piece
One , I ti Suite; OolisbOd
One only five -piece all-over liphol.
pairs'Wnman's Do - ngola -And Patent Strap Slippere,
14rog., 9.50
opposite the Market
trames, upholstered in a good
-ql)ality Ve
btered In Geneva Rug, guarantee d,
$125 to $1.75i to clear at,. ......
went, up to as high lis $1.07 duri6g the
last week, and is still being quoted at
our, re g. pride
f5A9 to clear at ........... 4, $190
has our best Seller, and
a beauty, reo. $50� for $42
Q Pairs W01116ID'S D021901A, And Patent.Strap Slippers, Cal 3r,
-LIIN I ViN reg.-Irkl. 15 tolplouito clear at .......
thisfigure. Themarket'is fairly strong, S
'Lot 6
F -A -1-11a T E i Nover Sinbe 1808, when j oe Leiter tried psti rs, Womens Dongola, 0
ax� xfords reg.,$1.59 to,$2.50 4!1
bliAlied and to- corner the market* were thin This is our big. beauty;10 -sea. It ........................... ...... 1,91800
'"Begins.on Sept. let. Ourold-ests. go IJO Lot 2 35 to clear at ........
Weyes Tested Free 140, -reliable s(�hooj offers too bash ia claties. for.' interest! in the wheat market as re-. Oils. only three-piece Suite, polish. means a deal at the big v reduction.
IrIng, a sound bus and f contly., ad frame, upholstered in best qual. Remember we will not d
sequ 9
1" training.. Write for catalogue. 10 pays to is credited to the tendency to shortage uplicate 'fit ................... .......................
I Investigate. ineag and !!horth ?he, cause: for the rise in price ity Bilk; reg, price $80.00, the offer'. Regi pricil 261, and the' pairs Misses. St 07P S Ippers, r SIX to cle ir' '65c
in the World% supply,ind ih
opergistent ................. ..
pairs Women's Buttoned Shoesi reg. $2. tb $3,. to
County. Don't wait The
25 ......................... ............. $1150
big' 8
specIal-priceis-....,$4 #P6.
pairs Women's and Girls' Laced and B#toned
-6 only tbreviece suite, a S . 11 11
On our Lot,7 -50 , 11,6es, reg. $150 to $�, to clear at .................. 50C
leader, polished allogany fraines Here is a genuinehlahogany frame pairs Women's Prunella, Gaiter
guaranteed by, the maker, uphol- highly -polished, positively the' a reg., 75c, to' c.ear
stated in the best Velvet Ruiri,will 17- at... i .............. I ................................. . 3.5i
laqt & life -time; reg. pride- newest, on the, market, only a few
$44, Sale price ............. weeks,in stock. and owing to a Also redu6tions in Men's and. Ladies'. Patent
mistake by the maker, who put
the sofa In a different silk than the "teeliber `Sho6s.
citherpleces,'and is hardly notio
Lot 4
Able, but we. got certain C611ces-
sions on it, and we will g- ' 0%
a no -
Ono only five -piece all-over-uphol- I the'benefit of a great big r'. 11
Stated, a sbow�, Suite, now and upL Mon. The rel'ular price in any So Ili,
to-dite, regular price hn'd ity store won d. be.$50; Jas. Twitch ell
c we
good value at $40. for..., $2P �,gO will'olear it out At ..... $�O.
Dowt. miss condni. Look them overand see. what -4ve say is covrect.
o.0 4h
This school stands in the forefront, as
IsIvIt and beat practical training echo 01
I. eaternOntiLrio. Wghave three de.
rrtmentB, commercialt Short-haull,
Plegraphy. All departments are In
charge of experienced instructors and
the courses are thorough and practical.
Our graduates secure good Positiol3a.
Write for free catalogue at once:
Elliott & McLachlin,
Tongo alid McGill Sts.., Toronto.
Girl uanted.
Wanted; at once, young girl to do general
housoWorkt, two in,jamily. ApPlY NEW'ERA....
To t�b6 t4dies
a derai %add is �prepared to d6 Shampoo -
no !
ealp massage. ete,, Fridays
Saturday. only MRS m a =2410TT
Violin, Inan0dons
Miss Irene L Jackson. iupll of Mr; Frank ig,
Blaohford1,Torontojsprepi1X totake 06 limit -
r of pupils for ,:,a,. tuition. Real-
d�.%NH'Zeh, St., Clinton.
The Store where you get tht most for yoiRr moneye
r S tDS vVe ar- now ready -to. sup�ly -early
buyers With Red and 4�lsike CloVerr
and Tim"othy Seed.- . Also other fiell and: garden, seddso
of all kinds, and in any qu.W�!70
SVPPLIES -We supply Flour. Shorti . 5 . -'B)%n', Veedit, Lake, -
of -the -Woods' Breakfast Food, 06rn, Meal. Rolled,Oats. �bulk or pkg,
cream of " beat, Orantr Meat, Shredded Wheat, Force, . Grilipa Nuts,
Tapioca, Japan and B. ice . All of No. i WIRlity. Sugars have ad -s'
vanced 10c per cwt., So our pricer,now is $4.. 0*
iffighest prices paid for - Prodnee.
R., Adam�9
. . .......
Finding it was goingto be impossible to leave Clinton be
spring trade would be well advoriced, we. have decided to remain
here for the greater part of tbo.spring.. business. - having
cleared out the greater vart of the stock *6 had, enables us to . buy
nearly a complete now stock, which we will. contivue'.6elling av
prices that are sure to bring us the business. for the balkniDds df our
time here,
We have a complete new range of the very newest Men's.and
Boy's Ready-to-wear Clothing, consisting of Men's Ouits, singleand
double-breasted Youtbs'Suits. Weave giving particular attention
to this line. There la,the growing youth from 16 to 18 years, who
does not really feel like payine the price for & tailor-made Suit, yet
wants something better than the ordinary reAdyAo-Wea.0 To West
this requirement, we have selected sutdngileng�hll�, patterns , of the
new Ordered Suitings, and are having t am inade. -up gimilar I to
ordered suits, in every detail. Theta suits will aooeal to boya who
want to be in the style. Never before have we had tbo range. of
Boys' Two-piece Suits we are showing 1"'�. I The Bloomer
Knicker is a new feature in Bo�W welii-th*esgavO them with the
suits or in odd knickers.
Durability.- Price and Style are the three poilits. we are
going to get the Boys' Suit trade on ihis spring*
oar tailoring stock is entirely nevr� and being my. own cutter,
and not having a cutter's salary to pay, cnalliles*. os to give you an
ordered suit at 9, rifgb�t price.
IF 7.
E. Wo JA
0 L-1 N'TTO N
..I' .f '. : Furni
Tatlorift Clothing.'. shingst
R. Roovere vdision. Ball.,
' W "'re, Avi6g, shou d prove mighty,
a A' h
T ot
intere Ing to you. It Includes just, the
futbiture you need at less than the
d be willing to PaY6
L 0.. price yon'
'a !isn't anoffeving of trashy -tur-
biture made to sell at obeap pricep.
We do not handle f hat stuff &t All. It
furb""a tb`�Itl you U III be
have In po iomo'to-day,
proud to proudaltaryon have had
and just ng f it
.40 of WeAr out 0
ingfor a:corner, His holdings at pre.
Iiapt are estimated froni.45 to 40 will.
io s of bushels.. In 196S."during the
iter boom, wheat touched $1.75 a;
bushel. Wheat is nowIS eta. a bushel
higher than it was only. three montbe
�.ago. jhip. local sup naturally
-thoug-V -ie farmers,
growing short, , Son
who di n't.nedd the money �before,.
could afford, to wait for a raise. They
are no beginning to -unload.
Three., hundred and . eighty-four
a are on trial at Moscoe accused
person pi
of cons ring to 16ot Russian railroads
New UvevisOlpents.
r 0 'ale
r'� IS or Brut.
House and lot for oaleftronj- Applyto
W. TOWNSEND, 105Egerboo St... London.
Wanted' at: Once
A young girl to do light housework. only, two
In family. Apply to
'Farm'.. to Rent
The Ostratn'tarm, Lot. 28�bbh Con. of Ooderldh
'TV., So acres Is offered to rent. Apply to . I I
Ounton. tf qoderielk;
House and, h. owt for',S.ale'L,
Thoundersighedo6ra ior oal� his property,
On Quadn St. oinsisting of good franab two-,
star, house with i ac ' re of land. Apply,tb
Marl9 13 PLUXUB R..Clinton;
House, for safe..
Two'story. ib ouse for a , oo all r.
hard and soft ahei. nace no ly n a
stable and Ar ing a , Sere, Ian a ri
fruit trees als a &I rult. to'
AlS IS E, ntaric,
A ve . r-3 k valuable little home being Part of Lot
43, 13 ' Con. Hulleht,-contain 13 arcs, or6
orlosd�ofie Ilefro ubu at, OYO is M
goo b ck house an the an, b a re axd
e,nd small frui,.Wou bee. a ir Ia art to
retire on or for a, dir ver It a on station.
It Is the cstAte of the latid Gabrlpl For
further particulars.
tf CUARLES qlRVIN.Nile. Executor.
I have pliened out - in connection
with my0rain 'Business a -full stock
of Timothy. and Clover seeds, corn
and chop feed','OfL all kind, at' the.
Please give me a
Anfill �W. G. Sutlxle
See.ley and West
.have just, t,dugkt a, machine for;
attaching.. Rubber Tires to bug-
gies.,and are pre Arad to do all
work of this kinx promptly and
at reasonable prices.
Also till kinds of lathe work*
grinding, and repairing.
We ha've.
them- at
all prices
and. good.
I RON. W. h'.
e ave ron Beds in, great variety ' and a big
stoc4 to cho from
Don't forget,we handle the best on' the,
market. '� Every. m6chin . e. guctranteed
for . te . n years. .. Rep'airs"iLnd - Needles for
A makes of -machines.- We'sell a'good
family. Machihei ri,draw6rs, drCP
head, fully. guaraoteed for ............ $1,.9.00
9. .Ug
In the Rug I)Opartment you mll..find �some great bar.'
gains.. We are making. ready for...our'Spring; st6ck toL - arri�e
hout March jOth ' 2Lr. ner cent, off-ativ Ruv now in stock
Ye from.
We have'. them. in all qualities and sites. Prices.
$440 UP tO $50,60. Come and look them over -.Only a
pleasure to'show you through our immense stock.'
P01111 11,11 an Ltf e
-I.t - M,
esranAtemptations. Recomobip.
Pianos A man's life is full'of cross
to this world without,his consent and goes otit against his will,
We. and the trip betWe6h the two is exceedingly rocky.
The, rule of contraries is one ot the important features of the
$25'.00 tKip.,
...Organs . . When be is, very little-th'a big dirls kiss him, and when be
g�ts big he kisses the little girls- and some 6f the big ones too.
REWA- f lie raises a laige family. he is endorsed by the premier,
but it be raises A, small check he is a thief.
hanille' the famous If he �Altves money he is 9, wisek, and If he spends it, he is a
spendtlitift, and -if be loans it he is a (odn-coMpits meh tus
JAW uil vers g ne, , w AAA 4U.. LIA ALL' %
k . If he doesn't give,to charity he is a Aingy cuss, if he does ibIti
griveto any person or per- ton,'by Clinton peopleo and for show I . if
if he'dies vollog, he had a gr
'eat future before him, and
sbn9whosuccessfully suc- guaranteed by. Chilton people, _vk killed In an losion be wissed hii-ealling. The road is vockay,
I exF]
ceedg in lliailing The for ten years, and sold on very but man does OVO to travel.
7N A fine Piano. will help to make a matils life more in batixI6
Hub Grocer " in � a box, easy terms. Come in and _%Iw with the good. the noble, and.the true, and will make the rnooungK
basket or Tea Cheat so talk It over.. 7W places Smooth. . 1 0 1 1
Boyinq the -tight kind of a Piano At the right kind of price,
securelY as to prevent from the tight kind of people, makes him lielther A, chump, a
thief, a bad manager, nor a tipendthrift, but all who come into
him from buy'ingr,and sell- All Work -neatly and �iomptlk. done, also his presenee will be made happier and brighter, And instead of
in Groceriesch e a p e r P`1'7�TUR-E all kinds of repairing and uphols'tering'. being a Stingy ones, his neighboi a and Iouiltomers, willried'up and
call; him blessed.
n any other white man Dring along. yoUr repair work early, be- The right kin4 )f Piano to buyis. the New Seale Williamej
in the County 0"t Huron. MAMIN(l fore the Spring trade is on ug. wad the right person to buy It fr6m is Hugb Ross, Clinton, the
local agent.
Ift ri.4 top J11 111104 it any of our rtaders think that there 1; a better pilaq6 made
in Canada. lot them, prove it, and they oan gao' one thousand
U01411" lot their 104VOr Le U 4SPID1, 10 ntlL tAll, VU4
ER King pwArd VII site in bia beitutiful dtawing room if!
Windsor Castle and listens to sweet Strains of music frow a New
Scale Williams Piano. Royalty has the tleat and go wal you.,
A�s WALK We can all be kiiias in this re�41*at
I . ; U I I Vail at Angh Iloss', Clinton, Ont., and examine the nowo6t
W, T. O"NEILo"
creation iti plAno manufacturet Abd learh hoW easy it is to utly
Furniture , Dealer and Undertaker& Oner Oki tho 'easy-paym6lit, Plan.'
TfIF, HUB GROCUR. orkAft d+.%r0A ^4 Ali
vilu wejt 11. gut wl, CLY0 -1- -7 -